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IPv6 could one day....

If they ever get IPv6 out and usable that would mean they could issue a IP for every living person on the planet and still have plenty left over. thats 2^128 total unique addresses. if they ever do this, that means everyone would have to watch what they say or do on the net, as their actions then could be tracked by that ip, since it would more then likely require you to log in via your ip, from any and all locations. thus making your ip your internet name, and requiring you to register your password and change it frequently ...


Just a thought to ponder.

L33t Sp3ak

This form of jargon is not what it use to be. It is so sad to see people using it every other word. as if they are cool or creative in some way. When most people do not understand how it came about. Most people think its just a gamers thing, but in reality it goes beyond gamers. Infact it was created in the infancy of the internet by computer geeks. Leet speak was created by computer geeks, back when you payed by the minute for internet connectivity and dialup was the only option over a 14.4k modem. We are talking before web browsers and webpages were even a reality. We are stepping back so far that most people have no idea what the first message boards looked like, or how you got to them. Quick history lesson, message boards are similar to fourms but it was 100% text and just responces to peoples messages. Think of it like a bulletin board, which is what they were called way back then. Put a sticky note up on the board, someone then adds their note to the bottom of yours and so on. Well back then you had to know how to log into a library bulletin board to make posts. And they were not very easy to find back in the day, as there were no search engines or guides at all. But for those who knew how to access them they found out as time went on many more people were using them. This was before any form of instant messaging so the bulletin boards were your IM client, but they were public. So to insure secrecy with what you were saying to someone on the borads. Leet speak was deveoloped. It was used by computer geeks to send messages back and forth, so instead of hundreds of people reading their info, a handful who understood the leet speak knew what was being said. It was the first internet lingo so to say, and now that it has been around for a couple decades it has become watered down in its use, because now instead of only a few % of the internet population knowing what is said, everyone understands it, and thus its leet status has become idiotic. infact it has went from showing your prowess on the internet to showing your lameness..
Thats right, from what i have seen though its not all stations yet. However there is a nice assortment to pick from. Old and New. Old as in I dream of Jeanie Old. There is this new website, thats free to use, however you must signup to view the movies. They provide full episodes, as well as short clips to be viewed at your leisure. I tried it out and was suprised at how well it worked. However the navigation while simple is almost to simple. If you are like me and work odd hours, but love shows that come on NBC or FOX, and it appears other networks are being added as we speak. I suggest you at least take a test view of this site. Hulu Ya the name sounds funny but its nice to know you can find shows when your bored. Even really old shows from your youth. Be advised there are short commercials where the original commercials once were. So far from what i have seen the commercials come in at less then 10 seconds each. So it is very bearable, much more bearable then watching it on the normal TV in my opinion. The only Caviot i have noticed so far, is that the full screen view is not that great, but on my 15 inch widescreen laptop a half sized window (pop out window resized) looked pretty good. Have fun let me know what ya think if you try it out.

HD vs Blue Ray update....

Ok due to hollywood who is basically incontrol of the hd and blue ray war, it has been stated that Blue Ray is going to be the winner. All of the major studios have changed to Blue Ray, however there are some smaller studios who have not made the move yet. I am guessing they are under a contract they can not afford to break. So i would say go Blue Ray if you really want to watch High Def movies, but i would also suggest that if you want every movie in High Def, that you get a PS3 still so if you run into one of those HD only movies you can still see it. Soon i will be providing some IPOD info for those new to IPODs as in how to create your own DVD IPOD videos. For those who have some specific questoins you can ask them in my uglypoet blog info. I have a new blog post just for high tech questions.
Yes you read that right, there is a way to get all the MP3s you want for only 40 bucks, and they are legit. Let me tell ya how, but first lets think back into the past, like the 80s. Back then we use to use cassette tapes for music, so we would buy blanks and record the songs off the radio. Well guess what we now have a similar way to do it these days in the Digital Age. There is a nice program out there that only costs 40 bucks. This program does have some caviots but for unlimited free MP3s they are worth it. Here is how it works. This program has a listing of thousands of online music stations, it allows you to pick the song genere, or artist, or even the song you want. it then searchs the stations for it and records it as its played on the radio station. The caviot is that you only get the quality the radio station plays it at, so if its a low quality you might have to search again later for a better version. But the nice part is it does it automatically for you. If you are interested in such a program visit http://www.radiotracker.com and read up on it. I do not see if there is a trial period or a limited use for tring it out. But if someone does try it before me please provide the info, and i will gladly edit this blog to include it. Good luck and who could argue about free MP3s and legit at that.

HD vs Blue Ray

Ok here ya go everyone it appears that blueray may win out in the high def area of dvd movies. however this will not be a for sure for at least a year. as two of the major hollywood labels that are sticking with HD are probably doing it for contract reasons. I would also suggest anyone wanting to make the move to Blueray to hold off till at least the end of the year. They are currently running blueray 1.1 and expect to be at blueray 2.0 by the end of the year. This may not mean alot to those who are not tech savey however. This means less features. Like currently there is Picture in Picture blue ray disks out there, that allow you to watch the movie with some special features being played in the PIP window. However the first generation players are not capable of this. So i would suggest at least one more year wait to let some of the new players come out, and to also allow the prices to drop some. If you really want HD or Blueray now i recomend spending the money on a PS3 tho so you can watch both movie types till the High Def war is over and one comes out on top. Also the PS3 is the only dual player available, and if you purchase a HD and a Blueray to cover your bases your looking at the same price as a PS3, and at least with the PS3 you can play games if you so chose, and if not your out no extra cash. this is one of the few times i would recomend buying one unit to do multiple things. Anyways there ya go, a bit of info on blueray. btw Warner Brothers has made the change to them so that increases bluerays foot hold currently in the High Def Movie market.

Dvd Collection Tool

Here is a nice program i found that is tottaly free, and continually being worked on. Its a tool so you can catalog all of your DVDs or in my case all my DIVX backups i have plus my main movies. http://www.coollector.com/ Download it but beware vista users, you might have problems with the program at times. So i suggest you always right click the program and run it as a admin. This will eleviate problems. I would also suggest that vista users backup the main collection file found in the collectoin folder. This will insure if there is a issue with a update that you will not lose your collection info. The program is nice because it allows you to rate your movies, and loan them out. Then you can print lists based off ratings, owned, loaned ect... The program is simple and very easy to learn. So if you have alot of movies, or for those who want to find movies and get prices on them this program works well. They currently are talking to amazon and a few other sites to have their prices listed, but the current place they use has turned up to always be lower then amazon. And please if you purchase from the site, use the program to get the proper page for purchase, as they get awarded a slight amount of money from the site so this will help keep the program free forever.

Adware Virus BS Info...

Ok many people tend to end up getting emails that have hidden stuff. Most times it has hidden adware. Gator and other crappy programs are still out there and still being passed around in what seems to be legit emails. This will happen alot it is hard to stop it all so you must be prepared. So here are some free programs to get that you can use to help protect you. 1. Anti Virus Actualy one of the best ones out there is free, its AVG antivirus. Get this unless you have a payed A.Virus program you already use. All tho having this as a secondary is a good idea. Since no one A.Virus program can catch it all. 2. Get adware, its free and it takes care of ads and trojans the anti virus programs can not get. also spybot search and destroy is a good one but may no longer have a free version. Remember even with these in their payed versions there is no gaurentee it will clean everything. However if all goes well they will at least ID what is on your system, then you can google the exact name it catchs. Then goto the mcafee or norton semnatic websites to get info on manual removal. You can also look at your browser and see if it has a built in popup blocker, if it does i would engage it untill you have cleaned your problem. it will help some if your having pop up issues. Once you think you have cleaned out your problems then you can take your blocker back down or just leave it and set it for websites you trust. Virus and adware is very bad, so are tool bars from websites. Most times you might find them in your add/remove programs folder installed for no reason, if you find them, go ahead and remove them with the uninstall that is there. Be very cautious when doing any manual removal of adware and spyware on your system, be sure to follow any directions you are given and do backups prior to the removal. its always best to revert back if you make a mistake then it is not to.
Ok for those who are unsure about backing up their files let me enlighten you some. 1. CD/DVD disks use dyes which means they are suseptable to failing. This means you should only use these as temporary or quick backups. They have a shelf life of 5-10 years. Sometimes the disks can actually lose data right after burn. This has happend at times. And two backups on disk increase your odds of having one good backup. 2. Hard Drives while thye may fail, they are your safest backup solution. USB hard drives are cheap and easy to use. However i would recomend that you do not keep them plugged in, as hard drives generate alot of heat, and this is one way they fail quickly. Plug these drives in only when backing up large amounts of data and when accesing data. Do not go for the largest you might think 1 1 terabyte drive is awsome, but if that drive fails you lose everything. Your best to have smaller 250-320 gig hard drives as you will not save much buying one large one. And if you lose a smaller drive you lose less info. The best route that does cost more is a Raid array backup drive. They come in Raid 0, 1, 0+1 here is how it works. Raid 0 uses 3+ drives to put data across all at the same time, Raid 1 uses 2+ drives to mirror the data, raid 0+1 uses 4+ drives passing data across the raid 0 array then mirroring it on the raid 1 drive. The reason why these work so well, is if a drive fails in a raid 0 setup you can remove the bad drive, plug a new one in and the other drives reconfigure the new one with missing parts. So no data loss just time. 3. For those with sensitive information thats not a copyrighted media like music or movies. You can opt for a online backup with a monthly fee. After 9-11 this solution has become very important for bussiness as it has shown that recovering lost data is almost impossible in any kind of disaster. So these online places keep backups of your bcakups. So if they have a disater your material is still safe and available. The cost here is pretty high for normal people but for bussiness its worth looking into. Finally for those who love USB drives do not use them as backup the cost per gig is way to high. A usb drive averages 10 bucks a gig, while a normal hard drive goes for 1-2 dollars or less a gig. *NOTE* backup your backup this will insure much less chance of loss. use more then one medium when you can, dvd/cd and hardrive is a good solution if you can not afford a raid array setup which is the best one.

Digital Camera Basics

Most people do not know much about Digital Cameras so they buy based off brand or price. So this is my best input for you, since 99% of the idiots in the stores dont know anything that is not written on the box. So here are the basics. 1. MP = Mega Pixel this is how fine a picture it can take this is first and formost but also the higher is not always better il explain later. 2. Optical Zoom - this is more important then most poeple relisse, the problem is store people always try to sell you on the digital zoom. So let me explain digital zoom. Digital zoom is software created zoom of what it sees, and no matter how high it is, if the MP of the camera is low enough, then well yoru picture will pixilate very quickly. Pixilation is when the picture looks like lots of tiny dots and not a picture at all. However you must relise even the highest MP cameras can not stop this process when using digital zoom, because its effectivly guessing when using the digital. So always get the highest optical you can. 3. comes to the camera company which you prefer and like 4. comes to the type of media it uses, i do not ever recomend disks IE dvd or cd ... these take to long to save, and you can not delete from them. Think about it like this, Your out taking 100+ shots your disk is full you dont have room or a disk. you have to stop. But if you have a media card its full wel you can then stop, look thru find a blurry or duplicated shot, delete it and move on. 5. type of media - this use to be seomthing to concider ,but these days they are all within a few dollars of one another, so here you just worrry about the quality of media you do buy for your camera. take note.... always have 2, because the cards can sometimes mess up losing pictures, never ever fill a card, always stop about 3/4 full and switch to the other card, and remove them as soon as possible to a pc and back them up. Anyways there ya go just a few things to concider i could go on long but this is where we end it for now. I will recap the important things now. 1. MP higher better 2. Optical zoom not digital zoom 3. type of media stay away from dvd/cd Last note MP also has a limit, i can take with my 8mp camera 12x14 inch images and have them look just as good as a 10mp cameras you can base the mp off the biggest size you plan to print. this will help you save money on the camera, and be able to buy a better quality one with more features.
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