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support issues

Okay,so usually today I have my child support but for some reason I did not get it. Considering I have to pay rent and my car payment and such....I contacted the Nebraska Child support enforcement and a customer service rep. told me that because I filled out a "non-monetary reciept" in January, so that my ex would not have to pay support in Febuary, now he has a credit to his account because of my mistake. My ex did in fact have the kids in January and we had made a verbal agreement that he would have the kids for three months. During at which he would have the support back, since he had the kids. So I figured that the only way to do this is to fill out this "reciept" so that my ex would not have to pay the support that was ordered thru the courts. But that apparently is not how the "reciept" works. Then when there was the issue of my ex wanting to keep the kids longer than expected, I freaked out thinking that my ex was going to do things his own way and not go by what we had made an agreement on. So then, it all came down to him returning the kids back to me because I made it look as if he had kidnapped the kids. This all happened in January. Now, it seems that my ex has a credit to his account and all I need is to fill out a form stating that there was an error in the system when filling out the "non-monetary reciept". The Nebraska Child Support department is sending me this form thru mail. And I can get the support back either this month or get paid double next month...once I state that it was my error and I did not know how the system works. Even though it was not my ex's fault in all of this, he will still need to pay, however, somehow. Yes, I understand that some custodial parents do not even recieve child support in this aspect but since my ex is in the military this is not a problem for him, which should be the same way for his wife but she makes excuses about how she can not enforce the support on her ex even though he is in the military too.

More contests...

Hey, to all of my friends and family...my kids are going to be seen in two other contests starting tomarrow. Or supposedly going to be starting, once the creator of the contest gets like two more enteries for the contests. Jake will be in the "Best kid on CT contest" and both my kids, Jake and sammy, and my niece, Cortney will be in the "best children on CT contest".... Here is the link to the blog if u want to check it out. Best kids on CT: http://cherrytap.com/blog/1399/374607 Best Children on CT: http://cherrytap.com/blog/1399/374623

Another sad story....

This is just tooo funny. I wake up this morning, having had a good nights sleep. My best friend, Billie, hung out at my place, yesturday so it was cool seeing her. Then I get on Cherry Tap to see what is going on and my younger sister messaged me and told me about what a certain person was writing about me again in the mumms. But first of all, I want to cover some things. My sister is pregnant with another little girl and for some reason "this person" seems to think that my sister is asking for the hand-me down clothes that she had given me awhile back when my little girl was born. Of course, I intend to give the clothes back to her but that doesnt mean that I don't have any clothes for my daughter that isnt hand me downs. This "certain person" aparently does'nt know anything. Yes, she is concerned that my daughter may not have any clothes if I give these clothes back to my sister. But that does not give her any right to write a mumm about something that she does not know about. I mean how stupid does "this person" have to be to make her way to the top? Here is the problem: My sister only wants the 0 to 12 month clothes and not the 2t to 4t clothes. In fact, she is only asking for the baby clothes that were expensive at the time too....like Tommy Hilfiger clothes. Anything that she had gotten that was worth really keeping and not to give away in a garage sale. Stuff like that. My sister claims that she already has a couple of bags worth of baby clothes as it is. My sister knows that all of those hand me down clothes are helpful to me but at the same time that the kids are taken well care of. It seems that what I do anymore doesnt matter to this person because she likes to look out for herself and doesn't care about what others think. Well, she does care but she likes to make herself known in the situation like she is the one that is inocent. She likes to put her two cents into the situation because that is just the way she is and have always been, before she finds out the truth in what's actually going on. Then there is the situation from when my ex and "this person" had my kids back in January. I had probably sent them over a weeks of clothes for each of the kids to last for the three months that they would have had the kids. Yes, some of the kids clothes were one size too small but they fit the kids regardless...they acted like all of the clothes I gave to them didn't fit the kids. My kids were 2 and 4, even then and my son is tall and skinny and he still has a hard time keeping his pants on. And my daughter is very petite. Sometimes she has a hard time keeping her pants on as well. The kids are fed well too. Yet that was another thing they were saying about my children. They were saying that "I was starving them" because they eat like pigs for them. Kids are going to be kids though. You can not force them to eat when they do not want to. Of course, I get upset that they do not like to eat the food I make for them but most of the time when they are with me, they choose when to eat. And there is nothing really I can do about it. So with all of these allogations, they wanted to keep the kids in their care longer than the three months my ex and I had made a verbal agreement upon. Yes, it was cool that the kids would have get to know their father a lot more than usual but at the same time, they were trying to show how much they can over power me since they had the kids then. I told my ex that I could never ask for full custody of the kids at one time because I knew that he was a good father. SO at the time of when the divorce decree was filled out and signed, I still asked for joint custody even when my ex was going to give full custody to me. I was shocked really that that was what he was offering to me. But I did not ask for it though. SO when my ex felt that since he would have the kids for awhile, a little thought was put in his head that he should actually ask for full custody...but according to him that was not on his mind...it was more on his wife's mind than anything. Anyhow, this has all got to stop. A few months ago all I did was send my ex an email about how I thought it would be neat if he got to see the kids on fathers day. This was like around mothers day or so. I thought it would be great at first if he had the kids for one month but I got to thinkin that maybe two weeks would be better since there was a problem in January with my son misbehaving for his father and such. Even for two weeks though, my ex would not be able to afford to take care of his family of seven; our two kids, the baby he had with his new wife, her two boys from a previous marriage that she can not seem to get any child support from and her ex is also in the military, and then my ex would have to take care of his wife too because she did not have a job then. But according to them, that was not the only reason they did not want to have the kids for that time...basically, they think that since there was a problem in January with me going to a higher authority to try and get the kids back and make my ex look like he kidnapped my kids, they just can't trust me. I had told them that I would be happy to put anything in writing for them as to how long they would be able to have the kids, too but that was not enough for them. Apparently, they want to be able to have the kids for as long as they want without the law being involved somehow. Well, that was what it seemed to be back in January. Hmmmm, and they think that I will trust them after what they tried pulling in January...which was why I can only trust the paperwork now. Anyhow, all I truly wanted was for my ex to see his kids again before the year is up, without all of this drama happening again. Everything was fine for a long time before MJ decided to come back on the "tap" too. I did not have to worry about all of this drama like I do now. MJ just had to find something better to do on her own time. Was it really that hard for my ex just to say that he wants to see the kids again, rather than throw it in my face about the past. Aparently it is, especially when you have your stuck up wifey telling you what to do all of the time.


Please help my daughter, Little Red Riding Hood, win this contest. The contest does end in a couple of days but we would like to catch up somehow. Thanks. ALZ YOU STILL WANT TO JOIN the KIDS CONTEST??? Hurry get Pimpin Gift!!!! As you can bomb comments!!! till 7 days next Monday midnight!!!! Thank you!!! Wants Silver motorcycle or Rolex or Corvette!! (must be over 5,000 to 10,000 or more as you can!) NOT LESS THAN 100 or 50 comments! NOPE WAY! If you put too much over 50,000 or more get Mansion House or yacht boat!!! Thank you Mike image.php?u=91247&i=840286855&tn=1 image.php?u=91247&i=1769656573&tn=1 image.php?u=91247&i=2677285486&tn=1 image.php?u=91247&i=2258119909&tn=1 image.php?u=91247&i=1318098905&tn=1 image.php?u=91247&i=1280064899&tn=1 image.php?u=91247&i=3445353784&tn=1 image.php?u=91247&i=227525134&tn=1 image.php?u=91247&i=1362182044&tn=1 image.php?u=91247&i=3114717485&tn=1 image.php?u=91247&i=4140507901&tn=1 image.php?u=91247&i=2610866310&tn=1 image.php?u=91247&i=1362182044&tn=1 image.php?u=91247&i=3114717485&tn=1 image.php?u=91247&i=1786685120&tn=1 image.php?u=91247&i=190713307&tn=1 image.php?u=91247&i=132151607&tn=1 image.php?u=91247&i=2812134483&tn=1 image.php?u=91247&i=3925512505&tn=1
(repost of original by 'mtbikers72 loves ~Sweet~N~Sumthin~' on '2007-05-31 10:03:40')

More about the new AT&T

Okay, well today I was on the phones at work like I am all of the time and my last call just happened to be a customer inquiring about a new deal Cingular Wireless, the new AT&T...is promoting. The sad thing is that it is going on till the end of October though. I guess we are offering the new 99.99 unlimited talking plan for both consumer and business accounts. I certainly hope that this will boost the sales at least. Its going to be fun stuff I guess. And then we are offering 19.99 for unlimited texting too.


Really, I should not have to make an effort to bring the kids to their father since it is his responsibility to come and see the kids or have them for a few weeks. He did'nt divorce me, I divorced his ass. And in all actuality, to cover a few things here, before me and Jacob even came to Italy, yes, we were again separated for sometime but that was only because we were waiting on orders thru the military to get us to Italy. But everyone can go ahead and think that I was just waisting my time and enjoying my singledom away from my ex husband....I guess some people actually think that I was purposely doing this so that me and my ex could not be a family again. Whatever! Yeah, well, at this point in time I can see that some people just get so stupid by posting emails that I send to them on their own blogs....WOW, some people just go really too far and it is just too funny. But that is okay, they can do what they want to at this point. All I can do is say that "you are the joke and I guess in this sense you always have been".
....that none of this ever happend at all but unfortunataly, it did. For those who must know....Jacob and I went to Italy in June of 2003; jacob was born in September 24th. He was in fact, 8/9 months old at the time of us living with my husband at the time, now ex husband. And at Christmas time, when jacob was just around 3 months old, we got to go to Italy for the first time to spend the holidays with him. And for those who think that jacob was not in his father's life before he turned one, had better think again...I have pictures of Jacob's first birthday party with all of us wishing him a "happy bday". Well, me, my ex and another good family, whom I dearly do miss. I am tired of all of the bickering and whinning about how my kids father will have to make certain changes in his life when he has another family to take care of too. You think I do not know that he has another family to take care of? Alls I ask for is that he take some time off; a week or two to spend time with his kids. Heck, I can even meet half way in St. Louis yet again. And just because I said that it should be around father's day does not mean that it has to be aroud that time....just made a statement about how I want the kids to be apart of their father's life...apparently, someone does'nt like the fact that I am trying to make plans for her husband to take away time for her and her children...well, boohoo....**tears**. That's not what Im actually asking for anyhows; I dont want him to take his time away from you or anybody. I guess, I can not expect for my ex to take any kind of leave though to come out here and get his kids, however...because his wife thinks that it is a waist of time spending her husband's saved up leave time to just drive one days worth to come out and pick up the kids. Leave time that should be saved up at some point for the likes of her. But okay, so I guess it was wrong of me to send my ex an email about letting him have the kids for father's day...when I think it is like next month or so....yes, it is too late for that but at some point, sometime down the road something can happen only if the father agrees to my offer. But I guess this all happens to be going thru his wife first before he makes any kind of decisions; dont want to disturb the mother ship...lol.


Well, the kids and I spent the whole day (friday) together and that was good since I have'nt gotten to see much of them all week...this week I worked a lot of overtime and well, jacob started to get a bad whiff of it on Wednsday when he started to cry when I left him and sammy at the sitters. He had never done that before, so I think I had better cool it on the overtime work for a change. I would actually call at the sitters from work to see if jacob would talk to me or sammy but with jacob it is "no" yet, with sammy, she will talk to anyone at times. It seems quite different for the kids when their daddy calls, however. Jacob tells me that he doesnt like his daddy and wont talk to him, sammy on the other hand will talk on the phone with him, and I think that at least lifts up my ex's heart at times. Oh, but I believe that it is because jacob just doesnt want to talk on the phone is the reasons....But I can understand why jacob does not love his father and it is because he does not entirely know his father, so much. It seems that today, everyone is blinded though by what they do not see in front of them. I guess I am the one to point fingers at these days. People are saying that I am not a good mother, when I provide all the much needed things; such as food, shelter, clothing, and love and so much of it. My kids are more important to me than anything in this world and it seems that a lot of people have stopped believing in that because I have a knack for talking about my ex's family that in many ways is inappropriate. I do not make threats to this family however, I just talk because i know I can and if anybody has a problem with what I say in my blogs then they should not have to read it, right? Wrong...it doesnt matter who you are and what you say these days, someone is always going to read the filth that anyone puts in their blogs...lots of times, you cant do anything about it, where as other times you can get the blogger to stop blogging. Then you want to get a court order about the whole ordeal, knowing that if you get a harrassment case against this person, you will never be able to speak to your kids again. Oh, so this is just great for the kids in all of this. The kids are in my care and have always been in my care since the day I had been separated from my ex husband. My ex did not get to see his kids from after that moment till sammy was born some nine months later, Nov 2004, he only stayed a week after sammy was born though, he would rather spend more time with his family in MA than with his only two kids at the time. Then, sammy was like over a year old when he got to see his kids again, more importantly jacob was three and did not know what was going on, he knew that he was spending time with his father for a bit but that was all...along with sammy. This was just this past April 06, the kids spent three weeks with him up in MA with his family. Then, after that moment with the kids, he and his fiance at the time came out to get the kids at the end of december...I had problems with keeping a job and keeping an apartment at the time, so since I was staying with my parents, my ex and I had made a verbal agreement for him to take the kids for just three months. I was soo thrilled with this idea because I was sure that I would find prob two jobs or something to help save up on getting another apartment for me and the kids so that i would not have to stay with my parents again. And plus this would have been a good chance for Jacob and Samantha to finally get to know their father and for their father to enjoy them just as much as I have enjoyed them. It was hard at first for me to just give them up at first but I guess I took it well for the first few weeks or so, till "ms. drama queen" herself decided to claim that I was not doing my part as the mother to my kids. But I tell ya right now, if my ex did not have her in his life, that would not have been the case and my ex would have had a lot of fun with them instead of having someone tell him that his kids are poorly tended to. He believes anything, I guess. And I did take care of my children its just that some people have different views of the way I brought them up as such...granted, I did not take my kids to a regular daycare/preschool sort of thing, they stayed at a licensed in home daycare. I could only afford this at the time, like I can now. Oh, but its not like they were not being educated, either....they brought home some arts and crafts they did for the day like they do now. So, the drama began with my ex's fiance, now wife. I was chattn with her about the kids and that was when she brought it to my attention that she thinks that there were problems with the kids that I did not even see, especially jacob. Oh, but I did see that my son was very hyperactive, though. But I was told by numerous of people that there was nothing wrong with him so I just passed it by....so it happens that jacob was actually showing signs of being ADHD or something when he was with my ex and his fam back in january 07. And when I was chattn with this woman, she was tellin me that they should keep the kids till the summer time to see if I have changed; basically in their eyes, I was a useless sob of a mother that should have a decent job and a place of my own till they would bring the kids back to me. I called my ex complaining to him about her and he had told me that he had not heard a thing about it till just now...so he said he would get back to me on this issue. So, little miss goody two shoes, had to try and persuade my ex that I need to change before they can give the kids back to me...and believe me the plan was that they were to give them back in like june or july, along with the remainder of my stuff, and if I had not changed by then...have a good job and a place of my own....the kids will go back with them. And I was not going to let that happen, because at that point I had lost all of the trust I had once had for this woman and felt that her total plan was for my ex to get full custody of the kids, once he had the kids for over six months...i feared this soo much so I found the answers that I was looking for. And eventually, the kids had to come back home to me. And at this point, I had missed my kids very much....my ex did not want to talk to me about this even though he is the father of my kids and not this woman I had to deal with. She was just someone he was going to marry who is also the mother of his third child. Everything had to go thru her as it still does today because my ex claims that he is too nice of a guy to hurt me about that issue so he felt that the only way to hurt me was to have his fiance do it for him. Kind of weird dont ya think? Even sad too. Regardless, though, ever since that moment, I have had nothing to do with this woman and I think I have had good reason not to too... Hmmmmmmm, it was this past january that he got to see the kids and enjoy them for a bit, I wonder when the next time will be, since he doesnt seem to have much time to call anymore to talk to them on sundays...I think that regardless if his son keeps saying that he does not want to talk to his daddy because he does not like his daddy, the least he can do is keep calling every sunday or so often to try and talk to them to show the kids that he is at least trying, instead of wanting to always give up just the way that I remember him to be, even though he feels that I am a threat to his family. If he truly loved his kids, then he would at least try and call to speak to them to show that he is at least trying...and that is all that I ever hoped for in him. I do not ever say bad things about my kids father to the kids, though. I tell them all of the time that he loves them but it is hard for them to believe this when he is not always going to be here; being that he is in the military, things are going to be rough. The kids are still young and at this point in their lives they need to know who loves them and who is actually trying to be there for them. At this point, they see just me because I have always been here for them, when their father can not be. So at this point I do not know what to say or think...

Cingular Wireless

Okay, so in truth, I work for this great named company and everyday I get calls from customers that have some kind of problem with their service. I like my job when I can help the customers though. If I can make their phone work or give customers a break on their bill by giving them a much deserved credit, I will do just that. But it gets kind of sad when, customers call in about the newest $5 unlimited texting plan that Cingular just launched a few months ago and that they , the customers, find out that the text plan was just for M2M in the first place...I have to explain this new feature however, everytime to the customers. Now, I for one have not seen this so called commercial yet about this M2M unlimited texting, but I have heard that the commercial did state the truth about the package and that it was moblile to mobile with a recent text package: EX...if u have the 200 text package for 4.99 and u want the M2M feature, with this feature it would be an added $5 to the plan, making it 9.99 in all. Its a great plan though if you just text other cingular customers more than you do any other service provider. And then there is the newest: unlimited text messaging for 19.99. I can actually say that I am amazed with this one and I have actually had many calls about this feature as well. But the $5 unlimited text messaging got confusing to the customers; hey, I would be amazed by the unlimited text messaging though too...Im hoping now that things will start to get on track now, however. Also, tonight, I had more calls about international roaming and dialing. Basically, if you want to save money when you are calling another country, you should get the Cingular World Connect for 3.99 and you can save money on some of the international long distance dialing rates per min based. Then, there is the Cingular World Traveler for 5.99. Hmmm, wonder what this is used for? Yes, if you plan to travel to another country, you will need this to save on your roaming charges. And believe me, I have seen a 3.00 roaming charge/min base drop down to a 1.00...or so...for roaming in another country with this CWT plan. If you want to know if you can use your phone in another country or even how to dial an international number, I will be the one to contact. Anyhow, the best part of my job though is when I can actually solve the problem and the customers can actually use their phones. Im actually looking for a new phone myself these days; lol..havent really thought about going to Cingular though, but I sure do like the sound of having rollover mins and such. Who knows though...All I know is that at the end of the day, I get to see my kids and in the morning they are wakin me up by jumpin on my bed. Life is a thrilling ride for me and I love it!

I moved, finally!

Well, I am finally in my new apartment with the kids. The place is really homey and by far the cheapest one I could find. I mean, where else can you find a place that costs $495/month, two bed one bath with a fireplace? Oh and not to mention the walkin closet I get and the very spacey closet for the kids. It is great. I also invested in a new laptop too and I get high speed internet with Cox Communications. I get a great deal package with cable and phone. All of this is going to be so much fun and I can not wait to enjoy it with my kids.. And then my son will be attending a diff school. I was hoping that he will be attending the same elementary school I went to but this time, it is not going to be that way. Since we moved out of the area I had to find another school. Luckily, I found one. The school is called Joslyn Elementary and it is just minutes away. I took jake to the kindergarten round up on this past friday. We got to meet the principal, the teachers, and we got to take a tour of the school. Afterwards, we had cookies and juice..yummmy. I also found out that when Jake starts attending school every morning before class the school serves free breakfast. So cool. Anyhow, it looks like it is going to be a fun year for all of us. Im just so glad to have my own place again, though....
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