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Anger & Respect

Anger & Respect

by Brodie Taco Slayer on Friday, March 23, 2012 at 8:51pm · 

 "You have no respect just like you have no acting and make-up talent."


-David Duarte


That above quote is from an elder member of a haunt group I belong to, this member I blew up at, the how or why is unimportant, the result was me losing my cool and people I care about being pulled into via exploding ice tea. The after effect was Dave writing me a series of messages about respect to him and his rank and standing in our group. This was the last line he sent, my reply was a halfhearted comeback of "Thanks....I know that already you fuck........", yeah, that is the best I had at the time.


The thing is, I cannot shake these words loose, the thing is I do respect this person, I respect his rank and standing, maybe not so much him as a person, but I respect his opinion enough to let these words he wrote hit me. It has made me think about a lot, about my inner demons. Largely my temper......


Now, reading his message at face value, I know it not to be totally true, while I would not say I was the best at both haunt acting and make-up, I know I am not the worst. I have had my share of good acts, I try to be a leader during the haunt season, and I have always given my haunt my all, I love it. That being said because of my upbringing I tend to down myself quicker then anybody, I tend to look at my negative. This negative energy that feeds my inner beast, my temper.


My temper is a defense, it comes out when I need to defend myself or people I care about, I also think it shields me from getting hurt, this is why I tend to push people away that seem to care about me most.  The first time I knew of this temper was when I was 7, some bullies were messing with my brother and I and one them broke my Star Wars lunch box, well this pissed me off for the first time, I am sure it was a fruitless effort, but those kids backed off. Even as kids my brother and I were forced to fight my Dad's battles, because he did something we became targets. This meant we had to fight.....alot. My temper became my security.....my protection


This brings me to now.......I don't know what to do.....I love haunt acting.....because of the negative energy it seems to be as much a source of fuel for my anger, as an outlet. I have talked to people about getting better at stuff like haunt make-up......but is it worth it? How is it I let the littlest things bother me within my haunt group.....yet in my daily life I just go with the flow. I don't want people mad at me.........


So what is the answer? Do I just stop caring? Do I move on? I am sure people would love to see me go, at the same time I have given much of myself and my time to my haunt group.......can I just let go? 


I do know this......I cannot continue down the path I am going, it will only result it my being kicked out of the group and what I love to do......I just do not have any answers......and I can only apologize so much........


In closing, I do have respect, it only goes so far and it should go both ways, in other words if I show you respect you should show me some to..........yes my haunt make-up sucks, honest as long as I get an okay from the powers that be I am golden, I don't want to be the best. Yes.....my acting sucks......but I know I am one hell of a haunt performer. My bottom line is this.....negative energy is not conductive to a creative environment. Maybe if some of our elder members spent more time trying to push other performers to be better then kick their legs from underneath them......well.....now you see......now I know why I am the way am there.


Now I get it..........now I just have to figure out what to do about it............


Thanks for reading.



                   You have no respect just like you have no acting and make-up tale You have no respect just like you have no acting and make-up tale

Random blog 5-1-09

Random thoughts for 5-1-09
- I see a problem with Cleveland sports fans. They will back the Browns and the Indians (who have not won anything of any note for 40 plus years) but they have a team on the verge of a Championship and it is met with a yawn. I see this team kicking ass in the playoffs and I see very view Cavs hats, or T-shirts. In fact the other day as I was sitting with my boss at a restaurant manager ask me if I worked for the Cavs because I was wearing my Cavs hat (also the waitress ask my boss if he was a "janitor" because of his keys). I want the Browns to be good, great even, I really don't care about the Indians who now play in "Epic Failure Field" or something. I would love to see a Cleveland team win something, which is why I where a Cavs hat in support. It does not seam like Cleveland's mainstream sports fans care though. Hmmmmmmmm.
- As a haunted house actor, I wish some people in the group I act with would just look at the big picture. Member standing in the group should not be as big of a deal as our standing as a haunt group, and in the standing of our haunt. We should want to be the best, but no, some people seem to want what is thiers. All I want is for season to get here so I can scare some people. Nothing else matters.
- That being said, I cannot wait till the Midwest haunters convention in June. A great time was had last year, and I look forward to meeting new people this year. it is the positive stuff like this that keeps me going.

-I cannot wait for the summer movie season which starts this weekend, Wolverine, Star Trek, The new Terminator, Transformers 2 are just some the movies I cannot wait to see. I want to see GI Joe, but I am a little worried that they messed it up.

- I love the work that is getting done at the haunted house. It also continues to keep me going.

That is all that my brain pan can think of for now, until later.

GO CAVS and GO BOSTON BRUINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How I was almost a racist. I know what you are saying if you know me, you are saying "You mean you are not a racist?" "You with all of your race, ethnic, and gay jokes?" Well then answer is no, now if you ask if I am prejudiced, then I would have to say yes. I make pre-judgments about people all the time based on how they dress, how they carry themselves, and who they hang out with. If I see someone dressed as a gang-banger, I assume they are a gang-banger, or a least a wannabe. Do I make jokes, sure, but it is funny to me. I don't say the jokes out of hate, and I always ask that if I cross a line, please let me know. That stuff is not as bad as it could have been. I was watching documentaries on the KKK and Neo-Nazis on the history channel, and I was brought back to a time when I was growing up in Connecticut. My Dad was bringing us up racist, not so much against the Jews (honestly where we lived, I never even cared if other people were Jewish) but racist against Blacks and gay people (which if you know me, you know that later on my Dad is also a hypocrite). I never knew the terms "Black" or "African American" all I knew was "Nigger" "Burr-head" "Porch monkey" and "Mud-duck" to describe those people. I was told by my Dad "If I ever catch you holding hands with a nigger girl, I will shoot her, then shoot you". My and my brother were not only expected to defend ourselves from black kids, we were expected to beat them up if we ever saw them on the street. They never left our part of the area, and we never went to their area. Then one day their area caught on fire. About a block from where we lived there were three big apartment complexes that were built to support workers from the old mill across the street that were a block from our house. Well their was nothing but black people renting out those apartments, maybe 40 families. They were lined up in a row like the roman numeral III, and they were very close together. Well one day, some kid was playing with matches and started a fire, that fire took out two whole buildings, the kid that lit the fire, died in the fire. It was a very quick very fast fire, allot of those families lost everything. And there was was dad on the front lawn, cheering on the fire. I still hear the cries from those families to this day. Not animal sounds as my dad would have had me believe, but very human sounds. A couple of years later, we moved to Cleveland. My brother and I were about to get a wake up call. Our first day at Cleveland public school was unlike any other day we had ever had had school, first we had never gone to school where the Black kid/White kid ratio was reverse what we were used to. That first day of school my brother and I ended up both beaten up at the bottom of a stairwell. We got home, our dad beat us for getting our asses kicked by the "niggers". This from Mr. "Law", Mr "Wannabecopthatcouldn'tstayoutofjailhimself". This man worked a parking lot across from a gay bar as a security guard shooting BB's at the patrons. I lived, I learned, I made friends with some of the Black kids at school, I held the hands of a couple of Black girls, I played on the same teams as Black kids. I stop seeing race and just started seeing people, just like me. Some I hated, but it was because they were assholes. Years later, I was working in the flats and I made friends with one of the cleaning ladies their. She was an Ol' Black girl from down south. She would tell me stories about how her and her friends would get beaten by white dudes so bad they wished they would they would just get raped, just so so they could feel like the attackers saw them as human. She said I talked to her not just as another person, but as an equal. She said I was proof that all white people were not bad. I took it as a complement. I watched those documentaries and I got to thinking, there are a ton of kids that are being raised racist, and raised to hate. Black kids and white kids, tons of them will never know what they will be missing in life. The white kids are being told "The white race is all there should be in America". Okay ass-clowns, we white folk don't even belong here, we belong in Europe. The Blacks were brought here to do labor that the white folks did not want to do, just like the Chinese, Irish, and now the Mexicans. In a perfect world we would all be sent back to our countries and this country would become a Native American nation again. But this is not a perfect world, or a perfect country, or a perfect white country for that matter. Facts is facts, nobody is going to go anywhere. The sooner people realize how stupid racism is the better. We all have to get along and work together, otherwise this nation will go the way of the Roman empire. Now does anyone know any good polish jokes............. Thanks for reading. Word.

Blog Randomness

Blog Randomness 2-9-09 Current mood: adventurous Category: Blogging Hello, how are things? These are some items I wanted to get off my chest. - How can we really keep calling children a godsend if human beings can carelessly create life in a lab? Why doesn't god strike down scientist who dare to do what he is the only one that should be able to create life? Does one person really need 14 kids? Should she even be legally allowed to have that many with no way to care for them? Why is it that perfectly good people, who could care for kids, not be allowed to have insurance pay for this technology, but this girl is allowed to do what she wants? I just don't get it. - It was good spending time this weekend with old friends and current friends. After one party, I was thinking about making my party in June a dry party.....nahhhhhhhh. - I love that 100+ morons had to be saved from an ice flow in Lake Erie Saturday, these guys were ice fishing in 50 degree weather, in an area with normally unstable ice. They said they needed more warning. Ok, if the weather is above freezing, and snow is rapidly melting, it may be a good idea not to ice fish. All those ass clowns should have to collectively pay the fire department $130,000+ for the rescue. - I think the Cavs will make it to the NBA finals this year, but they will lose to the Lakers. The Lakers clearly are a great team with a chip on it's shoulder, that is a bad prospect for us Cavs fans. - The Browns better draft a first round linebacker in this years draft, take a page from the Steelers and Ravens, look at their linebackers, those are some bad MoFo's. - I don't know how I lived without my DVR, among the shows I have taping are South Park, Robot Chicken, and Family Guy. All shows I can get caught up on, and on my own time. That is all for now, comment if you have a show for me to check out, or a comment to any subject here. Chow.
I have read and heard that a lot of my friends are down this Christmas, I just thought I would remind people that things could be worse. I myself have been down the past few Christmases, one big reason I am happy this year is I am counting my blessings. Here are 10 reason why this should be a season to enjoy: 1. You are not the head coach of the Cleveland Browns 2. You are not among the 400 sailors held captive by those crazy african pirates. 3. You are not Micheal Vick 4. You are not Santa Clause, who is right now crying reading that millions of kids across this country just want 'Mommy and Daddy to have a job, and stop fighting'. 5. You are not a player on the Cleveland Browns 6. You have people that love you, no matter what you get them. 7. You get to go to sleep knowing that our President will be leaving office soon. 8. You are living in a country that is so powerful, the fact that our economy is down, the rest of the world's economy is down too. 9. You are not the owner of the Cleveland Browns 10. You are alive and reading this blog right now. Bottom line, things could be a lot worse, and I know things suck right now. I know some of you are lonely, and you want someone to love. Just know that you are never really alone as long as you have people that care about you. Everyone have a Merry Christmas. Word.

My decision ’08

My decision ’08 Okay, I give up, I have no idea which guy I am voting for President. I wanted Hillary Clinton, but she lost now we are down to these two knuckleheads. I know I will will vote, but I don't know for which one. So, I when I ever have to make a hard choice I run down to "pros and con" of my choices. I want it to be known these are my opinions, and not what I think people think. Barack Obama Pros: 1. He speaks really well 2. His wife is pretty, they have good looking kids 3. He seems to have a personality 4. He is Pro-choice 5. He is not afraid to talk to people, in a language they can understand without sounding like he talks down to people. 6. He talks about getting out of Iraq, and killing Osama. (Why is he not dead yet?) Con: 1. He is Black (Some whites see blacks as trained monkeys, but isn't that what we have had as president for the last 8 years) 2. He has an Arab sounding name (Internet rumors say he is an terrorist sleeper agent or a terminator controlled by cybernet) 3. Has had a crazy preacher as a close adviser. 4. Has never been on a "big stage" before. (whatever, I saw the stage he was on in the democrat national convention stage, that stage was pretty big) 5. Did not pick Hillary Clinton or some other big name democrat. (More then likely to keep him alive, I mean who wants Joe Biden as President) 6. Will raise taxes on upper middle class and up to pay for things like health care, education reform, and better treatment of our lower class. John McCain Pro: 1. He is not black 2. He is Irish 3. He is a Vietnam vet. (unlike my dad and George W. Bush) 4. He is a former POW in that same war 5. He has a normal, non-Arab sounding name. 6. Will not raise taxes, does not care about people making less money then him and his friends. Cons: 1. He picked a "Stepford Mom" looking running mate in Sarah Palin, who at times sounds like a "I follow the proper path path in life, and you should too" kind of gal. 2. Both McCain and Palin are strongly against abortion, Palin even has said even in the result of rapes and incest. (Hey, if she can give birth to a down-syndrome kid, then everyone can do it, the medical cost be damned) 3. McCain is old and will not live to serve out a simple four year term. (That is what the media keeps saying) 4. Is out of touch with the normal folks 5. After getting out of a POW camp, came home to his formerly great looking wife (who was in a car wreck during the time he was away) to find she was not so pretty anymore, left her for a new pretty girl and divorced his wife who had waited for years to see him again. So, I am still undecided, I guess I have a lot of debates to watch, and information to read. One thing I will be sure to vote on, not the platform, or what a candidate says, I will be voting on race. Yup, I will be basing my choice on unproven "facts" I read in an e-mail. Yup, because I sure don't want no black folk in no white house. Even if it means I continue to pay 20 bucks for 5 gallons of gas, and watching gas companies make billions of dollars in record profits. Oh yeah, here is hoping we find out Sarah Palin's youngest babies daddy is really her brother who raped her, that way we know she has walked in the shoes of someone who has been there before. Now, then we would see what choice she would make then. ;) Word.

Haunter Survey

Haunter Survey * What is your Favorite Horror Character? - Me *What was you Favorite Halloween costume as a kid? Being Spider-man *What's your favorite Horror Movie of all time? Halloween *What's your Favorite Halloween Candy?- Candy corn *Number of Confirmed Pisser's you ever had? 3 confirmed, 2 assist 1 Kelly *Number of Confirmed Shitter's you ever had? none that I know of *Best Line of Dialogue you've ever used on a customer?- "Let me try a piece of your sweet meat in your hind quarters" *Favorite Room in your Home haunt? Gorehouse (I use to love "house of the damned") *Ever been punched by a Customer? oh yeah *Best revenge you ever got on an asshole Customer? Just getting them to jump when they would tell me I wasn't scary *What's the one Make-up item you couldn't live without?- Clown white light *Favorite Piece of Costuming? My "Brodie" shirt *Name a Prop or Weapon you can't live without? My hockey helmet *Did you ever feel bad for scaring a little kid? Yeah, i would rather make them laugh, so I go after the parents *Have you almost been arrested for Scaring out in public when you shouldn't be? All the time *Grossest thing you ever did for a scare? I was covered in head to toe with mulch which was mixed in manure, I rolled a hotdog on my bear chest and gave the hotdog to a customer as he ate it, he didn't know what hit him, but his girlfriend did, hehehehehe
LeBron James scolds mom during Cavs-Celtics game

By J.E. Skeets

In the second quarter of tonight's Cavaliers-Celtics game, LeBron James, on a breakaway dunk, was wrapped up by Paul Pierce. The two players became tangled and stumbled their way under the basket near where LeBron's mother sits. Gloria James, being the firecracker that she is, started yelling at Pierce for the hard foul on her son. Here's the video with LeBron's classic reaction — keep an eye on the woman in the white shirt:

Yup. That's LeBron telling his mother to "sit your (butt) down!" Happy Day-After Mother's Day, mom!
How far would you go to defend yourself. Now, I was just reading about those 3 cops getting off and are going free over a shooting in NYC, and I don't agree with the judgment of not guilty totally, I do agree there may be some validity to the cops defense. The (the officers) main defense was that they thought they saw the driver goes for a gun, and they felt the driver was going to run them down. The officers felt their lives were in danger. So they put 50 bullets into the car, killing one man, and injuring the other two. Now this sound bad, right. Now does it sound like a different story if I tell you all the guys in the car was black. Right away you may think one way or the other "good" or "those cops were white right". Well does the story change if I tell you that two of the three cops were black, and the other was a Latino. So with the race card removed we can find the issue at hand. "Black inner city youth have seemed to have no respect for each others lives, so why should the police have any respect for theirs" seems to be a statement that could be said. But I know that not every black inner city youth is that way, just as I know some white kids, and Latino kids who have zero respect for human life. This makes me sick, but I know it to be true. I once saw a White kid try to run over a group of other white kids with his Buick Century, Rob, Timmy and I were so sick by what we saw, we agreed to serve as witnesses to go after the kid in the car. Do you know the kids that got hit refused to press charges? Their were no reporters, no protesters, no community outrage for this action. If a cop ran down a bunch of kids then all hell would break loose. These kids had no respect for their own lives, why should I care? Because I do. Put yourself in the cops shoes, you are doing everything by the book, but not only are these kids trying to run, they are coming to you with a car, and you think based on what you heard them saying outside the club about "Getting their gun" and giving every clue that they have a gun. Now these same kids, who you think based on the way they are dressed, acting, everything about them screams "I don't respect your life or ours" the cops then have to look out for themselves, their loved ones, their family. How many bullets would you shoot to protect all of that? I would shoot my gun until they stopped moving, reload until the threat to my life is over, which is exactly what one cop did. "If these kids do not care, why should I" is what I would be thinking. I was told of a story by a friend that was in Metro's ER and two kids were brought in because they got into a shoot out, one kid lived, the other did not. Both families started to fight in the ER. Now, I never asked what race the families were, but when I first heard the story I did think right away "black", but I never thought to ask. Black inner city youth are not the only one shooting each other, nor are white inner city kids the only ones trying to run other kids down with cars. I am also sure this happens in the suburbs. Stuff like this has to stop. The bottom line is these kids have to start to show respect for each other, then maybe cops, and others can afford them the benefit of the doubt. Sometimes in life we reap the sins of our fathers, and of our brothers, and of the company we keep..
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