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DEBBIE's blog: "just for sex sake"

created on 02/19/2007  |  http://fubar.com/just-for-sex-sake/b56980

seat belts

New Ferrari for Dad $1,000,000 Image Hosting by Picoodle.com Image Hosting by Picoodle.comImage Hosting by Picoodle.comImage Hosting by Picoodle.com &img=/Image Hosting by Picoodle.com Image Hosting by Picoodle.com Image Hosting by Picoodle.com Image Hosting by Picoodle.com Image Hosting by Picoodle.com Car loss? $1 Million bucks! Waiting list for a new one? 2 years. When can son drive Dad's car again? Next life time. When will kid not be grounded and see the light of day? Same day the polar ice caps melt. But he is still alive.... Priceless................ Car only had 9 miles on it !.................. One mile of it was during the wreck. Image Hosting by Picoodle.comImage Hosting by Picoodle.comDEBBIE

@ CherryTAP


/www.picoodle.com/view.php?srv=img03&img=/8/4/23/f_33276R11728m_196d712.jpg" target="_blank">Image Hosting by Picoodle.com64);">*******************************THE CULPRIT!!!**************************************
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if you look in the right hand lower corner of the screen door you can see blackie or midnight don't know which the neighbors cats

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Mommy you sure need to dust.Let me help!19.gif

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Mom doesn't know that we are plotting our next search and destroy mission!19.gif

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mission accomplished!!!36.gif36.gif36.gif

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reaping the REWARDS!!!

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my front yard and the house across the street that looks just like a smaller version of my old house in Hillsboro
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the fight is ON!!!!!!

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***********************GONE!************************ He ran about looking for us running from from room to room looking everywhere he knew we'd be. First in the bedrooms in the beds even under the beds, then the kitchen for when we are not in bed we are eating sneaking him little nips and snips under the table just out of moms sight.now he is getting worried can't find us anywhere. Can't even smell us any more, all he can smell is that stinging acrid smell of burning rotting flesh. Maybe just maybe his family is outside. All he sees is smoke and those monstrous shell where our cars used to be and those horrible, horrible screeching birds that keep circling overhead

Deb's kat house

I AM GOING TO FRIGGING SHOOT MY FRIGGING SELF THIS IS FRIGGING NUMBER 3. I am sick of this blog already it started out good but has gradually turned into a piece of S**T...TUNERDAY...Well it is Friday at Deb's Kat House and on Fridays Everyone in the house gets Tuna(TUNER) Even mama. It is not a meat thing actually, it is Kat Day at this house,Show me one day that isn't can not call this house mine any more it went from Deb's Kat House to Adam and Nancy's those of you that have been reading my blogs will know what i am speaking of. I just thought that I was getting my house back when I told them to Leave. I still have to try to go around all of their crap and my garage is full couldn't walk in there if i had to they keep saying that it will be out by this weekend that was I think 2 maybe 3 weekends ago. Well the day started off pretty good.Sox singing the mama song to me then it went to hell when I got a phone call I did not want. OBSCENE at 6:00a.m.If I am going to get a call like that I much rather it be from the man I love. Not from someone I don't know and don't want to know. I can not believe that I missed YOUNG & RESTLESS for this. It is a critical point in the show, we found out that if Carmen is dead then Devon, Drucilla, and Kevin did not kill her. She was actually killed by the new chick with the British accent. LOL,no offense Tim honey, it definitely not as sexy on her as it is on you, God I wish you had been here to answer that phone. Well 7 and a half hours later all I have done is fight with this chat with the most wonderful man in the world not long enough tho.Read and commented on a couple of good blogs. So if you want something worth reading go to Just Jane and IFIK that is all I have gotten to so far next I am going for PONY691 that promises to be an excellent read also. The cats were fed and I was drinking my 2nd cup of joe by 9:00 this morning while the boys were outside playing with Fluffy and fighting with Zoe. Now the dogs are barking and won't shut up what NOW? Something else to interrupt progress my dishwater is cold was just going to get rid of emails start my blog then do dishes. Now I am to the point where I just need to finish this shit and get it out of my hair so I can get some work done after I kill that m-fing dog. I can already see what kind of night I am going to have. Another night of turn everything off lock the doors at 6:00 p.m. and be sick all night long.

kindred spirits?

What is this Blog supposed to be about? ?KINDRED SPIRITS- IS IT POSSIBLE? Webster's New Ninth Collegiate Dictionary defines Kindred as a group of like individuals, one's relatives, family relationships:kinships. and of a similar nature or character: Like 2. of the same ancestry. Spiritlit.,breath; akin to L spirare (?), to blow, breathe,to break wind]...(13c) 1: an animating or vital principle held to give life to physical organisms 2. a supernatural being of essence as: Holy Spirit: soul, 3: an often malevolent being that enters and possesses a human being 3. temper or disposition of mind or outlook esp. when vigorous or animated 4: the immaterial intelligent or sentient part of a person 5 a: the activating or essential principle influencing a person b: an inclination, impulse, or tendency of a specified kind: MOOD 6 a: a special attitude or frame of mind b: the feeling, quality, or disposition characterizing something ETC. ETC. ETC... Well according to this, a Kindred spirit is a probably an old uncle with an attitude thats full of gas. Don't know so much about that scarey thought, huh, Kindred... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm kin, Kinfolks Ive experienced, Being adopted at the age of just over a year, makes you a little distrustful of kin. I mean if a mother can just throw her babies out to strangers like yesterdays garbage.My baby brother was about 3 months old. Is it any wonder we can not trust family. Isn't family for ever? I know I wasn't the best of mothers.My daughter is the only family that I have ever trusted with every thingThat is why she is the Bestest daughter in the world. Iknow for a fact that the only reason she is in this God forsaken town is me. Imean, She gave up her life for me. So that right there ranks her at the top she is much better daughter than I ever even thought of being. Look at me I held a grudge against my parents for so many years of what I considered to be unjust, now here I am at the same age that my mother was when she adopted me. (EPIPHANY!) How did she take on an orphan child of some drug addict to raise as her own, and this little brat is about to hit terrible twos. And mom about to hit "THE CHANGE" that couldn't have been easy, and (I know a lot of ands)she was raised very old school, born in 1910 a time when people had large families just to run the farm. "And" if everyone didn't pull their share of the load s**t didn't get done. Child Protectevi Services was unheard of just one of those things Horse dont worka whuppin get it right out of that stubborn streak, guess they figured if it works for the horse might as well work for that lazy good for nothin kid and ultimatelythe child get beat till they bled. So it is no wonder that my mom would do the same with me. She knew no better, I'll never ever forget my first experience with a horse whip,(took years for me to figure out why we had a horse whip on a farm with no horses). We were out clearing the old corn field so we could hand plant some blackeyed peas (at the time i hated the little buggers, they were for slopping hogs we had none of those either) Mom asked me if I wanted to Hoe or plant. I said hoe. at about 6-7 years the hoe was taller than me. It naturally had a handle that was a little ragged so I got a few splinters. I then proceeded to change my mind amist a tem- per tantrum that would put off Jesus Christ himself rolling on the freshly plowed black dirt, kicking and screaming with about 10 to 15 people watching being "old school" that she was she took out that whip and gave me what for couldn't wear long pants for 3 days she had to put "tow sack" on car seat when we finally got thru just so wouldn't get blood on her Caddy. Suppose this is what she would have received the same in the same situation so what else is she supposed to do? Back then you just did not disrespect your parents by telling them you were "NOT" going to do something. So maybe we could have been "kinred spirits if I had just looked at the world through her eyes, I could have been a lot more understanding. When I was a teen I tried with every one else in the world. Why, Oh why couldn't I have even tried? Now begs the Question. If any one out there knows please tell me this is very important to me. What are "kindred spirits" and do they exist? I would suppose so it to the best of my knowledge a "kindred spirit" would be like a soul mate where as a "soul mate" you are destined to meet fall in "Love" and live together forever and ever and ne'er shasll you part till death. Happiness abounds everything is flowers and peace and Love. Do You suppose that maybe just maybe billions of years ago while this great universe was being formed there was a humongous cloud of cosmic gases containing all of our spirits some of us attached some not. And then BBBBBBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMM...!!! tHE Cosmic universe explodes and we that are attached seperated for ever and ever, unless you have been a good and loving person, then the stars may shine on you briefly in your smaller than a particle of dust life that is so insignificant life. Miracle of all miracles "BOOM" it happens again, and by pure accident you open that door to opportunity. There they are "kindred spirit" just a bunch of gas that is related to me cosmicly. Do we slam it shut againwaiting for another "kindred spirit" which we all know logically that will never happen again. If this is so wouldn't that negate our "soul-mate" theory? How do wen know whether it is the oppotunity of a lifetime or those welcomelittle butterfly fluttering deep in you gut is just a bad case of the spirit part of"kindred spirit" all of those blackeyed peas that you ate on New Years Day hoping to pick those all import- ant winning Lotto numbers. If any of you good people have any ideas on the subject, please comment on my blog. Maybe we can decipher this riddle together.

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

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HA!! she squeals excitedly as she spills her first sip of soon to be forgotten 2nd cup of coffee: Well it started with an otherwise boring morning.Going through the usual 150emails a day (groups and crap would love to buy but never ever have the money for like 1000tc queen size sheet sets,
Image Hosting by Picoodle.comOr , that ruby birthstone ring

Image Hosting by Picoodle.com everything was going great, until... Alright I beat the Hairy beast no more emails ,now I can chat with a friend ot two quit being so stuck up You know the slidy thing a majig that the keyboard sits on (((CRASH)))!!! DRAWER THING IS ON FLOOR AND ON TOP OF MY TOES, I am in tears, Sox , the sweetheart that he is, comes running every time that I cry, sees that I am sobbing hysterically yet again, Pitiful such a damned girl my parents raised me tougher than that.God I hate Girly Girls. except one.

he sits there looking at me holding the keyboard by whats left of my already broken fingernals
you know the look that animals give you like What happened and can I do anything to help the RCA victor dog head tilted to the side quizzically looking at old timey record player with weird looking speaker on top for those of us that do not remember the Victrola. By this time i have keyboard sitting on tower under the desk. Sox is still halfway on coffee table hind quarters on coffee table front paws on my legs nudging my face with the top of his head like its going to be okay mommy I'll make it all better. He run out of the front screen door. Not expecting him to e back anytime soon. I make one of my many trips to as my poor old daddy called it "the water closet", makes sense I suppose.I come back and my friend is online wanting to chat haven't heard from in so long. Not paying any attention to what is going on behind me there are at least 4 or 5 cats running frantically in and out of the house this is a normal every day occurrence, my 3 and and 3 more from around the neighborhood. They have this agree to disagree situation

Image Hosting by Picoodle.comThis is when Pot Pot "tears ass"through the living room across the barely there hallway,sliding, yes sliding, across carpet and under the peaky nose out from under bedspread like, I cant see the monster, it cant see me.I look up just in time to see Sox prance in just like those horses that walk so proudly head held high bringing me a present. This is the cat that brings me flutterbys (butterflies) to the rest of the world. I now haver a small collection opf them going to make a shadow box, yeah right in whose lifetime.Just like the pillows I am going to make out of old T-shirts and Sweatshirts, oh yeah, he drops my present at my feet. The most beautiful...gray either pigeon or dove I am not up on my bird species. with the most beautiful blue circles around its eyes looked like eyeliner. Now this poor bird is still alive it just lays there I am screaming and crying again because I am wondering how in the hell I am going to get this poor bird out of my house number one, and what to do with it once I get it outside so the cats wont bother it again number two.It is panting almost as fast as I am, we are all hyperventilating me over a bird that i believe is almost dead. It is screaming, I figure from the pain it looks like a broken leg it was bent in a place not supposed to bend I know nothing about veterinary medicine but it looked broke to me.Sox is so happy and proud of himself he is huffing and puffing too Pot pot hiding under the bed growling and panting also all the while, I am still chatting with my friend telling her what is going on screaming,Help! like she going to miraculously appear out of nowhere and make this bird disappear into thin air for me. Realizing this was not going to happen, of course, not wanting to touch it with bare hands. I grab paper towels double them. grab bird. gingerly go down front steps.(almost impossible for me without my cane).lay the bird just off the porch hopefully in the cover of some wild onion that grow there. Thought maybe It would lie there and die in peace. Shock the S**T out of me it hops up standing on one leg takes about 3 hops around the front as if testing that one leg. Looks at me,turns ,looks at the 3 cats looking through the screen door takes about 4 more "running" hops gives a half-ass flap of the wings.Takes off in the air not stopping until he gets to the first tallest tree on the block. Is there any way possible that this bird is still alive?

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Tommy and Timmy

ok I have a Prob. as a matter of fact two problems.TOMMY, TIMMY,TOMMY,TIMMY,TOMMY,TIMMY,TOMMY TIMMY


Were was I? Oh yeah, Things like to see before I go to meet my maker. well some things shouldn't be mentioned in mixed company, Last night we visited Sydney, Brisbane, and last but most certainly not least Melbourne, then where is it that Jane Lives? Would like to stop and visit each of my Buds that I have grown to Love from that beautiful land "Down Under". This has to include my pal IFIK just cuz he iz such a TER-IFIK friend. Then if my wonderfully sweet handsome husband wouldn't mind too terribly bad a totally wild honeymoon in the Australian outback which I am sure we would be very satisfied... in our choices thus far. Yes I realize We would have to be independently wealthy, but this is all about dreaming, who says I can't dream big, I would be happy in the back of a 49 chevy pick-up with a tarp thrown over for privacy in the middle of "Fred Sanfords" Junk Yard. Whilst we are dreaming, on the way to the states we would have to stop by and visit good friend Dave and show him just how disturbing I really am within reason without scaring him too bad. Then make the rounds from Leeds sorry couldn't find any pics from there I am sure they have some very lovely country side got as close as possible.
Image Hosting by Picoodle.com am going to try to find pics of big ben cuz this is very large on my list and woul;dn't living in this cottage be glorious?

I can just see my pussies romping and stalking flutterbys in the garden pouncing on everything that moves. Think this is either a motel or bed and breakfast or some such sure like to visit, but ifin had my druthers staying 2 or 3 nites just not enuff I would prefer a lifetime.

Image Hosting by Picoodle.comI have no idea what this is maybe Tim can tell me, Having myself a little blond moment I am going to ASSUME that it is the Thames Like that is the one and only river in England. No cant be I think this is Essex and isn't the Thames in London?

Reality bites ya know, I think that I just broke my 5.00 35mm camera trying to take pics of the pussies on the front porch. Opened door to let Spot out to play and who do I find waiting on porch but, midnight and fluffy and some other kitties haven't seen before a beautifully evil looking little black and gray tabby with pure devilment in his eyes. and a big humongous I'll assume tomcat looks like a "patches". dropped my camera the door thingy that holds battery in came off hopefully i got it to stay good enough we'll see when take up this roll of film I am sure they were bad enough before dropped it no telling what they look like now.
Back to England,Always wanted to see all the history, Hated history in school but, it is so different when you get to go out and see the places feel the atmosphere smell the countrysides see what type peoples live there it kind of puts it into perspective. Guess I am SOL with the Berlin wall.Thank God, bless us each and every one. May there be peace in the valley till the end of time

Image Hosting by Picoodle.comThey saidTHIS one was Tower on the Thames not really sure what it is but it looks very old and official definitely wouldn't want to eat a big bowl of Texas chili with beans and go in there to meet the Queen. Bet a fart can really echo thru those big old halls
Image Hosting by Picoodle.com Have no earthly idea what these places are probably just high dollar hotels and such but still be nice to see. Now I'm off to see the wizard . maybe he has extra brain and a pic of Big Ben.

Finally found them.

Image Hosting by Picoodle.comImage Hosting by Picoodle.comImage Hosting by Picoodle.com while we are dreaming might as well stay at CAMELOT!!! Image Hosting by Picoodle.com Then a quick tour of a scottish castle or two

Image Hosting by Picoodle.comImage Hosting by Picoodle.com THEN BACK TO THE STATES! and the one place I HAVE to go before I die Image Hosting by Picoodle.com

Where we HAVE to go to the only place worth going to where I will have to get some new Cook's Essentials of course and then a qick stopover to Pennsylvania to where else but QVC and hope get to see Jeanne Byce and maybe get me some Quacker factory clothes while I am there.Image Hosting by Picoodle.com I suppose this will have to do for now will have to dream more at a later date and have more time for dreaming


paAn Earlier Blog got me to thinking about the things be plan on doing before we die. How many things on our lists do we actually get to do? Well I must be one lucky Bitch. I got one that I never even thought to put on my list. I got to find LOVE but problem is we just happen to live a world apart. And it seems like a lifetime away too I know we will be together eventually but some moments it seems so unattainable like when you are finally asleep, after hours of tossing and turning you have the most wonderful dream everything is so peaceful and warm, to the point of being comforting,any one that been seperated by great distances must have felt this one you can feel their arms around you. You are startled awake, it seemed so real you can still feel their warmth envelope you, smell their scent. You are still groggy then you start coming around you reach out to grab them so the feeling can't escape and the body warmth you felt on the pillow is gone.It is as cold as if Jack friggin Frost had taken a big old Dump right next to you myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphicsOk, back to the pointThings I will never be able to do. Let's see when I was little I wanted to be a farmer like my daddy, then there was the first vacation that I can remember to the mountains. Thats when I decided I was going to be a mountain climbing Indian when I grew up (like I could change my bloodline) Then I grew up and decided I wanted to be a Hippie, dopehead groupie. 2 out of 3 aint bad. Then I graduated 8th grade, went into high school then we take a placement test of sorts given to us by the air force. Said I should train to be mechanic on jet engines. Talk about hot and bothered for a dream .Ya know nice round tight tushy in uniform young girl full of raging hormones. Agree that this is new lifes ambition this is calling hell could always be mechanic on commercial airliners after service if made out. Even went so far as to having recruiting officer to talk with family and set up appointment for physical then next day while walking home from school. Now that I look back on it through adult eyes, something not quite right , if it were my daughter I would not allow it either.Back to the point while walking home from school I saw the ugliest raggediest pick-up I had ever seen in my life driven by the ugliest jar head I had ever seen, believe me nothing. Against the Marines I have a great respect for them,my uncle was a marine during pearl harbor He was a lucky one made it home. Well this ugly pick-up circled the block i was non about 10 times before i could make it to the end. Bag of hormones that I was of course even ugly attention turned my head, he was 22 I was 14. Of course we not going to tell my parents that,Like they going to believe he is 18 which in it self is still too old for a young girl like I was. He being a Marine talked me into backing out of joining up.Talk about pissed when the officer was NOT a happy camper when I had to tell him.Luckily hadn't signed anything yet. Just think where I could be If I had joined. Well 2 weeks after he went back to boot camp. My father intercepted unbeknownst to me a package the exact size of a ring box. Are we getting the picture here? Fourteen year old girl here a marine at least 22 could have been upwards of 25 as far as I will ever know.There goes my dream of seeing the world England And Austraila I LOVE YOU TIM!!!

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Trying this for third time wish me luck
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