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Blessed Sabbat!

wiccancountessjgsilvermgo0.gif Beltane Beltane (otherwise known as Bealtaine, Beltaine, Cetsamhain, Walpurgisnacht, May Day and Roodmas) occurs May eve and May 1. The name comes from either Bel-tinne ("Bel's fire") and Belotenia ("bright fire"). It marks the beginning of summer, when the snow is all gone, the leaf buds are opening, birds are nesting, and livestock is moved to summer pasture, and it is finally warm enough to do outdoor rite! In Pagan tradition Beltane is the second-most important Sabbat in the Wheel of the Year. Placed opposite from Samhain, it balances that somber festival with wild celebrations of life and fertility and pleasure. The God and Goddess mate for the first time, bringing in renewed vegetation growth. They are in their aspect of youthful lovers: Young Stag and Oak Maiden, Satyr and Nymph, Hunter and Quarry, etc., complete with raging hormones. Some traditions celebrate the wedding of the Lord and Lady, while others also add the sacrifice of the God after the mating, the Goddess presiding in her Death-in-Life aspect. Beltane also marks the beginning of the Tide of Activation (Beltane-Lughnasadh) when the energy is positive and is inclined toward the earth and material things. It is an excellent time to improve on self, material status and to make new beginnings. The word associated with this period is Self-hood. In Irish mythology Beltane is a significant day as the races of Partholon, Tuatha dé Danaan and the Milesians all arrived in Éire on this festival day. It is also the feast day of the Brythonic god Bilé (cognate with Bel and Belenos), 'God of Life and Death' and 'Father of Gods and Men'. He is inferred to be the husband of Dana (Danu, Anu), ancestress of the Tuatha de Danaan. Other texts refer to him as the father of Milesius (whose people, the Milesians, displaced the Tuatha de Danaan), and who is said to have come from "Spain", aka: the Land of the Dead. There is also controversy as to the existence of the god Bel (bright-one). Tadhg MacCrossan writes that the word is merely an adjective, not a god name. He also states that Belenos is cognate with Beli Mawr, a Welsh god, both of which are derived from words meaning "bright". Bilos is derived from Bilios meaning "sacred tree". Therefore, for those who care to do so, the debate rages on. Regardless of which Gods presided, Beltane has the almost universal custom of lighting bonfires and need fires. All the hearth fires in the surrounding area were extinguished, and relit with a brand or ember from the needfire, a special fire kindled either by friction or by fire "drawn down from the sky", by using a crude lens (though one assumes lightning would work, too). Bonfires were lit either singly or in pairs. Cattle were driven between the fires (or through the ashes of a single fire) to purify them from diseases and to bring sweet milk. People jumped over the bonfire three times (or ran between them three times) to bring luck, fertility, a plentiful harvest, or whatever else they needed in abundance. Those who weren't celebrating the baser side of this festival together in the woods would dance, clap and sing around the fires until dawn. A ritual meal often went with the bonfire festivities. A custard-like dish was made using eggs, butter, and milk, or some variation depending on the local traditions. Some was spilled on the ground as a libation, and then the rest was eaten. Next a wheat or oat cake was made and distributed to each person. One piece was made to look different from the others (either by scorching it or painting it with soot). Whoever got the odd piece became the victim of sacrifice to the Gods. In later days, it was only a mock sacrifice, usually of burning, but this was very unpleasant. This scapegoating would continue until the next Beltane in the form of ostracism, name-calling, or of being spoken of as if dead for the entire year. Bonfires were used for a purification of a different kind. April 30 is Walpurgisnacht, or the Feast of St. Walburga (who incidentally had no connection whatsoever with the Beltaine revels). At this time witches were believed to be abroad, souring milk and the like. To protect themselves from their malevolent pranks the farmers and cotters in Scotland hung rowan and woodbine over the doors of their cowsheds. They also built bonfires of old thatch, straw, broom, or furze and lifted the burning debris high in the air with pitchforks to increase the coverage of the protective fire. At the same time the young people jumped through the smoke and fire yelling, "Fire blaze and burn the witches! Fire! Fire! Burn the witches!". Sometimes figures of witches were burned in effigy. This disgrace has been found in Ireland, Silesia, Sweden, Tyrol, Moravia, and Saxony (and still continue in Denmark at present on St. Hans' Day). On a more cheerful note, Maypoles are another familiar sight at Beltane. Usually about 30-100 ft. in height, they are the embodiment of the Spirit of Vegetation, and also the symbol of the World Tree, and a definite phallic symbol as well. It is also thought that the Maypole represents the first tree struck by lightning, bringing fire to humankind, as in some places such as the Netherlands the Maypole was ritually burned after the festivities along with offerings. In Wicca the Maypole also represents the God's phallus, and traditionally red and white streamers are used, red for the Lady's menstrual and/or hymen blood and white for the Lord's semen. (It should be noted that streamers are a new, Wiccan, addition to the Maypole; originally people danced around it without the ribbons.) As the symbol of all plant life the Maypole had to be cut from a live tree each year, with a bit of green left at the top. In later years as the symbolism was forgotten the Maypole became a permanent fixture in the middle of the town square or field (and in these times of extreme deforestation it is probably more prudent to re-use the same Maypole or buy a rounded pole already cut, from a lumber store). Cutting down the Maypole had a whole collection of attendant activities, from decorating houses, oxen, and the pole with hawthorn blooms, sycamore, and other spring flowers, to "hunting for nuts in the woods" (sex), "wearing the green" (sex), "performing greenwood marriages" (sex), and staying out all night to watch the sun come up (more sex). The energy raised in the Maypole dance goes toward bringing fertility to crops, women, and cattle and building success and abundance in your and your family's lives.
wiccancountessblessedbeue8.gif Beltane April 30th - In a word… sex! Again the God comes to the Goddess, but this time she is awake. This marks the Lady's return to the land. Fertility rites abound and this is what is behind the Maypole dance! Beltane is a cross-quarter fire festival and falls on the evening and night of April 30 and the following day, May 1. The sun is in the earth sign of Taurus. Beltane is sacred to the Celtic fire god Bel, to the Goddess as Flower Maiden (not Mother Nature) and the Horned God. The traditional time to celebrate would be all through the night of April 30 (sex in the fields, huge bonfires, etc) and the next morning. This is a fertility festival when animals and birds are breeding and blossom is bursting out in abundance everywhere. It is a time of waxing creativity in all Our lives. In times gone by, when increasing the population and securing successors was important, everyone cavorted off to the woods; maidens were deflowered and marriage vows were suspended as people, paired off with whomever they desired. This practice is still embraced in many cultures and within some covens in the US. It symbolizes the mating of the Goddess and the God, and the growth of crops and herds. This is the time to dance around the maypole, which is a symbol of both phallus and worldtree, the interweaving ribbons representing the intertwining of male and female energies, the universal dance. In ancient times, the fires in the community were put out, then a fire of sacred woods was lit in honour of Bel. Kine and sheep were driven past this to purify them of winter diseases and ill health. The participants lept the fire at Beltane to purify themselves of unwanted "baggage," and then again for wish granting. All over Britain, Morris Mem still dance to celebrate the Sacred Marriage, and May Queens, youthful representatives of the Goddess as Bride, are crowned. The Green Man is portrayed by Jack in the Green (a real man dressed in a canopy of leaves). Originally, sacred springs and wells were believed to be especially healing during May and were bedecked with flowers-a custom that has come down to Uus as well-dressing. Hawthorn (for the White goddess, the ancient Layd of Britain) is brought into the house on May Eve to purify the home and bring fertility. Crowns of apple blossom can be worn by young girls on May Day. In the United States, there is still a very large May Day parade and celebration, televised usually every year, in New York City. May as a month is sacred and joyous and should be celebrated throughout.
wiccancountessthegreatrrn1.gif PREPARING YOUR ALTAR ° Altar candles should be dark green. ° Incense should be lilac. ° Circle may be decorated with seasonal flowers. ° Circle candles should always be for the elementals (green, yellow, red, and blue). ° Cauldron contains a dark green candle; have a dish for the libation. ° Have woodruff on the altar to burn. ° Have wood chips from birch, oak, rowan (ash), willow, hawthorn, hazel, apple, vine, and fir on the altar to burn. INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE CEREMONY Sweep circle area; lay out circle and altar items; bathe and robe. Light incense and altar candles. Ring bell three times and say, "The circle is about to be cast and I freely stand within to greet my Lady and my Lord. Take center candle from altar, light each candle of the circle moving north, then east, south and west and say, (N) I call upon light and earth at the north to illuminate and strengthen the circle. (E) I call upon light and air at the east to illuminate and enliven the circle. (S) I call upon light and fire at the south to illuminate and warm the circle. (W) I call upon light and water at the west to illuminate and cleanse the circle. Take athame in upraised hand, begin circle at north and move around the circle north to east to south to west, and say, I draw this circle in the presence of the Goddess and the God where they may come and bless their child, Say your magickal name. Lower the athame at the north, and as you walk around the circle, envision a blue light shooting out from the point and forming the circle boundary and say, This is the boundary of the circle. Only love shall enter and leave. Return to the altar and ring bell three times. Place point of athame in the altar bowl of salt and say... Salt is life and purifying. I bless this salt to be used in this sacred circle in the names of the Goddess and the God. Pick up the salt bowl and use tip of athame to drop three portions of salt into the altar bowl of water and set salt bowl back in its place. Stir three times with athame and say... Let the blessed salt purify this water that it may be blessed to use in this sacred circle. In the names of the Goddess and the God, I consecrate and cleanse this water. Take the salted water bowl in hand and sprinkle water from it as you move deosil around the circle, NESWN and say... I (speak your magickal name) am consecrated in the names of the Goddess and the God in this, their circle. Take the wand and hold it aloft, with both arms open and upraised, at the north of the circle, envision a powerful bull arriving and say... I call upon you, Elemental Earth, to attend this rite and guard this circle, for as I have body and strength, we are kith and kin! Lower wand and move to east, raise up wand, envisioning fairies divas or an eagle in flight arriving and say... I call upon you, Elemental Air, to attend this rite and guard this circle, for as I breathe and think, we are kith and kin! Lower wand and move to the south, raise up the wand, envisioning a fire dragon and say... I call upon you, Elemental Fire, to attend this rite and guard this circle, for as I consume life to live, we are kith and kin! Lower wa0nd and move to the west, hold wand aloft, envision an undine, sea serpent or dolphin arriving, and say... I call upon you, Elemental Water, to attend this rite and guard this circle, for as I feel and my heart beats, we are kith and kin! Return to the altar and use wand to draw in the air above the altar the symbol of infinity (an 8 lying on its side), the sign of working between the worlds. Set wand on altar, raise up athame in both hands overhead and say: Hail to the elementals at the four quarters! Welcome Lady and Lord to this rite! I stand between the worlds with love and power all around! Pour wine into your cauldron as a libation to the Divine in which they are honored by offering to them the first draught, then you drink. Ring bell three times and say, The Goddess of summer walks through the land with the God of the forest, and the dark time of winter is behind me. Ring bell seven times and say, The animals breed and the plants pollinate, as the May Queen and Green Man bestow their blessings upon the earth and earth's creatures. I, who am their child, *say your magickal name*, rejoice with them and ask that their happy union become the example for all humanity to live in love and harmony. Light the candle in the cauldron and say... The dark days are cleared away that the May Day can now begin! Drop some of the woodruff into the flame and say... May the light of May fire bring happiness and peace, and may the victory of the King of the Wood come into my life, that I may dwell in the joy of the Lady and the Lord So mote it be! As you state the properties of each, drop wood chips one by one into the flame *three of each is more than adequate*... I burn thee birch to honor the Goddess, and now add thee oak to honor the God. Thou rowan I add for a magickal life, and add thee willow to celebrate death. Thou hawthorne, I burn for fairies near me, thou hazel I burn for wisdom you bring. I add thee good apple to bring to me love, and thou vine whose fruit is symbol of joy. Fir you are added as the symbol of rebirth; your sweet savor reminds me of my immortality. My blessings I give to all of thee, and they blessings I call from thee upon me. So as I will, so mote it be! Hold up the goblet in both hands and say... I greet the time of unions and give honor to the Lord and the Lady for their fruitfulness!. Take a sip from the goblet and set back on the altar. Wine and cakes are usual taken after any Green ritual or rite. Then, the elementals are thanked and dismissed, and the circle is taken down. OTHER ACTIVITIES Make paper baskets by folding a square piece of decorated paper diagonally and gluing or taping a handle of yarn through punched holes. Then place a few spring flowers inside the basket and place on the front doorknobs of your neighbors' houses unseen Make a wish as you jump over a bonfire *or campfire* String beads or flowers for a blessing... May the God and the Goddess and the power of the elementals bless me now and always be with me. ©1996, Llewellyn Publications, "Green Witchcraft" by Ann Moura, pp 211-218
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