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(30 credits)
With the Likenado activated, everyone that likes your profile will receive an instant like back without depleting your daily supply. Also resets your daily like limiter to zero and 500% point bonus will be rewarded to both parties for the like action! Lasts TWO (2) hours!

The attraction to this power up is that people get liked back when they like you, and in my opinion, this should have been named "Likerang"

They then could have experimented with another power up that sends out likes to your whole family and call THAT a Likenado (Likefier?). Think of how many achievements they could make with something like that in place, and watch people begging to be added to families for those.

But I digress.

The cool thing about these, is you can get the bigger like achievements, including Night Rider, by running fewer Stars. The bad part is, if you're trying to get the achievement for 12 Rock Stars in a Row, running one Likenado would reset that back to Zero.


If you are going for a more likes, IF you ever run both Stars and Likenados, MAKE SURE that you never start them at the same time. That way you get both like resets. When running with Rock Stars, You can start one ONE HOUR after the Star, then as soon as one ends, you can run another. That one will "span" acoss to your next Rock Star, and you could repeat that indefinitely. Likenados must be allowed to run out, unlike the Stars.

My Blog about Getting More Likes (for the 3000, 5000 and 10,000+ in a day) explains more.

If however you are going for more POINTS, then by all means, run them together. Especially when the bonus is for Likenado or for All Powerups. Add a 2X at the beginning to get more points. Add a Make it Rain for monster Fubucks so you can give/trade the high value gifts for those achievements.

My Blog about Getting the Most Points with Likes can explain it fully

There is a specific achievement for runinng Three in a Row, so just run these by themselves at least until you get the achievement.

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Rock Star

Rock Star
(35 credits)
Rock Star resets your daily like limiter back to zero and everyone that already liked you today, prior to activation, will be able to do so again! But wait, there's more! You also receive 25X points when liked, 5X the points when liking someone else, and those liking you will receive 5X points as well! Rock Stars get *AND* give 2X the likes per-vote! Lasts for 4 (FOUR) hours.

Resets your daily like limiter. Below level 62, you cannot do the achievements for liking 10,000 people or 10,000 newbies. If you run a Rock Star, you will be able to keep liking. That like 10,000 people was a level requirement for I believe 61 going for 62, before fubar diluted some of the higher levels.

Everyone who liked you earlier in the day, can like you again. Simple as that. The Rock Star makes you instantly popular, but it doesn't bring people to your profile, because you can be liked, without being viewed.

Big bonus points for both receiving and giving likes, and bonus for the people who like you as well.

2X the likes per vote. Yup, if you're running Stars for any of the like achievements, you really only have to get liked half the number of times that's required. and by fewer people

Several lower levels have some like requirements, but beginning at level 51, you need to get liked 2,500 times. If you do not run any stars, you are expecting 2,500 unique users to like you. Not impossible, I have seen it done. Personally, on days I ran a lot of other power ups, not asking for any likes, I had as many as 1,500 unique users like me while they did other things such as rate my profile.

Stars are absolutely essential for any higher achievements,  with the top one being 40,000. I don't personally know anyone achieving this, but maybe somebody has done it. I have seen a few get 25,000.

I won't suggest a Star for any of the rating achievements, and that's because it only attracts people to like you, not to visit your profile to rate or re rate you. Those will be further discussed with the Boomerang, FAMPlifier, and Big Bang power ups.

I don't know when the change was made, but even though a Rock Star lasts four hours, you can start a new star at any time. There are times when starting a new Star will not "end" the one that's runnning. If that happens, nobody will be able to like you again. You will have to contact Support with a Private Message, while some would suggest you contact Scrapper directly. This happened to me once. It will display two stars running on your profile at the same time. The staff will see this, and likely gift you a new one, ask you to activate it and expect it to end both that are currently running. There are achievements for running as many as TWELVE Rock Stars back to back. If you attempt this, do not even OWN any other power ups, because if you start anything else, that counter resets to zero.

One aspect of running Rock Stars is to become one of the top 25 for your gender for most likes in a day. You will have the opportunity to have your name color changed to GREEN to show what you did the day before. Achievements for being in the top TEN or top Like recipient of the day. My personal best was just more than 15,000. That used to be a level requirement, but has never been an achievement.

Now, for the daily bonus. When there is a Rock Star bonus, the people running the Stars get the biggest benefit. When there is a LIKE bonus, those who like you get the same bonus you get. It's for this reason, when going for a high llike achievement, to make the run when there is a LIKE bonus as opposed to a Rock Star bonus.

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Big Bang


Big Bang
(35 credits)
We'll make you famous! For ONE (1) hour you'll be cooler than a polar bears toe nails! While you're busy trying to play off all the love and attention, those who rate and comment on your profile and rate 10 of your photos will also receive a point bonus for everything they do for 10 minutes! 

NOW: Bang up to FIVE (5) people to receive a STACKED bonus of up to 125%!

This power up isn't used very much, because of its cost, and how it lasts only one hour. It does have the second most interactive things associated with it.

Running this alone, people will be able to rate your profile again, and you both will get bonus points. It can be run in conjunction with either or both Boomerang and FAMPlifier, and lead to extra benefits. I'll dedicate one separate blog to explain that. Click HERE To read that blog.

When people come to your page, they will see at the top, the 3 things that if they do, they will get a 25% bonus for ten minutes. It's possible for someone to do the 3 things on five different people running Big Bangs to get a 125% bonus, and earn achievements for the Double Bang (level 57 requirement) and the Big Bang Orgy for the five at once. If someone is going to attempt this, they should try it on a rate bonus day, when more of these will be running. They should open at least five active Big Bang profiles in separate tabs. Then do these in this order.

1. DO NOT RATE THEIR PROFILE YET, DO THIS LAST! Leave a profile comment (hopefully it's not blocked to only family or only friends, so check this part first. if you cannot comment, find another one to do. 

2. Rate any 10 of their photos. When you come back to their profile page, you will see 2 of the 3 steps complete.

3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for the other active Big Bangs. Then make sure you have those two parts done on all five (or more) active Big Bangers.

4. One at a time, rate each profile, and refresh their page to verify. As you get more than one profile completed, any page you go to will show how many you have done, and what bonus precentage you have. You will get an achievment for doing two and for doing five. It make take a few tries to get this one done, but it doesn't cost you anything to do these achievements.

The one achievement you can earn for running Big Bang, is to run FOUR back to back. This one is not so easy, and pay attention because at 35 credits each, and only one hour for each one, it gets expensive. Do not have ANY power ups running, not even an auto 11 that's ending. Simply just run four in a row and let each one run out, except after you get the achievement for the fourth one, you could run other power ups, of course.

Added: Since Level 57 going to 58 requirement needs to have the Double Bang Bonus. I made a five minute video that shows how to get it easy.

DOUBLE Bang Video

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God Mode

God Mode
(250 credits)

The Bling. In one bling you can have the powers of Auto-11s, Cherry Bomb, Famplifier, Mega Polisher and Boomerang! Lasts for  40  100 MILLION points or 1 day, which ever comes first!

Change TWO
The Bling. In one bling you can have the powers of Auto-11s, Cherry Bomb, Famplifier, Mega Polisher and Boomerang! Lasts for  40  Million 10 BILLION points or 24 HOURS, which ever comes first!

There are so many things having to do with this, I'll try to cover all I can.

Change 1:

I recently learned, and it is unpublished, that the God Mode will last a minimum of two hours. So if you get the 100 milllion points fast, you still get the benifits of the rest of what God Mode brings.

I'll start with the 10 Billion points. First thing, do not try to run this and get a top point ranking. Back when this was 40 credits and lasted for 40 million points, I got ranked in the top ten for points with only 90 million. The most important thing you can do is to note your exact point total (total, not for the day) because the instant you cross 100 million points of ANY kind, it ends. You will see people requesting to be BuzzKilled. This is to remove the bonus from being Shitfaced, making the 100 million points take longer to get. One possibility is to have someone BuzzKill you, then lock your abilities, then start the God Mode. This will also prevent anyone from point boosting you, or worse yet, Altruize you. Someone literally could ruin your God Mode by doing that. Now it's 10 Billion total points. There probably will be more people running them.

Having Auto-11's means that all rates you get, will be automatically changed to 11, and people running bombs will get double points if they bomb you. Most bombers are not aware of that, so don't tell them or your points will run out faster.

Having a Boomerang only allows people to rate your profile once after you start the God Mode, SO do not run this if you are going for any rate achievements such as Fu Affection etc.

Having a FAMPlifier means that your family will get an automatic 11 rating. You can boost your family by 15 every three hours. It is only one each of the Boomerang and FAMPlifier so you cannot be rated again after four hours that a boomerang normally lasts. This part of GodMode is most efffective in the first few hours, but since Fubar is world wide, there are always people coming online so you will get rated a lot of times, but not enough to get the big achievements.

Having a Cherry Bomb is the biggest part. It literally lasts the whole time, so you could make an effort to go for 500 or 1000 albums, or even try to get 1000 unigue users achievements. The bigger difference with this is, you can bomb someone again after sixty minutes, same as if you started a new bomb. One thing you could try is to be as giving as possible, and bomb as many level 36 people as you can. I did this in my run, but the locking abilities wasn't available, and many of them thanked me by making me ShitFaced. Good thing for that locking down.

January 14, 2017 Update: If you're going to be in a giving mode with the God Mode, then the targets are now level 50 and 59.

You CANNOT earn an Inferno Heart with a God Mode.

Having a Mega Polisher active allows you to polish up to 5000 bling per user, and get bonus points. Not likely you're going to want to do that one.

Other things that can add up, are if there is a bonus for Profile and Photo rates. If your points are adding up too fast, you might want to lock that down too.

Having your bling polished, if there is a big bonus for that, you also might want to lock.

The ONE THING you CANNOT block no matter what, is receiving bling. If the bonus happens to be big for giving bling, just being gifted one boomerang or other 15 credit thing and 100 million is done. The gifter will probably not realize they did this, like the level 36 people who are thanking you for bombing them, gifts you 1 credit blings, they're just trying to be nice. And while it great to have nice people around, sometimes it isn't so good. One more thing is, if you want to run the other power ups to get the other achievements, purchase them before you start the GM. Then when you are at about 90 million, run those. They are Rock Star and Big Bang.

SO When are the best and worst times to run God Mode?

The absolute best day of the year will always be September 11. Fubar turns off ALL bonus that day. AND there are no happy hours, so for that day, the points are back like when this was still Cherry Tap. God Mode runners that day will not care to be shit faced because unless they purchase a LOT of bling, they will have a hard time reaching 100 million points.  For 2016, September 11 will be on a Sunday. I have no idea exactly when the bonus will end, or be reinstated after, but if you look at the Happy Hour page leading up to that day, Sunday will be blacked out. This is their tribute to the rememberance of the terrorist attacks in New York, Arlington and in Somerset County PA. (BTW, the Navy named 3 amphibious ships those names). Running the Star and Big Bang would also not cut into the 100 million points that much.

Change 2:

The second best day to run God Mode is when the only bonus is for Likenados, because that one power up is not included in the God Mode.

The worst day to run it is when there is a Cherry Bomb Bonus, because you will average more than 2 million points per bomb or more, so about 40 bombs and it's over.

Giving Bling bonus is not a good time because a couple of nice people will give you too many points unintentionally, and I had a friend I won't name, gift me a bling while they were running God Mode, and when I told them, they realized but it was too late, it didn't last very long.

Like bonus or Rate bonus are not bad, because people will only be able to rate or like you once. Don't do it when the bonus for those is extra high, or when it's a bonus for both.

A low bling polish bonus isn't so bad, but if that bonus is high (happened on March 2, 2016) all the bling you gave out could be polished, and if it's a lot and worth a lot of credits, the points might also get eaten up. I credit ADDICTED2INK CCM with this.

Bonuses for profile and phot comments are good, because both take so much effort to do, people won't really do a lot more than they usually do.

I have only run it once, and got it to last about 20 hours, made a bunch of friends doing it. The bombing achievements, I did not go for, because I had already completed all of them. I do not remember the exact bonus that day, but it was not for cherry bomb or for giving bling.

My original intention was to write these from the bottom up, starting with Boomerang, because I have never ran either the Pimp Hand or Shield, others probably can explain them better. Since God Mode is on the top, and Blogs end up being newest first, writing this one first will put it at the bottom as I write more, so maybe this was a good idea to start here. If you want me to include other things from your experiences with these, please let me know. If this or the others I write are useful to you or somebody else, please let me know and share this out. 

Thank you.

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