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What Is My Name ?

What Is My Name ?

   Sat, May 11, 2013 - 9:17 PM

I am very pleased to meet you, 
I form allies, so you know I am friendly, 
I will smile so you feel at ease. 
I will be with you, so you aren't alone. 
I will form crowds, so you feel strength in numbers, 
I will make you feel good, and very elevated. 
I have the power, I am stronger than any government, family, or person. 
I live in the hearts of people with discord, heartache and pain. 
I discredit people, around those they love. 
Your family, your children, and your friends are not immune to my toxic nature. 
I will poison your thoughts about people you don't even know, and 
divide relationships of those you do. 
I thrive on words spoken of thoughtless cruelty, and pain left behind. 
I am blind, but oh do I see opportunities out there for me. 
There are over 6 billion hearts out there to control, I will stop at nothing 
until every heart has ached, every soul has bled, and every last 
moment dark.....black....dead. 

My name is Gossip 

Written By 
Mrs Wolfy Feb. 24 2011

WolfHaven ( Spirit Of The Woodland Dead )

   Thu, April 18, 2013 - 9:16 PM

I had a dream last year that I never posted in dream tribe because I wanted to spend a while dwelling on what happened in it. I was living in a community on the shores of a large lake going about my business living and working and there was no issues or drama that I had to contend with.............then one day with out warning I seemed to fall backwards through some sort of portal, I felt myself being drawn through it, into another world. I started exploring this new world and trying to look for clues or signs that would show me how to get back to the world I knew but there were none, just dark forms and vaguely familiar shadows.......... ghosts of a world that was gone. I realized that the world I knew and the world I was in overlapped but I would never find the old one again. We were not separated physically by distance but by a paradigm shift........... a state of mind and I would never see it again.
I posted a few years ago about a troubling incident that happened out in the forests of WolfHaven while I was hauling a cupboard out there strapped on a two wheeled dolly cart. I left it briefly to retrieve a water bottle I dropped on the trail and when I returned the dolly and cupboard were gone. I found the dolly twenty five feet off the trail in dense bush where there was no where to walk suggesting it was placed there to hide it from me.......... but I was in the middle of no where and was only gone about a minute.
Spring is finally well under way here and soon I will make my first trip into WolfHaven and have decided to post a troubling incident that happened two years ago in early summer out there. There were no dark feelings hanging over me leading up to my planned trip that weekend so it was full speed ahead and I enjoyed myself to the fullest as I always do, building, BBQ's, canoeing, sunbathing, reading etc. The weekend came to an end and it was time to pack up and meet Mrs Wolfy at the highway at a designated time. Everything went according to plan and I canoed across the lake form the cabin to the small bay where the beaver dam was and I docked the canoe. Nothing unusual in my approach but as I came to end of the bay I realized quickly that something was wrong. The grass was taller then it should have been and there were no small inlets leading through the grass to a smaller bay where the beaver dam was. There was no sign of the other canoe which should have been i plain sight up on the banks from where I was........... I had done this routine countless times before and nothing made sense, it was like I was in the same lake but maybe one hundred years removed ! After a minute of confusion I decided to paddle out of the bay and repeat the routine, to see if my mind was playing some kind of trick on me. When I paddled out of the bay I veered sharply and threw myself off balance and swamped the canoe. The wind was blowing away from the bay across the lake so I had no choice but to hang on to the canoe and drift until I reached the far shore. When I felt lake bottom under my feet I hauled the craft over my head to drain the water, threw my soaked gear into it and paddled back across to the bay. When I got to the end of the bay everything looked as it should be..........inlets to the beaver dam, second canoe up on the shore. Mrs Wolfy was very upset when she finally saw me emerge from the forest soaked from head to toe. Until now I have only confided in a few people about what really happened out there but I feel very sure that any one who spends considerable time in the bush will have these kinds of experiences to relate. " Woodland Dead " , " Spirits " ........... who or whatever they are, seem to like to play games. I do not believe their intent is malevolent but if you are careless, they may very well take you. If they come for me some day, I am not afraid, I just want to tell others what I have seen. - Mikademus

They had traveled many hundreds of miles to arrive in Banff, a family of five in a small car. There were two young ladies, a young man with their mother and father. Banff was shaking off the last signs of winter and the snow line had retreated far up the mountains where it would remain until late Fall. The Summer Tourist Season would begin soon and this relatively small town would be over run by people from all over the world. Banff was truly a world class destination. Most people that plan on staying over night book reservations months in advance as it was not uncommon for all the hotels to be fully booked at any time of year, but this group did not check in at any of them. The Gondola Ride at Sulphur Mountain had opened three days ago and would be operational until late Fall when the restaurant would close for the season. The Summit Restaurant as it was called sits atop of the mountain at 7486 feet offering a unique and spectacular view of the Western Rockies going into British Columbia as well as the picture postcard beauty of the town of Banff far below. It was to the gondola ride that they drove and within a few minutes they were all riding the tram which would take them to it's summit. When they arrived at the other end they proceeded to the restaurant, sat down at a table, ordered a meal and dined while viewing the beautiful panoramic provided. There were many people sitting in the surrounding tables engaged in conversations while this family remained strangely silent only talking in hushed tones when speaking at all but their behavior went unnoticed by the greater group present. Everyone seemed to be excited about being privileged to experience such a wonderous place while the little group seemed almost somber, detached from the others around them. At length one of the girls leaned over and quietly asked the father, " Will we go see her soon ? ". The father softly whispered back, " Soon my daughter ". After a while they moved outside to the observation deck located on top of the restaurant and watched the sun slowly setting in the west against a beautiful sky lit up fiery orange. Sometimes when you experience something it can be like a drug that intoxicates you with it's beauty. This was such a moment. Eventually a man came up stairs and informed the group that the last gondola ride was boarding and if they missed it they would either have to stay over night or walk down " The Switch Backs ", a series of trails that zig zag down the face of the mountain back down to ground level. There was only about an hour of day light left and the group departed from the restaurant and started walking off down the alpine slopes on the north west face. There were no trails but the group seemed to know exactly where they were going as they proceeded without hesitation. Eventually the group arrived at a place, a small clearing with a lonely gravestone set against the back drop of Cascade Mountain which rose majestically above all the surrounding mountains. The group slowly crowded around the stone marker which bore a name that translated to " Wind Walker ". Her name in the world of humans was Desiree and she was born in 1926, " The Roaring Twenties " and passed from this life in 2010. She had been daughter to the man and woman now sitting by her grave and was lost to them, cut down in her prime three years ago while jogging in a tragic, senseless accident at the hands of a drunk driver, she died in her fathers arms amidst his cries of anguish and now they had all returned on the third anniversary of her death. There was a beautiful bed of tiny purple and yellow flowers the mother had planted on top of her grave and they returned perennially without fail every year. Johnny Jump Ups, or Pansies as they are known are tough, resilient flowers and she chose them to mark Wind Walker's grave as they are a living monument to lost loved ones. " I Lived...... I Loved......I Was........ I Mattered ! " They also symbolized hope, like the grand daughter Wind Walker had given them before she was taken away. It would be many years before her baby would be old enough to visit her mother's grave and for now she was in the care of family. The sun had now set and in the east the yellow rim of the full moon was rising above the peaks turning to silver as it rose into the heavens, baring witness to the small group of wolves that now softly cried around the gravestone. Then without warning the group left the grave site, raced down the slopes of Sulphur Mountain and began to climb the face of Cascade Mountain racing towards the snow line where the snow lives eternal and glows silver in their goddesses brilliant light. Their howls echoed throughout the meandering alpine meadows and mountain passes and it was there in that bittersweet symphony that they celebrated the life of a lost daughter............ they celebrated life itself. www.youtube.com/watch - Mikademus

   Mon, April 1, 2013 - 9:31 PM
Mikademus glanced silently at the calender on the wall the morning he and his mate set out for Hogtown. They would overnight in Saskatoon and Wednesday morning catch a WestJet connection to Toronto. By that evening he expected to be watching the full moon rise over the office towers of the Toronto skyline from high up in the Marriott Hotel on Yonge Street. Unlike his home province of Saskatchewan Spring was well underway in that part of Ontario and he noted on their final approach from 40,000 feet up that there were mere skiffs of snow left in the fields out side the city. It was early afternoon when they felt the tires of the 707 strike the runway at Pearson International Airport..........It felt good to be back here ! They had made this trip many times before and were becoming quite familiar with the transportation systems that connected this vast metropolis. Pearson Airport was actually located in the borough of Mississauga and a cab ride to the heart of downtown Toronto would net you a $65.00 fare but if you caught the right bus from the airport it would take you to Kipling Station, one of the end spurs on the city's top rate subway system. The access is free there and two could ride all the way into Toronto for only $6.00. They chose that option and within 25 minutes they emerged from Yonge station only a twenty minute walk from the Marriott Hotel. After "checking in" they decided to go walking down Yonge Street, " one of the most exciting retail sectors in Canada to become reacquainted with their old haunt....... it had been awhile and there had been some changes, this place had always been extremely dynamic and that tendency had not changed. Many shops and services, and the dining experiences................ oh yes ! The smell of roasting meat ! Mikademus convinced his mate that they should try a Shawarma Joint that they encountered only three minutes down Yonge Street and in a short while they were dining on Middle Eastern Cuisine. The meat which could be chicken, beef or even lamb was roasted on a vertical spit and was tender and juicy. It was served on pita bread and Mikademus following his feral instincts quickly devoured it. The two wandered down Yonge Street exploring the many shops along the way until they finally arrived at the " Eaton's Center " a spectacular multi leveled mall with an enclosed glass atrium roof one city block long. The two spent much of the rest of the day there enjoying the musicians and performers in Dundas Square outside. It had much the same feel as New York Times Square and was a central gathering point for many Torontonians and tourists. As evening approached the couple returned to their hotel and decided to dine at the Marriott's famed dining room on the main floor. The evening special featured a braised rib platter and Mikademus did not need a second invitation. When the taste of the roasted meet entered his mouth his eyes started to dilate and his teeth began to grow.......... the moon would be rising soon. After the meal they returned to their room where he sat quietly at the hotel room window sipping bourbon on ice and staring quietly at the busy streams of traffic and people below on Yonge Street. Eventually the moon's yellow rim started to appear over the tall towers of The Financial District on Bay Street and he set the empty glass down on the table...................night had fallen and it was time for all wolves to roam. - Mikademus
   Sun, March 17, 2013 - 10:20 AM

He strode unrelenting through the forests of WolfHaven, in search of the blue eyed creature he had encountered the night before. When he had awoken she was gone and the dark lycan now followed her irresistable scent so that he might be with her, that she would accept him. The WolfHaven moon was now clear of the horizon turning from yellow to silver and he knew he was getting close as her scent became stronger with each passing step. As he moved into a clearing he encountered a sight that held him spellbound. The creature sat in a small meadow staring at the silver goddess as she silently rose through the trees and into the heavens. As he moved closer he was overtaken by how her fur had such a beautiful white sheen in the moon's silver glow. He slowly walked into the meadow from behind her and sat in silence taking her in. What force of nature could create something so beautiful, " He thought ". Eventually he moved close enough to touch her but restrained himself instead allowing their auras to mingle, and explore one another. When he was satisfied that she wasn't frightened he moved in front of her until their muzzles were nearly touching and sat quietly smiling. The creatures striking blue eyes seemed to almost glow and they contrasted the white sheen of her fur in the moons silver glow. She  staried smiling silently into his yellow green eyes. His people had long ago discovered the power of psychic pair bonding and he would endure the pain of non release as his desire was to connect tantrically with this beautiful creature. Typically older males were better at this as the younger males would oft times give in to their carnal instincts and ravage female partners.......... but he had the tenderness and patience of an older male and he would endure this pain to experience something far more satisfying, far more rewarding. If you truly want to experience the magnificence of a female, touch her mind, her heart.......her very soul. Honor all gifts from the creator, honor females..........his people had learned this wisdom ages ago and now he sat waiting to see if she would accept him. The pair stared silently into each others eyes as he projected his desire to connect......... would she accept him ? Only time would tell. Females possess the very power of creation and in psychic pair bonding only they had the power to close the loop with a male partner to connect. It started as a low sensual vibration, a mild but very pleasant sensation that pulsated and undulated throughout their bodies but as the their two auras became more and more entwined and connected their heart rates started to increase. Eventually their very thoughts and emotions became joined and two lycan hearts pounded as one, every fiber of their bodies resonated like fine crystal and the very universe itself seemed to shudder......... Silent Thunder ! After minutes of connection the two creatures collapsed, gasping in each others arms. He cradled her soft motionless form close basking in her warmth. -Mikademus

A priest, a rabbi and a minister were walking through the jungle and all at once a giant  "Fu Bird"  started flying and hovering above the trio as they made their way. Much to their dismay the Fu Bird began to shit profusely on them with unrelenting vigor and soon the three were coverd in  Fu shit so thick they were unrecognizable. Eventually they came upon a river and the rabbi and minister jumped in without hesitation and scrubbed until they were clean again, but the priest refused to go in the river and join them. The three resumed their journey but once again the giant Fu Biird returned raining Fu shit down on them mercilessly. Eventually the rabbi and the minister became covered until they were unreconizable and once agiain when they came to a river the two jumped in but just like the first time the priest refused to join them and clean himself up. The trio resumed their journey and all at one they were set upon by a tribe of cannibals who promptly threw the rabbi and minister into a large pot, then cooked and ate them while the priest was left unharmed to resume his journey.   The moral of this story is, " IF THE FU SHITS......WEAR IT ! "  MIKADEMUS

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The Black Death ( Born Out Of The Ashes )

In the year 1347 a devastating killer arrived in Italy and in a few short years it killed millions cutting Europe's population in half. Fearing this was " God's Wrath " medieval society began to break down as people began to visit acts of unbelievable cruelty upon one another. Neighbor shunned neighbor if they were known or suspected of their household being stricken, parents were known to have abandoned their sick and dying children for fear of contracting the disease. Over the next 300 years this terrifying plague continued to revisit Europe every 10 years but in it's wake something beautiful and remarkable happened. The Renaissance.......... a rediscovering of ourselves, and feudalism fell away as men and women began to experience better wages, working conditions. They became land owners and breathed in something so sweet they had never known...........freedom. It is in the face of adversity and horror that we discover our true selves and how noble we can be........... and we can be so very noble. -Mikadems
Sun, February 17, 20


   Thu, August 30, 2012 - 8:24 PM

Summers Eve is at hand and I will head into WolfHaven this long weekend to partake of Earth, Wind, Fire And Water. The Silver Goddess will rise almost directly through the trees in front of the Vesica Pisces in all her radiant glory and after rituals I will walk into the ghostly night to the Old Growth Forest to greet her. I will smell the damp earth and I will give offering and thanks to my Wolf Spirit Guide and we will both call out into the night. The following day I will sip sparkling wine and drift on the lake taking in the magnificent vestiges of summer as the colder nights give way to Autumn under a cobalt blue sky. That evening I will prepare a meal and set two places with wine and candle on the Vesica Pisces to welcome and honor those of you that cannot be here in person................. I will dress up in my black suit and I will raise my glass to all of you cuz that is how I roll. - Mikademus

Spring Moon At WolfHaven ( Communion With The Darkness )

   Thu, May 3, 2012 - 10:08 PM
The snow has receded rapidly in the Great Canadian Hinterland allowing me the opportunity to return to my rightful home over the Easter Long Weekend. The trees acted as solar collectors where they grew dense making travel easy and was more difficult in the open meadows as the snow was knee deep there owing to a less infrared heating. I was picking my way carefully through the forests of WolfHaven as I felt a dark heavy weight over me in the days leading up to my planned expedition ( I have learned not to ignore my inner psychic voice as it has served me well in the past) In the final approach to the lake I slipped down a snow covered embankment and slashed my arm on my machete that had become unsheathed during the fall. When I arrived at the shore the lake ice looked to have integrity so I put my heavy canoe pack and related gear into the canoe and dragged it like a toboggan around the lake on the shore line by a eight foot rope. Other then the obvious benefit of efficient movement of a eighty pound pack and gear this spread my weight approaching three hundred pounds with loaded canoe pack over a larger area making travel on the lake ice safer. It took only few minutes to negotiate the distance from Inspiration Point to WolfHaven Lodge on the far shore using this method. The weather was agreeable for most of the trip and it was very pleasing to see my home as I walked up the trail from the shore. Upon opening the place up I immediately set about building a fire as the temperature would drop as night fell. Then I removed my shirt to see how badly I did myself when I slipped down the embankment earlier. Only a two inch wound that should have gotten stitches but I felt fortunate because if luck had gone against me I might have slashed down the length of my arm. There is a real satisfaction in the sight and smell of steak as it grills on the BBQ along with sliced baby potatoes wrapped in tinfoil with butter, salt and pepper. After a delicious meal I sat, watched, listened as the darkness fell, the wind blew through the lonely pines and The Goddess rose through the trees.I find that the more I come to this place the more I engage in " Introspection " from a spiritual context as I learn more and become one with my " True Self "........ to no longer be ruled and controlled by " The Ego ". I stood out there in the darkness that night and as it wrapped me in its embrace I called out to it. The next morning I stepped outside the door of the lodge and I heard a couple of quick wolf yelps so I must have surprised them, but I know now................. they are here ! :) Mikademus

It's been theorized that 200,000 years ago a chance mutation of a prehistoric females offspring resulted in an incredible transformation of our species. Her offspring which carried her mitochondrial genetic signature as all females do today acted as genetic attractors to the rest of the hominid group. This resulting genetic drift produced our modern species. Many genetic mutations are disasterous dead ends but this one had tremendous consequences placing us far above our primate contemporaries. For over one hundred years Darwinianism has held that our evolution has now been reduced to a crawl or possibly a stand still. Recent studies using sophisticated equipment and high powered computers have brought to us a startling revelation. We are in fact evolving, and at a rate possilbly 100 times faster than at any time in the history of our species. Not only this but there is strong evidence that we are evolving away from one another based on our cultural geographic location! Reading this has caused me to reflect on two key question. Will there be another " Mitochondrial Eve " that will produce a super mutation capable of many psychic abilities that are selective and limited in our species today? The offspring could repeat the historical genetic drift resulting in a relatively rapid transformation of our species to a much higher level of developement. Secondly if certain cultural, geographic advantages are imparted to a specific group that are favorable to the rapid development of dormant psychic abilities will we see the evolutionary emergence of a race of humans all showing moderate to strong psychic abilities? An example of enviromental stimulus would be two groups with the highest level of development in navigation. Polynesian Island boatmen and London cab drivers. It has been noted that both groups have to have extremely high levels of skill in order to fufill their tasks. A close physical inspection of individuals from both groups reveal that the part of their brains responsible for navigation has a slight bulge in size. It stands to reason that a country like Russia which is literally decades ahead of the west in paranormal research would have much infrastructure and an enviroment that encouraging psychic development rather than mocking and squelching it . The long term result might be the cultural emergence of a psychic class of humans particular to a specific region. - MIKADEMUS

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