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The Rat

The Rat Rats would probably not be so successful if it weren't for humans. Our living habits have provided them with homes and food and we have eliminated many of their predators. Because of this rats hold important teachings about waste, over consumption and survival for those who have this totem. Rats can eat a quarter to a third of their body weight a day. They gnaw on things to keep their teeth, which are always growing, short and sharp. Pack Rats are famous for collecting things. They have been known to strip a sealed cabin in the woods of everything that they could carry. One species is called the Trade Rat because it leaves a stone in the place of what it takes. Black Rats carried the fleas that led to the Black Plague. In Norway some years ago, hungry rats infested a bird sanctuary and ate, among other things the birds. They even managed to grab seagulls and hold them down while killing them. Those with this totem are survivors. Their tendency is to hoard what they have because they fear that they don't have enough. This fear prompts them to acquire large quantities of things and fight aggressively to maintain what they have acquired. Rat medicine people are not selfish but they can appear that way to those who do not know them well. Holding onto everything and being the pack rat is their way of feeling secure in an insecure world. Fortunately rats adapt well to environmental changes and can survive on just about anything. They hold the teachings of resourcefulness. Their fear of not being provided for can be healed by participating in supportive group activities, meditation and prayer. The other side of Rat is that it reflects back to us our own human capacity for greed, taking so much that others needs are denied. They will sometimes overeat and throw up rather than let food go by. They will dispossess other small animals of their homes if they can, wanting no competition for food. They truly personify humankind's imperialistic drives, which are making life on the planet more and more tenuous. If Rat has come to you, look at ways you may be participating in wasteful consumption or fear based emotions and begin to change your habits appropriately.


The Hawk In Native American cultures the hawk represents a messenger. It often appears in our life when we need to pay attention to the subtle messages found in our surroundings and from those we come in contact with. As with all messages received it is important to recognize its underlying truth. Because there are so many varieties of hawk its messages vary and can affect all levels of our psyche. One thing that all hawks have in common is the skill to move between the seen and unseen realms gracefully connecting both worlds together. Their acute vision compliments this ability and their discriminating nature keeps them out of harms way. The broader vision of the hawk allows them to see what the future holds. In man this symbolizes prophetic insight. If this medicine is underdeveloped a tendency towards over analyzing everything is common. In so doing, clear vision is lost. Those who hold this totem should remember to keep their analytical mind under control and not allow it to run wild. The hawk has many foraging techniques. The most typical in their pursuit of prey is swiftly following the animal's efforts to escape. Once the hawk has secured the prey with its powerful talons, the bird dismembers it with its sharply pointed, strong beak. In man, this suggests that we can run but we cannot hide from our destiny. Sooner of later it will catch up with us. The destiny of all humankind is to awaken from their spiritual amnesia and realign with the original intention of their soul. When the hawk flies into our life we will be asked to evaluate who we have become and rip out the threads of our self created illusions. This enables our inner truth to surface. Hawk signifies union with Great Spirit. A bird of the heavens the hawk orchestrates the changes necessary for our spiritual growth. Having this totem can be bitter sweet. If we accept its presence in our life we will be asked to surrender anything that doesn't honor the integrity of all life. Be it an idea, a feeling or an action. Although hard work is involved the rewards the hawk offers us are great.


Deer teaches us the power of gentleness, keen observation and sensitivity. Deer's are in tune with nature and all it holds. They are sacred carriers of peace and show those with this totem how to open their hearts and love unconditionally. Their senses are acute and they see extremely well in low light, giving them the ability to understand the deeper symbolic meanings of things. They can hear a twig snap in the far distance. Anyone who has deer as a totem has hidden clairvoyant and clairaudient abilities. They can see between the shadows, detect subtle movements and hear what is not being said. Call on deer to help you develop these gifts. Deer protects their newborn from subtle outside influences. Fawns are born a color that protects and hides them from a predators sight. For the first few days of life they hardly move. Once the fawns energy field is strong and grounded they stand and begin to follow their mother around. Watching the deer and her young is a reminder to honor the child like innocence within your self and move with gentleness and an open heart. It also suggests that you stand strong on your path and not allow yourself to get distracted by outside influences. The set of antlers that the male deer grows are the antennae that connects it to higher forms of attainment. If you encounter a deer in the wild try to count the number of points on their antlers. This number ties into numerology and can hold great significance for those with this totem.

What Is A Spirit Guide?

What is a Spirit Guide? Article by Patti Wigington Benevolent Guides: Many people believe they have spirit guides. Some refer to theirs as angels or guardians. Regardless, if you believe you have one, a spirit guide is there simply to guide, not as an entity that you need to give yourself over to. If a spirit guide has a negative influence on your behavior, then chances are good that it's not a spirit guide at all, but something else entirely. These are some of the more commonly found types of spirit guides: Ascended Masters: These are guides often found by people who do energy work, such as Reiki. A ascended master who appears as a spirit guide is often a being that led a physical life and has moved on to a higher spiritual plane -- for example, Buddha, Krishna, even Jesus. Ascended masters usually work with collective groups of souls -- in other words, if you've got an ascended master hanging around you, you're not the only one he or she is helping. Their primary focus is that of helping all of humanity. It's not uncommon for an ascended master to have access to Akashic records. Also referred to as Master Teacher guides. Ancestral Guides: An ancestral guide is one who can claim some sort of kinship with you, such as your dear Aunt Tillie who died when you were ten. It may also appear in the form of a long-dead ancestor. In some schools of thought, these entities are seen as reincarnated guides, because they are the spirits of someone who loved us during their physical lifetime, or who had some sort of blood connection to our family. Some people, depending on their religious upbringing, may see these types of guides as guardian angels. Common Spirit Guide, or Teacher Guide: A typical spirit guide is archetypical, symbolic or representative of something else. For example, you may find your guide appears in the form of a warrior, a storyteller, or a wise woman, and they have appeared to you for a purpose. Typically, that purpose is to teach you and guide you along a particular path. They may also introduce you to other archetypes along your journey, and help out with problem solving, based upon your needs. They are known to provide insight by way of dreams or meditation, and may only hang around as long as you need them, then move on. Animal Guides: Although many people claim to have animals as spirit guides, often these entities are more companions than anything else. It's not uncommon for a deceased pet to linger around, keeping you company through the grieving process. In some spiritual traditions, such as various Native American or shamanic paths, a person may have an animal totem, which provides teaching and/or protection. Is Your Spirit Guide Really There To Help?: Every once in a while, someone will manage to contact what they think is a spirit guide - perhaps by way of a Ouija board or other method of divination -- and the next thing you know, things are getting weird. If any of the following scenarios seem familiar, then chances are that what you've connected to is not a spirit guide at all. How to know your spirit guide isn't really there to help: You're the only person the spirit has EVER contacted, and you're really super special, which is why they're sharing their message with you and not two hundred other people. Your guide talks about magical doorways, secret portals to other worlds, or gates that you somehow managed to open, and nobody else ever has. The spirit doesn't mind you bragging about it to friends, but gets grumpy whenever anyone questions its existence or purpose. Not only that, it encourages you to isolate yourself from friends who think the spirit guide may well be full of poo. The spirit claims to be hanging around in order to protect you from some other spirit that you've never encountered. Weird stuff happens, and your spirit guide is handily there at all the right times to help you out. Your spirit guide claims to be from another planet or world that is as yet undiscovered by scientists. The spirit claims that it needs your help -- and only yours -- to help it do things like write, talk, etc., and basically wants you to become its instrument of operation. In exchange for this voluntary form of possession, the spirit will impart you with all kinds of nifty new wisdom, that only you will be privy to. The spirit seems to have no real purpose other than to share information with you, but the information you're receiving is of no real use, other than to make you believe you are way more enlightened than everyone else. The spirit informs you that people who love you and care about you are secretly plotting against you, and that the only one who truly understands you is the spirit itself. All the information you're being given by the spirit goes against common sense, logic, laws of science and physics, and basic human decency, and yet it all makes sense to you now, because you're the only one special enough for the spirit to talk to.

The Coyote

The Coyote For a long time humans have been attempting to shoot, poison and trap coyote into non-exsistence. Instead, birds like the Condor have been nearly wiped out with poisoned meat, and the clever coyote may be more numerous today than ever. Despite humanities encroachment and aggression, coyote has found a way to walk its walk and survive. Coyotes usually mate for life. They live in the sides of hills or in underground dens where the family unit is well protected. They prefer open grassland and thinly wooded brush, but can adapt to almost any environment. Because of this they have been able to survive and grow in numbers. I once heard a story about a female Coyote who got caught in a trap and gnawed off her own paw-twice. At last report she was doing fine, hobbling around on her two front stumps, and she had borne a healthy litter. Coyotes hunt small game not with speed, but by pouncing and snapping with their jaws. She was able to do this quite well and was fulfilling her role as a mother. Those with this medicine will go to extreme measures to protect and nurture family members. Words that rip and tear another to shreds should be avoided. Sporadic bursts of energy are common and balanced action is required for ones overall well being. Excellent caretakers coyote medicine people put other peoples needs before their own. Care is advised however to give to yourself equally. In some native tribes the coyote is referred to as the trickster. I prefer to see the coyote as cunning and clever. There are many stories about the coyote. He is known as the great one and the foolish one. Coyote does not consciously try to trick us, he mirrors our own human capacity for displaying cleverness and stupidity. Like the coyote, we can work with others to get what we want in life, or we can dive into a lake to catch a reflection. We can send troubles away or invite them carelessly. When coyote wanders into your life you are being asked to look at something you have been avoiding. Coyote is our mirror for the lessons we need to learn in order to walk a good sacred road. It will hold up the mirror relentlessly until we finally get the picture. Call on coyote as an ally for negotiating a difficult situation. Or thank him for coming and showing you a trap that you are caught in, or a way that you are fooling yourself. Coyote is an especially powerful teacher with regard to relationships because it is when we are in a relationship that we can fool ourselves the most. Coyote is not out there to get us, but to teach us, whether we want to learn or not.

The Ferret

The ferret is a member of the weasel family. They are happy playful animals with the curiosity of the raccoon and the gentleness of a kitten. Archaeological and historical sources suggest that ferrets have been domesticated for at least 2,500 years. Historical documents from Greece mention the ferret about 450 BC, and Roman documents mention the use of ferrets to hunt rabbits at about the time of Christ. Adept at tunnel hunting it is believed that the ferret was used by the Egyptians as well as farmers and mariners to control rodent populations in barns and on ships. However, the history of the ferrets domestication is speculative without actual proof giving this little animal an illusive quality. Ferrets are opportunists They will steal anything they can drag away hiding it in a safe place to be used at a later date. Intelligent and crafty this little animal teaches us how to use our ingenuity to create a safe haven for ourselves. They remind us to stock up on necessary provisions that might be needed. Always well prepared for any situation that might appear the ferret is a helpful ally in times of hardship. The ferrets eyes point forward straight down their nose. Extremely focused on what is in front of them they remind us to stay centered on our goals to reach a desired outcome. Ferrets hold the power of observation. Their keen sense of smell coupled with their ability to see clearly in the darkness links them to the underworld where the secrets of creation are stored. Its intuition is sharp and its sensitivity acute. Ferret has the ability to see and know the hidden meaning behind all things and can assist those with this medicine in understanding themselves, their lives and the experiences they have more clearly. Those with this totem need to remember to use all of their senses equally. If this medicine is underdeveloped the tendency towards tunnel vision is common. Rigid consciousness creates unnecessary worry and anxiety so caution is advised. Playful activities and a lighthearted attitude is helpful. When frightened or excited the ferrets tail bushes up and a musty scent is excreted. Although this scent does repel some predators the ferret does not feel completely safe until it has burrowed deep inside its tunnel. In man this symbolizes the need of a secure home life. A place for reflection and nourishment is mandatory for those with this totem. Ferrets are incredibly fast and agile and show us how to move with lightning speed to avoid danger. Do you need to move more quickly in some aspect of your life? Are you stuck in rigid thought patterns that limit your view of the bigger picture? Have you created a safe haven for yourself? Is your power of observation a hindrance or a help? Always remember that the ferret is a powerful ally and can help you discover a hidden part of yourself. Buried deep beneath the surface are the answers to life's mysteries. If you are having trouble understanding some part of your life invite the ferret into your meditation, listen to what it has to tell you and then act accordingly.

The Skunk

The Skunk The skunk is a powerful totem with mystical and magical associations. Skunks are slow moving solitary creatures and spend most of the daylight hours underground. They dig their own dens but will also take over abandoned homes of foxes, marmots and rabbits. They hold an air of self confidence and can teach us how to develop self esteem and self respect. Throughout history skunks have carried a reputation that is respected as well as feared. If a skunk feels threatened, it raises its tail and stamps its front feet. If that doesn't scare off the intruder, it hisses, turns around presents its tail and sprays. A skunk can spray 10 to 14 feet with accuracy. This noxious liquid irritates the eyes blocking vision temporarily. Those with this medicine need to develop inner vision and use it to see beyond what the physical eyes perceive. The skunk smell is one that everyone can recognize. Author Ted Andrew states that those with this medicine find the use of fragrances will elicit dynamic responses in those they associate with. People will respond to the fragrances you employ. A study of aromatherapy would benefit those with this totem. Skunk teaches us how to comprehend a warning. Many times in life our instinct can foresee trouble ahead, but our mind gets in the way and inhibits this knowledge. By watching and learning from skunk, we learn how to honor that part of ourselves which like the skunk, gives us many warnings before an actual problem or disaster develops. When a skunk appears in our life it could very well be our intuition sending us a signal of imminent danger or caution. The stripe running from the head to the tail of the skunk is linked to the creative life force within. When this medicine is fully developed those with this totem have the ability to direct their creative energy to manifest a desired result. If underdeveloped a need to awaken consciousness and look beyond the perimeters of ones immediate world is important. Skunks go about their business quietly and those with this medicine are advised to do the same. Unbalanced skunk people have a habit of tooting their own horn looking for recognition. Because of the intense energy the skunk holds this can create problems in communicating with others. Those with this totem are either well liked or disliked. The art of attracting and repelling are inherent skills and can benefit us if they are mastered efficiently. Remember people are going to notice you. How they notice you can be controlled by you.

The Hummingbird

The Hummingbird The hummingbird brings us the gift of beauty. The ruby throated hummingbird is one of the most common species in North America. This energetic little bird migrates 1800 miles from the Eastern US to spend winter in Central America. This distance alone indicates the hummingbirds stamina and perseverance. They can show us how to go the distance without becoming depleted. When hummingbirds mate, the male claims a territory and attracts a female to it. When she appears, he does a courtship dance, flying back and forth in a perfect arc. The arc symbolizes a luminous bridge connecting one life to another. Male hummingbirds start the process of procreation and the female completes it. The arc then becomes a circle, a cycle of completion. When the hummingbird flies into our lives it can indicate a need within ourselves to complete a specific lesson that we have been avoiding. Once the mating act is done the males go to look for other females. The mother lays and incubates the eggs for the required 16 days and then raises the young by herself. The number 16 is important for those with this medicine. It represents change within a 16 day period. Hummingbirds flap their wings at the fantastic rate of 90 beats per second during normal flight and up to 200 beats per second during courtship, giving them their humming sound. They have excellent maneuverability in flight. They can hover in the air, fly backward, forward and sideways. The hummingbird flies everywhere because it cannot walk well. Hummingbirds have the advantage of seeing things from all angles and can show us how to expand our perceptions. Hummingbirds are small but expend so much energy flying that they require large amounts of sugar rich flower nectar to stay alive, having to eat twice their body weight a day. Because of its small size and its high degree of activity, it loses body heat quickly, so it must digest food quickly. Those with this totem need to watch their own sugar levels and take care of their digestive system. The hummingbird serves to remind us of the beauty and wonder of the world. While their speed and sound may sometimes startle us, they help pull our attention out of the mundane so that we can acknowledge and appreciate the beauty of Creation.

The Monkey

The Monkey Monkeys are fascinating animals to watch. Their acrobatic maneuvers hold the energy of effortlessness and grace. They twist, turn, jump, and hang with the greatest of ease. They crawl up and down tree trunks and leap from branch to branch extending their long arms outward towards the next limb. Once they arrive at their destination they stop, look around and contemplate what is in their immediate environment. Moving in all directions, forward, backwards and sideways gives the monkey the advantage of seeing things from different angles. They have excellent vision and are able to see that which is hidden from normal view. Their master ship of movement and keen observation skills help them reach their destination safely. Those with this totem have the ability to know where they are going and understand where they have been. Through perseverance, focus and fluid movement their goals can be attained. Monkeys are flat-footed animals. They walk around using all four limbs. When they walk their whole foot hits the ground at the same time. This links the monkey to the qualities of stability and sure footed. Their agility of movement is a reminder to us to maintain balance in all that we think, do and say. Leadership roles are often granted to people that hold this medicine. Curious and clever a monkey's mood can change instantaneously giving them an air of unpredictability. A general theme for those that carry this medicine is to "expect the unexpected." Monkeys are most active during the day. Their brains are large denoting a strong intelligence. After sexual maturity, male monkeys are at all times potent. This sexual potency is symbolic of birth, rebirth and new creation. The monkey is a powerful ally to have. A master at shape shifting realities it prompts us to explore all aspects of who we are and who we choose to become. By learning from the monkey and applying its skills of power, grace and observation, foundations are created that give birth to our choices. Eventually these choices will manifest in our lives so if monkey is your totem be careful of what you choose.

The Cardinal

The Cardinal The cardinal is a power packed bird that transforms and awakens us. Its color and its voice are its two strongest characteristics. It is a member of the finch family and is often recognized by its brilliant red color. The eggs laid by the female hatch in about twelve days. This, along with the cardinal being a year round resident, reflects the rhythm of the number twelve. The number twelve often has important significance for those with this totem. It can indicate a turn of events or a life changing situation. When the cardinal flies into your life expect a change to occur within 12 days, 12 weeks, 12 months or at the hour of 12. Because this bird is a year round resident its medicine is available at all times and should be used by those with this totem whenever a need arises. Cardinals have a loud whistle, Whistles penetrate the air with sharp distinct tones. They demand our attention urging us to hear what is carried through the air. Both male and female cardinals join in the whistling. This reflects the need to integrate our male and female characteristics into our day to day life. Feminine energy is linked to intuition. Male energy is linked to perseverance. If both are operating within our life our intuitive knowledge has the perseverance and strength necessary to manifest our goals and dreams. Cardinals eat many decaying weeds and injurious insects. When a cardinal appears in your life it is telling you to pay attention to your eating habits. Are you eating things that might be injurious to your health? IS your diet nutritionally balanced? Extra care should be given to the blood and circulatory system. Past life ties to overindulgence or the consumption of poisonous substances is often linked to cardinal medicine people. The bright red color of the cardinal is very symbolic. Red represents the blood or life force of the Mystic Christ. In yoga circles this vital force is known as the kundalini. The kundalini lies dormant within us until activated by a disciplined spiritual practice. Once activated spiritual power can be attained. The cardinal offers safe passage into the world of personal power for those who ask for its help. When a person with cardinal medicine steps onto a spiritual path there will be no turning back. Everything else in their life will seem insignificant. Extra care must be taken here to insure personal happiness, particularly in the area of one to one relationships. Balancing spiritual ideals and physical pleasure will need to be instated in ones life so harmony on all levels is known. Cardinals are named for the cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church with their bright red robes. A great love or a strong dislike for religion and churches is common amongst cardinal medicine people and can indicate a past life connection with one or both. The cardinals voice is strong and clear and reflects an air of importance. This power packed bird can teach you how to express your truth, develop confidence and walk you talk. If you respect its teachings it will lead you home.
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