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S i N's blog: "Info"

created on 09/25/2008  |  http://fubar.com/info/b248120  |  2 followers

You Are Beautiful


1. Everyone has rolls when they bend over.
2. When someone tells you that you're beautiful, believe them. They aren't lying.
3. Sometimes we all wake up with breath that could kill a goat.
4. For every woman unhappy with her stretch marks is another woman who wishes she had them.
5. You should definitely have more confidence. And if you saw yourself the way others see you, you would.
6. Don't look for a man to save you. Be able to save yourself.
7. It's okay to not love every part of your body....but you should.
8. We all have that one friend who seems to have it all together. That woman with the seemingly perfect life. Well, you might be that woman to someone else.
9. You should be a priority. Not an option, a last resort, or a backup plan.
10. You're a woman. That alone makes you pretty damn remarkable. 



4'11" or Shorter = Dwarfism or "Dwarf"
5'0" to 5'2" = Very Short
5'3" to 5'5" = Short
5'6" to 5'8" = On The Short Side
5'9" to 5'11" = Not That Tall
6'0"" to 6'2" = On The Tall Side
6'3" to 6'5" = Tall
6'6" to 6'11" = Very Tall
7'0" to 9'0" = Gigantism or Giantis "Giant"

The word Midget is considered derogatory and very offensive!
Dwarf is an extremely short adult, with an average height of 4'0", but typically range between 2'8" and 4'8".

To give you an idea of Tall ~vs~ Giant, really take a look at this photo of Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, 6'5", 255 lbs Movie Star, former linebacker in college, and former Pro Wrestler and Sun Ming Ming, 7'9" almost "8 Feet Tall", 370 lbs, of the CBA's Beijing Ducks.




This is for all you girls 40 years and over..... and for those who are turning 40, and for those who are scared of moving into their 40's...AND for guys who are scared of girls over 40!!!!.... This was written by Andy Rooney from CBS 60 Minutes.

Andy Rooney says:

As I grow in age, I value women who are over 40 most of all. Here are just a few reasons why:

A woman over 40 will never wake you in the middle of the night to ask, "What are you thinking?" She doesn't care what you think.

If a woman over 40 doesn't want to watch the game, she doesn't sit around whining about it. She does something she wants to do. And, it's usually something more interesting.

A woman over 40 knows herself well enough to be assured in who she is, what she is, what she wants and from whom. Few women past the age of 40 don’t give a damn about what you might think about her or what she's doing.

Women over 40 are dignified. They seldom have a screaming match with you at the opera or in the middle of an expensive restaurant. Of course, if you deserve it, they won't hesitate to shoot you, if they think they can get away with it.

Older women are generous with praise, often undeserved. They know what it's like to be unappreciated.

A woman over 40 has the self-assurance to introduce you to her women friends. A younger woman with a man will often ignore even her best friend because she doesn't trust the guy with other women. Women over 40 couldn't care less if you're attracted to her friends because she knows her friends won't betray her.

Women get psychic as they age. You never have to confess your sins to a woman over 40. They Always Know.

A woman over 40 looks good wearing bright red lipstick. This is not true of younger women.

Once you get past a wrinkle or two, a woman over 40 is far sexier than her younger counterpart.

Older women are forthright and honest. They'll tell you right off if you are a Jerk if you are acting like one! You don't ever have to wonder where you stand with her.

Yes, we praise women over 40 for a multitude of reasons. Unfortunately, it's not reciprocal. For every stunning, smart, well-coiffed hot woman of 40+, there is a bald, paunchy relic in yellow pants making a fool of himself with some 22-year-old waitress

Ladies, I apologize. For all those men who say, "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free". Here's an update for you.

Nowadays 80% of women are against marriage, why? Because women realize it's not worth buying an entire Pig, just to get a little sausage!

1. Sausages

“It seems too good to be true, but there’s definitely a hint of crispy grilled sausage to my boyfriend’s penis. I’ve always been a whore for delicious breakfast foods, so I plant my face in his crotch every chance I get. He thinks I’m a goddess of a girlfriend, obviously.”


2. Medicine and rain

“During the first three months of dating, whenever I went down on my boyfriend I would get a flashback to the summer when I was thirteen and I got really sick and had to take this weird medicine because he tasted like a slightly watered down version of it. If I hadn’t figured out that it was the soap he was using and replaced it immediately, we probably wouldn’t be together anymore. Now he tastes like rain and it’s amazing.”


3. Gerbils

“Every time I lick my boyfriend’s balls, I think of the three gerbils I owned as a kid until they escaped one night. My man tastes just like my pets’ cage smelled and you might think that would turn me off but it totally doesn’t. I must be in love, right?”


4. A juicy plum

“My boyfriend doesn’t eat fruit, but his penis tastes distinctly like a ripened plum. When he comes, it’s like I’m swallowing a sample shot of a protein shake with just a bit of fruit flavoring. I’ve tongued a lot of cocks in my day, so I know firsthand that it could be a lot worse. I should really hold onto this one, huh.”


5. Armpits

“I once licked my best friend’s armpit on a dare in middle school and that’s what my current boyfriend’s penis tastes like. As you can imagine, I’m not the biggest fan of giving him head. Not sure how long our relationship will last if I don’t find a way to stop myself from dry heaving after every time I mouth his dick. Maybe there’s some kind of genital deodorant out there…”


6. The gym

“I’m in a relationship with a star athlete at school and his balls are always a little sweaty, even right after he showers. If I sniff my hand after I’ve been rubbing his junk, it smells exactly like it tastes: part gym and part locker room with a dash of damp, sweaty towel. Hot.”


7. Grass clippings

You know that smell that lingers in the air on a hot summer day after the lawn gets moved? That’s what penis tastes like to me. I’ve only had one serious boyfriend so my experience is limited, but I can honestly say I like sucking dick as much as I like a tall glass of lemonade, or a strawberry popsicle.


8. Feet

“My boyfriend is a clean person. He actually showers twice a day, which is more than I can say for myself. But his package tastes like dirty feet. Still deciding how to tackle this one. For the first time in my life, I understand why people ghost.”


9. A barn

“I live in a major West Coast city but I grew up on a farm and my boyfriend’s penis tastes exactly like a barn. It’s kind of nice because oral reminds me so much of home. There’s no place like penis, I guess you could say!”


10. My favorite spicy chicken salad

“I’m obsessed with this spicy Thai chicken salad they make at the deli down the street and sometimes I have to wonder if I fell for my boyfriend purely because his penis tastes exactly like it. I mean, yum. The only downside is that I have to remind myself not to bite while I’m down there.”


11. Cologne

“I have this theory that my boyfriend spritzes his junk with cologne before we meet up because his penis tastes faintly of Polo Sport. A kind gesture, if you think about it, but I’d much rather deal with a non-perfumed cock. Once we hit the six month mark I’m going to have to say something ’cause this shit can’t go on.”


12. My grandparents’ attic

“There’s a very specific musty smell to my boyfriend’s groin area that evokes my grandparents’ attic without fail. I told him this the other day and we both decided never to talk about it again. I can either get past it, or break up with him. Torn.”


13. My elbow crease

“Sometimes I take a whiff of my elbow crease on the sly midday because it smells exactly like my boyfriend tastes. Weird, but true. If I’m quick enough and no one’s looking, I’ll lick myself there too.”



“Remember that Seinfeld episode where Kramer wanted to market a perfume that smells like the beach? Well, scientists could take tissue samples from my girlfriend’s vagina in order to develop that perfume. It’s a very pleasant mixture of sand and salt and seaweed and just a tiny whiff of marine life. I’m making it sound worse than it is, because I love the beach.”




And I lap it up until it’s running down my chin!



3. HAM.

“She tastes like sliced ham on Thanksgiving. I mean, exactly like sliced ham on Thanksgiving. It’s almost like she steals a slice of ham every Thanksgiving and tucks it up inside her just to maintain the taste. From time to time, I can even catch a taste of pineapple and cloves in there.”




“Some guys don’t like to go down on women, and trust me, there’ve been a few in my past whose hygiene habits made it an extremely unrewarding experience, but my current girlfriend tastes so good, she’d be a billionaire if she could bottle the taste. Imagine someone took a bottle of the sweetest, richest red wine, tossed a couple dozen juicy raisins into it, sealed it, and let it ferment in a dusty, cobwebby French attic for a couple generations. That’s what she tastes like. Mmm-mmm-good!”




“She tastes like when a puppy is kissing you. Best taste in the world.”



6. SHIT.

“Gonna use a fake name here because she’d probably shoot me in the head if she heard me saying this, but I don’t think my girlfriend had the best toilet training, OK? She’s beautiful and has a body like a race car, but I don’t think anyone told her how to wipe herself. Or maybe they told her to wipe from back to front. There’s this overwhelming stench of dookie down there like a brown cloud. I’d seriously rather take out the trash than ever perform oral sex on her again.”




“I just licked my forearm, and yep—this is exactly what my girlfriend’s pussy tastes like. It’s like skin with a little bit of sweat. Nothing to write home about, but nothing to complain about, either.”




“Usually she’s just a tad salty and musky, but if she’s on her period, there’s this whole added dimension of raw liver which ain’t exactly a turn-on. I hate eating liver. I’d give a kidney just to never have to eat liver again.”




“I know there’s the whole cliché about pussy tasting like ‘hot tuna’ or just seafood in general, but in my girl’s case I’ve narrowed it down very specifically to the delectable oceanic crustacean known to us as the humble shrimp dripping in warm butter. My beloved tastes like a big plate of shrimp, and that’s all right with me!”




“I know that sounds really harsh, so let me explain, because it’s a specific kind of garbage. You know how a paper bag sitting in your kitchen wastebasket filled with coffee grounds and orange peels smells on a hot & humid summer morning? Well, my girlfriend’s cookie tastes like what I imagine that specific kind of garbage would taste like. Coffee grounds and orange peels fermenting in a soggy paper bag. It’s not even unpleasant—but very specific.”




“I’ve never been able to figure this out, because the smell of fish is about the least erotic scent on the planet—except when it’s billowing out of a vagina. Maybe there are some super-secret pheromones that make it not only palatable but highly edible, but licking my girlfriend is like French-kissing the tastiest fish on earth. And I don’t even like seafood. Not usually, anyway.”




“She’s got this weird citrus thing going on down there, and I’ve never tasted it in another girl, and believe you me, I’ve tasted a whole Baskin-Robbins array of girls. But there’s this tangy tangerine taste that she has that always has me coming back for seconds.”




“She tastes like nothing. Or like water. Or air. There’s really no taste at all. She’s a full-blown germophobe and neat freak, so maybe she washes it to the point of sterility. I’m not complaining, because it could be a lot worse than ‘nothing.’

1. Mammoths were alive when the Great Pyramid was being built.

2. Betty White is older than sliced bread.

3. From the time it was discovered to the time it was stripped of its status as a planet, Pluto hadn't made a full trip around the Sun.

4. The lighter was invented before the match. 

5. Anne Frank and Martin Luther King Jr. were born in the same year.

6. France last used a guillotine to execute someone after Star Wars premiered.

7. Harvard University was founded before Calculus existed.

8. If you have 23 people in a room, there is a 50% chancethat 2 of them have the same birthday.

9. It’s never said that Humpty Dumpty was an egg in the nursery rhyme.

10. The water in Lake Superior could cover all of North and South America in a foot of water.

11. North Korea and Finland both border the same country; Russia.

12. When you get a kidney transplant, they usually just leave your original kidneys in your body and put the 3rd kidney in your pelvis.

13. Oxford University is older than the Aztec Empire.

14. National animal of Scotland is a Unicorn.

15. The Ottoman Empire still existed the last time the Chicago Cubs won the World Series.

16. The lighter the roast of coffee, the more caffeine it has.

17. A speck of dust is halfway in size between a subatomic particle and the Earth.

18. If the timeline of earth was compressed into one year, humans wouldn't show up until December 31 at 11:58 p.m.

19. If you were able to dig a hole to the center of the earth, and drop something down it, it would take 42 minutes for the object to get there.

20. We went to the moon before we thought to put wheels on suitcases.

21. A human could swim through the arteries of a blue whale.

22. If you could fold a piece of paper in half 42 times, the combined thickness would reach the moon.

23. On both Saturn and Jupiter, it rains diamonds.

24. Saudi Arabia imports camels from Australia.

25. You can line up all 8 planets in our solar system directly next to each other and it would fit in the space between Earth and the Moon.

26. The youngest known mother was 5 years old.

27. The Earth is smoother than a billiard ball, if both were of the same size.

28. Nintendo was founded in 1889.

29. If you take all the molecules in a teaspoon of water and lined them up end to end in a single file line, they would stretch ~30 billion miles.

30. In Australia, there was a war called the emu war. The emus won.

1. United Kingdom

It was live on TV on channels which normally had news so channels like BBC, ITV, Channel 4.

I remember my friend called me after the first plane hit and said "Dude, someone flew a plane into a tower in America. What a dick!" or something along those lines. I don't think people thought it was anything sinister until the second plane hit. I certainly didn't, I presumed a pilot was drunk or something happened with the plane's guidance systems and it was an accident more than anything else.

When the second plane hit my dad ran out of his office with a very serious look on his face and just gawped at the TV frowning. That's when I knew that this was real and this wasn't an accident but something coordinated and pre-meditated.

The news reports were trying to keep it calm. Credit to the BBC for staying cool and trying to focus on facts such as where the plane came from, where it was going, who was on board, how much fuel was left, that sorta thing. The number of fatalities was of course mentioned from the initial crashes because passengers couldn't have survived and manifests showed how many souls were on board.


2. Australia

Well at the time I worked in a large Australian supermarket, the largest in the country. As the event was unfolding, the coverage was just unprecedented. The supermarket that day was completely empty. I have never seen anything like it before or after. The staff stood glued to TV screens. A phrase that stuck with me was one of the commentators saying "well one thing is for certain, life as we know it is over." Which was very true. At first the coverage was unsure of what was going on, but when the realization that t was an act of terror sunk in, it was more of a feeling of disbelief. It took a little while for the media coverage to turn from the immediate events to looking forward and analyzing the actual impact of the events.


3. France

I'm an American but I would like to relay the experience I had in France in 2001 because it's important. I was on leave from the US Navy on 9/11 and in the Normandy region of France enjoying a leisurely Christmas with my father, touring all of the WWII invasion sites around Normandy. (To address all the questions I'm getting about Christmas in September - due to limitations in my leave schedule and my Dad being in Europe at that time, we decided to get together and celebrate then because visiting during actual Christmas and for months after was going to be an impossibility. Sorry for the confusion.) We were in a restaurant on the coast having moules frites when the owner came over and told me in French that something terrible had happened in New York. I knew immediately it was a terrorist attack when she told me that two planes had hit both towers...I stood up in the middle of the small restaurant and was having a borderline panic attack. My father is ex-military and he knew what I was feeling...I needed to be back with my unit, to be with my buddies and to be ready. I had the only panic attack of my life right there in the middle of that coastal French restaurant.

Something amazing started to happen. The 8 or 10 people, local French couples and families, all stopped what they were doing and came over to comfort us. Two women were crying. I started crying. One of the local girls grabbed me and hugged me and I sobbed like I hadn't done in years...certainly not in front of other people, and absolutely not in front of strangers. This seemed like it lasted forever, but was probably only a few seconds.

Everyone moved their tables to be in some semblance of a circle, and we all finished our meals in relative silence. The husband and wife restaurant owners broke out a case of Burgundy on the house and we all started drinking together. Eventually, about 8 of us walked down to the beach and told stories of France, America, what it was like in the Normandy region during and after WWII, and what we were going to do next. Bottle after bottle of Burgundy was consumed, and Dad and I eventually just passed out on the beach and slept until morning. 


4. Eastern Europe

24/7, it was on every TV channel for weeks. I was 11 at the time and was just upset that I was missing my telenovelas.


5. Canada

Woke up to the radio station mentioning all about it. Arrived to my grade 8 class, and my teacher let us watch 20 minutes of it after the National Anthem. Then he turned it off. When we asked why we couldn't watch anymore, he responded with "You will watch that footage for the rest of your life. Terrible things have happened and there are no answers. Let's move on and check in at lunch time." 


6. Germany 

All major German TV channels stopped any planned program for hours and reported live from the scene. Think like a non stop news show. One German news anchor (channel was RTL) got an award later on I think for managing to be composed and keeping people updated on whats going on for literally hours.

The event stayed in the news for the next weeks, but normal programming was resumed the next day outside of news shows.


7. Saudi Arabia

I was 10 and out with my parents and I remember my uncle calling my dad and telling him about it. My dad was shocked and I didn't get why at the time. Every single channel covered it. Even the cartoon channels had news on, which I was mad about. Little did I know that that day changed the world and the world's views about Islam and the middle east, especially Saudi Arabia. I still experience prejudice from people and governments. Getting visas is still hard and I get "randomly" selected for security checks almost everytime I fly. My country was on America's side and thought it was horrible. It created a chain-reaction of terrorists killing innocent people in the name of Islam. Which goes against absolutely all teachings in Islam.


8. Pakistan

All I heard was; two towers were hit in USA by planes and are completely destroyed. It was all over the news but I don't think they were showing it again and again and again.


9. Chile 

I'm from Chile, and while our local press did continuous coverage, it wasn't with any specific focus on anything, save for the occasional 'we found a Chilean in New York who can tell us about what's happening on the ground'.

The surreal part for me was that our cable TV started replacing almost every international channel with whatever US media they could get their hands on. Watching MTV Latino turn into a live, untranslated feed of a New York FOX affiliate was incredibly strange, and it has never happened again, for any global event. Same with Fox TV and Sony Latin, which mostly broadcast sitcoms and movies. The attack was literally in every channel.

The way these US channels were reporting the news was so unknown to us, that by 2 or 3 pm I really felt like there was a chance of some ICBMs being launched... it was scary on a global level.


10. Sweden

They made a really big deal about it in Sweden. School had just stopped, as I walked by the cafeteria on my way home I notice the cafetiere lady crying hysterically and teachers trying to comfort her. Didn't think much about it and went straight home. Barely reached to open the door before my dad yells at me to come to the TV-set quickly. He was watching the CNN coverage of the attack and he quickly explained what had happened and that the first tower had just fallen. Shortly after that the second tower went down.

The day after it happened our teacher rolled in the TV-set and put on CNN for the entire class to watch. She spoke a bit about the loss of life, how and why it happened and what the consequences might be. At the end of that class we held a minute of silence. Later that same day our principle called the entire school into the gathering hall and there she held a speech similar to the one our teacher held a few hours earlier and then we had another minute of silence.


11. Singapore

We're about 12 hours time difference from the US. I was at home. family was glued to the TV till early in the morning. I was in the next room flitting back and forth. I heard my father yell when the first tower fell.


12. Iran

In Iran, there were candlelight vigils all over the country. There was a moment of silence at a soccer game as well. The way I remember, they focused mostly on the loss of life; innocent people clearly never deserve a fate like that.


13. India

It was the only news covered for first 24 hours. It was still the most important news for next few weeks and with the war with Afghanistan a lot of it was covered.

I was in standard 9. I used to study around 7 PM everyday. I remember vividly the day and staring in awe at the screen. I couldn't believe what i was seeing. I kept watching TV that whole night.


14. Greece

It was top story for a few days like in most European countries. The main reaction was shocked disbelief. At one point , we saw on the TV that a lot of smoke covered the city for some reason. It took our reporters (and us) a full 15 minutes to realize that the towers had actually fallen! 


15. Russia

I remember little Russian me coming home from school (7th grade) and seeing my mom tearing up in front of the TV. She said - Look what's going on in the United States. I couldn't understand what she was talking about, because I was refusing to believe that the "movie" playing on the screen was an actual footage... Everyone I knew was deeply scared, especially taking into consideration that Russia itself had recently suffered from major terrorist attacks. It felt like the world had changed forever and nowhere was safe anymore. 


These responses give greater perspective on the nature of the 9/11 attacks, and on the nature of humanity as a whole.

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