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Loosely Based Vtm Character I didn’t bother putting others posts in cause I’m lame like that and FORGOT to ask if I could MAW AH haha suckers . Within her chambers in Avalon ((HAHA just happens to be the name of the place)) Trillium has been pacing her hands to her head as she tries to gain control over her mind the nightmares now and then plaguing her more than other times however she has not screamed out in some time thanks to a few herbs she grows in planters in pots within her chambers those of Angelica (Used to protect oneself from the effects of evil) =Spikenard (Increases mental clarity) her chambers are all but bare for a small table one has to kneel at to use and a stone coffin the one Dragnor buried her in within Empyreals mothers rose garden. The small table has items scattered upon it rings a teleport charm and a few gifts from those she has met over the years including the crystal rose and a large crystal stone Sohji offered. Her long dark hair trails about her as she paces it glimmers with the darkness of shadows contrasting against her pure white flesh and garments of Ivory which are simple riding breeches and a tunic still showing signs of the battle ripped and frayed from fire and attacks. Her hueless eyes scan the room as if looking for answers as she trys to fathom what the Baal could want with her and why he had attacked. Finding no reasons she feels frustrated her hands leaving her head to run down her arms on either side hue less eyes dropping to where Empyreal had been resting wondering if he was ok after all he did a lot for her and she is grateful to have such a comrade her expression does not change as she looks him over to see if there is any sign of anger in him at what has happened to them Eyes cold and almost listless watch him as he twitches as he had a few times while within the room she had only left once and that was when a strange feeling that Calen was missing had come to her, now knowing it was not so she had returned and not left since, Her hands at her throat she growls when she notices him jump up and stick to the wall thinking for a moment he might attack her even though this chamber reeked with her scent there is no windows and the door seems to have gone missing altogether since Trillium uses portals now for most traveling hardly ever staying in one place long as if worried it makes her easy prey or something. Her lips pull tightly a moment as she stares at Empyreal the look on his face seems normal though there was times it had changed showing a youthful him through those staring eyes as he breathed, so many times during her own nightmares had she almost sank her fangs into him as if to draw comfort but stopped herself. She leans against the wall and looks down at the stone coffin which she once slept in often upon her fledgling years she had enjoyed the cold feeling of it the way the darkness had caressed her making everything go away, only it was nothingness and she did not wish to feel nothing something had to be had with this immortality which was a joke for even it could be as fragile as a candle and easily snuffed out. She turns to Empyreal and speaks her voice strong and firm though hinting at turmoil within her skulls confines Are you well, these nightmares are his doing that Mychal the Baali, I do not know why he is after me, before that night I have never seen him before….I brought you here because I knew not where else was safe he will not be able to find us here for sometime. She eyes his muscles and the armour upon him almost with admiration for his sculpted frame but it is respectable as well that look she gives before she looks once more to the stone coffin and the floor her mind pushing aside the night mares she looks down to a goblet of wood upon her table and goes to it picking it up she holds it out allowing him to come to her should he want what is within after she explains what it is I have mixed up a brew of Angelic and spikenard one to protect against the evil of the Baal the other improves mental clarity it should help with the mental assault of the curse She watches drinking him in the way he stares at her enticing to say the least her nail clicking against the wooden cup their deadly ends shining she would sink her fangs into him just to feel the danger of it all the sensuality that seems to seep from his every pore beckoning for dangerous things her eyes following his every moment her looks are very primal at this time her glamour which normally plays up about others are down the Mulo Gangrel she hides from others shown since she is within her own grounds away from prying eyes her features glowing white as if with virtue are Serbian bespeaking of a Gypsy lineage in mortality all the angles of her face showing most of her humanity had been lost over last few hundred years. Her expression makes a twitch as it turns to one of a more interested expression as she almost smiles to his not knowing what a night mare is she licks her pale lips which are not the normal red since she has not feed in sometime. Holding out the cup she offers it and watches as he takes it his body something to behold any female would be stupid to not see the merits in his dipped in evil beauty. Tearing her eyes away she looks about her chambers having time to think about what he had said allowing silence to blanket the room her eyes closing as she looks to the ceiling a sigh escaping her lips as she brings her needle sharp nailed hand to pull through her hair starting at the forehead to sweep it all back over her ears and past her neck she pulls it about to smooth all of its length which takes some time, a tool it seems at times to the woman before him like the night they had started to train. Only after he had taken his first sip of the stuff does she speaks as if knowing it annoys him and taking pleasure of at least having this small thing I don’t care his reasons I refuse to be a pawn in another’s Jyhad, I do not need a repeat of Drag nor again. *she rolls her eyes into the back of her skull before bringing them back to glare at him a moment drifting from him to the shadow he plays on the wall as if worried that staring at him too long will burn the image into her thoughts forever.* I only know I must get him off my case remove him as a threat as to night mares Empyreal they are your mind playing tricks on you forming untruths about your past or your inner memories things you had tried to ignore or forget She smiles oddly then tilts her chin up at him And I know even you suffer them I saw you there watching over you I noticed as you slept you felt the effects so there is no point playing tough I have seen the truths to you my comrade. She turns to look into his eyes meeting his look with her own Her eyes with out hue and no glamour upon them are not white as others think at the meaning of hue less but clear as if glass they have no Iris no pupil which dilates when she focuses her attentions on others if one stared long enough they could make out the darkness of her skulls innards within those depths of her hue less eyes it is only when her soul fuels her expressions that they glow with a white light to fill the emptiness of her shell. Trillium eyes him as always drinking him in as if her desires are those of a mortal’s own as if it is his flesh which she craves to savour and not the map work of blood which flows through him making him a specimen to behold. Ever watching and examining like he is a specimen on a table to be viewed without and within to know everything about him. A smile cracks her blank features as she watches him stir it as if that would make it taste better or allow him to know if it was safe. She knows he is cautious though what reason would she have to harm him at this point she owes him much already. His eyes on her with that intensity she likes and finds agitating all the same comes she has no lust in the flesh her only lust is for the blood, her virtues are as they always were in mortality in tack there is no reason to attempt to bred nothing will happen it will change nothing for her though she is drawn beyond reasoning to his form tis probably the last bit of mortality which clings to her is this sense of the differences between the sexes. Eyes trailing along his warriors body the way it moves alluring as hell she looks away pivoting on the spot to turn her back to him She stretches out her arms reaching towards the ceiling as her muscles flex and weave patterns over her bones flawless is the elegance of her movements like the animal she becomes during the light of day she has a nobility about the way she arches and moves calculating and with out waste of energy since her vitae is low she wastes little of it. Licking her lips she turns back to him fanning her eyes a moment before bothering him again with the sound of her voice You think I compare myself to you, oh no this you are mistaken Empyreal we are nothing alike though I’m sure we share common traits here and there small things, see I am a Vampire and you are not, where your heart beats mine is dead, you you’re your sister and a strong bond connection I do not, I have very little to lose, you however do. Look about this room you can see I do not compare myself to the likes of you my comrade, No we are very different when I lay down I am nothing oblivion greets me I no longer exist, that is if I laid down at all She looks at him staring into his face as if allowing him to remember the fact she did not lay down but across him when first falling through the portal, within his sleep he would have seen at times a white mare like the horse of death standing over him before later the image of the Rapunzel vampire with her mantel of darkness would be there over looking him as if making sure he breathed and was alright. I can not sleep, I suffer from waking dreams, nothing more things which I know are only annoying though I admit the first few sucked and not in a desirable vampiric fashion She chuckles and offers her hand to him to take the wooden cup away Stirrings within her both predatory and primal in so many different ways as she stares into his eyes what a creature a beast of a warrior he is enticing and repulsive alluring and dangerous like poison within your blood. She offers him a smile to what he said or to his actions his looks at that moment he could never be sure, she confuses many with her antics and her actions the glamour making her seem mortal at times where other times like now she seems dead as a door knob though there is life within her a soul burning with unknown depths unknown wants perhaps even to her own knowledge. She reaches out taking the wooden cup from him eyeballing him a moment before dropping it upon the table near her the other trinkets jumping from the cups descent upon it. Her head tilts as she eyes him she dares to step closer as if wanting to smell his breathe as he said they are nothing alike. Hmm you might not have anything to lose, but how would your sister- Empyreal feel without your connection to her after all you’re her channel who helps her as much as she has yourself. You can not tell me that you would be the same without her or she without you, I have no such connection Her hand touches a stray strand of his hair between middle and index finger the needle like nails twisting it before moving to release it I know Baali’s are only powerful from having drank Demons dry to their final drop. This means demons can fall prey to Vampires, though I am not powerful enough yet for such a thing it does not mean the Baal can not fall prey himself to something my problem is to what…I know you only came because I called to you and you might have been bored perhaps She shrugs and wrinkles her nose inhaling his scent she closes her eyes a moment in thought > Eyes follow him they are hard like the clear stones and crystal on that table he comes like a feral feline to stand before her inches away his heart pounding like a skin drum within her ears it awakens the coiled beast inside her pressing lips together she stares into that face of the King, Unmoving she has no fear of him sometimes it comes off more as fear for him instead. Her hand with its own impulses reaches out and touches his chest hoping to feel the heat more closely his scent a drug her eyes flicker a moment tongue running over her fangs her expression gives him a look as if to ask if he is teasing her blood lust a brow arching up as she listens to his words which splash across her consciousness chin lifting up prideful or stubbornly she is not as tall as him but is of a good height of 5foot 11. Hmm yes, well death is natural nothing is truly immortal, not even the vampires who believe themselves gods. It is why I wish to destroy the Baali before he does me I know only that he is a vampire so has weaknesses because of his state, If we could pierce his undead heart with a stake I could drink him dry and destroy him but he would expect it knowing it is a weakness there is daylight as well She looks at Empyreal a moment a questioning look Why are you looking at me like that, sometimes I feel like your amused by me * she frowns you always say I am untrained because I am not a brute in fighting skills perhaps you overlook something I have trained my mind my knowledge is my weapon and because of this I am here still I suppose, anyways according to legends which I found in the catacombs ages ago I might try Religious Symbols against him seems that it was written those will hurt him for double the damage most things will. She watches his expression knowing this is just driving him nuts all this blah blah blahing but somewhere inside her it amuses the hell out of her to know this a wicked light shines within her clear eyes. She offers him a sigh, her fangs showing she leans into him as if about to rake them against his throat but instead her claws pull down his chest the tips attempting to bury themselves deep within as she says darkly I know he will find me I have no need to hunt for him Mychal wants me for what ever his reason are and so I already know I am the bait for my own trap for him. All I have to do is leave this room leave Avalon which I plan on doing Fingertips with deadly needle like nails splay across his chest feeling the pulse under his skin the taunting the teasing she arches her neck to the side rolling her eyes into the back of her skull a moment resisting her urge a bit. Listening to the drum beating in his chest as if trying to make her a slave to its force she licks her lips bringing her eyes back into her sockets to look at his face as he leans into the touch his growl excites her. She makes no show of hiding it like she enjoys being in danger the idea of death a welcoming thought even if her talking and actions say otherwise, perhaps it is all a show for if one thinks of it she has already experienced death upon her becoming so could not fear it as much as others would imagine. In his silence he says more then words could say she reads his body language like he is but an animal before her the Gangrel nature of her giving her abilities to see subtle hints her own equine form has its own language blinking she inhales the scent the heat absorbing into her cold flesh garments still tattered and fray he might be pleased to see that Baali did nothing to her compared to the training bout they had had where her hair had been cut nearly off and her flesh was burnt to a crisp her clothes rendered useless as shelter for her form. I know this, I know there is more to fighting than brute force Empyreal, it is why I asked for your guiding hand I know your interests lay not in the loins as other males do, I know you enjoy battle and have needed to fight all your life to survive, it is the reason I ask you not just because I see you as my comrade but because I admire your skills both wisdom and strength you hold my respect and in truth I should fear you more than that Baali because of it She snarls suddenly as he grabs her wrist tightly as if to break her bird like bones within his grasp her eyes darting to glare into his face seeing it form a new expression for a change a moment of elation a part of him revealed his inner self kept under tight wraps his growl sends shivers through her and she narrows her eyes at him in a beastly way challenging in their harshness their lack of color and warmth given to those of mortal natures. He tugs her close and she slams against him in a way had she had breathe to lose it would of whooshed past to slap his face which pulls inwards till her lashes butterfly kiss his nose her eyes staring into his own seeing his own beast uncoil his words breathed into her features which are primal in their exotic nature where the wild nature of her immortal being has taken over the once mortal planes. His body heats up and she twitches a moment the muscles under the skin rippling down her body a snake crawling in its skin his words hit her again and she nods to them knowing he is right her nails flexing into his skin more burrowing as if into his hair only his flesh has more resistant the heat almost daring her to try more The free hand comes up to touch the blood which coats the nails and she brings it to her lips to taste eyes staring into him fear not apparent but daring glaring back at him She removes her hand and touches his chin with it her own voice does not quiver nor shake or tremble he is terrible in this moment but dangerously appealing too the harshness the darkness a kin to the beast which is roaring within her I know it is not a room, it is a cage it is a hollow of space and time where I come to heal or store things like this husk so I might come to fight again another day or night I am not hiding, nor are you right?, We came here out of strategic reasoning alone, neither of use wanted to go to the Umbra world simple as that Empyreal I merely lingered here so as to allow you more rest let you see our differences up close allow you to know this creature before you better She lowers her eyes to his grip upon her wrist and again dips in deeper to his flesh her eyes lowering under her lashes as his heat is pulled into her own flesh warming it as if she tries to absorb his essences into her. His arm coiled about her and she arches at first from it already within his grasp so close his heat passes through her warming her innards and awakening the beast his drumming heart beat turning her on the predator within and out always used to merely lingering shows itself more and more as he gets rough with her his fingers trail up her spine which seems to almost shift under his touch as if the bones would realign beneath the sensuality of the caress. Deviousness appears in his eyes she shows her fangs cruel things which defy nature’s natural working ways the points flashing at him when he draws in his breathe her hand running along his chin to feel the flesh fingertips tasting the bone beneath it before quite suddenly his hand has her hair and the snarl escapes him her head yanked back her neck bending to compensate for the angle her muscles rippling under the flesh of her taunt fleshed body one which heals quickly and is always flawless the next night. His tongue comes out to lap at her like a beast might like a demon she trembles under the action of becoming prey and her nails grip ripping into his flesh upon his chest as her other hand which was upon his chin is moved by his actions it comes about to press into the other arm which is not holding her hair then suddenly she is tossed away, she stumbles only a moment to pivot almost crouches as if to lunge at him her face hungry primal and wanting the blood lust boiling within her she frowns at being licked and not bitten. I should free you come let me open the portal hole and return you to your haunts, unless you want my fangs at your heart. She shows no concern for the lick though her body posture seems to say it was not enough She watches him enjoying his manner his expressions and his whole show though she knows she shouldn’t mess with him she wants to almost needs to just to prove to herself this is what she craves to feel alive to feel life has feelings since her heart no longer races and her cheeks do not blush never does she suddenly need to pee or burp such things which once where amusing are not granted to her state only pain, and the hunger only the knowledge that even in this state deaths cold hand reaches for her. She smiles as he lifts his chin and stands up, the crouch was a way to keep her balance as much as a stance for another reason. She licks her lips a show against to match his own as her hand slides down the trail he had taken upon her neck her nails raking into it allowing her blood to seep to the wound she watches him her hips twist to the side as she stares into his eyes her hunger showing itself in her beastly features oh she is an animal a feral thing which knows no boundaries and daring as always even him like she had when only a fledgling the Ancients who had created her as if knowing she would turn out such a creature. What if I chose to keep you here, locked up in this place an item in my collection?, perhaps I do not wish to let you go maybe I like it that you are here and that I have your attention and get to see your inner beast She copies him crossing her arms over her own chest and lifting her chin proudly a cruel grin placing itself on her own lips as if she knows this is dangerous but enjoys it all the same no Vampire can do this to her making her want to play with them the pompous things can barely keep her attention long, maybe he knows it too. She looks at him head tilting to the side so that long mane which in her mortal years grew to that unbelievable length like a rope cascades in a rippling wave of darkness to her feet before her sudden strides has it whipping out behind her as she closes the distance so her breathe flows over his arms her eyes staring up at him she whispers to him. What if I like to chew on that thought, maybe I like your presence so much I’d prefer it to this existence of being a ghost, least I know about you I will feel something Her hands come up to grip his head as she stares into his eyes daring him to deny she could be right, her talons digging in to his temple she glares at him fangs glistening violence glowing in her mind he can almost sense it as if this is merely her preparing for battle as if she is ready for training She moves quickly her fangs sink into his arm as her legs wrap about him in a vice like grip squeezing like a boa she has chosen to keep him for a bit here with her in this small space She feels no movement from him as she coils about him her legs wrapped with a squeezing strength like a vice her hands digging into her temples her fangs within him she had no drawn blood though merely sank them into him as if wanting him to tell her no before she did, She feels the effect of his skin becoming sticky and almost growls with a purring sound it is low muffled by her mouth being clasped about his thick arm his eyes move so she cant stare into them any longer this is where it begins she thinks his hand lashes out almost in answer it grabs hold of her hair the rope which acts for her at times and most times against her a snarl comes out her lips parting from about his arms since she can not remove them she almost laughs but is able to contain it. Stuck to him like a child who has liked a frosty pole she is stuck hearing his words she tries not to laugh again her claws though dig in a bit more and her legs pressed harder about him her muscles thighs squeezing his ribcage would start to feel as if he was wearing a corset bout now. The attitude changes his eyes return to glare down at her she shivers with elation again even as his body temperature increases to a sinister level she knows it is useless to struggle since it would only tear away her flesh his hand comes and presses her into him she delights in his form and figure her own curving about his to mould into his own as the heat rises and he presses harder she suddenly slips through him her essence turning into a ghost she passes through him her Mulo ability allowing her to remove herself from his sticky ness, She then steps within his space literally within his space passing through his flesh she stands within him and gives him a caress he might never forget as she strokes his beating heart a moment giving it a squeeze before passing back out to stand behind him her body shimmering in its ghostly form She chuckles a moment staring at him having felt him inside and out now, her ghostly form slowly comes to be flesh again as he stares her down, she meets it though the flames licking at him a tease showing off the fact the fire can consume him but she can not a shame maybe. Her lips still curved up in a cruel manner till she is fully within her natural shape and form hue less eyes watching him she blinks and inhales If only the Baali was a living creature I could rip his heart out She steps closer caution given to the flame they burn it is only daylight she is immune to not fire, which he is a lover too. She circles him knowing he is aware this is a weakness for her, she waits for an opening or for him to allow something else to happen then this stand off of course she could of stayed in ghost form and played with his innards more but as he said what fun would that be. Her hue less eyes watching him as he mirrors her steps going the opposite way as if script on paper being presented such a look he gives, a wistful smile upon her lips plays before those flames peel back to release his hand which captures her hair touching it her smile fades but the little lines about her eyes do not the orbs glowing brighter devouring the muscles with her sight as they twist turn and stretch under his flesh a male to be sure though she has no desire to breed she has the lust to taste his life upon her tongue across her fangs would she like to have that salty flesh Chunks of it would she digest if given the chance a vicious beast of a vampire she has always been though most took it as merely a messy fledgling thing in her past when she was dressed in white drenched in blood. The shoulders of her keep proudly straight showing no fear her posture that of a predator of her own, the smells and intoxicating sex appeal he oozes out warns her he is about to move oh she is getting to know him very well. She would spin he would grab the front of her biceps and be facing her as those fangs sparkle in his eye poised as if to blind him with a needle like point merely a lashes stroke from his soft orb she does not strike right away though as if that was not her attack plan, his cheek moves through her hair and he growls she waits a moment remembering the way his muscles play against her own which are solid tissue under her dead skin. Since her plan has changed she stirs a different direction knowing he has Pheromone powers much like a vampire and herself, such is her scent which he inhales now it not only marks who she is but abuses the senses of those inhaling it causing the attraction, which has strong affects to anyone within ten feet of her, he is always sniffing it when near too which brings his alertness down And in the same manner she can change her scent and so does Repulsion Pheromones seep from her scalp emitting a ghastly smell so abhorrent and disgusting that it would make him not able to concentrate it will also make his eyes water from the scent alone She would grip onto his thighs suddenly since he has her arms in such a position to not be able to grip anywhere else, and her needle like nails with knife like sharpness would tear into his inner thighs cruelly, each of her nails making ten attacks into the strong flesh her desire to smell his blood obvious and since she can not taste it she will indulge in it through her other senses touch and smell. A smile crosses her paled lips a hint of blue to them as she smiles seeing him change his breathing pattern due to her repulsion Pheromone at least it got to him forcing him to do something about it. Annoying is what she knows gets him hot and bothered she is a Vampire who never experienced the weakness of love as a mortal so in her immortality has no sense of it nor want like the weak others who seek it with their long lives as if it will change the existence of their miserable lives, she sought knowledge the respect of her Grand Sire Hunter, ignoring those who played drama games like mere mortals. His twisted grin makes her blink her lashes as her fingertips absorb his blood through their cells this way is not so pleasant she can not taste it , the look in his eyes becomes a warning she remembers the way when he is bothered the flames comes and she is ready to resist them this time taking a little less then before like the first time he had done this engulfed her within his fire, the damage caused each time becomes a little less she every time she is exposed to them learning how to take the pain how to control the damage to her body building up an immunity to it heat resistance Empyreal licks at her mouth and she growls struggling in his grasps his tongue finishes the lick but before it leaves it is captured between her lips her fangs piercing into it her eyes blazing into his she takes a low pull of his blood Nails borrowing deeper into his thighs keeping the wounds open bleeding as she pulls at his tongue chomping down in an aggressive way as to tear it from his mouth to chew on the words he never says. Within his grasps she then uses Equilibrium counter strike With shifting her weight she since he has her in a locked position she moves herself into a position which is more to her advantage which puts him on the floor suddenly or upside down as she slips from his hold and releases his tongue his blood upon her lips as she steps away burnt her garments in fuming disarray skin smoking and looking tarnished from its once pale whiteness. Her nails dripping with his hearts fluid she brings one up and licks at them a naughty feline her hair falling about her feet in a mantel of shadows. Trillium watches him her hips swivelling to change her posture her stance speaking of a predator needing a kill now needing to dominate something to chew it to pieces after taking everything from it including its life, her body through scorched just a tad ripples with muscles a fluid elegance a dance for one to watch as the shadows catch the mending of her cells where the exposed tissues where. She arches her noble neck the tendons pulling as the flesh embraces them in their blanketing way her eyes glowing brightly dangerously she eyes him with a smirk her fangs wet with his blood her nails though licked clean or merely having absorbed the blood from him. She had enjoyed him he can see it in her demeanour though it seems it was not enough as she stalks to a far corner of the room away from him, her hair swirling across the floor after her a serpent of black inky ness. Her hand waves as she touches her chest where deep within is the key to the portal magic hidden under her flesh with other things no one knows about she turns to look at him and speaks softly You may leave if you want, I can not kill the Baali like this, though it is good practice thank you Empyreal maybe you will find me again. The portal opens it looks like liquid darkness through the mist he can see his kingdom waiting for him on the other side Trillium merely watches him not wasting anymore words on him knowing it annoys bothers and is pointless at this time. There is a hint of pleasure in her stance though as her scent comes seeping slowly again from her. Yes he had not been able to stop her from feeding, he had wanted her to get close to harm him, and she had all to show there are many ways to feed the blood lust within her, its not just about hunting Wights but about hunting all in any manner possible. He leaves her chambers and the darkness of oblivion surrounds her again draping her in silence.

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