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Feelin better.

Strep throat is pretty much gone so feeling alot better. Still have to take antibiotics for the next week or so but the spots and the swelling of the tonsils is all gone. Just in time too since I have shit to do this weekend. Homie is having a party at some club for my other homie's birthday. Should be pretty sick to see what happens. Then on Sunday we having a bbq for the same guy, but thats more of just a kickback. This afternoon I will be helpin another homie movie shit into a storage spot and have no idea what I will be doing tomorrow. So weekend is pretty busy, hopefully is a good one. But anyways thanks so much for the support while I was sick. :D vincentAprilChentel_0330.jpg
CONTESTS!!!11!!!one... WTF Is up with these things. I mean they aren't even about who is actually the "hottest girl" or the "coolest tat" or w/e they on. I mean its all about how many friends you can annoy enough to start bombing your shit and come on, not a damn person on CT likes to spend 30 min of their time bombing something. No one should like that. I mean I have 300 or so friends and at least 50 of em are in some kinda contest right now. I usually bomb a good 100 comments or so.... so to try to keep up with that is impossible since it would be around 5000 comments a day... and then you know what happens the next day? I'm still not in first... or I dropped to second! or do you think you can do it again? I mean this is seriously rediculous. There has to be a better way to run contests on this site that doesn't involve such time consumption and the winners actually deserve it. For the record this isn't because of some grudge or somethin I have, just gettin sick of seeing 200 bulletin posts a day with people askin for help, 15 messeges a day of people askin me to help and 25 or so shouts a day. I mean you know how many people I got to bomb my contests pic? 3. LOL granted I didn't have as many friends I have now but it was only like 5 days ago it ended so your thinkin 3 out 250 or so people. And I ain't dissapointed in the least. I probably posted a grand total of 4 bulletins and thats it. I can't with a clear conscious spam that type of shit on people. Nor do I press on people what I wouldn't feel up to. If you want my views on how a contest should be done its somethin around these terms. You use the rating system. The only catch is you have to have a controlled rater system so you don't get friends of contestants coming in and downrating other contest pics. So you would have 2 types of judging systems. You could have one where make the pics only fam or friend viewable and have either your fam or friends come and judge the contestants themselves... thats a lil more leniant and could quite possibly end up void because of dumbasses within your friends list. The other option I have thought of is if you make a new account specifically for the contest itself, add people you have picked to be part of this judging panel and then let them pick, this would be alot more controled but it does have the con of being a new profile. Either way I bitched, I explained and then I gave a solution. Probably nothing will change and I'm willin to accept that but damn this shit is gettin hella annoying.
So over the last couple weeks I have been uploading imagery... alot of it. Most of which I think is just comedy but have gotten some messages from people who think I have crossed the line here or there. Which is unavoidable I know... but thought I would post a lil some somethin to give ya'll a lil insight to who I am and what I believe in. Problem with this is, I easily go into rants about some of the subjects I'ma talk about so going to try to give a brief version of this, if anyone wants to follow up I'm always here to chat. First Religion. I absolutely despise organized religion in all its forms. I mean honestly take a college history course on western civilization and you will see how rediculous the bible is. I don't say this blindly, but wake up people we had a 800 year "Dark Age" where only people in the church were allowed to be literate. During that time the church was THE GREATEST POWER in Europe. Kings couldn't do shit to them, there are more then a couple accounts of pope's having kings excommunicated and banished from their land because they didn't bow to their wishes. When you have a 800 year period when 1 power controls life absolutely and corruptly how can someone even think the bible is creditable. I mean honestly if you ask 1000 people in the USA what skin color Jesus was, probably 95 to 99% of them would say white. I'm sorry but how many people born in the middle east are white? For that matter how many Jewish people would you consider white? Now don't think thats all, like I said scratchin the surface on these topics cause I don't want to rant. This doesn't stop at christianity either, Jesus is one of the most quoted people in the Karan, and yet there is sooo much tension between the 2 religions. How many of you even know about the prophet Mahammud? He was an extrodinary man who didn't "die then come back to life" but actually did tasks that are realisticly doable. And yes, some of these things were huge battles where thousands died. But it seems to me that each religion teaches simular values and morals. The problem is that these values and morals are maybe 5 to 10% of the religion, the rest is lost in the fanaticsm of the other 90% of the religion. That is why I reject christianity. I have studied alot of different religions and I take the good from each of them and now try to live my life based on those values and morals. I defineately believe in some higher form that for lack of a better word could call God. I know that something exists. What I don't get is how critisized I get because I don't beleive Jesus was the son of this God. I believe he was a powerful prophet, much like the other head figures from other religions. I am told I won't go to a better place after I die because I am not a christian or a muslim or a jew. Has nothing to do with my life or how I live it but based on what book I bow to. This is silly nonsense and if there really is a God out there I think he will have some surprises out there for those who are so close minded. I mean in all honesty, if it wasn't for the 800 years of "Dark Age" that the church didn't create, but supported and streched out as long as they could, think of what our technology level and culture would be now. I mean you would of had the industrial revolution what 600 years before it hit in the 1800 hundreds? Renassaince would of been 500 years earlier? Those flying cars and whatnot would of been 200 years ago. But enough about that. Next subject: Politics. If there is a devil, politics is his lifeblood. You can never trust a politician, you can never listen to what he says, but what he doesn't say. Read in between the lines. Politics has corrupted absolutely since governments have been formed. Politics isolates politicians from their people they are supposed to serve. Do any of you really feel that your views and ideas would be taken seriously by our government? You think our government's politicians give a fuck what any of us think or give a fuck about anyone other then themselves? You think we in Iraq to set those people free and give them the lives they so deserve? It is honestly the scariest time America has ever come across and it seems that no one cares. People within our government that are in the PNAC (Project for the new American Century) are literally being compared to Hitler. Dick Cheney (who is a member of PNAC) in 2000 wrote a document called "Rebuilding America's defenses" it has been compared to Hitler's Mein Kampf. The document where Hitler said exactly what he would do to control the world, course no one took it seriously till he started doing it all. Which will probably be the same way with us. You want a list of PNAC memebers within our government, I'll post some of the big wigs at the end of this. The next election will be the most important one in America's history, because if the wrong person gets elected we might see nothing but more bloodshed and violence for year after year. Our government hides so much from us especially false flags operations. If you want a lil insight to what false flag missions are there is a vid clip in my stash. In it you will see just what America has done to start conflicts and wars. Put on your enemie's uniform and cause a self inflicted wound and blame it on them. It has been used over and over again for thousands of years, and America is no different. Including probably the biggest self inflicted woulnd... 9/11. Honestly if you think that some lil terror squad from Afghanistan did this to us your either misinformed or ignorant. Because fact after fact keeps poppin up that suggest it was an inside job. Once again I have plenty of vids on this in my stash. And none of this is hidden from you in any way. Go to wickipedia and look up PNAC. Go google these documents you can read them with your own eyes. In the "Terrorstorm" video clips they give documents as examples. Pause the vid and google it, they ain't makin this shit up its plain as day, and for documents like America's own false flag missions they are on our goverment's site. All the info is out there, all you have to do is look. So I got a bit side tracked here but thought that maybe it would help to open people's minds a bit. And for the final thought: Racism. I am not even in the least bit a racist, can't be where I grew up and who I grew up with. Orange county, at least the part I live in is mainly Mexican, Asian and Black as well as whites, also a pretty large Pacific Islander basis as well. I grew up on the streets, from a very young age before I even knew what racism was. Now a days it pisses me off so much to see people who don't realize that race is just where you come from in this world. We are all of one race... humanity. I don't really wana go more in depth on this cause I think my point is pretty clear here. I mean I don't hate on people who can't see this, not everyone was raised like I was. But thinking that people are not as good as you is about the same as thinkin that people of different religions aren't as good you. Its all the same in my books. But to all you white people out there let me bust some history on ya real quick. 3000 BC start of civilization supposedly, guess how many of them were white? none! Middle East, Egypt and around the mediterranean, As well as some starting in Asia, India and North and South America. In fact you look at the great empires and civilizations... Persian Empire, Alexander's empire, Roman Empire, Carthinian Empire, none of these are "White" the closest you have is early Italians and Greeks. Neither I consider white since the majority of us white folks came from Western Europe, IE. France, England, Germany etc. In fact its is our white ancenstors that kept attacking the Roman Empire, and along with its own internal struggles... eventually destroyed it. At that point in history 476 AD, a power void is made, so 3476 years of other cultures ruling the world compared to our 600 or so. I wouldn't consider the Dark ages as any type of civilization, so we will just say we start in 1400, the beginning of the Renaissance. And we think were better then others why? LOL anyways I'm done ranting I covered the touchy subjects I wanted to. Please forgive any spelling errors, took long enough to write don't feel like reading it again. I hope people will understand that what I upload is what I find funny and is not meant to hurt or belittle anyone. I hope that maybe I learned ya some or opened a couple eyes. Anyways here is the list of the PNAC members. PNAC members on the Bush team include Vice-President Dick Cheney and his top national security assistant, I. Lewis Libby; Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld; Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz; National Security Council member Eliot Abrams; Undersecretary for Arms Control and International Security John Bolton; and former Chairman of the Defense Policy Board, Richard Perle. Other PNAC members exerting influence on U.S. policy are the President of the Committee for the Liberation of Iraq Randy Scheunemann, Republican Party leader Bruce Jackson and current PNAC chairman William Kristol, conservative writer for the Weekly Standard. Jeb Bush, the president's brother and governor of Florida, is also a member. -Swiz
Wow, I cannot believe that I spent the entire day on this thing. I have met some great and interesting people and have learned the basics of how to do all this. Its amazing though, I couldn't believe I spent the whole day on this. I mean I have a myspace but I only use it to keep in touch with friends so me using it consisted of loggin on, checking and replying to messages then loggin off. This has more interaction and you get to know your friends. In myspace I never added people I didn't know my mentality towards it with different. This site more encourages it which is fun. I just hope I can fit enough time in for this between my social life and school. Anyways I hope I can keep all my new friends entertained, its what I do. =) Anyways I just wanted to say thanks to the people who added me and who accepted my adds, today and in the future. Hope to get to know you all well. I am especially interested in people from my area who like to smoke, nothing more satisfying in life then meeting new people who I can just kick back and smoke with. But onto more important issues... I guess. I have been having problems finding inspiration to draw and paint. I think the problem is I am trying to move away from lettering, but the people I hang out with on a day to day basis really only inspire me to letter more. Not that theres anything wrong with that, I'm a huge supporter of the people who are doing it for art and not for bangin. What I think I need to do is try to find some new area's to go to, new people to see and new experiences to undertake. Which is hard since I have lived here my whole life. I mean 3 weeks ago was the first time I had stepped out of this state since I came into it and that was only to Vegas. I'm sure I will figure it out at some point, I just hope its not too far away. I have to have 5 canvases done by the first of April to apply for an art scholarship. I also think I am way to hard on myself within the art itself. Nothing is every good enough to meet my own standards. I think that is one of the first things an artist has to overcome. To realize that they are and will always be their biggest critic and if they cannot accept themselves and what they are trying to do then they cannot accept what they are trying to create. This is something I need to overcome before I can start to put my mind on paper.

dun fucked up.

Damn after one crazy night of drinking smoking and walkin from pad to pad I woke up with not enough time to make it to my class. Like wow I'ma dumbass. Its not like I'm missing too much just review for the midterm. But damn there this girl that sits right next to me. We been talkin over the last couple days and I was going to ask her out today. Thats how it goes though. Trying to figure out how much walkin I actually did during the course of last night. I'm thinkin at least 1 1/2 hours of it. Also trying to figure out what this nice sized gash is doing on the side of my hand. Now that I'm thinkin about it theres not a whole lot of last night I'm remembering. Well I needa go smoke a bowl to bring me out of this hangoverish state I am in. As well as a ciggarette.

Am I crazy?

So I was having a conversation with my friend's wife who is a psychology major. She said that I may be bipolar. Now at first I was like hmm... na, I don't feel crazy. Then when I read up on it a little more I began to consider it as a real possibility, though not as advanced as the word could get. See, I have always had a form of split personality. One that was usually present in my every day situations and one that would arise in extraordinary situations. Its not really a split just different sets of values, possiblities and priorities. For a little background information of my life. I was born in Mountain Home, Idaho. Was adopted the day after I was born, taken to Anaheim, CA and due to some unfortunate but avoidable situations of my life, still live there. My adoptive parents are one hell of a couple... both are alcoholics, my mom suffers from depression as well as some other forms of psychological problems, and my dad is a workaholic diabetic who doesn't really care bout much. Despite their faults I still love them, they gave me a second chance at going back to shcool and trying to make something of myself. As far as my biological parents go I have no real connections to them. When I was 7 or 8 years old I developed a fascination with ciggarettes. Don't ask me why I have no idea... might of been genetic who knows. But at that young age I started going around on my skates finding half smoked butts and smokin em. Very unusual and extremely sad cause now I am 21 and still an active smoker. I am a huge bud smoker, I feel it helps balance me out and keep me going. I don't feel like it has any sort of drastic effect on my mind other then a release of stress. Why its not legal here in the states is beyond me. Ain't no bud heads running cars into pedestrians at 75 mph, or going home and beating their wives cause they are high. It makes no sense to me but I am supposed to accept it as a "wrong" thing to do cause our government says so. I grew up in a pretty tough area. Southern California is probably one of the most mixed and diverse areas for all differen't races. Alot of gang activity, tagging and hard drugs around. I had my days of it, banged with NTC did dirt all that... youngins are so easily influenced and so was I. So as most kids in this area who tread that path, I ended up in jail, with 3 years of probation hooked up to it. Done with that part of my life these days but still have a good amount of friends from those times. Wouldn't trade them for anyone in the world either. So thats a lil history on yours truely. I don't find myself having full on conversations with myself on the side of the street. Nor have I ever felt the need to "off" myself or to cause self inflicted pain by cutting or beating myself up. So am I crazy cause I may be bipolar? If a different personality takes over in times that requires a more direct non bullshit taking approach is that a bad thing? I don't know. Now obviously if that personality was taking over in a situation that did not need it, such as going out on a date that would be a huge problem. But I have never experienced that. What I honestly think is that everyone in some way is bipolar. A soldier who kills someone cannot afford to let that effect the part of his mind that he uses when he spends time with his wife. I most likely developed this side of my personality when I was out on the streets with homies. Did things and seen things that one couldn't let effect their personal side without warping and twisting their mind until they are "clinicly crazy" or whatever the proper term for it is. Either way thats a little insite to my mind. This is my first blog so I thought I would try it out and see what happens.
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