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------------------------------------------------- Jack: Ahhh you've got it faster then I thought. This the first time you've sinned? K-Bone: Sadly my Halo was always terribly tarnished... Jack: I see, well this won't be your first time sinning in your new life before this nights over. K-Bone: What other shits and giggles must i get through? Jack: Fighting in public, breaking and entering, killing, ect, ect, ect... It's all just needless drama to me K-Bone: I can tell obiwan, and I agree to the fullest extent. Jack: Alright! Well now we gotta find our way into the back allys, look around, see if you can find anything to open that Magnetically Sealed Door... K-Bone: Will do! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I look around and within an instant I see a note. upon reading it I find the words that could get us out of this place. Logging into the computer I type the password CHOPPINGSHOPPER and open the Safe next to the computer desk. Grabbing the key card inside,I rush to the door and unlock it,turned back only to notice that Jack's missing from the picture. "Hmmm, must of taken the alternate route." I proclaim to myself as I shut the door and run down the flight of steps. Opening the door to get out of there I noticed 2 Sabbat guys packed with Uzi's aiming for me. "You've gotta be shitting me!" i think to myself before diving into the dumpster with the gunfire going off. Getting hit a couple times in the abdomen in the midst of the dive, but oddly enough I didn't feel them go into my skin. I peek out and see them still firing in my direction. But at the same time I see Jack fall from the sky Landing on his feet like a cat on steroids and I watch him kill them both in a very unplesent way. I come out of hiding and walk to jack.... --------------------------------- Jack: Glad to see your still in one piece kid. They hit ya? HEY HEY! LOOK AT THEM POTHOLES!! They'll close up soon enough,better feed though. *Then Jack takes a big sniff of the air* K-Bone: You caught the scent of a former lover? Jack: No, but there's a fresh bum down the stairs next to ya. But you gotta be careful,He's gonna drain fast! K-Bone: Whys that J.Lebowski? Jack: Cause the blood of a bum doesn't pack the same punch as a wealthy pure breaded human will. You ever have a PH.D kid? Oh man that's the good shit. K-Bone: I see, Well I better start before the bum winds up somewhere else but here. Jack: Get 'em Tiger! K-Bone: THEIR GREEEEEAAAT! ------------------------------------------- I creep down the stairs to see the bum he was talking about taking sip after sip of his bottle of whiskey. Then I quickly feed off of him and let him go and laugh as he stands and wobbles unconsciously. I run back upstairs. ------------------------------ Jack: Didn't taste good did it? K-Bone: He tasted like your breath smells. Jack: Well it could be worse, you can feed off of living animals too. Like the rats in the ally behind us. K-Bone: Yeah I'll try them soon, just gotta floss the flannel outta my fucking fangs. -------------------------- After stating that,I head over to the ally and feed off of the 3 rats and quickly return back. ----------------------------------- K-Bone: That wasn't so bad Jack. Jack: HEHEHE! YOU RAT SUCKER!!! HAHAHA!! Oh well just to let you know, Polite Vampire Society don't really advocate such feeding. K-Bone: Well they could be polite, I DEMAND MORE SALT FOR MY RODENT FEIST! Jack: Hehehe! You've got this far kid, how about pushing yourself even farther? K-Bone: What must be done? Jack: See the garage behind this gate? There's a Sabbat in close proximity. K-Bone *peeking at the corner*: Only one? Jack: Yeah but you never know when there's more in shouting range. I can get by him easily but you might not,just sneak past him,stay in the shadows and DON'T let him see you! I'll meet you inside of the garage,the door's on the other side where that one Sabbat is guarding. K-Bone: Alright. I'll get by him. ------------------------------------- I ran behind the nearest crate,and next to that was a wall of wooden boxes.Still needed to be careful though,one small slip up and he'll see me and call his Sabbat friends for a gunfire party. "Hmmmm I wonder,my ability's...." I proclaim as I activate Vampyric Invisibility... also known as Obsfucate.I sneak by him with only using very little of what blood I have left in the pool. I sneak past him and into the garage. As soon as I close the door,low and behold, there's Jack waiting for me once again. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jack: Alright! And without a scratch,as well good call. Now you need to take him out,don't worry. His shade's probably greener then yours. K-Bone: How can you tell his shade from here? Jack: The Sabbat,well, they don't have the most vigarus training program around. Hell he's if he's a vampire. K-Bone: I can only see black on that subject, paint me a picture. Jack: They like to create shock troops,Cannon Fodder. That way they don't have to worry about their numbers dropping like fly's. K-Bone: The Picture's clearer now... Jack: Just go out there and knock his ass out. Go and get 'em! K-Bone: A flickering flame will now be extinguished! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I walk out the dimly lit garage and walk slowly with eyes glaring red like blood and a evil smile on my face. I get up behind the lonely sabbat and exclaim after snapping his neck "A picture of your face,we're dancing on your grave..." I pick up the rusty tire iron he dropped on the ground. "Might come in handy sometime." I tell myself smiling and start beating his unconscious body ruthlessly till he turns into ashes. "A crime scene,chalk lines drawn around you." I say before walking back into the garage still covered in sabbat blood. As I open the door I see Jack standing next to another door. After that I realized all hell is going to break loose before this night's over....
A man with a beard that's long enough to bring Santa Clause to shame, and armed with a Motorhead sleeveless leather jacket.He calls me out from a one person crowd and says as he smiles evily.... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Smiling Jack: Ahhahahahahaaaa! What a scene man WHOOOEEEE!!!! Ahhh and they just throw you out here like a naked baby in the woods.... K-Bone: And the Rains of Revelation Wash away the Sacrament of Disclosure.... Smiling Jack: Oh man and your a god damn malkavian too.... god you really are fucked! But I don't have alot of time so how about I show you the ropes kid,what ya say?! K-Bone: Sure,I don't care. Smiling Jack: Allllriiiight... You look wobbly, have you even had a drink yet? K-Bone: Last time I tasted the heart's sweet nectar was 6 days ago. Smiling Jack: Well at least this time I'm not popping a cherry here as usual,anyways ever learned how to feed from a human? K-Bone: Nope. Blood packets the whistling ghouls of destruction. Smiling Jack: Well it's not that hard,you don't have to be captain of the wrestling team but I will say that even though it's your first time it'll feel like you've done it a thousand times already. K-Bone: So what must be done... Smiling Jack? Smiling Jack: Damn, Malkavians and their Insites. Anyways see that poor son of a bitch in that alleyway? Probably looking for the keys to his car. Hehehehehehehe. K-Bone: I see,I'll do this dreaded deed... Smiling Jack: Go get em! ------------------------------------------------------ I turn around and see the poor human walking towards a broken down car in the allyway to the left of me. As soon as he sinks into the shadows I follow slowly and patiently,like a hunter teasing his prey. As soon as I get to arms length I pierce the flesh of his jugular with my fangs and suck all of the sweet nectar into my mouth violently. I finish up and lick the blood off my lips as I watch his almost lifeless body fall. I slowly walk up to Jack with a droplet of blood flowing slowly past my chin. As soon as I get close to Jack,He proclaims with an evil look on his face..... --------------------------------------------------------- Smiling Jack: Oh yeah! You feel the blood boiling inside of you, the look in your eyes like a born-again predator after feasting on his victim's flesh and tissue. K-Bone: That was fun,now when do I choose the color of my cape? And won't he as well catch this dreaded disease? Smiling Jack: No,forget about the comic books and movies bullshit. Their highly inaccurate on how us vampires are And I plan on keeping it that way.Garlic? HA! Worthless. A Cross? Shove it right up their ass!HAHA,and a steak? Only if it catches you in the heart then it just paralyzes ya! K-Bone: So why need we hide our nature? Smiling Jack: Vampire hunters kid,you may not notice but we DO face vampire hunters. Hell if we didn't need to fight against hunters then we wouldn't need a masquerade. K-Bone: Are you sure we need the Masquerade now? Smiling Jack: Only if you think so..... ---------------------------------------------------------- After that conversation a loud explosion came out from the other side of the building. Jack looking back at me with fire in his eyes and anger in his mind... -------------------------------------------------------------- Jack: The fuck is this?! K-Bone: .... Jack: Ehhhh man We gotta vamoose out the back quick,could be another sabbat fight K-Bone: I thought they we're inferior to us. Jack: They are, Just they might be stupid but they hit like a mac truck. K-Bone: So where to? Jack: Get in there and I'll be with you in a little bit,I'm gonna check things from topside. K-Bone: Aight, here goes nothing.... ------------------------------------------------------ As soon as I entered the building I knew I had to jump on top of all these boxes on the other side of this torn down auto shop. Nearly falling after stepping on the last box I grab a hold of the bars on the upper floor. Looking down though i could feel my mind playing tricks on me. Watching the floor warp into a bed of huge steel and bloody spikes. Quickly getting up though I noticed a lock pick tool,picking it up I figured I would need this later on. After Acouple minuets of staring at the lock pick as if i was a rat staring at a Susan b. Anthony coin,I hear Jack's voice behind the corner I was looking at. Walking slowly I do see Jack... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jack*in a very soft whisper*: Come here,stay away from the windows! It's a sabbat raid, I was hoping they wouldn't show up. K-Bone: Well isn't it too late for hoping? Jack: Shhhh,quiet..... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Looking out the window adjacent to Jack's, I see the same "sheriff" from before. Only this time he looked like someone killed his baby and he's out for revenge.And I turn my head to see the sabbat being eaten alive by these wolfs that came out from the ground as if they were rising from the dead. And as the last sabbat ran after him, sheriff lifted up his right arm and blew parasites that looked like dust the last remaining sabbat's way. And slowly the last sabbat falls into a pile of ashes as the sheriff looks up at me. And slowly but steadily I watch him walk away as seen before in the ending credits of the Incredible Hulk. Then Jack turned to me and said... --------------------------------------------------------------- Jack: Alright we gotta get outta here quick,could be more sabbat heading our way K-Bone: Good thinking, but where should we go now? Jack: You see that door in the hallway behind me? Find a way to get it open. I'm gonna check for more intruders topside again. --------------------------------------------------------------- I run to the door after that conversation,trying not to waste any time. Looked around but found no key to the locked door. "Thank the goddesses I got this first!" I mutter to myself, as I'm almost finished lock picking I hear a window smash and the laughter of a demented hyena with a deeper growl. As soon as the door gets unlocked, I open and rush in like theres no tomorrow. And after shutting the door hard, I turn and see jack again....
As my eyes finally open,I look around and I see a nearly crowded house in an old abandoned broadway theater.All clans concerned to the Camarilla.I look to my right and I see my tremere sire,Rolf,become decapitated and result himself into a pile of ashes.After that I heard the new prince,Sabastian LeCroix,speek like a dictator to his people.But sadly the more I listened to his speech,the more I cringed at the thought of him "ruling" L.A. in the name of the Camarilla.And before LeCroix could finish speeking on my fate that was somehow "laid on his hands", The leader of the Anarch Tribe,Nines Rodregas,opened his mouth out of frustration and pitty on this little fly... Nines:THIS IS BULLSHIT!!!! Lecroix:....If Mr.Rodregas would let me finish,I have decided to let this Kindred live.Consider me no more of a juvicator then an unlawful jury..... I faded out after that,hungry,about to let my beast loose all over him...But I knew better....I knew better.After the Gorilla on Steroids aka the Sheriff untied my arms I followed him and LeCroix into what seemed like a manager's office.And what he couldn't tell is that I was furious,killing off one of my sires for the sake of "the Masqurade" but I kept still and calm and listened to a deal as The GodFather would say,an offer I was forced to not refuse.... Lecroix:Your sire,tragic,yes...but understand our....predictament.... K-Bone(as I'm raking my teeth togeather out of anger):Yeah I'm SURE it was tragic for you.... Lecroix:I understand how you feel but at the moment,if you want to live the rest of your unlife as Food for the Sabbat then I'm sure you will listen to what I'm about to purpose to you. K-Bone:You make it sound like I have a choice.Just know that in my previous life I never kissed anyone's ass,and that rule I will live by to this day even in unlife.Now please,your purposal... Lecroix:.....Well then,On to business now that these formalitys are over and done with.I'm sending you to santa monica,you need to find an agent by the name of mecurio.I need you to distroy what looks to be a sabbat interest.Just know that this is no fools errand.I have shown you great clemancy thus far,I have already set you up with a haven in santa monica as well.Now go and prove to them that my decision was more then just a wasted jester,and don't come back untill you meet mecurio...If you'll excuse me,good evening... K-Bone:Ok,fine,Just don't be suprised if I put a steak through YOUR sire and burn him alive.... after stating that I walked away with a evil grin on my face mutter under my breath."I'll get you back lecroix,you just wait...Your final minuets are drawing close to a Black Curtan."As soon as I got out of the so called "court room",I see a face I saw before The Sheriff disconnected the connection of rolf's head from his body.And after seeing his face again,I caught a grissly vision of a Smiling Pirate and behind him A Dark Father.But the dark father was holding him close like a father with his son.As soon as he opened his mouth though,I figured out that this life will get interesting from this point forward........
"The missing peices will soon fit togeather" Yeah I've heard that line one too many times before...But this time,after my embrace,I can understand what it means. Was embraced illegally(well according to the Cammarilla) in Santa Monica,LA.A mixed breed of Malkavian,Brujah,and Tremere.After waking up I almost thought that my old life would mean nothing to me....I was more wrong then anyone would of thought.For after my embracing,my sire,Janette Vorreman who owned a Dance Club called the Asylem not so far from my old haven,Told me after waking up "Here my childe,drink this blood for it will revitilize you." At that moment I was left speechless,but figured "Ehhh Why not?minus well make the best of this situation while it lasts!"And after drinking more of her blood,She told me who I was...and sadly her voice still echos in my head. "With these visions and abilitys and your insight,thou shall be forever scared with a big M!" I never would of figured back then what she was talking about.But for some reason I knew what the M stood for,Our father.The very person that has been bringing me madness seince my embrace.Malkav.... After I realized what I had become that night,my blood started to call to me.Telling me to feed it more blood,and of course,I obeyed like any vampire would to the Call of Our Dark Fathers.They might be sleeping this night,but their blood has called out to me.And my sanity was nearly gone from the age of 10.But now,I have lost all sanity brought from my being.... After I got my supply of blood,I felt a steak go through my heart.And visions of total blackness as the sounds of a decaying culture was ringing into my ears.As I woke up I finally saw what I thought would of been my end,but something more menacing was about to happen to the court then I could ever imagen....
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