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A Poem by my Mother


Sunday, April 26, 2009 11:06 AM
"Daniel Vaughan", "Arthur Bartlett"

I don’t usually show people “roughs”, but I wanted to share this one. Mom Crossed Over May 1, 2008



I called you and you didn’t answer

I called you and you didn’t answer, as usual,

Then I let myself into your house with my key.

When I saw the back of your head

Tucked into a pillow over the arm of your sofa

It was the same as every other time you had fallen asleep waiting for me.

Seeing the little black curls in your now-thin hair

Your TV was on as always

“Loud enough to wake the dead.”


I called out.

“Morning, Mom!

Did you drop off to sleep again?”


Walked around the end of the sofa

And then….


“Oh, I guess you’re not asleep.”

I touched your throat at the pulse point

Knowing that there was no reason.

Your skin was cold





But you were lying in the same pose as always

One hand tucked over your stomach

Mouth open and eyes closed

Feet tucked up

The other hand on the thigh whose knee pointed away from the rest of you.

How many years had you dozed on the sofa like that?


But this was the last time.


After I made the phone calls with you lying right there

I wandered

I couldn’t leave you

But I couldn’t stay right by you.


I needed to think you were just asleep.


I went into the kitchen

And saw your supper dishes

Rinsed and in the drainer

And your leftovers in the fridge.


The gravy carefully saved from your “treat”,

From your Salisbury steak TV dinner that you loved so much

And a small bite of mashed potatoes.

You had eaten all the carrots.


An ½ slice of cheesecake

In a dessert bowl so that your shaky hands wouldn’t betray it to the floor.

An ½ cup of milky tea,

As always

Saved for a midnight snack

Always eaten at 2am.


An handful of grapes in another bowl,

Rinsed and ready for morning

Set in a soup bowl next to your hard-boiled breakfast egg

And the yogurt cup you had been working on for several days

With a carefully washed and saved lid that must have come from

Store-bought potato salad.


I shut the fridge door and the tears came.

 “Mom! Mom!”

I clung to the handle and cried


For all the things that we wouldn’t do.

For all the drives to the grocery necessary no longer,

Where you would sit in the car and, grinning, wave to all and sundry.

For all the trips to watch the ocean and the spouting horns and mountains that we wouldn’t take

For never hearing this spring your cries of “Pinkies!”

As we drove past the blooming wild rhododendrons.

You missed them by only a couple of days, but I guess you couldn’t wait.


“Mom!” I cried out.


I sat at the dining room table.

I talked to you.

Hoping that you could still hear me.

I told you all the things that you didn’t want to hear.

How I loved you even when you drove me crazy because you couldn’t remember.

How you insisted that I buy you a new packet or 6 of sunflower seeds every summer, but you never planted them.

How I loved you even when you were as whiny as a 4-year-old who has missed a nap.

How you were re-reading Harry Potter and the book was on the cluttered coffee table and the rest of the set on the floor on the other side where you couldn’t see them along with everything else that you had shoved off the pile because you couldn’t see it.

How glad I was that you were able to be at home when…


I remembered your pitiful cry when you were in the hospital a year before.

“I don’t want to die here! You promised! You promised!”


And you came home

Puttering with plants that died when you forgot to water them.

Making new starts of your favorite violets in saved containers from grocery salads and sandwich spread.

From your chive cream cheese that you ate on bread since crackers made your gums hurt

And most of those starts died, too.


But some were flourishing in strange places.

On top of the stack of magazines in Dad’s empty chair.

On the bathroom counter behind rinsed bottles and folded up product boxes.

One shut into the cupboard where you kept your box of curlers. Why?

On chairs tucked under the dining room table.

Sitting by the withered unused potatoes in their bin.

In the middle of the shelf where you were saving the throwaway clamshell boxes from croissants and muffins.

How did that stack get that high?

How many times had I tossed those containers only to have you fish them out of the trash and scold me for “wasting them”?


Vase after vase of dried, withered flowers that you didn’t want to throw out,

Pile after pile of catalogues,

Stack after stack after toppled stack of books,

I put those back on the shelves.

I walked around,

picking things up

Weeping when I dragged in a large trash can and started putting all that carefully saved trash into it.

Hoping that you would scold and insist on putting them back where they belonged.


And then I would sit and talk to you and get back up and go back to putting things away and sorting out the junk


Finally they came to take your body away.

I didn’t watch.

I couldn’t,

And then I locked the door behind them,

And went back to my house

Without you.




I just found this in the stash of things I left in Portland, OR, three years ago...:

Dear Brother Arthur,

     ...disconnected and dismembering the telephone until the typewriter walks in... ...and we have to thank the Subhumans for playing an mpromptu tune out of a second floor window on Stark street a few years ago...and my friend Chris out on the ledge drinking his vacation away, sending out death growls to passersby, and not afraid to invite strange busking gutterpunks up from the street to have a toast...first a Dormouse scuttled into the efficiency and made a nest amid the cat hair balls. Soon there was Art all over the wall - words like "lucubration" - pictures prompting you to have a nice warm cup of shut-the-fuck-up - and stories so aptly told: of plants cared for by the Prabhupada, of siblngs raised with recorders in thier mouths, of platforms and pulleys erected to save the pines, of pugil sticks and tournaments in city parks, and of growing up on the street at thirteen. And then was Bart letting out myriad tongues to make people smile: (throating) eeeaaaaaawwwwwrrrrr, (honking) haw hee h a w hee, (cartooning) shut up beavis...the songs were played into the night. Satan was on the sitar testing out his breath. This was dubbed as a rebellion and it was mentioned that i won't be running. Still Benjaholic tossed the spacebag into the air and all that was heard was a unified cry of "SSSAAAHHH WWWOOOOOOJJJ"...The mad dogs chased us out to sea, and we found ourselves in naked hotsprings, we found ourselves in a witch's hobbit hole speaking elvish to the smell of moldy pizza forgotten under the couch, we found ourselves boarded on a summit with broken backs and twisted ankles because we neglected to give silence when passing by the lumberjacks' rock, we found ourselves in a cave full of strippers with the filth of junk piled high in thier eyes the pets food piled high in the litterbox, and we found ourselves in a church denominated to death metal and free pancakes and mudwrestling and absynthe, and we found oursleves in a temple in the woods filled with pillows squeezing a plastic water bottle that turned us into easter bunnies, and we found ourselves as american gods snapping the strings of ukelele while mauling jewish girls with shopping carts, and we found ourselves on stage in a subliminally sickened system with a pad of chaos banging the drumsof war while the saints came marching in, and most fondly to the corners of my mouth, we found ourselves bombing zoos with flashlights and bicycles in the dark and coasting down to common ground with only a breeze and a scream in our heart...You moved in once and shared our food, but then paulo died while the cops were after you because your dad was in prison after you went to the rainbow gathering in australia. But the broken closet doorturned out to be a dinner table after all and thanksgiving was born away home. My "wife" became an "if we" and you moved in once again. One night you basked in a half-drunken glow and told me your story about how wonderful it is to orgasm while playing for the receiving team. Oh yeah, and somewhere along the line you helped to save my life too. I can only hope that i helped you with yours simply by listening and remembering your tale. I always admired your charm in being able to put a smile on just about any girl that happened to walk by you on the street. I always hoped f or y ou that you would one day find that special companion - male or female - that would stop and hear your song and never walk away - ever since you told me that it was your dream to one day have a family of your own. I will keep the prayer vigil for you and every other solitary sould that i meet, but i realize for some it is not their f ate to mix footprints. So even if "emily" turns into "my lie" you can surely res t on the lawn that "benjaholic" will never turn into the "ole chn jab". Yet as the story goes, the wind continues to blow. It blew you past the stark street stalkers numbers one through ten while bussing tabls in a room full of sweaty men. It blew meinto a basement with the ghosts of Sodom and Gomorrah who buried me with my broken heart. It blew you under the welder's torch to find that you'd exchanged sleeping on other peoples' couches for a couchless apartment of your very own. It blew me behind wheelchairs to find that i had exchange my only taste of bachelorhood for a room of my very own in my parents' house. It blew you your own personal slave. It blew me back my wife. It blew me back to sleep on your floor for once and to give you my wedding dishes f or your slave to wash. It blew me back to the first house of my own. it blew you the longest girlfriend of your adult life. then one day, in fact today, you p honed me at six am while i was on te can and i got your address to mail this tomorrow.

i love you..........................brotherbenjaholic

IF YOU COULD, PLEASE REPOST THIS BULLETIN! $30kFu to the person who Stickies it!

Neon Text Generator at TweakYourPage.com!
Hello! I will be participating in the Big Climb - a stairclimb up 69 flights of stairs - on March 22nd. While I'll be gasping for air, the real challenge is to help fight blood cancers. All proceeds benefit The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS). Please support me by going to http://www.bigclimb.org/ and click donate. Type my name in and then donate. It's that easy! Thanks for supporting me in the fight against blood cancers! Click the pic to go to bigclimb.org! The link goes directly to my page. Click on "Support Arthur!" or go to my Team PSF page and support us all! Thank you for helping me, and for helping find a cure! tn_3861663760.jpg -SchweißerMann, the HyPerverted 1624818129.custom.jpg
But apparently I'm allowed to have enough fun for the whole year in a 4-day package deal.... So many tried to use my liver as a killing method! Thursday wasn't too bad, but Friday and Saturday? H-I-Larious! Friday, I spent $5 and went home with what I can assume was a .20 BAC. Friends later told me that I looked about ready to do the Stumble-of-Shame. I woke up the next noon, propped against the wall, beer in one hand, cell phone in the other (ready to dial my gf,) one boot off and that foot on the floor, shorts around my knees and I had absolutely NO clue where I was for about a minute. Mind you the boot I had taken off was stuck in the shorts leg.... yeah... Saturday was a little more timid. I spent most of the day recuperating at a coffee place. I got my tattoo finished on my forehead! Then, I went back to the club and proceeded to drink the night through, while working. I had to play the responsible one, and sent my gf home... I felt bad. We were both ready to go at it in a parking lot, for chrissake! Why would I tell her to go home? (This especially after she took me to dinner and drinks on the actual bday, and then we made each other forget exactly whose bday it was for a few hours... hehehehehehe *stupid-face*) Anyway... I'm now at a lounge somewhere other than my home... drinking a nifty caffeinated bevvie and getting ready to finish this pair of gloves... I have a couple gifts, and plenty of happy ppl. Life... Good times... -Arthur
Let's start with the obvious: -When you're a contract weldor, your job can end very suddenly and leave you stranded. -When you're a wierdo, sometimes idiots will pick fights with you over anything. -Sometimes, I do that heart thing without meaning to. -On any given day, I could end up on the road to BFE. -Trusting people is my flaw. -I'm prone to being accused of things I haven't done. -The power of the penis is a terrifying thing. -I'll be homeless for Xmas......... There's so much more, but to get into it would take forever.

Of all the...

i have some things to bitch about. you'll see that later. meanwhile, howzabout i do some creative writing??? I sit idly, confused by my circumstances. I'm forced to wait on two things that are chance and necessity. I ponder the beauty of my prison, this paradoxical paradise. I am aware of the events that lead to this, but not how it was preventable. Supposed manners lacked. There is much temptation here. Urges of a violent nature merging with those of a softer value. Yet, I refrain from unloading, just to torture myself...

a batch of not-so-nifty

I was called on Monday last week. It wasn't a good call... My roommate returned a little premature from his tour in Afghanistan. He returns with 2 Purple Hearts and a "Pine Box" award. He was 27 yeas of age and will be sorely missed. The job I had let me go home to help with the arrangements, but then fired me for it. As it stands, I have sold the majority of my belongings - such as they are - and placed the rest in storage. The apartment is vacant. The company I work for has asked me to take a national certification test and then go to Hawaii for a few months. This is the latest from me. Likely not the last... -SchweißerMann, the HyPerverted

9/11 rant

Ok... I hate days like today. I hate having to delete 10-25 quasi-patriotic comments. ... "We will never forget..." blah blah blah... Lets tack that stirring quip to an image of the towers on fire or maybe a more stirring image of firemen carrying bodies out of the rubble. ARE YOU EFFING SERIOUS??! People around me often find me a tad jaded. My supervisor on one job even called me hateful and mean. I make no bones about that. Lotsa factors I won't go into. I tell you this now, and I don't want you to get any crazy ideas about how I'm also an "un-American social degenerate." I'll tell you the rest of that little quote later. I love the land I live on. I like the ideals this country was founded on, minus the slavery. I have read the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. I've also read the Patriot act. The mere fact that we'd vote for the guy who made that little nightmare a reality (AGAIN) is why I hate Americans. Take some time to note the difference. It's not the country, it's the people. How could I like a nation's people, when I know that not a single one of us outside of NYC would give a rodent's rectal secretion what happened, were it not for some crazed individuals giving us a good spanking? Furthermore, when those who live in Jerry Springerville would perpetuate their fantasies by telling me that they were there, or had family there. My condolences to those who lost friends and family in the attacks, but I hear this every new place I go, and I'm pretty good at picking out the ones that just want attention. How sick is that? You (the general public) are so starved for attention that you'll do ANYthing, and anything inlcudes lying to get pity. The ones who don't want pity? They post little yellow ribbons and pictures of the towers and say, "We will not forget." Of course we won't forget! It's drilled into us every day!YES! Let's all link arms and go off to see the wizard! And who do we turn to when the deeds are done? Lemme give you a clue ppl, and I quote this from the national address 3hrs after the attacks: "... we're gonna go on over and perpetrate those folks." Again, ARE YOU SERIOUS?! If you want to tell me about how I'm an angry, angsty punk, make sure you look at yourself a little closer, Ye-Who-Would-Have-the-Rest-of-the-Country-Weep-With-You. Who is it that wants to be all depressed and solemn on 9-11? Not I. Remember that little quip from earlier? this is the whole of the message from 9-12-06: "I have no patience for punk a$$hats like you. You are an un-American social degenerate. People like you should be rounded up out of your shelters and doorways and from under your bridges and be put where you belong. I'm talking six feet under. It's people like you who make me afraid to walk home alone at night, and afraid my daughter won't make it home after school."... SEE? Becuase I happen to have a mohawk and an ax to grind, all the sudden I'm a criminal. HAH! I've done some crooked things, I admit, but - based on appearance - I'm now a rapist/kidnapper. Yep. I slept in abandoned houses and under bridges. So? I still worked for every meal I ate, and every pair of socks I wore too. My goals and ideals are no different than the normal uber-American: I want to live how I want. I want money to provide my food and shelter, I want something to do, and I want someone to love. Above all, I want to be left alone about it. I live here, you live here. I'm considerate enough to leave you alone about your choice of music, car, or lifestyle in general, and I expect reciprocation because it's due. Last quote, from a conversation I had with a co-worker shortly after the bombing of Iraq started: "I can't believe how un-American those French are." ... -Arthur Bartlett Note: Your comments are welcome, and I promise I won't delete anything SFW. This blog is my personal view, and not representing FUBAR or any of its staff.
It's that time again. The time when I realize I've been stuck somewhere too long. I needed a change, and picked up a new job. I don't have the info on where, exatly, but I know it's in Montana. I get to go home for a week before the job (sweeeeeeet.) Meanwhile, in Hickville, I've just gotten my bonus for being here 3 months. Whoopee.... The Games section of Fubar has been turned back on, and the games look awesome. Go check it out! Now for the sadness: I have NO clue if I'll be able to access the internet while in Montana, so I've informed the higher-ups that I must respectfully step down. This makes me sad. I LIKE bein a Bouncer... As to the rest of my Fu-social life, I hope to log on at least once or twice while there, but no guarantee. I'll miss you all. -SchweißerMann, the HyPerverted.
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