Over 16,552,328 people are on fubar.
What are you waiting for?

Well, what is there to grot about?  The leaf man has left so cannot really grumble about him. 

I am not sure the toad would be happy to be written about today, nor his granddad.  Firstly he was exposed when someone lifted the wet mat off his back.  Poor thing was just minding his own business in the cracks of the patio.  He decided to hop it rather than croak it so did not have his photo taken.

An after dinner walk led us to a pond which had the biggest granddaddy frog perching on the edge.  He too was disturbed by a nosing person and had to make an unceremonious leap into the pond for cover.

I had a massage this morning which was uplifting and only the third one of the whole holiday.  It was a Chinese massage, back and head.  Worth every rupee too because he sorted my spinal twist and relieved the shoulder knots.

We were supposed to be going to the lagoon but the taxi driver had a job on so somehow it could be the lagoona tomorrow and that is our last day here.  The rain has not been kind but it has mostly been over night and is much needed.  It certainly saved the leaf man watering the garden over the last three days.  However, it has not really stopped him raking and there is so much to rake with such a small brush/rake that it takes him ages.  It is one of those long bristled brooms like the witches use and he does the lawn, the paths and the sand with it.  Consequently, the swoosh - swoosh noise no sooner has it gone it comes around again on a different medium.

He seems to be busy elsewhere at the moment pushing wheelbarrow loads of soil and trolleys of plants around the grounds so heaven knows.  It is a nice day for it though because the sun is hiding and it is quite pleasant to be in.

The man who walks the dog has just gone for a lonesome walk and it will not be long before he is back in routine again.  We fly home on Saturday and I think it is soon enough because there are getting to be more children around now.  Fortunately the ones next door only stayed for one night and that was long enough.  OMG, I think they were Chinese or very oriental Sri Lankan’s.  Whatever they were, they were not well behaved and the poor room boy had his work cut out trying to clean the wall up after the young boy tipped muddy sandy water all over it.  That was not my problem but what did affect us was the morning caterwaul from the children waking up.  It went on four ten minutes and not one word of silencing was heard.  We did not look into the in's and outs just heaved a sigh of relief when they were not there this morning waking us up at 7.30.

We went out for an Italian meal last night (Wednesday) which was unplanned.  The hotel was having an Italian evening but it was a Puy moon day so no alcohol and we decided to try another restraint that was recommended earlier.  We walked passed the dining area here to reception then caught a tuk tuk to the restraint.  Trouble was, the man who walks the dog missed the Asda sign, so we got out of the tuk tuk and after paying the driver we walked back towards the hotel. 

Quite a long way back we came across the restraint which was of course shut.  Next door there was a welcoming Italian restraint so we went in and enjoyed a meal there.  The guests were few, nine including us, so it was quiet.  Then two more people, probably from our hotel, came and sat down and were soon followed by a very tempestuous couple.

The latter stormed into the room complaining bitterly to one of those sat at a big table about having a flat battery on the mobile and about his birthday.  After a while they found a table next to their five friends and began an affable conversation.  We carried on with our starters and listened to them idly.  The original young couple left which left us with nine people again. 

The table of five were all gay and quite open about it.  The man of the group was very interesting in his topics of conversation from the English language and accents to the Royal Household habits and the rankings in heraldry and how the government is run.  The two tempestuous ones were also gay and quite open with it too.   We did eventually have a conversation with them and the tempestuous one, whose birthday it was, came from the four corners of the earth.  His features were interesting and he was the most polite person considering his original outburst.

The food was good and I enjoyed the fish.  Chameleon was miffed because his fish was ok but he did not eat much of it because he gave it to his partner who was a very good looking young Sri Lankan or swarthy Asian if you understand.  Anyway, when the bill came there was a rumpus because they were charged what they considered to be too much.  This was due to the hooch from Italy, I just forget what it is called for the moment but in Crete it is called Raki, which is not the same as Turkish Raki which is actually aniseed based as opposed to AH Grappa that is what is called.  Also Cretan Raki is derived from the wine making process.  It turned out that the Grappa was correctly priced on the menus they just did not check perhaps thinking that it was on the house. 

So the man who walked without a dog for the holiday paid our bill and I talked to Chameleon who explained about their bill being too much then complained bitterly, as I mentioned, about not eating his fish and I pointed out that it was his fault and not the owner of the restraint.  OK Restaurant.  OH boy I just spelled that correctly but probably mis-chose spelled instead of spelt.   I think the latter is a cereal actually.

OK, we left together shook hands and went on our ways, they went right and we went left back to our hotel.  Whilst walking along in the rain and puddles we had to cross the road then back again.  A young boy on a bicycle came charging along singing and as he came close he swerved in.  I don’t like bikes at all and turned at an angle to avoid him.  Just as well I did because he made a grab for my handbag.  It is the first time in Asia that my bag has been grabbed at and it was quite unnerving. 

We arrived back at the hotel and went to the room as the place looked pretty deserted due to the bars not serving alcohol.  There were new people in the neighbouring rooms.  One side was a lone Chinese man, no kids, and the other side there was a couple from England.  After a quick introduction we chatted about holidays etc and it grew blacker as we spoke.  Finally it went pitch black, the sky was filled with lightening and it poured.  We went into our respective rooms grabbing the soft furnishings from the seats before going in. 

It had not stopped raining by dinner time so we donned raincoats and shoes then made our way to be fed.  The couple next door joined us and we had a pleasant meal showing them where things were and explaining about the best ways to go about things to save time.  They went off to bed early and I don’t really remember what we did except we went for a drink then back to the room in the rain wearing macs again. 

The following day was just as bad and that was the Laguna trip out of the window.  We began the chore of packing and went back in time one year to our last departure from Sri Lanka.  That was in September 2009 and at a hotel which was sole destroying when it rained due to watching the guards sitting in their guardroom which was right opposite our balcony on the first floor.  We also looked over to the beach where the ladies waved their wares and the beach mafia hung about.  Very similar to our current dwelling!  Our last day there was spent packing on a dull and rainy day which seems to have occurred due to the climate changes.

When we were in Sri Lanka in 2008 for our 20th wedding anniversary the weather was glorious, the sun shone all the time and consequently the group on the bus touring with us were so uncomfortable that they had the air-conditioning on full blast during our journeys.  It was a misery for me due to the cold air freezing my skull on the scars from surgery.  Why go to a hot climate if you cannot stand the heat.  Ah well, being a minority does not count for much and I was glad when the tour finished and we had a few more days on our own which we also had at the beginning of that holiday.  I enjoyed those days away from fellow travellers because you always get one person that you cannot get on with and generally they cannot get on with you.  That occurred but you grin and bear it just like when the cold air blew. 

That was then and in December we went to Mexico for the first time.  The following April 2009 we were in Sri Lanka again, this time the weather was perfect.  After that we were back in Sri Lanka in the September 2009 then in Mexico for the December, which was freezing due to America being under snow coast to coast.  We had the longest winter here in the UK for 20 odd years and went to Mexico in April 2010.  This brings us to now and it is almost the end of September and on Thursday we go to Liverpool for a wedding.  We have only just taken Hector back from my grumpy friend who fell during our holiday and no doubt was rather sore due to landing on her back.  Hector probably did not get the walks he usually has we he stays with her so he was probably more than glad to get back to us. 

He was like a sheep or bear because his coat was so long.  It needed a clip before we went away and due to his injury they could not clip him.  Imagine the shock after 18 days seeing a very hairy dog.  Luckily he was booked in for a cut and he now looks beautiful and sleek again.  Goodness me he looked obese with the thick coat.  It has turned cold here and yesterday, Monday, when he went for his clip, he looked cold.  In fact, this morning he was snuggled up to the radiator and this is a dog that comes from Tibet.  All this good living then has made him soft because we bought him for a stud kennels where he had no indoor heating and no soft carpeting to sleep on.  He was out in all weathers too so why he has turned into such a baby I do not know.

Whilst in town yesterday we had time to kill whilst Hector was being clipped and consequently did a little shopping.  This was maybe not what the man who walks the dog intended but I bought a pair of trendy lace-up boots, a new handbag, one pair of trousers and am going to the opticians tomorrow, Wednesday, for an eye test and new specs.  We could have bought them in Sri Lanka but it has worked out cheaper, according to their quote, to have then done here.

This brings us up to date and fortunately we had a good flight home from Sri Lanka to Dubai then Dubai to Birmingham where we were greeted with temperatures of 5 deg C.  Considering it had been 30 deg C. in Sri Lanka that was quite a drop.  Even the flight home was quite warm in comparison to other flights, namely those to Mexico and previous ones to Sri Lanka.  I don’t remember having problems before surgery and think the cold bothers me more now because I notice it more.

Talking of surgery.  After going to Sheffield for the EEG to see if there was any abnormal electrical activity in the brain which could point to further seizures occurring, we were told that they could not see any problems when they had a quick look at the tests that day.  In confirmation I had a letter from my Neurologist with the official results and they are that there was a slight blimp on one part of the test but that was on the other side of the brain so there was no sign of further activity to cause seizures.  This means that I can consider reducing medication again but not for another year because I have only just reduced it. 

It is wonderful news and an early birthday present.  Yes, we celebrated our wedding anniversary in Sri Lanka and unless we go away for three weeks it means that I celebrate my birthday at home.  It will be spent on the train travelling to Liverpool because we will go on Thursday for the wedding on Friday and stay over rather than making an early dart from here to Liverpool on Friday morning.  Not advisable really due to the travelling distance and the reliability of the trains here.

That seems to be us up to date and all I need to do now is have my lunch and I will be replete.  Oh, I lost weight whilst we were away and that is probably due to eating off small plates rather than being tempted to fill a large one.  Also it could have been due to the slimming tea we bought whilst over there.  It was a lucky find in a tiny shop which we went in to find some mosquito killer in the form of a spray because the room was full of them.  We bought that and spotted the teas.  I needed some green tea and next to that was the slimming tea made by the most famous tea producer in Sri Lanka so it was a good make. 

As there was no gym at the hotel I lost a lot of muscle tone so I suppose having not put weight on was a consolation.  However, I am told that muscle has memory and it will soon build up.  I was told late last night by an aeroplane mechanic who works for Lufthansa in India, Bangalore to be precise.  Nice young man really and had I not been so tired from the travelling and the day out shopping I would have talked longer and more coherently with him.  There was another aeroplane engineer staying at the hotel in Sri Lanka along with a pilot.  I was dubious at first but he seemed genuine and the pilot looked genuine too.  This turned out to be true as they stay there in case of emergencies, on call if you like.  That engineer lived in America but came from Peru and he had a lovely accent.  He also looked Italian but I suppose it would be Portuguese influences in Peru.

Well, I had better check to see if there is anything other than SPAM and horrorscopes in my INBOX then get some more washing in.  Not that there is much hope of getting it out on the line today due to the rain.  Oh boy, I hope it is nice for the wedding but at least I have boots to wear with my long flouncy skirt, posh jacket and smart hat.  Why even the handbag will go so all in all I am pretty wedding prepared and ready.

THINKING ABOUT THINGS TO COME, A SIGN OF THE TIMES FOR FUTURE REFERENCE. None of this is copywrited and it has not, to the best of my knowledge, been plagiarised or copied. Well, it was just an afterthought. A chilling and curdling thought about Cold Comfort. One trying day, Gofer it before ADS runs rings around circles. Waiting for a Gift from the Gods, well Ikea at least. Pray that there is an unsub button to get me off the Clash hook. You can vouch for that. It will never win the day. Goodie Two Chew. Too Neurotic to be Conversant. Tales of a close shave and a Virgin's first head encounter. ======+++ It is no good harking for the past when you are in the future or trying to change the future when you are in the past. It is all mapped out so stick to the straight and narrow and not the bowed and arrowed.++++ Existence starts at the beginning but you can exists without living. Life begins when you let it and not a minute before.++++ The Diminishing Republic.+++ Un-Reinforcing The weakest link in the chain mail and why My Invisible Friend and his materializations. Put your Blogs away, so there will be a place for everything and all will be in order Beryl's Buzzes, catch'em while you can.+++ Press the button and stand well back.+++ It is not sex that brings on headaches but the sun!! Well any excuse not to have a clean sheet. +++ Clearing up after unclarified butter has a set to. +++ Getting a cold shoulder due to a long-standing and enduring poser+++ The Garden Party was not 'that' groovy, the visitors just liked having a dig. The worst time to have inspiration is when you decide to come clean. You just never know what will come out in the wash until it is black and white.+++ Me, moan, never. I could only fill the hallways and selves of the British Library with the contents of my Grot Box. A mere drop in the ocean. Organized or Organic? Only if the price is right. +++++ In the groove, you don't know the half of the crumby saga. I blame the Biscuit Barrel and leave Kevin out of it. Well that is if he is as careless as unohoo in his handling of the crackers. ====== SUNDAY. The difference between picking, clicking or flicking is dependant on the needs of the greater good. A BANAL MOMENT. Ode to poetic justice, and a sight for sore eyes. English, spelling, No! I’m not wise. But then WHO CARES about my size. Check the neck. Chips, Hips and Zips?? What a peck I'll bite my lips. Is it a sin, a sigh, a shame, a lie. or an expansive sign when not to dine. When the neck is having its collar felt Waist away and tighten the belt. It’s Time to Rhyme THEN TAKE A BREAK TALK THE WALK & TOSS THE FORK. +++++ No one can knock the spots off me because I don't wear patches. Pink Patch, Fat Patch, Detox Patch, Damp Patch or even Cabbage Patch. No way. It would certainly put my tan under the spotlight and send me dotty!! Huh. +++ It is late and the thought was there so while the spirit is willing. Say, 'One or the road?' Why? Well to anaesthetise you when you stagger and hit it!!!!! OK, but I'll have it in a tumbler. I thought I had married a magpie until I examined the cache box and surrounding ground. ====== It must be a crossing of the eyes!! Reading between the dotted lines and blinking at the spent out dimes, I would rather have a poke in the eye than fork out for a packet of bright and shiny-eyed stick-on's. You can add eye shadow patch to the ever-growing list of ready-made labels. So, keep your dollars in a pocket as it makes better sense to have them there in order to increase your interest rather than lose interest by altering your make-up. Goodness, It looks like I have been in hypher-nation. +++++ You work too hard because you don't get enough time between the pillow and the toast!!! You can go far being pretty You can get by being smart Being pretty and smart is a bonus But just plain pretty smart an onus. Skipping down the Neural Pathway On a Technical Trip. Lighting up the hippos, feel good factor. Big O, Doughnuts and MRI's Pink and blue, Shiagra/viagra PLEASE. Testosterone patch to add to the Patchbatch http://www.pt141.com/femalepassion.html an enlightening link to save embarrasing the neurology dept. To make it all more obscure aparently the big O is something to do with the fifth dimension. However I could not quantify this as I had to sign on, not the dole, to their site and after 16 pages of T&C, terms and conditions and two glasses of wine, I decide to pull out of the agreement. Anyway, it was a shame because it was the fifth dimension I was interested in. Ah vay or Oh well. I did not get the site address because I did a very quick runner and hope I have not compromised myself or Yahoo! Some pithy posts to help a man about a quaff. No need to act the innocent with me. A little bird told me to pass out and drop in. That should be pass in and drop out. Hey dude, where did you get that tat, sorry hat There, I told you not to go to the ear wig shop. That is a piercing look my friend. Be careful not to make a tongue in cheek remark with a face like that. Hey, I bet you never told your Mum about the trip to the Piercing. Sorry I am clean out of pointed remarks. What piercing eyes you have. Oh by the way you blanked out my cursor and I could not see the Bees for the Pees. Bouncing back to the Beez kneez, that is is business.+++ I went up to the Conference and said, "What a big pear you are." The Fag Chemist with a Coughing coffin, who said philanthropy was dead, it is just a drag. ======= Sat. Glossarying over the quacks. ==== Put your foot in it, Butterfish with Socks. Sing something Sinkful. ===== Reading, writing and rythmatic, face the music and look the crochets straight between the semi quavers. Never move into retirement on the same level or you will be singley floored, hurling and awhirling, passing cheek to cheek, glaring eye to eye, beak to beak. Then where would the nest egg be? Buried burrows, brrr. Welcome to Burrow Aquitaine where a Diet of Worms is the fish of the day and the nearby DuckPond has turned into a DuckArk filled with soggy waders.======= Double Nintendo. ====== Life is very precious and should be treasured and lived to the full. Quality of Life is equally important, if not more so, and is meant to be enjoyed to the full and should not be taken away for selfish reasons by other people. ===== Because I get dumb struck and star struck and until inspiration strikes, my words on the street, or graffiti, are filled with starry round inkblobs in the name of poor word recall. I mean Asterinxes. Well, no one said I could spell. ++++ Talking of the cosmos, I am sitting looking through the window of the universe, or into the garden, through the eyes of a star gazer. That is instead of looking through the eyes of a glass glazer. Many years ago a man gazed into my eyes, fitted me out with a pair of visual spectickles and made my life a misery because I could not see through them properly. I came across them today in the store of the Magpie and tried them on for a laugh. Well, Elton John would be proud, they are humungously enormous and blue - the frames that is - and they are a sight for sore eyes. The best part about it is I can actually see through them now quite clearly. To coin a phrase then, the optically illusionist must have been psychic when he made them for me ten years ago. So that is how I can look through a cosmic space and see all thanks to a forward looking eye-sighter. No one said I could not look readiculous in the name of seeing readiculously well. They are fairyfolkals and so I can see stars in the skies as well as see asterinxes on my keyboard. ++++ Oh and I have just spotted that the glass is always cleaner on the other side but that is old hat. +++++ Trust you to get the prong end of the steak. ++++ You cut that a bit fine and now I cannot tie my hair back into a scrunchie moment. That is the last time I let a man, who cannot speak or understand English or me, cut it. ++++ I have just been speaking to a man equally as eerie as me. That should be earry. He knocked on the door wondering why I did not hear him he banged harder until I opened the door. There stood the postman with his MP3 on and there stood I, with mine on also, explaining why I did not hear him. You get used to lip reading when you MP3 all day so we had a good conversation, him listening to Radio 2 and me listening to Blondie's In the Flesh both nodding and smiling whilst talking about the weather, which happens to not be Atomic at all!!====== No wonder you never get your work done if you have a 10 minute break every five minutes!!!! ++++ Thyme consuming and Oreganoisations. Tarragon off and pass on the Parsley.++++ Don't forget to mind your Please and Thanques. +++ Weevil come, weevil go. +++ As thick as a fleasouper and as thin as moth broth. +++==== Never mind losing the bottle, the cap is always there as a reminder. No matter what is left, staring you in the face, your head will not let you forget. +++===== This one is not a patch on the rest of the pack. It is a growth patch. Apparently it is a pen and is for use in the bedroom. Sound like the writing is on the wall for romance because you have to buy yet another patch batch pack. For once I can say I am glad I am not a men when you are told you need a pencil to draw yourself upright in order to prolong your relationship. Think I will come back as a cow in the next life and just say for now, Pull the udder one. Old pen, new ink and the black and white can be spiced up to be colourful. I wonder what shade the pencil patch sketches, maybe it just waxes mirically.++++++ Hang on for the sake of falling clover+++ Kissmet, Kissmiss or Kiss'n'make-up? Who can say? Maybe a prophylactic Prophet or a sweaty Seer. Whatever, it will be hot news on everyone's lips.==== I have just been accused of making something out of nothing, whatever that means. When I make Something out of nothing is it a paradox, a parody, paranormal or just plain paramazing.+++ At this time of year it seems hard to swallow when you see moth drops. I had an accute spell of window lean today which was nothing to do with the cough drops emitted after spotting moth drops on said visage pane. What about cryptohitter a malapropped grave robber. Or a hippocritter - A groovy animal. A hippodrohmmm where both can be found wandering around listening to music. Or where contemplative hipos go to say ohmmm. There are only ex many way you can play something so why are there all these airs on a G String. How do you get rid of a bleeding mole? With care. You drown it with calamine and it just becomes a beautiful blob on the body's landscape. +++ A Dawn bat out of hell or A turbulent early morning mamillarian flittermouse flight of fantasy. Did you know that organized carrots are female. Well, organic carrots have hairs and are untidy but it has to be said that they are tastier. What does that say? That I know nothing about men or geneticism? No, that I would rather be an organic carrot than a woman. At least no one would moan at me or complain about my hair. ++++ ==== This may be plagerised but it is certainly true an a reminder of the day's events. "You are never alone with a Mobile phone." Choose what you say, they're here to stay. So who needs a dining partner when you can whisper sweet nothings into your hand messenger. ===== One day, you are going to goad too far. So tease me alone and don't goad down that route. NEC. No that is not the National Exhibition Centre acronym it is the Not Easy to Clean one. Everything should have it on at the point of purchase to save hours of non-ecological cleaning due to extra detergent and elbow grease and hot water. Talking of econobee and ecology, I don't have a tubumble drier because I watched the meter wizzing around one day whilst the tubumble drier was working. The wheel was going around at a rate of watts. Just the ticket for a Firetrap. Always read the label as it seems a Firetrap is not waterproof. What the eyes did not see the skin did not feel. True, the Firetrap was pelted with rain and is still a leather coat of many contours. A shirty, pressing, long-bone of indentation. Laugh, I could cry being creased up double and folded over. Not me it is because a pressing matter occured twice without supervision so now where once there was a neat press now there are more tramlines than in Trilby Manhaton's ploughed field. However, my Bi's, Tri's and quad's are more well defined than his and the shirts have come into the folds that I wanted them in. ++++ The Deed is done and I am totally up the Pole without any grease. A very sticky place to be like up the beak without any gaggle or even up the leak without any lagging. Not a peg to hang on. ===== Condensation is only indoor Dew. Would you like a room with two Singles, one Double or King-sized, Madame? Oh, definitely King-sized bed bugs please. ===== Synchronised surfing? Can't see the wave for the seas. Diminishing Republic East side Shoe bar, Chew bar, You bar, Use'bah or even yews bah. A sheep treat - Ewebar Tapas with sheep dips. Ask an overdressed cocktail stick waitress out for quaff and quack at The Old Nibble 'n' Blink and experience a mutton joint dressed as Lamb chopsticks - A bite to remember with both Cherrie Young and Olive Old, oh, melon but no lice - shaved and not furred. +++++ What is the difference between a fine toothed comb and a cock's comb? +++++ The origins of a Chinese Takeaway. Matahari tells all. ======= I have adapted to everyone's ill health so why can no one add apt to my good health.++++ In bonding we can have pigpie with mageon and a dash of romance. Just hope the crusts are rough puff. You can learn something from an innovative sparrow performance. ++++ Clothes - tubumbled dry. All that glistens is not gold. Just because you can see your face in it does not make it a mirror. ++++ Remember glue pegs. You get days like that. ++++ It is all hanging in the valance. It has been a sheet drying day, well was until the wind dropped and so did the rain. ++++ Well I'm on my third Guinness on Mywasteofspace, sobering thoughts +++ Ghanaing my friendship, well it beggars belief. ++++ Bareback rides in hoodies. I know life starts at fifty but don't want the coat robbed from my back. Maybe I am a sweet smelling buy. ++++ I know I am a good little scrubber and rubber but there is no need to make me hot under the colar by hiding the ipso dipso brush stroker. ===== A thought is an unspoken action until it is out in the open or on paper. Then it becomes a naked catalyst for visible inspiration or action. ===== Washing in sequins. ===== It is absolutely naked snailing down here. Soft, wet and without a hard crust. Actually it is sleet with and identity crisis. ++++ Today I am typslexic and slepped spelled like so. Waulty firing probably only firing on three. ==== Is it Ok to bear a Fudge, if you cannot bear a grudge? Sounds like it is pouring plastic bags. ++++ Leaving no tone unturned, that is unheard of. ==== Remember all those patches, well there is an irritating one called cabbage patch rash. That is worse than prickly heat because it was induced by Winter Green, whatever that is. +++++ From a dream I had last night. This is what a friend in Goa said. "It has been such a bad year for me that I have been to the second vowel of Double U. ====== I doesn't matter how hard you scratch you will never get down to or below the surface. +++++ When you are old and working, remember to buy bi-focal reading glasses. Well, if you listened to my sister about her computer screen distance and the trouble she has moving it back and forth===== Just my luck. If this is the last straw then why have I drawn the short one? Typical! ++++ I said STRIM around the edges and not SKIM around them. It gets up my nozzel! Who said something about equality? certainly not up this street! Just talking about India to a freind and told him to go to a vegetation restaurant! Well he is rather laid back. === Well, actually after a closer look I put vegetation restraint. It could have been the vino tinto, tiredness or the stupid keys have moved.++++ Never argue or fall out with he who has the remote control panel on his side. ===== Hear of corn on the cob? Well, hear about corn on the hob. === Henrietta was enraged when she heard her cousin was going for hippo-suction just because her well empowered partner said that she was fat. Huh, wait til he is old and becomes a linoed rhino. Henrietta decided not to contemplate her naval ratings anymore because it made her lose her way in the black hole of space and time. Ohmmmm. +++ The runaway carrot and the vetegarian squirel a partnership made in heaven knows where. Maybe he will get the brush off later. ===== There's no broom on the verge, perhaps it was given the brush off.++ I'm standing here on the verge of a break through so I thought I would give you a tinkle. ===== Fields of chestnut mushrooms in May.++ Abundant Rape.++ Along the route they saw abundant nettles for gel and other medicinal plants.+++ ===== Just because you are not wearing your extra sensory perfection does not mean you have to be brain deaf!++++ Take care and put the frighteners on. See if I scare. +++ I will have to come clean. I put too much weight on top of the washing machine and broke its suspenders. "Darling, the sunspension has gone and so has the guarantee." Its all hanging in rinse hold suspension until I press the right button to get it into a spin, then the money will have been well and truely laundered. Well, just for a change, I forgot to cheque the shirt pockets for dirty fivers. ===== I must have a thing about oats. Today we had fussion bonded and embedded oats at that, what a bind it is to be a scrubber tied to the bed of a pan. +++ Yea, yea, that is the last time I forget my oats, just cool the whole thing off and make it a rice occasion instead. ++++ There could be a grain of youth to be had there. ===== A few Asparagus tips. Never prepare asparagus if you have a short fuse, sausage fingers, long nails and not much time. Better still, don't buy it at all! ++++====== The well dressed chairs' lounge where skirts blew in the wind and butterflies battled with tablecloths. ++++ Toad in the hole in the ground? No it was just a toad doing a quick frogmarch on the floor of the seated ladies toilet. A quick kiss was out of the question because we were only on peeking rather than pecking terms. ===== Nattily-dressed in a Moss Bros feather-lined cloak, the cocky but peckadilous Robin Rouge Breast met his genteel English cousin, Tillie Tan-Tummy, sur le Route de Bon Nestle whereon he presented her with a Cuckoo Pint pistil. “Where did you get that cloak?” Tilly enquired. Robin cocked his head in thought and said, “Ah, I remember now, it was on New Pond Street. I bought it in the Winter Sales for just ten Pecks.” ++++++ They sat within Cuckoo spitting distance of the Choral Chambers on Tweeters Corner near the Branch Line on Bow Tweat at an establishment called the Royal Yolk & Crow's Bar. The happy pair nibbled cornquake croissants and quaffed freshly-pressed Ryegrass juice. ++++ Nice tum, shame about the waist. ====== It struck me that if I had a belated pat on the back would it be classed as a payment in arrears or just a back payment.++++ If it was a baboon with a deservedly stung rear member would that be payback time++++ It must have been the numb-dinger/humm stinger of a sting which caused the buzz because the culprit was a Bumble Bee.+++ Let us pray that it is on a knee to toe basis.==== You don't have much to say for yourself which speaks volumes so you cannot be very profilogenic. ++++ Clever aren't we! You have so much to say about yourself that you must be a prolific profilogenic professer. ===== Hugh and I - The pair of us Hue and cry - causing a big fuss phew and sigh - with valid reactions hue and dye - about colourful words. ++++ You would be seeing red too if you tracked the read changes only to have the whole lot go black, then white, freeze up, crash and then die. Well, hibernate actually. ++++ Is pollenate to eat pollen with bad grammar. ==== Beryl's love-filled Hummbox or Buzzbox?+++ Tooth-extraction, horizontally cut off without a filling+++ To Bee or not to Buzzbee An unstung hero.++++==== Chief/Head chopper & carrot top washer - and a can opening unfit for a Prince. ++++ There is no accounting for Waste. ++++ How to get into the O zone, just have a refuse collection contract or air your dirty laundry in public.===== An old chat up line and cutting rejoinder - Crushing Bore. "Do you come here often?." Cutting edge rejoinder. "As often as you want me to."++++ An egotesting friend enlightened me about his credentials by saying, "And just to prove it, I have expansive testimonials I can show you." "oh really, I think you are as shrunk as a skunk, personally." Well, it was a sobering thought. ======= The Steam Room - a place where a natural mode of tickling unwanted particles out of a System is used. The Printing Press - an iron machine solely made of plates for filling sheets with lines. The Pressing machine - another machine solely using a plate for pressing the lines and rucks out of sheets and, coincidentally, paper backed books. Well not all presses run smoothly. And so a book filled with rucked sheets naturally needs Pressing but not incorporating any particular Steam System.++++ A Speck-maker - A fully loaded chalk stick for the slap dash covering of slates with optical contusions of gandering material. A Speck-taker - A rubber to ease the dashes of contusion for optically clean slates of gandering perfection++++ ==== A pedestrial crossing is a crossroads for pedestrians - well, it is now.++++ "Hard day in the coppice, dear?" "Yes, I was given the chop." "Ah well, then it would be." "Yes, and I never saw it coming!" "That leaves a lot to be desired." "Never mind, I can always cut my losses and branch out into pastures new." "Well, just make sure it is not into agroculture" "No I would go into cross-fertilization." "Do you think you are grown up enough for that yet?" "Oh, for goodness sake, will you stop sprouting on. And don't worry, I will keep my feet firmly planted on the ground!" "Sorry, I will just leaf you alone then. Apologies for the corn!" ++++ Attention Deposit Disorder - banking on losing the whole plot. ====== Whenever you give me the pip it cuts to the core. Well I ate a barren apple today calling out to be given the pip. The core had a central fugue and was badly-pipped by the skin of the beef. --- Yes, I know it does not make sense but it is two thoughts for food to get my teeth into so there is no need to get lar-de-dar. Stick that on your bread and butter it or stuff that in the pig and smoke it. ==== Deathwish beetle.++++ Kamikaze cockroach++++ Rhode's Island Roads - light-changing crossroads.++++ If the laws are unwritten then how can you read them ++++ When you are on the move or on the bend, don't forget to carry a pen because you never know what is going to hit you, especially when the blood/adrenalin rushes to the brain. It could be inspiration.++++ Wash your mind out with hope and have a good gargoyle with soapstone.+++ That could gorgonize you into impaction.+++ Sorry about this. The plumber said to the basin, "If you don't stop dripping on, I will beat the tap out of you!" ++++ I might be just a leaf on a tree in the grand scheme of forests but a branch without leaves is dead wood in a leafy landscape. So although I am small I am not insignificant and deserve the courtesies bestowed on the branch manager. Would you give me the courtesy of answering my trunk calls then.===== The book almost has a spine now so it virtually all done and dust covered!====== An Enchantasy - just an innocent fantasy.===== I'm steel steaming and need to keep a handle on things. It must be made in heaven knows where but it is enough to make you spit and sweat hobs. (Sorry this is not derogatory but a reminder of a steamy night - the first of many.) +++++ A Melter swelter? ===== Root treatment - a therapy for reconnecting to Mother Earth.++++ Route march - a wild sidewalk to get re-connected to whence you branched off at the 'four wents' you came from.++++ Camel Khazoo. Drummerdory pipe music! ++++. Mouse pad - a small rodedential residency.++++ I'm just going to lilo and go with the flow. ==== Retirement - an extra eight hours of your life to waste at your computer at your expense.++++ Get a knife and while you are at it, fillet to the full. ++++ Dragon 8 - People 4 No reason - No contest.++++, No rime, no season!+++++ Iron Kaput - flat broke.+++++ Red, black and write all over. Extensive Power scribing.++++ Next job, edit Henrietta Hippo-Potbellymus (thought-filled made-up name change), the lapsed water cow - a long and dialogical tusk. Now it is down it cannot be ducked.++++ You had better duck down as inspiration has struck me numb. 'Hippo-pottummymus' - I knew it would come if I diddled around. Yes, I know, nearly as bad as Tilly TanTum. It is enough to give you belly ache.++++ It is pouring outside and I am covered with warm summer percipitation - it makes me see red. although it could be a hot blush.++++ Broken Vino tinto glasses, make you feel sunblind drunk. No doubt rosee tinted ones would do that too!++++ I would rather be remembered for my picks than my locks or for my tics and not my mozzies++++ Oh no, what a eggseemingly bad mess. The pancake missed the pan.++++ You'll never know your duck in a gaggle ++++ Leave me a drunk photo comet and I will be picturesquiffy starstruck ==== It could be the last camel that broke the short straw, and it sucks too!==== What is the difference between selected and assorted? - it depends on who is picking and who is receiving! A choice of being spoiled or spoilt! Enter the straw the camel did not break.+++ A repeat I think. Stick to the straight and narrow and not the bowed and arrowed.++++ What is multi tasking? Tasks auguring well and without going around in circles – a good vibrational indication of progress. I wish!++++ Parodies lost - you really were not joking then.==== Global worming - Opening a hot can of worms ==== We are born onto the Ferris Wheel of life. We turn helter skelter and when we have been on the merry go round we end up with the treadmill meal-ticket. So are we born to go around in circles or has evolution just turned full circle or did we just forget how to get out of the unfairground.==== On-line, cutting edge Surgical spirit - a ghost's chance of having a straight skinfull.+++ Actually it is a review by the skullboner in addition to the book worm turner.==== A chip off the old Wok - hot, tossed potato flips.==== Barking up the wrong tree, it is enough to lead you up the garden path. However, it is a good thing to have a neighbourly nose at two men dealing out the chips onto the green and not ditching the dirt down the drive-in range. And all for the sake of Erika and Heather.++++ I won't be kneading an out-dated nan. Well, an 18 year old nan is not only half-baked, flat as a pancake but also a real mix of trouble. That should be out of date Naan not a non-conscious of fashion gran lurking in a storage cupboard.==== Ack Acker bill is back in the garden. Unfortunately it is not tuneful, it is just Robin singing in the Wren because they spend too long doing rhyme together. He has a musical intensity crisis. ++++ Prism and rime - Three sided flake heralding a chilling time.===== Oh dear, oh dear, odour! I will not have any happy smelleries of you now.++++ Gerry/Jimmy Jeraphneck. Gerry Graffiti Georgy Raffiti++++ I'm not causing the effect of another stir or dish dirtying. You can lick it or lump it.++++ A twist of lemon on the Old School of Caught and Boiled off the Old Bone of Convection. Hob Nobbing with the Hob knobs, Toiling and Boiling, Whisk Whiring and Spoon Stiring "Keep young and beautiful if you want to be gloved - in rubber and tangled in a web." +++ A fork in the tail meant that a gulp became a swallow. Therefore there are now no flies on me but if the tales are right then it is going to rain on my back yard. I don't have a parade so there is nothing to show for it.++++ Geronimo Giraffneck A Tall Tale of a critter with high standards and squares routed right up passed his four legs! ++++ Egrets, I've had a few, but then with legs too long to lengthen.++++ Welcome to my Rubbery. The place where mistakes get nipped in the bud. ==== 31/08/08 and Autumn is here. Never mind, Spring will soon be in the air. Then there will be some scents of something eggseedingly bad about to occur - Pollonic Irritation. +++++ Emblemolic Crashing - A sign of flagging waves. ++++ The Martins dropped in to say 'Hello' whilst they waited for their passports so they could fly down to sunnier climes. And just to prove why they leave, it rained on their parade and fly-by's at which point they decided to break ranks and depart without relevant travel flockumentation before the rheum closed in on the ranks.++++ If One Swallow Does Not a Summer Make, then what does a thousand of them arriving in September mean. Maybe we are in for an Indian Supper or even Summer because they sure were conspicuous by their absence from May til September began.++++ We are expecting a parting of the Martins.++++ I am under a lot of evocation here and it goes back to the past Primordial pot pouri. ==== If nothing lasts forever then why does it constantly rain, on an off, intermittently, always? ==== If I were a Flittermouse then right now I would be a bat, clean without hail. However, I am not so I salute my self for putting up with those who waste my time wanting me to make a salute. Pah, one came to hand but I was too ladylike to action it.+++++ Hail blazing - Cold hard winter precipitation in the Summer.++++ Doughnut Roundabout quandry - A ring in the crossroad puzzle.++++ A hazy profile picture - a fublur photo.+++ A Chinese quack shot in the park - Crispy Duck for the picnic dinner!+++++ Mind your own Beezneez and don't ask where the Humble Nectar is.++++ ====== I don't do comments on photos if I am unsure of the owner. So. What is a Bar without drinks? One you have been to. Or a dry ballet prop. Could be one with dry rot. One you have visited too often!! +++ Remember hung dry fried fruit bats. YUK.+++ Ruwen Roarwell. Rory Roarwell. ==== A Bah Beakon to lead into the wild Moo Yonder+++ I’ve done this before so I will do it again because I did not learn from the first time.++++ Have you taken your earmoans so that you can sleep in peace.++++ It serviettes you well but does nothing to attract the hard of hearing.++++ Heart-felt throb, good vibrations.++++ The boosters are in the roosters so there is nothing worth crowing about.++++ Deaf, drum and blind drunk.++++ Globe vibrations – I’m all spun up and hung over.++++ There was a sickening thud as the woofers beat the tweaters.++++ Stunned to stone dumb silence.++++ The DJ was tune lightening as the MS.++++ Thanks to the sing or grunt I am now beaten beef deaf as I herd it all beefore.++++ She asked me not to mention her name in case it fell on deaf ears.++++ The beaker was out-glasssed.++++ Cheers my ears. There was a thundering clap as the clapper kissed his belle.++++ Hysteria follows Heavy Mental Music +++ The tooth fairy gave up the gummy ghost of a smile.++++ The speaker coughed and fell from grace as the mutter turned to splutter++++ I cannot remember how you spell those words with silent letters. That is probably because you don’t hear them. ++++ I am just underlined to accentuate my eye wrings++++ I am not wrinkled it us just that I have accentuated underliner.++++ Greetings to a hard of hearing geriatric just leaving a disco. “Good Ear Moaning, Hope you are as sound as a pound under your B flat cap.” ===== I hope you are not displodged now I have just spotted you.++++ Consendation - Deigning to have a damp strain of thought.++++ Each book has the same amount of print in, it is just that some of it is in the wrong place - this makes it a dis-print - well it would if you had a cold!+++ Something I overheard, which I thought amusing, but then, hey!! A young girl said to her sister, "If I was more inteligent, I would be insulted." This was in response to something her sister had said to her which I assume was not nice. I roared with laughter and passed this remark on to people but it seems no one else can understand it.+++++ Will you get to the point and stop making a prong and lance about the whole thing! ====== Nice shoe, Shame about the lace.++++ Sorry about this. A holy shrine - Tomb with a view.++++ Elbows on knees - Fiddlers on benders.+++ Root treatment - a therapy for reconnecting to Mother Earth especially when you trip on one. Spa Therapy - A slap and dash therapy for hitting the calf with the hipbath in a room with a bruise. ++++ We gave you a cursorial glance and opened up your horizons when we clicked! ==== I am speaking from the bottom of my soul said the tongue in the shoe. I opened my zip and put my foot on my tongue - a feat of contortion and my undoing. ===== A rabbit with a poorly leg bobbles along. A Human with a poorly leg hobbles along. A Human with a rabit's foot Hobble, Bobble and Bunny rabble's along++++ Di, re and Pro. Not a type of furniture just a gression in differing immensities.++++ The book seems to be in Polo Condition - you know, mint with a flaw in ++++ This was inspired by a friend's photo on WAYNE MALE. (It was one of those fluke photos with his head superimposed over the bush.) My friend is sitting in front of two hanging carpets and behind him, wedged between the carpets, is a huge scruffy bush or bushy plant. I expect he will never speak to me again but it is nice to get inspiration - sort of brush coax. This is what I raked off the top of my head to say to him!!! "You went over the top with back-combing and now you are trying to brush it under the carpet! ++++ Egg on your face, well the mouth opened and out came, "Tidly Tosh has joined the Mile High Club." Then came some strange looks and because I am quite sensitive at times I asked, "Have I said something wrong?" They gave me a quizical look and asked whether I knew what the mile high club was so I said that it was anyone who had flown because that was a mile up. Then I had the real meaning and, Oh my goodness, if I had not had brain surgery then I would have fallen through the huge hole in the floor but I had the surgery and just shrugged it off by looking totally smacked in the tooth fairy's department, smiled innocently, which of course I was, then thanked them for the explanation. I pointed out that it was my one new thing a day learned for the day and not a blush passed my red hot-flushed cheeks. I must remember that and treat every situation with aplomb in the mouth department. Oh and as for reverse psychology, well I have become a dab hand at that from Customs officers to officious train inspectors, I can cool them all!+++++ A fit and healthy Hare would give you a run for your money. One with a cold would give you a run for your bunny.+++++ For those who wish to be joined in holy doormatrimoney-problems here is the link. www.bedfordshire.gov.uk/AdviceAndBenefits/RegistrationOfBirthsMarriagesAndDeaths/WeddingOrCivilPartnershipRegistration. If you get through it then well done and Good luck. +++++ ====== "I have no claws for complaint," said the Hermit crab bluntly. "Now, hurry up and make it snappy because I must nip off now before I become a shadow of my former shell."+++++ Well if you must put your eggs into one basket and one trolly at the same time then you will get into a right pancake.+++++ ===== Confusion - Perplexed Colourful confusion - purple exe'd Colourful contusion - Purp
Well I have read the papers and it seems they are all full of lies! My friend has not only had a claim for half the nothing in the nest but half of the pension. Well, that truly is nothing because she does not have one. The rest of what he wants is quite eye opening in as much as that someone can be so greedy. What is funny though are the lies his solicitor has put into the divorce papers. I have a bad short term memory but I am honest and that which I can remember I will stand up in court and defend her on. It has become clear then that she married the brother of both Pinocchio and Rumplestiltskin. A liar with a penchant to throwing tantrums mmmm yes the latter I have seen and the former I have just had proven. So, here we are again, defending the innocent against the ignorant and hoping that it is not the solicitors that win in this instance again. This is the third time my friend has been taken for whatever it is she has or may not have. This time though it will wipe her out and when it gets really nasty I will sit and write a story for my next book. This is where Nurse Tuffy-Tail is in France and because the laws there are different in Neuf Papillion to those in Provence and the UK then Tyrone Tuffy-Tail is able to claim back all that he claimed before which he had to give back. Ah, it is a shame the great court of Apple does not have any teeth!! Well, I feel better for that and now have to write a rebuttal to this bulk-standard pack of lies that solicitors write on behalf of people they know nothing about both in life or character. He who has it quite cushy is now strapped to my friends machine and she is not trying to send him onto the next plane, she is just trying to shed some of his self-inflicted fat. The fact that he is there alone with her in her nest could be well misconstrued and not a penny changes hand. You don't charge friends and so it was this morning that she told me we were the only two people she knows whom she can call real friends. So that was a lovely compliment. Now I must go back to the search for impartial solicitors and look up the Donor Card website. The former for my friend and the latter for me although I do not plan to die rather than give evidence, no it is just a whim to keep me occupied and it beats pegging the washing on the line but it has to be said that it has started raining. They did forecast the temperatures dropping and they seem to be well-plummeting but at least there is a cloud with a silver lining - all I have to do is find it and maybe when my donor card is being activated it will come from out of the wild moo yonder wherein the clouds graze
My friend has nothing but it seems that her ex partner is entitled to half of that. This is my grot at the insanity of a system whereby a man comes with nothing,allegedly, hangs a door in his partner's house, buzzes off to a younger nest occupant then claims half of the old nesting because he hung said door. Half an empty nest it seems is still something and then don't forget the cache that my friend has squirelled away over the years. Yes, he is entitled to half of that and any other thing that makes things live and breathe. Good job the gas man does not work on the same principle. "Oh your honour, I had a cup of tea in this ladies house, fitted a new boiler, had a gas and now I want half of it all because of my work and said hospitality." Why of course you can but don't forget to share it with the carpenter who laid the flooring for you to walk upon. So they both come with nothing except a tool bag and both leave with a bag of nuts and any other fixture of fitting they can use the nuts on. Now I think I finally understand that two rights don't make a wrong and half of nothing is definitely something because it has been proven that there is no such thing as nothing. Who decided that! Next they will say that there are no laws of gravity so grab anything you can that has not been nailed down and if the rule of thumbs up has no sway any more then watch what you do with the hammer! I will add to this when my goat has been furter got on and my friend has been milked. It seems that she is not entitled to half of his nothing which he has craftily stached. Pah, they might have had some form of union but his work's union is stronger. And it seems the Great Court of Apple does not give a pip. So much for morals, you never learn by them. Also, two rights do not make a wrong.
Well here we are following instructions and at least I have not ended up bugged. I am surprised to be the Empress though because I always thought of myself as a moon person. Maybe I fibbed on one of the questions. I cannot remember where it came from but it was on a profile which I am too tired to think of at present so I will put it on later. I just did not want to lose this. I am bushed and as for the Rosa Regusa well it is pruned and naked. The sun has been shining here but it was cold and as I had put some ayervedic oil on my hair to promote hair growth I was forced to put my cap on. Rather than get a greasy cap I put a headscarf on then the cap and Biggles had nothing on me. I even had my Elton John 80's glasses on in order not to get my new ones scratched. I have just cleared up and am resting between courses if you like. I have to cook tea but don't feel like it so we can have the take-away from last night that was meant to be put in the freezer for a rainy day. If you have ever pruned Rosa Regusa, the rose with the huge fat berries, then you will know all about their pernicious thorns. They get in everywhere even in through jeans and into thermals so you can imagine it is not very comfortable everytime you bend over. Nothing for it but to get rid of the thorn and that was not easy because I had to locate it first then try to get it out whilst still wearing the thermals so that looked a pretty picture. At least I had taken my cap off. I cannot picture any less empressive if I tried so I think the moon would have been a better card after all!!


You are The Empress

Beauty, happiness, pleasure, success, luxury, dissipation.

The Empress is associated with Venus, the feminine planet, so it represents, beauty, charm, pleasure, luxury, and delight. You may be good at home decorating, art or anything to do with making things beautiful.

The Empress is a creator, be it creation of life, of romance, of art or business. While the Magician is the primal spark, the idea made real, and the High Priestess is the one who gives the idea a form, the Empress is the womb where it gestates and grows till it is ready to be born. This is why her symbol is Venus, goddess of beautiful things as well as love. Even so, the Empress is more Demeter, goddess of abundance, then sensual Venus. She is the giver of Earthly gifts, yet at the same time, she can, in anger withhold, as Demeter did when her daughter, Persephone, was kidnapped. In fury and grief, she kept the Earth barren till her child was returned to her.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

Jist seeing if a name will bring a face to write about. Also a reminder of thoughts whilst washing pots, usually where inspiration comes. Latimar Le-Moringee, a Madgascarian mammal. Jaspar/Julien Gentlegum and Roger Roughtongue. Anton Aterchude from the Antipodese ++++ ==== Gumbolina.+++ Bonnito Boggle-bug ++++ Blueboggle.++++ Hayden Hermitos +++
Oh, my goodness gracious me, I was diddling about looking at a photo to discover that it was viewable only by me. Well, I have no need for that because I would not spend ten minutes compressing something for the sake of gratuity. Then I looked into the options and clicked on this and then on that and then on the have as the background one and so it came to pass that the bug and I are on kissing terms. Pah pah peurk. It is amazing what you do when you are not trying so I have no idea how to undo it and so it came to pass that I was bitten by the bug and oh that reminds me. I sent he who seems to have more compeetoes than the chancellor a cheap flight finding company having searched for Cancun out of curiosity. I had a reply because we are like most internet families and speak by mail. Kidding. Anyway, he asked me whether I wanted to live in America and I assumed it was a site then for people wishing to live there. I looked again and it is no such thing so I have no idea what his answer was about. Maybe I should have searched from Dabolim in Goa instead because he knows I would like to live in India. No I know this may seem obscure but the bug that had bitten was indeed American, well actually it was Mexican and he resides in the dining room at the Yucatan hotel owned by the tRIUmph hotel chains. Goodness knows what he had crawled on when nobody was watching although he looked to be having a whale of a time playing his clarinet that music must have been his food of love. So anyway, it seems I am stuck with a bug until I find a way to get some flowers there and mark his demise. I have lots to do and that includes the washing up which can wait but there are books to displodge and then I need to look at Amazon, not for the makeup that the elephants with painted toenails will be selling beauty products from, but the one that sells everything from toothbrushes for Mexicans to mutilate to books for the worms to habitate (made up word). Yes, finally someone has said they would do a review for me and I am thankful, well I will be when I see it with my own bug eyes. Ha ha ha. If this makes sense then it will be nothing to do with the vino tinto but the fact that I have been typing a lot and so keeping the flow going without having to come up for breathe or even punctuate and that is probably the longest sentence I have managed to type without having to go back to the beginning to find out what case I opened up in. I will close now or it will get surreal and so that is how we stand, the bug and I are tolerating each other and the washing up still needs doing. I am too hard on myself. It is not as if when I go to bed there is a voice that says, "You have done a good job today," or, "You have been found slacking." No it is just my conscience and so I must have one and that means they did not disconnect that when I surgery so thank heaven for small mercies. Although if I had no conscience I would not worry whether this was the biggest load of garble or not and then join the ranks of the rest of the world. Oh no, anything but that and even the bug agrees!!
The day started well and I went onto Stuffmyfacebook adding these banal comments. At the end of the afternoon they had diaappeared and I was not amused. This evening I was typing a message to my name sake, Wendy, when the thing came up with an error message and I lost the whole lot. It was personal info to help a friend. Well I was answering her questions and had given some good ones. I still cannot believe they did this to me. There were a few things I did not particularly like about stuffmyfacebook and now it seems there are two more. I am not a contriving person and would never make a good person which is another reason the site is no good for me. BANAL COMMENTS. Wendy is Quitting whilst still being ahead after discovering that the box of long lasting Short Straws is still virtually full. Who said nothing lasts forever! Wendy is still having cookie problems and stuffing grapes for lunch. Apart from that, looking for the To Do list in order to burn it. Wendy is wondering how much text this annoying box holds in order to write a boring diary to drill up some enthusiasm to finish the next book Wendy is not a buzzy body but a lazy daisy whereon Beryl rested whilst waiting for Nigel the Nectar Collecter Wendy is thinking that facebook is picky or faulty. My previous remarks have disappeared into the ether and they were quite good. Pah. Inspiration my face! Wendy is fuming due to an anomaly in the system. A long message has gone East or West into the ether and I have to start again - I am not angry - ohmmmm ++++++++++++++++ OK, when I looked this afternoon all that I had was "Wendy is not a buzzy body but a lazy daisy etc". You can imagine I was not amused. However, tonight when I logged on there was a message from a lady with the same name as me and I sat replying to it. After a while I had a message up saying that the Webpage had expired - then all the work I had done disappeared. I have tried to find it and without success so I am not amused. However, I went onto my Profile and there as bold as brass were the above remarks that were not there this afternoon - at all except for the aforementioned lazy Daisy remark which is the last one I posted this afternoon. This evening I had a grot saying about them being picky or faulty So I think there is a Big Brother who reads people's complaints and acts on them. It even happened here on fubar once when I had put a real grot about what had happened to one of my blog entries. Next time I looked it was fine. I am not a complicated person so it annoys me when this happens but the most annoying thing is the message loss. Maybe it will be there when I look next but I doubt it. Ah well, when push comes to pull, there is nothing quite a nice glass of vino tinto except that I think I emptied the bottle last night and dare not open another or the men on the recycling lorry will do a requim mass for my liver. Just to count my blessings though, there is still a leak free roof, the central heating is still working and there is no washing up to do, so I should not moan but it is good for the soul and I feel better for it. As it is getting late and I think the beauty sleep fairy has a lot of work to do, the hammock is calling for its nightly swing it is Land of Naps time.
Back entry from 6th OCTOBER 2007. Note: A trip to India in November 07 was most memorable to the point of missing a flight, spending a night in Manchester, driving to Heathrow, flying scheduled to Bombay, transferring to Dabolim in Goa then onward to our hotel complete with all the modcons we need to exist there for three weeks. And now we leave 2009 to go back in time from whence this blog originated. (Well I had to edit it for reasons not necessary to mention.) OK back to 6/10/07 entry. The days fly by and I still have writers block but Blog block seems to have resolved itself. Him who knows all has just been unblocked by being painted in the most disgusting gunk manufactured by a leading dermal company. I have bits of it all over the carpet to prove it and he has gone out with the administrator of said detox who happens to be my friend but the walk will do him good and give me time to cool off after clearing up the mess. Midi is playing up and not receiving my Emails and I now have another three identities, mostly they are to protect the innocent and a way out when all those stupid chain Emails keep coming in whilst blocking up both my Inbox and the whole internet. I found a brilliant way of passing a message on and that is through Slap and Tickle. So anyway, I find people bizarre and when I get a profile to look at and it is full of Herbs and Verbs, you know like Damn, blast, blow, Tut, Poodle Drops and such like, I think, Oh yes, well OK I don't have to look at you again. Then I accept them as friends and the next time I do look all the Poodle drops have been amended and there is a polite and even more caring human being. So do they do it to shock me because believe me I have seen and heard more than most but just don't feel the need for repeating what has passed by my shell likes over the last 51 years. (now 53 years!) Well, I am not bothered because soon I shall be away from here and sunning myself, meeting lovely people and getting wonderful facials and massages by very gifted and caring people in India. The only poodle drops I will come across will be emitted by cows. I can't wait to get back to that room with the power shower and wash away all the cares negative energy from the last six months. India, it is a place where anything is possible, if you open your mind up so I need to unblock all my Chakras and forget any Blog that I might have. Maybe even writers block will clear so, Blogs Away. +++++ Forward again to now to Feb 2009 and the block has gone and has been replaced by rubbish literal, lateral diarrhoea. But at least it is all clean and soft soap sob stories – well no one said I had to stop moaning! Oh enough of the frivolities and back to the grapes to ease the sore throat from shouting out loud. Well, that is another contradiction in terms, if you are shouting quietly it would be a mere whisper, if you are shouting inwardly then you would be fuming. If you shout in your box then it would be a mere echo so there seems a lot to shout about here and does it matter. I have forgotten what I was writing in a loud fashion and it sounds like a sigh is now order!

Bios, I meant tri-os

What started this stupid thread was the fact that I read my Bio-rhythms on the computer today. It said, "your energy is 66% you can safely do all the things you wish." Yes. Well, that was bad news because what it should have said is, “You will feel like doing the washing up this evening.” It is funny that I think energy is physical, well it seems not and time immemorial when the energy level is high, I do the washing up in the evening. I don't say that I wash the grill pan out, that is the last straw, and tonight it especially is because it is freezing. . Which reminds me, I have lost weight. Yes, I am now getting quite shrivelled and wrinkly because as you know putting on weight is cheaper than buying expensive moisturisers which keep wrinkles at bay. So the once bursting and blooming face is now withered and shivered. The happy news is that I have managed to get into my old jeans and so last week I went out for the evening in jeans for the first time in two years and nine months. That was cause for celebration and while everyone else was feeling blessed in their glitzy black numbers, I looked totally scruffy next to them but at least I was happy. You cannot imagine what it is like to do something you never thought would do again. So, anyway, for the first time in my life I cooked mange touts or slim peas to you. Then I cooked sweet snap peas not forgetting runner beans. So there you have it a slimmer's dinner. That might not seem much to shout about because I have cooked runner beans before without sweat but I have never cooked this triple dish of delight together in the same pan in the same day. Yes, they were cooked in my new, sooper dooper, stainless steel steamer and not a plug in sight. It is a basic pan and very shiny and flash it is too. That is the reason for the washing up, it has to be said, because, as they are still shiny and new, I don't leave them over night - I don't care what the label says, nothing is like it used to be, stainless is not spotless. OK, I admit to leaving them one night and the next morning the bottom was internally spotted. It did eventually all come out in the wash but that took several weeks of elbow grease to remove. This takes us so far away from the three bio's. I see that the loft ladders are down so I can only assume then that he who has stopped tutting is up there looking for a bit to get his bios up and running. The live biological bacteria died a death and as for the bio-rhythms. Well, I reckon that has to be an hour of topical tripe.
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