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Lying? Your face will give you away: study Thu Apr 24, 10:51 AM ET Liars might think they are good at covering up their deceit but a new Canadian study shows there's one thing they can't control that will give them away -- flashes of emotion in their faces. Researchers at Dalhousie University's Forensic Psychology Lab in Halifax conducted the first detailed study on the secrets revealed when people put on a false face or inhibit various emotions, and found their faces told the truth. But instead of clues like shifty eyes or sweaty brows, their expression would crack briefly, allowing displays of true emotions such as happiness, sadness, disgust and fear to come through. "Unlike body language, you can't monitor or completely control what's going on your face," Stephen Porter, who worked on the research, said in a statement. The researchers, who reported their findings in journal Psychological Science, examined the case of Canadian Michael White who sobbed as he made a public appeal for the return of his missing pregnant wife Liana White in July 2005. But three days later, flashes of anger broke through his sadness and he said he was so frustrated with the police that he was going to find his wife himself, leading volunteer searchers directly to her body in a ditch on the outskirts of Edmonton. He was charged and convicted of second-degree murder. When Porter and his team analyzed White's plea frame by frame, they found hints of anger and disgust in his face, not noticed by most of the public. The researchers also studied adult who were asked to view images that ranged from happy (puppies playing) to fearful (a close-up of open-mouthed rabid dog) and disgusting (a severed hand). They were told to respond with genuine or deceptive expressions and their reactions recorded. Porter said no one was able to falsify emotions perfectly. Some emotions were harder to fake than others. Happiness was easier to fake than disgust or fear.
The historical origins of BDSM are obscure. During the 9th century BC, ritual flagellations were performed in Artemis Orthia, one of the most important religious areas of ancient Sparta, where the Cult of Orthia, a preolympic religion, was practiced. Here ritual flagellation called diamastigosis took place on a regular basis. One of the oldest graphical proofs of sadomasochistic activities is found in an Etruscan burial site in Tarquinia. Inside the Tomba della Fustigazione (Flogging grave), in the latter 6th century b.c., two men are portrayed flagellating a woman with a cane and a hand during an erotic situation.[81][82] Another reference related to flagellation is to be found in the 6th book of the Satires of the ancient Roman Poet Juvenal (1st - 2nd century ad),[83][84] further reference can be found in The Satyricon of Petronius where a delinquent is whipped for sexual arousal.[85] Anecdotal narratives related to humans who have had themselves voluntary bound, flagellated or whipped as a substitute for sex or as part of foreplay reach back to the 3rd and 4th century. The Kama Sutra describes four different kinds of hitting during lovemaking, the allowed regions of the human body to target and different kinds of joyful "cries of pain" practiced by bottoms. The collection of historic texts related to sensuous experiences explicitly emphasizes that impact play, biting and pinching during sexual activities should only be performed consensually since some women do not consider such behavior to be joyful. From this perspective the Kama Sutra can be considered as one of the first written resources dealing with sadomasochistic activities and safety rules Further texts with sadomasochistic connotation appear worldwide during the following centuries on a regular basis.[86] There are anecdotal reports of people willingly being bound or whipped, as a prelude to or substitute for sex, during the fourteenth century. The medieval phenomenon of courtly love in all of its slavish devotion and ambivalence has been suggested by some writers to be a precursor of BDSM.[87][88] Some sources claim that BDSM as a distinct form of sexual behavior originated at the beginning of the eighteenth century when Western civilization began medically and legally categorizing sexual behavior (see Etymology). There are reports of brothels specializing in flagellation as early as 1769, and John Cleland's novel Fanny Hill, published in 1749, mentions a flagellation scene.[89] Other sources give a broader definition, citing BDSM-like behavior in earlier times and other cultures, such as the medieval flagellates and the physical ordeal rituals of some Native American societies.[90] Although the names of the Marquis de Sade and Leopold von Sacher-Masoch are attached to the terms sadism and masochism respectively, Sade's way of life does not meet modern BDSM standards of informed consent.[91] BDSM ideas and imagery have existed on the fringes of Western culture throughout the twentieth century. Robert Bienvenu attributes the origins of modern BDSM to three sources, which he names as "European Fetish" (from 1928), "American Fetish" (from 1934), and "Gay Leather" (from 1950).[92] Another source are the sexual games played in brothels, which go back into the nineteenth century if not earlier. Irving Klaw, during the 1950s and 1960s, produced some of the first commercial film and photography with a BDSM theme (most notably with Bettie Page) and published comics by the now-iconic bondage artists John Willie and Eric Stanton. Stanton's model Bettie Page became at the same time one of the first successful models in the area of fetish photography and one of the most famous pin-up girls of American mainstream culture. Italian author and designer Guido Crepax was deeply influenced by him, coining the style and development of European adult comics in the second half of the 20th century. The artists Helmut Newton and Robert Mapplethorpe are the most prominent examples of the increasing use of BDSM-related motives in modern photography and the public discussions still resulting from this
Suggested Rules of Scene Protocol for Spanking, S&M, and all forms of D&S And proponent of safe play in Dominance and Submission. The below rules are a collection from S&M clubs, discussion groups, TES, the Black Rose, Shadow Lane, and SCONY parties. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At some point all of us were new at exploring the world of dominance and submission. Below I've listed a few helpful rules of protocol that may make you feel more comfortable as you move about the scene. I suggest you read over this information before you venture into a party, club or scene event .Also, I recommend you get the book Different Loving, by Brame, Brame and Jacobs. In addition to having a great chapter on spanking the book also explains the roots of many different forms of expression in community. 1. Respect the rights of others. Never, I mean never, make fun of someone else's fantasy. Ideally, this is a world where respect and tolerance rule. 2. All scene play, including private and public spanking, is based on CONSENT, MUTUAL PLEASURE, AND DISCRETION. When in doubt it is better to err on the side of caution. 3. Do not grab or touch anyone unless you have asked or consent has been given. What appears to be "available" is often a hands-off situation. 4. If you ask, "Can we do a scene?" and the answer is no, no means no, not maybe later. 5. Do not touch equipment that does not belong to you. When attending a gathering it is best to mark your things and keep them out of sight when not in use. 6. Do not get involved in a scene unless you are invited to do so by those in the scene. Keep your distance and avoid unrelated noise. 7. If you are doing a scene have safe words, or some method of communication so the scene can be stopped if need be. Since a certain amount of resistance is part of a some spanking scenes the words used should not be words that would normally come up in a scene. "No is not a safe word" is something you hear often in clubs." Similarly words like 'stop', 'you're hurting me', etc. It's awkward but find a word (or sentence) that is clearly out of the scene, such as, "mercy", "yellow/red", "strawberries".. whatever. You will hear much debate on the topic of safe words from tops with exaggerated egos. Don't listen. Scene play must be mutually pleasurable and you both tops and bottoms should have a reasonable way of ending (or slowing down) the situation quickly if there is a need." 8. Not all scenes end in sex. Not all scenes are sexual. If you hear, "It's all about sex and eroticism" just know that not everybody agrees with that, especially traditional spankers. You are entitled to your own opinion. 9. Refer all disputes to the club managers or people in charge. Avoid confrontations. 10. If your scene requires special space or equipment see the people in charge for assistance. 11. Absolutely no cameras or photography unless you have been given permission. 12. Illegal drugs will get you thrown out of most clubs. 13. Check the rules at scene gatherings regarding the use of alcoholic beverages. IF ALCOHOL IS BEING SOLD THERE ARE RULES GOVERNING NUDITY. When in doubt keep bathing suit areas covered. Pull underwear up rather than down. 14. Rules governing confidentiality, privacy, and discretion are the same in the scene as they are in a private support group. Lack of discretion and common sense can get you eliminated from many nice parties. 15. If you think you recognize someone who obviously wants to remain anonymous respect his/her need for privacy. To protect your own privacy use a pen name. Very few people in the scene use their full correct name. Try not to ask about occupations, addresses or any other information that people would prefer to keep confidential. 16. Never underestimate the value of extreme measures concerning personal hygiene. If it is a long evening, take time to go freshen up. 17. Relax, watch, have fun and don't feel pressured to do anything you are not comfortable with. The people in the scene are generally very friendly and helpful. If you ask a question players are usually good at giving a clear explanation. If you still don't understand find a book or email me and I will try to help. (Some scene players may be rude and suffer from what is called "top's disease". If you run into one of them don't bother getting upset, most likely everybody agrees with your perception, too.) 18. There are three reasons why a scene, or a spanking, may go wrong: IGNORANCE, ARROGANCE, AND ALCOHOL. 19. Partners: Just like any other party it is wise see if the person with whom you are negotiating a spanking is in a relationship or attending the gathering with someone. Make eye contact and/or conversation with the partner (male or female) and see if they have any problems with the scene or spanking being set up. While most spankers don't have the master/slave mentality of 'ownership', there are many people who are in the community as couples. 20. Cell phones and cameras are generally not allowed. ASK! Always ask if you can use either. The polite thing to do is not bring either and if you must use them in your own private space. Take your own pictures in your own private room and always (ALWAYS) take your phone calls outside. Many people do not attend parties for fear of having their privacy violated. A little vocabulary: Dominant: The person in charge of the scene. The top. A leader of the scene and therefore responsible to ensure that wisdom and safety are used at all times. (Word spreads fast about unsafe, arrogant tops.) A good dominant encourages mature communication and listens carefully to what works for the submissive. Submissive: The bottom or the one who agrees to accept the commands (or pay the consequences). Since a top should not have to read minds, it is the responsibility of the submissive to verbalize when they are in distress and/or need to stop a scene. A good submissive must learn how to communicate their desires and listen to the needs of their top. Submission has many styles: resistance, tears, pouting...laughing, joking...compliance, humble silence, pleasurable moans. Switch: A player who is both Dominant and Submissive at various times. The Scene: The Spanking, S&M, D&S community at large. A scene: "The dance". The acting out, as if in a play, a segment of one's ongoing performance in their head. Some long time players are in and out of scenes on a moment's notice as they go about their daily life. Other times the whole thing is put together with quite a bit of fanfare. Safe Words: Words completely unrelated to the scene that parties agree upon ahead of time that are to be used to stop the scene or to slow it down. Words such as "stop" or "don't do that" would not be good choices since some people like to incorporate them in the activity. Unrelated words, such as "yellow" or "red" are more easily understood. Sometimes people have a system of nonverbal, but obvious signals, they use instead. For example, with people over my knee I can't always hear them so they are instructed to gently put their hand on my ankle if the activity is too much. If you are a new player I would be very leery of people who don't use safe words. If, by chance, you are ever with someone who doesn't listen to or stop at the use of a safe word I would drop this person from the list and let others know what happened. The difference between pleasurable dominance and submission and abuse is consent. What I have found most exciting about the spanking community and the D&S scene in general is how much communication has to take place for things to work. In the right forum, people openly talk about their fantasies and with the help of kindred spirits of the same ilk, these fantasies can come true. Call it theater, call it a dance, call it anything that helps you make sense of the process of discovering those things that make you happy. The level of respect, communication, interaction and tolerance in the scene is more than I ever experienced in any church group. When you are with really mature scene people you are experiencing charity and acceptance at its very, very best. Note I said, "if you are with really mature scene people". There are plenty of misguided, if not dangerous, types all about but that would be the case in life anyway. I suggest you do your research, polish up your sensitivity skills and read up on safety and communication within the community. This is a very private part of your world and it is advisable to discriminate as to where you put your trust. Above all, have fun. Enjoy exploring your imaginary world with people who respect your right to do so. If your therapist or spouse is still telling you you're weird, sick, or disgusting be comforted that you're not. Even the most judgmental critics in this world have fantasies; they just don't have the desire to act them out or talk about it. That is their problem, not yours. Somebody is buying all those romance novels. Playboy and Penthouse were photographing fantasy long before the scene got popular, not to mention that John Wayne, Elvis and most of Hollywood included spanking scenes in some very popular films. Literature, television, movies and music all have a way of arousing our senses by playing with dominance, submission, erotic power and control. It's perfectly logical to have fun with our already titillated imaginations. Go for it. Have fun. And let me know how things turned out.
Doms and Subs: Some Rules for the Game Ten Rules for Dominants 1. Be patient! Until you enter into a contract with a submissive, you have no more right to order him/her around than does anyone else. Give your bottom time to get to know you and what you are like. Finesse and subtlety are major elements of dominance. Similarly, strength and gentleness go hand in hand. The sensitivity and awareness (or lack thereof) that you show in the real world is likely to be repeated in the playroom. 2. Be humble. You may be God's/Goddess' gift to the world, but no one needs to hear it or wants to hear it. You will have ample opportunities to show how good you are -- and plenty of opportunities to make a fool of yourself. No matter what you claim, the "real you" will show through in a scene. Don't set yourself up for a failure by developing expectations that you know you can never reach. 3. Be open. Although the top is classically considered to be the teacher in SM, you can always learn from your bottom, no matter how inexperienced. Be willing to learn from other dominants who may have a totally different perspective from yours. Try to approach by-now-familiar trips with an attitude of wonderment and discovery. Be aware that everyone has her or his own personal style. 4. Communicate! You are responsible for finding out basic, essential information about the people you play with, such as experience, limits, likes and dislikes, and health information. Playing SM without this knowledge is like Russian roulette. Talk about your head-space and your view of SM with your bottom, so that any uncertainties can be dealt with before you start playing. Clearly spell out roles, rules, limits, and contracts. Do not take for granted that your bottom instinctively knows the ground rules. 5. Be honest. If you lack experience in an area that your bottom would like to experiment with, be honest about it. Your partner has a right to know that. Be honest with yourself and take your submissive only to those levels at which you are completely in control of the situation. Safety should always be the first concern, taking priority over how hot a particular scene is. 6. Be sensitive. There's a very fine line between a sensitive, caring dominant and a self-righteous, insensitive overbearing clod. Your scene should be a creative synthesis of your needs and fantasies and your bottom's needs and fantasies. Although, on the surface, your submissive is serving you, what actually is happening is that dominant and submissive are serving each other. Earn the complete trust of your submissive and never violate or even threaten to violate that trust. His or her submission is a gift to you. Use it appropriately. 7. Be realistic. End the scene with the bottom wanting more, not wishing there had been less. Remember that power, control, and sensitivity are the keys, not just the intensity of the stimulation. Be clear about what is fantasy, and has little to do with what works in practice. Your favorite porno picture books may be stimulating in themselves, but don't try to imitate them to the last detail. 8. Be really dominant! Submissives are looking for someone who will take over their body and mind, not just for brute strength. Real people are wanted, not just cardboard images from cigarette ads or macho stereotypes. Your dominance enhances your whole existence. It does not cover up or substitute for other areas of your life - it is you. Make your submissive fall in love with you, and expect him or her to give him/herself up to you totally. Follow up on rules, expect obedience, and punish appropriately when it is called for. Don't shirk your responsibility to your bottom or to your sister/fellow tops. Be dependable and expect dependability. You have agreed to take the dominant role -- now take it! 9. Be healthy! Like any strenuous activity, SM requires that its participants be in top physical and emotional health. Many factors, including the amount you sleep, your eating habits, and your alcohol and drug intake affect your performance and endurance during a scene. Don't attempt to do SM when your physical or emotional energy is low. As a dominant you have a special responsibility to be in control of yourself and on top of the scene. An attitude of "drugs and alcohol don't affect me that much... I can do it anyway" violates your submissive's trust in you and can be dangerous. If you don't want to accept the responsibilities, you shouldn't be playing the game! 10. Have fun! After all, sex is all about having a good time. You have earned, and you are entitled to the unique, intense pleasures which come from responsible, creative SM play. Ten Rules for Submissives 1. Be patient! A potential top will let you know if she or he is interested in you or not. Keep in mind that your purpose as a submissive is to serve and to satisfy someone who will take into consideration the realization of your fantasies. Don't expect your top to be able to turn on like a light switch. The timing must be right for both of you. 2. Be humble. You may be God's or Goddess' gift to the world and the most sought after prize in town, but no one needs to hear it or wants to hear it. You will have ample opportunity to show how good you are. No matter what you claim, the "real you" will show through in a scene. Don't set yourself up for failure by developing expectations that you know you and your top can never reach. 3. Be open. You can learn something about SM and about yourself from everyone into the scene, no matter how experienced or inexperienced they are, or how dominant or submissive they are. SM is a very personal art, and an "I already know it all" attitude will make you miss valuable SM lessons and experiences, and ignore potentially valuable SM friends. 4. Communicate! Verbalization is necessary, but at the appropriate time and in the appropriate way. Your top needs to know basic information about you, such as experiences, fantasies, health concerns, and turn-offs. But - unless it's an emergency - wait until your top asks. Don't expect your dominant to be a mind-reader who instinctively knows your needs, wants, and limits. Your cooperation will enhance the scene for both of you. 5. Be honest. Don't be afraid to share your needs and fantasies. Your dominant expects it. Honesty about your wants, health concerns, and turn-offs is essential to a good scene. Lying or being less than candid can only lead to problems, as the top will base the scene on inaccurate information. Besides causing problems, it can be dangerous. 6.Be vulnerable. Your scene is a two-way street. It is not just the physical realization of your prior fantasies. If you want to limit your experience to certain physical and psychological stimulation, then contract with your top ahead of time. But don't always expect your top to be a puppet in a fantasy play you've written in your head. It's far better to let your top surprise you, to extend your limits, to take you to places you're never been before. When you trust your top completely, let her or him know it, and let him or her guide you into new fantasies. 7. Be realistic. Your dominant is human, and even the most experienced tops have moments of awkwardness and indecision. Don't call attention to what you perceive as a lapse. Know the difference between reality and the fantasy world you see in books and magazines. Few tops are rich enough to afford a large dungeon with a lavish layout of equipment. Your top's equipment is expensive - respect it and don't abuse it. 8. Be really submissive! This is the whole point. Let your dominant take you over completely. Don't coach or second guess or be critical of your top. Exchange information on your special needs before the scene starts, but once it starts be quiet! If you insist on running a scene to your own specifications, then you should try being a top. You have agreed to limitations of your own power. Stay within those limitations. Respect and obey your top and expect punishment if you don't. Accept it gracefully and cheerfully. Your top has many things to be concerned with, including your safety and what turns you on. Be loyal and dependable and enjoy your role. 9. Be healthy! SM, like any strenuous activity, requires that its participants -- both active and passive - be in top physical and emotional health. The amount you sleep, your eating habits, your alcohol and drug intake, and everyday stress affect your response and endurance during a scene. Your dominant needs to know when your physical or emotional energy is low. No matter how tempting a scene sounds, an "I want it all now" attitude when you aren't able to give your all will leave both of you feeling let down. You serve your dominant and yourself best by staying healthy. 10. Have fun! After all, sex is all about having a good time. You have earned and you are entitled to the unique, intense pleasure which comes from responsible, creative SM play.
Sex Tips to Outperform Her VibratorMan vs. Vibrator 5 ways to outperform her battery-operated beau By: Amy Munninghoff, Illustrations by: Tomer Hanuka Sure, she may have vibrating silicone, but you have a tongue, fingers, and a penis. Try these sex tips to work all your tools to their greatest orgasm-producing potential. Give her a thumbs-up. Use your thumb to press on her G-spot, as if you were making a thumbprint on her vaginal wall, says Ian Kerner, Ph.D., a sex therapist and the author of She Comes First. (You're shooting for the area about 2 inches inside the vaginal opening, on the front side.) "The G-spot responds to firmer pressure than the clitoris does," says Kerner. An alternate G-trick: Insert your index finger in a "come-hither" curl position inside her vagina while applying pressure on her pubic bone with your other hand. This dual stimulation heightens sensitivity. Hold your tongue. "A flat, still tongue is one of the most underestimated oral-sex techniques," says Kerner. "It's great for inducing orgasm, but it's also a nice breather between strokes." Gently push your tongue into her vulva and let her do the work, setting the pace, pressure, and rhythm. Cover the spread. During missionary-position sex, hold her legs close together instead of spreading them apart. That way, "it's much easier for her pelvic muscles to reach a state of involuntary spasm," says Kerner. Join forces. Incorporating a vibrator into your hookup sessions is the kind of threesome she'll be into -- plus, it makes your job easier. While entering her from behind, stimulate her clitoris with a small vibe like the Pocket Rocket. Or just leave her alone. Embrace a lady's love of toys; they can improve your shared sex life. "Women who masturbate know their bodies, and they're often able to reach orgasm with a partner more easily than those who don't," says Diana Wiley, Ph.D., a Los Angeles- based sexologist. And nothing makes a man a better lover than his dedication to a woman's pleasure, by whatever means necessary. What the heck, maybe she'll let you watch.
Tap vs. Bottled–What Should You Drink? Posted Mon, Jan 07, 2008, 1:10 pm PST Glug, glug, glug--that’s the sound a ginormous number of us make as we sip bottled water in our cars, at the gym, behind our desks. The sound you DON’T hear is the thwack of 60 million bottles a day being tossed into U.S. landfills, where they can take up to 1,000 years to biodegrade. If that’s not enough to turn your conscience a brighter shade of green, add this: Producing those bottles burns through 1.5 million barrels of crude oil annually--enough fuel to keep 100,000 cars running for a year. Recycling helps but reusing is even better. Invest in a couple of portable, dishwasher-safe, stainless steel bottles like Klean Kanteens that won’t leach nasty chemicals into your water. (Don’t get into the habit of refilling the water bottle you just emptied; the polyethylene terephthalate it’s made of breaks down with multiple usings.) 4 REASONS TO TURN ON THE TAP 1. Tap water is tested daily Under the Safe Drinking Water Act, water suppliers are required to provide an annual report on the quality of your local water and to test tap water daily. By comparison, the FDA examines bottled water only weekly, and consumers can’t get the agency’s results. You can easily get the lowdown on your state’s drinking water quality at http://www.epa.gov/safewater/dwinfo/index.html 2. Tap water is a bargain Bottled water costs about 500 times more than tap. If you’re into really fancy labels, up to 1,000 times more. 3. Tap water is a tooth saver It has more fluoride than bottled water, which helps prevent tooth decay. (Yes, you never outgrow your need for fluoride.) 4. Tap water is often tasty Some places (New York City for one) have delicious water, but if you don’t love the flavor of yours, the solution is simple: Run your tap water through a Brita or Pur filter to remove most tastes and odors. The average home filter goes for $8.99 and produces the equivalent of 300 large (16.9 ounce) bottles of water. That’s about $0.03 cents a bottle, versus the $1.25 or so you’d pay in a market. One last thing: Don't just think about making this switch; actually do it. Today. It does the world and you good. Plus, allowing nagging, unfinished tasks (known as NUTs) to go undone can make your RealAge 8 years older!

40 Cuban Proverbs

1. A lie runs until it is overtaken by the truth. 2. A lie runs until truth catches up to it. 3. A love that can last forever takes but a second to come about. 4. A man possesses beauty in his quality and a woman possesses quality in her beauty. 5. A woman's honor consists in the good opinion the world has of her. 6. Brief encounters can result in long relationships. 7. Cheese, wine, and a friend must be old to be good. 8. Coffee from the top of the cup and chocolate from the bottom. 9. Do not be excessively timid or excessively confident. 10. Do not run into debt with a rich man, or promise anything to a poor one. 11. Even a leaf does not flutter on the tree without the will of god. 12. Every head is a world. 13. Faces of men we see but not their hearts. 14. Gluttony and vanity grow with age. 15. God made us and we wonder at it. 16. He who owes nothing has bought nothing on layaway. 17. He who speaks much, errs much. 18. He who tells the truth doesn't sin, but he causes many inconveniences. 19. How can you trust anyone who doesn't know how to blush? 20. If you return an ass's kick, most of the pain is yours. 21. If you would be respected in company, seek the society of your equals and not of your superiors. 22. Jovial companions make this dull life tolerable. 23. Justice is a good thing, only not in my house, but in my neighbor's. 24. Kitten's are a child's instrument for happiness. 25. Life is short; but it barely takes a second to smile. 26. Listen to what they say about others, and you will know what they say about you. 27. Listen to what they say of others and you will know what they say of you. 28. Listening looks easy, but it's not that simple. Every head is a world. 29. One washes the body in vain if one does not wash the soul. 30. Seven sons of one mother, and each one of a different mind. 31. Tell me what company you keep and i will tell you who you are. 32. The best of hunters lies more than he hunts. 33. The wise man never says, 'i did not think.' 34. There is never wanting an excuse for drinking. 35. There is no better mirror than the face of an old friend. 36. There's no agreement under pressure. 37. There's no evil that lasts a hundred years, nor a body that can endure it. 38. When money talks, everyone else is silent. 39. When the sun rises, it rises for everyone. 40. You cannot distinguish between a drunken man and a mad man until they have slept

History of the Pit Bull

History of the Pit Bull NOTE: the following information is owned and copyrighted by the owner of Pitbull411.com and cannot be redistributed or posted elsewhere without permission. The American Pit Bull Terrier is a wonderful dog, well-known for its intelligence, strength, and loyalty. In recent years, the breed has been unfairly villanized as overly aggressive and dangerous. While the pit bull does indeed possess a feisty and spirited character, the history of the breed reveals a much more complex tapestry of temperament and personality. Like many modern breeds, it is impossible to be completely sure of the details of the American Pit Bull Terrier's long history. However, many pit bull enthusiasts believe the origins of the breed can be traced back to antiquity and the Molossian family of dogs. The Molossian family of dogs bears the name of the people with whom they were most often associated - the Molossi tribe, a group of people who lived in ancient Greece and favored the use of robust, muscular dogs in warfare. Officially termed canus molossi (dogs of the Molossi), these animals were reknowned for their fierceness, and for their innate ability to intimidate the enemies of the tribe. During this same time period, it is also believed that the Molossian dogs were used for other purposes. In fact, early Phoenician traders may even have used the Molossians as a bargaining item in their commercial transactions. The Molossians gave rise to another family of dogs known as the Mastiffs. The early Britons employed a variation of the Mastiffs as pugnaces - fighting dogs that could be used in either a guardianship or warfare capacity. When the Roman emperor Claudius defeated the Briton Chief Caractacus in 50 AD, the powerful pugnaces piqued his interest. He quickly seized on the opportunity and began exporting select quantities of the dogs back home to satiate his countrymen's appetite for entertainment in the arenas and coliseums of Rome. Once in Rome, the British dogs were crossbred with their Roman counterparts. From the years 50 AD to 410 AD, the breed was widely disseminated throughout the Roman Empire for use as fighting dogs. Along the way they mixed with other indigenous breeds throughout Europe, creating a genetic melting pot for the bulldogs that are thought to have been the immediate antecedents of the American Pit Bull Terrier. Sadly, the Romans would not be the last to use pit bulls in cruel and grisly blood sports. When the Normans invaded England in 1066, they introduced a new sport called baiting. Interestingly enough, baiting originated with butchers who kept dogs (called Bullenbeissers) to handle unruly bulls as they were herded to the market for slaughter. When a bull stepped out of line or exhibited uncontrollable behavior, the dogs would clamp down on its nose and simply hang on until the handler could regain control of the wayward animal. Like most dog owners, the butchers were proud of their canine companions and their stubborn tenacity in dealing with the much larger, and potentially dangerous bulls. Consequently, pubic displays were arranged to showcase the dogs' abilities and, quite frankly, to appease the multitudes that attended baiting events for their entertainment value. By the 16th century, nearly every town in England had its own baiting ring. The popularity of baiting events was unparalleled at the time, as was their ability to draw spectators from every level of society. Their popularity was further enhanced by the misguided perception that prolonged torture ensured the tenderness of the meat. In baiting events, no more than one or two dogs were unleashed on the bull. They were trained to unrelentingly harass the bulls until they collapsed from fatigue, their injuries, or both. These episodes lasted for prolonged periods, sometimes as long as three or four hours. Eventually, the public's grew bored with bulls and introduced a creative flair to the sport, baiting dogs with bears, boars, horses, and even monkeys! In 1406, Edmond de Langley - the Duke of York - produced a short treatise for Henry IV entitled, "The Master of the Game and of Hawks." In it, he described a descendent of the ancient Mastiffs that he called the "Alaunt", the most commonly used baiting dog of the era. A 1585 painting of the Alaunts hunting wild boar portrayed lean, muscular animals with profound similarities to the dogs we know as pit bulls. Baiting was made illegal by the British parliament in 1835. However, this legislation did little to satiate the public's desire to watch the spectacle of dogs in fighting sports. As a result, their attention turned to a variety of other pursuits such as ratting - a practice in which a dog was thrown in a pit with a varying number of rats. The dogs raced against the clock and each other to determine which one could kill the most rats in the shortest period of time. The "pit" in pit bulls comes from the fact that ratting occurred in a pit that kept the rats from escaping. Ultimately the public's fickle gaze fell on the sport of dog fighting, primarily because it could be more easily hidden from the prying eyes of the law than baiting and other fighting sports. Since dog fighting required smaller and more agile animals than the ones that were used in baiting, fighting bulldogs were bred with terriers who were known for their feistiness and indefatigable focus. The result was the bull-and-terrier, more commonly known as the first pit bull terrier - a muscular, canine gladiator bred specifically for combat with other dogs. As you can imagine, dog fighting was an extremely cruel and sadistic pursuit. The canine combatants were put through a rigorous training process depriving them of normal contact with humans and instilling in them an intense desire to spill the blood of their opponents. It was not unusual for these dogs to be fed a diet of blood and raw meat, and to be kept in complete darkness apart from the few hours a day they spent training with their handlers. To further enhance the dogs' eagerness for the kill, handlers forced them to run on a stationary treadmill with a weaker animal in front of them, but just out of reach. At the end of the exercise, the dogs were allowed to kill the animal as their reward. During the course of a dog fight, the dogs were expected to fearlessly hurl themselves at their opponents without flinching or hesitation. If a dog turned away, it was viewed as a weakness and could be grounds for forfeit. Even if the hesitant animal was lucky enough to survive the encounter, he was still not out of the woods. Many handlers killed their own dogs because they believed a dog that hesitated even once could no longer be relied on to fight with the verve and tenacity the sport required. When English immigrants came to America, their dogs came with them. Not surprisingly, dog fighting was common in America throughout the 19th century. However, as the immigrants traveled west, the pit bull took on a broader and more humane function. On the frontier, pit bulls assumed the role of an all-purpose dog. In addition to herding cattle and sheep they served as faithful guardians, protecting families and livestock from the ever-present threat of thieves and wild animals. Despite their gallant history, pit bulls faced an uphill battle in gaining official recognition. The American Kennel Club was formed in 1884 for the sole purpose of promoting the interests of purebred dogs and their owners. To accomplish this, they sponsored events designed to test various breeds in the areas of performance and conformation. Conformation events judge the dogs according to the breed standard - a pre-established set of guidelines that describe the most-highly valued physical characteristics of each breed. Performance events, on the other hand, test the dogs according to the function for which they were bred. Some of the more common performance categories include the working, sporting, and herding categories. The performance events created an immediate problem for the pit bull since the function for which they were bred - fighting - was illegal. Furthermore, the AKC understandably refused to remotely endorse anything related to dog fighting. In response to the AKC's unwillingness to include pit bulls as a bonafide breed, in 1898 an alternative group was formed - the UKC (United Kennel Club). The purpose of the UKC was to certify breeds that were not eligible for certification by the AKC. Not surprisingly, the UKC's charter member was the American Pit Bull Terrier. Ultimately the AKC did recognize the pit bull in 1936, albeit under the designation of the Staffordshire Terrier, named after the region of England where the crossbreeding of bulldogs and terriers is thought to have begun. Today, the AKC continues to include the American Staffordshire Terrier in its registry, although ironically this has now developed into a breed that is distinct from its American Pit Bull Terrier cousin. Over the years, the American Pit Bull Terrier has been a beloved symbol of Americana. In World War I, a pit bull named Stubby captured the heart of the nation. Stubby was the unofficial mascot of the 102nd Infantry Division and was credited with saving the lives of several of his human comrades. For his valiant service, Stubby won several medals and was even awarded the rank of sergeant! He came home from the war to a hero's welcome and went on to become the mascot for Georgetown University. Over the years, many famous Americans have owned pit bulls. Mark Twain, Theodore Roosevelt, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Thomas Edison, Woodrow Wilson, John Steinbeck, Helen Keller, and Fred Astaire have all been proud to own dogs of this breed. The actor Ken Howard (the father on the TV show Crossing Jordan) even credits his pit bull with saving his life. Pit bulls have crept in the hearts of Americans through a variety of ways. For years, RCA recording company looked to a pit bull as its corporate logo. Similarly, Buster Brown Shoes used a pit bull as the cornerstone of their marketing campaign. But, perhaps the most famous pit bull was Petey, the adorable ring-eyed cutey featured on the TV show Little Rascals. In no time at all, Petey secured a place alongside Alfalfa, Spanky, and the other rascals as a national treasure. A little known fact about Petey is that his telltale ring actually changed form one eye to the next between seasons of the TV show. Although no one knows for sure why this happened, it is rumored that the original Petey was poisoned and was replaced by a look-a-like, or at least a look-a-like with markings that necessitated the eye change. Today, the American Pit Bull Terrier is a beloved animal that is used in a variety of helping functions in society including police dogs, search dogs, therapy dogs, and farm dogs. Even so, negative publicity has led many cities to condemn them as a community problem. This perception has been supported by the prevalence of illegal dog fighting in cities and small towns across America. In recent years, gangs have taken a fancy to dog fighting and elevated the ownership of trained fighting dogs as a status symbol. Pit bulls have born the brunt of the backlash because of their popularity with dog fighters. This has caused the public to demand legislative action against pit bulls. Yielding to the pressure of their constituents, public officials have banned pit bulls in many civil jurisdictions and others are following suit including insurance companies who reserve the right to cancel a homeowner's policy if it is learned that a pit bull resides on the premises. The negative treatment of pit bulls in our society is unfortunate to say the least. Pit bulls and people can live harmoniously if given the chance. Training is an important consideration in pit bull ownership. The history of the breed demonstrates that unless he is properly trained and socialized at a young age, this strong-minded dog will quickly attempt to dominate the household. However, with the proper training the American Pit Bull Terrier can be a remarkably loyal and valued member of the family. Sources Consulted: Dr. Dieter Fleig, The History of Fighting Dogs, trans. by William Charlton, (Neptune, NJ: TFH Publications, 1996) D. Caroline Coile, Pit Bulls for Dummies, (Indianapolis, Indiana: Wiley Publishing Inc., 2001) American Pit Bull Registry (http://www.pitbullregistry.com/Pit%20Bull%20History.htm) BulldogBreeds.com (http://www.bulldogbreeds.com/americanpitbullterrier.html) The Bulldog Information Library - Molossars (http://www.bulldoginformation.com/ molossers-mastiff-type-dogs.html) Dog Owner's Guide - American Pit Bull Terrier (http://www.canismajor.com/ dog/amerpit.html) The Real Pit Bull (http://www.realpitbull.com/history.html) Author: This article was researched and written by Timothy Morral for Pitbull 411. Copyright Notice: This content is owned and copyrighted by Pitbull411.com. This article cannot be redistributed or posted elsewhere without permission.
Leash laws cause dog bites, it's as simple as that. Around the world, responsible dog owners are facing breed bans, strict leash laws, and brutal restrictions that make properly socializing their dogs nearly impossible. What happened to the concept of "man's best friend"? When did the world start hating dogs? To figure out how this anti-dog sentiment has grown to absurd levels, we must look objectively at the changes in how we keep dogs in human society. To quickly summarize, it is clear to us that leashes cause aggressive behaviours, when used inappropriately. All the evidence shows that tethering dogs is unethical. Most experts equate the "fight" response in dogs to this sense of being unable to flee, whether tied to a fixed object or the dog's owner via a leash. Dogs who know they can't flee will often feel the need to fight, it's as simple as that. Since leash laws were enacted, many people now seem to believe that since dogs must be leashed, they don't have to "train" their dogs...they simply physically control them with a leash. Clearly, those who use leashes in an attempt to control their dogs are the ones with the dogs that must be physically restrained. These kinds of dogs are not the ones you'd want to meet walking down the street or living next door. Properly raised dogs have no need for a leash. They're trained. They respond to verbal commands, with no "need" for a physical restraint of any kind. Again, now that leashes are mandatory in most communities, many dog owners don't even attempt to properly train their dogs. Instead, they simply use leashes to attempt to control them. ...Bad idea... Now, certainly it is possible to teach a dog to pretty much ignore a leash. Hundreds of thousands of North American dogs walk obediently beside their owners with or without leashes. More importantly, they don't feel threatened by non-threatening situations, thus negating the desire to either fight or flee. That is just one of the benefits of proper socialization. But ethical dog trainers sometimes wonder aloud why it is not only acceptable but mandatory to affix a rope around the delicate neck of a dog in order to leave the owners' property? Afterall, the overwhelming majority of aggression incidents occur on private property, not out in public where leash laws apply, and involve people who know the dog and are voluntarily interacting with it at the time, not strangers passing by on sidewalks or in public parks. Sure, irresponsible dog owners might let their dogs run amok without leash laws. That's why leash laws were created. But shouldn't those individuals be the ones penalized, and not the rest of us who find it abhorrent to strap a rope around the necks of our perfectly behaved and well-mannered dogs? To better understand the issue, let's look back at how leash laws impact dog owners. In the first half of the 20th century, dogs were seen as little more than possessions. They lived half as long as they do today (in many cases), and they were allowed to roam loose in their neighbourhoods. Back in those days, serious dog attacks were rare. But when dogs are not properly supervised, they behave...well...like dogs. They dig and bark and chase; all behaviours that are frowned upon by most citizens.
Ten Facts About Pit Bulls Every One Should Know 1. Pit Bulls are commonly used as therapy dogs. Whether they are visiting a senior care facility or helping someone recover from an emotional accident, Pit Bulls are making a mark as outstanding therapy dogs. 2. Pit Bulls are used in Search and Rescue work. One example of well known SAR Pit Bulls is Kris Crawford and her dogs. Kris and her dogs have helped save the lives of many people during their efforts. http://www.ForPitsSake.org 3. Pit Bulls serve as narcotic and bomb sniffing dogs. One Pit Bull, Popsicle (named that because he was found in an old freezer) has the largest recorded single drug find in Texas history. Read more about Popsicle here. Including how he found over 3,000 lbs of cocaine in Hildago, Texas. 4. Pit Bulls are great with kids. They weren't referred to as the "nanny's dog" for nothing that's for sure. 5. Pit Bulls are not human aggressive. The American Pit Bull Terrier as a breed is not human aggressive. In fact, quite the opposite is true of the breed. They are gentle and loving dogs. Like any dog individuals can be unsound and have behavior problems. 6. The Pit Bull was so popular in the early 1900's they were our mascot not only in World War One, but World War Two as well. They were featured on recruiting and propoganda posters during this time period. 7. Sgt. Stubby. A Pit Bull war hero. Stubby was wounded in action twice, he saved his entire platoon by warning them of a poison gas attack and he single handedly captured a German spy. 8. Pete the Pup on the orginal Little Rascals was a Pit Bull. 9. Pit Bulls score an 83.4% passing rate with the American Temperament Test Society. That's better than the popular Border Collie (a breed who scores 79.6%). 10. They are dogs not killing machines
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