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536764's blog: "GHOST STORIES!"

created on 01/21/2007  |  http://fubar.com/ghost-stories/b46793

The Vanishing :

The Legend begins at the British Embassy in Paris in 1889. A young English woman looking distraught and paniced rushes into the embassy. The tale she tells that day has been passed down from generation to generation, and through fantasy and fiction ever since. The young lady and her mother were on their way home from an exihibition in India and decided to stop in Paris because the mother was feeling a little sick. Because of the shortage of accomodations in the crowded city, the two ladies had no choice but to take two seperate sigle bed rooms. The mother chose Room 342, and the young lady chose room 343. The two rooms were right across the way from each other. Decorated with rose-strewn wallpaper and plum-colored velvet curtains, room 342 was the better decorated of the two rooms. The mother went to her room and collapsed on to her bed. Soon after her mother collapsed , the young lady had a doctor from across town examine her. After examining the mother and talking excitedly in French with the hotel manager, the doctor told the young lady that her mother was severaly ill and was in need of some special medication. But the proper medication that she needed could only be found in his office on the other side of town. The doctor wrote a note for his wife and told the daughter to take a carriage across town to his office. He said to give the note to his wife and she would know what medicine to give her. The ride across town was unbelievably long. What should have been a simple trek from the hotel, to the doctor's, and back,consumed four hours. The driver kept the horses to a slow trot, and seemed to steer the carriage in circles. The doctor's wife was also slow. Taking a long time to produce the small amount of medicine needed for the ladies mother. Finally, after what seemed to be forever,the frustrated daughter arrived back at the hotel. What she found was astounding. No one there had any idea who the young lady was talking about when she mentioned her mother. "I know nothing of your mother," said the manager. "You arrived here alone." Even the doctor, who had just examined the mother a few hours ago, was similarly confused by the woman's questions. Frantic now, the young lady demanded to see the hotel registery. Instead of her mother's familiar signature, she saw a stranger's beside Room 342. The daughter, determined to find her mother, rushed upstairs and burst into room 342. What she saw dumbfounded her. There were no velvet curtains, the flowered wallpaper, or her mothers' baggage. The room was totally different. With white wallpaper, and yellow curtains, and of course, the luggage of the stanger. That is when the young lady fled from the hotel and ran to the British Embassy. At the embassy all she received was sympathy, because with no proof of the mother ever being with her at the hotel, there was nothing they could do for her. Trapped in a nightmare, the young woman slowly and steadily became mentaly unstable, and past away years later in a british mental hospital.

Don't Turn on the Lights:

As the story goes a girl was studying late into the night at the library at an undisclosed college and realized she forgot some notes she needed to study from. She decides to go back to her dorm room and get them. She doesn't want to disturb her roommate, so she doesnt turn on the lights when she gets her stuff off of her desk. After the night of studying she goes back to the dorm room and goes to sleep. In the morning she wakes up to find her roommate stabbed to death on her bed. She then notices a message written in red lipstick on the mirror of the roomates dresser. The message read, "Bet your glad you didn't turn on the light?"
At a highly acclaimed college in West Virginia, there is an initiation rite of passage at a certain girls sorority. This rite of passage is to spend the night alone at one of the towns cemetaries, sitting in the lap of a statue. This statue sits on top of a tomb of a lady called Agnes. The legend has it that Agnes died from a broken heart when she was jilted by her fiance. The initiation ritual had been performed for years. On one evening the sorority sent a young lady into the cemetary for the initiation. When they came back the next morning, they found the girl still sitting in the lap of the statue. She was dead. She had hand marks all over her body, as is she was in the clutches of supernatural hands. You see, the lady was said to be a direct decendant of Agnes's Fiance. Perhaps Agnes finally had some revenge. During the turn of the century craftsmen were allowed to express themselves in cemetery art...thus you see angelic statues and the sort. One of Baltimore, Maryland's statues gained a reputation for being more then just cemetery art. When Union General Felix Agnus the publisher of the Baltimore American, died in 1925, he was buried in Pikesvilles Druid Ridge Cemetery a few miles outside of the Baltimore City limits. A rather unusual statue was placed on his grave. It was a small black angel that appeared to be perching on top of the grave stone. During the safety of daylight , many people regarded the angel as a beautiful addition to the graveyard art of the cemetery. The sculptor was one of the premier turn-of-the-century artisans in Maryland and the statue was highly regarded for the detail and artistic beauty..... until darkness fell and the strange events near the grave of General Angus began. For some who encountered the angel in the darkness, she was known as "Black Aggie". People who met the angel in darkness regarded her as a symbol of terror. As Black Aggie's legend grew, stories began to appear in Baltimore papers...to say nothing of the conversations of those who had an interest and believed in the dark side of life. There was a significant amount of interest in Black Aggie....as the stories abounded that her eyes glowed red at the stroke of midnight. One story was that Aggie was a nurse in Baltimore in the early part of the century. She was well liked, but then strange things happened and she was accused of a horrible crime. The town lynched Aggie only to discover her innocence the next day. Out of communal guilt, the people responsible for her wrongful death commissioned a statue for her. The legend grew.... and it was said that the spirits of the dead rose from their graves to gather around her on certain nights and that living persons who returned her gaze were struck blind. Pregnant women who passed through her shadow (where strangely, grass never grew) would suffer miscarriages. Other Black Aggie stories say that any virgin placed in the outstretched arms of Black Aggie will lose her virginity in 24 hours; If you say Black Aggie's name in a mirror three times at midnight in the dark, she will either appear behind you, stab you, make you lose your mind, or transport you to hell ... or possibly all three depending on to whom you talk. local college fraternity decided to include Black Aggie in their initiation rites. Not really believing the stories, the candidates for membership were ordered to spend the night sitting beneath the form of Black Aggie, their backs to the grave of General Felix Angus. One night, at the stroke of midnight, the cemetery watchman heard a scream in the darkness. When he reached the Angus grave, he found a young man lying dead at the foot of the statue.... he had died of fright. Just another legend that grew over the years into a ghost story? Maybe, and then, maybe not. One morning in 1962, a watchman discovered that one of the angel's arms had been cut off during the night. The missing arm was later found in the trunk of a sheet metal worker's car, along with a saw. He told the judge that Black Aggie had cut off her own arm in a fit of grief and had given it to him. Apparently, the judge didn't believe him and the man went to jail. However, a number of people did believe the man's strange story and almost every night, huge groups of people gathered in Druid Ridge Cemetery. This continued to happen nearly every night and finally, by 1967, it had gotten so bad that the descendants of Felix Angus had the statue removed from his grave site. They donated her to the Smithsonian Institution. Today, Black Aggie sits somewhere, probably covered in cobwebs, but no one knows where she really is. In 1987 the Smithsonian deaccessioned Aggie, who was now known asThe Agnus memorial . Another Aggie mystery is that the Smithsonian had no information about the legends surrounding the ghostly sculpture. The Agnus memorial was given to the General Service Administration in 1987. One of the GSA roles is to dispose of "excess' governmental property. Although GSA owned Aggie in 1987, she was reported being at the Smithsonian as late as 1992. No further information about the location of Black Aggie is available from either GSA or the Smithsonian. The Baltimore Ghost seems to have disappeared. A Baltimore Sun Reporter, who wrote about Black Aggie in 1992, is under the impression that while the Smithsonian did not have Aggie as part of their regular collection, that she was still on the grounds tucked away in an alley. Black Aggie isn't being exhibitied, and officially lost. "Maybe, just maybe," wrote a columnist for the Baltimore Sun, "They're not taking any chances." The grave of General Angus can still be seen in the cemetery, although Black Aggie has been gone for more than 30 years.

The Curse of the Mummy:

Of all tales and legends of the supernatural and paranormal, this story is arguably the most documented, the most chilling, and one of the most difficult to explain. As the legend is told, Some 1500 years before Christ, there lived an egyptian princess known only as The Princess of Amen-Ra. When the princess past on, she was placed in an ornate gold coffin and buried deep in a vault at Luxor. Luxor was a city on the banks of the Nile. The Princess of Amen-Ra laid in her tomb, undisturbed, for over 3000 years. That all changed in 1898, when she was unearthed during and excavation of Luxor. During the excavations, 4 rich young Englishmen were invited to visit the dig. While there, one of the excavators offered the 4 men the oppertunity to buy a gold coffin containing the mummified remains of The Princess of Amen-Ra. The four men drew lots to decide who would get the priceless piece. The man who won had to pay several thousand pounds for the ornate coffin. He had the coffin shipped directly to his hotel room, where he could examine it more closly. Later that night, the man was seen walking out toward the desert. The man never returned to the hotel, and was never seen again. The next day, one of the remaining three men claimed ownership of the coffin. He was shot accidenally,later that day, by an Egyptian police officer. His arm was so severly wounded, that a local Egyptian doctor had to amputate it. The mummy and coffin where then given to the third man in the group. The third man in the foursome found on his return home that the bank holding his entire life savings had gone bankrupt. He committed suicide that same day. The fourth and last man in the group suffered a severe illness soon after taking possesion of the mummy. Because of the illness, he lost his job, and was reduced to selling matches and apples on street corners. Soon after the misfortune of the 4 englishmen, a London buisnessman bought the mummy and coffin from an undisclosed dealer. Soon after purchusing the infamous mummy, his wife and 2 of his children were killed in a road accident. Along with that, his house was damaged by a fire. The buisness man decided to get rid of the mummy, and donated it to a British Museum. The coffin and mummy arrived to the museum on a truck three days after being donated. As the coffin was being unloaded, the truck rolled back and crushed a passerby. After getting the coffin off the truck, it was brought up stairs by two workers. One of the workers fell, later on, and broke his leg. The other workers fate was far worse. Seemingly in perfect health, he died 2 days later of unknown causes. Once the Princess of Amen-Ra and her gold coffin were placed in the Egyptian room, all kinds of strange things started happening. The museum's 3rd shift security guards frequently heard frantic hammering and sobbing coming from inside the coffin. Other exhibits in the room would fly off their shelves, and some pieces would disappear, only to be found in other rooms in the museum. One time, a security guard on the night shift made an obsene gesture to the coffin. His partner found him in the room two hours later. He was dead. The security gaurd that found him quit soon after. No one ever wanted to go near the coffin. The cleaning crew wouldn't go anywhere near it. Only once did a cleaner go next to the coffin. Two days later, his son died of the measles. Finally, after only a month of being displayed, the owners of the museum had the coffin put in the basement. Figuring that the Princess of Amen-Ra could do no harm down there. They were quite mistaken. Within one week of the move. One of the helpers went seriously ill, and died. Soon after that, the supervisor of the move fas found dead in his office. By the time the supervisor was found, word had leaked out to the media about the mummy. An asspiring journalist was granted permission to photograph the gold coffin. After taking a few pictures of the coffin, he went home and developed them. When they were developed, the journalist made an astonishing discovery. The paiting on the top of the coffin was that of a horriying, disfigured human face. After seeing this grotesque picture, he went into his bedroom, took out a gun, and shot himself. Soon after the journalist committed suicide, the museum sold the mummy and coffin to a private collector. During the short time it was on display in his house, many people that came into the house either got very ill, or was found dead for no exact reason. The owner eventually banished it to the attic, after no one wanted to take it off his hands. A well known authority on the occult, Madame Helena Blavatsky, was invited to visit the premises. Upon entering the house, she suddenly felt a dark energy swirling about the home. Determined to find the source, Madame Helena started to search the whole house. She was immedialty drwawn to the attic. Upon entering the attic, she had no trouble finding the source of the problem. The owner, who was now frantic because he brough this casket ito his own home, asked Madame Helena if she could exorcise the evil energy. "There is no way possible to exorcise evil. Evil remains evil forever. What was never good, can never be good." said Madame Helena. " I implore you to get rid of this ghastly monstrosity as soon as you can." Frantic to get rid of the casket and mummy, the gentleman contacted every museum in the area. But no one would even consider taking the cursed piece. The fact that over 20 people had met with misfortune, disaster, illness, and/or death from either owning or handling the casket. And all those misfortunes happened in barely a ten year span, was now very well known. After months of searching for someone to take the mummy, the gentleman was contacted by an American archaeologist. He wanted to buy the princess and her casket, saying that the misfortunes that surounded it was nothing more than quirks of circumstance. The American paid a handsome price for the mummy and arranged for its removal from England to New York. In April of 1912, the new owner of the princess and her casket, escorted his treasure aboard a cruise liner set to sail for America. This brand new White Star Liner was about to make its maiden voyage to New York. On the night of April 14, 1912, amid scenes of unprecedented horror, the Princess of Amen-Ra accompanied about 1,500 other passengers of that new White Star Liner to their deaths at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. The name of the ship was of course, the H.M.S. TITANIC.


As the legend is told, a young couple living in a large house, had gone out to a dinner party one evening. The couple had left their babysitter in charge of their two children at the house. With the children already in bed, she decided to go into th living room and watch some television for a while. As she was about to get comfortable on the couch, the phone rang. As she picked up the reciever, all she heard was a man laughing menicingly, and a voice that said " I'm upstairs with the children, you'd better come up. Thinking it was a prank phone call or someone just trying to scare her, she slammed the receiver down and turned up the television. A few minutes later the phone rang again. As she picked it up, she could her the unmistakable laughter coming over the phone line. She then heard the man say, once again, " I'm upstairs with the children, you'd better come up. Getting very frightened and worried, she hung the phone up. Not knowing what to do, the babysitter calls the operator. The operator tells her that they would notify the police and, should he decided to call again, to keep him talking in order to give the police time to trace the call. Only a few minutes after she finished talking with the operator, the phone rang again. It was the voice again. After he said, "I'm upstairs with the children, you'd better come up," she tried to stall him by askin why he was doing this to her. However, he must have guessed what she was trying to do and he hung up the phone on her. Only seconds later the phone rang again. This time it was the operator, who said, "Get out of the house right now, we traced the call and its coming from the upstairs phone. The man is in the house with you.". The baby-sitter dropped the phone and, at the same time, heard someone runnin down the stairs. She fled from the house and ran straight into the arms of the police. The police burst into the house and found a man brandishing a large butcher's knife. The man had broken in through one of the windows upstairs. He murdered both of the children while they slept, and was just about to do the same to the babysitter when the police arrived


In the late 1950's, a family moved to America and away from their relatives in Europe. The family in America always kept in touch with their close relatives in Europe. Sending them parcels and packages almost every week. The American family would send them everything from food to clothing to newspapers. For a brief time, about 6 months, the European family did not receive any kind of parcels from America. Not even a letter. Then one day, a small box arrived at their house. Anxious to see what they received, they ripped the box open. Inside was a small jar of gray powder, tightly wrapped in tissue paper, and newspaper. There was no note inside the package. But, considering how many different instant foods that they had received, there was no shadow of a doubt that this was another quick to make meal. The family took the jar, poured the gray powder into a bowl, added water and mixed them together. The sauce was made and served, but it tasted very bitter and chalky. One of the worst meals that the family in America had sent them. A few days later, a letter arrived from the American family. The letter said that the father had past away, and that his dying wish was to be cremated and sent back to his homeland. When his ashes arrived, the family was to spread them over his hometown. The letter continued to say that they hoped the letter would reach Europe before the ashes, which were being sent in a small box. Inside the box, the jar would be carefully wrapped in tissue paper, and newspaper.

Resurrection Mary :

A ghost fondly named "Resurrection Mary" makes appearances near the Resurrection Cemetery and at the Willowbrook Ballroom in Justice, Illinois. She has been known to dance with men at the ballroom and ask them for a ride home only to disappear from their cars as they pass the cemetery. One night in the 1940's she was at the ballroom and had danced all night with a young man. The man was very much fasinated with her beauty and was very interested in her. She asked him for a ride to Resurrection Cemetary when the night was over and he asked why she said, "please, take me there don't ask any questions." He drove her there and she got out of the car and walked toward the gates of the cemetary, she disappeared. The man remembered that while they were dancing she had told him where she lived. The next day he decided to go to her home to see her. He found her house and knocked on the door and an older woman answered. He asked for Mary and very much to his surprised the woman said that Mary had been dead for 8 years. Still standing in the doorway he saw a picture of Mary on the piano behind the woman. He said, "that's her, that's Mary." The woman responded, "yes, that is Mary." She been seen hitchhiking on the nearby roads by many creditable witnesses. In the late 1980's a taxi driving was driving near the Resurrection Cemetary and picked her up. He and Mary were talking but as the cab passed Resurrection Cemetery the she vanished from the cab. Other witnesses have also seen "Resurrection Mary" hitchiking and have stopped to pick her up. She gets into the vehicle and suddenly dissapears. She has also been known to have entered vehicles that were driving near the cemetary, once the occupants of the vehicle notice that she is there, she vanishes sometimes leaving something of hers behind. "Resurrection Mary" is believed to be Mary Bregavy, a young girl had been killed in a car accident in 1939 while going home from a dance at a local ballroom, now the Willowbrook Ballroom.
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