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My First Video Of Uno The One Eyed American Bulldog Puppy
my new puppy
My First Blast
tjatthero... ty Pam Pam greeter.... for this blast. Stop by her page and show sum fu-luv. My first blast ever here. I have the greatest friends on the site. check em out you wont be sorry. thank you also to my bomber family for all the help your giving. please fan/add/rate all ty member is Online M, 40 - Little Rock, AR views: 524,470
My First Hh Make Me A Godmother
My First Thought
my first day or shall i say night was fun on fubar... i made quite a few friends on here. im unsure what to do about kate lick though... shes trying to come back into my life though...
My Fish Tank
Created by
My First Happy Hour 7/18 At 12:00 P.m. Est
I am hosting my first Happy Hour July 18th @ 12:00 p.m. PST (Fubar time). I will be holding a rate-a-thon in hopes of leveling up to henchman! Here is the breakdown of what I am offering: I will have 3 folders set up for the HH with 100 pics in each. I will be having a drawing for each of the the following: If you rate all pics in folder 1 you are qualified for a 5 credit bling. If you rate all pics in folders 1 & 2 you are qualified for a 10 credit bling. If you rate all pics in all 3 folders you are qualified for a 25 credit bling pack. IMPORTANT INFO: The person who rates the most photos/stash during my HH will get a 100k bonus! Plus if I do level during my HH the person who's rate/bling levels me will also get a 100k bonus! You must send me a private message after EVERY 100 rates! Do not start early and if you send me the private message after my hh ends it will not count. If you do not want to be in the drawing for rates but want me to know you helped out
My First Auction
Hey Friends. I wanted to let you all know that I am logging off after this to go to pool party from NOW till 7pm cst. I'll be back on b4 the Fu-Bombers auction. Sorry to any of my Friends that can't come due to the fact that they are not Fu-Bombers. Those that are. Please be gentle with me. I am a virgin to the auction block. Those who know me know why they call me DUH. Those that don't hit me up. Lord knows I'm trying to hit ALL up right now. Everyone have a Great Weekend. I will. XXOO Oh and the Fu-Bombers ROCK! :-)
My First Original Song For My New Band
My First Auction
Ok Ladies im up for auction starting Sunday and ending Wednesday Aug. 6th See link to start also rate my friend who is conducting the auction! It starts tonight at 11pm EST!!!!!!! Here is my offer 1) rate all pics & stash 2) add the winner to your name &/or family for a month (fu-owned by... OR fu-slave of...) 3) one or more phone calls 4) personal salute (sfw &/or nsfw) 5) access to private folders 6) #1 friend for a month &/or crush for a month 7) daily comment &/or gift 8) link featured in all new friend comments 9) keep buzz at 100% for the month
My First On A Lot Of Things ....
It Just Dawned On Me That ... When I First Joined Fubar, I Really Didn't Know My Way Around Fubar And What To Do Or Where To Go Until I Met Tappinit. Thanks To This Man! I Am No Longer A Fu-Virgin! Thank You, For Being So Gentle And Kind, While I Lost My FU-GINITY! LOL! I Was The First Fu He Owned! I am His Ginny Pig on most Animation work! LOL Approval Is somewhat needed lmfao THE FIRST TO VIP ME! The First To Help Comment Bomb Me On My First Giveaway The First To Salute Me The First To Make Me Fu-Gifts And Now He's The First To Pimp Me Out On A Bulletin! It Goes To Show That I Am No Longer Fu-Virgin! LOL Again How Ironically His Name just Happends To Be Tappinit! I Am Honored To Call You A Close Personal Friend Of Mine! NOT JUST A FU-FRIEND! I Have Such A Blast With Ya On Here Or When We Do One Of Our Ritual Phone Calls! You Are Too Much Fun! I Have Lots Of Love & Respect For You Hun! Your Truly A Wonderful Person An
My First Time So Be Gentle
click on picture below Ok Ladies im up for auction starting Sunday and ending Wednesday Aug. 6th See link to start also rate my friend who is conducting the auction! It starts tonight at 11pm EST!!!!!!! Go see Cause Im The Fckin Queen when it starts R/F/A her while you are bidding!!!!
My First Rating Of 1
Well, this is quite humorous because i fully enjoy messing with people's heads when they get all defensive. I got rated my first 1 because this guy has anger issues. So i've never been a drama queen. I just enjoy life as it comes at me. And yeah, like everyone else, i have my downfalls. Short money here, car needs fixin there, but never in my life have i been a drama queen. except maybe when i was a toddler. ANYhow, So this guy on here. He'll remain nameless because i'm not that immature. Decides to im me on yahoo. The first thing he asks is, "where is your pic. take yourself off of invisible." So i did. but i told him ahead of time it's only my avatar because i had ONE stalker in my entire life. This guy met me at the pool hall, asked around for my name (i live in a very small town where everyone knows everyone. I don't actually live in st paul but that's what it says when i type in my zip cuz i live NEAR st paul. My zip doesn't register on the maps cuz the city is so small.)
My First Earthquake
A moderate earthquake occurred at 11:42:15 AM (PDT) on Tuesday, July 29, 2008. The magnitude 5.8 event occurred 3 km (2 miles) SW of Chino Hills, CA. The hypocentral depth is 12 km ( 8 miles).
My First Ever Fuslave.
cAUSE iM tHE fCKiNG pRiNCESS..dUHH ~ {2nd Alarm Hotties Charter Member} ~ Owned by RedZ28@ fubar
My Fines Are $780.00
This is fun to do. Just read the "offense" and if you've done it, you owe that fine. Keep going until you've read each "offense" and added up your total fine. When you are done, post it in your notes. Change the header to "My fine is $........" You don't have to confess your answers, just the amount of your fine. Smoked pot -- $10 Did acid -- $5 Ever had sex at church -- $25 Woke up in the morning and did not know the person who was next to you -- $40 Had sex with someone on Facebook -- $25 Had sex for money -- $100 Ever had sex with the a Puerto Rican -- $20 Vandalized something -- $20 Had sex on your parents' bed -- $10 Beat up someone -- $20 Been jumped -- $10 Crossed dressed -- $10 Given money to stripper -- $25 Been in love with a stripper -- $20 Kissed someone who's name you didn't know -- $10 Hit on some one of the same sex while at work -- $15 Ever drive drunk -- $20 Ever got drunk at work, or went to work while still drunk -- $50 Used toys while having sex
My First Bully Test
My First Time, Or Was It?
I'd never done it before but she begged me to. So, reluctantly I got off the bed and looked in the small bag she'd brought over to my house. I pulled out a set of fur-covered handcuffs. "Oh yea..." she moaned, her body writhing on the bed. I frowned. She was more turned on by the cuffs than me it seemed. Well, fine. I put them on carefully, ignoring her whispers to make them tight. Soon, her wrists were held at the headboard. I took the opportunity to run my hands over her body, groping everywhere on her that turned me on so much. "More, baby..." she begged. I'd been about to enter her, but... Another look in the bag and I found a leather thing. I quickly figured out that it was a stiff collar. Took me a minute to figure out how to put it on her but once I clipped it shut, she couldn't move her head. Her legs were spread wide, an indication of her enjoyment. I decided to tease her, running my fingers and tongue over her pussy until she was crying out. But it wa
My First Contest Plz Help
My First Contest
this is my first contest and i would like as much help as i can get i would greatly appreciate it!
My First Auction
My First Auction
hey everybody im in my first auction ladies come bid away the auction will go until i decide to stop it hit the link below. thank you Bobby
My First
I have no clue how to do this. I have never blogged before. I guess it'll come too me. Had to try something new before I turn 34 on Thursday. This ageing thing sucks. I just hope 34 is better then 33. Knowing my luck it'll be worse. Lets look at the positive. I'll be getting free drinks on Thursday.
My First Blog, Aww..
I'm never going to have anything too relevant to say (So look away now while you can!) It's 3:15 am Iowa time... I woke up and ate a couple of my chocolate chip cookies...I always crave sweet stuff in the middle of the night and I know I shouldn't be eating shit like that but whatever...I'm trying to gain a little weight so it won't kill me...Then I got on here but it looks like no one I know is on right now...Guess I'll make new friends right? Well some good news for me... I'm going to Las Vegas in >gasp< 9 days! Oh yeah I'm counting them down now, I may even start packing more stuff for it...what the hell, you know... Maybe i'll try going to sleep again for a little bit... but I'll still be online, so drop by...maybe i'll wake up!
My First Auction
AUCTION AUCTION READ ALL ABOUT IT!!!! Holding my very first auction: And I want you in it. Here are the guidlines. FIRST OFF NO DRAMA!!! TO ENTER: What picture you want used. Must be SFW.. What you are offering for bids. If you want an opening bid to start. You must send me 75k in fubucks to pay for that opening bid. If not there wont be an opening bid! Auction will run for 7 full days. Will start once there are 10 entrees Also note: Cash bids out bid fu bucks and fu gifts ect. Such as.. VIP/Blasts/HHours... out bid certain fu bids. There is a conversion table I will go by that determines each one in difference to Cash and Fubucks.. NOTE: ALL BIDS ARE FINAL.. If someone does not pay up. I am not responsible. Don't come complaining to me. I WONT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE!! Please contact me via Fu mail. Thank you and hope to see you in the contest!!! ****UPDATE**** I WILL OFFER TO THE 4 PEOPLE WHO GET THE HIGHEST BIDS FU-BUCKS THE P
My First Auction!
My First Comment Tag
My First Hh!
Her 1st Happy Hour! sO FrESH Is Having her VERY FIRST HAPPY HOUR! So I'm her to tell you ABOUT IT This Woman Is trying to Level and Also Trying VERY HARD for the SPOTLIGHT......
My First Thought On An Olympic Swim Suit Ban...
Good Morning the Olympics banning swim suits? Oh this was a story that caught my eye. After seeing body’s literally pored into swim suits by both sexes I wondered which one of the Swimmers, Beach Volley Ballers, or even a few Gymnasts’s the Olympic board was banning… A Swimsuit controversy at the Olympics I am all ears, oh and EYES TOO! ( @ ) ~ ( ~~) hmmm my eye drawings might be banned too! BEIJING, Aug 19 (Reuters) - Spain’s synchronized swimmers have been banned from wearing a swimsuit with embedded waterproof lights which they had hoped would give an extra sparkle to their Olympic routine. “It got very sophisticated because obviously the battery doesn’t last long and then we had to look at circuits and interrupters, so we have been working on it around two months with a crack team,” swimmer Andrea Fuentes said. “It looks a bit like Christmas lights,” added the Spaniard, one half of the team that won silver at the last world championships and are favorites for a medal in Beijing
My First Interview Of You
1. If you had the power to create a tour with a line up of artists of your choosing, who would be your opening act, and who would headline?? 2. Everybody has a moment in time they wish they could relive, not necessarily regret, but relive, what moment would you relive in your life? 3. If you could fight anyone dead or alive, who would your epic battle take place with? (have fun with this one.) 4. If you could write a song that sums up your entire life to this day, what would it be titled and why? 5. Would you lie to someone to spare their feelings? 6. Could you apologize to someone if you ever realized you were wrong? 7. Is the glass half-empty or half-full? 8. What words would you want everybody to remember you by in the end?
My First Blog.......yay! ! ! !
Can't believe it took me almost 20 minutes to get this far. They kept it hidden well enuff. Well since this is my first blog I will try to keep it....wellll at least coherent. How bout short too......Thanx for your time. Look for new posts soon.
My First Midget
My First Happy Hour Contest(pwease Help)
I am in a Happy Hour "rates only" contest. Please help me with one rate that is all i need!! Please help me win this Happy Hour it is my first!!!(All rates returned if notified) Thank you all so so so so much CLICK THE PIC TO HELP
My First
My First Auction!
Thanks to the lovely ^sin^ i am in my first auction..please click this picture and place a bid if you can!
My First Bling....on A Ruff Day
Ah yes...a ruff day around here on Sept 3, 2008. Many lil ruff spots..and then a highlight to the day was............My youngest a teenage boy had been giving me strange attitude. Now he is normally a great kid and this attitude was out of sorts, so much so that I actually took him in for a drug test. NOT something that would normally come from me. We get there, and he cannot pee in the cup. 2nd try....omg 3rd try nothing. ugh. 4th try he gets it done...and the test came out clean! Wow!!!Yeah! I come in to fubar to relax...check some pics and do some rates...and I end up at profile for Damian stalker free agent looking for work. and do my normal rate, fan, and he returns the favor. There were pics in there that gave me the grins I needed....and then he sent me my first bling! A cute lil black puppy! You know..that simple thing really made my day....almost as good as a real lil puppy giving me a lick in the face! So...a special thank you and xo
My First Imikimi
imikimi - Customize Your World
My First Imikimi
imikimi - Customize Your World
My First Contest!
Hey everyone, I am in a contest, please help me by commenting. Thank youuuuu :)
My First...
My First... The first "song" I actually wrote was kinda was about my first divorce, and a "friend" who'd heard about it...I made a comment, in a chat room, one time about wanting to "put a bar in my car and drive myself to drink" of the other chatters thought it should be a that in is my offering for Toby Keith's next single... I’ll Put a Bar in My Car (And Drive Myself to Drink) Lance Kirtley My world’s been turned upside down Since she went away She packed her bags, took the kids, And left me bills to pay I didn’t know what to do I could barely even think I’ll put a bar in my car and drive myself to drink I’ll put a bar in my car and drive myself to drink And it’s all because of her that I had to see a shrink My money’s gone and I’m in debt But I ain’t gonna fret I’ll put a bar in my car and drive myself to drink She came to me with a smile Her
My First Train... Nemo
Everyone should be added, If I missed anyone or didn't make your tag please send me a private message. Thanks Welcome to my first ever train and its going to be a Finding Nemo train so please come swim with us.... There's really nothing special about this train. I just thought it would be fun and I love Nemo. 1- R/F/A my page or leave my page a comment about Nemo if your my friend all ready. 2- Rate the pics in the folder "Finding Nemo." There are only 15 pics(see below)Please comment on the last pic so I know you are done. 3- R/F/A the pages of the other people on the tour with you and leave a comment saying something along the lines of I love Nemo, Finding Nemo or swimming with Nemo if they are your friends all ready. Now let's have lots of fun Finding Nemo. Please send me a private message when done so I can add you to the train. Let me know if you want me to make a Nemo tag for you. Click here to begin your swim. Enjoy your swim and T
My First Love/ex Boyfriend! If anyone goes on this site and read's that don't believe it please he is a lying sack of shit me and my mom have the whole story. I do care about people's health and always have. An sex isn't the first thing I want always in a relationship....he wants a damn pity part so I will come back to him not happening. NO ONE believe him please! Sincerly, Amber Kestner
My First Lounge
=== '~*~Tammy~*~Owner of ~*~REBEL ROSE~*~' wrote the following at '2008-08-29 20:10:21'.. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >
My First Tag
My First Contest
this is my first contest and I have never had a VIP before. I'm a Shadow leveler and u know those 11's will come in handy !! So PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEE comment bomb me. here is the link to the photo !! muahhhhhhhhhh kimjo
My First Aucion
I am in my first ever auction. I am very curious to see who will win me for a whole month. To the highest bidder will go: 1) 100 PIC RATES PER WEEK 2) DAILY GIFT 3) DAILY COMMENT 4) DAILY DRINK 5) WILL RATE ALL OF YOUR STASH AT LEAST ONCE So come on and show me your love and bid on me!
My First Grandbaby!!
There Are No Words That Can Describe The Feeling Of Being A First Time Grandma At 38 Or Any Age, But However, I Am Very Excited And Worried At The Same Time Due To My Son And His Girlfriend Are Still Young And Have A Long Road Ahead Of Them And They Know I Will Always Be Here For Them Whenever They Need Me. I Love You Stephen And Nina!
My First Auction Want To Own Me!!
> >
My First Blog
Hey. I am very new to this whole online dating thing. I am very hesitant to post a photo as i am in the middle of losing alot of weight, 80KGS so far, and only have fat photos of me and am afraid that if i post them no one will talk to me. If anyone would like to help me get to know all of the inner workings of this site i would greatly appreciate it.
My First Auction!
I'm finally popping my auction cherry. Please at least come rate even if you don't wanna make me your bitch. Thanks! KARMA'S BITCH FU-SLAVES FOR SALE!!! Here they are!!!!Pick your own fu-slave to spoil you for one whole month!You wont be sorry!Don’t forget to also rate them!Most rates receives a Silver Heart Bling! Come get your own sexy fu-slave! Pick one and click to bid!!!Please repost! BLACK WIDOW TOMME DIANA KING BLAZE DJ SYN
My First Contest
I am hosting a contest =) I am taking 10 fubarians for a rate (5 pts) & comment (1 pt) contest. FIRST PLACE(min of 15k pts): a choice of 1 month VIP, 7 day blast, 25 credit bling pack SECOND PLACE(min of 10k pts): a choice of 12 credit bling pack, 3 day blast PLEASE send me a private message with the pic you want to enter It will start the day after I receive my 10th person. THANK YOU! :)
My First
I am just sitting here....bored....without the lifeline that is my cell phone. It was disconnected last night at midnight. But I have a wonderful friend who is getting it turned back on for me in another hour or so. OMG I love him to death for that. I kept telling him that I wasn't going to let him do it because I'm the one that always helps everyone else. He wouldn't take no for an answer so here I am, accepting help from him. (And he's taking me to a Green Bay Packer game next month.....I SO CAN'T WAIT!!!)
My First Rating As A 1 Woohoo
OnEbLoNdE_RoSe~... rated your photo a '1'! · OnEbLoNdE_RoSe~... rated your photo a '1'! · OnEbLoNdE_RoSe~... rated your photo a '1'! · OnEbLoNdE_RoSe~... rated your photo a '1'! · OnEbLoNdE_RoSe~... rated your photo a '1'! · OnEbLoNdE_RoSe~... rated your photo a '1'! · friend Highway Freakin... commented on mumm 'MYOB'! · OnEbLoNdE_RoSe~... rated your photo a '1'! · friend 'Jesse James*Dam...' just uploaded a photo! · OnEbLoNdE_RoSe~... rated your photo a '1'! · friend 'Jesse James*Dam...' just uploaded a photo! · friend 'Jesse James*Dam...' just uploaded a photo! · OnEbLoNdE_RoSe~... rated your photo a '1'! · friend 'Jesse James*Dam...' just uploaded a photo! · K n o c K rated your photo a '10'! · K n o c K rated your photo a '10'! · K n o c K rated your photo a '10'! OnEbLoNdE_RoSe~ Fu OwNeD By CrEePer 316420@ fubar
My First Blog
My First Real Blog In A While.
This is my first journal in a while... I doubt anyone even reads these anymore. But, here goes. I feel fucking beautiful. Yes, my arms are disgusting and i have a huge gut. Fuck it. Haha. I'm sitting here in my size twelve jeans and a girl's shirt that's a "large", although it contours to the curves of my body like a glove. I love it. I pulled my hair back in a ponytail, I put in earrings, and... guess what? I'm getting my lip pierced! Iunno when, but my dad and step mom are fine with it. Hell, my dad has his nose, tongue, and ears pierced. I'm excited. one ring, down the middle. my lips have a natural little Angelina Jolie line down the middle. I think a ring there would be hot, what with the natural contour. I'm a bit nervouse, but... hehe. and then sometime, i'll get my eyebrows pierced. But, My point is, I haven't felt this beautiful in a while. I haven't felt this comfortable with myself, either. next month i'm having my hair professionally done and dyed, too. red. so it
My First Happy Hour To Be.....
Guess Who Is Hosting Their First Happy Hour PukinDog143!! Come Show Him Some Love Monday Night 10pm est (7pm fu-time) Brought To you by Sexy Sta
My First Contest Help!!!
These Contestants Are Going To Need Your Help In Winning! There Is Only One Winner! The First To Reach 60,000 Comments Win! The Contest Starts Saturday, Oct. 4th At 10AM PT And There Is No Time Limit On This Contest, But The First To Reach 60,000 Comments Ends The Contest! Here's What They Win! One Month VIP One Blingy Package 3 Day Blast Comment Bombing A Must! Self Bombing Too! No Scripting! This Contest Has Monitors Watching And If Someone Is Caught Running Script, The One Being Bombed Will Be Disqualified! No Drama Please! Lets Have Fun Firstly! Anyone Under Level 5 Will Not Be Allowed To Bomb And Those Bombing Must Be Saluted! My Page Is Set To Friends, So I Must Be Rated, Fanned & Added! No Blank Friend Requests! Here Are The Contestants They Are Going To Need Your Help IKISSEDAGIRL HELP ME WIN HELP ME WIN PLEEEAAAAASSSSEEEE! Contest Starts Sat. October 4th At 10AM - PT, 11AM - MT, 12PM - CT, 1PM ET Ends When The First Contestant Reached
My First Cruise Part One
I have to say I was very nervous the week before going mostly because of the shore excursions and wondering if people would help me with the wheelchair because I was told by the cruise line when I booked no crew were allowed to help so I was upset and hurt Once on board I found the alleged handicapped accessible bathroom to be a joke When I complained to one of the staff he offered to move me to another room but it wasnt any better My problem I could physically reach the toilet so I wound up having to improvise... I couldnt even go for the first day and a half and was feeling bad and told the staff and they had the gall to suggest I go home after the first port and cancel my excursions without charge I told them they were sadly mistaken if they thought I spent an extra $500 (USD) not to do the excursions and I made it my personal mission to make them eat crow and I did just that! The cruise line also told me the call center is told for training purposes to tell people booking th
My First Cruise Part Two
OK Bear with me here Im trying to do this from memory as I forgot to journal while in Mexico! LOL I went to Mazatlan, Acapulco, Cabo San Lucas, Puerto Vallarta & Zihuatanejo/Ixtapa Things I did for the first time: Took an ATV ride (Puerto Vallarta---They couldnt get my wheelchair on the beach so I had to hop a ride Obviously he went nice and slow) Saw,held, named & released a baby sea turtle born that morning (The man owning the business doesnt keep them more than two days because feed them and wants to get used to the water and not become tame So somewhere on the Sea of Cortez a sea turtle named Bubba is floating around) Piggyback ride from a stranger (A young man from Wisconsin on honeymoon with his wife How he didnt break his back carrying my dead weight on and off the bus in PV I still dont know He couldnt be more than 5'8" 150 lbs) Ate escargot (Thats snails for you less worldly types LOL On the ship's French restaurant where I treated a couple from a town a cpl of
My First Contest Need My Fans & Family's Help Here So I Can Give Luv Back Muahhhh
My First Contest 10/6/08 Please Help!!!
im in my first contest to win my first blast i really could use all the help i can get contest is open from 10/5 to 10/19 if u have a few mins to go by and r8 and leave a few comment i would soooo love ya for is below.... bites &kisses to you all.... here is the link please rape me lol i mean rate me...muahhh!!
My First Cruise Part Three
OK Last blog entry on my vacation Let's see...Well The ship, Norwegian Sun, was built in 2001 and had ONE automatic door on the entire thing...on the top deck! I also had to contend with four-inch metal lips to pop wheelies over to get thru the already narrow doorways! The buffet food was mediocre at best and I ate there probably 80 percent of the time but I did have three pretty good restaurant meals of the five restaurants where I ate! The waitstaff were very good to me My first excursion was in Mazatlan at a shrimp luncheon on a private residence where a Dutch Expatriate lived It was 95 degrees F and 95% humidity By far the worst weather on the trip and my least favorite moment of the vacation The town is filthy and old We had to beg for an electric fan and she did offer to let me rest in her villa I did just that But being it was supposed to last 4 1/2 hrs I could only stay 2 1/2 There wasnt anything to do after eating! Next was a town highlights tour of Zihuatanejo/Ixta
My First Live Sex Show..
So Wasted Wonder and I are doing a live sex show who should be on top Wasted Wonder@ fubar (disclaimer: not really she just bought me my VIP and is sexy as hell so show her love!!!)
My First Auction
LAST DAY TO BID! AUCTION ENDS TOMMORROW! SEE WHAT I HAVE TO OFFER, YOU'LL GET TREATED GREAT! Come check it out! I'm in my first auction. Click On The Pic Below To Go To Happy Country Girl's Page and make a Bid. Thank you everyone for being such good friends and making me feel so welcome on Fubar and the Shadowlevelers for helping me level when I need to. (repost of original by '~*sherrylynn59*~ *{Shadowlevelers}* AKA "N@n@" to 3 precious grandsons.' on '2008-10-07 09:48:11')
My First Blind Date
My first blind date I am too old for this Being on a blind date After so many years with one Woman that met my needs Yet here I am and Patti is her name Drinks and dinner Focused on what went wrong With relations past Never listening to each other But our own tired tirades On why it wasn’t our fault I noticed she had freckles on her breasts Exciting as it may be The discussion about her past Husband Scott did not Stir my loins The steak was rare and the 18 Year old scotch was smooth Thank god they night carried on And the coffee aided me Back to the sanctuary of my verse. Patti of the later years I am sorry that you desire not What I want or yearn for The ability to want the simple Act of desire To want To expect To pursuit My mane may be gray But my desire to hunt Has not been supplanted by memories lost Yet searched for And I understand A blind date is just that blind Poet
My First Auction,,,,
My First Time Being Auctioned
Gbeaver, is up for Tricks and Treats in the most goulish auction ever... GBeaver The auction runs from now until Oct.26 11:30 est. thats 8:30pm fu time so hurry and make your bid today and make it a SCARY one!!! All you have to do is click on the link below GBeaver GO MAKE YOUR BID TODAY!!!!
My First Happy Hour (9pm Est) 6pm Fu-time
Tempting Enchantress Is hosting her first Happy Hour Sunday, October 12th 6pm Fu-Time (9pm EST) Auto 11s are on! 7.1 million to Prophet Rate her Fan her Add her Comment her Bling her Help this sexy lady be our next Prophet! She is a wonderful friend and is always helping other people. Now it is our turn to help her. Stop by her page... And spank that sexy bottom of hers... She'll LOVE it! ******************************** Lovingly Pimped Out by: Carrie Please repost Thank you!
My First Bomb Contest
My First Blog
well this is my first blog...i dont really know what to a single mom. i got a 2 yr old little boy. and at the present time living with my sister in law while my brother is in iraq...its only temperary but i love it for now. i get to see my nephews and niece its awesome but still can wait to get out of here. all i ever do is work and watch kids all day long and only get time to myself like its all good tho im to used to it that im going to go nuts the next week hoildays as my sister in law and the kids will be gone so it will only be my son and i here all by ourselves...for a month and a half that is going to freak me out. im not used to living by myself...but its ok i'll well i have no clue what else to say if i sound interesting to ya, hit me up i shout like all the time... chow for now.
My First Auction..
So..Ive never hosted an Auction before,this will be my first time..My beautiful Fubar friend *One Jaded Heart* asked me to Auction her and then my Fu-Owner Flanman....So my Auction starts Oct 16,08..Auction will end on Tuesday...It will be a 5 day Auction..Thanks a Bunch...oh yea!!Spread the word that Thickness85 is hosting her first Auction Oct 16,08..
My First Auction!
My First One
ok so i am new to fubar i love it so i just wanted to tell u a little about myself ok well i am 19 i have 3 tattoos and i have 2 rings on my face one in my lip and one on my to tongue i am here to make friends so if u want to add me they go ahead if u rate me i will return the favor ok i love to right so u might see a lot on here just to see what u think ok well that it for now see ya
My First "blind Date"
I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm going on a "blind date". YIKES!!!! When my girl friend Wanda first offered to fix me up with a guy she knows from work, I was filled with doubts and rejected the notion straight out. But she was presistant, assuring me Glen is a decent person, smart, well groomed, fun and currently available, finally wearing down my resistance. Besides, I am tired of spending Saturday nights at home. So with my premission Wanda gave Glen my number and this evening he called. To my surpise and pleasure our conversation was very pleasant and flowed with natural ease. For almost two hours we chatted about our work, school, interest and ambitions. He seems like a very nice person, easy to talk to and I want to get to know him better. So this Friday we will meet for dinner and check out the movie Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist. Trying to imagine how the evening might unfold I can't help but wonder if he will like me and equally important, will I like him?Anticipat
My First "blind Date" 2
Well, the big day is tomorrow to speak. It's been great fun going through my closet trying to figure out what to wear. Makes me feel like such a girly girl.We both agreed to dress causual so I was thinking of wearing my grey tweed skirt, black turtle neck and may be boots. Sort of an outdoorsy sporty look. While I want to make a good first impression I also believe it is important not to go overboard and just try to be myself. After all if this should develop into a real relationship it's the everyday me that Glen will have to get to know and I don't want to create any false impressions. It difficult trying to find the right balance. I wonder if Glen is on fubar? I forgot to ask. I hope not. It would just be too embarassing if he came across this. I must admit, as this day approaches I am becoming so nervous I thought of calling the whole thing off. But curiosity won out over fear and tomorrow I'm walking straight into that restaurant to meet Glen on my first
My First "blind Date" 3
My "blind date" was a not only disappointing but rather humiliating. It all started out well enough. When I arrived at the restaurant Glen was waiting for me in the lobby. Wanda was right. He was cute; tall, blonde curely hair, blue eyes, nice build (a little on the stocky side). He wore black jeans and a powder blue golf shirt. When spotted me and smiled it felt WONDERFUL! But as I came down the steps and crossed the foyer to meet him his expression changed to one of confusion, as if he were expecting someone else. This made me most uncomfortable. After our greeting we made our way to our table and ordered drinks. When we had chatted on the phone our conversation was light and easy but being face to face things felt completely different. I didn't know where to look or how to react. I was terribly nervous and keenly aware of each akward lull. After half an hour of talking about work, Wanda and Britney's up coming visit we sort of ran out of things to say. It was becoming painfully
My First Time...hh
Believe it or not ..... It's her FIRST TIME! Her First Happy Hour, that is!! ¢¾xmasbaby73¢¾DEVOTED 2 the MOST HANDSOME and AMAZING man EVER *TAPPINIT*perv his page She's got her Auto-11's ON! 5 p.m. Fu-time !! So hit her up, Bling her, Rate her, SPANK her! (Less work for me to do !!) Pimped with Love: Tappinit Gotta Be Somebody.mp3 - Nickelback (repost of original by 'Tappinit' on '2008-10-27 05:49:11')
My First Contest (ty Kasey For Making The Bully For Me)
My First Entry In A Contest, Please Help Me
I'm in my first contest, please help me.The contest will start: Wednesday, October 29th @ 12 p.m. Fu-time! Will end: Wednesday, November 12th @ 12 p.m. THIS WILL BE A COMMENT BOMBING CONTEST! RATES worth 10 points (no min.) COMMENTS worth 5 points (min 80k) FIRST PRIZE 1 MILLION FU-BUCKS SECOND PRIZE 500K FU-BUCKS THRID PRIZE 250K FU-BUCKS Get everyone you can to help too please.
My First Set Of Rules
I hate being rude but due to some idiots I just have a few major announcements / ground rules before I start this. By you not taking the time to read these or or the rest of my profile about me shows me that you are LAME and only out for a piece of ass or are a lazy moron... maybe both (how sad for you) If your not then you need to prove why again you are even worth my time cus I am sick of & hate repeating myself when I took the time to put this information up in the first place for you to see... I know there is an awful lot but if your any kind of real/good friend you'll read through it to help get to know me!! 1. I AM NOT A CAM CHICK!!! DON'T HAVE A CAM FOR YOU TO SEE & DON'T ASK!!! If you have to ask then you don't need to see anyways... I have the pics I have posted up because I don't find that their that explicit or totally slutty because I am not some dumb picture whore here for your masturbating pleasure... Sorry it's just not gonna happen. To me they show that I can let go
My First Love
I remember my first love he was sweet kind and full of love when I first saw him I knew I was in love I remember my first love he always cared in one case I really found out he cared I lost him to my supposed to be best friend I didnt want to live or stay til the end he found out and said he cared he said you are my first love if you die, I die than I knew he really cared I remember my first love I love him and i miss him but I'm not allowed to say I'll love him forever and ever but only in our secret special way my love for him burns like fire the question is can he feel my desire yes I remember my first love cause it was a week ago that we left each other I really believe he is my first love
My First Action
howp this works gn
My Final Thought On The Election
If you don't vote tomorrow, fuck you. Seriously. I don't care who you vote for, just make an informed choice and voice your opinion at the ballot box. You might not like the wars, the way the economy is going or any other issue but if you don't vote... you're not doing anything to stop it. I know who I am voting for. I have studied it long and hard and made the best choice for my country. Please, I hope you all do the same. Now, we must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most, and that is the indifference of good men. If you do not vote one way or the other, you are doing nothing to save our country and our future so I say fuck you. This guy has a pretty good rant too:
My Fifth Ever Fuslave.
KCPilar69™~ProtectedByBountyHunter~Owned RedZ28~R/L Girlfriend 2 Craven Moorehead@ fubar
My First Auction!!
Check it out, I got something to offer you! This is my first auction!
My First Poem
I awoke in the holding cell drunk , and dazed wondering what happened the night before , violence , and rage . Not a care in the world , drunk, and disorderly. Whiskey whiskey , you are my weakness . I tip the bottle hoping for a way out , only to make it worst as i scream , and shout Fuck the world , and everything its about. I love my woman , and my 2 kids. This whiskey is killing our relationship within. Its controlling my life and setting off my demons. I have no control only weekness. I should try harder, but i only fail, losing everything i love, and going to jail. regret remorse is all i feel. This whiskey will hurt, and abuse my life till the end. whiskey you are no longer my friend.
My -first- Personal Blog ... And My Last ? Lmao
12/26/08 update Well, it t'was a Charley Brown Xmas ... to a point. Lemme tell you, those of you who are divorced, become FRIENDS with your ex. Firstly, the kids will THRIVE. Second, when the chips are down, they'll step up. We never cut it as man and wife, should have STAYED friends. It works SO much better. Christmas was WELL taken care of. The kids had a good time. Of course, having THREE sets of Grandparents doesn't hurt either. :) I'm planning on a small Xmas in January for the extended family and friends. Still nothing from AT&T ... -Supposedly- the 'check is in the mail' .... Shall see. Till then, there's food in the pantry, gas in the truck and I've got all day to clean, clean, clean !!! (And, perhaps, a bit of Fu :P ) I finally have time to get this place the way I like it !! :):) Again, Thank you ALL for your support. ... ... GAWD, I sound like a Wine Cooler Commercial. Yeah, I'm old. :P:P .. Can you name the brand?? :P *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~**~*~ Well .
My First Auction Click the link above and chck me out,It ends at Midnight Tonight Central Standard Time
My First Hh!!! Happy Remembrance Day!
PARTY’S ON MJ TODAY! HAPPY HOUR 6pm ♫GroovyLady♫ The Basement General Manager (repost of original (repost of original by '♫GroovyLady♫ Basement General Manager' on '2008-11-10 21:15:00')
My First Auction!
Ok everyone..This is my fist time being in an auction and I really need your help...Don't you wanna own me? lol..Well come bid on me and do your thing!!The auction is open from Saturday 11/15 5pm central time to Saturday 11/22 6pm central time... thank u M.anna for loanin me the fubucks to be in this auction
My First Contest
I am going to be holding my first contest! It will be a funniest comment contest. The comment can be something you have written or a picture you found or made. The winner is determined by rates only. Rules are as follows: 1) winner is determined by the highest average rate. you may downrate other pics. 2) contest is only open to friends. 3) you may submit 3 entries. 4) pics/comments can be sfw or nsfw The contest will run from 5pm fu time Thursday, November 27 until 5pm fu time Sunday, November 30. This way you can come back and rerate pics :). Winners will be announced Sunday evening and prizes awarded during a happy hour. Prizes are as follows: 1st: Auto 11 bling 2nd: Tiara bling or any combination of bling totaling 20 credits (your choice) 3rd: Unicorn bling or any combination of bling totaling 10 credits 4th: Lava lamp or any other 5 credit bling 5th: any 1 credit bling (your choice) Send me a link to the comment(s) you would like to enter in a privat
My First Blocker
I just knowingly got blocked for the first time. It was a pretty awesome experience. He adds me as a friend, with a blank add I might add. He starts out pleasant enough. I go to read his page and it clearly states he doesn't want to talk to women who are: a) not single b) smoke There were lots more letters but those pertained to me. So I politely tell him you should know I'm married and I smoke. The response I got? "You look like a smoker I should've known, you're blocked". Now I'm not sure if I'm the only one that sees issues with his logic, but if you have that many requirements before even speaking to a girl on the INTERNET then why send blank adds to random women? Some people will forever mystify me.
My First College Assignment Outside Muncie
Now this is fucked up shit. Its awesome that I get to travel to the British Isles free of cost. The downfall is that I got to study the technology there
My First Ever Auction
My First Blog... And My Opinion On Wal-mart
I'm here mostly testing the features... but while I'm here, I'd like to "express my opinion" about WAL-MART. Isn't it bad enough that Wal-Mart is ruining the planet, pushing smaller hardworking businesses to bankruptcy and using "underage labour services" but now they're killing their employees! Having one of their very own greeters trampled to death by their customers was a total shame and gross planning on their part. They knew very well how many people were going to be there and even admitted to the lack of security! Absolutely disgusting. Way to go Wal-Mart - I still hate you and will never shop at your giant shitty store. Taken from the National Post: Customers in a frenzy for deals at a Long Island Wal-Mart trampled an overnight stock clerk to death, the NY Daily News reports. Witnesses said he tried to hold back the crowds as they took the doors right off their hinges in the dash when the store opened at 5 a.m. this morning for Black Friday: "He was bum-rushed by 200 pe
My First Death.
What is that mystery smell coming out of the recliner? It's like a combination of garbage and surgery patient. Just like that summer I lost my arm and forgot I had a heart. Y'know, it still hurts when it snows. Going on five years now. It gave me a whole new wealth of excuses. A new mutilation to fear. Why was I even thinking about that today? Because of the smell? Of the chair? Or the ambulance ride? That wasn't a good summer either... How many times did I fall asleep to those green masks neutral tones, and white sterile lights racing by? How many more times? Two if I'm lucky. It's the second scariest thing to fall asleep to that cold amputated chaos and bustle the first is silence. Black quiet nothing. It's not even cold, and I made up the light at the end of the tunnel, There was no tunnel only weightlessness, without fear, without redemption. You just sink to the bottom of the bathtub all the way through the floor. And you're gone, Maybe not even forever. But it feels like having n
My First Christmas In Heaven...
Hey Ya'll, Ho Ho Ho....Happy Holidays To All !!! I Hope everyone has an awesome Holiday this year....I know some of us have lost family members and friends this year, and is a little something that I hope will help someone or maybe several people, make it through the Holidays a little better.... Just take it as a message from above and feel blessed over the Holidays... Feel free to pass this along, as I do this each year, in hopes it will help someone as it helped me... My First Christmas In Heaven I see countless Christmas trees, Around the world below. With tiny lights, like Heaven's stars, Reflecting on the snow. Please wipe away the tear. For I am spending Christmas, With Jesus Christ this year. I hear the many Christmas songs,That people hold o dear. But the sounds of music can't compare, With the Christmas choir up here. I have no words to tell you, I see the pain inside your heart. But I am not so far away,
My First Grandbaby
I Am Proud To Announce That On Tuesday, November 11-2008 (Veterans Day) At 7:30pm...Jacb Paul Alexander Came Into This World At 7lbs 13oz And 21 Inches Long... And I Became A New Grandma. He's The Best Blessing And Addition To Our Family!! I Am Also Very Proud Of Stephen And Nina For Getting Through This Rough Time And Bringing This Miracle Into Our Lives. I Love You Both And Jacob Very Much!!
My Final Goodbye
well it was nice getting to knw all of you. there was one person who i didnt mean to hurt and i was never playing games dont know where that came from so yeah i hope everyone takes care and hey i dont think im coming back to this site because well that person who thought i was playing games with really hurt me and i dont knw what else to say so hope everyone has a great day im never coming back..
My First
hello this is my first blog i dont know what to say so i am just saying hello yall
My First Time
Well now.There'd been many guys that tried like hell to take my virginity. I was gonna say get in my pants...but...I did allow a few to get IN them, just not get me OUT of them. I cannot go into all of that, but, I was a good girl and didn't give in even to a long term boyfriend who I let do all....but. I dated him for, gosh, at least 2 years. I recall fingers, mouthes and dry humping with him and being...satisfied with that alone.Don't even.I know you wanna call me a tease, and I was, but I did put out, eventually. I just wasn't ready and I am really glad I didn't put out to him because he cheated. Not only did he cheat, but my next long term boyfriend, caught him. To which, I put out to him.HA!But, he wasn't the 1st. I remember it pretty clearly so I shall re-tell it all now.I started babysitting for this nice couple with 2 kids. The wife has a brother.Enters Virginity taker. Summer extended romance.Ahhhhh yes.Let me describe him to you ladies...Tall...and when I say tall, I mean it.
My First Midget!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My First Blog
i figured i would just start my blogs off by thanking all of you for making me feel so welcome here on fubar. you are all so sweet and i look forward to getting to know everyone :)
My First Auction...come Spank Me :d
Make sure you f/r/a the hostess, thats my baby!!
My First Blog Ever
I have always wanted a forum in which to air my opinions on any/everything and just get shit off my chest. If you are offended by anything you read here, sorry but oh well. This is not for you. It is for me. My life for the past 30 yrs. has been about other people. I was married to a great guy, have a wonderful son, and a pretty great job. So why have I been unhappy for most of those years? Hopefully by writing this crap down here I'll make some discoveries about myself and figure out what I need to be content with my life. First of all, details about who I am. I am 55 yrs. old, female, libra to the nth degree. I love animals, kids, men, fast cars, football, sex, loving, being loved, and food (especially chocolate) (yes it is a food). I love friends, being chased, shopping, and my son above all else. It's been a wacky and wonderful year. I discovered the internet and meeting people online. It has changed my life. I had no idea when I first logged on and started
My First Entry
Im new here looking to make friends and if I meet some one ...... that would be really nice
My First Auction
Ok, this is my first auction. Don't rush all at once.....ok, do rush. Make me feel good. hahaha. To quote Napoleon Dynamite, "I've got skills". If I did this right, you should be able to click on the thumbnail and link to the auction house. Leave your bid in the comments. Hurry, rush, bid now!!!
My First Kiss
He was the cutest boy. omg. His smile killed me every time. His teeth always clean, his breath fresh, his eyes bright. He wasn't all prep, but he didn't wear crappy ill-fitting clothes. He looked good, plain and simple. We always hung out after school, I was in no hurry to get home and he was always working on something. We were in Drama together. We were doing The Pajama Game that year, he was Sid...I was Gladys. I once did a post-rehearsal version of "Steam Heat" that was talked about until way after my graduation (heehee) It was my sophomore year, he was a junior and we stayed after everyone else had left. We sat, we talked, joked, I would listen to anything he had to say. This one time, I was standing over by the curtains and we were both in a funny mood. He laughed a most beautiful laugh...I don't remember what I had said, but it wasn't intentional so I slunk back into the fold of the curtain. He took the edges of it and closed it around me. Then he'd o
My Fingers Hurt
A - Available: No - Age: 32, for now. - Annoyance: Chaos - Animal: Reptiles B - Beer: Ewwww... - Birthday: January 19th - Best Friend(s): Jodi - Body Part on opposite sex: Eyes - Best feeling in the world: Cuddling with children - Blind or Deaf: As long as I still have "touch" I'm good - Best weather: Spring - Been on stage?: Yes, and I hate it - Believe in Magic: I want to - Believe in Santa: I want to - Been in Love: Yep - Been bitched out?: Yessss - Believe in yourself?: Sometimes - Believe in life on other planets: the universe is too vast for us to be the only life form. - Believe in miracles: I want to - Believe in Satan: Nope. - Believe in Ghosts/spirits: There's something out there, I've heard them. C - Candy: Reese Cups - Color(s): Green - Chocolate/Vanilla: Chocolate - Chinese/Mexican: Mexican - Cake or pie: Cake - Continent to visit: Europe - Cheese: Sauce - Car: Mini-van - Cried in school: I don't think so - Clothing Style: Depends on if
My First Concert
I remember telling dad I was hanging out at Amy's. It was kinda true. She had gotten us tickets to the Electric Factory in Philadelphia to see the Butthole Surfers. She had a Camaro and there were five of us stuffed in it driving into Pennsylvania. They were playing a lot of older stuff but also a ton from Electric Larryland. It was a great show and at one point, the guitarist looks down at all of us dancing and waves us up. We look over at the bouncer guy there and he moves the gate thing and we get up on stage. I love Amy, but she always dressed like a She was there with the singer dancing around, I was over by the guitarist. So they start playing 'Pepper'. And I'm like "Hell yeah!" So he puts his guitar around me and is all playing it while I'm there with my arms raised up. I can feel he is all pressed up against the Hell did I care? After three songs or so we got back down on the floor. With all the smoke and lights and stuff, you s
My First Poem..more To Come If Successful
Never Fading Love My love for you can’t possibly fade The moment I laid my eyes on you A couple is what needs to be made With you gone, there is nothing now for me to do The moment I laid my eyes on you My heart had then become filled with joy With you gone, there is nothing now for me to do All you can see in me is a boy My heart had then become filled with joy You and Me, I believe we are meant to be All you can see in me is a boy There is something you just do not see You and Me, I believe we are meant to be You’re so beautiful like a waterfall’s cascade There is something you just do not see My love for you can’t possibly fade
My Fiance
I'm going to say that I love my fiance more than anything. Ever since I've been with here, I've been forced to grow up, and be a man, but to be honest, I love it. I came into a relationship with her son (now ours ;) ) and now I'm a father. She has changed me for the good, going from a party boy to a adult (A few party's here and there ;)) She gives me everything I want, and we've both adapted to each other, and grown into this great relationship. We'll be getting married in March and she agreed to have it In Arkansas which is only a few from Missouri which is my home. It meant so much to me that she'd let that happen. She's stuck with me through the hard and I love her for that, I hope she knows I love her just as much.
My First Blog
well well to write. im sitting here at work having a smoke and some coffee taking a short break. it just occured to me i am a little extra tired today. actually it didnt just occure, i realized it when i woke up. so thats why i started this blog off by rambling. anyways....i was just thinking about cows for some reason. maybe because last night there was a clip on a show about the worlds largest bull. i bet he creates alot of bullshit huh? why am i thinking about cows, wtf...maybe it has something to do with word association idk....i guess i am just typing to hear the sound of the keys under my fingers. ok i am gonna stfu now before everyone thinks i am wierder than i really am
My First Post
Awww... so finally I found the blog button. Yay. So here is my first post. This fubar thing is new to me and still somewhat confusing. Fun- but confusing. I'll keep this short while I continue trying to figure shit out around here. Thanks for all the love... Kelly
My First Time
The sky was dark, the moon was high all alone, just her and i her hair was so soft, her eyes so blue i knew just what she wanted to do her skin so soft, her legs so fine i ran my fingers down her spine i didnt know how, but i tried my best i started by placing my hands on her breast i remember my fear my fast beating heart but slowly she spread her legs apart and when i did it, i felt no shame and all at once the white stuff came at last its finished, its all over now my first time ever milking a cow
My First Auto 11 Bling!
If anyone out there is reading this and real bored...I just got my first Auto 11 Bling. YAY ME! I'm excited about it... lol lame, I know...shhh I need some help leveling up to Godfather. That's my goal! So if anyone is bored...check out my boring Thanks in advance :)
My First Auction!!! Ends Sunday!
Ok long story short..I got screwed by miscommunication and now the first auction I've ever been in ends SUNDAY and I have no bids!! Own me for a month! ;) Click on the pic to bid!! :)
My First Auto 11s Auction
I am auctioning off one(1) Auto-11 bling (or 35 credits' worth of blings of your choosing) for fubucks. To bid on this auction, click on the link below to my photo gallery and leave your bid in a photo comment there. The auction will end on Wednesday, February 4th at noon Central time. I will notify the highest bidder at that point to make the payment and I'll bling them during Happy Hour. Happy Bidding!
My First Poem
Deep Sea While your hair is resting on my chest, I'm taking a long quest, looking in your dark eyes, asking myself is it that paradise, they are blurred, looking away. I can see shadows dancing deep inside, they are taking me deep in your soul, in unexplored dark space, where you are breaking all my resistance, taking me away, I'm like sailor on the ocean, lost deep in your eyes. Your hands are waking me up, like with touch of the magic wand, your eyes are shining with new light, and your lips are like narrow path of reality and dream, with my last scream, you are taking me away, we are frozen in time.
My First Book Being Published!
Hey FUBAR!!! Just wanted all of FUBAR to know that my first book, "DARKSIDE OF THE PLANET" by David Lee Jones is coming out sometime in APRIL 2009... It will be available through the publishers website and several other bookselling outlets on the internet including and Please buy a copy and tell your friends to by a copy and their friends and their friends friedns..... Thanks everybody! Sincerely, David Lee Jones
My First Attempt At Quilting
Yeah...not super proud of this one...but I didn't really know what I was doing at the time... It's a mini scrapbook quilt.
My First Auction, Come Bid On Me!!
this is my very first auction, plesae come and check it out and maybe put a bid in while u're at it...hehehe
My Fine Is $600
This is fun to do. Just read the "offense" and if you've done it, you owe that fine. Keep going until you've read each "offense" and added up your total fine. When you are done, post it in your notes. Change the header to "My fine is $........" You don't have to confess your answers, just the amount of your fine. Smoked pot -- $10 Did acid -- $5 Ever had sex at church -- $25 Woke up in the morning and did not know the person who was next to you -- $40 Had sex with someone on Facebook -- $25 Had sex for money -- $100 Ever had sex with the a Puerto Rican -- $20 Vandalized something -- $20 Had sex on your parents' bed -- $10 Beat up someone -- $20 Been jumped -- $10 Crossed dressed -- $10 Given money to stripper -- $25 Been in love with a stripper -- $20 Kissed someone who's name you didn't know -- $0.10 Hit on some one of the same sex while at work -- $15 Ever drive drunk -- $20 Ever got drunk at work, or went to work while still drunk -- $50 Used toys while having s
My Fine Was!!!!!!
This is fun to do. Just read the "offense" and if you've done it, you owe that fine. Keep going until you've read each "offense" and added up your total fine. When you are done, post it in your notes. Change the header to "My fine is $........" You don't have to confess your answers, just the amount of your fine. Smoked pot -- $10 Did acid -- $5 Ever had sex at church -- $25 Woke up in the morning and did not know the person who was next to you -- $40 Had sex with someone on Facebook -- $25 Had sex for money -- $100 Ever had sex with the a Puerto Rican -- $20 Vandalized something -- $20 Had sex on your parents' bed -- $10 Beat up someone -- $20 Been jumped -- $10 Crossed dressed -- $10 Given money to stripper -- $25 Been in love with a stripper -- $20 Kissed someone who's name you didn't know -- $0.10 Hit on some one of the same sex while at work -- $15 Ever drive drunk -- $20 Ever got drunk at work, or went to work while still drunk -- $50 Used toys while having s
My Fine Is: $490
This is fun to do. Just read the "offense" and if you've done it, you owe that fine. Keep going until you've read each "offense" and added up your total fine. When you are done, post it in your notes. Change the header to "My fine is $........" You don't have to confess your answers, just the amount of your fine. Smoked pot -- $10 Did acid -- $5 Ever had sex at church -- $25 Woke up in the morning and did not know the person who was next to you -- $40 Had sex with someone on Facebook -- $25 Had sex for money -- $100 Ever had sex with the a Puerto Rican -- $20 Vandalized something -- $20 Had sex on your parents' bed -- $10 Beat up someone -- $20 Been jumped -- $10 Crossed dressed -- $10 Given money to stripper -- $25 Been in love with a stripper -- $20 Kissed someone who's name you didn't know -- $0.10 Hit on some one of the same sex while at work -- $15 Ever drive drunk -- $20 Ever got drunk at work, or went to work while still drunk -- $50 Used toys while having s
My Fine Is 650
This is fun to do. Just read the "offense" and if you've done it, you owe that fine. Keep going until you've read each "offense" and added up your total fine. When you are done, post it in your notes. Change the header to "My fine is $........" You don't have to confess your answers, just the amount of your fine. Smoked pot -- $10 Did acid -- $5 Ever had sex at church -- $25 Woke up in the morning and did not know the person who was next to you -- $40 Had sex with someone on Facebook -- $25 Had sex for money -- $100 Ever had sex with the a Puerto Rican -- $20 Vandalized something -- $20 Had sex on your parents' bed -- $10 Beat up someone -- $20 Been jumped -- $10 Crossed dressed -- $10 Given money to stripper -- $25 Been in love with a stripper -- $20 Kissed someone who's name you didn't know -- $0.10 Hit on some one of the same sex while at work -- $15 Ever drive drunk -- $20 Ever got drunk at work, or went to work while still drunk -- $50 Used toys while having s
My Fine Is $470
This is fun to do. Just read the "offense" and if you've done it, you owe that fine. Keep going until you've read each "offense" and added up your total fine. When you are done, post it in your notes. Change the header to "My fine is $........" You don't have to confess your answers, just the amount of your fine. Smoked pot -- $10 Did acid -- $5 Ever had sex at church -- $25 Woke up in the morning and did not know the person who was next to you -- $40 Had sex with someone on Facebook -- $25 Had sex for money -- $100 Ever had sex with the a Puerto Rican -- $20 Vandalized something -- $20 Had sex on your parents' bed -- $10 Beat up someone -- $20 Been jumped -- $10 Crossed dressed -- $10 Given money to stripper -- $25 Been in love with a stripper -- $20 Kissed someone who's name you didn't know -- $0.10 Hit on some one of the same sex while at work -- $15 Ever drive drunk -- $20 Ever got drunk at work, or went to work while still drunk -- $50 Used toys while having s
My Fine Is $360
This is fun to do. Just read the "offense" and if you've done it, you owe that fine. Keep going until you've read each "offense" and added up your total fine. When you are done, post it in your notes. Change the header to "My fine is $........" You don't have to confess your answers, just the amount of your fine. Smoked pot -- $10 Did acid -- $5 Ever had sex at church -- $25 Woke up in the morning and did not know the person who was next to you -- $40 Had sex with someone on Facebook -- $25 Had sex for money -- $100 Ever had sex with the a Puerto Rican -- $20 Vandalized something -- $20 Had sex on your parents' bed -- $10 Beat up someone -- $20 Been jumped -- $10 Crossed dressed -- $10 Given money to stripper -- $25 Been in love with a stripper -- $20 Kissed someone who's name you didn't know -- $0.10 Hit on some one of the same sex while at work -- $15 Ever drive drunk -- $20 Ever got drunk at work, or went to work while still drunk -- $50 Used toys while having s
My First Auto 11 Today Around 3 Pst...lvl Up With Me...thank You
This is a reminder that my Auto 11s will be on TODAY around 3p PST til Sunday. Please help me out and you know it helps you out as well. :-) (B) Please pass on to your friends and fam too. Thank You in advance for the help...
My First Blog!
Ok well first let me say Hello!!! Second, I can't type long as it will wake my son up lol (He's sleepin' out here in the livin' room). I wanted to thank you for all the wonderful comments! Though I don't get on here much, it's great to come here and have messages lol! It does really make my day . Ok, well this was boring for you to read I'm sure haha! I will try and blog more often . One last thing on Sunday (the 8th) I turn 40 yikes!! ! I don't think I wanna LMAO!! Welll, I still feel 25 inside so screw this age thing lmaoooo!! Hope all is well with all my friends, and all my new ones to come !! Smile, love hard, and laugh -really hard every day and "LIFE" won't seem so bad! Many Kisses XX !! ~ Amy xxoo
My First Auction!! yall should SO check out my's my first and i'm still kinda nervous about
My First Auto 11's
hey family and friends,i just got my first auto 11's witch will be good for 24hrs.was a gift from a sweet friend of mine ~killa pussy~ would be very nice and kind of you all if you could mention 2 your friends about it and to my close friends if you can mention it in your status and dont forget 2 also hit killa's page as well! thx to all my friends who have given me your love and support!
My First Happy Hour
My First Happy Hour!!
Hey yall check this out...I've been away for a while but I'm back now, and back in a big way!!! imikimi - Customize Your World! This sexy Pu$$ycat is having a Happy Hour, and auto 11's will be ative. Friday, Febuary 13, 2009, at 10:00 pm CST thats 8:00 Fu-time, come by my page and show me some major love!! Bisexcee~Pu$$ycat Playmate$~The "Click" Club@ fubar Plus check this out too, I have a blast going so you dont have to wait til Friday to check me out, just look for me up in the right corner of your page, click on me, and then you will be at the hottest spot on Fubar!!! So come on by Rate, Fan, Add, Bling, and Crush this Pu$$ycat Playmate!!!! Much Luv Fubar!! MUAH!!!! This is another prodution by: The Sexcee "Bisexcee"
My First Happy Hour 2/12/09
Image by Cool Text: Logo and Button Generator - Create Your Own Tonight is my very first It would be awesome to see all my friends and to make a bunch of new ones! So don't be shy, Don't wait till later, Stop putting it off
My First Auto 11's
Auto 11'S ON!!!! PLEASE HELP ME LEVEL!!! Synful Sinsations *FuWifey to SexiSam! ~Protected by Kanwulf Pirate Lord@ fubar
My First Auto 11's
Please leave me a Private Message if you want to receive Fubucks for rates, Fubucks paid for HH rates! please leave the name or number of the folder in the message. Thank you all for your help to my friends my family and my new friends!! Thanks so much!!
My First Auction Come Make It Fun
I am in my first auction!!! Yay!! Come help make it a memorable to all..xoxox\ ΤhΣ ßîg ΜîκΣ ™Owner of The Drunk Penguin..Fu Owned By Pet@ fubar Thank you to The Big Mike!!! xoxox
My First Auction
Hey ! In my first Auction ! Cum see me and buy me
My First Blog
I will be reaching Disciple in the next few days. To all family and friends that helped my out thank you so much and much love. I have been thinking about this and i think its time to clean fu house. There are those on my list that never return the fulove and because i like to go all out for those that help me out. I believe now is a good time to get rid of those that never return the love. So i can concentrate on my real friends and family. Thanks again to those that helped me out and return the love. Much love to all. KIE
My First Bit Of Lyrics I Ever Wrote
I feel the pain inside my head Inside my head i feel alive I hope to die in the black suffocating darkness But i live afraid to die Pulled apart by the darkness Society tells me i must die Abomination, Discrimination, Suffocation I open my eyes and realize Im drowning in my own darkness Created by the hand that feeds me the poison that they call life set me free let me die just drown in my darkness forever The fountain of life? No the fountain of death beckons me to its blackest depths do i lead or do i follow below what is right what is wrong?
My First Blog Here It Goes
hi a little about my self in the last 3 yrs i got divorce/lost my house,truck/dad die/lost a every day relationship with my daughter i still talk 2 her but i dont see her just when its convenant 4 the x ,every other weekend / lost a couple of friends 1 accidental overdose,and 1 car accident.other than that lifes good i have 2 wonderful jobs 1st job 40 hrs a week i do all phase of construction from start 2 finish other is part ownership in a towing company.1 ill miss my dad and i still have memories of him about everyday that brings tears 2 my eyes ,memories of friends, whats got me is my divorce iam over it and we r friends but the way it went down we were married for 13 yrs counting the two years it took for the divorce to go though and 16 yrs we were a couple.she was my world at 1 time i wouldve loved her till the end .than there came the day she told me day b4 thanksgiving and here were her words i want a divorce cuz u have been raping me and told me it was 67 times she said she tol
My First Commercial Fuck Machine
click on this link to see my first fuckmachine that doesn't use a motor.
My First Discovery
Ok so i logged on to fubar and after surfing the site for a few, someone decided they were going to be on some hatin type shiss. So i pondered....what should i do about this mohill that i dont want to be turned into a mountain...o well that was simple, block him. Yep thats right, i discovered the BLOCK button, and i wont be afraid to use it again. Bullshiss walks people.
My First Auction!!
I"m up for auction please come bid !!! the higher your offer the more ill add for you any request you can pm me smooches and hugs to you (repost of original by '~~ stormwoman~~"owned by TEDDY T."' on '2009-03-01 16:25:42')
My First Auction
this is my verst first auction. just trying it out to see how it goes. stop by and check me and the other guyz and gals out. :D > > > > > HEY I'M BEING AUCTIONED OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!! > COME SEE WHAT I AM OFFERING SOME LUCKY PEEP WHO HAS THE RIGHT BID!!!!!!!!!!!! > AUCTION RUNS MARCH 1ST 5PM FU TIME TILL MARCH 8TH 5 PM FU TIME. > > > CLICK ON THE PIC. TO BID PLEASE > > >
My First Blog Post
I thought that I'd start a blog here, since I do that on the other site I'm on. It's usually full of my strange, neurotic thoughts. I sure don't put any effort into "selling myself", I show just how messed up I really take me as I am. I'm still getting used to this much flashing, blinking, scrolling. Am I too old for that? I have to shout out to my friend Kristine, who brought me here. I'd link to her, if I know how to do that here, or if I knew it was even allowed. that I'm here, guess I ought to enjoy myself, huh? Later...
My First Blog On My Birthday
Not mush to really say. But thank you to all my friends and Fubudd's for the Bday wishes. And the growing fun i'm having on Fu. Have met alot of great people on here and hope to meet alot more. So feeel free to stop in a drop my a line. Or bling or blast. LOL. But I you do stop in at least Rate me and Date me and say HI BIL. Thank you and have a great day.
My Final Goodnight
I took the pills To stop the pain I drew the curtains To quiet the rain I sat down on the couch To relax my feet My story was sad Hard and discrete I sat for a moment Then the room quickly spun I knew at that time The end had begun A single tear fell Not anymore Then with a loud crash My glass hit the floor I lay on the couch And shut my eyes tight Then with my last breath Whispered my final goodnight
My First Love And The Battle For Roosevelt Avenue
I remember the first crush I ever had. I was working on my 8th year on this planet and doing very well for myself. I could run faster than most of my friends, could fearlessly climb any tree like a monkey and had already built quite a collection of comic books. In those days, your comic book collection was the status of wealth and accomplishment. Yep, at age 8, I had pretty much learned everything of value the education system had given me and used everything but that to reach the highest plateau of stature among my friends and even my enemies. Oh, yes, we had enemies in the neighborhood. There were the “California Boys”, “The Balentines” and, of course, the “Vampire Girls.” They were the bloodthirsty hoodlums that lived within a half-mile radius of our street and they were our most feared enemies. My gang didn’t have a name. We were just a rag-tag group of superheroes that stood for justice and the American way. There was my little brother, Rex. He was a tiny one but fearless an
My First Auction
Hey up for my first auction. Come bid on me
My First Auction.
Hey everyone that reads this, I am currently in my first ever auction. I am trying to get me a Spotlight.
My Fist, Your Face, They Should Meet.
DRAMA. Just a word. Seems to be a bad word. A bad word I want no part of. I stay out of it, if I see it circling me, I surgically remove myself from the situation. I'll take a scalpel to that shit and it's done. People, places, things...done. Some people seem to thrive off it though. They can't go a day without causing some sort of dramatic situation. It's really annoying and borders on pathetic. Being stuck in the 8th grade mentally must really suck. Some people just take longer to grow up. To them I say FUCK YOU And stay away :D Starting drama with me is like pissin in the wind. OR getting a fist in the face. Which would you prefer? Can't wash my fist off XD -REL
My First Auction
first hope you all have wonderful day as always just keep smilling.. this is my first auction here in fubar while i enjoy here,trying to give away 1 auto who win. just click the pic below and bid starting 3m bucks end this in april firstweek so you have time to save your bucks..
My First Bully...
♥ Please take a second to F/A/R this awesometastic Lady. She returns all love, and she absolutely adores being perved. And if you are feeling frisky, spank some of her pics... She has double ones for a few more hours. ♥ This pimp out brought to you by: Danorok™@ fubar What you think? Not bad eh?
My First Week On Exciting!!
OMG!!! I cannot believe what a whirl wind of fun and excitement this past week has been!! I have truly enjoyed everything I have discovered about Fubar already.. The awesome peeps, The awesome lounge that I am a DJ for, the wonderful peeps that own and run the lounge..I truly feel at home and very warmly welcomed...I can't wait till I get everything explored and learned on here!! I am very much looking forward to each and everyday I get to spend on here with great new friends and family!!! I look forward to blogging to ya'll more and more!!! I hope ya'll are having as much fun as I am!!!
My First Experience With Speed Dating
Hope you enjoy the read Last night I arrive at the destination, nervous with excitement, maybe anticipation, with my heart pounding rapidly wondering “what am I about to walk in to?” Luckily, I had one of my sidekicks with me for back up Kudos to the locale I must say very “Posh” atmosphere, which is important. I have no idea why I had horrible visions of a hole in the wall joint, cold, dark & Musty with black lights to set the ambience, with the pungent smell of the partying the night before. Boy, was I totally mistaken. The hostess showed us the way into the lounge. The lounge had comfortable chairs with tables for you and your date. You have your own private table with your first "date". You'll spend the first few minutes listening to an amusing spiel and an explanation on how the evening works. I spent anywhere from 3 to 6 minutes per date discussing interests, the usual stuff to see if there is some type of connection or spark.."Wow, he is handsome" I thought
My First Auto 11s
PUHLEESE hit me hard! LOL Seriously, points for all!
My First Auction Entry .. Go Vote And Bid :d
I AM IN MY FIRST EVER AUCTION !!! Please Go Rate My Picture And Place HUGE BIDS Thank You GOOFBALL
My First Blog... Survey Thingy
Would you? Will you?...... [_] give me your number? (_ _ _) _ _ _- _ _ _ _ [_] kiss me? [_] let me kiss you? [_] take me out to dinner? [_] let me drive you somewhere? [_] buy me a drink? [_] take me home for the night? [_] let me sleep in your bed? [_] Sing car karaoke w/ me? [_] re-post this for me to answer your questions? [_] Come pick me up at 3 am because my car ran out of gas in the middle of nowhere? [_] let me make you breakfast? [_] help me with homework? [_] tickle me? [_] let me tickle you? [_] stick up for me if i was being put down? [_] instant message me? [_] greet me in public? [_] hang out with me? [_] bring me around your friends? [_] make out with me? [_] in public? D0 Y0U… [_] think im cute? [_] think im hott? [_] want to kiss me? [_] want to cuddle with me? [_] want to hook up with me? [_] want to live happily ever after with me? AM i… [_] smart? [_] cute? [_] funny? [_] cool? [_] loveable? [_] adorable? [_] compassionate?
My First Fu-sweetie
He took a couple looonnngggg fu-breaks, but he's back. All you hot chickies on my list - he's happily married but he flirts like a pro and he can leave comments to die for :P He's my BFF and a great guy all-around... please show him some love :) Professor BlueEyes@ fubar
My Fire
I think of you and My heart skips a BEAT You send my spirit soaring high above the street. Just when I think its safe to touch the ground. You show me more. yes, you astound! Quivers over-takes my body. and I give into sin. you are my fire that burns deep within. A touch that set my soul on fire. Flames of UnAdulterated Desire. You are my eternal flame You are the pleasure to my pain.
My First Auction My first auction go and rate me please.
My First Auction...
I am in my very first auction with quite a bit to offer! If u wanna make me urs for a month just go to the link below and bid your amount!! Auction Start at 50K! ~HELP ME OUT AND BID ON ME~
My First And Last Auction !!! Going On Now.
Soo its times for my first auction!!   heres the link to it which has already started I think a couple hours ago.   all the fubucks if any that I win are going to Sugas spotlight fund cus I dont really do shit with them anywho.   so heres the link! take a peek atleast people:P   later days!
My First Contest! Rate Me Please!
Come help me with my first contest! Rate my picture, comment (often!) and rate the host (Domonic) profile too! 5 credit bling given to the most creative comment at the end of the contest by Domonic too! Thanks!
My First Day Of The Job
Well today I stared my first day on the job and Kings Island amusment park. So I did cashier and the fryer. So I HATE DOING THE CASHIER. There were to many complaints. This one lady said, I didnt order this and I was squeeze me yea you order this bitch, i didnt say that out loud lol. The fryer was fun. I like working the fryer instead of the freakin cashier. so today is MY WORSE DAY EVER. so I wanna quit my job and look for another one. I kinda wanna work with kids since I love kids. Maybe I shouldve work at the day care center or something. so I work 6 hours today and I was standing on my feet all day long. But the bad thing was my back was hurting so its been hurting for the last few months. owell. So far, I hated working at kings island. I probably end up quiting the job. Well I wanna look for a new job first, and then give my two weeks notice in to work.
My First Blog
So like we all know the economy sux ass, and all that happy shit, but try being a cab driver, in a city thats overrun with too many cabs on the road, and the city working against you, I mean for instance we have what's called the free shuttle here downtown, now don't get me wrong i realize most major cities have some form of public transportation, be it city buses (which we have) or something, but here the wise people of hte city government decided to implement the "free" electric shuttle downtown, which ok from looking at a tourist point of view, is a good hting, free transportation around downtown, cool, but then looking at a taxi drivers view, one of those free shuttles is equal to 10 cab rides when it is full, thats 180 bux im losing bc that one shuttle is running, so i think there should be a compromise run the free shuttle for the tourists thats fine and dandy, but have them stop running at around 6 or 7 pm NOT 11pm, and let the people figure out how to get around after that, it
My Final Words
April 20/09   Even though i want to leave this site so badly and i keep saying every single day of the friggen week.  These amazing ppl down below r the reason i stay on this site.  *shakes head*So if u want to meet some amazing ppl.  U don't need to look that faraway at all.  There pretty much in this bully.So y not go and rate, fan, and add them.  They don't bite, i promise**¥êþ Ìm HêR**@ fubar☮ beautifuL XO ☮ ∞ ஐ*ღDangerouS Curves Memberღ*ஐ@ fubarAmong The Wildflowers@ fubar♥ Angel Baby ♥@ fubarQüéêñ ☼ƒ ♥'š ~Fu-Married and Owned by DarkDragoon86 ♥~Fubar's Most Finest@ fubar       Rachelicious@ fubar       Kimberly**owned by Kevin*@ fubarsilly@
My First Drop Out In Fubar For Being Non-racist.
the funny thing about this online thing... cowards run rampant. sure sit behind a catchy handle and percieved personality...but how real is the person using it? addressing racist pricks who hide behind the internet...i dont believe they say  the same things in public. its still an eye opener no matter how many times i encounter these people. just crappy to know that even though with all this new technology and advancement with humanity...there are those stuck with unevolved rhetoric and bullshit. -jerm  
My First Track!!
That's right Bitches I have started working on my own cd I have the intro created and here it is!       Hope You enjoy it!   I'm having trouble with the embedd code but go here if you would like to hear it!  
My First Auction .closed
My First Erotic Story
You call me up late one night and ask if I was in the mood to have some "fun." I of course just had watched my neighbors have their playdate and wanted to have our own. So I say yes to you coming over. We hang up so that you can get ready. As for myself, I start to put out some vanilla and strawberry scented candles, light them so that the room smells sweet, put on some soft romantic music, and get myself ready for my man. About an hour goes by and everything is all set up. The candles are lit, the music is playing, chocolate sryup and marshmellows lay alongside one side of the bed, handcuffs, a whip, a feather, and some other toys on the other side of the bed. You knock on the door and I just get these butterflies in my stomach and a huge smile is on my face. I can feel my cheeks start to flush with emberassment just thinking about you having your way with me. So I tell you to enter and I can see you walk in with self confidence and this content look within you. And quite a hand
My First Blog Post * A Friendly Greeting
Hi Everyone, I wish I could tell you all that I came here to enjoy the site like everyone else. I'm going to, when time allows, however, I work online, so my time is limited... And I really don't want to have sensless conversation's here with all you FUBARS, but I do want to meet those that like good rock-n-roll and like to have fun without all the insane drama. I do play and teach guitar, and have a good band that enjoys entertaining those of you who like to get FUBARED   You can read more about that at: I'll tell you more about the band in my next blog post. For now, I'm just trying to partake being a member here and get to know people from Michigan who like good rock-n-roll, and with any luck, meet some great folks who can always use a friend, or... Some great new friends. Well, that's good for now If you're from Michigan, give me a hello hollar!
My First Auction
Want to own me?  I'm in my first auction.  I'm offering the following: Here's the link: Even if you don't want to own me, feel free to come rate my pic.  Thanks!
My First Freestyle Rap Ever
Trying to free style by oudawn         Dude, you aint ill he cant even utterI chop down trees like the big giant tree cutte so you better act like you thirsty and guzzle it down this is my city im the king I wear the crown yous a joke go put a clown gown,now and act five punch linel from you and people still aint reacting,to it This schoolboy is elastic like a plastic bag imma strech you out like pulling a sticky magnum jive Im hung low like  2*5 Your girl ugly but I still fuck that old hag Magnum shot her then cover her face with a rag I’ll drop her to pavement  just like getting tagged Then imma stomagh her with the 5+5 while looking fag!! Your verse are unhinge and off beat no strategies implicated Yous a gimmick you copy you duplicated,you replicate,and imatate This a battle of the wit you belong in a close pit
My First Blog
Ok so today is Monday, May 4th, 2009.  This is my first blog, journal what ever you wanna call it.  Never done on and never had a daily journal before either so not sure what to say, or what I wanna say.  Yesterday was a tough day for me and I just wanna get it out of my system and behind me.  Yesterday morning on my way to work I was on a head on collision as a result of a deer crossing the road, this was about 4:15AM.  Yes I am okay for those curious or worried just some minor bruises and innjuries.  That was the end of a very long week for me.  I am Security at the lounge 504 Bourbon Street so make sure you come and check it out.  It has some really kewl people in it and not as much drama as I have seen in some of the other Louges, but still all in all it has its drama too (but who don't).  i have been having alot going on in my life and so I am thinking writting some of this down will help me shed perspective to myself on it.  As for me if you don't know me and are reading this for
My First Entry
Jus doing it for the points.... lol...
My First Auction (corrected Link)
Here is the correct link to bid on me!!! Show Sum luv!!! This is the first auction  I have been in. [ photo: 2680805671 ]
My First Auction!!!!!!
Ok Folks I am in my first ever auction. Check it out and bid on me starting May 8th!!!
My First B-day Card This Year!
I was so worried no one would remember! When I went to retrieve the mail I knew right away. They never forget. Every year they come through for me. I was so excited I almost ripped it open right then and there. But then I thought, "no wait till you get inside. Enjoy it. It's special. Don't waste it." The card was simple but also right on. They know me so well. On the front: Eat cake Smile for the camera Clink Glasses. On the inside: Skip the singing and get right to the gift! They made this card themselves. They know I love cake. They know I hate singing. I love that they ... know me. I'll try to thank them in person. But like every other year they'll just act like it's nothing. Like they do it for everyone and I'm not special to them. But I know the truth. So I'll say it anyway: Thank you Sunglass Hut. Thank you for remembering.
My First 3 Am Blog
I am up at 3 am for a very dumb reason;  I have a tooth ache.  This is an odd sort of tooth ache, it doesn't hurt at all when I sit up, only when I lay down does it cause me pain.  I tried playing a little doctor myself and used some vodka to numb it.  That worked alright for twenty minutes or so, but then I had to do it again.  After five or six shots, I decided to give up on my home remedy.  I am just going to stay awake and try to get into the Dentist first thing in the morning.  I am not sure what it could be, I have never had my wisdom teeth out, so it could be something related to that, or just some odd cavity that hurts when I lay down.  Anyhow, going on 20 hours now, so if you came here expecting a quality blog, you have my apologies. 
My First Baby
okay so it's almost time for me to go into labor, this is my first baby so i don't know what to expect. i'v been getting really nervous and wondering am i going to be a good mother. i know that's normal, but i can't help it anyway.  How do i stop from feeling like this????
My First Auction! Come Check Me Out!!   Click on the link above to visit me at my first auction!!! Come on and love me!!!!
My First
I have no idea what to put in here...but...I guess Im just going to raddle on about something...This is my first POP! goes the Anyways...its Thristy Thursday and I plan to do my fair share of drinking...anyways...Hope you enjoy my first blog!
My First Ever...secret Lovre
This is my forst attempt at this so be gentle and please rate and comment Thank you.   She thinks about him quite frequently these days. At first it was nice, she liked the attention, but now has become something more. She has never met anyone quite like him. A man who could be her friend, confidant, and advisor. Then start a fire inside her unknown to her before. She longs for the stolen moments they share. Needing to feel his touch, to see the desire in his eyes equal to that in hers. She wants nothing mor than to please him, so she makes her body available to his every whim. She waits , wondering the next time she hears from him what is in store for her. Will he touch her softly? Kiss her and lovingly caress her silken skin? Lavish her body with kisses using his expert tongue to make her lose herself, then make love to her slowly and lovingly. Them losing themselves in each others embrace and share in each others orgasms? Or will his hunger need satisfying. Taking her and mak
My First Block And It Really Didnt Feel Good
  MuMM: Make up My Mind! MuMMs are polls which allow the fubar community to help you make up your mind! Please, no adult or inappropriate content! Dana  (Farewell Miranda 1966 - 2009) Mc Kinney, TX   Correct me if I'm wrong, but the mumm title says  Was OJ Simpson Guilty?     So it's asking my opinion.. My answer was simply "Hell Yes"   meaning I thought he did.   So I get replied  "Get off my mumm you racist bigot.. something to that effect .. couldn't copy and paste it... I also could not copy and paste his shout that said F off racist.    Now ... I am needing to vent here because one: I am so far from being a racist it isn't funny... and it bothers me that anyone , least of all someone that knows nothing about me would assume so.  And worse yet that my answer was simple . Two, that he would bash every and anyone who dared to disagree with his opnion. AFTER he asked for ours.  Anywa
My Fight...
hey everyone,in case you're wondering my name is Basil,if you have read my profile you know that i have been fighting cancer for a pretty longtime now.Today May 30th,marks the very LAST day of radiation for me.I am fine,i have an unbelieveable support group,my friends,my family doesnt know im sick(ish)they know i was sick before but they dont know it came back,i have been going to radaition then going to work ,for child protective services,and my nite job as a bartender.thru all this my friends have saved my life,this is basically for them so i can say thank you for saving many times i couldnt get out of bed,no desire to open my eyes anymore and my friends got me a normal life is the most important thing to me,if for a moment i stop and think i cant do somthing because im sick,it goes down hill from there.the excruciating agonizing pain we go thru while having this is something i cant explain,thank god(or what or who ever)for music and cheesecake,LOL,i still laugh as th
My First To Rate And Comments    
My First Blog Does This Make You Happy Cuddleslut
A bum asks a man for $2.The man asks "Will you buy booze?"The bum says "No."The man asks "Will you gamble it away?"The bum says "No."Then the man says "Will you come home with me, so my wife can see what happens to a man who doesn't drink or gamble?"
My First Auction (possibly)
I am thinking to join up in an auction I will offer the following....   1.One Poo Salute 2.One Belch on your snapvine 3. Two weeks of me rating 35 of your pictures a 1 4. One smelly sock sent to you via mail 5. One last spot to be in my family for a week 6. I will call you my pet for a week in my name..   Do you think this is a good idea.....?   Wicked  
My First Time
The first time I had sex I was 15 and going out w/ a boy named Mike. There's not a lot to do in the town I went to Highschool in so we decided to hike up to this waterfall we both knew of. After we got to the top and cooled down he sat me on his lap and we started making out, i loved the feel of his hands as they slid under my shirt to play w/ my breasts, even if he wasn't very good at freeing them from the bra and where he left my bra on me was a little uncomfortable. I'm not sure how it happened but next thing I know he's pushing me to lean back and he's sliding his hand down my jeans under my panties and before I can stop him he's rubbing my clit. When he starts sliding his fingers up and down and grazes my hole I was overwhelmed with the need to have him inside me, mentally begging him to slide into me, my pussy was throbbing inward and aching for it. When he finally did he continued rubbing my clit with his thumb and slid his finger in and out of me slowly, it was wonderful and th
My First Blog
Well great goodlie woodlie, my first blog on fubar. I'm new and learning, so bear with me. A little about me, I'm an aspiring graphic artist after leaving the print industry due to collapse of the industry. I love geeking out on computer modifications in my spare time, and, having a few drinks never hurts..
My First Web Cam Pics..dec.2006
My First Blog
oh wat to say ,wat to say so many things not enopugh time so to make this short *piss off*
My First Word
My First Word   Every motion you made I felt In every stride you took Another piece of me burned Another piece dangling on your hook Every time that we made love You were only having sex While my heart poured out to you You were dreaming of who would be next For a short time you could tolerate me For a little while my touch would suffice Your flesh always craving the unknown Always seeking a new victim to entice
My First Auction
My First Auto 11
I have decided to run my first Auto 11 this Thursday afternoon 7pm fu time. Please be there to show love!
My First Entry
lost in the eyes of an angel, she takes my heart and breath away when i kiss her i close my eyes and am lifted into seventh heaven cause im lost in the eyes of an angel, i cant sleep one second cause i might miss a breath from you thats the truth but now my heart belongs to you i was once lost completely but now im found in the eyes of an angel held in the arms and flying thru the clouds because of you hearts of gold in a field of bluei fall to pieces when i hear you my heart races across the world because of you
My First Time!
My first sexual experance was climbing through the window of my girlfriends house when I was 14...she was 15 and she was grounded for doing something the only time I could see her was late at there we are in her room at night...fucking away all summer you know what they say is true...if you don't let the boys in through the front door they will be climbing in through the windows....
My Final Goodbyes
My final Goodbye's still trying to understand why. We laughed we cried, But I never even tried. You were little when i saw you last, time goes by so fast. someday i will see you again, I know the pain, will drive me insain. My final Goodbye's Someday i will know just why. i raised you from the start, but now we are so far apart. So take care little ones. We will meet again someday, I have seen your smiles through the miles. Just like the roses you both will continue to grow. I will never forget you, even though it is time for the final goodbye,s.   This i wrote for my 2 little nephews who were taken from my sister and now will be put up for adoption i love and miss them so much it tears me apart. I love You Both I will be waiting for us to meet again someday
My First Homework
So I have been accepted for a 2 year full time course in graphics and design art, specialising in photography, starting in september. I also got my first homework assignment, to take a series of shots, each showing one of the following as its theme, texture, line and finally shape. The last part of the assignment is to find 3 photographers who specialise in these areas and discuss their work, this one is stumping me so far. here is one my images so far.
My First Experience With Fubar I went into my first chat room here today. I lasted a whole 5 minutes.  I had the keen suspicion I had fell into the Marilyn Manson fanclub of rejects club. I mean, is there anyone over 25 around? And why are the girls using pics of them with their tits hanging out as their avatar? I mean, can we say e-whore any better then that?   Ta ta!
My First Fubar Pissing Contest
So a few minutes ago I was looking through my friends on fubar to see who I could afford to buy.  So I found a friend I chat with quite a bit, mostly on yahoo.  I absolutely love chatting with this woman because she's interesting, funny, and we have similar interests. Anyway, 5 minutes after I buy her I get a message from her previous owner saying "look at her status."  And she has in her status that she is missing her sweet master, who happens to be her owner.  So I apologize and say that I'll make sure it doesn't happen again.  I then proceed to buy my friend for five times the price I'd just paid.  He then proceeds to tell me that she'll block me.  I respond "not likely, but you never know.  I then get a stern warning "you will see soon."  I tell him I know this lady a bit and I seriously don't get the impression she'll stop talking to me over a pissing match on fubar.  If my friend actually blocked me because of me fucking with someone on fubar I think I'd actually be ok with tha
My First Time To Blog Here
this looks like a place i can tell about my kinky stde. it started when i got that centurion catilogge in the mail  it came in my name even so i was only nine years old. i loved the pictures and illstrations strerring up insiided of me i didn't understand then and i'm not real sure i do yet. but the diy is cast and i must explore myself my sexuality.  more later when  i get motr courage.
My First Podcast
Hello my Fellow FuBar Peeps!!!  I would LOVE it if you can listen to my friend and I's first PodCast let us know what you think. Leave some feedback on what we can do better or what topics we should cover.   Thanks and much love :)
My First Car Accident
(This is a true story and I thought I would share something about myself.. which I am going to do more and more..was telling my friend.. and thought i would tell you as well..)   Well i was 16 and my then boyfriend was teaching me how to drive at the time.. one day he takes me out to dinner.. he didnt feel at all well.. we were going to McD's drive thru for dinner.. and he got out and told me to drive around .. get dinner and pick him up at the other side.. he was sick and had to use the bathroom.. and as I pulled around to the speaker to order.. I took out the speaker and the menu board... OMG they were totalled. Thank God.. it was his dad's car and the insurance paid for it..And my boyfriend was STILL in the bathroom as the cops came.. and he comes out of the bathroom.. looks at me.. and says.."UGH, BABY, I'm sick" and then he looks at the car saying.. "Well did you at least get our dinner?" I stood there shaking my head..
My First Full Day Back And I Blog About Bowling =/
Well, I'm thinking that my break from here is over. I was just dealing with a lot of personal stuff and I needed to get away. Not that I don't have any personal things left to deal with, but I've figured out a better way to manage it all. Well that is until something else pretty massive comes along. At any rate, tonight marked the first week of my Fall league in bowling. I have to say SUCKED! I didn't bowl bad, just everything that could go wrong, went wrong. I was there 30 minutes early. I wasn't sure if we were going to have a meeting before we started or not. We didn't. I'm waiting for my team, none of which I'd ever seen before. It's 6:30, time for us to start bowling and I'm still the ONLY person from my team that is there. I go talk to the woman over it and she tells me that the 2 men from my team called her an hour before we were suppose to start to tell her that they quit. The woman went to the wrong damn bowling alley but she was on her way. So we all took our
My First Happy Hour
My First Love
I never thought I'd ever learn to Love, the way simple lovers do. I always believed it was impossible. Yet I found myself so in love with you. Now I know exactly what love truly is and you are my reason why; You convinced me to let you in my soul . . . And you promised you would never lie. I have learned to cherish and trust you, In a way I never had before. And if anything were ever to happen, My Love, I think I would only love you more. I fought my feelings along the way, but in the end it remains still true - I have finally found My love in life. (Just like you always knew. ) If you told me once, you told me twice, Just how beautiful love could be. Yet I never realized until now, that you were speaking of you and me. You have brought me such happiness, it takes all my sadness away. And with my endless loyalty I will so lovingly repay. You are my love in life. This I will never forget. You are the Love of my Life, This I knew from the moment we met.
My First Motorcycle Tire Change
Lmao.  So, after all these years, I finally had to do my first motorcycle tire change.  It may not sound like much to have to do, but I actually had to go all the way through it, as in even removing the tire from the rim, but we'll get there later.  So, as I had mentioned in my last writing (A Little Downtime), my rear tire on my motorcycle was not holding air.  I took a little time, got my tools, sat down, and had at it.  I got the tire off the motorcycle no problems, and had planned on calling around to have someone change the tire.  After about seven calls, including calls to the local Honda dealer, I found no one who was willing to change the tire, though many of them had new motorcycles or at least new rims and tires they wanted to sell me, which they couldn't put on.....  I hate small towns sometimes, but I hate salespeople more.  So I said screw it, and took a look on YouTube.  There were alot of different videos available, and alot of them were just going way too hard.  It does
My First Mistake
            My First Mistake   I thought I would never be like most dirty men, but I am. This is my story.               I came home, it was bad dealing with issues at work and my ex-wife calling me crying and worrying about our daughter, she had just turn eighteen and once again having issue at school, so I was going to go get her and bring her home with me, so she could at least finish high school, at this moment I no longer give a hoot if she went to college. It was no big deal to me any more, I just wanted peace with my ex-wife. So I came home to shower and change clothing to go fetch my step-daughter, who didn’t know I wasn’t her biological father. I could never bring into my reality or her the hidden lies about her mother that destroyed our marriage. I hated the fact, I had to drive six hours to my ex-wife house, but I was going to do what was best for my Ami. She was everything to me that her mother wasn’t. I have loved her like she was my own child, so I g
My First Post
Hey, new blog here. I love happy hours at the local watering hole - it's always a great place to meet new friends and old. Speaking of happy hour, I mostly like to stick to beer while tinkering in my garage, mostly because it gets pretty hot out there. Tinkering with stuff is a favorite pastime of mine.
My First Post
I'm 34 years old guy, still single :) I live in NY, high school graduate and learn Internet building a hobby website how to enlarge penis, where I have my own community to discuss related issues with other men.
My First And Last Rate Contest
I would like to start this by saying that this blog is not intended to "trash" anyone in any way. It is simply intended to state the facts, or my opinion of them, I should say. Everyone here is grown, or should at least be the age of 18 or older, and has the right to believe whatever or whoever they wish as well as form their own opinion. That being said, please allow me to tell you my story; I am very sad to say that I have entered and been kicked out of my first (and last) rate contest here on fubar. The winner (who was the one with the most "votes" or pic rates at the end) of this contest was to receive an Auto 11 or Cherry Bomb (their choice).  I must say that I was very excited in the beginning since it was my first contest and I had received a Cherry Bomb for my Birthday a few days before. My plan was to win the contest (of course), get an Auto 11 and run it at the same time as my bomb, which would be more points for me when I was bombed back, if I was. So, I paid the host of th
My First Sonet
My First Blog !
some sites i like to visit; Cuckold Story cuckold stories
My First Entry
pub quizzes
My Final Thoughts
My First Blog On Fubar
this is what i suggest to all the girls with the very large breasts get out your chest show me your big t.i.t.s oh yes god bless its time to get fresh so take off your dress take off your k.n.i.c.k.e.r. with the s yes you know its in your best interest so get undressed please thats my request
My First Post
Hey all Like i just said this is my first post..... Loving Fubar so far!!!!!!! hit me up if you wanna know anything :)
My First Blog On This Thing
Been having fun leveling up and seeing how creative people are getting with their names, their pics, etc. A lot of them have their faces superimposed on others' bodies and think others can't tell. I can tell. Teehee. My boyfriend turned me on to this site. I love him.
My First Blog
Figured I'd start writing in here. I'll probably fill this with alot of my writing I do but if anything major happens in life I'll keep this updated, most of it is love driven, so if that's your style enjoy reading it! I also write songs which I will label, maybe if I could fit it into some instrumentals I might even sing it and post the videos >8O. Anyways I hope you enjoy my future blog posts! I take all sorts of feedback, negative or positive, feel free to speak your mind freely.
My First Auction Come And Bid On Me Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee
Im up for auction come and leave a bid in the comments click on the photo below ty  
My First Travelling In Aion
I can meet many newer in the army group. I think they all interested in Aion game. Not all the newer will stay up at last for many reasons. Every one has different thinking of the game, including me. At first, when I play the game for the first time. I had to learn how to jump, how to log in and sign out, and how to use the layout and list to operate the game. I knew how to do all the above things. I had to learn how to level up my account. I had to kill some monster as the rule of all the game. I can get some Aion CD Key also if I have enough experience of killing monster.   I played hard at first, and I was passed at last. I thought it was interesting so I did not give up playing the game, and I knew that it was important to cooperation in the group. No matter you are a guarder or TT, you are useful in the team. I began to learn skill after I was familiar with the game. And I had to learn how to make Aion CD Key after I caught some skills. The first task was to kill monster, but I wa
My First Love
  My first Love The truth is I love you more than life itself my being and my every breath are taken because of you.. i am nothing, non existant without you.. You are my happiness and my tears, you are my son, my lil man the love of my life.. without you and your brothers and sister I would not be me... but you are special, my first born the one who from the moment I laid eyes on , I knew my life had meaning, you my son are my world, I did it all with you first, from the diaper changing to the teenage tears you taught me what being a Mom is about and made me strong. I am so proud of you you have grown into a wonderful man and make me feel like a pretty damn good mom.. I love you
My First Fu Auction Lol
Click here to own me for a month
My First Auction Since My Return To Fubar   Of course, it had to be Twaune's auction!! I love that guy, he always rocks the BEST auctions.. come bid on a genuine kind of gal & also a mommy again :D I deserve some spoiling after what I went threw, lol... Im a true friend.
My First Visit To The Site
My first visit to the site.... ;)  
My First Involvement In An Art Museum! This Thursday!
"Off The Wall" art fundraiser/exhibit @ the Riverside Art Museum. a local artist exhibition to expose local community artists and give us all a chance to meet greet and even sell artwork. another great advancement of my slowly climbing art carreer. its awesome to know im part of a museum's exhibition...with no schooling, no portfolio or people to "know"...just being an artist is what is asked for. i never thought i would be able to display and/or sell my artwork at an Art museum...but i was proved wrong. its happening. a great morale booster and proof that if you stick to your guns or cans haha...eventually it will be noticed i aint bullshittin about being an artist. its exciting and nerve wracking at the same time. yet knowing there will be wine and cheese served among my infections and other artists's work gives me a great devious feeling as a "lowbrow" artist and DIY underground artist. has the times changed? do people want to see original art instead of remakes and tradit
My First Ever...look, Bid And/or Pass Along :)
Click on image to bid She's sexy, she's fun and she's up for auction. With what she's offerin how can you pass this up? It's her first auction so let's show her some love This message approved by Johnny Chimpo (repost of original by 'Johnny Chimpo' on '2009-11-08 15:37:22')
My First Letter To God I Wrote After Losing My Baby Boy Many Yrs Ago.....
My first letter to God(In a form of poetry)....after Christians passing. Current mood:  calm Category: Life Dear God, You took my precious little baby!Treat him well and love him as I would,with tender loving care. Give him hugs very often and kiss his little face,let him feel loved by the arms holding him in a warm embrace, Bless his little hands and feet,and bless his little tender heartbeat.My precious baby was meant for me, I had him in the hopes to be,A loving mommy and tender too!!To give hugs and kisses and security like he never knew. But,Lord Jesus,you had bigger plans for my precious son,its just that its still so hard to let go,as for my heart,He has won!!xoxoxo                                                 I Love You Christian,                                                                     Mommy
My First Time At Venice Beach By Nick G.
The sights and sounds And the scenery Oh how wonderful This place can be   Long long strip Of stores and shops Business owned And mom and pops   Pretty girls In booty shorts Poeple on the grass Playing sports   People holding Signs to see Oh theres a guy Waving to me   Asking me To kick his ass Oh what an opportunity That I cannot pass   Five bucks is All he took And by far I gave The hardest kicks in the book   For making fun Of my little pants I gave him kicks That made him dance   That was the most Greatest part of my day And after that there's Nothing else to say
My Final Hour
Pain is everywhere And yet it's nowhere; I sit and wonder why i've yet to die! Life is no longer meaningful And yet the world is sorrowful Upon my depature. It almost seems like torture. I lay here in my final hour Watching my enemy come to power I realize there is nothing but pain And yet so many died in vain Over something that doesn't exsist But yet they persist that what they are doing is right And yet it is so wrong Only the strong survive isn't right Anymaore, because the stars don't shine bright They have become the thing they fear. The end is so near! The light is consumed By the darkness that sheilded me As I fought to be free Free of emotions and my passions Free of "them" and my decisions THis truely was my finally hour
My First Winter Auction
My First Words...
    Plain and simple...This is just gonna be my rants and random thoughts about everything from things in my life to the random stupid shit I see in the news..Mybe one senctence or 3 pages never know my only advice is if you dont like what I write dont read it..If you have something worth saying then by all means say it love to hear other opinons on whatevers goin on.. other then that peace... ~Dan 
My First Name Is Passionate!
:D   You Have a Passionate First Name You are a loving, emotional person. You think and act from the heart, and that sometimes gets you in trouble. You are very intense and impulsive. You go with your intuition, even if your intuition is telling you to make a very bold move. You tend to feel strongly about everything in life. You have big emotions that sometimes conflict one another. You have a wild streak, and you're known to be unpredictable. You chase your dreams. What Kind of First Name Do You Have? Blogthings: If Quizzes Are Outlawed, Only Outlaws Will Take Quizzes
My First
that's the sound of my blog cherry popping. i don't have anything else to say at the moment, just didn't wanna be a blog virgin anymore. since all the cool kids are doin it and all
My Fine Was..... High!
This is fun to do. Just read the "offense" and if you've done it, you owe that fine. Keep going until you've read each "offense" and added up your total fine. When you are done, post it in your notes. Change the header to "My fine is $........" You don't have to confess your answers, just the amount of your fine.Smoked pot -- $10Did acid -- $5Ever had sex at church -- $25Woke up in the morning and did not know the person who was next to you -- $40Had sex with someone on Facebook -- $25Had sex for money -- $100Ever had sex with the a Puerto Rican -- $20Vandalized something -- $20Had sex on your parents' bed -- $10Beat up someone -- $20Been jumped -- $10Crossed dressed -- $10Given money to stripper -- $25Been in love with a stripper -- $20Kissed someone who's name you didn't know -- $0.10Hit on some one of the same sex while at work -- $15Ever drive drunk -- $20Ever got drunk at work, or went to work while still drunk -- $50Used toys while having sex -- $30Got drunk, passed out and don't
My First Auction :d
Hey I'm up for my first auction. Come by rate my pic and perhaps put in a bid. Who know; maybe you can own your own piece of the Green Man ;)
My First Try At A Bondage/dominance Story
"A bit late to be nervous now isn't it?" I asked Leah as I spun her around and pressed her chest against the wall. She didn't reply, but didn't struggle either as I bent her left arm behind her back and snapped the first handcuff into place around her wrist.  These weren't the lightweight novelty handcuffst with the easy release button on the side, or a set of those cute fuzzy numbers, these were the cuffs I'd been carrying at work for fifteen years. They had been worn by countless men and women, from trespassers and petty thieves to child molesters, rapists, and on one occasion a man who had just the day before stabbed his wife to death in their Alabama home. I quickly followed suit with the right, and she stood there my prisoner."Rest your forehead against the wall, take two steps back and spread your feet," I told her forcefully. She complied with little hesitation. I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her back against me, her ass pressing against my crotch."We'd better make sure y
My First 2010 Auction, Some Come Own Me!!
My First Time
It was easier than I had anticipated, but still a special day. Really it was Harry who paved the way to my salvation. With the nurse put down Harry lived another year before hardening artaries squeezed the last bit of life out of him. But his leasons have never failed me. Harry taught me that death isn't the end. It's the begining of a chain reaction that will catch you if your not careful. He taught me that none of us are who we appear to be on the outside, but we must maintain appearences to survive. But there was something Harry didn't teach me, couldn't teach me, something Harry didn't know, couldn't possibly know. That the willful taking of life represents the ultimate disconect from humanity. It leaves you an outsider, forever looking in, searching fo company to keep.
My First Blog On This Page
Ok so bare with me, cuz this might sound alil pissy. But this goes out to all those who want to hold grudges and listen to the bullshit. I hate drama on here, I think its childish and stupid. So to those people, I dont want you in my life, either here or real life. If you want to be bitter because I didnt conform to things the way you wanted them, and to those that want to take sides and take away your friendship, be gone. I am a better person without you in my life and I dont need you to drag me into your own misery. I hate my own problems and challenges in life, and those who I really thought were more than a picture on a screen, really turned out to disappoint. You were never a real friend if you turn your back on people and only want them around to feel better about yourself. Friendship works both ways, and a real friend doesnt abandon another because they dont cater to them. So bye bye be gone. I am a good friend to have and I am not the bad guy. Theirs plenty of those here, Good
My Fiance
How stupid r people on here.i mean my fiance keeps getting hit on.Do they not see that were engaged.I mean really its fuking rediculous I wish people would leave her alone fuk
My First One
Laying here in the pitch black, nothing but silence surronds me.My eyes closed and my mind lost not knowing how to cope.Worries gone and cares set free.I know this has to end, Their is life out there I have to attend.Darkness will fade away and bring yet another day.
My First Own Me Auction!!!
My Fine Is...worth Every Penny
This is fun to do. Just read the "offense" and if you've done it, you owe that fine. Keep going until you've read each "offense" and added up your total fine. When you are done, post it in your notes. Change the header to "My fine is $........" You don't have to confess your answers, just the amount of your fine. Smoked pot -- $10 Did acid -- $5 Ever had sex at church -- $25 Woke up in the morning and did not know the person who was next to you -- $40 Had sex with someone on Facebook -- $25 Had sex for money -- $100 Ever had sex with the a Puerto Rican -- $20 Vandalized something -- $20 Had sex on your parents' bed -- $10 Beat up someone -- $20 Been jumped -- $10 Crossed dressed -- $10 Given money to stripper -- $25 Been in love with a stripper -- $20 Kissed someone who's name you didn't know -- $0.10 Hit on some one of the same sex while at work -- $15 Ever drive drunk -- $20 Ever got drunk at work, or went to work while still drunk -- $50 Used toys while having s
My Fine Is...worth Every Penny
This is fun to do. Just read the "offense" and if you've done it, you owe that fine. Keep going until you've read each "offense" and added up your total fine. When you are done, post it in your notes. Change the header to "My fine is $........" You don't have to confess your answers, just the amount of your fine.Smoked pot -- $10Did acid -- $5Ever had sex at church -- $25Woke up in the morning and did not know the person who was next to you -- $40Had sex with someone on Facebook -- $25Had sex for money -- $100Ever had sex with the a Puerto Rican -- $20Vandalized something -- $20Had sex on your parents' bed -- $10Beat up someone -- $20Been jumped -- $10Crossed dressed -- $10Given money to stripper -- $25Been in love with a stripper -- $20Kissed someone who's name you didn't know -- $0.10Hit on some one of the same sex while at work -- $15Ever drive drunk -- $20Ever got drunk at work, or went to work while still drunk -- $50Used toys while having sex -- $30Got drunk, passed
My First Time
The sky was dark the moon was high all alone just her and I Her hair so soft her eyes so blue I knew just what she wanted to do Her skin so soft her legs so fine I ran my fingers down her spine I didn't know how but I tried my best to place my hand on her breast I remember my fear my fast beating heart but slowly she spread her legs apart And when she did I felt no shame as all at once the white stuff came At last it was finished it's all over now, my first time...milking a cow. Copyright; Michelle Wise
My First Blog
So I never post blogs, I don't even know what a MUM is...but I feel like I want to get my emotions out.It seems like life has it's ups and down. When things just start to get okay again, everything fall apart. I've moved to many times to count on my toes and fingers. I've watched people around me slowly fade out of my life, I've lost some of the closest people to me.and still here I am, me, not changing. It's like I feel like my life's on pause. Everything around me is moving so fast and I barley moving at all. I yearn for friendship, but I always fuck that up sooner or later. I say and do stupid things I can't take back. I've never had a relationship that lasts longer then a few months. Cuze I fuck those up to! Right now I just wish I could go to sleep and wake up in another life, but we all know thats not possible ....I never thought I'd be the girl sitting on the fucking computer talking to random people i'll probably never meetI never though I'd be who I am todayIf I knew exactly w
My First Ink
for those who can help me out here, I am finally getting my first (and quite possibly only) tattoo....I have some vague ideas of what I want- Lets start with the where- its going on my back toward the base of my neck and needs to  be relatively small to medium in size. I would want something related to tigers however they are all too big and detailed so far. I am looking at the Libra scales- (not the symbols or tribal) but with the scales I want to incorporate either a moon or skull or both- but I am still totally open to suggestions- if you look into my bombing folder you will see things I like and get to know a bit of me- Im willing to compensate someone for coming up with the best idea!  
My First Post
just checking this out....hmmmm...very easy to edit  
My First Blog
Well this is my first blog. Here is what is going on with me and my family. My sons father has came into the picture, and his girlfriend. The kids are spending some time with them. I have meet this great man, and I fell in love with him. He makes me feel like everything is going to be ok. Since I have been hurt so much in my past it makes me afriad that he is going to hurt me to. So one of my questions for whoever reads this is what do I do? I want it work out with him. He has asked me to marry him and I said yes. So if you could please help me out and give me some advice? How do i get rid of that fear of being hurt?
My First Kiss
There's alot of things in life that wemiss for me it's our very first kissThe time was night the mood was rightour hormones were at an unbelievable heightYou touched my hands as I touched yourface we both wanted to see who could win this sexual raceI kissed your lips as I looked intoyour eyes the feeling I had was like an emotional highI caressed your skin which was likesilk your body was so soft like you just bathed in milkMoments like this is so special, sorare as the night progressedeverything seemed to move so slowI wondered if anything on earth coulddisturb or flow at least I m beinggranted my one true wish and it alltook place due to our very first kiss.BY: MICHAEL KELLEY
My First Sex Story On Fubar
I pick you up on A Friday for a weekend of fun. I tell you not to bring a bag of clothes with you so we can go shopping together you get in my car wearing a short sun dress with no panties on as soon as you get you spread your legs and put your right leg on the dash and your left leg on my sit and begin to play with your pussy as we drive off. we go straight to victory secret and pull into the parking lot as soon as i park the car you lean over and pull my cock out of my pants. you then take it and start to rub your lips around the head and up and down the shaft. as you start to lick it and stick it deep down your throat I am rubbing your clit and spreading your pussy lips wide open as you begin to suck my cock deep,hard and fast i am, finger fucking you in both holes as you cum hard all over my fingers i cum deep down. After you swallow every last drop as you get back into your seat to get ready to get out of the car i suck your cum off of my fingers. We get out of the car and begin t
My First Blog!
Hey, im Amanda.. 26yr old lesbian.. bi tendenicies lol... i love to anything outdoors.. im a country girl at heart.. bout to make a huge change and head for city life!.. wish me luck!... i have a HUGE desire and crave.. to know all i can about vampires... their ways blind my thoughts.. its tantalizing!.. i have about 13 tattoo's and 6-7 piercings.. yes yes i lose count.. but im a stoner sooo im aloud!... want to know more.. hit me up! FUBAR LUV!!!
My First Poem I Every Wrote
I gave you my heart. I told you not to break it, your doing it slowly. I gave you my body, told you to love it, you did. I gave you my all, you took it. I asked for yours, you gave me little, I wanted more you gave me a a little more but you wouldn't give me all. I asked for a room in your heart but you but me in the hallway. You asked for a place in my heart I gave you an entire room. I asked for you to make love, you wanted to just fuck. I wanted passion, you didnt no matter what I did it wouldn't change. You said trust me, I did with all my heart and now I've been hurt by the person who said trust them. Now when someone says trust me I know better. And now I bid you good bye because there is nothing left in me to give to you.
My Fighter
Winds blowing the colors of my favour, tied around your arm so tight, I watch you with much pride and passion, as your armor shines against the bright sunlight.. Upon the lush green hills, I watch as you take your flight, Ready to run and charge swiftly, all of your foes in your sight.. What sounds like shouts and thunder, rolls across the wide battlefield, Your sword held high to the blue sky, other hand holding your strongest shield..Hundreds of men cry their battle shouts, as they charge clashing hard against one another, I feel the battlefield ground begin to shake with much sound, as allies and foes meet up with each other..Tho I cannot see you now, for many men fight under the sun, I know you'll soon come back to me, when this battle is finally done..And when I see you walking over to me, weary across the land, My heart is full of passion as I look in your eyes, slowly I reach out for your hand..As the sun starts to set, burning fires being started against the coming night, We jo
My First Mumming Idiot In Years
so, yesterday I plunged head first back into the mumms after a couple years. I have commented a few, and posted a couple since early 2007, BUT yesterday was my first real treck back into them. I commented a few, and I actually posted 2. It was a good feeling when i woke up this morning and saw in my feed that someone commented on my mumm then checked me out. I read his first comment then knew he had blocked me before I even checked. After checking and seein he already blocked me, I replied to his comment, which led to a short conversation. Good times, I missed the idiots mumming brought to me....     Ur Next Sugar Daddy said: All I have to say is your screen name suits you well [image] theFUChead said: How very original. I have NEVER heard that before. Maybe someday i can be as whitty as you. Ever think that MAYBE I chose this name for a reason dipshit? Ur Next Sugar Daddy said: No....I think you've summed it up nicely.I was not trying to be original. I was trying
My First Expirence With Fubar
Hell0 world , my first expirence wiyh fubar has not been so bad , but can be better.  Hope i doe'nt bore any one, I promise i'll try not to. well that all for know...see ya!    
My First Post, A Letter To A New Special Friend Of Mine ;)
Hi baby!!!   I just wanted to say I had a blast with you tonight. And I want you to know I’ve never cum so hard as I did the first time in the shower tonight. Just the thought of your beautiful ass and that sweet pussy of yours, and those big, amazing, suckable nipples … thinking of you made me cum so hard that I thought I was gonna fall and bust my ass right there in the shower. LOL!!! Had to actually sit on the side of the tub for like 5 whole minutes just to be able to stand up again.   And sending you nakies of me, my pussy, my titties, just knowing you were looking at those … that has me ready to go again right now. I’m sitting here at my desk and every time I squeeze my thighs together it brushes my clit against my panties and it’s fucking making me sooooo wet.   I’m sorry I hadn’t shaved my pussy in that last pic I sent you. I usually shave it bald every third day or so but that day I just wasn’t in much of a mood for it. L
My First Blog!!
Greetings. My first FUblog. What to say. I finally got a job. Digital Printer at a local printshop. I make books. Lots and lots of books. I am currently couch surfing with my friends in the area, looking for a room for rent on the blue line. I've been rebuilding the bridges i burned behind me after the death of one of my closest friends, and dare i say. MY fucking Mentor. Nobody got that joke but him. sad now that no one will ever realize, and until the soil come claim me too, ill be the only one who laughs. I have been working on a wordpress blogsite, i use the unbuntu netbook remix of linux. i sleep most nights with Calvin, the skinniest kitty youll ever see.i only sleep 4-5 hrs a night, because i have horrible night terrors, and they wake me with the most vivid images i dare not to describe in human company.  I like the look of a cute young lady in a gasmask, holding an m-16. i spend way too much time, energy, and money in coffeeshops. i'm a pretty bitter guy today. 6 days un
My First Blog!
Hey There. Tease here!       So I really don't know what to write about..I dont want to get bashed or anything...LOL I have never done a blog before not even on FB!!!So hmmm I'll write about what I have been thinking about like crazy! So one of my  EX bf's from the beginning of the year is missing....NO one knows where he is! and I have been searching like crazy for him..his gf contacted me because she had no clue where he is too and now we are both freaking out I might go to his house thats my next step! SO THATS THAT STORY! Thanks for listening! LOL Bye now   XoX Tease!  
My First Teen Series Novel Is Released!!!
Fu friends, I am proud to announce the release of my first teen fiction novel, "Kirsten: Blackwood Book One" If you have teenage daughters who are bored with Vampires, check out a fresh start to a new series aimed specifically at teens who need some new reading perspective!! :)  Follow this like to begin the journey...
My Final Blog Forever On This Internet Shit
hi how are you well lets see i once lived in castro valley my dad probaly still lives there i havent seen him n 15 years and well it strikes a bad chord but i still live on and hope for my family one day.i like your photo seems like i say that alot but ya i got respect and class for all women.I spend alot of time writing you can find most of my work on myspace  manny2300 my screen name but other than that i guess i just plain have given up on any one understanding me my apperance is hard for a reason i really avoid fakes and sincerly if any one looks past the cover they have found there self a stong man a determined man a tru man i have lived every experience you could possibly imagine.I never hide from these experiences they just make me who i am and well my protective nature has kept me from pain that seems to follow untill the last few years Ya i lived now without human contact nor urges this is just a set up for heart breaks so i guess why these people put profiles up and claim the
My First Blog
I have so many things that go around in my mind each day, but am afraid to share them with others for fear of ridicule. I am not really a crazy person. In fact, I was once told by my doctor that I'm probably the most sane person he's ever known. If that's the case, then why do I feel like I'm crazy? Is it because I'm normal and all those around me aren't, thus making me the abnormal one? What is normal really? The Norm is defined as "A standard, model, or pattern regarded as typical." So, if everyone around me is crazy, then that's the norm, and I am abnormal. I think I'm a pretty boring person actually.  
*~* My First Auction~*~*
Please go vote/rate and bid if you can! It is my very first one! Love on the auction owner too! He is awesome! Thank You So Much! XOXO Go Here:
My Fire
MY FIRE I try to stop this urge to see where you areif you are aroundbut I find I cant stop myselfI begin to worry am I losing it if this is what im doing I find myself helpless at timeswondering why do I do thiswhy cant I be the strong onehold back and just allow fateto step in grant me a moment with youbut instead I give hera middle finger saluteshe has always been a fickle bitchteasing me at times with offersof that one lovethat one momentonly to run it under my noseinhaling its sweetnessallowing me to feel it whispering soft across my lipsmaking me hunger for it moreif this is what I have become a woman totally insane then cuff me up nowbecause I dont have the heartnor the energy to stay awayI feel like a moth drown to your firegetting closer and closeruntil I burn in the glowwould you stop me allow me to perish in this crazy game called lifeI feel I am running in a circletrying to catch my own tail it seemsbut you stepped in becoming my new chew toy chasing you like hellwhen I
My First Time
After I bathed her, I dried her off and applied baby lotion all over her body, I started by kissing and sucking on her luscious lips. I began nibbling on her neck and slowly kissed and nibbled my way down to her breasts. As I massaged her nipples with my tongue, I fumbled around her genital area until I found my index finger stroking gently between the opening of her vulva. by this time she near oozing with anticipation. Feeling the wetness of her lips I gingerly inserted one finger to feel inside of her which caused her to moan lightly. I then inserted a second finger. She moved slightly against my fingers, so I moved them back and forth, in and out of her now dripping pussy. At the same time I manipulated her love button with my thumb. I noticed by this time she was biting her lip. Seeing her do that made me even stiffer, almost to the point where my eager cock was aching. Still working at her vagina, I slowly kissed my may to her navel then to the edges of her pubic hair. By this t
My First Installment
getting ready to head out, so i dont have much time... but ive been wanting to start one of these to put down some of the stuff that rattles around in my head every now and again... so here goes.   some will be fu related. some will be my thoughts on life. all of it represents me. i speak for nobody else. you dont like what i have to say? you surely dont have to read it.   til next time... keep house in your soul  
My First New Block
   Perfec...: who said anyone was selling fam spots to see any body parts?? just wondering about your comment in my mumm thanks 9:20pm fluffy bunny: your former status dur 9:21pm  Perfec...: I never once said anything about seeing body parts in my status 9:21pm  Perfec...: I am running a god mode, the selling of the fam spots were to get people in for the famping 9:22pm  Perfec...: sorry I offer NO pics or body parts to ANYONE on this site 9:22pm fluffy bunny: well than it's just a plain old rip off...  9:23pm fluffy bunny: you won't be getting any of my bling credits you stingie bish 9:24pm  Perfec...: wow...interesting how you judge someone before you know who they are 9:24pm  Perfec...: and this all has to do with rank for the higher levels that know how to play the game 9:24pm fluffy bunny: actually it's not that interesting you're easily amused i take it
My First Tale....plz Be Kind
I have decided that this side of my creativity needs an outlet.  For those of you that dont want me to tarnish your sensibilities, you might want to move on.   I have a deep well of emotions....dark and passionate ones that I dont let out very often for fear that I might scare people off or that they just wont get it.  I am finding that i just cant keep it all in anymore.   The raw side needs to be freed.......   My version of a perfect date might probably be a LOT different than most of yours.  A perfect date to me would start off with a really goodlooking guy coming to pick me up for a night out at a club.  He'd be dressed nicely for the bad boy he is and wouldnt mind a bit that I am dressed any way that I want to be...the sexier the better.  If I wear a skirt, tight jeans, slinky tops, he wouldnt care because to him its ALL GOOD! He would greet me with a sexy smile and hello....being a gentleman with a twinkle in his eye letting me know there is more going on in his head than
My First Time
My First Time I think have Always had a fetish for older women, because of this first experience,sorry to say i was very shy in Highschool, I was a track and cross country state runner and a track star. i was so shy, guys had to ask girls out for me and most girls wanted to be friends. So I was still a virgin till the age of 21, you might say bullshit! but its very true noo bullshit. I was a church guy and was saving myself for marriage and my wife. I had a lot of morals back then still so sex it not one lol. i had just turned 21 and my parents helped me get a 1989 Mustang GT Gray blue pen stripe and a 5.0, a sweet car. Anyway me and a friend David were on the prowl, so went to a city Called Alvin where the kids on fridays and sat run the strip and meet people. Well David saw a couple of girls yelling at us and one was friend of his, so we pulled over and talked for a will. A girl named Mina said "Herb nice car, can i drive it. I said " sure if i can have you phone number and we go o
My First Muti Orgasm Experience
I met this woman on a dating site, i made a profile and after a couple pof days she contacted me. She was 5'6 155. 36d breast. after a few chats she gave me me here cell and we started talking. she had a boy friend on tthen she got my yahoo and soon after that we began cyber sex. soon after that  we began phone sex, we soon felt comfortable with each other. We bagan light telling each other of our fantasises and what we would love to do to each other then we worked on the next step. we met at the H.e.b parking lot at 10.00pm we got in the back seat of her car then the next thing you know she grabs my head and starts to kiss me. she starts french kissing for about a minute or to and pulled back and said " i have wanted you all day" she then unzipped my zipper and played with my cock through my underwear as she kissed me again as she rubbed my 8 1/2" cock, God i was so hard.she then pulled it out and went down on me licking up and down my shaft slowly. licking around the head god seh was
My First Time In A Sex Shop..
Okies I so know yall are gonna be laughing your asses off after you read this so enjoy!! Is funny now but wasnt funny then...   So I was curious about the Vibrators and I wanted one so I went driving around searching for a sex shop...finally found one that didnt look to bad..Finally I get the courage to go in and of course I am already beat red and I open the door and theres a fricken cow bell on the door letting the whole store know you just walked about turning 6 shades of first thing I see is all these vibrators and dildos hanging from the ceiling and I think OMG..turn around and walk out now!!!..Oh no not me I just had to Im looking around for about 15 minutes just looking at all the different stuff they had and I wasnt sure what I was looking for at this point... I finally found the one I wanted and wouldnt you know it was behind the clerk hanging on the I finally get the courage to ask the gentlemen to see it..and I looked at it
My First Blog!
So this is my very first fu-blog ladies and gentlemen! I think I am going to try and start posting blogs every few days and ramble on about my silly life. Sometimes these blogs can be therapeutic so thats what I am hoping for. Just to get you up to speed I've been going through quite a bit this past year. Now I'm not whining and complaining, I know everyone has their problems. I just want to talk about it, to get it off my chest for a few minutes ya know? So here goes... In January I lost my dad, he was my best friend. One of the hardest things I've been through yet. I seperated from my husband in June, after finding out his entire family is completly horrible to him, I honestly believe they are going to keep going until they kill him. I've had 3 major surgeries so far, which have not been fun... I was diagnosed with Stage one Chronic Kidney Disease, PCOS, Bertolottis syndrome (which is a spinal birth defect, will explain more later) my cardiologist tells me I am very boarder line CHF,
My First Blog Of My Life
My name is shari i am a 47 female divorced and i am an ex military wife of a soldier snd my marriage was good till he came back from being deployed and that is when my marriage fell to ROCK BOTTOM,,sO I MOVED BACK HERE TO Plattsburgh and started my life all over and i then became a full time new mom to a beautiful grand-daughter whom i have full legal soul custody and her name is Miley-ann hope she is the most precious girl i have in my life and took my life back to the normal way of life and then after being here for 2 yrs then the 3rd yr here i never knew i would ever love again after the hurt and pain in my marriage and here i have the true meaning of LOVE offered to me again i was scared of being not accepted or too trust my boyfriend as i was hurt so badly i had the shield up so tight and high i was afraid to let it down but as time went on i was letting it down bit by bit Chris truly showed me what it was to love again and not it to be a pain or hurt to be lo
My First Kiss
 This is an exerpt from Tiifany Stone (The Story) I was the strangest little kid. I wasn't interested in anything. Every thing just seemed to be a bore, and I couldn't understand why I was a little kid. My mom was always losing me. She would make me go shopping with her, and I would think, "oh, more shopping, I'm going to sleep."  So, I would crawl under a display or something and go to sleep. After a while, all the sales girls would be on the alert whenever I would walk into a department store, because they knew I was going to find some place to hide away. But the worst place was the sand box. Whenever my mom would take me to the sand box, I would think, "oh, no, I have to be around all those kids that think this is fun."  I mean after putting the sand in your pail once, the thrill is gone. So of course, I would go right to sleep in the sandbox. But the ultimate low was Kindergarten. All of these kids playing with little blocks and making a mess with all those crayons. I went right
My First Charm
Got my first Charm for my Bracelet♥ When I was a very little girl, before my pappy pasted away. My mother told me about a cow, she had and loved when she was a little girl named Betsy. She would come home from school and go see her cow. When I was little, I wanted my own cow too, so my pappy made me a little wooden cow and my Grammy painted it- so I got my cow. I loved that cut-out wooden cow. ((The real Betsy had kinda a sour ending- One day my mom came home and found Betsy was now food,so to speak.))Its funny, its the only thing I remember my grandfather gave me. Maybe because it the most meaningful and deserved to be remember.
My First Christmas In Heaven
My First Christmas in HeavenI see the countlessChristmas treesaround the world belowWith tiny lights, like Heaven's stars,reflecting on the snowThe sight is so spectacular,please wipe away the tearFor I am spending Christmas withJesus Christ this year.I hear the many Christmas songsthat people hold so dearBut the sounds of music can't comparewith the Christmas choir up here.I have no words to tell you,the joy their voices bring,For it is beyond description,to hear the angels sing.I know how much you miss me,I see the pain inside your heart.But I am not so far away,We really aren't apart.So be happy for me, dear ones,You know I hold you dear.And be glad I'm spending Christmaswith Jesus Christ this year.I sent you each a special gift,from my heavenly home above.I sent you each a memoryof my undying love.After all, love is a gift more preciousthan pure gold.was always most importantthe stories Jesus told.Please love and keep each other,my Father said to do.I can't count the blessing or lo
My First Encounter!!
Before I tell you about my first paranormal experience, let me first tell you this. I was raised in a Pentacostal Church of God all my life and was taught that paranormal experiences didn't happen to Christians or it didn't happen to people who were devout in their chosen faith. That's what I had always believed growing up. I was taught wrong. Ever since I was young I knew I was different, but it wasn't until I was 13 that I knew I was different when it came to being paranormally gifted. I started feeling feelings that weren't mine. I would go through anger, sadness, depression, excited, fear and all. I was usually a bubbly yet quiet person. It wasn't until I met my Husband that I found out I am an Empath. We feel the emotions of everything around us. We just have to have to control it or it will overwhelm us. But, I digress. For the longest time I didn't believe in the paranormal at all. That is until a week passed where I saw things in the darkness. A big black shadow, that was dar
My First White Milf (erotic Fiction)
My first white milf  i remember i was chilling out at home one day,and my cousin rang me,he was like yo what you doing??i said nothing much,why is everything cool??he said yeah yeah,listen are you doing anything (like have you got anything planned),i said nah whats up??he said listen ive been checking this one girl yeah recently,been to her house and everything,but shes on a lovey dubby vibe,so im kinda taking it easy with her,in my head i was thinking when did you turn into a big joey tribbiani,about taking it easy lol,anyway so he carried on...and said you know what though i know for a fact her moms on things (dtf),cause she keeps telling me you can bring your mates round and chill here if you aint got nowhere else to go ( we were real fucking hoodlums them times honestly just going round punching up peeps,getting off,then just getting blowjobs of a few of our sluts,who kept the crew together and the tensions ;) down), wanna do it???so me being the gentleman i am said ok :)
My Fight !!
Ok since I need to vent.... I need to write this and let my feelings be knew.... I have had been hiding alot of the personal shit i been going thur, In April my uncle was told he had cancer in his colon. Had the doctor remove the tumor and got a doctor that treats cancer. So after all is say and done, My uncle is Cancer Free and has No Cancer in his Body...    Later this week his chemo start, and has cause alot of stress on me... So if a bit of a bitch or rude or short and to the point I am sorry.... 
My First Blog
I love Fubar and the way its set up,but i have an issue that makes me sad accually. I'm going to paste on here what I wrote to a couple Ladies on here concerning doing favors for credits. They both made comments about my status saying that I will Rate all pic's in a folder for 25 credits. I got back "how bout I rate you and you pay me?"    I don't think thats very funny, About me charging credits for rating pic's. Women on here show pic's of themselfs and charge 25 credits to see them. At least what I offer is an accual service. Besides,Do you realize how much work it is to go though a folder with 250 to 400 pics and rate each one to get the whole folder rated(Bombed the hard way) And its not easy because if you rate them too fast you get in trouble with the bouncer. So don't make fun of me for trying to make some honest credits. Luv ya ColoradoMan  Last word: Why is it ok for women to charge credits for things like seeing their sexy pic's that frankly i could see so,so,so much more
My First Erotica
Its my first bit of erotica that I wrote for a dating site. Got a 5 star rating, so I figure I'd share it here:   Lay you down and caress your breasts and your sides as we explore each others mouths with our tongues. Then as my fingers trace down past your belly my lips trace their way to your breasts where I lightly suck and nibble your nipples for a while and softly stroke that velvety clit. As I play with your breasts and button, I slowly insert my fingers to feel your wet pussy. Then I smear that juice across my lips, spread it on your nipples with my mouth, and kiss you deeply so you can taste your own sex. Now I plant light kisses all the way down your front till my face reaches that hot patch and I lightly kiss your OTHER lips. The kisses become deeper and my tongue finds your clit as my hands reach up to pinch both nipples hard. I suck on it like a little penis, I drive my tongue into your hole, run it along the sides of your pussy, french kiss your snatch like I
My First Blog
im now a 50 year old man its a shame it took me so damb long to figure this out. people family friends all my come and go but no matter were you go or do there you are meaning everything you do in life has a way of finding you and you still have to be able to face your self in the merior every day cause there you are
My First Mistake
At age thirteen, my life made a turn for the worse. Almost as if, I was cursed. For, I didn’t just slip, I fell completely off the tracks. There were no do-over’s, no turning back. From the minute, I stepped out my cousin’s door. I was never again, the girl I was before. I made that bad decision, went along with their plan. From then on my life, was in someone else’s hands. I met him that night, the guy who sealed my fate. The one responsible, for so much hate. Dwelling within me, it is him I blame. For living in fear, resentment and shame. We never should have snuck out, I ignored my gut. If I had only known, I would have kept my mouth shut. For, they say you face your demons in life, and the choice is yours to make. I came face to face with mine that night, and made my first mistake. My demon was a stranger, in a town I knew so well. One six feet tall, whose eye color I couldn’t tell. Until I shined the light, they li
My First Love...
You were my first love.  The one who carried me inside you for 8 1/2 months.  The one who held me first.  The one who gave me nourishment.  The one who rocked me to sleep every night.  The one who kissed away every boo boo.  The one whom I first smiled at.  The one whom I first spoke to.  The one whom I first toddled to.  The one whom I first ran to.  The one whom I first confided in.  The one who held my hand when I hurt the most.  The one who always had a special snack for me after school every day.  The one who made me feel like everything would be ok after my  first break up. The one who fixed my make up and fixed my hair when I got married.  The one who held my hand when I gave birth to my only child.  The one who stayed with me in those first weeks of motherhood.  The one who taught me how to be a good mother by leading by example.  The one who was by my side when I lost my father even though you had been divorced for years.  The one who came to me when my marriage was falling ap
My First Poem For Fubar
Lightning brightens the sky there's thunder all around.Hot street cools as the rain hits the ground.Cool breeze from wind blows through my hair.The wind picks up sending leaves into the air.The grass beneath my feet becomes soaking wet.As the storm gets closer I begin to sweat.I have hated storms ever since I was a kid.Whenever it was storming outside under my bed I hid.Just hold me close until the storms goes by.Will I be less of a man if I let you see me cry.I hope that one day I can get over my fear.Until that day comes whenever its storming outside please hold me dear.
My First 24 Hrs
I am so totally liking FUBAR....I have been having so much fun... I am definately one for the silly and the fun.. and this is both.  I have made at least 3 new chat buddies, I know that doesn't seem like alot, but compared to how many I actually chat with on other sites this is a real good start.  I thank my new friends for their help and advice during my first hours on....WOW!!!!  the first hour was definately fast and furious, so much going on drinks likes 11's adds  I was nearly overwhelmed, but they say me through.   So THANKS Vivian and Steven....   I certainly hope everyone else enjoys FUBAR as much as I do, maybe oneday I will become a power user VIP  definately hoping to bring a few of my friends onboard   Have a great day unless you have made other plans
My First Blog
Well it has been a while since i was on fubar and aparently i got a a lot of new shit to learn....I really could use some help with certain things.. like how can i make cool graphic pics and what program is the best.. if anyone can help me out that would rock.. and i will make it worth your time :d
My First
So I just blocked a well known arrogant prick.  Does that make me a pussy or just sensible? 
My First Blog
A FAMILY AT WARBy: Shannan Hicks08/01/2013Here I stand all alone, a mistake has been made there is nothing that can undo it a family unglued a family at war for what? But for now we have to move on and make things right. Life isn’t easy life isn’t fair yes it is hard yes it is difficult but a family at war is not the way it should be. Have I made mistakes? Yes I have, with my families help I have overcome those without family we are nothing, and without family where are we to turn? Families fight its Nature’s way, but to allow it to go so far to tear a family apart is it worth the heartache and sorrow?
My Fiancee
My First Blog
Sea To Summit  also make a lot of interesting things. This time they came along with a brand new sleeping bag the Spark Sp1. The Sleeping bag has a fillweight of 180g  850+ Ultra Dry European Goose Down and weighs 348g in size regular. It is made with a 10D Pertex Quantum which is DWR treated on the outside and a 15D soft touch nylon on the inside and the bag has a zipper on the left. The Spark Sp1 has a comfort limit of 12°C.
My Final 10k Likes Run
    I Need All My Family and Friends to Heavily Promote me in this Achievement I am Humbled already by the amount of Support I had In My Last Attempt and ask if those who helped me then will once again jump on board and pull this off with me. I am Unable to do Mumms so I will do every other known resource available to me to increase my likes periodically thru out the day If You Know Me  Share Me..status me...Make a Pic and Link everyone on Fubar to it I Know It is alot to ask  But It Takes everyone to pull this off..If I am able to get 25K instead of 10K I will Thank God Almighty for the Miracle and the achievement as well.   Thanks to all who have brought me this far My Fu-Hubby Travler9 You are My ROCK of Solid Support My Wonderful Family and Friends whom I adore with all my heart  It will be a wonderful time and going to go thru 42 cups of coffee to make this happen   Much Love  see you tonight and all day tomorrow as well   ~Ragdoll~
My First Auction For My Sketches here it is the link to my page and which sketch i am selling
My First Few Days On Fubar
how should i start this? well joined mostly to play game and show off my sexi body to the fubar members. less then five minutes joined i have drinks, girft, friends request even before i post my picture or anything about me. so i add more pictures and  open up a bigger mess then i had before with tons of guys in my sb and upset that i can't even answer much before i get hit with tons more? grrrrrrrrrr  then i join the mafia game and find it boring at first but now a bit better since i got a toon able to work the list :). the lack of womend here is a real problem with more guys then women at above 2 to 1. most the guy are rude and perhaps me naked has something to do with that? some of the guys are very nice and don't start off  in sb with "nice tits baby" lol  the women here seem sweet but with all this going on i really haven't had the time to meet many.i feel bad that i haven't rated by one profile since i joined or gave many drinks back but there is so much to do here and i do
My "flavors" Of The Week...
Get your own Flash MP3 Player
My Flag. The Red, The White, And The Blue
I am the flag of the United States of America. My name is Old Glory. I fly atop the world's tallest buildings. I stand watch in America's halls of justice. I fly majestically over institutions of learning. I stand guard with power in the world. Look up and see me. I stand for peace, honor, truth and justice. I stand for freedom. I am confident. I am arrogant. I am proud. When I am flown with my fellow banners, My head is a little higher, My colors a little truer. I bow to no one! I am recognized all over the world. I am worshipped - I am saluted. I am loved - I am revered. I am respected - and I am feared. I have fought in every battle of every war for more then 200 years. I was flown at Valley Forge, Gettysburg, Shiloh and Appomattox. I was there at San Juan Hill, the trenches of France, in the Argonne Forest, Anzio, Rome and the beaches of Normandy. Guam, Okinawa, Korea and KheSan, Saigon, Vietnam know me. I was there. I led my troops, I was
**my Flowery Personality**
What Flower Is Your Personality (pix)? Gerbera DaisyYou are a Gerbera Daisy! You are fun,flirty and girly. You love the summer time and enjoy shopping. You are looking for something real in life that will last and make you happy.Take The Quiz Now!Quizzes by
My Flower
filled with emotion and feeling all pain crying for comfort and laughting when loved feeling the pulse of blood rush within and through out telling me life is within reach grabbing ahold and not letting go smileing at the feelings within my heart is my flower without light,water and air.
My Flower
You Are a Blue Flower A blue flower tends to represent peace, openness, and balance. At times, you are very delicate like a cornflower. And at other times, you are wise like an iris. And more than you wish, you're a little cold, like a blue hydrangea. What Color Flower Are You?
My Flow.....
Desire Walking by minding my own business my thoughts are random as i walk past i catch a scent sweet,musky and delicious..lawd.. doing a double take to see where it came from and my eyes meet yours. I am met with warmth and a little mystery deep dark brown like bittersweet chocolate with a smile that makes a shiver go up my spine.. My eyes turn away.. Because I am sure you can see my desire.. A little frightened from the fact, that.. you can see inside my soul. That moment feels like a lifetime, Like the clock and the world stands still. I don't even realize im holding my breath until I hear you say... Hello aja06
My Flu Shot + I Finished My Xmas Shopping
Hi, All My Girlies + Guys...Well I finally got my flu shot yesterday been feeling kind of blah sense I got it and my arm still hurts but it isn't nothing that I can't handle. I Also finished up on my xmas shopping finally + I still have to get some lottery tickets for my dad for his stocking it is the $1 million lottery that is going on down here they are $10.00 bucks a ticket so I will probably get him 2 of those and some other odd & ends meaning candy and stuff. also me and my dad plan to go see a movie Saturday sense my mom will be coming home at 1:00pm to lay down for awhile sense she has to work over night and she has to be at work by 10:00pm that night. We also have to pick up are dinner for I am guessing xmas eve. I don't know anything else about my Aunt Tersea other then her surgery for her Trach Tube went great she made it throught + she is doing good from that,They are also talking about sending her to Tampa Florida to a hospital that can show you how to take care of the trac
My Flag I Serve It With Honour
The Union Jack The Union Flag - commonly known as "The Union Jack" The Union Flag is so called because it embodies the emblems of the three countries united under one Sovereign - the kingdoms of England and Wales, of Scotland and of Ireland. The term "Union Jack" is probably of naval origin, and may stem from a royal proclamation by Charles II that the Union Flag should be flown only on ships of the Royal Navy as a jack - a small flag at the bowsprit. The cross of St George, the patron Saint of England, was the national flag of England until James I succeeded to the throne in 1603. In 1606 it was combined with the cross of St. Andrew, the patron Saint of Scotland, to create the first Union Flag. In the wake of the union several designs were drawn up but James I decided on a simple merging of the two emblems. Six Alternative Designs Click to Enlarge On 1st January 1801, following the Act of Union of Ireland with England (and Wales) and Scotland, the fl
My Flirt Style
Another badass quiz from eSPIN-the-Bottle... What's Your Flirt Style? MY RESULT:Touchy Feely When you see something you like, you’re not afraid to reach out and grab it. Literally.Being touchy-feely is by far the most effective means of letting someone know you’re interested. Well, interested in fondling them, at least. If you want to let them know that you like them in a deeper way, we recommend trying something a little more subtle...which would be, oh, just about anything. Maybe you should offer them half of your sandwich or something. Take This Quiz!
My Flower Name?????
Free Name Generators at
My Flag
Get free graphics at!
My Flower
The Most Beautiful Flower You stand so elegantly so proud so exotic My eyes are drowned in your beauty My hand wants to hold you But I refuse to break you from your foundation I want you to live forever I water you daily with immeasurable love The sun shines because of you Giving off the breath of life that you bestow deep within You make the entire world beautiful From a seed to a bud to who you’ve become I’m really surprised it’s only taken such a short time for such beauty to be created It’s really amazing what God has done For you to stand out among all You are that flower I think your name should be Shelly You are a pillar to all that surrounds you and the corner stone to help others stand You are lovely in every way You are that potter that molds so beautifully with your love Your presence creates a beautiful song Allow me to hum it in my heart Your petals are so soft and beautiful and they’ve been that way from the start You get more and
My Fleet
My fleet is floating on this ocean of life. Going wherever the winds will blow. I've seemed to avoid any comfrontations, putting the white flag up before the battle was fought. I avoided things whenever possible. Then the enemies started placing spies, spies with bombs to damage my ship. In my nieve happy little state, I didn't realize it till it was to late. They went back to thier own ships to wait and watch. They wanted to see what Damage could be wrought. It hit. it struck my ship hard. That's not to say I fled in terror, though at first I did. I wasn't sure what to do. Yet... I am not what they think I am. If that is the game they want to play, then so be it. They may think I am weak, but I know I am stronger than they think. Thier stratagy was shocking yes, but not the best. I am hurt I know... My ship has taken some bad blows. Then a friend comes a long and offers help, all the while that other fleet... Those dirty pirates gloat on thier victory won, an yet... I am not be
My Flower...
My Flesh Is Weak, My Soul Cries Out.
Ok, so I've not had the best day in the world. Just when I think I can't take anymore, everything else goes wrong. I don't normally let things get to me, but this past week, they have. I also don't like to turn to people when I'm having a rough time with my husband being gone, because I'm a big girl and I married into the military and I feel as if I should suck it up and move on. But, in my defense this past week, I am only human. I married someone in the military who has to be separated from us for such a long time. We just hit the 4 month mark and it already seems like its been an eternity. I broke down and cried for 30 min. Everyone sees me as this strong woman, in fact they tell me just how strong they think I am and that they don't know how I deal with all of this day in and day out. Its true, I miss my husband. He's in my thoughts from the time I wake up-- till I put my head on my pillow at night. He's in my dreams all the time. I honestly didn't think this would be all th
My Flashing Text Problem
well, ive made a whole lot of words, especially including my "halfalien_s4" name into these neon flashing texts that i got from the proble is that whenever i upload an animated neon flashing one into my photos it doesnt flash or look right, does anyonw know what the problem is and/or how to fix it? if anyone could help me on this i would be greatly appreciated, not to mention ill buy u gifts, rate ur stuff, ect. :-) btw, it works when i put it out on the very front of my page but not anywhere else. much help is appreciated!
My Floating Rose
My Floating Rose When the day he stood at that river edge with tears in his eyes. Holding a rose in memory of her and having to say goodbye; never had his heart ever felt this way about a women until her,as the rose fell from his hand he said float on my floating rose. Poem By: Charles LaMark Nelson
My Flowers
I got flowers today, it wasn't my birthday or any other special day. We had our first argument last night, And he said a lot of cruel things that really hurt me. I know he is sorry and didn't mean the things he said Because he sent me flowers today. It wasn't our anniversary or any other special day. Last night, he threw me into a wall and started to choke me. It seemed like a nightmare. I couldn't believe it was real. I woke up this morning sore and bruised all over. I know he must be sorry Because he sent me flowers today. I got flowers today, and it wasn't Mother's day or any other special day. Last night he beat me up again. And it was much worse than all the other times. If I leave him, what will I do? How will I take care of my kids? What about money? I'm afraid of him and scared to leave. But I know he must be sorry Because he sent me flowers today. I got flowers today. Today was a very special day. It was the day of my funeral.
My Flag
She has flown tall and bright through endless fights. She has weathered the cold of space, the furnace of the dessert. She has been burned. She has been spit on. She stands for freedom. She lowers for the faithful. She has not fallen. EVER! She has sheltered many of soldiers. And to this day I salute her. At rise And set. And if I shall fall defending her, She will drape me in her warm embrace. She flies over my roof and will till its no more. She is the American flag, the Stars and Stripes, the Star Spangled Banner. She is my flag, your flag, OUR flag and I salute her.
My Flight Home...
was not particularly horrendous. It consisted of yet another full, packed like sardines, plane ride into Boise, ID and on to Reno, NV, then again to L.A. but I, of course, got off in Reno. I made the decision to drink on this flight. It's four dollars for a fucking cup of alcohol! All I had was a 20 and a 10 dollar bill so I oppted for the ten. Suzi the stewardess took my order then gave me a glass of white wine after I had asked for red. Whatever, I'm sure her vicoden had something to do with her inability to decifer my wine choice. I decided to just take what I got seeing as I was stuck sitting next to a couple non english speaking housekeepers. I'm sure they took one look at me and thought I was the most "latin looking" of the group, therefore, safe to sit by. (I can't tell you how much this annoys me and how frequent it occurs...)They talked to me only in spanish towhich I responded with only a confused look. It was a mutualy understood uncomfortable ride for al
My (fluffy Starr's) Sexy Boots
My Flesh Is His Flesh
On the night of the ritual the water purifiesBlack candles are lit and I'm ready for my sacrificeAnd when I did the steps on that August nightIt was only the beginning, now I pledge more than my lifeSo sanctify me in the waters of the AbyssI give praise to the whore of Babylon as a child of darknessExulted be the name of the King of deathAnd with every step I take I offer up another breathI say the Lords prayer backwards nine timesAs I drink from the chalice I renounce Jesus ChristUpon the parchment is a pact, give your body and soulUnto Lucifer I give full controlCause my flesh is his flesh, my blood is his bloodMy life is his life in the Kingdom of the oldSo now I consecrate my soul for the Prince of the AbyssAnd I reject the name of God and the Holy SpiritMy flesh is his flesh, my blood is his bloodMy life is his life in the Kingdom of the oldSo now I consecrate my soul for the Prince of the AbyssAnd I reject the name of God and the Holy SpiritCome forth from the deep and Unholy Tri
My Flash Poses!
Join me here!!!
My Flowers Are Real...
You Are Real No matter what, you are always yourself. You don't know how to be anyone else. You are honest, authentic, and comfortable in your own skin. You embrace your faults. You expect everyone else to be as transparent as you are, but you're not always so lucky. You're in search of the good people in this world, and as you find them, you make friends for life. The Flower Test Blogthings: Cheaper Than a Therapist
My Flame
When I hold one hand on my heart all by myself I hold proof that I do deserve some more of something else When I feel my inner thighs, I see your eyes open I feel the heat eminate and a need for just enough sin   Yeah, okay maybe I am all wrong and the heat doesn't make me strong  but what if I am right and I am in for another perfectly lonely night   my flame seeks someone to share with for as long as I can 1 heart, 2 hands, 3 legs; are you my man?? You could be off center, I don't mind, I am not her   My flame knows your flame even if I don't know your real name
My For Ever Love
You Are My Forever Love Your friendship and love, And all the wonderful things That they bring into my life, Are like nothing else I have ever known. My heart is complete With the love we share, And our love grows more Beautiful each day. MySpace Comments Graphics I love you, And as long as we are together, I have everything I need. to jeff from debora You are with me always... In a smile, a memory, a feeling Or a moment we share. You will always be My Forever Love
My Fortune
Your Fortune Is Woman who wear G-string is high on crack. The Wacky Fortune Cookie Generator
My Foot
Well lets see the other night i broke my foot and it hurts like pain i have never felt before. Its a bitch trying to get around and now i have to go back to campus, this should be fun to watch, to bad i am the star of the show. In high school it would of been fun because i would have had friends there to help me if i needed it but my roommates are all self absorbed and that should explain it all. Sorry if this doens't make sense its the pain killers talking and i really should give in to them and go to sleep but i have been sleeping all day. LOL I will post pics of my foot later. tell me what you think and i will keep you updated on everything!!!
My Foolish Heart Becomes The Joke
my foolish heart becomes the joke I'm the Joke I have only Fallin in love only two times in my life The love of my life Michael Oh Michael, Why him he's not goodlooking in any way but this man played me made me linger and desire him and build him up god like and i played his game for too damn long I was nothing but a follower at first I followed him just to gaze at him i became jealous when he spoke to another girl I still wanted him, I had other men but i wanted only him i wrote erotic letters which he shared with his friends when i found out i was humiliated and ashamed I still wanted him, loved him, worshipped him I tried to walk away and when he had a girlfriend he still wanted to mess around with me but when he was caught he told her i was nothing again i humiliated my self. I was a Joke a nothing i walked away but my heart still ached for him as time passed things changed but still held him in my heart a memory I made myself forget all the bad memories I just Thought of him
My Foot Is Asleep
You. Can. Only. Type. One. Word. Not as easy as you might think... 1. Yourself: raddass 2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend/crush: baddass 3. Your hair: RED 4. Your mother: best 5. Your father: good 6. Your Favorite Item: comics 7. Your dream last night: fucked 8. Your Favorite drink: milk 10. The room you are in: chilly 11. Your Ex: bleh 12. Your Fears: waste 13. What do you want to be in 10 years: supafly 14. Who you hung out with last night: me 15. What You're Not: sane 16. Muffins: blueberry 17: One of Your Wish List Items: fender 18. Time: sucks 19. Last thing you did: answered 20. What You Are Wearing: comfy 21. Your Favorite Weather: rules 22. Your Favorite Book: biography 23. The last thing you ate: steak 24. Your Life: cursed 25. Your Mood: changes 26. Your friends: who? 27. What are you thinking about right now: 27 28. Your car: dented 29. What are you doing at th
My Forgetter Is Getting Better
My forgetter is getting better, But my rememberer is broke To you this may seem funny But, to me, that is no joke. For when I’m “here” I’m wondering If I really should be “there” And, when I try to think it through, I haven’t got a prayer! Otf times I walk into a room Say “what am I here for?” I wrack my brain, but all in vain! A zero, is my score At times I put something away Where it is safe, but, Gee! The person it is safest from Is, generally, me! When shopping I may see someone, Say! “hi” and have a chat, Then, when the person walks away I ask myself, “who was that?” Yes, my forgetter’s getting better While my rememberer is broke, And it’s driving me plumb crazy And that isn’t any joke.
My Fortune Cookie
Your Fortune Is Man who stand on street corner with hands in pockets, not feeling crazy, feeling nuts. The Wacky Fortune Cookie Generator
My Forbidden Crush Kinda True Lol
Another badass quiz from eSPIN-the-Bottle... Who’s Your Secret Forbidden Crush? MY RESULT:Your Friend's Crush Oh man. You are so busted. You’ve been crushing on the one person you know you can’t have – the cutie your friend called dibs on. Our advice? If you’re a decent human being, bow out of the competition. But if you’re a jerk, or if you just really believe in true love (and know how to take a punch), then stand your ground and declare your intentions. If you love forbidden love (and we know you do), you must see the ultimate forbidden love story – Blood and Chocolate. It’s about a beautiful young werewolf who dares to fall in love with a man. It’s haunting and passionate, and it might even offer you some tips for scoring your own forbidden crush. Take This Quiz!
My Fourth Day
Today is the fourth day without my 16 month old son Danjer. My wife is an extreme case of bipolar schizophrenea, topped off with heavy anxiety. Not only that, she quit taking her meds a couple of months ago. I cant lie, Im glad she is gone, but she took my son. I cant find them anywhere, and its killing me!!! The only reason she had for taking him was to "make me hurt as bad as I made her hurt". Im not the best husband, father on the planet, but I was pretty damn good!!! Im the only one who ever took care of my son, while she laid around being a hypochondriac upset with the world. Im also the only one that worked. She stole everything of value from me, including my last twelve dollars. I dont care though, she can have it all, I just want Danjer back. Ive been so sick since hes been gone, I cant eat, or sleep. I cant concentrate on anything cause I miss him so bad. Goddamn this fucking hurts. Every minute I miss of his life is a minute of his life I have missed. Hes growing up so fast,
My Fortune...
So I had chinese for dinner and this is my fortune from my fortune cookie.... "Everything will now come your way.".... I'm not sure that this is a good thing....
My Fortune
Today from Panda Express Fortune Cookie: "Before an evening of romance(I wish), turn off the cell phone." I wanted to share this priceless wisdom with you.
My Fortunecookie
Fantasies are your main sexual excitement 'What is your Fortune?' at
My Forever Soul Mate
My Forever Soul Mate Your smile brings light to my darkness Your touch takes away my pain Your eyes dance with love for me And your lips only speak my name. We were meant to be together There's no other way it could be Because without you by my side I no longer could be me. You've changed my life forever You've showed me the meaning of true love You've opened my eyes to new things And brought me closer to Goddess above. You are the love of my life Not even death could do us part For you are my forever soul mate And I love you with all my heart. I will love you forever and a day... and as long as we can get away with!
My Forever Soul Mate
My Forever Soul Mate Your smile brings light to my darkness Your touch takes away my pain Your eyes dance with love for me And your lips only speak my name. We were meant to be together There's no other way it could be Because without you by my side I no longer could be me. You've changed my life forever You've showed me the meaning of true love You've opened my eyes to new things And brought me closer to Goddess above. You are the love of my life Not even death could do us part For you are my forever soul mate And I love you with all my heart. I will love you forever and a day... and as long as we can get away with! ~Written by Lady Victoria~ 5-27-07
My Fortune
More Fun Quizzes at
My Fortune Cookie
A life without sin is no life at all 'What is your Fortune?' at
My Foot Fetish
My Foot Fetish by sinema Smiling feet peek out under the cuff her toes dance along the edge of her chair tapping rhythms nonchalant random beats I watch the unconscious intiricate bounce of her leg diametrically oppose the twist of her ankle, those feet grin at me with gracious geometry an equation of invitation She rises her feet retreat into the cave of her shoes the hems of her pants close over them like blinking eyelids as she sweeps across the floor. I'll miss them for a few moments. When she returns I envy the chair as she sits drops her shoes flips those feet back up to their grateful perch.
My Forum Includes
Music News Lyrics Pictures Games Quizzes Debates Polls Surveys Birthdays Media Profiles Chat Skins Film Television Art Poetry Affiliates Daily Updates Celebrities
My Fortune
You Are The Empress You represent the ideal female figure: beauty and nurturing. You bring security and harmony to many. At times, you are also a very sensual person. You are characterized by love, pleasure, and desire. Your fortune: You need to take some time to think about the role of commitment in your life. It's possible you need to commit more to others, or deal with how others have treated you. It is very important for you to support your friends and family right now, difficult as it may be. You may need to look at your relationship with your mother, or your relationships as a mother. What Tarot Card Are You?
My Fortune Cookie Fortune Today
"It is not your character to give up." I'd have to say it is accurate :)
My Forum
Here's a forum my dad built and I have my column on there called "Behind The Ropes". Check it out.
My Fortune Cookie Tonight
You are in over your head. Time to seek professional help, in bed.
My Former Coworker
To my friend! RIP Bridga Turner. Dear Friend u meant so much to me there still are words i didn,t get a chance to tell u u where the greatest friend i,ve had when i was down u maid me laugh its a wonder how your image is in my head and im even having images of your badge id on the table with your name and picture on it i just wish we had more time othere than 5 years to kick it with eatchother u where everything to everybody allways haveing a good sprit about things around people when people got on your nerves u didn,t bug u just told them what was your side of the story and kept it untill the story was ceased i wish we just had more time i know that we will have meet again butt thats hard to belive for me seems like just the other day we where talking and thats gonna stick in my head untill i die i hope u went to me
My Fortune
A fan of threesomes you are 'What is your Fortune?' at
My Fortune
confucius says: Orgy time! 'What is your Fortune?' at
My Forced Weekend
well it started good both parents there no arguing for about 5 mins... They would not let me leave for the first day and night i sat there and listened to them arguing about everything over the past 10 years and whom I was going to spend my birthday with ...wishing they would just stop yelling... isnt gonna i go in the cabin go lay down and i could hear them yelling for atleast the next two hours so i finally drift off to sleep only to dream about them yelling.. lol is there any escape... soooo the next day im thinking ok no yelling maybe they got it all out lastnight.... no such luck they start up again i get up and leave this is sunday morning mind you... i get home 6 hours later my mother calls telling me I could have atleast said good bye to them that they didnt even know i left..... of course they didnt lol and heres the best part... I said goodbye neither one of them heard a damn thing i said.
My Fortune Cookie Today...
Versatility is one of your outstanding traits.... I'd have to agree :)
4 My Forever Friends
There are many people that we meet in our lives but only a very few will make a lasting impression on our minds and hearts It is these people that we will think of often and who will always remain important to us as true friends Sometimes in life, you find a special friend: someone who changes your life by being a part of it. Someone who makes you laugh until you can't stop; someone who makes you believe that there really is good in the world. Someone who convinces you that there is an unlocked door just waiting for you to open it. This is forever friendship... When you're down, and the world seems dark and empty, your forever friends lifts you up in spirit and make that dark and empty world suddenly seem bright and full. Your forever friend gets you through the hard times, the sad times, and the confused times. If you turn and walk across, your forever friend follows. If you lose your way, your forever friend holds your hand and tells you that everything is going to be okay. And if yo
My Foe
I thought you were my friend I thought you'd always care I thought you'd always like me And always be there I thought I could rely on you No matter what people put me though But now I know how you really feel And I realize that our friendship was never real It all happened at once I never even got to say goodbye So im saying goodbye now To a friend i used to know And saying hello To a brand new foe!
My Forbidden Thoughts
The passion of your kisses And your harmless flirting, Turns me on all the while, For the way you look at me, With those affectionate glances, Oh, it melts my heart away, And I realize you're a wonderful dream come true, Cause when I feel your touch upon my body, I get all these erotic feelings inside of me, And I wish to feel your tender bites, All over my naked wet skin, So I could feel the rhythm of your heart. My darling... You take me to another dimension With your love, And your playful touching, Our warm bodies together... Yearning and craving with desire, So when you hold me close, It makes me feel whole, As you take everything out of me including my soul, I cherish every moment with you, All the moments that we are together are all unforgettable, It's like being in paradise, I love you so much... That I want the whole world to know, All my forbidden thoughts are of you.
My Former Love
Hatred and love both take passion. I have none for you, neither one. You pray that I will, your prayers will go unanswered. I can't feel something for someone who betrayed me. You send cards asking for a glimmer of hope, No hope here, never will be anymore. You asked me to give myself over to you, I did, I finally opened up to you. You claimed you wouldn't hurt me, As soon as I gave you a key to the fortress around my heart, You hurt me, betrayed me, lied to me, then blamed it all on someone else. How can i feel something for you? Tears of remembrance over the joy i once thought we had, But none for you. Smiles maybe, over the things we saw and shared, Yet none for you. You were my love, My former love, No more, no less. I have to write all this down to move on with my life, And i am. Moving forward, no turning back now, I look in the rear-view mirror time and again, Looking to smile now, No longer hoping for us again, Nor any semblance of us.
My Folder
hey everyone, thank you for everything. my folder is now open
My Forever Love.
Oh my forever love. The day has new meaning, and the night holds a world to be explored. A love has formed from nothingness. You were not and then you were. An unknown awaiting my discovery. You are my long lost love from before I even was. You found me thru time and distance. Two separate entities that now are one. I long to see your face and hold you in my arms, as now I hold you in my heart. You are my forever love. No beginning nor ending. Oh my forever love.
My Form Of "anger-management"
Anger Management > >When you occasionally have a really bad day, and you just need to take >it out on someone, don't take it out on someone you know, take it out on >someone you don't know. > > >I was sitting at my desk when I remembered a phone call I'd forgotten to >make. I dialed what I thought was My Moms number. A man answered, >saying, "Hello." > > >I politely said, "This is Robb. Could I please speak with Debbie?" > > >Suddenly a manic voice yelled out in my ear, "There's no Debbie here. Get >the right f**king number!" and the phone was slammed down on me. > > >I couldn't believe that anyone could be so rude. When I tracked down >My Moms correct number to call her, I found that I had accidentally >transposed the last two digits. > > >After hanging up with her, I decided to call the 'wrong' number again. >When the same guy answered the phone, I yelled "You're an asshole!" and >hung up. I wrote his number down with the word 'asshole' next to it, and >put
My Fortress Family....check Em Out!!!
Come by and meet the staff and members of Jens BBW Fortress. These are by far some of the coolest, craziest and wildest people on Fubar. Come see for yourself just click on the link at the bottom, I dare ya!!!! Homepage Jen's BBW Fortress Lounge@ fubar Owners ~Lady Jen~ Co-Owner of Jen's BBW Fortress@ fubar ~Sir Huey~Co-Owner of Jens BBW Fortress~@ fubar Bartenders ~Sonya aka Broken~Head BarWench @Jens BBW Fortress~Brians R/L Gf & Fuwifey~Sisters 4 Life Member~@ fubar Brian aka Doughboy~BarStud for Jens BBW Fortress~Sonya's R/L BF and Fuhusband@ fubar ~ &hearts YakkoZakko &hearts Bartender For Jen's BBW Fortress~@ fubar Host/Hostesses hollywood26~~official host for jensbbwfortress~~@ fubar lt_39 host at jen's bbw fortress@ fubar ~*~ rhiannon ♥ LT-39's R/L Wife ~Owned by DJ Rain ~ WYKD~WSC~Sisters 4 Life~Hostess @ Jen&
My Food For Though.... Things That I Take To Heart!
My food for though.... things that I take to heart! Sent to me, by my daughter but Echos my own views and thoughts...& Beliefs... "Justice and power must be brought together, so that whatever is just may be powerful, and whatever is powerful may be just." "Power is when you have every justification to kill someone, and then you don't" I am not interested in power for power's sake, but I'm interested in power that is moral, that is right and that is good." The best ammunition against lies is the truth, there is no ammunition against gossip. It is like a fog and the clear wind blows it away and the sun burns it off." Values are not just words, values are what we live by. They're about the causes that we champion and the people we fight for." "Above all, be true to yourself, and if you cannot put your heart in it, take yourself out of it." The sign of an intelligent people is their ability to control their emotions by the application of reason Laugh as
My Fortune Cookie
So my fortune cookie last night said.... The trouble with resisting temptation is it may never come again.... Did they really think I needed any persuading??
My Fourth
So I did go to Joe's under Ange's orders. I always have fun there- even when we don't do anything. Movies and comedy central is the usual thing. And playing Ellie and Alannah :) Friday we went to his step grandmother's and I was pleasantly suprised. According to her I'm his GF. I'm not. Not really anyways. Aside from the title I'll all but. It's hard to explain and I'm really not unhappy with how things are since we're honest with each other. And I love him. And he loves me. And I think thats enough for right now. Anyways So we tried to go swimming but Alannah HATED it. I think she was over tired and in censory overload. The water was warm but air a bit chilly so that made for a very unhappy baby. But thats ok... I took her inside and dried her off and gave her a bottle and she was out. Health wise I'm doing okay I think. Well.. as ok as I can be considering I have to talk to a fucking surgeon. I had to take pain killers the past two nights but that was mostly
My Forbidden Girls
WANNA FIND OUT WHY THEY ARE FORBIDDEN????CLICK THIER PICS THEY COULD USE UR HELP :) RATE,FAN,ADD,CRUSH,BLING BUY THEM SOMETHING THEY DESERVE IT!!! TATERBABY-NO strokin to the pics!! Head Greeter @ Forbidden & Playmate 4 Cellblock Radio LaWmAn's Sexual Desire & FU Stalked by MRmostunderated Brit*~Pres/NPDz~*ReevesGroupie*motherenforcer@forbiddeninc Wendy aka '♥Breezey ♥Greeter@Forbidden~Fu-Wifey to TØwHëÅÐ72' Crystal Henderson aka 'H¡Ṥ ηÅUġħTɣ ṤƖâVĕ M.I.T. @ Forbidden'
My Foundation Is Up And Running
Im starting a foundation for my daughter, I just finished the web site today. So if your interested take a look. Here's the link. Just copy the link, and paste it into ur browser All the info about whats going on is on my web site! Have a safe and blessed day erry1!
My Forever
'Til the end of time I love you 'Til the sun stops shining and the moon goes dull 'Til the end of forever is right around the corner 'Til the end of eternity is a heartbeat away 'Til the sea dries up i will swim the ocean for you 'Til the earth sinks below the surface i will walk a thousand miles for you 'Til the end of time i will do whatever i have to you are my forever
My Fourth Ever Fuslave.
St3ph4ni3~Rate Spankers member@ fubar
My Four Yr Old Is Just A Hand Full
today was an okay day until about bedtime, my precious goes insane,running,jumping talking like someone put a roll of quarters in her. the weather is kinda snowy and cold so she can't go outside so i relize it is just pent up energy but it was just plain insane. yesterday was the day from hell, i like a good wife and mother trying to get the house clean checking out my emails my daughter decides she wants egg and instead of asking me, my princess, cracks the eggs herself, and trys to turn on the burner but instead turns on the oven. oh, yes, i just wrote oven, we live in mobile home so limited cupboard space so i keep few items in the oven. i had noticed a rare smell in the air, my daughter looks at me and says i am cooking eggs. i grabbed what i thought was making the nasty smell, to relize that smoke was coming out of my oven. i opened my oven and saw a small fire, and thought shit, shit, shit, grabbed a pan and franicly started throwing water on the mess, one of my fave glass c
My Found Girlfriend
im so in love with you - Babiixjenii and we been hanging out and cuddling to movies late at nite her name is Brittany as she don't have an account here but we've been see alot of eachother lately at eachothers house and going out to the movies am so happy with her as she went through the same thing I did with my ex and we both like the same exact things and alot in common! heres are the pictures of her as I took these the top one I took tonight of her On halloween
My Forbidden Love
My Forbidden Love As I lay upon my softened bed with gentle thoughts of you racing through my head I listen to the rumble of thunder roll across the sky while I see you in my mind's eye. The soft dripping of the rain is lost to me as I try in vain. To stop these feelings of love you tell me are so wrong even though I have not had them for very long. You say you can not love me for I belong to another and that I should not love some other. Longing to be your love and your wife knowing this will only bring you strife. I sit here amongst my turmoiled filled thoughts with visions of what my love for you has wrought upon your heart. In your heart you say I have filled you with pain for what I have come to feel you can never feel the same. How many nights alone I have lain awake with restless turning in my bed while secret sinful thoughts of you fill my head. Longing for the warmth of your gentle touch and strong embrace.Thinking of how I wish to feel your hea
My Foolish Heart
so many times my heart has done battle with my head my heart always seems to win knowing the strategies and pattern of defeat my head always pleads lets have a conference, please just listen to me I mean you no harm, in fact my goal is to protect please lets work together but my stubborn heart, it just wont listen it brags n boasts that it knows better that what it feels is real why not wrap myself in what I feel? why should I not revel in the emotions in the high of the moment my head exclaims you are so foolish, you wear no armor and walk blindly into the world and each time you go out you come back wounded when will you learn to put your stubborn ways to rest please, I beg you, listen to me, I know what is best what you so eagerly trust does not benefit us but my foolish,foolish stubborn heart it knows not what it does it sees a paradise and runs unprotected into the unknown not far from the door it is shot down wounded, bleeding and hurt my head runs out and
My Food
I am an AWESOME griller... that is all.   Happy Memorial Day!
My Forebearer's Throne
This unrivaled truthLeisurely travels inThis body-not everMinuscule or thinThe double X organsOnce vowed lifeInstead have illiberally betrayedWith solitary strifeThe misdeeds are my ownWhile others Fall heir From my forebearer's throneThe agony that arisesFrom most unpleasant uncertaintySanction my reason, my regardTo inquire relentlessly 
My Friends
I have been on Lost Cherry for only a short time and have found a few new (and old) friends that are very special to me. You all know who you are, or at least you should! *smile I would like to dedicate my first blog to all of you! Some of you have been there for me through a hard time and lent me your eyes/ears to listen. I want you to know, that I feel privileged to call you my friends and you are very special to me. Friends like you aren't easy to find and I am one lucky girl to have you all in my life! Thank you! Love ~ always, Katja
My Friends List
no offense intended here and i know i will no doubt make quite a few ppl mad but it is not my intention of doing so, but i got to looking today at my friends list and had 95 ppl on it and i probably only talk to about 10 or 15 of them so i have decided to start deleting some of them off. i know almost all of the ppl on my list i asked to be added but when i did i thought i would be talking to you and i have sent shouts out and not got any response back, so i am taking that as you don't really want to talk to me and if you do let me know, i won't bite(unless you want me to,LOL. and if you don't want to be on my list that is fine, you won't be hurting my feelings, but if you do want to be my friend then send me a shout or a message, something to let me know that you want to be friends. if i did offend anybody i am sorry.
My Fridge
Ok guys I have to know who is writing the goofy shit on my Twice today i have seen the same thing and would like to know who put it. Please put your name on there if you put smoething on it. Thanks everyone!
My Friend's Camo Contest
My Freinds
Subject: MY FRIEND ?Just keeping on eye on you........... ? ? LET'S SEE WHO READS THEIR EMAIL A Hug Certificate for You! This poem is very sweet. It will be interesting to see who sends it back. Forward this on and back. Thanks! If I could catch a rainbow I would do it just for you And share with you its beauty On the days you're feeling blue. If I could build a mountain You could call your very own; A place to find serenity, A place to be alone. If I could take your troubles I would toss them in the sea, But all these things I'm finding Are impossible for me. I cannot build a mountain Or catch a rainbow fair, But let me be what I know best, A friend who's always there. This is a Hug Certificate!! Send One to All Your Friends Who You Think Deserve A Hug (Which, Hopefully Includes the Person Who Sent It to You). You might send it to your enemies as well! It'll really tic 'em
My Friends.
"I shot an arrow into the air, It fell to earth, I knew not where; For so swiftly it flew, the sight Could not follow it in its flight. I breathed a song into the air, It fell to earth, I knew not where; For, who has sight so keen and strong That it can follow the flight of song? Long, long afterward, in an oak I found the arrow, still unbroken; And the song, from beginning to end, I found again in the heart of a friend."
My Friends
Just want to say hello to all my friends on here and others that have made me feel welcome. Love to you all and big hugs xxxx
Myfriend Nick And His New Wife
My Friend...
If you need to talk I will be there to listen If you need cheering up, I'll be there to help u smile If u need to go someplace, I will be there to go with u If u just need someonr near, i'll be there. I will be the kindof friend to you that u have always been to me
My Friend
MY FRIEND Current mood: grateful Category: Writing and Poetry Someone that I can count on, Someone that I can trust. Someone who will respect me, And not for love nor lust. Someone who can care for me, From way down deep inside. Someone who can talk with me, And nothing shall they hide. Someone who can share with me, Their troubles from the heart. Be open, kind and honest, With that we'll never part. I know the truth inside you, From your smile which has no end. With that I know for certain, You'll ALWAYS be my friend. Eileen (AKA SWEET) April 18th,2006
My Friends!!
When I think of you, As I often do. Spending time with me, Letting me be me. The laughter you share, Shows me you care. I just have to say You’ve brightened my day!! a.boudreaux 2006
My Friends Fucking Suck!
I only have 2 "maybe" 3 friends that EVER look at my bulitens, vote on my pics or leave me comments! The rest you SUCK! I have always went & voted & commented on your pics, and left you page comments & never get anything in return!
My Friends And Fans
My Friends
I ahve some of the best friends any one can ask for......there are like 4 friends from before i even herd of this sight one of them got me to join and i love it here i put out a call for help and those friends responed with help and now my bestest gf has lots of new friends my best friends here and ya know who ya are are just great they are always willing to lend a hand to others even when they dont know them i couldnt ask for a better group of real friends this is for you Hugs Pammy
My Friends And Family
i have uploaded a few new pics in my defult and adult albums...... enjoy xxx
My Friends
The Soldier is My Friend I have a friend who may not know or ever call my name, A friend who may not visit, but I thank them just the same. My friend is called the soldier who's on duty day and night, For me to pledge allegiance, they have fought and paid the price. Where would we be today without the brave hearts who have served, So we can wave "Old Glory"; so our voices can be heard. And what would life be like today without the many soldiers, Who walked into the jaws of death with guns upon their shoulders. Life would not be as great today, with freedom in our halls, And we'd live in oppression and great fear would grip us all. So when you see a soldier you should thank your God above, For here's someone who represents the greatest gift of love. And when you pledge allegiance, you should see a uniform, Of those who walked through battlefields and weathered many storms. We cannot take for granted what is takes to pay the price, And be a U. S
My Friend
You were always there for me, I knew I could count on you. You gave me advice and encouragement Whenever I didn't know what to do. You helped me learn to love myself You made life seem so good. You said I can do anything I put my mind to And suddenly I knew I could. There were times when we didn't see eye to eye And there were days when both of us cried. But even so we made it through: Our friendship hasn't yet died.
My Frame Of Mind (part 1)
I will provide you with a glimpse into my soul. There is no need to try and console. Let’s go and walk through a door… I fall as my heart sinks to the floor. Hurt, anger and fear is over there beyond that door.. Are you sure it is something you wish to explore? Those words she said cut me like a knife, That changed my life. Yes, that night left a isolated feeling, Something beyond reason I could not explain. It left me with the nasty taste of shame. Naive years of childhood I was back then, Only now I look back and see it was not a sin. That man I loved, yet he never knew. He did not even know I existed.. My mother said “We are threw.” before he could see me, Plain harsh sight of reality. No over there is what I have completely sewn shut, Memories I wish to never visit again.. I put block in conscious thought in regards to what is in there.. All you will find is pure desolate grief and despair. I am feeling an utter exhaustion, I believe we should con
My Fright
I walked threw the house and i thought I would be fine but how the dark can play tricks on the mind.Suddenly there is a bump and a breeze across my knee oh no something is going to get me!My heart is pumping faster I start to scream and just when I cant take no more Im in the woods almost safe and free,but no.Oh my god he has a chainsaw and I am scared as can be I dont even realize I have ran into a tree.Yes it is going to be ok no it wasnt a dream it was a awesome ass theme park named edgeofmadness.
My Friends...
Every person I consider a true friend fits everything that is on this list and more!! Those who know me know that I don't do superficial friendships. My friends mean the world to me and I personally don't have time for people who aren't going to be real. Some know me better than others...but all should know that I don't play games, and I don't have conditional relationships with ANYONE!! If someone in your life tells you that they don't want you to be my friend...well that would be a choice you would have to make, but I know where I stand, how I feel and what I want in my life! To those of you who are true friends..Thank you, you all mean the world to me!! A REAL friend entails everything on this list!! I wouldn't give anything less than all of it, and I deserve friends who would do the same!!**HUGS** Be Well!!~Manda~
My Friend Mrrunt2u
I am writing this blog to express my greatest thanx to someone for the first time in my life a perfect stranger at first, a friend on Lost Cherry. This gentleman took it in his own mind to make a pic of me and my family together in a way that shows awsome work, a unique pic that I will cherish. I just wanted to show my gratification to this man. Thank you so much mrrunt2u. This has really brightened not only my day but touched me in my current state of depression and has made me happy. Thanx again so much mrrunt2u. A very thoughtful individual. You made a mother feel proud and appreciated.
My Friends
My Friends To all my friends i wish u all the love and friendship and happyness i'm glad we are friends hope u all have a great day and have fun all day your friends
My Friends
My Friends From Work
Able April@ LostCherry Trashy_Tina@ LostCherryJuicy@ LostCherryJuicy Jolene@ LostCherry Juicy Jasmine@ LostCherry Blazin Becky@ LostCherry
My Friend's Supercharged Tiburon!
My Frozen Soul
by Tehreem Love The sun's power Hope A ray of sunlight My heart glows With the white heat Of an iceberg on fire For you have brought the sun Into my bruised heart When, in mourning, my frozen soul Cried alone Without you to care for me In my lonely, bleak, blue world Love The sun's power Hope A ray of sunlight
My Friends & Fans
To all those I love to chat with on here.... Please forgive me and my rudeness. I have been Alot-O-Bit sick for the past few days and have not had the energy to get to my pc. I miss all of you and hope to feel better and send you all love very soon. Love-N-Light Blessed Be Tanja
My Fried Raf's Sayings Well Some Of Them
choose not who you can live with, but who you can not live without. it's better to be broken than to break. i wear my every emotion like a mask, it hides how i really feel inside. i am better than you. my spouse is better than yours cause i say so. K? religion is hate, religion is fear, religion is WAR!

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