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the weekend

Well, I am staying at my best friend, Billie's for the weekend. Me and the kids are having a great time. We made a lot of food and we are going to have lots of leftovers. My friend travis, Neptune from my friend's list, decided to come along too...I did not know if he was going to be able to make it because I thought he had to work...it was good that he came though. Anyhow, I had forgot to let my ex know that me and the kids were going to be out of town so since I did have his home phone#, I decided to call him a little after 6pm. Usually, Sammy likes to talk on the phone but I guess this time she was not up for it. And as usual, Jake does not like to talk on the phone. I wonder how I can fix this a bit...like I said, maybe the web cam thing will work out still. Anyhow, I get on here and look at my ex's mumms; heck after voting and commenting on their picture for the contest for "kids contest", and seeing their comments and votes, I thought okay well maybe things are'nt so bad afterall...was trying to send some kindness towards their way instead of being the mean person that they always think I am. So then I decided what was up on their page and then I check out a recent mumm....WOWWOW. I did not believe that my ex's new wife was trying to ask about getting a restraing order on me just because the kids do not like to talk on the phone with their daddy...Off and on, the kids will talk to their father, but it would be more my little sammy who is two would talk...my son who is four, Jake, just does not want to talk on the phone and what these people do not understand more or less get it thru their heads is that Jake is this way with every phone call; he will not even talk to me on the phone when I call from work, heck, he wont even talk to my own sister either. Big deal if it happens like this all of the time. Kids are not all alike. So the phone call was not even 2 min long, at least they did get to hear his voice to some point and each and every time he calls. But since the call did not last very long with the kids, me and my ex just said or goodbyes with no more conversations between us...well, like it is all of the time it seems. Granted I know I never call him and have him call all of the time but now that this is happening I am totally shocked that this would even be thought of in the first place. Getting a restraining order on me just because the kids do not like to talk to their father. Hmmmmm, well dont ya think that after not calling for almost a whole month the kids may not know what to think in the first place? And they expect for the kids to be very talkative none the less on the phones...they expect too much at this point. And it is rediculous. Oh, and the biggest news I heard yesturday was from my sister. Her hubby is also in the army and so he saw the Army Times and saw my ex's name on the list for E-6s to be pinned on June 1st or around there....so in a sense, they will not be crying for too long with money matters. I have also heard that the new wife is getting a possible new job that will bring in at least 40grand a year...all of this is suppose to be good news for once. I am happy for them. And I am happy with my standings now. I am not too happy that my ex's new wifey is trying to come in between the relationship of the kids and their father. OH, but I guess that is just a lie too. Unless, my ex wants to set up a web cam session with the kids at some point then we can talk good father/child relationships. Being that their father is in the military, things are not going to be the same, though. The travels are going to be long and at some point very expensive. And for the most part the best thing to do now it to stay in contact some how. The calls may not be soo good but Im sure that web cam chatts may be just fine. The kids love to see themselves on the computer and they always ask questions about who the other party is. Now they have only had just one web cam session with the kids in my possesion. Then after that session, it was I who had gotten to see them with their father on the cam...but the way things are going, I am starting to believe that I will not see that sight again. Anyhow, besides all of the drama that keeps coming and going...this weekend was great and the kids had a lot of fun; especially with Billie's new baby kitten that is just three weeks old and her dog named Skeeter that is just sooo cute and sweet. I took a pic of Jake holding the baby kitten in his lap and I cant wait to post the pic. I was really amazed that Jake was soo gentle with the baby kitten...now, sammy was still kind of young to realize how she must treat babie animals but she was trying at least. Well, hope you all had a pleasant weekend, though.


Okay, so here is the thing...my ex had the kids back in January for a few weeks and possibly almost a whole month. They were doing me a favor in helping me out so that I can get a fresh start of things in my life. (They as in his fiance at the time, now wife) My ex and I had a virbal agreement that he would have the kids for just three months so that I can find a good job and possibly a new place to live...was living with my parents at the time because of other issues. So during this time, I was putting in job offers after job offers, until finally I found a job. By the time I was workin again it was almost at the end of January. Well, my ex's fiance at the time decided to put me down a mother that doesn't know how to take care of her kids and she is much more better mother than I will ever be...that kind of speech I got from her. It was she that had to tell me that my ex and her was going to keep the kids till the summertime and if they feel that I havent changed by having a good job and living in my own place, they will let the kids spend time with me then take the kids back to their place in Alabama. I was going to buy that they can have the kids for just a little longer but keeping them just because I did not follow their standards as parents I was not going to allow. Okay so the point is, that I felt like they knew what they were doing once they had the kids in their care. And I was a mad mother willing to do anything to see to it that they brought back the kids in the time that they said they were going to bring them or else. So I talked with my lawyer and then a court official about the prob and told the CO that I just wanted my ex to honor his word and bring back the kids in the time he said he would. So the CO called my ex on his cell phone, pissed his ass off, by telling him that he has to bring back the kids. And now everyone is saying that he kiddnapped his kids in this matter. I guess it kind of looks that way but I really do not know. My downfall though, was that I did not have my ex sign an agreement as of how long he can actually have the kids....originally it was suppose to be just two weeks according to the decree. The CO was willing, however, to type out and print out a copy of an agreement for us so that he can actually have the kids for just that amount of time; three months. But my ex quickly took it as us pointing fingers at him for kidnapping his children and decided that enough was enough and to give the kids back to me within a couple of weeks. So I guess, we will never know what this kiddnapping thing means. I am just as confused as anybody else these days. I do not know how to look at my ex anymore. He is and will always be the father of my kids but why can't people realize that all Im trying to do is what's best for the kids? I am a mother trying to be a mother and nothing else. I live on my own with my two kids as of now, with no roommates to help me out and no one to tell me what to do. I do it all on my own now. I get to watch my children grow up and I get to see things that their father is missing out on. He will never smarten up though because he is afraid that if he does, his wifey will have the last say in it. I have nothing against my ex, nothing at all...because somewhere in him I know that there is a good man who's willing to give his kids a chance. But his wife is the one that seems to call the shots and it is just out right crazy. I mean, how can you get away with someone telling you "the mother of the kids that now reside in your home, your fiance's children" that you can not see your kids till we see a change in your life style because what you do doesn't meet our standards. Hey just because I have a little help now and then does not mean that I am not doing anything for myself as well as for my kids. Anyhow, I am sick and tired of all that has gone on. All I want or ask for is for my ex to at least try to be in the kids lives by letting me know if or when he wants to spend time with the kids or let the kids come into his household. This time though, it would prob work with just the kids being with him for a couple of weeks at a time. I think that at this point the kids need to develop some kind of a bond with their father and letting him have the kids for one month makes the kids feel as if I don't want them....these kids are not stupid and know that if they are away from me for too long, then something is wrong. And I do believe that that was what happend with my son when he and his sis stayed with them that first few weeks. My son knew that he was in a place that he could not adjust to without me being there with him. He became a problematic child for his father...and even though his father tried to help it was like none of it really matterered. My son does not like to talk on the phone with his daddy but his sister does, at times talk on the phone and she is just two years younger. But then my son is that way even with me or anybody else in the family. Now, on the web cam, he really enjoys watching himself on cam and he will actually recognize his father on the other screen. SO the webcam is a good way for the kids to see their father at this point. I truly do believe that it will work because it seemed to work when I was on cam with my sis, tina. We all got to see her and how big her belly has grown this pregnancy. Anyhow, I am hoping that someday my ex will come to his senses and realize that not everything has to be up to his standards and what his wifey tells him. We all know better.


Okay, so way back in December, a good man that just happend to be the father of my children, told me that he would take care of the kids for me for three months so that I can get back on my feet again. I was over joyed with this since I knew that I needed to find another job that was not seasonal at the time. I had just moved in with my parents because I was evicted from my apartment that I had a little under a year. I had to quit school because I could no longer aford it. And so I found myself just hangin on by just hope in that I would find a good job for myself so that I can help take care of the children in ways that some mothers can not. So in this time of me finding a job, my ex had the kids for about two weeks or less before his fiance at the time, now his wife, decided to help turn the tables on the situation. She noticed things about my kids that told her that I was not doing my part as their mother in helping take care of them. When I know better and so does everyone of my friends and family that are around me when I am with my kids. Yes, I was living with my parents for awhile and they are indeed smokers. And my father had a big problem with being loud and somewhat abusive to my kids....I didn't like it but I had no other place to go at the time. My father scared me on countless of times but at the present time he is getting help for his actions that should have been helpd a loooong time ago. So that was when my ex came to help out. I was thankful for him as well as his bride to be because I knew that I needed some kind of help with the kids and all. And plus I was glad to see that he was going to get to spend some fun fatherly time with his kids. But I guess I was wrong about all of that. I was chattn with his bride to be and she was telln me about the kids and such and how I did not give them enough clothes and the proper shoes to fit into. Then my ex earlier was trying to state that my samantha had lice in her hair, when of course it was not...hmmmmm, now that would be neglect I do think so. Oh,but that was what started it though. And then that conversation with "her" on the computer really scared the living daylights out of me. She was telln me that it would be better if the kids stayed with them till summer time so that Jacob can play soccer or base ball or any kind of sport, when of course I could have given Jake that same chance here with me. Then there was the allogation that Jake is abusive to her kids and to his newest little sister, Ally. Well, I have'nt seen Jake like that while he was here with me, that is for sure. I do know that jake is a very hiperactive little boy and he likes to keep active all of the time. But since he was put in a household that was very different to him, of course he is going to act very strangely and such, especially when the two supposed adults in the family were always talking about "his mommy" in ways that he did not like. He was four then and was begining to understand some things and first of all...."If this is my daddy, then why isn't my mommy with daddy?"...of course he looked at this other woman as the one who is at fault here. He had to point fingers at someone I guess...but yeah, she was not the one at fault. I can say that she is many of things but she is not the reason why my kids father and I are divorced. Anyhow, the point is that, that same day that I had been fighting with this supposed fiance of my ex's, I finally got into contact with my ex and told him what she was up to...the funny thing is that he was either one, telling me the truth that he had not heard of what his fiance's allogations were about the seriousness of trying to keep the kids longer than expected or two, he knew all along but did not want to confront me about it as he usually did abgout things. SO when he got off of work and spoke to this woman, he and I had a talk online. And that was when things started to get pissy with me....the father of my children that knew that I was a good mother and whom always backed me up with things, decided to take his fiance's side and believe that all of these allogations were true. So then it got to the point of yellin over the phone about how unmotherly I was and that if I was to come out to Alabama to get the kids, they would have MPs waitin for me at the door. Their intentions were very clear to me actually. Basically, if I did not have a good standing job by the time they came out in June/July to return me my stuff as well as return the kids back to me, and if I was still living with my parents, they will just give me my stuff, let me hang out with the kids for a bit and then take the kids back with them....yeah, they were trying to play me for a fool and use this power over me. But their true intentions...well, at least my ex's fiance's anyhows....was to get full custody of the kids at some point. And once they keep the kids for six months, they will be able to claim full custody. And that was my fear. I did not believe that I deserved to be treated like I was a bad mother, because I knew I was not. I was doing my best in trying to do what I could to keep control of my life as well as my children. And I do not like it when people come around pointing fingers at me just because i do not live up to their standards. Okay, so my son may have a lack of listening and paying attention to things and he sometimes creates a lot of problems. I do not have that problem here in my home and I have never had that problem with jacob before. So it is just a bunch of crap that my ex and his fiance were trying to pull on me in order to make it look like I was not taking care of my own kids so that the courts will look their way when or if it comes down to a custody hearing. So after that phone call, I was in tears and could not understand what was going to happen. At first I was thinkin that all was going to be okay but then I got to thinkn that there was more to this side of the story than I even knew what was happening. I decided to consult my lawyer about it and she told me to go to the court house to find the answers because I should not have to go thru with this. So that was what I was set out to do, "find the answers". But like any place, I was given the runaround again till I found the right place. I talked with a gentleman who was head of the area I was suppose to look into....its been soooo long I cant remember his name or what depart....all I know is that I told him about my ex having the kids for three months but all was stated by word of mouth, then after his fiance started to put two and two together on her own account, that was when the allogations of keeping the children were made. And it was up to me to approve this. The guy did make it sound as if my ex was litteraly trying to kidnap the children away from me....but I did not want to believe that because I actually wanted to believe that my ex was not goint to let this happen to me. He would never do that to me...but in all reality, yes, I guess in a sense it had turned out that way. This director of this court of appeals or something, though, did state that if my ex and I did want to work something out on some kind of arrangement to let the kids stay with him for the time that was originally discussed, the director would be happy to write of the aggreement and have my ex sign it thru fax or mail. That was when my ex just decided to give me back the kids within two weeks or so. No agreement was made then. My ex and I ended up meeting halfway in St. Louis though, right by the river front. And that was the last time my kids ever saw their father and it was the last time my ex got to see his children. I don't know much about when he will get to see them again, though. That is still pending...anyhow, it has been since the end of January since that has happend. Also since then I found a really good job; the hours are kind of nuts but at least they work for me when I go back to school next month...or else who knows if I can even afford to go to school because of that. As always, my ex use to be good about calling to talk to his kids at certain times during the week. But now it seems to have died down a bit since my ex is just tired of hearing from his son that "he doesn't like him" and doesnt want to talk. And then he blames all of his financial problems on me when of course he was the one that put himself into this bind in the first place; it was not me and will never be me. He chose to meet a woman online that was not even divorced yet that had two other children from previous marriage and who was not getting enough child support and at some cases none at all, when she had lost her job due to one of her little boys being sick this woman looked for comfort from my ex and he took her in like some kind of sad and pathetic puppy, he got her pregnant before our divorce was complete, he got a brand new tahoe vehicle that he must have been paying like $500/month for, he had to cover up for his mistakes of getting his fiance almost evicted and she made him feel bad because of it.... oh, and this divorce between me and him was finalized and all was said and put out when it came to child support only because my lawyer was going by what he was making when he was in Italy...so in all aspects, the support that was drawn out was indeed factual but now that he is back in the states, my ex can get this lowered I am sure. And by the sounds of things, he can get kicked out of the military for having been irresponsible with his financial situation. Boy, where have I seen this before? He got an article 15 once because he did not pay his bills when he went to go to PLDC training in Germany when he and I were still married. So what will happen now, all of this I hope will be settled in due time. It sounds like he does not think that his children are good influences around the children he sees everyday. And that is the reason why he does not want to have his kids around his new family. He thinks that they are nothing but trouble and cause too much havac. Please tell me something though....if he got to see the kids on a weekly basis, do you really think that any of this would be happening today? No, it will not and the kids will continue to grow with their father and his new family. But he is in Alabama and I am here in NE...17hrs away. He was stationed in Italy for a good portion of the time that he and I were separated and such and I was here in the states trying to start something for myself; it took awhile for me to get here where I am now but then some people say that I just didn't try hard enough. But do I really need to try hard to prove to others that I can do the same things you are doing now, today? No, I do not and will never have to do such a thing. Also, tell me something though...when your one year old son pushes you away and would rather go to mommie, would you at least try and bond with your son and keep trying or would you give up and just go to your room and read a book like none of this father/son bond meant anything to you at all? The father of my kids saw his son last in Italy, in March 04, then he saw his son and his baby girl in Nov 04...he stayed only one week though then spent the rest of his leave time at home in MA because apparently the father/child bond thing didnt mean a thing to him even then. Then in April 06, he got to see both of his kids once again...he just came back from afganistan and was on leave...then in December 06, he got to have the kids for a few weeks...but the intentions were for him to have them for three months...ummm, not six months, by the way. He tried and he done had his chances with these two wonderful kids. He is lucky enough though that his daughter is one happy little girl and will come up to anybody and hug them...anyone new she meets. Jake on the other hand, picks and chooses who he likes. He likes to rough house a whole lot though, and well, that is what little boys like to do. All I know is that in many ways he does need his father, whether jake believes so or not. Now, a lot of people believe that I am actually telling my kids bad things about their father but I know better than to do that as well. I know that my ex is a good father but at some point he is not getting that chance to prove it yet with a son he claims is so uncontrolling that he doesnt even want his own kids around the family that he knows and sees every day. Now why should a father look at that difference in his child though as a way to push his kids out? Why should any father have to make that kind of judgement about their own child just because he claims that the children he has now, step children as well as his own blood, will have bad influences with his natural children that are just uncontrollable? It is the right of the father to look past this and see that there is no problem at all. Jake has a problem with being in new places apparently and without "me" his natural mother being around he did not know what to do and how to control things. He knew quite well who his father was. But im sure the he did not know why other kids were calling him "daddy" too. All of this was going thru that little boys mind and now he does not know what to think. Now, Jake is very smart and understands a lot of things. It is unfortunate for me to have to hear him say that he does not like his father, however...but I know different because he does tell me about things he has done with his father....it was almost like it happend yesturday or something. I dont know. All I know is that I am tring to be reasonable and get to the point of where my ex will try and work with jake just the way that I work with him on a daily basis, instead of look at the problems this child may have that may have a bad influence on his step children. And if he can not even give his children the time of day then why should I even bother with letting him see the kids? The kids are going to look at him when they get older as the one at fault because he didn't even want to try and be apart of their lives...and no, it was not because of me. I am trying to do what is right at this point. My ex has his step children wrapped around his little finger all because his wife had planned everything out just the way it should be. It seems to me that this is what she wanted and now she is going to get her way. Actually, she already has....and I dont really know how she can live with herself this way. She wanted the father of my children to bond more with her children and that is just the way it is and will be for sometime. My children will have to grow up knowing this because it is the plain flat truth. Oh, yeah sure...you say that all of this is nothing and are just lies but I know more than anybody could ever know.


Seriously, I dont know why the father of my kids that hates me so much would not call to talk to the kids each week. If he actually cared about his kids then he would at least try to be in their lives even if I am in the way. But I guess that is all that he is all about. I know that some fathers would actually die to talk to their children on the phones, even some fathers that would like to spend at least one hour with them. But because of living situations, Im here in NE and he is in AL, it makes it hard to travel back and forth. I was willing to meet half way though to make the exchange around father's day but yeah, that is just like one month away. And it is I guess too soon and they do not have the money for anything like that. Oh, but I dont have a family of five to take care of at this time, like he does; his wife wont get a job, she is just a stay at home wife that complains too much about how I am taking the time away from her hubby just because i want him to spend time with his kids. Well, his first two kids anyhow. She has two boys from a previus marriage and one with my ex. Dont know for certain if she is claiming enough child support for her boys but who knows. It use to be that she did not get a lot of support from her ex and then she was complaining about how much support I was getting. Ever since she stepped into my ex's life from day one she had been complaining about the things I was getting and my ex was listening to her. Heck she even complained about what i was getting back out of the divorce. Well, anyhow, I have had enough talking about the likes of her. All I ever asked for as the mother of my kids was for my ex to try and show some kind of involvement in the kids lives but even though we were having trouble talkn, he uses that as an excuse to not call to talk to the kids. I have even offered to have him chat on web cam with the kids or at least see them and he turns this down as well. I figure he will continue to do this for a very long time and the kids will be the only ones questioning their father when they get older. Of course, I will tell them the truth that their father decided that this is just a punishment for me being mean to him and well more or less his family. Oh, well...I have stood by my word though and I do not plan to seek full custody of the kids because i know that somewhere in my ex there is a good man that wants to be close to his kids. We shall see how things go from here I guess.

Kindergarden Roundup!

Yes, Kindergarden Roundup is on March 16th from 9am to 11am. I am soooo excited for Jacob now. He gets to take a tour of Hillrise Elementary; the same school I went to when I first came to Elkhorn(actually, i was in the fifth grade when i first moved to Elkhorn and was a student at Hillrise Elementary....then I was off to middle school)....and he gets to sit and visit with the teachers and stuff. Im actually suppose to go to a meeting at night on March 13th but I will be working then; basically, if I have any questions about the kindergarden program I will have to ask my questions then otherwise the school will be sending me a packet of things that I need to read over and fill out. The best part is that the cuttoff date to register for Kindergarden is October 15th...hmmmm, and Jake turns 5 in September...yep, he makes the cutt off date. August 22nd is when he will start school....okay, I am still excited and I think I will cry on his first day. He will be going to school from 8:15 to 3:06pm....a full day of learning and having fun for this little guy. This is going to be soo much fun.

They are home!

After a long awaited time, my kids are finally home with me here in Nebraska. A couple of weeks ago, their father and my ex husband thought that he could have the power to do what he wanted by trying to get temporary custody of these kids. Well, after a long and hard discussion over this debate with a lot of tears and such, I found that I had the power to go to the right officials to get what I wanted back. My ex is also in the military and he was suppose to enjoy this time with his kids as much as he could but when he had his greedy fiance always telling him what to do and with the kids being there in the palm of her hands, he decided that I could not handle my own kids and wanted for me to change before he decided to give them back. Well, I was not going to take that from him, more less his fiance who always stuck her nose into the business of our kids and what she thought was right to do in this situation. So I had to do what I had to in order to get things done and now, my ex will just have to wait till Christmas time or maybe sooner; who knows...till he gets to spend time with these wonderful kids. Unfortunately, I have lost a lot of trust in him because he does not listen to his heart but to others who have shown me no respect in return. During this time, I was known as the "other mother" and I was not going to put up with that. I am the true mother to my Jacob and Samantha and no one was going to take that away from me. NO ONE!!!!! Anyhow, all is good now and all things are back to order. I plan to go to school in March and I am looking at an interesting career in Inbound Sales work on the side. On top of raising these two children of mine. But until then, it is good to see the smiling faces of my kids and the laughter that they filled in our hearts with joy.

Some plans for the year....

Well, my friends Billie and Jen were telling me today that I should look into YMCA sports for my four year old son, Jacob. Samantha is still too young so I will not probably put her into any sports until next year. So, thanks to me ex's fiance, I know that my son is actually interested in something like this. So, I called the YMCA today to find out more about their sports programs for 4 year olds and such. The lady over the phone told me that they are taking registrations for soccer teams now for the four year old bracket as well as all other ages. But they will stop taking registrations on Febuary 10th, however. found out that, for non members, it will cost $66 to register and members of the YMCA pay $33. Kind of a big jump from there. So I asked the lady how much for a family registration. She told me that there are two types...a regular family registration @ $57/month or a single family membership registration @ $47.50/month. I will look into something like that though...otherwise she was telling me about a youth membership..which was a special membership for active kids @ $150 annually. This membership is primarily good for the kids if they want to participate in more than one sports activity. So really I do not know what is best but if I wanted it to be fun for the whole family, I should probably get a single family membership. It would be good because the kids love to go swimming ,so they would love this. Oh, and the team that Jacob will be on is called "The Mighty Kickers"...cute , huh? I also found out that they have camping programs. I would love to get my kids involved in something like this. Jacob even told me that he would love to try fishing sometime too. So maybe I will think of something. Well, this is a start and it is bound to be a busy spring and summer for me...actually, it will be quite the year. So wish me luck on that.

Christmas is here!

Well, christmas eve night I got to thinking about when my ex wanted to have a web cam chat with his kids on christmas day.....I wondered if the stores would be closed at 7pm but they were not indeed...thankfully. SO I asked my bro in law to go to the store to buy a web cam to surprise my babies daddy by giving him a good christmas of seeing his kids on christmas day. It was definately a wonderful morning for my ex to see his kids but it was not a surprise, however. I wanted to make it a surprise but I just could not wait and told them once I got the web cam. It was really cool watching the reactions to seeing my ex and his son goof off on the web cam though. Like father like son, I guess. Jacob was very happy to see himself on the computer actually and he saw his father and new sis at the same time. All I can say is that I think I gave my ex a good christmas for the rest of the day until the time he comes to get his kids on friday or so. Sammy was jumping up in my lap however and could not stay still when trying to see herself on the cam. But he did get to see his wonderful daughter afterall. The morning actually started out early for us at 6:30. My dad was not too happy with that but what are you going to expect with three toddlers staying in the house for the time being. He can be such a grump at times. But he loves his grandkids very so much at least. It can be a pain at times having to deal with the kids but it is worth it. Anyhow, the kids were very happy with their presents but they were still looking around the house for more presents, I guess. I suppose they thought that santa hid some of the presents, huh? Almost like the easter bunny hides easter eggs and such. My son loves to look for easter eggs when that time comes around. Anyhow, I told my kids that their father will have more presents from santa waiting for them back in alabama. And Jake said the nicest thing..."But, mommy we need to get presents for daddy too". How sweet of him to think of his daddy like that. But christmas is here finally and tomarrow is a new day and that still leaves me with just a few days left with the kids. I have to pack the kids bags still too...geeze. Im gonna be busy this week...especially at work since it is inventory time...YUCK! I work at Toyz R Us...need I say more.

just a few days left....

Well, tomarrow is christmas and I will get to spend the holiday with the kids. It will be a great thing for me but thier father will not be here to enjoy it with them. However, it is not such a bad thing, since he will be getting them just before the new years. But it is not like he will be spending the holiday by himself though...he has his family too. But I have had the kids my share of the time for the year and now it is time for papa to spend time with his kids. He will get them for three months. It will be kinda hard on me here for a bit but I will be working two jobs and getting stuff done around here so that my ex can give me a breather for a bit...it is good but somehow I will have to cope with the long goodbyes. I have never been away from my kids more than one month. But in the meanwhile, my son, JJ, is well potty trained and has not wet the bed for over a week now. He is four so this is a good thing for my ex and I hope this is of great help for him. I will find something to do I am sure though...like read a book, color, draw...do something so that I do not have to worry about the kids so much, when I am not working that is.

Doctor's appointments....

Okay, so normally I do not have both the kids at the same time for a doctor's checkup but this time I thought it would be best to get both of their appointments knocked out at the same time. Okay, so I learned my lesson from this because I will never do it again. Sammy was the best of the two though when it came to seeing the doctor. She was very good and listened very well. But the jake-myster was nothing but good, however. He thru the biggest fit with his checkup. He does not like anyone touching him but me or anyone else he knows on a personal basis. So, I was fortunate enough to have my father there with me to help calm the boy down a bit but even my dad was getting tired of Jake's actions. On top of that, both Jake and Sam have a bad cough and cold. So they had to get checked out for that too. The just have a little infection though...the doctor gave me some medicine for that however. Then the doctor asks me if I live in an area where there are smokers. I told him "yes" and he was telling me that I needed to do something about that because that supposedly makes the infection worse. So, my dad did not like that at all and tried to put his foot in the situation by tring to tell the doctor that everything was fine and that the smoking was not the problem ((I currently live with my parents and they both smoke but I do not)). I do not know what to say about that, actually. But in the long run, I listen to my father since he has been around a long time. At the end of the appointment, I had to wait like almost a half an hour to get the kids meds. Had to chase sammy around the room a bit. Worked up a sweat and had a happy little girl to take care of whom was ready for a nap by the time we all got home. Oh, but we had to to take Jake to the daycare too. He loves going there....except he does not like it when a 6 year old boy who happens to be named "JOE" calls him a poo-poo head and such. I just told Jake to call him a poo-poo head right back, though. Other than that, Jake seems to have fun at this new place for the time being.
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