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After Mistress Samantha “tested” Marcie, her newly acquired slave, in the dungeon she sought out her male slave, Derek, whom she had banished him to his room for his unbecoming behavior toward Master Hans. Authoritatively she entered his room where the young six-foot two dark haired man immediately descended to his knees. Eyes blazing, she regarded her submissive charge as she circled his almost nude form. Looking down at his red loincloth she could tell he was glad to see her. The regal lady was pleased by the way he kept his eyes down and his hands clasped behind him with his knees parted as trained. “Slave!” She mouthed sternly as she stopped in front of his kneeling form. “Yes Mistress.” “I want you to get dressed and take the car out of the garage. You may drive slave Marcie and me to the Mall. I need to do some quick shopping.” “Yes Mistress...right away.” Derek answered resolutely, relieved that he wasn’t going to be punished again. She then grabbed a hank of his hair and jerked his head up. “Try not to fuck this one up, slave!” she said with a sneer. “Now get going!” “Yes Mistress,” he replied with a wince. *** Two hours later Sam and Marcie pranced out of the main door of the huge shopping center with the slave, who was clad in an old pullover blouse and jeans that her Mistress had loaned her, toting a large shopping bag. Mistress Samantha’s Lincoln Town car was waiting and Derek, in his chauffeur’s uniform, hopped out of the luxury auto and politely held the back door open– This action also made him wince from the relentless pressure of the nipple clamps beneath his white shirt that his Mistress applied just to remind him of his status. When the two ladies were safely seated in the back, Sam looked at Marcie. “Now you will be more presentable while we’re checking in at the hotel.” The giddy sex-slave flushed. “Oh thank you, Mistress.” Samantha continued in a light tone. “We can’t have you walking in the lobby of the Grand Hyatt in just your panties and robe,” she said with a slight snicker. Marcie couldn’t help but join in the levity. “That would indeed attract some unwanted attention I’m sure,” she replied with a wry grin. Sam chuckled. “I swear I think that saleslady would’ve gone down on me to make that sale!” “Well I won’t feel so conspicuous now Mistress,” Marcie said as she looked into the bag at the finely made wine colored blouse and the white pants. Mistress Samantha then got a sultry look on her face. “You may properly thank me slave...right now!” Marcie’s eyes locked onto the dominatrix’s and she instinctively got on her knees on the roomy floor of the vehicle as Sam nonchalantly spread her thighs. Marcie unzipped the lady’s jeans while the mistress obligingly raised her pelvis. After gently tugging the denims over the unimpeded hips and down to her ankles, the slave hooked her fingers in the waistband of the black silk panties. When the smooth material had joined the denims, the subservient plunged her face headlong into her soft, juicy crotch. Sam exclaimed wantonly as she felt her inner passion rise abundantly, while she guided her slave’s face by gently massaging her scalp through her mane of blonde hair. “That’s it! Get that tongue in there! Lick my clit!” This was indeed something new for Marcie. She’d never gone down on anyone while traveling 60 miles-per-hour before. Diabolically, Sam knew Derek could hear moans of pleasure while he was driving and he probably had a raging hard-on. That was his loss though. Serves him right for coming without permission last evening and he better not jerk off because she would check him later, plus he better not remove those nipple clamps. By now, Sam was now throwing her head back in pleasurable delirium as Marcie had become quite an expert at eating pussy–The slave’s mind wandered back to that day in the patio where she ate those grapes out of Hilda’s pussy...What a gas!–But now Samantha’s sweet nectar was filling her oral cavity as she tongued the Mistress’s clit over and over. Marcie could feel the other woman’s body shudder as a giant tidal wave consumed the sexually stimulated siren and a shriek of joyous ecstacy soon echoed around the inside of the long vehicle. Ten minutes later Derek drove onto the circular driveway of Mistress Samantha’s palatial estate. The ladies had enjoyed their ride back here immensely. When the chauffeur had opened the rear door, they both exited the vehicle. “Leave the car here slave,” Sam directed the tall brown haired man. “We’ll need it when you drive us to our hotel.” “Yes Mistress.” The regal woman nodded. “Now, however, I want you to adorn your usual slave attire and report to me in my room in twenty minutes! You may remove the clamps.” “Yes Mistress.” Then Sam directed her attention to Marcie. “And you slave girl will don your new attire and wait in the living room until we are ready to leave!” “Yes Mistress.” Exactly twenty minutes later slave Derek knocked obediently on his Mistress’s door waiting until he heard her say, “Come in slave.” Entering the room and sinking reverently to his knees he waited in his red bow tie and matching loin cloth. She was seated at her vanity applying makeup with her back to him, and her body smelled fresh like she had just stepped out of the shower. Stark naked, she deliberately made him wait, knowing the affect she had on him. Then without turning around she addressed him. “Are you looking at my naked butt, slave?” “No Mistress,” he replied quickly, keeping his eyes affixed to the floor. “You better not be lying slave!” “No Mistress, I’m not.” “Have you jerked off today slave?” “No Mistress.” “Remember what I told you about not be allowed to come for a week?” “Yes Mistress.” “Is your dick hard?” “Yes Mistress,” he answered softly. “Good...remove your loin cloth and stand up!” Rising from his submissive position he watched curiously as she turned to face him. His face paled when he spotted the chastity belt she was holding. “This will keep your boy here in check until I return. Come closer and spread’em!” When he complied she very carefully applied the device and locked it on with the key, which she removed and dropped on the table behind her. “Now I can go to the convention ,slaveboy, knowing that your manly juices will still be in your balls when I return.” Derek felt frustration for sure, but he knew better than to question her. “Yes Mistress,” he replied in a tone that showed acceptance. “Good, put your chauffeur attire back on, carry my suitcases down to the front door and wait beside Marcie!” Fifteen minutes later Mistress Samantha descended the staircase and saw her two slaves kneeling side by side...a lovely sight indeed: one wholesome male who was her live-in slave and one female, lent to her by her good friend Hans. Sure, there were other slaves who would visit her from time to time for a session. Some she kept for a day then released; some only stayed a few hours. Sam was also a member of a local bdsm club, which is where she’d met Hans about five years ago. She also frequented some local parties. Nevertheless, she was also the CEO of an up and coming IT company and it was a tough juggling act at times keeping her social life separate from business. Being a woman in a field dominated by men made it doubly important that she keep her head up, so to speak. Dressed in a conservative light blue blouse and matching pants, this gave her a leisurely look without being outlandish. She was very careful not to wear even a hint of domination attire...what was in one of her suitcases was another matter. She then looked at her male slave. “Take my bags to the car Derek and wait!” Lingering until the male slave had gone out, Samantha looked at her female slave, who like Derek had her eyes diverted downward, her hands clasped behind her with her thighs parted. Marcie looked absolutely divine in her newly acquired outfit. “You look magnificent my slave,” she said as she reached down and tilted the kneeling blonde’s head up. Her eyes locked onto Marcie’s. “But I want to make sure you know what’s expected of you.” “Yes Mistress.” “If someone wants to spank you or whip you, I will let them!” “Yes Mistress.” “If someone wants you to go down on them, you will!” “Yes Mistress.” “And if you embarrass me in any way, you will pay dearly! Is that clear!?” “Yes...Mistress...” Marcie gulped. “But make no mistake, I will see to it that nobody exceeds your limits.” “Thank you, Mistress.” “I made that very clear to Master Hans when we discussed this.” “Yes Mistress...Master explained that to me thoroughly.” “I told you your Master is special...He’s a wonderful man.” “I know Mistress,” replied Marcie with a wide smile. “Well then...Let’s be off to check in at the hotel.” It was about a forty minute ride into town from Mistress Samantha’s suburban home. Derek took the Parkway, a route that he knew his Mistress always preferred because of the majestic trees that lined the roadway. As they rode along, the loquacious lady carried on a light conversation with a very attentive Marcie, who was gradually becoming more at ease with her Mistress. Once Derek had reached the circular driveway of the Grand Hyatt he parked the long black luxury vehicle in front of the door, hopped out and politely assisted his Mistress and her slave while they exited. One of the doormen approached them with an official greeting. “May I help you ladies?” “Yes sir, we have reservations here,” Sam announced firmly. By that time Derek had popped the trunk and was lifting out the suitcases. Dutifully, a bellhop in turn lifted them onto his cart. “Do you know your room number ma’am?” the dark-skinned muscular gentleman inquired in a soft voice. “Penthouse six.” “Very well, I’ll take them right up for you.” Samantha then smiled sweetly at the bellhop. “Sir, could you do me a favor?” “Yes ma’am.” “Could you please leave the bags on the cart when you get to the room. I’ll see that you get it back.” “Oh sure, no problem.” Sam then looked at Derek. “Give this gentleman a generous tip.” “Thank you ma’am,” the smiling bell hop nodded politely, then off he went, pushing the baggage cart. The Mistress then regarded Derek anew. “You may leave us now, but I want to inform you of something.” Lowering his eyes he replied,” Yes Mistress?” “I have informed my good friend Hilda that she may check on you during my absence. I’ve furnished her with a key to the house.” Derek recalled Samantha’s tall blonde friend vividly–She was the one who’d butt fucked him while he was eating his Mistress’s pussy last time they met. The male slave once again replied in a tone of adopted resolution. Once the chauffeur had driven off, Sam with her slave in tow entered the hotel’s vast, bustling lobby. Guests, bellhops and deliverymen filled the place. More than a few male heads turned as the two attractive ladies threaded their way toward the check-in counter, where a smiling desk clerk greeted them. “May I help you ma’am?” the short dark haired, cinnamon faced young lady inquired cheerfully. “Samantha Burns checking in.” The tall, brown haired guest immediately took a liking to the clerk since she refrained from making a silly remark about being related to George Burns. Instead, she immediately checked her register. “Ah yes...and Marcie Brooks?” “That’s right.” “And I see the room will be billed to your company.” “Correct.” “Okay, you’re all set, how many keys?” “Two.” Just as Samantha had received the two pieces of plastic she turned and looked for the elevators, only to see a familiar face smiling at her. It was a face she recalled fondly. A few inches taller than Sam with combed back sandy hair he spoke. “Samantha Burns, you’re a sight for sore eyes.” “Jim Cummings from Buffalo,” she smiled cattily. “Seeing you makes it worthwhile coming to D.C.” “Well aren’t you a charmer...how’s business?” She inquired with a wide smile. “The first quarter was a bit down, but we’re picking up speed now, looking confident.” “Great...are you checked in yet?” “Yes, I am...just had a drink in the lounge and I saw you come in,” the thirty-something IT colleague said as he gave Marcie the once over. Samantha noticed his curiosity and couldn’t resist her “Mae West” impersonation: “Why don’t you give us a couple hours, then come up and see us...we’re in Penthouse six.” What else could he say? During the ride up the elevator Sam noticed another familiar face. “Tom from Grand Rapids, isn’t it?” She said as the dark haired, slightly balding man turned to look at her. His face lit up. “I recall the face,” he replied with a smile as his eyes revealed confusion about her name. “Samantha Burns, but most people just know me as ‘Sam’.” His smile grew wider. “Tom Daugherty, it’s great to see you again Sam.” “I’m hosting a hospitality gathering in my suite later, PH6.” “Oh really! I wouldn’t miss it.” The door opened and he wished her well. When the two ladies were alone in the elevator, Sam snickered. “You have just met two potential persuadees, so to speak.” “How many of them will there be Mistress?” “It’s hard to say slave...but from what your Master has told me, I’m sure you can handle it.” At that point the elevator reached the penthouse floor and Sam led the way toward PH6. When she opened the door, she saw her suitcases sitting inside the door on the cart. “Wow Mistress, this is fabulous!” Marcie exclaimed. Quickly exploring the suite that would be their home for the next week, Sam called from one of the back rooms. “Bring the suitcases in here!” Marcie was grateful that her mistress had the forethought of leaving the cart. Samantha smiled at Marcie. “This will do. It’s not quite like my dungeon, but we can make this work.” An hour later a metal contraption stood in the center of this dimly lit room. A solid metal bar, parallel to the ground about seven feet high ran from one downward bar to the other. The dual side bars then split at the bottom to form a very firm base. Two metal chains hung from the cross bar and there were two chains attached to the lower part of each down bar. In addition, the Mistress had brought along her portable spanking horse, which stood along one wall so that the spankee’s bottom would be pointed toward the center of the room. Marcie’s eyes widened. “This looks great Mistress.” But instead of the expected pleasantry the dominatrix moved swiftly toward the buxom blonde and grabbed her by the hair. “Did you forget your manners slave!?” Marcie yelped and immediately descended to her knees, remembering to keep her eyes down and her knees spread. “Maybe you need a refresher course in respect!” the Mistress seethed. “I’m truly sorry Mistress!” Marcie pleaded. “You’re going to be sorry alright...Strip bitch!” Samantha seethed. In record time the sex-slave totally divested herself of her newly bought clothing. “Panties too!” the clearly agitated dominatrix snarled as she yanked her slave’s head up by the hair. “Your thoughtlessness will get you punished! Now bend over all the way to the floor and stick your ass out!” Marcie winced from the pain in her scalp, but obediently complied with the terse command. The mistress strolled over to her toys and picked up a four-foot black whip with thirteen pliant strands on it. Swishing it through the air, she made sure the slave could hear the chilling whistle. Then taking up a stance behind her naked subservient, the regal lady gripped the handle firmly and brought the lashes with a downward arc and swiped them forcefully across the conveniently positioned buttocks. A startling yelp was emitted from the bent over slave’s lips. But before Marcie could recover, another slice struck right across the middle of her back...another yelp. Samantha became concerned about the decibel level of her slave’s yelps, so she found Marcie’s panties, balled them up and stuffed them in her mouth. The Mistress then continued to slash her borrowed slave. Back, buttocks and thighs became acquainted with the strands of the flogger, but not once did the experienced flagellator break the skin. When Samantha had finished, she reached down and yanked her slave to her knees by the hair. Painfully, Marcie’s eyes became affixed to her Mistress’s. “You will learn bitch to respect me at all times. I should not have to tell you to get on your knees! You do it for your Master and you will do it for me!” Marcie winced from the shooting pain in her scalp as well as from the burning lash marks on her body, nevertheless, she did manage to respond, “Yes Mistress.” Releasing her tight grip on her slave’s tresses, Sam informed Marcie that she was going to rest a while and that the slave’s place would be on the floor on her back in front of the bed, with her head encased in a snug brace that was attached to the foot of the bed.. Marcie couldn’t help but recall how her Master kept her tied down to the bed constantly when she first became His sex-slave. At least the thick carpeting she laid on was fairly comfortable. *** After Mistress Samantha had rested for an hour, she recalled inviting Jim Cummings up to her suite and she suspected he’d be showing up anytime now. Snickering slightly, she also recollected the last time they met. It was in Pittsburgh last Spring. Even though he’s a virile looking man, Sam suspected that he perhaps might be into bdsm and that he was submissive. So when she saw him at someone’s hospitality party, she threw out a few casual hints, and lo and behold he took the bait. Later that evening, she had Jim naked and on his knees in front of her. An exciting memory indeed. The doorbell brought her out of her reverie and she ordered Marcie into the back room before politely admitting Jim into the suite with a warm hug. She had changed from the conservative outfit she wore in the lobby and his jaw dropped. The black leather top and bottom was enough to attract any man. The sleek sleeveless low- cut blouse showed off her cleavage quite revealingly and the mini skirt hugged her bottom rather provocatively and showed off her well developed thighs and calves. After they exchanged pleasantries, Sam told him that she had something to show him in the back room. His eyes brightened when he spotted Marcie kneeling naked except for a pair of red bikini panties. He was taken back slightly when he saw the spanking horse as well as the hanging chains. He then looked at Sam with raised eyebrows. “You remembered!” “Sure did Jim and you have exactly one minute to be in proper position, slave!” Seeing Mistress Samantha pick up a riding crop, the tall sandy haired man began to strip. “What’s this?” He asked as he pointed to Marcie with his chin as he dropped his shirt on the floor. “Hurry up and get those clothes off!” She snarled as she whacked him on the butt with the end of the crop. It didn’t take long for him to willingly obey her command. She walked around his kneeling form, giving him short whacks with the crop. “This is slave Marcie and she’s staying with me during the convention.” “Hi Marcie, glad to meet you,” Jim said with a smile. For his trouble the subservient man received another whack on the butt. “Who the fuck gave you permission to speak, slaveboy!?” “Sorry Mistress!” “You’re gonna be sorry! Stand up!” The naked man felt like he’d been verbally slapped as he rose to his feet in front of these two sexy looking women. Samantha then ordered him to stand under the chains and raise his arms. Expertly, she attached black leather wrist cuffs around each wrist and hooked him to the chains over his head which forced both limbs up and out slightly. Ankle cuffs anchored his legs to the side bars. Being the submissive that he is, Jim really didn’t mind this treatment, for he recalled how she did something similar to this the last time they met. A few well placed swats with the crop to his posterior brought him back to the present. Circling his suspended body she swatted him all over: back, chest, tummy, thighs and buttocks. A few swats to his stiff manhood had him gritting his teeth. Then she smiled at him. “Jim, I know how you like this, but I have a proposition for you.” He looked at her through twinging yet excited eyes. “Yes Mistress?” “How would you like Marcie to suck your cock?” The suspended man’s eyes darted downward to the kneeling female. “I’d like that a lot Mistress.” “But maybe you’d prefer this!” She swatted the head of his cock lightly with the crop. He cringed. He knew the right answer. “Whatever you wish, Mistress.” She leered at him. “Or maybe you’d prefer this!” She gathered his hanging balls in the palm of her hand and slightly squeezed. He gasped. She squeezed slightly harder. “AHHH!” “This is the deal Jim...” she said as she held onto his sensitive stones but eased the pressure. “During the convention, every time I make a motion I want you to second it.” “Okay!” he replied desperately. “If you agree Jim, I’ll let Marcie suck you off. If you don’t, it’s this!” She squeezed him again. “AHHH!!...Okay!Okay!” “Don’t fuck with me on this Jim!” “I’ll do it!” he gasped. “If you renege on me slave, you will pay dearly. Is that clear!?” “AHHH!!! Yes Mistress!” Finally she released his tender jewels. Mistress Samantha looked down at the eager Marcie and gave her the okay. Expertly slave Marcie gathered the head of his extended manhood in her mouth and Jim thought he had died and gone to heaven. Then she licked the entire length of the shaft, sucked his balls in her mouth, and sent the suspended man into orbit. Then she took his pulsating rocket deep in her oral cavity as she literally sucked the cum right out of him and greedily drank the entire load. By the time Jim had left Sam’s suite, he was whistling a merry tune. But of course, this episode turned the Mistress on so much that she commanded the sex-slave to satisfy her orally as well, which Marcie was only too eager to fulfil. *** The IT crowd mingled in Sam’s suite as some old acquaintances were renewed and some new ones were established. A bartender was serving drinks, plates of finger-food sat on various tables, and merry laughter filled the spacious suite. The mostly male voices discussed business, sports and politics. This informal gathering let the conventioneers let their hair down, so-to-speak. Nevertheless, hospitality parties are where a lot of deals are made prior to the start of the convention which would start on Monday. Alliances were formed. The direction in which their professional association would be heading was often determined at these events. One could say that there was a fair amount of arm-twisting and cajoling. Samantha Burns was a determined woman, who had risen to the top of her firm through head-strong, purposeful drive, but she was also a woman who used a lot of guile to attain her position. Oh, she was extremely competent, but she also knew that very few women ever made it to the pinnacle of her profession. It was most important for her to ascertain who’s ass to kiss as well as who’s balls to squeeze. That in a nutshell was the central reason for inviting Marcie. Being an attentive hostess she greeted every guest into her party with a warm hug and firm handshake. She, courteously, talked and joked with each person and made them feel special. As she mingled through the festive gala she spotted Tom Daugherty, who smiled wide when he saw her. His eyes wandered lower then back up–she moved in for the kill. “Glad you came Tom,” she said with a lascivious grin. “Sam, you look ravishing.” The hostess made sure the front of her low cut leather blouse made slight contact with Tom’s chest. She then whispered into his ear and he beamed like a child who was about to get ice cream. While the merriment continued Tom let out a gasp when he entered Sam’s “dungeon”. Wide-eyed, he looked incredulously at his hostess. “My little playroom Tom. You remember Marcie, don’t you?” The brown haired slightly balding man’s eyes lit up at seeing the kneeling mostly naked blonde. The normally loquacious gentleman was lost for words. Sam’s tempting voice enamored him further. “Isn’t she lovely Tom?” His eyes wandered the length of the kneeling young woman’s body. “What would you like to do to her Tom?” “Well’um,” he stammered. “Would you like to fuck her or spank her? Maybe you’d like to whip her.” “I...I...” “Want her to suck your cock?” “Sam!” “Tell me Tom...what do you want?” “I’d like to do all of those things.” He replied red-faced like he was confessing to a deep, dark secret. “Okay Tom...Here’s the deal. I’ll let you do what you want with her...but you must agree to support any proposal I make at the convention.” Tom looked into her eyes and saw utter determination but he hesitated. “Come on Tom, what’ll it be? I have to get back to my guests!” He looked down at the buxom blonde and then back at Sam. Finally he relented. “Alright, I’ll support you.” Then running her hand down his front she boldly fondled his manhood through his trousers, Samantha smiled smoothly. “I’ll leave you alone with her, but if she utters the word, ‘red’, at any time, you stop...that’s her safe word.” “I understand,” he agreed with a nod. “Very well then. Marcie, you remember what I said about not embarrassing me!” “Yes Mistress.” “I shall return to my guests, have fun.” When Mistress Samantha left her slave with the still stunned man, Marcie knelt quietly waiting for him to command her. From his prospective Tom couldn’t believe what was happening. His eyes were riveted onto the body of the sexiest looking female he’d ever laid eyes on. Was this real? He was so elated about his good fortune, that he actually was undecided as to where to start. He glanced over at the spanking horse, the chains hanging from the metal contraption and the various toys Sam had left at his disposal. Then he peered downward at her while he formulated a plan. He liked the way her thighs parted and damn she looked sexy as hell in those red panties. Tom could hear the revelers in the main room while he was deciding what to do about this. Then he spoke with a suddenly authoritative voice. “Slave, get your ass over that spanking horse!” The well trained Marcie soon had her backside pointing toward the ceiling. Then spotting the cuffs Sam had so conveniently attached to each of the front legs, it was a simple matter for him to place her dangling wrists into them. Completing her immobilization Tom also attached each ankle to the cuffs that had been so conveniently furnished on the rear legs. The slave looked so desirable in those panties he decided to leave them on for now. He had to fight the urge to rip them off and fuck her right then and there. Nevertheless, his stiff manhood took a leap when he ran his hand over the soft material that covered her well-rounded bottom. It was indeed a sensuous sensation against his hand, which he raised and smacked down hard. When she barely reacted at all he repeated that action with the same result. He increased the tempo, left cheek, right cheek, up and down. Little gasps followed each spank, yet she responded in a manner that advertised her commonplace cosmopolitanism. These spankings had indeed become quite the norm at her Master’s place. Impressed with the slave’s tolerance, but determined to make her squeal, Tom rolled her panties down in back. Maybe on the bare she’d be more animated. He smiled salaciously as he strolled over to the assortment of toys Mistress Samantha had left at his discretion. Picking up a sturdy looking hard leather paddle he moseyed back. He couldn’t resist giving her a few pats on her pert upturned bottom with his hand. Then slowly raising the implement, the infatuated man slammed it down hard. The impact against her plump posterior felt exquisite. Her blurted exclamation only served to satisfy his prurience. Elated and encouraged, Tom was now spurred on and her subsequent yelps were music to his ears. When the buxom blonde’s hind cheeks had turned a glowing crimson he stopped. By that time he had a raging hard-on and had to have her. He released her from the spanking horse and ordered her to his knees as he sat. Then grabbing a lock of her hair he forced her orally onto his cock, but he didn’t want to cum in her mouth. When he felt his juices about to burst, he ordered her on the floor. Purposefully he forced her legs wide, mounted her and shoved his hard cock straight into her sopping cunt. In what seemed like seconds he was pumping his seed deep inside her. By the time Mistress Samantha had returned a very contented Tom Daugherty grinned like a man who had just won the lottery. He assured the hostess that she could count on him during the convention. The Mistress gave Marcie some time to refreshen herself, then it was back to the persuading. The next man was a Texan from Dallas. He suspended her by her wrists and whipped her all down her back and buttocks. Then he put her on her knees and forced her to suck him off. The next man was from Sacramento and he forced her to suck him first before he bent her over and butt-fucked her. The sex-slave was indeed earning her stripes this evening. Mistress Samantha once again allowed her time to clean herself up when in walked a man and a woman. They were from New York and did they ever do a number on her. They suspended the long haired blonde by her wrists, ran their hands all over her body, stripped her panties off, pinched her nipples, and fingerfucked her continuously front and rear. Then they placed her on her hands and knees. The man guided his monstrous manhood toward her soft wet mouth where he slowly slid it between her lips, so he could get it well lubricated. That done, he turned her around, bent her over and guided his rocket straight up her anus. The woman meanwhile laid on the carpet and spread her legs so that Marcie could eat out her cunt while she was being butt-fucked. Sounds of unadulterated animal lust filled the room as the two New Yorkers used the slave’s body until they both shrieked joys of ecstacy. Throughout the soiree Marcie’s body was used and used and used. She’d sucked off so many cocks she lost count. She was repeatedly spanked, whipped and fucked. By the time Sam had bid the last guest goodnight, the sex-slave was truly worn out. Samantha, however, was elated. She was jubilant over the high turnout and especially pleased with Marcie’s stamina. Hans was right. His sex-slave performed admirably. As a reward, the mistress allowed her underling to sleep in the king-sized bed with her that night. But of course that was after another cunt lapping. ** The next day, Sunday, most of the conventioneers took in the sights of D.C., as did Sam and Marcie. However, back at Mistress Samantha’s estate something else was occurring...Hilda showed up. Derek, who was lounging in the entertainment room watching TV, when she marched in unannounced, looked up startled. The tall, short cropped willowy blonde glared at him. “Get on your fucking knees!” Swiftly the wide-eyed slave obeyed, while memories of his previous encounter with Mistress Hilda filtered through his brain. “Where’s your fucking bow tie slave!?” “Um, um,” he stammered as he looked down at his bare chest. She looked around the room. “Where the fuck’s the tie!?” “I dunno Mistress.” Her nostrils flared. She ordered the kneeling man to wait there as she hurried down to Mistress Samantha’s dungeon. When she returned holding a riding crop, she berated him. “You better fucking find that bow tie asshole!” Then she swatted him on the butt. “On your hands and knees!” Then she swatted him again. “Let’s go find the tie!” She propelled him forward with constant swats “We’re going to check every room and I’m gonna whip your ass until we find it!” Like a puppy dog he scurried through the house with Hilda raining swat after swat on his searing butt. Finally, he located the blasted tie. Somehow it got under his bed. But Hilda wasn’t through with him. She scolded him for being a lazy lout. She bound his wrists behind his back and commanded him to bend over completely and spread his thighs. After forcing a ten inch dildo up his ass, she spanked him with a wide leather paddle that covered both cheeks, warning him not to drop the dildo out of his ass. Then she whacked his dangling balls from the rear with the crop, which really had him howling. Not quite done with Mistress Samantha’s slaveboy, she ordered him onto his back on the floor, stripped and sat on his quivering mouth, forcing her sopping pussy downward. When she came, she stood up and kicked him in the balls. “I’ll be back tomorrow to check on you slave!” Hilda seethed as she straightened herself up while Derek writhed on the floor. *** Monday, all the conventioneers checked-in at the Convention Center. Samantha Burns, being the hostess of the host city, welcomed the delegates from the podium. Conservatively dressed in a navy blue, pinstriped business suit, she was pleasant in her opening remarks, but at the same time let it be known that she was strictly business during this convention. She then introduced Frank Andrews from Chicago who is the President of the IT Association. He was a tall, wide shouldered, brown haired man with a loud resonant voice that commanded attention. He was a no nonsense fellow who prided himself on efficiency and sense of accomplishment. It was, however, his abrupt manner that alienated himself with some of his colleagues, including Samantha Burns. There was even some suggestions made at Sam’s hospitality gathering, that he be replaced. That, however, would take quite an effort since Frank was extremely popular among the conservative element of the association. And who would have the intestinal fortitude to run against him? Mr. Andrews spoke for about an hour about what had transpired in the past year and what the association would hope to accomplish this coming year. He then introduced the Keynote Speaker, who was a CEO of a large computer company who also spoke for an hour. When they adjourned for lunch, Sam immediately taxied back to the hotel to check on Marcie, whom she had given free rein in the room but was forbidden to leave. The Chinese food that the mistress had ordered while the main speaker was giving his oration, had been dutifully delivered and was sitting on the kitchen counter when she arrived. After the two ladies enjoyed the savory repast, it was time for dessert. Sam hiked up her skirt. After she had her slave remove her black panties with her teeth, the Mistress made thorough use of Marcie’s talented tongue. The afternoon session proved to be quite beneficial, especially for Samantha. Every one of her motions were seconded and passed. That evening Sam allowed Marcie to don her new outfit and accompany her to an exclusive downtown restaurant. However, in order to remind the buxom blonde of her status, the mistress required the slave to wear a pair of nipple clamps with no bra underneath the wine colored button-down blouse. In addition, a butt plug was also inserted. At the restaurant Marcie was allowed to order anything on the menu, which made the slave extremely grateful, especially since Sam’s company was footing the bill. Being clamped and plugged, the slave managed to endure the succulent meal with as much grace as possible. When the duo had returned a few hours later, the Mistress smiled when Marcie immediately stripped, hung up her new clothes and descended demurely to her knees clad in her required attire with the nipple clamps and butt plug still in place. Those red panties made the slave’s blonde hair radiate that much more and Samantha admired the lovely sight indeed. Marcie was informed that she had done nothing to be punished for this day, to which she smiled and thanked the regal Mistress. However, she was also informed that since she was Sam’s sex-slave for a week, her body was available to Mistress Samantha whenever the dominant lady wished. Marcie nodded in assent. That being understood, the tall dominatrix ordered Marcie over the spanking horse and bunched the soft material of her panties up so that more of the bent over slave’s cheeks were showing. A stiff spanking with a wide leather paddle was followed by a front and back whipping while the slave was suspended from the chains. For good measure Sam bent Marcie over, stripped off the panties, removed the butt plug and fucked her up the ass with a strap-on. And of course, the Mistress required Marcie to go down on her once again before the ladies retired for the night, with Sam in the bed and her slave on the floor. Marcie’s body was used by Sam in this manner every day during the entire week, except Wednesday evening. On that day after the convention had adjourned for the day and during which Samantha Burns was nominated to run against Frank Andrews for President of the Association, a knock came on the door of PH6. Quickly banishing Marcie to the back room, the tall brown haired woman smiled smugly before she answered the knock. “Come in Frank,” she said even before she swung the door open to look at the blustery face of none other than the Association President. Samantha knew the broad shouldered midwestern man wouldn’t take it very well that another person, especially a woman would dare to run against him. Not bothering with polite salutations, Frank’s dark brown eyes bore into Samantha’s forehead. His deep resonate voice filled the room. Sam knew what was coming. “What on earth are you thinking Sam?” Ms. Burns, who stood nearly as tall as Frank, allowed the door to shut before she replied in a polite but stern voice. “Let’s put it this way Frank. There were quite a number of delegates at my hospitality party who proclaimed a large degree of distaste for your leadership style.” Her forthrightness astounded him. “What in thunder is wrong with my style!? My goal is to get things done efficiently!” Samantha paced in front of him and then looked pointedly into his eyes. “Frank, let’s cut to the chase. You want to remain president?” His eyes narrowed. “You know I do Sam,” he said with obvious dismay. “But you know I could beat you!” She declared. His stone-face expression spoke volumes. “But Frank I’ve got a deal for you.” His inquisitive look almost made her laugh. Sam continued. “I’ll bet you’d just about anything to keep your presidency.” The octave in his voice lowered considerably. “What do you mean?” “Frank, I’ll let you keep the precious position...under one condition.” “You’ll let me? What makes you think you’d beat me in an election?” He said as his voice rose. “Because I’ve taken a poll of the delegates Frank!” “That’s preposterous!” The ire rose in Sam’s face. “Okay big man, have it your way...You’ll be the ex-president by the end of the week!” “But I thought you said you have a deal?” “I do...but like I said, under one condition!” “Which is?” Her nostrils flared as Samantha looked daggers at the blustery man. “If anything I say right now gets repeated to anyone outside this room, I’ll see to it that you never hold another position of any kind in this Association!” His face reddened and he knew she meant business. His resolve waned. “Okay, whatever you tell me will be strictly confidential.” A lascivious smile crossed her face. “I’ll let you stay as president...if!...and only if!...you get on your knees before me this instant!” The stunned IT executive looked at her leather blouse, which, because he was so focused on her eyes, he missed when he entered, and noticed the ample cleavage. His eyes wandered lower to her tight leather mini skirt and her high heel boots. He swallowed hard. She looked deeply into his eyes. His voice nearly whispered his response. “You can’t be serious!” “As a heart attack Frank!” She pressed. His facial features seemed to loosen, then he looked around to make sure nobody else was witnessing this most debasing moment. “And you won’t run against me?” He said in a pleading voice. She nodded. “That’s right Frank.” “And this will remain confidential?” He pleaded further. Her front lip curled. “Absolutely!” When Frank Andrews’ knees hit the floor, it was a sight she was hoping for but never thought would come to reality. Never in her wildest dreams did she ever think that this proud, virile looking man would humble himself in this manner. It was a moment in time worth noting, so she took her time. She slowly circled his broad-shouldered form, formulating in her mind exactly how she would proceed. She stopped in front of him so that his face was even with her black stockinged knees. “Slave!” She declared while gazing down at him. When he failed to respond, she reached out and grabbed a handful of his thinning dark hair and yanked his head up. Once again she mouthed the degrading word, ‘Slave’! She glared at him. “The proper response is ‘Yes Mistress’!” He fumbled for the words but he managed to eke out a proper response. Mistress Samantha was indeed a bit buoyed by this man’s obvious physical strength. He outweighed her by fifty pounds and could easily crush her if he so desired. Yet, under that meaty masculinity and blustery bravado contained a man who was so used to controlling everyone and everything and who secretly craved for balance in his life. He needed someone who could control him so that he could just let-go every now and then. The person standing in front of him in black leather glaring down at him, was indeed that someone. After demeaningly uttering those humble words, he waited for her next command. He didn’t have to wait long. “It is a requirement, slave, that all slaves kneeling before me shall be naked!” When he hesitated, she picked up a meaningful looking flogger and lashed him across his shirt-covered back. “Did you hear me, slave!” She emphasized her point by giving another slash. “Yes Mistress!” He replied achingly as his fingers flew toward the buttons on his shirt. Spurred by the menacing implement Samantha was holding, it didn’t take long for the now subservient man to be in her required state. Then whacking him on his now naked butt, she ordered him to get on all fours. Suppressing a sarcastic snicker she whacked him again with the whip and ordered the big man to walk toward her made up dungeon. Once inside the back room and after meeting Marcie, he was commanded to stand. His wrists and ankles were anchored to the metal contraption. Mistress Samantha then took a position behind him and began whipping him all over his back and buttocks, before caressing him sensuously. “You like this, don’t you slave?” She needled him. “You want me to whip you, don’t you slave!?” His resonant voice lowered to almost a whisper, “Yes Mistress.” Sam gladly obliged, raining slash after slash. She even came around front and gave a few meaningful slashes to his pecs. Frank was a strong man who had a lot of stamina and he withstood the lady’s painful punishment and was also extremely turned-on by her tantalizing touch. Maybe this sexy siren had indeed awakened an inner need. When Mistress Samantha touched his raging rocket, he thought he was going to come instantly. But when she closed her palm around his dangling balls, he winced from the slight pressure. Then she needled him. “Who’s slave are you, slaveboy!?” The fat cheeked Chicagoan swallowed hard and replied humbly, “Yours Mistress.” “Right answer slave! You’re a fast learner indeed!” “Thank you Mistress!” He answered succinctly. Sam then looked over at Marcie and pointed to a spot in front of the suspended man. The sex-slave knew what to do. When she gathered his hard cock between her lips, he gasped in utter exaltation. Then he felt a hard whack right in the center of his hanging white-cheeked buttocks. The hard leather paddle covered both of his hind moons as Mistress Samantha spanked him steadily with hard, rhythmic strokes while the sex-slave sucked his cock. Then on a signal from her Mistress, Marcie ceased. Samantha did as well and stood directly in front of her prey. “You want more of this, slaveboy!?” “Yes Mistress,” he mouthed desperately. Taking full advantage of his present status, she once again enclosed her hand around his vulnerable gonads. “The next time we meet, you will report to me in my suite, wherever we are. Is that clear?” “Yes Mistress.” “That means naked and on your knees!” “Yes Mistress.” She released her grip and ordered Marcie to proceed. Samantha also proceeded. She literally spanked the cum out of him as her sex-slave drank his juice greedily. ** Meanwhile back at Mistress Samantha’s estate, Mistress Hilda has been having a ball with the slave, Derek. Everyday, during the lady of the house’s absence she has indeed checked on him. Like that first day, the tall, short cropped blonde always managed to find fault with him, which gave her a reason to punish the submissive male unmercifully.. She spanked him, whipped him and butt-fucked him. Diabolically she’d tease his balls knowing he couldn’t expel his built-up, pent-up semen .However, since Derek was indeed a masochist he really didn’t mind this treatment. But today was Saturday and the tall, dark haired man eagerly awaited the return of his true Mistress. His instructions were to pick up Mistress Samantha and Marcie at the front door of the Hyatt at precisely 10 am, which he did. Upon seeing the conservatively dressed duo exit the building he beamed with elation. His Mistress was such a commanding presence, he felt honored just to be seen with her. He gladly lifted her heavy suitcases into the trunk and happily opened the rear door of the Town Car and then off he drove with his precious passengers smiling and talking merrily. When the luxury sedan entered the elegant grounds of Samantha’s estate, Hans’ two seater was already sitting in the circular driveway. Marcie’s eyes lit up when she saw her Master. Although Samantha had treated her well, she truly missed the tall, Germanic gentleman. He had missed his slave as well, for when Marcie exited the Lincoln, he immediately walked swiftly over to her and hugged her lovingly. He also hugged Sam, his dear friend. She told Hans how terrifically Marcie had performed and that he should be proud of her. The smile was still on his face when Hans pulled out of Sam’s property and headed for home with His sex-slave. To Be Continued.......
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