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fight PART3


Don't be afraid as she pulled down the shade
Said theres nothing to fear but the monster is here
So just tell me the time, is it quarter of nine
Since the suns gone away, now the creature will play

Bleed!!!! *He just needs her in his sight as every single scratch, Cut, Slice, and Open wound on her opened wider till she was gushing blood. He growled deeply as he started towards her his voice demanding as he surged with power.* BLEED!!!!!!!!!!! *She had angered him and if she thought that he was going to make things easy she was wrong. Between the curse and with his surge of power her wounds were not beyond more wounding. And with each new scratch, cut, slice, and opening came his power opening it wider larger making her bleed like no other. When he was within 4 paces of her he spoke.* you’ll find torment and hell under my care for all this. *He increased the shadows by letting the darkness gather. Then releases the shadows which were gathered forming tendrils to turn into thousand of whipping lashing things releasing his rage upon the mulo vampire.*
She dodges and dances among the tendrils with a dancers grace, Gypsy lineage gave her the form her human shell took, a vampires breeding over the generations selectively bred the family like cattle to produce the woman before him who deflects ducks and weaves past the tendrils, sired by a Vampire/fae she is stunning for sure certainly is good reasons why she does not mingle with humanity anymore, she simply would not fit in, too fairy tale like, too perfect, too damned caught up defending herself from the whips to notice he has come closer, The BEAST ROARS the thing wild within her breast taking control as he COMMANDS the curse? to make her bleed from every wound being dished out, she hears it, hears it through the raging storm within her brain, through the cells of her body screaming in protest knowing they need the blood, how dare it be drained, she weakens, the blood is the life, it is the source, the spice of life, the fuel to the husk which contains her spirit, her soul. NO! NO0o0o0o0o0ooooo!!!! She yells out her voice calling to the night!!! Frustration, anger, and there’s a thought….mother….? She looks to the earth, looks to the sky a tendril smacks her to her knees, so many brew, so many attacking, surrounding her overlapping their blows, she tries to avoid them, too many, they are everywhere, the world about her is against her….she lowers her brows eyes blazing, blood flowing spilling out into the earth it stains the grass red melting the early morning frost, the blades of green under knee drinking it up….her eyes watching as she trembles under the strikes ….suddenly the pain within is too much, the BEAST BELLOWS….it needs BLOOD, she gets up but is pounded back down, she stumbles under the attacks, the tendrils over lapping, they drown her in shadows the smell of her blood in the air intoxicating a pheromone of sex, an insect drawing a mate closer…sweet nectar….like the woman…. wait….wait…..POOF…..the ghost…..the spirit form of the MULO stands up….she glares at him, and before he is aware since she has no substance no form no visual aspect, unless he is a gypsy and a twin at that he can not see her unless she allows it, she speeds forward and enters his body…occupying the same space he is, his heart would start to feel as if it is being pierced by a wooden stake…gripped in the clutches of a ghost who squeezes about his mind infects his blood pulls at the energy of his spirit a new form of hunger of LUST..
*She underestimates the power within him, older and a Baali he had consumed a DEMON more powerful then her. And she forgets about the little imp that had come with him. She'd find that his heart was not within his breast he had that removed age's ago and placed in a safe place that only a friend clan member knows where. Mychal's voice hits the air.* Come to me Erishit ((LMAO everytime I see this name I think eerie sh*T)). Come to me and gather this soul that is in me. *She's finding that she was now trapped in his body with him. She'd feel Glyphs carved into his flesh by a mage that he had granted him more power. The glyphs were hidden from all sights except with active. She'd find that she was not able to drink his soul. After all his soul was already owned by his master soon she would learn this. And his master was 1,000 times more powerful then he and 1,000,000 times more then her. What she found was she was trapped in his body.* *When the imp stood before him Mychal opened his shirt and spoke.* Do it. Bind her to me now. *The Imp plunge a sharp spear into him through his chest into the body. That spear glowed a so bright that even it hurt Mychal eye's. The Binding had begun she was being spirit bound to him. Spirit bound is a soul shattering true love making above all other things process and there was no escaping it. She was becoming his in a way blood bonding could never work.* *When the imp removed that spear she would be bound to him. A bond that couldn't be broke on any plane. .*
Trillium has no idea who she is up against she doesn’t even know really who he is, what he wants of her, or where he comes from …he just was there and chose her for his amusement and purposes finding her suitable for reasons only he knew and understood. God its like a repeat of her fledgling years, only there is no one to rescue her, This dark prince nothing like Dragnor Dain, no this guy is twice the age of the Elder who had attacked her and out ranked her years ago making her a thrall blood Oathed to Drag nor, this would make him seem like Childs play….she had no clue about the runes…Ooh, if she had this would not of been what she would of done….nothing like the fight she had with Empyreal the night within her chamber…nothing like that training at all…this is not going so well….She screams inside her prison, inside his head, She swirls about a ghostly mist like ghost having no substance since she is trapped investigating his innards looking for a weakness anywhere everywhere, a hollow space where his heart was is found. No…no, no this can not be, this is not good, evil, damn evil wicked be the sisters of fate, the threads which weave are all against the grains of her beings fibre, they chafe her soul…her spirit spins in fear suddenly…oh no, no….The space…a hollow space where nothing is…She wants to scream….IDEA….a last chance a hope beyond hope…the mist swirls…it fills the hole in his chest as he calls to his imp, calls to it like a disgusting dog with a name, she feels dread…not understanding but knowing what ever his intentions be it can not be good….no…not at all…quickly desperately she forms her lips within his chest bits of her throat she needs not all of herself just this little piece….her rage, anger …fear….filling her soul…sensing something fatal approaching if she does not try NO….oh N0o0o0oooooo!!!!!!!!!! SHE SCREAMS deep within his chest SONICS level 6 one of the rare skills of the enchantress the vampire Mulo the gypsy vampire wild untamed, beast…SHE HOWLS out with her inner BEAST which LUSTS, lusts for blood…for freedom…to kill… the attack a sonic blast the sound wave becomes a physical sound wave capable of tearing flesh and shattering bones (as with all sonic powers the vampires throat has developed over the years to enable it to use these powers, since vampire use their fangs to ingest blood into the blood stream, they have no need for throat openings, this space is used to develop the sonic box, should a vampire be stupid enough to drink through the throat like partaking of blood wine or other non blood fluids it hinders this special talent, hence its rareness. it has a range of 3meters, and in a short range like this a strength to tear apart the bones….being within him the effects would be most deadly then just if she was outside of him)) She screams…with all her might within his shells empty cavities filling him with her loathing her hatred her utter wish to be FREE….untamed …WILD…. She does not want to be a slave….
*He laughed with UN speak able evil. His body figured out what was to come and reacted to it with unfailing resistance. A form of dark thaumaturgy that is very rare. He resisted her sonic attempt to break free. His skill held firm and she was stuck. Within that moment he was able to chain her psyche. She'd hear his word echo in his body.* you’ll not do anything to harm me. *With that if she tried to harm him. The pain that she would feel would even go beyond her threshold for pleasure is pain. He smirked as he took a moment togather himself as he sent a power surge through his body. He made sure to reinforce his body structure to make she couldn't bust out.* *When the imp stood before him Mychal opened his shirt and spoke.* Do it. Bind her to me now. *The little imp reached into the air and called from the depths of the Wyrms realm a spear. The Imp plunge a sharp spear into him through his chest into the body. That spear glowed a so bright that even it hurt Mychal eye's. The Binding had begun she was being spirit bound to him. *When the imp removed that spear she was bound to him. A bond that couldn't be broke on any plane. She would be forever changed as the glyphs broke down and she was able to leave the prison of flesh. This bound would have some interesting side effects but the effects that are known would be Love she'd feel the ultimate of loves. The Soul mate was now Mychal.*
Within the depths of the wicked evil creature she hears the echoing of his laughter her form swirling not able to break free screaming in all manners possible a gypsy instead of a genie trapped inside a Baali and not a bottle, the horror, the complete dread, the utter desperation, the hatred, LUST for freedom, desire for the WILD, the fish had swallowed the worm, She was on a BIG fooken hook and it had impaled the Rapunzel of the immortal lands, captured her closing the book upon her freedom…. Her SOUL SCREAMS OUT>…EMPYREAL, SHADOW…..N0o0o0oooooooo It is no use, she is caught. He had resisted the attack as if she was but a sound lark a pretty birdie to sing for him within his rib cage, poor canary it didn’t have a chance to fly… Swirling about within his prison of flesh she hears his voice coming down into his hollows if only she COULD harm him…IF only…if…if…..she harmed him it would hurt her in return….she spins, as if chasing her tail….he has reinforced himself so she can not get out….No, no….why…WHY…. POWER, it pours through him surrounds her, encases the spirit of the vampire Mulo, she can not get away…Then suddenly…. A WEAPON, it forces through his flesh, she avoids it, smashing into his rib cage, her spirit SCREAMS again, and again…repeating itself…the light so bright like her SUN, like the sun it blazes with its light, light which does not burn, but lies…promising a bright future only to bring darkness when it goes away…the bird within him his trapped canary sings out in horror…TERROR you could say …. she dies a bit…a piece of her shattering….it falls into the abyss she never could find, her freedom, her WILDNESS …it is enslaved, stolen from her, collared, chained …to him…to this stranger….the one …..Mychal…. She is released…her spirit form rushing out of him like an expelled breath…frost like in the air of the morning….the spirit rushing past his lips ….a silent voice of its own…the spirit forms taking shape, it bends changes, mist to woman….the figure coming to shape itself again, Trillium in the opal burnt hues flesh, third degree burns all over her, topless, torn up and scorched breeches barely holding onto her muscled form….her hair flowing only about her backs spine down to her small of her back…the rest laying in a pile else where…dust….no longer a part of her like her freedom her wild spirit… She falls in a heap to the ground, powerless against him, hue less eyes staring up…empty crystals…the depths the darkness of her skulls shadows…she stares up at him…upon her knees, her hands resting in the frosty blades of grass….as she tries to figure what the heck she is feeling….what is this emotion….it is not hatred that she understands well…what is it…something like Bloodlust, but different….it is making her want to look at him…she glares… Her lips forming words…scared…confused…this feeling slowly taking hold of her eyes wide like dinner plates as she feels it grip…collared, Why…..what have you done….Mychal….my beloved…. such strange words coming from her lip, coming from the one who never knew this emotion, this mortal thing, this fragility of the creatures with a heartbeat now a pet a predator on a leash
*He looked down at her as his fist balled up and came down across her face in a hard smash. There was only one and one alone. He slipped that hand into his pocket as he spoke to her.* I did what I sat out to do. The hit was something you had coming for all the trouble you caused me. *Eerie sh*T help her mend her wounds. Get her cleaned and watch over her. She is your charge fail me and I'll end you. *He looked at her with dead eye's.* you’ll become presentable to me or you will not like the night you have. Now go. *He waved them away to go back to his Chantey that was on the out skirts of the Courtyard. There he'd wait for her and the imp to come.*
The fist she had not expected, at the last second seeing it coming she tries to dodge it in love with him but not about to take it, it misses her nose, smashing into the side of her head, the sound of knuckles cracking into bones…her head twists and she falls to the ground, a heap of flesh, of scorn, her eyes blazing in anger at the hit from her lover…she growls deeply…it is threatening but hollow too. The beast within her stirs its ugly head it must be FED, the blood lust boiling in her innards, reaching out from her bowels threatening to devour that heart she only know realizes exists still in the cage within her shell, though withered and black it is there…unlike his own. Bond to him her freedom gone, her spirit haltered like a wild mare that was bent on roaming eternity a meadow of years stretching before her….is now pastured in a corral of his powers. She frowns, a bloody tear welling in her hue less eyes the crystals bleeding pained, sorrowed from the lovers strike upon her form. She wipes it away hurt, not so in flesh as it is scorched by his attacks of HELLFIRE, but from emotional pain, which is new, which was closeted away not needed. She glances at him watching as he tucks those offending hands into his pockets, she on her knees before him leaning over touching her head, fingertips touching her skull as the creature the imp is instructed to help her tend to her wounds…his familiar, her company…the lowly creature it disgusts her, but it is his dog, his pet…she slowly shamefully gets to her feet before him, those amazing eyes going to the imp allowing it to lead her as if by an unseen collar to the place where he dwells, has he always been watching from this chantey her movements unseen till he so chose to make an appearance and claim what he had been stalking….She would be instructed by the imp on what was presentable….her wounds would not all heal….the burns bad, needing fresh blood a kill, she must kill something fully a fledgling vampire would make the burns vanish…or magic…though the blood was a better choice….she follows without a word…fingertips silently touching her lips…
Mychal "Don't you wish you had it all Don't you deserve to have it all Kneel down and tell me what you need" Theme Music: Alice Cooper-Gimme.
glowchalice.gifCome lurk a little closer...let me have a look at your throatglowchalice.gif

Don't be afraid my darkling, step into the shadows click here if you have no fear


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