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Depth of His Darkness

Depth of His Darkness Benighted is his dreams of fame and glory. Now upon his life and career is a shroud of darkness. My heart fears from him. My soul longs to save him. Now his mind, heart and soul lurk within the depth of a darkness that keeps him from the light of reality. How I wish I could appear in front of him to hold him strong? Does he care what he has done to himself and all those who care for him? I lingering lost in his trembling regrets of how he turn upside down his life and career. I extend my hand out to him, But He can not see or touch it. Depth of his darkness is now my fathomless need to go to him. Would my love spare and save his life from falling apart? The reflecting of sunlight coming through the window is now becomes a destitute light of lost dreams. Obscure is his knowledge of what is upon my heart and soul because of this. My dream has come to end. My desire and reason to dare love has been taken away from me. Depth of his darkness has now become my prison. I am now on the threshold of his dilemma of forever being locked away from my love and desire to share my body with him only. Did he fail to pause in his glorious life to see all he had and gain, before he chooses to throw it all away? Why is this killing me? What is it about Teo that makes want to kiss him death, yet kick his ass, till he falls upon his knee asking me forgiveness? He has fallen down. Now I want to rush to him and help up, so his dreams will not faded away. My love within my heart and soul is dying to find a way to reach him. Each turn I turn, I met with dead ends, why can’t he send me message. I wanted his wicked act and desire upon my body, but I never thought he had deadly qualities to do something that would risk his life, dreams and career. Worst of all… He risked a chance of making love to me in all the ways I would had allowed him to place upon me. Does he not know or care; he is only the man that can quench my desire and passion of love? Depth of his darkness has now become a malicious desire to destroy all he had gain in life. Within him locked away in the darkness, how can I reach him to give him the love and strength to hold strong? Now we are trapped within his nightmarish reality. Will the angels touch his heart and soul with my love and desire? Will the star glowing with image, so he will see that I am waiting and longing for his return to my awaiting arms? My love is trembling; his body is trembling as it falls upon his knees in pray for solution to his dilemma. Two hearts and two souls are tottering with thoughts, one of hope and the other with endless love for him. Teo, your darkness is mine. I will forever send my love and strength upon the stirring winds across the vast sea, so you may be know I am here for you. Your depth of darkness will never destroy my love or faith in you. I love you to much to fail you. I will help you defeat this darkness upon your life. Tomorrow is another day, I will be here loving you and waiting for your message to me. ©2009 Firestar

Morbid Beauty

Morbid Beauty He is hooked upon morbid beauty. It is all he wants and longs for. Why can’t he let morbid beauty go free, so I may love him in ways that this morbid beauty can not love him? Morbid beauty is addicting him to something he will never be free from. Can I save him? My heart and soul loves him enough to fight for him. He sit staring at the glass and razor upon the coffee table, he has to taste her fatal beauty one more time. The sinister charm of morbid beauty calls to him. Morbid Beauty is stealing his heart and soul from me. Morbid Beauty is wicked and misleading him in places that holds untold dangers for him. My heart and soul is strong and true, I walk into the darkness to battle with Morbid Beauty. I will not let this wicked thing steal him away from me. He begins to taste her evil like sweet honey from heaven, but refuses to see her hidden truth before its too late. Morbid beauty is taking my sweet Teo upon one way trip into hell. Morbid beauty is enemy of mine, her sweet taste and hypnotic charms is taking my sweet Teo farther away from my reach. I will not lose him to morbid beauty; her whiteness of pureness will not keep me from saving him. I hear his stirring lostness his tone of words to me. I feel his heart flutter like wings of death to her fatal charm. Tears fall to my pain for him need for morbid beauty more than me. How can this be happening to him? What caused him to turn to morbid beauty? Can he not see I am here for him? Does he not see morbid beauty his enemy that is making him a falling victim to I look within the mirror; I see who I must become to save him. I smile and ripe off my human form. I stand with golden halo and wings of divine power. I will be heroine in his lost dreams coming to rescue him from morbid beauty. No longer will morbid beauty steal him away from me. My blue eyes will cry and cry, until I wash this white powder away from his life. I will wrap my wings around his body to keep him safely away from her reach. No more will he have the need to taste morbid beauty any more. No longer will my sweet Teo be caught up in morbid beauty web of deception. I will have killed morbid beauty, where I can release him from her evil bond upon his body, heart and soul forever to see me as the only one he would ever need beside him. ©2009 Firestar

Bloody Hands

Bloody Hands My love is deep and true. I killed the demons that are tormenting you. This blood on my hands is for you. I would walk through life chaotic twist and turns to get to you. I killed the shadowy figure lurking in the darkness. This blood on my hands is for you. I weep the pain within your trembling heart. I killed the howling dragon breathing fire upon your essence. This blood on my hands is for you. I listen to your haunting call upon the whispering wind of sorrow. I killed law man that held onto you. This blood on my hands is for you. See my bloody hands. Fear not what comes upon for I am here to save you. My heart beats fast for you trouble times. I killed the broke dreams that flow about your mind. This blood on my hands is for you. I dove into the fiery pit of hell. I killed my soul to save you. This blood on my hands is for you. I breathe the sin and mistake into myself. I killed your wickedness placing you darkness. This blood on my hands is for you. I fear not what I would do for you. I killed the evil upon life. This blood on my hands is for you. See my bloody hands. Weep not what I have done for the love I held deep in my heart and soul for you. I heard the howling death call upon the wind. I killed and killed all things standing in my way to get to your waiting arms. This blood on my hands is for you. I heard your wicked thoughts of death to set you free. I killed death to protect you. This blood on my hands is for you. I stand within the chilly fog of lostness to find you. I killed all my reality to wander away from you before it was too late. This blood on my hands is for you I know am nothing but the mirror image of nothing to you. I killed myself to please you because you became my entire world. This blood on my hands was all for you to see my love something you could hold close to your heart and soul like I did you. ©2009 Firestar

Depth of My Heart Desire

            Depth of My Heart Desire


I hold my tongue.

I stare the blank screen.

I begin to weep to my heart pain over you.

How do I say words to embrace your heart with warmth towards me?

Should I speak what stirs within my essence for you?

Can I see the truth flickering in your haunting sultry eyes as I tell you all from the depth of my heart and soul?

Will you smile to the news of my love depth for you?

Or will just bait me with sweet lies to gain my one precious gift from me?

Come the setting sun, I look out about life; all I see is darkness and feel your haunting pain pulling apart.

Now I wish I had told you long ago of the love within me for you.

I turn to look back at the blank page.

My hands tremble like my beating heart, my breathing is fast, and my mind is lost within the fog of love for you.

Can I find the sweet words to tell you?

Yes, I can.

With the depth of my heart lurks a desire for you that no man can steal from you.

My heart and soul would walk thousand of miles to die in your place.

I see and feel your pain.

I even weep you tears that you can’t show.

I pace the floors at nights with thoughts of you.

My hands touch my lonely lips of sin wishing your lips would kiss them.

I stare into the mirror naked wishing you were behind me, so I can watch your hands touch my naked flesh as if you own my entire as yours.

I feel things that I know is wrong and against God, but I now know that you are the only man that can awaken my sleeping passion.

Depth of my love is endless as time and space for you.

I know I could kiss your dying lips and offer my life for yours.

How do I speak what I know deep within me?

I pray one day I can speak this word to you, but deep down I know I would be just mindless muse with no words or will to say such things.

My fingers long to touch your face of angel.

My lips want to be brave and bold to explore you in ways I never dream I could ever do to man like you.

Depth of my heart desire wants only you.

How can I turn my back on you and just find another?

I fear the passing time between us.

I long for your words to express you wish for me to come to you.

How I wait endlessly for you to come to see me as the woman, who would do anything to make you life more complete?

My thoughts at times betray me when I try to not to believe in you.

I know you have faults.

I know all the risk in loving you.

I have come to see and know, one day you may never be mine or love me back, but within depth of my heart desire for you.

I have to hold to possibilities one day you will come to me for all the love that can set your heart and soul free like you have done for me.

Teo, I how to find the way or words to tell you, I love you.

I love you with such boundless passion; I know I can love you within the shadows of life.

I know I can always be here for you, even if you never reach out of me.

But my heart and soul knows one day….

One day you will pause to think of me and my words, when you do.

Just turn around Teo.

I will be standing right behind you with my hands reaching out to you.


©2009 Firestar

The Model and the Poet

The Model and the Poet He has got the looks make women burn with fire. I got the words to tell what lurks deep within my heart and soul for him only. He’s got the smile that will charm the women hearts into submission, But I don’t have his heart and soul as mine. All I have this deep pain inside me that aches to be within his divine of arms of sin. I want to stare into his sultry eyes and see my reflection within them. I want to listen to his heart as my naked body lies next to him, as I feel the raising of his chest rise and fall to the heavy breathing from my wicked touch upon his sinful body. He is the model and actor. He got the song and dance that has captured my heart and soul forever as his. I am the poet that writes words that he has yet allow touch his heart and soul. There was once blessing upon life, it was Theo, who became the model to make women worship the heavens for such great wonder upon life. Than out of the blue… The angels weep and god sent down a single poet to woe his heart and soul into perfection as it was meant to be. He walks upon one pathway in life. She walks upon the other pathway. Upon a fluke, their pathways cross. Words flow between them. She wanted his touch and kisses upon her body. He wanted to meet her. Words spun to her to make refuse to see him or meet him, but he promise upon his birthday, he will make sure they meet. Yet, neither dare to come together to glaze within each other eyes. The model was to busy in chaotic life. A poet to afraid too dares the unknown with him. Now they are torn apart by one single mistake made by him. The model locked away. The poet words flow like weeping tears from heaven. As each day passes, she cries because she knows he can’t. As tear drops from her heavenly eyes, the lonely poet will be awaiting for the model to come take her upon their endless, wicked journey of passion. He will be the only man to show her the forbidden fruit of passion and desire. She lusts for the carnal knowledge of life that only he can give her. He holds the elixir of life and love, she desire. She is weak, so he can be strong within his darkness. She feels his pain within her heart. The model who was to busy with partying and working overlooked the poet, as if she could not be the answer to all his problems. The poet is silently lingering within an endless limbo, because her heart and soul belongs too the model forever. Until he reaches out to her again to coax her back into his waiting arms of endless for her only. Now fate has twisted their lives upside down. The model and the poet stand alone upon two different lands. Will they ever come together? Will he ever learn, see or feel her love for him? Will the poet ever be able to face him and say the words that lurk deep within her heart and soul for him? ©2009 Firestar

Love Me like This, Teo

Love Me like This, Teo One, Two… kiss my waiting lips of sin. Three, Four… touch my body in ways to awaken the fire within me. Five, Six… touch my erect nipples like they belong to you forever. Seven, Eight… give me some sweet delight. Nine, Ten… run your fingers up my thigh till you touch my sweet place. One, Two…tease me with your haunting eyes and wicked tongue. Three, Four…possess me like your own me. Five, Six…make my body surrender to your will like my heart and soul has already done. Seven, Eight…whisper words of allurement where I have no more will to resist your wicked ways. Nine, Ten….unzip my dress and let the sin begin. One, Two…turn off the lights. Three, Four….lock the door and take the phone off the hook. Five, Six….let our hearts become one. Seven, Eight….show me things that I have never dare to do with man. Nine, Ten….take all of me now before I explode. One, Two…run your hands about my bra and drop it to the floor. Three, Four…. suck on my nipples as your fingers massage between my legs. Five, Six….listen to my ecstasy calling out your name, as you please in ways I have never dream about. Seven, Eight…please don’t stop. Nine, Ten…..make me whole being taking me completely. One, Two…slip off my panties….opps I am bad, since I am not wearing any tonight. Three, Four….Kiss my sweet place like you have always explore it. Five, Six….slip out of your clothes now, so I can explore your heavenly body. Seven, Eight…run my hands about your body. Nine, Ten….teach me wicked ways to please you. One, Two…move your body over mine. Three, Four….stare into my eyes as you take what no one else can from me. Five, Six….make soar in ways I will forever be lost too. Seven, Eight…hear my heart and soul ignite with each sweet stroke deep inside me. Nine, Ten…Can you give me this kind of passion and more, Teo? ©2009 Firestar

Would He Care

Would He Care


I would lay my life down for him.

Would he care?


I would lie to God, Devil and anyone else to protect him.

Would he care?


Would he see my love, if I was to walk through hell to save him?

Could he just once turn around to I care more than he realizes?


I would cheat death and life, even law to help him in his time of need.

Would he care enough to reach out to me?


I would take a bullet for him.

I would do anything for his love, but he doesn’t seem to know or see my love.


I would step in front a speeding car, as he runs to another woman waiting arms.

Would he even look back at my dying body to wonder why I did?


Would I be fool to do all this for him?

Why do I want to do this for him?


Would he care?

After all I say and try would he ever come searching for me to say I love you or just run to next false love waiting arms.


I breathe each second of day for him.

Would he care?


Would he even offer me his hand out of love for all the things I would do for him?

I would always wonder about it now?


I offer him all of me.

Would he care enough to take me into his arms?


Would he be as restless as me, if he knew he is the first and last person I think about upon each day?

Will I ever hear his voice calling out my name in our heated passion his bed?


I would tread place with him, just so he could be free.

Would he care enough to write me every day as he moved about life?


Would I be doing all this for the man I love, when he has never once told me how he feels toward me?

Will he love me in the same way, as I love him?


©2009 Firestar

I Feel In Love with Phot

I Fell In Love with Photo


I saw his picture.

My heart flutters like butterflies wings.

He knew knot about me.

I found him.

I reach out to him.

Now the photo is no longer a photo I am in love with.

I want give him all my heart and soul,


He just keeps walking away from me.

How my heart and soul would give everything over to him, if only he called me Honey.

As someone who loves him deeper than the sea, he doesn’t see me.

As someone who loves him more completely than time and distant, he walks upon a different vision away from me.

I have wrote him poems about what he stirs deep within me,


He has never once told me what the poems made him feel.

I have spoken to him on the phone, he promises me, we will meet, yet now that dream is lost.

I feel in love with photo, but it was words and man that keeps me binded to him forever.

He is high profile model and actor.

I am no one, but I my heart and soul loves more each passing second upon a single day.

I know his life is fast pace.

He makes me weak like a child needing his help to walk.

He makes dream of wicked things upon a bed of endless lust and wondrous dreams.

I fell in love with photo of man that is everything to me.

Why can’t he love back me?

I would walk from heaven to hell for him.

I would lie, cheat and steal to make all his dreams come true.

Now in his time of need….         

He is so far out of my reach.

My love is too deep.

My love is too strong.

I fell in love with the man not his photo, I now see.


©2009 Firestar

The Undeniable Truth

The Undeniable Truth Another day and no word, how can the man I love not send word to me? How could he not know what he means to my heart and soul? I stand in the shadow weeping my tears as the cold rain falls upon me like knives ripping my heart and soul over his lack attention towards me. My life is like a shatter glass upon the floor of life with no meaning. Desire I had to reach out to him is now flutter away like wasted dreams. As each days slowly walks by like each breath of life is forever walking into darkness, I shiver to my lostness of him never being with my arms. How can I walk away what has taken my heart and soul as his forever? I wonder with trembling thoughts of pain and sorrow somehow this is my fault he is now lost to me. His life is now nothing where he has imprisons me with his darkness of doom. Did he ever know what he meant to my heart and soul? I ache to his hidden pain and sorrow. Weeping tears upon each thought of him is killing me. Yet I can not run away from his darkness, but he will not reach out to me. I have reach out to all I know who knows him, but no one is telling me about him. Why must I suffer his pain? Should I run to him? Would he see me? Does he want me with him, so I can look into his eyes and hold his hand as he tremble in fear over what he has done to himself. Can I show him the way from the darkness? Do I have the strength and power to save him or will I lose myself in his nightmare of hell? Why should I offer him help? Why should I even care to that he lost to me? He never once was true friend to me. Why do I love him so completely, when he has never shown me one ounce of love back. Why does his words haunting at nights? Another day and still no word from the man I love more than life. Why does this hurt me? I toss and turn upon my bed with his haunting cries flowing about me. My heart and soul says go to him, But my mind says to wait for him to reach out to me, the one person that is dying to help him out of his nightmare life now. Just to clarify my words, I can not deny what he stirs within my heart and soul. My body belongs to him forever. Even if I must wait forever till he is free to come to back into life. I will never turn away from him. Why does he not send me word? Why oh why must he deny me reason to run to his side? I would turn the world upside down to help him. Does he know what I am going through now that he is locked away from my reach? Why does he care about so many others, but refused to see me? I am the one person that could save him. I am refusing to see the undeniable truth…. He will never care about me like I care about him. Why is that? It was not me twisting his life up. It was not me, who got him to hellish nightmare. Yet it is me, who has the power and connection to save him now, but he choose to not to reach out to me. I lingering in his hell as if its mine. I blame myself. When all my friends and family say it’s no way my fault. I refuse to allow the truth into my heart and soul. I can’t believe the truth that the man I love would do such thing to his life and career. Another day falls upon me, I cry more tears. I pray and hope to hear from someone that he has sent to reach out to me, so I may run to his side, but each time I come online…. There is nothing from him asking me to help him. Why must I deny the reality? Why must I refuse to see, he will never love me? How can I stop my life as if my life has no reason or purpose, until he is within my reach? Should I run away or should I fly to him? The undeniable truth is…. I love him to much too run away from him. I love him enough to turn over stones in hell to set him free. I wonder will he one day come to see my endless and undying love for him. Will he and I ever be face to face, so he can see the undeniable truth in my blue eyes? I can only wait for the day he sends word to me. His undeniable truth he lost in a nightmare. My heart and soul undeniable truth, I will always be here for him. His undeniable truth is he is a damn fool not to see me or send me word. My undeniable truth, I will wait for him forever, so one day he can keep his promise to me. The undeniable truth, Teo, I love you even if you don’t want my love. ©2009 Firestar

Lost Angel of Mine

Lost Angel of Mine The long endless journey of love, I must wonder forever in. My heart and soul can’t deny what’s lurking within the depth of them for someone out of reach. I hear the echoing sorrow of his wrong choices and pathway he choose to walk upon. I feel his breathe upon my neck like haunting memories that will never be real. The beating of my heart echoes like thunder to my emotion stirring tears like rain within trouble times. Does he know I feel his pain and trouble upon his heart and soul? Can he reach out to me within the darkness, so I may pull him out of the darkness consuming him? Once he was an angel sitting high upon a pedestal, but now he has fallen like a star from the brilliant sky of heavenly praise. Now he is come to place where there is no one there for him or reaching out to him. How I have now become his guardian angel upon his whispering desire for me to save him? My desires too end his misery like he did once upon time for me. I once spoke to him about deep hidden secret lurking within me, a naïve young woman haunting desires for his sin upon her body. Forgiveness is always within my heart and soul for him, no matter what he has done or will do, I know I will always be there in the shadows willing to run to him when everyone else is abandoning him. Does he know he will always and forever by my angel? Does he know I will always be here for him? Lost angel of mine, what will it takes to whisper what lurks deep within my heart and soul against flesh of sin. ©2009 Firestar
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