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wimsey's blog: "Test Results"

created on 10/17/2006  |  http://fubar.com/test-results/b15014

Grown-Up Survey

Because this week has been "rant week" for some reason (even though I didn't mean it to be), thought I'd lighten things up with one of my favorites -- A SURVEY! My friend Cici Lee made up this survey. She says: Since I am sick and tired of the surveys on here from the 15 year olds and the same questions being asked over and over again, here is one I have compiled! It's for all of us "Old farts" 29 and over out there. Most are serious, while some will make you ponder life as you know it. If you like it, let me know and I may make more. Hope you like it! Miss Cynthia (CiCi Lee on here)
When you were a kid, what was the oddest non-edible thing that you ate? I honestly don't think I ate anything I wasn't supposed to. I was a very well-behaved child. Do you or have you ever owned a car that cost $2000 or less? Nope! Three wishes: What are they? That people would learn to live together in harmony, treat each other well, and not let racial, cultural, or religious hatred color their views. That I'd finally fall in love with somebody wonderful. I don't know if I need more than the above. :) OK, how 'bout a windfall of a few thousand dollars? If you were stranded on an island, what 5 THINGS (not people) would you want to have with you? Oh, man. iPod. Way to charge iPod. Jane Austen's Pride & Prejudice. Sunscreen. Janet Evanovich's Two for the Dough. And what 2 people would you want with you? My sister and brother. Although Paintguy points out that companionship and procreation would be, um, BAD with siblings. So if I ever want to have sex, I should pick again. OK, my best friend Jason and James Marsters. 'cuz, um, hey, this is my fantasy. What is the weird talent(s) that you have ? Geez. I type and read really really fast? I don't know if that's very weird. I guess I don't have any weird talents. What "alter-ego" personalities live inside your head? There's "cursing at stupid people in traffic" lady. And "bitter acerbic thoughts when people say stupid idiotic things" woman. What would you do for a Klondike bar? Not much. Ask politely? Dove bars are far superior. What is the most exciting thing that ever happened to you? My nephew Nicklas being born. What is "true happiness" to you? I don't know if I believe in true happiness. Because it's certainly not being happy all of the time. If you're happy all of the time, can you really understand your own happiness, without the contrasting unhappiness? I think true happiness is feeling content, settled, and optimistic about life. To be surrounded by family and friends, and to always feel loved. Yes, sometimes things are rocky, and there are things to deal with and work on, but I think that we need those struggles in life in order to truly understand when we're happy. Anyone seen Serenity? Remember the planet they found? What is your worst holiday memory? Our first holiday without my mom. Sucked bigtime. My mom and both of her parents died in a six-month period in 2002, so that first set of holidays without them was agonizing. What was you favorite birthday gift ever? Oh man. I don't know if I can single out just one. Who was the first person to break your heart? In a youthful sort of way, Paul Ovnik. In adulthood, my second boyfriend, Andy Bartalone. Who was the last person to break your heart? I don't know. There are little hurts all of the time (Andrew, Will). But, honestly, I think Andy was really the only person to truly break my heart. What was your favorite Sesame Street Character and why? Big Bird. I'm sorry, I just like his basic good nature. If you were a cat or dog, which breed would you be and what would your name be? I'd be a mutt. And Princess. *grin* What religion are you? The Church of I Don't Get Into People Tellin' Me What To Do If you could be any fictional movie character, who would you be and why? Elizabeth Bennet from Pride & Prejudice. Because she's smart, warm, witty, yet flawed, and she got Mr. Darcy. Who is, I'm sorry, the best romantic hero in the history of romantic heroes. Why are crackheads so hard to love? ... Hygiene? Who is the one person you would love to watch the sunrise or sunset with? I don't really have one right now. Jason, probably, just because he's my daily confidante and best friend and I've never met him in real life. Have you ever been in love with an "ugly" person (ugly according to your friends)? The previously mentioned Andy. My sister and brother still refer to him as "the ogre." What color do you HATE? Gray. And black. And white. I'm not big on "colorless." If you could go back to one single moment in time in your personal life and change something would you and when would it be? I wouldn't change anything. I've had some horrible things happen to me, but they've made me the person that I am. What if that would result in your life being entirely different? Wouldn't do it anyway :) What is your view on pirating music? I know very little of the money gets back to the artist. That said, I'm a musician. I always pay for my music legally if I can. I will illegally download things I can't get (Beatles, John Lennon), or things I have to pay way more for than i want to (when iTunes forces you to get an entire album to download one song). Do men who wear pink seem less "manly"? No. What a stupid stereotype. If you are a lady, what is the favorite color of nail polish to use on your toes? If you are a man, what color nail polish on a woman's toes makes you have to shift? I like dark reddish pinks. $100,000,000 to leave this country and never step foot back in it (leaving everything and everyone behind) or stay here with your loved ones and live on minimum wage? Minimum wage. World peace or a peaceful life for you and you alone? World peace. Always. You are sitting in a room, tied to a chair with your hand on a button. The person you love the most in the world is sitting in a room opposite of you in the same position. You both have 60 minutes to push the button. The person who pushes the button dies immediately, but the other lives. If neither push the button in 60 minutes, both die. What would you do? Immediately push the button. No question. Have you ever killed a butterfly? No. Have you ever killed a spider or cockroach? *guiltily* Yes. Why is it ok to kill a creature that most people find "ugly" but not something people consider "beautiful"? No. But I do it anyway. If you could have dinner with any one person from history, who would it be? Eleanor Roosevelt. You have to have a threesome with two celebrities. Who are they? I have to? I'm forced to? *grin* Jeez, this is tough. James Marsters and Ryan Phillippe Who was your favorite New Kid On The Block, Beatle, Backstreet Boy or Nsync Member? John Lennon When you can't sleep at night, do you look at the clock and say "If I fall asleep by (insert time) I can get (x #'s) of hours of sleep? Of course! Where's the beef? On the burger I wish I were eating right now! Have you ever seen the movie Pink Flamingos? Nope. I'm sure my life is empty and meaningless as a result You can only have one song playing in your head the rest of your life. Which one would it be? Rainbow Connection What are the 3 things that truly irritate you? Men who treat me as a masturbatory object. People who don't pay attention to their driving 'cuz they're talking on cell phones. People who can't write basic English. Where do you want to retire to? Monterey or Carmel, CA Do you volunteer or donate to anything? I work as a Big Sister for Big Brothers Big Sisters, and I donate to a variety of causes (mostly animal and children's organizations, food banks, but also the American Cancer Society for my mom) Do you itemize your tax return? Yes. What is the worst pick up live you ever used? Did it work? Noone's ever used a pickup line on me. At least in real life. Online it tends to be something like, "You're hot, I'm hot, let's fuck." Gee, how tempting. If you could have any room in the world become your bedroom, where would it be? This question assumes I've gone around and looked at tons of bedrooms. I haven't. What issues are you most hypocritical about when it comes to your own political views? Oh, I'm just the normal kind of hypocritical -- everyone is entitled to their views, as long as they agree with me about issues I find important. :) If you could make anyone in the world do something each day, who would it be and what would you have them do? Uhhhh... hm. Thinking, thinking. I'd make my friend Jason talk to me every night *grin* Oh, wait, he does that anyway If you were to select one time when you looked the "sexiest" you ever have, when would it be and what were you wearing? Hm. Probably when I took those Christmas photos. I was wearing lingerie. Where is the "riskiest" place that you have ever had sex? I've never had sex anyplace risky, and I'm absolutely fine with that. Why is it that if something says, "do not eat" or "do not touch" on the packaging it becomes extra tempting to eat or touch? As a society, we understand the necessity for rules, but we're always drawn to breaking them. What happens if you put this side up face down while popping microwave popcorn? It doesn't pop. :) Why is it that when adults have multiple personalities it's schizophrenia, but when a child has imaginary friends it's cute? Because children are supposed to exercise their imaginations in order to entertain themselves and learn about the world. Did you ever have any imaginary friends? No. Except all the characters in the books I read. Five years from now, are we doomed to have LOL, ROTFLMAO, and TTYL in the dictionary? Yup :) Who was the first person to "take your breath away"? Uh, I don't know if anyone's ever done that. When I just asked that questions, did you suddenly see Maverick in Top Gun? Nope. Thank god. Why are there never any "Dumb Brunette" jokes? There are. :) When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? What did you actually end up doing? I thought I'd be a college professor. Instead, I'm a technical writer who writes documentation for computer software. Do you remember what you wore your first day of kindergarten? No. Do you remember what you wore on your Senior picture? Yes. Who was your best friend in kindergarten? I had no friends in kindergarten. I didn't have friends until 6th grade. For $20,000 would you go for three months without washing, brushing your teeth, or using deodorant? You could not explain your reason to anyone. No *grin* Why do they sterilize the needles for lethal injections? Habit? If a crystal ball would tell you the truth about any one thing you wished to know concerning yourself, life, the future, or anything else, what would you want to know? I wouldn't want to know. Has anybody ever sat down and actually enjoyed a cheeseburger in paradise? Why not? What was the best thing before sliced bread? Fire. How did you learn how to swim? My mom signed me up for swimming classes. We had stations. Face in water. Learn to float. Learn to kick. Learn to float on your back. Etc. Is it ever okay to lie? We all tell little white lies in order to function as a society. What is your definition of "love"? I cannot define love. Living together before marriage (or without planning on getting married), smart or not? Sure. I did it. What difference does it make? Weddings are a pain in the ass, and require time and planning. How do you like your eggs? Sunny side up, on top of pot roast hash and fried potatoes and onions Did anyone ever discover Who Let The Dogs Out? That guy *points* What was your hardest "breakup"? The aforementioned Andy. :) We were long-distance. He flew in, said, "I'm breaking up with you." Never told me why, didn't know why himself. Flew out again. Took me a couple years to figure out what happened and deal with it. What's your Zodiac sign? Gemini I have heard about a thousand times in my life "You're not normal"? Someone, PLEASE explain to me - WHAT IS NORMAL? There is no normal Is there any make of automobile that has your initials? I don't think so? Who is the last person you "High Fived"? Probably one of my nephews. If you were drafted into a war, would you survive? God no *rofl* Do you sleep with the TV on? No. It keeps me up. Do you knock on wood? Yes. I have a horrific fear of the little gods. Have you ever crawled through a window? Yes. What is your favorite movie line of all time? I say two all the time: "Game over, man... game over!" (Aliens) "I had. A bad. Experience." (Italian Job) But of course the best movie quotes of all time are from "Clerks," "Office Space," and "The Princess Bride." Clerks: "I hate people, but I love gatherings. Isn't that ironic?" "Yeah, I mean aside from the cheating, we were a great couple. I mean that's what high school was about, algebra, bad lunch, and infidelity." "Hey, try not to suck any dick on the way through the parking lot!" "It's important to have a job that makes a difference, boys. That's why I manually masturbate caged animals for artificial insemination." "Duh duh... duh duh... duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh... Salsa shark! We're gonna need a bigger boat! Man goes into cage, cage goes into salsa. Shark's in the salsa. Our shark." "Bunch of savages in this town." Office Space: "I'm thinking I might take that new chick from Logistics. If things go well I might be showing her my O-face. "Oh... Oh... Oh!" You know what I'm talkin' about. "Oh!"" "I uh, I don't like my job, and, uh, I don't think I'm gonna go anymore." "We get caught laundering money, we're not going to white-collar resort prison. No, no, no. We're going to federal POUND ME IN THE ASS prison." "I can't believe what a bunch of nerds we are. We're looking up "money laundering" in a dictionary." "The ratio of people to cake is too big." Princess Bride: "Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father prepare to die." "I just want you to feel you're doing well. I hate for people to die embarrassed." "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means." "You fool! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders! The most famous is never get involved in a land war in Asia, but only slightly less well-known is this: never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line!" "Mawage. Mawage is wot bwings us togeder tooday. Mawage, that bwessed awangment, that dweam wifin a dweam... And wuv, tru wuv, will fowow you foweva..." "You're trying to kidnap what I've rightfully stolen." "Good night, Wesley. Good work. Sleep well. I'll most likely kill you in the morning." "Have fun storming the castle!"
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