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my dream theme

Merritt, the recurrent theme of your dream life is Empowerment You're dreaming about antagonistic people and situations that are threatening to diminish your personal power. While you sleep, your mind gravitates toward scenarios in which something is making you feel scared or confused. Your dreams tell stories of combating that which brings you emotional pain. This means that in some area of your life, you're searching for ways to regain your sense of security and certainty. There are a wide variety of dreams that fall into the category of Empowerment. You may dream about being chased by someone or something dangerous. Many people dream about falling from a high place, or being just on the edge of falling. Getting lost, perhaps in an unfamiliar place, is also common in Empowerment dreams. Empowerment is your overarching dream theme. Tickle's research has identified seven universal dream themes, including Empowerment. To learn more about your scores on all seven themes, and what your results reveal about your waking life, read on. What's Your Dream Theme? The 7 Universal Dream Themes The Ten Most-Common Recurring Dreams Remembering Dreams History Behind the Test For More Reading The 7 Universal Dream Themes While the surrounding details of dreams are different from country to country and person to person, millions dream each night about falling, flying, making love, or finding themselves naked in a public place, to name just a few of the most common dreams. Tickle's unique dreams research has identified 7 universal dream themes, each based on common dreams experienced by people all over the world. Your personalized results for each theme reveal information from the deepest recesses of your unconscious mind, as well as the state of your waking life. Theme 1: Mastery Mastery dreams are about maximizing opportunities and achieving well-deserved success. They involve scenarios in which you're doing something well or mastering particular skills and talents. Having dreams with the theme of Mastery suggests that in some area of your waking life, you are adequately prepared and things are working out just as you really want. Your Mastery Score There are many dream scenarios that would fall under the theme of Mastery. Following are the three most common Mastery dreams and their interpretations. Skillful Driving These are dreams that involve having a positive experience while driving or navigating a car. In these dreams you can go anywhere you wish. You may be on an adventurous road trip with friends, or out on the open highway enjoying your own company. Whatever the specific scenario, you're in a car and you're feeling good and in control of the situation. Here's one example of a dream about skillful driving: You find yourself driving down a winding country highway. The windows are down, and the air outside is warm, and the sun is shining brightly. You take each curve skillfully and easily, and you feel completely confident behind the wheel. Just up ahead, a small animal runs onto the road. Rather than panicking, you smoothly steer around it, and go confidently on your way. Psychologists generally believe that dreams involving skillful driving and other pleasant car travel, such as the example above, are a sign that things are going well in life. You're in the proverbial driver's seat of your life, in control of where you're headed and able to enjoy the ride. The following test question relates to car travel. A star next to an answer indicates the answer you selected on the test. If there is no star present, then you indicated to us that you have never had this dream before. I've dreamt of driving skillfully or of being able to stop the car in time to avoid a collision. Of the people who have had this dream: 28% Had it once or twice 8% Had it three or four times 4% Had it repeatedly Good Test Performance Regardless of whether or not you're in school, you may find yourself having the common dream about taking a test. Perhaps you're sitting in a schoolroom, filling in multiple choice answers or responding to essay questions. Or maybe your test is at your workplace, or another unusual setting, and you get positive feedback that is equivalent to a big red A+. Whatever the exact scenario, you are ready for the test, and your performance is stellar. Here's one example of a dream about good test performance: You sit down at the desk, pencil in hand to take a test. You're surrounded by others who are doing the same. When you begin to read the questions, you realize that you know all of the answers. Relieved, you begin flying through the test, marking your answers, knowing for sure that you're acing it. You finish well before everyone else, and turn in your test with confidence. According to dream theorists, making the grade on a test means that you feel well prepared in your life. When you have a dream like the one above, your unconscious mind is revealing your confidence and pleasure in feeling ready for life's challenges. The following test question relates to test performance. A star next to an answer indicates the answer you selected on the test. If there is no star present, then you indicated to us that you have never had this dream before. I've had dreams in which I've done well on a test. Of the people who have had this dream: 29% Had it once or twice 9% Had it three or four times 3% Had it repeatedly Positive Travel Experiences Going on a trip is a symbolically rich dream scenario. Whether you're dreaming of buying tickets, packing your bags, or being en route to your destination, the details can reveal a good deal about how you're feeling about your present and your near-future in your waking life. Here's one example of a dream about positive travel experiences: You're in a yellow taxi cab, on the way to the airport. There's a lot of traffic, but you're not worried because you've allowed yourself plenty of time. You make it to the airport gate with loads of time to spare, and they whisk you right onto the plane, setting you up in first-class comfort. In dreams such as this one, a trip represents a new possibility in your life. Your relationship to the journey in your dream indicates how you're feeling about your opportunities. Exciting, pleasurable, and smooth travel is a sign of feeling excited about the positive opportunities that are coming up in your life. The following test question relates to travel experiences. A star next to an answer indicates the answer you selected on the test. If there is no star present, then you indicated to us that you have never had this dream before. I've had dreams in which I'm packed and ready to go with plenty of time to spare. Of the people who have had this dream: 19% Had it once or twice 4% Had it three or four times 2% Had it repeatedly Theme 2: Life's Rewards In dreams about Life's Rewards, you may look good and feel good, and you see yourself in a favorable light. These dreams tell stories of improvement, either in yourself or in the outcome of your endeavors. Dreaming about Life's Rewards means that in some are of your life, your hard work and preparation are paying off, and you're giving yourself permission to accept the benefits you deserve. Following are three of the most common dreams that fall under the thematic umbrella of Life's Rewards. Pleasing Appearance and Attire In these dreams, you're pleased with your clothing or something special about the way you look. Perhaps you find the perfect shoes for a job interview, or the wedding attire that suits you just right. You may don an elaborate or stylish costume, or simply admire the way a simple shirt looks on you. Whatever the attire, you like the way you look, and you feel happy about your appearance to the outside world. Here's one example of a dream about pleasing appearance and attire: You step onto the crowded dance floor, feeling great about the way you look. Everyone around you is attractive, and they take notice as you start to move with the music. As you dance, you enjoy the way your clothes move with your body — they fit perfectly, and flatter you in a way that makes you feel confident. When you see that sexy stranger eyeing you from across the dance floor, you feel so good you don't hesitate to move closer for a better look. It is commonly agreed upon by psychologists that dreaming about feeling good about your appearance and your attire is a sign that you're feeling attractive and desirable in your waking life. You're pleased with the way you're presenting yourself, and you anticipate a positive reaction from others. The following test question relates to your appearance in your dreams. A star next to an answer indicates the answer you selected on the test. If there is no star present, then you indicated to us that you have never had this dream before. I've dreamt of shopping and finding the perfect outfit for a special occasion. Of the people who have had this dream: 24% Had it once or twice 7% Had it three or four times 4% Had it repeatedly Material Gains and Rewards These types of dreams involve scenarios about material gains and rewards. Perhaps your house or other material possessions are improved. Or you may receive an elaborate gift, or buy yourself something nice. It might also be that something you lost in the past or was stolen from you is suddenly returned, in perfect or even improved condition. Here's one example of a dream about material gains and rewards: You come home to find a large package on your doorstep. It's wrapped elaborately in golden paper. You open it, and it is filled with treasures of all kinds. It's everything you've ever wanted. In this dream, the gift represents yourself or your life. Dreams in which you're lavished with gifts are a sign that you feel like better things are coming to you than in the past. This dream indicates that in your physical or emotional health, or in a particular area of your life, you feel like things are improving. The following test question relates to material gains and rewards. A star next to an answer indicates the answer you selected on the test. If there is no star present, then you indicated to us that you have never had this dream before. I've had dreams in which I received jewelry as a gift. Of the people who have had this dream: 23% Had it once or twice 6% Had it three or four times 2% Had it repeatedly Giving a Stellar Performance In these dreams, you may be up on stage, singing in pitch-perfect tune or reciting your lines flawlessly. Or you've hit the winning homerun, scored a key touchdown, or excelled in another sporting event. Not only do you enjoy your performance, but others express their appreciation with praise, congratulations, or applause. Here's one example of a dream about giving a stellar performance: You stand at the podium in front of an attentive audience. As you relay a passionate speech, all from memory, your words are heartfelt and perfectly delivered. When you reach your conclusion, the crowd jumps up, roaring with cheers and applause. According to dream analysts, dreams like the one above indicate that you feel well prepared to take on the challenges in your life. Some people dream about excelling in an actual event before it happens, while others' dreams may be more symbolic of a general feeling of being ready for whatever life brings. The following test question relates to giving a performance. The red arrow indicates your answer to the test in comparison to how others answered the question. I've had dreams in which others applauded or congratulated me for a good performance. Of the people who have had this dream: Of the people who have had this dream: 32% Had it once or twice 10% Had it three or four times 6% Had it repeatedly Theme 3: Order and Balance Order and Balance dreams gravitate toward scenarios in which you are coping with difficulties and their consequences. As they tell stories of combating external confusion and disorder, these dreams indicate that something feels just out of your control. They are a sign that in some area of your life, you desire a way to rein in the external chaos that's impacting you and once again feel on top of things. Following are three of the most common dreams that fall under the thematic umbrella of Order and Balance. The Powerful Forces of Nature Fires, floods, winds, earthquakes — these and other great forces of nature are the focus of these types of dreams. You're surrounded by powerful, epic forces that are beyond your control. These disasters, which may also be manmade disasters, can feel catastrophic in the context of the dream. Here's one example of a dream about the powerful forces of nature: You're inside, when suddenly you notice water trickling in underneath the doorway. When you go to investigate, you realize that more and more water is coming in, through the windows and walls, up from the floor. You open the door, only to be confronted with a huge flood of water. As you struggle to swim outside, the water level rises, covering everything in the vicinity. You must swim to survive. For some people, troubling dreams such as this example dream may occur during times of acute stress, though dream psychologists believe that some people have these recurring dreams over longer periods of time as well. These disaster dreams signify a feeling of chaos in some area of your past or present waking life, as well as a desire to regain a sense of order. The following test question relates to the powerful forces of nature. A star next to an answer indicates the answer you selected on the test. If there is no star present, then you indicated to us that you have never had this dream before. I've dreamt of destructive, raging fires. Of the people who have had this dream: 27% Had it once or twice 9% Had it three or four times 5% Had it repeatedly Damage to Property or Possessions These dreams center around extensive damage being done to your house or another building, or some other valued possession. In them, you may be trying to escape or save others from danger, or something precious to you may suddenly disappear, causing you great distress. Here's one example of a dream about damage to property or possessions: You wake up in the middle of the night to the smell of smoke. You realize that one of the rooms in your house is on fire. As you scramble to gather your most precious possessions, you realize that family photos were in the room that's on fire. After the fire is put out, you find the ashes of these pictures, charred and sopping wet. Dream analysts see the possessions in these dreams as a representation of yourself. When valued property is damaged in a dream, such as the one above, it may symbolize your feelings in your waking life that a relationship or some part of you feels damaged or destroyed. It may also be a sign that you're worried that some part of your identity is at risk. The following test question relates to property or possessions. A star next to an answer indicates the answer you selected on the test. If there is no star present, then you indicated to us that you have never had this dream before. I've dreamt that extensive damage was done to my house. Of the people who have had this dream: 31% Had it once or twice 8% Had it three or four times 3% Had it repeatedly Car Trouble or Danger Dreams about dangerous or defective cars or other moving vehicles can take on any number of scenarios. You're the driver or passenger, and the brakes go out, the steering wheel comes off, you're running out of gas, or you're in danger of running off the road. Sometimes control of the vehicle is regained in the dream, other times it is not. Here's one example of a dream about car trouble or danger: You're driving down a long stretch of highway. At first, everything seems fine. But gradually you begin to notice that the car is picking up speed. You take your foot off of the accelerator, but the car doesn't slow down. As you begin to pump the brakes, the car goes faster and faster, and you notice that the other cars are slowing down up ahead. Scenarios such as this one indicate that you're feeling out of control in some area of your life, according to dream analysts. You may feel worried about how things are moving forward, concerned that you're powerless over your own life, or, if someone else is in the passenger seat, fearful that someone else is calling the shots for you — and not doing the greatest job of it. The following test question relates to car trouble. A star next to an answer indicates the answer you selected on the test. If there is no star present, then you indicated to us that you have never had this dream before. I've had dreams involving unsafe or bad road conditions. Of the people who have had this dream: 35% Had it once or twice 13% Had it three or four times 5% Had it repeatedly Theme 4: Empowerment Empowerment dreams are often about antagonistic people and situations that are threatening to diminish your personal power. They involve scenarios in which something is making you feel scared or confused or is causing you emotional pain. These dreams are a sign that you're searching for ways to regain your sense of security and certainty. Following are three of the most common dreams that fall under the thematic umbrella of Empowerment. Being Pursued or Threatened Something or someone is following you. You may try to hide or run, for fear that your pursuer will try to attack or harm you. You may know the person who is chasing you, or it may be a stranger. In some variations of this dream, the pursuer is an animal or an unseen threatening force. Something or someone is trying to take away your safety and autonomy. Here's one example of a dream about being pursued or threatened: You're running through the dark woods, your feet crunching over dead leaves and fallen branches. Someone is behind you, chasing you through the trees. You don't know what they want, but you're too afraid to find out. You see a clearing in the woods, where there are people and sunlight. As you run for it, the person is getting closer and closer. You trip and fall down to the ground. These sometimes terrifying dreams symbolize some threat to your personal power and safety in your waking life, according to psychologists. Someone or something is trying to overpower you, control you, or harm you in some way. In these dreams, the exact nature of your pursuer and the results of the chase are clues to what is troubling you and whether you think you can gather your resources to defeat it. The following test question relates to being pursued or threatened. A star next to an answer indicates the answer you selected on the test. If there is no star present, then you indicated to us that you have never had this dream before. I've dreamt of being chased or attacked. Of the people who have had this dream: 27% Had it once or twice 30% Had it three or four times 37% Had it repeatedly Feeling Trapped In one of these dreams, you may be lost, or struggling to find your way out of an uncomfortable situation. Perhaps you're so terrified that you're frozen, unable to get yourself away from danger. In these dreams, you may feel trapped, or literally be trapped, in a prison or other kind of cage. In some way, you feel unable to free yourself from your situation. Here's one example of a dream about feeling trapped: You're in your home, when you hear someone open the front door. You call out to ask who it is, and when you get no response, you know it's someone dangerous. You think to yourself, "Run out the back door!" but your feet won't move. You look down, only to find that your feet are literally glued to the floor. Psychologists believed that dreams in which you're paralyzed, lost, or trapped represent a state of confusion in your waking life. You may not know how to solve a situation, or feel unsure of what decision to make. You may literally not understand the choices before you, or feel emotionally unsure of what decision is right for you. This state of confusion is keeping you from accessing your personal power and moving forward in some way. The following test question relates to feeling trapped. A star next to an answer indicates the answer you selected on the test. If there is no star present, then you indicated to us that you have never had this dream before. I've had dreams in which I've tried to move, only to find myself paralyzed. Of the people who have had this dream: 34% Had it once or twice 18% Had it three or four times 21% Had it repeatedly Falling Nightmares about falling are incredibly common, in both children and adults. You may dream that you're plummeting to the ground, or perched at the edge of a cliff or other high place. Some people actually hit the ground in their dreams, while others wake up before that happens. Dreams about sinking in water often have similar components and meanings to falling dreams. Here's one example of a dream about falling: You stand on the rooftop of a skyscraper, looking down. You can barely hear the traffic below, and the people on the sidewalk look like ants, scurrying every which way. You feel afraid to fall, and think to yourself that you need to move back from the ledge. As you start to move, you lose your footing, tumbling over the edge, plunging toward the ground far below. Dream psychologists assert that the root of falling dreams is feelings of insecurity about some area of your waking life. Perhaps something is changing, and you feel like there's nothing you can do to control it or protect yourself from its impact. Something may be overwhelming your ability to feel empowered and in control of your situation. The following test question relates to falling. A star next to an answer indicates the answer you selected on the test. If there is no star present, then you indicated to us that you have never had this dream before. I've had dreams in which I'm on the edge of a cliff or other high place. Of the people who have had this dream: 36% Had it once or twice 22% Had it three or four times 19% Had it repeatedly Theme 5: Self-Reliance Self-reliance dreams focus on situations in which you don't feel ready to take full advantage of life's opportunities. For some reason, you feel unprepared or ill equipped, and in response you try to take measure to protect yourself from being too exposed. Self-reliance dreams may be a sign that you're searching for ways to better prepare and protect yourself on your road to success. While there are many varieties of Self-Reliance dreams, the following three are some of the most common. Poor Performance In Poor Performance dreams, you find yourself in various scenarios in which you're unprepared to play your part. You may be standing on stage in front of a crowd, only to realize you've forgotten your lines or you're in a play that's different than the one for which you practiced. You may be an athlete whose missing the equipment you need to play the game. Whatever the situation, you find yourself confused about what to do to remedy the situation. Here's one example of a dream about poor performance: As you step up to bat, a formidable pitcher stares you down. The crowd is watching, and the team is counting on you to get the winning run. As you stand at the plate, the pitcher winds up, and it's only then that you realize you forgot your bat. The ball is flying toward you, and you have nothing to hit it with. In poor performance dreams such as this, psychologists believe that you're feeling unprepared for some role you're expected to play in your waking life. Perhaps you feel unqualified for your new promotion, afraid you aren't ready for your new baby, or nervous that you won't do well on an upcoming date. In some way, you're worried that you haven't done what's needed to succeed in a situation. The following test question relates to a performance. A star next to an answer indicates the answer you selected on the test. If there is no star present, then you indicated to us that you have never had this dream before. I've dreamt that I'm performing on stage and I don't know my lines. Of the people who have had this dream: 24% Had it once or twice 5% Had it three or four times 2% Had it repeatedly Being Naked or Inappropriately Dressed In these dreams, you show up to work, only to realize that you've forgotten to change out of your pajamas. Or you find yourself in the middle of a crowded shopping mall, naked as the day you were born. In some way, you're dressed inappropriately, or not at all, and everyone is looking. Here's one example of a dream about being naked or inappropriately dressed: You're on a date at a fancy restaurant, with a pianist playing in the corner and white tablecloths on the table. As you and your date chat amicably, you begin to notice that people are watching you. A little girl snickers, a man points, and a woman puts her hand over her mouth in shock. The waiter comes up to you, and asks you to leave. You look down, and suddenly realize that you're completely naked. Psychologists believe that these dreams mean that you're feeling vulnerable and exposed in some area of your waking life. If you're trying to hide yourself in the dream, there may be some part of your personality you want to shield from others. If a particular part of your body is exposed, or you're naked in a particular place, such as work, this may help indicate what it is you're feeling self-conscious about in your waking life. The following test question relates to being naked or inappropriately dressed. A star next to an answer indicates the answer you selected on the test. If there is no star present, then you indicated to us that you have never had this dream before. I've had dreams in which I was wearing clothing that was inappropriate to the situation I was in. Of the people who have had this dream: 35% Had it once or twice 13% Had it three or four times 6% Had it repeatedly Travel Difficulties While you likely daydream of vacations in your waking life, you may also have travel nightmares in your sleep. Lost tickets, missing your departure, forgetting essential travel documents, and other mishaps are all variations of this type of dream. Dreams in which you suddenly remember that you had travel plans, which you've now completely missed, also fall into this category. Here's one example of a dream about travel difficulties: The ocean liner blows its horn, as you run toward the ramp to board the ship. Time is running out. You go as fast as you can, before you trip and drop all of your bags. As you scurry to pick up your luggage, the ramp is raised, the ship pulls away from shore, and you stand watching it sail away. You've missed the boat. According to dream psychologists, scenarios about travel difficulties are about missed opportunities in your waking life. Maybe you've actually missed out on something, like a promotion or a possible love interest, or maybe you're worried that you're going to miss out on something that's unfolding right now. In some way, you're concerned that your life journey isn't going to work out as you hope. The following test question relates to travel difficulties. A star next to an answer indicates the answer you selected on the test. If there is no star present, then you indicated to us that you have never had this dream before. I've had dreams in which I'm missing my ticket or other travel documents. Of the people who have had this dream: 23% Had it once or twice 4% Had it three or four times 2% Had it repeatedly Theme 6: Divine Inspiration If you're dreaming about feeling deeply connected to the universe and to those around you, you're having dreams of Divine Inspiration. These involve situations in which you feel free of burdens or constraints, and you have positive relationships that don't hold you back. Having Divine Inspiration dreams mean that you're likely tapping into a sense of uplifting freedom and awe of the greater things in life. Following are three of the most common dreams that fall under the thematic umbrella of Divine Inspiration. Flying You sail through the air, feeling free as the wind. You can go anywhere you wish — nothing is holding you back. In these dreams, you may fly away from threats or troubles, transforming difficult situations into beautiful experiences. Here's one example of a dream about flying: You're walking along the sea shore, on a deserted stretch of sandy beach. Above, the birds fly around, beckoning you to join them. The wind picks up, gently lifting you off the ground. You find that you can steer yourself anywhere you wish, and that you have no fear of falling. You lazily fly off, enjoying the breeze and the warm sunlight on your back. In these pleasant and sometimes exciting dreams, psychologists believe that your unconscious mind is expressing a feeling of ultimate freedom. In your waking life, something in particular is going very well. You feel connected and supported, and nothing is keeping you from soaring through life and reaching your greatest goals. The following test question relates to flying. A star next to an answer indicates the answer you selected on the test. If there is no star present, then you indicated to us that you have never had this dream before. I've had dreams in which I was flying. Of the people who have had this dream: 29% Had it once or twice 22% Had it three or four times 29% Had it repeatedly The Beauty of Nature In these dreams, you may find yourself surrounded by lush vegetation or blooming flowers. Perhaps you're walking through a forest of tall, comforting trees, or gazing at a valley from a safe vista. No matter what the exact scene, everything around you is beautiful and calming. These dreams can often have a mystic or miraculous element to them. Here's one example of a dream about the beauty of nature: You sit next to a beautiful, clear pond of water. A waterfall pours into the pond from above. All around you are lush, tropical flowers. A brightly colored bird flies down and perches next to you, as you both relish the tranquility and peace of the paradise surrounding you. These rare dreams are a gift from your psyche. Analysts believe that such extremely beautiful surroundings are a sign of feeling joy and exaltation in your waking life. They may be related to a spiritual experience or practice, or indicate a truly special connection. The following test question relates to nature. A star next to an answer indicates the answer you selected on the test. If there is no star present, then you indicated to us that you have never had this dream before. I've had dreams that included beautiful natural scenery. Of the people who have had this dream: 32% Had it once or twice 24% Had it three or four times 23% Had it repeatedly Physical Connection In these common dreams, you connect physically with someone in a way that's pleasurable. The person may be your partner, someone else that you know, a stranger, or a celebrity or public figure. In the dream, the person may embrace or comfort your physically, or you may enjoy a passionate connection with them. Here's one example of a dream about physical connection: You're on the dance floor, when your favorite actor comes up to you and asks you if you'd like to dance. The two of you move together to the music, as if you're all alone. As you kiss, you become aroused, and when the actor asks if you'd like to go someplace more private, you heartily agree. According to psychologists, these dreams are all about connection. You may desire a deeper or more satisfying connection with the person in the dream, or your dream may be expressing an already-satisfying connection. You may also want to connect with or adopt some quality that this person stands for in your mind. The following test question relates to psychical connection. A star next to an answer indicates the answer you selected on the test. If there is no star present, then you indicated to us that you have never had this dream before. I've dreamt of being lovingly or passionately embraced. Of the people who have had this dream: 27% Had it once or twice 28% Had it three or four times 25% Had it repeatedly Theme 7: Spiritual Connections When you dreams revolve around various stages in the cycle of life and death, you're having Spiritual Connections dreams. In these dreams, you have contact with the spirit world or with the greater healing powers of the universe. You may grapple with the idea that you're still living while others have passed over. Having these types of dreams means that on some deep level, you're seeking answers to the big questions about life, death, and the afterlife. Following are three of the most common dreams that fall under the thematic umbrella of Spiritual Connections. Troubled Spirits In dreams involving troubled spirits, you have an interaction with someone who is no longer living. In the dream, this person seems upset, angry, hurt, or otherwise not at peace. They may criticize you or express negative feelings toward you, or somehow seem to haunt your dream self. Here's one example of a dream about troubled spirits: Your elderly aunt is sitting in your living room. In real life, she's been gone for many years. In the dream, you know she's a ghost, and you ask her what she wants. You feel afraid, as she looks like she's in terrible pain. She tells you that she isn't really dead, and that you need to help her. These rare but nonetheless troubling dreams are believed by psychologists to be an expression of your own questioning about the cycle of life. You may feel guilty for the way you interacted with the deceased person when they were still alive or for not complying with their wishes. You may be worried about where they're at or what has happened to them in the afterlife. In some way, your feelings about death in general, or the death of this person in particular, are unresolved and troubling you. The following test question relates to troubled spirits A star next to an answer indicates the answer you selected on the test. If there is no star present, then you indicated to us that you have never had this dream before. I've had dreams about someone deceased saying they aren't really dead. Of the people who have had this dream: 18% Had it once or twice 7% Had it three or four times 5% Had it repeatedly Guiding Spirits In these comforting dreams, a deceased person who was important in your life comes back to communicate something to you. They may reassure you of their love for you, bid you a fond farewell, or offer loving advice. In the dream, you may feel thrilled with this chance for one last connection with your loved one. Here's one example of a dream about guiding spirits: A loved one, who in real life passed away recently, comes to you in your dream and embraces you. "It's okay to move on with your life. It's time for me to move on, but I'll always be with you," the spirit reassures you. You feel at peace, reassured that your loved one is okay. Psychologists believe that these dreams are most common in the months and years following the death of a loved one. Having one of these dreams generally indicates that you're feeling stronger and ready to move on with your life, carrying your happy memories and letting go of your active grief. The following test question relates to guiding spirits. A star next to an answer indicates the answer you selected on the test. If there is no star present, then you indicated to us that you have never had this dream before. I've had dreams in which I've had casual conversations with someone in my life who has passed away. Of the people who have had this dream: 24% Had it once or twice 9% Had it three or four times 7% Had it repeatedly Healing and Regeneration Dreams of healing and regeneration vary widely. You may heal or be healed, physically or emotionally. Perhaps you or someone else gives birth or is reborn. These dreams depict joyful transformation. Here's one example of a dream about healing and regeneration: You find yourself at a pool of magical waters. Sensing that these waters have the power of renewal, you take off your clothes and step in slowly. As you slowly wade in, you feel all of the tension and pain in your body floating away. When you exit the pool, you suddenly realize that you are again an infant, ready to start life anew. According to dream analysts, these dreams are a sign that you're hopeful about some area of your waking life. Perhaps you or someone you love has an illness or injury that needs healing. Maybe you've just gone through a difficult experience that has left you stronger for it, and you feel renewed. In some way, this dream is a sign that you're feeling optimistic about your future. The following question relates to healing and regeneration. A star next to an answer indicates the answer you selected on the test. If there is no star present, then you indicated to us that you have never had this dream before. I've dreamt that I or someone I know was reborn. Of the people who have had this dream: 11% Had it once or twice 3% Had it three or four times 1% Had it repeatedly The frequency and intensity of your dreams may vary throughout your life. At some point, you may find that you have one or two dreams repeatedly over a period of time. The next section of your Dream Analysis reveals the most common recurring dreams. What's Your Dream Theme? The 7 Universal Dream Themes The Ten Most-Common Recurring Dreams Remembering Dreams History Behind the Test For More Reading The Ten Most-Common Recurring Dreams Many of us have particular dreams that come to us repeatedly, either over a period of time or throughout our lives. We may dream of the same people, the same places, or of the same emotion. Identifying your recurring dreams can help you see which issues or relationships are occupying your unconscious mind. Tracking these dreams over time, and seeing where they're different, can help you track your progress or changing attitudes over time. The following ten recurring dreams were identified by Tickle's Dream Survey, taken by over 1,800 test takers. The percentages indicate the number of people who have the following dreams on a recurring basis. Your recurring dreams, if indicated by your test response, are highlighted with red arrows. I've dreamt that I or someone I know was reborn. Of the people who have had this dream: 48% I've made love or had sexual feelings in my dreams. 41% I've had dreams in which I am falling. 37% I've dreamt of being chased or attacked. 35% I've dreamt of being lovingly or passionately embraced. 30% I've had dreams in which I've tried to talk or scream and I couldn't. 29% I've had dreams in which I was flying. 25% I've dreamt of making love with someone unexpected. 23% I've had dreams that included beautiful natural scenery. 21% I've dreamt of being chased, without knowing what's pursuing me. 21% I've had dreams in which I've tried to move, only to find myself paralyzed. What's Your Dream Theme? The 7 Universal Dream Themes The Ten Most-Common Recurring Dreams Remembering Dreams History Behind the Test For More Reading Remembering Dreams According to scientific research, almost everyone has dreams every night. So why do some of us remember our dreams more than others? There are a variety of explanations, including our diets, medications, level of stress, and particular sleep patterns. While addressing these larger issues would be useful in better connecting with your dream life, the following steps can get you on your way to remembering what happens in your sleep: Intend to remember your dreams. Before you go to bed each night, think to yourself, "My dreams are going to reveal what I need to know about myself tonight. I will remember my dreams in rich and vivid detail." Record your dreams. Because brain chemicals related to short-term memory decrease when we're asleep, it's easy to forget our dreams if we don't write them down as soon as we wake up. Put a journal right next to your bed, and record every detail you can remember immediately upon waking. Track your dreams over time. Patterns and shifts — such as who you're dreaming about, the exact events, your emotions, and the outcome of your dreams — can give you insight into your deepest feelings and greater meaning to your waking life.
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