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AngL's blog: "Random *B* Babble"

created on 11/09/2007  |  http://fubar.com/random-b-babble/b152135

He Did It Again... :)

Ok. I woke up this afternoon... to yet another poem in my fumail. You just gotta luv this guy! Here is the poem and the link again! Thanks darlin'... I love it! In the circle of life We deal with Many things Some make us smile Some make us frown Some will hurt us Some will lift us up As I look at you I can see your in a very special circle You have sparkling eyes A big heart But most of all You have something Many people only dream About and that's Class Never lose it or that Sweet smile As it will always lead you Through the circle of life ken7700

@ fubar With Love To All *AngL*

Such A Sweetie!!!

I got this in a fumail tonight... I thought it was really sweet and his link is at the bottom of this blog. I really love them sweetie... :) Thank you! While Your Gone!! What do i miss Is it your smile That brightens my sky Is it your words That brighten my day Is it your silent laughter That fill me up inside And sends me into orbit What is it then? Its you! I just spotted you and all I can say is wow!! Your one sweet hottie. Wrote a poem for you! Because your sexy Stars shine But none outshine you The sun is bright But nothing outshines you Your sweet smile Lights up Fubar Like none I've seen In a very long time I hope your night Goes well For you Are one beautiful lady That deserves the best Take care sweety Ken ken7700

@ fubar With Love To All *AngL*

Who Would Have Thought...

After my many heart breaks, lost loves, loves that lie, loves that hide who they really are... I figured I would have learned my lesson. I thought to myself, after this last one, some of you know who he is, I would seal up my heart, not let anyone in, and never... I mean NEVER talk to him again. I blocked off communication lines on here, and other places. For some reason, I opened them back up. Figured, no big deal... I can handle this, I can just open them back up and see what happens. I don't want to be with him. I don't want that heart ache again. I figured, its been a while, I could probably be his friend. It was very comforting to talk to him in the past... I never expected the rush of emotion that would come from chatting on here with him. Although, I stand by what I have said and decided, I gave him a chance to explain. I wasn't expecting the truth. I am not sure anymore what the truth is. He did explain some things, but whether or not its the truth by definition or the truth as in what he tells himself, I am unsure. Only the higher powers that be know if I will ever know the whole truth about this whole situation. I don't expect it. I am actually not sure if I really want to know. However, with all that venting done, I did manage to get an email from him and then the brief chat in the shout box. I am not sure how I feel at this moment. I am not sure what I should feel. I do know this. I stand by my feelings. I stand by the fact, that I will never go looking for love. I will never look for that Mr Right for Me. If he shows up in my life, my heart should know it is him... and I will give him what is left of my heart for Mr Right to heal it, mend it, build it back up to what I know my heart used to be long ago. There is someone out there for me. If it takes a lifetime for him to find me... then I will wait that lifetime. :) With Love To All... *AngL*

11 Things About Life...

I got this as a profile comment and thought it was great and so true. I had to share it with everyone! This should probably be taped to your bathroom mirror where one could read it everyday. You may not realize it, but it's 100% true. 1. There are at least two people in this world that you would die for. 2. At least 15 people in this world love you in some way. 3. The only reason anyone would ever hate you is because they want to be just like you. 4. A smile from you can bring happiness to anyone, even if they don't like you. 5. Every night, SOMEONE thinks about you before they go to sleep. 6. You mean the world to someone. 7. You are special and unique. 8. Someone that you don't even know exists loves you. 9. When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good comes from it. 10. When you think the world has turned its back on you take another look. 11. Always remember the compliments you received. Forget about the rude remarks. So..........If you are a loving friend, send this to everyone, including the one that sent it to you. If you get it back, then they really do love you. And always remember....when life hands you Lemons, ask for tequila and salt, and call me over! Good friends are like stars.......You don't always see them, but you know they are always there. 'Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway' I would rather have one rose and a kind word from a friend while I'm here than a whole truck load when I'm gone. With Love To All *~AngL~*

Regrets? Roller Coasters?

In a person’s life, there are all sorts of ups and downs. Life is nothing more than a wild roller coaster ride from birth until death. We all have our moments when we think “had I chose this way or that road, it might have come out differently”, but if you have any points in your life that are HIGH points of happiness. True happiness, then the road you chose was the right one. I have no regrets in my life, past, present or the mistakes I will make in the future. No Regrets. If given the chance to go back in time, I wouldn’t change a thing. I would have still broke up with the man I loved in high school before I felt we should have. I would have still dropped out of high school. I would have still took that job and quit this job, and moved to that other state, married both of my husbands, lived with family, and done all the things I did. Whether they were the “wrong or right” choice when looking back… they will always be the RIGHT way to go. They made my children who they are, they made me who I am. My life has taught me many lessons. Good and Bad. Happiness is what you make it. Your life is what you make it. No one can do it for you. NO ONE! I have no regrets, I wouldn’t change anything I have done. I am not perfect. No one is. I have always prided myself in not asking for help from anyone. Other than just some advice here and there, and then still making my own decisions. I have made all of my decisions. No one made them for me. My life isn’t perfect. I have my drama, my problems, but most importantly, I have my friends, my family, and top of the list, I have my Children. As much as my life is in shambles half of the time… it’s always the best ride even when it seems to be no sunshine, no stars and no moon… I love my life. I love who I am. I love who I have become. I love having NO REGRETS. I finish this off with lots of luv to all of my friends. My best friends, my acquaintances, my soon to be friends, my family, all of you… I love you all with all that I can… J I would do anything for my friends and family that I am capable of. If there is a way I can do it… I will. For anyone. Take care all… Live without Regrets and *Keep Smiling* and remember… "If you love somebody, let them go, for if they return, they were always yours. And if they don't, they never were." -- Kahlil Gibran With Love, ~*AngL*~

Are Your Kids Safe???

After tossing her books on the sofa, she decided to grab a snack and get on-line. She logged on under her screen name ByAngel213. She checked her Buddy List and saw GoTo123 was on. She sent him an instant message: ByAngel213: Hi. I'm glad you are on! I thought someone was following me home today. It was really weird! GoTo123: LOL You watch too much TV. Why would someone be following you? Don't you live in a safe neighborhood? ByAngel213: Of course I do. LOL I guess it was my imagination cuz' I didn't see anybody when I looked out. GoTo123: Unless you gave your name out on-line. You haven't done that have you? ByAngel213: Of course not. I'm not stupid you know. GoTo123: Did you have a softball game after school today? ByAngel213: Yes and we won!! GoTo123: That's great! Who did you play? ByAngel213: We played the Hornets. LOL. Their uniforms are so gross! They look like bees. LOL GoTo123: What is your team called? ByAngel213: We are the Canton Cats. We have tiger paws on our uniforms. They are really cool. GoTo1 23: Did you pitch? ByAngel213: No I play second base. I got to go. My homework has to be done before my parents get home. I don't want them mad at me. Bye! GoTo123: Catch you later. Bye Meanwhile.......GoTo123 went to the member menu and began to search for her profile. When it came up, he highlighted it and printed it out. He took out a pen and began to write down what he knew about Angel so far. Her name: Shannon Birthday: Jan. 3, 1985 Age: 13 State where she lived: North Carolina Hobbies: softball, chorus, skating and going to the mall. Besides this information, he knew she lived in Canton because she had just told him. He knew she stayed by herself until 6:30 p.m. every afternoon until her parents came home from work. He knew she played softball on Thursday afternoons on the school team, and the team was named the Canton Cats. Her favorite number 7 was printed on her jersey. He knew she was in the eighth grade at the Canton Junior High School . She had told him all this in the conversations they had on- line. He had enough information to find her now. Shannon didn't tell her parents about the incident on the way home from the ballpark that day. She didn't want them to make a scene and stop her from walking home from the softball games. Parents were always overreacting and hers were the worst. It made her wish she was not an only child. Maybe if she had brothers and sisters, her parents wouldn't be so overprotective. By Thursday, Shannon had forgotten about the footsteps following her. Her game was in full swing when suddenly she felt someone staring at her. It was then that the memory came back. She glanced up from her second base position to see a man watching her closely. He was leaning against the fence behind first base and he smiled when she looked at him. He didn't look scary and she quickly dismissed the sudden fear she had felt. After the game, he sat on a bleacher while she talked to the coach. She noticed his smile once again as she walked past him. He nodded and she smiled back. He noticed her name on the back of her shirt. He knew he had found her. Quietly, he walked a safe distance behind her. It was only a few blocks to Shannon's home, and once he saw where she lived he quickly returned to the park to get his car. Now he had to wait. He decided to get a bite to eat until the time came to go to Shannon's house. He drove to a fast food restaurant and sat there until time to make his move. Shannon was in her room later that evening when she heard voices in the living room. 'Shannon, come here,' her father called. He sounded upset and she couldn't imagine why. She went into the room to see the man from the ballpark sitting on the sofa. 'Sit down,' her father began, 'this man has just told us a most interesting story about you.' Shannon sat back. How could he tell her parents anything? She had never seen him before today! 'Do you know who I am, Shannon ?' the man asked. 'No,' Shannon answered. 'I am a police officer and your online friend, GoTo123.' Shannon was stunned. 'That's impossible! GoTo is a kid my age! He's 14. And he lives in Michigan !' The man smiled. 'I know I told you all that, but it wasn't true. You see, Shannon , there are people on-line who pretend to be kids; I was one of them. But while others do it to injure kids and hurt them, I belong to a group of parents who do it to protect kids from predators. I came here to find you to teach you how dangerous it is to talk to people on-line. You told me enough about yourself to make it easy for me to find you. You named the school you went to, the name of your ball team and the position you played. The number and name on your jersey just made finding you a breeze.' Shannon was stunned. 'You mean you don't live in Michigan ?' He laughed. 'No, I live in Raleigh It made you feel safe to think I was so far away, didn't it?' She nodded. 'I had a friend whose daughter was like you. Only she wasn't as lucky. The guy found her and murdered her while she was home alone. Kids are taught not to tell anyone when they are alone, yet they do it all the time on-line. The wrong people trick you into giving out information a little here and there on-line.. Before you know it, you have told them enough for them to find you without even realizing you have done it. I hope you've learned a lesson from this and won't do it again. Tell others about this so they will be safe too?' 'It's a promise!' That night Shannon and her Dad and Mom all knelt down together and thanked God for protecting Shannon from what could have been a tragic situation. *****NOW**** EVEN FORWARD THIS TO PEOPLE WITHOUT KIDS SO THEY CAN SEND IT TO FRIENDS THAT DO HAVE CHILDREN OR GRANDCHILDREN


I went away this past weekend... totally unplanned, unprepared, and last minute on everything... and it was wonderful. I came home Sat morning and told the kids... lets go out of town... we packed up... and left. I usually map out my road trips and plan stops for gas, food and such... I make sure directions are given on how to get anywhere I am off to, and this time, I didn't. We just got in the car and took off. I only knew that I take 85S to 65S to 10E and had no idea how far on any of these roads I go. Which exits were where I need to get off... no idea what exits may be good to stop at for gas, food and bathroom breaks... and I just did all this for the sake of sanity to get out... me and the kids. We stayed at Keesler AFB and watched movies that night after eating pizza. Sunday morning we got up and got a late start as we were going to New Orleans... (the price of the room... was way better than I could have gotten in New Orleans... drove in... and then realized I had no IDEA that the Sugar Bowl (LSU vs OSU) was going on. Glad I made the choice of staying in Mississippi. Parking was horrible... but we found it. Went to the Aquarium, went on the Riverwalk and then went into the French Quarter. My daughter and I got beads (unearned by French Quarter standards) my son got a couple of footballs tossed down at him.. hehe... LSU colors.. but it was cool. Had an awesome Tour Guide (you were awesome!!!) and now... my kids and I want to go back for a more planned visit and to go on the Ghost and Spirits Walking Tour. My daughter loves that stuff!!! So do I. My son, he would have been ok with it. :) We can't wait. While I was there, as difficult as it seemed to do any soul searching, and to do any thinking of the past year and all that has happened in my life. I was able to do a lot of it. I figured out some things about me. About my life. About what needs to change and what stays the same. I know who I am. I know what I want. I know what I need. As against New Years Resolutions as I am... since I am a procrastinator to the highest level... I have made one for this year. My kids and I will, and I mean WILL travel and vacation a lot. Even if for weekend getaways... we will. We have already started planning "cheap and affordable" weekend getaways in decent driving distance. Savannah, New Orleans, St. Louis, Tennessee, North Carolina, We will travel the SouthEast... All Year Long!! If anyone has any suggestions of awesome places to visit within about 400-500 miles of Atlanta... let me know... Maybe we can check it out! Love you all... Take care and be happy! Life is short and we all need to ENJOY IT!!! ~AngL~

Reflections & Resolutions

As the New Year has arrived, I have taken time in this last week to reflect on my life... as it was in the past, as it now in the present, and where I want it to go in the future. I have made some wonderful friends in the past year, most of which were met in the online world of FuBar. I am most grateful that I have been blessed with so many true friends. I have loved in the past year, and lost in the past year. I have dealt with many types of broken hearts... most of important was the broken heart I am trying to heal of my daughter. She is but only 10 and is so full of life and love to offer someone, not as a girlfriend or like that, but as a friend. Time will heal her wounds... :) This I am sure of. My heart, is on the healing path, but with that comes many emotions. I will heal in time, although will never be the same. I could never look at someone the same. Talk to them the same. Never look to the future of what "WE" could become. If it happens, then it is meant to be, if not, no loss... Right? The pieces will come together I am sure, but a few will remain with him for always. My sons, they are happy that the New Year has arrived. My baby is excited as he is now at his dad for his routine visitation for a bit, and we all look forward to his return home in the Spring. I can't wait for school to start. Life will be perfect then. My oldest, he is coping with the stresses of school, friends, Holiday passing, and being 11 going on 12, well... I am sure we are getting there. To the Girls... LOL. He is such a wonderful boy. Sweet, Quiet, and yet, Loud and Active! Hmmmm... sounds like his momma... maybe there is a hint of me in him somewhere... :) A mother can only wish for that. My daughter, is all about friends, friends, boys a little, and more friends. Not to forget the many things she wants to be, like... a Vegetarian to protect animals from being killed for human consumption... (until she found out she wouldn't be able to eat most of her favorite foods like hamburgers... she doesn't like turkey burgers, she can't have ribeye or sirloin, or my dads spaghetti sauce which is loaded with ground beef). I give her credit though, she was willing to make that sacrifice, but changed her mind right now. :) I am waiting for it to come back up in conversation. She is so out-going and has such a personality, anyone could love her. She wants to do so much good, and doesn't even think that she is just one person and can't do it! I applaud her for that... however, we still need to work on her mouthiness... HEHE!!! Myself, I am still working on the base. I am still looking for other employment that has better hours for me to be home in the evenings and weekends with my kids. I love my job, but need to find something a little more practical for my life as it being a single mother and limited on babysitters now. I keep pressing on and keep sending out my resume and crossing fingers. Wish me luck!!! I am learning so much more about myself and in this last year, I have been tested many times on my strengths and mostly, my weaknesses. I have managed to pull through it all and will continue to face each test in life head on and full steam. I have never been one for making New Year's Resolutions... as I could never keep them and follow through on them, so why make them in the first place to just get disappointed when I don't complete the tasks. Hell... most of them would be along the lines that are so commonly used.. stop smoking, lose weight, find true love, be happy, go on that vacation I have been wanting to go on for 10 years and so on. Most of those I would love to do. I don't want to find true love though. I am not going to look for it. I am not going to hope or ask for it. If it happens, it will. I am tired of being disappointed in men and how a lot (not all of you guys.. but you have some bad apples) seem to think that messin' with a woman's heart is ok as long as you can feel good about yourself. So, when it happens, IF it happens, ok. I might take a chance, but don't get your hopes up is the key to survival. My kids are first in my eyes and no man will ever be able to compete with that and will never be able to come between that!!!! Smoking... well... I hate smokin' but right now... I enjoy it to some level. Its something that is consistant in my life. :) I know... its my own version of justification for it... so let me have that moment. My weight...well... I know I need to lose some weight, but I love the food I eat and I am usually too tired to walk or exercise other than chasing the kids around so I will get around to it. So NO to resolutions and false hopes. Just everyday wants and desires. I will live with those. I do propose to make this a better year than last. In some way, shape or form, it will be better, if only by a small degree. I do however, wish all the BEST to ALL of my Friends and hope that ALL of their wishes, desires, wants and hopes come true in the New Year of 2008. I wish everyone the VERY BEST!!!! With Much Love and Heart!!!! ~AngL~
I saw this in a bulletin and just loved it.. the author is Unchained Melody and its really good.. and oh so true... thanks Unchained Melody... THE TWELVE DAYS OF FUBAR Written by: Unchained Melody 12-21-07 On the first day of Fubar Baby Jesus sent to me A Bouncer checking I.D. On the second day of Fubar, Baby Jesus sent to me Two Teddy bears, And a Bouncer checking I.D. On the third day of Fubar, Baby Jesus sent to me Three FU bucks, Two Teddy bears, And a Bouncer checking I.D.. On the fourth day of Fubar, Baby Jesus sent to me Four Cherry Bombs, Three FU bucks, Two Teddy bears, And a Bouncer checking I.D.. On the fifth day of Fubar, Baby Jesus sent to me Five Diamond rings, Four Cherry bombs, Three FU bucks, Two Teddy bears, And a Bouncer checking I.D. On the sixth day of Fubar, Baby Jesus sent to me Six guys to rate, Five Diamond rings, Four Cherry bombs, Three FU bucks, Two Teddy bears, And a Bouncer checking I.D. On the seventh day of Fubar, Baby Jesus sent to me Seven Secret crushes, Six guys to rate, Five Diamond rings, Four Cherry bombs, Three FU bucks, Two Teddy bears, And a Bouncer checking I.D.. On the eighth day of Fubar, Baby Jesus sent to me Eight Maids a mumming, Seven secret crushes, Six guys to rate, Five Diamond rings, Four Cherry bombs, Three FU bucks, Two Teddy bears, And a Bouncer checking I.D. On the ninth day of Fubar, Baby Jesus sent to me Nine NSFW photos, Eight Maids a mumming, Seven Secret crushes, Six guys to rate, Five Diamond rings, Four Cherry bombs, Three FU bucks, Two Teddy bears, And a Bouncer checking I.D. On the tenth day of Fubar, Baby Jesus sent to me Ten points per picture, Nine NSFW photos Eight Maids a mumming Seven secret crushes, Six guys to rate, Five Diamond rings, Four Cherry bombs, Three FU bucks, Two Teddy bears, And a Bouncer checking I.D.. On the eleventh day of Fubar, Baby Jesus sent to me Eleven Profile comments, Ten points per picture, Nine NSFW photos, Eight Maids a mumming, Seven Secret crushes, Six guys to rate, Five Diamond rings, Four Cherry bombs, Three FU bucks, Two Teddy bears, And a Bouncer checking I.D. On the twelfth day of Fubar, Baby Jesus sent to me Twelve Dip shits down rating Eleven Profile comments, Ten points per picture, Nine NSFW photos, Eight Maids a mumming, Seven Secret crushes, Six guys to rate, Five Diamond rings, Four Cherry bombs, Three FU bucks, Two Teddy Bears, And A BOUNCER CHECKING I.D.! Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! ~Melody Now everyone... have a wonderful Merry Christmas... and Happy New Year... please everyone... BE SAFE this holiday season!!! With Love, *AngL*
Hey everyone... It's the holiday season and the kids will be getting out of school soon for the "Winter Break". Most of you already know I get my kids every other holiday and this is my year. So, in the celebration of the holidays here, I will be taking a break from Fubar to spend time with the family. I will sign on now and then to check messages and friend requests and such. If there is something you want me to see, please IM me and I will get it. If its sent in SB or left as profile comment it might not get seen. I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe holiday season!! This will start Sunday... so please leave me some love... :) I luv you all!!!! *AngL*
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