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Hey Guys! Its sunday. What a crappy week I had. And I get no love on here. I don't get it:( Well I am gonna clean house and cook out. My mom made me a cake since tomorrows my 31st Bday...but more on that tomorrow. Anyhow Show me some love ...rate my pics or comment...anything pleaseeeeeeeeeee xoxo You got a fast car I want a ticket to anywhere Maybe we make a deal Maybe together we can get somewhere Anyplace is better Starting from zero got nothing to lose Maybe we'll make something But me myself I got nothing to prove You got a fast car And I got a plan to get us out of here I been working at the convenience store Managed to save just a little bit of money We won't have to drive too far Just 'cross the border and into the city You and I can both get jobs And finally see what it means to be living You see my old man's got a problem He live with the bottle that's the way it is He says his body's too old for working I say his body's too young to look like
Sunday Morning Cartoons
Sunday morning cartoons.......I miss them. What the hell? Its now Sunday morning bible class perfectly fit with a couple hair pieces and orange tans. Where's my Buggs Bunny and Yosemitie Sam? WAAAAA!!!
Sunday Afternoon
It is Sunday. Mid-afternoon, I'm guessing, by the way the light filters in through the slats in the blinds. I've just returned from the bath. My skin is cool and still a little damp. I'm laying on my side... my right side. Naked. Freshly shaven. You are behind me. Rubbing my neck and shoulders. Pressing firmly with your large, spread hands. Applying pressure with your thumbs. You are pressed up against me – completely – from your feet to your hips. Our bodies molded together. My thighs are squeezed gently around your semi-sleeping cock. Legs crossed at the knee. This is nice... But nice is not quite what I am in the mood for. I smile to myself. And purr. I push just a little more firmly back and down. I feel you begin to stir, harden. I purr a little louder. I'm pleased and relieved. I was fully expecting you to say you had to get up. Another squeeze of the thighs: this time not quite so gently. And I start to feel your pulse: vibrate, flicker -- resonate in
Sunday 4/29/07
Today was another slow day, but it wasn't bad, the weather was good at least. I didn't do much though, but I did work on my page a bit and added some things to it. Other than that, I didn't really do anything out of the ordinary, just the usual chatting and listening to CrushFM. I called a friend, but she wasn't home, so I'm hoping she calls me back before I go to bed because I'd really like to go somewhere tomorrow, or sometime soon while the weather is good. Well, I think I'm gonna end this here and go chase DJCrackerjack around Phreik for awhile before I go to bed lol. Have a great night all.
Sunday 5/6/07
Just another day for me lol, I'm listening to DJ Cracker and Bratty Lil Kitten DJ together and they are making me pee myself practically lol. Cracker just started having listeners and some of the other DJ's do her shows with her, so I've been enjoying listening to them do that, because so far they've been really funny. Other than that I've just been chatting in the Lobby and updating my page on here. I'm hoping the rain stops soon because I'm getting tired of being stuck in the house doing the same old thing day in and day out lol. Well, not much for me to write about tonight, so I'm gonna end this here and go finish listening to Cracker and Bratty and hope I don't break a rib lmao. Have a good night all.
Sundays SUCK! Cause I have to work on Monday.
Sunday...mothers Day :d
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Sunday May 13th '07
Maybe southern women are rubbing off on me or its just a slow sports day.. but I'm watching NASCAR on my porch. They are in Darlington which is called the black widow lady.. why that is I don't know. Aren't all tracks black? lol maybe Daytona is purple and i just didn't see it. I don't know what im going to do this summer. Instead of my friends changing every year they seem to be changing every month. It gets harder and harder to keep women talking to me. I guess I won't be moving out here any time soon. My job is starting to get to me. I don't really need a vacation i don't think. I just want something that isn't so repetitious. I'm hoping for the best of course. I am going to go the store to get something for dinner tonight. Its hard to eat when you are feeling down. The weather is absolutely beautiful. I just wish i had somewhere to go today. Nobody seems to be talking to me much. So i guess i'll just get dressed and go out about town. My dad is in a weird mo
Sunday 5/13/07
I actually got out of the house for most of the day woohoo! lol. We went to Dairy Queen for lunch, and to my grandparents house to give them a present for Mother's Day that they can both use, a prepaid cell phone, since they didn't have one and have been wanting one. We visited them for awhile and played with their golden retriever puppy Duchess for a bit, she's gotten a whole lot bigger since we got her for them at christmas, but she's a sweet and beautiful dog. After we got home I just did the usual chatting and listening to music thing lol. Well, I'm getting tired so I think I'm gonna end this here and go get ready for bed and maybe chat for a bit longer before I get off for the night. Have a great night everyone.
Sunday May 13
well sunday was a very interesting day lol....well my friend frank came over and picked me up and we went by seans house....well we went for walk down the trail...and i kept getting my butt spanked by a stick that sean was holding. rawr lol. but yeah we walked down the the end of the trail and back and i lost my soda somewhere along the way but i found it...well when we got back to seans we sat there for a bit and watched him play with sticks lol....but then we went across the street to the lake and watched the ducks was peaceful. well as we were walking back to seans house. we stopped in the driveway cuz there were some ducks in his yard and we didnt want to scare them so we stayed were we were. there was 1 female duck and 3 males. here comes the funny part...the males were trying to fuck the female duck....they were taking turns...the female duck is such a whore lol. but yea the ducks finally let and we just stayed outside... well frankie left and i stayed at a
Sunday, 20th May 2007
Dear Alexa, Here is your AstroSlam for Sunday, May 20: During a long bus ride today, you'll make the mistake of talking to the person in the seat next to you, and you'll be forced to listen to a play-by-play description of a day in the life of that person's fish tank.
Sunday, 20th May 2007
Havent I done just that all weekend :-) see i knew it was in my Dear Alexa, Here is your single's love horoscope for Sunday, May 20: Friends? Family? Responsibilities? Social happenings? Life's complicated and busy, and you may feel pulled in a billion different directions now. Amongst it all, be sure to take time just for you.
Sunday May 20th 07
Why are you spending time with people who, frankly, don't do it for you? Too much niceness can be as much of a drawback as too little. It's time to identify what it is you want instead of giving others what they want.
Sunday 5/20/07 Sunday
Today was just another day since we didn't go to the college graduation today. We didn't go because it was the whole school and mom didn't want to have to sit through another long ceremony like we did yesterday, although it was nice other than a few boring speeches lol. I was hoping to go out with a friend tomorrow but she ended up getting called in to work so we'll go either later this week or next week. Anyway, not much else to report, I haven't been on here as much as usual because I think I'm getting burnt out or something, not sure what's up with me lately lol. Well, not much else to report, so I think I'm gonna end this here for tonight. Have a great night everyone.
Sunday Night.
And in direct defiance of my last blog, I didn't do a thing today -- except grocery shop, put gas in my car, cook dinner, do laundry, do dishes, read a book, code some, install some foreign language software, pay some bills, and... Wow. Come to think of it, maybe I DID do something today.
Another Sunday, which leads to another Monday and so on and so on... Today the kids are supposed to go back to the spouse as they do every other weekend... We didn't do to much this weekend, cleaned up some of the trash from her moving out... went out for dinner, and got delivery. We did have a light saber battle last night, that was fun. Today we went to the car wash, that was also fun.... I was going to go to work, but the spouse was being a bitch when it came to getting them early.. let me re-state that.. BITCH!!! Ok, I'm over it.. LOL!!!! I guess that I'm just going to detail the car, and go to the VFW for dinner tonight.. I could use a drink.. So that's it for now from here! Ciao,
I sit here and I look up things about IHRA, thinking what it would be like to have a car that would go down the 1/4 mile. I have looked at a few cars that are for sale that I could turn into something like that but then the fact that I live in a apt comes back and slaps me in the face. I have always wanted to run 1/4 mile. I even go so far as to see how fast I can take the green light when I am sitting there at a red. With going to the Sooner Nationals and Looking at my friends ( Prostreet71 ) page I am sitting here trying to think of a way I can build a car from the ground up. Well sorry for boring everyone w/ my blog. Luv ya Jim
Sunday 5/27/07
I didn't do much yesterday, just sat in LooneyTuneHangout all day, and The Lobby for a little while, since that room isn't very talkative lol. Other than that I just chatted in messenger, messed in here and Myspace and litened to music all day. I'm trying to work on not being so shy, and it's harder than I thought it would be, unless I'm in LooneyTunes or messenger, no one really talks to me much in the Lobby, but oh well lol, I'll keep trying. Well, not much else happened yesterday, so this is all I'm going to write for now, and I'll write more later.
Sundae Morn'
The routine is for "daddy" to sleep in, even though there's lots to do to get the kids ready for church. I woke before the alarm (which is normally our youngest), and had that urgency to visit the potty. Listening, I realized that she was taking a shower and that none of the kids were awake yet. It was still dark in the bedroom, and entering the bathroom made my eyes squinch shut tightly. Rather than struggle with prying the "dry eyes" open in this light, I just sat and let out a sigh of relief while my eyes adjusted a bit. I looked up to see her shaving her legs. It's crazy, but just the sight of her smooth skin....the water droplets everywhere....I felt an arousal, but knew better than to interrupt her at this point. Instead, I finished and wandered back to bed without making a sound. Still, the images in my mind, as she ran her hands up and down her legs ....the sight of her small tuft....I stroked my shaft in long deliberate gentle strokes the way she did. Soon though the pressure
Sunday June 3
You know you look forward to the weekend and it go's by so fast. I want to get out and leave for the weekend and just take the rest of the week off. I am so broke right now. I had to pay for two places this week. You know Fridays sounds so good right now. I love that place. I had a good week only did 48hrs. More to come later.
Today, started off with me sleeping untill 12:30, so not alot of morning action, i make me some grub and coffee! sit down and log on here, about two minutes later i hear a loud boom! the power was out, saw the trucks workin on it about half hour later so i figured i'd take off, get to sister's and had to piss! Dropped my damn cell phone in the toilet! YES WITH piss! works now so not too worried! wasn't very fun pulling it out! and if i hadn't just washed my last one a couple months ago! i wouldn't have cared enough! but i had to get it! YUCK! now im home and powers back so im good!
Have you ever noticed that Sundays are the worst day of the week. Don't get me wrong I like Sundays, but they are the day you realize Monday is tomorrow and there is no weekend left. It's also the recovery day. Everyone sleeps late and does as little a possible. You never quite get done everything you meant to do. It also seems to be the day that you never want to end. This has been one of the most unusual and undicipheral Sundays ever. I almost wish I had never gotten out of bed!!! Once again total boredom has driven me totally insane!! PS The dog has stopped ignoring but just doesn't listen!!
Sunday 5/3/07
Not much to write about today, although I'm a day behind again lol.I hate when I do that. I just did the usual chatting and listening to music. Camp reunion is getting closer so I'm really looking forward to that since it's alot of fun. Well, I guess I'll end this here, have a great day all.
Sunday~ Relaxing
Hi all, it's Sunday and I am just here relaxing. I hope that all is having a good weekend. I woke up around 9 am, and am still tired, and I have a headache. I was taking a nap when hubby called to ask for directions to the place he is going to. I guess I have a headache because I didn't get too much sleep last night. We had to run to Walmart and the bank to get a few things, at some point today I have to run to Homeland and get W.I.C. and a few other things. Going to take it easy today, don't feel too good today. I hope you all have a great and relaxing Sunday. Take care, Hugs Jilly
Sunday 6/10/07
Up until this evening today has been a pretty good day. My brother was just in a jet ski accident that was pretty bad and it severed his spinal cord and part of his foot. He had surgery lastnight for the damage to his back, but they said their will be permanent bladder and bowel issues for him for the rest of his life to a certain extent. He is in ICU at the moment and if he is stable enough from the back surgery he will be flown to Kentucky where they will have a reattachment team to try and fix his foot. We'll know this afternoon whether or not he will be able to be flown to Kentucky or not. I'm going to end this here and go pack some things in case we need to leave quickly. Have a great day all.
Well, Sunday ended up being a great day for me and the kids. We went over to my parents for a cookout and then my dad put up the swimming pool. Unfortunatly, he will have to drain the pool and move it to a different area on his large deck. It will probably take another five hours to fill the pool up and such too but it looks like this pool is a winner with the kids. My dad got in the pool with the kids since it was my time of the month again and I can not sit in the pool and boy was I cramping up. So he got to have fun with them and it was really cute too. They loved to splash him and well, I wasnt really dry either, even though I was not in the They all had a blast with grandpa and it was neat seeing them have a fun time, till they started shivering and I felt it was time for them to get out. I also had to take care of the rest of my laundry too. Luckily, my parents are helping me out with that this month too because I usually have to pay 1.25 per load for each of the wash
Sunday Is The Day
tell you what if yall can get me to the next level before sunday i wont never leave and i am one that does not like to make a promise i dont believe in them you can ask my friend becka she will tell ya yall got all weekend to try good luck i dont think it will happen but good luck
Sunday Morning
I look deep. Black eternity stares back Smooth smokes bellows from holes in our silence. I dream in heist. I see riches flowing from my mind. Full technocolored visions shown to the wronged ones. The push and pull of the little red lies. The black market of information, running all around me. Intelligence seemingly making decision off screen, And i know not what happens to the feel good drag. I sing in crumbled paper hymns. I worship dead places. Places lost to the singular though of human existence. You touch me, bitter oblivion. You taste me, dismantle. Calling Sunday morning, But Sunday morning never answers. Our sleepless night is over and over, The complaints flood our eyes. Blindness, stinking pretentious bastards Pulling triggers and marking the black pool. You feel me. I feel dead.
Sunday Links: Opie And Anthony Traveling Virus Photos Online, Miss The Show? Get A Shirt!
Afternoon, kids! The Jones Beach Traveling Virus Show was a wild success, and we have photos to prove it: Jones Beach Traveling Virus - Photos by Mike Black (stay tuned for more photos and videos throughout the week The nice kids at Wackbag have also started posting photos: Check out the Wackbagger Photos HERE Did you miss the show last night? Have no fear, you can still pretend like you were there! New Traveling Virus T-shirts - On Sale NOW! CLICK HERE TO ORDER YOURS TODAY! The next Traveling Virus Show is going down in Uncasville, CT at the Mohegan Sun Arena. GET YOUR TICKETS AND LINEUP INFORMATION HERE ...and just because we feel like showing you all again, check out NICOLE: NICOLE FROM FOUNDRY CAMS ROCKS OUT IN A SLINKY BLACK OUTFIT Nice, eh?
A thought for the day from: Peter Britt "Upon this Earth walks a perfect creature, so pure, in such beauty none can rival. So perfect is woman in form and spirit. Her ability for love knows no boundaries. Her capacity for intellect, limitless. Her forgivness, is complete. Her love, beyond the dreams of averice. Her beauty, beyond the physical, from a dream does she appear and light the way for the world. One perfect creature was created in our world, her name is woman and life begins in her eyes and it is built, upon the purest heart. © 2007 Peter Britt Krystal Vision Productions
Sundays With Mixmastermcstorm
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Living in interesting times..... Current mood: contemplative Yeah, I know… I'm way overdue. Tough. Truth be told, just a lot of things going on over the last two months. I have established new relationships, and cut my losses with others. I have been adapting to the changing conditions of my new job, and its been tough at times. I think I am in a pretty good rhythm right now, and its up to me to roll with the punches and adapt when things get rough. There are easy nights and rough nights, and I need to handle both with aplomb. That's the key. My tallyssinae was here for an extended visit of almost a month, she lives in Springfield, Missouri and they were hard hit by a devastating ice storm, so rather than have her trying and tough it out another day in a house with no heat or electricity, or stay another day with a sorry excuse of a human being (her ex-landlord), I sent for her to come to me early, and I am glad that I did. She did a wonderful job caring for me and my hom
Sunday, June 04, 2006
6/4/06: Now it gets interesting..... Current mood: anxious June is shaping up to an an interesting month, to say the least. First off, tallyssinae goes home tomorrow.. she has done nothing less than an excellent job (once again) of taking care of me and my home. She derives true pleasure from service, and she is going to make a fine addition to my home once she is able to join me. I love her a lot, she is good to me and she is good for me. Next is watching my girl and seeing that she gets better... I briefly visited her in the hospital tonight, and she is showing definite signs of improvement, despite her discomfort. I would think that it would be very hard to get comfortable if you had tubes sticking out of you every which way, especially the right side of your head... I hope she continues so that she gets out of ICU this week and into a regular room. Every day I see her getting a little better, and that's very encouraging. My thanks go out to all the well-wishers who have c
Sunday, May 28, 2006
5/28/06: Life is short and precious... Life has a way of reminding you just how fragile and fleeting it can sometimes be. One of my girls suffered a brain anuerysm on friday, and she went in for surgery this morning. When I got the news from her brother, it was a definite shock to the system. She had been complaining of migraines for the past few days, and I didn't think that much of it, as she has suffered from them before. When I heard her brother's voice when I picked up the phone this morning, I was dreading the worst, to be sure. I went and visited her this evening, and I was glad to find out that she went through the surgery very well, and the doctors are optimistic. I remember back in high school a girl suffered one and she couldn;t remember anyone or anything. I am very happy that was not the case here. Her road to recovery is going to be long and fraught with pain, but she's a strong one, and I am sure she will pull through. I will endeavor to do whatever I can to he
Sunday, August 01, 2004
8/1/04: Its been a long time..... After receiving an email from someone on complimenting me on my profile and the journal that I keep there, I realized that almost three months have passed since I have entered into this journal, so I think had better get to it. The job is still going well, though I damaged my delivery truck on an overhang at one of my stops this Friday past. If there is one thing I hate, its screwing up. Everyone at work says not to worry about it, and that is what insurance is for, etc. They're right, but one thing about me is that I hold myself up to very high standards. Sometimes impossibly high. I can be very hard on myself if I do not meet those standards, even if no one else is being hard on me. I feel better today, as one of my slaves came over last night, so Monday will be faced with a clean slate. My relationships are going well, even though I messed up there as well last week. I met someone who I have not talked to in a l
Sunday Pimpin
Sunday 06/24/2007
A thought for the day from: Peter Britt "Oh, she was one I knew deeply. Through her eyes, did my secrets take form. She knoweth the beast and hath tamed it. The eyes of the temptress hath fallen upon me and consumed me in lustful ways, and I have conceded. Had I been a stronger man, I might deny those wanton eyes. Those calling lips and the flesh upon her, so tempting. I lay spellbound, helpless against these feminine wiles. The lair of the beast entices. I can fight no longer. My soul forsaken." © 1999 Peter Britt Krystal Vision Productions
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Sunday, June 24, 2007 Progress~! Kaleb is making progress! Friday night a Native American Christian Pastor came up to the room and played the wooden flute for Kaleb... It was absolutely beautiful. Kaleb loved it, he responed so much. He was moing his whole body and opening his eyes. It was wonderful to see such a positive response out of him. So he will be coming back once a week and I am looking forward to this. Early Saturday AM Kaleb had a couple spells of tachycardia (high heart rate) and problems maintaining his tempeture. They've taken the air blower off of him and have replaced it with a heating Pad that is underneath a buch of sheets on his bed. He had periods where he was awake on Saturday. I worked him out and he tried to fight me so that is a good thing. Him showing resistence shows that he is thinking. We talked to the doctors and hopefully he will be making some progress. The menengitis is pretty much gone. They are giving him one more treat
Sunday Pimpin
I ONLY HAVE FRIENDS WITH SALUTE PIC OR FRIENDS WHO ARE VIC MEMBERS AT CT CHECK OUT THOSE AWESOME BIRTHDAY GUYS & GIRLS PLZ ADD, RATE & FAN :) raid1969@ CherryTAP ~~~~BIGSEXY~~~~~@ CherryTAP Dj V@mp^psYko 5150^Club 1034/Riot Radio^Dj Morbi's Ct wifey^Greys RL Girl@ CherryTAP Mz502@ CherryTAP havikz_chick@ CherryTAP ~*UnlovableAngel*~Birthday is Sunday the 1st YAY!!!!!!!!!!@ CherryTAP Hero@ CherryTAP spookyeyeball@ CherryTAP sandman the inferno
Sunday Links: Philly Road Show And Wow Motorcycle Run In Philly This Week, Traveling Virus Coming To Boston, New Videos Online, Norton Book Signing Da
So, is it HOT ENOUGH FOR YA???? (wakka wakka, indeed) If you're anywhere near the New York area, you're experiencing a nasty-as-hell heat wave. Before you fry your privates off, huddle 'round the old PC for some weekend goodies. First off all, if you missed ANY of this week's Opie and Anthony Shows, you can download them all online via AUDIBLE...sign up now!. Next up, The O&A Show is headed to WYSP in Philadelphia next Wednesday and Thursday (July 11th and 12th) along with the 2007 WOW Motorcycle Run, and there's a bunch of stuff we'd like to get the listeners involved with, so pay attention: What's the Weirdest Thing You Own: Part 2 - Remember the dead monkey that someone brought in last time? Try to top THAT, mister! Email Travis With your Weird Thing and ALL of your contact info O&A's Amatuer Comedy Contest - So, you think you're funny? Let Op, Ant, and Jim...along with a room full of angry fans...decide if you're funny enough to open up for the comics at the Philly Trav
Sunday Laugh
A little old lady is walking down the street, dragging two plastic garbage bags, one in each hand. There's a hole in one of the bags, and once in a while a $20 bill flies out of it onto the pavement. Noticing this, a policeman stops her. "Ma'am, there are $20 bills falling out of that bag..." "Darn!" says the little old lady....."I'd better go back and see if I can find some of them. Thanks for the warning!" "Well, now, not so fast," says the cop. "How did you get all that money? Did you steal it?" "Oh, no", says the little old lady. "You see, my back yard backs up to the parking lot of the football stadium. Each time there's a game, a lot of fans come and pee in the bushes, right into my flower beds! So, I go and stand behind the bushes with a big hedge clipper, and each time someone sticks his thingie through the bushes, I say '$20 or off it comes!'" "Hey, not a bad idea!" laughs the cop. "Good luck!" By the way, what's in the other bag?" "Well", says the litt
Sunday 7/15/07
Just another day today pretty much, we've had some people over visiting J.C. and he was supposed to get a hair cut today to get his mohawk shaved off before he meets with the lawyer sometime this week, but he is out with a friend and her mom for a little while, so we had to cancel that for today. Other than people coming over on and off it's been a pretty boring day today, I've just been chatting in IM and listening to music as usual. Well, not much to write about so I'm gonna go ahead and end this here. Have a great evening all.
Sunday Nite Survey!!!
-Longest relationship: 17 years -Shortest relationship: hmmm...I have no idea!!! -How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you told that you loved them and meant it:? are you serious...lmao -Have you ever loved someone so much that it hurt?: yesss -Have you ever made a boyfriend or girlfriend cry? husbands too.....Shame on ME! -Are you happier single or in a relationship? Relationship for sure!!! -Have you ever been cheated on?: yesss -Have you ever broken someone's heart? Yes -Talk to any of your exes? Yes, most of my ex's stay friends with me. -If you could go back in time and change things to where you could still be with one of your exes, would you? yess -Think any of your exes feel the same way? Probably lol. -Do you believe that you are a good boyfriend or girlfriend or spouse?? Absolutely..... -Have you dated people who were not good for you? As it turns out, yes I have! -Have you been in an abusive relationship? Mentally & physically...but he wr
Sunday Night...
Sunday night blogging... — Sunday, July 22, 2007 So, what's up? and all that good shit. It's been an uneventfull weekend. I slept a lot. Anti-depressants always seem to conjure up memeories from the past in my dreams. I have dreams I'm still in gade-school, and all sorts of weird stuff. I can't really remember exactly all, just that it's stuff from my past, and contains elements from my past. I should have been working more on m homework over the weekend. I've been kind of depressed, and frustrated. My head hurts from thinking so much, but my mind won't shut down. The whole broken record effect is going on, my mind goes in circles, and when there is a bump or something, it just goes right on to the next thing, and goes around some more. I deal with it by sleeping. I'm not really sure what else to do. I could write about what's going on, but it just makes me think about it more. It's all the same old shit that I've allready written about. And written about several times.
Sunday Sale Peek
I am doing a sale today until 7pm Shipping is $3.00 Paypal is accepted Payment must be made within 2 hours by paypal of agreeing to purchase. After today...I will be shutting down my myspace and changing this profile to fit me..not the product. PEEK AT A COUPLE ITEM prices...but I have alot in stock.... Home Alone is normally 22.00 - GET IT TODAY for $5 Gooser is normally 42.50 - GET IT TODAY FOR $8 Personal Massager is normally 15.00 GET IT TODAY FOR $4.00 That is just a SMALL LIST of what I have.. I am running this sale through my yahoo messanger...if you want to take advantage...turn on yahoo.... add friend pureromancepartiesbyjanie ..send me a shout to let me know that your here for the sale....etc.. Thanks to all Janie
Sunday Blues
Many of you know I am divorced and my Daughter goes to my exs house a few days a week. Sundays are the day that is the toughest for me. My girl goes Saturday night thru Tuesday Mornings. Although it is nice to have a saturday night free, I spend those nights for the most part on here or with my steady date...Mr. Blockbuster Video. Sundays for the last 2 months I have filled with jobs for modeling meeting with Photographers and such..You would think that today, my first day alone in months I would be overjoyed by the alone time....after all my family and I mean my ENTIRE family lives in Illinois and I live out here on the East Coast in Jersey all by my self... Today the solitude has been kicking me back into my depression. I cried for 2 hours...and just slept for a while. I still have that horrible pain in my heart I have to let go of. I Love someone so much but it is so surreal at times. I need the tangible aspect in my life and I know it is coming soon. I just hate the feelings
"sunday Fathers"
"Sunday Fathers" I used to be a sunday kid Didn't care what my father did I didn't really see the pain For all I knew he was to blame Sunday fathers sunday fools We have to follow all the rules We get our turn just wait in line We're doing nothing except buying time Now I feel my fathers pain I feel as though I will go insane Now I know the reasons why I used to see my father cry I swore I'd never wear his shoes Now as he did I pay my dues Life just seems to dwindle on Yet the pain grows with every dawn I feel so empty deep down inside This severe pain that's so hard to hide I shed these tears they comfort me My dreams of life will never be I have lost it all I don't care I've lost my son life is so unfair I dream of things that I could do Yet they are all wrong in society's view I hope that he will learn to see He will always be a part of me I love him and only want the best
Sunday Morning Coming Down....
8-5-07, Sunday
Sunday Drop Off
one of the wedding parties had to schedule a sunday drop off with me, so when they came in this after noon i asked the groom and the best man how the wedding turned out, the bestman replied "excellant", which means he deffinitly got laid. The groom replied "good", which means the bride was on the rag and they still have another 6 days till they will have sex again
Sunday Greetings!
Thought I would blog a few lines as a break from applying make-up, lol! We dance at 4:30p.m., "we" being the Sparta Bellydancers!! I never wear this much make-up - I look like a 2-bit hooker who can't figure out where her corner is! This is more paint than I wear all year! I still haven't tried to use false eyelashes, lol. But I do glue rhinestones by my eyes with eyelash glue. Looks neat but my skin doesn't recover for a week or so, lol. Takes me forever to get my coin jewelry on - necklace, earrings, 2 anklets, 2 bracelets. I really jingle - and this is without my hip scarf with all the coins. I make a racket just walking! Yes, I need to take pictures, I know! I really don't look like Maggie with this get-up on and all this make-up. I have a very Gypsy-like look - like I should be reading Tarot cards or something, lol! Maybe some palm reading?? I am in a strange place today. I hate when the energy and Retrograde combine to really mess with a person! Wish me luck! No w
Sunday Blog
Sunday Night. Blog Entry 1
Never had blog before, so I figured why the hell not. Sometimes things that maybe you really don't want to burden your family with or bore them you just want to vent about, work related things or maybe even politics. So why not a blog even if no one even reads it. At you can throw it out and hope that someone out there shares your interest. On different things. I walked into a store today and the person behind the counter did not even acknowledge me. Not even a glance.I was getting a soda at the machine. When I heard the door alarm go off. Three teen age kids walked in and took a right I had my soda and was looking at the chips and noticed once again when the kids entered the clerk once again did not even look to see the teens walk in. And then I noticed the kids seeing this too and looking to each other and smiling. Right then and there I knew it was one thing. A Beer Run. I sat laughng to myself. This is going interesting. The Teens by this time had already been to the co
Sunday Afternoon Morning
Well, I think we all pretty much knew it had to happen sometime. It is just part of growing up. You change, your environment alters, and you feel certain urges that you are fully aware of but cannot explain. I am no longer a virgin. I have popped my Unholy cherry, and performed a wedding service. It was cool. Out in the woods, nice arch alter set up and covered in vines, white rose petals strewn out on the path for the bride to enter upon. A real hippie kinda vibe going on, so I was Reverend Chill, ready to read the 80 or so words I had written for the ceremony. That includes the ‘With this ring, I thee wed’ part for the bride and groom, with each of their names and vows fully typed out so I did not fuck up too bad, leaving my actual part quite brief. It was what Trish and Edgar wanted, and I agreed that I was probably not one you would want rambling when you were getting hitched, being as family and friends may feel a tad bit uncomfortable, so I just served the bride and groom with wh
well today was i think the last day at Shopko (i hope) was a good day. Saw Harry Potter....I thought after it being out for as long as it has been the theatre wouldn't have been that sucked! tons and tons of winey kids..that doesn't bother me to much its the parents bitchingat the! i loved the movie! i know it isn't the same as the book but i still enjoyed the special effects....i have to admit i cried..i am such a sap...oh well it was dark and i am sure no one saw or cared tonight im home alone watch9ing tv..norml night...well..thats my blah blah for today so far anyway
Sunday School
Little Mary was not the best student in Sunday School. Usually she slept through the class. One day the teacher called on her while she was napping, ''Tell me, Mary, who created the universe?'' When Mary didn't stir, little Johnny, an altruistic boy seated in the chair behind her, took a pin and jabbed her in the rear. ''God Almighty !'' shouted Mary and the teacher said, ''Very good'' and Mary fell back to sleep. A while later the teacher asked Mary, ''Who is our Lord and Savior?'' But Mary didn't even stir from her slumber. Once again, Johnny came to the rescue and stuck her again. ''Jesus Christ!'' shouted Mary and the teacher said, ''Very good,'' and Mary fell back to sleep. Then the teacher asked Mary a third question, ''What did Eve say to Adam after she had her twenty-third child?'' And again, Johnny jabbed her with the pin. This time Mary jumped up and shouted, ''If you stick that damn thing in me one more time, I'll break it in half!'' The Teacher fainted.
Sunday Morning... more before I go back to sleep, it is Sunday morning..and I heard this song in a lounge this morning...SO and the lyrics kinda go with what I talked about before, I dunno, I'm sleeping on and off so whatever...I like No Doubt..and the video is total cheese and has really nothing @ all to do with what the song is about..haha..enjoy the vid and your 'Sunday Morning..'..
Sunday Morning Wake Up Thoughts
Have you seen Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind? It's a great movie. Really it is. The long and short of the story line is the main characters have their memories wiped of each other. They were lovers who fell out of love and wanted to have all memory of the past relationship and associated pain/grief erased from their minds. How wonderful that would be to have painful memories erased from your mind. Something tragic happens poof! It's gone and you are happily on your way as if it never happened. Except those painful events help to shape who you are now. Those proverbs that people are always sharing with you when your are hurting like "this too shall pass" or "that which does not kill you makes you stronger" they last because they are true. Even though you just want to punch someone in the stomach the next time they say something like that to you. Well, needless to say in the movie the memory wipe failed because the powers that be created events that cause
I hope you all have a wonderful sunday .. Ill try to get back on before ive got to go to work ... if not ill be on after .. 11ish .. Enjoy .. Xoxox And .. Another Happy Birthday to Rich N Cliff .. !
Sunday 26th 2007
just been long weekend..just been busy with personal life. Today i'm about to go to my Aunt Bettys for cook out. I hope everyone had great weekend. thanks for those that leaving comments while I was gone. xoxo ~Mary~
"sunday Mornings"
She was young and innocent; he was older and more experienced. They struck a deal, they would meet every Sunday morning and he would show her the world of pleasure that was just waiting for her. Naked, she waited for him. Lying on her stomach, her pussy ached in anticipation. Without a word he came in and took in her naked ass and spread legs on the bed. He slid his hand down her soft back and she shivered her nipples hardening. She sat up and he kissed her. Soft at first, and then his tongue slipped past her lips. Their tongues met and danced, long enough to start her juices flowing. Then he pushed her down and knelt over her. He took one taught nipple in his warm mouth and then the other. Slowly he touched her sliding his thumb over her clit and she lost her breath. He slid one finger inside her wet, tight, pussy and she moaned. He slid his finger in and out of her slamming his thumb into her clit. She could feel his finger deep inside. Her pussy tightened, her back arche
Sunday Night 80s
hey hey hey gang Do You Like 80s Tunes? Do You Like to relive the old days of the 80s? if so check out my Sunday Night 80s show every Sunday Night at 10pm to 12am eastern..... click here to tune into the Sunday Night 80s (You Must Have Real Player inorder to tune in)
Sunday Morning After
Sunday Morning After
today was a very good day my fiancee and my Daughter got baptized at the curch we just started 2 weeks ago it was sweet I love them both for joining with me being baptized Steven and Destiny I love you so much
Sunday 9-9-07
A single rose can be my garden... a single friend, my world. ~Leo Buscaglia
Sunday, Bloody Sunday
When I was a kid it started. I hated Sunday evenings because it meant early bed and school the next day. Then when I was in college Sunday afternoon became catch up day on my homework. When my kids were young and I was divorced I had to have them back to their "mother" Sunday evenings. In recent years I dreaded the pressures of my job and could feel it as early as Sunday afternoon - the end of the weekend. I shouldn't feel like that now because I don't have a 9-5 job so it's just another day. Still, Sundays are still a crescendo of depression. I just feel an impending sense of doom with the end of the weekend and the upcoming week. Is it like this for everyone? I hope there's some people out there that actually enjoy Sundays, even if they have to work some.
Sunday Sunday
Just wanted to post my random thoughts here. I really like fubar seems like alot of people are here for the so called pick up joint. I am really hear to have a online social life. Being a MMO gamer I play Dungeons and dragons online I like the who points thing and the gifts. These are the things that myspace sorely lack. I have a account there too. I am also supercabby there as well. My Wolverines are the laughing stock of the world but at least Norte Dame sux too. Maybe the can play in the sux bowl this year. I am still learning here so If i rate you wrong or something let me know I like to give 10's out to all but sometimes I click to fast and I know i gave out a 4 on accident I welcome all to be my friend and share there thoughts with us. My mind is out the gutter most of the time. My hobbies are music, DDO, Family, Philosophy, Astrology, Pagan/wiccian/far east studies. If you want a intellegent conversation I might be your man. If you are looking for a pi
Sunday Dinner
Nothing better than Louisiana seafood gumbo made with huge Gulf shrimp and an ice cold Abita Pecan Harvest Ale,, yes it is made with real roasted pecans!
Sunday 9-16-07
What we forgive too freely doesn't stay forgiven. ~Mignon McLaughlin
Sunday's Target
Sunday September 16, 2007
Its sunday...the day of the lord... and may you all be blessed with many more days to laugh. in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit... of as my old boss use to say..."specticles, testicals, watch pocket, gun" -NEWS FLASH 1:21 AM: I'M ALIVE!!!!!!!!! -NEWS FLASH 1:29 AM: We have been told that the server went down. We would like to know which drunk pissed on it. -NEWS FLASH 5:02 PM: The martians have landed! ( we are devo, D E V O ) - NEWS FLASH 5:29 PM: THE POPE SAYS HI:
Sundays: Why I Love 'em...
Waking up in my husbands arms, just lounging and strecthing and maybe some lovin' before getting out of bed. Taking some time to drink our fresh brewed coffee with quietness before the munchkins get up and start wondering or begging for breakfast. Having a family breakfast, sometimes it's as simple as a bowl of Cheerios and sometimes we go elaborate and have a big country breakfast with all the fixin's. Then we usually just laze around and relax most of the day, maybe do some minor yard work or household chores. All before waiting for our cherished Sunday afternoon NASCAR race or NFL football game to begin. Sometime we'll watch a movie later on after all the sports are done, but we ALWAY have a family dinner together. Again, it could be as simple as hot dogs with Mac'n'cheese or we'll go all out and have a BBQ, or a roast with the works. All that really matters is that we spend our time together as a family, doing what we love. That's what I Love about Sundays.
Sunday Devotional
Sunday Devotional His strength, His wisdom, His passion. Inside of Him lies strength, wisdom, passion. His eyes hold the wonders of all He can show me. the places He can take me inside of myself. His hand is strong and heavy is the palm when obedience is not obtained. but His touch is soft in solace when my heart is heavy or my mind worried with fears. He guides me and leads me, nurtures me, protects me, fills me with His strength. Shapes me and makes me into she who is devoted for eternity with gratitude and love. she who will follow His command; she who will obey and bow; she who will soften His heart with her submissiveness; and be all He needs. His strength, His wisdom, His passion.
Sundae Pizza
This sweet dessert is the perfect frozen treat any time of year! A fun change from a regular birthday cake. Click here to view all Photo Contest submissions Ingredients Nonstick cooking spray 1 sheet frozen puff pastry dough, thawed and trimmed to a 9-inch circle 1 egg, mixed with 1 Tbs. water 2 C. ice cream, softened 1/2 C. pecans 1/2 C. drained maraschino cherry halves 1/4 C. white chocolate chunks 1/4 C. chocolate sundae syrup Garnish: mint leaves and maraschino cherries Directions Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Spray 10- to 12-inch pizza pan with nonstick cooking spray. Place puff pastry dough on pizza pan, Brush dough with egg mixture. Prick center portion of dough with a fork several times to allow steam to release. Bake 10 minutes. Cool 30 minutes. Spread with ice cream top with pecans, cherries, and white chocolate. Drizzle with chocolate syrup and garnish. Serve immediately or freeze. Cut into 6 wedges. Serving Size 6
Yup thats right Chris called me at 6:45am and we talked until 7:30am he called to wish me good morning and to give me my Meniue for today to eat and give me my monring quote. He is just too good to me he said I might get to see him Sunday!!!! I am praying and hoping we do see each other agean. Well ttyl
Good afternoon everyone! Finally made it through hell day yesterday! Wasn't sure if I would there for a while! LOL! Note to very very careful who you have children with!! LMAO! That man has got to be absolutely out of his mind right now...and his wife (who is usually the calm, rational one) is just as crazy as he is! Ugggh! Anyway, I will get things straightened out tomorrow and hopefully he'll chill out and then my stress level will be seriously reduced!! : ) So today Kade and I are working on the preliminary pieces of his science fair project! Not my favorite subject, but I've gotten used to it. He attends the math/science magnet yeah, it's a little bit required! LOL! Lucky for me, he's an extremely smart kid! Have a great Sunday and enjoy the football! GO PACKERS!!!
September 23, 2007 - Sunday 8:48 AM - Why I’m never getting married again... Current mood: content Category: Life No-Thought for the Day ®Copyright © 2007 Osho International Foundation "Relationship means something complete, finished, closed. Love is never a relationship; love is relating. It is always a river, flowing, unending. Love knows no full point; the honeymoon begins but never ends." I find it interesting that this is the No-thought of the day as I go to a church sponsored function....I'm not looking to be in a relationship but I am learning that I relate to many people well...a shift as it were from who I was to who I would like to become. With those thoughts in mind I think I'll leave marriage for the married and think about being a whole me, a happier me, a healed me.... I'd said before that marriage is an institution and I don't want to be 'institutionalized'. A while ago I read OSHO's thoughts on the institution of marriage as created tho
Sunday September 23, 2007
NEWS FLASH! would like to appologise for not covering the wedding yesterday... it appears that the squirrel finaly chewed through the cable. - NEWS FLASH 9:39 PM: Man saves world from zombie hoarde by switching the push and pull signs on all the doors. The zombies kept pulling and pulling until they finaly ripped their own arms off. - NEWS FLASH 10:26 PM: (COURTESY OF: DJ MIZZUNDERSTOOD): In honor of computer symbology's increased role in our vocabulary, INFOCUS published the following poem, written by Fred Bremmer and Steve Kroese, Calvin College & Seminary of Grand Rapids, MI. >> ! * ' ' # ^ " ` $ $ - ! * = @ $ _ % * < > ~ # 4 & [ ] . . / | { , , SYSTEM HALTED The poem can only be appreciated by reading it aloud, to wit: Waka waka bang splat tick tick hash, Caret quote back-tick dollar dollar dash, Bang splat equal at dollar under-score, Percent splat waka waka tilde nu
Sunday Night Game
any takers,cowboys vs bears in chi town.Chicago 4 1/2 point favorites.I want the cowboys plus the points.any bet from the gift shop is negotiable.13 minutes till kick off.
Sunday 9-23-07
Lying in Bed on a sunday morning screaming OH god does not constitute going to church. Amen
Sunday, September 30th, 2007
You're feeling the urge to take on new projects or meet new people and the day's good energy should afford you plenty of opportunities to do just that. Keep moving and get help when you need it! ***************************************************** I have gotten the help, thanks you all for helping me reach Fuberlord Level last night. I felt good yesterday and I feel even better today.
Sunday Survey
1. If your doctor told you TODAY that you were pregnant, what would you say? Bullshit...I *KNO* better... 2. Do you trust all of your friends? Not all of them...kinda sad too 3. How much money is in your wallet right now? money? whats this thing called money? 4. Do you believe that everything happens for a reason? Yes, still trying to find out what that reason is. 5. Name one thing you would NOT tolerate in a relationship. LIES! 6. Which one of your friends do you think would make the best doctor? 7. Are you afraid of falling in love? Yes because I dont kno what it is...I thought I had...especially in my past...but now...I dont kno... 8. Is there someone who pops into your mind at random times? Yes and I keep trying to charge them rent damn it! 9. Would you stop talking to your friends because you hooked up with a new person? Ummm no 10. When was the last time you flew in a plane? Never 11. What did the last text message you get s
Sunday 9-30-07
You can clutch the past so tightly to your chest that it leaves your arms too full to embrace the present. ~Jan Glidewell
Sunday School Lol
Little April was not the best student in Sunday school. Usually she slept through the class. One day the teacher called on her while she was napping, "Tell me, April, who created the universe?" When April didn't stir, little Johnny, a boy seated in the chair behind her, took a pin and jabbed her in the rear. "GOD ALMIGHTY!" shouted April and the teacher said, "Very good" and April fell back asleep. A while later the teacher asked April, "Who is our Lord and Saviour," But, April didn't even stir from her slumber. Once again, Johnny came to the rescue and stuck her again. 'JESUS CHRIST!" shouted April and the teacher said, "very good," and April fell back to sleep. Then the teacher asked April a third question. "What did Eve say to Adam after she had her twenty-third child?" And again, Johnny jabbed her with the pin. This time April jumped up and shouted, "IF YOU STICK THAT F*****G THING IN ME ONE MORE TIME, I'LL BREAK IT IN HALF AND STICK IT UP YOUR ARSE!" The Teacher fa
*sings* itsssssss a beautiful day in the neighborhood a beautiful day in the neighborhood...wont you please die??? wont you please die? *stops* yes i realise thats not the way the song goes...but like...this is my world and you're just reading about it so i can do whateva i want. deal. monkeys sitting under my table/desk playing with something she shouldnt be giving me that cheesey baby grin whenever i lookit her at that says 'arent i cute?' yes she is...but she's still wickedly entrenched in the terrible 2s. question of the day. where the ass is my check. this is osmething i'd sincerely like to know...however since tomorrow is a technically stupid holiday...i wont find out til tuesday. they should seriously get rid of columbus day. asshat didnt even discover america. hence the reason we're not called columbia. tards. *shakes head* yay for baseball. yay for new computer games. yay for finally finishing Eldest boo for book 3 not being out. yay for having othe
Sunday 10-07-07
A wise man can see more from the bottom of a well than a fool can from a mountain top. ~Author Unknown
Here i sit in front of my computer drinking IPA and listening to Real Ska (first wave not 3rd wave shit. Sundae is another night of work but I mind it not. Only a couple of bottles of beer left....will be saving those for perhaps the week days. Next Saturday is Winter Nights for me. Should be nice. I will be renting a car again. But next month i hope to purchase a car. It will be nice to get out of the city and get to work without help. I have places to go and people to see (and do ;) ) Still there is much to do around the house to make it ready for company (when i can get some to visit) will be nice to have company of both sexes when i can get it, for now I must wait.
Someone ask me today: "How many comments for each day of the week I have, and if I make them all?" Well - truthfully I havent a clue on how many ... but I assure you that if I didnt make the whole comment, then I put my own twist into each. They ask How many people see my daily creations: That is subject to change ... being if I've got time on my hands - I'll send anyone that goes bye on the on-line bar the newest one I made that day :) But I have a list of about twenty people who get comments daily So - just to share my comments with anyone who want to see them, I'm going to post them here. If you happen to see a repeat, then I probably was too busy to make one that day ... most likely wouldnt see it again for a few months. Here your find each of my comments daily :) (hit the arrow to watch ME talk) Get your own at So, what did you do while "fubar" was down? I hope your is great, and the up coming week - even ... BETTER!
Sunday Afternoon Football
Am sitting here watching football, and it's sad for me to see. The once mighty Rams are horrible. They are decimated by injuries, and have no one capable of filling in. And I have to wonder WHY Dominque Byrd and Joe Klopfstein are sill in the league. Neither can block, neither can catch. Just throw it to Randy least they are FINALLY realizing that they DO have a good tight end on the roster. On the other hand, the Chiefs are looking pretty good. Maybe it won't take as long as folks think to rebuild. Webb and Bowe are looking better and better. Anyway, back to the games......
Sunday Funnies
These are actual comments made on students' report cards by teachers in the New York city public school system. All teachers were reprimanded but, boy, are these funny! 1. Since my last report, your child has reached rock bottom and has started to dig. 2. I would not allow this student to breed. 3. Your child has delusions of adequacy. 4. Your son is depriving a village somewhere of an idiot. 5.Your son sets low personal standards and then consistently fails to achieve them. 6. The student has a "full six-pack" but lacks the plastic thing to hold it all together. 7. This child has been working with glue too much. 8. When your daughter's IQ reaches 50, she should sell. 9. The gates are down, the lights are flashing, but the train isn't coming. 10. If this student were any more stupid, he'd have to be watered twice a week. 11. It's impossible to believe the sperm that created this child beat out 1,000,000 others. 12. The wheel is turnin
Sunday Morning
I am sitting at my desk working. Not something I like doing on the weekends but sometimes it is necessary. I pass back and forth to my step sister the accounting disk for work. We both work for my father. I am the lucky one that gets to work from home while she has to go in to the office every day! :p So I will spend a couple of hours today getting things I need done for the last quarter end of accounting, really boring stuff! Yesterday, we didn't get an early start to our day but we ended up driving up to the mountains to Apple Hill. There are about 75 apples ranches up there where they sale pies and apples and anything you can think of to do with apples. They have it open all during apple season. Peter was really wanting to go this year and we haven't in a few years. The drive through the mountains is so beautiful this time of year! All the trees leaves are yellow or orange or red. So beautiful. We only ended up going to a couple of ranches but we had fun. It was so c
Nothing really interesting to say about today's comment ... But I rarely put much effort into a Sunday deal (I like to spend a good part of the day watching football) I also start Mondays Comment, Which generally will be my best comment of the week, But tomorrow's isn't going to be too outrageous. I'm not feeling artistic at all t o d a y - . . . ummm, errr ... All right, I did make this one today: If you show your "WET BEAVER" . . . ________________ I'll show you mine! Andddddd this one: But I wasn't really into it today? Compared to a time I'm into it ... (I've made 11 angels during a manic state) Only thing that I added with my own flare on today's would be the 'pinup' "Oops" girl. If any of my friends would care to have one of my pinup tags made of them let me know ... pending my mood and artistic vibe I'm having of course! I hope this finds my readers all healthy & happy ... With a restful/fun weekend spent ... and a productive/s
Sunday Fishingtime Again
WEll Saturday night passed out watching them awesome Red Sox.Must get up early to fish.u all have a great night,peace an hugs.
So this is my first blog, I don't know what a blog actually is, but it keeps telling me to post one.. I never have deepthoughts so they can't go here. I tend to stash everything so go there if you want to know me. Have animals to take care of today, then its a day of Steelers and NASCAR!!!! If any of you read this maybe stop by my stash, Or keep me up to date if I need to get your stuff rated, I swear I have the most beautiful friends and family on this site
Sunday Cleaning Update. (at Bottom)
I will be cleaning up my friends list.. to start off with I am removing all friends.. I will be going to my fans list and readding friends from there. If you are my fan you will be getting a friend request and at that time i will make sure i have you fanned and rated has well. I know this may piss a few of you off but hey this is my page do what you gotta do.. to those of you that stay thanks and lots of love. keep in mind i have 15,000+ fans it may be a few days before you see my request in your box again but you will get it if your on my fan list If you want to be added has a friend during this time if not already a fan become a fan. Until I finish adding people from my fan list NO requests will be accepted. Its not fair to those who I knocked off when cleaning, that have been on my list awhile now. I promise you that if you are a fan you will get a friend request from me in your box. At that time you can decide to accept it or reject it. But I will NOT be accepting right now.
Sunday Bloody Sunday
Majorly Tired today, spent last night at what was a great pub with the worlds worst bar staff. Beautifull outside seatng area, but it was taking half an hour to get served so off we went to the Good Mixer and sank a few pints... fast forward a couple of hours, and I find myself in a Karakoe Bar in Soho with no clue as to how we got there, singing Britney Spears and playing some insane drinking game, the rules of which appeared to be A- roll 5 dice, B- drink. Then the longest cab journey home ever, and the nightmare of removing full Zombie make up whilst horrendoudly drunk at 6 in the morning. I finnaly passed out watching Teen Wolf. Then I log on here to find out that I still cant comment on anything, and none of the tools who run this site are answering my email requests for information as to why and how long for. I was even on the verge of "offering" myself to Baby J if he'll let me mumm again. Then I sobered up. He'll never get a taste of this sweet cherry pie.
Sunday Night Survey
1. What is on your mind? Answering this survey, wondering if the Sox will sweep, Halloween this week, a few other things right now 2. What body part do you hate? i dont hate any part but i do dislike my gut hows that? 3. Where is your biological father right now? walking the dog i think it is after 9, his usual time 4. Have you ever made out in a basement? LoL, no, I don't think so... 5. What body part do you wash first in the shower? >;-) I'm not telling... 6. Do you have any piercings? No 7. Do you have any tattoos? nope 8. Is your driveway steep? no 9. Name five things you did today: cooked, sent emails, looked for photos watched football, went into the crawlspace above the garage 10. Have you ever been tied up? yes with work and other things... Q;-) 11. Last person you text messaged? Kevin i think 12. Have you ever had two dates in one night? no 13. What have you eaten today? cheese adn baccon omlett, burger and tater tots 14.
Wow...yesterday was a very busy day for not being a week day. I helped my son with collecting lots of bags for a food drive. I wonder how many pounds of food we collected? Today is very much a relax day. I need to rip down all the exterior Halloween decorations from the front yard. We were the only house decorated that night. And then.... SEAHAWKS are playing the Browns at home in Seattle. I am missing the Seahawks since they had a bye week last week. I even looked up the schedule for 2008 for the San Jose Sabercats for the games in San Jose for Arena Foooball League at the HP Pavilion. Should I get season tickets for the Sabercats?
Sundays Should Never Be The Same!
Seriously ... Have you ever work real hard at something, And have it be anticlimactic? I really hate to lay guilt on people, Because nobody ask me to put such an effort in to things - I DO them out of friendship & add a lot of love. So I -K N O W- I have no right to complain When said effort isn't met with an overwhelming approval. I -K N O W- that you should'nt be held accountable for others lack of enthusiasm or support. Because this isn't intended for those who show their appreciation & support ... Unfortunately, it's those who do show their luv - that get the burden of the blunt! (being they DO read my stuff while the ones this is directed towards don't read it) - Hence never getting an unprovoked tyrant & fit from me < /end rant> I'm sorry ... Rants over and I'll fake a smile for a minute & Knowing those caring folks out their will replace it with a REAL ONE ... in a matter of minutes! That I also -K N O W- ... I love those who car
Sunday Morning Sex!!lol
Sunday Morning Sex I will never hear church bells ringing again without smiling... Upon hearing that her elderly grandfather had just passed away, Katie went straight to her grandparent's house to visit her 95-year-old grandmother and comfort her. When she asked how her grandfather had died, her grandmother replied, "He had a heart attack while we were making love on Sunday morning." Horrified, Katie told her grandmother that 2 people nearly 100 years old having sex would surely be asking for trouble. "Oh no, my dear," replied granny. "Many years ago, realizing our advanced age, we figured the best time to do it was when the church bells would start to ring. It was just the right rhythm. Nice and slow and even. Nothing too strenuous, simply in on the Ding and out on the Dong." She paused to wipe away a tear, and continued, "He'd still be alive if the ice cream truck hadn't come along."
Sunday Morning!
This is the fist time I have been online all weekend. I stayed off so my neck could rest. It is not hurting near as bad as it was Friday! It is getting better and it makes me happy. Yesterday, I got up and went to the hardware store with Peter. We started to leave and Christopher who was only in boxers came running out of the house with his clothes said he wanted to go with us. So he gets in the car practically naked and he gets dressed in the car. I wanted to go to the hardware store because this is not your typical "man" store, they have lots of decorations and things for your kitchen. They have all the cute Christmas decorations out and it was all 20% off yesterday. I got a snowman nativity and a cute snowman that stands or squats. Very cute. The main reason we went there though was not for decorations, it was for paint! Yes....more paint. We picked out a nice blue for the trim. It goes well with the other colors and will look so much better then PURPLE! The new c
MySpace Graphics & MySpace Layouts
Sunday Football And The Joy Of Sharing
It's Sunday once again at my home; that means it's time for FOOTBALL!!! I love football, and I've managed to find myself with friends that love it, and women alike. I'm not saying that you're evil if you don't like football, but I suspect you may have a little bit of evil if you don't. While I haven't had all that much to complain about since moving to Alabama, the one thing that has left me tortured is not sharing the football games with friends and new acquaintances. It seems that most of the locals I've met here are afraid to be social. They'll gladly sleep with you, but when it comes to just hanging out, drinking beer, eating wings and watching football, they can't seem to do it. This is especially tough on me, since I was accustomed to having large groups of people over at the house each game day. To be honest, it was like having a football party each week! We'd have beer, food, and the plasma with NFL Sunday Ticket...we could (and did) include each person's favorite
Sunday, November 18,2007
Today has been a very exhausting day. I had church choir practice, sunday school, and church this morning, which is always enjoyable. But today was slightly different. I am also in the choir at the University that I attend. So my today, actually started way back in August, but the stress started yesterday with dress rehersal. We started DR at 1015 am, and concluded around 12. Making sure that all soloist, instrumentalist, and logistics were all squared away. The today, starting with my morning this morning, then home for about an hour the off to the college for the concert. The concert started today at 3 and we concluded about an hour later. I will say that everything went ok. Soloist (me included in that) all did well, the instrumentalist all did well, and the choir pieces that we performed seemed greatly appreciated by the audience. And of course, in my fashion of not knowing when is enough....I still have to help someone with a research project, go to a gift exc hange drawi
Sunday 9-1
Just wanted to let you all know that Green Bay Packers are now 9-1 and on their way to a great season.....
Sunday November 18, 2007
We here at NEWSFLASH! would like to thank Dani for reminding me to get off my lazy ass and make a NEWSFLASH!. Thank you Dani. We would also like to award Dani with the random thought of the week: "vanila snowcones rock". Thank you Dani for this nugget of joy. NEWSFLASH 11:51 PM: I know... Im cutting it close here
Sunday Morning Thoughts
In every change that you experience in life, there will be times when you'll wonder if you can endure. But you'll learn that facing each difficulty one by one isn't so hard. It's when you don't deal with a situation that it sometimes comes back to confront you again. Changes are sometimes very painful, but they teach us that we can endure and that we can become stronger. Everything that comes into your life has a purpose, but the outcome is in your hands by the action you take. Be wise with your life, be willing to endure, and always be willing to face life's challenges.
Sunday Burgers
I always cook burgers on Sunday. Tonight's burgers - ground chuck mixed with mesquite flavored ketchup, swiss cheese, and shredded lettuce on onion buns. Mmmm!
Had a good day. :) Went to church, and then to the farm for lunch. Most of the guys were not there - off to whereever they hunt. Thats ok, that means more food for those of us who don't hunt since most of the women still come. Family lunches on Sunday are always huge. So much food. Spent the rest of the day playing with David and watching movies. Now he is watching the Eagles/Patriots game. He loves the Eagles and is yelling with almost every play lol. I told him I'm not staying up for the whole game lol. I guess he will watch the end alone.. though how I will sleep with the yelling I don't know lol. But I have an early meeting in the morning so I will have to go to bed. Broke the wheel off my chair. grrrrrrrrrrr. About fell on my butt! Oh well its an old chair lol. Hope everyone had a great weekend. :)
do you like sundae?
Sunday December 2, 2007
MYSTICAL FANTASIES is starting a fund raiser. If you would care to donate to the "help us fix the door" fund raiser... wire... me... money... NEWSFLASH 1:36 AM: It was worth a try. NEWSFLASH 1:38 AM: It appears that fubar has been invaded by cows. NWSFALSH 1:40 AM: EAT MOR CHIKIN! NEWSFLASH 1:56 AM: NEWSFLASH is back, after having been dragged out of my chair and beaten by a pack of evil cows. We would like to thank PUNKIE for her immediate action and heroic efforts. By staying touned to NEWSFLASH, PUNKIE was able to ward off the cows and avert certain doom. Thank you PUNKIE, you have saved the day. And how can you the common joe become a crime fighting purveyor of justice? Simple! Stay tuned to NEWSFLASH.
This is the first time I have been online today. I have been quite the busy one with shopping today and visiting friends. Peter has been outside most of the day decorating the house and putting up lights....lots of lights! I have at least started my Christmas shopping now. I got the boys Ipods so far. Lots of stuff for their stockings too. It has been a chilly weekend. Finally starting to feel winter like around here. Mind you that it was 47 degrees today. My kids have been yelling at me to turn the heater up but my response to them is they can turn it up if they want to pay the electric/gas bill! I am buying a new car tomorrow. I have only had mine that I have now for about 21 months but I have never been that in love with the vehicle. I am getting something that is nicer. Going from Honda to Lincoln. I am getting a Lincoln MKX and it has lots of bells and whistles. We have to go to San Francisco tomorrow to purchase it since that is where the exact one is I want an
Sunday Nights!
Well.... Some of you know & some don't... I was working 2 jobs, babysitting & waitressing in a strip club.. I was working 75 hours a week & was just too much. So I quit the club & was just babysitting... BUT.... I quit my babysitting gig a few weeks back too. I was soooo tired of being up at 5:30am. Driving an hour to work. Working 11 hours... Driving an hour & a half home cause of traffic... & Not getting home til after 7pm & having no time for myself... & Only getting 160 bucks a week... Dude, that's 30 dollars a DAY & if you figure it out... It was LESS than 3 dollars an hour, for 2 kids (5 years old boy & a 17months old lil girl)! Just a bad situation. So, I bailed on 'em, which made me feel like a complete douche bag ever since. I won't even go on myspace cause I know Imma have some fucked up messages by my best friend, who I was babysitting for... So, I went back to work at the strip club as a waitress... They reacted a lil funny at first to my mohawk, but most are use to it by n
Sundance Fun
Damn! I missed the greatest opportunity tonight! Rick was actually pulled up to dance tonight at Sundance. It was sssssssssssooooooooo cute! Had my camera phone and everything but the fucker kept ducking behind the chicks. lol But damn it was funny! Just wish I had the pic, lol Had a blast anyway and the memory is etched in my mind! Thanks for the memories sweetie. lol
A - S U N D A Y - Train???
Seasons Greetings Thanks to all the well wishers during this difficult time. I did want to clear something up: It was my ex-mother-in-law who past. The story I told about my kids losing both Grandfathers on the same day - was nine years ago! I'd was referring back because I was thinking about my two oldest children's pains they've endued in Their young lives. I really was feeling for them - More than for myself. (just wanted to clear that up) Thank you all again! Lets face it I LOVE Trains . . . And if I can find a reason to do one, I WILL! So with all the Holiday FX pics I made I figured to put it on a train (instead of the sad 'no Friday' blog) So heres a few of my friends that I made FX pictures for the holiday. If you want one let me know :) Happy Holidays
Sunday Wrap Up
Ok, so all the sudden I want to hit some shows up. So in January I will be hitting up the following Sick of It All and Madball together The Black Dahlia Murder and 3 inches of blood In February The Supersuckers, with Eddie Spaghetti doing a solo set In March Flogging Molly I might also go see Wyclef Jean in January but have not decided yet on that one. I really want to go see WuTang Clan, but for $55 I can do several other shows. Have not decided yet on that one. Maybe, but that is this week. So this weekend well, blah. The Steelers lost, which sucks major ass. I drank a fifth of SoCo friday night and still was not hammered, which is somewhat scary. Last night I went to Playbook to watch the game then to Memories Strip Club, hey when its a night out, its a night out. Was not a bad night other than getting lost in Dundalk. Getting ready for work tomorrow, gotta get some stuff out for the students to work on for their project.
Sunday Thought
Don't undermine your worth by comparing yourself with others. It is because we are different that each of us is special. Don't set your goals by what other people deem important. Only you know what is best for you. Don't take for granted the things closest to your heart. Cling to them as you would your life, for without them life is meaningless. Don't let your life slip through your fingers by living in the past or for the future. By living your life one day at a time, you live all the days of your life. Don't give up when you still have something to give. Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying. Don't be afraid to admit that you are less than perfect. It is this fragile thread that binds us to each other. Don't be afraid to encounter risks. It is by taking chances that we learn how to be brave. Don't shut love out of your life by saying it's impossible to find. The quickest way to receive love is to give love. The fastest way to lose love i
No football for me today. Nope none at all. I got up early as shit and went to Wally World. I got home and hung some pictures up which was cool as shit. I have some nice new art work hanging including pics of my High School and Frostburg State. Two of the placest hat really formed me. Then we went to The most awesome chink chow restaraunt ever to get some mongolian buffet. Then to Cold Stone. Now sitting at home drinking some good itailian wine with Dawn. Overall an awesome night. BTW I now like Wine, that sucks cause i can drink too much. It costs the same as a fifth of SoCo and has less affect.
Sunday Morning Sex
Upon hearing that her elderly grandfather had just passed away, Katie went straight to her grandparent's house to visit her 95-year-old grandmother and comfort her. When she asked how her grandfather had died, her grandmother replied, "He had a heart attack while we were making love on Sunday morning." Horrified, Katie told her grandmother that two people nearly 100 years old having sex would surely be asking for trouble. "Oh, no, my dear," replied granny. "Many years ago, realizing our advanced age, we figured out the best time to do it was when the church bells would start to ring. It was just the right rhythm. Nice and slow and even. Nothing too strenuous, simply in on the Ding and out on the Dong." She paused to wipe away a tear, and continued, "and if the damned ice cream truck hadn't come along, he'd still be alive today."
Hope Everyone Has a Safe and Wonderful Day
A Sunday Update!
So, I think it is safe to say I won Dantes Sexiest MILF contest. Everyone pulled together to help me bomb the crap out of my pic and it closes tonight and I am up about 8000 plus votes. SO YAY! I also have the most rates on the pic which is a bonus prize as well. The fubucks won in this contest will help me pay for some of the prizes I am awarding in my contest! I am hosting my first contest! I wanted it to be different than sexiest this and that and not a popularity contest! So, it will be rates only and has a funny theme that will hopefully produce some entertaining pics to look at! The more people the better. There is a blog all about the contest so you can check that out. BUT, you have to take the funniest pic you can come up with with 5 random household items. COOL, huh? So something totally original. It will be neat to see what everyone comes up with. I am still fighting for Hottest Mummer against the awesome Misterfeet. I sat on a 200 vote lead and got a little too comfo
Sunday Morning!
well me an d my friend Mike had gone out Saturday night to the Mars bar and Venus cafe to listen to some music and have a few drinks and dinner..loved the shows met some of the bands and all that. after wards we stopped for breakfast at the Lat Tratoria for a while..we had stoppwed so he can get gas and munches on our way home in fife wa. about leadst 30 minutes from where i live...then when we got just afew mins from home on highway 16 i think lol we hit blackice and spun out of control hitting the retaining wall 2 times.fortunately we had our belts on we always wear them foir its a 150 dollar fine if u dont....anyweays we wer ok but i feel bad for the car tho minor damage was done he has gonna have to pay up the nose to get it fixed
Sunday Dinner For Italians
Sunday Dinner for Italians Italians have a $40,000 kitchen, but use the $259 stove from Sears in the basement to cook. There is some sort of religious statue in the hallway, living room, bedroom, front porch and backyard. The living room is filled with old wedding favors with poofy net bows and stale almonds (they are too pretty to open). A portrait of the Pope and Frank Sinatra hang in the dining room. God forbid if anyone EVER attempted to eat Chef Boy-are-dee, Franco American, Ragu, Prego or anything else in a jar or can (tomato paste is the exception). Meatballs are made with Pork, Veal and Beef. We are Italians ; we don't care about cholesterol. Turkey is served on Thanksgiving, AFTER the manicotti, gnocchi, lasagna and soup. If anyone EVER says ES-CAROLE, slap 'em in the face -- it's SHCAROLE. If they ever say ITALIAN WEDDING SOUP, let the idiot know that there is no wedding, nor is there an Italian in the soup. Also, the tiny meatballs must be made by hand. No
Sundays Suck
so i pretty much suck at life i put myself in this position to get fucked over and now i live with my grandparents like a loser i miss the life that i used to have no matter how unhappy i was at times it was still better than this.... and thats the saddest part. at least i was miserable with someone instead of miserable and alone im never leaving my room again
Sunday School
Sunday School Little Mary was not the best student in Sunday School. Usually she slept through the class. One day the teacher called on her while she was napping, ''Tell me, Mary, who created the universe?'' When Mary didn't stir, little Johnny, an altruistic boy seated in the chair behind her, took a pin and jabbed her in the rear. ''God Almighty !'' shouted Mary and the teacher said, ''Very good'' and Mary fell back to sleep. A while later the teacher asked Mary, ''Who is our Lord and Savior?'' But Mary didn't even stir from her slumber. Once again, Johnny came to the rescue and stuck her again. ''Jesus Christ!'' shouted Mary and the teacher said, ''Very good,'' and Mary fell back to sleep. Then the teacher asked Mary a third question, ''What did Eve say to Adam after she had her twenty-third child?'' And again, Johnny jabbed her with the pin. This time Mary jumped up and shouted, ''If you stick that damn thing in me one more time, I'll break it in half!'' The Teacher fa
To keep your marriage (relationship) brimming, with love, whenever you’re wrong, admit it; whenever you’re right, shut up.
man, i feel like the illest drunk right now. I drank for like ten hours. and i drank an entire thing of like 20 oz of straight rum by myself. That was at around 3am. Its like 8pm, and i have a hang over. I'm going to hate tomorrow at work I bet. :( Life is just such a fucking crazy like fucking adventure. and fuck it I'm just like living it. playing all the games tossing the half dollar listing the words: assholes, beer cans, cunts.... yeah word. and its all what ever cause i don't care about drama i don't care about petty whores i feel whats real i feel life So what if i'm a crazy fucking bitch. (cunt?_) anyways. I'm feeling really good about life but my liver and head say different. *swallowing glass just to stay pure*
Sunday Morning Thoughts...
Another Saturday night at home. I suppose I should be used to it. I was in contact earlier in the night with my "associates". One is headed off to NY to see some band play.... The other is on a "booty call". The 3rd is well, staying at home with the little lady. and me? Well, i'm with the kitties, some jager and music. Seems to be my weekend routine,rinse and repeat. Of course, it's raining on and off and windy as hell so I guess staying in isn't such a bad idea. Conversely, to go where? I'm talking to a friend on Yahoo now. I sent her a song by 808 State...Pacific. I told her that hearing that song brings back memories, lots of them...good and bad. She said and I quote "Memories are Fun". My reply was " Yes,especially when that's all you have". ------- On a lighter( no pun intended) note...I'm still attending the gym. Of course not with the fervor my parents want me to have, but I go none the less. And I've been watching what I eat. I see no appreica
You Are a Banana Split Fruity, flavorful, and diverse. Who can beat a true superstar? What Kind of Sundae Are You?
Sunday At A Glance
Woke up this morning in a very grouchy mood. Probably because I went to sleep in a very grouchy mood. People just tend to have the power to get on my nerves more so now than before. It could possibly be this damn flu from hell I am dealing with. Anyway, I went outside for awhile to get some fresh air to see if maybe it would make me feel better. It did not. Came back in, and my temperature continuously begin to go up throughout the day until it finally reached 103.4. I decided it was time to drag my big ass to the emergency room. Mind you this is my second round of the flu. This is the second week of having it this time. On top of the flu, I also have strep throat and ear infection in both ears. Joy Joy. Anyway, I get to the emergency room and they put me on the bed thingie and after they check my temp, they pack me down with ice packs because they consider my temperature to be dangerously high. So here I lay, packed in ice with my neon green cast sticking up in the air from under t
Sunday March 16th 2008 7am
been sitting here and i have had alot of time to think on the subject of dating and having a relationships i have had and havent had the past years. Reason is being that since my health is an issue here with heart probs and now being diabetic, lot of ladies have turned me down for this afraid its an emotional risk, or just doesnt want to deal with it. well i do have news for ya anyone in my age range can have this or even younger guys can just up and die on you, i have a friend whose son was only 19 and died of a heart attack, one of my best friends died at the age of 25 of a heart attack, both because they didnt watch their weight or other reasons....They were warned to watch their diet, they prolly trieed not to eat so much and what they eat or how much but failed...some like me its inborn withthe weight...but i try to eat in moderations ect. So whatever you think its only fair to say that be fair to us guys who are on medications and such we are only human just like you. *sighs*
Sunday Evening Bully
I made this music player at ARE YOU READY FOR A NEW KIND OF EXPERIENCE ? ARE YOU WANTING TO FIND A LOUNGE WHERE THEY PLAY WHAT YOU LIKE TO HEAR ? THEN LOOK NO FURTHER !!! Come take a wicked ride with me !!! Brought to you by HadesFury ! (repost of original by 'HadesFury' on '2008-03-16 00:08:37') (repost of original by '
Sunday Law
[ Home ] [ The Controversy ] [ Online Books ] [ Study the Word! ] [ GOD's Health Laws ] [ Religious Liberty ] [ Links ] MANY CHURCH LEADERS and politicians are unified on the hotly debated issue of legislating Sunday as a day of rest. Today, great efforts are being made to gain influence in the executive and legislative circles of the United States federal government in order to enact laws for the observance of Sunday as a national day of rest. The thrust is not overtly religious but is couched in a concern for the welfare of the American family. This activity is being duplicated in other parts of the world as well under the same pretense. It is ironic to see this kind of legislation being promoted when you consider what has been said by the leaders of the Christian churches at different times in history. Considering this, it is also ironic to see what was the practice of Christians throughout history. In even stronger words, Pope John Paul II has asked for more st
Sunday Morning Greetings!!
Good morning, one and all! This is going to be a busy and tiring two days off for me. Guess I better take extra vitamins! We've been working up to this weekend for awhile. Requiem, the band my youngest son Taylor is in, is one of the local (read - regional, lol) bands opening for Dimmu Borgir tonight at The Rave in Milwaukee. Requiem is not exactly Black Metal, but they are in the ball park, lol. I've been looking forward to this weekend - thanks to my Warrior friend, you know who you are, I fell in love with Symphonic Black Metal almost two years ago. So Dakota, my 13 year old grandson, and I are making the 3 hour drive to Milwaukee (and back) to partake of the festivities! Should be pretty cool, lol! Considering how many bands are playing, we will probably get back in the wee hours of Monday morning. Don't expect much from me tomorrow, lmao!!! Yesterday was such a beautiful day - highs in the 60s! I do believe Spring may finally make it to Wisconsin. Think the high should b
Sunday Night In The Hocking Radio Lounge Dj Gemini
Sunday April 13th 2008
its aa sunday what else is there lol? basixally took care of Bubba today for a bit while my sister had her day with her daughter, i had my little time with aq special friend at Starbucks and chatted with her for a while. after that came home played games when sis got back. ugh
Sunday Morning Sex
Sunday Morning Sex > > > > I will never hear church bells ringing again without smiling.. > > Upon hearing that her elderly grandfather had just passed away, > Katie > > went straight to her grandparent's house to visit her 95-year-old > > grandmother and comfort her. > > When she asked how her grandfather had died, her grandmother > replied, > > He had a heart attack while we were making love on Sunday morning. " > > > > Horrified, Katie told her grandmother that 2 people nearly 100 > years > > old having sex would surely be asking for trouble. > > > > Oh no, my dear," replied granny. "Many years ago, realizing our > > advanced age, we figured out the best time to do it was when the > church > > bells would start to ring. It was just the right rhythm. Nice and > slow > > and even. > > Nothing too strenuous, simply in on the Ding and out on the Dong. " > > > > She paused to wipe away
MySpace Comments & MySpace Layouts
Sunday Afternoon
With my head laying on your chest I can feel the steady beat of your heart. As I run my hand up your arm stroking your bicep, down across your chest. I notice your heart starts to beat faster. The lower on your chest I go, the faster the beat. Lightly running my fingertips across where your waist band would be awakens the beast. Roughly you grab me and flip me onto my back. Your lips cover mine...stiffling a giggle.
Sunday April 19th 2008 [moi Ugly?]
well i was on singlesnet trying to find someone and i got told that im overwewight, (which iam by alittle) and too much information on me my glasses made my eyes glare ( I need them to type) lol. so i ratted on her and told he how shallow she was then blocked and reported her (was the only way to block her) i changed my info and that was that.... why some pees are so shallow to say something like that and be hurtful is beyond me
Such a long day, im exausted? Ever have one of those?
Sunday, 27 April 2008
Sunday, 27 April 2008 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celtic 2-2Rangers HT McDonald 4 Weir 17 McDonald 43 Cousin 29 Bookings: Robson 18 Hartley 35 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sunday Update...
Just thought I better fill ya'll in a little. My Lappy Top is completely FUBARed! Apparently it's been a tramp and caught some sort of ETD. (Electronically transmitted disease!) I have been fighting with it since yesterday morn and it doesn't seem to be getting any better. I am ready to throw it out the window! So, I don't know when or how much I will be on over the next little while. Keep paying it foward ya'll and I will get the bulletins caught up when I can. For my friends in bombing contests...I AM SO SORRY. You were all there to help me SO MUCH and now my computer has to go and be a douche! DJCRAZYMOMx4 busts her arse to help me all the time..... So please RATE THIS PIC... ...and leave as many comments as you can! Also, I promised Truck Girl a days worth of comments.... So please go leave some for her and tell her I sent ya. You guys rock. I am hoping my connection will hold out long enough to get a new Pay It Forward Bulletin made.
Sunday Morning Delight
I will never hear church bells ringing again without smiling... Upon hearing that her elderly grandfather had just passed away, Katie went straight to her grandparent's house to visit her 95-year-old grandmother and comfort her. When she asked how her grandfather had died, her grandmother replied, He had a heart attack while we were making love on Sunday morning." Horrified, Katie told her grandmother that 2 people nearly 100 years old having sex would surely be asking for trouble. "Oh no, my dear," replied granny. "Many years ago , realizing our advanced age, we figured out the best time to do it was when the church bells would start to ring. It was just the right rhythm. Nice and slow and even... Nothing too strenuous, simply in on the Ding and out on the Dong." She paused to wipe away a tear, and continued, "He'd still be alive if the ice cream truck hadn't come along.
Sunday Thought Of The Day...
Sunday May 04 2008
Today sucked bad. First my day started off at 11:30pm when didn't got to bed til 4:40am. My mom woke me up and made me go shoping with her. We with to wal mart then to food lion. After we got home she cooked sheapard pie. After we ate i had to go with her to see my grandmaw and then to place use to leave there with my ex(ashley). Bc grandmaw selling and not letting me rent anymore. So we had to go up there meat people who going to make the yard look good. Then i came home hopeing get to talk to my gf. Ha Ha i had to go out again to see my sister. I thought that all i was going to do. When got there mom decid she had to plants sis flower so i was made to help. Then after 2 hour there i final get home. I didn't get to talk to that speal person in my life today. I miss her and love her. I hope if she read this she will call me so we can talk. She not been feeling to good. Plz call me
Sunday Morning Is What I Need....sighss
Sunday 05-11-08 (hugs)
Sunday, Mothers Day May 11, 2008 Hope YOU that had reason for celebration, did so with joy. And those that had no reason to give cards or flowers had an equally fun-filled and or fulfilling Sunday! All was good on my side of the screen. Mother enjoyed her meal & the family popped in to see her in sporadic fashion. Which makes it easier for her to chat with them that way - opposed to the all at once pandemonium that ALL the family gathering at the same time can cause. (lots of us) So a good gathering and happy exchanges ...
A Sunday Rant, Cant Fix Stupid!! #3
Read the entire Blog there is a video and more info all the way to the bottom!! Associated Press - May 17, 2008 2:43 PM ET WAYNE, N.J. (AP) - A New Jersey couple, whose son was struck in the chest with a line drive, is planning to sue the maker of a metal baseball bat used in the game. Two years ago, Steven Domalewski was pitching when the ball slammed into his chest and stopped his heart. He was resuscitated but now has brain damage and is severely disabled. The family contends metal baseball bats are inherently unsafe for youth games because the ball comes off them much faster than from wooden bats. The lawsuit will also be filed against Little League Baseball and a sporting goods chain that sold the bat. An attorney says Domalewski will need millions of dollars worth of medical care for the rest of his life. The bat maker says while it sympathizes with Steven and his family, the bat is not to blame for the injury. Copyright 2008 The Associated Press. All rights
Sunday, May 25th, 2008
My thoughts, feelings, and emotions are so up in the air right now. I found out something today, that in someway drastically effects my life, but at the same time, kinda doesn't. It just depends on how things go from here on out. Which, I have told a couple of people. The extremely close people in my life. Chastine, Alisha, and Adam. Which, leaves me realizing, outside of my children, who are of course the two most important people in my life, the 3 of them are my life. Chastine has been through so much with me in just a short period of time. She is my sense. When i am lacking in it, and I am upset for reasons beyond anyone's understanding, she makes things make sense. SHe brings me back to this happy reality, and makes me see how things look from other point of view. She keeps me grounded. ANd I love her dearly for it. Alisha has recently become my shoulder to cry on. Poor CHastine has so damn much drama going on in her life, she's got so much on her mind, I feel so bad going to he
sea air sitting near you a question in my eyes you know the answer sweetness on your tongue flowing currents flow running tides run light gathers like a flame collecting on the sea calling my name softly Gavi 2007
Sunday Shezshual Fo Dick!
hahaha....going to Dicks arena 2day for a 1pm soccer game.... gonna b there round 9am ish.... get home round 3 pm.... take a chowa...make a call....get to doin what i do by 8pm.....then hit a chill spot round 2 am with the crew....and repeat the next day for like a week or so b4 i get another day off..... so 2nite might b the last time im on for a min....hopefully not....but ya never know! so i'll hopefully keep u ppls updated as i go along my days here.... ps. yes..i am a bad bad boy!
Sunday Family Train
I'm declaring this parents Sunday! Im calling all parents that includes single moms and dads couples and grandparents that have children as well come jump aboard m parents Sunday train...We will always make more friends to have another parent related friend to talk to and laugh with on fubar!If you wanna join please see me Kandylicious Kandilicious Creator & Owner of the Lollipop gurlz club & Seductive Desires Fu-engaged toArkangel@ fubar SexyGranny1967 ♥ Shadow Leveler ♥ Club FAR ♥ Promoter of S*U*P@ fubar ~*~Christine aka ¢¾SweetAngel¢¾~*~Riding the Sin Wagon@ fubar ..chillie...@ fubar terbear2545***OWNED BY JP OWNER OF BOOMER SOONER***FORCE~3~BOMBERS~~~SPANKERS~CLUB~~~@ fubar ~ ღஐtrue_blue_joeyஐღ ~ BFF of sexcmumma ♥ 25 to Life ♥@ fubar ~♥CONNIE♥~UNDERWORLD LEVELER *Fu-Owned By Bleuskyhere@ fubar
Sunday Bloody Sunday
Yes... I cant believe the news today Oh, I cant close my eyes and make it go away How long... How long must we sing this song? How long? how long... cause tonight...we can be as one Tonight... Broken bottles under childrens feet Bodies strewn across the dead end street But I wont heed the battle call It puts my back up Puts my back up against the wall Sunday, bloody sunday Sunday, bloody sunday Sunday, bloody sunday (sunday bloody sunday...) (allright lets go!) And the battles just begun Theres many lost, but tell me who has won The trench is dug within our hearts And mothers, children, brothers, sisters torn apart Sunday, bloody sunday Sunday, bloody sunday How long... How long must we sing this song? How long? how long... cause tonight...we can be as one Tonight... Tonight... Sunday, bloody sunday (tonight) Tonight Sunday, bloody sunday (tonight) (come get some!) Wipe the tears from your eyes Wipe your tears away Wipe your tears
Sunday June 8th, 2008
well this week is gonna be fun, tomorrow i have a doc appt. foir my tri-monthy examination and then Thursday i go camping for my Bday! prolly going top get a lil ripped and relaxed as well. id love to gotten my guitar this week to take with but Sears didnt have it in their store i have to order it!:O imagine that :O anyways i guess ill go get it and the amp or if i get an acoustic guitar and practice again...this time online lol have agreat one all PEACE N LOVE
Sun Daze.
wrkd rockies at 105pm...workd cake @ 6pm... saw kung fu panda after dinner.... and i just got home....nite! RP. ps. yes i did ;)
Sunday???...why Not!
itsa day i have to sleep...FINALLY!!!..hahaha.... 2nite i worked the "electric daisy carnival" and OMFG.... whata nite it was....itsa rave from 6pm till 4 am!.... and it comes with all the rave specialties....from women wearing floss as an outfit...all the way to stupid women wearing floss as an outfit... needless to say... it was a cool night... sales were ok....but ppl were holdin tight to their selling prices...which was stupid...but in turn...i did get some cheap as hell and flipped them for a good dilly!... so i cant really complain.... so..... now itsa sunday morn and its like 4am ish...and i need atleast some sleep.... i might work chimira @ the ogden theatre.....but i also might just hit up the BROWN PALACE.....if ya know what i mean ...(Heh) but all in all...ive been stoooopid bizzy....but th@s y im here!!!....its my job. and i luvs it. n e way..... if your reading this...and its after 10am MTN. TIME!!! gimme a call.... ps. all im wearing is
Grrrrrrrrrr! My ISP had a major fiber cut on Fathers' Day, and therefore, I was not able to get online the whole day! For those of you who commented me or left love, thank you sooooooooooooooooo much. I am not sure it will still be in the "see all" portion of my Bar Tab, so please let me know you stopped by to do so. Thank you for your understanding!
Life changes, directions change, but good friends always remain. As time has changed and seasons have past We've developed a bond that will forever last.~Donna~
Sunday June 29, 2008
Good afternoon faithful readers!!!...and hello to all the rest of you fools. We are currently working on some form of news ticker to put up whereever you like. As of yet, no luck. NEWSFLASH 8:25 PM: s'wet out there (O.O) NEWSFLASH 9:41 PM: because seem to get more readers when I post a new post on a blog, starting tomorrow, NEWSFLASHes will be posted on a new blog every day (still may change my mind on this) and a new post for each update (will happen) NEWSFLASH 10:07 PM: FFS! call the Orkin man! Ihe roaches have aquired semiautos!
Sunday July6th
Sundae Seduction
Would you like a flame sundae? CUM see me get messy as I turn my BBW body into a tasty sundae. Hope you like lots of chocolate, whipped cream, and strawberries. I rub it all over my huge titts, luscious tummy, wet pussy, sexy feet, and round ass. There are around 80 pictures in this set and over 2600 pictures on my wild side. There are also 22 video clips. Don't forget to CUM check out my 12 videos. The newest one is "Freedom CUMs Ringing". XOXO Love XOXO Exotic Flame -- Hugs and Kisses Exotic Flame
Sunday Night...
Well, just a couple more nights until I go in for a CPAP fitting/prescription. I hope it works and I can get used to it relatively easy. Heck, I have trouble sleeping if I'm breathing on myself!
Sunday Updates
Sunday July 27th will be a no levelling day, because of the lack of happy hours. But there are many things you can do to show love to your fu family members. You can show love to the other members of the family by rating their pictures and things. Or if you guys would like you can do levelups together you can if you want to. We also have some giveaways that rating revolution members are in . You are by no means obligated to bomb in these because we are a leveling family and not a bombing family. But any help would be greatly appreciated. These are some of the ways you can help your other family members on this day off!!! The list of giveaways are as follows: Needs 25,000 comments for a 3 month vip in 4 weeks she is up to 9500 now and has little less than 3 weeks left to get it completed. Needs 20,000 comments for a 30 day blast with no time limit Needs 14,000 comments for a VIP This is the Destroyer of the Day for Sunday...... SHADOW BOM
Sunday Poem/prayer
Never Die, Never Quit I am hated by you I am hated by me How can this be? Now let's see… I was born in a place You had to be strong I've done things most think wrong My hands got tough My mind got mean My old man told me "get tough or die" Well I didn't die Did I?!?! Well, I got strong and I got fast I am determined to last At 16, I'm a machine One thought in my head, Not to end up dead Never quit and Never Die I won't grow old And I won't grow weak At any price With any stakes I'll get what it takes And I'll be strong And I'll be fast To the last But truth is sad I'll one day slow And one day die And on that day I won't say goodbye I'll say I had a good run And I'll say hello To the one Who made me fast And made me strong I'll see the lord face to face And say…… Thank you.
Sunday Blog
Right and away we go - moo haha - I have just taken my meds for now,more due at 10pm, at which time I shall be going to bed!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, moving swiftly on - my ankle is like a freaking hot air balloon (swollen!) but must keep going, cant give up!!!!!!! After all I am doing as the doctor/surgeon/consultant told me - resting as much as I can, only they never told me to stay off Fubar!!!!!!! (right just off for a quick wheelie - backside going square - brb!!!!!!!!!!).... right daily five steps done!!!!!!!!! I havent told you about the mad things I was in hospital with - not sure whether I should or not - oh well here we go!!!!!!!! Ok so you think Im mad to a certain degree - let me tell you about two of the women I was in hospital with. The one directly next to me - ffs - delighted in telling me her name every morning - like Im gonna forget it in twenty four hours but oh well, that was tolerable, it was the other things that werent tolerable - like eating dinner and
imikimi - Customize Your World
Sunday Morning Sex
I will never hear church bells ringing again without smiling... Upon hearing that her elderly grandfather had just passed away, Katie went straight to her grandparent's house to visit her 95-year-old grandmother and comfort her. When she asked how her grandfather had died, her grandmother replied, 'He had a heart attack while we were making love on Sunday morning.' Horrified, Katie told her grandmother that 2 people nearly 100-years-old having sex would surely be asking for trouble. 'Oh no, my dear,' replied granny. 'Many years ago, realizing our advanced a ge, we figured out the best tim e to do it was when the church bells would start to ring. It was just the right rhythm. Nice and slow and even. Nothing too strenuous, simply in on the Ding and out on the Dong.' She paused to wipe away a tear, and continued, 'He'd still be alive if the ice cream truck hadn't come along.'
Sunday ... The Day After Going To The Strip Club
Last night my husband and I traveled down to Salem, Oregon and went to the Stars Cabaret at exit 256 just off Interstate 5. Here is their web site " " WOW... I had so much fun ... it was just great. My husband and I had never been to a strip club before together. I had been to one way back when I was 19 or 20 with some girlfriends but never with a guy before and it was so nice and entertaining. Check out my picture in my default gallery that my husband took of me in our hotel room before we went to the club. The dancers were paying far more attention to me than to my husband while we were giving them $1 bills while sitting along side of their stage areas. Be sure to read my erotic story folder in this blog soon for I am going to write up the story of our evening at Stars very soon. My husband and I had so much fun we plan to do this more often and just explore the strip clubs of the Pacific Northwest and rate them. Stars is HOT so if you
Sundays At Tiffanys By James Patterson
Sundays at Tiffanys by James Patterson Plot Summary: As a little girl, Jane has no one. Her mother, the powerful head of a Broadway theater company, has no time for her. She does have one friend-a handsome, comforting, funny man named Michael-but only she can see him. Years later, Jane is in her thirties and just as alone as ever. Then she meets Michael again-as handsome, smart and perfect as she remembers him to be. But not even Michael knows the reason they've really been reunited. SUNDAYS AT TIFFANY'S is a love story with an irresistible twist, a novel about the child inside all of us-and the boundary-crossing power of love. My Comments: I don't normally like romance books but considering it was by my favorite author I gave it a chance. It was a really good book, you got the feeling you were part of the story. Excellent read. Rating: 8/10
K so i passed out at like six in the morning. I want to repeat this weekend again the girls an i had probabley a lill more fun then intended but hey we are aloud to once an a while lol the lack of sleep will hit me when i get home :( oh well beyound worth it
Sunday 09/07/08 4:00pm Est
Hello everyone lets see what I can post today. I spent most of my morning catching up with my comments etc etc and then i set to work on updating some of the pages. I added links to the tags page omg the html about killed me to get it right lol. Fubar and Front page are only compatible a bit lol but I think I got them good enough for now. Also updated some of the other pages and took out my little comments that have already been added. There haven't been many new trains today but then again it's early yet nows the perfect time to catch up on some of the old ones we didn't get to do along the way. Keep your eyes out on the comments will add anything I come across tonight in the mean time happy train riding :P New Train Today Birthday Party Train Happy Happy BDay Tat2BunnyLuv hope you have the best ever stop in and leave her some BDay luv
Sunday 9/14/08
Sunday Night With The Captain.
Everything has been put away for the night, except for me. And that will happen momentarily... as soon as I finish scribing this little piece of meaningless drivel. I’ve given in to pagan urge and built myself a tall vodka and grapefruit nightcap. The night is very quiet here; a coolness accompanies the wind from the ocean. A strong sea breeze is rippling the surface of our lagoon which reflects the full moon in random flashes of light. Not a sound is to be heard outside now except the occasional cry of a nightbird, and the sighs of the ocean winds. It is for moments like these that I embrace the decision for Tara and I to make our home here after all of the unhappiness of 2003. I was recently asked why I choose to make a daily commute that takes a little more than an hour each way. My answer was "because I do." Deciding to live in an area that is not convenient to that place where there’s money to be made, comes with the acceptance that you will need to get to that place
Sunday Was...
moms memorial.... for over 2 hours....the line of ppl went outside and around the building. it was amazing how many ppl showed for her. there were ppl from all over...italy,ny,MA....etc. even ppl i recognized from childhood... it was amazing how many ppl knew my mom and even mom touched their hearts over the years.... so the memorial went well and the gathering of ppl after at our house was huge as well....couldnt even walk more than 3 feet without having top ask someone 2 move. so....i stayed outside and watched tv and a few friends came by and hung with me for a while.then i went to taco bell with peter last nite and then i went to bed. and of course ..i slept till 1050pm(seriousely)!... so after sleeping for like 21 hours.... i feel better. and ill blog again l8r rp
Have a great weekend everyone if I dont get to talk to you by Sunday! I'll be on here till Sunday morning Then I wont be on again till at least the evening of Oct 2nd and maybe not even that night! Stay well until then!
Sunday 9/21/08 Hh 11's
Sunday Pimpout For Mini Mike:-)
SUNDAY is pimpout Mike day!- he's been stuck at Fu-King for far too long! So lets all send his alert box crazy and bomb him to Godfather! Mini~Mike™@ fubar This pimpout was brought to you by ~*MȆäL §äÑÐý *~[real life] partner of~*K¡ŋЮέÐ_§p¡®¡†™*~@ fubar
Hey there , happy Sunday FuBombers. If you were sold in the auction last night and have nt yet sent your auction fee, please do so, thers 3 or 4 of you that haven't yet. I have to this every Sunday to get every1 to send the fees. Every1 knows how it works. I shouldn't have to do this. Todays bombing target is this lets bomb together ppl. Read your paper, get woke up, have your coffee, and let's bomb!!
Sundays Dod Is Loverboy
Loverboy23.....or just Rob..."Put it in her pooper!!!" of the Rating Revolution@ fubar
Sunday Thoughts
im watchin kill bill this is sum crazi sh*t i feel lil better finally its bout time i havent eaten since thurs hopefully i can put sumthin on my stomach now still tryin to wake up here i need to clean my house & take a shower in a bit im acceptin 7 day blasts for fam add atm like i said in my last blog im still lookin for a photographer if u or anyone u know then hit me up plz if u have yahoo then hit me up & i add u thats it for now have great sunday peeps updates will follow
Sunday 5th Of Oct
Have some good news....kidneys are improving and blood stats are also improving. Not out of the woods yet but things seem to be improving. They are working on getting the blood clots dissolved and then moving on with the next thing in line. Hopefully they can let her come home in a week or so. She is just feisty enough that it might be sooner....LOL
I want to thank all of you for leveling me yesturday i was so happy to finely make it to fu-king been so long getting there you all are a great family and just wanted to thank you all Member LadyEnchantin
Sunday !!! Auto 11's
SOME FOLKS I KNOW WHO HAVE AUTO 11'S ON OF COURSE SOME ARE TRYING TO LEVEL! I DON'T PUT THIS LIST ON THE BULLETIN BOARD, JUST HERE IN MY BLOG BECAUSE THE REPOSTING OF LISTS ON THE BOARD END UP WITH LINKS THAT NO LONGER ARE AUTO 11'S. NOT LISTED IN ANY PARTICULAR ORDER... MY AUTO 11'S ARE BUMBIN BB @ 11:00 PM FUBAR TIME SHOUT ME ABOUT YOUR FUBUCKS THEN NO EMAILS@ fubar SHE HAS ONLY 720,000 TO LEVEL!! WOOT! ♥Jü§_Më ♥*Fu Owned by PackerBacker*@ fubar Snack_Attack™ ~"CLUB F.A.R."~"SHADOW LEVELER"~@ fubar MishNumber1 ♥ Rate, Fan & Add Me. I Always Return The Luv ♥@ fubar ~NSFW~' - StewieGriffin - FuBaRs ONLY Source For Games, Fun, TV & More - PLS RATE PAGE!@ fubar MIA - The Inked Slut ***PLZ Fan and Rate 1st *** It's fun to read blogs.. really, you should t@ fubar PebblesinAZ...Read and Do My Blogs! XOXO@ fubar Red_Hot Sarges Bad Girls@ fubar ~Cherrybomb™ ~Founder of CIA~Club FAR/Team Love~S.B.G~@ fubar tra71~W.I.S.E UK Friend~Pira
Sunday Workout
Tonights workout was a 90 mins jujitsu workout with a couple of good friends of mine. We did the usual warm up followed by 30 mins of drills and then we rolled until we were all spent and tired. It was a good training night with me getting tooled as both of these guys are better than i am. But they are good guys and very good friends, so if I'm gonna get tooled it might as well be by guys i have a lot of respect for. The injury report for this evening is a busted lip that i recieved while rolling. The guys are such good friends, lol. I was wiping the blood from my mouth and Randy said "welcome to the garage" lol (the garage being the name of this club). I got him back tho when i rolled him over his neck and he squealed like a little girl, lol. Only other injury was a minor tweak to my shoulder that made me squeal like a girl, but hey, this is brazilian jujitsu and not tai chi or ballet!!!
i'm uber bored, did some laundry, did the dishes and now well...nothing, their is nothing on tv, cowboys don't play until tonight & i don't care about the other games to give a flying rats ass, stupid Eli Manning, i wanna cram a football up his bum. so blah, lick my taint idk, here's a monkey getting a BJ, enjoy
Sunday, Dec. 13, 2008
My husband is getting better with each day. Each morning you can hear the difference in his speech. He goes to the speech therapist tomorrow again and the testing should improve. He is very lucky. He is at home now and he had a brain stem stroke and he is not on a ventilator. The doctors are amazed how good he is when he had brain stem stroke. He is to have a MRA tomorrow morning, a special MRI which only looks at the blood flow in his brain and neck. He is not bad for someone that died on me while in ER. He repeats the alphabet and counts to 10 all the time is workings his letters. The difficulty is getting the words to his mouth...there is no connection, The speech therapist says he is amazed at how well he is doing for being a brain stem stroke. He is very, VERY lucky that he can walk, talk and even reason he should be dead... he is supposed to be near 100% from what the drs. are saying ... from what he is read on internet he is very lucky.
Sunday, December 14. 2008
Today he is going to relax in the morning while he watches the Seattle Seahawks play this morning from 10 to 1. He will practice his handwriting after that and is to also practice his walking. He is getting better and better with every day... soon (months from now) nobody will be able to know he even had a stroke.
Sunday Mornings
Sunday Mornings Fingers move Like rabid children Stalking the future Gliding over Ravaged sheets Covered in evidence Of little deaths Like proud battle scars Eyes open to confirm What hands reported From the crime scene Perp has left the building Leaving behind Bloodhound trails Of sex and perfume Double helix stairways Forensic signature I cannot read But well paid For her stories Slow pile-driver Hammers behind Glossy windows Still bloodshot Gray matter mosh pit Throbs to the pounding As the Merry-Go-Round Blurs images of Scattered colored glass That once held Magic potions Which brought me here Sunday morning rituals Shit, shower and shave Bread, wine and confessions Weekly redemption Costing less than Saturday’s sins
Sunday, Dec. 21
Going to watch Seattle Seahawks beat the NY Jets in the last home game of the season on TV ... I hope anyway,
Sunday Morning....
I lie in bed with wicked grin... My Sunday routine has managed to Slip its way into my every day my mind wanders to you... All we have is this Sunday morning, And the glittering sunlight, That flickers as it dances across your skin, Fills the warmth that envelopes me, As your lips touch mine. And I wonder, Is this what you wanted are you dreaming of this too? For the moment to be king, With no walls or inhibitions between us, Just the vulnerability of our existence, Turning from abstract to concrete, And dissolving again, As our lips part. I remain under the covers thinking this is perfection this is ... Sunday Morning.........
Sunday Race Add On - Bling Bux
POST New Years Auto 11 Bling-Bux-Rama 2 DAY Event!!! Cherries, Bux, and Bling !!!! Chiina_Whiite Auto 11 Today 12 pm Fu Time - Running Thru Monday 3 Chances to Be a Winner: Bling Race FuBux Drawing Daily Random Drawing RACE, RACE, RACE! NEW RACE ADDED FOR SUNDAY !!!! 2 pm Fu Time(5 EST)-Race is On. FIRST 3 to completely rate the 550 pic Bling-A-Rama II Folder will win a 3 CREDIT BLING OF CHOICE Plz Comment Last Pic & Private Message me upon completion. The Grand Prize Drawings Over 5 Mil in Prizes (see note on increases): Rate ALL EZ RATE 100 pic & Default folders and you will be entered into a drawing to receive one of three Grand Prizes. 3 Million Fubux 1.5 Million Fubux 750k Fubux
Sundays Auto 11's Here
Sunday, February 1, 2009
*Blows the cobwebs off the desk*.... well.... it has been a long time coming but I'm back... fer now NEWSFLASH 8:38 PM: I be dyin muh hairz! NEWSFLASH 8:59 PM: I be buyin da wrong dyez!
Gorgeous Day - Actually got a bit of a sunburn laying out. My friend the communist Holds meetings in his RV I can't afford his gas So I'm stuck here watching TV I don't have digital I don't have diddly squat It's not having what you want It's wanting what you've got [CHORUS:] I'm gonna soak up the sun Gonna tell everyone To lighten up (I'm gonna tell 'em that) I've got no one to blame For every time I feel lame I'm looking up o I'm gonna soak up the sun I'm gonna soak up the sun I've got a crummy job It don't pay near enough To buy the things it takes To win me some of your love Every time I turn around I'm looking up, you're looking down Maybe something's wrong with you That makes you act the way you do Maybe i am crazy too [CHORUS] I'm gonna soak up the sun While it's still free I'm gonna soak up the sun Before it goes out on me Don't have no master suite I'm still the king of me You have a fancy ride, but baby I'm the one who has the key
Sunday Clothes
SUNDAY CLOTHES A little boy was walking down a dirt road after church one Sunday afternoon when he came to a crossroads where he met a little girl coming from the other direction. 'Hello,' said the little boy 'Hi,' replied the little girl. 'Where are you going?' asked the little boy. 'I've been to church this morning and I'm on my way home,' answered the little girl. 'I'm also on my way home from church. Which church do you go to?' asked the little boy. 'I go to the Baptist church back down the road,' replied the little girl. 'What about you? ' 'I go to the Methodist church back at the top of the hill,' replied the little boy. They discover that they are both going the same way, so they decided that they'd walk together. They came to a low spot in the road where spring rains had partially flooded the road, so there was no way that they could get across to the other side without getting wet. 'If I get my new Sunday dress wet, my Mom's going to skin me alive
Sundays Autos
Sundowner For Mary
Click here to show him love! SUNDOWNER@ fubar
Sunday Adventures...
Out for a late sunday drive... The air is cold, very crisp an clean.... He can't help but look at her... Her hair falling into her face. she brushes it back to continue to stare out into the woods... What are you thinking about.... He ask's her trying to start conversation..... Just trying to clear my head, it's been a long week. The car lay quiet once again.. Turning off down a dirt road they've taken only once before.. the road was wet from the evening showers... Are you sure we can go down this road... She said with an uneasy voice... He reach's over and grab's her hand... I'm sure we will be fine.. Slowing down for the curve ahead the car seem's to drag. Are we getting stuck?!? With a sudden jolt the car came to a hault... Great she thinks to herself... He then get's out to check to see how bad it was.... Maybe I should help.. Without hesitation she get's out to lend a hand... Let me help you honey... She reach's for the other side of the board.. Get in the driver's se
Sundays R So Special.
sundays r so special because i get my youngest son for like 7 hours or so but thats better then nothing because its not like i can't see him anytime i want to and so sunday makes my day so faster.
Sunday March 22, 2009
Recap of Saturday Alright, today was a very good day for me! I woke up had a bagel with a little bit of peanutbutter with my black coffee. Then for a snack around 10 I had a bananna, and for lunch I had my left over Talapia fish from last night. I cleaned out my truck then went to the drive-in theater in Franklin. Mall Cop, and Taken were playing. Taken was awesome! Highly recomended! Oh before I went to the drive-in I went to Franklin Steak House, and had a salad with thousand island (which I probably shouldn't have had), 12oz Ribeye, and greenbeans. I only ate half the steak, and cut off as much fat as I could see. Then I got home about 12:30, and did the X Stretch, and I tell you what an hour of stretching, and I am soooo relaxed right now! I am not very flexible, but I am going to work on it. I could feel me starting to stretch more and more the better my breathing got. So in all it was a good day, and right now it's 1:30 am, and I am going to jump in the shower, and
Sunday Auto 11 Blog
Sunday Brunch - Part One
I lie here facing the bottom of the bed propped up by pillows watching tv while you are propped up at the top of the bed working on your laptop. I'm wearing my Tigger baseball jersey and my orange boyshorts.  I noticed when I walked past the mirror after getting out of the shower that my ass looks like the perfect pumkin in these panties - nicely curved and the perfect shade of orange. I can't find anything to watch on the hundreds of channels we have so I start looking in the On Demand Channels. Ohhh, Zane is On Demand.  I know how her books make me get all wet and creamy but let's see how her Chronicles done on film do.  I start the program and cross my legs at the ankles.  You have a perfect view of my ass and I give it a little shake hoping to get your attention but the speed and cadence of your typing doesn't slow down a bit. Hm.  This project deadline has been kicking your ass lately.  Oh well, back to my show.   Watching the show, I find myself forgetting that you're in the r
Sundays Lead To Mondays
Rode the bike to orlando last night was greeted by a beautiful sunset and crazy car drivers to boot.  Took some roads off the beaten path was disheartened by homeless people or were they? holding signs asking for help.  I had to think in my mind what if all the people who were sick held a sign would people be more compassionate to them.  In times of strife how often does humanity reach out to help.  I believe in most peoples mind they whisper in their mind thank god that's not me!  I stopped into a bar had a quick drink observing people who were alone and with a significant other didn't really feel the depth of any happiness.  I can read people better than most and after my thirty min. of nursing my drink the dark problems of others seemed to come into my circle I knew it was time to go at this point.  But it's Sunday now my favorite day.  Pancakes always sunday paper never read the front page always go to the travel section nothing else matters because I don't need to know what's goin
Sunday Brunch - Part Two
I grind down and fuck your lips and nose as my orgasm seeks to escape my body. Somewhere in the very back of my mind I wonder, "Can you breathe?" but the front of my mind says "Don't you fucking stop licking and fucking me with your tongue!" As the quivers and clinching wane, I massage your scalp and look down to see your face covered in my juices. Running a finger down your face and in between my legs, I bring that glistening digit to my mouth to taste myself. Mmmmmmm, silky is the best word to describe my taste. I scoot myself down your body so I can lick more of me from your face. I know how far to scoot before your cock head will touch my still clinching pussy but you know me... I like to tease. I hear you growl because we both know where your cock wants to be. Dipping my finger into my pussy, I put my hand behind me and twirl your cock with my finger like a girl would twirl her hair. "You like that baby?" I hear a moaned "Umm hmmm". "Tell me what you want?" "I wan
Sunday Hmmmm
what kind of jobs(other than the obvious) do people have that give them the nerve to post their amateur video porn? was today's killing of the late-term abortion doctor murder or just another late-term abortion?
Sundays for the Family will be a rest day for all of the Family no leveling... if the Recruiters still want to put people though they can but do not have to... This will be a day to recharge and change up and work on the home page...Tag maker can take the day off Too :D   Any Questions or Problems please come and talk to me Thanks all Queen Ice    
Sunday 14/06/2009
Well, here I am, haven't been here for a while.  Don't get a lot of time since changing jobs, so have lost contact with most people that I was friends with on here. Just basically to let you all know I am back again and feel free to say hi.  I've missed you all.  
Sunday Morning Sex
I will never hear church bells ringing again without smiling. Upon hearing  that her  elderly  grandfather had just passed away, Katie went  straight to  her grandparent's house to visit her 95-year-old grandmother and comfort  her.  When  she asked how her grandfather had died, her grandmother replied,  "He had  a heart attack while we were making love on Sunday morning..."  Horrified, Katie told her grandmother that 2  people  nearly 100 years old having sex would surely be  asking for trouble. "Oh no, my dear," replied granny.  "Many years ago,  realizing our advanced age, we figured  out the best time to do it was when the church bells would  start to ring. It was just the right rhythm. Nice  and slow and even.  Nothing  too strenuous, simply in on the Ding and out on the Dong." She paused to wipe away a tear, and  continued, "He'd still be alive if the ice cream truck hadn't come along."
254pm So I am sitting outside, enjoying the sun.  I don't have to worry about anything except for what I'm going to wear tomorrow.  Yup, it's been 2 months since I went to work.  This time, it's a bit different.  There is a pending project for me to take care of by Tuesday but Friday was a long yet short day. I was asked to come in at 8am, which I did.  Then, by 8:30 we were introduced to the company, but I knew more than half the people.  I had to go into a mini training session by 9:00am, but got there by 9:10am.  Yeah, I kind of held it up for them, but hey what can I say?  Everyone was happy to see me.  Then we kind of only had a break at 9:45 before a 2-hr long meeting at 10:00am.  I barely had enough time to get some work in by 12:00pm, at which time was told I'd have my lunch scheduled at 1:00pm - which works out great for me cuz I'm used to having lunch at that time anyway. I came back at 2:15 since the company paid for lunch, and I only had enough time to work until 3:30pm
Sunday, June 12, 2009 - Wheres The Rewind Button, Eh?
Hey everyone,   I decided to start writing a blog about my real life.  I do have another blogging site which I also like, but I talk to a lot of people on here so I thought I might get more honest/helpful feedback.   Well today has been alright.  I feel better then yesterday.  Uplifted a little bit I suppose you could say, though certainly not up to my usual happy bubbly self. A lot has been going on lately....all at once...since about four days ago maybe.  Where's the rewind button, eh?   I may be moving to Florida by the 1st of next month.  I found this out two days ago, which is part of the reason I'm so down lately.  I'm just frustrated with life in general. And, my best friend Josh is in the navy, well he had his seperation bored this past wed. and found out that he has to stay in the navy for four more years.  We were going to room together while we went to school and we haven't seen eachother in over a year, so there goes that too. The worst thing I'm going through right n
Sunday July 12 2009
i am going to start putting my thoughts down...i always wanted to do this but for sum reason never tonight will be the start of this.. okay where to spenden time here on fubar doing all that there is to do...but my favorit thing to do is meet new people...i have meet alot of fu friends on here and spend countless hours talken to them...but for sum reason they come and go like the wind...which i really do hate but that is life... i have spend a very lonely life in this world..i keep my thoughts to myself keepen it bottled up inside me to eat away at my soul and heart...why i do i dont get hurt anymore...i have let many people in and i always get is like a block wall i have put up...12 feet high and on 4 sides of me..someday it will come down..till then i will be safe and not have worry about it...   
Sunday Morning And My Left Toe
This has nothing to do with my left toe, but I just was wondering this:   If you could do anything for one day, what would it be?   Me?  I would love to........(fill in the blank)
Sunday Equals Loneliness
minutes fade into hours...words are coming to mind faster than you can type...and then it stops...and when it begins's as if you are talking to someone you haven't heard from in ages the same questions...the small nothing was shared before that moment...leaving you wondering who you were talking to just a few minutes or hours before you've laughed...cried...shared secrets...bared your soul...and you wonder how many people were also having that same conversation...wonder if what you said was just part of some automatic rambling and if the other person was even reading what you wrote wondering if you have once again made a mistake and trusted someone who has no true feelings of honor...respect...or if it's just another game...and you are the pawn...a willing one no doubt...but still just a gamepiece that will be sacrificed in the end to get to the more important player in the game called internet friendship
Sunday Quote
October 25, 2009Quote of the Day"Ride on! Rough-shod if need be, smooth-shod if that will do, but ride on! Ride on over all obstacles, and win the race!" - Charles Dickens What this is telling me is that no matter how difficult things may be to just keep on keeping on.  Anxiety stops me from doing so much, yet there are things I have to do so I make myself do them and I hate it. At the same time everyone keeps pointing out to me that at least I did it and it was a big thing for me to do. I really need to adopt this inspiration though. Things are rough and I need to keep plowing my way through things whether or not I want to or not. Just an evening rant from me... ♥
Happy Sunday to all my frenz...Hope u had a good weekend and holiday...hugz to you all...    :-)
Sunday 16th, December, 1934
Got up about 8:00, and ate breakfast took Gedy to Sunday school, wrote to Bill and the rest of the folks. Now dinner after that we drove some, looking at the fair city. More hills, back home ate supper, wrote some more letters. Then some girls came over some of Gedy’s friends, good girls but the world is full of them, to bed at last kinda sleepy.
Her smile lingers in me,It has made my heart shine.In a world empty and cold,No longer is mine. Who would have thought,A simple kindness could do so much.I feel my sadness lifted,And warmth back to my touch. Each time I see her smile,My heart beats stronger.Never will i feel so cold,Never again,no longer.
Sunday, 23rd, December 1934
Very quiet and cloudy as usual, I sat around all day.
Sunday, 30th, December 1934
Up pretty early, this is worse thing doing Oh! Well, nothing.
The Sunday Surprise
                It was Sunday and no one was home. So I decided to take a long bubble bath and to watch some TV while just kicking back. After my bath I stay in my robe knowing that no one will be home until later on tonight. While I was watching a show I liked I started to drift off to sleep. I do not know how long I was sleep but I woke up to warm hands on my legs and someone playing with my hair. When I opened my eyes I saw my Daddy was the one doing that to me.                 “Hello my little angel, have a nice nap and bath?”                 “Yes Daddy I did. Why are you home early?”                 “Oh I did not have to be there as long as I thought so I came home early. I see your mom went out to her friends again. So it’s just you and me then until later tonight.”                 “I guess so Daddy. If you will move please I can go and get dressed now since I am all dry.”                 I try to get up but Daddy would n
Sunday Video Lolz...
Every video I see of this thing is ridiculous and funny….figured I’d share some Sunday lolz… Raptors Mascot Fail - watch more funny videos Well, my eyes are crossing from chasing bombs. I don’t know how people do this all the time. Lol. Hope everyone enjoyed Auto 11 weekend and has a great start to March! Peace…
Sunday Thoughts....
The ongoing question as of late is, "Why do you post the pics that you do?"  Its very simple.  I enjoy the pics and from the ratings, most others do as well.  If I'm bisexual, why all women?  There are a lot more pics of women available on the net than men...the Internet world is a mans world.  I am always looking for a nice cock. (figuratively, not literally).  Speaking of see a woman on Fubar that says she doesn't want to see your cock, question her sexuality or her realness.  In the modified words of the very funny Ron White.."once you've seen one cock, you want to see them all".   Being bisexual doesn't mean I'm a slut, a whore, easy or wanting to cam and talk about sex all the time.  I am a mommy first and foremost and then a fiance to a wonderful man.  That is my world.  Fubar is a game I love to play and have to admit, I've become quite addicted. I flirt, maybe more than I should, but I'm not hiding anything from anybody..especially from the man that works hard and
Foundations solidified by a blistering time, sand driven deep by winds of tempest speed make not a crumbling shift, but a mass unmoved by gods nor the very time to which birth rites are doled. Not third but first the stars that shine do compete for the crown deserved by whom is seated, not so arrogantly, but humbly upon a throne shaped from generosity; a monarchy only befitting the traits of virtuous souls seated in pairs. But to what is unmoved may be changed, not by time, but by truth. A truth challenged where generosity thrived shakes ground upon those who are seated, moving violently and mercilessly, sundering that which bore witness to eternity first hand. Forever, such is changed but irreversible and cursed, incapable of regressing to safer times, prohibited from progressing past, trapped and broken. Now two, breaking the harmony which permitted its existence, smaller and meeker facing the pestilence of time, will not erode, but will outlast the sanity of men, stan
well how was YOUR weekend? hope it was good...   i did  my first piercing on someone else...NO i didnt screw it up, but what a rush!! i think i need to look in to doing this more often! I have a friend who wants me to do a Tragus pircing, the little nub of cartilage on the ear, and i am nervous about going thru it... i watched some videos and looks simple enough, i have all the tools with the exception of a tube to catch the needle after it goes thru...    anyways...I finally got good news from unemployment!!! YAY i should be recieving my money with in a week...all the way back from febuary 6th!!!   woot!!   anyways, thats about it... anyone have the piercing on their tragus done with a story???   as you were
Sunday Is Over And Past Time To Sleep
is feeling down and really discontented.. I'm going to lay down. Message me or text if you want to talk..
Sunday's Are For?....
Hey guys what do you like to do on Sunday's??..........
Tomorrow I catch a bus (36 hours) to Colorado Springs.  Couple of nights there before heading south.   Sunday will begin purification.  We'll sweat every evening at dusk and I'll start wiening myself off food.   Wednesday is Tree Day and we'll harvest a cottonwood for the arbor.  This also marks the beginning of our fast (food and water).   Ceremony begins Thursday morning and concludes early Sunday evening.  Lots of info about Native American Sundance Ceremoniy onlline if you're interested.   If you think about it eat and drink for me those days.   See you when I get back.   (h)
Kids off to bed and time for me to relax. Was a good weekend. My 5 year old loves swimming lessons, my daughter stayed at her grandparents house all weekend. The baby not feeling to good though. Weather been good and that helps. For me I got class tomorrow and wednesday. Also giving a lecture at work on Wednesday. Going to be tired that day. Many will find this boring and sorry for that. I have been a parent for 10 years and it does become a large part of who you are.
Sunday Afternoons Get To Me The Most
It's always so quiet on Sunday afternoons around my house.  My boys are off at their dad's and I have nothing to do until 5 p.m.  Gives me too much time to think.  I went out last night by myself.  It's the first time I've been out in quite a while, but I had a wonderful time.  Met a gentleman looking for a bass player and he was even kind enough to buy me a couple of shots, too.  Ok, yeah, I know - he wasn't just interested in my playing ability!  And that was actually kind of nice - to have a little attention from a guy.  In real life. Unfortunately, it also made me realize just how much I miss human interaction.  My last relationship was so f'ed up that it's made me very nervous about even trying to date.  It doesn't help that I did make an attempt at dating someone recently and he ended up moving in with a woman that I once considered my best friend.  Yeah,.... that sucked pretty bad. So here I am, on this website where the Gods only know what's real and what's fake.  I've had s
Sunday Fun Fakes :d
Hey kids, it's been awhile, here's a refresher for all of those that miss the fake blogs and stuff. Been gettin ready with other stuff and of course the annual end of summer blog for Labor Day weekend... Check out these fails... It never gets old huh? lol...hope everyone is well, don't forget to follow using the blue link above so ya don't miss anything that comes down the road... These fakes may be a threat indeed to normalcy, but based on what I've been hearing and seeing, some of the biggest threats, fakes, liars and cons are the ones that aren't "fake." That's the scary part...just remember to get -all- sides of the story before jumping to any conclusions no matter how "hot" that dude or chick is in your Hope you all had a great weekend....and peace...
Sunday - November 14, 2010
I am auctioning off my points for Sunday the 14th of November.... This auction will close at 6PM CST on November 14th, 2010.... The points will be given from 6:30 PM til 6:30 AM.... This will allow for a reset which will generate more rates; thus more points.... Please leave only auction bids in the comments section below.... Thank you and have a wonderful day/night....   I will accept the following: - Fubux - Ability Blings (Boomerangs, MegaPolishers, Famps, Auto 11s, Cherry Bombs, God Mode) - Bling Packs (On Sale Friday the 12th) - Happy Hours, Blasts, Pimp Outs, etc....   * Will also consider multiple day bids....   **Remember: You get what you bid for, someone else just does all the work for you....
Sunday - December 12, 2010
I am auctioning off my points for Sunday the 12th of December.... This auction will close at 6PM CST on December 12th, 2010.... The points will be given from 6:30 PM til 6:30 AM.... This will allow for a reset which will generate more rates; thus more points.... Please leave only auction bids in the comments section below.... Thank you and have a wonderful day/night....   I will accept the following: - Fubux - Ability Blings (Boomerangs, MegaPolishers, Famps, Auto 11s, Cherry Bombs, God Mode) - Bling Packs - Happy Hours, Blasts, Pimp Outs, etc....   * Will also consider multiple day bids....   **Remember: You get what you bid for, someone else just does all the work for you....
Hello all, It's Sunday and I feel like jammin the classics... yanno, the stuff with nostalgia..anyway, Im streaming some classic rock, oldies, punk covers and whatever else today in Area 51. Also I will be on in SER for the 7 to 10 slot..thats there or be square!   as you were 
Sunday Morning
Picture it: rural area, Sunday morning, church is packed and the devil decides to pay a visit. The doors burst open, and a roiling black cloud rolls in with the devil in its midst. People jump out of the pews and run outdoors, screaming - all except for two. One is the Pastor, the other is an elderly farmer. Satan is a bit perplexed. He points to the Pastor and says, "You! I can understand why you didn't run away, you are in your Lord's house, you preach against me everyday and you aren't afraid of me. But YOU (points to the farmer), why didn't you run out scared like everyone else?" The farmer crosses one leg over the other and drawls, "Why, I'm surprised you don't recognize me...I've been married to your sister for 36 years!"
Sunday Morning...
Sometimes i get down but i come around like the sun do in the summertime. It's all in my mind. Tired of watching you get yours, so gotta get mines but in the meantime i'm just dozing. Bedtime. No night light, i'm chilling in the darkness. Body in the freezer i'm past cold, i'm heartless. There's no blood flow. So there's no love to show for even all those i have love fo. I just dont know. Is the reason i'm feeling down because no one is ever around and they dont get excited to see me come around. So i dont want to even be me now. Dont want to see me now. So smash all mirrors, watch the glass fall to the ground. Pick a piece up. Cut my fucking wrist up. Wave my arms in the air and be like look Crips, i'm throwing blood up. My sunday morning thoughts make nuns want to throw up. But before that, i bend them over for a butt fuck. I have no nuts, so scared living in my bedroom and the world sucks. So why is my dick the one never getting wet? Yet my dreams flooded from my vis
See me as weak And it’s a mistake My body is mine to give Not for you to take However and whenever The urge strikes you But what you took From this flesh and blood The crimes committed The needs satisfied You did not have me Never My heart was never yours Neither was my mind I learned of the games This oppression of my gender And when you held me down That final time Taking from me that which I would not give willingly You woke me up You were the catalyst I could have killed you And very nearly didBut I showed you mercySomething you didn't give Do you remember? Lying at my feet? Bloodied and bruised Back against the wall The terror in your eyes A potent elixir I am the demon you made Called into existence Vengeance exacted And crimes punished You are forgiven
Sunday Thought..
BATHALA I am a poor girl singing my rage outAn idle spaceAn eye awayTruth unveilingBut sighted by your mystic callKnow nothing but this crack i takeSilence by unearthly talkLittle did i know of youOoh...The thief who stole the savage ills of past andOoh...Some dude who read the grammar of my actOoh...Unveil your causeKnow this void, i hungerBathala...Now steer us close into your designA violent ageA path awayHear your pagansTo dying faith i bid goodbyeA saddle for an unborn's cryOn sacred chance
Sun Diamond
Just talked with Sun Diamond (Mary) last night and she wanted me to pass on her current status. She is currently going through therapy to strengthen her right side and is progressing greatly. She is up and walking with the aide of a cane and is hopeful of a complete recovery. Her largest obstacle right now is her sight. She can read with the aide of a magnifying glass and she should find out in the next few weeks whether or not she will completely regain her vision. She's worrking on it one step at a time, first to be at her saughters wedding in October, then returning to driving herself around and finally climbing back onto the I'll try to keep you all updated...Salutes2William
Sunday July 15
Good Morning all. Well, the good news is the doctors are slowly reducing Krystyn's pain meds, so she's a little more alert. The drawback to it is she has to deal with a little more pain. They've also started her on an assisted physical therapy for her non casted leg and her arms. Basically someone comes in and moves them, lifts them, and massages them. The purpose is to at least keep those parts moving so the muscles there don't atrophy or weaken much.  No word on when she can move closer to our parents, but she'll probably need full time physical therapy for about a week, then she can actually stay at our parents while she undergoes the rest of her treatment. Hopefully within the week.  One other bit of good news is the neurologist thinks her brain is healing nicely. Lord knows it definately got shook up, but according to her, there doesn't appear to be any major/deep tissue damage, and surface bruises seem to be doing ok. Thankfully there are also no signs of clotting or blood ves
Sun Diamond Update
Update on Mary's condition. (8/26/12) Just got off of the phone with her and she is in wonderful spirits. She has recently passed a milestone in her recovery by walking 600 feet without the us of her cane. Next week she will be tested for new glasses as her sight is steadily improving. She is looking forward to attending her daughters wedding in October in a condition that would be as she was before her stroke. Her memory is improving and I would guess that her return to FU will be in the next few months. Your prayers and blessings are greatly appreciated. Salutes2William
Sunday Stupid.
Fubar vs. Reality. The Fubar: This morning's Happy Hour Sponsor.. The Reality: Drumroll please.... ..can't make this stuff up. Enjoy kickoff Sunday!...peace.
Sunday 9.23.2012
I don't want to gain the whole world and lose my soul. I don't want greed to let me forget the poverty roots I came from. I don't want old relations to tarnish my new ones. I don't want my career to expand without bringing others along for the ride. I don't want to gain the whole world and lose my soul. I don't want to pretend that I care and then talk behind peoples backs. Friendships to me are forever, I don't turn away from them, I always pick up where we left. I don't let my bad days, ruin the good days, To me no matter what everyday is a great day, I am ALIVE!!!...As I grow, I will know others helped me grow. I learned to love because others love me too. I will make time for you, because I know you make time for me. For many it is hard to see the light, I always want to shed light on them, by being there. I know many have hardships, but there is a rainbow, a light, hope, I learned it all begins and ends with GOd..I don't want to gain the who le world but lose my soul, I stand by
 it is peaceful and quiet on the roads today , the drinkers and partiers are still in bed , resting from being out all night . it is a nice day to take a lil drive somewhere and find a nice lookout to stop and admire the beauty of nature .  Sunday is a day of rest , a day of reflecting on the on week gone by , and a day to start planing the week one .. i must fil up my schedule with some fun things to do , and drag myself out of this house ...  too much life goes by , in indecision , too much life's essense drains in misery and in sadness . i must find the joy of the spirit , the peace of the soul ,the wisedom of understanding ..  and let go ...  time to spend some time with god , reading my bible etc , singing praise songs ... fellowshipping with other christians . 
whats up. its jake, its know what that means? SUNDAYFUNNDAYYY ;] just let it happen
Sunday Mornings
Sunday Mornings   I had been having some diuretic problems but we decided we would monster fuck all day anyway we hadn’t been together all week   She was on the rag, so a little blood and urine made for a fine mess Whilst we banged away under the kitchen table the door bell rang She yelled "Fuck off"   I began to move towards the front of the house She slapped me, produced a pair of handcuffs  and cuffed me to the kitchen table, then kicked me in the balls As I lay agonizing she went to the front door, returning moments later to open the refrigerator She pulled out sour cream and butter, then grabbed sugar out of the pantry and poured it all on me covered me in some sinful sex cocktail I looked like a flax martyr to one night stands She got on top of me we began to osculate she slapped my ass - wiped the bloody piss sugar concoction down her chest and I penetrated her I fucked her into a little corner in the kitchen- almost throwing my arm out of socket dra
The Sunflower
A sunflower must follow The rules of gravity. When its florets ripen With hundreds of edible seeds It must bend its body Into the earth's bosom And allow the birds To eat to its seeds That are rich in oil A woman must follow The rules of romance. When her lips ripen With hundreds of edible kisses She must surrender herself Into her man's arms And allow him To eat her kisses That are rich in passion A sunflower on a sunny day Will turn its face Towards the sun And with joyful eyes Watch it move across the sky A woman on her wedding day Will turn her veiled face Towards her husband-to-be And with eyes soaked in matrimonial joy Watch him move across her soul The nickname for Kansas Is the Sunflower State For it is where Every sunflower dreams of living The nickname for a man's heart Should be Kansas For it is where Every sunflower woman dreams of living
Sunflower Petals
I had a dream in which I was standing underneath this beautiful tree, with fragrant pink blossoms...and suddenly and adruptly I was in a field of sunflowers. When I tried to leave the field, I couldn't find a way out, I would walk in one direction, and the sunflowers just kept going on for rows and rows. Then suddenly I ran the other direction, still not finding an end to these giant flowers. I started to panic, I was lost, and confused and scared. I then had stumbled into something..someone...and because of the frantic state I was in, fell unconscience, but this person, caught me and took me into his arms and carried me out of the field. When I awoke, I was back under the beautiful tree, back where this dream began, in this persons arms.  I glazed up to see not a man, but more of a shell of one, no face, and to most probally very frighting, but not to me. I knew who this was, and I got up, caressed his uninviting armor , and as I did, the shell broke away, and this gorgeous man stood
Sunflowers And Sunsets-bane
Sunflowers And Sunsets ("ive gone out the window") i raise this broken halo to the sky this is the storm that strands me here stopped waiting for a golden ship to rescue me this is the only age that i know how to be still make pretend that i抦 in the movie of my life stopped looking for a key that opens all the doors these broken fingers keep me from holding on too tight i turned and looked away from the angels face still stomp through puddles ?the world spins beneath my feet stopped waiting for a golden ship to rescue me never wanted to know just what will happen next i wonder how you can stand knowing what each new day will bring i think about art and i think about madness are truly joined at the hip? was it Van Gogh who was crazy or the world that is crazy? if i could touch the face of the gods i抎 trade my ear i ran all the way home to read the words carved in cement by my house (it says) "live the life that you love ?love the life that you live"
I found rare artistry in the natural curve of Emily's breasts, tilted slightly upward, like the petals of a sunflower - museum pieces through the brittle haze of another gin binge - slipping out of the calyx of her silky slut blouse. © All rights reserved
Sunflower Butterfly Kit-child
A sunny little butterfly! Price: 8.99
Sun 03-30-08 (flowers)
March 30, 2008 I hope this finds you with a great weekend behind you and a pleasant week ahead. Just having fun with some flowers today. I'm looking forward to the spring beginnings ... The chirps of the birds and mowers fresh cut grass aroma, mixed with the blooming buds from the now awaken trees. I love seeing the many sights that spring offer ... Easter Lilly's have me watching or the daffodils to start pushing up from the still soggy earth.
Sunflower Fubar New Member
You are correct- I did judge, and misjudge at that! It comes from years of learning to be cautious; I was fearful of what I read in your profile, and I put up my armor. If you cannot accept my apology, that I suspected you of ulterior motives, then there is no more that we need say to one another: agreed?=== 'MasterDaddySIR r/l bf to MDSIR's Slut.' wrote the following at '2009-09-08 17:38:10'..>> if you know how to read and wear glasses , all I did was rate your profile and fan you , I did not do anything else , I did not judge you ...> > but you sure have provin me you do judge > > > === 'Sunflower' wrote the following at '2009-09-08 17:35:45'..> >> > Ok, ok-I give: whatta you expect? Your website comes off as a brochure for "this is all this guy wants"- just look at your profile, and tell me if it doesn't exactly describe what kinda female you are interested in, ok?> > > > Like I said, if I was wrong, I apologise for jumping to the wrong conclusion.> > === 'MasterDaddySIR r/l bf to M
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Sunflex Europe Unu Tablet Pc To The Reading Appears On The 30th Of September
Sunflex Europe UNU Tablet PC to the reading appears on the 30th of September, 10.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating Ours comes from the House of Sunflex Europe latest announcement is the new UNU Tablet PC like some other models from ARCHOS and co. to the music is laid out, as well as for numerous other applications. You can get up-to-date on the GamesCom 2013 the new UNU Tablet PC in Hall 9.1 stand A041 to face and the new model will appear at launch on September 30 in two variants, once in the Media Edition at a price of €199 and as gaming Edition along with a separate controller for the price of €229. New UNU is gaming Tablet-PC with a 7-inch touch screen display for operation equipped and there is a resolution of 1280 x 800 pixels in the operation is available. In the area of performance one has accessed RK3188 quad-core processor for the RockChip with allowed clock frequencies up to 1.6 GHz and it adds 1 GB of memory. The internal space can be with only eight g
Sungoddessv - 63919
sweet beautiful lady a vision she lights up a room a wonderful friend a lady always
Sunglasses Contest???
Funny MySpace Comments
Sunglasses Or What You Wear When Fucking Welding?
So when I first started seeing these popping up on the scene, I figured in about another year they will be gone. Well God damn it, I was wrong! They are still here and they are actually getting bigger! It doesnt matter where you go, to the beach, a baseball game, even a fucking grocery store, and you see them everywhere. Now I am starting to like them, only because I am going to go on a mission to find the biggest pair of sunglasses in the world! I want to see some chick wearing a some type of visor from a god damn motorcycle helmet, now that would be something. So I have my camera and have a few hundred beaches to visit. See ya at a beach near you!
What Your Sunglasses Say About You You are spontaneous, open minded, and optimistic. You are very youthful and free wheeling, no matter what your age happens to be. You need to be shaded from the darker, more depressing aspects of life. You feel sunniest when everyone around you is up for a good time. The Sunglasses Test
Sunggler With Broken Leg Wears Cocaine Cast
Quote: "MADRID, Spain (CNN) -- Spanish police arrested a man arriving at Barcelona's airport from Chile after determining that the cast on his fractured left leg was made of cocaine, the Interior Ministry said in a statement Friday. Police say the leg cast was made out of cocaine. The 66-year-old Chilean man had an actual fracture of two bones below the knee, but the police suspect that he, or accomplices, may have intentionally fractured it, so that the cocaine cast could be applied...."
High Quality military sunglasses and distortion free shooting glasses available at our site.
Cheap Sunglasses Shop Sale Newest and Discount Chanel Sunglasses 2012, Cheap Chanel Sunglasses Sale[/url],Authentic Chanel Sunglasses 2012,  Buy Chanel Sunglasses And Save Up To 50% . Free Fhipping!
Sunglasses Are Sexy
do you have a thing for women in sunglasses. Watching them flash that smile making you wonder what they are looking at with their eyes. The dark sunglasses covering their eyes leaving it a mystery. Give me a call and lets talk about it. 
The Sun Has Finally Returned!!!
howdy yall!! to start off my day was much better than the previous days!! i did get some work done...didnt meet my goal i had set for myself today but i did get something done!! i managed to squeeze some time in today to take a short bike ride...that felt good!!! now that the sun has decided to shine on me here my motorcycle will stop growling at me everytime i take the car out!! yes i am a fair weather rider...i hate being cold! i love my mc!! its the greatest therapy!! i cant tell you how many problems i have solved by just going for a ride. i have planned to go to sturgis in '08...the last time i went to that rally was in '03...i had a really good experience for it being my first time to a rally that huge!! im hoping that a few of my friends will be able to go with me...some ride some dont but i think it will be great fun. anyway enough rambling! keep the shiny side up! rock on!!!
Sun 05-18-08 (heart On)
Sunday, May 18, 2008 Happy Sunday ... Sorry I was so late getting comments out ... You know how Sundays are ... No ... It wasn't an adventuresome thing that kept me away either ... (like my Sunday Greeting might suggest) - Dang It! I was mouse hunting ... And it wasn't the computer kind either! My Wiener Dog and Cat and I was chasing a vermin, mouse around the h
Sun 06-22-08 (head In The Clouds)
Sunday, June 22, 2008 ello - And Wow - Wow Indeed Writing today's date made me start dreaming again ... I cant believe that we already are that far into the season? After the summer solstice (the longest day of the year) we lose a minute each day. So I started thinking that if we lose a minute a day - We must be on the down swing then (over the hump)? If Summer begins at the the peek then it's already ending just as it starts . . . *shakes head* I just confused myself, are YOU still with me? And that's why I try not to think TOO hard -
Sun Is Going Down
The Sun Is Rising In My Head
so i think im going to take it easy for a little bit. go back to work part time at my old job make a little bit of money, enough to get by. i figure i need to get back to what i use to be. myself that is. get back to enjoying life. i want to get back into art. i want to get back into boarding. i miss the ocean oh so much. i miss sitting out in the great big ocean waiting for it to create something wonderful and beautiful. i want to get back to my free spirit ways instead of my cold hearted asshole ways. i need a change in my life. the only way it will happen is if i do it myself. so yyes this is a short one but its a very positive one. so enjoy life.
The Sun In My Day
The Sun Is Shining Brightly...
and I sooooo want to play rather than have to go to work. Fortunately, the kind of work that I do, I can encourage my clients to get out and about and I can still get some enjoyment out of the sun-sunny day today. Wishing that it wasn't my client and it was someone that I could really have some fun with... :D More laters! Have a phenomenal day.....
Sunil Is Shocked................
wat to say bla bla bla.............ha ha ha......
The Sun Is Always Shining
Remember the Sun There are times when gloom or darkness causes us to momentarily lose sight of the light. Although it is at these times when the thought of the sun can help us. Its warm, glowing rays brighten even our thoughts, and it’s good to remember that despite appearances the sun is shining right now. We may not be able to see it at this very moment, but if clouds block our view, they are only filtering the sun’s light temporarily. If darkness has fallen, we know that the sun is still shining at this very moment somewhere not too far away, and it’s only a matter of time before it will shine on us again. When we remember that the sun is still shining, we know that things are still in motion in the universe. Even if life feels like it is at a standstill, sometimes all we need to do is have faith and wait for the time when everything is in its perfect place. Or we can we can choose to follow the cues of the sun and continue doing our work and shining our light
Sun In Gemini
Sun in Gemini Gemini can be the life of the party and they are rarely short of people to flirt with. Their wit, humor and easy curiosity make them highly sociable, so people come on to Gemini - a lot - which they love! For a Gemini, sex is about fun and curiosity. They prize freedom in a relationship, so don't try and pin them down. They are more the type to enjoy group sex with swinging friends than get themselves into a serious connection right off the bat. In fact, a Gemini will most likely be friends first, lovers later, so often Gemini really enjoys a 'friends with benefits' type of arrangement. But don't underestimate this fast-paced Sign. Gemini can come on hot and strong and then change their mind just as quickly. Gemini is, after all, the sign of the twins. Gemini can be hot one minute and cold the next, leaving you horny and...alone. They can be a little restless and will move on to the next erotic encounter as soon as they get bored. Keeping things light and exciting and be
Sun Is Shining Part 10
Sun is shining on her face, She asked David do you have to go to work!. He looked at her said yes. And he got ready. Off he went. Told her she can stay here and sleep. Marissa was so happy to know she can sleep in and his bed was so nice feels so good and warm to her and save. She did not know how long he was gone, David was right next to her working laying there. Marissa was so happy to see his face. Dark hair,  nice warm body next to hers. They talked about his work. She loves the way he smells and talks about anything, he's so smart. And at the same time he is so frightening to her. Marissa wants a better life for her self. She found a true friend. Respected from a man she never knew. They made love all day long. She experience beyond a feeling she never had before. This man is her next- door neighbor. "How can this be."    bY LoVe Part 10
Sunken Footprints In The Sea
Sunken Footprints in the Sea Life has gifted me with tragedy, broken images; forever haunting, excruciating my suffering; blood upon the pulse of my serenity. Crystal lines etched over glacier heart, as my tears wash blotches of thought to leave me blank again daily; stolen by death, I am left mourning the assassin's kill, soul sliced open like the parted Sea. Chained and bound I avoid flirtatious eyes, to inhibit forbidden thoughts; For love fled upon your precious wings, survived only by my silent memories. I stood alone in the vacant centre of nightmares just searching for you amongst a midnight dream. Alas although the stars filled my eyes, the clear air gathered clouds and the Moon reigned misery, no peace to ever be found. Yet today the heavens opened and allowed me to breathe; you emerge with, Out stretched arms, saying: ”Love come to me, but mere Steps Into the convalescent Sea Nicole Williams © 2006
Sunken Wreck Of Famed Warship Found
By WILLIAM KATES, AP Posted: 2008-06-14 09:11:55 Filed Under: Nation News SYRACUSE, N.Y. (June 13) - A 22-gun British warship that sank during the American Revolution and has long been regarded as one of the "Holy Grail" shipwrecks in the Great Lakes has been discovered at the bottom of Lake Ontario, astonishingly well-preserved in the cold, deep water, explorers announced Friday. Shipwreck enthusiasts Jim Kennard and Dan Scoville used side-scanning sonar and an unmanned submersible to locate the HMS Ontario, which was lost with barely a trace and as many as 130 people aboard during a gale in 1780. The 80-foot sloop of war is the oldest shipwreck and the only fully intact British warship ever found in the Great Lakes, Scoville and Kennard said. "To have a Revolutionary War vessel that's practically intact is unbelievable. It's an archaeological miracle," said Canadian author Arthur Britton Smith, who chronicled the history of the HMS Ontario in a 1997 book, "The Legend of
Sunken Tugboat
Sunken Egyptian City Reveals 1,200 Year Old Secrets
  Until a decade ago, no one knew if Heracleion, believed to be an ancient harbor city, was fiction or real. Now, reports the Telegraph, the researchers who found it—150 feet beneath the surface of Egypt's Bay of Aboukir—are sharing some of the amazing historical artifacts preserved there. The finds include 64 ships, 16-foot-tall statues, 700 anchors and countless gold coins and smaller artifacts. According to underwater archeologist Franck Goddio, credited with having discovered the site, the city was probably built sometime around the 8th century B.C., which makes it older than the famed city of Alexandria. Over the years, it fell victim to a number of natural disasters before being swallowed by the sea, probably around A.D. 700. “We are just at the beginning of our research,” said Goddio. “We will probably have to continue working for the next 200 years for [it] to be fully revealed and understood.” It's believed that gradual soil ero
Sunlight Listen to the whispers through our wings. Let me kiss your skin and feel you from within. I want to lift you up...higher than you've ever been so you can grasp the sunlight and place it in your womb. No more eternal moons...just you and I and this amazing dream where everything chimes and where even silence rhymes- just you and I and the sunlight in our seams. We will never fall apart, I promise you the stars ...even thought at the present time there isn't much that I can give you. This mind of mine is yours to beautify even further than all the galaxies combined.
Sun 05-04-08 (leave Your Confession)
Sun 06-01-08 (late)
unday, June 1, 2008 nother late post ... Seems I'm running late on a lot of things here lately. I'm the type of guy who likes to be early for everything! So - these late postings here - drive me NUTS! It actually freaks me out when I'm running late ... (as in going to only be a few minute early)
Sunlight Path ( Took This Myself)
Sunlight Brings A New Day
Repeating every moment with you This is all we ever do; Everything is flying through my mind, why couldn't we be happy? I don't enjoy myself with you, But things cannot be changed, All the reasons we're together, Why are our clams all clamming up?
The Sunlight Is Just A Glare (and Of What I Speak Of Is So Very Rare)...
i want to capture into words how breathtaking you are how the sunrise begs your pardon as he rises from afar and as the sunset hastens toward a downward climb his light grows dim but your light shines and how a snow top mountain peak adorned with the first fresh fallen snow is nothing more than a landscape we seek and nothing compared to the beauty i know and the beauty that i behold from the earliest morning light to the darkest recesses of the night everytime i look into your eyes i don't see bluest skies and clouds above i only see your beauty, i only see your love i could turn my gaze into the sun, stand and stare for days and never once go blind amidst those blinding rays but i look at you, for one golden moment
Sunmaid Bastards!!
So there I was, Just getting stoned With a raisin. So the raisin asks "So what are we smoking here?". And I say "We're smoking some grapes!". Then the raisin is all "Mother Fucker! We are smoking my family?!". I gave him the crazy eye and say "You're a dumb bitch, Ain't ya?" That's when a donkey Comes running down the street And kicks my head open. True story!
Sun. March 2
It was in your heart is where i had hoped to be, Now i just cower in the corner where no one will see, The pain of my body holds nothing to my soul, Because it was my hardened heart u had stole, I once wished to live and love, Now i stand on a cliff and pray for someone to give a shove, Don't flatter yourself on thinking its all you, It was the love i had for u that made my words true, Now i hope and pray to die all because its the best thing to do, Its the only way i can truly get over you, Its this pain that pushes me on, Now i will find a new life come the shining dawn, Where devils play and angels cry, it is tonight with these thoughts i want to die, But i can't do it because some people with hearts do care, And to hurt them with my own death i do not dare.
Sun,mon,tue,wed 04-06 Thur 04-09-08 (ugh)
ugh - I lost my computer . . . again! Lost even more stuff than before, I cant believe it; I thought once I got things up and running I'd make copies & back ups - nope ... didnt do it fast enough, So bear with my slow recovery I'll get things settled and back asap missed ya! Greg!
Sun & Moon (abstract)
May the Sun shine on your body like a radiance of pure joy May the Sun give you your glow like a young innocent boy May the Sun be your playground your light your toy but Let the Moon be your passion and your fire Let the Moon be the love and your strength Let the Moon be everything you fear and desire because there is no moon without the sun and no sun without the moon
The Sun...maroon 5
The Sun...Maroon 5 After school Walking home Fresh dirt under my fingernails And I can smell hot asphalt Cars screech to a halt to let me pass And I cannot remember What life was like through photographs Trying to recreate images life gives us from our past And sometimes it�s a sad song But I cannot forget Refuse to regret So glad I met you Take my breath away Make everyday Worth all of the pain that I have Gone through And mama I�ve been cryin� Cause things ain�t how they used to be She said the battles almost won And we�re only several miles from the sun Moving on down the street I see people I won�t ever meet Think of her, take a breath Feel the beat in the rhythm of my steps And sometimes it�s a sad song But I cannot forget Refuse to regret So glad I met you Take my breath away Make everyday Worth all of the pain that I have Gone through And mama I�ve been cryin� Cause things
This is the saddest day so far.... You were contented to build some dream... now that the dream is not coming to be real, I always saw you looking at the sea.... maybe you were thinking some meaning why are u still here. I wanted to talk to you, hear your thoughts, what's really buggin you out, but, I am scared to know. But it really amazes me to see you so calm, yet shoutin'... I know I am not part of any of you, but when you finally decide to left us, and I found out, you worried.. even Im not sayin anything, I know you are... you even talked to me. But I was hurt. So I kept what I felt... Is it so hrd for you to accept to be here stuck with me? I wont forget the last smile you shot at me....
Sun Moon Stars
I fly above my self So cold and beautiful dead I've crossed the point of no return And now you understand A life in misery So full of sorrow and pain I couldn't face it no more I hope you'll always remember me [CHORUS] No pain, I'm free at last In paradise, sun moon stars Regret you were mean to me And regret that you sat me free Life depends on love And I depend on you [CHORUS] I lived for you There's nothing to say or to do I cared for you Then please realize that we're thru' I love you I no longer feel as you do I can't live without you But I can live without you [CHORUS] And now when I am gone I live forever inside of you And now when I am gone I live forever inside of you
Sunny Day
Would you show me the door? My apologies I will slither out across the floor I will crawl out on my knees I'm ugly, my soul is ugly too I have so many flaws I'm sorry but there's nothing I can do I hate myself because I.... I'll stand far away! My apologies I wouldn't wanna dull your sunny day I'll crawl out on my knees I'm sorry, I wreak of depression I have so many flaws Your happiness is my only obsession Just you, all you Don't blame me I never can believe how stupid I can sound For you, only you It's obviously my fault why can't I? And figure out what's wrong with me Just you, all you I can never truly make you satisfied sometimes I just wish I wasn't me For you, only you Maybe I'd be better off alone all I do is embarass me I'm nasty, I'll try not to get me on you My apologies God forbid, what would we do? I'll crawl out on my knees I'll stand far away I have so many flaws I wouldn't wanna dull your sunny day My karma last night, was your d
Sunny Day
       Today was a nice sunny day. I went to school, that's always a nice break from the other aspects of my life. I went to sally's today after school. I got stuff to dye my hair blue. My hair was still brown from dying it before I went to drill. That should fade out soon. My ex got magenta stuff. The same stuff that I used the first time. I helped her with her hair, and then used the left over stuff on my hair.  My hair isn't totally pink. It wasn't really meant to be. This way it will be more colorfull when I use the blue stuff that I got.         My ex made mexican eggrolls, well like two of them. Then she had to get in the shower and rinse the stuff out of her hair. So I made the rest of them. They were pretty good. They weren't really the conventional sort though. They were made with chicken sausage instead of ground beef. ( red meat bad... lol ).     I have  test in my personal relationships class tomarrow. It's probably going to be hard since we went over alot of information. T
I know your heart is breaking and you think you'll never get over this hump in the road of life but I think you need to talk to her and get things straight my friend. I am not sure what has happened but I know neither one of you deserve this heart ache. I wish I had a magic wand that I could wave and make you and her happy again but alas I do not. I wish I could throw my arms around you two and this I cannot do but I can do this. Know you two's happiness made my day. I believed in love again.So please work this out. I believe that you can do ANYTHING you set your mind and heart to do. Love you both
Sunny Days All Luv Them
just as down to earth as they come atrue friend and gentleman get to know me...
A Sunny, Sunny Day!!
For the past few weeks, I have been discouraged greatly from: * getting sick with the "creepy crud" as it has been so lovingly labled, * told that I have a hernia and may have to have surgery for it and later told that I may be okay for some time without having surgery for it, * being told that I was passed over for one of the full-time positions that I had applied for at work, * and the list goes on. Today I am off from work after having worked 9 days straight. It is sunny outside and I have the blinds open to let the sunshine in. I have a candle burning for the sweet scent that is so comforting and relaxing to smell. My cats are laying on my feet while I am writing this posting. I have updated my iWIM site and it seems to be pulling together quite good. I am pleased. I am taking the opportunity to catching up with friends and other things that I am needing to personally catch upon. I am pleased to have the opportunity to be off from this morning until Tuesd
Sunny Days In So Cali
1 hot sunny day on my way to the beach crusing in a drop top dodge charger sitting on 22's meeting homies for a bbq with grub on the grill and beer in the the coller just chillin on ice and my ears frozze with ice
Sunny Rock
You think you can love her? You think you can do anything that a real man can do? With your cock full pus and darkness. With your mind full of pus and blankness. Create everything your mind comes up with on its own. And hold on to it. Open hands reveal nothing but white skin melding to darkness. Sit her on a rock and think you can control her. Chain her. She will become the rock. Her skin was soft and white as snow like the snow in the East. But it burns from the sun and she becomes the rock. She is the rock. Forever and always she is the rock.
Sunny Days
i walk along this old broken path the sun shining upon my face one last time an itch inside me tells me tells me its my time a soft summer breeze kisses my skin reminding me of the golden days when love was frail when love was blind in another time another place i dream of your face beaming from the sun the glow of perfection alone i stroll on a sunny day cause sunny days is all i have left remember what you have embrace it by the shoulders sunny days
Sunny Days
everyday I think about you and how we use to be i dont no y i do wat i do i cant let myself see the pain i left behind the scars that are so deep if i could i would press rewind reopen the scars to let pain seep there is nothing i can do about the past i can just make the future better our love will stand strong and last and make it through the stormy weather when the rains end and the clouds part i'll see u my freind forever in my heart
Sunny...member Of The Week#4
Please come Fan,Add & Rate me... COME SEE ME... THE RED DRAGON MEMBER OF THE WEEK ~Sunny~R/L Married to Squirrel~@ fubar Please, if you would be so kind, leave Sunny some love by clicking her pic and feel free to stop by the lounge too by clicking the lounge link...Have fun!!
Sunny Days.
Sunny Tuesday!!
hi all! How was your weekend? Mine was pretty restful. I watched a few good movies & read some more of my book, I'm now on "Critical" by Robin Cook. It's not too bad so far. Vanessa went to Bible camp Sunday afternoon. She comes home on Friday evening. Then on Sunday evening is VBS at the Methodist church. I can't believe summer is halfway over .Time goes way too fast. Well I need to get busy. Take care. Have a nice week.
Sunny Came Home
Sunny came home to her favorite room. Sunny sat down in the kitchen. She opened a book and a box of tools. Sunny came home with a mission. She says days go by I'm hypnotized I'm walking on a wire. I close my eyes and fly out of my mind Into the Fire. Sunny came home with a list of names She didn't believe in transcendence. It's time for a few small repairs,she says, Sunny came home with a vengeance. She says days go by I don't know why I'm walking on a wire. I close my eyes and fly out of my mind into the fire. Get the kids and bring a sweater, dry is good and wind is better count the years you always knew it strike a match go on and do it. Days go by, I'm hypnotized I'm walking on a wire I close my eyes and fly out of my mind Into the fire, Light the sky and hold on tight the world is burning down She's out there on her own and she's alright... Sunny came home. Sunny came home... -Shawn Colvin
A Sunny Christmas
A Sunny Christmas     Every year at Christmas timeThere's not a sign of snow.Instead we spend our yuletide daysIn the sun's warm cheery glow.     We have the best of Christmas things,The lights, the gifts, the bells,(And "snowbirds" who arrive en masseTo fill our beach hotels.)     The glorious weather fits right inWith our happy Christmas mood,And we can also walk and runWithout having to be snowshoed.     So don't feel bad for your Florida friendsWho have no snow or ice.We think our sunny Christmas hereIs a holiday paradise!
Sunnydale Chapter 20
Sunnydale We drove for what seemed hours.  “Turn here Edward, this is the road that leads us straight to Sunnydale” I sped along the road and we were in Sunnydale within a half hour.  I had no clue how we were going to find Spike; I figure we’d just ask around, but of course it would have to be at night. We pulled up to a Hotel in the heart of the town; the sun had already set so we didn’t need any cover.  I parked the car and got out. “Alice go and get us a room, once we’ve checked in we’ll start the search” I waited for her by the car she was back quickly.  “I think the library would be the best place to start looking, old news paper articles should help us in the search” We decided to walk, this way we could question people that we saw.  We got to the library and went immediately to the computers.  There were a ton of articles and it seemed that one person was in all of them.  Buffy Summers was the key to finding Spik
Sunnyday Returns
a sunnyday is a time to playplay without regreta sunny day inst about tommarowdont regretplaying favorites is part of the showits all that we wishits all that we knowits not about tommarowyou think its leavingishbut yes its tommarowtommarow turnssunnydays time to play without frettoday tommarowa sunnday is fo. sho.
Sunnyday Returns
a sunnyday is a time to playplay without regreta sunny day inst about tommarowdont regretplaying favorites is part of the showits all that we wishits all that we knowits not about tommarowyou think its leavingishbut yes its tommarowtommarow turns sunnydays time to play without frettoday tommarowa sunnday is fo. sho.
Sunnybrook Cancer Treatment Center
Sunnybrook Cancer Center in Toronto where I am being treated, invented digital mammographybreast brachytherapy,Designed Ontario's Colorectal Screening Program that is saving lives across the province. Home to specialized clinics found nowhere else like PYNK*, a breast cancer program for young women. Check it out
Sun Of Rescue
Melodic movement overflowing In the sun its light is showing Waves so endless, intertwining Love so spacious, always shinning Leave what’s lost, a world behind Captured in all that’s to find Branched out choices, radiating Glowing strong and never fading Beating with one, souls are met Joined by time, under sunset And to the stars the hope lives on Carrying wisdom so strong By dusking sun, appears the start Be rescued in that love-filled heart (for in your eyes, no goodbyes will tear you all apart)
~ ~ Sun Of The Morningfire ~ ~
We were victims none the less Collected souls of circumstance Gathered within darkness Of dismal existence Alone without a voice but with thoughts We hear the sounds outside these walls The eerie moaning haunts When the evil beckoning, calls An eternity spent with the wisps of death Steam rises from the oozing blood Screams in the night now ceased breath Eternal kiss across swollen cusp Quickening of fiery luminescence Rage inside the vampire A celebration of a new souls presence We dance in the sun of the morningfire
The Sun Of A Bitch Fish
The parish priest went on a fishing trip. On the last day of his trip, he hooked a monster fish and proceeded to reel it in. The guide, holding a net, yelled, "Look at the size of that Son of a Bitch!" "Son, I'm a priest. Your language is uncalled for!" "No, Father, that's what kind of fish it is - a Son of a Bitch fish!" "Really? Well then, help me land this Son of a Bitch!" Once they had it in the boat, they marveled at the size of the monster. "Father, that's the biggest Son of a Bitch I've ever seen" "Yes, it is a big Son of a Bitch. What should I do with it?" "Why, eat it, of course! You've never tasted anything as good as Son of a Bitch!" Elated, the priest headed home to the rectory. While unloading his gear and his prize catch, Sister Mary inquired abou t his fishing trip. "Take a look at this big Son of a Bitch I caught!" Sister Mary gasped and clutched her rosary, "Father!" "It's OK, Sister. That's what kind of fish it is, a Son of a
The Sun On My Side..
Do you see what I see, Coming around the corner. Eyes squint, is it happiness, lets take a peek. Don't look to hard, it may jump and run. It may see you staring, wanting a piece. Stalking it in the sunshine, beautiful rays of light. I've got you deep within my sights, reach out a hand. Yes here is a place your heart can land. I feel like a gypsy chasing the gold, the sun on my face can never get old. Warming my soul, this I hope will never end. The smile on my face, my new found friend. I'm here says the sunshine, to make you smile. I've been chasing you for so long, mile,after mile. Written by: Jessica 3/7/09
Sunrise To be uplifted To feel inspired Chase the moon, The hearts desires When storm clouds gloom I'll dance in raindrops See the majesty Of the mountain tops To laugh, to dream, to hope and cry And do it all, no questions why Arms and mind open Embrace the world in And with the rise of the sun Each day, chase life again
Sunrise To Sunset...
How can I be sure The love we pledged will endure Till death do us part I give you my heart Sunrise to sunset Will I never forget From the first time we met As time passes you'll see I will love only thee How can I be sure Of our promise and more That you'll be by my side Come the rain, come the tide We can weather the storm Never questioned or torn In time we shall see There's no other but we As promised by rings we adorn IM spidey/M.M. 10/06 Copyright © 2006
Sunrise And Sunset
A collaboration of poetry again, alternating voices. Greywolf's Sunrise, and Whitedove's Sunset Sunrise, And a new Day Is breaking through... Morning, Of another day With out you... But as the hours roll by No ones there to see me cry Except the sunrise... The sunsrise and you. Sunset Sunset, And the Day ends in glorious rays, Sunset, of another day Without you.... But as the moments pass I feel every tear that falls in my sunset..... The sunset and you. Tired Eyes, Search from sea To shore. I'm searching For love and nothing more. But from now till who knows when My sword will be my friend And i'll love you... For the rest of my life. Sunrise, bless my eyes take me home,..make me whole again... Sunrise... Weary heart, See from my heart to yours. I am seeking for love and all it entails But from this moment till the end My sheath will be my friend And I'll love you For all of time beyond Sunset, ease my soul Bring me home....
Sunrise And Sunset
SUNRISE AND SUNSET Bless the dawn. The coming of the light. To banish the shades and specters. Of this dark and dreary night. For despair had hold of me Though i am not free. I can for a time. Breath. Bless the twilight Bless the coming of the dark. To hide me from the prying eyes Of those who judge and reject Though I am not free I can for a time Breath
Sunrise *************** The hues of the sunrise on a clear winters morn lift the veil off my heart through it’s tattered and worn The enlightening of my spirit is a celebration of my soul I could not see who God was through the dogmas I was told Ones own truth is a freedom that knowledge brings the heart It’s a beacon on the path of a journey just to start. ***********************************
The room is slowly becoming brighter and the first ray of sunshine is peeking through the half closed curtains, I can see the smooth curves of your body only lightly hidden by the soft silk sheets and the soft breathing is barely audible as your lovely chest rises, your nipples are slightly erect and I can’t resist the urge to trace your curves with my finger and touching the soft curls of your hair, the room is still filled with your delicate perfume and the scent of lovemaking of the night before, I feel a light shiver going through my body as I remember the wonderful feeling of your body closely pressed to mine, your skin so soft and almost like porcelain. It is incredible to have you next to me, how you change from soft tenderness into an almost animal like state when we drive each other to an absolute state of ecstasy. How we make love and revel in each other’s body, your soft kisses, hands that cannot stop touching, this urge to be close to be one. I let my hands continue it
Sunrise, And a new Day Is breaking through... Morning, Of another day With out you... But as the hours roll by No ones there to see me cry Except the sunrise... The sunsrise and you. Tired Eyes, Search from sea To shore. I'm searching For love and nothing more. But from now till who knows when My sword will be my friend And i'll love you... For the rest of my life. Sunrise, bless my eyes take me home,..make me whole again... Sunrise...
Soon the sun shall rise in this hollow sky and finish this long blank-eyed night crushing a cricketish ocean of shed leaves and cicada shells a distant watchman swept by the chilling frost whispers "half of creation is destruction" shivers briskly breathing and eating cotton puffs in the searing chill crisps through unlit hulks rusting on their manufactured feet A freezing gust rushes through the graffittied concrete and straight rows of trees the conflageration of crinkling cellophane is a drizzle tempestuous in the hush bright commuter lights swing past, wash a spooky black old slapped-together log shack's anachronistically glittering glass; the same sentry checks doors as a bonging clang rings seven and the drizzle turns to snow in the feeble half-light. The clouds are now silhouetted in the grey-blue and distant streetlights die like lightning bugs bedding down. "Shed tears for old joy," whispers the grim wan sun peering through its d
Sunrise In The Saddle
In my travells I have found that there is nothing more spectacular than seeing a sunrise or sunset while ur in ur saddle.
As I am sitting here staring out my window at the sun coming up, I wonder what the day will hold for me. Will it be another day of mindless task, or will I meet that one person who will help me find some answer to something that I have been wondering. Will this be the day that I realize the meaning of life is nothing more than what we want it to be for ourselves. Will this be a good day or a bad day? Will this be a day where my luck will get better or worse? Who knows. All I know is that everyday that I am alive is a day that I can ponder this over and over, and then realize FUCK IT......just let things be as they are and enjoy what I am doing at the moment....even if it is something I don't like to do because you will always learn something new
So right now it is 5:05 am on Sunday morning and I am awake! I have been awake since 2:30 am and haven't been able to get back to sleep. Pretty weird for me considering how much I love to sleep! I have been waking up more at night because I have been hurting again, not sure why it is starting up again, but somedays I can barely move. I think with my ankle hurting so much that is not helping much right now. Good thing with being awake is that I get to watch the world wake up for the first time in awhile! Kinda cool to see the sunrise and listen to the birds. Reminds me of my grandma. Well I think I may try to get some sleep, though now I am hungry so we will see :)
Everlasting wind Mysterious breeze Traveling with shivers That run through my hair From the cold I feel Blowing over and around. Sights of pitch black The wind still breathes Slowing moving in With peaceful intentions Unseen as it moves closer Deeper into the soul. A massive rush When night becomes day Chills develop on the ground Stagnant as the wind Fresh air is reborn.
Sunrise Fishing
In the morning I awoke To see a kind of eerie smoke Just above the sheet of glass That god created first not last The sun just rising to bring us light To end the dark and dreary night Lend your ear to hear them feed Upon the bugs not birds or bees Nature's morning noise, you will hear As you sit upon the peer. Get your lures and your pole To catch your brunch That is down below Samantha Small O'Hair
Sun Rise
i saw this sun rise that i just cant shack.. i mean it still makes me cry.. to see such a sun rise like that.. i mean here i was driving over the same bridge that i take to get to work.. an for some time my morning thoughts are of my life and how i just wish i could have one thing go my way.. or I'm thinking about the arms i just got away from.. this morning i was not in those arms.. yea it sucked.. there very nice arms.. :) but i have been trying to see what road i need to take.. i have felt so scared lately.. worried about how am i going to do all this.. I'm a single mom.. of two little boyz.. i have a job that takes up my life.. i feel I'm failing as a mom.. an its making my work fail too.. i hear ppl talk about how I'm messing up my kids life cause of the choices i have been making.. my oldest wants his father back.. wants that happy home life again.. yet i don't think i will be able to give him that.. his dad is never around.. so that leave me.. yet i know that he needs a man in h
Sunrise When the sunrise i wish you be here with me. Holding me letting me rest my head on your shoulder as we watch the sunrise. Drinking are morning coffee and talking about how beautiful the sun is in the morning. As we seat on the porch cuddling close from the morning chill in the air. I watch you as the sunrises and think how happy i am that we together and how great its feels to have you here with me. I think of the time we spend together and the talks we have and how much i just love talking to you and watching you. I know for now its just a dream but hopefully someday the dream will come true.
this was sent to me from someone i love more than life itself. Sunrise, And a new Day Is breaking through... Morning, Of another day With out you... But as the hours roll by No ones there to see me cry Except the sunrise... The sunsrise and you. Tired Eyes, Search from sea To shore. I'm searching For something and nothing more. But from now till who knows when My sword will be my friend And i'll love you... For the rest of my life. Sunrise, bless my eyes take me home,..make me whole again... Sunrise...
Sunrise Asparagus
2 pounds asparagus 1/2 cup olive oil 1/3 cup lemon juice 2 ounces finely chopped red onion (optional: 1 tablespoon shredded parmesian cheese) This is a very healthy recipe, but one thing may stop you from enjoying it. If you ever eat asparagus, then you know that it often has a tough end. The question is: how do I prevent that nasty toughness from ruining a good veggie. If you take both ends and bend the stalk, it will snap at the point where the toughness begins. Then the tip will be free of that problem. I prefer to grill the asparagus but steamed works fine too. However you cook it, plunge it into ice water to quick-cool it. Drain it and set it up for presentation. Whisk half of the onion with the remaining ingredients and pour the dressing over the asparagus right before serving. Sprinkle the remaining onions over the top and serve.
Inner Sunrise When today is not going well, it is tempting to focus on tomorrow as a blank slate with all the possibilities that newness provides. It is true that tomorrow will be a brand-new day, but we do not have to wait until tomorrow to start fresh. We can start fresh at any moment, clearing our energy field of any negativity that has accumulated, and call this very moment the beginning of our brand-new day. There is something about the sunrise and the first few hours of the morning that make us feel cleansed and rejuvenated, ready to move forward enthusiastically. As the day wears on, we lose some of this dynamic energy and the inspiration it provides. This may be why we look forward to tomorrow as providing the possibility of renewal. Many traditions consider the light of the rising sun to be particularly divine in its origins; this is why so many people in the world face east when performing ritual. We too can cultivate that rising sun energy inside ourselves, carrying it
Sun Rise
Sun Rise The grey began to fade, As the colors filled the sky, The chill began to warm, As the sun began to rise. A lost girl found direction, As the eastern orb rose high, The dark sky turned to blue, Like the color of her eyes. Dark turned to light, Grey turned to blue, Lost became found, That's when I will meet you. "I hope that this day comes, How ever I must say I don't know who this lady will be but I know She is out there!"
The Sun Rise
Sun Rise The grey began to fade, As the colours filled the sky, The chill began to warm, As the sun began to rise. A lost girl found direction, As the eastern orb rose high, The dark sky turned to blue, Like the colour of his eyes. Dark turned to light, Grey turned to blue, Lost became found, That's when I met you.
Sunrise Sunset The Stars And Clouds
I look into the clouds, take a deep breath of fresh air And I think, Wow I feel at peace Then it hink i wish I had someone to share this with I watch the sunset, radiant with color Everyday so different, so unique Just like the thoughts in my head From one to the next, minute to minute I lay in the grass gazing at the stars Shinning so perfectly, twinkling just enough Just like my thoughts provoking me to think what I think To making me so unsure of what it is I think, I think Feelings go thru me as fast as a falling star thru the sky Sunrise is here, as brilliant as the suset was Different in so many ways yet the same in other
As Morning comes The veil of sleep slowly slipping from my face My mind begins to wake,…but My heart lives in that lovely place between dreams and daylight So I will my mind back Back to the beautiful place where love dwells There my heart knows no fear There I am free to love and laugh Free to feel There is where my true love lives I have never seen his face Nor have I heard his voice But there, I can touch his heart Feel his love I see him as the sun begins to rise behind him Lighting his shape, his features not seen I see his silhouette dark against the growing light of the sky He radiates the sun rising behind him giving his love light Bringing him right up to the edge of my day The sun breaks through the curtains at that moment Placing me firmly in the cold shackles of daylight I begin my day, slowly Keeping the moment just before sunrise Firmly in my heart
Sun Rise
Sun Rise The grey began to fade, As the colours filled the sky, The chill began to warm, As the sun began to rise. A lost man found direction, As the eastern orb rose high, The dark sky turned to blue, Like the colour of her eyes. Dark turned to light, Grey turned to blue, Lost became found, That's when I met you.
sunrise I woke to a beautiful sunrise, hoped you`d seen it too. The only thing prettier than this sunrise, is the picture I`ve seen of you. Jocko-1/13/08
Sun Rise
Sun Rise The grey began to fade, As the colours filled the sky, The chill began to warm, As the sun began to rise. A lost girl found direction, As the eastern orb rose high, The dark sky turned to blue, Like the colour of her eyes. Dark turned to light, Grey turned to blue, Lost became found, That's when I met you.
Sunrise Of Your Smile - Michael Card
This song reminds me of my grandchildren and the joy they bring me. I am very blessed to have each one of them.
Sunrise Prayer - A Sunrise Prayer For Yule
Day 2 The sun returns! The light returns! The earth begins to warm once more! The time of darkness has passed, and a path of light begins the new day. Welcome, welcome, the heat of the sun, blessing us all with its rays.
As Morning comes The veil of sleep slowly slipping from my face My mind begins to wake,…but My heart lives in that lovely place between dreams and daylight So I will my mind back Back to the beautiful place where love dwells There my heart knows no fear There I am free to love and laugh Free to feel There is where my true love lives I have never seen his face Nor have I heard his voice But there, I can touch his heart Feel his love I see him as the sun begins to rise behind him Lighting his shape, his features not seen I see his silhouette dark against the growing light of the sky He radiates the sun rising behind him giving his love light Giving my body warmth Bringing him right up to the edge of my day The sun breaks through the curtains at that moment Placing me firmly in the cold shackles of daylight I begin my day, slowly Keeping the moment just before sunrise Firmly in my heart Step out
It's cold in this room again like an unforgiving november morning dawns the color of blue-grey you trace the ghosts of your breath in the crosshatched window filtered sun, remarking on the echo in the house the dull thud of bare feet on wood floors the shade, temperature, and slick of frozen glass. You reach out only to withdraw. Hiding under the smile of low standards shearing the years of worry and self-doubt from your face. I am for this world I am the dull reflection in a dirty cluttered medicine cabinet i am the lonely bitter medicine swallowed dry lumping slightly past my adam's apple. I am the ensuing slow-track madness of suicide attempts and an inverted self image. Project deity, reality less than zero. Altering my state to a place lower than Kentucky. A place under the covers with the lights off with the eyes of the leering angry unknown unseeing a million miles away, two inches from my face. Broken so long ago that all the pieces can't be fou
A million souls have vanished before I met you. Time was irrelevant and pain full when my eyes were open. I never understood what it meant to go forth when the sun rose. Then one day my life changed in an instant. Whirling and turning, I found one thing to grab and hold on to. I could not stop the change nor did I want to. Life and time seemed to reach deep into my heart and show me that everything wasn’t so bad. When my life ends I can say that I have something that not everyone has. Most of what I feel and think of is what you have done to me and that…. is love. Sunrise and sunset, I can only portray what tomorrow holds and hoping and praying that it is you. You are the symbol of why everyone wants to live. No matter the undeterminable odds I will fight to be with you.
        Sunrise   Sunrise Soft light Simplicity Sensitivity Sensuality Sexuality Spontaneity Sufficiency Sunrise   poet
There are moments in a sunriseLike a flooding tide Light and shadows glideThrough canyons and fieldsA song too universal for melodyA Dance too intricate for stepsOnly here, as the light eclipsesWhere all that has been and will beAm I free of time and presentIn this everyday eternity   Poem By Tammy C.
Sun Rise
The grey began to fade,As the colours filled the sky,The chill began to warm,As the sun began to rise.A lost girl found direction,As the eastern orb rose high,The dark sky turned to blue,Like the colour of his eyes.Dark turned to light,Grey turned to blue,Lost became found,That's when I met you.
    Jan. 5th, 2005 | 04:53 am     The morning dew was like a refreshing shower. She hadnt felt it in so long. She was tired of the darkness, she missed the sunrises. Her blood had run cold for too long. She wanted that sweetness. After searching for so long she was ready to find it. Ready accept it. The feeling of it all just washing over her. That would be happiness. Her determination will only grow stonger untill she finds it. Never again will she let it slip away
A heart now frozen, No longer able to feel. Shattered beyond belief, No chance ever to heal. Broken with shame, To be left forever alone. To wander endlessly, Lost as it aimlessly roams. No one else to blame, It has caused its own demise. To never again feel love, Or the mornings sunrise.
A heart now frozen, No longer able to feel. Shattered beyond belief, No chance ever to heal. Broken with shame, To be left forever alone. To wander endlessly, Lost as it aimlessly roams. No one else to blame, It has caused its own demise. To never again feel love, Or the mornings sunrise.
A heart now frozen. No longer able to feel. Shattered beyond belief. No chance again to ever heal.   Broken with shame. To be left forever alone. To wander endlessly. Lost as it aimlessly roams.   No one else to blame. It has caused it's own demise. to never again feel love. Or the mornings sweet sunrise.
Sunray Of Hope...
twice i've walked from the coast and backso i know i will survivethe things of the past i know have passedi'm alot stronger deep insidei know at times i tend to dwell(and encourage it as well)on the things of old and see pain reviewedforgetting that life does renewand bears within itself a shining promiseand a hope of vast rewardbear it in mind and don't forget thisthere's still great things for you in storeforget what's done, the past has passedgrasp wisdom from those lessonsjust journey on and don't look backand remember life still beckons
Sunrise Hoi An Resort Investment Protection Cua Dai Beach
Sunrise Hoi An Beach Resort is proud to be one of the pioneers in the protection of the Natural Wonders of Cua Dai Beach. Interested in environmental issues especially sea invasive process, Sunrise Hoi An always attempt to participate in Social Responsibility Programs of business (CSR).   Sunrise Hoi An Resort beach   From the design phase to the construction, Protection of Nature has always been considered a top concern of Sunrise Hoi An. "For the third years, we have been working with foreign and local experts to implement measures to improve marine invasive phenomena at Cua Dai Beach - the place since the 2009 storm, the sea has more than 50 meters deep to the mainland."- Sven A.Saebel - General Manager Sunrise Hoi An Resort shared.   Sven A.Saebel also added, "We are the pioneer in the installation of this system and to this point, we can say our efforts have had significant success. Hotels Corporation and Ocean services (Ocean Hospitality) is invest
Sunrise Resort Hội An
Một nơi hoàn hảo với sự lãng mạn, những bãi biển, những khu vực tham quan của thành phố Hội An... khách sạn Sunrise Hội An cung cấp cho bạn những gì thuận lợi nhất để lấy đi một ngày bận rộn của bạn. Khách sạn hiện đại này nằm lân cận các điểm tham quan nổi tiếng của thành phố Hội An như: bãi biển Cửa Đại, làng rau Trà Quế, khu phố cổ và đền thờ Quan Công. Đến với Sunrise Resort, du khách cảm thấy thật sự thỏa mái với những sản phẩm tốt nhất trong các dịch vụ và cơ sở vật chất. Khách sạn cung cấp nhiều tiện nghi đủ đ
Sunshine On Leith
Bringing things up to their current date after posting the darker side of Edinburgh here is a picture of Leith Walk, I live at the end of this street and its about 3/4 of a mile from Edinburgh City Centre Leith has had a fairly colourful history, in most recent times is because of the author Irvine Welsh who wrote the Trainspotting novel, he lived round the corner from myself and also the train station that he was referring to is now a supermarket. Also we have the Royal Yacht Brittania but I have never visited due to the fact I hate all the touristy bits. One of the best pubs that I have found in Leith is called the Port o Leith bar in Constitution Street, there has been many a night spent steaming and dancing on the bar at weekends, I kid you not, although since the smoking ban has been brought in I have hardly been out, but now I have stopped smoking hope to get back out there give it time. It is one of the truly mad places you can walk into and find people from all
Sunsets And Tears
So as I was driving home today, I was driving into an incredibly gorgeous sunset. It was setting over the hills in front of me (Pittsburgh really is a lovely little city), the kind with the beautiful colors and just enough clouds to make it spatially interesting. And it was so beautiful that I felt deeply and blissfully happy at that moment. Odd that I felt that so deeply, when I've spent a lot of time crying the past couple days. Not about my own problems, specifically, but I've always responded very deeply to well-written/well-acted entertainment. Yesterday I watched "Ugly Betty." (Yes, it was on last Thursday. I have a Tivo. I recorded it. Can we move past that now?) It was highly recommended by Entertainment Weekly, my gospel source for new TV every fall. But I was unsure I wanted to see a show that is, quite frankly, about a perfectly average looking woman who is mistreated by a bunch of beautiful people with their ranking system and their "you're not worthy of my c
Life is just one big fuckin ray of sunshine isnt it
The Sun Stands Still (song Lyrics And Music To Go With It.)
Love Sex n Death. THE SUN STANDS STILL (click song title on player to play) (Verse)I see my world through iron blinds--as I wash the blood out from my hands--cause you see, we are of the human kind--sharing love without meaning (Chorus)One and only one--that is what we are and got to be--one and only one--sometimes loves casualty (Verse) We see our world, blind with vanity--with the need to understand--it has led to animosity--sharing beauty without care(Chorus-Repeat) (Chorus-Repeat) (End)While the sun stands still--one and only one--sometimes loves casualty.
Sunshyne Video Huge Halloween 35% Off Sale!
Sunshyne Video Huge Halloween 35% Off Sale! (Please help us get the word out by reposting this as a one of your bulletins) That’s Right! Get 35% off everything in the store (except Magazines) on Friday October 27th, Saturday October 28th and Halloween Tuesday October 31st 2006 Between 5 Pm and Closing time! To Get this discount simply come into the store wearing your Halloween costume & Let us Take your picture! It’s That Easy! Get your costume on and come visit us to get your huge 35% discount in addition to our already low low prices! This also applies to all catalog orders!!! Please ask any store clerk for details if you need more information! Example of Savings: Reg Price $19.95 Sale Price $12.97 Reg Price $9.95 Sale Price $6.47 Reg Price $10.50 Sale Price $6.83 Reg Price $15.95 Sale Price $10.37 Reg Price $39.95 Sale Price $25.97 Reg Price $5.00 Sale Price $3.25 Reg Price $24.95 Sale Price $16.22 Reg Price $21.95 Sale Price $14.27 Sunshyne Video is
Sun & Sex
Sun & Sex by jbeeb © I was lying naked in the sun. Enjoying the sensations of the gentle breeze brushing across my body and the gentle chirping of the local Blackbird. I've been a nudist for a number of years and have sat naked in front of many people including my family and friends. Sadly, none of the others have the same feelings and regard me as a bit of a weird exhibitionist. As the sun began to fall, Julia got home from work and padded through to the garden. Jules is my wife's sister and an utterly beautiful blond with voluptuous tits (about 34D) and a figure to die for. I am pretty spoilt, since my wife is a model who is the spit of Nicole Kidman (or Nicole is lucky enough to look like my wife). She has endless legs, a beautiful ginger minge, pert breasts and long curly blond hair. Julia sat herself down in a sun lounger after giving me a peck on the cheek and generally waking me up. I went and poured a couple of Gin and tonics, feeling very aware as I walked back i
Sun Sets...
incomplete sentences, unfinished paintings... mind's too tired to sieve through the sand of doubts... writing poems that don't rhyme, singing songs out of tune... a baby dies before it's eyes are opened... the thoughts buried before they're completely formed... the flowers wither before they're in full bloom... the love slaughtered before it's magic could touch one's soul... words are uttered without feelings, promises are made with no intentions of keeping... too numb to feel the pain, now my sun will set for one last time...
SUNSHOWER-Chris Cornell Dark as roses, and fine as sand I feel your healing in your sting again I hear you laughing and my soul is saved On forgotten graves you cry Crawl like ivy up my spine Through my nerves and into my eyes Cuts like anguish Or recollections of better days gone by But it's alright When you're all in pain And you feel the rain come down Oh, it's alright When you find your way Then you see it disappear It's alright Through your garden's grey I know all your graces Someday will flower In the sweet sunshower In the sweet sunshower Eyes like oceans so far away Feathered trails to a better way Worried mornings turn into days And into worried nights But it's alright When you're all in pain And you feel the rain come down Oh, it's alright When you find your way Then you see it disappear It's alright Though your garden's grey I know all your graces Someday will flower In a sweet sunshower In a sweet sunshower In a sweet sunshower
placing a blanket down on a seclude spot on the beach sitting together watching the sun set seeing the light reflect off your face watching such beauty and grace briefly kissing you seeing you smile holding you tight while the sun slowly says good by
Sunshine Dayyyyyyyyyy!
The Sunset
As I sit and watch the sun set, I think of all the pain in my past and it just goes away; disappears into the orange calmness of the sun's setting. I cannnot keep the hatred that I am entitled to against you. I'm just not that kind of person. However, I am not going to let you wiggle yourself back into my life. The last time I thought I would die. But there was something tranquilizing about the way the sun lowered itself into the sea, so sure that it would rise again tomorrow. And that is how I feel: Even though I might hurt today, the sun will eventually rise again shining its brilliant rays on the path of my happiness.
just rediscovered my joy of the little miss sunshine soundtrack. how wonderful it is!
Sunscreen - The Original
Sunset On A Broken Life
Feel the rain hit my face mixing with the tears streaming down Reflecting back on me Staring into my soul Tell me its alright Tell me its ok Cause i know its not going to be Ripped out my heart Would you like a peice? Go deep down inside and lock away the key Its starting not to be light anymore for the sun is starting to set and darkness is all i see
When I wake up in the morning Sunshine's falling on my skin And I call you up to tell you What a happy mood I'm in Feel the rhythm in my body And sing is all I wanna do I feel the day will bring me sunshine for it's another day with you
Sun Shining
hello cherries my sexy friends at first and my familly and my fans all am care about them much love for all of u my ladies i wish from my heart only one to see all of u happy and good always about all the the people in the c.t i want to say it is really nice to meet some from all of u , GOOD MORNING, GOOD AFTERNOON, GOOD EVENING, WE HAVE DIFFERENT IN OUR TIME SO I SAY THAT FOR ALL OF U IT IS MY MORNING RITE NOW WITH MY BEST WISHES AND ALL MY LOVE CHERRIES TRIBLE_XXX-ALFA-FOX-99
Sunset....a Response To Greywolf's Sunrise
Sunset, And the Day ends in glorious rays, Sunset, of another day Without you.... But as the moments pass I feel every tear that falls in my sunset..... The sunset and you. Weary heart, See from my heart to yours. I am seeking for love and all it entails But from this moment till the end My sheath will be my friend And I'll love you For all of time beyond Sunset, ease my soul Bring me home....complete me once more Sunset...
Sun Signs
Aquarius (January 21 - February 18) Here you will find the humanitarians of the zodiac. Aquarius loves mankind and will doing anything for the masses. Since they are rather cold and detached, with little emotional appreciation, they are often thought of as disliking the individual. Fighting for the underdog on one hand and being clinically impartial on the other. Freedom of movement, thought and life is important to them. These are our inventors and technical wizards. They come up with different and unusual ideas that change our planet. Computers, airplanes and astrology are all ruled by Aquarius. Often thought of as eccentric. Always living in the future and changing their minds as quickly as they think up a new idea. Little patience for people who do not think as they do. For they love to argue for the fun of it. By all means, never try the hold them down or change their minds for you will see their dust as they run out of your life. They dream up wonderful grand solutions to the wor
Sunset On Sunrise
When I wake up in the morning Sunshine's falling on my skin And I call you up to tell you What a happy mood I'm in Feel the rhythm in my body And sing is all I wanna do I feel the day will bring me sunshine for it's another day with you
Sunshines First Blog
New to this if you have any hints of advice for me just let me know so i can figure this shit out im so confused lol this thing is crazy!
Sunsets And Lovers
Sunsets and lovers As the sky grows dim The colors start to stream In different shades and dreams For two lovers so far apart Yet so close through the heart The night is just begining Their love always in the making For romance is starting to brew For two lovers over due So far apart to feel the touch Though in their mind They stand hand in hand Their eyes will meet As the sunset completes
Sunshine Of Your Love
Sunshine And Angels
I met you then you let me in a couple drinks to begin holding hands while we walk I hold you close as we talk another night another dance another new romance we sit and laugh and share a smile I think ill stay awhile cuz youre like sunshine and angels shining down on me take me by the hand to where I wanna be sunshine and angels shining down so bright sunshine and angels when im with you tonite a little girl a little boy a backyard some old toys how happy can we be sittin under that old tree I thank the lord I have you and our love is always true cuz youre like sunshine and angels shining down on me take me by the hand to where I wanna be sunshine and angels shining down so bright sunshine and angels when im with you tonite
Bored while sun sweats it settles nevertheless you notice the lack of motion, a notion nevertheless. Devoted to deviation is devotion nevertheless, needless to say needles needless nevertheless. sitting with CONCEPT 2004 1wordrow1
Sunshine, Again!
We have sunshine, again! How delightful! It's 14 degrees above, with a high forecast of 31. Love it! Something about low 40s forecast for Thursday, Friday and Saturday - but, we'll have to see. Whoa, I need to stretch out! I've been curled up with my laptop way too much since Thursday started my long weekend. Some stretching and a round of belly dancing practice, lol! Sounds like a plan! Well, I broke down and got a cam - a very cheap one, lol! And as the old saying goes, you get what you pay for!! I'll be taking a trip to Best Buy for a better one, lol! The guys love this little clip-on thingy, but the pictures are crap! So, don't anyone go getting all excited, lmao!! And, I will restate for the record, I am not firing that cam up for just anyone! Neither will I be doing anything of a private nature on cam! Deal!! There are a blessed few that will be viewing me by cam, that's my prerogative! Do not whine!! I keep forgetting to tell you that I have entered that Dragon Tatto
Sun...shining On Me.
If you are lucky enough to live in California then you realise that usually after the first of the year. BAM! Its spring. Yesterday the high was 73 degrees. I had our doors open and our windows cracked. i jumped into my favorite hotpink tie dye floofy skirt. i love it. its so thin and it feels like nothing. (pssssssssssssssssssssssst....flea market 10 bucks!) I had my laptop opened and Napster was on....automatically scrolling thru my favorite songs. If Napster were a man and i weren't married. Id suck him off. that's how much i love Napster...maybe even if i were married...i might sneak him in the closet and id do a quickie suck off...just for the fuck of it. I'm sure toph wouldn't mind. he loves Napster too... Right when I step outside the front door, beautiful perfect Napster starts playing "what a wonderful word" sung by that hugely ginormous Hawaiian dude. I LOVE IT! It makes me mofo happy. That song does. I don't know why I had stepped outs
A Sunshiny Sunday Morning!
Good morning/good afternoon, one and all! Those in the USA (and affected by this) - did you remember to turn your clocks ahead an hour?? If I calculate correctly, there is now 5 hours difference between me and some of my friends "across the pond." But then again, I may just need more coffee!! We will be having another glorious day, filled with sunshine and temps around 50 degrees. The birds are singing and I'm itching to get my hands dirty! Unfortunately, we still have quite a bit of snow to melt, lol!! I spent a good chunk of yesterday shopping with my Mom and sister Carol! I rarely get to go on these excursions anymore, due to work and whatever else is taking up my time. Sometimes I forget how much I enjoy their company, especially my sister! Carol has joined the "fast track to enlightenment" with the rest of us - energyworkers, et al. We have much fun, driving Mom a little nuts, with our talk of past life companions, astral projecting, energywork, etc.!!!!! Yeah, my Mom thinks
Sunset At Noon
I always thought then when it came Id be ready for the end By the time id be resigned and tame Death would appear a welcome friend But what if i still want to live Still want to learn and grow What if i still have gifts to give And im not ready to go What if im still too young Not old enough to die What if i want to wait until Ive experienced life to say good-bye You were taken too young You were taken too soon Your time had just begun The sun of your life set at noon Wherever you have gone Nearby or far away Please realize that with you A piece of me died that day
It is nice a sunny up here in the State of Maine. Its a whopping 49 degres up here. Wooohooo. So people are walking around and that is all they can do because it is wet because the snow is melting. Funny...because when we have a good day here it isn't good at all. Maybe it will be better come May...MAYbe.
Sunshine By Nazareth
Artist: Nazareth Album: Rampant Year: 1975 Title: Sunshine Sunshine, every single day Helps to light my way And darlin', right before my eyes It don't come as no surprise That it's easy Easy lovin' you And baby,'til you came along There was always something wrong Around me There was emptiness of course But it's alright And it's easy Easy lovin' you And sunshine, having you around You're the light I never found And darlin',every minute you're away But it's brighter And it's easy Easy lovin' you Sunshine, every single day Helps to light my way And darlin', right before my eyes It don't come as no surprise That it's easy Easy lovin' you This song was dedicated to me by Gaudian of ~Sweet*Angel~ Thank you my Love
It is just so friggin awesome to look outside and see sunshine. To walk out and feel the warmth on your skin. It just drips happiness through my veins and makes my body feel so alive. I love spring!
Each morning and each brand new day carries its own emotions of days past. Pain or guilt of some long gone error... Love and elation of the new found light. As the days get longer and the sun shines brighter, the chemistry in all of us takes a new turn. The cold no longer seeps into my bones, the damp no longer hinders my joints, and the darkness no longer envelopes my soul. Blank faces of the last moon are now alight with promise and expectation. The dull flesh of autumns gone are now ablaze with ripeness and a new glow of inner hunger. Look to the fire that looks down upon us and see the wonder and life it brings to us all... see the tears of pain dry before the golden rays of hope. If the day seems to dull and you find yourself in the shade... look around you and absorb the colours that surrounds us all. Feel the sun baked earth beneath your feet and relish in this new born glory... for tomorrow could carry a storm! Happy dayz to all. Luke x
Sunshyne Video 1st Softball Game Tonight - Come Join Us
Tonight is the opening game for the Sunshyne Video Outlaws softball team.. The game kicks off at 9:30 PM this evening on field 3 of Sandy Springs Park against Diesel Head! Come on out and show your support!@ When Sunshyne Video is Involved you never know what will happen!
you are my sunshine my only sunshine you make me happy friends/family/cherrytappers passerbys. when skies are blue you never know dear cherrytappers how much I love you.
As the sun goes down On this lovely town I can't but help To wear a frown Like everyone I live my life With constant battles And major strife The greatness in The scheme of things Is the comfort Realization brings Time is brutal Yet LOVE is great In the middle Are many mistakes To live is to learn To learn is to love To love is to feel To feel is to steal Steal away from anything That makes us feel un-important...
Sunshine Of Your Love
Sunshine And Hoe's
Here it is Friday afternoon....been out in the yard and garden getting some sun. Me with a hoe in the garden..not such a strange site....except that I am naked. Also, do you think "my tractor's sexy" and am I a little too sunburned.
Sunscreen Song
"Everybody is free to wear sunscreen" by Baz Luhrman Ladies and Gentlemen of the class of '97, Wear sunscreen, If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it. The long-term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists, whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable than my own meandering experience. I will dispense this advice now. Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth. Oh, never mind. You will not understand the power and beauty of your youth until they've faded. But trust me, in 20 years, you'll look back at photos of yourself and recall in a way you can't grasp now how much possibility lay before you and how fabulous you really looked. You are not as fat as you imagine. Don't worry about the future. Or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubble gum. The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind, the kind that blindside y
Sunset At Moraine State Park
D.J.’s Sunsets

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