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What Turns Women "ON"

What Turns Women "On" >If you'd like to master the art of triggering ATTRACTION in women, then it's important for you to learn how to use "Sexual Communication". Here are a bunch of great tips, plus some interesting video clips that will help you... http://www.DatingTechniques.com/e/17842/SexualCommunication/?cid=3ZDZZZ&lid=1 AN INTERESTING STORY (OR SO)... There are two basic stories for how men and women "start off" together, and two basic stories for how men and women "end up". Through all of time, I'm sure that men and women have been playing out these stories... and I'm sure that they'll continue to play them out long into the future (that is, unless I have something to say about it... and I do). THE MEETING STORIES Here's "Meeting Story #1": Boy is attracted to girl. Unfortunately, boy doesn't have a clue about how to make girl feel ATTRACTION for him... so, instead he tries to "pursue" girl by offering her dinners, gifts, and flowers. Girl finds boy "nice", but there are no "sparks", so she "just likes him as a friend". Here's "Meeting Story #2": Boy is attracted to girl. Fortunately for him, boy understands ATTRACTION, and begins to communicate with girl in a way that makes her feel a powerful physical and emotional response for boy that she can't control. The sparks fly, and boy and girl "get together". As I'm sure you know... In story #1, GIRL is in total control of the situation and both of them know it. In story #2, BOY is the one who's in control of the situation. THE STORIES OF HOW THINGS "END UP" Let's assume that somehow, boy and girl actually "get together". Things usually go one of two ways after that... Here's "End Up Story #1": Boy and girl get together. Boy realizes that he "REALLY likes" girl. Boy begins to act more and more predictable. Boy starts to share "how he feels" about girl too often. Boy becomes more and more submissive. Girl loses that feeling of ATTRACTION that she once had for boy and has no way of explaining or understanding why. Girl leaves boy and boy is left wondering what happened. Here's "End Up Story #2": Boy and girl get together. Boy understands that no matter how much he likes girl, he cannot let himself become a Wussy who chases girl around "sharing how he feels" and becomes boring. Boy keeps the relationship interesting and he keeps challenging girl. Boy stays in control of himself, and by understanding his role as "The Man" in the relationship, keeps girl interested and attracted to him into the future. And again, as I'm sure you know... In story #1, GIRL is in total control of the situation and both of them know it. In story #2, BOY is the one who's in control of the situation. If you look at your experience with women, I'm sure you'll see that these short stories describe MOST of the experiences you've had. Now, of course there are slight twists and variations, but the message is clear: YOU MUST UNDERSTAND HOW ATTRACTION WORKS FOR WOMEN... AND HOW TO KEEP THE ATTRACTION GOING WHEN YOU MEET A WOMAN YOU REALLY LIKE. If you don't understand ATTRACTION and how it works, then you are destined to keep playing out these same stories for the rest of your life. It's very unlikely that you'll stumble upon the "magic solution" by accident... ATTRACTION IS DIFFERENT FOR WOMEN THAN IT IS FOR MEN - VERY DIFFERENT The reality is that you CAN stop this negative pattern if you WANT to. But the key is: 1) Understanding how ATTRACTION works for WOMEN. 2) Understanding YOURSELF, so you don't ALLOW yourself to act like a Wussy, become boring and turn a good thing into a bad one... but instead you do the RIGHT things to keep everything on the right track. If you know how to make a woman feel ATTRACTION for you, then you can control your destiny with women. If you DON'T know how to make a woman feel ATTRACTION for you, then you cannot control your destiny with women. Read that paragraph again, and think about it for a minute before you go on. OK, so I mentioned that ATTRACTION is very different for women than it is for men. Different how? What do I mean by that? ... Well, generally speaking, for a woman, ATTRACTION is a PROCESS... not an "event". It happens over time, and it becomes stronger or weaker depending upon how well the man in the situation understands how it works. For a man, ATTRACTION is much more of an "event", meaning that it's either there or it isn't. It really doesn't matter whether or not the woman understands how it works. (As an interesting side note, if a woman really knows how ATTRACTION works, and her intention is to manipulate a man, it usually works VERY well.) So, think of a woman's "Attraction Mechanism" more like a volume knob than a light switch. It's like a fantastic, classy old car that needs to warm up for a long time before you can drive it... not like a brand new Honda that you can start up and get right on the freeway with. Here's a little secret about women and ATTRACTION: If you'll just take a little longer in every situation to AMPLIFY a woman's ATTRACTION, she'll love you for it... and you'll experience rewards that will make the extra time you spent seem like the best investment of your entire life. Here are a few specific tips for you for the "Meeting Phase": 1) Start with something STRONG, not WEAK. When a guy finds a girl interesting, he usually turns into a ball of nervous mush. Then, he usually makes the mistake of letting the woman KNOW that he's nervous and weak. Don't do it. Do something STRONG. Challenge her. If she thinks that she's cool, make fun of her. If she's smart, argue with her a little. If she's doing something, tell her that you could do it better. When you PUSH a little, and show some BACKBONE, she'll push back. That's your sign that the GAME IS ON. If you just chase after her like the 100 other Wussies that have been bothering her this week, you will just be another boring, predictable face in the crowd. 2) Keep the TENSION UP. One of my favorite concepts is "Never let the line go slack". This means that once you SPARK the "chemistry" or "sexual tension", you need to KEEP IT UP. Just because she starts doing things that hint to you that she's interested, doesn't mean that it's time to STOP. Quite the opposite, actually. Turn UP the volume a little. It's working, so do more! Sexual Tension is SO important that I've actually devoted an entire "language" and way of thinking about it. If you want to learn how to create Sexual Tension, then use it to really amplify ATTRACTION and arousal, then take a minute and look at this: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/e/17842/SexualCommunication/?cid=3ZDZZZ&lid=2 3) Tease. The word "tease" has a couple of meanings. One of the meanings has to do with doing things that are slightly annoying to get a response from someone. The other meaning is subtly different and has to do with drawing out a response that you want by doing certain things that indirectly trigger it. Do both. If you're about to kiss her, wait until your lips are so close that you can almost feel her... and then STOP. Pull away, and smile. If you want to know how she feels about you, say, "You LOVE me" in a condescending tone of voice, and see how she responds. If she says "NO I DON'T!" in an exaggerated, mocking way, then she probably DOES "love" you. Teasing is fantastic. Do more of it. And here are a few tips for the "End Up" phase: 1) Never become BORING. Being predictable and boring is a cardinal sin when it comes to ATTRACTION. Don't do either. Of course, telling a man not to be predictable is like telling a dog not to hump your leg. Most guys are PAINFULLY predictable. We LIKE being predictable, actually. I get it. But, when it comes to a woman you enjoy, you'd better figure out a way to STOP IT. There's nothing that will kill the sparks faster than her knowing what you're about to do or say. 2) Don't hand over control. Women like men who make decisions and take the lead. Now, I'm not saying that women like men who are overly controlling. What I am saying is that women don't like guys who are always saying things like, "I don't know, what do YOU want to do, baby?". Women don't want men that they can control, so don't be one. 3) Respect yourself and keep your own interests. When a guy meets a woman he likes, he often wants to spend as much time as possible with her. This is natural, of course. But there's a big danger here as well. If you put your life aside for a woman, you will become less interesting to HER. In the long run, it's MUCH better to keep your friends, your interests, and your hobbies, and to spend time doing the things you enjoy... WITHOUT HER. And I think it's VERY important to keep improving yourself as a person, and continue to be a guy that she can look up to and respect. As soon as you start acting like she's going to be around forever, she'll start feeling less and less ATTRACTION for you. THE BIGGER PICTURE Now, as you read these examples, can you see the bigger picture forming? Can you see the deeper message? The deeper message is that you need to understand how ATTRACTION works for women and you need to do those things that keep the ATTRACTION BUILDING FOREVER. Now, where does this all begin? It begins with YOU. And it begins with you learning how to control yourself and your emotions. It begins with you understanding the history of how and why men and women become attracted to each other. It begins with you learning the basics of how to use subtle body language and communication to make women feel ATTRACTION for you. And what's the best way to get this "in depth" education? You need to get some of your "Inner Game" issues handled, and you need to learn how to really get control of your emotional life. If this is you, then I recommend you check out my "Deep Inner Game" program. This program is jam-packed with tools and techniques for fixing self image problems, improving self-esteem, overcoming fear of women... and everything in between. This is the BOMB when it comes to working on your Inner Game, and you can go watch some great preview video clips here: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/e/17842/DeepInnerGame/?cid=3ZDZZZ&lid=3 If you'd like to learn the "secret language of Attraction", then I highly recommend that you get your hands on a copy of my "Sexual Communication" DVD program. Inside this program I'll teach you all about a "secret" language that has been used all around you, all your life... you just never knew about it. I'll show you how to spark attraction, build sexual tension and chemistry, and take things to the next level... using powerful (but subtle) body language cues and other techniques. Discovering "Sexual Communication" was one of the most important steps on my own journey to success with women and dating, and I'd like you to check out this program... so I can teach you what I've learned. All the details, plus some great previews are here: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/e/17842/SexualCommunication/?cid=3ZDZZZ&lid=4 If you're fascinated with the topic of ATTRACTION, and you'd like to get an in-depth education on it, then you need to go and download my latest eBook "Attraction Isn't A Choice". You can download it now and be reading it within a few minutes. Download it here: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/e/17842/AttractionBook/?cid=3ZDZZZ&lid=5 I'll talk to you again soon. Your Friend, David D.
How To Date Women "Out Of Your League" >Men tend to base attraction on LOOKS, and women tend to base attraction on "chemistry" and "sexual tension"... and other things that involve your PERSONALITY. If you'd like to learn the secret to creating attraction with women that are "out of your league", then go and read THIS: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/e/17842/SexualCommunication/?cid=ZZZ3ZM&lid=1 ***DATING QUESTION FROM A READER*** Dear Dave, I was very skeptical of your approach, but I have been trying C & F routine recently and it has been working like a charm. Your CD is incredible with information that builds on your book. An example of C & F happened recently. Women always make comments of my age and how I appear much younger than my age (i'm in my mid-thirties but appear to be 24-25). Before reading your book and listening to your CD, I would simply laugh or say thank you if a woman said I looked a lot younger than my age. Recently I was out with my friends and this good-looking woman said the same comment. My response was "come on, I'm not going to fall for a line that. You women just want me for my youthful looks". Then I continued busting on her and left with her e-mail. My friends were all shocked by my exchange with her and my success. I have a question though Dave. What if a woman, in the conversation with you, states she does not like a certain type of guy; for example she says she likes tall guys but one happens to be short. Can you give be a couple of examples of turning a perceived deficit (height, lack of hair, etc) into Cocky and funny responses? Thanks a million, Disciple in Training in D.C. >>>MY COMMENTS: First of all, I really enjoy the way you've turned the issue of looking younger around and framed it as a woman's pathetic attempt to pick you up and use you. This is CLASSIC Cocky & Funny, and it does all the right things... it creates sexual tension, humor and a challenge all at the same time. Very nice. But the part of your email that I really like is the QUESTION you've asked. You've asked: "What if a woman, in the conversation with you, states she does not like a certain type of guy; for example she says she likes tall guys but one happens to be short. Can you give be a couple of examples of turning a perceived deficit (height, lack of hair, etc) into Cocky and Funny responses?" Here's something that you must remember: IF YOU BEHAVE AS IF WHAT A WOMAN THINKS OF YOU IS IMPORTANT, THEN YOU'LL BE VERY LIKELY TO DO SOMETHING TO MAKE HER NOT FEEL ATTRACTION TOWARDS YOU. Remember, ATTRACTION isn't a "logical" process. It really doesn't make very much sense (until you understand how it works, that is). Just because a woman SAYS that she doesn't "like" a certain "type" of guy doesn't mean that she can't feel a POWERFUL ATTRACTION for a guy of this "type". Are you with me here? ATTRACTION is an emotional and physical RESPONSE. A "type" is a PREFERENCE. They are TWO TOTALLY DIFFERENT THINGS. Here's a good example: Women are universally more interested in taller men. If you ask a woman what "type" of "height" ISN'T her type, she'll say something like "short guys" or "guys who are shorter than me" etc. I have NEVER met a woman in my entire life who said "I like shorter guys". Never. But guess what? I have at least 4 or 5 friends who are in the 5'2" to 5'6" range that are UNBELIEVABLE with women. They ALL date beautiful women who are taller than them. So what's going on here? ATTRACTION is what's going on. So, when you ask me how to use a Cocky & Funny line to turn a "perceived deficit" around, the FIRST thing I have to say is, "Stop thinking of it as a deficit". First, you need to stop caring what a woman thinks of you ALL-TOGETHER. Completely. Totally. 100%. If you care what she thinks of you, then you're probably going to start acting like a total WUSS, and you're going to screw things up INSTANTLY. Women don't feel ATTRACTION for men who look to them for approval. Women feel ATTRACTION for men who are strong, independent, and not affected by the opinions of others. As a note, you can learn an entire SYSTEM for overcoming these "mental limitations"... and you can also learn how to build a rock-solid self-image that will be INCREDIBLY attractive to women. If this is something you need to get handled, then go and read this: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/e/17842/DeepInnerGame/?cid=ZZZ3ZM&lid=2 So, based on this new perspective, here are a few ways that you could handle a situation like this one... 1) NOT CARE AT ALL One of the things you could do is to not address the comment at all... as if it didn't even exist. A mistake many people make is thinking that they MUST take every communication that another person takes seriously and then RESPOND to it. Not so. You don't have to do ANYTHING if you don't want to. So, if a woman says, "I like tall guys", you can just act as if it had never been said and continue with your conversation, getting her email/number, or whatever. By the way, this concept can be EXTREMELY useful in other situations as well. For instance, if a woman starts getting upset about something and being overly dramatic, one great thing to do is NOTHING AT ALL. Just sit there and don't respond at all. Then, when it settles down a little, just continue your conversation as if nothing had happened (Oh, and stop hanging out with dramatic, overly-emotional women too, you dork!). 2) BRING IT UP BEFORE HER In this case, you're talking about height. One way to deal with this is to bring it up before she does. As soon as you start talking say, "Well, you're taller than me... I'm over it, are you yet?" This says a few things. It says that you know what's going on... it says you're confident... and it shows that you're not afraid to deal with it. It also addresses the issue in such a way that you'll know where she stands on it. If she just CAN'T get past it, she'll tell you. 3) MAKE IT HER PROBLEM Here's a place to use Cocky & Funny. - You might say, "Wow, you're kind of a freak. I think something like 1% of women are as tall as you. It must suck trying to find nice pants, huh? You have to wear all those weird pants made for freaks and stuff." Or, if she's talking about a trait that she's attracted to, point out the negative sides of that trait in a Cocky & Funny way. Maybe she says, "I like men who know how to treat a lady special, take her nice places, and who pay for everything to show that they're a gentleman". You might say, "Oh, so what you're telling me is that you like men who basically pay for your attention with money and gifts... how romantic." ...The one thing that you'll find at the bottom of all the ideas that I've just presented is FIRST OF ALL, NOT CARING WHAT SHE THINKS OF YOU. I know that it's a paradox... you obviously want her to like you, but you have to not care what she thinks of you. Well, get over it. Women aren't attracted to men who are APPROVAL SEEKERS. And if a woman throws out a comment like, "I like tall guys", you must first learn to NOT CARE, and not let it impact you emotionally. Then you'll be free to redirect the conversation and decide if she's the kind of woman that YOU would like to go out with. By the way, when you are interacting with a woman, one of the MOST IMPORTANT FACTORS that will determine whether or not she will feel ATTRACTION for you is YOUR BELIEFS AND HOW YOU COMMUNICATE THEM. And you are constantly communicating your beliefs with your body language, voice tone, words, topics, questions, and everything else you do. In my Advanced Dating Techniques CD/DVD Program I spend literally HOURS going into some of the things you need to understand and do to communicate your inner beliefs in such a way that they lead to a woman feeling that magical emotion called ATTRACTION for you. This material will truly blow your mind. It took me over 5 YEARS to really figure it all out and then put it together and explain it... and I absolutely guarantee that this material will make you feel powerful and excited about meeting women... and of course it will also give you all the specific tools, techniques and specifics that you'll need to do it as well. Go to: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/e/17842/AdvancedSeries/?cid=ZZZ3ZM&lid=3 ...for some great free samples and all the details. And if you haven't downloaded my online eBook "Double Your Dating" yet, then you need to go and do that RIGHT NOW. It's the base and the foundation of everything I teach, and you can download it RIGHT NOW and be reading it within a few minutes. Go download it here: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/e/17842/eBook/?cid=ZZZ3ZM&lid=4 And I'll talk to you again in a couple of days. Your Friend, David D.
The Most DANGEROUS Mistake You Can Make With A Woman >What is a woman's BIGGEST frustration with the men she dates? Well, if you ask MOST women, they will tell you that they can't find any REAL MEN these days. It's a bit, frustrating problem. If you want to learn what a "Real Man" is, plus find out how to show this side of yourself to a woman, then take a minute and read this: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/e/17842/OnBeingAMan/?cid=3ZVZZZ&lid=1 ***QUESTION*** Hi Dave, I just bought the advanced CD series & it's amazing what a difference they make over the book. Being able to listen on the way to work, whilst out doing chores, etc. is cool. I can feel the confidence building inside me, it's like my own personal coach. The C&F doesn't come naturally to me at present so I've taken your advice and am using the Internet as a 'woman simulator' in order to practice. I've had mixed results so far, I think a few took the teasing the wrong way as some of them would suddenly stop replying. I must be better at the C&F than I thought though. The first time I went on this site I was chatting to a few girls and one of them ended up giving me her mobile and asking if we could go for coffee before I had chance to. Anyway my question: You suggest that a date should simply be 'tea & stimulating conversation', which for all of the reasons you give makes perfect sense to me. But once I've done the tea & conversation with this girl, do you have any suggestions for other dates where I can come across as the 'lover' instead of the 'provider'. The only one where I wouldn't end up having to shell out (buy her stuff) that I can think of is a walk along the river or something, but that's rather dependant on the weather. Thanks for changing my life. AIB - London, UK >>>MY COMMENTS: Yeah, well you're welcome for the "changing your life" thing. Glad to help. Now, you're kind of mixing up a couple of concepts that I never intended to "depend" on one another... If you want to know where to take a woman for dates, that shouldn't be confused with whether or not you come across as a "lover" personality, and not a "provider" personality to her. Let me ask you something... what is a "date"? What do you think that the purpose of a "date" is? Now, I call my material "Double Your Dating", but what I DON'T mean is "take women out to dinner twice as much as you used to". The word "Dating" is simply a word that all of us guys understand to mean as "romantic interactions with women". So I use it. But if you want to have more romantic interactions with women, that does NOT mean that you need to "take women out on dates" in order to do it. Are you with me? I mean, what do couples do a year after they get together...? They stay home most of the time, do normal things like go shopping, and generally behave like they did before they met. This whole "going out to dinner" ritual is really an amazing concept. It's awesome how powerful it is... and how guys really believe that they need to do it (or similar things) in order to get a woman's attention in a romantic way. Here's the bottom line: If you want a woman to think of you as a "lover", then BE ONE. If you want her to think of you as a provider, then just BE ONE. What you haven't quite realized fully yet is that when you know how to trigger ATTRACTION in a woman, all the "normal" rules go away. If a woman feels that powerful emotional ATTRACTION for you, then she'll do ANYTHING with you... just to be in your presence and have your attention. If you have dialed up the ATTRACTION, then all you need to say is "come over here". No dates required. Now, if you buy her dinner 10 times, call her 3 times a day, and chase her around, then it will be EXPECTED that you continue this pattern... and provide for her. NOTE: If you're buying a woman dinner twice a week, giving her flowers, calling her every day, and basically "chasing" her, then you can be about 80% sure that there's another guy in the picture... but guess what? He's the one who SHE calls, and he's the one who says "Come over later, I'm busy now"... no dates required. If you want to be a LOVER to a woman, then DO IT. You don't need to wait until the third time out for coffee or tea. You'll learn that ATTRACTION doesn't have a timeline. It happens VERY QUICKLY, if you know how to trigger it... and you don't need a lot of "date ideas" once you do. And now that I've avoided your question for a page or two, let me answer with this: I often take women to do "regular" things with me. I'll take them to the grocery store to shop with me, out to the mall to pick things up, and down to the bookstore to buy a book. First, start BEING the LOVER immediately. Then, notice how women DON'T CARE what you do together, as long as she's with you. ***SUCCESS STORY*** David, Just wanted to say that after reading your material, I experienced a mental shift. I now see situations in terms of: was I self-referenced (C & F Man) or externally referenced (wussie boy)? It is now very clear that success in anything comes to leaders not followers and women hate dealing with followers. For example look at little boys dealing with little girls when they are playing together. They boss them around, make them play by their rules and those girls grow up expecting men to lead them. Just watch any John Garfield or Lee Marvin movie. Leaders get the girl, wussies get to be used and discarded. I've made my choice. Thanks David E from Chi >>>MY COMMENTS: Good. Now help me get the word out to the other 3 billion guys on the planet. You're right. Women don't like men who are FOLLOWERS. Women aren't ATTRACTED to men who are FOLLOWERS. But guess what? Most men FOLLOW anyway. Thanks for reminding us that we need to LEAD. Leading creates ATTRACTION. Following creates the curious dry feeling. ***SUCCESS STORY*** Dave-- I definitely have to give it to you. You are "da shizznitt", lol. Your DYD DVD series has really changed my entire life.I now feel like I am in control of "My World". I was a little hesitant about buying your product... but I just said "What the Hell...What can I loose???" I am military and in my spare time I am a bartender. You know what that means... I see females out the izzass, lol. I was working one night and a female came up to one of my fellow bartenders to order something and while getting her drink... she asked told him..." all these guys are staring at me. Do you think i'm cute?" Now normally if I were in his shoes and hadn't learned what you taught me... I would have melted and told her that she was the finest thing to step foot on this base... case in point...that was what he said. He just bent down unzipped his pants and practically handed her his nuts. Hence, her hands being the nutcracker. I interrupted them while he was "dazed and confused" and told her "Actually they're looking at that big pimple on your forehead. She stopped and turned towards me and laughed and hit me on the arm. Then I told her not to get mad cuz I was cuter than she. She smiled and for some odd reason... she could not keep herself away from the bar. I just pretended that she was one of my friends that I tease all the time and just called her on everything that she did. Man... I couldn't believe that she was really eating this up!!! The other bartender that she was talking to first, couldn't believe that I was doing this!!! He....for some odd reason didn't GET what was going on... It was like jets flying over his head. And to show that his nuts belonged to her... he just kept trying to compliment her. She just glanced at him smiled and quickly turned her head to pay him no mind. I got her e-mail and number and she has been like putty in my hands for the past three months. I have to give it to you, Dave. You da man!!! I'm not a selfish person...so I gave him your e-mail address and hopefully he'll get your system and realize what he's been doing wrong. I should give him her e-mail address so that he can ask for his balls back, lol. But... for those who have doubts about Dave's system... I'm living proof of success. Thanks Dave!!! JR - Mexico >>>MY COMMENTS: OK, first of all, I think that you must have some kind of bizarre NUT OBSESSION, dude. And it's not right. But hey, fortunately you're on the right side of the "don't hand them over" equation, so everything seems like it might be all right for you. You've given some great examples of how to get an attractive woman's attention, tease her, and play with her to "spark" that initial sexual tension and "chemistry". Now make sure you keep it up so you're not writing me in 3 more months with the "She used the Trojan Horse De-Nutting Technique" on me. ***QUESTION*** Hey Man, What has happened to women's standards? All the beautiful babes with no neck dorks! I am a good looking guy and I can't even get a phone number. They go out with guys that weigh like 300 lbs and dress like slobs. I wear nice clothes and drive a nice car and I can't get a single date. Maybe it is where I live. In order to get a date I will have to gain 200 lbs and have someone break my nose so I am ugly enough for some girl to date me. American girls suck! They have no taste anymore! I give up! >>>MY COMMENTS: No, I think that the problem is that you whine like a whipped Biatch. Women can smell a "victim" attitude 100 miles away, and it IS NOT ATTRACTIVE. Women's "standards" are just fine. The problem isn't them, it's YOU. Now do yourself a favor and quit ACTING like a little girl, and DO SOMETHING about your situation. What, do you think that all the average and ugly guys out there who have HOT girlfriends are getting them by being ugly? The answer is "No, they're not". These guys are getting the babes because they know how to make the women feel ATTRACTION. Trust me, I know quite a few guys who are NOT exactly the picture of "handsome"... but these guys get a lot of women. Why? Because they KNOW HOW. Now quit whining, and go LEARN. ***SUCCESS STORY*** Dear Dr. D, Just wanted to drop you a quick note. I am a 34 year old and divorced using your E-book to learn how to get back into the game. Since I was raised by my parents to be a nice guy, submissive, wussy, it has been a challenge to overcome these self- destructive traits--- but I am gaining ground every day. Also, I don't have any natural ability for C&F. For the most part I am quiet and reserved----so I have needed to re-train myself in that area also. You have given me a good start by explaining attraction and what women want. I want to stress the importance of "practice". It's the only way to quickly improve your inner and outer game. What has helped me is practicing on an old girlfriend. I am sure many of your students like me have a woman that just won't let you go from an old relationship. So, I have not completely ended it for sex and companionship and she keeps me around for sex and emotional support. Anyway----to my amazing weekend: Saturday, I went out with the old girlfriend and busted on her and challenged her on many issues all night. My old self would have shut up and zoned out---not this time. I didn't put up with any of her nonsense. It ended at my place and we had an amazing double session. She is now hooked more than ever even though she knows I am seeing other people. She can't help herself. I have triggered the attraction mechanism and more importantly I know what I did to accomplish that. Sunday I spent the day with a cute girl who had responded to my Internet ad. We had only been out once before. I played the game---didn't act overly sexually interested, just enough....I used the C&F when I could, but basically kept cool. She offered to pay our lunch/cocktail bill. My old self would have foolishly denied her offer--- thinking I was the man, thinking I was being chivalrous (how foolish ;). This time I accepted without hesitation. Once back at my place I used the start and stop technique. I would get her hot, then I would back off. She would stop my hand from reaching too far so I decided that I wasn't going to push it and that tonight might not be "the night" with her so I was very relaxed. At 10:00 she was getting ready to leave. We started making out while saying goodbye----next thing I know, we were in the bedroom. It was amazing. The fun lasted all night. Today I am tired with a smile on my face. I know it worked out because I put the proper groundwork in place. By turning my sexual advances on and then off----- it really got to her. Acting as if I was evaluating her... the whole thing. Thank you for pointing me in the right direction, I am starting to get it!!! Literally ;) C Fort Lauderdale, Fl >>>MY COMMENTS: Yeah, you really are starting to GET IT. And you are RIGHT ON. This stuff takes practice and real-world experience using it before you really "get it". Too many guys are just too damned overly analytical, and want to know how to do EVERYTHING before they do ANYTHING. I used to be this way... and it cost me a lot of time and energy. It's so amazing to actually get out there and SEE results right in front of your eyes. It gets you excited and willing to try more things... and it prepares you for the future... for situations that are REALLY important. Get out there and use this stuff. Start NOW. ***QUESTION*** Dave, What does it mean when a woman says she wants to "work on herself" before she can have a relationship? >>>MY COMMENTS: The literal translation for this is: "I DON'T FEEL ATTRACTION FOR YOU, BUT I DON'T KNOW HOW TO TELL YOU WITHOUT HURTING YOUR LITTLE WUSSY BOY GIRLIE FEELINGS." Any of the following: "I need time alone right now." "I need to find ME first." "Let's just be friends for now." ...etc. mean: "I DON'T FEEL ATTRACTION." That's the bottom line. The problem is YOU, not HER. Don't be surprised if this same girl either IS or STARTS dating another guy seriously soon. If you're hearing this kind of thing often, then you need to take it as a sign that you're not triggering ATTRACTION inside of women... and, more importantly, that you need to LEARN HOW. I recommend my Advanced Dating Techniques Program. This will help eliminate these types of comments from women once and for all. Here, let me brag for a minute... I'm sitting here thinking about it, and I can't remember a woman saying one of these things to me in YEARS. Now go and get THIS right now: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/e/17842/AdvancedSeries/?cid=3ZVZZZ&lid=2 ***QUESTION*** Mr. Dave! You are the man! I have been getting your emails for about 8 months now I believe and have read your book! Just yesterday I was in the store looking at CD's and I noticed these two beautiful girls walking around and they would constantly look over towards me. As I wandered around the store more I noticed that they seemed to always show up wherever I was. So I stopped them and asked the girl that I was more attracted to "Excuse me but i'm going to have to ask you to stop stalking me." She looked at her friend like 'What is this boy talking about' and then she asked me for my name. I immediately answered "Do you really think i'm just going to give my name out to a stalker?" once again she looked like she couldn't believe I was talking to her this way. We talked about five more minutes and then I told her I had to go. She asked me if I wanted her number so we could continue the conversation. I pretended to think about it and then told her "I'm sorry but I'm just going to be way too busy to find time to call you. So If you promise to stop stalking me i'll give you my number and you can try and catch me when I have a few minutes of free time to talk." She eagerly took my number and when I got home about an hour later she had already left a message on my machine to see if I could go out with her this weekend! I was so happy because I was curious too see if I reversed the three minute phone number to give away my number instead of getting hers would work and it did! Anyway on to my question. As I stated this girl was with a friend at the store who was also very attractive and was there the whole time I was hitting up her friend. Is there anyway in these situations where you can get both girls numbers? AF- AK >>>MY COMMENTS: Nice "reverse stalker" move. I say things like this to women all the time, and they generally love it. To answer your question, YES, there's an easy way to get both girls' phone numbers. ASK. Then call and ask them BOTH to come join you for a cup of tea. Kill two birds with one stone. Then, over tea you can decide which one you like more. I've had friends who have been in similar situations report back that sometimes both women will like you... and EACH OTHER as well. I mean, what do you have to lose? 2 minutes of getting a phone number? Look, your question was based in fear. Fear that you'd offend one or both of the women, and then lose everything. The fact is that you never HAD anything. A phone number is easy to get. If you feel like asking both women for their numbers, do it. If you feel like asking them both to join you for tea, do it. You get to make the rules. ***SUCCESS STORY*** David, I received your DVD series about a month ago and have watched it in its entirety a few times. I've noticed a strange circumstance since then, similar to what Napoleon Hill says about how when you choose a definite major purpose in life, ways and means of attaining that purpose seem to magically appear to you. When I've been in situations where I wasn't actually interacting with a woman and laying on the C&F, they've still been acting attracted to me despite the fact that I consciously did NOTHING in these situations. For example: - A bar/restaurant I hit about once a week has a very hot waitress staff, and one in particular is a Pam Anderson clone who's always being stared at and complimented by all the wussy guys. She's been working at least a dozen times that I've been in there but has never acted like she even noticed me until the last time (since I've watched the DVDs) and she kept looking at me, over and over again, despite the fact that I did NOTHING different. Finally I gave her the "wrinkled brow" suspicious look and she got all self-conscious, said "what?" and I came right back with "if you're gonna be that forward and flirty with me you could've at least done your hair up a little better" and then it was ON! - I met some friends for happy hour and a very hot chick was sitting at a table holding some guy's hand. Every other guy in the place was staring at her and she was so hot that I even overheard some of the waitresses trashing her. The thing is, I had been watching the DVDs that same day and came walking in with a particularly cocky swagger and the wrinkled brow and she stared me down the whole way in. Then she would not stop looking over at me while she was holding this dude's hand, he was obviously a Wussy since he saw what was going on and did nothing (I guess he's the guy she uses for free dinners while she's banging the real men). At one point she even took the long way to the bathroom to walk by me and flirt but with the Wussy watching there was no op to get the info... hopefully I run into her again. It's obvious that just watching the DVD series gives one an aura of confidence, since I did nothing in these situations but show up. Kinda like reading Comedy Writing Secrets then suddenly being funnier without actually thinking about it and trying. Simply watching and learning this material opens doors for you without trying! FR Phoenix >>>MY COMMENTS: Ah, you're tapping into the power of the mind here. One of the BIG benefits of learning all of the material that I teach in my programs is the changes that naturally occur inside your mind. Once you see things differently, you begin to BEHAVE differently as well. And it will happen automatically. Now, I don't mean to sound new-agey here, but this is the reality of the situation. Women can pick up on subtle body language that most men don't even know EXISTS. When you start "mentally rehearsing" some of the things you learn from my programs, you will automatically act differently when you're in future situations with women. Great job, and keep it up. And make sure you send in some future Success Stories, as I'm sure you're going to have many. ***SUCCESS STORY*** Hey Dave, Blah blah blah, I shamelessly compliment you, you feel like a deity... there we're done. Your book would be worth it's weight in gold, even if it were made of lead! I stumbled onto your site by accident. A month before, I was Let's Just BeFriended for being "too nice", and this was with an UGLY thing too! eh... I was desperate. I actually laughed at those "losers" for getting slapped on the arm and called a**hole, and later, I thought the chicks were idiots for dating them!! I'm better now. After reading your book it was like the heavens were parted and g*d HIMself bitch slapped the wuss right out of me! Thanks. Not only am I getting slapped, bitten, chewed on, and fought over, I am LOVING it too! Just the other day I was in a bookstore, and an old friend (read "hot chick") of mine came in, I thought, 'hey I am here just being my new self, lets try something', so I walked over to her, said hi, and then said "I didn't expect to see a beautiful young woman here" she said "aww that's so sweet" (read "you wussy") but then I did something that has been working really well for me, I busted on her. I said "maybe I still will" Slap on arm, AND big smile. She was wearing this rather large skirt with ruffles, so I said "wow... I didn't know the parachute look was still in" while obviously staring at it. Another slap on arm, this time laughing. Later she asked if I got my hair cut (I hadn't) she said it "whatever it is, its really attractive." There is this coffee shop in the store, so we had "stimulating conversation" a little while went by, and she asked me to go to her car with her, so she could "show me a new piece of art." well needless to say, we are still "appreciating art" together, and its been two months! So the question is... Will complimenting the ladies then busting on whatever I just complimented work the same as if not complimenting at all? >>>MY COMMENTS: Ahhh, one of my favorites... Giving a woman a compliment, then putting a backhanded twist on it. "Wow, your shoes are cute. Did you buy them new?" "Your hair is pretty. Did your mom do it for you?" "Nice car. If you're homeless." Pick up any modern men's magazine and you'll get a bunch of good ideas for this type of thing. Cocky & Funny can be very powerful once you learn how to use it. Great example, and thank you. ***QUESTION*** Hey Dave, I have been reading your emails and have purchased your ebook and have read and studied from both. I would 'study' areas I felt I was weak in or would that be wussy in, to improve, naturally, but would read everything for as much knowledge as I could absorb. Well, I have a success story but with a slight twist to it. The twist is my success was due to playing off of 2 other guys' failures. I went to a club in a part of town I normally do not go to. Not that it is a bad part of town I just never thought of going there. I went by myself, so on my own, no one for moral support, in a place I have never been before. Talk about giving your ideas the acid test, this was going to be it. I was looking down at the dance floor getting into the music and noticed behind me two girls sitting at a table. I then noticed 2 guys approach and one started to talk to one of the girls. The other guy was just standing there looking at girl #2 trying to get up the nerve to say something, from what I could tell, since I was that way myself in a not so distant past. I just turned away and didn't pay much attention but after 10 mins or so the same guy talking to girl #1 is not making any headway. Guy 2 still had his wuss game going so no change there. I decided to ask girl # 2 to dance but wanted to get her attention and interest, as well. So I leaned over and said, "While that guy is trying to hustle your friend, whom, I might he is not doing very well, would you like to dance?" Well, this girl just cracked up laughing, she did not want to dance but did want to talk more. She went on to say that there is nothing he could say or do at this point to make her want to dance or go out with him. He just doesn't get it, she said. I went on to say I know it is crowded and a bit loud here but one should understand NO easy enough. She agreed and went on to mention how much of a loser his friend is just standing there. I then remembered a statement someone used in an email of yours and thought I would use it myself. I said to girl #2 "what's that smell, do you smell that?" She replies, "What smell?" I said, "The smell of desperation." Well, Dave, that girl laughed so hard she fell out of her chair. I helped her up and when she told me she had to tell her girl friend that and when she leaned over to talk to her I just turned away and went back to looking at the people dancing. After a bit this girl came up to me and said look at those losers they are just standing on the dance floor while people are dancing around them. They did look pretty pathetic. We talked a bit and I asked her name but I did not quite understand it since she was Latin and had a Latin name I could not make out what she said, what with all the loud music and noise. Just then some friends of hers and her girl friend's came in and she started to talk to them so again I just turned away and watched people on the dance floor. After a bit she came back and grabbed my arm and said come on I want to introduce you to my friends. After she introduces everyone to me I turn to her and ask what was your name again? Is it ludicrous? She just busted up laughing again and tried to tell me her name again. By now, she is holding my hand and we started dancing right there. We talked a bit and I told her she has to write her name down so I can pronounce correctly when I call her. She say's, "Call me?" I said, "Yes, since you are writing your name down you might as well give me your number. How else am I going to call you? Oh, and if you have email you might as well give me that also." She said, that it was cool meeting me and gave me a hug and kiss. She then went back to her friends and I just turned away and called it a night. It may not have been nice to use the 2 guys wuss behavior to my advantage but it worked. N from Miami Beach >>>MY COMMENTS: LOL... so you went off secretly to a bar alone... hoping that no one would see you testing the materials out for yourself... lol. Yeah, sometimes it's rough when other guys act like Wussy Jackasses... But hey, it makes your life easier and more fun! So what the hell, right? I have to say, one of my personal favorite things to do with women I've just met is make fun of how other guys are acting. It's particularly fun in these bar-type situations, where you can watch one interaction after another. Most guys suck at approaching women, and it makes for great humor and conversation. Of course, talking about how terrible other guys are INSTANTLY separates you from the herd, and kind of puts you in the "NON-WUSS" category all by itself. Another personal favorite of mine is to tell a girl that she should get together with one of the guys that is acting like a jackass. "I think you and that Wuss-Boy over there would make a cute couple. He looks like he needs a mom like you to tell him what to do..." etc. You've done a great job here, now keep it up. And thanks for the great example. Always remember in these situations that a big scoop of COCKY & FUNNY will make things go well. ...and if you're reading this right now and would like to take your success with women to a higher level, then I'd recommend that you check out my Advanced Dating Techniques CD/DVD Program. I guarantee that you'll be slapping yourself and saying "What the hell have I been waiting for?" If you've been dating average women, you'll start meeting SUPER hot women. If you've been running into a challenge, this program will solve it for you. And if you're reading this right now and you've been thinking of investing in my Advanced Dating Techniques CD/DVD program, then you need to do it. And the best part: I'll send it to you to "test out" at MY RISK. I'm serious. Order it, and try it out, and if you don't like it just send it back and pay nothing. I'm that confident that it's going to help you meet more women IMMEDIATELY. Really. I want you to be one of the success stories in the next Mailbag... go check out the details, and watch some great preview video clips here: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/e/17842/AdvancedSeries/?cid=3ZVZZZ&lid=3 And in this Mailbag you've also heard from a of guys who are using my original eBook "Double Your Dating" to improve their success with women and dating. It comes with three additional free bonus booklets, and it's a complete introduction to my principles and techniques. Of course, it also comes with a 100% guarantee. Go download your copy here... you can be reading it in literally a few minutes from right now: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/e/17842/eBook/?cid=3ZVZZZ&lid=4 I'll talk to you again soon. Your Friend, David D.
There is ONE dating skill that will *very* easily double, triple, or even quadruple your success with women... and I'm not kidding. I'm talking about the skill of APPROACHING WOMEN. When you have the ability to approach a woman and start a conversation with her, you IMMEDIATELY begin meeting more women every weekend that most men will meet in SIX MONTHS. Because this skill is so important, I created an in-depth program designed to teach any man not only how to approach a woman in any situation... but do so in a way that: 1. Practically eliminates ALL chance of rejection 2. Lays the groundwork for natural conversation, killing any "awkward" moments 3. Gets her to not only have a conversation with you... but feel ATTRACTION for you with in the first minutes and even SECONDS of approaching her My "Approaching Women" program is right here: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/e/17842/ApproachingWomen/?cid=ZZZ3Z4&lid=1 While this program will give you a firm grasp of the basics... we'll also go very deep into the more ADVANCED techniques as well, like: - How to approach a woman who is out with a mixed group of friends... or even another man - What you must do differently when approaching a woman who is with her girlfriends to avoid having them TURN AGAINST YOU - Specific lines and techniques for approaching women in every situation you can imagine... from the mall to the beach to the elevator... along with proven word-for-word lines that work nearly ANYWHERE - How to approach those ULTRA-HOT women in nightclubs and get them to totally open up to you... even if you are the tenth guy to hit on them that night - What to do AFTER you approach and the conversation is flowing to ensure she sees you as LOVER instead of just a friend... - And a whole lot more... Armed with the techniques and strategies in this program your life will INSTANTLY become *very* exciting... because you'll know that every Time you run across a hot woman you'll know EXACTLY what to do and what to say... But seriously... don't take my word for it. I want you to try these techniques out for yourself, at MY RISK. Get this essential program now. Use what you learn. If you don't find that your fears and frustrations around approaching women disappear FOREVER... just pack it up and send it back to me, and you won't be charged a dime. Go here for more information and to get this program now. You'll be glad you did: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/e/17842/ApproachingWomen/?cid=ZZZ3Z4&lid=2 I'll talk to you again soon. Your Friend, David D.
Tips To Getting A Girlfriend FAST >NOTE: If you would like to see all of the different programs I've created to help you learn how to approach, meet, and date the kinds of women you've always wanted, then take a minute and look at this: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/e/17842/Catalog/?cid=ZVTJZZ&lid=1 Onward... >>>THIS WEEK'S QUESTION: David, you have helped me a lot so far, and I feel like I am somewhat of a different person now compared to before by reading your dating tips etc. I met a girl not too long ago, she is a couple hours away from me, and I put to work a lot of what you had said since talking to her online, and during my meeting with her, and it all went very well. We spent two awesome nights together, and I gave her a ride up to the city on my way home, and the whole time she was playing with my hair and holding my hand. I was sad to say bye, and I tried keeping my composure saying bye to her and since when we have talked on the net, and I have tried "leaning back" more...it is hard. I even have been trying to talk to and meet other women (I might have another fun day tomorrow lol) but all the same, I like this one in particular, and I am unsure of how to bring up and try and head towards a relationship with her (at least talking with her about it) without starting to look like a wuss. I know from experience that once the wuss factor kicks in I can kiss any chance goodbye and will just be a LJBF for the girl. Do I just try playing it cool and hope she comes to me, and just try going with other girls in the meantime, or do I approach her...and if I do what do I say? I know she does have some feelings for me, I kind of brought it up (minor wuss episode). I want to on one hand be able to know how to deal with women before getting involved seriously with one, but if I met one I want already, then I would be happy with that. I think I would enjoy a long term relationship. What should I do man? Thanks for everything, you're the best. JR >>>MY COMMENTS: This is a really good question... In fact, I think that a lot of guys really wonder "Is there anything I should do DIFFERENTLY if I'd like this to turn into a relationship?" I need to mention a couple of things here before we go into this topic: 1. I don't normally talk about "relationships". This isn't because I think that there's anything wrong with them, or have something against them. In fact, I think that relationships are great, and if you're fortunate enough to find an exceptional woman (and you're the type that wants a relationship), it can be a very fulfilling part of life. I've just decided to focus on the "meeting and dating" part of the equation. There are 100 books out there on relationships, but very few on how to meet women in the first place (and in my experience, most of the relationship books aren't that great either). So, don't take my lack of addressing relationships as me thinking that you should avoid them. If you want to have a relationship, go for it. 2. The reason why I'd like to address this question is I think many guys wonder if they should do something DIFFERENT if they'd like to pursue a relationship with a woman as opposed to just dating her a few times for short-term fun. I've also noticed a pattern: When a guy starts to "like" a girl and feel the "I'd like to be in a long-term relationship with this girl" feelings, this can be a powerful emotional influence. Guys often start acting differently WITHOUT EVEN REALIZING IT, and then justify their new behavior with the good reasoning of "I really like this one". ...Soooo, I'm going to answer YOUR question by answering the question "Should I do anything DIFFERENT if I'd like this to turn into a relationship?" And hopefully in the process, you'll get a good idea of what to do in your situation. I have an idea... let's look at this from a few different perspectives. Let's think about some related questions, and work through them to come up with an answer. Here are a few that come to mind for me: "If I act like I'm NOT interested in a relationship, will that make a woman less interested in me?" "Are women automatically "turned off" by guys who aren't interested in relationships?" "Are there clues or hints that women look for to see whether you're interested in a "short term" or "long term" relationship... or a one-night stand?" "Will a woman who thinks that you're interested in a "relationship" act differently towards you if she doesn't KNOW what your intentions are?" "Is it 'OK' to be NOT interested in a relationship, but still want to meet and date a woman?" "How do women know when men ARE pursuing them for a relationship? And how do women typically respond to this?" "Is there an attitude towards this whole subject that not only works best, but is also the most healthy?" I'd like you to take a minute and answer these questions the best you can, based on your own ideas, experience, knowledge, etc. These are great questions to ask yourself on a regular basis, because they make you THINK about things in a different way. This ability to THINK ABOUT THINGS FROM DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVES will give you a much clearer outlook when you're dealing with a situation like this one. Now I'll give you my general answers... And a quick thought before I do give you my answers: If you don't KNOW the answers to these questions, and you don't already know how to trigger the type of ATTRACTION inside a woman that makes her want to be with you NO MATTER what she wants, then you really need to go and look at this right now: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/e/17842/SexualCommunication/?cid=ZVTJZZ&lid=2 I personally think that women have a basic program when it comes to men that are potential romantic interests. It says, "If he chases me, run. If he doesn't chase me, chase him." Of course, this is a big generalization, and it doesn't always hold true... but it's true enough in most situations. If you call a woman all the time, she'll probably not call you. If you take a woman to dinner 4 times in a week, she probably won't be inviting you over for dinner at her place. On the other hand, if you go out with a woman and she has a GREAT time with you, then you don't call for a couple of days, or maybe you call once for 3 minutes to tell her that you're busy and make plans for a few days later, SHE WILL BE THINKING ABOUT YOU ALL THE TIME. I also think that women have other little hints that they look for to see if you're interested in getting into a relationship. Do you talk about having kids? Do you ask about her family and relationships with them? Do you answer HER questions about these things in a serious way, as if you're being interviewed? Are you acting stilted and nervous, as if something huge is depending on her liking you? Do you call a lot and get her gifts? Do you check up to see that she's doing all the time, even though you don't know her that well? All of these things are hints that women use to tell how "relationship minded" you are with her. If you do seem like you're into a relationship, then a woman has a much bigger decision to make, and will be taking all kinds of things into consideration... little gestures will take on new meaning. If you're ONLY looking for a "relationship", then this will come across in all your dealings with women. You'll be asking different questions, answering questions differently, and playing to the long term. This can create all kinds of problems when done "too much too soon". My personal experience is that women will act much more "real" if you don't put any pressure on the situation. It's when you're acting like this is either "marriage or we're breaking up" right from the beginning that you're ASKING FOR BIG TROUBLE. Another key point I've realized is that JUST BECAUSE I AM OR AM NOT LOOKING FOR A RELATIONSHIP DOESN'T MEAN THAT I'M GOING TO KEEP FEELING THAT SAME WAY A WEEK FROM NOW. I've had times in my life when I've been single and thinking, "I'm not into a relationship right now", and then I met a fantastic woman that changed my mind. I've also had times when I wanted a relationship, but had more fun being single, so I didn't pursue one. Best idea: Approach the whole topic with the attitude of "I'm open to whatever great opportunities present themselves." When you're with a woman you've just met, don't put the pressure on. Lean back. Be cool. (ESPECIALLY if the woman is unusually attractive... attractive women are used to men falling for them too quickly, and this turns them off) If the topic comes up say, "Well, I'm single now, and if I meet a woman that I really like, then we'll see what happens." A lot of guys don't want to come across as being "afraid of commitment". But don't go overboard to prove that you're not... because you'll come across as a Wuss-Bag if you try too hard. A woman won't run away from you if you're not calling her 10 times a day. In fact, she'll PROBABLY run if you DO call her too often. Another perspective I have is that a LOT of relationship problems are the result of people who don't know each other, getting involved too deeply and too quickly. This is another great thing to MENTION if a woman pushes you on the topic. But, back to the particular situation at hand... I think you're doing EXACTLY the right thing (except for the Wuss episode, of course). You have a woman that lives a couple of hours away that you've known in person for a couple of days. You're not going to be able to spend much time with her ANYWAY. If I were you, and I REALLY liked her, I would call her a couple of times a week, and see her every week or two for a few months. Get to know her better. And in the meantime, if you want to see other women, go for it. Do what feels right to you. What you're doing now is OBVIOUSLY ATTRACTIVE to her, so KEEP IT UP. Don't change what you're doing because you ASSUME that she wants you to act differently towards her to "signal" that you want a relationship. The relationship will evolve on its own, so let it. You're not in middle school anymore. You don't have to send her a note that says, "Will you go with me?" But, always remember, don't turn into a WUSSY if you do get into a relationship. If you do, you'll either find yourself being dumped or wake up one day with a ring through your nose and a leash around your neck... and an unhappy woman in your life to boot. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it. ...and if you're reading this right now and thinking to yourself, "OK, I've been reading these newsletters for awhile and it's probably time that I learned the REAL stuff"...then come to my website and download a copy of my book, "Double Your Dating". Inside you'll learn many things that you'll never read in one of these newsletters. It's the foundation for everything I teach, and it's all of my best thinking and techniques. Just go to: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/e/17842/eBook/?cid=ZVTJZZ&lid=3 And if you're ready for SUPER success with women and dating, then the only place to go is my Advanced Dating Techniques CD/DVD program. I've spent years and years putting together all of the pieces of the puzzle... and organizing the concepts, theories and step-by-step techniques for approaching, meeting, dating, and "getting physical" with women... all with a minimum of "rejection" and such. The best part? I'll send it to you to check out at MY RISK. You check it out. You try the ideas. You decide if it's for you. If not, send it back. Pay nothing. No questions, and no hassles. I'm that sure that it will take your success with women up dramatically. ...you can get it here: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/e/17842/AdvancedSeries/?cid=ZVTJZZ&lid=4 And I'll talk to you in a couple of days. Your Friend, David D.
The FASTEST Way To "Get Physical" With A Woman >I believe that one of the "secrets" of GETTING PHYSICAL with a woman is knowing how to create a MASSIVE amount of what you just might call "animal magnetism". And I've developed a system for creating this POWERFUL attraction that I call "Power Sexuality". If you want to learn more about it, then take a minute and check THIS out: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/e/17842/PowerSexuality/?cid=IZZZVT&lid=1 ***QUESTION*** I have been using your techniques for the past month and my "popularity" is soaring. I would like to thank you for finally saying what I have thought for years. Here is my question. About 5 years ago I used to go to this bar and there was a server that I was just ga ga for. Back then I was very shy and reserved. We talked here and there nothing ever happened more than that and that was only when she brought me my drinks. Well, this weekend was my first weekend out since I moved back home and she was working at this new bar, I went to go approach her and all of sudden my mind was blank so I just backed off b4 she even knew i was going to approach her. How should I handle this especially since she has been bartending for at least 5 years she has seen it all and been hit on by EVERYONE! What would you do? D.V. West Virginia >>>MY COMMENTS: One of the keys to approaching women like this one who are hit on ALL THE TIME by guys is to be as TOTALLY COOL AND CALM AS YOU POSSIBLY CAN. By the way, bartenders are EXCELLENT candidates for asking "Hey, do you have email?"... because it's very low-key and non-threatening. Try this... roll into the bar, and when you see her, say "Hey, long time no see... so you're still tending bar after all these years, huh?" See if she remembers you. If she doesn't, then make some small talk about how you used to come in the other bar where she worked. But keep it short, because she'll probably be busy. Then say "So what, are you married with ten kids now?" This is a cute way to ask a woman that you haven't talked to in awhile if she's single... Then say "Well, I'm going to get back to my friends... good seeing you"... and just as you turn, shoot back over your shoulder "Hey! Do you have email?" If she says "Yes", then say "Great, write it down for me." Remember, the key is to be laid back and cool about it. Just act like you're connecting with an old female friend from high school. ***QUESTION*** Now personally I like to describe myself as an idealist, you would probably dub me king of the wusses. Yet every once in awhile Ill pull my head out of the clouds and look at the world around me with some realism. Case in point is a young women I met almost a year ago (also the reason i started subscribing to the newsletter) Now at first things actually seemed to go well but they degenerated and after careful look around I think I know why. After one of those lovely "lets just be friends" talks I started talking to one of her female friends, and oddly enough she got jealous. ( approx 2 hrs. later) Now I have had other female friends tell me shes flirting with me.... but the best results I have ever gotten with her is when she told me to sue her. Now being a pre-law student I wrote out a very complementary and sarcastic legal complaint it broke down barriers almost immediately, and for about three weeks we were trying to figure out when we were both free to go out (we both had 30+credit hours of classes) Sadly it feel through because of an old boyfriend pissing her off at guys in general. Now what I believe works so well with cocky and funny, is that it goes around so many of those internal self-defense mechanisms by giving them the opportunity to be the aggressor. More importantly, it gives them a challenge where you can't be made into an enemy. (unlike the traditional advice of my friends to go out with another girl to get her jealous) Finally the well documented phenomenon that while girls may initially like a guy being super nice it quickly grows boring ( much like many college professors.) but cocky and funny offers a way of being nice but in a different less boring way. In closing, I just want to say what a deviously simple and effective device you have cooked up in cocky and funny. kR Gainesville FL >>>MY COMMENTS: Well, I'd like to extend to you an offer of gratitude and appreciation for the aforementioned compliments... and I'd also like to recommend that you stop talking so much like an attorney... lol. And by the way, your plans with her probably didn't fall through because an old boyfriend "pissed her off at guys in general"... it probably happened because you didn't MAKE SOMETHING HAPPEN with her. There's ALWAYS time to get together with a woman. If she says "Well, I have a lot of homework to do", just say, "Well, procrastinate tonight... I'm more fun". Women generally seem to love it when you say "Cancel your plans... I'm more interesting anyway". It says all the right things in a Cocky and Funny way. Thanks for the compliments, by the way! ***QUESTION*** Hey!! I need your help with some examples of cocky & funny!! Firstly let me tell you how your book has helped me after just a few days!! I saw an attractive girl in a club that I go to often. This was the first time that I left with a phone number & email address. I decided that enough is enough and I was just going to approach someone. I walked over to her and asked if she would do me a favour by requesting a song for me, she asked why I wouldn't do it and I said that the DJ might play it if she askes cos some guys might consider her to be pretty which she asked if I was one of them, but I didnt answer but just again told her to do me this favour. She asked me to go with her ... I went with her, thanked her afterwards and went back to my friends. Basically not paying much attention to her for the next 45 mins. When I (accidentally) bumped into her again, I asked her name, if she had email. She automatically offered me her address, so I waited till she was writing it down when I told her to include her phone number, although her actual no etc... after that I told her I would talk to her soon....... and that I was going back to my friends, she sat down to have a conversation with me, but I left. Now this is where I need your help about the cocky & funny. As I am only beginning, I could use a couple of examples of what I could say to her, and do I do it on the phone or wait till the actual date?? I was thinking along the lines of saying I had to ask for her number seeing that she went out of her way to impress me.... etc... so any other suggestions please would be very much appreciated. CJ UK >>>MY COMMENTS: Nice job. I love the way you asked her to get the DJ to play a song... and telling her that "some guys might consider her pretty"... and then not answering her as to whether or not you are one of those guys. Right now you should probably do a couple of things: 1) Email her and say something charming, like "Hey, it was good meeting you. Let's get together for a cup of tea and make friends... just in case I need you in the future to get some more DJs to play music for me..." 2) GET A COPY OF MY EBOOK! If you're doing this well with just the information you're getting from my newsletters, then you really need to get the FOUNDATION. You must learn how the whole process works, and how to put all the steps together. You can literally download it right now, and be reading it in a few minutes: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/e/17842/eBook/?cid=IZZZVT&lid=2 And keep up the good work. ***QUESTION*** Do you have any advice for night clubs or night club tactics? Thanks. M. >>>MY COMMENTS: Well, nightclubs are a very interesting phenomenon. When you go to a nightclub, you'll see many women that are acting out a paradox: They're all dressed up in sexy clothes (obviously to get attention from men), but they're acting like they don't want men to talk to them most of the time. Of course, this isn't always true all the time, but if you go to nightclubs and bars, then I'm SURE you know exactly what I'm talking about. Here are a few pointers: 1) Remember that beautiful women are usually hit on a lot at clubs and bars. Most of the guys are drunk and stupid... or using lame pick up lines... or acting like wussies... or offering to buy drinks... etc. The first thing to do is NOT ACT LIKE OTHER STUPID GUYS WHO HAVE NO GAME. Don't kiss up to women in nightclubs, and don't GIVE THEM YOUR POWER. In other words, hold yourself and communicate like you are in complete control of yourself and your surroundings... and like nothing she does can upset you. 2) Remember that for the first few minutes you're probably going to get some resistance from most women. One of the big tests when meeting women in a nightclub is whether or not you can keep talking to a woman who isn't being overly friendly. Now, some women will be completely cold and uninterested. If you encounter a rude or cold woman, just move on... you need to be selective and not put aside your own standards just because a woman is attractive. On the other hand, if a woman seems a little bit resistant, just keep the conversation going. You'll find in many cases that after 5 or 10 minutes she'll begin to warm up. If you're having a conversation (as opposed to just getting her email/number and leaving), then you need to turn up the Cocky and Funny comments, and just play it cool like a friend. Bars are a great place for palmistry, astrology, handwriting analysis, and other "cold reading" techniques. Learn a few if you want to have great conversations in bars. 3) If you're not VERY SKILLED, then just get a woman's email and/or number and go. There are so many distractions in bars and clubs that it really makes it difficult to have an understandable conversation. There are other guys, usually her girlfriends, etc., and if you don't REALLY know what you're doing, then you're likely to drop the ball somewhere. Just get the digits and follow up later. 4) Try going with a friend and approaching women for each other. Go up to a woman and say "Hi, wow... you know what? I think my friend would really love you. He's such a nice guy..." and then talk up your friend. When he shows up, introduce him. This is a great way to start conversations with women if you're just getting started. 5) Don't worry about what happens. Just go over and talk to every woman you see. The women expect it, and it's GREAT practice! Also, it's a great idea to find guys who are good at meeting women in bars and to WATCH THEM to learn how to act. You'll learn a lot from doing this. ***QUESTION*** Dave, Firstly a good effort all round on the book and newsletters full of useful stuff and always good for a laugh when I realize that I have done the same things as thousands of other blokes and crashed and burned in the same way. I've been getting the newsletters for a few months and also got the book, after not having any success for over 3 years I'm getting confidence by practicing the techniques in different situations like with checkout ladies in the grocery store and other shops, its natural to talk to them, you make their day as they've been sat there all day and nobody's spoken to them and you get feed back on c+f lines, a captive audience, use it guys. I've also bought a book on Palm reading as advised by you, I'll let you know who I go on this one. Ok my question. In your newsletters and book you mostly deal with getting the e-mail address and meeting up a few days later, which is great if you're always in the same town. I move around a lot with my job from hotel to hotel. I'm also leaving my job in a few months to travel the world. With this in mind I won't have the time to take a few days to mail and meet for coffee etc as I'm/will be constantly moving on every few days- weeks. Do you have any advice for closing the deal in a first meeting and then walking away from it? i.e. the one night stand, as if I walk away after 3 minutes with only an e-mail address thats the opportunity gone. I'm sure there are plenty of readers that would benefit from some advice in this area. Keep up the good work D. Wales >>>MY COMMENTS: Well, if you meet a woman in a checkout line or at the desk of a hotel, try your new palmistry techniques with her, and once she's interested just say, "Well, I have to go check into my room now. But I'll meet you at the coffee shop across the street at 7 and tell you more." There are 100 ways to use this stuff, of course. One thing you really have going for you is the fact that you're NEW to each area, and you're ONLY STAYING A SHORT TIME. Women really love to play tour guide, so ask them to. Just say, "Hey, I don't really know my way around here, are you busy today? Take me to some of the sights." Charm them with your fun personality, read their palms, and then have them show you around. After a little area tour, invite them up to your hotel for a drink and some lip reading... ***QUESTION*** Cocky & Funny Categories Dear David, using the C & F techniques, and analysing them, I have discovered that there several classes or categories of c & f : 1) When you are cockyandfunniing about you. You are saying that you are the best, or you are very sexy, clever, etc in a funny way. i.e.Me:"You know, I'm really tired of you women treating me like some kind of piece of meat. I have feelings too, and I don't just like being thought of as a sex object." 2) When you are cockyandfunniing about her. You are saying that she is wussy, nerd, ridiculous, etc in a funny way. i.e. "Hey, I can borrow you a wig, but please, don't kill it's roots !! 3) When you cockyandfunniing about other person, an object, a place, etc. i.e. Me:"You know, if that chick lost about 200 pounds, I think I'd be into her" 3) when you are inverting(in a funny way) the stereotypes and asummes than girl must date boy, girl must approach boy, etc i.e: SHE:"Are you from around here?" ME: "What, are you trying to pick me up? I'm not that easy. There are other cocky & funny categories, and some categories mix each others, but these are the more important (I think). I think that the #2 & #3 are the more powerful and efective categories. I'm going to tell you, in wich case I use them (If the Maestro agree with me ) 1. C & F about me. It's useful, but you can't use it too mutch, it's more useful If you are a not a cute boy, if you are awful,(bald, overheight, etc). You have to use it with care, if not you are becaming too cocky. 2. c & f about her. It's very useful,(especially on hotties and average women), and it's very powerful, but I discover that if she has low selfsteem she may get upset (but she will get atracted too). 3. c & f about other things. This is the more secure c & f mode, but it is generates less atraction than others. 4. c & f inverting stereotipes It's very funny and it's very powerful, and easy to see. >>>MY COMMENTS: This is a great little set of categories, and it's a great place to start if you're trying to come up with funny and charming things to say for different situations. I've included it here, so others can use it as a guide when working on their own situations... very nice, and thanks! ***QUESTION*** Dave, Hey, I just downloaded your e-book (finally) and I must say that the information in it is absolutely invaluable. I have already gotten a few email addresses and my confidence is really improving. However, there is a few problems that I have encountered that I really don't have any answer for. For instance, just the other night a few girls were hanging out in my roommates and I dorm room at the college we attend. I was pulling the whole cocky and funny thing on the cutest of the bunch and she really seemed to be eating it all up. I mean, she was laughing, hitting me (in a playful manner) asking me questions and just being totally receptive to me. This lasted for probably over an hour. However, for reasons I cannot explain, she started showing interest in one of my friends for some reason. I mean, she was asking him questions, focusing her attention on him, sitting by him etc. I really don't know what I did wrong orwhat I should of done in this situation. Please give me some insight as to what the heck is going on in a situation such as this one. Also, I attend a small university so there are many beautiful women to practice my game on. However, at the same time many of the girls know each other so I don't want to ask for email addresses like it's going out of style and get labeled as someone who is desperate. What should I do? I mean, it sucks seeing a girl you got shut down by everyday, now imagine if you see like five or ten girls you got shut down by everyday. Please, some words of wisdom would be tremendously appreciated. I. OH. >>>MY COMMENTS: As far as your first situation goes... there are several possibilities. My guess is that you waited too long to go to the next level. Instead of talking to her for AN HOUR, maybe you should have busted on her for 15 minutes and then said "Hey, come with me to the store..." and left with her. Then you could have progressed, maybe held her hand, kissed her, etc. If you wait too long with an attractive woman, she'll lose interest. And by the way, you never know... she might just have liked your friend or whatever. The point is, it really doesn't matter. Just say "next" in your head and move on. And about your concern that women label you as "desperate", who cares? It's more important that you TAKE ACTION and NOT CARE WHAT OTHERS THINK than it is that you have all the hot woman on your campus "not think of you as desperate". Just do it. ***QUESTION*** Hi David, I don't think I've ever seen you address the "friends first" issue... I think there's a difference between a woman saying "i only like you as a friend" and "lets be friends first and build a relationship from that". Especially if you meet the woman from a personal ad which says she wants friends first.. (so its not like shes saying she's saying you have to be her friend first when you first meet her) The only thing that bothers me is if she thinks of you as a friend then she's still single so she might date other guys and you get to hear about it. This isn't really a question to a specific problem, but because I'm still new to dating (I'm 21) and don't have much experience (which is changing thanks to your great newsletters!) I have run into a few of the "friends first" encounters and I don't know quite what to make of it.. should I be their friend first, and think it might turn into something more? Thanks! SK Florida >>>MY COMMENTS: OK, the only real difference between a woman saying "I only like you as a friend" and "Let's be friends first and see what happens" is... WHEN YOU HEAR "LET'S BE FRIENDS FIRST" IT TRICKS YOU INTO BELIEVING THAT THIS COULD ACTUALLY HAPPEN... SO YOU WIND UP SPANKING YOUR CHICKEN FOR ABOUT TEN TIMES AS LONG... When a woman says "Let's be friends first", what they REALLY mean is "I don't feel a gut level, sexual ATTRACTION for you right now... but you're an awful nice guy and I don't want to hurt your feelings..." If you see a personal ad with "Friends first" it probably means that the last guy she dated wanted to get married after the first date... and she doesn't want another loser WUSSY boy in her life. Of course, there are a lot of possibilities, but generally speaking, you don't want to get into "friend" mode, because it's not easy to get out. Telling HER that she seems like she'd make a nice friend is a GREAT idea, because it makes her wonder if you like her, and it creates tension. If this doesn't make sense to you, then I'd recommend that you check out my book or audio series and then think about it again. Until you "GET" this, you're going to have a hard time attracting a woman. ***QUESTION*** I got your book and the first thing I did was read the short book about Sex Secrets... lol Now I figured I was pretty successful with the women and wanted to see how I compared to your tactics.... man you nailed it big time!! I have been seeing this one gorgeous woman for about 2 months now and I thought about what you said in the book.... to keep her attracted and wanting more.... use anticipation. Well I know she wants me bad and so I thought I would just see how bad she does, so I talked to her over lunch.... since she only had 30 minutes for lunch I put it to the test right off. She sat down close to me and looked me in the eyes.... I commented on her beauty and ran my hand over her leg just slightly to let her know I was there and what I was thinking.... I could see her light up instantly. I took my hand away and changed the conversation knowing the anticipation was already building. I told her how I would like to give her a massage... body massage to ease her stress and she agreed this would be good.... I then ran my fingers over her hand and then touched her slightly on the cheek.... lol... she was eating this up. I then noticed she had a slight stain on her uniform and reached to dust it off... this thru her big time.... she squealed a little and said it gave her goose bumps....lol.... I just gave her a slight smile and backed off again. Her next comment was, I wish I brought a change of clothes here today cause I am gonna need em'...lol... I knew the anticipation was working! Although these were things I would normally have done without reading about it, the book is a great source and it works... so guys if you want to get the heads up on moving her to the next level, order the book.... you won't be sorry!! ANTICIPATION!!! Keep up the great work my man! R. Canada >>>MY COMMENTS: Yes, understanding this concept of Anticipation is SUCH a key to making women feel turned on. I don't mention it much, but that bonus booklet that comes along with Double Your Dating is a VERY powerful set of ideas and techniques for getting a woman VERY turned on... As you know, there are little things you can do physically that literally make a woman go crazy with desire. I'm sure you're making this lady VERY happy... and I'm sure that she can't believe that she's met a guy who actually "gets it". Nice, and keep up the great work. ***QUESTION*** Hi Dave, I liked your book and I love your news letter which is very informative and quite creative, both by you and also other contributors; keep it up. Basically I've been a successful guy with the females by being very masculine and proud of it and I'm glad that in your book you encourage this attitude. After reading your book I have increased my success with the females tenfold and I thank you for that.I am 32 but I look about 20 and even when I was younger I've always fancied women that were much older than me but I always attracted younger girls who I like as well but with your help the girl l'm going out with is 33 (she thinks l'm 21 because l told her to guess my age) and she's extremely attractive (10 out of 10) successful and confident and men of all ages try to pick on her whenever we go out and l leave her alone. We met when I went for an interview for the company she owns and she ask for me to come to her office and after I complimented her on her business she said l was flattering her and l said "in your dreams, that's the worst pick up line l've heard all day", and she was so taken back by the challenge l presented to her that after I told her the compliment was just to get the job and that she shouldn't use her position just to use me as a piece of meat. Anyway l poured out C&F on her even told her that l wouldn't take the job because l knew what she was up to and she said we needed to talk and she gave me her card with all her contact # and she also wrote her private home and mobile #. l took the card but l told her since it was her interested in me she should call me and l gave her my # as well. She called the same day and we've been seeing each other ever since. But l do have a question in one of your news letters you said "women perceive good-looking guys who act cocky as MAJOR PLAYER, and too much cocky too soon can back fire on you". Further you said that "If you are a pretty good looking , you might turn down the cocky and turn up funny". Well l'm good looking oh yes; but l know it's not everything but it helps and true to your above statement sometimes when l'm cocky it back fires on me even when the girl (or should l say especially) makes the first move. I know you've got the answer so please give it some of your time and reply please. Maximum respect to you David. JS London >>>MY COMMENTS: Well, here's the deal... There are exceptions to every rule, and you may have found one of them. If you're a regular guy and you're dealing with an attractive woman, then Cocky and Funny is generally a great technique. If you're a VERY attractive guy, then being too Cocky and Funny can intimidate women and/or make them think that you must be a big player. NOW, if you're an attractive guy and you're dealing with a VERY attractive woman who is also POWERFUL (owns a company, for instance) then you'll probably want to turn the Cocky and Funny back up to provide MAXIMUM CHALLENGE to her. The SUPER HOTTIES are used to ALL guys rolling over for them, and you can turn up the heat if you think she needs it in this situation. ***QUESTION*** Hey Dave, I've written atleast 1 million emails to you! And i haven't heard anything back! Nah it's cool i know you have another million emails that start off the same way. So heres the question! How do i get womens phone numbers for the possibilty of sex, like they know if i ring its for sex kinda thing. I don't want to do the whole date thing, its boring and conversation is stupid! I just wanna ring them up and say it like this, "hey i'm really horny and i was wondering, do you wanna come over for some 'action' and then piss off so i can get some peace and quite?" I dont really want them to hang around, it's kinda awkward. Im not an a**hole but thats what i think is on most other guys minds as well as mine. Is there anyway to put this to a woman without them feeling hurt or as if there being used? Thanks R. Australia. >>>MY COMMENTS: Look, if I had the answer to this one I'D BE RICHER THAN BILL GATES AND WARREN BUFFETT PUT TOGETHER. Now, will you do me a favor and please get a life? And stop emailing to ask how you can get women to come over for sex because you're horny, then piss off so you can get some peace and quiet without them feeing hurt or used... "Huh huh... Hey Beavith... I'm horny. We need a chick." ***QUESTION*** Hi Dave, I've been following your instructions to the letter and I have to say it works like a charm! I have one problem though. I never know when a woman is attracted to me or not. I can't seem to be able to pick up the signs. I mean I know lasses are attracted to me only when their friends tell me or they do. It can be REALLY annoying not knowing whether to progress onwards or not. I mean, at the moment there's this lass who's really religious and I want to get with her & I've been working overtime on the teasing and the cocky/funny routine. I just can't tell where I stand with her. I was just wondering if you had any pointers that could help me? Thanks, N. Bradley, England >>>MY COMMENTS: Yes, it's very simple. I call it "The Kiss Test". You can see it on the second page of my main web site, or read about it in my book. You need to TAKE THINGS TO THE NEXT LEVEL PHYSICALLY. This will tell you EVERYTHING you need to know INSTANTLY. And by the way, if a woman will agree to spend time alone with you, and she seems to be having a good time, then she's probably interested at SOME level. If you're using the materials and being Cocky and Funny etc. and she's hitting you, laughing, etc. that's also a VERY good sign. But use The Kiss Test. It's so simple and easy... and it works SO well. ***QUESTION*** Well Dave, It never ceases to amaze me how brilliant you are. I saw that you put my e-mail in the newsletter, so I guess I owe you the dirt. My experience can be summed up in one word... INF***INGCREDIBLE, but I won't stop with one word. See if you can keep count? The first chick I met sat next to me on the plane. CF. She crammed her tongue down my throat. I got off the plane with a different chick. CF. SHE asked Me to lunch with her. On the shuttle to the Hotel, yet another female. C&F. I'll come back to her. Poolside, another young lady. C&F. She asked me to save a dance at the party for her. He-he-he... I could keep going but I don't want to jinx my future success. To sum it up, I talked to over 20 different women, made out with 3, and woke up next to 1 (I'm such a bad man). I got 4 out of 4 e- mails/#s from girls I asked (the only girls that we're worthy of myself){example of C&F and my character}, and that girl from the shuttle... I only talked to her for 3 minutes on that ride, and she had a friend come and give me a note with her info. The trip ended with a h-job on the plane ride home. Now I don't encourage everyone out there to use the info in DYD to become a male slut like me. I am this way because this is the first time I have been single since I was 18 (6 years ago). This is also the first time that I have really experienced success... Thanks to DYD and C&F. I used to be a MAJOR WUSS. I never talked to or went out with a girl unless she talked to me/asked me out. Needless to say I was home a lot. I never learned the SKILLS to be successful with women until I bought Double-Your-Dating (plug). Since I read the book three months ago, I have literally hooked up with over a dozen women, with very minimal effort. If you are reading this it is OBVIOUS that you want to improve your life, just like I did when I stumbled upon David's website. Do yourself a favor, BUY THE DAMN BOOK! Hell, if you don't achieve success with it, I will buy it back from you. I've got some buddies out there who can use this treasure. Stop being a WUSS (like I was). Dave I owe it all to you. From everyman getting laid because of your advice... THANK YOU!!!!!!! G. from L.A. P.S. My first born is going to be named David, even if its a girl!!! >>>MY COMMENTS: What else can I say? I love getting letters like this one... NICE! If you're reading this right now, and you'd like to get an ADVANCED education in this technique that I call "Cocky & Funny", then you MUST go and check out my "Cocky Comedy" CD/DVD program. Inside I'm going to show you the "secret psychology" of humor... of laughter... and of how to combine humor with TENSION to create a powerful ATTRACTION... using nothing more than your communication skills. The technique of Cocky & Funny is one of the very fastest, easiest ways to create sexual tension with women... and this program is going to teach you how to do it. You'll learn a ton just by watching the preview video clips on the web site... so go watch them here: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/e/17842/CockyComedy/?cid=IZZZVT&lid=3 ...and if you're reading this right now and thinking "You know, I really need to get in this game and start making something happen for myself with women and dating" then I have to say... YOU'RE RIGHT! Learning how to be successful with women and dating is NOT magic. It doesn't require good looks or money. And it CERTAINLY doesn't require you to chase after women, buy them things, and give them fake compliments. If you'd like to get an in-depth education in all aspects of success with women... from overcoming fear and shyness... to improving your self image... to approaching women... to meeting women online... to taking things to a "physical level" smoothly and without rejection... then you MUST go and check out my Advanced Dating Techniques DVD/CD program. This program is the best overall education you can get in the area called "Women And Dating". If you don't have it, then you need to go read about it and watch some of the preview video clips I have online... it's all here: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/e/17842/AdvancedSeries/?cid=IZZZVT&lid=4 Oh, I also have two "Online eBooks" that you can download RIGHT NOW and be reading within MINUTES. My original "Double Your Dating" eBook is here: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/e/17842/eBook/?cid=IZZZVT&lid=5 My latest ebook, "Attraction Isn't A Choice" is here: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/e/17842/AttractionBook/?cid=IZZZVT&lid=6 Both are jam-packed with concepts, theories, and step-by-step techniques... and you need to go and download them NOW. I'll talk to you again soon. Your Friend, David D.
Do you know the truth about what the man in your life really wants from love and a relationship in his future, and how YOU fit into that? Does just thinking about this question scare you or make you a little nervous? If so, then you're probably sensing that you're just not getting the whole truth because your guy isn't telling you much about how he really feels. The fact that you don't really KNOW how he feels, or what he wants, means that your relationship is by definition UNCERTAIN and lacks the honesty a real relationship needs. Don't let all the things you don't know about that are going on inside your man's mind get in your way and be a source of worry and discontent... when you could easily turn your relationship into the source of security and confidence in your life it should be. A secret about men is that talking to them about "the relationship" the way most women try and do rarely, if ever, brings them closer and inspires them to open up or want more. But all it takes is a few of the right things that show a man you "get" him and that create that magic feeling of ATTRACTION deep inside him... and he'll want to hold on to you and never let go. When you do just a few of the right things, then without knowing why, your man will suddenly TRUST YOU and start telling you his deeper thoughts and feelings, in a way he never even knew how to before. To learn the secrets of how to talk to a man about love and your relationship... and to start making the right man feel so understood by you that he sees you as the one woman for him, go here: http://www.CatchHimKeepHim.com/e/12833/eBook/?cid=ZVHWZZ&lid=1 Crystal, Let me ask you... Do you have a man in your life who you know loves you, and who you love... but he's just not being a great partner right now? Join the club, right? Well, don't jump to the conclusion that your guy doesn't care, or that there's something really wrong that is going to require some tough "fixing." What I've learned over the years is that the women who have great lasting relationships aren't the women who have just picked the absolute perfect or right man. Although the man you choose does make a lot of difference. There's something else going on for women who have great relationships that goes deeper than having the perfect man who gets it. There's something different that women who have great relationships that LAST all have in common. And it's one of the best kept secrets out there for what keeps a great relationship going strong. The secret isn't about telling a man what to do, and running the show in their relationship. That only gives a woman less of what she wants. (A man who isn't doing HIS PART) The secret is in the way in these women INSPIRE the man in their life to be a great partner. In other words... A great man isn't just born. He's SHAPED by the right relationship with the right kind of woman. If you haven't really learned the lesson yet, here's the deal... You teach people how to treat you. Just because YOU know what would make your relationship great FOR YOU... it doesn't mean that a man "gets it." But a lot of women waste years of their life getting upset, hurt, and struggling and fighting with men who don't get it... when these women have never taken the time to get clear on what it is they really want... And more importantly, to be sure what they want is what the man in their life really wants and enjoys too... And then to do things that keep him EXCITED and INSPIRED to keep all the great things going. What I just said is very very very important. Did you follow that? Or more to the point, are you LIVING that? Here's an important thing for you to see right now- If you don't feel excited by a man, inspired to be living a great life when you're around him, and you don't feel motivated to love him and be affectionate with him just because of who he is... Do you think you're going to want to work on being a better partner to him, and to fix things he says aren't working because he COMPLAINS that you're not giving him what HE wants? If you're a mature healthy woman who wants a relationship for the right reasons (because it ADDS to your life and you make each other even better, happier people)... Then you're NOT going to be motivated to dig deeper in a relationship with a man, or change for him, if you're feeling this way. But then why is it that so many women try and do this exact thing? They ask men to do something they don't want to be doing, or to feel something they aren't feeling by COMPLAINING that he's not doing things right. Doing this is a HUGE MISTAKE, and a quick way to make a man feel even less interested in being with you, period. Complaining or pleading more with a man when you sense he's not "feeling it" is one of the surest ways to kill any attraction or interest a man might have. Now, here's the thing... Knowing that this approach DOESN'T WORK with any man, what is it that DOES WORK to grab a man's attention and inspires him to want to be a great partner for you? Great question. Let me remind you of something you've already seen in your own life that will help show you the answer... Have you ever known a man who was kind of a "player", or a true bachelor... or who just didn't seem like he'd ever be ready for a relationship- let alone be an attentive and loving partner? If you have a single brother, a single dad, or any other kind of man close to you in your life then you surely know a man like this. Well, here's the fascinating thing I want you to look at and remember... Have you ever seen one of these men you're close to and friends with suddenly TRANSFORM from a hopeless and clueless bachelor, and turn into an amazing boyfriend and partner? If so, then I don't have to spend a single second explaining to you the POWER a mature and healthy WOMAN who has her act together can have on almost any man. A woman who really has her own act together has the power to quickly take an "unavailable" and emotionally "lazy" guy and turn him into a thoughtful, loving, attentive, and even affectionate man. It's amazing the effect a woman can have on a man. I've personally seen men who were "players", men who claimed they'd never give up their "freedom", and men who promised their friends that they'd never get married suddenly make a 180 degree turn in their life in the period of a few days or weeks because of one woman. It happens all the time, and there's something fascinating and almost magical happening here. I want to share some tips and insights with you about what's going on here, and how it can quickly help you attract a great guy and create a magical relationship of your own. Here's what I want you to think about... When a man makes a real change in his life and decides to open up to a woman, to get into a serious relationship... and to create a LIFE with one woman, does he do all this because the woman asks him to? Hmm... Think about that. Then think about this... When a woman is with a man and she becomes that one woman who is able to quickly have him forget about all the reasons he DIDN'T want a committed relationship... And instead have him begging to be with her and have more... Does this change happen in the man because the woman FORCED or manipulated him into a more "serious" relationship? Of course not. Especially not in relationships that LAST. If a man is truly going to WANT a woman, and have deep emotional reasons for wanting to have a COMMITTED RELATIONSHIP with her... Then all the motivation for this has to come from somewhere inside HIM. Or to look at it another way- a man can't and won't want a woman just because SHE wants it and tells him the right way to think, feel or act. I think you see where this is going. When a women INSPIRES a man to fall in love and open up to great long term relationship, she does something every other woman who has a solid relationship has done at some point early on in her relationship- She's made the man she's with feel in such a way that he has NO QUESTION OR DOUBT in his mind as to whether he VALUES her. And because of this... the man she's with simply KNOWS that she is so SPECIAL and RARE that he'll do anything to be with her. Notice I didn't say that the woman has to try and CONVINCE a man, or complain, in order to get a man to see her value. If you find yourself ever trying to show a man how he SHOULD think or feel... you're making one of the biggest mistakes you can make with a man... Becoming what I call the "Convincer" in your relationship. Doing this sets off a natural response inside a man- To RESIST you, and to resist all the things you are trying to convince him of (opening up, having a deeper relationship) When this happens, the entire "balance" of your relationship is thrown off and you become stuck in the negative and frustrating role of having to chase a man just to keep him from withdrawing and being distant. Don't put yourself there! There's a better way. By the way- my eBook shows you, in-depth, how what I call the "Relationship Balance" works, and will give you specifics steps and how-tos to help you avoid ever being the Convincer in your relationship... and instead have a man be the one to be courting and wanting more from you. You can check out my eBook here: http://www.CatchHimKeepHim.com/e/12833/eBook/?cid=ZVHWZZ&lid=2 Ok. back to it. There's something fascinating I want you to know about men. Men can and will TRANSFORM into great partners. But only if: 1) Your timing is right 2) You know how to promote and INSPIRE him to get out of his "old ways" and get into the "new ways" a man acts on when he's deeply attracted to a woman and wants to be with her I can't personally do anything about the timing you and a man have. But I can show you exactly what you need to inspire the right man into being an amazing partner for you. Of course, the first step is getting a man to leave behind his "old ways". For most men, those "old ways" are: -Not feeling "ready" for a serious relationship -Thinking he needs to have more money or a better job, or a bigger house to "settle down"... -Defending his "freedom" and wanting his time and energy to focus on himself and his life/job -Keeping his "options" open, and being free to date or sleep with any woman he wants You might be unfortunately familiar with a man's old ways. But guess what? These "old ways" that make a man an AWFUL candidate for a boyfriend or husband can quickly GO AWAY. (Remember when I had you think back to some men you have been close to and how they changed when they fell for a woman?) And a man's old ways can be replaced by something else. Something that makes him the perfect candidate for a boyfriend or husband. Here's the short explanation of how this works... When a man feels a deep level of ATTRACTION for a woman that goes deeper than just the common Physical Attraction he can feel for other women, and stirs him EMOTIONALLY... something turns on inside his heart and his mind. When this happens, suddenly a man has a change in perspective. His life takes on a new and deeper meaning. He starts to think about different things. Things other than himself and his personal and financial future or success. And it's then that his "old ways" turn into his "new ways." These "new ways" are the EXACT OPPOSITE of the old ways. The "new ways" include: -Him not only feeling "ready" to move forward in a serious relationship... but asking and begging a woman to be with him and only him, and to share more love and affection with him -Him wanting to be with her no matter where he is, or what he's doing. He could live in a shoe box but be happier than he ever was before as long as she was with him -Him recognizing that he can have as much, or more freedom in his life when he has a great woman with him... and can actually focus and do better in his life and on his Purpose -Him deciding on his own that loyalty and a committed relationship with a great woman is much more important and meaningful (and rewarding) than one night stands and quick fun with new and random women Have you ever watched a man take on these or other "new ways" in his life? Of course. This is what men do once they mature and get to the place where they want a relationship... and they find a great woman who they know they don't want to lose. Here's the point... If you're frustrated because you keep finding that men just don't get it, and that they aren't mature and don't want to commit... It's time to stop getting upset that the man you're with doesn't "get it" and trying to fix or change what's not right about him for you... And it's time to start INSPIRING all the great qualities that are inside a man that will quickly have him wanting to be a great partner for you and fully ENGAGING in your relationship. But of course, it takes more than just trying one or two "techniques" to make a man feel this way... and for the amazing way he will respond to LAST. And I'm assuming you would want a great relationship where the man you were with was a fully engaged and inspired partner to LAST, right? Then you're going to have to take a little time to not just learn what to try and SAY to make things work... but how to actually BE that will bring you the love of a great man AND fulfill you emotionally at the same time. The best news is that it isn't as hard as it might sound... and you can get started right away. I'd like to show you how- I've created an in-depth guide that will show you exactly how to stop the patterns of pushing your man and your relationship away... and let you start INSPIRING him to want to be the amazing partner you never want to let go of. Can you imagine your man feeling so connected and attracted to you that he'd actually start to get worried that he could lose you, and do all kinds of crazy things to keep you happy and fulfilled? It's possible. And some other women experience it everyday in the great relationships they've been able to build... once they learned how to make a man feel that deep level of ATTRACTION... And then keep the attraction going strong in your relationship. I want you to know what it is that makes a man feel this gut-level attraction to you on a Physical and Emotional/Intellectual level... to where he's inspired to be the best boyfriend you could imagine- one that you'd never want to let go of. Knowing this, and finding out how easy it can be to enjoy the kind of relationship you want is closer than you think. Find out the secrets of attraction I've shown thousands of other women and changed their love lives and relationships forever. Go here now to get all the details on my "Natural & Lasting Attraction" program: http://www.CatchHimKeepHim.com/e/12833/NALA/?cid=ZVHWZZ&lid=3 And if you want a great place to start with my materials, and you'd like some deep insights into how men think and how and why attraction is so important... along with tons of great tips for creating attraction and building a great new relationship with a man... Then you need to check out my eBook "Catch Him & Keep Him". You can download your copy now right here: http://www.CatchHimKeepHim.com/e/12833/eBook/?cid=ZVHWZZ&lid=4 I'll talk to you again soon, and best of luck in Life and Love! Your Friend. Christian Carter
QUICK THOUGHT: None of us wants to be thought of as "average"... and women aren't attracted to guys that they think are "average". The secret isn't to be something you're not. The secret is to take what's NOT average about you, and make it STRONGER. If this makes sense, and you'd like to learn more about it, then take a second and check this out: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/e/17842/Catalog/?cid=QZZZVJ&lid=1 I have a question for you... What do you REALLY WANT when it comes to the area of your life called "Women and Dating"? Could you explain it to me if I called you up on the phone in 5 minutes and asked you? In other words, do you REALLY, REALLY know just what it is that you're looking for? If you're like most guys that I talk to, you probably couldn't tell me. Or if you did tell me, it would be clear that you hadn't taken any real time to think about it before I asked you. Now, before I tell you why this is a problem, I have to confess something to you... It wasn't very long ago that I used to be in exactly the same boat. I had NO IDEA what I was looking for. It was only after a LOT of trial and error, dating crazy women that made my life impossible, and chasing my tail that I finally figured out what it was that I REALLY wanted. And once I figured it out, I realize that I wasn't alone. As it turns out, I think that MOST guys want what I want when it comes to "women and dating", but they just haven't thought about it long enough to be able to say it. I think that what 90% of men are looking for is a GREAT long term relationship with a GREAT woman. What do I mean when I use the term "Great Woman"? I mean a woman who is naturally beautiful, who takes care of herself physically, who is emotionally and financially stable... who doesn't "need" you, but "wants" you, who can take care of herself in every way... ...you know what I'm saying here. But guess what? Women like this are VERY rare. I mean like one in a thousand or so. And they are NEVER at a loss for a date. I digress... but I'll come back to this later. Earlier I mentioned that it is a problem that men don't KNOW what they want. Now I want to talk about WHY it's such a big problem. There are two main reasons: 1) Not knowing what you want LOWERS the chances of GETTING what you want. 2) In this particular situation, when it comes to this type of woman, not understanding what you want makes your chances of getting her almost ZERO. Let's talk about these two issues. NOT KNOWING WHAT YOU WANT LOWERS YOUR CHANCES OF GETTING IT... If you've read any "self help" books at all, then you know that it's important to set goals in your life. Why? Because setting goals makes your mind work on getting them. When you think through your goals, and take the time to figure them out, write them down, and make plans to get them, you put a set of processes in motion that dramatically increase your chances of getting what you want. If you don't know what I'm talking about, go read "Think And Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. Just do it. NOT UNDERSTANDING THIS PARTICULAR TYPE OF WOMAN MAKES YOUR CHANCES OF GETTING HER ALMOST ZERO This is the big issue here. This is the one that most guys just don't get...and the one that, by itself, really leads to failure. The fact is that most guys would really like to meet a great girl. The times in my life when I've had an amazing woman as my girlfriend have been FANTASTIC. There is nothing quite like having a stunning, intelligent, well-dressed, interesting woman in your life. Nothing. Now, I get a lot of guys who write to me and say things like: "David, I don't want to have to learn any of the things you teach. I want a woman to like me for who I am..." ...and... "The kind of woman that I want to find would not respond to the things you teach... she would see me for the person that I am..." ...and a million other things. I can identify with this stuff. I spent many years of my life thinking this way. In fact, I spent so much time thinking this way and getting horrible results, that I am probably the world's leading expert on it. I just wanted a woman to "see me for who I was" and who saw past all of my flaws and wanted to be with me for me. I hated the idea of trying to change myself. But here's the deal: An exceptional woman has OPTIONS. The kind of woman that I described is approached by men ALL THE TIME. My estimate is that a beautiful, successful, intelligent woman is approached by men an average of 5 or 10 times A DAY. To put it another way, if you meet a really interesting, exceptional woman, you can bet that she has been approached between 150 and 300 times in the past month ALONE. Think about that. Imagine what it must be like to be a woman who is approached so often. As a side note, if you want to learn how to APPROACH these types of women and actually have consistent SUCCESS, then you need to look at THIS: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/e/17842/ApproachingWomen/?cid=QZZZVJ&lid=2 Back to what I was saying... Even if she WANTED to spend time with many of the men who approach her, there would be no way to do it. It's just not practical. So what's a girl to do? The only thing that an exceptional girl CAN do is use TIME MANAGEMENT principals. She has to decide almost INSTANTLY if a guy is "worth" spending more time with. And she has to make her decision based on very little information. AND she can't make the mistake of being "too friendly" and giving a guy the "wrong idea"... because if she does, he'll probably call her 100 times over the next month. Unusually attractive, exceptional women become very good at ELIMINATING men based on very little information. If you're a man who hasn't made it a goal to attract one of these women, who doesn't understand this particular fact, and who doesn't understand how to get past this initial "test", then your chances of attracting one of these women is as close to zero as anything is in the world. The REALITY of this situation is that you are not the only guy in the world who wants a woman like this. EVERY guy would like to meet her. There are a lot of guys out there that are willing to call her more, spend more money on her, do more things for her, and pay her more attention than you... You can't get a girl like this one by doing the "normal" things. And here's the KICKER... The next girl you date probably isn't going to be this girl. In fact, you're probably going to need to go out with MANY women before you're going to run into one of these rare women. But as they say, "Every cloud has a silver lining". And this cloud does too. The fact is that spending time dating other women is EXACTLY what will TEACH you how to attract one of these exceptional women. You HAVE to do it. So let's wrap this up. First, take some time and figure out what it is that you want. Write it down, and make a list. What are the physical, intellectual, and emotional qualities that you're looking for? Be specific, and get a clear picture in your mind. Next, become the guy that she'll feel ATTRACTION for when you meet her. There are two parts to this one. The first part is preparing yourself to date many women to find her... and then getting out there and doing it. The second and most important part, is to LEARN what you need to do in order to be the guy that she'll be attracted to. It's not luck. What's the best way to learn? I'm so glad you asked... As it turns out, I've spent the last five years of my life on this. And I've taken what I've learned and created the best products available to teach you all the things you need to learn in order to be successful with women and dating. My eBook "Double Your Dating" covers dozens of great techniques on overcoming fear, approaching women, getting dates, and taking things to a "physical level". You can download it here right now: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/e/17842/eBook/?cid=QZZZVJ&lid=3 If you're ready for a world-class education, and complete reprogramming, then I recommend my Advanced Dating Techniques CD/DVD program. It includes over 12 full hours of digitally recorded audio or video of me personally teaching you all of my personal secrets and techniques. This program is only for guys who REALLY want to invest in themselves, and who want to do what it takes to become GREAT with women. All the details, plus some great free audio and video samples are here: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/e/17842/AdvancedSeries/?cid=QZZZVJ&lid=4 I'll talk to you again soon. Your Friend, David D.
If you've just gotten out of a relationship, and you need to get your confidence and "game" back with women, then you might want to start HERE: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/e/17842/77Laws/?cid=ZVJ5ZZ&lid=1 OK, before you read the email that's featured in this newsletter, I have to WARN YOU. This guy obviously likes my materials, and he shamelessly promotes my Advanced Dating Techniques Program about a bazillion times. I actually debated about whether or not to use this email, because I didn't want it to just come across as cheezy... but the reality is that this email contains some killer insights, and I want to make some comments and use it to point out some VERY important lessons. So I'm going to leave in the over-selling of my Advanced Series, and you enjoy this newsletter... ***SUCCESS STORY*** David, I recently ordered & received the Advanced Series. Wow, this is what I have been looking for. First of all... THANK YOU. I think you have taken a whole bunch of complex processes and teachings and combined them into some very useful material that is digestible and sets a path to gaining some real skill. I have been down since an ex-girlfriend thrashed my heart three years ago. I mean I had my ass handed to me, and I have been in a serious rut with Women. I just turned 40 and that hit hard. I was feeling sorry for myself and thinking I was never going to get laid again. I have been joking with my buddies for a while about being in need of an operation to have the needy teddy bear inside of me surgically removed. I had been saying. "I need an operation, I am a terminal nice guy". I have now re-framed that and recognize that I am implementing my "wuss-cure". By Thursday I completed all of the CDs of the Advanced Series. I have taken every opportunity to go through the material when driving. Coming into this past Friday night I began my second run. I am lucky that I have already been building my Mastermind Group, unfortunately that has not been enough because I have not been getting it. I have been failing and at the same time watching my buddies score left and right. I got to the point where I was meeting women but doing stupid clingy stuff to repel them. You know, calling to soon, showing too much interest and worst of all being the polite, nice to girls, no conflict boy my mamma raised me to be. Friday night I went out with one of my boys who is a Jedi Master. We started the night at a pub and discussed strategy. Yes, I made it clear I was seeking advice and wanted to learn. We reviewed a recent failure where a girl I wanted and had a brief cuddling experience with ended up wanting him instead. She started calling him; he had just been over to her house... I was not hung up on the girl, I was focused on the idea that it was not about the one, it was about the skill. I knew it was not my friend's intention to win this girl; she was simply attracted to him and not to me. So anyway, we debriefed on the situation and it was all-good. We then set out on the hunt. I was pumped with the idea that this is my reality and she (whoever she was, was a guest). Well, it worked. We stopped at a new pub; my friend went to the bar and ordered a couple of beers. When I walked up to the bar he was waiting for our beers and strategically wedged between a group of girls. I asked him... hey, what did you order for me? A cute little 23 year old next to him looked at me and said "oh, he ordered you a Zima..." Hey, this is Seattle and Men drink Beer. It was on; I played, had fun and could have cared less about the outcome. I have not had any real action for a long time. My game was on; she drove me home and did not leave until after sun was up. I got very little sleep. As she was leaving I casually said "hey, write down your email address and phone number so I know where to reach you". The closest thing I had to write on was a coaster with another girls name and number on it; I turned it over and had her write on the back. Because I had been a good student, I had been spanking her whenever she did something good. She wrote: name, email, home number and in big bold letters at the bottom "NO SPANKING". Game on. Thanks, L. -- Seattle >>>MY COMMENTS: Very nice. I'd like to comment on a few of the things you've said here, and point out some very important points that you've brought up. First, you said that you found yourself in a situation where you had just broken up with a long-term girlfriend, and you'd just turned 40. You were feeling sorry for yourself and feeling like you might wind up never succeeding with women again. I'm not 40, but I can certainly identify with the situation you were in. In the past, whenever I would break up with a girlfriend, I ALWAYS felt a lonely, insecure, NEEDY feeling in the pit of my stomach. Nature has cursed many of us guys with an instant and automatic DESPERATION mechanism that kicks in the moment a woman leaves us... lol. It really does suck. I can remember it all too well, by the way. Thanks for reminding me, you loser! But really, I think that most of the men walking around on this planet knows that feeling of wanting to have the Wuss inside surgically removed at that very moment. GOOD JOB getting back on the road to success, by the way. The combination of getting some good education (by way of my Advanced Series), and, VERY IMPORTANTLY, your group of guy friends who you went out with, was a good thing. And if this guy didn't recommend it enough, if you DON'T own a copy of my Advanced Dating Techniques DVD/CD program, then you are missing out on the most powerful education available for learning to meet women successfully. I recommend that you go and watch some of the video clips of the program, and read all the details here: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/e/17842/AdvancedSeries/?cid=ZVJ5ZZ&lid=2 I'm proud of you for believing in yourself enough to DO SOMETHING, and not just throwing in the towel, and sitting in your desperation alone... doing nothing. As you well know, I highly recommend spending time watching guys who know what's up as they interact with women... which you've done. One thing you mentioned REALLY caught my eye, though... You mentioned that a woman you had spent some time with, and even CUDDLED with, wound up liking one of your friends. This is usually a tough thing for most guys to handle. But you REALLY did the right thing. You didn't take it PERSONALLY. In fact, you REALLY, REALLY did the right thing when you TALKED to your buddy about it, and went over what happened. You took the perspective that it was more important to LEARN THE SKILL than it was to GET THE GIRL. Bravo! (By the way, I used to have a friend who would always get upset if any guy ever talked to any of the women he had talked to. Of course, he never had any success with ANY of the women in the end. On the other hand, I have a few friends who could care less if you talk to ALL of the women they're talking to... they just don't get jealous. Guess what? They're all the most successful guys I know when it comes to women and dating. Coincidence? I think not...) To put this whole thing differently, it's SO important to always try to get the LESSON in a particular situation instead of the GIRL in that particular situation. If you don't get the lesson, you'll keep banging your head against the wall (or rubbing it against your palm, whichever)... but if you GET THE LESSON in a situation, it will help you for the rest of your life. Get the lesson, and don't worry about the particular girl. It's never worth it to take things personally in these types of situations. On to the next topic... You mentioned that later in the evening you went to a pub, and got into a conversation with a girl... You only HINTED at the nature of the conversation, but from experience, I know exactly what the "vibe" was. You asked your friend what he ordered you, and a girl nearby teased you and said "A Zima". And I'd be willing to bet you a dollar that you DIDN'T answer her by acting like a WUSSY. Nooooooo, no. You knew what to do. You now understand something that's KEY. You now "get" how to have a conversation with a woman that sparks ATTRACTION and actually CREATES "chemistry" and sexual tension. In the past when you were interacting with women you probably did the same thing that most of the guys on the planet do (and the same thing that I did for YEARS of my own life)... You were an EXTRA NICE GUY. You never said anything "edgy", you always let the WOMAN lead the conversation, you never said anything controversial, and you always carefully listened to what she said so you kept the conversation "positive". You know what I'm talking about... that friendly, sterile, no-tension, artificially sugar- coated nice-guy kind of conversation? The kind that every one of us guys tries to keep going when we meet a girl we like... or we take a girl out on a date, etc.... The kind that attractive women HATE... and the kind that bores women to TEARS! What's interesting to me is how INSTANTLY women respond to this kind of overly-confident, fun, energy-charged banter... and how women RUN from guys who use the "I'm such a nice guy, and I want you to like me" kind of talk. By the way, nice touch turning over a coaster from a bar that already had a girl's number on it and having her write her info on the back. You certainly are starting to get it, my man. Well, I could go on and on... and there are some more great gems of wisdom in your email. Let's just say, if you were closer I'd give you a strong, manly slap on the back and tell you that you're almost not a Wussbag anymore. If you're reading this right now, and you're at that point in your life where you've turned an age that's getting you down... or you've just broken up with a woman that you've been together with for a long time... or something else has you feeling like you're never going to be able to "get your groove back" when it comes to women, then LISTEN UP. It does NOT have to be that way. I honestly believe that you can improve your success with women DRAMATICALLY if you CHOOSE to do it... and you LEARN HOW to do it. Stop sitting there wishing for things to change and hoping that a super-model jumps off the T.V. screen and MAKE IT HAPPEN for yourself. I've spent a lot of time now figuring out the things you need to do to increase your success with women... and I honestly believe that any man can do it, IF he TAKES ACTION. You heard the things that this particular guy learned from my Advanced Dating Techniques program. If you've been reading these newsletters for awhile, then you've heard tons of other great stories just like this one... from guys who have taken the information they have learned from me and used it to start meeting and dating the kinds of women they've always wanted. I want you to be next. Really. If you're ready for an IN-DEPTH education on everything from overcoming fear and approaching women... to getting numbers and dates... and taking things to a "physical level", then you MUST get your hands on a copy of my Advanced Dating Techniques CD/DVD program. It's literally jam packed with around 18 full hours of digitally recorded concepts, strategies, and specific techniques to DOUBLE YOUR DATING... and more. I get emails all the time from guys who are listening to the program two, three, and even five or MORE times because there's just so much information packed into it. You'll not only hear me teaching my personal techniques and secrets, but you'll also hear me interviewing several of my friends who are some of the best in the world with women... and getting them to reveal THEIR secrets as well. Go watch the latest preview video clips here: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/e/17842/AdvancedSeries/?cid=ZVJ5ZZ&lid=3 And if you haven't read my eBook "Double Your Dating", then you need to do that NOW. It's my original manual for success with women and dating, and it's the place to get started if you want to take your success with women to the next level. You can download here right now: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/e/17842/eBook/?cid=ZVJ5ZZ&lid=4 I'll talk to you again soon! Your Friend,

Confessing Sercets

I wanted to take a minute and tell you my story, explain how I learned what works to attract women... and to give you some pointers on how you can get the most out of my different techniques, concepts, and programs. First, let me answer the question: "Who Is David DeAngelo... And How Can He Help Me Become More Successful With Women And Dating?" I'm actually a pretty normal guy, who went through a point where I decided that I needed to get this part of my life called "meeting women" handled. I won't bore you with the details, but I was going through a time where I had just moved to a new city... I was single... and I had NO IDEA how to meet women or get dates. One night I was talking to one of my best friends and I said, "I am going to figure this out for myself, no matter what it takes". Well, it wasn't exactly easy to "figure it out". I spent the next few years reading a lot of books, listening to "motivational tapes", going to seminars, and generally trying out a lot of whacky ideas that I was learning. The real "break" came when I started meeting and hanging out with guys that were NATURALLY good with women. I'm talking about guys who had figured out how to attract women on their own. As I learned from these guys, I noticed that they did certain things and communicated with women in certain ways that REALLY didn't "add up". Maybe they would make fun of an attractive woman... but the woman would respond by laughing and playfully hitting them on the arm. Or they'd tell a woman that they didn't like being treated like a sex object, and that she'd better not try the "buy me a drink trick" just to get a date... and they'd wind up having the woman begging for their number. The more I saw things that "didn't make sense" actually WORKING with women, the more I began thinking that I might be on the verge of discovering something big. To make a long story short, I made rapid progress by learning from these "naturals", and I took the things I learned from them... tested and refined the ideas into a system... and put it all together for myself. Guys often ask me to tell them stories or give them "field reports" about women I've dated. They want to know if I've dated anyone famous... or they want the exact word-for-word transcript of every time I've approached a woman. It's not my style to brag a lot or tell stories, but the fact is that I have dated some pretty amazing women over the last several years. Yes, I've dated famous women. Yes, I've dated models. And yes, I've dated women that would be PERFECT in a starring role in a future "Fatal Attraction" movie. Be careful what you wish for! One of the things I've realized is that dating a supermodel isn't going to automatically change your life and make you "happy" on the inside. In fact, if you believe that attracting a woman will be the answer to all of life's problems, I've got bad news for you... But I can also tell you that learning how to successfully meet women anytime, day or night, in any situation will bring you HUGE benefits. I have now come to believe something that I think is very important... If you don't know how to successfully meet women, then you're probably going to walk through life feeling like "less than a man". It's not an easy thing to explain to someone who doesn't "get it", but I'll bet that you know EXACTLY what I'm talking about. On the other hand, if you DO know how to meet and attract women, you're going to have an inner confidence and "cool" that other people can sense INSTANTLY. Why Should You Believe That I Can Help You? As you already know quite well, there are a lot of people running around trying to convince you that they have all the answers. Well, unfortunately for you, I don't have ALL the answers. But I do believe that I have SOME of the answers (and I think the answers I have are pretty important). The question you're probably asking is "Why should I believe what David D. says?". And my answer to you is that you SHOULDN'T just blindly believe me. In fact, I would recommend that you approach my materials with a healthy skepticism, and a "scientific" perspective. I want you to TRY what you learn from me. I think you'll find that I'm not interested in things that don't work. I like stuff that gets results. And BIG results, at that. Only after you've seen that this stuff is REAL... do I want you to "believe" me. By the way, my materials aren't "perfect". I've spent a lot of time trying to explain and describe what I've learned over the years... and to do it in a way that allows you to get results as fast as possible. The fact is that I'm learning and growing all the time... and I've updated some of my programs recently to reflect new things I've learned, new understandings I have, and new techniques I've developed. I'm a person, and as a person I have my flaws. But I also think my programs are the best in the world, and I stand behind them. I honestly hope you get a TON of value from them. "Try Before You Buy" I honestly believe that you should only have to pay for my stuff IF IT HELPS YOU MEET WOMEN. If it doesn't help you, then you shouldn't have to pay... makes sense, right? Before I tell you about my different programs, I want to FIRST tell you that every program I sell comes with a "Try Before You Buy" guarantee. I will let you go through any program or book you want, learn everything inside, and actually TRY IT OUT in the real world BEFORE you pay me for it. If you don't get results IMMEDIATELY, then just send it back to me... and I won't charge you. I'm serious. If you get to the point where you'd like to invest in one of my programs, and you want to get all the details, just go to any of the websites where you can order the program, and it will all be there. I am 100% serious about this offer... it's real. I only want you to pay me if you meet more women. Where Should You Start? Once you start seeing improvement in your success with women and dating, you're going to naturally want to get into some of my more "advanced" ideas. The best place to start is with my first ebook: "Double Your Dating". I've updated it, added some great new material, and even added condensed chapter summaries for you to reference anytime. This book contains my very best thinking, and I believe it's the best place to start... for ANY guy who wants to learn how to attract and meet women. Before I tell you about my other programs, I want to say something that might not be the best thing for my wallet... My best ideas are in this book. I'm serious. You don't need to invest in my more advanced DVD programs, or come to one of my live seminars to get my "good stuff". In fact, many of my best ideas are actually in my FREE newsletters. Really. My DVD programs and other materials are designed to help guys who are interested in getting a more "in-depth" education. Think of it like fishing... If you want to learn how to fish, just go fishing with a buddy. You'll learn what you need to know. But if you want to learn how to fish like a PRO, it's going to require some more education, research, and practice. My free newsletters and Double Your Dating ebook will teach you everything you need to know to meet women. If you want to become a MASTER, then consider investing in my other programs... You can download the ebook and be reading it in literally minutes. Just go here: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/e/17842/eBook/?cid=0ZZZVJ&lid=1 "Attraction Isn't A Choice" My second ebook is called "Attraction Isn't A Choice: How To Use Secret Communication And Sexual Body Language To Attract Women". This book is heavy on the "psychology" of attraction... but it also includes a few specific techniques. I think of it as a deeper journey into the mind of a man and the mind of a woman... and the complex underlying mechanisms that are at play during the human "mating process". If you're fascinated by psychology and behavior (like I am), then you'll not only enjoy learning what's in this book... but you'll also learn how to see every aspect of meeting women differently. All the details are here: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/e/17842/AttractionBook/?cid=0ZZZVJ&lid=2 What's The Next Step? If you've decided to take this part of your life "seriously", and you'd like to get a more in- depth education, then here's how to do it... "Interviews With Dating Gurus" As I mentioned before, my real success with women came after learning from guys who were "naturals" with women. I recommend that YOU make friends with guys who are good with women, and spend time learning from them. If you don't have a lot of extra time, and you'd like to learn from some of the guys that I have learned from and met over the years, then you might want to invest in my monthly "Interviews With Dating Gurus" program. Every month, I interview a different "Dating Guru"... and then I edit the recording down to a tight, focused CD that I'll send out to you. This is the next best thing to learning from these people in real life (it might actually be better, because you get my experience and connections as part of the deal). After listening to ten or twelve of these interviews... a few times each... it will begin to "reprogram" your mind. It will change how you see the world. It will install a new way of thinking about meeting and attracting women. Getting several different perspectives will open your mind to the possibilities that are out there for YOU... and you'll also learn TONS of practical, real-world, step-by-step techniques for every aspect of meeting women. If you'd like to learn more about my monthly Interviews With Dating Gurus program, just go here: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/e/17842/InterviewSeries/?cid=0ZZZVJ&lid=3 "Advanced Dating Techniques" I think of my Advanced Dating Techniques DVD/CD program like "Boot Camp". It's probably the Advanced Program I'm most proud of, as it will really give you a DEEP education on all aspects of meeting women. I can remember when I first created this program, and guys who were at the live filming of the program said things like: "I thought you were just going to teach the same stuff you teach in your book... this was almost all new stuff!". I originally created this program for guys who were interested in more of the "inner psychology" of dating success... in other words, guys who wanted to learn: how and why women were attracted to guys (and how to trigger that attraction)... how to fix "self image" problems and how to overcome the fear of approaching women... and how to "undo" bad programming from earlier in life. Of course, the program also contains literally HUNDREDS of great tips and techniques... and even "pick up lines" for approaching women in different situations. It also features me interviewing some of my good friends who have taught ME how to meet women. Priceless. In short, if you're going to get started with one of my more advanced programs, START WITH THIS ONE. You can watch some video clips of the program here: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/e/17842/AdvancedSeries/?cid=0ZZZVJ&lid=4 "The Inner Game And The Outer Game" As you might already know, I put a lot of emphasis on what you might call the "Inner Game" of success with women and dating. The Inner Game is all about what's going on INSIDE your mind, body and emotions. I honestly believe that if you don't have your Inner Game together, then almost NOTHING you do or say is going to get you success with women. If you don't have your inner game together, then fancy techniques and cute pick-up lines will only waste your time... because the woman you're talking to will QUICKLY see that you're not the smooth guy you're pretending to be. On the other hand, if you DO have your Inner Game together, then you can use almost ANY technique or "opening line"... because the woman you're approaching will be able to FEEL that you're the kind of man that she's been looking for... Now, don't get me wrong... Techniques, lines, and strategies DO work with women. No question. In fact, I've found that women APPRECIATE it that you've taken the time to polish up your presentation (so to speak), and learn how to communicate in a smooth, interesting way. But it's only part of the puzzle. With this in mind, I like to think of my programs as being "Inner Game" programs, "Outer Game" (or "technique") programs... and "combined" programs. By the way, my ebook "Double Your Dating", and my "Advanced Dating Techniques" program are a balance between Inner Game and Techniques... The reality is that I always sneak some of each into EVERY program... but I'm going to talk about them in terms of these two categories, so you get an idea of how they work together... "The Inner Game" A solid "Inner Game" is the foundation for all success with women (and with life in general, I believe). I've created several programs that are aimed at helping you build a POWERFUL Inner Game... and I'd like to tell you about a few of them... "The 77 Laws Of Success With Women And Dating" To that end, I've created a simple DVD program called "The 77 Laws Of Success With Women And Dating". A quick confession: These aren't really "laws" at all. These are guidelines. They're concepts. They're shortcuts. I think of this program as me sharing my 77 best ideas... rapid fire... in a quick "affirmation-style" program. Most of the ideas are either Inner Game concepts... or they're techniques or strategies that help you BUILD a solid Inner Game. This program is relatively short, very condensed, and INTENSE. If you want to watch some preview clips, go read about the program and check them out here: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/e/17842/77Laws/?cid=0ZZZVJ&lid=5 "Sexual Communication" After spending years trying to learn how to attract women, I began to notice that the guys who were the MOST successful were actually communicating with women on a "different level". As I mentioned a little while ago, I took some big personal steps forward when I went out and actually WATCHED guys who were "naturals" as they interacted with women. I also mentioned that they often did things that didn't make "logical sense". Sometimes they'd tease a beautiful woman about her looks... or accuse her of trying to use tricks to "get laid"... or turn the tables in some other way. At first, it didn't make any sense at all to me. In fact, it took quite awhile before I would even ACCEPT that this stuff could POSSIBLY work to attract women. I mean, why would an attractive woman... who has her choice of guys... put up with being teased, busted on, and made fun of? Well, the more I watched, the more I learned... and the more it made "sense" to me. What I discovered was that there was a level of communication that was happening... right in front of me all along... that I just hadn't "seen" before. One of the things that was MOST exciting was that once I started to "get" what was going on, I started to practice the "language" myself and made pretty dramatic progress. Later, I named this level of communication... and I called it "Sexual Communication". It's a language... just like the English language... and once you learn it, you'll totally "get" how to spark ATTRACTION with women. You'll also "get" why it is that women never responded to you BEFORE on this level. This type of communication is the KEY to flirting with women effectively, building attraction without risk... and taking things from one "step" to the next... smoothly, and without any rejection. Toward the end of this program, I'll teach you how to bridge over into PHYSICAL Sexual Communication as well... and easily take things to a "physical" level whenever you'd like. I think of this program mostly as an "Inner Game" program, even though it contains some fantastic step-by-step techniques and progressions. I HIGHLY recommend it if you'd like to learn how to connect the Inner and Outer game together. Details and video preview clips are here: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/e/17842/SexualCommunication/?cid=0ZZZVJ&lid=6 "On Being A Man... Who Naturally Attracts Women" After putting a lot of time and energy into learning what it takes to attract and meet women, I finally realized that women aren't attracted to BOYS. They're attracted to MEN. And the single best thing you can do to increase your success with women and dating is to learn what's holding you back from maturing into a MAN... and then fix those things so you become the kind of man that women are NATURALLY attracted to. Now, I have to warn you... this program probably has fewer "techniques" you can use to attract women than ANY of my programs. But it's probably also the most PROFOUND of all my programs. This program will explain to you why most men walk around like Wussbags, begging for attention from women... and why this turns women off faster than you can flip a light switch. And it also explains what to do if YOU need to get rid of your "Inner Wussy"... and it explains how to become a MAN... even if you didn't have a strong masculine male figure as a role-model growing up. In this program, you're going to face everything from your fears... to your fear of DEATH. It's heavy, no question. I guarantee that one review of this program will deeply affect your view of life, women, and yourself. It's like taking a sip of water from a fire hydrant... refreshing, but scary. I also guarantee that this program will create a change in you that other people will notice... no question. If it sounds like something you need, then go read the details and watch some video clips here: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/e/17842/OnBeingAMan/?cid=0ZZZVJ&lid=7 "Deep Inner Game" The program I just told you about (On Being A Man) is directed at your CORE. It's about affecting your IDENTITY. If you already "get" what it means to be a mature, masculine, confident man who knows what he's doing in life... and you have more specific PSYCHOLOGICAL Inner Game challenges, then you might want to consider investing in my Deep Inner Game program. This program came about after several conversations that a friend (who goes by the name of "Dr. Paul") and I had about the challenges that men face with their Inner Game. I met Dr. Paul at one of my live seminars, and we became fast friends. I think of myself as a "regular guy who likes to read a lot about psychology", and I think of Dr. Paul as a "psychologist who likes to help a lot of regular guys". As I got to know him, he explained that he had spent the last several years developing a "unified theory" of psychology. The more he explained it to me, the more I realized that his system was the simplest, easiest-to-understand, most applicable, and FASTEST system for getting RESULTS... that I'd ever seen. Well, after talking about it for quite awhile, and after doing one of my monthly "Interviews With Dating Gurus" (and getting great feedback from guys on it), we decided to do a program together. This program is called "Deep Inner Game". It's all about the psychology of overcoming your inner limitations, fixing "believe-level" problems, and developing a rock-solid self image... and high self-esteem... so you can confidently meet and attract women. It's the only program of it's type... because it takes the scientific advancements from the field of psychology, and applies them to this SPECIFIC challenge of becoming more successful with women and dating. If you need to work on your DEEP Inner Game, then go read the details and watch some video preview clips here: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/e/17842/DeepInnerGame/?cid=0ZZZVJ&lid=8 "Mastery With Women And Dating" This is my longest, most intense program. It's the program that is also the most CHALLENGING. This program contains some of the most profound material I've ever learned... and it also probably includes the most TECHNIQUES of any program I've released. It's around 20 hours long and it's approximately half "Inner Game" and half technique. What makes this program very SPECIAL is that I address some very "big picture" aspects of life... and of creating a life that makes you AUTOMATICALLY attractive to women... and a life that AUTOMATICALLY brings you dating opportunities (after all, wouldn't it be great if you didn't have to spend time "chasing" women? Well, you don't....) This program requires a LOT of hard work on your part. It requires that you think through just about every important aspect of your life... many of which might not "seem" like they're important to meeting women (but they are). In this program, I describe and explain what I consider to be the "Master Key" to success with women. It's the one single element that stands above ALL OTHERS... and it's the one thing, that once you "get" it, allows you to know how to handle virtually EVERY situation that comes up... in a way that builds more attraction. As you've probably noticed, there are things that women do that tend to knock you "off balance"... or things that "test" you. Well, after you understand this "Master Key", you'll know how to handle ANYTHING. This program also contains so many guest speakers... and so many different perspectives... that it will challenge you to develop your OWN style of meeting women. See, I don't think that there's "only one way" to meet women. I think that there are a lot of ways. The BEST way is the way that works BEST for YOU. Inside this program, you're going to meet a lot of different guys... who will give you a lot of different approaches and techniques to try. WARNING: Do not order this program unless you're willing to take a serious look at yourself, and unless you're willing to do the tough work required to make lasting changes in your life. It's not "light" material. It's heavy material. But if you're ready, go check it out and watch some video clips here: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/e/17842/Mastery/?cid=0ZZZVJ&lid=9 "Power Sexuality" It's tough to call this program an "Inner Game" program without explaining what I'm talking about... so here goes. This is one of the latest programs I've developed, and I waited to do this program until after I had created most of my others... for a very specific reason. The more I learned about different aspects of meeting women, and the more I put my ideas "on paper"... and taught them in live seminars... the more I saw that almost EVERYTHING connected in one way or another to SEXUALITY. When I finally DID a program on sex, I found that most of the materials that I was including really weren't about "sex technique" or the ACT of sex... they were more about the CONCEPT of sex. Over the years, as I've worked with not only my own challenges... but also helping many other guys overcome their challenges... I've found that many of our challenges with things like approaching women... starting conversations... kissing a woman for the first time... and even sex itself... come down to how we THINK about sex. I now believe that if you don't have your "issues" worked out around sex... and if you don't BELIEVE that you will give a woman a MIND-BLOWING sexual experience... then you're going to screw-up just about everything ELSE that happens BEFORE you have the chance to have sex. In other words, if you don't have sex "handled", then it will literally sabotage the rest of your success with women. And to fix this, I've created a program that I call "Power Sexuality: How To Increase Your Sexual Confidence By Mastering Advanced Mental, Emotional, And Sexual Techniques". You'll notice that the second part of the title above starts with the words "How To Increase Your Sexual Confidence...". Now, why did I choose THESE specific words? What is "Sexual Confidence"? And why do we need it? Well, I've had a lot of guys say things to me like "I don't have any sexual confidence" and "I wish I had more sexual confidence". These are the words that REAL GUYS use to describe their problems. At first, I didn't really notice that these specific words were being used so often. But after I started paying closer attention, I realized that men have a common challenge... and they often use the same words to describe it. I've now come to realize that if you don't have CONFIDENCE when it comes to sex, then you're not going to have CONFIDENCE when it comes to just about anything else with women... You're not going to have confidence when it comes to approaching a woman. You're not going to have confidence when it comes to asking for her number... or asking her out on a date... or kissing her... or anything else. This program is ALL about BUILDING that Sexual Confidence. It's all about overcoming guilt, shame, fear, self-consciousness and anxiety that are connected to your SEXUAL DESIRE and sex drive. And it's also all about teaching you some secret tricks and techniques for giving any woman a MIND- BLOWING sexual experience with you. You can read all about this program, and watch some great video clips of it here: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/e/17842/PowerSexuality/?cid=0ZZZVJ&lid=10 The Technique-Based Programs Once you've gotten your "Inner Game" together, it's time to really start working on your "moves". And if you'd like to learn the most effective techniques for meeting women and getting dates, then this is the place to learn them... "Approaching Women And Starting Conversations" For most guys, the scariest, most intense part of meeting women is APPROACHING women in order to start conversations. How many times have you seen a girl that you'd like to meet, and maybe even made eye contact with her... but you just couldn't get up the nerve to talk to her? Well, it's happened to me about a MILLION times. And before I knew HOW to approach women and start conversations, I was STUCK. Of course, the worst part was that I'd think about it for hours or even DAYS afterward... and I'd mentally beat myself up about it. The good news is that approaching women is a SKILL that can be LEARNED. It's not magic, and anyone can do it. The good news is that once you learn this skill, you'll see that it's actually easy and fun. First, you must learn to overcome your irrational inner fears, and then you must learn what to do and say. Once you put these two pieces together, you can approach virtually any woman in virtually any situation, and easily start a conversation. Once you learn how to start conversations naturally, it will be EASY for you to get phone numbers and email addresses... and DATES. In this program, I'm going to help you work through your fears of approaching women... and I'm going to teach you exactly how to start conversations without rejection. Oh, I've also brought in a group of guest speakers that are MASTERS at approaching women. When you add them up, the guys in this program have approached literally THOUSANDS of women. You're also going to meet a pair of WOMEN who take men out and teach them how to approach women LIVE "in the field". It's going to blow your mind, really. If you'd like to learn the skill of approaching women and starting conversations, go read about the program and watch some preview video clips here: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/e/17842/ApproachingWomen/?cid=0ZZZVJ&lid=11 "Cocky Comedy & Other Conversation Skills" Have you ever heard that women are attracted to humor? Have you ever had the feeling that if you could just make a woman LAUGH... the rest would be easy? Have you ever wondered why some guys were so NATURAL at making conversation with women... while it always seemed like a challenge to you? I can relate. In fact, I can more than relate... I can IDENTIFY. One of the most obvious "common denominators" that I found when I was meeting guys who were "naturals" with women... was their ability to make women LAUGH and SMILE. The more I saw this, the more I thought that these guys must understand how to be "funny". This turned out to be only PART of the equation. The REST of the equation was the HOW. After observing many interactions between men and women, I started to notice a pattern... Many of the things that the "successful" guys were saying to women weren't what you might call "nice". They weren't sweet, affectionate "please like me" words. And they weren't a bunch of "jokes" that you might hear from a stand-up comedian. No, this was something different. One of my friends tried to describe it to me using the words "cocky" and "funny". And I noticed that he would often make arrogant, condescending, sarcastic remarks to women... that were somehow "OK"... because they weren't entirely SERIOUS. I eventually came to understand this technique, why it works, and how to use it. And I have to tell you, it's one of the most EFFECTIVE techniques you will ever learn for creating ATTRACTION. In my program "Cocky Comedy", I'm going to teach you the "roots" of humor. I'm also going to teach you all about why humans laugh (it's not why you think). As a matter of fact, think about it for a minute... Why do most people laugh? Is it because they heard something funny? No, it's not. The next ten times you hear someone laugh, ask yourself "Did they just hear something funny?". The answer will almost ALWAYS be "no". People only laugh in response to humor on RARE occasion. Most of the time, we're laughing in response to something that contains no humor at all... like another person talking about the weather... or about a work situation. Laugher serves an important purpose that is WAY beyond humor. And it is a way that women communicate INTEREST in men, as well. If you'd like to learn how to use humor and other conversation skills to create ATTRACTION, then I highly recommend that you go check out the details of this program... and watch some of the video clips here: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/e/17842/CockyComedy/?cid=0ZZZVJ&lid=12 "Using Body Language To Attract Women" When guys first start learning about how to meet women, the first thing they want is almost always "pick up lines"... They want to know the WORDS to use to meet women. They're often surprised when I tell them that their BODY LANGUAGE is at least as important as the words they're using (actually, it's MORE important). Posture, gestures, eye contact... all of these are signals that women can read VERY well. I've heard that women can read body language ten TIMES better than men. If you ask women, they'll often tell you that they can know what another person is feeling and thinking just by looking at how they're sitting or standing... how they're moving... and what their expression is. For some reason, most men do NOT have this "natural talent". For us guys, we have to LEARN how to communicate with our body language. I've created a program dedicated to exactly that... how to use Body Language to create ATTRACTION with women. In this program, I'll teach you about the different messages you're sending with your body language, gestures, and eye contact... and I'll teach you how to INSTANTLY make yourself more attractive by understanding the mistakes you're currently making (and how to fix them fast). Women are making dozens of decisions about you in the first few seconds... and you might as well take CONTROL of those decisions by taking CONTROL of the messages you're sending with your body. This program will help you do exactly that. You can read about the details, and watch video clips here: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/e/17842/BodyLanguage/?cid=0ZZZVJ&lid=13 "Meeting Women Online" When I first started learning how to meet women "seriously", the Internet was a HUGE help to me. Why? Because it allowed me to "test out" my ideas... and it allowed me to "practice" with women in a "slow motion" environment. Talking to a woman on an instant messenger program is different from talking to a woman in person. You get to communicate, and you get to do things that build attraction... but you get to do it at about a TENTH the speed of normal conversation... and you get to do it without all the distractions that come from being right in front of someone. It allows you to focus on the art of communicating your ideas with words... and it allows you time to THINK about what you're going to say between comments. Communicating by email "slows down" the dialog even MORE. When I first started, I would spend time almost every day chatting and emailing with women... and it was a PRICELESS experience. Even MORE incredible is the power of placing online personal ads... This allows you to really put your "best foot forward", and learn what makes women respond to YOU. It also allows you to test different ideas, approaches, and styles of communicating... so you can see EXACTLY what works and what doesn't. As you can probably imagine, this is very valuable information. It teaches you not only what works ONLINE, but also what works in GENERAL. Practicing your Cocky & Funny conversation skills online "drills" them into your mind... so you have them ready when you meet women in PERSON. And finally, there's nothing more convenient than being able to sit down at your computer anytime, day or night, and chat with single women who are looking for dates. I've put an entire program together that will teach you about all of the important aspects of meeting women online... and how to use different types of technology to start conversations, build attraction, and get dates. I've brought in several of my friends to teach you their step-by-step methods for meeting women online... and I even do some "make-overs"... where we take a guy and his profile, and fix it LIVE. If you're interested in learning how to use the incredible power of the Internet to meet women, then you MUST check this program out. Go here to read about it and watch some video clips: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/e/17842/MeetingWomenOnline/?cid=0ZZZVJ&lid=14 "Meeting Women In Bars & Clubs" Wouldn't it be great if attractive single women would all go out and gather together... so you could find them all in one place? Wouldn't it also be cool if they put on their best clothes, made themselves up and did their hair, then put on some great music in the background? I know, I'm making bars and clubs sound like paradise... huh? Well, the truth is that bars and clubs are AMAZING places to meet women. If you've ever been out to a popular place on a Saturday night, then you know that beautiful single women show up in GROUPS... But there's more to the story... Anywhere that attracts a lot of hot women also attracts a lot of COMPETITION. Most guys find that trying to meet women in bars and clubs is CHALLENGING. I mean, we are talking about an environment that's loud and distracting... and full of other guys who are working hard to meet the same women. What you may NOT realize is that most of the guys who go out to bars do NOT meet many women. And what you may also not realize is that if you KNOW how to meet women in this environment, it's actually EASY. When I first started learning how to meet women myself, I would go out to bars and clubs, and use them as "practice" environments. It's truly amazing to be able to go somewhere and try something ten times in a row... just to see how it works. It's also great to be able to approach women, one after the other, knowing that it really doesn't matter what happens... because if the first one isn't interesting, there are fifty more behind her. But like anything else, the key to success in these environments is KNOWING WHAT YOU'RE DOING. I've created a special program dedicated to helping you meet women in bars and clubs, and if you're interested in learning how to take advantage of this amazing opportunity to meet attractive women where they gather in groups... then this program will help you DRAMATICALLY. You can get all the details and watch some great video clips here: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/e/17842/BarsAndClubs/?cid=0ZZZVJ&lid=15 So Now What Should I Do? I'd like to wrap this up by pointing out a couple of things to you, and making a couple of recommendations. First of all, let's talk about your future. There's an old saying that goes like this: "If you keep doing what you've done, you'll keep getting what you've got". In other words, if you want different RESULTS in your life, then you're going to have to DO something different. Success with women isn't an "accident". You're not going to wake up tomorrow and know how to attract women. Sorry to be the one to tell you the bad news. But the GOOD news is that you can LEARN how to meet women. I know, because I used to have no idea what I was doing with women... and I LEARNED how to overcome my fears, approach women, and get dates. The difference between you and me is that I had to learn the HARD way. I spent YEARS of my life... and a lot of money learning stuff that just didn't work. You have the chance to take advantage of all the hard work and time I put into figuring this stuff out... and you have the chance to learn stuff that took me YEARS... in just a few HOURS. If you're just getting started, and you're on a budget, make sure you read all of my email newsletters, and get your hands on a copy of my ebook "Double Your Dating". Next, subscribe to my monthly "Interviews With Dating Gurus" CD program. Listen to each of them a few times. Let the ideas and the THINKING settle into your mind. Then, if you're ready for a deeper education, get a copy of my Advanced Dating Techniques DVD/CD program. This program will open your mind, and take you "behind the scenes" in the world of dating and mating. After you go through that program, you need to decide if you're more interested in working on your "Inner Game" (meaning your beliefs, fears, and self image stuff), or you're more interested in "Techniques" (meaning learning how to approach women, meet women online, etc.). If you'd like to work on your Inner Game, then invest in my "On Being A Man" program and my "Deep Inner Game" program first. These programs are PROFOUND. They will help you overcome your inner limitations... and build a powerful, confident self image. If you like to work on TECHNIQUES, then consider my "Approaching Women" program, my "Cocky Comedy" program, or my "Meeting Women Online" program next. If you're ready for some serious "mind- bending", then you should also check out my "Power Sexuality" program and my "Mastery" program. Both contain Inner Game and techniques, and both will have a very intense impact on your success with women and dating. Every one of my programs addresses slightly different aspects of dating success. There are common themes and theories in all of them... but each one takes an idea (or many ideas), and goes "deep" with them. And remember my "Try Before You Buy" guarantee... I'll send you any of my programs to try out BEFORE you pay for it. I want you to be absolutely sure that the program is for you before you make the investment. If you have any questions about any of my programs, do me a favor and send an email to questions@doubleyourdating.com, and I'll make sure you get an answer back fast. Thanks for your time, and I'll talk to you soon. Your Friend, David D.
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