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Maeljw's blog: "My writing"

created on 04/01/2007  |  http://fubar.com/my-writing/b69844

Bar Part 4 of 5

As I turned the corner onto my street, I wondered if I would see cars in my driveway. I'd spent an incredible Friday night and a memorable Saturday morning with two beautiful women. We'd even talked of spending at least the weekend together. My natural male insecurity still caused me to worry. I wanted to see these two again, but I had no easy way of contacting either of them. I didn't know their surnames. I didn't know where they lived. I had no email addresses. I didn't know their phone numbers. The sum total of identifying information I had about the two of them was where Michele worked. A wave of relief washed over me as I turned onto my driveway and saw two cars. I parked, gathered my purchases, bounced into the house, and was greeted by both a melodious, "Is that you, Jake?" and the obnoxious scent of fingernail polish. "Hi, Michele. It's me." A second woman's voice chirped, "We're upstairs, painting our nails. We're showered, we're squeaky clean, and we both smell delicious. Want to join us?" "I'll be up in a minute or two, Suz. Give me time to cut up these bagels and find some juice. I've got orange and grapefruit. Which do you guys prefer?" "Actually, you don't have grapefruit anymore. We kind of helped ourselves. We also found some good preserves in your fridge for the bagels. Just bring them and some cream cheese." "Toasted or cold, Suz?" "Ah—toast the bagels and leave the cream cheese cold." I had to think about that one for a moment, but gathered my wits in time to respond, "Gotcha." Five minutes later, I walked up the stairs carrying a tray of assorted toasted bagels and untoasted cream cheeses. Upon turning the corner to the bedroom, I spied two women sitting in facing easy chairs. Their bare legs stretched into each other's laps. Suz wore one of my starched, white shirts. Michele had chosen a striped, blue shirt. Both shirts were open, exposing valleys between hidden breasts. Little pinches of white cotton peeked from between toes. Michele held a small bottle of crimson polish while Suz held silver. True to Suz's statement a few minutes earlier, they were painting each other's toes. "Jake—after you set that tray down, would you please put your mouth between my legs while I finish Suz's nails?" "I can't, Michele. I need to eat something. I mean, I need to eat some food. My tennis team has a match in an hour and need nutrition before I play." "My cunt's nutritious, and besides, I ache down there. I need relief." "Your cunt might be delicious, but I doubt it's nutritious. Anyway, I'll bet Suz can provide the relief you need even better than I." "She already has, just as I gave her a little relief of her own while you were gone. I'm greedy though, and I need some man-tongue. How long will your silly tennis take anyway?" "It starts in an hour and will take between an hour and a half and two hours. We'll have a quick beer afterward. Add a steam and a shower. I'll be home around five. Do you guys have plans tonight?" "Yes, we do." Suz answered. "Yeah, we have plans," Michele added, as she leaned forward and wiped a careful swathe of red across one of Suz's toes. "I don't suppose—no, never mind. I have no right to expect tonight with you guys." "What's that?" Suz asked. "I just spent the most incredible evening, night, and morning of my life with two beautiful, bright, and inventive women. I've had way more than my 15 minutes of fame with you two. I mean, you've made fantasies beyond my wildest dreams come true. But, you each have your own lives, and I'm sure they're full lives. It's presumptive of me to think you would include me in all your plans this weekend." "It would be wrong of you to expect us to change our plans. Although we each enjoyed you both last night and this morning, we've had plans for some time to meet a client of mine and two of her friends for pizza at Faccagnini's tonight," Suz dead panned, looking down rather than at me, as she swiped a streak of silver across one of Michele's toes. "Besides, we can get together tomorrow—or who knows, we might even stop by on the way home tonight for a bit more of that Jake excellence." Chin up and best foot forward here, Jake. They didn't promise you anything. "Hey, that'd be great if you did, but I'll understand if you're too tired. I hope you guys have a great time. Faccagnini's makes real pizza. "Oh, please give my best to Anna when you're out there. In fact, would you mind if I gave her a call right now and asked her to set aside a couple of bottles of her special Chianti for you? The grapes are grown on her family's estate in Italy and the wine's bottled and aged there before being shipped to the States. It's not on their list, but it's an incredible compliment to their pizza." "That would be wonderful of you, Jake. Thanks. You'd do that for us when we're abandoning you so soon after the past eighteen or so hours?" Suz asked. "It's the least I can do. You've both been great to me." I watched two pair of saddened eyes meet in the midst of a silent room. They stared at each other for a long moment. As the brunette's mouth morphed into a small smile, the redhead exploded with teasing laughter. "Go ahead and tell him, Michele." "Oh, Jake. We're just funnin' with ya. While it's true that we're meeting people at Faccagnini's for pizza, it's also true that not one-half hour ago I spoke with Anna and asked if she would add a sixth chair to our table. Anna asked if 'she' were someone special. I chuckled as I explained, 'he' was quite special. Oh, and don't worry about the Chianti. Anna's already set it aside for us." So it was. Suz and Michele and I sat together for the next half hour or so just talking, eating our bagels, and laughing before I had to leave. I finished my cinnamon-raisin bagel topped with apple-cinnamon cream cheese, the brunch of champions. Even though they'd ordered cinnamon-raisin along with me, the women nibbled on a variety of other bagels covered with various cream cheeses and preserves. The women finished their nails as I learned Suz lived in Chicago and was a marketing rep for a small, but thriving, advertising firm based there. Michele was finishing her Ph.D. in bio-chemistry while supporting herself by teaching some grad-level classes and bartending on the side. She said she earned more from the latter than the former. I told them of my law career: that I was one-half of a local partnership. We'd been practicing together almost twenty years, having met a few years before our practice began when both of us were in law school. I told them of my failed marriage many years ago and of my adult daughter that marriage produced. I bragged that she survived the divorce and that both my ex and I now have a great relationship with her. We agreed the women would pick me up on their way to Faccagnini's and that any late night festivities would be at their home court. It was time for me to leave, so I gathered my tennis gear, kissed each of them, and walked out the front door, a content man. My tennis match flew by with my partner and me winning easily. True to form, I stuck around and had a quick sandwich and a beer with the other players. We were all good guys who had known each other for years and who played tennis at a more-than-competent level. I hadn't seen the guys on the other team for several months and so they asked about my recovery from cancer. Beyond that, we talked of tennis and football and aches and pains and knee surgeries and other guy stuff. I said nothing of the women. It would have been off form. Later that evening, the women tantalized me with the tale of their activities back at my home. * * * After they finished their nails, Michele slouched in her easy chair with her legs spread. Suz knelt between those legs, while two of her fingers, turned pads up, played inside Michele's cunt. Suz occasionally leaned forward and licked or suckled or nibbled some portion of her lover's exposed pubic area. Two fingers of Suz's other hand were in her own vagina, while her thumb glided back and forth across her own clitoris. With her eyes closed, Michele's silver-tipped fingers teased her own skin, tracing a random route about her ears, her forehead, her eyelids, her cheeks, her neck, her chest. and her breasts. Neither woman was in a hurry to get anywhere as they enjoyed their touches. "I like him," Suz began. "He seems to be a good man." "Do you think he's the one?" "He's far better than anyone else we've met." "Do you think you could love him?" "Like I love you?" "Yes." Michele's hips moved in gentle thrusts as she thought for a moment and then answered, "Maybe. Probably. I don't know. I haven't tried loving a man for years. He's a good person though; one who's entitled to respect." "What about emotional attachment; you know, feeling as though he's a part of you and you're a part of him?" Michele thought again, "I think that's already beginning. Whether or not it's love, only time will tell." Suz sighed as her self-ministrations were becoming more than just casual touching, but continued, "I think I could find those feelings with him. Would that threaten you if I did?" "Maybe, if I thought those feelings would replace your love for me." "I doubt they would, but it's difficult to say. I don't know if I could love two people equally." "I understand what you're saying. It's a scary place, isn't it?" "It sure is." "The sex is good, even better than good," Michele observed with a grin on her face as her hips picked up pace. Suz agreed, "It's been yummy so far and he hasn't backed away from anything. I wonder how far he'll go." "I get the sense he could surprise us on that front." "Yes, I think it could become interesting." Michele changed the subject from sex, "Would he move with us in a year? We both know that's coming in order for me to continue my work once I finish my thesis." "He's older than we are. I wonder how close he is to retirement. Do you know what kind of law he does?" "Not exactly, but from the few conversations he and I've had in the bar, I think he spends a lot of time in court." "The trial guys usually can move if they're good at it." "But would he want to? He's got a nice home here; he's his own boss; and it seems he knows a lot of people," Michele observed. "Maybe his moving depends on the type of love he develops with us." Michele changed the subject again, "We'd fall from favor in the local lesbian community." "Only with those who insist on labels. I doubt our friends would abandon us and if they did, maybe they never were our friends." Michele got to the crux of the matter for herself, "Gay, bi, hetero, tran, who cares, so long as you and I have each other." Suz wondered, "It'll be interesting tonight to see how he reacts to three true lesbians." Michele responded, "Don't forget, he once knew one of them, and they'll recognize each other. Besides, he's a smart guy. I suspect he's already figured out the women are lesbians. He'll be on his best behavior because he knows he needs to be able to interact with our friends." "And, at some time, we with his," Suz predicted. "Yes, that'll be an interesting introduction, won't it. Can you imagine us at his office Christmas party?" Michele grinned as she pictured herself and Suz on either of my arms being introduced to my partner and staff. "We might create a bit of a stir," Suz laughed. "Can you imagine the look on his little, gray-haired secretary's face when he introduces us as his—um, friends.?" "Gray haired? What if she's hot, busty, young, and blonde" "You don't really think so do you?" "Nah. He doesn't look that type. On the other hand, he's surprised us so far." Michele retreated to a more personal level, "I'm confident in our love, you know." Suz smiled and tilted her head as she looked at Michele, "Yes, sweetie. I know. I hope you know I'm just as confident as you." Michele asked quietly, "Climb up here and kiss me." Suz grinned her consent, "Um, I thought you'd never ask." Suz rose from her knees. Her eyes found Michele's eyes and didn't stray as she placed one knee on either side of Michele's hips. Her hands drew Michele's head to her own. Lips tickled each other, as mouths opened and tongues explored oh-so-familiar territory. Michele, noting a hint of her own taste on Suz's tongue, sucked, wanting to extract all of herself that she could. What began as a slow waltz of lips and tongues continued with only tentative acceleration. Michele's hands found Suz's back and put her painted nails to good use. "Lower," Suz asked as she arched her back, rose on her knees and offered a breast to Michele's willing mouth. As Michele accepted her treat, Suz's hands found Michele's shoulders and massaged, bringing moans of approval that matched her own. It was a familiar position for the women. One they frequently enjoyed as a preliminary to more intense intimacies. Michele switched breasts and accelerated her suckling, drawing shivers of approval from her partner. Suz pressed her pussy against Michele's stomach and ground small circles. She moved a knee from outside Michele's hip to between her legs. Michele released Suz's back and placed her arms on the chair's arms. She lifted herself slightly and began her own pubic circles against Suz's knee. Her mouth applied teeth to Suz's breasts. The women continued. They knew the other's most sensitive places and used their fingers to stimulate those nerves. Each could feel herself becoming moist inside. Time passed without comprehension until Michele lifted her mouth from Suz's breasts, looked up into her lover's eyes, and announced, "I want to ride you." Suz smiled down on her partner and dismounted their chair. Michele remained sitting, knowing her lover had implements to gather before they would begin. As was their habit, Suz found a clean towel, the bottle of Astroglide, and Michele's familiar, purple cock. She stroked its length as she marveled at how Michele's cunt would grip the dildo's short stubby end so that the other end protruded from her cunt as a perfectly-shaped, blood-engorged man-cock. She placed the towel on the carpet and the cock and the lubricant on the towel. Suz assumed her favored hands and knees position. Michele left the chair, picked up the lubricant, and walked to her lover's left side where she dribbled a few drops onto Suz's lower back. She planted her left foot opposite Suz's left hip and swung her right leg across Suz's back. She sat and slid herself front to back and side to side, spreading the lubricant. She reached forward and grabbed two hands full of Suz's wild, red "reins." She tugged, pulling Suz's head up and stretching Suz's neck. Michele touched her knees to Suz's ribs, signaling her horse to begin a slow walk. Suz responded by rocking her body forward and back. Michele contributed to her own pleasure by bracing herself with her feet on the floor while sliding her cunt forward and back along Suz's spine inversely in time with her horse's gait. They continued their walking pace long enough to exit an imaginary corral. Suz knew the path they customarily traveled and soon stepped up her gait to a trot. Michele followed suit, sliding herself forward and back across Suz's well lubricated back with greater force. Michele soon pressed her knees against Suz's ribs signaling the beginning of a canter. Suz's hips responded as Michele escalated her own motion. Michele knew her own juices now were mingling with the lubricant on Suz's back. She knew her labia had opened and her cunt and clit were fully in contact with her saddle. Soon they reached the freedom of their open pasture. Michele reached behind herself and gave Suz's ass a stinging slap. Suz obeyed her lover's command and galloped. She rocked her hips forward and back faster and faster. Michele matched in reverse her steed's motion, sliding forward as Suz rocked back and sliding back as Suz rocked forward. Michele wanted more and slapped again. She leaned forward increasing the contact of her clit with Suz's back. She tightened her grip on her crimson reins. The more Suz rocked the harder Michele moved. Michele began bouncing in her saddle and regularly slapping her horse's ass, demanding all the beast had to give. The beast responded, bucking its hips up and down. The animal's motion, coupled with its rider's legs, propelled Michele off and immediately back into her saddle, producing intense sensations within Michele. Each bounce caused another stimulation of her clit. Each stimulation brought Michele closer to her cum. Michele no longer could restrain herself. She took both hands off Suz's hair, gripped Suz on either side of her waist, and ground her cunt into Suz's back. Michele gritted her teeth as bliss began. She closed her eyes as comets and shooting stars flew by. Colors exploded in blues and greens and reds and yellows. A symphony of sound exploded in her ears. The muscles in her thighs tightened. Her calves tensed. Her toes curled. Her head, neck, and shoulders froze. That familiar intensity spread from her cunt upward to the backs of her eyes and downward into her thighs, calves and toes. She ground furiously against her beast until she screamed her release, lessening the pressure only as her orgasm calmed. She collapsed against Suz's back, while both women panted hard to catch their breath. "Fuck me, bitch!" Suz demanded. Suz rose from her knees and leaned on her stomach over the edge of my bed. Michele responded with practiced precision to her lover's demand. She grabbed her cock and slid it into her now sopping wet cunt, causing more shivers within her walls. She marveled at the way her cock grew from her cunt and stood tall and proud before her with nothing to support it beyond the muscles in her groin. She dribbled a few drops of lubricant on her cock and masturbated them along the cock's length. Michele approached Suz from behind, spread Suz's legs wide apart until Suz's vagina was at just the right height. Only then did she slide the purple head between two wide open labia. Upon feeling the cock's first touch, Suz slammed herself back against Michele and the cock slid fast and true to the deepest reaches of Suz's vagina. The lovers began their dance of joy, as Michele pushed in and Suz shoved back. Michele withdrew and Suz did the same. Over and over they moved, the cock's stimulating each of them almost equally. Michele slapped Suz's reddened ass at irregular intervals, while encouraging her onward with profane demands. Suz responded in kind, insulting Michele's adequacy as a cocksman, and demanding more. Suddenly, Suz slowed. Michele did the same. "Ready, babe." Suz, gasping for breath, turned her head and nodded. Michele climbed on the bed and lay on her back. Suz straddled Michele's hips, adjusting herself so she was directly above her lover's manhood. She grabbed the cock with one hand and lowered herself as her cunt enveloped the cock. Suz began the oval fucking motion she'd used so effectively with me in the morning. She rocked her hips back and forward as she rose and fell on the cock. Each fall landed her clitoris directly on Michele's thick, dark, carefully-manicured triangle of pubic hair. Suz dragged herself backward across that wiry patch until she rose so only the cock's head was inside her. Then she fell forward, impaling herself again on her invader. Over and over Suz repeated her practiced oval, rocking the cock both inside her own vagina as well as inside Michele's cunt. As Suz fell forward, the cock stimulated Michele's clit just as Michele's patch stimulated Suz's clitoris. The women rocked and rocked and rocked. They knew how to maximize both their own pleasure as well as their partner's. Their moans began and escalated until their voices merged. They bounced harder, knowing their end was near. Michele landed first, only because she'd been there more recently. As her cries of joy subsided, Suz's began and grew until she earned her own release and fell against Michele's chest. The women lay still for a moment until Suz rose and pulled the cock from Michele. Michele rolled onto her side and lifted her top leg. Suz repositioned herself so she also was on her side. Slowly, the women maneuvered themselves until their torsos fit between the other's legs and the vees at their hips were joined. They began a slow grind against each other, each knowing there would be no more cums, but savoring the intense images of the other's most intimate touch. They remained together longer than normal, each considering the enormous impact inviting me to join them could have on their lives. All too soon it was time for them to prepare for my return. They showered together for the second time today, each sensually cleaning the other. They dried each other and dressed themselves in the same starched shirts they'd worn earlier. They had a well-discussed plan in store for me and were ready when I arrived home a few minutes later. * * * As I pulled into my driveway after having played tennis, I saw two now familiar cars parked in the same positions they'd held this morning. I chuckled to myself as I parked and then entered my home. "Hey there, is anyone home?" "Come on up, Jake. We've been waiting for you," Michele invited from the bedroom upstairs. "Just a minute, guys, I've got one thing to take care of down here." "Just like a man, always making the womenfolk wait for him," Suz teased from that same bedroom. I laid a package on the kitchen counter, deposited my dirty clothes in the basket on top of the washer, tossed my tennis bag into my office, turned, and walked to the living room. I picked up the old green vase from its traditional position on the low, square, wooden coffee table in the middle of the living room. I carried it into the kitchen and pulled out last week's flowers. I dumped the water and set the old flowers aside for a moment. I gave the vase a quick wash and refilled it with fresh water. I unwrapped the new flowers I'd picked up on the way home, clipped their stems, and arranged them in the vase. I wrapped the old flowers in the paper that previously held the new ones and deposited the old ones in the trash in the garage. I tidied up a bit and returned the vase to its home. While still in the living room, I happened to glance upward toward the bedroom and caught two heads peeking at me from above the half-wall separating the bedroom from the living room. "What are you doing down there?" Suz asked. "Just replacing last week's flowers. I picked up fresh ones on the way home from tennis." "You mean to tell us that you kept us waiting here all alone, just so you could go somewhere and buy flowers?" accused Michele. "I guess I'm just an untrainable old-man-of-habit, Michele. It's something I do every weekend. I'll be right up." "You're a good man, Jake," Suz declared, as she gave me a slow nod of her head. I noticed Michele nodding her head as well. I climbed the stairs and entered the bedroom. The women had moved the easy chairs and now were, sitting side-by-side in those chairs with their legs crossed. They wore the same unbuttoned dress shirts they'd been wearing when I'd left them earlier. Neither of them wore anything else. "Jake, other than the obvious gender related differences, what would you say is the most apparent physical difference between Suz and me versus you?" Suz followed up. "Watch, Jake. We'll give you a not very subtle hint." I stared as two pair of legs uncrossed and spread themselves wider than I expected. Two pair of hands descended to naked pubic areas and began teasing themselves. "Okay, at the risk of sounding stupid, I'll jump right in. You're both shaven down there and I'm not. Well, Suz, you're completely shaven and Michele keeps that little upside-down triangular patch, but she certainly is better trimmed than I." "You see, Suz, I told you he'd figure it out." "You were right, sweetie. For a man, he's not entirely without powers of observation. Oh, and Jake, it's waxed, not shaven." "Doesn't that hurt—a lot?" "It's just one of those pains we women put up with for you men—oops, did I say that? It's my gift to Michele." "Jake, do I give good head?" asked Michele, laughing at her lover's feeble attempt at man-guilting. "Do I?" echoed Suz. "You're both excellent." "Do you like good head?" continued Suz. "Very much." "Would you like to get more good head?" "Of course, any man would, Michele." "There's a problem with that." "What's the problem?" I asked feigning genuine concern. "You tickle too much," Suz complained. "Yeah. You're too hairy," Michele followed with a firm nod of her head. "We'd like to solve that problem," Suz offered. "How do you propose doing that?" "We'd like to shave you. Actually, we'd prefer to shave you completely, but we'll bet that none of those guys with whom you play tennis are shaven, are they? "No, Michele. I've seen most of them in the locker room and no one's either shaven or trimmed..." I glanced at Suz and added, "...or waxed." "That's what we thought. Here's our proposal. Understand, we don't want to embarrass you with your friends, but we need to take action. We propose to trim part of you and to shave part of you." "Well, Suz, which part do you propose trimming and which part do you propose shaving?" "We want to shave everything from where your cock meets your balls, all the way back to and including your derriere and we're going to trim all the rest. Do you think you can handle that?" Little do they know how hairless I was down there just a few months ago from the chemo treatments for my cancer, I chuckled to myself. "Just like you two announced a few hours ago, I'm freshly showered, squeaky clean, and I smell good. Would now be an acceptable time to begin?" "Take off your pants and any skivvies you're wearing. You'll see some towels spread out on your bed. Hop right up there, pubes up. We're all set up and ready for you," Suz ordered. "First things first, guys," I announced, as I left the room and headed downstairs. Arriving on the main floor, it didn't take long to find the CD I wanted. Suddenly the house was filled with the music and lyrics from Hair, the title song of the incredible, 1960s musical by the same name. She asks me why I'm just a hairy guy I'm hairy noon and night Hair that's a fright I'm hairy high and low Don't ask me why Don't know It's not for lack of break Like the Grateful Dead Darling Gimme head with hair Long beautiful hair Shining, gleaming, Streaming, flaxen, waxen Give me down to there hair Shoulder length or longer Here baby, there mama Everywhere daddy daddy Hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair Flow it, show it Long as God can grow it My hair I hurried back upstairs to be greeted by two arms-folded, toe-tapping, impatient women. "Nice song, Jake," Suz spoke up, "but that one line, 'Gimme head with hair, 'just ain't happenin' no more. Now, strip from the waist down and get yourself up there." "Yes, Ma'am," I replied. "And don't you 'Ma'am' me again, mister." "Sorry, Suz," I grinned. Being wise enough not to argue any further with the loss of incredible head as a threatened consequence, I unbuckled, unbuttoned, unzipped and pulled. Suddenly, I was without pants. My two practiced thumbs hooked themselves beneath the elastic band holding up my white cotton briefs and pulled down. Two small steps later I was naked from the waist down. The trip to the bed was quick and I was ready. "Ok, Jake," said Michele. "As you might be able to tell by comparing Suz's handiwork with mine, she's more into complete hair removal and I'm more into trimming. Therefore, I'll begin the ceremonies with a frontal trimming and then she'll finish you up with a shave down below. Are you ready?" "I'm ready, Michele. Just be careful down there," I cautioned. "Don't worry, Jake. I have at least a short term interest in the continued functionality of this thing here." "At least short term you say?" "At least, Jake. Now shut up and get hard. Suz, come over here and hold this thing of Jake's so that it's out of my way. Oh, and while you're holding it, see if you can do something about its disgusting limp condition." Suz smiled one of her most teasing smiles, grabbed me, and in one gulp, covered all of me with her mouth. "No, Suz. Not like that," Michele complained, "I can't get in there and cut if you're giving head." "Oops," is all Suz offered as she withdrew her head and replaced it with her hand. She began with four fingers on the bottom and one thumb on top of my cock. She pulled with one hand, then replaced it with the other. She pulled again and replaced again. Those slow, teasing strokes along the length of my cock were designed to stimulate that most sensitive underside of my cock and send shivers through my entire groin. Michele, scissors in hand, began snipping all around the base of my cock. The occasional touch of cold metal to warm skin pushed a sense of erotic vulnerability into my mind. I pushed myself up on my elbows and watched the women work. Michele didn't take long to accomplish her goal of a trim. I'd guess she left only a short number two buzz cut between my navel and my cock. She told me to lay back and pull my legs up. Suz helped as she sat on the bed next to me and held my legs with one hand, as she continued stroking my rapidly hardening cock with the other hand. Michele trimmed closer around my balls, across my perineum, and around my anus. I guessed she was making Suz's later shaving task easier. Michele stepped back and admired her barbering. "All finished," she observed, "Jake, you can put your legs down. I've cut away all the hair next to your cock except that little bit you can see. Test him, Suz. See if he still tickles." Watching my cock's being engulfed by a gorgeous redhead hardly is my idea of a test, but they wanted a test and that's what Suz came up with. Actually, it's a bit deceiving to say that Suz "came up" with anything. She "went down." Did she ever go down. She wrapped her hands around the base of my cock, claiming no more than a single finger's worth of cock and three fingers' worth of testicle. She opened her mouth, centered my cock and pushed her nose into what formerly was my pubic hair. She pulled back, but only for a moment. She buried her nose a second time and then a third time and then a fourth time. It was beginning to tingle down there. "Does he tickle, Suz?" Suz just licked her lips and grinned as her crimson-tipped nails raked across my sac as though they were tines smoothing weathered stones in a tranquil Japanese garden. "Good, I see he doesn't tickle you. Thank you, babe. Here's a quick kiss for your assistance." There was nothing quick about Michele and Suz's kiss. Michele reached behind Suz's head and grabbed a handful of hair. She pulled Suz's head right to the head of my cock where their mouths met. Actually, I suppose one could argue that three mouths met, if my urethra were considered my little head's mouth. They slowly licked at each other's mouths from opposite sides of my cock as they descended from the tip to the base of me. As for me, I saw hair: wild, unruly red hair and straight, shiny, dark hair. Their hair tickled my thighs, my stomach, my groin and my cock, as their lips, their tongues and even their teeth traveled up and down the length of me. Much to my chagrin, they broke their kiss. "Yum, you tasted so good, Suz, that I didn't want to stop. I'm ready now. It's time to bury this thing in my throat." True to her statement, Michele took me deep in one motion. She bobbed a few times, pulled her mouth from me and announced, "I love that full feeling. He didn't tickle one bit. I think we've solved the trimming issue. "Let me just finish up here. A few more snips just to even things up all over and we're done. There you go, Jake. One trimmed pubic area. Welcome to the club." "Thanks, Michele. It was a pleasure being initiated." Suz took over. She went to the bathroom, turned on the tap and soaked two hand towels in the hottest water the tap would give. She placed them in a bowl which she filled with that same scalding water and returned to the bed. She wrapped my sac in one of the hot, dripping wet towels and held it against me with pulsating fingers while she and Michele took turns licking my cock and teasing each other's mouths. When Suz judged my skin sufficiently soft for shaving, she removed the towel and applied a gel shaving cream she'd found in one of my drawers. Michele held my cock in her two small hands and tilted it upward to facilitate Suz's next step. Suz wetted a new razor in the bowl of hot water and told me to hold still. She slid a finger across the path she intended to shave. She pinched the skin at the bottom of my sac and pulled, stretching that skin into a tight, flat plane capable of being shaved. She touched the razor's hot metal to my skin and drew the blade north to south. My skin erupted with sensation as my ears believed they heard the slow slaughter of each and every hair attempting to stand in the unrelenting blade's path. It was not an unpleasant experience. Michele's hands on my cock remained still while Suz wielded the blade against my skin. At the finish of each of Suz's strokes, Michele's fingers roamed up and down my cock, tapping out what I convinced myself was the erotic rhythm of Ravel's Bolero. Suz continued shaving all around my sac in similar fashion: tracing her intended path, pinching skin, pulling, applying and then drawing the blade. Soon my sac was bare. "Okay, Michele, I need you to climb on Jake and pull his legs back as far as you can so I have easy access to the rest of what's down here. Here's where we get really delicate, big guy." Michele did exactly as her blade-wielding partner asked. She placed one knee along side each of my ears, leaned forward, grabbed my legs and lifted. As she did, she naturally lowered herself onto my face until there was an anus on my nose, a cunt on my mouth and a clit on my chin. I laid there as still as I could and allowed my tongue to do what came naturally. Suz seated herself on a small stool she'd found under the counter in the bathroom and was eyes to eye with my cyclopean orifice. She applied another hot washcloth followed by shaving cream as before. Somehow, as she was drawing her finger across her intended path, that finger slipped and plunged into my hole. My reaction almost bucked poor Michele off my face. Suz feigned a quick, "oops," withdrew the finger and continued her technique. Occasionally, as Suz leaned forward to get an up close look at her progress, either her finger accidentally slipped into my anus or her open mouth accidentally bumped into my now rigid barbers pole and somehow slid a few inches over its top, or both. All those sensations and images coupled with the remarkable scent of Michele's cunt, coupled with women's previous pumps across my cock, coupled with my having been fellated by the same two beautiful women, and coupled with Suz's little slips-of-a-finger and slips-of-her-mouth caused me to believe that I actually was growing harder with each stroke of her razor. In any event, I was beginning to feel serious tightening down there. I didn't know exactly what they had in mind for me when they finished shaving, but if I were a betting man, I'd bet the farm their goal involved the forcible extraction of some man-cum. "Ah, Suz," I began slowly, "You might want to take it easy with your mouth down there." "Why's that, Jake?" "Well, let me explain. Imagine that you'd just been fingered almost to completion by a beautiful woman. Then, imagine that two beautiful women had gone down on you one right after the other and..." "Yea, yea, yea. What's your point, Jake?" Michele interrupted. "My point is that if you keep playing with my cock like that and Suz continues squeezing and otherwise stimulating my balls and anus like she's doing, I'm not likely to last much longer." "Oh, Jake. Be quiet and enjoy." Just then I felt Suz apply another hot wet cloth to my entire perineal area as she wiped me clean of any remaining shaving cream. "All finished. Jake, you're as bald as—well—me down there," she announced. Finally, I thought to myself as Michele began to grind herself against my face. "Get off of him, Michele. You and I have business down here." "Oh, Suz, it feels awfully good up here." "I know, sweetie. I've been up there myself, but right now, you're needed down here." "Oh, okay." Michele dismounted my face and joined her partner. With my legs still pushed high, I felt two tongues explore me. I spread my legs as much as I could, both to give them greater access, but more importantly to allow me to watch. In truth, all I saw was hair: lots of shiny dark hair and almost as much kinky red hair. I felt fingers and tongues and lips and teeth—and hair. Two heads pulled themselves away from me and the ever vigilant Michele began, "Jake, you're really hard. You must have liked that shaving stuff. Suz and I need some man-cum though. Don't worry about reciprocating, our good man. This one's our treat. Just lie back and enjoy. Suz, do you want to stroke or do you want to suck?" "I want both, Michele." "Okay, Suz. You take that side and I'll take this side and we'll both lick and stroke and suck on him until he cums." They did exactly that. Two tongues negotiated a trade agreement across the girth of my cock. They squeezed my balls. They pushed fingers into my anus. They took turns fellating my cock. They moved in unison and they were an absolute joy to behold. They were two craftswomen, enjoying their trade. I was close when they began and I did not retreat. Michele rose to her tippy toes and put her mouth over the head of my cock and plunged herself downward. She struck bottom, twisted her head and tried to go deeper. At the same time, Suz shoved two fingers into my ass. Like Michele with her mouth, Suz twisted and thrust those fingers. Whatever hands as were left squeezed my testicles. I couldn't hold back. I groaned. I moaned. I squealed and... Michele must have sensed when I would eject my first volley because one moment earlier she pulled her mouth off my cock, wrapped one hand in Suz's hair and yanked Suz's head to the winner's circle directly in front of my cock. Both women replaced Michele's mouth on my cock with one of their hands. ...in a blur of motion I shot, striking Suz's closed eyes, cheeks, nose, mouth, chin and neck. I covered Suz's face to the extent I could. They continued to pump me while Michele gathered cum from Suz's drenched face and spread that cum all over my sac. She gathered more and spread it between my sac and my anus. Finally, she put her mouth on my cock, instructed Suz to pump me hard and tight. As Suz pumped, Michele sucked and tongued into her mouth the dregs of any man-juice I could offer. Her finger pulled that nectar from her mouth and rubbed it into my anus. I bent forward, glanced down and noted with pride the sheen of my own cum on my skin. Someone told me to lean back as far as I could and to lift my legs again. Who was I to argue? I watched as two mouths resumed licking. They licked my sac. They licked between my sac and my anus. They each tried plunging tongues into my anus. In the end, they both decreed that I had passed the smoothness test and that I was fit for future excellent head from either of them. Suz found a fresh, hot cloth and again wiped me clean. Michele found a clean dry towel and rubbed me. She followed the towel with some Vasoline Intensive Care lotion with aloe and declared me fit for clothing. "Absolutely yummy, Jake," declared Suz. "Now pick out your clothes for tonight and get out of here. Oh, just one word of advice, wear boxers tonight, silk if you have them, and maybe for the next couple of days as well. You might be more comfortable. Michele and I'll join you downstairs in a few minutes and we'll be on our way to dinner." I grabbed khakis, black silk boxers, a shirt, a sweater, shoes and headed downstairs as The Bed, also from Hair was finishing. You can eat in bed You can beat in bed Be in heat in bed Have a treat in bed You can rock in bed You can roll in bed Find your cock in bed Lose your soul in bed You can lose in bed You can win in bed But never never never never Never never never never Never never never Never can you sin in bed! Who was I to comment on the wisdom of those who had gone before me.
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