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420 - Marijuana term, marijuana slang, marijuana reference. 3750 - Marijuana laced joint. Abe - $5 worth of drugs. Abe's cabe - $5 bill. A-bomb - Marijuana and heroin smoked in cigarette. Acapulco gold - Types of Marijuana from Mexico. Acapulco red - Marijuana types from South America.. Accessory Cannaboids - Are The Cannaboids, CBC,CBD,CBN, which interact with the primary cannabinoids to alter their effect. Acclimate - Introducing a plant to different environmental conditions to allow it to adapt. Ace - Marijuana cigarette. Achenes - single-seeded fruits where the seed is free from the ovary wall except at the point of attachment. Acid (acidic) - Reefers to the overall state of the growing medium, as the rockwool or soil, where the PH balance is lower then 7.0. Adapt (adaptation) - To undergo positive modification to survive. Aeration - to allow the soil or growing medium to become less dense and allow more oxygen throughout. Aeroponics - plants roots are suspended in air, and nutrients and water is sprayed into the root zone in the form of fine mist. Afgani Indica - One of the best kinds of marijuanaBuy legal buds. African black / African bush - Types of marijuana from Africa. African Bush - Type of marijuana. African woodbine - Marijuana cigarette. Aggregate - Growing medium; usually grow rocks or lava rocks used for a hydroponic growing medium. Agonies - Withdrawal symptoms. Air blast - Inhalant or to inhale big time. Airhead - A marijuana user totally zonked out. Air Flow - Needed in a good marijuana growing room. Airplane - Marijuana slang. Alice B. Toklas - This person has perhaps the best recipe for brownies. Courtesy of Grandma's Green Cook Books Alkaline - Reefers to the overall state of the growing medium, such as the rockwool or soil, where the PH. balance is above 7.0. All lit up - Wasted on weed. All star - A user of multiple drugs. All-American drug - Marijuana. All American Smoke Out-a time where you sit down with a friend and smoke alot of weed. (Thanks to Trotki Feb 5, 2004) Alamout black hash - Hash, belladona (small amount). Alpine-used to describe very potent marijuana that will get u high like an alpine moutain top! ammonium nitrate - Fast acting form of nitrogen which encourages fast vegetative growth. Amp joint - Marijuana cigarette laced with some form of narcotic. Ampere - Unit used to measure the strength of an electrical current capacity. Amped-out - Fatigue after using dope. Amsterdam Marijuana Seeds - Quality marijuana strains for sale. Angola - Marijuana country. Annual - The outdoor harvest rate. Anther - part of the flower that releases pollen. Anything going on? - Do you have drugs to sell? Aphid - Small white insect that munches on marijuana plants. Are you anywhere - Do you use marijuana. Ashes - Marijuana leftovers from smoking joints.. Assassin of Youth - Marijuana (from 1930's film of same name). Astro Turf - Type of Marijuana street term. Ate up - Someone that's always wasted. Atom bomb - marijuana and heroin mix to smoke. Atshitshi - marijuana slang. Aunt Mary - marijuana slang. Axil - The joint between the leaf or leaf stalk and the stem that carries it. B - An amount of marijuana to fill a matchbox. B-40 - A cigar laced with marijuana and dipped in malt liquor. 420 Pot .com presents legal buds.Baba Ku - Legendary central Asian figure to whom it is attributed the introduction of hashish to Afghanistan. Baby / Baby bhang - marijuana slang words. Baby-sit - Guide someone through first drug experience. Bad seed - peyote; heroin; marijuana or the guy your daughter brings home.. Bad trip - bad acid trip and you freak out and do something stupid.. Bag - A container for drugs. Bagboy - someone who sells dope for someone else. Bag man - person who transports money. Bain- is a rolled joint. (A big phatty to 98WalkerBJ Feb. 3, 2004) Baker - A person smoking marijuana. Bale - A compressed brick of marijuana with varying big weights. Ballast - electrical device which regulates electrical flow and for electrical lamps. Bamba - Street term for marijuana. Bambalacha - Term for marijuana. Bammies - Poor quality marijuana. Bammy - Marijuana slang. Bammer - term given to weak marijuana. Banana- A marijuana spliff that curves like a banana. (Cheers to 98WalkerBJ Feb. 5, 2004) Banano - Marijuana or tobacco cigarettes laced with cocaine. Bazooka - Coca paste and marijuana. Bar - Term for marijuana. Base - The end of a light lamp. Baseball bat - a perfectly rolled marijuana joint. (420 Thanks to Sarah-Beth O.) Bash - marijuana. marijuana seedsBasuco - cocaine; coca paste residue sprinkled on marijuana or regular cigarette. Bat - marijuana pipe, easily disguised as a cigarette. BC Bud - very high-grade marijuana from British Columbia. BC Bud - a friend with good BC marijuana and smokes it with you. BC Seeds - marijuana seeds from British Columbia, Canada. Beat artist - person selling bogus drugs. Bedbugs - fellow addicts. Bee - bong hit. Belyando spruce - marijuana. Best Friends - High quality marijuana, the best marijuana types. Binky - marijuana cigarette. Biodegradable - compounds able to decompose through bacterial and environmental actions. Bite one's lips - to smoke marijuana. Bhang - An Indian smoking mix of pollen from marijuana flowers and ghee, an oily butter. It'll knock you out. Biodegradable - To decompose or break down through natural bacterial action and reaction. Black - opium; marijuana type. Black Bart - marijuana term. Black ganga - marijuana resin oil. Black gold - high-potency marijuana. Black gungi - marijuana from India. Black gunion - marijuana slang. Buy legal buds.Black hash - opium and hashish. Black maria - highly potent marijuana. Black mo/black moat - highly potent marijuana. Black mote - marijuana mixed with honey. Black powder - black hash ground into powder. Black Russian - hashish mixed with opium. Blanket - marijuana cigarette. Blanks - low-quality drugs. Blast - to smoke marijuana; to smoke crack Blast a joint - to smoke marijuana Blast a roach - to smoke marijuana Blast a stick - to smoke marijuana Blasted - under the influence of drugs. Blaze- Go and smoke marijuana. (Thanks to C-Mur from S.S.M. Ont, Can. - Feb.1, 2004) Blazed- High on Marijuana. (Thanks to C-Mur from S.S.M. Ont, Can. - Feb.1, 2004) Blitzed - under the influence of drugs Block - marijuana slang and a type of marijuana. Blocked- when somebody is spaced out because they have smoked so much weed. (Spark one up for Jordan Harris Feb 9, 2004) Blonde - marijuana slang for types of marijuana Blood Meal - high nitrogen, organic fertilizer used to stimulate vegetative growth in seedlings and clones. Blow a Stick - Smoke marijuana. Blunt - A joint rolled in tobacco-leaf wrapper of a cigar. Blooming - The best part of marijuana plant growth where the marijuana flower starts to grow and flourish. Blow - cocaine; to inhale cocaine; to smoke marijuana Blow a fix - injection misses the vein and is wasted in the skin Blow a stick - to smoke marijuana Blow one's roof - to smoke marijuana Blowing smoke - Use marijuana and get high. Blue de hue - Type of marijuana from Vietnam Blue sage - marijuana type Blue Satellite - A new type of weed from Duncan, BC that'll blow your mind. Blue sky blond - high-potency marijuana from Columbia Blunt - marijuana inside a cigar; marijuana and cocaine or a fat joint inside a cigar Blunted out - smoked many blunts of marijuana Bo-bo - marijuana slang Bob - marijuana cigarette Bobo bush - marijuana term Bogart a joint - salivate on a marijuana cigarette; refuse to share Bohd - marijuana; PCP Bomb - crack; heroin; large marijuana cigarette; high-potency heroin Bomb squad - Marijuana session. Bomber - marijuana cigarette Bong - pipe used to smoke marijuana Boom - marijuana quality Bonsai - A very short grown cannabis plant. Boot the gong - to smoke marijuana Boron - A trace element fertilizer necessary for marijuana plant growth. Bottle Bong- homemade bong using a small bottle. (Spark one up for Jordan Harris Feb 9, 2004) Bowl - between 1/32 and 1/16 ounce of marijuana. Bowling - The act of smoking bowls of pot. Bract - Small little leaflets in Cannabis that appear below the calyxes. Brain Resin - Hash oil aka hashish oil aka honey oil. Buy hash oil, buy hashish oil and buy honey oil. Brewery - place where drugs are made. Brick - 1 kilogram of marijuana; crack Broccoli - marijuana color Brown - heroin; marijuana Brownies- n. marijuana and opium rolled into little balls, then smoked ( March 8, 2004 j.c. i got the nug for ya c.p.) Brown weed - marijuana mixed with cocaine. B.T./ Bottle Toke- Using an empty plastic bottle, burn a small hole in the side and cover with tin foil, poke holes in it then fill with marijuana like a bowl on a pipe, then light the bowl and inhale through the original hole at the top. (Thanks to C-Mur from S.S.M. Ont, Can. - Feb.1, 2004) Bud - marijuana friend Buds - Marijuana buds are the group of guys who smoke all your weed. Buda - a high-grade marijuana joint filled with crack. Buddhists - consume cannabis in order to obtain a mystical experience, the primary goal of which is detachment from worldly things. Budgie- someone that gets stoned from smoking very little weed. (Spark one up for Jordan Harris Feb 9, 2004) Buffer - A woman who exchanges oral sex for marijuana. Bullyon - marijuana quality. Burning logs - smoking a joint. Burn one - to smoke marijuana. Burned - purchase fake drugs. Burned out - Smoked too many marijuana joints and the brain is not reacting anymore. Burmese - Type of marijuana. Burnie - marijuana slang. Burnout - heavy abuser of drugs. Burnt - smoked to much weed. Bush - cocaine; marijuana. Butter - marijuana; crack. Butter flower - marijuana buds. Buzz - under the influence of drugs. Buzzkill- when people are stoned and laughing and chatting and having a good time then somebody says something that makes everyone go silent.. (Spark one up for Jordan Harris Feb 9, 2004) Cacti Joint - a joint of dried and ground up cannabis. CACTUS-means that the weed is garbage...imagine smoking a cacti-also known as CACK Cad/Cadillac - 1 ounce of cannabis. Calcium - A trace element used in cannabis plant growth fertilizer. Cam trip - high-potency marijuana cannabis. Cambodian red/Cam red - marijuana from Cambodia Can - marijuana; 1 ounce quantity Canadian black / Canamo / Canappa - marijuana types Cancelled stick - marijuana cigarette. Candela (candle) - A unit of measurement in light intensity. Cannabinoids - Cyclic hydrocarbon molecules, such as THC, CBD and CBG, that are unique to Cannabis; each cannabinoid molecule derives from a terpenoid molecule and a phonetic acid molecule. Cannabis - The marijuana plant, aka hemp, pot, ganja, reefer. Cannabis Indica - The scientific name for a species of marijuana plant, the Indian hemp plant. Cannabis Sativa -Another species of marijuana, closely related to indica. Cannabis Strains - Types of marijuana and a great marijuana head shop carrying what all the great head shops sell. Cannabis tea - marijuana drink Cannon - huge joint of cannabis Canoe - when a joint gets a hole in the side or looks like a canoe. Cap up - transfer bulk form drugs to capsules. Carbon Dioxide Co2 - During photosynthesis, plants use carbon dioxide (CO2), light, and hydrogen (usually water) to produce carbohydrates, which is a source of food. Oxygen is given off in this process as a by-product. Light is a key variable in photosynthesis. CO2 - which plants obtain from the air - is the basic and major food of all plant life. In greenhouses or indoor operations, augmenting the natural level of CO2 in the air results in very lush and accelerated growth. It needs to be monitored for optimum levels, but is well worth the investment. Carmabis - marijuana slang term Cartucho - package of marijuana cigarettes Cashed - bowl is finished/empty Castings - Worm or other animal excrement used for growing marijuana. Catnip - marijuana cigarette Cavite all star - marijuana quality Cereal - marijuana (being smoked in a bowl) Cess - marijuana Chalk - methamphetamine; amphetamine Chamber - pipe used for marijuana Chandoo/chandu - opium Charas - marijuana from India Charge - light up a marijuana joint Chase - to smoke marijuana joints one after another Check Chaze - to christen a new bowl or pipe - personal supply of drugs Cheeba - word to describe marijuana Cheeo - describes marijuana Cheroot - Smoking cigar shapes object. Chestbonz - the one who takes the biggest bong hit Chevy - referrs to a 55 chevy 55$ being the price of a 1/4oz of good skunkweed. Chewies - crack a bowl of weed Chewy - A type of Bud with Cocaine sprinkled on it Chiba - high potency marijuana from Columbia. Chicago black - marijuana, term from Chicago. Chicago green - types of marijuana. Chillun - pipe used to smoke hashish or cannabis Chiba-Chiba -A black Brazilian form of reefer, usually gummy and compressed into bricks. Chillum/Chalice - A cone-shaped pipe made of clay, or sometimes of fruit or vegetable rinds. Chips - Marijuana cigarettes laced with PCP. Chronic - The hip-hop term for high-quality or potent reefer. Chinese eyed - when the eyes become slanted from the influence of marijuana Chippie - marijuana person Chira - marijuana language Chlorophyll - green pigmented, photosynthetic byproduct of plants. Chlorosis - Yellowing of marijuana leaves. Chocolate Thai - type of marijuana Christmas tree - marijuana; depressant; amphetamine Chronic Weed- strong weed, very chronic weed is always the best smoke. Chronic - marijuana; chronic marijuana. Chorus - marijuana quantity Clearing - A good open spot to plant outdoor marijuana. Citrol - high-potency marijuana, from Nepal Climb - marijuana cigarette Clips - rows of vials heat-sealed together Clocking paper - profits from selling drugs Clone (cloning) - A root cutting from a plant used to grow the exact same cannabis plant. Cloud - huge hit from ice pipe 420 Pot .com presents legal buds.Coasting - under the influence of drugs Cobalt - A trace fertilizer element used for growing cannabis. Cochornis - marijuana Cocktail - A joint of tobacco and marijuana combined. Coffeeshop - Hash Weed Coffee shops are unique to Holland. The Experience the Life and Culture of The Dutch Coffeeshop. Colas - Marijuana flower tops. Cold turkey - sudden withdrawal from drugs Coli - marijuana Coliflor tostao - marijuana Colorado - cocaine Colorado cocktail - marijuana Colombian - The most common type of grass on the black market. Columbus black - marijuana. Compost - organic material used for growing marijuana. Conductivity - Measuring nutrient solution strength Cone-is a spleef in Australia Connect - purchase drugs; supplier of illegal drugs Cooking Cannabis - The art of cooking cannabis by extracting the THC and then using recipes. Copping zones - specific areas where buyers can purchase drugs Corn-stalker - marijuana cigarette rolled in the shuck of a corn cob sealed with honey Cosa - marijuana Crack back - crack and marijuana mixed together. Cracker Weed- strong weed. (Cheers to 98WalkerBJ Feb. 5, 2004) Crazy weed - good marijuana Creeperbud - marijuana that creeps up on you Crill - a joint laced with cocaine Crispina means Crippy, we use it to talk whenever someone outside the circle is around. Crunk - Drunk and really high. (Phatties go to Pool Boy Feb 18, 2004) Crying weed - bad marijuana Cubes - marijuana tablets Culican - high-potency marijuana from Mexico. Curing - The process of dried marijuana becoming potent to smoke. Daddy - marijuana joint Dagga - marijuana alternative Damian- someone that goes green from smoking very little weed. (Spark one up for Jordan Harris Feb 9, 2004) 420 Pot .com presents legal buds.Dank - marijuana or pot Dawamesk - marijuana slang Dew - marijuana look Dews - $10 worth of drugs Diambista - marijuana term. Diggidy - good herb Dimba - marijuana from West Africa Dime - 1/16 ounce of marijuana Dime bag - $10 worth of drugs Ding - marijuana person not too bright Dong - The guy with Ding. Dinkie dow - marijuana term. Discharge Lamp - A lamp that produces light by discharging an electric arc through a mixture of gases and gaseous metals. Dirt grass - inferior-quality marijuana Ditch - marijuana quality. Ditch weed - marijuana, inferior quality, Mexican Divider - sharing a joint with someone Legal alternatives to marijuana.Dizzy - marijuana effect Djamba - marijuana word D.L. spot - safe place to buy and use drugs Do a joint - to smoke marijuana Dog - good friend Doja - strong marijuana Dollar - $100 worth of drugs Dome - A plastic container used to grow marijuana seeds. Domestic - locally grown marijuana Dominate - To rule the roost, one plant in a room will try to overgrow other marijuana plants and be the tallest. Don jem - marijuana Dona Juana - male marijuana
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