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Birthday Girl

Birthday Girl At two in the morning the streets were nearly deserted. A lone car raced across an overpass. Street lights and passing signs glinted off it's flawless, shiny exterior. The car negotiated the wet snowy streets with the reckless abandonment of somebody in a hurry. Piles of dirty snow bordered the streets, choking the sidewalks after the recent storm. Few people were out and then only those with urgent business. But unlike most cars on the street, this one contained two beautiful women dressed in lavish evening gowns. "So what kind of party is it?" Kate asked as she watched the passing snow apprehensively. "You'll see. I told you it's a surprise. Have you ever known me to tell secrets?" Ellen asked. They roared through a deep puddle and Ellen pulled her BMW up next to the curb. "No, you asshole," Kate said with a hurt expression. She glanced out her window and ducked down to see the top of the towering building. She couldn't see it, it disappeared into the dark sky, but she could see the sign far above. "Shit," Ellen this is a hotel. "Yes it is, but we aren't going to the hotel, silly, we're going to the private banquet room. Since you won't talk to your real sister, I felt it my job as your adopted sister to make sure you have a little fun. We are special guests tonight." "Who's?" "Give me a break, Kate, just wait a minute and you'll find out." "Ellen, you know I hate walking into a cold room. If you embarrass me, I swear I'll key your beamer." "You touch my car and you die, sister," Ellen gave her a dark look then smiled. "Relax, you're going to love this. It may be the most memorable night of your life." "The most memorable night of my life is the night my real sister climbed into my bed thinking Tom was there, and started kissing her way down to my crotch. She had a hell of a surprise when she found out I had no dick. The next day I had no Tom either." "Well I still talk to and like Tom," Ellen said as the valet opened the door for her and accepted the keys. "He still swears that he loves you and had no idea that your sister planned that midnight thing." "And I still don't believe him," Kate said stubbornly. She wrapped her coat tightly around her and carefully stepped out on the icy sidewalk. She tried to avoid the slushy puddles as she made her way to the awning. The uniformed doorman waited until they neared to open the door. "Which way to the blue banquet room?" Ellen asked as he held the door. "Straight ahead and left at the end of the hall, past the elevators. Is Mister H...." "Yes, he's expecting us," Ellen said quickly to stop his flow of words. "I'm Ellen Scroder, this is Kate Hall." "I see," the doorman's eyes widened slightly. "Go on in," he bowed them through the door. "What the hell was that all about?" Kate asked, glancing at the doorman over her shoulder. "Our benefactor is a very important person," Ellen said with a wave of her hand. "But it looked like..." "Shhhh, we're there," Ellen said and put her hand on the door. "Now don't embarrass me. Go along with everything I do. Promise?" "Ellen, what???" "Promise!" Ellen insisted. "Yeah, all right, I promise." "You'd better mean it, because if you embarrass me our friendship ends tonight." "Boy, you are serious, aren't you?" "Very. That's why your promise is so important to me. Like I said, this is a very important person and I don't want to blow it. Ok?" Ellen gave an apologetic smile. "You know I always go along with everything you want. Lead on." "Ok," Ellen said looking herself over. "I look incredible, you look absolutely delicious, and we own this room. So let's go," she opened the door and Kate went in ahead of her. Kate immediately felt like she was the poorest woman in the room. As dozens of people turned to look at them, the sparkle of diamonds, pearls, and gold, nearly blinded them. There were white dresses and black suits for as far as she could see. She breathed in sharply, but Ellen took her hand and pulled her forward. There were two open seats at the closest end of the long table. The placecards had their names on them. As they sat down the crowd began to mumble. Kate heard the door being locked. She looked behind her as she smoothed down her dress, but there was nobody there. It had been locked from the outside. She shivered and looked down the long table at the two rows of faces. Most everyone there smiled and nodded politely. She began to feel a little better. As she looked over the crowd, she confirmed that most were either very rich, or very important. But even more odd was the fact that they were all young to middle aged. There was not one old face in the crowd. "Ellen this is really strange," Kate whispered. "Shhh, the host has arrived," Ellen hushed her. Kate looked up and craned her neck to see over the dozens of heads. She saw a tall man in a black tux, a top hat, and a black, lacey mask. "What the hell is that?" Kate whispered and giggled. "That is your benefactor," Ellen smiled. "He's a little eccentric, I guess." "Yeah, just a little," Kate giggled again. She looked up and saw the piercing blue eyes staring directly at her. She froze and the smile dropped from her face. The eyes quickly went over the rest of the crowd, then the man sat at the head of the table. A fat clownish man walked out on the stage behind the masked man and a spotlight came on. "Ladies and gentlemen, in honor of our very special guest on her birthday, we have a banquet, a floor show, and some other amusing entertainment. Anyone desiring to leave, is encouraged to do so now. Your continued presence will be your consensual agreement to partake in these festivities. Last call. Anyone? Good, then let's get on with the show. Our floor show tonight will be performed by Mickey and Lin. Mickey is a professional dancer at the club here in the Regent, Lin is an exotic dancer at Quinns. Both are seasoned professionals, extremely well-endowed and beautiful young women. So let's give them a hand," he began clapping. Two sweet young girls, one blonde and one oriental stepped out on the stage wearing almost nothing. "Shit, Ellen, what have you gotten me into?" Kate whispered harshly. "The time of your life, girl. Sit back and enjoy it," Ellen laughed. "I'm not sitting here and... Oh God, they're kissing," Kate said and turned her face away. Mickey and Lin were in a full embrace, kissing passionately as their hands roamed freely over each other's body. Suddenly Mickey slid down and began licking and kissing Lin's perfect little breasts. Ellen felt a stab of fire shoot between her legs. "Kate, you said you wouldn't embarrass me," Ellen whispered harshly. "Well I didn't expect this shit, did I?" "Do you know what date today is?" "November 29th." "Is that significant to you?" Ellen asked teasingly. "You found out, didn't you?" "You are the birthday girl, sister. This party if for you." "Tom told you didn't he?" "Yeah," Ellen said and turned to watch the two girls on the stage. They were now lying on a wrestling pad. Lin was kissing Mickey's tits. Mickey was withering and twisting like a snake on the pad. Lin quickly slid back and forth to follow her. Lin's small hand was now massaging Mickey's blonde bush. As she changed tits, Lin licked the juice off her hand before she pressed the heel of her hand into Mickey's pussy and rubbed hard. Mickey arched her back and cried out. "Oh, this is disgusting," Kate said, hiding her face behind CLICK HERE FOR LESBIAN SEX PICTURES! her hand, but glancing at the stage occasionally. "Hey, here comes the booze. You'll feel better after a martini." "I'll feel better after three," Kate said, still glancing covertly at the stage. The lights at the table suddenly went down. Kate could barely see the waiter as he approached. "Two," Kate held up two fingers. The waiter nodded and sat two full glasses by her plate. Kate grabbed one and downed it in a few large gulps. As the alcohol began burning her stomach and spreading throughout her body, she did feel a little better. After the soup course, as the meat and potatoes were being CLICK HERE FOR LESBIAN PORN VIDEOS! dished out, the girls on stage were down to some serious eating of their own. With the lights down so nobody could see her, and two martinis in her stomach, Kate didn't need to pretend not to watch. She actually enjoyed the show after fifteen minutes and began to feel some serious wetness between her legs. She reached for a fork and gasped when her wrist came into contact with her hard nipple trying to poke it's way through the thin white material of her dress. Ellen, feeling her gasp had something to do with the show, leaned closer and whispered. "It's very erotic, isn't it?" "Oh yeah, very," Kate said expressively. She brushed her hardened nipples again and shuddered at the brief contact. "You've never tried that have you?" Ellen asked in a whisper. "No, not really. Have you?" "A few times. I guess you could say I was molested the first few times, but I've experimented a little since then." "You never said anything?" Kate said uncomfortably. "No reason too, you were never interested." The girls on stage suddenly changed positions and went into a 69 position. Kate watched closely, shuddering with passion. As she watched she decided that she would rather be the girl on top, they had it easy. The girl on the bottom would get a sore neck real fast. "I wouldn't mind jumping between the two of them," Ellen said lightly. "They might mind, it doesn't look like there's room for three people... hey, here comes some more girls," Kate pointed. She suddenly realized that she had spoken loudly. Several people giggled in the darkness. "Shhh, you're drunk," Ellen said with a giggle. "Yeah, kind of. I feel great, I think... I know this is the strangest thing I've ever done." "It'll get stranger real fast," Ellen pointed to the four girls approaching the head of the table. Their benefactor lifted the table cloth and all four girls ducked down and slid under the table, one at a time. "What are they doing?" Kate asked, craning her neck to look under the table. Ellen grabbed her and pulled her back up. "Ok, here comes the really strange part. Now listen carefully. Are you listening?" Ellen asked. "Yeah," Kate said, bending closer so she could see Ellen in the darkness. Their faces were nearly touching. "Those four girls are there to give people oral sex." "People? You mean the men?" "Nope, people, men and women." "No way!" "Shhhh. It's all right. Here are the rules. See how everybody is putting a napkin in their laps?" "Yeah." "They aren't. You have two choices. One, you drop the napkin on the floor in front of your chair. That means you want them to pass you by. Ok? The second choice is to lay the napkin over your right leg. Can you figure out what that means?" "That they don't pass me by?" "Bingo. Nobody will know which you chose, only you will know that. As the rest of the dinner is served, just pretend you are only here to eat dinner. Don't show that you are being serviced. Have you got all that?" "Sure. Which will you chose?" "What do you think?" "You won't drop a napkin," Kate said, nodding her head. "Right again. Your choice is your business. But remember, whichever you chose nobody will know. So if you ever considered trying this out, now is the time. Have you decided?" "Yeah, I think so." "Then put the napkin where you want it." Kate held her hand under the table and dropped the napkin on the floor. Ellen watched from the corner of her eye and shook her head in disgust as she laid her own napkin over her right leg. "Shit, I forgot, I'm wearing pantyhose," Ellen said in embarrassment. "So?" "We weren't supposed to wear them to this party. Are you wearing any?" "No," Kate said, a little annoyed. Ellen knew she never wore them, even in the winter. "It's dark enough I'm going to try and slip out of them here. If anybody looks, let me know." "Who can see? It's black as night in here, except for the stage." "That's to keep anyone from being embarrassed," Ellen said as she hiked her dress up and pulled down her stockings. She banged the table once, generating a few giggles from people who mistakenly believed the girls under the table were bumping into things. Ellen finally pulled the stockings over her knees and off her feet. "Shit, I dropped my napkin," Ellen said. "You want me to get it for you?" Kate asked, looking under the table. "Naw, I'll get it. You just watch the show." Kate nodded and turned her eyes to the stage. "Here, finish that for me and order another one when the waiter comes," Ellen handed her nearly-full glass to Kate and slipped under the table. Kate sipped and watched girls really getting into their act. They had switched positions. Apparently the girl on the bottom had gotten a sore neck. Kate massaged her own neck while she watched, then downed the last of Ellen's drink. She looked around for a waiter, but none were in sight. "Move your foot over," Ellen said from under the table, pushing Kate's right leg aside. Kate opened her legs and tried to look under the table, but it was too dark of course. She suddenly felt a warm pair of lips under her dress, kissing her inner thigh. She gasped and reached under the table to push the face away, but Ellen slapped her hand away and forced her face in closer. "Ellen get out of there," Kate hissed. "Nope, I'm going to eat your pussy," she said happily in a loud whisper. "I've dreamed of this for so long, and nothing's going to stop me." "Oh no your not. Get out from under the table... oooohhhh," Kate suddenly gasped as she felt a full kiss against the crotch of her white cotton panties. She had gone without sex for some time and now, after watching the show, she was on fire. She could feel the heat and moisture from Ellen's mouth. It generated a small explosion in her crotch that shot into her tits and ass in seconds. She hissed to keep from crying out loud. Her wild glance finally focused on the show on stage. Lin was eating Mickey while Mickey bent over backwards, supporting herself with her hands and feet, the top of her head resting on the floor. Lin was propped up, eating Mickey's delicious pussy savagely. Ellen kissed the crease next to her pussy and inner thigh, then lifted the crotch of her panties and pushed them aside. Before Kate could even think to object, Ellen's tongue plunged up inside her. Kate grabbed the table and sighed loudly. She leaned back against the chair and grabbed the edge of the table in both hands. Ellen's mouth began to work on her crotch, sucking and licking her warm, fragrant sex. When Ellen stopped and grabbed Kate's panties, Kate quickly lifted up off the chair so Ellen could pull them off her hot, sweet ass. Kate threw her legs wide when she felt Ellen's warm cheeks pressed against her inner thighs. She groaned audibly when Ellen's tongue began licking her hot sex insistently. The liquid sounds of the tongue in her pussy were clear even to the people around her. Kate didn't care, she just wanted to enjoy the sensation of being eaten by her very best and sexiest friend in the world. The magic of the night might wear off, so she intended to enjoy the evening to the fullest in case it never happened again. "Ellen, I love you so much," Kate whispered harshly as Ellen's lips worked between her legs. Ellen paused and pulled her lips away from Kate's pussy. "I love you too, sweetheart, and I'm proving it," she whispered as her face plunged back into Kate's crotch. Kate gasped and massaged her tits, sliding down the chair until her crotch was hanging over the front edge. She instinctively knew this would help Ellen. She wished she could see Ellen's sweet face and warm lips feasting on her pussy. Ellen was such a beauty and would be even with Kate's abundant juices wetting her face. Ellen sucked hard, slurping out the juices that were lubricating her and the chair. She was afraid that Kate's thousand dollar dress would be ruined. It was a good thing that she had reserved a room ahead of time, they could wash out their things before going home. She should have know there would be a lot of juice since Kate rarely dated. She had been storing it up for almost a year. Ellen didn't mind, the nectar of Kate's pussy was a delicious feast. She pressed her tongue between the raw wet lips of Kate's pussy and began licking rapidly like a dog. Kate bounced on the chair and made and embarrassingly loud panting sound. Ellen considered telling her to be more quiet, then decided not to ruin her good time. Ellen found the little nubbin between the tiny envelope and rubbed it with the tip of her tongue. Kate jolted on the chair and wrapped her legs tightly around Ellen's head. It was hard to breath, but Ellen managed to lift her nose enough to breath, while continuing to pelt the little stiff member with her tongue. As she felt Kate about to come, she switched and slid her tongue in and out of Kate's hot, wet, hole. Kate's groan of pleasure was so loud it echoed off the walls. But there were so many people moaning and groaning that it went nearly unheard. "Ellen, I'm going to come in your mouth," Kate panted, feeling it appropriate to warn Ellen for some reason. "Do it sweetie, I can't wait," Ellen mumbled around the folds of wet pussy flesh. Ellen sucked and tongued the entire pussy equally until Kate began panting louder and louder. When Ellen felt it was the appropriate time she stopped licking and simply held her mouth over Kate's entire bucking pussy, waiting for Kate's sensitive loins to still. With a constant sucking pressure on Kate's pussy, Ellen waited until Kate lay spent and panting. Ellen touched Kate's clit experimentally with her tongue before backing away and was rewarded by a high pitched squeal. Kate almost ripped her head off as she threw her legs together, then slowly relaxed. With a smile, Ellen slid out from under Kate's dress and looked around. The light from the other end of the table, centered on the stage, allowed her to see the girls working their way toward Ellen and Kate's end of the table. Ellen couldn't wait, her pussy was about to explode. Ellen started to crawl out from under the table, then with an impish grin she picked up Kate's napkin and placed it on her right leg carefully, so Kate wasn't aware of it. Then, grabbing her own napkin, she slid out from under the table and sat in her own cold chair. Kate immediately leaned forward and gave her a passionate kiss, then drew back for a second, licked her lips tasting her own juice, then leaned forward again and kissed Kate once more. "I take it that you liked it?" Ellen said breathlessly. "When we get out of here I'll show you how much I liked it," CLICK HERE FOR LESBIAN PORN VIDEOS! Kate vowed. "I forgot to tell you, I got us a room so we can clean up before anyone sees us," Ellen said carefully. "What?" "Don't you suppose your dress is wet right now?" Ellen asked. "Oh, yeah," Kate said as she moved around on the chair. "After the party the guest of honor wants to meet you. I suggested that he come up to our room while we are cleaning up," Ellen said again, looking for a reaction. "Ellen I'm not sure... Hey, oh no, I..." her words were cut off by a heartfelt groan as the woman under the table began kissing her way up her inner thigh. Just as Kate was about to grab the first person on her left and mash their face between her legs to stop her agony, she sighed as a cold pair of hands finally touched her own knees. Ellen chattered nervously as they took turns in the hotel bathroom. They found that the mess was easily cleaned up. They hung their dresses in front of the heater and had them dry in no time. "I'm going to get a soda," Ellen said nervously as she glanced at her watch. "You want anything?" "Anything diet," Kate said absently. Her dress was not quite dry yet. "Ok, I'll be right back," Ellen said and opened the door. She met the man in the tux and mask, just outside of the room. "Good luck," she whispered. The man leaned forward and gave her a quick kiss of gratitude, then hurried inside and locked the door. Kate heard the footsteps behind her. "Are you still... YOU! she said breathlessly. How did you... Oh that Ellen," Kate said in real anger. She hated how Ellen was constantly setting her up with men. Losers! The man in the mask sat on the bed in a composed manner, first looking around the room, then watching Ellen. "I see you still don't like to wear stockings?" the man finally said. Kate spun around and stalked up to the man, ripping the mask off. "TOM!" "Hi Kate, how have you been?" "Fine since our divorce, but obviously not as well as you've been doing. You've come up in the world." "I'm doing alright financially. My love life's shot to hell. I thought I'd take this opportunity to ask you to marry me again." "I... why?" "Because I love you and I've never been able to love anyone else. I hear you have the same problem." "That Ellen, she's such a..." "Your very best friend in the world," Tom said. "I envy her. So how about it?" Kate thought for a very long time, inclined to say no but her heart wanted to say yes. "I'll tell you what, let's have sex first then we can discuss it," Kate said, dropping her dress on the other bed.
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