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I find it somewhat strange... Now faced with the inescapable fact that Darryl Campbell is on the move yet again. Rota, Spain. This isn't just a backpacking trip to Europe, this time; but, this is where I will begin my official ascent to adulthood. Call me crazy, but at 19 years old, I think I have every right to be [at minimum] a tad bit afraid. So, to take my mind off of some things and to put it on others, I recall my past. This comes to no surprise, as this is my common manner of achieving inner peace. Some have their religious faith, some retreat to the often warm embrace of family or friends, still some simply live in their distresses... I have to find that sort of resolution that allows for easy sleeping and pleasant dreams. This, all despite my growing insomnia. And so, with the most precise brush I can find, I paint these fine lines. I'm living a life many young men merely dream of. I have lived a life, thus far, that some old men would give their all for. I've recieved the praises of my peers, I've influenced those who will follow in my wake. Just so you know, I'm not intending on sounding arrogant, God forbid... but, all-in-all, I'm a success story. Some would argue otherwise, but I say their argument holds little validation. Private Pilot Air Traffic Controller Sailor Computer Guru World Traveller Rock Climber Hopeless Romantic Self-sustained 19 year old me... Public speaking, me... Poetic, me... Apiring novelist, me... It shouldn't be hard, now, for you to understand why I have to take these moments to marinate. Here I sit, Row 1 Window Seat of this Boeing 757, with the cloud tops seemingly at my fingertips. The entire breadth of the world 'neath these wings... Cruising at an altitude only slightly lower than that of my hopes and dreams. I am afraid. Earlier, a flight attendant brought me a flight dinner... A little plastic tray of vegetable pasta bake, roll, and brownie. Later, she brought me a beer and thanked me for my service. 19. Now, she stands by my aisle, offering this lonely 19 year old kid a bag of potato chips... Dirty Brand... Literally. This makes me think. Life in itself is much like a long flight in coach. Somewhat uncomfortable, slightly annoying at times, but you're getting somewhere. That's the whole purpose. I've queried nearly every aspect of my life, to include my decision to join the military. Haunted, a novel of stories by Chuck Palanuik, states that because we conciously make the decisions we make, nothing we do is wrong. It is always right, if for no other reason than the fact that we decided to do it, and did. The only way to be wrong would be to decide one thing, and do another; which, is also technically right, because nonetheless, we had to have decided to deviate from the original plan, in the first place... So, this in mind, I'm ok with leaving; but inside, I feel as though I'm running away from something. The plane begins its slow descent from altitude, and right on cue, so do my thoughts. I'm leaving you hanging, for the time being. Expect more, soon... I've got two years alone ahead of me... Shit, I just need a fucking hug.
If building blocks were scattered stars, we'd make our home beneath the sun and asteroid strikes and solar flares, would tangle in the webs we've spun. Your dress would be the Northern Lights, I'd wear comet upon my tie and we would dance, a celestial trance, amongst the legends of the evening sky. -poetic DesCent I read it. I got it today, and read it. (And yes, I followed the directions...) For much of my life, I have always done what many men do not. I spend such a great effort avoiding prepoderancy. I never let myself have too much of one thing... rationing myself small portions of happiness, success, love, friends, family. I rationed you.... We've had this discussion already; and, due to the fact that the current situation requires a possibly life-altering decision, I almost rationed you again. I wish I could apologize for being complex at times, but I'm not remorseful. I do it intentionally. You said: "I just fear falling completely in love with you again..." Truth is, I want you to be hesitant about falling in love with me. I'm not a pragmatic relationship choice. The shifting sands of the sea are more foreseeable than I am. So, no matter how much I desire (with the very [1] philotes of my being) for you to be "in love with me", I'd never wish that on you. And so, I must disagree with you... This is more than a decision, this is a predicament. pre·dic·a·ment /Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[pri-dik-uh-muhnt for 1, 3; pred-i-kuh-muhnt for 2] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation –noun 1. an unpleasantly difficult, perplexing, or dangerous situation. So let it be known, publicly, that I do love you. I simply refuse to let myself fall for you, like the old days... because of "HIM". I've been in this situation before, prior to when we met. Now, I just can't bring myself to want you when I know that you are taken. That would be selfish of me, and I'm trying to move beyond my selfism. I wrote this in "NOTE" form instead of as a "MESSAGE" directly to you, because I want the opinions of my friends... because, honestly, at this point, I just don't know what to do. I pray that this does not offend you. [1] philote A reference to the novel: "Ender's Game." A philote is the basic building block of matter, the true indivisible particle that is not made up of smaller ones. Philotes combine or 'twine' to make up all matter in the universe.
Last night, we celebrated 231 years of All-American glory... Happy 4th of July. My flag hung, a solemn reference to the lives of my fellow brothers and sisters who've died for our country. My flag hung, a loud battle cry in the name of freedom and unity. Oh, how I love those stars and stripes... Even more proud am I, that I've chosen to fight alongside that flag; because on the day I die, everyone will know that I bleed red, white, and blue. So, we did it up, All-American style... A good ol' fashion barbeque in front of the barracks. Loud music, great food, some drinks, and the best of friends... There was no need to wish everyone here a Happy 4th. Every waking day of our lives we breathe for America. Each day at work, we do what it takes to ensure our nations freedom. What could possibly destroy such a joyous holiday? I'm about to tell you... First of all, if you are not in the mood for the sob story of yet another military man, then I highly advise that you stop reading right now. There are no happy endings to this tale. Picture this, three men of different backgrounds... They may not be the best of friends, but they are brothers. They all meet on at least one piece of ground, they sacrificed their former lives in order to lead the life of a U.S. Navy sailor. Some of you are saying, big deal, but with all due respect (and I mean ALL DUE RESPECT) FUCK YOU! Life outside of the military is soo, simple. I know this from personal experience, after all, I used to be a civilian. Do you know what it feels like to walk away from the woman you love, in the mindset that you are bettering yourself so that you can be a good provider. (Forgive me for thinking long-term...) Do you know what it feels like, to then, watch her drift away while other men fill your space. What about, leaving behind your closest friends... trust me, with time, they WILL replace you. Do you know what it feels like to watch the government completely kill your old life, and replace it with a military issue Life Plan. I know what this feels like, these three men, they feel it hardcore. I'm sitting here wondering, how dare you walk away from me... after I left to create a better US! So don't come at me with bullshit. I don't have a shovel. If we talk now, consider it FRIENDSHIP ONLY. I don't want to hear that you "love" me (obviously you don't). I don't want to hear that you "miss" me (prove that with your actions). At this point, soo many people have forced me to not care... So, keep that in mind everytime you decide to come at me off some ol' sweetalk shit. These three men, yeah, they're all dealing with it. I watched a grown man, my brother, cry! This man straight broke down, because of some female back home in the States... His wife. She has his two kids, a little boy and girl... He NEVER gets to see them.. And, it ain't because he doesn't want to... She's holding them away. I'm not even gonna throw the rest of that shit out there... BUT THAT SHIT IS FOUL! The other man, he's dealing with a massive case of "Stupid Bitch Syndrome"... You know, that virus in which a female gets infected and all of sudden starts spitting out a whole lotta mess that makes absolutely no sense. We three men, sat in silence because of this stupid shit. Shit that could've possibly been avoided, had we decided not to serve our country. YOU ARE FUCKING SELFISH (you know who I am talking to). I'm sitting here wondering, how dare you walk away from me... after I left to create a better us. So don't come at me with bullshit. I don't have a shovel. So, does the fact that I decided to do something with my life, that makes me unattractive now? We three men, trying to better ourselves for YOU, and now you decide to say shit like: "I don't love you anymore." or "I want you to go half in on the divorce." or "I'm getting the feeling that you don't love me anymore." WOMAN I LIVE IN SPAIN! WHEN I TRIED TO GET YOU TO COME WITH ME, YOU DIDN'T WANT THAT... AND NOW "YOU DON'T LOVE ME?" This is their sacrifice... We put ourselves in danger's face... we stare death in the eye... however inadvertently that may be... and you decided we weren't good enough for you. I'm sorry I went out and secured a good future for myself, FOR YOU! And now, it's all for nothing. Why? Because YOU WALKED AWAY. This is why, now, when you tell me how bad other BOYS are treating you, I DON'T CARE! This is why, now, when you tell me you miss me, I DON'T CARE! These three men are soo fed up, and they don't even have the ability to truely voice this to you. They can't tell you this to your face, because, all you are showing them is your back. It's really starting to look like I lost your love, to fight for your freedom. It's really starting to look like you don't want a man that can provide for you, or maybe you just don't want a man that is willing to admit that he needs to do something to better himself... This 4th of July, I don't care about YOUR freedom. I don't give a fuck about YOUR liberty. Happy Independence Day!! I'm independent, and you are exactly in the same place you were when you decided that I didn't fit your mold. So, don't call me. Don't write me. Don't even say my name, until you realize what it is I've lost. I suppose, I had to lose YOU, to gain a better ME. Those three men, spent the night 4th of July shedding a tear, because that day in memberance of America's freedom, reminded them of how much they hate you for imprisoning their hearts.
The theme music roars throughout the entire studio, everyone's in their places, and yes, the cameras are rolling. Don't you see the red light on... Don't get too nervous, there's no studio audience... We're not live... you can make mistakes. I've told you a million times your line is: "But I DONT love YOU anymore..." For pete's sake, get it right. ...and cut, that's a wrap. Set it and print it, we've got ourselves a film here. A real classic. Fuck happy endings... There are no shootouts... Daring stunts, yea a few; but forget about riches and beautiful women (our stylest quit on the second day of shoot, so all we have are Plain Janes in this movie) Whad'ya mean you haven't heard of it, we've been advertising for months!! It's called "My Life", and its nothin but drama. Here's pretty much how the story plays out... The story pans out at the end of his high school year in a wannabe city in Kentucky... This kid, the main character, he has like no friends... Let me tell you, there are no surprises here... What does a boring, lonely, high school grad do? He goes to college. He drinks. He parties. Maybe he fucks a chick or two, or ten, who cares? Sex sells. But the catch is a failing relationship. And for once the woman didn't cause it, no, he instigates the entire breakup. And afterward... yeah afterward. C'mon fellas, what is the first thing a guy does after a breakup? You beat the brakes off some random goddess... that's just real life, who cares? Shitty family life, shitty college grades, all in all the whole mess is just rolling downhill, and picking up speed... There's more juiciness in the mix, but I don't want to spoil the big plot twist. Long story short, he skips town... First class ticket to Great Lakes, IL... Naval Boot Camp. The pathetic bastard (no, literally, he's a bastard) joins the military. Get's a fancy job doing Air Traffic Control. They ship him out to Spain, that about where the real fun begins... Ladies and Gentleman, we said: "Fuck the ratings!", to bring you such a fantastic plot twist... He reaches Spain, far from his former life and problems.. But we decided to make Bullshit fly. We gave this guy emotions. Damn are we good, creative, eh? So all of the shit he ran away from, comes right back to him like "Gotcha Bitch!" (Just so you know, we cast Paris Hilton to play his problems, that way you can really feel how stupid and annoying these problems are...) How does the movie end?? I can't spoil it for you... OK, I'll give you a little more.. What would you do if you were living in a foreign country, beautiful weather, sexy beaches.... And everything that drove you nuts followed you everywhere you went? Keep in mind, this guy, the main character, he's a runner... Always running from confrontation... Just know there's likely to be a sequel, but you won't like it, because then we'll reveal his big secret... And you aren't ready for that.. Grab a ticket, dude... You gotta see this shit, now! It won't be on DVD for another 50 years. And if you think you can handle it, ask the star of the show to tell you about the big secret, maybe you're VIP, and he can get you stage passes as we shoot Part 2....
I've only just touched the surface, yet I know these waters run deep. You read this wondering what waters I speak of. Even now, you are preparing to close this note and go about your browing of all that facebook offers. I assure you, nothing of importance will be said here. As I approach year 20 of my life, I have seen more than most eyes are willing to behold. I have heard things your ears will never hear. I am living a life that is full, and I'm doing it my way... Yet, I had to write, because a dear friend of mine made the comment that you cannot control who you fall in love with. Such folly, talks of love. What is love? All I know is that she better not hurt me... lol, I'm joking. Seriously though, I've tried for years to force feed my idea of love. It doesn't work, love has life; and, as with anything that has life, love has its own will. I don't know why, I don't remember when, I just know that love is having its way with me, and the outcome thus far has been great. A wise man once said. "There are things you remember, and then there are things you never forget..." You remember the date Christmas falls on, you never forget how you first met... You remember what time you have to be at work, you never forget that first kiss... I want you to know that I haven't forgotten, I never will, and you know the rest, no further connotation needed... I love the smile on this face.
Every word from your lips is a tactile move on your part. Every reply from mine, renders the same effect. Blissful isn't it. Romance is like chess, and its looking like we may have a stalemate here... Don't misinterpret a single phrase in this note. This is not a piece of poetry. This is my letter to you. I know you'll read this eventually, although I may have to prompt you. You've said some things. Mostly, just different versions of hello. And from experience talking with you online, I can't really convince myself that you are worth a reply. So, what happens in a game of chess, when one person refuses to move? I'll tell you what happens, the game ends. I tried to show you I still love you, you drop kicked me in the chest, collapsing my heart... I tried, I tried, I try... and you know what, I am really tired now. Not mad, not annoyed, just tired. What makes this all worse, is that I don't even you know how much I've put right in front of you. So, riddle me this, riddle me that, is it worth my time trying to get you back? I'm not a perfect guy, but I do strive to be a fairly respectable gentleman. But, you... I'm not even sure if you fit the standard. Maybe you can't grasp what I want. I'm fed up with random sex, 3 month "relationships", bullshit phones calls or messages. And what you did... them over me, with the current situation with me being in the military.... I'm not ready to forgive that; because in my book, that meant they matter more than me. So, please, do me a favor and stop walking on my emotions. It may sound selfish, but if you couldn't manage to give me your time then, why in the hell should you be able to do it now. Find a boy who's willing to get run around on, I value what's left of my sanity too much to sacrifice it on someone who can't even sacrifice a day away from her friends. So, if you want a serious relationship, ask one of them out... I'm not up for sale. Dammit I hate having to do this, but I'm gonna have to cut you off like most of my other ex-gfs. And now I'm that much lonlier in an already lonely life. Goodbye, I'm all out of hellos.
The same smileless face. The same tattered boots. The same shaky hands, delicately pulling on a not-so-special pair of black sock. All in an all too familiar reflection. Stare at him. Stare long and hard. He is no stranger, you think you know him very well. Every scar, every blemish, the lackluster eyes, the yellowing teeth, the unkempt hair, stare. As you blink, recreate the image in your mind, just for a split second. X-Ray imagine you can see the neurons firing. Ride nerves on a highway called memory, do this as you stare at him. His two rings, both quite expensive, both very plain. They mean a lot to him. Remember the necklace she made him. Remember the CDs she gave him. Remember her hand he held. Stare. Amplify the wrinkles in his forehead. Justify his emotionless stature. Hope you are the only one who sees him this way. Stare. The same wide nose. The same closed lips, not pursed, not relaxed. The same chicken legs. The same muscular arms. Inhale deep and watch his chest expand, exhale and watch it fall. Stare. Don't for one second, feel sorry for him. Just stare. Infrared imagine the heat created by his body. Stare. Color code him brown and black. Stare. Pick the dirt from under his fingernails. Don his white t-shirt. Slip into his black jeans. Stare. He swallows, you better watch his throat undulate. He itches, don't miss him scratch. Stare. Gaze absently at this real time video via mirror image. Focus your pupils. You know him very well. Notice the throbbing of the veins in his neck, that's his strong heart beating. Don't give up on him just yet, just stare, and know he'll get you through this.
The Answers in 1,539 words or less… If I shed tears the way the skies loose rain, am I a thunderstorm? Roaring thunderously, barring teeth like the lightning that illuminates the black velvet carpet above my head, I am squall. It is all in a name. Each night that passes, is just a gust of the wind. Every child that splashes 'round shallow puddles is no more than the neurons sparking in the depths of my mind. I open these eyes toward the heavens. Stung by droplets, as they hurtle towards this earth. Miniature water bullets. Killing me oh soo very softly. Caressing me just the same. As each prismatic drop contacts my flesh, conceal the tears of man, I feel a release. Something like the soo sad love songs of old. Something like the gentle carry of zero gravity outer space. More like the understanding of the wise ones. The Night Sky lives. Breathing zephyrs. Looking through the eyes of the stars. Weeping rain. Moving with the legs of the atmosphere. I'll fall in love with her. I'd kiss her lips, clouds. I'd hold her hands, air. I'd share secrets in hushed whispers, breeze. Night Sky will never tell. She paints for me, auroras. She dances with me, constellations. She cares. Find me staring into her eyes, for countless hours, lying on my back on a bed of grass. Find me singing songs to her, the snoring of my sleep; she never thinks it's obnoxious. Find me missing her when the sun steals her away as it makes its arc towards the western horizon. She always comes home. What more could I ask for? I find bliss in the Night Sky… -poetic DesCent April 2, 2007, 12:42 AM At least once a year, you can find Darryl in front of a computer screen, as he thinks about the meaning of life and love. Love, an intense feeling of tender affection and compassion. That's how my laptop defines it. Life, the quality that makes living animals and plants different from dead organisms and inorganic matter. Its functions include the ability to take in food, adapt to the environment, grow, and reproduce. Notice how, the definition of life says nothing about our ability to express emotion… Notice how, the definition of love says nothing about how necessary it is that we love and/or love others… Call me a dreamer. Call me a hopeless romantic. You will be right about one thing: I am hopeless. I don't dream much these days. At least not about, the things that once drew fancy in my small world. I'm not much of a romantic, how could one as lonely as I am be considered a romantic. I have no one in this world to romance. Hopeless, I am. I can never hope to be loved; and, I can never hope to really dream again. Some people find my demeanor quite depressing. Some find my very presence to be quite boring. I've learned to find solace in my sorrows. I've found the activity of boredom. The secret lies in taking effort to not do anything at all. I can't wait until the day I die. It bothers me that even though I am very much alive, by my computer's definition or otherwise, I matter to no person… Not even myself. At least if I am dead, there will be good reason for my solitude, there will be reason for no one to love me. Yes, if you're wondering, to that is what I am reduced. I want someone to long for my existence. You see, you can't possibly understand. You are loved. Let me explain it to you: No one calls me, except Sylvia. (Who only calls when there is no one else to talk to. I am an object to her. A "thing" that is always open to hear her babble, who will always laugh at her jokes, who will always reassure her that she is not alone, but that's only because she knows I'm such a lonely fool.) No one thinks to invite me to parties. Why would a depressing asshole, like me, ever want to be surrounded by friends? No one introduces me to his or her other friends. Why would anyone want to meet me? Most people would rather spend their time forgetting that I exist. My own family is so distant; they might as well not exist. I'm not speaking about physical distance, because although, now, I am thousands of miles away… I was just as far away, when we lived in the same house. Most of my past girlfriends, when I could obtain one, cheated on me. Not because they are slimy little whores, but more likely that they forgot they were dating me in the first place. My ink pen knows more about me than any person. I have trouble sleeping at night because I'm afraid that the one time someone decides to involve me in something, I won't be awake for the call. Dead, having lost normal sensitivity to touch or pain, unable or unwilling to respond to, understand, or appreciate something, without human activity or anything interesting or entertaining. Seems like a more accurate description of myself. Science tell us, that without normal use of a neural activity, our brain pretty much deletes the old programming for it, and de-fragments, allowing more processor usage for the things we do use, like taking a shit or giving someone the finger. That said, I have not been touched in such an amount of time that I do not remember what a hug feels like. I do not remember the quixotic bliss of kissing. I have lost "normal sensitivity" to touch. I have been hurt for such an amount of time that pain is no more than nerves firing, no more than a physical response. Emotionally; however, I don't even feel at all. She tells me she does not love me… my brain says, "I need to cut the grass." Mother dies… my brain says, "I wonder if I logged out at work." They say they think I'm annoying… my brain says, "I wish I knew who sang that one song." I have lost normal sensitivity to pain. These things combined, have made me both unwilling and unable to respond to or appreciate pretty much anything. Why would you cry, unless you were hurt? If you can't feel the pain, you wouldn't know you were hurt, thus no tears. Why would you love someone, unless you've been loved? If you can't feel their embrace, you wouldn't know they loved you, thus no love in return. Why would I smile, unless I was happy? If I've forgotten joy, I would not know to show exuberance, thus no smile on this face. These things combined, render me incapable of undertaking in human activity. Remember our definition of "life." I will only grow as much as this cage allows, even rocks can be no larger than the inside of whatever they rest. It's impossible for me to reproduce lest I touch a woman, and most women who are interested in reproducing won't reproduce without loving their partner, even the plates of our Earth's crust will produce new continents over time. Sure, I take in food. However, does not the soil take in nutrients? Certainly, I've adapted to my environment. Even then, does not a mountain adapt to the powerful flow of the river that runs through it? I am no more alive that the stone gnomes in your lawn. I have no more life in this body than the mud tracked in on your boots. I am no more human than the continent, country, state, or city you live in. Even the Grand Canyon, the Rockies, and the Himalayas are more vivacious than I am. This year, at my computer, I've finally found the answer. I once wrote, "One does not have life, but not love. For, the way one loves is the way one lives. And so, we live our lives for love, lest our heart stoppeth." The funny thing is that even after writing that, years ago mind you; it has taken until now for me to realize the inherent truth in those words. In my youth, I named the very problem with my existence. In my days now as a man, I comprehend its seriousness. Zombie, an automation, robot, machine, sleepwalker. I must thank this digital dictionary for its thoroughness. I carry out tasks, similar to that of a living being, but am not. I can be programmed to do this, at that time, for these purposes, as efficiently as a well-oiled machine. In fact, I can think of a few supercomputers that could have probably put together a similar piece of writing as this, given the proper coding and resources. Walking but not awake, because what is not alive cannot walk; and what is not awake is asleep, and what is not alive is dead. I am nothing. Nothing more than a suggestion of human. Nothing more than the vision of man. A shadow, if you will. Nothing more than an impression, a trace, a presence, or an apparition. A ghost. Zero Ghost. Good night. Darryl L. Campbell P.S. Don't try to cheer me up, I'm not sad. I simply had to write down the answers.
Chameleon Tip-toed I slow fade, change color so subtle you didn't even notice... I was difficult to blend with. Walking woods with wolves, I am sheep, with sharp fangs and pawed feet, eating my brethren in a mascaraded manslaughter. Blinked through a film's frame, change scenes so quick and so deft you think... I was always there to begin with. Skimming stuffy clouds with birds, I am whale, with finned wings and unfeathered tail, nesting in trees unable to bear my gargantuan gravity. Snuck up as summer colds, change DNA genetic make-up soo fission cool... I am new strain death you must live with. Multiplying methodically, I am cancer, with two nuclei and cell wall enhancer, killing my host via internal rapid recession. Breathed in like air particles, change winds to blow soo subtle whisp... I am what your oxygen is mixed with. Polluting poisoned neccessities, I am chloroform, with odor free flotation and color norm, decieving you into irrefutable seductive sleep. All the things you love, All the things you hate, A chameleon can imitate. -poetic DecCent
Something like four thousand miles... in case you didn't know that's quite the separation. I'm talking oceans between us. I'm talking, you're asleep, that's how far away. Something like eight hours on an airplane... in case you don't know your legs would go numb. I'm talking four bags of peanuts and two inflight movies. I'm talking in my sleep, to you, who's wide awake. Something like first class mail takes over a week... in case you don't know I sent your birthday gift three weeks in advance. I'm talking we're not even on the same calendar day. I'm talking, but you won't hear it until tomorrow. Something like my moon is your sun... in case you didn't know I cried to sleep as you cried over coffee. I'm talking extreme distances and great lengths of time. I'm talking to a cellular 30 second delay. Something like all these things should break me down... In case you didn't know love can span any distance. I'm talking fuck the lines of long and lat. I'm talking time can kiss my ass. -poetic DesCent
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