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“Wow that was amazing and I’m full what is it?” I asked

“SHHH its pure blood from a ancient, he gave me a good gallon of it and know one knows,” she explained.

“It was so good wow!” I exclaimed. “Thank you.”

“You are welcome my dear,” she whispers. Then takes the glass to the kitchen.

There in the door is Butterfly. She looks amazing in her tight leather pants and a baby doll tank top. She cut her hair just above her shoulders.  I wave so she can see me. She then joins me at my table.

“Hey beautiful,” I say as she sits.

“Hey what's up? So I was thinking about your offer last night and I think it sounds like a good idea,” she said with a smile.

“Really oh that’s great, I get the boss lady she set something up for me,” I said as I jumped out of the booth. I run into Desdemona’s office.

“Hey boss lady she said yes,” I exclaimed

“Did she really, well you know what to do, here is the key,” she explained.

I took off out of the office and found Butterfly.

“Wait here,” I whispered.

I walked out of Desdemona’s and went to this big classy looking place not to far from the club. The door was huge It opened with a loud creek. Inside there are two staircases and a lot of antique looking stuff. On the small table is an envelope. It’s from des it reads:

Hey you,

I knew this day would come. I remember the day I wanted a companion. He wasn’t what I though he was so I made him leave. My hopes for you my dear is that she is the right one for you. I gave you the key to my old house I don’t use it anymore you may keep it. There is a room upstairs I decorated just for this occasion.. Enjoy!


                     The Boss Lady

I run upstairs to find the room. Of course it’s on the third floor down the longest hallway. I open the door and in the corner of the room is a big bed with drapes all around its so dark I don’t have to sleep in the coffin roses and candles everywhere.

“Oh shit,” I yell as I run out of the house I completely forgot about Butterfly.

I return to the club and see Butterfly waiting patiently.

“So everything is set but I have one question, what is your real name? I know it’s not Butterfly,” I say

“Well I don’t like my real name but I will tell you because we need to trust each other since we are going to be together for a long, long time my real name is Cherrie,” she explained.

“I like that name, its pretty,” I say with a smile. “Well let’s go.”

I grab her by the hand and lead her to the car. We drive for about ten minutes and arrive at my new house. I look over at Cherrie and her mouth dropped.

“You live here, wow its beautiful,” she exclaims.

“Yeah the boss lady just gave it to me,” I explain. “She thought it would be a good idea to start in a new house.”

“I think she was right lets go in,” she said as she jumps out of the car and runs to the door and try to open it but its locked.

“You need these,” I say as I jingled the keys.

“Well hurry the hell up I wan to see the house,” she demands.

“Someone is a little feisty tonight,” I laugh as I jingle the keys over her head.

She snatched the keys “Not funny.”

“I thought it was,” I chuckled. She gave me a look.

She opened the door but didn’t move. She was in awe. I gave her a little shove and she finally walked in. I grabbed her hand and showed her the parts of the house that I saw. I saved the room for last.  We walked out on the patio. There was a pool, jacuzzi and a hammock. The pool looked heated because of the steam. An idea popped in my head.

I lead her to our room. I walk in first and turn the lights on. She walks in and sits on the bed.

“Its so beautiful I really like it,” she says.  “I’m going to take a shower.”

“Ok when out get out I will have something special for you,” I say as she starts to undress.

I take off as fast as I can to Desdemona’s she has everything I need. I get to the door and Lilith stops me.

“Hey Desdemona knew you would be back she said to meet her in her office,” she said.

“Thanks wolfie,” I said as I walked in.

It’s busy tonight so I have to push my way through all the people.  I make it to the office and her secretary was sitting at her desk. She puts her hand up to make me stop.

“Don’t even, I don’t need your permission for shit,” I walk through the door.

“Hey boss lady you need a new secretary the one you have is a bitch, she treats me like a newbie,” I complain.

“I know I’m working on it, have any ideas,” she asks. “Wait a minute where is Butterfly.”

“She's home, I need a few things to make tonight special. Oh you should hire Butterfly she would like it,” I explained

“That sounds good let her know. What do you need for tonight?” she asks.

“Well I need a bottle of champagne, red rose petals lots of them and some white candles for the pool area,” I listed.

“Alright I will have someone set it up for you head to the house and try to stall for a half hour,” she explains “And fire her on the way out please.”

“Thanks and will do boss lady,” I walked out the door “Hey guess what,” I say to the secretary “Your Fired Bitch,” Her mouth dropped.

I rush out of the club to my car and head home. When I get there Cherrie is already out of the shower sitting on the patio in her bathrobe. I sit next to her.

“What's up beautiful?” I ask.

“For some reason this feels like home I’m comfortable here and I can’t say that about to many places I’ve lived.” She sighs as I put my arms around her and pull her close.

“I’m glad you are happy, I am going to make you dinner,” I tell her

“I thought you can’t eat regular food,” she says confused.

“I can’t eat but I could cook a hell of a meal,” I laugh.

Cherrie follows me in the kitchen to watch me cook.  I pull everything out and prepare her favorite meal. I set the table and serve her. I sit and watch her eat.

“That was amazing,” she says with a mouth full of her last bite. I smile and clear the table.

I hear a whistle from the pool area telling me Desdemona’s people finished what I needed to be done.

“Go put on a bating suit, there is a bunch upstairs in that room filled with clothes,” I explain. “Please,”

I already have mine under my clothes. I’m waiting at the bottom of the stairs for her so she can’t sneak around me. I look up and she’s walking down the stairs in a black and red bikini. My mouth drops she looks amazing. She stops at the last step and looks at me.

“Do you like it?” she asks

I don’t say anything. I grab her hand and lead her to the back patio. I look out before I lead her out to make sure they didn’t mess up. I walk out and she follows.

The pool is covered with roses; there are candles all around the pool, a bottle of champagne chilling but the down blankets and pillows in the corner that is also surrounded by candles..

“Wow! You did this for me!” she exclaims.

“I wanted your transformation to be special,” I say as I pull her close.

Cherrie kisses my forehead and jumps in the pool. She comes up and motions for me to get in. I grab the bottle of champagne and slowly walk down the pool steps and walk to the side to set the bottle down. She comes up behind me and playfully bites my neck. I turn around quick enough to catch her before she swam off. I pull her to the stairs, sit down and she straddles my legs and kisses me. We play for a little while in the water. Cherrie gets cold so I help her out dry her off with the towel sit on the hammock for and relax.

She starts to say something but I kiss her before she can say anything. She kisses like an angel. I pick her up and carry her to the blankets and lay her down gently. I kiss her lips gently; move down her neck and to her breasts, I run my hand down her side in between her legs. She moans, I kiss her lips, She starts to breath harder, and I hear her heart racing. I move my fingers faster between her legs. She moans louder. I stop moving and look at her. She looks so satisfied.

“Are you ready?” I ask so I don’t catch her off guard.

She can’t say anything she lets me know by nodding her head. I move between her legs and I lick and kiss her inner thigh to soothe her and make her wiggle then I bite hard. Her blood explodes in my mouth. I drain her until her heart slows almost to a stop. I bite my wrist and put it to her lips. She drinks her fill then lies down. I hold her close until she wakes again.

It doesn’t take long for her to wake up. She opens her eyes and has a big smile on her face. I kiss her.

“How do you feel love?” I ask.

“Amazing!” she sighs.

After all the playing, drinking, kissing and her transformation we are tired.

“Come on let’s go to bed,” I tell her.

We blow the candles out, go upstairs, put on big shirts, pull the drapes around the bed and fall asleep in each other’s arms. What an ending to the perfect night. The day seemed to take forever. All I wanted to do is wake up and be with her.

I wake up a few minutes before Cherrie and I just watch her. She is very beautiful and since list night I feel so connected to her. I don’t know what it is but something pulls at my gut telling me to stay.

Cherrie starts to stir; she stretches and yawns, looks at me at smiles.

“Hey beautiful,” I say as I kiss her forehead.

“I feel like I've slept for a week, what an amazing night,” she whispered, as she got out of bed.

I watch her get up, walk to the closet and get dressed. She put on a black and red mini and a black halter-top.

“You look amazing but you could put on a pair of sweats and a shirt and still look amazing,” I said.

“Your have to say that or you don’t get any,” she chuckled.

I jump out of bed smack her in the butt and go to the bathroom. When I finished I came out and there she was on the bed teasing the hell out of me.

“Lets go I want to show you off to the boss lady,” I say as I grab her hand and tug her arm. We get in the car and head to Desdemona’s. As soon as we got there I knew who was at the door before I got out of the car.

“What's up? Eric heard your got beat up by a non vamp, you need to work out a little more wolf man,” I joked.

“Bitch,” Eric laughed as he hit me in the back of the head.

I walked in the club and noticed there was someone in my seat. I walked over to see who it was. I circled the table.

“Follow me madam,” a man said behind me.

“Dingus, How’s it going?” I said.

I followed my waiter. To another table it’s in the balcony more secluded than the others. There is a booth with roses on the center table and black lace all around.

“Anything to drink madam,” the waiter says.

“No dingus I want to sit her and look at your ugly ass, the usual dummy,” I snap “And can you ask the boss lady to come see me please,”

“Right away madam,” he said as turned and left.

I felt like a teenager in love around her. I tickle her I kiss her everywhere and I love to bite her. She loves is she giggles like a little girl it’s so cute. Desdemona walks up as I’m playing with Cherrie.

“You guys look so happy, what was it you needed to see me about woman?” she says.

“Oh hey boss lady didn’t see you there, I wanted to show you the new and hotter Cherrie,” I said as Cherrie blushed.

“You look amazing, how dose it feel?” Desdemona asked

“Oh its amazing especially with this thing here to help me out,” she joked.

“Wait until we get home,” I exclaimed.

“Well got to get to work, like always what you want you can have,” she reminded me.

“Thanks boss lady,” I said. She gave me a look so I laughed.

We sat there for a while we drank and then we got hungry. We looked around the club and we both spotted him. He was a tall dark short spiked haired guy with green eyes and we wanted him.

“Dingus, that guy there go get him and if you must whomever is with him,” I demanded.

I knew he wouldn’t come alone there was another gentleman he was tall, skinny, and he had short black hair. As they got closer they both had a lot of tattoos. I liked it. They reached the table and look a little scared,

“Your names?”  I asked.

“I’m Justin this is Michael,” he said.

“Can I have Michael please?” she whispered in my ear.

“You can have who ever you want my love,” I said.

We sit the boys between us. Cherrie was playing with Michael. He’s a little nervous he doesn’t know what he got himself into. Justin he is my boy and I don’t really want to play around tonight. I lay my head on his shoulder and bat my pretty little eyes and bite. His blood tastes like vodka; I’m guessing that was his drink of choice. I push him over and watch Cherrie she is kissing his neck, I can tell she wanted me to watch her, she winks at me and bites hard he went limp quick. She pushes him away and looks at me.

“What do we do with them now?” she asks.

“Don’t worry I got it, Dingus take care of these strapping dead men,” I demanded.

Dingus snapped his fingers and a few guys came running. They picked up the bodies and tossed them down a chute and they were gone.

We sit and watch everyone dance and feed until we get bored. We get up and find Desdemona to say goodbye.

“Hey boss lady we are going to take off. See you later,” I say

“Bye ladies see you soon,” Desdemona says. We walk out the door and we see a group of odd looking new vampires with no maker with them. I warn Eric and head home.

We arrived at home and I wanted to relax but she was too excited to do anything but play so I decided to put together something for her.

“Stay here I will be right back,” I said as I ran out the door.

I went down the street and found a florist, got a few dozen daisies, stopped at the blood bank and grabbed a couple pouches of blood and returned home.

Cherrie was still waiting patiently in the room. I quickly prepare the living room. I place a fuzzy blanket by the fireplace; I start the fire, I turn the radio on, I put the daisies in a vase and fill a couple goblets with warmed blood.

“Cherrie!” I shout..

“What happened, are you ok?” she said “You scared the shit out of me you could have walked upstairs and got me damn it.”

“I didn’t want to now lay down with me,” I demanded.

She looks at me with that I don’t have to look. She ran out of the room giggling. She wants to play. I hear her run upstairs and look in a couple of rooms before I hear her run down stairs laughing. I follow the sounds of her footsteps out on the patio chased her around the pool and into the living room and I sat down and she straddled me and she kissed me. We pull our shirts off and lie down together and hold and kiss each other until it is a good hour before sunrise. I pick her up and carry her to the shower. We take a shower and fall asleep together without our clothes.

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