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O'Donnell 9/11 Rant Reaches 30 Million Viewers Promises to feature physics professor on The View to discuss WTC collapse Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet Thursday, March 29, 2007 Rosie O'Donnell is certainly not backing away from her public stance about 9/11, and this morning on The View went on a 9 minute rant about the many questions surrounding the attack, reaching around 30 million viewers in the process. This is the largest single exposure 9/11 truth has enjoyed to date and it represents a watershed moment in the quest to bring the truth to the masses. Rosie O'Donnell is certainly not backing away from her public stance about 9/11, and this morning on The View went on a rant about the many questions surrounding the collapse of Building 7, reaching around 30 million viewers in the process. This is the largest single exposure 9/11 truth has enjoyed to date and it represents a watershed moment in the quest to bring the truth to the masses.

O'Donnell and her co-panelists debate the situation concerning Iran's seizure of the British marines before O'Donnell states, "Historically, have governments ever faked incidents or incited incidents in order to get them into wars?" The discussion then moves on to the level of trust one can place in the Bush administration before O'Donnell asks, "What do you have to do to get an impeachment in this country?" The debate moves on to the "propaganda of the war on terror," with O'Donnell stating, "In America we are fed propaganda and if you want to know what's happening in the world go outside of the U.S. media because it's owned by four corporations, one of them is this one (ABC)." "Go outside of the country to find out what's going on in our own country because it's frightening." "I think Democracy is threatened in a way it hasn't been in 200 years and if America doesn't stand up we're in big trouble," says O'Donnell. Neo-Con panelist Elizabeth Hasselbeck tries to make an argument that thinking Iraq was involved in 9/11 was justifiable at the time, before asking O'Donnell if she believed the U.S. government had anything to do with 9/11. "No, but I do believe it's the first time in history that fire has melted steel - I do believe that it defies physics for the World Trade Center Building 7, which collapsed in on itself, it is impossible for a building to fall the way it fell without explosives being involved - World Trade Center 7." "One and two got hit by planes, 7 miraculously the first time in history, steel was melted by fire - it is physically impossible," states O'Donnell. "I don't know but to say we don't know and it was imploded in a demolition is beyond ignorant, look at the films get a physics expert here from Yale, from Harvard, pick the school, it defies reason." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Internet leader in activist media - Prison Planet.tv. Thousands of special reports, videos, MP3's, interviews, conferences, speeches, events, documentary films, books and more - all for just 15 cents a day! Click here to subscribe! Find out the true story behind government sponsored terror, 7/7, Gladio and 9/11, get Terror Storm! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In a video blog posted on her website yesterday, O'Donnell promised to feature physics professors on The View to discuss the highly suspicious collapse of the WTC towers. "The thing about World Trade Center 7 is that it was totally left out of the 9/11 Commission - that's weird," said O'Donnell.

O'Donnell 9/11 Rant Reaches 30 Million Viewers Promises to feature physics professor on The View to discuss WTC collapse Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet Thursday, March 29, 2007 Rosie O'Donnell is certainly not backing away from her public stance about 9/11, and this morning on The View went on a 9 minute rant about the many questions surrounding the attack, reaching around 30 million viewers in the process. This is the largest single exposure 9/11 truth has enjoyed to date and it represents a watershed moment in the quest to bring the truth to the masses. Rosie O'Donnell is certainly not backing away from her public stance about 9/11, and this morning on The View went on a rant about the many questions surrounding the collapse of Building 7, reaching around 30 million viewers in the process. This is the largest single exposure 9/11 truth has enjoyed to date and it represents a watershed moment in the quest to bring the truth to the masses. O'Donnell and her co-panelists debate the situation concerning Iran's seizure of the British marines before O'Donnell states, "Historically, have governments ever faked incidents or incited incidents in order to get them into wars?" The discussion then moves on to the level of trust one can place in the Bush administration before O'Donnell asks, "What do you have to do to get an impeachment in this country?" The debate moves on to the "propaganda of the war on terror," with O'Donnell stating, "In America we are fed propaganda and if you want to know what's happening in the world go outside of the U.S. media because it's owned by four corporations, one of them is this one (ABC)." "Go outside of the country to find out what's going on in our own country because it's frightening." "I think Democracy is threatened in a way it hasn't been in 200 years and if America doesn't stand up we're in big trouble," says O'Donnell. Neo-Con panelist Elizabeth Hasselbeck tries to make an argument that thinking Iraq was involved in 9/11 was justifiable at the time, before asking O'Donnell if she believed the U.S. government had anything to do with 9/11. "No, but I do believe it's the first time in history that fire has melted steel - I do believe that it defies physics for the World Trade Center Building 7, which collapsed in on itself, it is impossible for a building to fall the way it fell without explosives being involved - World Trade Center 7." "One and two got hit by planes, 7 miraculously the first time in history, steel was melted by fire - it is physically impossible," states O'Donnell. "I don't know but to say we don't know and it was imploded in a demolition is beyond ignorant, look at the films get a physics expert here from Yale, from Harvard, pick the school, it defies reason." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Internet leader in activist media - Prison Planet.tv. Thousands of special reports, videos, MP3's, interviews, conferences, speeches, events, documentary films, books and more - all for just 15 cents a day! Click here to subscribe! Find out the true story behind government sponsored terror, 7/7, Gladio and 9/11, get Terror Storm! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In a video blog posted on her website yesterday, O'Donnell promised to feature physics professors on The View to discuss the highly suspicious collapse of the WTC towers. "The thing about World Trade Center 7 is that it was totally left out of the 9/11 Commission - that's weird," said O'Donnell. "It's only the third time in history that fire has brought down a steel building, the other two times it happened was on the same day, World Trade Center One and World Trade Center Two - they both crumbled into dust and it was steel - very odd." "I wanna have some physics professors on the show to explain if that is actually possible, that World Trade Center 7 could have imploded the way it did without being a controlled demolition - and if it was a controlled demolition why didn't they just tell people that in the 9/11 Commission Report?" Come back soon to watch the video clip from this morning's The View.

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Laws of Attraction

Ok…I was thinking about what makes the community have so much drama or even so much illness. Well I think I have found the key to prevent the issue and this is up to the individual to listen and learn…Now, I can talk till I am blue in the face, but that isn't going to make the difference of a change. The change must come from each and every person. We are the only ones that can make our future or change it. For example, you have a leader in the community that always seems to have drama fallow him or her and that person may not do anything to cause the actual drama, but it was who he or she hung out with "Inner Circle" Or two the person just seemed to attract it, kind of like a forum of feeding. What do we call it…? "The Law of Attraction" What is the law of attraction? Simply put, the law of attraction states that "Like attracts like." What this universal law tells you about your own life is that the thoughts you think, feelings you feel, words you say, and actions you take all consist of energy that attracts to it more of its own kind. That is, negative energies attract negative energies, and positive energies attract positive energies. Example: I use to think all the time about why I would have so much drama in my life or why I was always not feeling well or why it seemed like others would just use me and then throw me under a bus… Well, guess what. I attracted all of that negativity onto my self. I would help someone out of a bad situation. Like bringing in someone that was homeless or someone that was Chaotic. I would think, "Are they going to use me like everyone else has? Or I wonder if this person is a drama monger, and guess what…They ended up being just what I gave power too…I attracted it and it came right to my front door. Then when I was sick…I use to say, well I am sick because I have not feed well or I am not feeding properly. Well guess what guys, it happen. I attracted it. Us being Vampires we attract many things with in our lives…If we want something we can normally get it by attraction. Yet most of us cannot control how we think, feel and behave no matter how hard we try. The critical step that most people skip is letting go of the old patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving in order to make room for something new. There is a simple and effective way to take charge of the law of attraction and easily let go of the old and hold in mind what you want and attract it to you. Letting go of the old Because of the habits that we have gotten our selves into thinking, feeling and behaving, you may often feel like you are trying to move forward with a rubber band around your waist. So the closer you get to attracting what you want into your life, the pull of your old thinking is so strong, you seem to snap back into your old patterns. Let's use this as an example, some of you may wake up in the morning and you stub your foot or rip your panties holes or drop egg yoke on your silky white shit. Obviously your mind is saying, great…what next… Well, you get just what you wish for…What's next? The Universe raises an eye brow and with a smile it says…YOUR WISH IS MY COMAND. You just earned your self a day in traffic with all of the beautiful red lights to fallow. WOW….I bet that sounds familiar to a lot of you. How does this one sound… He may not life me because I am to fat and no guys like fat chicks… Well chicka…Guess what…..you just earned your self a no relationship… because trust me, men read that shit right the hell of ya.LOL Did you know that 94-96% of your actions are motivated by the thoughts and feelings that are outside of your conscious awareness and control. When you let go of your conscious feelings using The Sedona Method, you empty your subconscious and you take back your control. What is a Sedona Method? The Sedona Method is a simple, powerful, easy-to-learn technique that shows you how to access your natural ability to let go of any unwanted feeling or thought right in the moment. It has been practiced by hundreds of thousands of people worldwide since 1974. The key is to unlocking your unlimited potential to have, be or do whatever you desire to attract into your life. So, how do you use the law of attraction in your life to produce the results you want? Letting go of your thoughts and feelings actually dissolves the negative emotional charge and allows you to easily feel the natural feelings of joy, peace, happiness, wealth, and love that are your true nature. You can let go of anything negative and uncover the positive that is natural in each and every one of us at our core. This will quickly and dramatically shift your sum total thinking and feeling about your goals and dreams and allow you to put the law of attraction into full effect in your life. I am telling you guys, this works. I would go to work and I would want a client and to many it was hard to get their business, but when I laid my hand on the building that the account was in and I said to myself. "This is my account" Low and behold…It became my account…. I am telling you Vampires. Otherkin and Witches est.…You are what you want to be…I know of this, because I have tried it. It works. Look it this way. Witches that study the craft would say, "As above so below… I wonder who uses that? A lot of us…We know that what we speak out of our mouths will come to past…Well guess what…YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE for it to work. Just as if you said you have a curse on your self. Well then, YES you do…You gave it power…YOU attracted it to you. So, remember guys…being an Vampire is not here to be used as a crutch or a forum of excuse to what we need to survive…We all will survive and we all will walk in prosperity and health…If you believe it, it will happen… Some of you know I have been sick, but I am not sick…I am healed and I will keep thinking that way. I know the physical may show something else, but I will not give power to it. I have healed faster then I have ever. Everything is energy in our lives, and that means the energy we put into our thoughts. Now, that I have come to the end of this speech. I would like to suggest a wonderful book or DVD…IT is called the secret…If you want to move past your fears, sickness, poverty and energies that you don't want to attract anymore…You can learn it by buying "The Secret" It has helped me and my examples are my own…..This teaching is based off of what I have studied and what I believe…You can take it or leave it…but I tell you…It does work and I am going to make sure it does…I will also have my elders and members learn this knowledge so they all can be as successful as I am. Thanks Countess Nessa
Americans To Be Tortured For Refusing To Show ID? Student shocked, tortured for defending constitutional rights Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet Thursday, November 16, 2006 A horror video that wouldn't look out of place in Maoist China or Nazi Germany shows a student being repeatedly shot with a stun gun by UCLA police for the crime of not showing his ID. As similar cases begin to pile up how long will it be before Americans are routinely tortured for noncompliance and refusing to have their 4th amendment violated? "A cell phone captured video of a 23-year-old student being administered multiple Taser shocks by UCLA police on Tuesday. The UCLA student was hit with the Taser shocks multiple times while he was in the Powell Library Computer Lab. According to the paper, (Mostafa) Tabatabainejad did not show ID to community service officers who were conducting a random check," reports NBC. Watch the video above and witness as the cops bark at Tabatabainejad to get to his feet as simultaneously shock him over and over until he begins crying and screaming for them to stop. Police are given extensive training on the use of stun guns and in most cases that training involves taking a taser shot and feeling the effects. Depending on each individual's physiology, it takes at least a minute to be able to even stand after a single Taser shot. Over a hundred deaths have occurred in America as a result of taser shocks and Taser's own manual discourages repeated shocks, yet the history of their use tells us that police simply administer repeated shocks until "compliance is gained." This is a euphemism for torture. The video and the eyewitness reports describe multiple taser shots as Tabatabainejad begs and pleads while at one point screaming, "Here's your Patriot Act, here's your f---ing abuse of power." The officers repeatedly order Tabatabainejad to stand even as they administer further shocks - sending 50,000 volts of current that override the nervous system and temporarily paralyze muscles shooting through his system again and again. He can't stand and the cops know it, they just get off on the maniacal ego power trip of torture and this is why Tabatabainejad is hit again and again despite his screaming and the protests of the onlookers. Similar cases abound in the so-called land of the free, including the video above in which a housewife, Abbey Newman, is assaulted and arrested for simply refusing to tell the gestapo her name at an unconstitutional checkpoint. Another case in which an Alex Jones listener, Ferrell Montgomery, was tasered and had a dog set on him again underscores the brutal and sadistic nature of the police. Like Tabatabainejad, Montgomery was repeatedly told to put his hands behind his head and stand up while he was electric shocked and a dog savaged him for not complying. In November 2005, Deborah Davis was reading a book on a Denver bus when a guard of a nearby federal building got on board and demanded everyone show their ID. Davis refused, leading the guard to "call on federal cops, who then dragged Davis off a public bus, handcuffed her, shoved her into the back seat of a police car and drove off to a police station within the Federal Center." How long before Americans are tortured with taser weapons on the streets for refusing to show identification on a routine basis? How long before we are forced to wear shock collars like some bizarre science fiction movie, where our masters can discipline us on a whim for not obeying orders? It may be a lot sooner than we think. Every indication suggests that there are moves afoot to implement these measures on every major street corner and transport system. A year ago we were told that Federal air marshals were to expand their work beyond airplanes, launching counter-terror surveillance at train stations and other mass transit facilities. So called "Visible Intermodal Protection and Response" teams — or VIPER teams, may soon be permanently deployed to check ID's under the banner of counter-terrorism. We need to set a precedent now whereby police who use taser stun guns and any other kind of unreasonable force as implements of torture, simply if an individual refuses to have their 4th amendment right illegally violated, are instantly fired, sued and can never work in any sector of government, policing or security again. Watch this space for further updates on the Tabatabainejad case. ACTION: Call UCLA and demand an investigation into this incident. BE POLITE. 310-825-4321

Bloggers Who Criticize Government May Face Prison Bill would allow rounding up and imprisoning of non-registered political writers Steve Watson Infowars.net Thursday, January 18, 2007 You'd be forgiven for thinking that it was some new restriction on free speech in Communist China. But it isn't. The U.S. Government wants to force bloggers and online grassroots activists to register and regularly report their activities to Congress in the latest astounding attack on the internet and the First Amendment. Richard A. Viguerie, Chairman of GrassrootsFreedom.com, a website dedicated to fighting efforts to silence grassroots movements, states: "Section 220 of S. 1, the lobbying reform bill currently before the Senate, would require grassroots causes, even bloggers, who communicate to 500 or more members of the public on policy matters, to register and report quarterly to Congress the same as the big K Street lobbyists. Section 220 would amend existing lobbying reporting law by creating the most expansive intrusion on First Amendment rights ever. For the first time in history, critics of Congress will need to register and report with Congress itself." In other words Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats may redefine the meaning of lobbying in order that political communications to and even between citizens falls under the same legislation. Under current law any 'lobbyist" who 'knowingly and willingly fails to file or report." quarterly to the government faces criminal charges including a possible jail term of up to one year. The amendment is currently on hold. This latest attack on bloggers comes hot on the heels of Republican Senator John McCain's proposal to introduce legislation that would fine blogs up to $300,000 for offensive statements, photos and videos posted by visitors on comment boards. McCain's proposal is presented under the banner of saving children from sexual predators and encourages informants to shop website owners to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, who then pass the information on to the relevant police authorities.
Despite a total lack of any evidence that children are being victimized en mass by bloggers or people who leave comments on blog sites, it seems likely that the proposal will become legislation in some form. It is well known that McCain has a distaste for his blogosphere critics, causing a definite conflict of interest where any proposal to restrict blogs on his part is concerned. In recent months, a chorus of propaganda intended to demonize the Internet and further lead it down a path of strict control has spewed forth from numerous establishment organs: During an appearance with his wife Barbara on Fox News last November, George Bush senior slammed Internet bloggers for creating an "adversarial and ugly climate." - The White House's own recently de-classified strategy for "winning the war on terror" targets Internet conspiracy theories as a recruiting ground for terrorists and threatens to "diminish" their influence. - The Pentagon recently announced its effort to infiltrate the Internet and propagandize for the war on terror. - In a speech last month, Homeland Security director Michael Chertoff identified the web as a "terror training camp," through which "disaffected people living in the United States" are developing "radical ideologies and potentially violent skills." Chertoff pledged to dispatch Homeland Security agents to local police departments in order to aid in the apprehension of domestic terrorists who use the Internet as a political tool. - A landmark legal case on behalf of the Recording Industry Association of America and other global trade organizations seeks to criminalize all Internet file sharing of any kind as copyright infringement, effectively shutting down the world wide web - and their argument is supported by the U.S. government. - A landmark legal ruling in Sydney goes further than ever before in setting the trap door for the destruction of the Internet as we know it and the end of alternative news websites and blogs by creating the precedent that simply linking to other websites is breach of copyright and piracy. - The European Union, led by former Stalinist and potential future British Prime Minister John Reid, has also vowed to shut down "terrorists" who use the Internet to spread propaganda. - The EU also recently proposed legislation that would prevent users from uploading any form of video without a license. - We have also previously exposed how moves are afoot to clamp down on internet neutrality and even to designate a highly restricted new form of the internet known as Internet 2. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Want to start your own blog or website, get the word out and support Alex Jones? Infowars.net offers high-quality webhosting services at very competitive prices, and most importantly, with infowars.net, privacy is paramount! We don't sell the names of our customers to marketing firms or the government. Click here for more info. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Make no mistake, the internet, one of the greatest outposts of free speech ever created is under constant attack by powerful people who cannot operate within a society where information flows freely and unhindered. All these moves mimic stories we hear every week out of State Controlled Communist China, where the internet is strictly regulated and virtually exists as its own entity away from the rest of the web. The phrases "Chinese government" and "Mao Zedong" have even been censored on China's official Web sites because they are "Sensitive phrases". Are we to allow our supposedly Democratic governments to implement the same type of restrictive policies here? Under section 220 of the lobbying reform bill, Infowars.net could be required to seek a license in order to bring this information to you. IF we were granted a license we would then have to report our activities to the government four times per year in order to bring you this information. Does that sound more like free speech or more like totalitarianism? *********** Take action: As well as calling the Senate you should go to GrassrootsFreedom.com which has a petition that you can sign against Section 220 of S. 1, the lobbying reform bill. Paul Joseph Watson contributed to this report.

Automatic Scanning Of Every License Plate For Crime and Terrorism Prison Planet Tuesday, January 16, 2007 FROM A READER.... Once again a predatory police state society is being created. Police policing everyone now? Searching Everyone will be the norm. What's the purpose for this? Mega income generation from catching everyone who has expired tags and or plates?? Of course they will be highlighting the car involved in the robbery, etc to get the public to support there own enslavement. As the officer said in the short video: "ALPR is going to revolutionize the way we police in North America." Notice he didn't say United States, but North America - yes my friends the North American Union where the Constitution will be shredded for a Treaty which is illegal and the American people don't have a clue. Is this what will become of the "Land of the Free, Home of the Brave?" And while this is being developed so is the use of: 1. Camera surveillance everywhere 2. RFID Tracker chips in cars 3. RFID tracking chips in things you buy at the store 4. Biometric ID cards which will become law in every state come 2008 which will contain all your biometric data, financial info including your credit and banking, your medical data, criminal record if any, education, and travel behaviors - if you do not have this card you will not be able to drive or travel and eventually will not be able to buy or sell or work 5. Ground penetrating radar that can see through walls for law enforcement 6. Wiretapping all phones including cell technology using extensive keyword software 7. Bio and body scans at all airports, train stations, malls, etc 8. Eventual implantable micro-chips for tracking all people, buying patterns and travel patterns. This is a cage, a prison being erected around us and sold as security. It is a huge Lie! Of course there will be those feeble minded zombies who have bought into the propaganda that "this is all good and you shouldn't have a problem as long as you have nothing to hide!" This is blasphemy to our nation's founding principles and the honor of our founders who fought tyranny and control. We are throwing it all away in a little over 200 years since our independence was fought for by far braver men then we have today. All of this technology will be used for control and tyranny as it always has. It is sickening and it is totally unconscionable, yet it is being erected all around us. The American people are cheering it on and those that work in these industries are selling out their neighbors and country to this predatory police state. What will we do? Fight its implementation or roll over and be enslaved by the state?
US 'licence to snoop' on British air travellers By David Millward, Transport Correspondent Last Updated: 1:35am GMT 01/01/2007
Air passengers face having credit card transactions and email messages inspected by the American authorities Britons flying to America could have their credit card and email accounts inspected by the United States authorities following a deal struck by Brussels and Washington. By using a credit card to book a flight, passengers face having other transactions on the card inspected by the American authorities. Providing an email address to an airline could also lead to scrutiny of other messages sent or received on that account. The extent of the demands were disclosed in "undertakings" given by the US Department of Homeland Security to the European Union and published by the Department for Transport after a Freedom of Information request. About four million Britons travel to America each year and the released document shows that the US has demanded access to far more data than previously realised. advertisement Not only will such material be available when combating terrorism but the Americans have asserted the right to the same information when dealing with other serious crimes. Shami Chakrabarti, the director of the human rights group Liberty, expressed horror at the extent of the information made available. "It is a complete handover of the rights of people travelling to the United States," she said. As the Americans tightened security after the September 11 attacks, they demanded that airlines provide comprehensive information about passengers before allowing them to land. But this triggered a dispute that came to a head last year in a Catch 22 situation. On one hand they were told they must provide the information, on the other they were threatened with heavy fines by EU governments for breaching European data protection legislation. In October, Brussels agreed to sweep away the "bureaucratic hurdles" preventing airlines handing over this material after European carriers were threatened with exclusion from the US. The newly-released document sets out the rules underpinning that deal. As a result the Americans are entitled to 34 separate pieces of Passenger Name Record (PNR) data — all of which must be provided by airlines from their computers. Much of it is routine but some elements will prove more contentious, such as a passenger's email address, whether they have a previous history of not turning up for flights and any religious dietary requirements. While insisting that "additional information" would only be sought from lawful channels, the US made clear that it would use PNR data as a trigger for further inquiries. Anyone seeking such material would normally have to apply for a court order or subpoena, although this would depend on what information was wanted. Doubts were raised last night about the effectiveness of the safeguards. "There is no guarantee that a bank or internet provider would tell an individual that material about them was being subpoenaed," an American lawyer said. "Then there are problems, such as where the case would take place and whether an individual has time to hire a lawyer, even if they wanted to challenge it." Initially, such material could be inspected for seven days but a reduced number of US officials could view it for three and a half years. Should any record be inspected during this period, the file could remain open for eight years. Material compiled by the border authorities can be shared with domestic agencies. It can also be on a "case by case" basis with foreign governments. Washington promised to "encourage" US airlines to make similar information available to EU governments — rather than compel them to do so. "It is pretty horrendous, particularly when you couple it with our one-sided extradition arrangements with the US," said Miss Chakrabarti. "It is making the act of buying a ticket a gateway to a host of personal email and financial information. While there are safeguards, it appears you would have to go to a US court to assert your rights." Chris Grayling, the shadow transport secretary, said: "Our government and the EU have handed over very substantial powers to gain access to private information belonging to British citizens." A Department for Transport spokesman said: "Every airline is obliged to conform with these rules if they wish to continue flying As part of the terms of carriage, it is made clear to passengers what these requirements are. The US government has given undertakings on how this data will be used and who will see it."
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