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October 1, 2002 Subtlety, Thy Name is Not Damien. The world is full of many very good Shit talkers. People really disappoint me. Tommy DeLucas- A twenty-eight year old alcoholic that's bi-polar, schizophrenic with demential tendencies towards boredom on Lithium and Paxil or whatever it is we do to fill the void within. Damien LaRouche: That was a solemn moment of silence for the seperation of Me and I. Pink Bunny Rabbits everywhere. TMI-USA. I really do believe that Terrorists have a lot to do with the current Dockworkers Lockout at the Port of Los Angeles. Not a bad Inside Job, if you ask me. Something like a billion dollars a day if not more are lost for everyday those ships sit, just because of someone's Stoopid Stubbornness. Conflict (A letter to Vince Guthrie from Damien) Dear Vince, Congratulations! You and Your hatred for me has successfully scared and intimidated a Harbor View patient (and new friend, who visits my gallery about four to five times a week). A person who used to be a fully functional member of Society with a BA Degree in Math and an ex-assistant manager position at a Bank Of America Branch. At least until one day, when he was involved in a violent Robbery. Ever since, he has been in and out of Mental Institutions for over six years. Almost in a comatose state at one time, his counselor gave him a brush and some paint. He soon learned he was an artist. He just recently has been able to walk on the streets , independent of Supervision. I Salute You, a Vietnam Vet, able to bring a highly disturbed friend into tears. Someone who has been asking me for weeks if he could help me in any way. The wood he was sanding when you accosted him, Did NOT need to be sanded, and for the Record, I did instruct him to sand Inside the door. He, unfortunately has to be told sometimes 2 or 3 times because he has difficulty comprehending orders and directions. Keep on being a Hateful Bastard, Vince Today was your best! Damien... October 2, 2002 Damien (After Finding Julia again): "When I found her again, she was sick and my first thought was to protect her and make her well again. I was overly joyed that she was still alive and still somewhat mentally intact. After all the time I had carried her soul with me, I finally knew the time had come to put it all back together again, to finally make it all all right and fix what was broken. My ALL was all around me now. All the questions I had for Her could wait. She had many questions of her own that she wanted to ask me, and now I finally had a lot of the answers for Her, but they could wait until She was better and Un-SIC. She was covered in sores and scars, and she could barely speak at all, though she was really trying to talk to me to tell me what Had happened to Her. Obviously something really serious had happened to Her because She was severely lacking in Spirit as She sat and shivered before me. It also appeared that 'They' had ampututated her... Her..." At this point, Damien sat back in his chair and seemed to completely drain of all color as he slouched in his seat. You could almost see the tears begin to well up under his face and make their way towards his eyes. Lawrence Talbot consoled his brother but still quietly pleaded to hear the rest of Damien's story. Damien's Inner Demons wrestled for recognition and could visibly be seen within his tortured eyes. Damien: I need a little room to play in so I don't get claustrophobic. One all by my lonesome. Everything that is said is only said to fill the void inside our heads. The wounds of my mind will not heal and stay gaping, pen and loose for all passing debris to pull itself apart within the growing confines of the wound. Tommy DeLucas: Pick some flowers to put on my headstone when the time comes to put on the final act. When the show is over, dust me off and pick up the pieces, but don't try to put me back together again, because I'll have probably moved on to something better by then. Put the pieces in the fire and turn them to ashes, then put them in a skywriting plane and write my Name in the sky for my Last Good-Bye on the day I die.... Prophet: If you watch closely, you can see the Crows flock around and protect Him as He goes about his day. Everywhere He goes, they follow him discreetly in the background. Always in the background, they handle all of the necessary business that needs to be attended to and taken care of. That way, He is free to Document all that is needed for the Scribe's Sake. That way He Is alone and also free for when the Fairae Goddess returns to reclaim Her Lost Love. Miss UNDERSTOOD STOPPED BY. Goddess: When She Returns to Her rightful place at His side, all will be returned to Normal and all the pieces will again be in place. When beauty is back in Her Throne, all will be well... When....... Tommy DeLucas: The New Police Chief of Los Angeles and Mayor James Hahn came by the Coffeehouse this morning. The media covered the scene shortly before their arrival, and the Sheep mulled over there and filled the Coffee Shop as the entourage peered in and surrounded them. A lady with a cell phone called her friend who lives within sight of the Coffee shop to tell them to look to the right of the Information Kiosk on 6th Street to see the Mayor and Police Chief from New York. Oh, Such fun in San Pedro this morning. Lets run down to the Cafe to shake hands and stand so close to Power, its scary. Let's air all our ideas and concerns with them while we got them both here on our Home turf, come campaign inside my 'establishment' so I can get my fifteen minutes of Fame with YOU, because of YOU. Julia and Damien’s first meeting: When Damien met Julia, it was almost blindingly amazing to him, because it was very much so 'Love at First Sight'. They both felt the pull of their attraction for each other both physically and spiritually within. Both knew instantaneously that they were Soul Mates, destined for each other from the start. When Damien first saw her walk by, he instantly recognized the power within the beautiful woman, and how well she could use it. She was awesome, and he knew he could not live without her by his side from that moment. They had met at a party that had been thrown by a mutual friend in town for another friends Birthday. When his friend introduced them to each other, he could see that the two were Meant To Be. Upon recognizing this, he quietly excused himself and left the two future Lovers by themselves and made his way to go check on the Liquor Supply for the party. Julia Lorreanna had been born on Catalina Island, 26 miles off the coast of California's Mainland to two parents of SIC nature. All through her life, she was subject to all the mental abuse that comes with having two drug-addicted parents raising a child in those days. Thus, Julia learned to develop her own inner defense mechanisms to protect herself from all of the Bullshit she had to put up with in her day to day routines of avoiding her parents when they were 'Coming Down' from their fixes and in a bad mood. So from an early age, Julia recognized her own inner powers, and started developing and honing them to perfection to use to her advantage. Damien Inner Dialogue: How we recognize and develop certain abilities is in direct proportion to our level of awareness of Self and those around us. If we have finally gotten out of ourselves enough to see more of the whole picture and our rightful Place in that picture, then we will better be able to quickly assess situations and make sub-conscious decisions. Thus allowing more of our Conscious time working on our innate abilities and using them for what they are intended for. Some of these abilities are for Self-Preservation and some are for the bettering of the Universe and those around us in Life. And some of these abilities are to recognize the Sick so we can avoid the Dis-Ease that is carried by these Sick ones. Avoidance of these people is necessary because we need More Alerts in the World. Those of us who are Awake need not be caught sleeping. If we see one of Ours falling asleep or already there, we need to ALERT them to that fact in order to maintain the precarious balance already established in the Universe. This balance is vital because we need that balance in order to finish what we have already started. Since we already have this established, We must maintain this in order to make it easier to push the Weak Ones out of our way when the time comes to spring the "Great Surprise" we have for them. October 6, 2002 When You've found your All, things change drastically. You feel more balanced and in focus. Things become clearer and your whole attitude towards Life changes. Your priorities are all different. The term Taken comes to mind, but Taking it Easy is so much more to the point. False Retortions from the Peanut Gallery. Trying to be what we are not. If you can, fake it until you make it, You'll be fine. FINE=Fucked Up, Insecure, Neurotic and Emotional. Damn, I'm soooo fucking Stoked (stroked?). So we sit here while Mother Nature dances Eternally and we don't even notice any of the Beauty and Bounty She puts forth for us to admire because we're all tied down by all the Petty Bullshit we allow ourselves to be sucked into. We are all caught up in so much Drama that is not ours to begin with. I am most Berated by people who have no idea what’s been going on or What's Really going on, but ALL in All, I am really perturbed by those who just Don't Have a Clue. Can I put it in a To GO Cup? Malnourished Johnny Cash is/I am Nothing more than a Morbid Bellhop or a Morose Doorman with nothing better to do than write in Bars(barns) full of neurotic or maybe Psychotic People. Don't you drink all that shit! I'm in the wrong spot to be heard. Breath in, Breath Out, Don't you Breath at all Fucker! The Comic Routine that goes with it is ridiculous. October 7, 2002 So we tie the characters together in the play for the first act. Which comes to one in particular, with an Iced latte, sitting in the window of the Loft on Fifth St. with a .7mm rifle with a scope and a clear shot at the Kiosk and the Coffee House, getting a phone call by cell phone from inside the Coffee House... "Yes, he's here now, he's to the right of the Kiosk in the gray suit with the Red Tie. Yes, him right there. Yes, he's standing next to the photographer from the Daily Breeze who has his back to me across the street." Tommy DeLucas is the sniper in the Loft and was a friend of Damien LaRouche and Lawrence Talbot from over the last 12 years who always had some pretty twisted ideas and views on Life, The Universe and Everything. He was led astray from the Psyche by bad women, bad drugs and just not waking up to Life in Time to affectate a change in his soul. Linda Vaughn is Tommy's girlfriend and the eyes for him at the Coffee House feeding information on the movement of the Power Person of the moment they are tracking. Damien: The last couple of nights have been awesome. Spending time with Chani has been the fruition of years in the making. She's so awesome, and last nights conversations have been proof positive about how well I must be doing in the whole scheme of Life. I must be doing something’s right now, obviously? Not to mention, Chani and I seem to really be cut out for each other. We seem to totally think along the same wavelength on pretty much everything we discuss with each other, which in our case is everything... EVERYTHING! Now that all the pictures are coming in clearer, it all makes much more sense as to what's really been going on in My Life lately. Patience-Great things come to those Great Ones who wait...Truly! Tommy DeLucas: When Tommy DeLucas met Damien, it was almost catastrophic to both of them. You could even say it was deadly. It was an idea gone haywire that brought these two together in the Universe, and it almost killed them both. Tommy was always an eccentric person who was not ever afraid to speak his mind about whatever was being discussed, no matter if he was right or wrong. Why was not a question in his vocabulary nor did he ever learn that word, which is probably why he always ended up in various scuffles and fights with people. Tommy DeLucas was not one to be told any of his concepts and theories were ever wrong and if someone did call him on his bullshit..., Look Out! He had very strong convictions on his viewpoints about Life, and he'd be damned if someone disagreed with what He considered to be 'The Facts'. Always the spouter of Useless, trivial matters, he always ended up thinking he was right, even in the face of printed facts. He was ALWAYS Right... If He knew it one way, that was the way IT was, no matter what. One of his most sensitive subjects was about politics and how lame that whole lot of people was, Period! Another was Who is Really hurting our economic situation in this 'Supposed' Land of the Free. Tommy was always the Anarchist of any group he was ever considered a part of, including bands and his peers, so it was not unusual that he was the one who came up with The Plan... What The Plan consisted of was basically this: Methodically eliminate ALL the people on this planet that were guilty of spreading the Dis-Ease through-out the Universe. Now how these people were to be singled out as Guilty was also very simple; He could SEE them for what and Who they were- SIC... But just because he could see them was not all of his power, he could also Hear their thoughts and sense them when they were near at hand. And when he sensed them nearby, he could be seen to visually tense up and become violent, almost as if he were deathly allergic to their presence. Also, he would become very Highly Vociferous, freely speaking his mind to whomever came near him and was willing to listen to him, if even only for a few seconds... Just long enough to get his point across that 'They are Here among us, The SIC Ones...'. October 9, 2002 Damien: Those moments of Semi-Consciousness are the best for me. The times when you are still half asleep but half awake. She has Been Bewitched by the words. The Great Pantomime of the Universe unfolds before you, so Now, what do you do when the Show Must Go On? The Ones of the Underworld dance through the Moulin Rouge of Reality. Where have you Really been for all of Eternity? The Duke of Un-Reality is Insanely Jealous of Us. This is my home... Debauchery-John Luguiezamo When we've planted that seed of Doubt amongst ourselves, there is nothing more we can do to save ourselves but to Let Go and distance ourselves From ourselves. In other words, Get Yourself away from Yourself. Stay out of your own head if you haven't begun to understand yourself yet. Stay out of your own way. All through history, Man has always gotten in his own way, undermining all of His efforts to advance himself, because he hadn't Fully understood himself first. Don't fall into that trap so easily yourself. If you cannot decipher the language of your own Sub-conscience yet, then you are not Awake yet. Now, how to awaken yourself will only be known to You by You. No one else will understand what You are Saying, because it's You that's saying it from your Sub-Conscience. Only You Understand Your Sub-Conscience. Only You Will Know. ERGEN-BLERGEN-DERGEN-SMERGEN~! Everything is The All! When is the time to spring this all on everyone who Doesn't Know? When is the time to knock everything off balance and send the Off-Kilter ones over the Edge, into Nothingness? How easy it is to push them over that edge. They leave themselves wide open to it, too. They just stand before the cliff screaming, 'Push Me...Here I am, I'm weak, Push me over that edge...' They hold up a big Neon Sign saying, 'I don't know, Nor will I ever allow myself to, Either!' Paint yourself Red and run screaming through the town, "I'm Asleep, and I'm not ever going to wake up from my BLISSFUL DREAM WORLD I'VE CREATED FOR MYSELF TO SURROUND MYSELF WITH IGNORANCE!!!" Why put so much effort into bitching about everything that’s wrong in the World and not do much good at all when you can put that energy forth into a CONSTRUCTIVE purpose and actually DO SOMETHING about it. All that wasted energy bitching and moaning like a little Bitch does NO GOOD whatsoever, except to throw Karma off Balance. And we all know what happens when Karma becomes un-balanced...right? That's Right.... It Comes back.. Ten-fold! Me, personally, I'm getting tired of the STOOPID sleeping ones. I think its time that someone should do something to Get Them out of here because they are wasting space and wasting our time. Open Your Eyes and See What IS for what IT IS! Relax, step back from IT and take all of it in and behold the beauty of The New Masterpiece. It's always been the Way It's Been, so Let IT Be! It's not that hard at all. But if it Starts slipping away, step back and reassess your situation, quick. Smiles are contagious, spread them freely and be open-minded and willing to Share. We all have gifts to share with this Universe, so Don't be Selfish with them. And don't care what other people think of you in general because it will plant that Seed of Doubt that will kill you. And it Will if you Let It. Get out of the mentality that 'Everything Happens To Me' because it Doesn't. It never has and never will if you don't let it. So don't fall into that mindset in the first place. When you do fall into it, it complicates everything from the start. When you Start with a bad Foundation, Your House WILL FALL. Keep that in mind when you go about your day. Give the right circumstances, a whole new person will come forth from the wreckage of the past when you actually DO let go of Self. And the person you meet might surprise you, too when you do Let Go. You might actually enjoy meeting the New You, if you give it half a chance. You may even like the New You, but you'll never know if you keep holding onto those Bad, Old ideas that have poisoned you from birth. In the End it Really Does Not Matter. AT ALL. So don't let it ALL get to you. Bring Order out of Chaos and let it Be what it's Going to Be, anyways. Just Say Thank You because it's going to be that way No Matter What happens. Just Go with The Flow, as they say. It's actually a Beautiful World we live in, it's just a matter of perception; how YOU see everything. Don't be afraid to take that leap into oblivion, the un-surety of Life. A Leap of Faith. Take that chance and Relax. It's gonna happen one way or another anyways. Those Who Know, WILL. Kinda like the ghetto saying, 'Your Bitch Chose Me...' Think ahead of time to Be On Time, Stay ahead to be the First In Line and don't fall behind and take notes on the Whole Thing, Be there when IT happens. Follow the Patterns, Recognize where You Are! STRAIGHT PSYCHOTIC! Linda Vaughn: Intervene in my world and watch what happens. You won't be happy at all. And when that happens, be sure to brace yourself against it. The debauchery of Self is Self-Evident and shows like a sore thumb. When you intervene in My World, you are taking some of ME away, and not many people like that. Watch where you trod, Damien, because you are walking on thin ice. I won't stand for your mindless psycho babble any longer. I just wish you would get out of my head and stay in your own. You are taking this too far, and I'm beginning to wonder if maybe you are Schizophrenic or something, cuz you seem to have all these alternate personalities that sometimes scare me. Just don't call me anymore, because You Are SCARING me! October 10, 2002 Damien: When the Crow landed in front of the doorway, it caught Damien completely off guard. And just when he had started having premonitions of bad things happening, this Guardian of his showed up to prove his premonitions true. Never before had the Crows been so demanding and brazen about getting his attention. But when that happened, Damien knew it was time to go. And NOW! At that moment, Damien had started getting very ancy and he felt odd and extremely uncomfortable and he couldn't understand why. He just had the sudden gut feeling to go, Leave... that inner voice telling him to 'LEAVE, NOW!' Whenever that voice spoke up in his mind, he always listened to it. But when it happened to coincide with a Crow standing so close and the voice screaming in his head, it meant something Big, something really BAD was going to happen. But what, he could not tell. What struck him as odd was the way his body felt during and after the voice spoke and the Crow appeared. His whole body had started to tense up as all the muscles in his back started constricting around his spine and twisting it all out of whack. When his back got like that, Damien knew what would come next if he didn't get away from that place right then. He would become violently ill, almost paralyzed with paranoia. It was an inner-defense mechanism that protected Damien from slipping off his predestined path anytime Chaos reared Her Head. That inner gut reaction worked pretty well most of the time, but in conjunction with the Crows, his Brethren were always keeping an eye on Him and Guiding him on his day to day journey through Life. New Toys Rock! These two things were what helped Damien to make decisions when Logic failed to fit the bill for whatever was at hand for him to react to. Whether it be deciding which direction to go or even who he should and should not help out or share knowledge with. Of all of his Psychic gifts, the one he valued the most was his ability to listen to his instincts and being Dead on with his 'hunches'. Nine times out of Ten, he was right on the money, while the tenth time he was at least close enough to affect a change. He was proud, amazed and sometimes Scared of how accurate his ability was. But what made Damien happiest was knowing that all he did everyday was actually making a big difference in the Universe. That's what caused him to smile so much every moment of every day, was just knowing. And that was half of the battle right there; KNOWING. *Note: Lawrence Talbot carries Lisa's Soul with him from day to day and see's her in His reflection and hears her in his voice, as does Damien with Julia. Everything reminds them of their Lost loves...EVERYTHING.... Damien: When I first read "The Rum Diaries" by Hunter S. Thompson, I didn't fully understand fully where he was coming from, entirely. But now that I'm actually writing at full force myself, I think I've got a pretty good idea where he was at when he titled that book. I say this because right now, as I write this down, I'm sipping on a Coors Light bottled beer and a tall glass of Ice Cold Writin Fuel, Captain Morgan's Spiced Rum and Coke. And MY GOD, how well this Rum makes me write. I think that the Rum helps by numbing the proper parts of the conscious mind allowing the sub-conscious mind to bleed through to the forefront of consciousness where it is better able to be understood and recognized and Utilized. Besides, Rum goes down smooth and gives ya lots of Goose Bumps! So a tall glass of Rum and Coke and some great tunes on the Juke Box set the Writing atmosphere for, I , Damien to conduct the experiments of the mind which so humor me these days while I await the return of My Goddess. It doesn't matter to me how long it takes for her to return, kuz I will wait as long as it takes, even if it's for all Eternity. October 12, 2002 All I have to say is WOW! The mental raping of the innocent takes place everyday without notice or without any sleep. Ah, the Great Sleep that comes when we only want to be Friends. It closes off all connections to Reality. The Shopping spree of the mind that comes with you. It will leave you saying, 'Wow' over and over again till you lie quivering in the middle of the psycho Babel of yesterday unless you realize what it is that causes it to happen... "Let's Just Be Friends..." October 13, 2002 Enjoying the day as it slowly rolls by on a sunday afternoon, watching the world go about. As the Fake People go by pretending they think they know I must laugh at the folly of their ignorance and how blind they are to the whole picture before them. They don't even realize how transparent they really are and how obvious they are to US. Little do they know that they are so easy to predict and anticipate. Yes, the folly of the Vultures and Vampires of this world are utterly ridiculous when it comes to the Paradox's of Perception. They stand out like Neon Signs against a backdrop of Nothingness, and flash off and on each time becoming brighter with each successive Blink... When you see certain things in other people that mesh with the way you are, it sparks that certain interest that is within you that makes you want to know more, see more, WANT more. Which was how I was feeling about Chani. She just kept surprising me more and more everyday and every night and it started making me wonder how far this all could go and to what level it was going to go to. But at the same time, I didn't want to over analyze the whole thing and put the wrong connotations on anything. But it's also funny how worlds will overlap each other to signify the Beginning of One thing and the finality of the End or Death of another. Like one night, There was the whole thing of going to places of the past and getting past them to get to my new future. Which is how I saw that night going to the movies with Chani and how it overlapped my old world with Julia and obliterated it all with a look and a kiss. Just the way Chani Looked at me just melted me but also invigorated me at the same time. Ahh, time, what an overrated concept when it comes to standing with Someone So special, you almost seem to stand together Outside of Time, not ever being affected at all by it as long as you two are together. But the second you step away from each other, Time comes crashing back in. Then again, it may just have been the spell of the Pisces Woman standing so close to me, The Taurus, always bedazzled by their presence. What can I say except Chani seemed to mesmerize me. But that what was so awesome about her to me, that almost magickal quality she had about her that grabbed my attention. That and how we both seemed to know each other, and knew what each other were thinking... as if we knew each other from past lives... Hmmmmm, Such a great fuzzy feeling on the inside I had while with her... I'll miss her forever after. October 14, 2002 Hey, thanks for the Soul Charge. Hey thanks for letting me bounce It around. All those little things we take for granted and never pay attention to are exactly the tools we need to affectate change in our surroundings. What we put forth in the Universe will come back to us, so we need to be a little more careful because it is true that You Reap What You Sow. The face you put forth for yourself about yourself will attract Like Faces. So if you always have a frown on your face, it's likely you're gonna be surrounded by a bunch of frowning people. Me, I like to be surrounded by happy, smiling people, so what do you think I should do to attract that group of people??? Linda Vaughn: Linda Vaughn, an ex-psychiatrist/actress who went over that Edge, that fine line between Neurosis and Bliss, used to have a very successful practice in Beverly Hills and a plush mansion in the Malibu Hills, now walks the streets endlessly crying out for help from the Dis-Ease. Her story is a sad one among many, but it is unique in the fact that she was once Someone who KNEW and was very good working with people. She had a keen awareness that was almost scary at times the way she could Read people, almost see right through to the core of their souls. All the time through her career as a psychiatrist, she was looked upon by her peers as a pioneer in her field, helping countless numbers of patients that were labeled as 'Hopeless' by other psychiatrists, always succeeding where others had failed to see any chance of helping. Her gift was that of Seeing and Hearing the actual problem these people were having and fixing the root of the problems. She excelled in Medicine of the Mind and the Magick of the Soul, healing people left and right around her wherever she would go. Thus, she became a very popular Doctor and a success almost virtually overnight, and her gift soon would give way because of one Vital Flaw she seemed to have... She would always take care of everyone else but her own self was always neglected. This flaw would eventually lead to her Self-Destruction, and the denial that lead to her final step over the fine line of Insanity. When Linda first noticed her gift, she had been going to Law School. She always felt an instinctive Push telling her there was a lot more out there to Life than this. What she had seen thus far in her Twenty-Two years of Life, she was always sub-consciously looking for what it was that was missing from her life. Soon, she began attending Frat parties her girlfriends were always going to and raving about to her when they'd return at four and five-thirty in the morning. At one such party she met someone who had caught her attention unlike any other guy she met while 'on the prowl' for fun, more like he STOOD OUT in stark contrast to everyone else around him in the room. He seemed more like a bright Neon light in a room full of flickering candles. When she saw Him, she had to shake her head and rub her eyes and look again to make sure she was not seeing things. When she looked again, he was still there looking exactly how he did a few seconds before, and she knew instantly that she must go and talk to this mystery man. This mystery man was none other than Tommy DeLucas, a first year Med-student from Torrance, California, who was currently in the same boat as Linda in her indecisiveness as to what they wanted to do in Life, knowing there had to be more than this to life. Soon the two were talking like old friends from childhood over drinks sitting in a corner of the party, oblivious to all the Chaos surrounding them. From Tommy's point of view, she had seemed a glittering Fairae before him, beckoning him to come forth to her. And he did just that. The two met like Long Lost Lovers and soon the friendship grew, blacking out all of their obstacles in Life and they had eyes for no one but Each Other. After hours upon hours of discussion, Linda finally discovered her true calling in Life. After being told by so many that she was good with getting to the crook of so many peoples problems so accurately, she decided to drop Law and took up her pre-med classes, acing them all. Then she focused on psychiatry, so loving the intricacies of the human mind and the condition of Society's psyche. It fascinated her so and she soon found that she was good at it and it became her obsession as well as Tommy DeLucas. Their discussions would range from spiritual Revelations to Cooking to the lack of order in the Universe. Then, onto Sex, Drugs and the part they played in keeping one half of the World sedated and the other half Enlightened, in which the latter, they were both quite content. It was from these conversations that Linda developed her sense of 'Being' and belonging in the Universe and from which Tommy developed his 'Plan'. Soon, Tommy had moved in with Linda and the two were hardly ever seen at any social gatherings of their friends. After awhile, they were never seen for weeks and months at a time unless they were in class or at work, and even then, for only a short time. They had virtually disappeared from their circle of friends with each other. All this time, Linda was beginning to build her practice up, gaining more and more patients and more and more money. And with the money, soon started following the Drugs... Lots of them. And soon after the drugs came the insanity. And with the Insanity, Thus came the "Plan". The Plan came about one night by a fluke, and a total misunderstanding about something said in passing when Damien was visiting Tommy and Linda for dinner. The dinner conversation turned into a discussion of Life's Philosophy and alternate realities and parallel universes. October 14, 2002 There's more than enough Insanity to go around in this place. October 16, 2002 Damien: The night she died was inevitable. It was slow in coming but all knew it would eventually happen. They all watched as she slowly began deconstructing herself before their very eyes, getting worse and more unhealthy everyday. It all started with her severe delusions about the world, thinking of everyone around her as being 'Out To Get Her' and to ruin her good standing in life. To her, everyone was an Asshole, they were SHIT: They were all 'Below Her' and didn't matter diddly squat to her at all. One of the first signs of the Dis-Ease taking over was how self-centered she started becoming about everything that was hers. Everyone was out to take advantage of her and use her for what She had and could do 'For Them', and soon the Downward Spiral Began and there would be no turning back. Those who knew her well could do nothing but shake their heads in dismay at what they were witnessing, and they could not even believe what they were watching happen to her. But there wasn't a thing any of them could do at all to help her because they couldn't convince her otherwise and she had to learn on her own. Besides, she wouldn't let anyone help her because she was '...Perfectly Capable of handling it herself.' In due time, more and more of her friends and family began noticing her slipping further and further away from them and soon they became alarmed at her appearance and attitude towards life. It began to affect more and more people around her to the point that people began to shun her and avoid her. When the Dis-Ease completely took over, all ignored her completely... Damien: October 16, 2002 Sancho Tighfield of Tookbank Moro Moss of Lake By Downs The names by which we go by can be changed but our true selves cannot. We will always be WHO we are no matter what we do or Try to do to change it. We will always BE! Forever...Never More! BEER: Helping Ugly People have sex for over Sixty-Nine Years! Metaphors of the Seduction of the Soul and all that goes with Tha Groove. The Pictures put forth by the Mind's Eye can be misinterpreted by the conscious mind if you don't understand the Language of the Soul. How sickened will We All let our Souls become until we have realized what's happening to ourselves and start doing something to remedy the problems at hand? Things seen in passing which are indicative of what is really happening around us all the time are 'Signs', omens, if you may. What we are looking at or who we are looking at at the time tell us what is to come. There are Many Good Shit Talkers in the world, but very few Do-Gooders left at all in this Fucked up Place. Then again, I can see why so many on this planet have just given up and don't even give a damn about anyone else here at all. It's way too easy to slip into that mentality of "Fuck The World" nowadays because of how much negativity there is surrounding us and filling our heads from the Media and Television. We need some change in this World, STAT! Or is that all we really need at all? More can be said about what We Want and what we really need. A moral stigma if there ever was one to believe in. Beliefs are far stranger than usual in this day and age because of Everyone's varying and changing views and perspectives because everyone is always on the move and in such a big hurry to Race to that Next 'STOP SIGN'. You just keep bringing those souls on in for us and we'll take care of them for you while you do your Thing. LET ME FISH OFF YOUR PIER! All the ways we medicate ourselves and get ourselves so intoxicated in order to forget bits and pieces of ourselves. It's understandable at times to purposely forget certain events in our past temporarily but at the same time, we are actually erasing the very brain cells we NEED for essential living instead of the ones that actually contain these memories. Do you think those with the Dis-Ease will even notice this fact before it slowly or Suddenly Kills them? You got that right: They don't and never will unless they wake up, FAST! The End of The Beginning of The End is coming fast for them. And when the Grim Reaper pulls up in his Suburban 4 x 4 from Hell Screaming "More BOING FOR YOUR DOING!", you better pay attention, kuz you don't want him to get impatient waiting for YOU. Don't Piss Him OFF! October 17, 2002 "...I need to talk to you, real bad. Really bad things have been happening," she said to me persistently. "I almost killed myself the other night and everything is ALL wrong with me right now." She had this look in her eyes that disturbed me slightly because I had seen that very look in my own eyes in the mirror before. That look was what made me get up from what I was doing to walk her around the corner to find out exactly What was 'wrong' with her this time. She had tried to kill herself before on several occasions but only half-hearted attempts were made using the wrong means, and using the entirely wrong type of measures. So I had to find out if it was another attempt to get attention or if maybe something Really Was Wrong. I wasn't exactly sure what I was dealing with so I took my time. I assessed the situation fully before I decided what I was going to do and say to her so as not to royally fuck her up in the head like it would have been so very easy to do at that point in time. She was really Over the Edge, and there might not be any chance of bringing her back over to US and healing her. Just like Julia.... It scared me how closely the two women were related in this manner. Too close for comfort how so many of us end up almost Exactly like someone else in our Self Inflicted Mind- Fucks! October 17, 2002 About Damien: I had just stepped outside to have a cigarette when it all went down. Everyone in town had come outside to see what was happening at the same time, as if an internal 'Locals Only' alarm alerting them to His Presence in the Downtown area had gone off. Somehow He had managed to slip by our Watchers at the perimeter of our little community without even being noticed. So when He Popped up out of Nowhere, it was of major concern to all of us in town. So when it happened, everyone was very surprised. The clouds slowly made their way over the town and began to slowly strangle out the Sun when it first began to occur. And as the light began to disappear like a Solar Eclipse will do, people noticed it immediately. October 17, 2002 The Degeneration of Society's values in today’s day and age is quite obvious wherever you happen to look... October 17, 2002 David Noel Alexson: David Noel Alexson watches over the shoulder of Damien through the Veil of Realities, the thin membrane between worlds that keeps the two worlds separated from each other so as not to contaminate the innocent for the benefit of the Dis-Eased ones. 'The Glances stolen of the ALL will be deemed reasonable cause for that Karmic Build Up of Energy of the Universe to be Released into the Universe to restore that Balance Necessary to maintain the already precarious cohesiveness of Reality... "The Only reason we want it released is so we will No longer have any Karmic Black marks against us so we may sin again," David said to Damien. "Well, why do you want to be the one to put the whole of the Universe completely off Balance, thinking that you are really putting it back in Balance when you're really Not?" "Remember where I come from, Damien... Everything's Backwards there and what seems wrong Here is actually Right There." "Or Left if you're cynical, Sarcastic bastard like myself," Damien Chuckled. "Whatever! Stop interrupting me you asshole! I'm serious about all of this. You've got to think like you're looking in a mirror when you look at me. I'm you, idiot! And I'm telling you that their alternate Selves, if that makes more sense to you, them on My Side of the Mirror, have tried to assassinate me and that means that THEY are going to try to do it over here with you. How much more do you want me to spell it out for you. Even an IDIOT could figure that out. So take what I have told you and Take precautions to avoid gettin yourself ERASED by two nitwits like that. Okay?! Sonofabitch! Are you really that Blind Damien?"

Chapter VII Damien's Rum Diaries... We're sitting in the room right now where we ALL are and someone said the one man who said, "The Whole World is a Stage" (Elvis) was right. That's Cool I guess. TRIPPED OUT It's against my beliefs. I have strong beliefs about that too. I'm not cool with that shit. You're Trippin' Man. FILL THE SILENCE We could trade notebooks. Relax, it's only a phase. Yeah, I always feel like people talk just to fill the Silence. I WANNA BE JACKIE ONASIS I WANNA BE JACKIE OH, OH, OH, OH PLEASE DON'T DIE BABY, SHE LOST HER POOR BABY SWITCHING PENS IS HARD TO DO... When Angels and Devils play is it considered Fun or is it War? Frolicking or Thunder? Like when it rains it's God or the Angels Crying. Is it really Fact or is it all just a pack of Lies? When Do I get to know WHY? What really is the whole Master Plan all about? Is their really Ulterior Motives to the whole thing called Life? To even come close enough to understand, we must not be so preoccupied with our own selves for a change. Selfishness sucks. I can be Selective when it comes to SELF-LESS-NESS. Bridges over Los Angeles County down to the harbor all Rivers flow, bringing with them all the shit from all over the South Bay. EXAMPLE: A Butter-fly shits in the water up on Mt. Baldy and kills a dolphin off of Pt. Fermin because of contamination of the fish it ate. Or the ever more popular, A Butter Fly flaps its wings on one side of the world, causing a typhoon to wipe out a whole nation of people. So long and thanks for all the FLEAS, quit scratchin that itch. You're slowly killing us all, City of Angels, or is it really a City of LOST Angels, trying to find our way back to the ALL, Heaven? We are all here to try and learn how to be God-Like again in order to regain entrance to Heaven. In order to be God-Like, we must first learn Compassion, Love, Honesty and Understanding. But How do you teach all that to a mass of people who won't even listen to themselves, much less anyone else? Well, first we have to start off by getting their attention, something really loud and obnoxious and In Your Face. Like maybe I should dress up in a TIGGER suit and jump and skip around in front of them until they Really See Me. We just want everybody to have fun here now. That's all. If it makes people uncomfortable, well, then FUCK THEM if they have no sense of humor and can't take a fucking Joke. They're taking everything WAY too fucking seriously nowadays anyways. Let's get rid of all the RAIN-DOGS of the world and Tap Dance all over their remains when we are through. Now that would be having Fun. Just DANCE Muther-Fucker, DANCE! Or more like, DIEMOTHERFUCKERDIE! That would definitely be more like it, don't you think so? I think so. But we just have to be sure to changes the names so as to Protect the 'Innocent' like me. I'M SENSITIVE AND I'D LIKE TO STAY THAT WAY. In order to understand being here at all we have to be slightly bent, a tad bit twiztid, a little Off-Kilter, Ya know what I mean...? Beauty that sits off on another street corner slowly shaking off another night of sleeping contently alone, or is she really, truly content being alone? Is anyone ever truly content being alone? Clothes are way too small or are we too Big for our own Britches? We are actually living way closer to the edge than we are willing to admit. Strange Dreams fill our heads nowadays because they are silent warning sounds as to what’s really wrong with the World today. Some are Way Too NOSY For Their Own Good! A STORY: Psychotic People hanging out of High Rise Vans with Shot-Guns and heavy artillery. I'm trying to get everyone's attention to warn them about the Van and Psycho Man. Trips Into the caves and downstairs we go to find the Ghosts Of The Past and weird Sucker-Like Creatures that might take over your Body and Soul. Don't be timid when it comes to Self-Expression. Of all the things, don't ever deny your True Self. At the same time, Never misinterpret Self-Expression for Self-Centeredness. The Plot against...: If I was to do something like that, I'd use my .7 mm rifle with a high powered scope and go up top that Tan Building over there with my Iced Latte and sit there and wait for six or seven hours. It would be a clear shot as straight as an arrow from there. I'd have at least an Eighty-Five to Eighty-Nine percent chance of getting them right behind the ear from there. And it would only be certain people down here that I'd aim at. You know who I mean, too. Then after I was finished, I would walk up to the local cafe and get me a sandwich or something, and then I'd call it a night and go home like nothing ever happened... SHEEPS GO TO HEAVEN? GOATS GO TO HELL? Tommy DeLucas: The Lost Children with no idea as to where they are going in Life, much less who they are yet, file in and out the doors like Cattle and Sheep being corralled into the Slaughter. One by one, they step all over each other with someone in their way all around each other. Step in line, walk on by on your way to death. Just stay out of my bubble on your way by, please. Fill the Silence, Cut through the Void Where your head should be, I'm so annoyed Predictable Babel, I know what comes next You Silly Sheep didn't even study for the Test Blindly Follow the Next In Line You've begotten a Generation of Swine They're all so Blind Back to your Hometown, You're not from around Here, We do things different We dance to a whole 'nother sound The Letter of the Day Is the Price We Pay In The End... Damien inner dialogue: Do you really know who's in Charge? Who's really running the show that I am watching all around you tonight? Are you a participant or are you a J.A.F.O. (just another fucking observer)? Predictable patterns amongst the background of Chaos of this place. We've seen the movements of these patterns repeat before our eyes many times over. Do you want to remain a part of the Ballistic Ballet that this Joke, Life has become? So if Tomorrow never comes, are you prepared to accept IT for what IT is? I am content where I sit and if it does end, I know I've had a very good and fulfilling life, and that peoples memories of ME will be my TRUE IMMORTALITY of my Soul. Even though You're Not With Me, I'm With You... Knowing that is what keeps me smiling even in the face of ADVERSITY. Just knowing I'm not a Fucking PUPPET is enough to make me Jump For Joy. Knowing that I can Share that with everyone I meet is even better. Making a Difference in someone's life or day because I made them Smile is just a downright Awesome Feeling. Those Knowing will smile back and acknowledge the gift and say Thank You. Me, I keep walking the streets looking for what's mine, looking for what I still haven't Found... HER-THE ONE! I take note of everyone and everything around me all the time. Everything I see I take note of, and write certain 'Catch-Phrases' , if you will, that will trigger the memories in detail. Almost Kind of like a faucet of thought or a flood gate of Memory. Of Course, I don't see everything all the Time. I'm not PERFECT, Nor will I be until I'm finished. The day we are even close to Perfect is the day we are DEAD and in the ground. Then it starts all over again. The Nightmare or the Dream Come True... Be careful what you WISH for, You just might Get it. What is Really FOR REAL? Plastic Gods and idols cover the wall in what is 'HER ROOM' with a view of all the Chaos Beneath Her that She is the Cause of. The Little games we all play to disguise the fact that we DON'T even know the half of what IT'S all about. I'm not your Tour Guide but I will give you hints as to what to be Looking for In Life. Please don't put me in the Spotlight, but Everyone Look At ME! I want to be the center of Attention, but I don't want to be seen at all. But in the end, We Are ALL STORY FODDER!!! And morning doesn't happen until Sundown in this Place. Smile, it's Sundown Now, the Bars are closing, kick everyone out except those Who Know What's Up, the Opposite of Down. Which is who and where I am at now! It all comes back to the center on every road you travel, kuz each road is the same story, just a different perspective... Clear the Sickness from the Streets NOW! Get the Fuck out of my CHAIR, once again you are taking up my fucking SPACE, You Fucking Piece Of SHIT! Don't keep coming to me with your sorry azz fucking Sob Story. It's time you realize that we are cutting away the Dead flesh so as not to contaminate the rest of the body like Cancer. We're getting rid of all the Useless Crap that is no longer Useful. YOU'RE USELESS! Of all the pathetic stories I've heard, yours is pretty lame. It's a damn shame you weren't paying attention when the time came to take notes on exactly HOW you are supposed to do this. Go ahead and Lie to Me and Try to deceive me with those old stories that seem to surround us these days. What's the matter, does it make you uncomfortable that I'm not paying attention to you now? Ask yourself WHY I am not paying attention to you. Really think hard and long about it. It's not that hard to figure out WHY? Is it? So just pass on bye if you see that I'm more interested in what I'm doing rather than playing your little game again. Like I've said before, I don't have time for your REINDEER GAMES. That's Just LIFE!!!??? Get used to it. From here on out You all will be ignored because of the simple fact that YOU don't know how to pay attention. Let Go, Go ahead and just let it go, it was Never yours in the First place. Breath in through those Holes I just put in your lungs with my Shot-Gun... Breathe Real Deep, Mother FACKO! Just LET IT GO NOW!!!! HA-HA-HA! WITH OUR WITHOUT YOU I WILL DO IT...@!!! Let's give them ALL guns and lock them in a room and let them take care of the whole problem amongst themselves. That way we don't have to get our PRETTY Little INNOCENT Hands dirty with their SICKLY BLOOD!!! Huh? STOP! You're giving me a headache by making me have to stoop down to YOUR INTELLIGENCE LEVEL. I hate having to think DOWN. It hurts Way too much. The Dis-Ease: I am aged, older than my physical bodies' years betray. I have Slept for EONS waiting for a time such as this, when all the Worlds Defenses are down and you all are UN-Expecting All the Easier for me to plant my seed of Doubt (NEVER) in the collective Sub-Conscious Mind of all You SHEEP. Because you all have stopped paying attention to all the little things, it made it all the more easier for me to slip by unnoticed and unheard and make myself at home. I'm keeping myself alive and getting fat off all your negativity. I have come to take your soul. Speaking Backwards in tongues so you can't understand exactly what's going on until it's too late to do anything. So much more than you will ever know, You are OURS, MINE, ANTI-PLAGUE, You all are the FUCKING PLAGUE, So You must NOW DIE! Damien InnerThoughts: Eliminate the Sick and the Weak. Survival of the fittest and You have Been Deemed UN-Fit to Continue with your existence! Time to pack your bags (body bags) and Get the FUCK OUT! Go Far Away and Never Come Back! So Much For MEMORIES! You ARE THE NEW ABORTION! TIME TO DIE! Don't you recognize the patterns yet? Can't you see the trend, the FAD? you are Another Pattern! YOU ARE NOT SPECIAL! Okay, now that I've got your attention...Let's get down to the Real Business at hand! LIFE! Making Faces in the face of Life and all of it's facades. Laugh at yourself and everyone else's follies kuz if you can't laugh then you are too stuck on yourself. We will be Never Forever More, Never More. What stands before us is NEVER, and we must deal with our own Creation, Forever More, because upon the 'morrow, it will be NEVER MORE. Today is merely Yesterday's Tomorrow, so just Let It Go. When you finally are able to let it go, you will be free to concentrate on what IS real and what needs to be taken care of. Join into the Dance of Life and Play the game knowing that You KNOW what's really going on here. If these words seem like gibberish to you, it's for a reason...You don't understand the Language of the ALL. In due time, you will if you have been chosen to, so be patient. Otherwise, don't worry about it until it's your time. In Due time, we will all have our turn at Learning About The All.

Chapter 6 - The Crows

The Crows During extreme cases of physical duress or strain or pain, people have been see to accomplish feats of unimaginable proportions. They seem to possess some sort of Superhuman strength, being able to turn overturned cars back over without even batting an eye, bending supposedly unbendable steel with their bare hands, so on and so forth... We've all heard the stories. But also at times like this, the human psyche is Very open to suggestion and outside influence. This is sometimes known as Possession in some parts of the world and, of course, well 'known' to the Catholic Priesthood... The Human mind is capable of MANY things, but it is only able to allow another 'spirit' -like entity like that to enter at such times as this, or if the minds defenses are Already very weak to begin with, like that of a child or the mentally retarded. Crows, on the other hand, carry souls all the time. At any given point in time, The Crows are carrying at least two souls, plus it's own. The Crows act as a ferry to to the souls transferring through the Gateway to either of the Parallel Universes and Dystopia (Purgatory=Neverland). The Soul in essence is nothing more than energy in its purest form. And in this form, it tends to 'stick' like static to Neutral Entities; Crows, Willed states of Mind, "The ETHER" around us in the air, That THIN membrane between Reality and Un-Reality.... between worlds.... A Medium, or Psychic, if you will, Purposely wills his state of mind into the pattern necessary to 'Attract' these energy patterns, or Souls. A very powerful and educational gift to have, the ability to actually attune the mind to pick up on this energy, not unlike an antennae, if you will. But at the same time, it is a very tragic curse. A two edged sword if there ever was one because you can never really turn it 'off'. Thus, the tragedy being how depressing all these thought patterns and 'voices' can be if you hear them all the time. "I Hear voices in my Head but all they ever do is Complain!" to quote Slipknot Prophet/ D.N.A. (David Noel Alexson) When the signs of the Prophecy began coming to light, a lot of people misunderstood what exactly was coming and why it was happening. "Miss Construe Left Her Mark On My Soul Like A Handprint," to quote Mushroomhead Some mistook it all for the Coming of the Beast, The Anti-Christ or some other such nonsense of the Catholic Church, because LIFE SUCKS and the Bible Thumpers needed something to Bitch About! Either that or just somebody was extremely bored with their current Social Status amongst their Clique... The Irony of their thinking was that His Coming was not even close to all the assumptions abounding in their Tiny Little brains. Damien Inner Dialogue I write from the voice I hear in between worlds, that little voice that lies somewhere between Awake and Asleep, the voice of NEVERLAND. That is the sound of the Unconscious Thought. You learn to differentiate between your Inner Voice and the Voice of Neverland... The Graveyard we build in our minds of our past is a poor representation of what it really can be; A Valuable asset. "COME SEE MY CAGE BUILT IN MY GRAVE". We all just nod our heads and agree with what we hear just because we are there. It's all just MIND ROT to keep us occupied while all the Real Stuff of Reality happens around us. Participating just because its something to do to pass the time idly. It's sad how the Sheep of the world fall in line to play their parts and wear their masks and play all the little Reindeer Games required of them... RELAX! It's Just A PHASE! Single out the weak ones of the Pack and Eliminate them from the equation before the Law of Algorithm takes over and ruins the Whole Thing. And the Dis-Ease Rears its ugly Head once again, as even the tourists get sucked into the game all of ANYWHERE, U.S.A. likes to play. It just makes one such as myself want to jump up and Scream "FUCKING WAKE UP ALL READY!!!!!!" Forgive them for they know not what they do! Fake, Plastic people populate my world around me every day. I choose to ignore them because they really annoy me to watch them. The places around here in Anywhere, U.S.A. remind me of giant aquariums because I like to Observe people in their natural States of mind. That is, Before I push them off Balance and rock their whole Reality. Welcome to my Reality. Anything goes here only if I say it should happen. Fake Plastic People Everywhere Why Can't I Get Them Out Of My Hair... Why not just get a Hair Cut? Prophet / D.N.A. Ask and the Universe shall provide for you, in abundance. Everything happens for a reason in this world, but you can sometimes apply will in certain amounts to give everything an extra 'push' to get required results from the world around you. I never fully understood the Goddess until I met her. She taught me all I needed to know and more with just a knowing look at me. Everyday, more of Her plans for me are slowly revealed to me for me to learn about Her. Damien inner Thoughts: As She walked by, She carried with Her the elegance and beauty of the Never, The Seed Of Never and the knowledge with which attaining the ALL in all it's splendor endured. The kinship I felt with that purity of spirit was indescribable and awesome. Never before had I witnessed the Goddess in all Her Glory. The calm I felt within her embrace astounded me, soothed me. And, I'm afraid to say, I may never again get to share in something as beautiful as She was EVER again. At least not exactly like I did, as exactly Like Her. I start beginning to think that everything is so clear and something starts to make sense and then something comes along to FUCK up my train of thought. And everything around it. Mental Note: Tori (Linda Vaughn) coming by w/ Twister was cool because I think I rocked their realities. Can't write right now because of tonight’s energy, especially because Gabe (Tommy DeLucas) showed up and made everything interesting in the end, as usual for him. The Quotes I've forgotten that would make all the Difference... Damien: Inner Dialogue: Every one kick back those drinks, it's time to face the Real. Forget everything you've learned so far up till now because all the rules have now changed. We have completely disengaged ourselves from common sense and have apparently forgotten what we were put here originally to do. Everything has been forgotten and we must now relearn from the beginning. Now its time to completely wipe the slate clean and rid ourselves of all the shit on this world so we can be certain that we are starting from scratch with untainted, pure souls. Pack your bags all you shitheads its time for you all to get the FUCK UP out of here, the party's over. 1999 has come and gone and your credit is no longer any good in this millennium. This is the generation of 'Supposed' Slackers whom are now taking over and slowly making our presence known in everything we do just to let you know we ARE taking over because you Assholes SUCK at your Job. YOU'RE FIRED! You all have no idea what you are doing or what you are supposed to be doing. We can no longer trust you to perform up to your full potential(such a lovely word, isn't it?) so we must now retire you early. You are UNSAFE for the future well being of the the Universe and must be REMOVED from POWER before you are allowed to destroy any more innocence before it has even come close to its prime. You have wasted too much innocence in your time. Now you're broken and Thrown Away like the piece of Shit You ARE!.. The More I Touch The Less I feel Reminding MySELF that's this IS NOT REAL! To quote Slipknot. I don't think I've really slept much or very well since the Day I woke up to find my whole Life was a Lie. There is nothing more intense than the whole deconstruction of yourself when coming to a realization such as that and realizing You're FUCKED in the HEAD! And all of Society ignores your cries of pain and seems to make it harder for you to pull yourself out of that depression on purpose because they like to watch you squirm and cry. They push it away because they know NOTHING of what its like to actually NOT be a fucking Gawker, a Rubber-Necker. They have actually forgotten what its like to be a fucking HUMAN Being with a FUCKING CARING SOUL. And I'm thinking to myself, "What a wonderful Fucking World this is we Live In..." -I am what once was that is now forgotten. I am he who walks the Earth forever righting the Wrongs of the Universe as I walk through time and different Realities. I gather all the necessary stories and tales and ideas of the World and then record them and write them out and put them in some sort of Chronological Order so that the WHOLE story can be told to ALL. The story needs to be known by all so as to avoid CONFUSION when the SHIT hits the FAN or maybe so the shit WON'T hit the fan or maybe so the shit won't even have to even be the shit in the first place? Life is not so simple that you can just sit back and let it PASS YOU BYE but you also cannot be too overbearing on it either. See the Patterns and use them to your advantage so that the tedious part of having to relearn all we have forgotten is not so tedious anymore. When the patterns are recognized you will be able to 'SEE' what's gonna happen NEXT and start having FUN. You'll begin to see WHY things happen... It's Psychotic when you see one with the Dis-Ease and you can't tell whether or not they are laughing or crying or just straight gone off the Deep End with no Life Support. Their jumbled murmurings can sometimes be insightful and useful, but most of the time, you want to try and avoid hearing the words they have to say because That Road leads to lunacy. All roads eventually lead to something like lunacy but its tempered with just the right amount of common sense and such, that it is in a controlled environment. Sometimes during those times of extreme duress, our minds open themselves up to outside influence and our selves float away temporarily to that Void of Sheol, or Purgatory, if you may, and stay while we endure the pain with our physical bodies. Thus, the Soul is saved from any harm by removing itself to a 'safe' place while this happens to us. Something like this had occurred to Lawrence Talbot on the night of his fatal accident. It happened right when his Fiancé' , Lisa, had died in his arms. That was when he literally died in essence. His soul had completely left his body, thus by actual medical definition, he technically was dead, and had died with Lisa's in an Embrace of Death... Lawrence Talbot: "Then She was Gone... She Had Died In My Arms..." Lawrence Talbot sobbed. "She was gone forever and I never got to say Good-Bye or that I Loved Her more than Life Itself. Just like that, “ he said as he snapped his fingers to emphasize his point. " I loved her that damn much, and it hurts. I had never loved someone as wholly and entirely for Eternity as much as I loved Lisa. She literally meant the World to me and she was my whole Universe. And I believed I Would Die without her in my life..." "It's okay to cry, Brother," said Damien quietly. He Reached over and squeezed his friends arm in sympathy. He knew exactly what his friend had been through because, he himself had been through something very similar. A lot of people had been through pretty much the same course of events leading up to their Death... and RE-AWAKENING... Something's Messed Up... The MORE I TOUCH THE LESS I FEEL REMINDING MYSELF THAT ITS NOT REAL EVERYTHING I SEE REMINDS ME OF HER GOD I WISH I DIDN'T CARE ANYMORE... to quote Slipknot. Damien-Inner Thoughts- -Regrets, I have none, now. If you had asked me about Regrets a couple of months ago, I might have told you I pretty much regretted even being born in the first place and my whole FUCKED up LIFE. But that was before I had woken to Enlightenment. That was when I was still fully in the Grips of My Dis-Ease and a Raging Contagion in my own right. The Christians walking by are frightened by the TRUTH. They scurry like cockroaches when the TRUTH is even mentioned. Their finely pressed Suits belie their intentions and TRUE beliefs... RICO SUAVE... Prophet / D.N.A. As all the pieces are put into place, You can feel the air begin to thicken in anticipation of all the Shit that's gonna Come Down when HE/SHE returns to this world. Or is S/He already here, just playing around with the Human Race's feeble minds of the world? The Fun S/He could have making us all nervous with "Signs Of His Second Coming." And S/He's just fucking around with our heads planting the "Signs" of the Prophecy in obvious places just to make us think... While the whole time, S/He is sitting among us 'oooohing and Ahhhing' along with us while all the while observing Us and laughing at us... Well, I know for a fact that there are groups of people among the Human Race whom 'Watch' and observe the follies of the Human 'Condition' and note the progress of our civilization. We are the most advanced civilization but yet we've found more and more ways to be lazy and not have to do anything for ourselves. Not to mention, there's so damned many Humans on the face of the Earth that we have to cram them all into the cities of the world like so many Sardines and make them live 'Peaceably side by side' or more like Miserably. Then everyone wonders why people go 'Postal' or become 'Aggro'? Our society is just SO FUCKED! And claustrophobic, to boot. When the sun goes down, those with the Dis-Ease will come out of there hiding places and take to the streets ready to 'Paint The Town'. This is how the Dis-Ease spreads so easily because it only happens at night, when all the defenses of the mind are down. This way, the transference from Host to Host is unobstructed by reason or any other hindering principles of Morality. Insecurity runs rampant in these parts of the World where the Dis-Ease has firmly taken hold. You can see their faces visibly clench when threatened with the thought of losing something that was never there to begin with! Something that was never Theirs to begin with... Things are always taken for granted when they are 'Ours', but they are really taken for granted when it's Not Ours. It's all overrated!~ All of it. Everyone, Everything, Everywhere... Damien: Re:Julia Lorreanna "The day she left me was more than enough to kill me. She royally harshed my comfortable mellow that day. Not only did she make it clear that she was breaking up with me, she also made a big scene about it outside of the Coffee House I was working at, at that time. And to boot, it was a Sunday and there were tons of people standing around gawking and watching our little drama unfold before them. Also, that same moment, the Singer for the band I had been playing in at that time had just shown up to 'Break Up With Me' too. Don't laugh...He really was, but not in a relationship way, but he was kicking me out of the band. He was dropping off my shit and all my equipment and then telling me why he was kicking me out... STOP RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE-YOU'RE GETTING WAY TOO COMFORTABLE!!! We sometimes get too comfortable with where we are at in Life, or who we are with because its familiar and you get way too used to it that you start taking it for granted that it will always be there... Or so you think. And thats the bear trap I stepped right into without even looking where I was going. It's true what they say about Hindsight being 20/20. Looking back at my relationship with her, I realized where and why things went wrong and how much of it was my fault. I had started taking her for granted and became more and more selfish and self-centered. I EXPECTED her to always be there for me. I was almost completely convinced that she was to be Mine forever after and for all eternity, my little Fairae Goddess in the Flesh. Boy, how utterly wrong I was. And how shocked I was to be called on my bullshit like I was that day outside of the Coffee House when she said to me, "There is No US unless You get Your Shit together." It hurt so fucking much. I could almost say that day was the day I started to die. I died a few times before that but it was incidental or more like accidental. The first time was when I was born. My Mother and I both 'almost' died that day because the fucking Doctor was out playing Golf that day and couldn't be reached for almost thirty hours. Not to mention, that the idiots at the Hospital couldn't figure out that my Mother's hips were too narrow to birth me naturally. Then, by the time they finally figured that out, the fucking genius' decided to do a Caesarean on my Mom but they were almost too late. The umbilical cord had wrapped around my neck and was slowly strangling me to death. Needless to say, that was the first time. The next time was a little more brutal though. That was when I started realizing there seemed to be a pattern to what was happening... Prophet / D.N.A. Everything happens for a reason and there is a method to the madness of the Universe. What that might be may remain a mystery for a long, long time to come, but it's out there. And it will be there for a long time to come or until the signs of the Prophecy are fulfilled and The One comes forth and releases the Seed Of Never from its resting place, upon the World. Damien: The Pain inside you feel when something special starts seeming to slip away is a dreadful feeling in itself. The Long Awaited Silence of The Soul is Exquisite and Peaceful. I can't wait for that peace and quiet that comes from when you reach the Pinnacle of Awareness. When you finally awaken to the full potential of your Soul's grace and beauty. If Your Soul is restless, then something is Very Wrong within... SOMETHING'S MESSED UP!!! Inner Thought: I want to be buried in a glass casket. Or I want to be cremated and then have my ashes scattered with a Sky-Writing plane, and have them spell out My Name in the sky, on the day I die... When I die, I want to be embalmed in Jagermeister so that when everyone comes to my viewing, they HAVE to take a Shot On Me... Or Off me... if you will... hehehehe. Either way, when I die, I want people to remember my death because I made it so unique. I want them to say, "Yeah, that Guy was such a Freak, he was kinda Weird. I think he may have even had a french fry hanging out of his Beard..." Something Twisted for The Twisted Ones... Or are we the "Normal ONES?" Damien: So what do I do to get your attention and let you know that I AM like you A Lot and would like for you to see You for who You Really Are? Do you see the little games people play when they want you to notice the Peacocks On Parade? Do you see how it always follows the same Set Script? It's amazing how its exactly the same script for Each Person, only the names are changed to 'Protect The Innocent'? The same patterns repeat over and over , AD INFINITUM! Doesn't it get old to see the same Re-Runs over and over again? Redundancy Sucks. BAD. Change The Channel... Please!!! So when we set out to do whatever it is we do each day, what would be so hard about changing some of our own personal patterns a little to vary it enough to affect some sort of change? Maybe instead of brushing your teeth first then putting on your clothes, try doing it backwards; put your clothes on first, then brush your teeth. Instead of driving down one street , drive down another street One Block over. Slight little changes like that will affect your Existence a Whole Lot! It may even avert the Chance of a future Death or 'accident' if you do it Right. People get caught up in such Petty Scuffles because of Petty, STOOPID shit if you really think about it. If You were to let it go Over and Around You, it wouldn't bother you so much, and the right people would live Peacefully and the Right people would get the Shaft, and You wouldn't have to Deal with them anymore.... Make sense? Re-Define what is YOU and the rest will re-define themselves for you to see exactly what they really are and where they Really stand. DO FOR YOURSELF INSTEAD OF HAVING EVERYONE DO IT FOR YOU! OR at least learn how to bend WILL to your advantage. This way we don't have to keep listening to all those Poor, Pour Souls crying later because it gets QUITE annoying after awhile... WILL WORK FOR..._______! Julia Lorreanna: Yeah, right, lemme hear another Pick up line that actually Works. Are you a BELIEVE or are you Make Believe? Are you for Real or are you Really there at all? Are You Even HERE? ARE WE THERE YET? Impress me with your 'Social Skills'. Beware, for I am a very Cynical, Non-Judging Person! HA! Okay, so now we are Going all the way. What are you Really Focused on when You LOOK!? Are you Looking for an exact YOU (which would be boring!) or are you Looking for Your INVERSE NEGATIVE? The ONE who is the piece , but has the exact opposite features and personality of You, but is exactly like you only in Negative? About Soul Mates: If they did walk right by you, would you be able to notice them for what they were? A Soul mate... One of many we meet in life...Someone you learn from who happens to speak the same 'Language of the Soul' that we speak, someone you 'Recognize' that we identify with and can talk about the stuff that Really intrigues us. You know who they are... They're the ones we don't have to Wear Masks For when we talk to them and interact. What inhibitions are you REALLY trying to overcome when you Get Drunk? I know why I get drunk, and that's to keep myself Numbed to what I See and Feel around me because They're all so inept. Or is it all just in your head? Do you Wanna Feel Pain or do you even Feel Pain at all? Or do you even FEEL AT ALL? Some Priorities are More Meaningless than they are Pointless. Which Priority Game Are You Playing? When do you Realize you've walked right By the POINT? When will you wake up to that day when you can finally separate yourself from Yourself and See You for YOU and learn how You are a special Gift just like Everyone Else and that Your Gift is Just as Needed as Everyone Else's gifts are? We all are equal unless you are not AWAKENED to the simple fact that it's LIFE?! WHAT DOESN'T KILL ME MAKES ME STRONGER...AND SMARTER~! Damien: How do you like them Buddies, Apple? Doesn't it suck how the drudgery seems to go on and on and on? How some people manage to do the same thing over and over again, puzzles me. THIS IS NO KIND OF LIFE! Julia: If You Bash your head against the wall long enough, do you think it will leave a Scar for you to remember a pattern you've seen before and remind you not to do it again? Can Reality hurt that much when displayed as I have Put Forth? Damien: I'm a Loser, Please, Baby, don't get too close from Far away. Come no closer than you are as you were today. Julia: When you decide you want to come down from your High And Mighty Soul Throne, I'll be here laughing at you from afar. Damien: An Angel from above come down to remind me of who and what we are and Why. So pay attention while we are here and make the most while we all learn. Show me what pertains to Your Reality and Why. Can you even Describe it? For what its worth, Mr. Soul is hear with Mr. Death and they don't take Credit Cards in the after life.... Are you paying attention to what's around you? THAT WAS A SOLEMN MOMENT OF SILENCE FOR THE SEPERATION OF ME AND I.

The SEED of NEVER Deep within the mists of times unknown and unremembered, a legend was born into existence which would mold the future into Utopia if the prophecy were to come true and be fulfilled by one. According to the legend, "One from the Land of Never would bring forth a tainted Seed and bring forth Beauty from it's planting and growth." But also, the bearer of the Seed Of Never must also be pure and "Awakened". Now, when this was supposed to happen wasn't especially clear, but it did mention that it would be brought about by a particular alignment of all the planets and an Eclipse of the Sun. The Extraordinary energy produced by this harmonic alignment would affect a small percentage of the human race on earth in an extremely bizarre way. These individuals were startled to find themselves able to read people's thoughts and emotions, and sometimes even see into the future. These newly awakened "psychics" were rudely thrust into bouts of depression as each new found revelation on the truths of Life cast more and more overload on the sensitive souls of these gentle people. Some of those awakened ones would sometimes go mad with the burden of their gifts. Some would just drop right into seizures and fits when it got too intense and Real for their minds. Eventually a select few would recognize the signs innately by silent acknowledgement of primitive instincts, and would be drawn towards a certain Nexus of Energy where they would all congregate to await the Beginning of the Awakening (planting of the Seed Of Never). The final process of Elimination finally begins when all have come back and Re-Arrived(revived?) [resurrected?]. The Thought Conventions alone eliminate most of the Weakest ones in the first Fell Swoop of Contests. Eventually one of the Chosen Few would emerge with the Answer to the question all were asking: WHY? The conditions needed for that one to bloom forth were simple enough, but were necessary in order to produce one capable of handling the Seed Of Never and planting it. If all the Lessons were acknowledged and firmly retained, and the Signs observed and understood, The ONE would emerge, and the Crows would follow. The crows are His Guardians and His Advisers, the Stars His Elder Prophets. His Second Sight a mere gift of Insight, Healing, a most awesome blessing. The Shift of the Universe when His Coming was near at hand was felt first when Damien La Rouche was Born into existence. Only then were the first of the Seals Sacred broken and the checklist of the Prophecy prepared. Slowly, the clockwork of the Universe began to wind itself up and begin creaking its way towards completion of the Puzzle that has riddled the Universe as to existence for all eternity. That Shift of the Universe also began to dislodge the Seed of Never from its resting place deep within the Land of Never's ominous Mount Nod. It would eventually emerge into the daylight when all was in place and the necessary elements were all in alignment. As Damien grew and more Lessons were learned, more and more "coincidences" began to occur in his life and a pattern eventually emerged... Eek, a mouse, Latin based House The Red pants Wander by and by And bring to the forefront The Peacocks on Parade Welcome to this, the New day Or is it just another day to lay Lie, Lie to me again Count De Monet Or just Count the FUCKING money Two pointed Face, an edge of Each sword Osiris and Isis shall pass on the word Believe me Revive me I can't stand to see the Real Me Let me See, Let me Be All Alone Surrounded by the ALL Damien: It's a whole new game and yet another season and look at where we are now. As all comes into Balance, I look forward to Reality. Prophet: An organization like that is mostly RE-active as opposed to PRO-active. Meaning that nothing will happen until something happens which causes the organization to Re-act to the situation, instead of doing things in order to prevent the situation in the first place. The Secrets of the Seed of Never were hidden in Mount Nod centuries ago by a long forgotten race of Super intelligent beings from a long destroyed planet where the Asteroid Belt now exists. They came here to survive the destruction of their planet when it was obliterated by a twelfth planet in our Solar System. The Two planets ended up on a collision course with each other the last time all the planets were aligned and an almost total eclipse of the Sun from the Earth occurred, blocking off the Sun from the Earth and causing Great Rains and destruction. The time when this first occurred, there was no one really around to witness this except the Angels and the Ravens of the time. The Lady; The Maiden; The Crone... Damien and Lawrence: "When did you die, Lawrence?" Damien asked quietly. "Do you remember how I just disappeared without saying good-bye?" Lawrence Talbot replied. "Yeah, and I think I still hold it against you, prick!" "No, seriously", Lawrence said, "That's when I died and then was resurrected or Re-Awakened, if you will" "Was that the first time, or was that when you finally caught on?" "I'd have to say that’s when I finally woke up." "Did you see any Crows around when it happened," asked Damien. "Yeah, as a matter of fact, there was this one particularly Big one sitting right in front of the car right after it happened." "Please," asked Damien, " Tell me exactly what happened and what you felt, brother..." Damien: "If I'm lost or have gone astray, My Guardian Angel will show me the way... Who's your Guardian Angel? Or What? Just say thank you..." Prophet: Soon the signs of His Coming started becoming more and more apparent over the years of Becoming. More and more people started recognizing Damien and his inherent Special Gifts and soon would begin the slow moral Raping of his Talent and soul. Truly the Unforgiven. Word spread round town and eventually the Organization began to take notice of Damien. Damien: Only in small doses can Reality be handled safely. Too much at once leads to Seratonin Overdose. Too much Happiness for your own good.... Misery Loves Company. Sleep is Good, it brings the dreams which foretell your future. Kindred Spirits meet in the morning and have a beer before noon to dispel the Gloom and Doom. Storyline: The Super Intelligent beings from the Twelfth planet came to Earth to not only survive extinction, but also to expand their Sphere of Influence in the Universe. In psychic terms, a sphere of influence is the area in which all is seen, heard, and controlled by the governing beings with such Psychic abilities in each area. It's a select few with such abilities that will , coincidentally, appear when such influence is needed in certain areas. Life will dictate what is needed where in what amount, relative to its surrounding areas. When these beings came to Earth, they began an experiment in DNA that continues to this very day, which can be seen in every person you meet in the streets of the world today. What they did was to Splice their strain of DNA with that of the existing life on the planet at the time, which at the time was known as Cro-Magnon Man. The resulting creature was the "Missing Link" that most people have been searching for all through history... US... To these beings, the result was known affectionately as "The Adam" and he was mainly made to help the Beings to build their cities and Temples of Worship and to help with the Organization. Adam worked out fine in the whole scheme of things up until a mistake was made in some of the gene splicing. This mistake was nothing more that someone putting in a Y-chromosome instead of an X-Chromosome, resulting in the Creation of a Female version of "The Adam", whom eventually was fondly named, "Eve". She was placed with "The Adam" while the whole situation was evaluated by the Elders. But by the time they had all agreed on the Destruction of "Eve", the mistake had already become much worse that they had anticipated and could no longer be rightfully destroyed. She was with Child and the Elders knew nothing of the nature of this Reproduction or what IT was all about. So in the end, they decided to let her stay with "The Adam" and observe them both to learn what all this was about. So thus began the struggle between Man and Woman and The Gods From Above, and who was first, who was right, and who's Fault it all of this was to begin with....etc... The jump from primitive Non-speaking, instinct driven ape-man to speaking, thinking Homo-Sapien, Modern Man was a cause of great change in the harmonics of the Universe, greatly affecting the Western Spiral Arm of the Milky Way Galaxy for the Rest of Eternity. The change, though, was a silent but drastic event. It went totally unnoticed in most parts of the Universe and to almost everyone, including those it had affected the most. It wasn't until Man had started forming Civilizations and recording their histories that a certain set of Redundant Patterns started emerging. From these observations, the effect of these changes could be discerned as to how much of a change had actually occurred... But it was also at this time that the Prophecies and Visions of the Aliens and their arts had been unearthed and compared to their current observations, and what was discovered was astounding... COINCIDENCE>>>...I THINK NOT! The Seed Of Never: The Land of Never lies somewhere outside of the ancient Egyptian Pyramids in the crook of Mountains surrounding the desert region. Mount Nod really cannot be seen because it Really Does Not Exist... in our realm anyways... It actually lies in a flux of the Universe parallel to our own and can only be accessed when the planets and stars are in Perfect Alignment and only then is it accessible, but not yet Truly Open. Inverse Negative: In order to gain entrance to this Parallel Dimension, a Gate Keeper must be present in our Universe and in The Land of Never's Universe, and they both must perform their tasks Simultaneously and successfully in order for the Gateway to open between the Two Universal Realities. Hence why it is named the Land Of Never; It will never happen in a million years, right? Thus is the principle of the Inverse Negative. WRONG! The idea of having an exact duplicate of yourself in the universe has been around for ages. An inverse-negative copy of you does exist in the parallel dimensions of the Universe and is EXACTLY like you, only in the Negative Aspect. Kinda like Bizzaro is to Superman. That's how everything in the parallel universe is to ours; an Inverse-Negative to our Reality...Holding a Mirror up to Our Reality. The Crows are the only entities able to Cross over into that Universe without the Gateway having to be open or Nearby. In that Universe, the crows bleed through the thin membrane between worlds as Angelic-like birds, or White Doves, if you will. Your Inverse-Negative is kinda like the Yin and Yang Principle, only you both seem to have the same taste in fashion and personality, except they are opposite extremes. You may like to wear white, and your Inverse-Negative will like to wear black, and so on and so forth, ad infinitum. You never know when one day they'll show up unknowing knocking on your(their) door. Snap out of it before it Snaps YOU The joke is on the yolk of the face of the place that is so hip it'll bust your Lip Hope you like jammin too I want to Jam it In You! Do you know WHY you are so sick, dumb ass? Think about it. Real HARD. Self Immolation... The Inverse-Negative Universe co-exists along side our Own Universe in an almost simultaneous environment down to the second. An almost Identical, Mirror-like image of our own Reality, in sync with ours. Just about everything that has occurred in our Reality has probably Already happened or will eventually happen in the Inverse-Negative Universe. For one reason or another, these events are Reaction in one Universe and Action in the other; in other words, What happens in One Universe is usually the result of something that has happened or will happen in the Other Universe. This even applies to thoughts and psychic phenomenon too. When the Seed of Never started its slow journey from the depths of Mount Nod to its inevitable discovery at the surface of the Sands of Egypt, it Set in motion a grand scheme of occurrences in Both Universes. Each Event was tumultuous in and of itself, but the overall effect was awesome. Everything changed drastically in the course of events leading up to this Event and beyond. Lawrence’s Death (Re-awakening) Damien could see his friend Lawrence visibly tense up inside as he asked the question about the accident that had changed his life forever. "Please tell me exactly what happened and what you felt, brother," Damien asked. After taking a deep breath, Lawrence started with his recollection of what exactly HAD happened. "Well", Lawrence said, "me and some friends of mine had been hanging out down at the cliffs one night, just chillin' and talking while we hiked around. We weren't there for very long, maybe about an hour or two at the most. But we had smoked about a couple of joints and maybe we had a few beers each, maybe more, I'm not quite sure. I probably only had two myself, being as I was the one who was driving that night. So when we left the cliffs, we could have never imagined what awaited us on our supposed "short ride" home. I was fairly sober, but my two friends, Lisa and Helena were pretty trashed, I'd say. Helena was sitting in the back seat, and she was the most plastered in our group that night. Lisa was in the Front seat with me, and was in charge of the music playing obscenely loud within the small confines of the Universe of my small car. She had put her seatbelt on shortly after our trip home had begun, and she still had it on now as I had looked over at her while laughing at some witticism or nonsense that was amusing us all at the time. Helena, on the other hand, had not put her seatbelt on in the back seat and was leaning between the shoulders of the two front bucket seats of my car. She was laughing hysterically just moments before it happened. The last time I saw her she was smiling widely out of the corner of my eye... When I had looked back from looking at Lisa for a moments shared Hysteria, I looked back up expecting to still see the highway rolling out before us. What I saw instead was really hard to explain. For a brief flash, I could have sworn I thought I saw a crow smiling at me as he seemed to gracefully fly right through the glass of the windshield without even touching it as if it didn't exist at all. And it seemed like he was trying to say something to me in whatever language it is Crows speak, but somehow within me I totally understood what it was he was saying to me on some primitive level of my sub-conscious mind. What I Heard with my ears was something like , "Ack! ARACK!!!" What I heard, clear as day, within my mind was, "LOOK OUT!" What I saw next was one of those support beams that hold up freeway overpasses right in front of the car and there wasn't anything I could do in time to avoid hitting it... I don't remember much immediately after that. It was all kinda blurry for awhile after that. The next thing I remember, I was looking over at Lisa again, only she was knocked out and in shock. I had realized suddenly that I could not move the bottom half of my body; my right ankle was busted and at a ninety degree angle to my leg, and I couldn't even feel my left leg anymore... I felt something sharp in my left side below my chest and soon I noticed that part of a truss rod from the overpass' steel rebar re-enforcement framework had gone completely through my body. Then I came to discover that Helena was nowhere to be found within the car as I looked around assessing the situation. I looked frantically around the car in every corner of it that she could possibly have ended up in but to no avail. She was gone from the inside of the car... Looking outside the car finally, I started searching the perimeter outside of the car with my eyes to see if I could spot her. Soon, my searching of what I could dimly make out from my paralyzed perspective would bear fruit. Dimly outlined about 20 yards away from the car was the shape of a crumpled up, broken body. She had been thrown through the front windshield of my car when it had impacted with the support beam of the freeway. My heart sank. Lisa, who had become my fiancé' not even two weeks before, did not seem to be waking up from her shock induced slumber and my heart did a somersault in my chest when my imagination kicked in as to possible outcomes of this situation. I frantically started trying to wake her out of her coma, screaming... "Don't you die on me, please don't die on me, Lisa.... I love you.... please DON'T LEAVE ME..... PLEASE>>>>>>" I started screaming for help, cursing God all the while and screaming at myself all at once... HANDSONMYFACEOVERBEARINGICANTGETOUT! In the distance, I heard sirens start wailing loudly into the night. I assumed those sirens were exclusively for us. Then the realization of what exactly had happened began to hit me, and something fierce at that... and HARD... I realized that I could NOT reach my Lisa to hold her and tell her good-bye if she was dying on me, and I realized that this might be the end For ME... and all I had ever known or loved... and that I might never get to say good-bye to my Love and tell her how much she meant to me, and to say sorry for anything I had ever done wrong and that I might never see tomorrow.. and that I could not even REACH LISA TO HOLD HER IN MY ARMS BEFORE SHE OR I DIED....!!!!! Lisa might be dying on me right now, and Helena might all ready be dead or damn close to dying out there on the... the..... the Highway!!! OH SHIT NO!!!!! I think I might have blacked out or passed out again or something because I don't remember much after that , but when I awoke again, the sirens are much closer now, and much louder now too. I looked over at Lisa again and she looked much paler now than the last time I had looked at her. And how long that had been I can't be sure, but it seemed like an eternity. The panic and dread immediately took hold of me again, and my body flooded with adrenaline while at the same time, desperation had began to take hold of my brain. SHE WAS DYING RIGHT BEFORE MY VERY EYES!!! And there wasn't a God Damned Thing I could FUCKING DO ABOUT IT!... I COULDN'T MOVE.... I could HARDLY FUCKING BREATH!!!! Every time I MOVED... I PASSED OUT!!!" It was about this time that Lawrence started to cry fiercely, the tears rolling quickly from eyelid to chin. Damien could see his friend being ripped apart by the anguishing memories he was recalling to his friend. He could see the pain in his brother's eyes as he recounted his encounter with Death and how it had affected him. He wanted more than anything at that moment to reach out and touch his friend and ask him to stop, but at the same time, he just wanted his friend to finish his story completely and get it all out of his system so the cancer wouldn't eat him alive from the inside out. After regaining his composure somewhat from recalling such horrid events of his past, Lawrence continued his tale of how he had tried waking his fiancé' over and over again so he could at least say good-bye to his dying Love. The sirens seemed to be taking forever getting to the accident.... "...Why didn't the ambulance just Hurry the FUCK UP and get there already and save my future Wife from having to die in my arms... Speaking of which, I think I can try moving closer to her so I can give her one last good hug before its time to say good-bye...." I must have passed out again because the next thing I remembered, there was bright lights flashing all around me and a bunch of paramedics were surrounding me. They kept asking if I was still awake and where I was hurt, and that I needed to let go of my wife's hand so they could get me out of the car... I must have tried to move as to hold Lisa's hand again even tighter because the searing intense, white hot flash of pain that flashed through my body knocked me out once more. When I came to again, I was momentarily in the back of an ambulance, or so I thought, but then I realized that I was still in the car but they had brought portable lights in to illuminate the interior of my car. My wife's hand was still in my hand and it seemed a little cooler than I remembered from moments ago. I squeezed her hand a little tighter in mine, hoping to warm her again with my warmth, then I tried moving towards her again slowly so I could see her better from where I was pinned to the car in the drivers seat. To me, it seemed her face had almost completely drained of color and the skin of her face seemed sallow. The pupil of her eye seemed quite alive though... Her eyes WERE Open and she was looking right at me. She was saying something to me that I couldn't make out right away because I must have been groaning in shock or horror. I don't know what I was feeling because I was feeling so many different emotions all at once and was in emotional overload so I couldn't process all the incoming messages at once. She was saying, " I love you", over and over again to me. "I love you Lawrence and we'll be back together in the next Life when we are both Cats.... I really LOVE YOU!" Then She Was Gone.... She had died in my arms...."

Of All Songs To Pick, Why'd you have to pick this one?????? "This whole town has gone to shit... Shit most of the cities have gone to shit. I've lived here since 1943 and I can tell you, This WHOLE town has gone to Shit!. And The government makes it easier for this all to happen. They think that if they throw money at it, it will go away, they Hope..." Pete @ The Porthole At least you're thinking, cause none of these fools are thinking at all... They Flock to that Place! "Another Night of that Bitch-Slappin music, Huh?" Fred Crawford Why do you say that? "Men in Big Trucks with Small Penises" “I just moved here from Utah... I just got here... Where do I get a fucking Cheeseburger? The world spit me out here... I just got here two minutes ago... Do you guys take credit Cards? I want to do this song with someone.... I want someone to help me with this song.... "Singing in the Shower.... " Only for an hour... You got the spirit... Do you know I can feel the power....You know who this is?? It's GOD!!!…” "I'm gonna go get my shotgun and send him to the Great Chicken House in the Sky" It's been way too long since I've felt this way When I can truly say that I look forward to a new day.... The Fear and Loathing In Kuwait incident of Las Vegas September 1, 2002 "Are we there yet? I'm thirsty!" Just outside of Calico Mines before old Highway 58 and the Barstow city limits, there is a Mountain for sale. I've always said that I wanted to buy a fucking mountain to all my friends and Gordon pointed it out to me... We Ran out of gas twice on our trip to Las Vegas, Once in San Pedro when we were leaving For Las Vegas on Friday and once on the way back, just before Barstow. The Triple-A guys are totally Cool. Highway Patrol pulled over a Red Nissan with the License Plates that read "SWINE" just before Baker. He-He. We came back to Los Angeles traffic, heat hotter than Vegas and part of Mt. Baldy burning. Starbucks Double shot and Coke. Mountain Dew Code Red and Camel Filters. It's hard to write in a moving 4x4. LOO and NEY! 110 degrees in Whittier. Its all about Titties and Beer in the Sahara. Sahara and Lake Mead is full of Negativity My eyes BURN. OH no, city gurl! You can't ride your skateboard here! Forklift my 4x4 you kewl Kiwi Guy. SKIWI!!!! Where the Fuck is the 95? Sahara, Riviera, Frontier, Stratosphere, We've got rolly Coasters in buildings here! Circus-Circus was full of clowns, Tootsie-Rolls for quarters, tickets too. You're too young to play, go back up to the midway. "MORE BOING FOR YOUR DOING!" Quizno Cheesy Poofs, we live off the land and the 99 cent store. I scream for Protein. Problem Solved, put it in neutral. 2 hell with Lake Mead Negativity. We ate at the Jack In the Box in Champion Village. On the way up, we found 10 acres available on the north 15, full of rusted tin cans. Falling asleep at the wheel, we made 4:20 a.m. in Baker, ah man, you smoked all my damn weed! By sun up, we were resting somewhat comfortably at Stateline outside of the Primadonna Hotel. When we finally made it to Las Vegas, we parked in the parking lot of the Frontier for FREE! Then we went to the Stardust with Penny Slots. Then on down the Strip in Old Vegas, towards the Stratosphere Tower. The Bonanza Liquor Store. Everclear in the window, drinking Smirnoff ICE and 211 on our walk. The Laker Plaza outside of Lake Mead. That Fucking TRUCK... It's like playing with a 5 year olds Toy, only it's a ton of Toy... We are Having Suburbanical Difficulties!!! Alligator door handles at the Orleans with Club Dre inside. New York was right across the street from Paris, as Excalibur meets up with the Egyptian pyramids of the Past. Ceasers Palace sits with The Pirates in search of Treasure far abound. Sitting outside of the Sahara, cooling off with Smirnoff Ice and 211, screaming "WE'RE GONNA DIE!!" to rolly coaster riders flashing by. The Tourists come to Las Vegas to Learn to Drive. Air conditioned nightmare to Air Conditioned Cars. A phone call into the past to see if "Cuttie-Boo(Flower)" can come out to play with Wikd. Watching Training Day and drinking water, we cooled off thinking we'd leave, only to find ourselves on our way to Lake Mead!!! September 15 2002 So now, I'm beginning to find the common thread for all the stories being told to me nowadays by everyone. It seems a lot of people were affected by the whole stellar alignment that Miriam and I layed out in her and Zach's front room. I guess what her and I both saw happened to and affected a LOT of people in pretty much the same way as it affected us. What we discovered was very peculiar indeed. Or more like, WHO? The Gateway was opening back in the beginning of this year, in January and February, only to become elusive through March and April. It Started to become clear again in May. It all started to make sense when Lawrence Talbot reappeared in July, when he saved me from getting Stoopid on July 6th, the last Show I ever played with Wacked. The premise of my book, "Confusion is the Consensus" is now finally all laid bare and coming together now. Now the story can finally be told so as to save many other souls like me from getting stuck like I did and many others like me. The relationship between the Astrological signs of the Zodiac and how they are in relation to each other has a lot to do with how they interact with each other. Aries looking up to Taurus, Taurus jumping out of Orion’s way, the Twins of Gemini frolicking gaily or are they really just One Angry and one Completely oblivious to what the other is Doing? Cancer is not really Scorpion like, not really-HA! Leo is the King, but more like a legend in his Own Mind. Each sign interacts with its predecessor and latter signs in a particular way which bonds the signs together in unique ways. Alliances between certain signs are predestined and predetermined by the rising signs in conjunction with certain Sun Signs. When Certain stars are in certain signs, either good or bad things can happen depending on what aspect it has pertaining to certain signs. When all the star charts are arranged so as to produce a realistic representation of what the sky really appears like at night when you look up, you see a pattern emerge from the Chaos of the whole Universe.. The Gateway is somewhere by Draco about the time Libra is directly above at the beginning of Spring, in April or March. When the Gateway was directly above the earth, All sorts of weird shit began happening. At the same time this was starting to occur, all of the planets were coming into perfect alignment. This was a very phenomenal event in itself when it started happening. The chosen few of us who were really listening and paying attention to the signs the Universe was giving us, we started waking to a startling realization of what was lacking from the Universe and Why. But in order to fully awaken to what was being shown to us and fully understand it, we literally had to DIE and be resurrected to achieve the state of mind we now hold on to dearly today. How was it that You died? Think really hard about it before you answer that, because it doesn't necessarily have to be a physical type of Death to qualify. But if you didn't die in some form or another, then you don't count and you are not truly awake yet either. That doesn't mean you are assed out of the whole deal either if you at least have an open mind and are willing to accept things for what they are the way they are. Separate the Users from the Whores, are you a man or a fucking Rat Bird?? The pieces of the past are assembled before you to show you who you really are and why you are the way you are. See the patterns before you and learn from them, use them to your advantage to better yourself and the world around you. Utilize the space you are taking up for the Bettering of the World. Don't waste it. How do we fill the Empty Spaces when we talk to each other? What's more fun? Take your pick because there's many little games we can play to waste time?! To You September 24, 2002 The Wasted Time I've spent Searching The World For You Has not been in vain Even though I'm content Trying just to get close to You For You I'd wait forever in this Rain Your Beautiful Eyes tell me That your soul has come so far In its journey to your heart I'm blessed to finally see That You've got the exact same scar And that those Like us should never part Believe in the "Hear" and Now See me raise my brow As you walk across the Room I see this beautiful Flower Bloom INto that which is really you And What I feel For You is So new Just like the Fairies Do When you frolic through the Morning Dew That which is You Thank You MSH Molly Square Hacker Most Squiggly Hairys (true definition-Metropolitan State Hospital...Norwalk California) Random-What a word, what a concept. How about Random Thoughts you have that are not your own?

Chapter 5

Part II Chapter V No Longer Me 12/21/01 Life Slips by me, as I watch the current flow I'm caught between the prongs of this fork within the road I'm undecided as to which direction I will go A momentary Lapse in Reason lets my pain begin to show My Brain's writhing in agony As my senses become faulty I feel my mind slip from Reality Break my False Sense of Security And Now I'm no Longer Me- Unsure of what I am Now I'm No Longer Me I can't trust what I'm thinking Kuz I'm no Longer Me- Been pushed Far beyond trusting I'm No Longer Me- I don't know who or what I am. I'm watching from the ruined shell of what I used to be As all the action is increasing, Reaction's turned to brutality Heart that was once filled with life and Love Now feeds off all the hostility Please say a prayer, kiss me good-bye, As I slip into Eternity... Watching from high above I'm no longer in control See what's become of me Slipping deep into the unseen Terror grips me, nowhere to run and hide Won't someone please just set me free? I'm slowly losing touch with all that used to be my life Kuz I'm no longer me- I'm just one step from Insanity Because I'm no Longer Me- I've lost all ties to this Society No, I'm No Longer Me. Forever now you cannot see me Fought One on One with Lost Identity I'm shackled to Dark Destiny Can't you see? Hear my screams Fatality I'm No Longer Me. Goddess Dedicated to Sandra 12/21/01 She is my Goddess; she is my everything She takes all that is beautiful, and adds a bit of green When she walks into a room, She makes it bright and warm Always pointing out the good in Life, She protects me from all harm She is the Goddess of my heart She is the light of my life Stretched across the gardens of my soul My nexus of Tranquility, My Goddess makes me whole Pure of Heart, strong willed and not afraid to tell you so Gentle Listener with open arms, soul of wisdom from long ago A knowing smile- Glimpses of the sins of Eden, Warning! Inside knowing that I'd murder, if only to amuse my darling Eve To make the Fairy Goddess Smile Is to bring sunshine in a bow Committed to Her Happiness I rejoice Intoxicated within the radiance Embraced gently by her love Enclosed within the safety of The Gentle Caress of my Goddess Thoughts... What am I thinking? To tell you the truth, I really don't know exactly what I'm thinking, and I don't really know how to explain it. It's like I sometimes just zone out or just drift away from what's currently going on around me. I do want to pay attention, but my mind won't let me. It's almost like my brain says, "Whoa, Time Out...I need a break!" Or maybe it's more towards me personally not wanting to be in the place I am, with who I am with or speaking to or whatever I'm doing at the time. Sandra asks me that question a lot, "What are you thinking about?" or something along those lines. I really don't know what to say in response to that, because I don't know what was going on in my head at the exact moment she asked because everything was still and quiet up there, more like Silent. And other times, I purposely ignore what I'm thinking because the thoughts or train of thought I was in was beginning to annoy me or something. Or maybe I just don't want to think about that deeply till I was someplace more comfortable and conductive to whatever it was about. But, on the other hand... Maybe I don't want to say out loud what I was thinking because it's too embarrassing or just out right, "It's None of Anybody else's business what I'm thinking about!" 6:00 p.m.: How about a story while I ride the bus into Pedro? I still can't believe how well timed the bus ride was. I was all worried I was gonna be late getting back down to Pedro, but the buses showed up perfectly timed. Hardly any wait at all...Anyways, I digress... So, a story... How about one about a guy who used to look forward to Christmas with much enthusiasm and anticipation. But nowadays, the holiday has become nothing but an annoyance, a nuisance. A holiday met with more and more trepidation each and every year. So much pretentiousness and Fake people pretending that every thing is Great, Just Peachy Keen, Thank you Very Much! All the people are just so full of themselves, that to suggest that there are actually people out in the world during this season that AREN'T doing so well, just doesn't make any sense, it doesn't fit in with the way THEIR world works. To them, people like my friends and me don't exist within their narrow field of vision. Sucks Don't It? Reality CHECK, RIGHT HERE, PLEASE! WAKE UP, ya Dumb Fucks! We DO exist, and damnit, It Really SUCKS to be us, but at least we know where we stand in Reality! If only there was some way to open their eyes... Oh Well, I don't have the time, energy nor the urge to try and show them the ERR of their ways. If I waste time on anything, it's gonna be Me, and its gonna be what I FEEL like doing. Hitchin' Hell 12/23/01 8:00pm Staring out the window As the world goes by Drawn to roam the highways And not even knowing why Just another passenger with no cares I'm just along for the ride An Aimless Wanderer on the plains A Nomad Soul that's finally been Untied No known destination in mind Moving forward one step at a time Gladly leave what's left behind In search of the Beauty in what we find Living just for the quest Not what's at the end Frolic in the depth of All that's in between You have seen me everywhere We've met once before You've seen me in the shadows lurking The phantasm that you're convinced you can ignore Lurking on the Nightmare interstate Just waiting for a lift If you met the Grim Reaper on the highway Hitch-hiking the length of Hell Would you stop and offer Death a ride? 12/24/01 I've got to think, but don't want to I've got too much on my mind I need to clear my mind, Just silence There's just too much to comprehend A thousand thoughts at once, its overload If it don't stop I'm bound to snap Just a few moments of peace, it's not too much to ask If not, see Chaos come to pass Pass me by, walk on by You don't see me within yourself Just don't stop, don't bother telling lies I'm the seed of confusion, Deep within Fed by Guilt, Your Greed, and all that you deny I'm trying to focus, Concentrations unknown Relying too much on what was not my own Not focused on Balance, And all that cannot be seen A torrent of Random Thoughts raging Clash of Two Armies That I'm Caught In Between The CHURCH of JAVA 12/24/01 1:00 p.m. As you sit on the corner of 6th and Mesa in San Pedro, California, life plays out as it does everyday- In the morning, the Suits (a.k.a. 3 piece suits and a haven filled with every imaginable type of Yuppie present) rule the Coffee Shop. Then, by midmorning, after the suits have their caffeine fix well under control, they mosey on to wherever these mysterious creatures go to conduct their business, leaving the Coffee Shop open for the next assault. Next come the more mellow Old Timers of various nature and the earnest Job Seekers, scouring the Newspaper for any useful tidbit of Employment left behind after the whirlwind of Suits have finished their finicky gourmet habits. Horror scopes are read and decisions are made about whether or not to proceed with the day, especially if Miss Joyce Jillison says not to. Wagers are made in anticipation of whether or not Shaq will play tonight, depending on His most recently acquired Multi-Million dollar injury, "And By God, The Lakers are the World Champs only because of Shaq!" Then as the morning wanes, and the nocturnal element of the City begins the slow journey from the Land of The Dead (Bed/Hangover) to the Land Of The Living, another breed of Cafe Dwellers begins to intermingle with the morning crowd. Thus begins the trickle of the Artists and Business owners into the mix. Business deals are made and Art Shows are scheduled, perpetuating the daily ritual of Increasing and swelling of disturbingly over-enlarged Egos... "So and so just opened a new Gallery on _______ St." "His Insight into the delicate curves of Sculpting the Human form are awe-inspiring, BUT..." "So and so is having another Fund Raiser for....” On and on it goes, each artist trying yet another tactic to try and ONE UP his competitor, even though One is a Sculptor and the other only does Expressionist Pieces? As the day continues its determined crawl forward, we begin to see the Ebb and Flow of Life taking on a more relaxed and open-minded attitude. It makes the Coffee Shop into a more gentler and relaxed beast; "SACRED'S" as the regulars are often heard to affectionately call this Corner of San Pedro. The more relaxed guise of the Coffeehouse begins to be more pronounced at that time of day when Politicians and City Council Members have realized that they have no more Deals and Conflicts Of Interest Committees to occupy their already over-paid, well padded, ELECTED OFFICIAL duties. Which, by some ironic twist of fate, happens to coincide almost exactly with when our NOCTURNAL ELEMENT has finally realized that he somehow survived the previous nights show at some NO NAME Night Club in some UN NAMED city whose name probably wasn't even worth remembering in the first place, Right? And Upon realizing this, he in turn begins to realize two things simultaneously: 1) That once again, he has forgotten his sworn oath to "NEVER drink that much DAMN BACARDI 151 Again in his life" and 2) That his Loyal and Trusted Elected Officials in City Council and Chamber Of Commerce and all other related/inbred Politician type offices have once again decided to not only raise his pitifully over-priced Rent for a run down, dilapidated corner of an old Shipping Warehouse pretending to be a "Spacious Studio Apartments with View Of The Harbor in Lovely San Pedro". (Actually, this use to be a warehouse owned by Star-Kist Tuna, but they abandoned it awfully fast when it was deemed unsafe and slighted for Demolition by None other that "Elected Officials"!) And, To boot, the Elected Official also raised the local taxes to pay for upcoming "Fundraiser and Campaign Financing" gimmicks, which are "For the Greater Benefit of the Community as a Whole! -(Which actually just ends up in the pockets of the Politicians "Organizing" these Community Oriented Events...) Scratching various parts of his Hang-Over Ridden self, the Nocturnal Element scans the "Friendly Reminder From the Management", then automatically files the notice over his shoulder into his homes conveniently placed "IMPORTANT STUFF" filing cabinet, also known in other parts of the world as A) Trash-Can, B) Waste-Basket, and C)(my all time favorite) The Shit Pile! Then by some unseen process, The Nocturnal arrives at a solid decision concluding that he has ONE hell of a hang-over that needs to be remedied, and very soon if he wishes to avoid the whole hassle of killing some innocent asshole who happens to say the wrong thing to him before he has had his first cup of Coffee. So, in this manner, our Nocturnal Element makes his way to the salvation and omniscient Glory of our Divine Spiritual Leader of the Coffee House Culture, the all powerful idol we so humbly worship-CAFFIENE! Ah Yes, the mighty heart of the Cyber-Revolutions whole universe. The Life Blood of Open-Mics across the U.S.A.-Coffee, Espresso, Cappuccino, Latte-it goes under many names, and also other guises such as Jolt Cola, Gingkokaloba, Ginseng, FUCK IT JUST GIVE ME A GOD DAMN IVY, STAT! Anyways, Caffeine in a social setting such as a Coffee Shop, which is particularly well known for the tendency to aid in bringing single people together. Coffee, or pretty much any stimulant for that matter, is and can be very beneficial to two people in an awkward, potentially embarrassing situation, because, as a stimulant, it heightens certain hormone levels which thus allows two Shy people to Relax, thus less intimidated, lowering natural and cultural inhibitions. In other words, it's almost like alcohol when it comes to even Computer Nerds Getting Laid! Cow-Pachino and the Espressioso Mafia! This here is an excerpt from Damien La Rouche's Diary around the time he had a nervous Breakdown on Christmas Eve. The two girls he is referring to, God Rest Their Souls, Committed Suicide off of the cliffs known as Sunken City, in San Pedro, California. After much thought and reflection, it was discovered that the girl, Allison, decided to kill herself because she let her best friend down in a time of need, but not much of that is described here. These are just random scribblings in Damien's Journal. Oh, No, it's here again! Fucking Christ-Fuck-en-Mas. The most offensive of all the Roman-Catholic Holidays! Well, Merry Fuckin' Christmas, K? Nuff Said. OH GOD, Allison and Angie and Criminal Joe, OH MY GOD! Help Me! How could I have been soo (deep breath) stupid. Joe invited them all over. He hung out at the CoffeeHouse and when he heard one of them had run away from home, he casually suggested "his Place", assuring them that it was cool. Why didn't anyone tell me up front the whole story about Criminal Joe, and how he had been arrested before for Sexual Molestation and shit like that? Angie, Julie, and Allison had ALL asked to sleep in my girlfriend’s room and mine on the various occasions they were there. Oh GOD no, I didn't know. I didn't see, please forgive me. Okay, now, Deep Breath and Out with the Old, In with the New. Okay, now I feel much better now... My chi is all whacked. At least now the confusion is unraveling, like me. Hehe I'm gonna try going to sleep like I wanted to till some dumb kid showed up and tried to tell me about Dis Respect. I'm done With Christmas A very interesting kind of day to say the least. All the shit with Wall last night left me ill the rest of last night, and carried over into this morning and most of the day. I'm Done With Games They all wear different masks In this game we play today Each one of a different color Telling of the part each one plays Blue Mask is the Bringer of That Sadness we face each day A remembered kiss, a Broken Heart A fleeting devil to Ruin your day But much more important, listen, Beware! The One mask to avoid above all else, See Is the Sneaky Buggery Done By our Evil Little Friend, jealousy Standing proud, Gleaning Mask Of Green The Saint of Embitterment Planting Weeds of Distrust among friends As He Revels in Resulting Misery I still can't figure out why Wall started making a big deal out of shit last night?!? And I still can't figure out why the shit with Amber and Alicia hit me so hard last night. What brought that on? I just saw Gabe here and he was pretty tore up on Jim Beam. I'm lost in some weird thoughts here, now. I don't really want to talk to anyone kuz of how I'm perceiving people's actions and intentions. I don't want to end up getting more worked up and uneasy than I already am. Remember the story of the Man Who Used to look forward to Christmas only to be let down?... Well here I am, at the end of Christmas Day and I want nothing more to do with it. Good RIDDANCE! The Turmoil and unsurety today has really drained me, but also left me overly alert. I'm very distressed at how severe and sudden the emotion Gambit was gone through by me in the last 24 hours. At moments today, I felt very confused, angry, betrayed, annoyed, dissatisfied and Just Down Right Disgusted with everything, everywhere, everyone. All I can say now is "I'm Done Explaining Everything!" Sick Of Your Shit Sick of your Shit, the Sight of Your skull I'm just about to bury this axe upside your skull! Swingin and choppin while I whistle Dixie Set your ass on fire kuz I like to eat em Crispy Stupid motherfucker, Get the fuck out of my face Before I have to show ya what I'm gonna do to your face Or How I'll make your body's tiny pieces disappear without a trace I might just cut your face off Just to stuff it in your ass Making toasts to your health with gasoline Here's a smoke and a match, Now we'll have a blast Ya nugbones cooked with my T-Bone Marinating someone’s brains can take some time Your screams of pain make this Necro-chef at home Laughing as I soak your mangled body in this boiling pot of lime Intestine stew is sounding nice Gross huh? Well, that's how I feel about some people sometimes and its sad, cuz it's there own fault for being so Ignorant and STOOPID, you know what I mean? Cold Silence January 04, 2002 Cold and Silent, a tear drop heard at night Thoughts twisted and bent, Tired of the useless fight Words, Cold as Steel, Sharp as the Vampire's Bite Shudder and Cry, I feel alone as you cut off your light Confused and Broken, here I lie At your feet, I once worshipped But Now I die... Was there something I did Or said, so wrong Or do I have to anguish over unknowns As you drag me along I'm cold and lost without your smiling heart And you've given me no map to use When you push us apart Neither Guilt, Nor Greed, more uncertain Of You and Me I'd just die and whither before you If I no longer fit your needs I'm so Lost without your Love's undying embrace Or the look of a smile when I gently kiss your face Damien's Journal: Sunday, January 06, 2002 Well, today I'm writing this at my grandmother's house and I'm feeling depressed about Julia, but still trying to be accepting about the whole thing. It's like everywhere I turn I see or hear a reminder of Her and it jolts me back into the depression once again. But at the same time, I'm very optimistic about taking care of business and getting my shit squared away and maybe getting back into Julia's good graces. On the other hand, I don't feel very optimistic about Julia even wanting to even think of taking me back even if I do get all my shit done. Julia has hurled me into the worst Catch-22. And she doesn't even seem to realize that some of the same shit she's bitching at me about is the EXACT shit she's been pulling too! GRRRRR!!!! I Love you Julia, and miss you like hell. Please don't leave me in the cold like this. It HURTS SOOOOO FUCKING MUCH.... It Hurts.. PLEASE!!!!! Movin On Sunday, January 13, 2002 Movin on from this part of town Trying to leave this world behind I think I'm finally calming down Sorting through this wreckage Through all the good and bad we've done But I'm afraid of what I'll find The agony of the words you've said I'm so confused, I'm feeling like I'm dead I'm wondering Should I even bother now Do you still really care? I only want so much to show you How I keep seeing you everywhere I want to hold you in my arms again I want to run my fingers through your hair I want to taste your lips, quivering in passion I want to feel the heat of your body next to mine Every day is anguish without you Every waking moment is hell Hoping for a glimpse of you I stand crying in the rain Hopin you'll listen to me once more When I say my final "I love You" As time went on, Damien ached and longed more and more for Julia to change her mind and take him back once more... For awhile, it seemed that Damien was finally winning Julia back, as they started to hang out with each other more and more again. But the whole time, Julia made it very clear that they were starting over Completely again... Damien would have to RE-WOO her, if there is ever such a thing. He tried and tried to please her and show her that he really DID care for her and would do anything to make her happy. As Valentine's Day fast approached, Damien prepared a surprise gift for her to show his devotion and love to her. But as fate would have it... Cupid would play one of his more Crueler jokes in time on Damien and his love for Julia... That evil little bastard!!! As we'll see in his next few Journal entries, we see how Love Shunned can be one of the most painful and cruelest of Deaths to happen to anyone... When your Heart Dies.... Friday, February 23 2002 Well, I'm not exactly sure of the exact reason why I haven't written much in this journal lately, but I'm sure the content and emotional turmoil associated with this journal had a part to play in it. But also I think the unsurety of events lately and the outcome of some of those events also played a part in me not writing, too. One of those said items happens to do a lot with where I stand in Julia's Life. I have come quite a ways in the last month and a half or so, and have started to look at certain things in life in a whole different way, and also started to pay attention to some of the more necessary things in life, including Love. And it's becoming more apparent that I must really start making myself a better person if I wish to keep the most truly amazingly beautiful woman I have ever loved, and that is my Goddess, Julia! One of these things about me that always seems to get me into trouble is how selfish and self-centered I can be sometimes. And that trait seems to have been one of the most damaging to my relationship with Julia. I can't believe at how far gone into myself I had gotten while living at Julia's Sister's house with Julia. I sooo should have listened to exactly what Julia was trying to tell me about her sister. IF, IF, IF... I hate the word, "IF". But if we hadn't moved in there...Julia and I might still be happy or happier or we could have ended up worse off than we both are now... So you never know. Damn, I hate that! But what happened is what happened and we can't change that. Looking back, I finally realized how much I had taken Julia for granted, assuming she would always be there, no matter what. Well, how wrong I was and how Julia proved it to me in the utmost extreme! At least I'm recognizing all these things hopefully in time enough that I won't lose Julia's heart entirely. I'm hopeful that I can woo Julia back into my arms once again where I will honestly and truly embrace and protect her precious being wholly and entirely for Eternity. I love her that damn much, and it hurts. I have never loved someone as wholly and entirely as I Love Julia. She literally means the world to me and is my whole universe. And I truly believe I would die without her in my life. I Love You Julia! God, it's always hard to get started writing again when things start to go along normal and not so stressful... When there's nothing to bitch about, I don't write much at all. Then there's also the simple fact that it's hard getting an idea from thoughts in my mind onto paper in any original form. Some time’s I think some of the most original, deep thinking stuff up in my head, but when it comes time to put them down on paper, I lost it. That's why I bought this journal was so I could have something to put those thoughts and ideas down. But all the shit that started going down in the end of December soured me on this journal in particular. So, as of now, I'm trying to break through this and get myself and my writing re-focused on what's important and that's me and what I'm thinking. I need to rebalance my Chi. But Before I can do that, I have to think back and organize everything that's happened over the last few months, and that's not all that easy to do. Cuz there's a lot of SHIT. And it's time it's been dealt with. Now the only problem with doing this is thinking through and writing all of this down objectively, not letting my own personal ideas and feelings interfere with my writing. And it's a lot easier said than done... February 26, 2002 Well, this morning I'm going out to the Cat's Eye in Long Beach with Julia to see what kind of magickal stuff we can find out there and see what kind of workshops they have and how much they are. I'm looking forward to just being able to spend time with her today. Yesterday, she called here at 8:30 a.m. to see if I wanted to go, but I couldn't because I was going into the studio to record our crappy little 3 song demo for Wacked. But she did agree to come hang out with me at the studio for a couple of hours though, so that was cool. I gave her the stuff I printed off the net for the Runic Alphabet, which she really appreciated. Then, later on, she came by my work and hung out with me at lunchtime, where she called me "her friend" while she was talking on her cell phone with someone. So she's hanging out with me a lot more, but I'm getting a very confused vibe about what she feels for me and what's she's thinking... And I know right now that I'm really trying to avoid what I'm thinking and feeling inside. But I don't know how to let it go entirely...... MARCH 10, 2002 Well, I felt all giddy this afternoon and I didn't know why. I thought maybe Julia might call me up so we could hang out or something today, but she didn't call... I started getting restless, so I decided I would make my Sunday Night useful by going down to San Pedro to go look for my car. Well, when I got to San Pedro, what I found BROKE ME. Julia was sitting in this Creeps truck, of all the fucking Losers in San Pedro, she picked the worst of them ALL. HE MAKES ME LOOK LIKE AN AMATURE WHEN IT COMES TO DRINKING AND DRAMA!!!! SHIT----This huRTs SO FUCkINg MuCH. JUsT THe Way She Looked AT ME, The WAY HE LooKED AT ME.. LIKE HARDY FUCKING HARR HARR>>> LOOK WHAT I HAVE NOW AND YOU DON"T!!!! THehnnn... I can't FUCKING WRITE ANYMORE..... It HURts Toooo MUCH>.... Too EVENN thINKN about IT>....... FUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!! And thus was the night that Damien La Rouche's Soul Died...

Chapter 4

Chapter IV Anal Retentive, self-righteous, self-absorbed, Arrogant BITCHES! Is it when we become Self-Aware that we Lose All control of our perception of ourselves and our place in the world? "I've got X amount of Bills so I need to make Y amount of dollars, so I need a jobby-job that's not really a job, kuz I got a lil' Wiffey that I don't want to become an Ex-Girlfriend, if you know what I mean, man" It still hurts to think about some of my ex-girlfriends especially the glimpse of the Goddess. I'm out to save the environment so I can be cool like all my friends who are in Green peace...? "Everyone's coming Back", Damien said to his good friend, Lawrence Talbot, "EVERYONE! I'm tellin' you, for some strange reason, I don't know why, but they ALL are coming back, both Good and Bad. Now is the time that we all will be able to touch the Past, Present and Future all at once. All three will be joined at all three points in this Time of Balance we have attained." "You mean almost like Time Travel without ever having to leave the comfort of your Couch?", Lawrence asked. "Yeah", replied Damien, "Kinda almost exactly like that, Lawrence", as Damien chuckled and smiled contentedly at his Life long friend and Brother... "So what do You Fear most?" asked Lawrence. "Not being able to experience all the beautiful things surrounding us every day in the world, my brother" replied Damien with no hesitation. Keeping myself alive in this day and age is not that easy. It takes a lot of patience and teaches you exactly what you can and can't do without. But sometimes if you just sit back and wait patiently, good things happen if you have good Karma. And by Good Karma, I mean that if you are really, truly living good, not taking advantage of people and situations, truly being non-violent, and avoiding violent situations and violent people! Do you know what I mean? Love is a nose, so you better not pick it! Everything I've had is dead so I'll take you with me on a journey through Eternity. To the gates of Insanity, or is it really Sanity Disguised as Reality or is it SUR-Reality? I've often wondered what it truly is. But at the same time, I don't want to know where "IT" comes from because then "IT" would no longer be "IT" any more. If all this keeps up I'm guaranteed to FUCKING SNAP! Even when I try to do everything and anything to move away from people because I want to avoid all the negative energy, they always "follow" blindly like a bunch of Sheep, flocking to me just to impart their negativity unto me, unwantingly... I guess that's just "Life"...or a Lie? I think a lot of us got left behind on this trip... But at least most of all the important people are finally coming back to us; the people who mean the most to us are here now, when it counts the most. At the Here and Now place, we have all gathered together once again. And we have all gathered together because we all have special gifts to share with the world today. Through all our Trials and Tribulations we have returned full circle to get back whatever has been taken from us, whatever we didn't learn from the first time around, we can now learn. Whatever was done wrong the first time, we can now do right by it now. Now that the rains have begun to cleanse us and the Here and now, we can finally begin the actual jobs we have been but here to do because we are now whole again. Here, everyone is waking up from their preternatural sleep only to find that finally, someone has started to uncover the falsities that have governed our lives from birth, a virtual brainwashing by our affinity for television, radio and the Media in general. What I'd like to know is why we are so easily drawn into all this without so much as a murmur, but God forbid if you try to change the channel! Everyone is so stuck in this make-believe world television has made for us, and they don't care to know it's not Real. Have you ever been inside the New Masterpiece? Its called Reality, my friends. It's here and it's Real and it can be yours too if you just wake up and realize what's really happening to you. Government "Conspiracies" aside, Television is one of The Biggest of the offenders when it comes to the whole Brainwashing thing. From Birth, we are taught that everything told to us by the "Man In The Box" is right and true, and not to question it, EVER. And if you do question it, you're banished and shun and thought of as a FREAK! Well, I'm a FUCKING FREAK and I'm Damn Proud of being a Freak, so FUCK YOU! HA-HA! I'm not going to get stuck making constant U-turns in life over and over again like everyone I see, kuz it amounts to going in circles if you make enough U-turns! Trust me, I've done it myself over and over a few times in life before I finally started recognizing the patterns for what they actually are; PATTERNS. History is a pattern... Why repeat it again? Haven't we learned from the past yet? Hasn't anyone figured out that a lot of things we see in life are nothing new, that they are "Re-Runs?" Me personally, I change the channel if it's a re-run that I've seen before. I can't stand redundancies. Sometimes I think I could almost hate them. Kinda like childish, Reindeer Games... I have no Time for them or the people who like to play them. And some of these Reindeer Games are pretty FUCT! It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt. And Nine Times Out Of Ten, Someone gets hurt... Badly! They are all so unaware of what's going on around them; they have absolutely No Fucking Clue, whatsoever. All the little warning signs that go unheeded and unseen in the world, it's really sad kuz everyone misses out on so much because they are oblivious. And there's not much you can do to make them wake up and see. Given time, you can watch the progress of a newly awoken Soul as they evolve through the various stages of Awakening. First comes the recognition of Self..."Oh, wow, this is so fucking awesome, Everything is so Beautiful Here, why haven't I seen this before?" Then, comes the anger at being woken up in the first place..."WHY?" That seems to be the most Fucked up aspect here, being woken from BLISSFUL dreams, Kinda like that movie, "The Matrix". Are you a battery or are you For Real? Good Question... It's the Happy Hour of the Soul. Alcohol brings about answers in unexpected ways if you're paying attention. Are you paying attention now? Ha-Ha.... And if you watch real close, you might even get to see Death Bloom. Another Beginning (or Ending?) It's all a matter of perspective, but it don't matter anyways, so why bother even mentioning it, Write? (right) "You've seen this movie once before, You've seen this movie Through and Through. You've seen your birth, your life, your Death. Do you remember everything in between? Did you have a Good Life when you died? Enough to base a movie on?" to quote Jim Morrison... I'm telling you, that Re-Runs Suck ASS... Straight Up! WORD! I'm not going to stop writing until I'm done. But how will I know I'm done when I'm done? "IT" will let me know in it's own special way. Don't pull my covers until I'm ready to wake up, Please! Highly overrated is our ability to reason. The reason being that without Common Sense, Reason gets Tossed out the window especially when in the hands of these Fucking Amateurs who seem to take up most of the Space on this Planet... I'm not going to play your games if I don't want to. So don’t try and force-feed it to me in the Interim, okay? I'm in no mood for games. I just want to exist and do what I'm here to do for now, so don't derail my Train of Thought. And if you catch me while I'm drunk you just might think I'm an Asshole! KEWL! That's just what I want you to think while I make you play my game without you even realizing I'm making you play! One more soul and then I'll call it quits! So many Souls, so little time. Might as well have fun while you are here, right? How much longer do I have on this Lease on Life? I really do want to know so I know what I have to cram into how long. How long do I have to play this game? Am I the only one playing anymore? And one can only wonder what kind of effect these Hallucinogens have on our lives... What kind of perspective does this lend to our existence? I don't have enough money to get drunk enough to tell you exactly what's wrong with the universe today, so don't bother me with petty Bullshit please. The tourists come from far abound to witness the "Dis-Ease" in action, to see "it" for what "IT" really is. But yet, they too have no clue as to what "IT" really is. And it's amusing to see them searching for "IT" because they don't even know what it even looks like. Do you know what IT looks like? Do you even have an inkling of its approximate size and shape... or color for that matter? We have rubbed ourselves raw by rubbing up against the nearest thing to give us pleasure or immediate relief, if you will. I need some more of that paper stuff called money so I can keep myself drunk and delusional. I need to maintain my anonymity and remain "Oblivious". No, I'm sorry, I'm not listening to the same album as you, so I'm not on the same page as you. I ignore you because I feel it all slipping away from me. Take this all away. I can feel it on my mouth; I can taste you on my fingers still to this day. Give me a fucking menu please. I'd like to see what all there is to choose from. I would like to make an educated choice when it comes time to place my order for life. Everything is not all roses and pretty and perfect... Far From it by a long Shot. If it were, we would not even be here today in the first place. The answer to the question is "I don't know... and that's why I'm here". So I am learning and having fun while I am here to pass the time. Fine with me, Time's Fun when you're having flies... Or is it Time Flies when you're having fun? But I Don't KNOW! To think we are all pathetic... It's pretty much true, but if you look at the ones who shine the most, it makes the rest seem all that much better. So why the Fuck do we put up with it knowing we are wrong at the same time our actions are Right? Two wrongs don't make a Right, but Three wrongs make a Left. Two Wheel demons/ Four Wheels Demons Slip SLide You DIe :-( It's gonna happen anyways, might as well have fun with it ( :-) ) To think we are all perfect knowing we are all dirty and ugly XX~?!=11 of 2001 and compare the Peoples Support on 9/11 of 2002... Not even Half as many "Flags" were hung up in support. Not even HALF! And if anybody did, its because they HAD to because their bosses told them to. That's a sad observation if there ever was one made in the world. Only because they were "made" to. Jeez, It's a sad state of affairs, is it not, when you are "Forced" to be patriotic? If One Day If one day You feel like crying, Call me I don't promise that I'll make you laugh, But I can cry with you If one day You want to run away Don't be afraid to call me I don't promise to ask you to stop But I can run with you If one day You don't want to listen to anyone, Call me I promise to be there for you And I promise to be very quiet But if one day You call and there is no answer Come fast to see me Maybe I need you? If I ever ignored you, I'm sorry If I ever made you feel bad or put you down, I'm sorry If I ever thought I was bigger or better than you, I Love You! Don't ever forget that! Through bad times and good I'll always be here for you I'm sorry for everything wrong I've ever done I'm writing this because, What if Tomorrow Never Comes? What If I never get to say good-bye or give you a big hug? What if I never get to say I'm sorry or I Love You? Because, What if Tomorrow Never Comes? I Love You! A Memory of all that's died A soothing voice for all that have cried In the Garden the truth is found No longer shall our souls be bound To this Joke created by He Who Lied To hide the answers from all who have tried In Vain, We've witnessed the lie from afar A Hamburger and soda left by the Wee people on the waterfront of the Harbor. A CD Walkman felt left alone at a payphone. Its funny how trash and humans interact with each other in this day and age. It's interesting what things people leave behind when they leave places. The cats, raccoons and opossums feed off what’s left behind at the end of the day. I see some of the strangest people walking out of the local bars after last call has come and gone. When we sleep, we're gone...Or are we? Are we really gone or are we truly alive as opposed to dead like we usually think when we go to sleep? Sleep is good... I like sleeping a lot. Can't sleep, Clowns will eat me. Nice Bart reference Little do they know that I'm the clown and I sleep very well, at night, thank you very Much! I have been many places over the many years of my existence, and I've found that in the End, it doesn't really matter and Only one of us walks away...And I guarantee that it will be me that walks away. I can assure you of that. Come Rock and Write with me, we all have a good story or two to tell, so come share your story with me today. A Group One with Troy 7/17/02 What sort of Ivy needs an operation? An Ivy wearing Red Pants? To watch the color of the cat inside each And every one who cares about red and All of its colors in general. But the comfort of nature's touch Gently caresses with teeming minerals Watching the life grow around us Like a big mind inside our brain Or a rolling truck with windows down, Music coming out or ears Or perhaps the windows are simply Rolled down Down and up as if all of the movements Consist only of rising and falling and not Of Colors or gently caresses with...what do you call it again? Calling? Do I get my name to you now? I'm called... Here and Now with the windows rolled Down, so you can clearly hear it. Up and down, where else can I go now! Or did I ever leave, did you really even go Cuz we really never leave here It has always been here But where is Here, Really? You can tell pants are lonely When they don't have any ankles This place wears pants Therefore, we are not gone Because the pants already left Up and Down...As one closes eyes to open them Again to the 'Here' place and every going Feels like it is the last and you call names Wording 'Leaving' into 'Staying'...up and Down-in all directions, in all colors For all of the cats in the world of 'Here' And 'Now' Overburdened Hills gently slough off The springtime’s growth of yesteryear The wind sighs to hear the seas And swaying sounds of to-and-fro Brings back even sounds from long ago Another Sigh of yester-year... As autumn falls upon us and Indian Summer begins, the sun rises above the fog-laden banks of the harbor. Foghorns that bleat incessantly as another new day begins. Is this for Real, or is it just Sur-Real kuz I can hardly keep my eyes open to observe the world going by. Another day to fight the world no more Forever in this insanity of Violence the world has become. In this day and age, we have become abstract. Some people Really just don't get it at all, do they? I mean, how hard is it to figure out that someone doesn't want to talk to anyone at all when he or she has headphones on and staring off into Space? Is it that Fucking Hard? Is common sense that lacking in this world? I guess it is. Try an experiment with this one day. Sit down with a book and put some headphones on one day and see how quickly someone comes up and starts trying to talk to you. It will happen practically in an instant. I can't even relate to over half of the people in this fucking city, much less the world, so how do I communicate this to all these sleeping, lost souls on this FUCT planet? Overprotective, insecure, unknowing fools...Clueless Thoughtless Scheming I say the LAPD is useless, and a waste of taxpayer dollars and our time. They are always hassling people who AREN'T doing anything wrong, while the actual wrongdoers are getting away with everything. It's like they're afraid they are actually going to have to do what they are supposedly getting paid to do. "Oh, Dear, I might actually have to do some work!" I say do away entirely with the LAPD and get rid of those wastes of space, and bring in the National Guard and let them handle all the Gang Bangers and scum that pollute our streets! FUCK THE POLICE! They're all racing and hurtling towards Death and oblivion without a clue as to what they are missing in between. And if they are aware even somewhat, they just don't give a shit. No, I'm not looking at you, I'm looking THROUGH you, and you don't interest me at all... You're just in my way. The crows are gathering on the telephone poles all around the coffee shop. I'm curious to see what's going to happen next. Okay, a hawk tried to kill a pigeon and all the crows ganged up on the hawk to save the pigeon or the hawk I'm not sure yet. But I'll tell you the power here right now is indescribable. It's sheer, Raw power. I have seen crows/ravens take down a hawk before out on Catalina. When do I get to know WHY? Hey Miss Ocifer, Just because you wear a uniform, badge and gun doesn't mean you own the fucking world, you stupid Wench! What makes you so special that you think you can push anyone out of your way while you're on duty? What exactly was it that happened when you were a little girl to give you such a fucked up attitude now? Did someone "touch" you in the "Bad Place" or something or is it just that you don't get laid enough because you work for the fucking Highway Patrol? Jeez, fucking lighten up, you squeeze your sphincter any tighter and it's gonna fucking Burst! Did you know that there is actually a right direction to face a roll of Toilet Paper? And when faced the 'right' direction, it goes faster, too... What is it that makes people want to change their sexual identities? Shit, Government agencies are about as useless as the LAPD nowadays. They are nothing but senseless drones who don't even enjoy existing much less than doing their job right to begin with. If people in their positions would just take the extra couple of seconds to do their jobs right; it would make a whole lot of difference in how the world works. Indifference really fucks things up in general and you can royally ruin your day especially when you are on the receiving end of it. Stop, I can barely understand what you are saying to me, it's way too early to try and take in so much at once. At least let me get my nap in before you start talking! SHAMAN WOODCHUCK No offense, but I'm here for myself right now. I'm here for my coffee and to sit quietly and watch the world wake up while I drink my coffee. I walk where angels fear to Tread. Take of your shoes and free your Sole/Soul. "I'm Triple-A: Ass, Alcohol, and Airplanes". Not much more than that, except maybe some music made in between. "And don't bother me with anything Else". Sometimes the strangest things can be heard sitting here at Anywhere, U.S.A. Very unique viewpoints, strange opinions and outlooks on life. They all change from day to day, hour to hour, person to person. The ebb and flow of life here is very unique like each person that passes through here. Overheard conversations from a whole other parallel universe that may be wholly twisted and perverse in comparison to ours, or are we the twisted and perverse ones really? If we really just take a step back and actually hold the mirror up to ourselves and take a really good look, we might be shocked and amazed. In the entire whole universe has there been anything even remotely as violent as our race? We turn out to be the twisted, pathetic ones in here really. Science sure has taken us far in our understanding of the Universe but a lot of things remain yet to be explained. Hidden doors open in front of us all the time, but we don't always see them... Parables of Delirium if you may, plant a seed from far away. Picture this: A psychotic Boat Captain posing as an Industrial Waste Removal Technician (a.k.a. Septic Tank Emptier Guy) takes over an Acapulco Restaurant after hours with a meat cleaver and a .45 and a Zippo lighter...? (I'll get to the Zippo in a minute...) So, anyways, the psycho Boat Captain is Named Joey or something like that, and he's threatening to cut everyone in the room up and cook them on the chairs from all around the restaurant, piled in the center of the room, bonfire style. (Zippo, please) Now, Why? you may ask, is this man thinking of doing such a thing to his fellow Human beings? What drives someone to a point such as this drastic account? Think really hard on that one... just turn on your TV Psycho Cows on Lithium with nothing better to do than throw marshmallows at the passers by. A supernatural theory of a Sur-Real notion put forth by the concept of the make-believe becoming believable, or made real. Can you conceive of such a thing? Can You HEAR ME NOW? How bout now? Can you handle looking directly at me? Can you really handle looking me in the eye after Reading all of this? Will you still take me so seriously? (Cereally?) I am Me and this is Really You. I'm at your house right now, here, use my phone to give me a call at your house, you invited me into your house. Don't you remember? My pen has died and the story has been told, what more do you want from me? I think I'll go outside and play now! BITE ME...ECT...Only kidding... Small glimpses of the Past haunt me wherever I go in the day. Sometimes it's a glimpse of "HER" sitting contently off in a corner somewhere. Sometimes I see Her drive by in a car or walking by in a group of people. Somebody will mention something that triggers a memory of just how happy we thought we were with each other and how easily we can fool ourselves about Reality. I mean, What is really going on behind those beautiful eyes in that pretty little head of yours? I want to split your head open like a cantaloupe so I can see what's on your mind! Really, I do. Because you keep so much to yourself I'm left to wonder exactly what IS going on. You leave me so confused; I don't know whether I'm coming or going or even somewhere in-between... Somewhere, Lost between Love and Hate... Pull me outta this shit before I suffocate... I'm doing all I can not to tempt fate... While I work so hard not to aggregate... This situation I find ourselves in again... And all the while I'm trying to find a way back in.. To your Hearts door... I'm getting sore... From when you slam the door... In my face again... Why can't it all be just cut and dry, black and white, here or there, not all this gray I see before me (purgatory). When I do find Her, how is it going to be? Am I even going to be able to handle it without losing my kewl? I'm not a machine; I have a soul and a conscious awareness of morality and Feelings too. I'm cursed for Eternity with this gift of being Creative, and I must share this with Everyone everyday or else I will get sick and die, only to wither away in some dark corner of my own soul. It's a fate known only to the Gifted (Special?) people such as myself. Must I truly just remain alone so as not to contaminate any of the innocent souls trying to reach this level of consciousness that is my curse? How do you explain something like that to a prospective mate? Do you not tell them at all and let them discover "You" on their own, or do you just yell, "Surprise! I'm a Fucking Freak of nature who thinks he is a God?" Hmmmmmmm! "You're a mutha-fucking piece of shit and you'll never amount to NOTHING!" Are you For Real? Am I really truly here at all? Where is Here? Why is Now? Sickness, Dis-Ease. Have you been inside the New Masterpiece? Time for your medication Mr. LaRouche. Don't fight it, we're doing this for your own good because you have refused to participate in the group activities of the Obvious. It's too late to save yourself from yourself. Obviously you don't give a damn kuz we are killing ourselves and we don't even seem to notice. Counterfeit people existing in space that isn't even their own. Living on Borrowed time and space in between Here and There. Do you "Follow"? I'm my own and do and go Wherever, Whenever I want to. Go far away and be small. I see you for what you really are and I don't like what I see. I can see through you, don't you remember? You invited me in, okay; so don't get all offended because I'm already there. From time to time, Death stops by my house to play some pool, shoot some darts and drink some Brewskies with me. You should meet Death some time; he's not a bad guy. He's really kewl people. I'm not begging for your fucking change, I'm begging for A fucking change. Can't you see that yet? It's not that hard, Jeez... You can't kill the alien kuz I'm already dead, Fool! I'm already inside you, ripping you apart from the inside out, K? Let me take a bite out of that shit you call a heart kuz you're a FAKE, Counterfeit. Keep giving me your wanna-be justifications for your Reality. Come see the Real Beauty of Life all around us, K? Can you handle that bit of Reality? Come on, I dare you to tell me I'm FINE (Fucked up, Insecure, Neurotic, Emotional) I really dare you. I've lost all focus and have become a failure thanks to you and your fucked up existence. I don't need your sympathy or empathy inside of ME!

Chapter 3

Chapter III A Thought-less Thought: Is a single thought alive? Does it think? Does it breathe? Does it have a soul? Can it be consciously aware of itself and its life as it zips by in a flash? I've always wondered that quite a few times before. If a thought is alive and aware, can it also think and alter itself for some reason or another? (If it is though, I'd rather not know what that thought is really thinking!) The reason I ask? Well, it’s simple enough. It would be nice to know how a thought comes into being. What makes that quiet voice in the back of your head all of the sudden speak up and whisper that phrase which just sits there like lead? But yet it slips down from the sub-conscious into the conscious mind and echoes and bounces through your mind like a sad imitation of a Super Bouncy Ball. Only this one has razor sharp claws and a tongue that fillet all within its reach. I know you all know that voice and the destruction it brings with it... It's that voice that quietly keeps telling you, "Yep, it's true, You know that what (WHO) she's doing like the slut of your nightmarish, ex-girlfriend(s) from Hell!" And all the while, your Frontal lobe and cerebellum and Heart scream out all at once, "You know she's so truly in Love with only You (Selfish?) And if she said 'No, I didn't do that, For Only You my Heart and Love's desires can only be DEVOTED to you, My Soul's One and Only True Love!” You would totally believe her, wouldn’t you? I thought so, too... It's maddening sometimes how thoughts are born into the Nexus of all the Energy of the mind. Speeding currents of the racing lights of passing thoughts and ideas on the highway of decisions justifying or rejecting those dealing with the reactor that makes up the turmoil of my soul. The ones born here only to cast doubt and uncertainty or to just flat out disagree with any pulse of thought that just happens to be within its sphere of influence, just because it CAN. Or how about how sometimes a single thought gets a split personality, or just gets short-circuited by not seeing the oncoming Train Of Thought coming fast down the neural pathway, only to be derailed because of a notion of What is Really Morality? Reality? So now, the thought that was just beginning to take shape is now lying mangled and twisted as to what its original purpose was. Now that thought is left to mutate (mutilate?) dividing itself into many, multiple (redundant?) personality ideas that all claim that they are Never, Never, EVER Fucking WRONG Goddamnit! -I'm Sorry, I'm laughing inside, For Nothing, I'm only Laughing on the Inside. Is it that Rogue Thought that says, "This just isn't working, maybe we to just give it up", and while at the same time justifying why we should just ride it out... "Go with it, Keep At It, Who knows, we might just make it right and make it finally work this time", only to find that we've done kicked this Dead Horse into something reminiscent of some Gory, Stinky type of Goo! Go figure... See Sorcery by T. Pratchett -Biding my time until I'm strong enough to fight back, anyone want to tell me I'm FINE? -Miss Construe left her mark like a handprint upon my Soul -Listen to me Listen "Watching a Lone Crow slowly circle where goodness will be found near at hand..." Separate the Users from the Whores pray for true Separation. IF it were up to me, I'd free Charles Manson. Humanity is posturing in an imitation of Life. Violence abounds in Life and on Television as the media perpetuates the carnage of the world today. Just put a Brick through your TV Kuz we've gone on strike and we're boycotting Television. It's all so senseless and you are useless if you buy into those lies and the violence. To me, you don't exist in my world if you are like that. So don't bother harshing my mellow if you think that violence is a fun game to play. THUD! What the fuck was that? Hey, that was just your False Reality crashing to the floor right in front of your face, Mother Fucker! Just stop with that Bullshit kuz it's making my brain hurt to stoop down to your level just for me to tell you I don't like to play those Reindeer Games anymore. I don't like nor want your negativity near me at all, Dumb-azz. Figure it out, Smart-Azz! To Watch Nothing, Too much Nothing, LIAR! I just want to say Thank You for being so beautiful, okay? That's all I have to Say! Impress me with your STOOPIDITY! Show me your true colors of Nighttime Shades of Darkness. Enabler is encouraging the perpetuation of the Dis-Ease and Stoopidity. Too many people are way too self-absorbed to realize exactly what kind of harm they actually bring to other people in their surrounding area. They speak without thinking, and nine times out of ten; they don't realize how senseless their drivel really is. I'm saying Thank You to all the FUCT (fucked) People for their thoughtless games as they fall through Life unknowingly dragging the innocent with them. They live a hollow existence on this plane, serving no purpose except as placeholders or just Wastes of Space. Is it so wrong to call them what they really, Truly are? Is it any wonder that when asked about the last time they acknowledged something beautiful and thanked it just for being there, that they start stammering like bumbling idiots? They seem to lock up inside like a Monkey Wrench has been thrown right into the middle of the inner workings of their mind. You can probably even see smoke start to rise out of their ears if you look closely enough. Why not let sleeping dogs lie and not wake up hate at all? Just stop the vicious cycle right where it is and use the existing momentum to start something that is peacefully Balanced and Content to exist and Thankful for its existence instead? Let's all get together and just smoke a Bong and promote Goodness, people? "Now I see the times they change, Leaving doesn't seem so strange." But what if all these sleeping souls are destined to never wake up again and we're just wasting our breath trying to explain it to them? Oh well, then they are not ready and leave them to their own devices. Eventually they'll figure it out... Maybe. What better way to teach an impatient person patience, then to make them wait? FOR THE ALL! The Day is here and we are here to stay the day. So kind and precious, don't take for granted, Life. It is short of here. Don't Forget the past for it is here if gone, don't forget... What if all these inner ramblings are just put in our heads by some elaborate scheme of the Governments idea of Mind Control and we truly are just Batteries to feed the New Machine? Well? Either way, let's just have fun while we are here and make it what we want of it. No Sense in wasting anything of what we are given, Right? Right! A Graphical interface with Life. Contoured to the forgotten pain that has been my life, the soul learns from all that has happened and it remembers from one life to the next. Thus is the Soul when you sleep, the soul is asleep and you must re-awaken yourself from within in order for the Soul to Remember. Thus develops the Godhead that is "I". Prophet? Coincidence? I think NOT... I cannot be your Hero anymore, nor do I want to. It's time you separate everything from yourself and learn on your own, because I cannot do it for you! Seratonin Overdose! Way too happy for Your Own Good! Well-being is a joke, or is it Life? Forgotten at its own speed for Your Own Sake. Inner Dialogues can be so amusing at times, kuz that’s when the Sub-Conscious bleeds through to Reality. "I hear Voices in My Head..." "Right-Cheya' Muther Fucker, Back Hand, Knuckle Draggin', Devil Flash, Eyeball Sucka...!" It's nothing more than a communication breakdown in which the Babel must be lessened in able to Decipher Existence. But who am I to say I'm right either, because I am a Nothing in comparison to the whole scheme of things, or am I really something? I'm just a Fucking Pothead that wants to run away. I hate my Dad for Leaving! I hate my mom for not being there! My Mom's a Tweeker; My Dad's a Fucking Psycho! Do you wanna dance? I don't wanna go to school; I'll just get straight F's again. Fade away-Every day's the same, what's the use, getting nothing. Gone, Disappear... Thank you Butterflies, You're the only good things in my life/existence. "Real Love is Meaningless" "True Love is DIVINE! I think that if People truly understood the true meaning of that Term, "Judge Not Lest Ye be Judged Yourself", the world would truly be a better place and a lot less violent. Not to mention, the whole, "Golden Rule" thing. I'm Secure and Content with 'Who, What, Where' I am and who I am with. I look forward to sitting on my front porch with my Special someone... "Her, THE ONE".

Chapter 2

Chapter II Body Shots! No Chaser! The water tower "welcome" sign stands out in stark contrast to the old Warehouse which stands at the entrance to the harbor and its many meandering waterways that seem more like veins and arteries supplying the life blood to this, the heart of this industrial ecosystem. The murky water attests to the unbalance of our existence in this place. The mixed smell of petrol, fish and decay permeates to the edges of the harbor boundaries, as the water sluggishly rolls to and fro as each diesel-driven monstrosity thumps by in the night. No messages in a bottle are ever likely to turn up in any of the successive waves washing upon the artificial rocky "beaches" which make up the edge of the world. But many a dream has been dashed upon these rocks on a daily basis, claiming soul after tattered-and-torn soul in steady consistency, slowly feeding that which makes up the beast that is quietly waiting for the right time before showing its true face. One of these dreams was Damien's, and his was one of Peace, Sense and Stability in his life, and was always the source of a lot of heartache and pain throughout his life. It was a very sore subject in his Reality. When Damien was a small boy, he was constantly being moved around. When his Mother told his Father that she was pregnant with Damien, his Father packed his stuff and vanished into the night to return to his hometown. After that, his Mother always seemed to pick the most pathetic, Lowlife, Psychos to date; The Ones who always drank way too much and were of the physically abusive variety, and thus, set the stage for a very chaotic childhood for young Damien... For every sour relationship his Mother had, it was always invariably followed up with another move to another town and thus Damien would have to start all over again and make more new friends and go to new schools in unfamiliar places. This was uncomfortable enough as it was, except it seemed that Damien was a little bit different than children his own age. At the time, it wasn't really apparent exactly how much different he was, so his Mother sent him to numerous Psychologists to try and find out "Why" Damien was Different. But it was soon found that Damien could outsmart the psychologist’s probing and he was labeled as "self-centered" or "Selfish". Over time, Damien got used to his Mother's vicious cycle, year in and year out, growing accustomed to seeing her brawl with her boyfriends who tried to hit her. Then the Change came about which changed everything. When Damien's little sister was born, "The Game" began for Damien in such a traumatic way. Jessie was both beautiful, and truly pure, but her father was different than Damien's, but also worse. Because of her father, Damien's world began to tumble down fast. He brought guns, drugs and cops into the whole conflict already beginning to brew within Damien. He had spent the first ten years of his life learning to detach himself from his surroundings and to not become too attached to anything or anyone. He had become "too comfortable" being the only child. And now, here was his little sister, with a drug-addict for a father and an alcoholic for a mother, and it was up to Damien, eleven years old at the time, to take care of both her and him now. "Did you see that?" Lawrence said to me. "See what?" I asked. "That!" he said as he pointed in the direction of the theatre up the street from the coffee shop we were sitting in front of. A rather large group of crows had assembled and perched themselves atop the old theatre and were being overly vociferous, loud laughing at our pathetic existence. One particularly obnoxiously loud crow sat atop the conga drum tower behind our apartments. "They scare off the vultures, my brother," I said to Lawrence, "For they are all my brothers and sisters." "Whoa, that's pretty deep, Damien" "Ah, nothing but sheer witticism at its finest, dear Lawrence," I said to him... It's like going from point A to point B without losing Sight of where you are going... The crows are the guardians and the bearers of the soul. They are the Guides, Torchbearers, Sentries, but also they are Clowns like I, Damien, am known to be... Smell the air around you; take in all you see, hear, feel smell, like a tall glass of cool water, but be sure to filter out all of the negativity that comes with it. Those you associate with tell a lot about you and your soul. You can see the soul behind the eyes, which truly are the windows to the soul. Were your Mom and Dad windows, or were they Walls? Well, That's funny kuz I can see right through you anyway. Trying to act like something really matters to you, an open book with wide-open spaces. A parasite on the backside of Society's guiltless Dis-Ease. A psychic Vampyre, a leech sucking and sponging off the blood, sweat and tears of everyone else because you are too lazy to do for yourself. Or maybe you just don't care nor are too STOOPID to even learn how to do it yourself. The stench of decaying knowledge seems to fill the streets as one of many lost souls wanders bye and by you and fills your head with a moment of the Dis-Ease's seratonin overdoses. Observations of the unknowing are lost amongst the cacophony of useless thoughts and attitudes presented by the useless and space takers of the world. One of the most revolting. I'm better in MYSELF! "It's a shame you left, before it was all done To see it all come to a head, Finally to burst open at dawn..." I come from the All, the Center of Eternity. I keep my eyes on the stars and the Crows, because they give me guidance and advice when all others have failed and abandoned me. They are of the few whom have not turned their back on me in this Society of Lost Souls. The inner dialogues of Damien had started to grow really deep and philosophical around the time his little sister had been born and all the drama in his life began. One time, the police had been called to his house because of Jessie's father and his drug use, and quite a few cop cars had shown up along with a ghetto bird (helicopter). Unbeknownst to Damien, the house had been surrounded by the police and they all had their guns drawn and they were very ready to use them. Damien had run out of the house because of all the commotion outside. As he ran out the back door, he was not sure what to expect, but he was not prepared at all for what waited outside the gate to his back yard. All of the officers outside his house had their guns drawn, and Damien practically ran face first into an officers 9mm hand gun, which startled the unexpectant officer for a moment, realizing at almost the last second, that he had almost shot an innocent child by mistake. Damien’s life continued on like this for the next couple of years. There were frequent appearances by the Police, Attorneys, Judges and Children's Services from time to time to "Check" on him and his little sisters well being. This all was basically Jessie's father's attempt to attack Damien's mother's ability to raise Jessie. At the time, Damien's mothers drinking had started becoming a real problem and the focus of Jessie's Father's seemingly endless attacks of lies and deceit. At one point, Even Damien had been accused of molesting Jessie, which was totally untrue. He would never have contemplated such a thing, much less let anything happen at all to Jessie. He loved her way too much. Then came the time when Damien and his friends discovered "Mary Jane" and drinking himself into a stupor... just like Mom! At the same time, his mother's drinking got worse, drinking every night, leaving Damien and Jessie in the car behind the bar, or just leaving them at the park down the street alone, while she got drunk and partied with her friends. Then the fighting started between Damien and his mother. Especially when it came to her driving them home while she was totally annihilated. One day in particular, she had given Damien a ride to his friends house while she was drunk, and as Damien was waving good-bye, her car was broad-sided as she was making a left turn... Her life had flashed before Damien's eyes... "How does it feel to be the New Abortion? Having your soul taken by the Crows before you even realize it's yours, much less that You are even You. You can’t take my soul away, FUCK YOU!"

Confusion Is the Consensus By Troy J. Minks This Is a Book about... LIFE! Part I Chapter I Liquid Cookie Dough-Liqui-Dough... "Conspiracy Theories are nothing more than the muddled ramblings of those who 'think' they know what they are talking about, but only know part of what 'It' really is..." Damien LaRouche sits alone on a street corner outside of a local coffeehouse in his hometown, watching all the utterly lost souls going about their business. Unknowingly, they provide an ongoing Comedy/Tragedy type entertainment for this lone watcher, brethren to the Crows, which have important messages for all of us, The Human Race... They wait like Vultures, circling the street corner, picking at us slowly, picking the carcass clean of the latest gossip to fuel that Dis-Ease within them to feel superior to those around them. Such Dis-Ease plagues many on one such street corner in this place, Anywhere, U.S.A. And the sad part of all of this is the simple fact that they don't even know they are afflicted with The Dis-Ease... Dirty Laundry? Yes, Definitely kick them all around. The gleam in the eyes of those afflicted when offered "Fresh Meat" is so ghoulish and so conniving, the Junky waiting in anticipation of his next fix... Feeding upon all the negativity, until there is no more, like a Vampyre. And when it is gone, they can only think of their "Next Fix", the next victim. And if there are none to be found near at hand, they will create their own negative universe, or "Clique," if you will, and populate their world with more Clones to feed upon to fulfill the needs of their Dis-Ease, and continue the vicious cycle eternally. Moreover, the carcasses of those left behind are left to walk the Earth with their Brand New Fashionable Dis-Ease to spread and inflict upon others they meet in their day-to-day passing. Then, at the end of the day, they all gather on that street corner to compare notes on how much better they made themselves feel at someone else's expense and how miniscule they made someone else feel today. Yes, just another day here in Anywhere, U.S.A., how fucking Grand it is to be an "American in the New Millennium". At one point or another, the Coffins on Wheels pass by and bye, demonstrating their abilities, or lack thereof, flaunting their true colors unknowingly like untrained Peacocks, spreading their tails, feathers and all. To wit, its Peacocks on Parade, or more of a Grim Fandango like display, complete with stark, Skeletal-like mannequins posed in ghastly postures in comedic imitation of what is "supposed" to be Life... Life? Don't talk to me about Life. Drama is all we deal in here at this pawnshop of Life's Dreams. Drama is what makes this sickly world go round. We serve Cheese with our Whines here, and nothing else, so don't come to Anywhere, U.S.A. trying to discuss Politics, or your watered-down Notions on what Life is SUPPOSED to be or even your Concepts of What Life Is. It will get you nothing but a knuckle Sandwich served with a glass of Ice-Cold Chip-On-The-Shoulder ignorance. Ignorance is Bliss, kuz if it doesn't fit in with Someone's Pre-Conceived Fundamental Notions of How The World Works, then it just don't fit and they will do everything in their power to ignore it, and will Fight to the Death arguing against "Something New". Interesting thing, this drug Bliss. What is it that hooks the Junky on his first taste of Bliss? What is it that catches a Cynics eye and makes him ask, "Why?" Why, indeed. Or even, "How, When or Where?" Why not just say "THANK YOU." Parodies of Un-Realities according to Hoyle, whom I think is a few cards short of a full deck, if you ask me. We who live with The Dis-Ease understand things a little differently than most, sometimes even in an almost Alien sort of way that does not make much sense to those who follow by the "Book". Well, guess what? I'm tired of following someone else's rules, written by someone too chicken-shit to face up to the fact that Life sucks and it's definitely a Bitch. So I'm writing my own Book of Rules-There are NONE! Except, Just Say THANK YOU! We are all redundant patterns both known and unknown, acknowledged and Un-Acknowledged. It's a willful representation of all and nothing presented in it's pure, unadulterated state, which makes no sense at all, but makes completely perfect sense to those of Us who know exactly what "It" is for what it is. We are made up of patterns called DNA which govern and dictate How we are made, What we are made of, When we are to be made, and also hold the key to the most asked question in the universe today, WHY? We are here and how and why we are to look, act, and perceive the fundamental elements, which surround us... and thus, more patterns within patterns. The Law of the Universe... Are you Worthy of such a gift of Knowledge? I know I am what I am, but at least I know what it's like to eat Green Eggs and Ham. But now, I, Damien, am sitting here in a bar with a beer near at hand to help wash away that nasty, bitter taste left behind by the Toxicity of all the angst and negativity that surrounds us all. In Front of me sits one of those latest novels by one of my favorite authors and a cut-out from the local paper that supposedly has the answer for "What Love Is", lying obscenely about how "Love Is... When you hear a special kind of ringing..." Well, the only kind of special ringing I'm hearing is when I keep getting slapped around by supposed "Peers" who are really nothing more than Fig-Newtons of my Imagination, and so far, they seem to be showing no inclination, whatsoever of disappearing or going away anytime in the near future... Ah, Demon Alcohol, that wonderful nectar of the Goddess... It can let you make-believe whatever you want to believe. It lets you think that everyone around you is really your friend, and that they actually give a rat’s ass about what you have to say. And all is Peace and Simplicity, and that your Thoughts and Ideas actually pertain to the "Here And Now" place and notions you, yourself have Pre-conceived. BLARGH! Now that's a word for all the petty things that these peon, Me-First-I'll-Beat-You-To-The-Stop-Sign-Even-If-It-Kills-Me fuckers need to understand. No matter how much they rush to wherever it is that they're in such a hurry to get to, I'll still get there at the same time...And the sad part about that is that I'm the one walking...The Walker... I'm just walking on and on, forever strolling. Chew on that Phat-Azz tid-bit for a while, you damn Cynical Bastards. Sometimes you need to stop and smell the damn roses, kuz otherwise, Life will pass you by and you'll be left all alone playing your own stoopid Reindeer Games all by your lonesome self. Sad thought, Ain't it? But such grand wisdom as this doesn't come for free, and sometimes it really fucking hurts to have the gift such as I, Damien LaRouche, have been cursed with, cursed to forever bring people together, only to later become just the Whipping Boy, if not entirely excluded in the End!? What is the End, but a New Beginning? New Beginnings come in many different shapes, colors, sizes, etc. AD INFINITUM... Which One's yours?

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