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kristoffs nsfw photography's blog: "photoshoot journal"

created on 12/10/2006  |  http://fubar.com/photoshoot-journal/b32989  |  1 followers
so before I get into posting any pics of my weekend in NJ/NYC I wanted to post about the "private" Cradle of Filth afterparty at Snitch in NYC... but as im half-3/4 drunk I wanted to post it now before I forgot...

and before I get into detials... I find it amusing that the drunken crew of Dani Filth, Charles and the new drummer from Cradle, were hanging with Joey from Slipknot and one of the 3 Inches of Blood crew IN THE GUYS BATHROOM as I was taking a piss... I thought only girls hung out in the bathroom hahahah...

on top of that Sarah from Cradle peeks her head in the guys bathroom and says "hey you bastards we have a bus call.... wait this scares me as I KNOW ALL OF YOU..." which just made me laugh...

but past that bizzaro moment... I was suprised that I walked from the bar to my hotel (14 blocks up side streets)  heres how things went from my pov...after using the jacuzzi/bath in my room I pass out for a bit and text Myk (ex-bluegrape) and see what he's doing as I was drinking with him last night... (and the story of the girl that fit 4 live frogs in her vagina before it was sealed up with wax still makes me shiver) but he doesn't make it and neither does Barbedwire (who I shot today) to hit the club... so I wander to snitch around 11-1130 with a Jolt 40oz half filled with cherry jolt and half filled with jager (as jager is $9/shot n nyc and I'd rather spend my $$ as a collective instead of drinking overpriced myself hahaha)....

I walk about 14 blocks down and over and get to snitch which is FILLED with crew that looks under 21 but is covered in 69eyes gear and totally in "fanboy" mode...

acey slade walks in (from what bands I dont remember but I remember meeting him about 2 years ago and was really impressed with how NICE he was... but I said shit, as im sure he wont remember me from any other fan heh) and I hear a few girls giggling about him and keep talking to him...

69 eyes show... and I hit up Archzie, the drummer and the one guitarist that I dont remember their names adn catch them and reminded them of the "whiskey eye" from a previous blog and they all laughed remembering who I was and then we did a few shots collectively as it was cool to see them but as they were looking for "how do you say.... 'pussy'?" (cred: brian poshen) for the night I just sat back and waited to see dave from cradle as that was the main reason I came out...

2.5 hours and 4 shots (on top of the 4-5 I had when walking down to the club) later, dave shows with charles and rosie...

dave is FUCKED OFF due to a few personal reasons and of course I keep buying shots through the night to take him from pissed off to piss drunk heh...
I run into Joey from Slipknot and talk to him... im confused with the goatee he has as it totally doesnt fit him, and he doesnt remember me (which im not suprised) from that the ministry afterparty at the house of blue in cleveland where al(ien) jorgenson from ministry was booty dancing with the wet t-shirt contest girls and I pitched him a few flyers and stickers for porn...

oddly enough... and this chick I was good friends with supposedly knows joey and told me all these stories... well in mentioning her name tonight he doesnt remember her at all (as her name is pretty unique so it wouldn't be hard to narrow down who is who)... so all the stories she told me about him (and other bands now) in name dropping him totally go out the window, and I just lost a bit of faith in her stories as it seems its just a fan girl in action anymore... even if I haven't talked to her since last year sometime...

well past that random encounter... I met up with Vas from Hanzel Und Gretyl who was FUCKING HAMMERED... but didnt recognize me since I was wearing a hat and didn't have a 2 foot tall mohawk as she saw me last on ozzfest in 2005... but after she gave me shit and I said hey, I talked with her a bit about video soundtrack work and playing in cleveland but seems that everything i covered and I dont need to worry about it until october of 2007... saves me a few dimes, although I would like to see them again sooner heh...

as I'm running to the bar for more alcohol ammunition this chicks stops me, mistaking me for someone that actually has some sort of relevance to anything and says "hey you're *i dont remember the name* right?"... i just look at her in what I thought was a dumbfounded/half drunken stare... but I guess she found that hot and she stuck her tounge down my throat... which I of course went with as I was checking this chick out since I got there and wasn't about to argue with this reaction to a confusing question...

but I snagged her, dave, and the roadie guy I knew from Cradle a shot... but the chick bolted somewhere so I split it between the 3 of us and that just helped with the retardation...

past that I ran into the chick I fired that was running with Anderson and I for the Sounds tour in 2005 and I hadn't heard/seen here since either...  things on that tour went all but fucked up (and I thought she had beef with me since her "biggest mistake of 2005" was touring with us)... but as communication got a bit garbled due to loud noise and drunkeness I wandered off and tried to walk away from all of that as her boy (cradle's roadie) was a bit fucked off about one thing or another...

later Dave is 4 shades of shifaced, but I just kept wanting to up the antie (and as I got random free shots since I spent a bunch of $$ and also they thought I was with the bands?) and get him retarded before leaving... and then I ran into Charles from cradle and chattered with him for a bit and he was just going a mile a minute so it was kinda hard to keep up with a thick british accent hahaha...

anyway bus call comes... dave is already gone... sarah seems pissed... dani is piss drunk and charles/rosie are mia... and im too drunk to want to leave yet...

I sit around, watch the nyc drunx stagger around as jyrki from 69 eyes plays his single/cd for the 209348234 time tonight and that is my kick in the ass to leave...

remembering how to get back to the hotel I jet and wander towards it..

I hit up a random sub shop and grab some grub (where they have caling cards called "MY AFRICA CALLING CARD" which just confused me and seemed to make up a stereotype?) and come back to the hotel and finding the lobby filled with drunken (hot in that preppy kind of way) chicks rambling something in italian but I still just duck and cover as I wander to the elevator as italian chicks have more body hair than I do... so I wasn't in the social mood to get ass raped by hairy italian girls....

but the night overall was odd as I was going into a "scene" that I wasn't a part of after spending the past year being in the cleveland area where too many people know who I am... I kinda liked being the odd one out standing at the bar looking out of place... no drama, no bs, and some random chick who i'll never see again making out with me (BONUS!)anyway tomorrow I run to my moms... and I'll re-hash more/post pics then...

if I remember to anyway heh... 
its because of them and and their boyfriends...

long story short, I shot this chick last Jan or so... it was a starter shoot as SHE wanted to do her own personal site... and she got paid for the video so I have all the releases and legal crap to go with it...

well the video goes public and the local scene has a SHITFIT... (mostly guys that she turned down now are up her ass becuase they got denied and are giving her shit)...

ok so being a nice guy I take the video/photos down and give her 6 MONTHS to payback what I paid her and then i'll give her the videos and rights back... I dont give a fuck... but as I already got dicked out of time, and extra $$ in trying to set her up with her own personal site I was just really irritated with the whole deal and just wanted it done...

well months and months go by... not a single dime, not an email or contact saying "here's some $$ can you hold off?" or even in seeing her at shows did I even get a single mention or even a "sorry about that, here have a drink" in doing her a favor...

so at that point im ready to say fuck it and release it...

I give her 2 more months, and I still have shit to show for it...

the video goes live and I never hear from her again...

until her boyfriend emails tonight... in a nice, but kinda fucked off email...
From: ********
Date: Feb 28, 2007 6:56 PM

hey i doubt you remember me but Im apes fiancee and i was really hoping that youd do me a huge favor and take off everything that has to do with apes the only reason im asking is cuz were about to ahve a son and i dont want my son to ever hear anything of her mother ever doing anything remotely related to porn i mean im sure youve made more than your money back for her video cuz just about everyone in cleveland has seen it already so will you please take it down were getting our names out of the dirt right now in the light of us having a lil shit head in a lil bit if you could do this that would be amazing i hope youll be an understanding man about this thanks
so of course with all of the pre-mentioned in mind... I figure it better to reply and I do so with:

Body:     heya... not to sound like a dick... but business is business... she had a chance to buy me out a year ago and really gave two shits on doing so...

so as it's been way more of a pain in the ass then it has been worth any $$ from the site its staying up as I do have her signed releases, her ID as her permission to use said media otherwise...

I'm not a bank where I pay models and then give them the videos back if they do/dont sell or if they want them down off the site...

this is a business that SHE wanted to get into and I busted my ass trying to get HER a personal site running... she then backed out on me which cost me more than what I paid her and I spent too much time with the bullshit SHE wanted to do in running her own site...

so honestly I shouldn't have even given her a chance to buy me out... but I figured as I friend I'd offer it... and I gave her 6 months to buy me out for the rights to the video that I paid her for, and she didn't give me one cent back...

so as she showed 0 interest in doing so and ditched out on me again as well, its not my problem anymore...

again not to sound like a dick, but if she wanted it down she had plenty of time to do something about it before now...

well that was probably a bit harsher than I should have gone off about... but whatever...

maybe this will explain more of why I stay away from the local scene anymore...

ok so here's how the DET weekend with Sinmora and FM panned out...
  • Sinmora and FM show up early and we actually make good time and get there before 9pm
  • sinmora tries on 12 outfits and FM and I go rummage for subs
  • sinmora and I are in the elevator and two elderly women walk in and look at us... one pipes asks (politely) "what are you?"... we of course look confused and I'm like "excuse me?"... she asks if we're in a band or something and we just chuckle and say no...
  • we are the first ones at city and the place is pretty scarce but the drinks are decent priced and we just kinda chill for a bit
  • we meet sparrow (one of my saturday shoots) and her bf and we all bs for a long while
  • sinmora and i go to the bar and get distracted by vagina
  • FM falls asleep at the club and then makes a quick exit to walk back to the hotel (which is a 5ish min walk but it's cold so that was a suprise move)
  • Sinmora and I hang for a bit and suprisingly she lasts until about 230 when we leave and get a cab to head back

  • I head into the room I got for the day... full kitchen, minibar area, decent size bathroom, so im stoked to shoot porn all day here
  • my 1pm never shows... doesnt call.. nothing... dicked again...
  • sparrow shows up a bit early as i needed a time killer anyway...
  • my 7pm calls to confirm
  • we end up shooting for a bit over 3 hours with some social time with her bf there as well...
  • im kinda spent from the night before but waiting to hear from my 7pm apt and she's a no show... no call, no show, nothing... dicked twice in one day... sweet!!
  • i crash out for a few hours before getting up to city club
  • before going to city, the three of us are waiting for a cab and the lady behind the counter says something to sinmora in the effect of "I so wish I had your figure... if I did I'd be trouble!!... I'd be noooooo good..." and we all just start laughing and her co-worker didn't seem to flinch at her saying that which was even funnier hahaha
  • we roll out to a diner thats a part of the same building city is in for munchies (where they have an ice cream hamburger... so of course FM orders one... but then we find out they are out of ice cream hahaha... so he gets dicked)
  • we roll to city and sinmora has a huge headache already...
  • about an hour roll and shes so not feeling well so she and FM split
  • I see one friend of mine there and BS with her for a bit, not really feeling the total vibe of the club myself
  • the one person I wanted to see couldn't make it out due to a uber jealous BF who hates anyone she has dated... ever... so obviously her coming out with him to meet me was a no go... (dicked yet again... see the trend?)
  • I wait for a bit and head home so I can actually sleep before driivng home and working dope sunday

  • wake up ass early and pack up and we jet out
  • the ride home was full of snow and rain so it was great fun...
  • I get home, pack up merch for dope and head to peabodys at 5
  • I set up and then everything seems to become a bit odd with the merch setup
  • bands play and the night goes on... dope does a cover of Jimmy Chicken Shack's "high" and it was REALLY odd hearing that as I used to see JCS all the time years ago and then 10 years later hear it from dope was a bit unsettling...
  • the whole night ends up going wrong, I fuck up the merch counts and my basic math is totally fucked... and basically I look like an ass due to it with the crew i was doing merch for... thinking im totally getting shitcanned but I think some of it has to do with the setup of how merch was run that night... I haven't had that much trouble in a while keeping track of shit...
  • I then pack up, hang for a bit... drink more... try to forget the akwardness for the whole night and then travel over to a friends about 4 blocks away to hang and crash for the night...

overall the weekend pretty much sucked... the shoot went well, and I made some $$ in merch but otherwise I was pretty fucked off about the whole deal... and it seems that as my main video shoot has just gone belly up for this week im kinda fucked as well too so i have no idea if im going out there or not... but anyway past all the blah blah blah... heres some pics: sparrow01.jpg sparrow01.gif thankfully the chick was super cool and it looks like I'll be doing some stuff with her for GodsGirls shortly as well... or get her out here for a video shoot during the summer... and at this point I give up on doing ozzfest for the summer as the clusterfuck for the vendors just seems to be getting worse and worse as time goes... Im going to just sink my $$ into the video and webchats... porn is a way more reliable (albeit less fun) income than touring with rockstars all summer heh...
heres how I see this weekend rolling out in detroit...
  • 5PM: sinmora and FM will show up sometime around 5pm even though as we're to leave at 4pm... take an hour to get ready and then we drive 3 hours to the cold as city of detroit...
  • 6-9PM: we drive at the hotel and then check in and then wait another hour to get ready...
  • 11PM: hit city club
  • 1AM: sinmora has gone from sober to wienerville, while FM and I are still not even half retarded...
  • 1:15AM: sinmora and FM go back to the hotel
  • somewhere between 1AM and bar closing time: I find a few friends I haven't seen in months/years and get shitty with them... probably make out with some random chick along the way that I'll have no idea who she is...
  • bar closing time: I head back to the hotel hopefully remembering what direction its in and not walking straight, and with my pants on somehow and forgetting i have to be up in 6-7 hours to start setting up for shooting...

  • 11AM: wake up and get ready so I can get the new suite at noon and hope that its ready for shooting
  • 1PM: meet up with the first shoot which is a video shoot... roll footage and avoid the drama of shooting a couple
  • 4PM: meet up with my next shoot who is a virgin shooter, but is super nice and super cute so I can see that I'll be shooting her for a good 3 hours, probably the only fun shoot of the day :p
  • 7PM: meet up with my last photoshoot, who in talking to tonight thought we were *insert name of another site that I cant mention due to legal reason* and then was confused as we've been around since 2000 and this (also worldwide known, model carrer ending site) site has only been around for fewer years... I have a feeling that this shoot is NOT going to go as planned... at all... but she was interested in doing video and she is a squirter so I'm ready to shoot and brought a raincoat and spotwielding mask
  • 10PM: I think I have another shoot here but the chick is super sketchy and I have no idea whats going on... if not, I finally get a break and change and meet up with Sinmora and FM for city club again...
  • 1AM: If im not already at city I will be on the way there... but if im already at city im sure im half past retareded and wanting to crash early... Sinmora will probably be half passed wienerville and FM will be following suit Im sure...
  • time unknown: I crash out in whatever clothes I went to city in not wanting to deal with any girls for the night

  • 11AM: wake up pissed, hungover and eyeliner down my face
  • 12PM-3ishPM: leave the hotel and drive back
  • 3ishPM: pack up merch and figure out where my head/sanity is
  • 530PM: show up at Peabodys to do merch for Ventana at the Dope show
  • 530PM-7PM: waste time, setup, fall asleep, harass Virus (no particular order)
  • 7PM-1AM: sell merch, drink a bit, cock block for julia (who as rumor mill has it im dating now?), make out with some random girl, drink more, sell more and stay awake
  • 1AM: I will be half drunk, merch will be packed up, totally tired and wandering to the afterparty
  • 5AM: not remember how I got home and pass out for 2 days

this is so going to hurt... I'm so glad I have 3 days between that and going to DC/NJ/NYC next weekend ugh...
sorry had to edit and repost... but i deleted it like a moron instead :p
so last night as I had a slight detour from my regular travel plans... I ended up shooting a new models whos name we have yet to figure out... (for our/photo use, I'm calling her Ariel atm) well, we're at this Holiday in "Holidome" which I thought was going to be some cool experience and have big rooms with lighted shit and a dome thing like some other hotels I've seen in my travels... wrong... I got a room that just had a door directly to access the pool, sauna, rec room and oddly enough a miniture golf area... which just happens to be by the nosiest part of the hotel...
besides all that there was some sort of reception filled with people 21-25 and a few moms in there... well of course how I look doesn't really help with staying in the background... so as I walk by I see a few girls dressed in "classy" hooker attire so I instantly think "I should come back later when everyone is trashed and flyer for future models"... and then I see their boyfriends... drunk, hi fiving, hoohaaahing each other while in almost tux attire...
so with that plan failed I continue to setup lights and what not... the model shows up and we go out into the "Holidome" to shoot... well as she looks like some gothic hooker, instantly anyone there is staring at her with either disgust or the typical drooling male syndrome... we start walking around and people are kinda wierded out... she's in a little skirt, fishnet thigh highs, fishnet shirt with a t-shirt over it to do merch shooting... and thats wierd... meanwhile there are girls running around in thongs and yet we get the glares... anyway, we shoot a few shots on the minigolf course for hilarity sake, and those pics didn't come out for pro use but still amusing anyway... she gets on a spiral staircase thats there and we start shooting a few merch shots... had 2-3 moms walking by trying not to stare, and one husband got busted looking at Ariel heh... so as we shoot a bit of that more onlookers (including random hotel staff that seemed to want to look at her more than care that we were shooting in thier "holidome" kept coming in and out and we just kinda hurried up and finished before heading back into the room... you can see a few pics here: http://www.cherrytap.com/viewimage.php?u=350211&albumid=91880&i=3299369447 http://www.cherrytap.com/viewimage.php?u=350211&albumid=91880&i=645685769
and then the fun begins... so we shoot a few stills (like this) and then work our way down the line
well after the shoot we bs and go over the pics a bit and she leaves... I end up running to the local Sheetz (mmmm MTO) there and get bombarded by drunktards from the party that was at that hotel earlier... I'm obviously dressed as before, and seems that the locals have beergoggles/mentality is in full effect... a chick comes in in knee high hooker boots and a short black shirt and a lowcut top with her tits almost hanging out... so of course everyone looks and stares at her... I look of course but just face forward as anything else makes me look like a rapist the way im dressed hahaha.. she gets in line behind me and comments on my knee high boots and I say the same on hers as they were hot (and well I have a thing for boots heh) and we chatter a bit in line about where to get boots like I have etc... and of course since Im the wierdo, and I have this girls attention span for more than 2.5 nanoseconds... out comes TARDODRUNK... so I'm just chatting with this chick and tardo swaggers up to the two of us, reeking of alcohol and axe and starts talking to the chick... she totally ignores him and she and I randomly quirp about more boots stuff... Tardo, obvioulsy annoyed/insulted/totally moronic, decides to say "whatever bitch" and walks down an isle... however as we both look at him like hes a fucktard, magically he trips over something invisible, falls on his face and takes out a stack of 2 liters that fall down on and around him... which made all of us (and the chick working the counter) laugh our asses off... he gets up covered in two liters and confused as to what happened and staggers out around a bit ignoring the mess and just starts walking out... now normally either one would: a) clean up the mess and apologize b) run right out the door before they can see if anything is broken c) act like a bigger moron and blame it on someone else and break more shit d) go into the walk in cooler, pee on things and leave e) go walk into oncoming traffic... well he didn't pick any option... he just kinda stood there, leaving the mess, looking at the cooler for beer... he then turns around and says "hey tits, want any beer to drink with me later?".. the chick looks at me, and we look at him and hes staring right at her... "what a dick i mutter" and she seems a tad scared at this point heh... now, I've lost humor value with tardo and the line is nearing the end so I can quickly leave and get away before wanting to stab him in the eyes... but he just keeps on being stupid and tries to open the door to the cooler... well the door opens in and he tries to pull it out... but doesnt realize the door is shut and walks flat into it and then falling on his ass... security has been called out by this point, I let the chick check out so she can scoot out while tardo is pre-occupied to do anything else stupid and shoved out the door... and I quickly follow suit... I make it out the door and the chick is parked next to me... she says by and I wave and say bye and we both get in our cars... well as I'm about ready to back out the chick gets out and flags me down... I'm confused and roll down my window and she says "you seem nice, here's my number" and handed a napkin with her digits on it... I said "well I'm only in town another week" and she replies with "thats fine, lets talk sometime"... I'm totally shy and at a loss for words and like "ok.. will call you tomorrow/monday... talk to you later" with a bit of a blush on my face and just back out... I totally lost track of what happened to tardo but i just think its funny/ironic how me being the wierdo ends up getting some chicks number after just talking to her for a short time and letting her get out of tardo's sight...
not sure what to make of that... I reallllllllllllllllllllly dont think I'm in her league... but what the hell... while im in town might as well find some entertainment while im here... might at least be able to show me around a bit more as to whats been going on in my old hometown :p... I'm kinda scared/confused/happy in the pants about this... and just hope tardo got hit by a moving truck... heh
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