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Nexts, lasts and firsts

NEXTS 1. Next person you'll kiss: I don't know I tend to get ambushed with them at times. 2. Next movie you want to see: Santa clause 3 lmao 3. Next person you want to go out with: Going out anywhere would be a nice start. 5. Next time you're going out: I don't know 6. Next place you'll take vacation: Again I don't know 7. Next thing you are going to do after filling this survey out: Go and watch some shitty daytime tv coz I'm off work ill today. 8. Next thing you are going to eat: We've got pratically no food in the house so I don't know 9. Next time you plan to be drunk: I don't plan on ever getting drunk it just happens 10. Next thing you are going to do outside: Well it's raining again so I'm going to try and avoid it for a bit 11. Next person you'd like to see fill this out: Whoever is bored enough to -------------------------------------------------------- LASTS: 1. Last kiss: My boyfriend Dan. *waves* 2. Last person you hugged: Natty 3. Last person you spoke to: Natty 4. Last alcoholic beverage: Wine a few weeks ago 6. Last movie: House of Wax 7. Last person you thought of: Dan 8. Last school you went to: John Taylor High School 9. Last person you said I love you to: I very rarely say it 10. Last run in with the Law: Never 11. Last fight you were in: Ages ago 12. Last bar/club/concert/party you went to: AFI at Nottingham Rock City 13. Last person you IMed: Well that was day's ago because I hardly ever get a chance to go on it on account of working so much but I think it was Dan or Ben 14. Last thing you ate: Cheese and Branston pickle sandwich 15. Last thing you saved up money for: Trip to Birmingham in the new year (I'm still saving now) ------------------------------------------------------- Firsts 1. First kiss: I can't remember so it obveriously wasn't that good 2. First true Love: I don't think I have ever had one 3. First heartbreak: Again same as above 4. First car: Haven't started to learn to drive just yet. 5. First pet: A doggy called Sally 6. First computer: Not sure of the make 7. First concert: OTown!! 8. First alcoholic beverage: I'm not sure if it was wine or Carling. I have pictures of my Grandad though giving me sherry when I was about 2/3 so it could of been sherry. 9. First time you stayed out all night: With Ben in Lichfield I think 10. First best friend: Tyne 11. First job: Poundland. Yes everything is a pound and no I didn't get discount. 12. First school: Thomas Russell Infant School 13. First movie you watched in a theater: I'm not sure but it could of been Jurassic park. 14. First thing you really saved up money for: I'm not sure on that either.

Sucky mcsuck

So the first time in a week that I have properly sat down in front of the computer for a good hour or so and the one person I want to talk to isn't on msn. Hmm Well I've got no one to talk to that doesn't piss me off because most people on my msn list are complete knobs. To top things off I have to be in work tomorrow for 8:30 am. I'll have to have a early night if I'm to get up in time for work in the morning. Damn shame having to work.
The Quiet Things That No One Ever Knows by PB08
What type of music do you like?The genre known as rock
How much money is in your pocket right now?£0
You like Italian food?I love it. I can never get enough of it.
What type of Super powers would you like?X ray vision
Your best asset.....I don't know you tell me
Favorite Color?Black/blue/hot pink
R u a dude or chick?Chick
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Can't live without it... by americamamushi
People (Not including significant others)
Friend you cant live withoutNatty
Family member you cant live withoutAll of them even if I do get annoyed with them sometimes
Celebrity whos work you cant live withoutAny on my music list :P
TV show you cant live withoutCSI (all series)
Movie you cant live withoutBeetlejuice
Game you cant live without (Video, Board, Card, ect)Tony Hawk's or Grand theft auto Vice city
Store or Restaurant you cant live withoutAny music store (Do you see a pattern?)
Beverage you cant live withoutSquash or fruit juice yum yum
Food you cant live withoutItalian
Something you wear you cant live withoutMy converses
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Your NOW and LAST by Nightflax
What color is your hair?Brown
How Tall are you?5'7" ish
What music are you listening to?We are Scientists
What can you see (other than the computer)?My mug of tea I just made
If you reach out your left foot, what will it hit?The desk and scanner
What can you hear?My music playing
What is bothering you?Nothing much really
What are you in love with?Music! that or bags
What do you dislike?Ignorant people
What can you smell?My sister's toast
What hurts?Nothing today
What is on your head?The lyrics to the ancid song I'm listening to and my training later.
What is your computer's background?Fall out boy as super heros
What is in your wallet?Very little money, my bank cards, college card, national insurance card and mobile top up card
What position are you in?Sitting or in the position of relationship status then I'm taken
Where are you?The study
How are you feeling?Good thank you
Who would you like to hug?Everyone within reason
Where would you like to be?Shopping lmao
What color are you favouring?black as per usual
Who is messaging you?No one because I'm not signed in
Who is your most recent Xanga, LJ or DJ entry from?zerox420
Who is the last person you saw?Natty
Who is the last person you missed?Dan
What is the last place your feet took you to?The front room
What is the last place wheels took you to?Work on Saturday
What is the last drug you took?Painkillers
What is the last thing you said?Normal packet of crisps
Who did you last speak too?Natty
What is the last book you read?George's marvelous medicine by Roald Dahl
What is the last TV show you saw?Emperor's new school on the Disney Channel
What is the last Movie you watched?Jackass 2
Take this Survgen survey!

Survey thingy

To all RAWKERS by Love For Fire 7189
favorite name(s) for boysChase
favorite name(s) for girlsI don't have one
favorite band(s)The Used, Fall out boy, 30 seconds to mars
favorite song(s) (by anyone)Blue and Yellow - The Used, Mama - My Chemical Romance
Have you ever been to the Warped Tour? If so, what year(s)?Nope don't ever want ot either
Have you met any VWT (Vans Warped Tour) bands backstage? If so, who?Not there but I have met The used twice, A7X ( Wankers) and some other guys
Have you ever been to Ozzfest?No
Do you like mosh pits?They aren't for me
Do you know what a circle pit is?I certainly do
What piercings do you have?My ear lobes and my lip
What tattoos do you have, if any?I don't at the moment
Are you a boy or a girl?Girl
Favorite animal?Bat
Musician you think is sexy (it doesnt matter if they're married or not)Andy Hurley and Jeph Howard ain't too bad either
On-the-spot questions
Wrist cuff or studded collar?Cuff
Barbell or captive-bead?Captive-bead
Eyeliner or eyeshadow?Eyeliner
Audioslave or Radiohead?Neither
Tool or A Perfect Circle?Neither
Ozzy Osbourne or Marilyn Manson?Marilyn Manson all the way
Insane Clown Posse or Beastie Boys?Beastie Boys
Atreyu or Avenged Sevenfold?Atreyu because Avenged Sevenfold just fucking suck
Godsmack or Mushroomhead?Godsmack
Guns n' Roses or Aerosmith?Guns 'n' Roses
AC/DC or Led Zeppelin?Led Zeppelin
Red Hot Chili Peppers or Sublime?Sublime
Atmosphere or Twiztid?Neither
Slipknot or Linkin Park?Slipknot
The Vandals or Guttermouth?Neither
Flogging Molly or the Dropkick Murphys?Flogging Molly
Taking Back Sunday or Thursday?Taking back Sunday
Coheed & Cambria or Mars Volta?Coheed & Cambria
Green Day or Nirvana?Both
NoFX or the Bouncing Souls?NOFX
Sum 41 or blink 182?Sum 41
Dashboard Confessional or Alkaline Trio?Alkaline Trio
Good Charlotte or Simple Plan?Neither
A New Found Glory or Yellowcard?New Found Glory
Bad Religion or the Descendents?Neither
Anti-Flag or The Casualties?Anti-Flag
The Offspring or Rancid?Rancid
Bush or Kerry?Neither
Take this Survgen survey!

Xms questions

1.Have you been naughty or nice this year? I've tried to be nice 2. What do you want most for Christmas? The mighty boosh Live dvd 3. Do you believe in Father Christmas? A fat man in a red suit that only visits once a year?? Sounds a bit of a perv to me. 4. What is your favorite food at Christmas? Selection boxes 5. Have you started your Christmas shopping yet? No I don't get paid until Friday 6. Have you finished your Christmas shopping yet? Read above 7. What is your favorite Christmas song? I don't have a favourite song. Favourite christmas album though gotta be Taste of Christmas. 8. What is your favorite Christmas movie? The Grinch hands down 9. What is your best memory of Christmas? I don't have one 10. What do you look forward to most at Christmas? A break from work for a couple of days. 11. What are you doing for Christmas this year? I finnish on the 23rd so xmas eve it's down the pub and boxing day will proberly be at the flicks. 12. Who do you want to kiss under the mistletoe? Dan and Andy Hurley 13. What kind of Christmas tree do you have? Fake and green 14. Do you take part in a secret santa? No 15. Do you go to any Christmas parties? No noe usually has any because they are too busy working but my mate's 18th is 4 days before christmas so technically there is one this year. 16. Have you ever had a white Christmas? Yes a few years back 17. How early do you wake up on Christmas morning? Whenever I'm poked awake usually as the clock strikes 6 18. Do you still get a stocking? Not really 19. How many Christmas cards do you normally send out? I never do 20. What is your Christmas wish... To be happy and have a good time

Stupid question thing

1. Who would you want to be tied to for 24 hours? Hmm my boyfriend Daniel coz I don't see enough of him at the moment and Andy Hurley 2. Who do you blame for your mood today? I'm in a generally good mood but the bad part of it would be my ex friend Anna 3. Have you ever seen a dead body? Yup 4. What should we do with stupid people? Send them out on a fireing range. I cna think of a few I'd like to do that too 5. How long do you think you will live? How am I supposed to know 6. What was the first thing you did this morning? I think it was ask the time 7. The colour of carpet in your bedroom? Blue 8. How many times did you fail your driver's test? None coz I ain't learnt to drive yet 9. Last person you went out to dinner with? I think it was the family for my sister's birthday 10. Are you spoiled? Far from it 11. Do you drink lots of water? No tons of squash though 12. What toothpaste do you use? Some minty kind I don't know what brand it is 13. How do you vent your anger? Livejournal lmao 14. The last compliment you received? I suppose it was this morning via text. Thanks hun 15. Do you look more like your mother or father? I don't think I look at all like either of them 16. When was the last time you threw up? Last year 17. Is your best friend a virgin? Yes 18. What theme does your room have? Cardboard boxes lol I still haven't unpacked 19. When was the last time you had a drink? Alcaholic- Saturday night (I love wine) Normal- I'm drinking as I type 20. Are you a momma's child or a daddy's child? Daddy lol 21. Would you ever join the military? No I don't think I would 22. The last website you visited? Lostcherry 23. Who was the last person you took a picture with? My sis last night 24. What was the last concert you've been to? AFI last Tuesday 25. Last person you went to the movies with? Natty, Fiona, Mike and some bitch 26. The last person you stared at? Natalie, i was trying to creep her out 27. Number of layers on your bed? One 28. Is anything alive in your room? Not that I know of 29. Today, would you rather go back a week or go forward a week? I'm quite content where I am 30. What is your favorite day of the week? Friday I suppose get to actually go out and do something 31. What is your current goal to achieve? To lighten all the pics from AFI last week 32. How is your hair? Pretty good if I say so myself 33. What is your current worry? Money 34. Do you have plans for spring break? No

New best friend

Anna has taken it upon herself to delete all contacts from me and to burn all bridges all because my sister fell out with her. I ask you how silly is that. It also seems that the only reason she became friends with me was because she was friends with my sister. Wow now I don't know what to think. I'm more confused about the situation then upset because I was going to fall out with her at some time or another. Anna if you read this then you've gone about this the wrong way. So... newbestfriend.jpg

Breaking down

This is going to hell Why can't you see this? If only you stopped thinking of yourself you would see how I feel. People are worse off then you So stop acting like you've lost everything It's far from that. I hate being the one who has to be the bad guy but I don't see any other way. Talk about being frustrated. Soon enough it will be my picture in the dictionary next to frustrated. The world is not on your shoulders.

Boredom strikes

99 things bout myself 1. Full Name: Jenny Anna Wells 2. Nicknames: Jen Jen, Beej 3. Birthday: 22nd Jan 4. Place of Birth: Essex 5. Zodiac Sign: Aquirus 6. Male or female: Female 7. Grade: None but I am doing an AS level photography course 8. School: Burton College 9. Occupation: I don't have one 10. Residence: Burton 11. MSN Screen Name: I'll make art until someone dies __Your Appearance___ 12. Hair Colour: Brunette 13. Hair Length: Medium 14. Eye colour: Blue 15. Weight: I don't know it's been a while since I weighed myself 16. Height: 5ft 7 ish 17. Braces? Nope 18. Glasses? Yes 19. Piercings: Ears and lip 20. Tattoos: Not yet 21. Righty or Lefty: Righty ___Your 'Firsts'___ 22. First best friend: Erm Tyne way back when 23. First Award: I don't remember 24. First Sport You Joined: Not sure I used to do country dancing though 25. First pet: A dog 26. First Real Vacation: Lake district when I was little I suppose that or Scotland 27. First Concert: Otown shh don't tell no one right 28. First Love: No one ___ Favourites___ 29. film: Beetlejuice proberly 30. TV programme: I don't have one 31. Colour: Blue/black/hot pink 32. Rapper: None 33. Band: The Used/Fall out boy 34. Song Right Now: The leaving song pt 1 - AFI 35. Friend: Natty/Anna 36. Sweet: Refresher 37. Sport to Play: None 38. Restaurant: Don't have one 39. Favourite brand: None 40. Store: Music zone 41. School Subject: History 42. Animal: Dogs 43. Book: The dirt 44. Magazine: Metal Hammer/Rocksound 45. Shoes: My converses ___Currently___ 46. Feeling: Chilly 47. Single or Taken? Taken 48. Have a crush: Yeah a couple 49. Eating: No 50. Drinking: No I've finnished my coffee 51. Typing: This 52. Online? Well duh! 53. Listening To: Funeral of Hearts - HIM (haven't heard this in ages) 54. Thinking About: making another drink 55. Wanting To: spend lots of money 56. Watching: Nothing 57. Wearing: Jeans, top, knee high stripy socks ___Your Future___ 58. Want Kids? Maybe 59. Want to be married? I'm not too bothered either way 60. Careers in Mind: Something fun 61. Where do you want to live: I'm not too fussy 62. Car: I'm not sure I'm not good with cars __Which is Better With The Opposite Sex___ 63. Hair colour: Any really 64. Hair length: Quite long 65. Eye colour: Not fussed 66. Measurments: Anything goes 67. Cute or Sexy: Cute 68. Lips or Eyes: Eyes 69. Hugs or Kisses: I'm going to be greedy and say both 70. Short or Tall: Tall 71. Easygoing or serious: Easy going 72. Romantic or Spontaneous: Romantic 73. Fatty or Skinny: Either 74. Sensitive or Loud: Sensitive 75. Hook-up or Relationship: Relationship 76. Sweet or Caring:Both 77. Trouble Maker or Hesitant One: That all depends ----------Have you ever------------ 78. Kissed a Stranger: Yes 79. Had Alcohol: Yes 80. Been in a police station: Yes 81. Ran Away From Home: No 82. Broken a bone: Yes 83. Got an X-ray: Yes 84. Been with someone: Yes 85. Broken Someone’s Heart: I don't think so 86. Broke Up With Someone: Yes 87. Cried When Someone Died: Yes 88. Cried At School: Yes ___Do You Believe In___ 89. God: No 90. Miracles: No 91. Love At First sight: Not really 92. Ghosts: Yes 93. Aliens: Not really but there are some things that can't be explained 94. Soul: Kind of 96. Hell: No 97. Angels: No 98. Kissing on The First Date: Depends 99. Horoscopes: No but I still like reading them for a laugh

This is about right

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Rocker, Mosher




Chav, Townie, Rude Boy, Ned, Kev




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