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Some Changes Being Done

Hello everyone in the Fubar realm. I thought I would do a bit of updating, and some very good news on regards to how my time on Fubar has been. First off, you may be noticing my new playlist I put on my profile. I thought I was time for a change on my music, and to show that I do have a wide range of music taste other than metal. However, the new playlist I do on here may contain songs that were on the previous one, but the majority of the songs are different so in all evens out. This playlist shows what you may call, my alternative side, but I would like more indie rock but whatever I hope you all enjoy it, and there will be more songs added over time. Also, I would like to thank all the people that helped me get a very high top dude of the week rating. I am at #77 on the list, HURRAY! I was happy to crack the top one hundred, considering the past couple weeks since getting on the list, I've been flirting in the one hundreds. Also, a few days ago I gained my highest day ranking yet, #464, and again I thank you all that helped me achieve that goal. I hope to get a higher ranking in the future. Ever since the Auto 11 Bling has helped me get so many points in a short period of time, I have been rate happy with people that have the bling. However, I try to maintain my true following of people in the Secret Society, rate the member's pictures as much as I can. The only problem now is that my wrist gets sore due to the overuse of the mouse. I sometimes have to hold my wrist under running warm water to soothe it, but I should survive. Also, I have been collecting screen shots of my rankings and such, and currently trying to convert them into pics to put into my folder here on Fubar, so hopefully I can get that taken care of so all of you can see them for yourself. But then again, I need to fill in the open space I have for pics, I have a batch of new stuff coming soon, so keep an eye out. Also, look for new blogs, and some posts of older blogs from the MySpace days.

I think now since joining Fubar about five months ago, the joke I used to call my friend's list back in my days of MySpace, has now evolved into a nice, little collective I am pround to have created. The great thing, however, being on Fubar doing this is that all the poeple on here are at least eighteen years old, as oppose to MySpace, where technically you have to be sixteen to join, but that can be easily walked around considering the lack of security on the site, and all the stupid web cams high school girls try to send to older men. However, here on Fubar is not much different with the webcams or nude pics, it's just done by women of age! But, it seems that now I was able to carve out a little corner of this website here to embark on a small collective following of smart intellectuals that don't really care for the pigheadedness and perversions of most of the poeple on here. I remember when I first started calling my friend's list The Secret Society, it was back three years ago when I opened up a MySpace account. I was talked into it by one of my classmates when I was in college, she told me about MySpace and at first I didn't feel comfortable doing so because when she said a lot of high school kids used it, I was pretty turned off from it. So for the first few months on MySpace, there was little to no kind of activity there until I started to know some of my friends having MySpace profiles. Then, I began to start typing blogs, not really what I am doing nowadays, but it was a start, and then people began finding me, so it was time to find a new name for my friends list. So I chose The Secret Society because it was a chessy name for a cheesy website. After doing so, and along with my blogs evolving and changing, the following grew. Then, I expanded to Facebook, tried My Yearbook but was a failure, and then now to Fubar where the following has grown very well in just under five months. It's funny how something that started out as a joke has now turned into nice small collective of intelligent people, and there will be more people joining. However, I don't think I would want too many people, because not all people are smart, or even have common sense. So, I must keep my rules and regulations to a high standard. But it's funny now after three years of this and it still doesn't look like it's going to die out soon.

It's crazy here on Fubar. I mean, there are so many women on here wantr to show off their private parts to almost every perverted male on the face of the planet. In a way, I don't see this site being not much different from MySpace, the only difference is that everyone on here is eighteen or over. What really gets me is the ones that want someone to buy them a blast, bling pack, or even a happy hour in exchange to see their naughty pictures. Come on, doesn't some of these guys that actually do this know for the money that they are paying, they can go to the porn shop and purchase one or even two magazines? Also, do some of these guys know they can surf the internet and find free porn? It's funny and stupid at the same time here sometimes. I mean, I don't know what some of these guys are thinking. I wonder if they think they will be getting into those girls pants they got to see naked or what not being they paid for a blast or bling. However, most of these women that do have these so called "NSFW" pics are either in a serious relationship or even married, which that even surprises and saddens me. I mean, call me old fashioned, but if I had a wife that wanted to take pictures of herself naked or shots of her private parts, I would be furious. That's for my eyes only, not no one else. It would feel like I was dating a stripper, being the same concept and all. I wonder how many problems that the women that do that have on here; all the threats, stalkers, psychos, and so on. Also, I wonder if some of these women know that they may get a guy that will copy their pics into his computer, and then turn around and make a website of his own for free distribution. I know some people that have done such things before in the past. Also, I don't see why they would make people pay for their blasts or blings, considering they don't get any of the money, Fubar does. All what the people are paying is for their advertisement on Fubar, or their points and fubucks. Now, after saying all of this, some of you may be thinking to yourself, "Oh, you must be one of those haters that go around and flag people's pics NSFW." Sorry, you got the wrong person on that one. I don't do that, because I don't really see the point of it. I mean, this is an adult website, so technically those women have the right to show themselves off if they like. And also, I will admit that I have a fair share of ladies in my friends list(Secret Society) that I do have access to see their private pics. I will admit, I am a guy and will look at them once in a while. However, that is not my original reason on being here at Fubar, if that was the case, I would just go to the porn shop and the free porn websites. I am here to meet new people, and expand my reading base for my blogs. The naughty pics are just no more than an extra perk that I can simply live without if Fubar happened to stop letting people show them the following day. I guess I am only attacking the moral end of the issue, considering it seems that most of the women that do so in this are married. However, for the women on here that don't show themselves like that on here, and especially the ones that are able to get a high level without doing so, I tip my hat to all of you out there. What all of you women out there are saying is that you can get high levels on Fubar without resorting to that tactic, have decent conversations with people instead of someone saying they want to get into your pants, and simply just not putting up with any perverted pigs crap. I give you all kudos, and for the ones that are part of the Secret Society, I am proud and honored to have you part of this collective. I hope we remain good friends for many years to come. In fact, with so many in the Society that don't show themselves off, we can start a revolution on here. I can see it, women that don't have to show themselves off to get bling, blasts, or happy hours.
Just for a reminder, the folder I'm going to be talking about is for members only, so if you're not one, don't worry about it. Now that I have gotten that out of the way, on with the topic. I just made a new folder for the Secret Society, and I have in it right now are some logo ideas for the group. I have my opinion on each picture, and I would like to see how everyone likes the ideas. Feel free to comment on them, I need feedback. I thought this would be better than a stupid MUMM.
Just this past weekend I have overcame a plateau on here at Fubar. For some of you, that plateau has already been made, but now it's my turn. I am now a Rock Star, Level 20, and did it before Oct.2, which happens to be my birthday. I wanted to take some time to thank the people that helped me get to the level. I don't know how I should do this, being the list of people is so long, and I don't want to leave anyone out while doing it. I guess I'll just say thank you to all of you that lend a helping hand to this burnt out Reverend, you should know who you all are, being I rated my of your pics as well. On the other note, my popularity has jumped up dramatically, I'm starting to get day ranks and weekly ranks, and I don't even have a VIP or a Blast. That's one thing I love about getting to Level 20, I did without the luxury of either one of these things. I have been thinking about getting one now, after I became a Rock Star, but it won't be for a while, unless someone gives me one for my birthday, any takers? Oh well, anyways, I think I may lay off on the rating for a bit, my hands have been getting tired and sore. Also, I have 260,000 points till I reach Fulord, I think that's how you spell it, so I'm going to chill out on the rating and focus on my primary purpose on being here at Fubar, type blogs. I have a ton of topics in my head that are just itching to get out on the computer. As a matter of fact, my blog views jumped up a lot since doing my push for Rock Star, so the following here is more than I thought it would be! My decision to go on Fubar back in June is proving to become a success! However, my MySpace following started to dwindle a bit, so I had to tell them my main operations have been transferred to Fubar. So I may be gaining more people on here from MySpace, of course, there are some people on here that were from that realm. All in all, I again want to say thank you to all that gave me support on what I do, it makes what I do more worthwhile. And on that note, I must get to my blogs. Weird, for some reason I have been on a German kick, as far as music goes. I think I'll post a old blog of mine about some German music. Stay tuned!

I Got Banned!!!!!

I couldn't believe it when I found out yesterday. A lounge I go to, which is Lace Ur Leather, kicked me out for supposedly that people tend to leave when I come in. I thought to myself, why? I did not insult anybody in the lounge, and the staff would have definitely say something to me if I was talking about anything that offended. But there was no response, no one warned me of nothing. So they just banned me, only to tell me people leave when I come in. I don't know what the hell the problem was with some of the people there, I mean, granted there were some cool people in there and I seemed to have gotten along with them well. But I did see there was one guy in there that seemed to have a problem with me, even though he never said nothing of it. I wish he would, maybe then I would have more respect for him. I mean, when will some people just grow up and start acting their age? Come on, be a man and grow a pair and not run and hide. Oh well, I still find it hard to think I was the one that chased people away. Why, because I actually talked in the lounge instead of just sitting there playing with myself and wait till someone open their mouth? Whatever.
Hello, everyone. You won't believe this, because I don't it, but I have been rated for today. Yes, a rate. Even though it's only a mere #808, but you gotta look at it this way; I never had a VIP, a Blast, Happy Hour, or a Ticker. It was all me, and some people that were actually interested to check out my profile. I would like to say thank you to everyone to did accomplish this, and being now I have photo space once more due to leveling, I will be posting my screen pic with the rating. Also, look for more blogs coming soon from me, till then, ta ta.
Hello everyone. Tonight, I was playing around with the My Stash section after talking to someone about what it does. So, I added many video clips of some notable bands I like, some interesting footage, and just some things that may piss people off. But oh well, it's fun, it's my taste and my page so I hope you enjoy!
This past week, something has happened to me on Fubar. For the very first since joining, people that became my fans have surpassed the people that I became fans of. Now, I don't know if that is a big deal or anything, at least it's really not for me, but it seems like it has become apparent that my popularity on here is growing fairly well. I mean, I wanted to obtain more readers her for my blogs, which was my original intentions on becoming part of the site. Perhaps now, it's starting to happen for me. Ever since joining the site, I always tried to keep up with the fanning of people once they have fanned me. Now, I know there are people on here just fanning and add friends just so they can obtain more points for them to level, which is fine, being that I try to get as much points as I can so I can get a higher level. But points were not my original intentions here, and the friends I gained on here I would like to keep in contact with instead of just adding and forgetting about them. As a result of this, I made a new rule for people that do want to add me as a friend: They must first send me a message, talk with me for a little while, or with the request send me a message along with it for an approval from me. I thought this would be a way for me to keep the people I do stay in contact with in much better eye and leave the ones that are just wanting points out. So far, I had to deny a couple people because they couldn't take a couple minutes of their time to read my profile first before making a friend request. I don't know about you, but I think it's pretty rude for someone to do that, especially when you make it clear on your name to "Please Read Profile First". Now, I know a lot of people have this problem too like I do, but I don't believe there are still people that do not read the profile info first before anything. But then again, there are a lot of guys on here that still try hook up with women that have made it clear they are either married or in a committed relationship, which kind of bothers me being that some people just don't have any kind of respect of any kind. Anyways, so far it has been a good ride on this site, some of friends have joined on here after I have joined, my roommate is happy that he now at Level 21, and my goal now is to get to Level 20 by the time of my birthday, which is October 2. I think once I reach that plateau, then I can cool off on the point obtaining a bit, because once that is reached, you have to get like 150,000 points just to level, and after that it's 750,000 a few times until you get to Level 25 then it's over a million points. I don't know about you, but that's a bit too much for me, and I would like to have a little bit of a life outside of Fubar. However, I do have to say that this is the only bar I truly would hang out in everyday, being that I wouldn't want to hang around any of the bars in my area, being that they suck and it seems that somehow or other a fight breaks out in them. Sorry, but it's just not my cup of tea.
Ah, gotta love Google. I just copied the flags of my ethnicity, and I was wondering if anyone can guess them! Now mind you, some are no brainers, but others are a challenge! Try not to look them up before you answer them, please. Make it fun, make it a challenge! Enjoy!
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