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StayCee MehRee's blog: "Men problems"

created on 11/20/2007  |  http://fubar.com/men-problems/b156995
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: I need to talk to you
Stacie Arnold: ok
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: I found out what you typed down on I guess it was blogs, and it has made me want to end it with you. I have a hard time you truly care about me and love me. I truly loved you, but yet, I believe I maybe have been deceived. Don't tell me this aint true, because you are going to have to prove to me that you it isn't true. The main thing I want other than the Lord is to have a passionate relationship with the woman that God wants me to marry. I've been hurt too much and based on what I found out from the blogs, I don't want to be with you. I highly suggest that when you and your parents come down to Martionville, you stop by and get your ring. I want ot be done with this and move on with my life. I've got better things to make of my life than to be used and to be durt like I've been hurt.
Stacie Arnold: I dont understand what your talking about
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: what do you mean you don't understand what I'm not talking about?
Stacie Arnold: No what blog are you referring to
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: I know it's at-least some information you had on Fubar. Btw, I have a hard time believing that you believe in me to prepare for my future. I'm breaking up with you. From what I found out, and what kind of pain I've gone through, it isn't worth me continuing as your boyfriend.
Stacie Arnold: Ok well I am sorry that you have to do it this way...Wish you could have told me in person I will come get my ring on sunday. I would at least like to continue to be friends with you if possible. I dont know what has caused this but if you feel more happy and satisfied this way then I can't stop you. I just hope your making the right decision about this. I do believe in you and believe in your future but you just havent showed me that you are putting an effort forth. I am sorry if I have hurt you but I dont know what blog your talking abuot and until I see this blog I cant defend myself on it.
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: I don't want to go through this pain much longer. I want to get this over with so I can move on and especially feel better.
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: It's what you put down on certain blogs on Fubar, I think you may have another boyfriend and I don't want to be in a cheating relationship. I really truly wanted to have a future with you, but I can;t get married to someone who lives like this and who isn't honest with me and who won't stand with me on moral issues enough. You don't seem to get what I'm saying neither care about my moral issues, if you did, you wound't go up there to Minnesota and you'd be willing to get off Fubar permanently.
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: And you don;t seem to be willing to do give up certain things based on my moral values and opinions.
Stacie Arnold: Well I dont know what blog your talking about but all the blogs I have on fubar were wrote way before I met you
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: I don't believe that
Stacie Arnold: well what is this blog say then cuz I dont know what your talking about
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: I found out that some of them were created/typed bertween now and November
Stacie Arnold: let me check that out then brb
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: ok
inserted some copies of previous blogs here
Stacie Arnold: that is the only other one I have wrote after we got together
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: Well, you said at-least a thing or two about me that I don't appreciate and that hurt/offended me
Stacie Arnold: Well if thats why your breaking up with me thats your opinion I cant stop you
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: Another ting, you don't seen to be upset, I was very upset when I found out about these certain thing. If you cared about being with me, you'd show it on here and I think you don't care.
Stacie Arnold: I am upset How do I show it on a chat box? I mean emoticons ya but what else do I show....your not sitting here face to face with me right now you dont know what my face looks like
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: For one thing, it was the blogs that I found out about what they said. I may not be able to tell what your face looks like. I believe you can be someone better than this, but unless you change, I don't want to be with you based on what I found out.
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: I can tell you what the problem is
Stacie Arnold: Well if you cant love me for me and the way I am then I dont think I can change any more then I already have. I love you and I always will ok. Your a really special person to me and don't forget that. A very important chapter of my life I will never forget. But you have answered my questions of doubt that its the lords will I go to Minnesota then. I am sorry if I hurt you and I hope that you will find someone that will treat you better then I did I know I am nothing more then a piece of white trash to you now and your parents of course.
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: YOU DON'T SEEM TO GET IT, I hope I'm not being too harsh on you.
Stacie Arnold: Whats not to get...
Stacie Arnold: Your breaking up with me
Stacie Arnold: There is nothing else I can say or do to change your mind
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: hold on please
Stacie Arnold: I mean how do you want me to react, sit here and kill myself so you can feel better..cuz thats how your making it sound
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: please hold on
Stacie Arnold: why hold on, are you asking your parents what you should type to me because you cant say it yourself??? Because thats what it feels like
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: no
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: I was trying to prove to you what I was at-least partially talking about
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: If ther'es more, please feel free to tell me
Stacie Arnold: But how is that cheating on you?
Stacie Arnold: I never have cheated on you and never will
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: Therer was something I found out about and I believe it sounded like you have someone else, another boyfriend elsewhere, or something like that
Stacie Arnold: No I dont have anyone else no were just all good friends
Stacie Arnold: But your entilted to beleive what you choose and if thats what you choose then I cant change your mind
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: Based on what you put on that blog, you're willing to leave me for someone else, possibly because you don't believe in me. It's tough having this disibility, but I know I am capable of having a better life.
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: And I found out about you selling something that is against my moral values winthin last last few months or so.
Stacie Arnold: I put those things in there cuz I have friends who I talk to and in order to make them feel good about them selves I write that like that so they know I care, notice no names were mentioned as to who that person was either...so how do you know i wasnt talking about you
Stacie Arnold: Selling something?
Stacie Arnold: What do you mean by that
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: It sounds like you care more about making your friends happy instead of loving me.
Stacie Arnold: How can I love you when your so far away from me
Stacie Arnold: I crave the attention I get from being loved and feeling loved and when your not here to give it to me I turn to my friends to keep me happy
Stacie Arnold: I dont love or ever will love any of them the way I love you
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: We can still love each other, but you acted like on you blog that I can't and that you don't.
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: If you're telling me the truth and you really feel like you care about me enough, you'll try to prove me wrong.
Stacie Arnold: How do I prove you wrong unless I give up everythign I have to be there and make you happy living in my car and stuggling for food..is that what you want
Stacie Arnold: and what is it I was selling that was illegally or imoral
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: You don't have to struggle for food and live in your car.
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: Are you sure that you want to know?
Stacie Arnold: Yes I do I have nothing down there but you to live for and with no money or anything how do you expect me to survive down ther e
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: it's called a job, and I want to get one here sooner or later.
Stacie Arnold: Ya but I have been trying to find one and have had no luck, and what happens if i come back and cant find one in a few weeks and am out of money and no place to live..then what
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: I definitely do not believe that you belong in that one situation up in Minnesota, there's a place for you somewhere.
Stacie Arnold: ya but I cant keep bumming off my parents
Stacie Arnold: they are getting tired of that
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: You may have to give up some things before God's will cam be done enough in your life.
Stacie Arnold: I am not going to pressure you into staying with me because if I did that wouldnt be the lords will. If you believe the best thing is to call it quits then so be it. I do love you though and always will. I want you to remember that and not once have I or would I have ever cheated on you
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: I hate having to go through this, but I don't want to be with a woman who is not willing to prove that she loves me.
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: or something like that
Stacie Arnold: How else can I prove to you that I love you?
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: Get off Fubar, don't go to Minnesota and maybe give it some time, I'm skeptical now. If you change the way you live and get rid of all or at-least thebad things that I don;t approve of , maybe I'll be willing to have a furture with you.
Stacie Arnold: I dont know what else to do or say, I mean this is the most crappiest way a guy has ever broke up with me, the least you could have done was call me and tell me or something
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: I can call you
Stacie Arnold: Ok so if I give up what I want does that mean you have to give up what you want
Stacie Arnold: why call the harm has already been caused
Stacie Arnold: I already know that were done and your breaking up with me so its not gonna change nothing by talking on the phone now
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: I would likle to call you, can I call you?
Stacie Arnold: Why
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: I want to talk to you about it on the phone, I don't care if it costs me noney
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: I don't want to be mean or nasy to you in any way.
Stacie Arnold: whats to talk about now
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: what we've been talking about
Stacie Arnold: I am afraid if I talk to you though I may get upset on the phone and I dont want to get upset at you eithe r
Stacie Arnold: I want to remain friends thru this
Stacie Arnold: No matter what I do or say hun I wont ever be good enough for you or your parents
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: According to the Lord's will I ONLY have a future with you, but you MUST change enough, I'm not asking for you to be perfect
Stacie Arnold: What else can I change..I have done everything I can think of to please you and your parents I am tired of trying to be perfect.
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: get off Fubar permanently and I'm not sure what else, maybe i'll figure it out
Stacie Arnold: If you trully loved me conditionally you would not judge me by my past or things I may say or do that are not excactly perfect
Stacie Arnold: ok so I get off of fubar permantely then you give up weather permnatly
Stacie Arnold: can you do that for me
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: I have loved you that way, but you haven't changed enough and you don;'t seem to be willing to do so.
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: I can't be with someone who does this stuff about what you said on some of your blogs.
Stacie Arnold: I just dont understand why I should have to give up something I enjoy doing and enjoy spending time doing when I have a computer and the internet avaliable just to make our relationship work that is not fair to me
Stacie Arnold: Well then I guess you dont want to be with me then because those blogs are real, and they are how I feel sometimes about life...as for some of it it is fictional as in not real I may have put some of those things in there to cater to the needs of others but that doesnt mean they are true. I have and always will have love for only you and the lord but you are choosing to overlook that love for something else bigger I guess
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: You can't see what I'm trying to say
Stacie Arnold: I see what your saying your telling me the only way we can be together is if I stay here in missouri live in my car for you starve for you and give up fubar for good only because you think its against the lord right
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: no, you can get a job and get a place to live, if you don't believe me then I'm not sure what to say
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: btw, my Dad just told me shortly ago that he wants me to cut all ties with you.
Stacie Arnold: Well your a grown man Ryan do you have to do everything your parents say
Stacie Arnold: stand up for yourself once and see how it feels...
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: I can't just disobey
Stacie Arnold: I will be by sunday to get my radio, ring, and 2 mics from your dad please have them ready for me
Stacie Arnold: I am not asking you to disobey I am asking you to talk to your dad and tell him how you feel about him telling you that...unless you choose to cut all ties with me then thats up to you
Stacie Arnold: otherwise I would like for us to continue to be friends if nothing else
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: I'm not even sure I can be friends
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: I don;t want to loose an oppertunity to have a future with the right person, but I'm not sure what's the truth.
Stacie Arnold: Ok thats all I wanted to know with that being said, I am sorry that this has to end this way but you made the decision not me. As for me I will be leaving out on monday for Minnesota and I hope you continue to have a good life with the lord and family.
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: ok
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: I'm futing right now, but I don;t have enough proof Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: hurting
Stacie Arnold: Dont forget I love you and always will
Stacie Arnold: and no matter what anyone says you will someday accomplish the things you want to it just takes time and I just didnt have enough time for that
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: I wished that you would relize that Fubar may be the main problem, and I knoiw it's a problem
Stacie Arnold: It may be a problem but you have already made your mind up
Stacie Arnold: I cant fix what is broken only try to repair things
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: I can come back to you if you change
Stacie Arnold: You wont be able to come back to me I will not be around here close enough for you, and besides your parents wont allow that
Stacie Arnold: And for us to have a healthy relationship we both have alot of changing we need to do. You need to do alot of not so much preparing and more doing...as for me I need to start living a more stable life not only for me but for whosoever shall come into my life and want to be able to love me like you did down the road
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: I'm willing to do it and to live a better Godly life, but are you? I want to love the right person, but you haven;t changed in the past enough. Yoiu listened to your freidns instead of me and I can't live with someone as my wife that is like that. My wife has to back me up and stand by EVERYmoral issue no matter what
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: You still may have a chance to change, especially if my parent don't mind
Stacie Arnold: even if she believes that the issue is moral
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: what issue?
Stacie Arnold: Thats ok because I am not going to change something as silly as fubar just to make a relationship work I dont see why its such a big deal and to let fubar be the reason your breaking up with me then that is your problem. I know your in love with god and only trying to please him but its a website for goodness sakes...atleast its not like i was out screwing guys all over the place..i mean there are worst things i could do
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: it's not a good site, that's why, and I have reason to believe that God does not want you on there
Stacie Arnold: I want to fix this I do but at this point and time in our lives I dont think either one of us is ready to fix it. I think you may have given up on me a few weeks ago after I had been up here so long and you didnt think I was coming back
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: I wan to fix it so that the Lrd's will be done
Stacie Arnold: Besides to me it seems like all you care about anymore is being in love with god and weather
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: Lord's
Stacie Arnold: somedays its like i didnt even exist to you
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: I'm mainly into the weather anymore because I'm made for weather forecasting and it's rebellion against god if we don;t do something that we're made for, you have existed, you must be so confused, but I tell you , the Devil is keeping into some of the thing in your past
Stacie Arnold: How is it that you know your made for weather forecasting...would it be right of me to say I was made to get on fubar and keep my ranks up and try to level? And no there has been times while i was in your office that I felt like i didnt exist and you would rather have me out of there so you could work but hey its all over with now we cant fix that and you made a choice that you will have to live with for the rest of your life. I just dont think I can live with your choice...
Stacie Arnold: I want to know something and then I will leave you alone, Have your parents been telling you what to say on here and reading everything I am saying because if so..how do you know your making the right choice if you cant make the choice on your own? Please be honest with me
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: What were you doing at Sharky's on December 2?
Stacie Arnold: Sharkys December 2 2007 did you not see the date hun
Stacie Arnold: we was not together then
Stacie Arnold: The funnest night so far! 48 1 2007-12-02 18:16:25
Stacie Arnold: thats taken straight from my blog
Stacie Arnold: that was the night I met Kevin..aka viper
Stacie Arnold: now anymore questions
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: one thing is for sure, I want to find out the truth
Stacie Arnold: I am telling you the truth and you never answered my question
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: One good sign is, one of my dreams indicated that we'd see each other as a couple soon I believe
Stacie Arnold: Well...what about the question I asked your avoiding the answer for some reason
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: what question?
Stacie Arnold: Stacie Arnold: I want to know something and then I will leave you alone, Have your parents been telling you what to say on here and reading everything I am saying because if so..how do you know your making the right choice if you cant make the choice on your own? Please be honest with me
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: Are you saying that I typed that?
Stacie Arnold: No I typed that to you
Stacie Arnold: asking you
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: I know one thing, you have to change, there isn't an option
Stacie Arnold: Your still avoiding my question so I take it that the answer is yes
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: I'd prefer not to answer that one question
Stacie Arnold: Well I shouldnt have to change to please anyone but the lord and myself, no guy should have to make me change just to be with him. Until I believe what I am doing is not in the lords favor then I am not changing it
Stacie Arnold: and why do you prefer not to answer it because you know its true and you cant admit to yourself that your parents are controlling you. I know your stronger then that Ryan and you have to start talking for yourself
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: If you ever get married, you're going to have to submit to you husband according to the law of God
Stacie Arnold: Well then I guess I cant ever get married then because I refuse to change something i dont see wrong or wrong to the lord
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: my parents are not comtrolling me, I've been brought up ther right way in a Christian home and with biblical values
Stacie Arnold: WAKE UP RYAN- I dont want to be mean to you but your not seeing what is going on.
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: I see, I don't think that you see
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: You care more about what you want instead of what the Lord wants, you can't deny that
Stacie Arnold: I am not going to argue with you about this anymore, you have made your decision to move on and thats final, I am not going to persaude you to change that either. What you do is your life and if that makes you happy with lord then so be it.
Stacie Arnold: So who told you to tell me that? Mom? Dad? who..cuz I know you didnt think it
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: what do you want us to to do with you main/stuff
Stacie Arnold: Please hold it until sunday morning and I will pick it up on my way to Marionville if you could, there should be my ring, my radio, 2 mics, my dvd and I think that is it
Stacie Arnold: Sorry it has to end this way
Stacie Arnold: I hope you understand that I will love you forever and keep a place in my heart for you
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: I outa look at you that way, you don't want to change to have a more blessed life
Stacie Arnold: How can I change something that is not wrong?
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: You are living a life that will lead to destruction, I urge you to change, some of the thing you have on Fubar are again the Bible I believe, but it's getting old, i'm trying to convince someone that they're wrong when they refuse to admit that they're wrong
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: against
Stacie Arnold: I dont believe its wrong and neither does the other hundreds of friends I have asked either, some of them being christian as well....
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: you trust that they're telling you the truth and that I don't know what's best for you, I tell you the truth, I know that God's will is best for you and this stuff is not God's will, you aren't truisting me more than your friends
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: I'm in a losoing fight to try to convince you, and I don't have to do this
Stacie Arnold: I never said I didnt trust you I am trying to tell you though that just because you may think its wrong doesnt mean it is.
Stacie Arnold: I dont know why your doing this anyways, you already broke up with me as it is
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: I believe based on the Bible and these opinions are biblical
Stacie Arnold: Well who died and made you jesus?
Stacie Arnold: because thats who your trying to be right now
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: It's my beliefs, I'm not Jesus
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: God wants me to be with a Christian woman
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: I'm trying to obey the Lord on this matter
Stacie Arnold: Well I am sorry it is ending like this but you made the choice not me..remember that
Stacie Arnold: If you decide you want to be friends and leave this behind us then let me know
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: I don't want to preach to you anymore, I'm absolutely waisting my time
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: I have to get off here soon or about any time
Stacie Arnold: Who said you was a preacher?
Stacie Arnold: Btw..stay tuned to my blogs for more updates...that is if you can get to them with out the help of jimmy
Stacie Arnold: There is going to be a really nice one about you coming up shortly
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: I was preaching, besides I have reason to believe God has made all us Christians preachers to share the gospel
Stacie Arnold: Ok well I will let you go and have a good night...again sorry if I hurt you but you made the decision(with your parents help) to end this so you have to live with the guilt and pain that you are causing me and possibly your self...I dont have to hold on to that because I dont feel I have done anything wrong
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: I believe I'm doing God's will based on what I've found out, I may not feel guilty, it it's the Lord's will that we're still mean for each other, God will likely brinbg us back together in the future.
Stacie Arnold: If thats how you feel then so be it...but more then likely he wont be doing that anytime soon considering I will be over 600 miles away
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: I can;t be with you unlkess you live more of a Godly life, I'm going to stop talking and maybe get off here
Stacie Arnold: Ok have a good night
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: Befoee I go, you may miss me in the future.
Stacie Arnold: Yes I may but you chose to make that decision didnt you
Stacie Arnold: I will not allow you to put any guilt on me for this decision because I am not the one to make it
Storm Tracker Weather Forecast Office: I'm going to say one more thing, if I were you I maybe at-least thinking about calling 911 based on you status
So this is were it ends...stay tuned if things change I will keep it updated...Again--it's Stacie signing off! Hugzz
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