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I have fought alongside Saracen and Samurai alike, defended my home against rival clans, seen my Sisters burn for their beliefs, dug trenches with the Allies to stop a madman's quest for racial dominance, moved with time and tide in conflict after conflict. But what saddened me the most was watching my own people persecute and massacre those with cultures not unlike our own. Did we Celts not paint ourselves before battle? Did we not braid feathers in our hair? Wear robes of fur in winter? Answer to the call of drum and flute in celebration and in battle? Regard Earth as our Mother and provider of All Things? Did we not honor our Ancestors and take guidance from our animal brethren? We are all of one blood, One Race..... The Human race. Different creeds, different cultures, different colors, true, but each bleeding the same under the cold touch of steel. Each with something to lose should their battle turn from victory to defeat, each with the capacity to love or hate with total conviction, each with the capacity for loyalty or betrayal to their chosen king or cause. Yet in our arrogance, our assumption that our way is right, we humans [regardless our heritage or chosen beliefs] have lost our Eyes, the ability to See that which connects us like so much spider silk, weaving and binding us to All That Is. Try to stretch it, it will not break. Try to cut it, your blade shall bounce back no matter how keen the edge. It was there before time and will be there when time and times are done, weaving us closer together, choking those who choose to resist and fight that which they know to be true, but sadly fear that truth so much they'd rather die defending the lie. Most will see this as the rantings of a madwoman- even worse see me as a traitor to my race. Yet this I say to you, my Children- look to the past and See the future. Research those you feel inferior to you and see if you feel the same after learning that which is the truth and nothing more or less. Know that when the Celts were still hunter-gatherers, the Egyptians were building temples that still stand to this day. Even the Parthenon is in sad shape compared to the great temple of Abu Simbel built by Rameses II. And how many 13th century Crusader castles are in mere ruin while Angkor Wat stands in all its glory as if frozen in time? The world's oldest known alphabet was developed in central Egypt around 2000 BC from a hieroglyphic prototype, and over the next 500 years spread to Canaan and eventually to the rest of the world. The ancient Indian mathematician Pingala presented the first known description of a binary numeral system around 800 BC written in Hindu numerals. The numeration system was based on the Eye of Horus Old Kingdom numeration system. A full set of 8 trigrams and 64 hexagrams, analogous to the 3-bit and 6-bit binary numerals, were known to the ancient Chinese in the classic text I Ching. Similar sets of binary combinations have also been used in traditional African divination systems such as Ifá as well as in medieval Western geomancy. An ordered binary arrangement of the hexagrams of the I Ching, representing the decimal sequence from 0 to 63, and a method for generating the same, was developed by the Chinese scholar and philosopher Shao Yong in the 11th century. Point is, Young Ones, is that one race or creed is neither superior nor inferior, that each can learn from another and take away the best parts to improve oneself and one's own individuality. Peace be to you. Peace be to All. There can be only One......


Ahh.... the sweet smell of victory. Love it when a plan comes together, heheheh. They thought to break me, but I only grew stronger- thought to make me wriggle into a cave of self-pity, but I only laughed in their pathetic, arrogant faces as they squirmed in fear. Most will probably think me finally gone off the edge and X me off their list for this, unable to cope with the reality that is my past existence, which they will only perceive as my madness. But no matter- those who stay will be treated to a show for sure. So, to begin- the signature streaks are back, have chosen to keep the camo stuff as they are reminiscent of my times in the trenches, disguised as a man so my lust for battle at the time would be satisfied. Only Jovan found me out- crafty bastard. And the eclectic mix of Japanese-European-Asian-Celtic-Roman decor is also staying. At least that was one thing Lilli did right in her recreation of what once was. Hmmm.... shall I tell you a story? A short one, I promise, but interesting nevertheless. Of all the times I have lived- of all the lives I have experienced- the times in Japan I look upon most fondly. The cherry blossoms in spring, falling like soft pink rain upon my hair and shoulders as I practiced in the courtyard, my blade slicing deftly through the petals as they drifted silently to the ground, making whirlwinds of color and fragrance around me. From the time I was a child, drums have always called to me- the bodhran has always sent me to a place of intense spiritual power and presence. But when I heard Taiko for the first time, oh! It was like nothing else! The huge odaiko drum vibrating through my body like thunder in a typhoon, the other drums- the barrell-shaped okedo and snare-like shime-daiko- joining in concert in a rapid-fire, almost fanatic beat that had me literally drinking in the complex rhythms, their power washing over me like a tsunami. And in the middle, pounding away deftly at one of the okedo, there he was. Orion Quest. Dark as he is I was immediately drawn to the unlikelihood of a gaijin being accepted in such an exclusive, honored tradition as Taiko. But when he began his solo, I understood why he was there. His serene expression contrasted with the precision and passion with which he played, every beat on mark, every move calculated and executed with such perfection I was mesmerized. Then the two cymbal players stood in front of him, holding out their instruments as if in offering, and he began to play upon those too- the patterns not unlike the crash and roll of thunder and he switched deftly from tom to cymbal in an effortless grace. When he was done, the crowd, having fallen silent in the same hypnotic trance I was in, erupted in applause and whoops of appreciation. Without missing a beat, the performance continued as he fell back in concert with the group. He looked up once, met my eyes with that smouldering obsidian glare of his, impossibly long eyelashes lowered slightly, and that was it- I knew I had to meet him. But that, my Minions, is a story for another time. I fear this one was longer than I intended- begging your pardon. I do tend to bloviate.... So, the transformations continue, there will be pics shortly- patience my dears- after five year's absence, there is much still to be done. Blessed Be )O(


Oh, Gods!! What did she do with my trench?! Oh. The fire. Ah, well, guess must needs accquire a new one. Damn. All those memories, all those- treasures of my past. The Japanese coins saved from nigh eight hundred years ago- my first wages as a kunoichi at the service of the Shogunate. The finger symbols from when I danced for the Sultan just before I took his life and his fortune. The staff I created and blessed under a full Samhain moon, under the eye of a falling star- all the beadwork and carving done by hand. The masks from decades of Carnivales, the ancient tomes of spells and Workings, my beloved familiars Methos, Daisho and Yuki. All gone. Would that they were as immortal as I. And my blade. Ahhhhh, my blade- Quicksilver. Gifted to me by a warlord who tried to gain my favor yet ended up gaining my contempt instead. The new one- Serenity- she is a fine blade yet the hilt is not the ten inches I require for superior handling and control. Guess that is yet another item on my list. Along with more suitable attire- out with the pinks and pathetic attempts at normality. Hmph- normality- lost that on the battlefield of Emain Macha when the Nialls took my life. Or rather, awakened a new one. See, my Children, the one known as Lilli simply exsisted in a vaccuum, one created by my own delusion that if I gave in to what others wished, I would at last find peace and tranquility in a world that so often rejects an enigma like myself. She tried so hard to accept what was unacceptable before in her life- fearing the backlash of more persecution. But me- Kiernan? Hell, whether you like or hate me, fear or love me, it matters not. I am what I am and have no time for silly games- have enough to worry about with people trying to take my head and such to be concerned with such rabble. I keep to myself, do not actively seek out the battles I must face, but welcome with open arms and ready blade if and when they do come. The fools always seek me out- those who think to take my power and gain it for their own miserable exsistance. Those I meet with a sigh of resignation, "Leave while you're still able." Most do, upon seeing and sensing the wall of power I unleash just by opening my chi- they then know one of my considerable age and experience is none to toy with. And those arrogant wretches who think they can best me? Their head is swiftly parted from their body. The Quickening barely registers with me now, so often it has come, I just stand silently as the wave of energy travels through my body, causing all manner of havoc upon the inanimate objects around me. Makes quite a mess, actually, with the glass and explosions and things bursting apart and such. Oh, and Lilli's pathetic whining about being weary of battle and wanting someone to take care of her? Please! Battle is something you can neither run nor hide from- you can curl up in your little corner with your teddy bear and quiver all you want. It will be there, waiting, each time you open the door, each time you look a person in the eye that you know is wanting to take a turn on your wheel. I need no one to care for me- after some thousand years I have done very well caring for myself thank you. As for battle? I thrive on it, crave it, need it to complete me: even though I do not Call for it, it comes to me anyway and then I feed upon those who dare cross swords with mine. *singing* "From a battle I come, to a battle I ride...." Wanna join me?


It is as if a Blackwind has blown me in from the void that has consumed me for so long, sweeping me into the loving arms of Darkness once again. And I embrace Him willingly. Lucidity is not my fashion- I am constant in the realm of dreams and magick, music and the sweet sounds of my blade scraping against the bones of my enemies. You will see elements of girlish glee whether it be at the sight of a red dragonfly buzzing around me or the feel of blood between my toes on this battlefield I rage upon. Both bring me equal peace, equal joy. And the Blackwind? He is like a velvet cloak of desire draped over my shoulders- an old friend and battle mate- I have always known his sword was mine, though until now I have been loathe to call upon it. Did not expect him to be there after so long- after they way we ended. Yet he was- unquestioning, needing no explination or words, and when he cloaked me in his Darkness I felt his strength flow through me and I was renewed. My chi lifted through the veil that had kept me at bay for so long and I was revived, released.... And ready for battle once more. As for my enemy? Ah, the anger is still there- cold, palatable, tasting like bitter wasted wine. Yet I do not waste too much energy on that- with so much to do- so much remodeling to achieve- not enough time. *looking at skirt in closet* pink and paisley? Lilli-girl what WERE you thinking? And the hair? Where's the Rogue streaks? tsk tsk. Complacent we have become- too eager to please those we thought might accept us- so to go forward we must go back- dig from the ashes that which we held dear and give them a good dusting off. Polish the rough edges, facet the raw stuff and make it glitter like the dew on a black rose in autumn. And the whole agreeing with everything with a dutiful nod so we can keep the peace? Get used to being told what's up with no regret or remorse, raw and unchecked, real and in living color. Solidly I stand alone- but there at my call is a blade I know to be true and tested, one that I had almost laid to rest permenately, yet which Fate decided to grant me use of once again. From the dawn of time We came, moving silently down through the centuries, living many secret lives, struggling reach the Time of the Gathering, when the few who remain will battle to the last. No one has ever known We were among you.... .... until now. Bring it on....

New Motto: OCP

OBSERVE all those who think to enter my Circle CONTROL all that think to control me PUNISH all fools who try to mulct [v. definition 3] the likes of me....

Okeh- It is so

It is done. Awake I am and awake I shall remain. Been hibernating- letting the kinks get worked out, letting her figure out what she really wants. Oh, I've ALWAYS been there, helping along in tidbits and baby steps, but she just wasn't ready for me to come back. Wasn't ready for me to take over. Now that I have, there are to be some changes. Not TOO drastic, but enough for people to notice. Enough for people to say "WTF happened?" Just a little more insane. A little more brutal. A little less vunerable and gullible. I am Kiernan MacLeidrydd. Welcome to my nightmare....

Legends Return

I am Kiernan MacLiedrydd of the Clan MacLiedrydd: High born Lady of the Sidhe, favored Childe of Morrigan, Keeper of Odin's Runes. My Four-legged and Winged Brothers and Sisters come to my Call, the storms Sing my name, my Voice sings the Song of the Trees, Earth Mother provides, Sky Father sends the sun to warm me, the Moon is my shelter.... ..... and I cannot die. Fifty years pass- a mere speck in a span of many lifetimes- and he shows up at my door, still wearing the amulet I gifted him so long ago. Orion Quest. Bastard. Heard my Call as usual- I was not being quiet in the least. My rage and sorrow burned within and released without in a torrent of tears and Song so powerful the very walls vibrated with the stuff, the miasma created sending my vision shimmering. I had not released that kind of chi in a while and I was shaking with the effort as I opened the door, know without asking who was on the other side. He has always been content to leave me to my magicks, albeit discomfort I knew he sometimes felt though never showed. He knew my Power as the amulet I created stopped many a blade from slicing him in two, knew what I was capable of, so when he entered, he simply put his arms around me, soothing me into a calm as he always did when my ire was peaked. It was nice. For once. Knowing that a Call was made and answered- no regrets, no strings, just someone to be there. Someone to calm my rage before I Called the Morrigan to exact Her vengeance. She may yet still- Her Children are none to be toyed with. So I fell asleep at last- safe in the arms of the one I knew would make me feel as such. Regardless of our past hurts, regardless of our past differences, this was here- this was now. We're both different people- I could tell that the minute he walked in as I knew he could with me. He left his cap. I wore it today. He's always hated when I wear his caps. *smiles wickedly*

Insanity IS Hereditary

A RANT SENT TO ME BY MY NEPHEW LANDON- ENJOY... Hung over have full omelette from IHOP too drunk to eat passed out on couch masturbating slowly everything is so loud had nightmares like none i have had before please tell the midgets to stop laughing hahahahahaaaaaaa finally someone let me out of my cage got a lovely bunch of coconuts *ding* fries are done would you like an apple pie with that?


Lightning called to me today in a voice so sensuous, so tempting, I opened the door, willing for him to consume me. Yet as his foot stamped the mighty ground with a crack, he laughed in my face with a thunderous voice, chiding me to think I was worthy enough to be in his presence. I closed the door with a squeal, cowed by his power. Then I raised my voice to the sky, singing an ancient tune. My voice rose and fell sweetly with the melody as Lightning growled and hissed, his breath blowing the trees like a monsoon. Yet when my voice rang clear on the top note, I could feel him sigh in awe, tears falling from his face. And then his tears became the rain....
..... killing everything until you get your way.
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