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What are you waiting for?

                      I used to write alot of blogs. Not so much anymore. I guess after awhile you just feel like no one cares about what you have to say or not. Whether thats the truth or not,who knows? I tend to ramble out of my mind sometimes.... This hasnt been the best year for me,or for really anyone else i know. Anyways my year actually began in February. My oldest brother Matt who was a youth minister thought his wife was cheating on him,when in reality she wasnt. He came to the decision the only way to deal with this was to take his own life. So 2 days before my mothers birthday,my brother commited suicide. I felt like my world had come crashing down around me. I couldnt get out of bed for a week. I wasnt sure how i was supposed to go on. In fact the only thing that really kept me going was knowing i had to stay strong for my mom. The most important person in my life.

                        But as well all know,life has to go on. The human heart keeps beating,whether the pain stops or not. Well in late July my moms husband of 18 years started to get really sick. He kept coming down with pneumonia that wouldnt seem to go away. He went to the hospital and they told him and my mother they had to make the decesion to either place him in a nursin home or he had to go on hospice. Well my mom is a nurse so in my family putting him in a nursing home wasnt an option. So her and I did the only thing we felt we could. My mom quit her job and i took a leave of absense from work to bring Eddie home and to grant his last wish,which was to die at home. The greatest man i had ever known in my enitre life,who had raised me since my own dad died when i was 7,passed away August !st at 1am.


Never take those you love for granted,because you never know when they might not be there...... <3

My Bucket List

50 things i wanna do before i die......
Current mood:  productive
Category: Life

  Ok kids,these are in no particular order....I just decided that there was so much that i wanted to do in this short crazy thing i like to call life....so here goes,please enjoy....


1)Get married

2)Return to Lancaster,California

3)Write my memoirs

4)Own 1000 movies

5)Have at least one kid

6)Meet all my half brothers and sisters

7)Quit smoking

8)Get a degree

9)Go to Hawaii

10)Get more tattoos(i have 3,i want at least 2 more)

11)Make ammends with all my siblings

12)Paint again

13)Learn how to drive

14)Buy my mom something really expensive

15)Have my breasts reduced.LOL

16)Buy a house

17)Own every Jenna Jameson movie

18)Write a song

19)Buy myself diamonds

20)Pierce my tongue,belly button.....

21)Read all of Shakespeares works

22)Go to law and or medical school

23)Donate to charity

24)Go to Las Vegas

25)Give blood

26)Celebrate new years in times square

27)Dance coyote ugly style

28)Swim with dolphins

29)Learn another language

30)Try every flavor of ben and jerrys

31)Make love in the rain

32)Visit ireland

33)Create something beautiful

34)Find my serenity

35)Watch every episode of the following:csi,south park,snl,thundercats,and mad tv

36)Learn to play a song on the piano

37)Visit every major museum and memorial in the usa.

38)Watch a show on broadway

39)Start a visual journal

40)Own a piece of louis vuitton and burberry

41)Take pictures of everything

42)When i do have kids,teach them everything that i believe is important to me,then let them draw their own conclusions on life

43)Take a vow of silence for a month


45)Get my 15 minutes of fame

46)Go to mardi gras

47)Sing karoke halfway decent

48)Become a suicide girl

49)be someones hero

50)Change the world!!!!

Random Ramblings

   You can have her,or him for that matter,because i refuse to change

     Dont call me your friend if youre talking shit to the person next to you,about me.

     The people on my friends list are well my friends...If you dont like it, tough cookies

      Yes its true i dont drive and no its not because i have had too many DWI's.

     My ideas are my ideas,thats it.Im not trying to convery anyone...Leave that to someone else.

     Do i look like i have phoneswitch operator tattoeed on my forehead?How about messnger bitch?I didnt think so.

    If i was friends with your boyfriend and you broke up,and hes talking shit...Please assume im no longer talking to him,cause im not....

    I cry....alot.

    I have an awful habit of waiting by the phone when i think someone is gonna call,and lo and behold they usually dont.

    I really like to do my blogs,and no im not gonna mention names,becuse if someone was reading this and got an awful feeling at the pit of their stomach,it just might be about them.

     If youre someone i care about...then if all i had left to my name was a piece of bread,youd eat first

Dead Skin-Crossfade

So I'm the king of all these things of this mess I have made
Such a waste what a shame my whole life is a fake
Well I'm a bore and I'm sure I'm a thorn inside of you that has torn at you for years
The alcohol the demerol these things never could replace
What a minute with you could do to put a smile on my face
I'm a bore and I'm sure I'm a thorn inside of you that has torn at me for years
I can't get out of this dead skin I can't shed my skin
I'm not sure where to begin why can't I begin again
I can't get under my dead skin I can't shed my skin
Can I sllep 'til then

Phenobarbitol and alocohol these two surely will do
To knock me out keep me down at least a day or two
When I'm awake I can taste how bitter I've become
And it's more than I can bear somedays I pray someone will blow me away
Make it quick but let it burn so I can feel my life fade
Well I'm a waste and I can taste how bitter I've become
And it's more than I can bear
I can't shed my skin

a Million Little Pieces

The young man came to the old man seeking counsel.
I broke something old man
How badly is it broken?
Its in a million little pieces.
Im afraid i cant help you
Theres nothing you can do
It cant be fixed
Its broken beyond repar,its in a million little pieces...


Tomorrow by Sixx AM

Where ya gonna be tomorrow?
How ya gonna face the sorrow?
Where ya gonna be when you die?
'Cause nothing's gonna last forever
And things they change like the weather
They're gone in the blink of an eye

Just look at yourself, can you see where you are?
Look at yourself, now you can't hide the scars
Just look at yourself 'cause there's nowhere to go
And you know

You're gonna have to live with the things you say
You'll have to cross bridges that you burned today
And everything you do, it's coming back for you
You'll never outrun what waits for you

And are you terrified by sadness
And have you given into madness
You're running out of places to hide
'Cause everybody's got a reason
To justify how they're feelin'
Maybe you should open your eyes

Just look at yourself, do you like what you see?
Look at yourself, is this how it should be?
Just look at yourself, 'cause there's nowhere to go
And you'll know

You're gonna have to live with the things you say
You'll have to cross bridges that you burned today
And everything you do, it's coming back for you
You'll never outrun what waits for you

Are you waiting for the reason to change?
Are you waiting for the end, has it came?
Nothing's gonna stand in your way...

Just look at yourself, do you like what you see?
Look at yourself, is this how it should be?

You're gonna have to live with the things you say
You'll have to cross bridges that you burned today
And everything you do, it's coming back for you
You'll never outrun what waits for you

1. One word - Respect.
2. If you think you can get away with playin'.... your wrong. It's that simple. A woman's heart is nothing to be toying with or having you way with just because you can or you think u can get away with it. Trust me... it will come back to haunt you for the rest of your life, if you like it or not. If the idea itself doesn't get you she will.... and I'm guessing that if you are playing then there are going to be a lot of she's.
3. Get to know them fairly well before any major decisions are made.
4. Remember, physical beauty isn't everything, but can be one of the perk's.
When she is beautiful in your eyes (and she better be if you are with her) then she beautiful, and it doesn't matter what everyone else's definition of beauty is.
If she wants to lose weight or get in shape or do anything in the way of changing


her physical appearance then stand beside her(to a point... if she is trying to do something that could hurt her or put he life in danger you had better make she it doesn't happen). Help her and go through every step along the way if she wants you there. If she is beautiful in he own eye's then that gorgeous woman you fell for will be all the more beautiful to you(mentally and physically).
5. Cheesy lines are not a good thing, unless you can be "cute" while pulling them off.
6. When put in the position to explain how you treat her, just say you treat her like the AnGeL she is. AND YOU BETTER MEAN IT AND DO IT.
7. Always treat her like the AnGeL she is, even when things get scary. If you can
be there during the hard times then she will know you will be there always.
8. Be polite. if she isn't used to it then make sure you're as polite as possible.
This includes- opening doors - cars doors and every other door you
- pulling out and pushing in chairs at dinner
- giving compliments when they are due, and sometimes just to
show you care.
- unless she thinks it is funny, burping for loudness is not a good
things, so say "excuse me," or hold it in till later.
9. Make sure she knows that she is very special to you.
10. Remember that the little things do matter.
11. If you ever doubt why you are in the relationship watch her while she's sleeping some time. If you can still think about things other than how beautiful she is at that moment..... YOU ARE NOT WORTHY.
12. You shouldn't need a reason to give her a hug, kiss, or even a present of some sort.
13. Talk to her, and do it often. Communication is a very important part any


14. If at the beginning of a relationship.. even before it is an actual relationship.. you have strong feelings for her, don't be afraid to tell her so. From personal
experience it is best to tell her or ask her if she feels the same way that you do.
If you don't, and no closer bond than friends becomes of it, you'll most likely
regret it for as long as you know her or can remember her name.


15. The phrase "it never hurts to ask" is not always true. Sometimes it can come
back to bite you really hard. Just try to think before you ask.
16. Don't let the brain in your pants do the thinking for you.
17. Make sure she can feel safe in your arms at all times. If she can feel scared, or uneasy in any way shape or form, then you have some work to do both mentally and physically.
18. NEVER HIT A LADY! I don't care if she's beating you with your own shoe. Scare her a little maybe(by that i mean very very little, as in a grunt is about it... you raise your hand and you're going down), but NEVER HIT A LADY!
19. Independence is important to any female, so don't be excessively clingy.
Sometimes its okay, but allow for some space,if she asks for it. =)
20. Do not be afraid to try to be romantic. If you fail miserably, and you know she really likes or loves you, tell her what you were trying to do. Chances are she knows it's the thought that counts and will think its cute anyway. (unless you are
literally stupid, or a sh*t head, you really have nothing to lose)
21. I know you are competitive, but be careful. The spirit of competition can enter a relationship and ruin it really fast. Neither person in the relationship needs to be better than the other person.
22. I know everyone likes to be right all the time. Unless you are a rocket scientist and actually are right all the time, be able to admit when you are wrong.
Be open enough to accept a different opinion or answer. If yours is wrong.. admit it and move on. And even if you are said rocket scientist... your still going to be wrong sometimes, accept it and even embrace it some.

23. " Object of affection" is perhaps the worst line in history. She should in no way, shape, or form should she ever be treated as an object. She is not a trophy.
Sure she may be really good looking (and i hope she is in your eyes anyway), but she is nothing to be paraded around. This is not to say that you shouldn't be proud of her and even proud to be associated with her. If the situation comes where you can show her off while she is there then by all means do so. Compliments and showing that you are not afraid to take her around your friends will be much appreciated. On that note, NEVER try to make that situation arise. She will know, even if she doesn't let on that she knows.


24. She shouldn't be referred to as "the girlfriend." The bad word being "the." Your girlfriend or special someone does have a name... as in she is human.
By definition she is an object, but then so are you and everyone else. Would you really want to be known as "the boyfriend"? This goes back to the idea the whole communication thing.
25. If she is to be treated like an AnGeL and not an object then she must be allowed to be involved in all discourse. Though allow is the wrong word for the situation.... perhaps it should be described more as allot time for her to converse if she so desires to enter the conversation.
26. Believe it or not, she does notice the little things such as being treated as an object.


27. Keep in mind that an object does not have feelings... and since she is a female she has lots of feelings. Each one of those feelings should be paid close attention to. The feelings and emotions that are not extremely noticeable are the
one's that should be paid the most attention to.
28. I recommend that you get a book on body language. learning to read more than facial emotions can be very the knowledge of both people in the relationship. If you get such a book make sure it is there for her to read if she wants to.
29. As a bit of an indicator.... if you find it very hard to sleep at night without that
someone special right beside you, the you got it bad. In this case it is a very good thing. If she feels the same then you may be closer than you realize.
30. Thoughts and dreams.. thoughts and dreams... even when her thoughts and dreams and ideas may seem crazy or ridiculous or wrong you must realize that is the base for all thoughts and dreams. Never treat her like her thoughts and dreams and ideas are as ridiculous as you may think they are. Take a step back before you say something wrong and realize that your dreams are the same way... even if you think they aren't. Some of times greatest ideas and inventions and different things all came from some crazy ass ideas and dreams. Think for a second that maybe they aren't that crazy after all. If one of her goals is to make even one of those dreams come true... then you best do everything you can to help her along the way... don't take over to make sure they happen, but do what you can when she wants the help. If she can't get the feeling out of it she wants by making it happen, then what's the use in having it in the first place... wouldn't you want the same thing?


31. If you say you are going to call her then call her already. This usually applies to the dating process more, but use it while you are together and even if you end
up married. If you tell her that you will call her at a certain time and you find out that you won't be able to call her then find a way to get ahold of her and let her know what's up. This might fall into the its the little things that matter category, but when you know she is looking forward to talking you and you don't call it's going to break her heart a little; trust will be bruised every time it happens.


32. You know she is as good as you believe and even more amazing. Tell her so frequently. Make her know that when you get a chance to say "star light, star bright, first star I see tonight... I wish I may, I wish I might, have this wish I wish tonight" you mean her and only her. Not the stars or the moon or the sun or even one of those laser pins shining in your eye could be brighter and more glorious to you than her. When she has no doubt in her mind at all that you are talking about her even when looking up at the stars... then you know you have a good start in treating her like she is supposed to be treated. She is the north star in your life... don't ever forget it. Make her know that the guidance and advice she gives is good advice (and even though you may not think so at the time... trust me she is usually right) and you appreciate it very much. That includes following that advice guys... don't ever lie to her in that area,


33. Have you ever heard the phrase "another notch in the belt?" If by some chance (and I hope to god that if you've read this far you either know better or are learning fast) you are messing with her just to get that "holy belt" you deserve to get the ass whooping of the century. A woman is not, nor has
ever been, something you can treat that way. We've all heard that if a guy sleeps with 20 women he is a pimp, but if a girl sleeps with 20 guys she is a slut... WHAT THE BLOODY HELL? If you have that 20 notches in your belt and the one you are with now is just number 21 you are the real slut, not her. People make mistakes in life while searching for that special someone. Chances are that your girl has dated her share of guys, and you know what? That is perfectly fine. It just means that she is defining her standards and hopefully knows she will find her one and she will be happy in life. Being of the female species myself, if you have been with that many women then once again.. you are the slut, and that is not a good thing. You too guys have the ability to be picky. Sure you should test the waters to see what is out there, but going for a swim and humping everything you come across on that swim doesn't mean you're getting any closer to finding your one. Try putting her on a pedestal (figuratively) for a while. If
she looks like she might fall and break or get knocked off, be there to catch her. Try to put her back together again if you can't catch her completely. Show her that you care more than enough to put forth that extra effort. Eventually she will learn that you are not there to make her a notch.
34. Every once and a while it's a really good idea to take a step back and listen to what you are saying. Even better yet, really listen to what she is saying. If something along the lines of calling her retarded, or stupid, or dumb comes out of your mouth break up with her. Your heart no longer
matters in the situation because her's is breaking over and over with each time you say it. She may say or seem like she can just brush it off, but don't believe it for a second. If she loves you then every single thing you do she will really take to heart. When you listen to her talk to you in person and on the phone do you notice her saying that she is sorry a lot? Does something along the lines of "you're right" and "it's my fault" happen often? If so, learn that it is 99% of the time NOT HER FAULT. Everyone is wrong sometimes, but if it's that often then it's most likely your fault. You are the one that made her feel bad and put her in a bad mood, so she feels the need to apologize to keep you. She's most likely afraid that she'll scare you off if she doesn't make you happy. Treat her with the up most respect. Just as you are human and want to hear how great you are and not be called bad names, so does she. If you can't do that then run away as fast as you can. Run not to get away from her, but to get as far away from her so you won't hurt her any longer and she can move on with her life. She in no way ever deserves that kind of crap.
35. A little hint that I've learned the hard way, and most guys out there will inevitably will too… Take responsibility for your actions. It is hard
sometimes, but trying to get around anything or denying anything will only end in more heartache and trouble than it is worth in the first place. This applies to just about any situation. If ya don't think it though and it comes back to get you… take claim and make it good. If it's unavoidable take
claim to it first. If you can stand up and be the better man or just a great man in all of it you will not live to regret it at all. It will be best if you learn from it too. As and example.. If you have a child. If you are not married, but you know the child is yours. CLAIM IT. Especially if it is as beautiful as I know it will be. If you deny it, not only are you hurting the child, its mother will be going through more heartache than you could even imagine possible.

         This was taken from a journal i used to keep. Hope you love it =)

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