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MistressMic's blog: "ME"

created on 12/12/2006  |  http://fubar.com/me/b33868

RedheadedCherry ? Club F.A.R ? Rate & Fan Me *B4* Friends Add

@ fubar That Lady up above is about one of the Finest Ladies on Fubar... She's been a member since the Lost Cherries' Days..., she's been a member since August 6, 2006. RedheadedCherry is Fubar's 92nd Legend with 5, 543 Fans!!! You Really should stop by her page.. Rate her, Fan her and trying becoming one of her friends... She is one of the very few women on this site that I truely trust with anything and everything going on in my life... she has my cellphone and my home phone number.... and always has... that says alot about how much I trust this woman!! She has a heart of gold and would do anything asked of her - even giving the shirt off of her back.... The main reason RedheadedCherry is on Fubar is her daughter... Ashley Marie... 1728806902.jpg Ashley has a blood disease.... so spends time on here when she is not busy taking care of her daughter ... to forget how much pain her daughter is in, because there is nothing she can do take away her daughters pain.... and there is nothing worse when a mother is helpless to help their child... so what does RedheadedCherry do to help take her mind off it ???? She helps others.... Since the day I met her she has spent her time leveling others and bombing them.... 2336507524.jpg This time its out turn..... She's only 137K from leveling.... she's been stuck FOREVER at Insider.... Lets make her a FU-KING!!!!! Please help me get her there!!! PLEASE!! 1616630903.jpg All love given to her will be returned tenfold by both her and I... and you know I stand by my word.... and the House of Doom is also backing up my word... if you would like to check out the House of Dooms' Hit List you will find her profile has been listed in there for awhile - you will also find her own explaination to our posting... I just absolutely love and adore this woman!!! ~MzMic~ The House of Doom

@ fubar
Music Video Codes by VideoCure
They lie... They dont care... They are a bluff.. They are empty air!!! Why why is what I ask? To the powers that be I ask.. ''Why this mask?'' Why this mask of dreadful hate? Why, this is to be my fate? The hating must end!!! It must end...Here and now! I will find the way some how.. I know!! I will throw to them my heart! I will stop it now before they start. Right here and now, yes here & now!! I will not play their game anymore!! So which word will I chose? what word will YOU choose to say?? How about.....No more BS Drama??? I Don't Care Anymore!!!!

bombingplanebetterwords.gif *~JustMeMic~* and Myself (ctwife and real life fiance of MikeS)

@ fubar ~*MikeS*~and MsMic (FUBAR HUSBAND& REAL LIFE BF/Fiance of Miczhell)

@ fubar As we walk our path of life, We meet people everyday. Most are simply met by chance. But, some are sent our way. These become special friends Whose bond we can't explain; The ones who understand us And share our joy and pain. Their love contains no boundaries. So, even we are apart. Their presence enhances us With a warmth felt in the heart This love becomes a passageway, When even the miles disappear. And so, these friends, God sends our way, Remain forever near. ~MzMic~ fallen-angela.jpg As I sit here and type this bulletin, I am sad... tonight I lost a friend that was near and dear to me....because even though two families had decided to go their seperate was and end their association ... he stood firm on his friendship with me and stayed true to me - until this final act of sabatoge against MikeS and I ... (as if the "Karma Family" attacking us and stealing my salute pic and the fake accounts against me was not enough) where we have been accused of hacking in and stealing a certain someones' account here on FuBar... I put my friend in an impossible position of answering questions... well not really... all I wanted to know is ... "Was either I or Mike being the ones of being accused of doing it?" See... even though our accounts might of been signed into FuBar... neither of us have been here the last few days... we have been offsite working... we do have to earn $$$.... we DON'T earn it here... leveling your profiles and bombing your contests does NOT make us money ...I GUESS the House of Doom could start charging for it hehehhee. Well, tonight I went to a bouncer.... to ask if Scrapper or BabyJ could run an IP Check on the person signing into this certain persons account who claims to have had her account "hacked into & stolen".... I WANTED OUR NAMES CLEARED... I HAD NO FEAR THAT IT WAS US..... this was his reply (obviously our names had already been given to security) (edited to be read from the bottom up only for ur reading pleasure, the names have been removed to protect the innocent and not so innocent) *~JustMeMi...: hey sugah... can scrapper or babyj run an ip ck on to determine the location of the person who is actualy signing into a persons acct? XXXXXXXX: Yes they can *~JustMeMi...: kewl... cause im sure you have heard the whole fiasco of xxxxx having her 2nd acct "hacked & stolen" ? XXXXXXXX: I haven't heard the details on that *~JustMeMi...: well even tho Ive signed in each morning to check on things.. I've left each day to go to work... and left myself signed in... so people have thought that I was actually online... so know Ive found out that she is spreading it around that it was me or MikeS that hacked her account... *~JustMeMi...: wel if u do a search on "XXXXX" you can see that both of her 2 and 4th accounts show as online all the time... XXXXXXXXX: interesting *~JustMeMi...: I would like it proved that whomever is signing into her 2nd acct is NOT me *~JustMeMi...: my ip is 192.168.xxx.x XXXXXXXXX: Seeing as her main account is such a high level account, I am sure that the engineers have already looked into whether it was a hack job.. And since you still have your account.. I think it is safe to say that they haven't found you 2 to be responcible *~JustMeMi...: Hon.. you will understand... I took a sworn oath in 1999... to never ever hack.... that sworn oath was to the federal govt.... i would go to jail if it was proven that I ever did... XXXXXXXXX I understand sweetie.. and like I said.. I am sure the site engineers have already checked to see if that account was truly hacked Soooo... Basically.... MikeS... and Myself... have been cleared of any wrongdoing... and any namesmearing can NOW be stopped!!!! WE still have OUR ACCOUNTS.... PROOF that we DID NOT hack into ANYONES account NOR STEAL HER ACCOUNT.... Personally I... believe this is a publicity stunt.... done to gain sympathy.... and to point the spotlight at us.... Notice that the "Karma Family's" main agenda is to get REVENGE at the House of Doom.... and the FAKE ACCOUNT created with the stolen salute picture of me was titled "KARMA HITS DOOM" *KARMA HITS DOOM*

@ fubar Keep an eye on her main account... remember its close to Godfather....I believe when it hits Godfather she will mysteriously regain access to it... ask yourselves... why hasn't support taken control of it and gave it back to her???? She has bought blasts... stickies.... and other things... she has enough data to prove that the account IS HERS.... they would and could give it back to her.... unless perhaps.... just perhaps... it is her that still has access to it.... and is just doing this as drama and publicity.... yes sad and pathetic... but why else hasn't support taken control and given it back? Hmmmmm.... things that make you question it...... As a friend of mine that I like and admire said the other day.... All I am trying to do is Speak up for things that are Right and speak out against things that are wrong.... I might have gotten his quote a little wrong... but what he says is correct!!! and that comes from the Joke®s Wild™ but anyway he says it.. he is right! It's time to step up to bat.... stop letting just a few control things around here.... let us do what we are here to do.... help others... thats all Mike and I are here to do and we can't do it and have fun... if we are constantly having to watch our backs... ONLY_GOD_CAN_JUDGE_ME.jpg Lately; we have noticed this "Karma Family" has been visiting our Friends & Families pages... a few of my friends have contacted me... letting me know that pictures that I or Mike has made for them have been NSFW'ed.... has this happened to anyone else???? Please let us know, ok? It is NOT us... if you have accounts with our pictures on them visiting ... PLEASE let us know.. we do NOT have duplicate accounts with our pictures on them!!! So they are FAKE accounts made by this "KARMA FAMILY" to annoy and harrass us and to make us appear badly to our friends and family.. it already forced a very close friend of mine the other nite to remove me, and block me because he believed me to be nsfw'ing pics that I made for him almost a year ago... sad but true and unfornately when he tried contacting me about it my pc was messing up and I couldnt respond to him cause my shoutbox was not working so he blocked me to protect the rest of his pics.... I am putting this information out there to protect the rest of our friends.... if the "Karma Family" comes to visit you... they are NOT there to befriend you... they are there to hurt MikeS & I.... protect yourself and US .. if we are truely your friends.... Ya'll know Mike & I.... we have been here forever... we have only been here to help others... we are both open and honest people... come talk to us about anything.. we will be open and honest with you ... we always have been.... I can't speak for Mike... but most of you know me.. I wear my heart on my sleeve and I know I let things get to me too much... Mike can brush things off easier than me..but ya'll that know him closely also know that things get to him too.. but alot of this touches me too closely and crushes me.... I've been here since I believe it was September 2006... I only came here for friendship.... not rates and points.... so yah... it does effect me... I came here to take my mind of my illnesses.... not to make myself the most popular and to get the most points each day or to be number (not that there is anything wrong with that at all.. I am NOT knocking anyone for that at all PLZ do not thing that!!) I came here to find people to talk to ... lucky for me ... I found my soulmate in the process and my best friend... So I guess I shouldn't let any of this get to me... but it still does. So to you my friends...... and I DO NOT WANT TO LOSE ANYMORE OF YOU!!! as I have re-established contact with some great ones lately.... a few of you ... I've made some GREAT pics for lately ... yah... you know who you are.. you have them in ur default folders hehehheehe *smiles* you go girl!!!! ~Luv&Hugs~ 421061767.gif This road my life is traveling on Has many twists and turns; Some days are smooth, some easy Some with hard lessons learned. I'm careful with my footsteps Keeping steady on my feet; Often stopping a long my way For people that I meet. There are many times I've stumbled, And I had to slow it down; Always looking up ahead, For it's impossible to turn around. I've learned to measure minutes, Not by the breaths I take each day; Instead I count the moments That take my breath away. Those times full of amazement, When we're caught up by surprise; Sometimes with a sweet hello, At times by sad goodbyes. Sometimes they're full of laughter, At others full of tears; That rush of sweet excitement, Mingled with a touch of fear. They become our precious memories, Of a time, a place, a day; When something deeply touched our heart, and took it's breath away... 1446416759ddddd.jpg What Is A Friend? A friend is somebody Who knows you and likes you Exactly the way that you are. Someone who's special And so close in thought That no distance can ever seem far. A friend understands you Without any words, Stands by you When nothing goes right. And willingly talks Over problems with you Till they somehow Just vanish from sight. And whether you're neighbors Or live miles apart, A word from a friend gives a lift To your heart and spirit. That shows you once more Why friendship is life's dearest gift!

Link to contest when contest starts 3859407172.jpg

Hiya Sugah!! I Will be entering
~?~Nyne~?~{CT Wife of DH2}'s


Contest.... which starts on 7/21th....(12PM EST) I would REALLY TRULY appreciate your help and support.... 1ST TO REACH
I will make sure that anyone that helps me out in THIS contest is paid back twofold and you know what a powerhouse that MikeS and I are when it comes to bombing that we are lol!!!! We will help rate, level, and bomb your pics and stash in any way that you want us to.. just let us know if you help me out in this contest.... thank you! xoxoxoxox
Luv Ya! ~MzMic~



Hiya Sugah!! I Will be entering
~?~Nyne~?~{CT Wife of DH2}'s


Contest.... which starts on 7/21th....(12PM EST) I would REALLY TRULY appreciate your help and support.... 1ST TO REACH
I will make sure that anyone that helps me out in THIS contest is paid back twofold and you know what a powerhouse that MikeS and I are when it comes to bombing that we are lol!!!! We will help rate, level, and bomb your pics and stash in any way that you want us to.. just let us know if you help me out in this contest.... thank you! xoxoxoxox
Luv Ya! ~MzMic~



Memorial Day

00184.gif Sorry I don't have time for individual comments as I have been busy with a Memorial weekend and packing- so I leave my comments for all here and I hope for each to be enjoying their long weekends safely and happily - just please remember what this weekend is all about - and make sure that you thank those service men and women that you see and send a prayer up for those that have gone before them and a prayer of protection for those to yet serve. MemorialDay.gif We set aside Memorial Day Each and every year To honor those who gave their lives Defending what we hold dear. In all the dark and deadly wars, Their graves prove and remind us, Our brave Americans gave their all To put danger far behind us. They made the ultimate sacrifice Fighting for the American way; We admire them and respect them On every Memorial Day. 17b39fd8.gif Sailor soldier, Risk upon the sea. Sailor sons, Depth on submarines. Sailor gunner, Aim be true. Sailor Sister, Nurse or fighter. Sailor on Battleship, War fitted freighters. Sailor mariner, Aircraft carrier. Sailor dangers, Below, above. Sailor we salute The sailor brave prod408105879dn.gif In a distant land, soldiers mission, Far from home, far from libertys security. Continued war, peace-keeping tactics, Reality of training, on the job learning. Survival thoughts in heat of war, Creates the valor, our war heroes. One soldier volunteer, simple duty serves, A driver to transport, one lone prisoner. Humvee rolling, attack from nowhere, Explosion wounding two, radio out. Drivers arm in lap, barely attached, Continues driving for others safety. The incident does not make the hero, Training, experience defines his duty. American soldiers are trained as best, Heros all, the tests will prove. Greater mission our security, Duty serves each menial task. Warfare battles proving some An American soldier hero. eaglemic.gif Army, Navy, USMC-Marines, Air Force, Coast Guard, National Guard, all Reservists For your sacrifice eternal thanks. On your Shoulders our freedom rests, Liberty from freedom that home fires refine. Soldiers, Civilians; Armed Forces enforce freedom, Freedom to civilian liberty, responsible civilian fires refine. Freedom the natural resource mined; Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, Airmen, the Guards; whose signatures signed sealed their sacrifice. Civilian responsible freedom refine, become exercised liberty. Armed Forces our liberty secured, allow our great society, Let their work not be in vain, home fires battle rage, Activism to uphold truth, apathy will enable lies. Activist, civilian guard, militia of our society. As our servicemen on foreign soil fight, Unjust laws jeopardized our freedom. U.S. Constitution must be upheld, Or our liberties will cease. Apathy in you or me, Each you and me, It is up to all. heroes.jpg We all owe thanks to the military and our veterans. It is the Veteran and those who now serve that sacrifice for our society. At the rate we pay our military it is a financial sacrifice to serve. That is the least of the sacrifices they make to which I am forever grateful. It is upon their sacrifices that allow me the freedom to write without government scrutiny. It is upon their sacrifices that allow me the liberty to come and go as I please. It is upon their sacrifices that allow me my children to raise as I see fit. It is upon their sacrifices that those I oppose who burn the flag may do so in ignorant liberty. It is upon their sacrifices that allow distortion of the truth in our mainstream media. Their sacrifices enable the liberty for good and bad, but they are not to blame. It is those who do not understand the responsibility that is required to exercise true liberty. Responsible freedom is liberty. Freedom without responsibility is the exercise of fools who dishonor those who provide the freedom for them to exercise stupidity. So I on behalf of those fools and idiots, do hereby pay honor and tribute to those Men and woman who do now and have served in our armed forces. I thank you on behalf of those who are too narrow minded to realize the thanks they owe to you, our military and veterans. memorialDay1.jpg Operation S O T "Support Our Troops." Flags, banners, signs, In parks, along freeways. Autos honking agreement; Flag salute, In God We Trust. Bikers club parade, Producing patriots roar; Radio personalities, Commercial but patriotic. Sport car driver smiles, Conspicuous camouflage. Military base gates, Guarding soldiers pride. Support not protest, Unworthy of network news. Support Our Troops Passing cars blast horns. Demonstrators more, Than protestors of war. Red, White, Blue garb. Americas pride to show. Yellow ribbons prayer, Mission soldiers safe return. Four door sedan, four men, Beginning weekend leave; Windows down, smiles bright. Yelling, Hooray, and thanks. Demonstrator responds back, No it is, THANKS, TO YOU! Its you soldier that sacrifices, Maintains the peace we know. Away from family love, Facing dangers so we may not. Vietnam blight on America, Men who were not shown, Only saw the protestors, Who spat on their return. Support Our Troops, The anti-cry, anti-protest, Well show our men we care. Never again fall to apathy, Neglect not, our defenders, Of peace we love back home. Our thanks, our gratitude, For your service sacrifice. Your might, your success, Shows the world terror, You will defend, seek out, Enemies of our culture. May God above remind, Everlasting civilian cry, We Support Our Troops. patrioticmicshell.jpg ~Luv&Hugs~ ~MzMikes'Mic~ support.jpg 947b168b038fbba.gif drilldog.gif janieflames.jpg
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