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This Morning's Wish

A Morning's Wish
by Metatetron

A morning's fleeting wish
I would have you here
to sit with me, nearby
on this cushion.

My hands would feed you
warm cinnamon rolls,
icing from my fingers,
tea in large cups.

The soft sound of
your gentle laughter
pulling at the tendrils
of my dreamtime.

Instead of these things
my eyes tear in the light.
Coffee and toast are my
only morning companions.


Five for One

Five for One
by Metatetron


I opened my eyes
greeting the brand new day.
Still, you are not here.

My empty cold bed
kissed my lips a good morning.
I wished it was you.

Again this morning
birds sang outside my window.
I dreamed of you.

I did dream of you
as I do every night,
your pillow empty.

It is too early.
I try to find sleep again.
Winter winds blowing.

I Miss The Sky

I Miss The Sky
It hit me all at once, that something I did every day, to catch my breath, no longer works for me. One more thing lost to me. - John

I miss the sky.

It used to be, right there, when I looked up.
When I needed a breather, a break from the world,
I could just lift my eyes, and see the sky

Clouds drifting in the breezy sunlit blue

Sometimes, when I was really stressed,
I could faintly hear Hendrix say, “ ’Scuse me, while I kiss the sky….”
As I lifted my face into the sun, and blew the clouds a kiss.

Peace would come, a moments respite it’s true

Today, I needed a break, a moment of peace, and
As I have done countless times in my life, I looked up,
I saw the clouds there, floating on the breeze,

But all I could see were thoughts of you

Then it was I realized, that since you died
When I look at the sky, seen through a sheen of tears
it’s just clouds, there, in the air.

I miss the sky

Someday in the Future

Someday in the Future

“Thank you, this seat is fine.”

“Yes, the weather is nice this afternoon, all grey and cold like that, definitely puts you in a wintry frame of mind.”

“No thanks, I think I’ll start with a cup of tea, Earl Grey if you have it.”

“No, no thanks, just tea while I read the menu please.”

“Thank you, no cream I’m not much on milk products, thanks. Yes, I’m ready to order, I think I’ll start with a bowl of soup, the vegetable beef please, and then I’ll have the Turkey Club sandwich. French fries please no salt on them if you would. And another cup of tea until the food comes, than a glass of ice water, thank you.

“For dessert? Oh – I’ll have the cherry pie please, my mother always made cherry pie, and it’s my favorite. Did you know, you are one of the last restaurants to serve regular pie? I know all the other places say they have pie, but then when you ask for it, its some Key Lime snicker doodle and fudge chip pie. I get tired of the whole mass produced fern bar food, you know? I remember once, when I had pie almost every dinner, It seems like just a few years ago, I would have apple pie, pumpkin pie, and sometimes a nice hot berry pie, right after dinner with my coffee. Oh? I understand, you have other customers I know - go on…and thanks.”

“Ah, thanks for bringing it so quickly, I much prefer my soup hot.”

“No I don’t need anything else I can think of, check back in a little while, I may need something, thanks.”

“Sure, you can take the plates; I’m through…hmmm…. I suppose I am just going to drive back to my apartment, read a bit, maybe turn in early. No, nobody’s close by, my wife passed years ago, and there hasn’t been another, and my son, well, he and his wife went to the Islands, yes, it is nice to go there to get out of the cold…my daughter and her husband are taking my grandson to meet his parents … look here’s a picture of the three of them – yes, he’s a fine baby…they make a nice family…well, thank you, the pie was good, I left a little extra on the tip for you –"

"yes, Merry Christmas to you too…good bye”

Dewdrops on the Grass


a poem of remembering
 by john p reed

Written from January 2007 through February 2008


I thought of pearls on a string,
of a seagull dip-skimming the Sea of Time
 flap dip - flap - flap - dip - flap - dip - dip

this came out...



This piece speaks of and to
a love that I have always known
that I have always been a part of.

This is dedicated to her
 and she knows it.



Outside of this time-frame, there is only us.

Speak or type - feel or imagine - dreaming or awake, the words are the same - we are one in this loving and knew it when we first traded words. Our world was immediately circumscribed into us, and them. Ever since then, we have danced together, motes in the simple continuum of YHVH, knowing always that while we may wish our love to be carnal at times, our love is a finer thing than mere fluids and membrane.

All of this is not mine though I penned it.
The words are not mine, the feeling is not mine.
It is a Gift, a great and terrible ache that I would not trade for anything less.

It is my first attempt to write of something bigger than myself, of our love for us, and our unity. I am neither boastful nor proud of it, for I know that it will be but a single splinter of an Infinite Light we are-will become.

But know my only love that in this mind that I have now, this is the best of me.

You and I have spoken of this before. You know precisely how I feel. How much more does your soul know my words?


 Dewdrops on the Grass

 What if twin souls, were not to be together, safe in the bond of Love?
The other soul would be free, but incomplete.
I am sure it would check in from time to time...

1.      I want to tell you what I see my love
        the words of my heart are something like this...
         Can you hear them?

2.      Hush beloved, hush
         Heart to Heart
         Soul to Soul,
         we are together
         and always will be.

3.      There was a time when things that passed, moved into the past.

         There was a time when future mattered too.
         But in the place of no-time there is nothing to look forward to,
         but then, there is nothing gone or forgotten either.

         I will send you love letters from there one day.

4.      I hear the song of time. It sings to my soul.
         Its notes are sweet.
         It has snared me, my love, and carries me with it now.
         It lulls me, it enervates me.
         It sings with the peace of infinity.

         There is no moment it is not the hissing of the stars,
         no second it is not the thud of my heart.

         I wish I could share it with you, but
         it seems this is not to be, here-now.

5.      Always ever have I known thee,
         and always ever will our loving,
         be  my  verse added to the song.

         Soon, you shall see me with your eyes.
         Soon you shall see the song in mine.
6.     You speak of time as an old friend
         one you don't even question.
         Time is only the filter of mind,
         the focus that chains your soul.

         Loose the bonds of the clock!
         Dance with me among the stars!
         The soul knows only the moment
         of what use are seconds to this becoming?

         Lose our self in the loving
         float with the Light within you
         be the sea of moments
         let slip the grip of time.

7.      The pulsation of Creation is within me,
         Listen! It sings within you too.
         The Song continues...

8.      I let my wall down thinking
         I could better see through yours

         I had forgotten that here,
         frozen in this sea of moments,
         two walls are better than one.

9.      Our hearts - linked by a moment
         Soft breaths - exhaled gentle on my chest,
         expand me - remind me that we are one.

         Our hearts - beat out the time of loving
         anchor-less - our soul does not beat,
         but flows with the Wind of Light.

         Again the song of our soul,
         carries me adrift across forever.

10.    I seek ever farther vistas,
         roads I must travel along
         the journey, a joy to my soul
         defines me, exalts me, becomes me

         Sandy ways shift under my footing
         loss a morass at my waist
         loneliness ever my companion
         my eyes ever on the Wondrous Light

11.    What do dryads dream of in the dark of winter?
         The purple leaves, have fallen with the gold,
         [the skies grey and low]
         hoarfrost on the bare branches.

         I wonder...do they
         dream of green buds,
         [new hope - new warmth]
         where now there is only cold?

         I think they dream of the warm thaw of spring,
         [cool dewdrops on grass]
         the loving dance of mottled sunshine,
         that sometimes eases their solitary slumber.

12.    Let me tell you my love, what I saw.
         Not yesterday nor tomorrow, it was just now!
         I saw the girl-child you will have
         She smiled at me, so I blew her the kiss I am saving for you,
         Her doll left behind as she chased me across the field.
         Her feet never left the earth as I soared skyward.
         Eyes bright with forgotten wishing
         waving goodbye to me.
         How like you she is!

13.    I saw your face once, lit up like the sun.
         A smile on your lips as our eyes met.
         The spark and chest leap so familiar to me,
         returned in the gasp of your indrawn breath

14.    You have no idea I am sure
         of the words that died on my lips
         I had not the courage to say them.
         Damn it, here, again my fingers falter!

15.    How to take you from here
         and safely carry us there...
          The path is hard and risky
         but I need your hand to start.

16.    You know how to tempt me!
         Jasmine and fig, date and apricot,
         bitter fruits compared to your lips.

         Draw me to your lingering touch!
         My flesh is for the focus of your will.
         Trill your song upon my body once again.

17.    How to take you from there
         and safely carry us here...
          The path is hard and risky
         made visible by our care.

18.    Jasmine heat-sugar whispers
         slip smoothly across my lips,
         slick with the remembered taste of our loving.

         White honey from fingers and
         your scent fills my nostrils
         as you nibble gently on my lower lip.

         My tongue darting along the teeth edge,
         a moan of pleasure pain escapes me.

         Softly...my Love...softly

19.    Why take you at all?
         I know you are, will-be here...
          The path is hardest and narrow here, where
         invisibly, my care steadies your steps

20.     [laughing]  There are no hiding places in life
         as the Light casts no shadow.

         All hidden things are illuminated.

21.    Illuminated,
22.    In my dream I saw a pile of clay urns,
         Tumbled jumbled some intact

         The wind of the evening sunset was cool,
         the sand blew from past me towards them.

         A single page blew out of a ruined urn
         caught against a shard, trapped.

         I knew it mine when I stepped to pick it up
         and many other pages blew away.

         I read the words of our Song of Becoming
         My foot tapping the sand in Time.

23.    It once was almost something
         in that shining way of hope.
         But again I was left with only the feeling
         of trying to hold smoke in my hand.

24.    Half is you, which half is I?
         Last night was sweetly cold
         In snowy woods.

25.    There is a word, hidden in my heart
          - the sound of it is the sound of morning's light haloed around your face,
          - the smell of it is the scent of the hollow of your throat,
          - the warmth of it, is the gentle heat left over from your touch.

         It wants to be set free.

26.    Her chest rises and falls with her breath,
         casting shadows across my face
         in the soft morning glow.

         My skin tingles with the light's edge,
         dancing auroras, pins prickling my flesh,
         moving, shifting on my chest.

         In time with her breathing,
         the line burns across my ribs
         the fire of her waking, stalks me.

27.    Star-child you are
         Light among the heavens.
         You know nothing of the trail you leave;
         burning through orbits unseen...

         You but stopped here for a while

28.    From spirit to flesh, from the void to the earth, from Light to Love, this flows, as we do, as our love does. It is not always soul-spirit-love. Sometimes, I want your face in a pillow, screaming my name...

29.    The best of us is where we go when our Soul remembers.
         Sometimes I go there when I feel your spirit near...
         our flesh so far apart....

30.    Duality? Nay, there is only Singularity,
         [a melding of purpose.]
         The Light of our love is not twinned, and never has been.
         There is only one, and all of the heavens
         sing with us as we achieve union.
         Metaphors fail at Singularity.

31.    Better even than virginity freely given,
         is the willingness of total surrender [in your hands].

          [I bow my head]
         You have that from me my love.

32.    My words are worthless glass.
         They are coarse stones in the desert,
         sparkling in reflection of your Light, my love.

         I but uncover them and lift them up to you.
         They are the best that I can find,
         mere baubles that I give to adorn you.

33.    I am but the moon to your sun.
         Sometimes shining bright with you
         sometimes eclipsed by another,
         only to be brought full again when
         the shadow departs.
34.    If I had the gift of creation,
         I would create something worthy of you.
         But this is the best I can do, for the now.

35.    Sometimes,
         I want you hovering near,
         loving me with only a little glance
         of dark and alluring eyes.
         A sparkle to remind me
         of the part of us that has no flesh.

36.    Light is our End my Love; Light and the laughter of Him,
         His laughter at our folly, at our pain, and at our Love.
         How small they will seem at the culmination.
         How much greater will they be when we are complete?
         How much more can it be?

         Already it bursts through my skin, a fire from within.

37.    My fingers tremble at the immensity of this. My soul quakes, in memory of what is. How much more will the knowing of what will be change me?

38.    So well do I know thee, heart of my heart - that when I swept past you in the flesh, my hands trembled. With soul quivering, I tested so carefully the Truth of it. [laughing] My fears were as nothing...  Oh! How we meld, when we are together!  [bliss]  How much more complete am I for the knowing of what will be...

39.    When you awaken let it be
         with my thoughts holding yours

         When you awaken let it be
         with my name a whisper in your mind.

         When you awaken let it be
         with the memory of my touch on your skin
         [a soft wave of heat-flush.]
40.    Firmly but gently I held you while you slept.
         Secure but not trapped, you lay with me.
         Pressed against me, you warmed me.

         My desire for you
         Never lessened
         As you slept

41.    Why do they walk?
         When I carry them high on my wings,
         they elate.
         Why do they not take wing with me,
         so we can fly higher than I can reach alone?

         I can look up and see it,  there...

         Fly with me?

42.    In the realm of infinite possibilities, all things must exist, this includes souls complete, and souls incomplete. All things possible are extant, through all of time - this, if my fate - is one I accept - perfection - godhood - but forever always - loving without - you...if...

43.    We are Eternal
          - Children of the One True God
          - unworthy of Him in ourselves,
          - we become worthy in our loving.

44.    You will never find anyone who works as hard to earn and keep the privilege of the gift of your heart. I know the worth of you.

         I know what it is to have you, gentle under my hands.

         I know the strength of you, the shining glory of your soul.

         I will work tirelessly, endlessly to earn the task of caring for your heart.

45.    Once you put your forehead to mine.
         We shifted in time, traveled forward and back,
         laying memories like pearls through the rivers of our lifetimes,
         each one a reminder so that we do not despair,
         never forget that we are always - ever One

46.    Where in the heavens do we wander tonight? Shall we swing around the Eagle Nebula and watch stars be born? Or head into the deep, and make some of our own?

47.    Walls up and tripwires set, I extended myself in offering.
         I met only myself coming back at me.

48.    Your embrace is a pain blossom
         That felt so good in my mind
         Skin burn heart flame of becoming
49.    Today the rain fell around me but the drops didn't cool my skin
         Ah! The burning!

50.    On the Path to Becoming
         Unity finds so many turns,
         Twists in choices of the heart...

         So many  almosts,  so close,
         my heart aches with memories,
         wounded choices of others...

51.    Looking back to then
         my heart weeps my dear,
         and I see no stars tonight.

         I wish I could reach back in time
         comfort him with the memory
         that I hold so close to me

         the taste of your lips
         the soft caresses of your hand
         your voice, saying  Hey you...

52.    Tears flow in silent sadness,
         the others were so beautiful.

         There is only Unity...

53.    I want to tell you my words
         they are more than I ever dreamed.
         Can you feel them?
54.    For just a moment
         I couldn't bear
         the Song of Becoming

         the sun sang it back to me.

         It is a song of joy;
         your laughter echoes
         a counter-point to it.

55.    Softly, gentle thoughts drift
         unspoken across my mind.
         Behind them lies
         a wealth of wonder
         at what you have given me,
         the quiet and sure love
         you share with me.

56.    I accept this, all of it, just as you want it.
         I understand this, my darling and I embrace you, me, we.

         The freedom in this love is unlike anything I imagined.
         When you set free the last of your fears,
         you too, will see how free [we] can be.

57.    We set Time itself aside
         knowing that we are

58.    Dreaming of you, I know that
         we are and ever will be something.
         I love you.
59.    I burn with the itch
         of what shouldn't be spoken.

         My heart knows the warmth
         of the love you've given me.

         Our skin knows the feel
         of what shouldn't be written.


60.    The gods themselves
         would speak of our loving
         except that
         even amongst themselves
         they are shamed by
         their jealousy of me.
         They too,
         long for the sweetness
         of your voice...

61.    In time, we will be
         whatever we dream
         whatever we will
         ourselves to be.

62.    All of my dreams are already true.
         You found me...

63.    I know I am in this world
         for my skin aches for you.
         My eyes dry from staring for a glimpse
         of what was promised them.
         My ears ring with the silence
         of your absence.
         I await the fulfillment of your promises.
         and again I remember that
         waiting is...
64.    I have kisses for you,
         small, sweet
         and many of them...

         I wish you could take them from me...

65.    Half-awake, I saw you, there on my bed with a single rose. As my eyes cleared away sleep's fog, you faded from my sight. Perfection lost to me. Once again, my love will not come for me this day.

66.    Tonight I shared your dream,
         your wisp of clothing was lovely,
         and you were very shy because of how thin it was.

         But still, we smiled and walked along the parks edge....

67.    We speak of the same romance.

         I speak of drawing a little world around us,
         isolating us from the rest.
         You speak of carrying me away
         in your essence

         The effect is the same,
         from you, from me,
         there is created a third thing -

68.    My peace - my rest
         my guide - my friend
         my partner - my love
         ever - my soul
         ever - my self
69.    My heart knows
                   the love you have for me.  
         My skin aches
                   to know your touch. 
         My eyes tear
                   for not seeing you. 
         My mouth waters
                   to [kiss-taste] you. 

70.    I saw your picture today
         with your lips pursed into a small mew,
         and that made all the difference in the world.

71.    Shall I speak of the dreams I have had? Your face was in them.

         Shall I speak of the moments my thoughts turn towards you, where I hope you are well, and wish-dream that the moment is gentle on you?

         Shall I speak of your voice, soft, friendly in my ear?

         Would you remember that I consider you my friend, and that I am glad to have met you, and I know we are not yet done with our friendship or our loving?

         I wait for the next time we will interact, and hope that I might be of some comfort to you, and that I might learn all you have to teach me.

         Would your eyes sparkle with the surety that I have? With the certainty that we have already done this, and so, should not be impeding it needlessly?

         I think perhaps not. If you were not afraid, if you were not uncertain, these words would not have come to my lips today...
72.    Knowing we are
         adrift in this time of waiting
         there on the horizon
         I see the glowing of [unity]

         Knowing you need to learn
         that stasis is simply
         the purposeful stunting
         of what should be [free]

         Knowing we are
         but one lesson
         or one span of time
         from the joy of [us]

         I wait for you to [remember]

73.    When we are lovingly together
         there is no separation, only [Unity]
         no me or you just [We].

         Not seeing anything else
         I forgot for a moment

         Thank you my love.
         By separating yourself from [us]
         you gave me this chance to remember.

         I see once again
         that we are [One]
         just not [now]

 74.    If that is you, somehow that is I
         Floating together
         things were in the way
         I cleared away those that were mine

         I wonder why you don't
         send us aloft
         once again
         do the things that would clear our way

75.    This morning you roused me
         from gentle dreams and soft sleep.
         [It was] a lovely way
         to start my day
         once [again] more

         To know that there was a moment
         In your morning where
         your mind turned once again
         To me, without rancor
         [what memory did you see?]
         I love thee thee thee
         Thank you

76.    and as the stars rise slowly in the night sky
         the children settle into sleep
         the stress of the day falls away
         as I watch them and quietly weep

         I understand Beloved,

           I understand... 



Umbrellas Don’t Catch Tears

 It rained this morning.
Me and the kids, late again,
Rushing to get ready
Hurrying to recover lost time.
I grabbed an umbrella
stepped out into the rain
"Click-Swoosh!" and my heart fell
Riotous colored triangles spread
the simple black of mine forgotten
I thought, in an instant of
  Us, in line on a rainy Anniversary Dinner
  Us, walking along in the rain
  Us, arguing and then making up under that thing
  Us, Twelve years shoulder to shoulder under it
So many times, your umbrella shielded us
enclosed us in the world of 'we'
I gave the Umbrella to the children,
so the rain would cover my face
you see - umbrellas don't catch tears

The Six Stones

The Six Stones

Lying on the nightstand next to her bed, were five smooth white stones, left over from some aromatherapy massage miracle treatment, and one acrylic stone with Raphael the Archangel of Healing embedded in it.

Her breath was very labored now, her lungs filling minute by minute with fluid too deep to be suctioned, gurgling like bong-water without the smoke, the oxygen tube puffing air in her nose barely keeping her skin pink. The end of this four year battle to stay alive, and alert, to be mother, wife and friend, was near, so very near, that there was now a hush in the room, and peoples eyes started with tears at the instinctual recognition of Death’s presence.

Her son, barely five years old, who had without fail, tossed as many coins in every fountain as I would let him, who never failed once, to say a prayer for his mothers healing at every meal, and before bed, was lying next to her, peacefully holding her hand. Every few minutes, he would rise up, and as he had done for months, anoint her head with Holy Water and a kiss from his small lips.

No tears for him, he knew that tears would only make her more worried, and he did not want to cause her any worry at all.

“Mike, it’s time to go to bed boy, kiss your momma goodnight!” I said, choking back my own tears, truly believing this to be his last kiss on her living lips…

Instead of the perfunctory kiss and ‘G’night mom, see ya tomorrow!’ that was his usual for the last five months of her steadily declining bedridden state, he did something new…

I watched in silence as he picked up the five white stones, and took the first of them, and kissed it, and said, “Mom, this wish is for your bones to get better,” and he placed it on her laboring ribs, the second stone kissed by his lips and the words he said brought a catch to my voice – “Mom, this one is so you will be able to use your hands again” and he placed it in her right hand, and curled her fingers around it – the third, he kissed and said, “this is so your stomach wont be sick, and you can eat again, and grow strong” – and he placed it on her cancer bloated stomach, the fourth he kissed and placed on her forehead and said “Mom, this is so the cancer will leave your brain so you can talk to me again”.  The last fifth stone, he kissed it, paused and said “This wish, is for your heart, so you will always love me like you do” and then, as I thought him finished I reached for him to hug the pain I knew was coming to him so soon, but he pushed me away, and took the sixth piece, the acrylic stone with Raphael embedded in it, kissed it, placed it in her left hand and curled her fingers around it and said “Mom, this is for if you die, so the angels will take you to heaven to wait for me.”

He climbed into the bed pulled next to her hospital bed and with a small child’s faith in wishes made and with his hand touching her arm he fell asleep.

(My son, actually did this, on the last evening of his mothers life. She died just before 8AM the next morning. I was amazed at the many profound moments tha accompanied her death. This is just one of many of them)

The Mayan Series

The Mayan Series
a dream-time descent into myself
by john p reed

The Beginning
#1 of the Mayan Series - Nothing is sweeter than a Beginning

How can one speak of
the draw, the compulsion
the sounds that the stamping feet
the feathered and belled ankles make
dancing around the cracked bone marrow sucked sacrifice
breasts glistening in the firelight reflecting splattered blood,
ignored for the entrails are sweeter meat
should I even raise the spectre of the tender heart I see
that the priestess hides in her convoluted ceremonies
the heart that is alone with her visions of the dance
and offered to the gods darker than she can envision
should I then expose my soft underbelly to her
before of all these cheering jeering leering acolytes
for her to cut my heart out, and toss to them for snacking
the time and place of our crossing was determined
ere we were born, but the manner of its approach
was chosen by me, but a few moments ago.
if I was to speak of the things I see that lay behind
her words my own soul would be in jeopardy
perhaps this desire to share the pain she tries so hard
to expunge is just the honey on the bait, and tasted
by her other victims before me seconds before
their entrails lay open to the air
for the honeybuzzard to dance on

#2 in the Mayan Series - Nothing is more fascinating than a preview of your own self-destruction.

dancing pulse of blood in my ears the music of my soul
fired by heartbeat after heartbeat time and time again the hot
throb in loin and gut deep and intense waves rush through
mind's fog of hormonal sweat and sheets of flame between my eyes
and the fire I dance poised between ecstatic embrace of front flashing heat
cold wind on back all serves one mistress one love one heart
calling to me across the void of the night I dance to this music
feet stamping time to the thrum thrum thrum rythym of the
hot sticky fluid poised to cross the void energy full and ripe
give to you all of me in these thrusts of hip and flash of arms chest taut
with tension breath burning in throat and lung liver ache stomach knot
hard and acid deep in the center of things burned by the selfsame fire
of longing and desire and need to feed on the blood fresh from your veins
fluids of your body igniting passion beyond the dance to alleviate
beyond the light of the love beyond the heat of the fire before me
bright light looming still I dance dance dance with the freedom of this
abandon all to the beat hammered on my skull by fates decree
the loss the love the pain sweet sweet pain of it of you of me of us
never to know never to see never to be never to feel the touch that
stops the need never to taste the freshened heat from you never to
eat the love of you never to feel the mornings light on faces sated so
I dance dance dance my pain into the universes’ waiting arms let
mother mary come to me I have something for her too deep in the
abyss of this shadows dance on the walls of time and endless scenes
of hunters effigies fall into flames I long for one of you to toss into
flames to honor you praise your skill you mistress of the hunt how
warily I crept into snare after snare you set for me each baited with
silent passivity and need lulling my caution urging me to join you in
the dance that never ends and then snap! the noose grabs limbs and
pulled to the four winds and expose gut to the flames of it all and
flash chert knife once more comes down this time on me my heart
I see gleaming in firelight and lips I long to kiss long to bite and tear
from your skull in sweet sweet love gently kiss the pulsating thing in
your fist yet still my limbs twitch to the beat of it still I give myself willingly
in mad laughter to this sacrifice you want my heart then feast slake your thirst
where I would have slaked mine you are the mistress of my heart
take as you will leave me hollow and bleeding in the snares hanging
like a fly in a web black widow you are not hour-glass spiders kill
their mate and I have never known that touch from you only love love love
and sweet sweet pain of it tearing veins from my limbs with paper clips
staunching blood with salt you show me time and again the sweet pain love
you know so well and serve bits of me to the next victim as bait I wondered
where that first meal I had from you came and I see now the sparkling bones
strewn in the bushes and know that I am but one more in a line of them
one two three ME four five six pile bones on my sticks glistening in moonlight
I wasn’t even first and wont be the last your need to bleed and feed cracked bone
sucked for sweet sweet marrow ensures your continued hunt
that wasn’t lip gloss it was blood and with that one last thought I know
this will never end until alone I


#3 in the Mayan Series - There is no higher love than sacrifice...

The bell clangs the sun glistens
Crowd kneeling deep in the stone pathways
At each toll the chert knife flashes black with blood of the winners
The lottery drawn for the privilege of being with the gods this day
Flash and rib crack, bite and scream while heart
And liver sizzle on braziers smoky pillar wafting to the
Nostrils of the many gods she loves
The body is tossed, still twitching mouth open in silent supplication
The line shifts the bell tolls and one more lays himself on the altar of her love.
Chert knife raised and eyes wide stare at the heart of her
It lay bare on the stone to her gods.
A pause then tears as she knows her joy is gone from her
Never to taste of her flesh again.
Chert knife flash and ribs crack then heart raised high
His fading sight sees her raise his heart aloft
Chert knife raised the priestess slices breast and ribs
And gently kisses his heart and exchanges it for hers.
The bell tolls once more in ceremony
Together they roam the halls of the gods
Love fulfilled Love over all

#4 in the Mayan Series - Nothing is more compelling than love...

One can speak of the need
burning bright within the chest
hammer blow of the blood music
throbbing to the pulsing stamping
thrum  ta  thrum  ta  thrum

calves bulge foot strikes earth
over and over the rhythm sounds
belled ankles feathered wrists twirl
through the frenzy of the dance
thrum  ta  thrum  ta  thrum

breasts heave, and sweat glistens
the dancer calls for me to join
come, accept my sacrifice
the universe's end in sight
thrum  ta  thrum  ta  thrum

monkey brain grimaces at
eternal cycles of beginning
candles burn at both ends
eternal pain comes with her knife
thrum  ta  thrum  ta  thrum

smoke sex and fire shadows
love, pain and atonement
sweat and sacrifice
thrum  ta  thrum  ta  thrum

The Willing Sacrifice
#5 in the Mayan Series - Nothing is better than knowing the truth

Once she knew she was my Priestess, for seventy-seven days.

For seventy-seven days, there was chert and a promise. Made selfless and true, that no matter what, I would know

her flesh, her voice, her knife; that I would know cold and heat and pain and hurt, and her, and all she could

give and more and more and more. She promised that my flesh would know her touch - no matter what.

From the 10th month, 20th day, until the 1st month on the 4th day; she was my Priestess and willingly I offered

her my sacrifice. Willingly I gave myself to her, and for 76 days and nights she embraced me. And on the evening

of the 76th day, all preparations done, she stretched forth her hand and bade me wait. And for the twelve hours

she was gone - I waited. I ran all of it through my heart; every moment of time spent flashed past my mind - and

it was a purity of love that I found. I had the words of assurance composed and poised to send. I awaited her

return, to speak these words of my heart.

She returned - She spoke 'I love you' and the clear tone of the bell of the gods rang.

Looking upwards, I felt the cold air flush across my chest as I bared it to her. So well I knew my role, that I

bared it to her in time to her raising hand. I offered her my heart - as she needed, as I must.

With a flash of light and the striking of chert to flesh, bright-pain and the crack of ribs she tore it from me.

Indifferently, barely noticing me now, as she had the pulsating core of all that I was or could ever be in her

hand. She looked to the place within her and opened herself to her gods and as She bathed herself in my soul

flooding from my heart in her hand, She brought it to her lips (at long last I was to feel her lips!)

Her lips parted, red gates to heaven opened, and with a second flash of light, ivory instead of chert, her teeth

tore my heart open and my soul's blood spewed across her perfectly formed face. A spray of my very life wasted

itself across the softness of her breasts, and chewing, she cast the rest on the brazier.

As the light faded so slowly, I saw her bloody of hands and mouth - walking away. As I knew she would, She had

consumed me.

She walks with the sure footed grace of a predator stalking, one who already has her next prey in sight.

A Gift for the Gods
#6 in the Mayan Series - Nothing is worse than apathy...

I can now speak of
the draw, the compulsion
the thud of her feet stamping
her feathers rustle and belled ankles sound
she struck deep and true
I bent and was the sacrifice

My bones have been snapped and marrow sucked
in the joyous dance of promise
I have known cold and heat
and vice and pain and hurt,
and her, and all she could give
and more, I know her knife

The honey of her desire lure
trapped me firm within her reach
the faint and mocking laughter
of victims before me tickled my ears
her hands are red with loving me
entrails pulled for the privilege

tied to her maypole a femur held high
danced with the bell-sound of giving
the sacrifices before me now offal
her jeering acolytes toss me
into her cracked bone pit
there is no single hell more painful

With a naive hope to be the <i>One</i>
for a chance to know her touch
I willingly became victim
offered to her dark gods
the only gift they accept
a burnt and discarded heart.

Falling Away
#7 in the Mayan Series - Nothing is more healing than Dreamtime apathy...

Laughter spinning razor skin flash broken dream awake asleep blood slime sheets soaked loving touches me you love

blade bright slip slide copper taste slick cloy clot scent charnel hot musk thigh heat burn path acid wash

solvent smell lips blue black glint dark light reflected purple tooth jaw-line hair fall drip drop Clorox cum

pearls smear red flesh open gash sash shorn smooth rounding mounding glistening button starlight sparkle drum

pulse arms twitch rhythmic legs throb pounding dazzling dizzy eyes dance minds melt souls merge hearts blend

falling away

- fin -

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14 years ago
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