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Fri 05-23-08 ("Quotes")


05-4.gif Friday, May 22, 2008 07-2.gif Well, The summer season has officially begun You KNOW what that means don't cha? White Shoes! *laughs* I have no idea WHY I've always remembered that fu-pa? 10.jpg Useless trivial things like that always seemed to stick? I remember strange facts over important matters too ... Puts me in mind of those guys who remember baseball stats of thousands of active and retired players, Yet wouldn't know who was their congressmen is. Although - I'm NOT one of THOSE guys ... (thankfully) But I do know a lot of non-useful things, facts or lore. And "Quotes" ... lots & lots of QUOTES! Which I though might make a fun subject matter 06-2.gif What's your favorite "QUOTE"? 08a-1.gif08b-2.gif I'm really unsure of WHY I always absorbed silly sayings & famous quotes ... But my mother always told me "saying" mostly the ones of lore & fables ... 15.gif While I never felt they stuck with me But I catch myself saying them a lot. Her sayings weren't the profound stuff of legions but those of folk lore and "fun facts" Like the stuff you would read in Early American Literature. 12.jpg Do you Have any you like to share? Adding any stories to why they are important? 09.gif 14.gif With my most recent computer issues (It's my GRAFIC card or/and driver?) I'll stare at blank screen either black or white for up to 5 minute before the page loads So - truthfully I 'think' my greeting is okay? 16.gif I know I remade one of my original 'C & R' graphics and went to my newest favorite FX site to add the 'flare' So I'm unsure -IF- I'll be blogging or even comments until I get that fixed It's all up to if my screen opens up or not? So IF I dont see you . . . we.gif And if I do, STILL wish you the best. And with that I leave you with this: 08-1.gif
Well, It HELPS me "RELEASE" that "inner-party-animal" . . . *wink* Enjoy your Holiday Weekend! {EVERYONE}
Hey It's my friends TINKS B-Day I'd call it a personal favor If you'd go say 'HI'
fireworks.gif Balloo.gifHB.gifBalloo.gif 765210648.jpg Hand_right.gift.gifi.gifn.gifk.gifHand_left.gif ? ÐJ TIÑK ?~I ? My Freddy~ aka ?BRATTY ANGEL?~ Fu Wifey of Jaded

@ fubar lites.gifapplause.giflites.gif


13-1.jpg Wednesday, May 21, 2008 04-2.jpg Sending YOU a mid-week Welcome! I hope this finds you with a good first half of the week thus far! Mines 'slivering' right along . . . (you knew I had to do a reptile reference) Or If you didnt - it wont that many of my blogs to figure out my style. Speaking of the blog - I always include a video to scroll to: Today's is more to watch than listen ... I had to do something lizard-like for music - well, somewhat knowledgeable on different genre of music - a lizard based or themed song didn't pop into my head at all? *nodda* animal2.gif So I'm all about computer generated art, and I liked the dancing commercail. But If you want to scroll to the full "thiller" soundtrack there is some videos on the menu if you want to hear all of MJ's biggest hit. (and some funny ones too!) I thought the prisoners rendition of the classic video was hysterical! 06.jpg05-2.jpg07-1.jpg I'm guessing you've figured out that I dont have a 'true' subject matter as of yet? Sometimes I just start writing and (hopefully) something will pop into my mind of interest ... And then again - Sometimes there's nothing? *shrugs* I'll Have to figure something out by the time I get down to ... *looks down* Sh*t! I'm to the Question portion of the BLOG already??? 13.gif Are YOU afraid of Lizards 10.jpg08-2.jpg10.jpg (sorry, best I could come up with) *shrugs* I cant say I'm afraid of them. I actually think some of them are cute looking (umm unless your talking gators -Yikes!) 03.jpg When I lived in Florida Those tiny ones run all over the place (like bugs) and I didnt mind them - I didnt like stepping on them. I dont like hurting any animals. I'm Not saying I want any for pets, although I've known some people who had some as pets and they were quite tame & neat to look at. 01-1.gif Just NOT my bag ... (idea of a 'good' pet) I perfer my pets to be warm blooded and furry! But as I said - they are NEAT looking (lizards) 08-1.jpg How about YOU? Any lizard lovers amongst us? Are do they 'creep you out'? Any "LIZARD" stories you'd like to share? 12.gif Today's Comment: It was run a couple of times, although only parts (of it were) The lizards jumping and the bouncy "lizzard" graphic. I added some newer graphic and 'FX' to todays version. 02.gif The "zooming towards you" effect is a NEW effect/graphic I ran into - So I imagine that effect will pop up in some other comments down the road. 09-1.jpg I hope said message (below) finds your week 'leaping' towards many good fortunes and great strides are made to successful venture ... Here it is: 13.gif
1094474139204803120907.gif lizleap.gif 212123422035103120907.gif w14.gif


t1b.gift1b.gift1b.gift1b.gift1b.gift1b.gift1b.gift1b.gift1b.gif Tuesday, May 19, 2008

t1.jpg Some of my older friends sent word my way Expressing thanks for the train or that they were happy to see it again. Which is nice to see that it was missed. I loved the idea of introducing my 'GOOD' friends to each other ... And hopefully creating a bond in which we are all a part of here. t1f.gif Never one to belong to a large group Or as internet communities refer to as 'families' or clubs. I've always liked to think of it as a small circle of friends. I'm the type who has mucho compassion and will go out of the way to please my close friends, but with age I learned if I kept my number of friends down - it made life a lot easier & a better way to devote time to those friends and their needs! t3.jpg Which Brings me to the part of the blog to inquire your thoughts of the subject at hand ... _Atrainl-r.gif What's your definition of a "GOOD" friend Let's face it ... We all have different standards. For that matter, perhaps even different classes? (of friendships) We've got our: Work Buddies Our neighbor friends Maybe Penpals Internet mates School chums t1c.gif The one(s) we call our closes of CLOSE friends is where I'm heading here. WHAT makes them 'close' in your book? Is it something they "DO" for you? Or do you like others for "who" they are? Is it: Honesty Loyalty Trustworthiness Some other intangibles And combination of what? Which is more important? t8.jpg I also find it funny, well not funny humorous, but peculiar ... When there's a times in your life that someone you know has a different perspective of your "Friendships" -- relationship ... As in they are on a whole different page than you. Like - They like you more -than you them or You thought of them as a lot closer to you than they actually feel about yours and theirs friendship (it's happen both ways to me) So teach me the wisdom of your ways my FRIENDS! Hand_cart.gif

t9.gif _Atrainr-l.gif

cabo.jpg 4.gif3-3.gifmid.jpg2-3.jpg1.jpgE.gif t4.gif This weeks Train Passengers:

"Whispers" Cinda: She's definitely been everything she promised! On her request she said: "I'll be a TRUE friend!" AND.gif Polish Countess Dorota: She's really been so nice & One of my blogging buddys - so it's fun to get to know her. t2.jpg *Babs* Sweet as they come, Just getting to know her little better but I've a feeling she'll be around for a long while. AND.gif ~Tsisquo'ga~ Robin: Is a long time friend who often flatters me with comment praises, although HER comments are as good as any I've seen. train4.jpg _Atrainl-r.gif

They are defiantly ones I recommend (all my train riders today) to go visit

and riders please visit some of my past riders! t6.gif After all - that what my Tuesday Trains about, introductions to AWESOME folks! trainzug014.gifThe Trains progression thus fartrainzug014.gif


Come back each MONTH for updates & MEET new folks ... I hope the ride was a pleasent one! CabooseAnim.gif Below is my comment as seen on profile page: t7.gif


Whats a Tuesday Train?


cabo.jpg 4.gif3-3.gifmid.jpg2-3.jpg1.jpgE.gif

This weeks Train:



Polish Countess





train4.jpg b-2.gif

Mon 05-19-08 (wet)


10e.gif Monday, May 19. 2008 10c.gif Welcome back, I hope your weekend was a good one - not a total loss & your plans werent ... ummm "Rained Out" I tossed that out there ... I have all these 'wet' graphics and I'd hate to come off like a 'Total Dip' (Ugh) clouds.gif So ... My weekend? -uneventful- Unless chasing a mouse counts as an event. It was funny watching my wiener dog & cat though. I used to have TWO wieners (Male & Female) and my male WAS the mouser of the house ... he-he 10g.gif He'd see a mouse and pounce quicker than any cat! Even weeks befored he passed away, He'd get excited and snatch up a mouse so quick although too fat and slow to do anything else, those mice kept him young. The female never seemed to take an interest back when the male was around ... funny thing: Neither did the CAT! But they both were having fun chasing that little vermin around yesterday. 08DD.gif08DD.gif08DD.gif08DD.gif08DD.gif08DD.gif08DD.gif08DD.gif08DD.gif08DD.gif08DD.gif08DD.gif08DD.gif08DD.gif 08DD.gif08DD.gif08DD.gif08DD.gif08DD.gif08DD.gif08DD.gif08DD.gif08DD.gif08DD.gif08DD.gif08DD.gif08DD.gif08DD.gif Anything exciting happen to you? xxPHvk2ldlMSKjCLVi4GWOoPsILr6JMbuXG7.gif As you can tell mine wasnt ... I didnt even have Lexy but Friday night And for breakfest Saturday ... (lol, feed her, not ate her) Ella & Trisha's out and about, Trisha down in Cincinnati doing a Modeling gig And Ella's with her daddy until she's back. 4e7ba9fb.gif So I'll spare you anymore lack of excitement, on my end ... Adding the rain, I wasnt even able to do yard work & outdoor actives ... badDay11.gif How about 'On Your Side' of the screen??? Allow me some vicarious excitement? Any mouse chasing you wanna share? Stories of old pets? lol 10d.gif10d.gif10d.gif10d.gif10d.gif10d.gif10d.gif10d.gif Today's comment was made and used once on the same day made - back on 11/26/07 It was the FIRST 'pazoen' graghic I made as a daily greeting/comment for 'YOU'! Pretty cool site, very much like 'blingee' but if you ask me not as confusing but also not as many options of thing to created. I like it because of that, means I dont have to wait (& wait some more) for extra pages the load slowly. The Graphic below made my question mark and my Monday (Oh No!) which I found on 'pazoen' site: 10bg.gif I've learned to live with the slow loading but I stay away from sites that are heavy coded to avoid frustration & to keep some peace of mind. rain.gif So, That all I have for you today ... I hope this finds you well & well, DRY ... Didn't mean to 'dampen' your day! Here's today's dripping comment: Rain.gif

Sun 05-18-08 (heart on)


1a.gif Sunday, May 18, 2008 2c-3.gif 2b-2.gif2a-3.jpg2b-2.gif Happy Sunday ... Sorry I was so late getting comments out ... You know how Sundays are ... 1c.gif No ... It wasn't an adventuresome thing that kept me away either ... (like my Sunday Greeting might suggest) - Dang It! I was mouse hunting ... 1b.gif And it wasn't the computer kind either! My Wiener Dog and Cat and I was chasing a vermin, mouse around the house ... Actually it was kinda exciting! But heres my next segment: 1.gif I like to spend my Sunday ... (finish the sentence) Me? I enjoy a morning romp (when I had someone to romp with) lol (and not the chasing a mouse romping either) *wink* Followed by a big brunch 2-6.jpg I love big meals on a Sunday too! Either a bunch with tons for desert stuff (add Champaign for an even better meal) 5.gif But I grew up with a big early DINNER ... Where everyone ate like at 3 in the afternoon wearing your Sunday best and all at the table. So those are nice, I'd take either ... Maybe switch off from week to week? How about you? 1.gif Today's greeting was a remake from the end of last year Using it only once ... And if I remember right, One of my daily greeting receivers thought it was too suggestive So deleted and blocked me? 7.gif Which bothered me then ... But seriously if that's offensive to them ... maybe we shouldn't of been friends anyway. I mean I've seen commercials with more sexual undertones and innuendoes than my silly attempts at dirty joke parodies 8.gif This is by-the-way ... Is the way it was supposed to look I wasn't able to have everything I originally designed it (in my mind) to look like ... So I hope it finds you good a n ddd not offended! 1a.gif
AA-1.jpg 09c.gif L.jpg09BB.gif L2.jpg 09CC.gif6R.gif Ab-1.jpg 29.gifLm.jpg L4.jpg Ac.jpg

Sat 05-17-08 (Doors Open!)


09w.jpg s.gifa.gift.gifu.gifr.gifd.gifa.gify.gif Saturday, May 17, 2008 09t.gif Come on in, take your shoes off and stay awhile ummm, on second thought ... You can leave those things on ... but you're welcome to stay for as long as you'd like to stay! My doors always open! 09j.jpg Speaking of doors I have a lot of history with 'DOORS' Not the great band of the name either But the proverbial doors that life presents. Those that have slammed in my face and the ones that were open for me. 09a.gif The old adage that's been repeatedly said from my very own mouth: "When One door closes it opens another" (usually said as I started to fire someone) Meant as encouragement for people but there is a lot of truth in the old saying. How many times has something happened from a direct result of another thing that happen, many times an unpleasant thing can lead you to something new - exciting even. 09d.jpg09e.jpg09f.jpg An example of an extreme case would be failed marriages. I mean -They happen - They Suck - But Many things come as a result. At times its our blesses children Others it may be a forced independence (where people learn to be self reliant) Sometimes it's just a life's lesson ... Which brings me to my . . . q.gifu.gife.gifs.gift.gifi.gifo.gifn.gif
09u.gif 09u.gif 09u.gif Any doors open that you missed? 09.gif qu.gif09.gif We get doors (or windows) of opportunity in a life time that we sometimes regret. That job offer - that you refused? or Maybe a love affair that you let slip away? 09p.gif I'm sure that I've had opportunities pass me bye that I didn't even realize that the door was open? So THOSE are never a concern ... What I'm searching for (discussion wise) Are the ones that you think back on and often (or sometimes) wonder: -What If?- 09k.jpg09l.jpg09m.jpg So I guess the short versoin of today question would be: Any open doors you wish you went threw? I've always tried hard to never leave a "What if" Hanging over me ... But I generally wieght things out and even when I WANT something and the opportunities there for me ... If it's going to take away from someone else Then I'll put them/their needs ahead of my own. So without a lot of details ... I'll tell you my haunting door that opened for me that I passed on: LOVE Tell me, any ONE or SEVERAL doors you want to talk about, either not knowing the proverbial door was opened or doors that where slammed shut ... Or the ONE opening you'll always wish you went threw?
09u.gif 09u.gif 09u.gif i.gifn.giff.gifo.gifr.gifm.gifa.gift.gifi.gifo.gifn.gif

headbanger.gif04d.gifheadbanger.gif 04c.gifa5727881f98c64c35908bfdf31494346.gif04c.gif
hopeyourweekendrocks.gif Greg 04j.gif


09b.gif Thursday, May 15, 2008 2d-1.gif Happy to see YOU drifting by my blog this day. I hope to see YOU float in more often ... That would keep my bubble afloat! pop.gif Today's music selection touches base with my subject matter: Although the lyric could be interrupted as inspiring or just a catchy tune that's been remade by various artist for it's appeal. I used it as self-imposed distraction ... I'm even unsure why it became a tool of this sorts, but it speaks to me subconsciously? When My mind is free ... "You know a melody can move me" When I'm Blue ... "The guitar coming threw - to soothe me" I've been singing that song in my head since the 70's. It's just is one of those things that I think (or sing) about It seems to focused when I'm flustered and discombobulated 09M.gif Years past and new things have developed to keep me focused as well as new things that will distract me from the job at hand. It's nice when I'm searching for songs and old tunes pop up and remind me of the hold that it once had or special meaning. I'm sure now that's its resurfaced I'll use it to clam me down and it will work the a charm as it did oh so many years ago. So as something to toss around, exchange thoughts today Do you have a happy place in your thoughts ... What triggers your 'drifting' away from the conscious world to a semiconscious one ... "deep thought"? Doesn't have to be music, or where you drift too but even what takes you there (provokes/induces it)? Which brings me to my next portion of this blog ... drifted right along didn't it . . . (now don't POP my bubble and not respond! 2.gif2.gif2.gif2.gif 'Happy Place' myth or reality It know - I know ... Researcher found from a very young age we actually have a place (that proverbial corner) of our minds that we go to when confused or distressed - as an escape or shut off valve. In infancy it's known as the "gate" when children are distress and panicked Its a place inside their minds to ease to pain. It's as primal as the hairs standing up on the back of your neck when you sense danger. 09L.gif09K.gif Our regular psyche eventually closes that off from our minds access unless more extreme conditions or circumstances arise and it become a basic instinct. 2k.gif A much more deluded version of your subconscious is accessible. It's that little 'happy place' that when you drift into a semiconscious states at time and things are happening around you and you shake it off and are not disoriented but distracted and feel yourself shaking it off And saying: huh? Ohh sorry I was thinking/was distracted You know, like when you realize your staring at something ... And you don't even notice -what- has you so intreged? (sorry - huh?) moments *Blank Stare* lol -more here-tn_418828844.gif So your thoughts ... (? ? ?) 09g.gif09g.gif09g.gif Ahhh the bubbles! God knows why a 45 year old man likes to make bubbles/ blow them ... play in them Chew gum to make them or jump in a tub of them? But I must have a thing for them, being I've made so many bubble related daily greeting/comments? 09d.gif Today's comment has been remade - retooled several times. I found the picture of the little baby blowing bubbles. Added some of MY original art stylings, then added more ... then I've added different effects with different saying a few times ... lol - yeah ... I'm bubble happy? 09Q.gif Having such a deep thinking blog with a Video tune that is somewhat jingle 'pop' theme. Add a light & colorful 'bubbly' blog atmosphere ... Mix them together and you got my daily mindset! *pops an imaginary bubble drifting by* Soooooo here's the newest version of my bubbly brew: 2u.gif 2u.gif
09H.gif-I mean bubbly-09c.gif-I mean bubbly-09O.gif-I mean bubbly-04-2.gif-I mean bubbly-09R.gif-I mean bubbly-09a.gif-I mean bubbly-09P.gif-I mean whatever kind of BUBBLY makes your day-

Wed 05-14-08 (Action!)


09I.gif h.gifu.gifm.gifp.gifd.gifa.gify.gif Wednesday, May 14, 2008 09h.gif As always, A pleasure to see you again. Although I gathered from our last blog that was a 'movie' theme with marquee lights flashing and looking rock star ... That I wont be seeing you or your names up in lights? (blog that ask if you wanted to be famous or not, 99% were NOT!) Which just means I have a few friends that are more 'grounded' and focused than a lot of folks who I've encountered on the Internet. 09F.gif I'll not bore you with my rehash or claim to fame ... For the newbz just say I was a 'wanna be' who ended up a 'never was' ... Is that better than a "Washed up - Has Been" ??? *shrugs* 09a.gif Although it seemed none of you wanted fame ... How about wanting the famous ??? *eyes dart around the room for dramatic pulse* Nah, Not going to take this south, Wanting the FAMOUS to star in a movie ... Everyone that read my profile knows I crush on Jessica Alba, So I wont bore you. This is geared more to WHO you like to see STAR in movies? Do you have a "must see" favorite? Good time to bring up my: 09.gif q.gifu.gife.gifs.gift.gifi.gifo.gifn.gif Who's Your Favorite Actor
Me? I got some from different eras: Spencer Tracy John Wayne Clint Eastwood Charles Bronson Al Pacino Nic Cage Kevin Spacey John Travolta 09b.gif Oh and of course ... Jessica Alba! (and NO, its not much to do with her acting abilities) Looking at my list, you might be able to tell that I like "GUY" movies for most of the list above the actors are stars of some "ACTION Movies" light.gif I know a lot of the females I know are fans of 'hunky' type actors For instance: Johnny Depp and the late great Heath Ledger? (sp) I actually like some of their stuff too - but I like their acting in certain roles: (Heath/'The Patriot' - Depp/What Eating Gilbert Grape) More so than how they look with their shirts off but I'd like to see J Alba in a few movies shirtless! ... So yeah, I can relate to 'eye candy' stars! 09.gif i.gifn.giff.gifo.gifr.gifm.gifa.gift.gifi.gifo.gifn.gif Another one of my CLASSIC greeting I believe I've regurgitated this about 5 times now I added and subtracted each time to suit my mood. 09c.gif I did want to add before I leave you today ... A good friend & one of the nices people I met here is hosting a happy hour tonight Ladee ~Fu Owner of DJ Willy

@ fubar It's at 7:00 pm fu-time (10:00 pm EST) Be sure to try to swing by and leave a little luv. Tammy is great, if unable just swing by & say HI! 09J.jpg So I leave you ... once again with my almost famous greeting (well it was mention) Mention by ME ... but still mention! *wink* I hope you enjoyed your WEDNESDAY and as my greeting stated ... It was something to cheer about . . . Here's todays GREET: 09K.gif09K.gif09K.gif09K.gif
In case you didn't know it, -even- l.gifm-1.jpgR.gif Has a few fans out there ... 1.gif2-1.gif1.gif 270.gif

w.gife.gifd.gifn.gife.gifs.gifd.gifa.gify.gif Now that's a different story! 3-4.gif3-4.gif

I hope your day is something to cheer about! 4.gif

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