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313983's blog: "nightstalker"

created on 10/15/2006  |  http://fubar.com/nightstalker/b14029

pissed off people.

I met this woman yesterday and we talked for a while then she left. I thought I had made a new freind. what do I find this morning when I sign on she's pissed off at me and has blocked me. I have no idea what I did or said. and now she won't tell me. it may be me but if i was pissed at someone I would at least tell them why I was pissed at them.

adult quiz

Adult quiz... Body: OK, now that I have your attention. An Adult Survey - Be honest. If you aren't honest then what is the point. Fill it out and re-post as a bulletin. Have fun. 1) Ever been to a strip club? YES 2) Ever been to a bar? YES 3) Ever been kicked out of a bar or a club? NO 4) Ever been so drunk you had to be carried out somewhere? YES 5) Kissed someone of the same sex? YES 6) Thrown up from drinking too much? YES 7) Had sex in a car? YES 8) Had sex in a park? NO 9) Had sex in a cinema? NO 10) Had sex in a bathroom? YES 11) Had sex at work? YES 12) Have you ever been in an "adult" store? YES 13) Bought something from an "adult" store? YES 14) Is there anyone on your friends list you would consider having sex with? OH HELL YES....LOL 15) Have you ever had a threesome? YES 16) Are your breasts real? YES 17) Have you ever kissed a stranger? YES 18) Does anyone have naughty pics of you? NOT THAT I KNOW OF...LOL 19) Ever had oral sex in a nightclub? NO 20) Ever had sex with someone you met through Myspace? NO 21) Who, on your friends list, will complete this survey? A FEW, (I WOULD HOPE!) 22) WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU MADE LOVE?I DON'T REMEMBER OK, COPY AND REPOST if you are brave enough!!!!!!! and no...bad sex doesn't count!!!!! lmao

hey you all

I Just wanted to let everyone here on CT I'm fine just been having a lot of computer problems lately. thank you for your concern. MUAH MUAH

slut test

Congratulations your a SUPER SLUT!
You get around! and Around! and Around!
When you wake up in the morning, your not likely to be in your own bed! Oh what is that I see is that bush burn on your face!

Your Motto: "Have I done you yet?"
Your Sign: "Your All Whores!"

* Don't forget to pratice SAFE SEX! Better stock up on condoms and lube! And at your rate I am sure you can get volume discounts!

Take The Slut Quiz Now!

"Slut Quiz - Men" is available here
***starXtest v2.0***

how kinky i am test

1142626600bondage.gif You scored as Bondage. Your turn on is bondage... all out. You don't have a specific part of kinky sex that turns you on more than any other... everything working together turns you on. And why shouldn't it? Sex isn't sex without all the trimmings.









Blind Folds




What's Your Kinky Turn On?
created with QuizFarm.com

seventh level of hell

The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Seventh Level of Hell!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Purgatory (Repenting Believers)Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)Very Low
Level 2 (Lustful)Very High
Level 3 (Gluttonous)High
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)Extreme
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)Extreme
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)Very High
Level 7 (Violent)Extreme
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)Extreme
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)Extreme

Take the Dante Inferno Hell Test
The Witch Hunter. CHAPTER 1 I stood near an old headstone in the Evergreen Cemetery watching as they lowered my brother Jacob’s casket into the ground. We had been the best of friends for over thirty years. I had been his best man when he married his wife Catherine. I felt a single tear run down my right cheek as I thought back to better days. I quickly wiped away the tear with my right hand as I turned and started walking towards the cemetery gate. A little grin did appear on my face as I was walking out of the cemetery. I thought back to when Jacob and I walked through the door way of Merlin’s school of magic. Our parents were so proud that we had been accepted. They were even more pleased when after our graduation we both were offered jobs in the Bureau of magic. I don’t think they would have been so eager for Jacob and I to accept the Bureau’s offer if they would have known what we were going to be doing. As I walked along the sidewalk I still remember the day Jacob and I were introduced to who we were going to be working for. Jacob and I looked at each other when we saw a man about fifty in a black suit walking towards us. He stopped within a foot of us and looked us up and down then said. “Follow me” Jacob and I did as we were told and followed the man in the black suit down a long hallway. He stopped in front of a door with a tag on it which said broom closet. The man in the black suit looked to his left and right then back at Jacob and I . Once he had made sure that no one was in the hallway he opened the door and quickly walked in and motioned for us to follow. As I shut the door behind me I said. “Why are we in a broom closet?” The man in the black suit turned and looked at Jacob and I and said. “Don’t always believe what your eye’s see. By the way my name is Norman it’s nice to meet you Jacob and you Sirus. Before we go any further I have to tell you both that what you’re about to see can never be talked about to anyone. Not your wives or your parents understand?” Both Jacob and I said. ”Yes we understand.” We watched as Norman pulled his wand from his pocket. He pointed it at the wall directly across from us. Then said “ Apertus” Jacob and I watched as the wall started to open like a door. It didn’t make a single sound as it slid open. Once the wall had opened enough we followed Norman through and found our selves standing in the middle a forest. Jacob looked around and said. “Where the bloody hell are we Norman?” Norman began to laugh “We’re near where you and your brother are going to start your training Jacob.” Jacob and I exchanged looks then looked at Norman and said at the same time “Training what training?” Norman looked at us both then said, “They didn’t tell you?” From the blank expression’s on our face’s it was apparent we had no idea what he was talking about. “Those bloody bastards” Norman began to rant. “They didn’t even have the courtesy to tell you that you could be killed?” “Killed?” I shouted. “We didn’t join the bureau of magic to be killed.” Norman looked at us and said. “Bureau of magic, we don’t work for the bureau.” “Then who do you work for?” Norman looked at Jacob and I and said. “I think we better go back you two aren’t ready for this kind of work.” “If you’ll tell us what kind of work we’ll be doing we’ll be ready.” Jacob looked at me and said. “Sirus I’m not sure if I… ” I looked back at him and said. “What are you going to tell mother and father Jacob? Are you going to tell them you quit because of the unknown?” Jacob stood silent for a few seconds then said, “All right lets go Norman.” I slapped Jacob on the back and said, “We can beat anything they throw at us as long as we stick together.” We followed Norman through the forest. As we followed him a clearing started to appear a ways in front of us. Nothing was visible because of the heavy foliage coverage. As we cleared the forest the hugest castle I had ever seen came into view. The spires seamed as if they were going to touch the sky. Surrounding the castle was a moat the size of lake. Norman stopped and turned and said with a big smile. “Welcome to your new home for the next four years boys.” Jacob looked at me and said, “Four years? What about our parents? We can go home right?” Norman shook his head and said. “No Jacob you can’t return home. You and your brother are here for four years.” Jacob and I exchanged looks, then we looked back at Norman. I said, “We’ll be able to return home after our training right?” “No I’m sorry Sirus neither you nor your brother will be able to return home, ever.” “Ever?” “Yes, because in the line of work we do, if they find out who your family is they will kill them.” “Who would kill them Norman?” Norman was quiet for a couple of seconds then he looked at Jacob and I. Then said, “There’s a war coming.” Jacob asked Norman. “War with who?” Norman was quiet for a few minutes then said, “Simon Blackwell.” “Who’s Simon Blackwell?” I asked. Norman ran his right hand through his graying hair then began to speak. “Simon Blackwell is a very powerful wizard who has been seduced over to the dark side of magic. He’s recruited a lot of other wizards and witches to aid him.” “Aid him in what?” I asked. “Simon want’s revenge.” Norman uttered. “Revenge against who?” Jacob asked. “Before I answer that what do you two remember of your real father?” Jacob and I looked at Norman with utter confusion on our faces. “Our real father? He’s home with our mother, Norman.” said Jacob. Norman looked at Jacob and I then said, “Your parents never told you both of your real father?” “Our father is hom…” Norman interrupted me before I could finish speaking by saying, “Your real father was a powerful wizard and worked for the bureau for many years, before that night when he was killed. The man both of you call father adopted you when you were only little kids.” “Your lying! screamed Jacob . “No, I’m afraid I’m not Jacob.” “Do you have any proof that what you’ve told us is true Norman?” I asked. “Yes Sirus if you and your brother will follow me to the boat dock. We’ll go out to the castle and I’ll show you all the proof you and your brother want to see.” I looked out towards the lake that surrounded the castle. Then I looked at Jacob. “Let’s go Norman and if your lying I will personally…” “What you’ll kill me Sirus? Let me tell you both something all I have to do is snap my fingers and you two would be killed right where you’re standing. I’ve forgotten more magical spells then you two will ever remember.” Norman’s face had been beat red as he yelled at Jacob and I . But it had started to return back to normal. Jacob and I stood as still as statues. Until Norman looked over his shoulder and snarled, “Come on, you two want your proof or what?” Jacob and I looked at each other then started walking behind Norman towards the boat dock. Not a single word was spoken as we took the fifteen minute boat ride from the boat dock to the castle entrance. When we reached the castle entrance Norman was the first one to get out of the boat. He stood silently by watching Jacob and I . Once we were up on the castle dock he started walking towards the white stone archway. Where the huge oak door stood preventing us to gain entry to the castle. Norman pulled his wand from his pocket and said, “Raspberry Black.” The huge oak door started to creak and slowly opened. “Come on.” Norman growled. It was apparent that he was still angry. As we walked through the doorway of the castle we found ourselves standing at the foot of a set of stone stairs. Standing on the stairs in the sunshine was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. Her skin was a pale shade of cream her hair was the color of gold that shimmered in the sunlight and eyes of blue. She wasn’t just any woman she was a female elf . She was dressed in a black dress with elvish designs of silver sewn in. Draped around her shoulders hung a black cloak with the same design as the dress. She walked down a couple of the stairs and shook hands with Norman. “How you been Norm?” She asked. “I’ve been better Assell. Here these two are your problem now I’ve had my fill of them. They want to see the archives on their real father.” “They weren’t told about?” asked Assell. Norman shook his head and said, “No.” Assell just looked at Norman, then she looked at Jacob and I standing like two lumps. “I’ll talk to you later Norman.” “Ok Assell good luck you’re going to need it.” When Assell stood in front of Jacob and I . It was then that I noticed how blue her eyes really were. They were bluer then the bluest sea I thought to myself and a man could lose himself in them. The female elf stuck her hand out to Jacob and I and said, “Hello my name is Assell it’s my pleasure to meet you both.” After shaking her hand, Jacob introduced us to her, “Hello my name is Jacob and this is my brother Sirus” “Hello Jacob, Sirus how do you do?” As I looked into Assell’s beautiful blue eyes I found that for the first time in my life I couldn’t think of anything to say other then. “Huh… Hi” CHAPTER 2 Assell smiled and turned away and said, “If you’ll follow me, I’ll show you to the archives.” As Assell walked away Jacob turned around and looked at me and said. “You shouldn’t say so much brother.” “Shut up and start walking” I growled at him. I heard Jacob snicker as I walked around him and followed up behind Assell. I kept one eye on her and one eye looking around at everything. As Jacob and I followed Assell through the castle. Assell lead us down a long hallway to a single wooden door that had a sign on It the read “Broom closet”. Jacob and I looked at each other then at Assell. Then I said to her. “Not another Broom closet?” Assell turned and smiled at Jacob and I she then said, “don’t believe everything you see Sirus.” She then opened the door and pushed it open. Jacob and I walked past Assell through then doorway into a room . To be honest I don’t know how to describe it humongous doesn’t even come close. From ceiling to floor, from one end of the wall to the other was nothing but books upon books of every shape and size. The librarian’s were standing on ladders that went up to the very top shelf of the books shelves. Jacob and I looked at each other. “How many books are in here I wonder Sirus?” “Fourteen thousand” came the reply from Assell who was standing behind Jacob and I . “Fourteen thousand” Jacob asked. “Yes Fourteen thousand” came a male voice from behind Assell. Assell was pushed aside by a gnome no more then three feet high. He was dressed in very plain black robes with no decoration of any kind on them. He looked Jacob and I up and down. Then turned and looked at Assell. “Who are these people and why are they in my library?” “These people are Jacob and Sirus black and they want some answers Mr. Garlon.” “Answers? To what, Ms Assell?” “Who their real father was and how he died and who killed him” “Hmm Follow me” barked the gnome named Mr. Garlon. He walked towards a one of the many doors and opened it. “You three go In here I’ll get the documents you want.” After the Gnome had left us in the room I looked at Asssell and said, “who was that?” “That was the head librarian Mr. Garlon, he’s always in a bad mood he doesn’t like getting bothered. He’ll throw a fit if you ask him a single question. But he knows where every book is in this library.” “Every book Jacob asked?” “Yes Jacob all fourteen thousand of them.” Answered Assell. Neither Jacob or I could believe that someone could remember fourteen thousand books and where they went. After sitting in the room for ten minutes or so Mr. Garlon returned. He was carrying a huge book with dragon shaped lock on the book. Mr. Garlon set the book upon the old wooden table that was in the room in front of Jacob and me. Then he produced a key in the shape of a sword which he slid into the key hole and turned it. The dragon shape lock made a clicking sound then split down the center. Allowing us access to pages inside. “There you go, come find me when your done. And what ever you do don‘t try and lock the book with out the key.” Mr. Garlon said as he walked from the room. “Why,” asked Jacob? “You’ll find out,” Mr. Garlon snapped, “Just do what I tell you.” “Yes sir,” said Jacob with flushed cheeks of embarrassment. Jacob and I turned our attention to the huge old book sitting on the table in front of us. I took hold of the cover and slowly opened the book to the very first page. The first page was completely blank Jacob and I looked at each other. “What’s going on here Assell?” asked Jacob “What do you mean what’s going on here Jacob?” asked Assell. “These pages in this book are all blank,” said Jacob. “What do you mean all blank?” asked Assell. “As in there’s no writing of any kind them!” I snapped. Assell got to her feet, walked over and stood behind Jacob and I. She looked over at the empty pages of book. She pushed her self between Jacob and I took hold of the book. Assell flipped through each page so quickly that she almost tore them from the spine of the book. Suddenly Assell pulled her wand out of dress pocket and touched it the pages of the book. “Book speak, who’s erased all of the history that was contained in your pages?” With out any warning the book slammed shut and the two pieces if the dragon lock slammed together locking it self. The lock had no more then locked when the eyes of the dragon started to glow a fiery red. Then the book and everything in the room began to shake. Assell took hold of Jacob and I by the shoulder and yelled. “Get the hell out of here.” Assell let go of me long enough to grab the door knob throw it open. She pushed both Jacob and I out into the library floor. As Jacob and I sat on the floor books started falling off the shelves all around us. Assell came running from the room with a look of terror in her eyes. “Get up off the floor you idiots and run for your life” It was about that time Mr. Garlon appeared he stood silent for a couple of seconds as he saw the books falling from their shelves. He then looked at Jacob and I with hate in his eyes. “You stupid boys you didn’t listen to me, you tried to lock the book with out the key didn’t you? He screamed. “No they didn’t, the damned book closed itself” Assell screamed back at Mr. Garlon. “Closed itself impossible?“ Mr. Garlon screamed at Assell. He had no more then said that when we could hear the scraping sound of claws upon stone. “It can’t be?” Mr. Garlon spoke with a ghostly white face. “What can’t it be Garlon? Assell yelled at Garlon. “He was supposed to be trapped for all time” Garlon whispered. “Who the hell was supposed to be trapped for all time Garlon?” “Answer me,” Assell again screamed. The answer came with the explosion of stone blocks and flying timbers splinters. All of us took cover behind a toppled book shelf but it did little good. The flying splinters of timber shot right through the one inch oak planks that made up the book shelf . One of the splinters measuring three feet long by two feet wide with a arrow like pointed tip penetrated the book shelf and it’s occupant who just happened to be hiding behind it. Who to his bad luck was Mr. Garlon. The three foot splinter killed him quickly taking his head completely off . Which covered Jacob, Assell and myself in blood. His lifeless corpse lay on the floor of the library with blood still gushing from where his head used to be attached. I wiped the blood from my face with my sleeve then peered over top of the book shelf . My eyes grew wide with utter amazement with what I saw. Standing in the middle of a pile of rubble stood a huge red and black dragon with a very unhappy look about him. I was about to raise up a little bit further for a better look when a hand suddenly pulled me back onto the floor. I spun my head around and was a about to say something when Assell put her hand over my mouth and whispered into my ear. “If you want to live keep your mouth shut” I looked at her with my eyes wide open and my mouth shut. As we laid there we could hear the tearing of paper and the snapping of wood. As the dragon began destroying all of the books and the shelves they sat on. Then out of nowhere the library doors exploded open sending more splinters flying through the air. Great clouds of dust and dirt filled the air as more book shelves and their contents landed on the floor with a thunderous roar. The dust hadn’t even started to settle when out of them came running twenty or more wizards and witches. They all had their wands drawn and were pointing them at the dragon. They all stopped right beside where we were lying. A beautiful woman with light brown hair knelt down beside Jacob. “Are you alright?” “I’m fine” said Jacob. The three of us sat up and began wiping the dust off us. Assell suddenly grimaced in pain and grabbed her lower calf on her left leg. “Damn it” she said through clenched teeth. It was then that we realized that in fact she had been injured by a flying splinter. It was about six to eight inches long and was sticking halfway out of her left calf muscle. The very tip of the splinter was sticking out the front side of her leg. “Are you hurt badly Assell?” asked the woman with light brown hair. Assell looked up and said. “No I’m not hurt bad Anna. There’s just a splinter about eight inches long is sticking out of the front of my leg!” The browned haired woman stood up erect and looked at Jacob and I. Then said, “You two take Assell to the infirmary at once we’ll clean up the mess here.” Jacob and I got to our feet then helped Assell up. We had her put her arms across each of our shoulders. Assell was only able to take a couple steps then we had to stop and let her rest. With all of the moving around Jacob and I had done blood was beginning to run down her leg. Every time we stopped a puddle of blood would develop on the floor. When I noticed the puddle of blood I said to Jacob. “We can’t keep carrying her like this if we do she’s going to pass out from blood loss.” “So how do you suggest we carry her Sirus?” “We need to find something flat so we can lay her flat.” Jacob and I both saw a section of book shelf about six foot long that had broke from the impact on the floor of the library. We Quickly grabbed the board and laid it flat upon the floor. Then very carefully we laid Assell upon it. I pulled my robe off and rolled it up into a ball and quickly stuck it under leg to keep it elevated. Jacob had removed his robe and stuck it under Assell’s head. Once we had gotten her as comfortable as possible. Jacob and I hurriedly carried her up stair case after stair case asking anyone and everyone directions to the infirmary. As soon as we walked through the doors of the infirmary. Two nurses took Assell from us and placed her on a wheeled table and rushed her off through a set of double doors. Jacob and I tried to follow the nurses we got as far as the set of double doors . When we were stopped by a man dressed in black robes with silver designs sewn in. “Assell will be alright. Come with me I want to know what happened in the library.” Both Jacob and I stopped and looked at each other. “And who are you? ”Asked Jacob. The man stopped and turned and stared at Jacob and I . “My name is Malcolm Pool I’m the headmaster of this school but you may call me MR. Pool or Headmaster Pool. Do you understand?” “Yes headmaster Pool.” replied Jacob. “Very well then where were you two coming from?” Asked Headmaster Pool. “Jacob and I had brought Assell up here because she was injured when the dragon escaped from the book.” I said to Headmaster Pool. “So you and your brother saw the dragon escape from the book?” asked Headmaster Pool. “Yes,” I answered. “Tell me exactly what happened from the time Mr. Garlon gave you the book.” “Well Headmaster he set the book in front of us he turned and walked towards the door. But before he left he made it quite clear to all of us that we were under no certain terms to try to lock the book with out having the key in it after we had finished with it. But when we opened the book we found it to be empty of any writing at all.” Headmaster Pool looked at me and stroked his long gray beard. Then he asked, “There wasn’t any writing at all?” “No” “Not on any of the pages?” “No Headmaster.” “What did you do after you say all of the pages were blank?” Asked Headmaster Pool. “Jacob and I handed the book to Assell who went through the pages as we had done. Then she handed it back to me. I set on the table that’s when something weird happened.” Head master Pool looked at me and said, “What do you mean something weird happened?” “Well Headmaster when I set the book back on the table the lock suddenly slammed shut and locked. Then the eyes on the dragon shaped lock began to glow a fiery red. It was at that point Assell grabbed Jacob and me by the collar. She told us both to get out of the room. As soon as the door was open Assell threw us out onto the library floor. About a split second later she ran out of the room. The whole library was shaking books and bookshelves were falling everywhere. Assell, Jacob and I dove behind a fallen book shelf and watched as the dragon destroyed the room where we had been only moments earlier. It was when the dragon exploded from the room that Mr. Garlon was killed by a flying splinter.” Headmaster Pool stood looking at Jacob and me. All the while stroking his long gray beard. After a few minutes he said. “Very well you and your brother will be shown to your room.” CHAPTER 3 At the moment a woman walked around through the doorway and entered the room. When I saw here my mouth went dry and my palms began to sweat. Jacob saw how strange I was acting and nudged me. “What’s wrong with you Sirus?” asked Jacob. “I’m not sure. I was fine until she walked into the room Jacob.” Jacob turned and looked at the woman who had just walked in the room. She was over talking with Headmaster pool. “She is very beautiful Sirus.” said Jacob. I looked at Jacob and said “ Beautiful ! She’s more then beautiful Jacob. She has the golden hair of an angel. Deep sea Green eyes that a man could lose himself in. And lips that hold kisses sweeter then any wine know through out the ages.” I could see out of the corner of my eye Jacob was smirking at me. “What’s wrong with you. Why are you looking at me that way?” I asked. Jacob just smiled at me and said. “Big brother I’m looking at you this way because I never thought I’d see you do it.” I looked at my brother with a very confused look on my face. “See me do what?” I asked. Jacob laughed and slapped me on the back. “You’ve fallen in love brother, that’s what you’ve done.” I was about to say something to deny Jacobs claims. But as I stared at that blond haired woman with the deep sea green eyes. I then realized he was right I had fallen in love and it was with this woman who’s name I did not know. Jacob and me watched as the headmaster and the woman I had fallen in love with crossed the infirmary floor. I couldn’t believe it the closer they got the more the floor shook. Then I realized that the floor wasn’t shaking, it was my knees that were shaking. “What is it about this woman that could effect me so?” I thought to myself. When the headmaster and the unnamed woman were about two feet away I thought I was going to collapse because my knees were shaking that bad. But luckily Jacob saw my condition. He walked up behind me and stabbed me in the back side with a writing quill. I was ever so glad that he did it to fore it broke what ever spell this woman had over me. I looked back at Jacob who was poking his finger with the tip of the quill and smiling at me. “THANKS” I snarled just loud enough for him to hear. “Anytime brother, anytime.” Jacob replied with a big grin on his face. When I turned my head around I came face to face with the woman who would be my wife. As I tired to think of something to say I could see from the expression on her face that she was having the same problem as me. But luckily the headmaster did the introductions. “Gentlemen this is Ms. Helen Troyis she’ll show you to your room. Alright?” “Yes Headmaster.” Jacob answered. I tried to say something but my throat felt as if I’d been eating sand all day. And couldn’t utter a single sound. I felt a little better knowing that Helen was having the same problem as I was. She was turning redder by the minute. The longer I looked at her the more I wanted to say hello. But no matter how hard I tried to summon the courage it would allude my ever grasp. Then with the help of sharp nudge in the back by my brother Jacob I somehow managed to mumble a rather low hello. Helen was grinning at me as she turned a darker shade of burgundy and said. “Please follow me” The three of us walked out of the infirmary and towards a flight spiral staircase that seamed to never end as they wound their way upwards through the many floors of the castle. We wound upwards through the castle not speaking more then a couple of words at a time. Then Helen suddenly stopped and said to us both. “Here’s your room.” She never looked at us as she started back down the stairs. Jacob had a grin on his face as he watched Helen walking back down the stairs. “What are you grinning for Jacob?” I asked. “She likes you as much as you like her Sirus.” I could feel my face getting warm as Jacob smirked at me. I pushed me away from me and said “Shut up” Jacob was laughing as we walked through the doorway of our room. Once inside the room I turned around and said to Jacob “Do you really think she likes me?” When I saw him smirking at me I reached down and took hold of a pillow and threw it him. As Jacob caught the pillow he fell onto his bed laughing at me. He only stopped long enough to say “Sirus, yes she likes you.” I sat down on my bed and laid back resting my head against the cold stone wall. As I laid there all I could think of was Helen and her beautiful face. The sea green of her eyes. The way they sparkled when the light of the sun hit them. And her hair the way it shined like very thin strands of gold. For the rest of the night the only thoughts that filled my head were of Helen. every time I closed my eyes I could see her walking towards me. With a huge smile on her face. She threw her arms around me and kissed me. It was like being hit by a bolt of lightening. Our tongue’s wrestled as we kissed. I could feel her hands running through my hair. When we parted we looked into each others eyes. Then out of nowhere a dragon appears out of a ball of fire. The blast of fire knocked us both to the ground. Knocking me senseless for a few minutes. When I finally managed to get to my feet I found Helen had been burnt alive. And the dragon was gone. I awoke from my dream to find myself soaked in sweat and Jacob was sitting by my bed. I looked at him with utter terror on my face. “Are you alright Sirus?” Jacob asked. I couldn’t say anything I just stared at him with sweat running down my face and my heart beating like I had just run from a fully grown mountain troll.
One Snow Makers Story The sun was shining through my window when I woke that fateful afternoon. I laid in my bed as I wiped the sleep from my eyes. The alarm on my clock started screeching a couple of seconds later, which I promptly silenced with a click of the switch on top of the clock. Then lazily I rolled back over and closed my eyes for a few seconds thinking to myself it‘s time to get up already, the night had gone by to quickly. I would have laid there longer in my nice warm bed if it hadn’t been for the protest of my bladder, which forced me to get up. As I walked down the hallway to the bathroom the thought of another bone chilling night didn’t appeal to me. The spray of hot water felt wonderful as it landed upon my back. The cool air upon my wet skin sent a chill through out my body as I stepped out of the warm confines of the shower stall. Once I had finished drying myself, I quickly threw my t-shirt and sweats back on and walked back to my room. Back in my room I pulled a pair of cotton socks and wool socks out of the drawer of my dresser. I started dressing by putting on the cotton socks underneath the bottoms of my sweats. Then over top of the cotton socks and the bottoms of my sweats I pulled a heavy pair of wool socks. Over top of my sweats I pulled a pair of jeans then I slid a pair of chainsaw pants on. Chainsaw pants are ideal for snow making because they’re water resistant and insulated. The final step of dressing the lower half of my body was to slide my insulated boots over my feet. To prevent snow from working it’s way into the tops of my boots I pull the leg bottoms of the chainsaw pants over them and tie the draw string tight. Dressing the upper half of my body is a lot quicker, fore it only requires a pull over sweatshirt, a zip up sweatshirt and a jacket. Which I usually omitted until I arrived at work, then I put it on. Being a snow maker requires many layers to keep you warm. You can always take it off, but can’t always put it on. When I had finished dressing I grabbed my insulated coat and back pack. I carried them both out into the living room and set them onto the floor as I prepared my dinner for the night. As I stood peering into the refrigerator the sight of some fried chicken and mashed potatoes looked very appealing to me. I dumped the two fried chicken breasts into a plastic container and sealed it shut with it’s cover. I did the same with the mashed potatoes, then slid both containers into the big pocket in the front of my back pack. A good meal is only one of the things you should have in your pack when you make snow for a living. Some other things are extra gloves, hats, neck warmers, and a sewing kit. I have all those things and a few things extra like a single propane burner with a small propane tank and a military mess kit. Incase I’m sent to the upper mountain to pump house #4 where there is no way of heating up my dinner. I also carry a radio or some kind of book to pass the time. There are nights when you think it’s never going to end and on the other hand the nights over before you know it. The worse time is during the spring when it’s too warm to make snow and all you do is circulate water up to the top of the mountain and back down. By the time I had finished packing my dinner it was two thirty and time for me to head to Whiteface Mountain ski center where I work. I was sort of happy and sad when I walked outside and found that it was extremely warm almost forty five degrees above zero. The warm weather meant it was going to be an easy, but extremely long night. As I opened the door to my truck I tossed my coat and back pack onto the passenger side of the seat. Then reached into the bed of my truck for my shovel handle. Only to find that the two feet of snow that was in there last night had completely melted and my shovel was lying on the floor of the truck bed along with a few empty bottles made by Budweiser. I made a mental note to remove them later before they get broken some how. I tossed my shovel onto the passenger side of the cab next to my coat and back pack. As I left my home the day couldn’t be better, the weather was warm and the music coming from the radio was some of my favorites. The forty two miles to work passed by quick. Before I knew it I was pulling up in front of Stewart’s grocery store in Ausable Forks. I quickly went in and grabbed something to drink for the night. After sticking it into one of the side pockets in my back pack I headed out of Ausable Forks towards Jay. Then I turned towards Wilmington where Whiteface Ski center is located. After taking a left in Wilmington it was only a matter of a few minutes before I turned into the drive way of the ski center. As I drove across the bridge I could see a few of my co-workers outside having a smoke before punching in for the night. They waved to me as I drove past and parked my truck near the bottom of the base lodge. I pulled my coat, shovel and back pack out of the truck and shut the door. As I walked up the stairs of the base lodge Bobby Sheldrake called out to me. “Hellooo Deano” “Hi, Bobby what’s up?” “It’s going to be a long night.” “Yea, it is.” I left Bobby outside to finish his cigarette while I set my coat, shovel and back pack on a chair. As I punched in, Charlie Terry walked in. He’s one of the assistant foremen on my shift. “Hello Charlie.” “Hello Dean.” “What’s the story for tonight, Charlie?” “Your going to pump house #3 grab a radio and head up to mid-station.” “Ok.” After getting a radio I put my coat on and slid my arm through the shoulder strap of my back pack. I stood behind some skiers as they waited for one of the chairs to take them up the mountain for the last run of the day. One of the skiers asked me how do we get down after our shift is done. I responded by showing him my shovel and saying this is my ride down. If I had only known what a ride it was going to be. I might have walked down at the end of the night. Not all the way mind you just to the top of tower ten hill. The hill got it’s name from the tower of the old lift that was used during the Olympics. I watched as the skiers slid out onto the ramp as the chair came around the bow wheel. They each sat down and were soon air born their skies dangling in the air. Then it was my turn I walked out onto the ramp and took a seat in the middle of the chair to keep it balanced. I had no more then sat down and I was air born. It only took a few minutes for me to arrive at mid-station. The lift slowed enough for me to get off safely then it sped back up to it’s full tilt of 650 feet per second. It’s easy to get off a lift during the day time it takes some skill to get off during the night when it’s running full tilt. After walking down from mid-station to pump house #3. I could hear the roar of water shooting out of the returns before I even opened the pump house door. As I walked in the A shift pump house man came out of the booth where we sit. He didn’t say anything as we passed, he didn’t have to because I knew what had to be done. I set my stuff on one of the chairs in the booth and grabbed the shift chart and took it out side with me to check the temperature. My heart sank as I looked at the thermometer, 38 degrees above zero. Too warm to make snow I thought to myself. I was really hoping the temperature would drop and we could start making snow. But alas it was not to be for the eight hours of my shift the temperature never dropped below thirty five above zero. Groomers passed by the chateau where us snow makers hung out between runs as they groomed the trails for the next morning. The night was one of those that seemed as if it was never going to end, but finally it did. I said good night to the C shift pump house man and walked outside. When I stepped out of the pump house I knew in an instant the temperature had dropped. For the once sloppy snow that had covered the ground was now rock hard. The trail was covered with ridges which was a bad thing. Fore the shovels we use to come down on at night had two rails on the bottom of them one on each side. When the rails on the shovels get into the grooves cut into the ice of the trail it’s very difficult to get them out. I looked the trail for a place to get on my shovel. When I thought I had found a place I walked over and sat down on the snow and slid my but into the bottom of the shovel and pushed off with my left hand. I had no more then pushed off and started picking up speed quickly when I knew I was in trouble. The more speed I got the closer I got to the opposing side of the trail. I could see the edge of the trail getting closer and closer to me. But, then ahead in the dark I saw the top of tower ten hill and thought for a brief second if I make to the top of the hill I’ll have it made. But, I never made it that far, in an instant I was flying through the air hitting boulders and trees. Within a couple of minutes it was all over. I lay in the snow. My right boot had been thrown off from all of the impacts of the trees and rocks and my left leg was bent against a small tree. When I tired to move it I found that I couldn’t. It didn’t hurt, it just felt as if someone was sitting on it. Once I had cleared the cob web’s from my head I started checking myself for broken bones. When I was content that nothing had been broken I laid back and thought. What to do? Then I remembered that I had gotten a radio before going up the mountain. I had turned it off when I left the pump house. I quickly turned it on and called for help. Within a half hour I was loaded into an ambulance and taken to Lake Placid Medical Center.

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