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Here's a truly heartwarming story about the bond formed between a little girl and some construction workers that makes you believe that we CAN make a difference when we give a child the gift of our time... A young family moved into a house next door to a vacant lot. One day a construction crew turned up to start building a house on the empty lot. The young family's 5-year-old daughter naturally took an interest in all the activity going on next door and spent much of each day observing the workers. Eventually the construction crew, all of them gems-in-the-rough, more or less adopted her as a kind of project mascot. They chatted with her, let her sit with them while they had coffee and lunch breaks, and gave her little jobs to do here and there to make her feel important. At the end of the first week they even presented her with a pay envelope containing a couple of dollars. The little girl took this home to her mother who said all the appropriate words of admiration
Tears In My Eyes
Written:By Blossom_Rose
for the tear of love or hate will overcome the hearts of your soul for knowing what you want in your heart will that tear help you on your way fever there.
Tears Don't Fall
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A thousand tears fall onto the floor, a smile that shines bright, a look of passion trembles within, hope renewed , joys found, unexplored depths opening the gate, reaching hands wishing to touch, happiness so near yet so far, the order of balance is yet to even, sadness of forgeting something that should never have been forgotten, stretching out so far just to find a glimpse of confirmation of the truth, my mind in a turmoil yet calm with peace, have never felt before both extremes of depth each way in a unique sequence of time/present past all proposing life reflection of what it can be to feel nearer to that of which somehow was always known, corrupted laws, chemicals, upbringing all take away who we really are...trying to reach and find the true me within the very core of my soul,before tarnished with human life..i want to break free from the chains that bind me...
Tears =]
Do your tears burn like mine do. Do they hurt with each fall. Do they shed there own light. Do they harbor there own pain. Cause mine do. Day and night, shadows fall. Emerging their own disaster. Bleeding hearts, souls destroyed. All the heartache you cause, All the pain you release. You never feel remorse. Kick me when Im down. Hurt me when Im week. Angels breathe there own mistakes. Hands around your neck. Seeping, screaming, soaking it all in. Tears, they burn, they shed. Ive waited, Ive felt the darkness. Ive seen the end, and lost my beginning. My heart is crying, its shedding hated tears. And its all because of this thing called you. I want to take it all, and crush it. Repair, regret, rearrange my feelings. Change the vicious mindful thoughts. To be there with you, cutting you, hating you. Knock me down, as I fall. To see your tears shed. To hear you cry. To remember the love, the life. Anger
Tears Of Hurt
I went for the longest walk lastnight and threwup so many times bc i feel sick to me stomach. I dont know what to do but wait for you to call i want to call u but your so busy and i dont want to bother you but i cant hold back anymore im hurt so much and its bc of what i have done. I tried to sleep and that didnt work my heart is broken and my thoughts are going crazy telling me to not give up and thats what my heart tells me to and its who i am and i wont go down without a fight and i feel so empty and lost not knowing if were are okay, will we make it through all of the trials that life will bring us, bc deep down in my hearti know that it will bc this is true love!! ive been crying for the past two days and i deserve it i have alot of time to think about what i have done and all i can say is tha it was so stupid of me to say what i did and if i could go back in time i would of thought about waht i was writting before i posted it. so thats all for now Piece out David "The
what soap is to the body, tears are for the soul.
Tears: Tears slowly falling down my face so many memories in so little time, I wish they would have never happened I wish I could change it all yet my mind won't let me forget my mistakes this biggest one, is not doing the things I should have, the things I will later regret for the rest of my life I trust to easily and I hurt to easily, How could anyone love me? my heart screams when all I feel like is a waste of air. why do I even feel like this why does this happen to me why can't my mind just leave me alone! why do I treat myself like this? why do I fear love? why can't others see me for me, the inside me why does it have to be me? why can't there be someone like me? Too many whys I believe. Pamella Quackenbush 2000
Tear Stained...forever Broken
Tear Drops Falling
Tear drops falling. Tear drops falling. Every day, Every night, I cry myself to sleep. I don't know why, But for some reason I'm worried, It could be home, It could be school, I just don't know. Somebody help me! Somebody help me! God please help me! I am in need, Please help me. Can anyone hear me? Is their anyone out there? Does anyone care? Tear Drops falling, FOREVER.
i see my tears falling i feel them caress my face i feel them slowly drop down flowly freely an strong feeling for you wish you was here feeling so strong crying as i take a breath holding onto a dream seems so real an sincere yelling at loud i love you my dear
Tearing Down The Walls
I play the game well I tease, torture, tantalize I am the Master- The Master of Disguise. You think I'm in control: I know all the moves, just what to do. I'm dying to give up power. I want to surrender myself to you. Tear down these walls I've worked so hard to build. Hold me fiercely 'Til all my doubts have stilled. Take me gently, Break my chains, Remove my fears, Let trust remain.
Tears Of Sadness
The way I feel about you is one thing I can't explain. My mind is open like an endless plain. It hurts so much so very much when you say I don't feel the same. It makes me wanna cry inside but the tears would not hide. The tears that are endless come pouring down and now there is darkness all around. I sit here and wait for the world to end but once again the tears begain to pour again. Will this sadness ever stop. I pray I hope you will come back again but you walk off as I lay there and cry all you can do is say I'm sorry. Well you don't kno what you mean to me you once were my light all I see is this little light that wont make it thought the night. Then I see the brighest light it's you again. You ask me to come back and that you'll never leave again
Tears Of Happiness
Tears of happiness When I see you I can not help but smile Just one moment is always worthwhile Look into my eyes and you will see a tear The truth of my love is always sincere They are tears of happiness not of sorrow They reflect my love pure as a rainbow I am never unhappy knowing you are there You are in my heart so I never despair I may cry tears, but they are only for you They are pure and clear, as the morning dew People weep when they are upset To portray their emotions is their only outlet So look into my eyes and you will see The truth of my love in all its beauty You will see in my eyes the way to my heart The way is clear; you would never need a chart By DLM 2005 copyright and protected
A Tear On My Pillow
A TEAR ON MY PILLOW When I lay and think, in my bed at night, the day you'll arrive, seems nowhere in sight. I toss and I turn, dreaming of you, opening my eye's... checking if my dream came true. It didn't, again, and a tear starts to roll, weeping quietly... my pillow I hold. Many sleepless nights I've prayed for you, my love. God touched my soul from heaven above He's answered my prayers for my love to be. I've never felt this lucky, God did this for me. That's a question I asked each and every night. He must think your special, and I know he's right. No other has made me feel so complete, my whole life was lived, just so we could meet. All these thoughts and more going through my head. I fall asleep not worrying, but dreaming of you... instead By Steven Lee
Tears In Heaven ~~~ Eric Clapton
A Tear
oh the beuity of her face as the tears stream down i know she needs me ill always be here i hope but can she speak the confusion sets in oh i feel it coming back again and the devil looks up with a grin the pain is flowing into her heart again and i feel it im here to be here i told her forever shell see forever is forever to me my heart sobs in loss arms ach for her to hold and yet i know she is gone as the confusion sets in oh i feel it coming back again and the devil looks up with a grin the pain is flowing into her heart again and i feel it her pain and cry
Tears Lead To Heart Ache.
Impatience, gone wrong. Virtues, pain. Anger and sadness, hit the soul. Words spew forth, meanings mistaken. Dispair. Tears shed, like red scarlet, Crimson, with pain, the blood. You reach for it, you can see it, you cant see you, scream, scream. Lookin in the mirror you see a reflection, a horrid image, whiping the blood on your face. Secrets, lies, hidden in your mind. Fallen, you fear, you hate, you hide. Footsteps, leading up to the door, her it comes. Run, run away from it. Creek, Creek, You hear the sound, you see the image, has it gone, wheres the life. You hold the knife, you hold your soul, begining to free it. With his. You open the door to the bathroom, the room you had your last "words" with him. Pull away the curtian, and there he lays. You sob, knowing what you've done. Your mad, your stupid, your -worthless- You scream, "ill be worthless no more" Anger hits, and bring on the pain. Indulge it. Taste the blood, the furry. Its ending. Its over. Its done
Silence now!No goodbye,no reasons whyonly the pain we feel inside Why! we ask whywhy did they have to go awaywhy oh why is there so much painto much to explain we look for hopeWe look for helpall we find is our tears tears from the paintears falling down like raintears for our loved ones losttears oh so much tears through the tears we praypray that they are in a better placewith no pain,no fearonly peace and love to light their way for the tears will go away but the memories will always staystay!right here in our hearts Read more:
Tears On His 50th Wedding Anniversary
Tears on His 50th Wedding Anniversary A man and woman were recently celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. While cutting the cake, the wife was moved after seeing her husband’s eyes fill with tears. The wife took his arm, and looked at him affectionately. “I never knew you were so sentimental.” she whispered. “No . . . No . . .” he said, choking back his tears, “That’s not it at all. Remember when your father found us in the barn and told me to either marry you or spend the next 50 years in jail?” “Yes,” the wife replied. “I remember it like yesterday.” “Well,” said the husband, “Today I would have be a free man.”
"tear In Your Hand" - Tori Amos
"Tear In Your Hand" All the world just stopped now So you say you don't wanna stay together anymore Let me take a deep breath babe If you need me Me and Neil we'll be hangin' out with the dream king Neil says hi By the way I don't believe you're leaving Cause me and Charles Manson like the same ice cream I think it's that girl And I think there're pieces of me you've never seen Maybe she's just pieces of me you've never seen well All the world is all I am The black of the blackest ocean And the tear in your hand All the world is dangin'... Dangling'...Danglin' for me darlin' You don't know the power that you have With that tear in your hand Tear in you hand Maybe I ain't used to maybes Smashing in a cold room Cutting my hands up every time I touch you Maybe maybe it's time to wave goodbye now Time to wave goodbye now Caught a ride with the moon I know I know you well Better than I Used to haze all clouded up My mind in the daze of why it could've n
Tears Of Humanity
so fall the tears of humanity the dawn has broken night's serenity a ray of light shining down a cold mist spreads upon the ground dance with me mind to mind becoming one with your own kind and sway around the fire speading warmth like a funeral pyre control things that cant be seen return from another broken dream back to a world inside your head hypnotic laugh dance of the dead skin to skin flesh and bone no longer to be alone I feel what i need and you give until we decide to live eternally inside our minds our souls and bodies intertwine
Ok everyone, this is my first blog. Yaay for me! Anyway, I have to say that I have met so many people on here and I have become rather attatched to many of you and have shared your pain, guilt, sorrow, happiness, and love! Yes love! It is totally amazing how a friendship can turn into love! I love so many people so many ways! I love my husband way differently than I ever could a friend and on many different levels. I love my children differently also. But when it comes to friends whether here beside me or on CT the love is very different. When and if I say that I love you, I mean that. I would never say it in hopes to hear it back. I just felt like that needed to be said. Those that have heard or read it, know who you are! I want to say thank you to all those that have been there for me and let me vent and cry on your shoulder! I am always here to return the favor and always will be! I love y'all! ~DJ YANKEE GIRL~
A Tear On My Pillow
When I lay and think, in my bed at night, the day you'll arrive, seems nowhere in sight. I toss and I turn, dreaming of you, opening my eye's... checking if my dream came true. It didn't, again, and a tear starts to roll, weeping quietly... my pillow I hold. Many sleepless nights I've prayed for you, my love. God touched my soul from heaven above He's answered my prayers for my bride to be. I've never felt this lucky, God did this for me. That's a question I asked each and every night. He must think your special, Joy, and I know he's right. No other has made me feel so complete, my whole life was lived, just so we could meet. All these thoughts and more going through my head. I fall asleep not worrying, but dreaming of you... instead
Tearing-rollins Band
Tearing Video - Henry Rollins lyricsHenry Rollins Music Video CodesMusic Video Codes by VideoCureMyspace Layouts
This frozen literary spew cannot caress the view that's true. Letters strewn in disarray capture not the poets way. Forcing thought through quill run dry, the poet heaves his last dark sigh. Surrendered deeply to his fate, regains the Power to create. The words that now adorn this page ascend and rise from paper's cage. Thus concretized with actions merit, his purpose now, to gently share it. Embodied words, ingrained in soul, the poet's tear redeems the whole~~~
"tears Of The Feeble, Hands Of The Slaves. Skin Of The Mothers, Mouths Of The Babes"
Tears Of A Nation
TEARS OF A NATION I met a man of many colors And a tear was upon his cheek. "Old man" I ask, "why do you cry With such an agonizing weep?" "Oh child" this man he says to me, "My heart is broken in so many ways That I believe this day to end Will find me out stretched and far within The encompassing earth of sin." I sat down beside this man And asked him "do not cry. For what you think is so bad That life will pass you by?" He looks at me with such sad eyes. And weeps ever more. He holds his hands out to me And alas, I do see The anguish of his heart. For his hands were different colors One is red and the other white, A leg he unclothed for me Was as yellow as could be And his other leg as black as night. "I am the father of the world. In case you do not know. And my children have grown apart And fight among themselves. For when they do not get along My arms and legs and hands and feet Destroys the very life of me. My hands of red and
TEARZ Tearz fall from everywhere. Tearz just roll down your face as you dry one the harder the tearz fall. Tearz come from lats of thingz like love, happiness,sadness. Tearz will never stop fallen no matter what, cuz if the tearz not from you there from someone else. Tearz are salt water that fallz from the eyez of someone who he's either love. Loved had happyness and sadness tearz will never stop fallin for noone no matter how we try.
As these tears run down my face, tears of agony tears of pain- broken hearted, I scream as my bones weaken and my soul crumbles. Turning me inside out twist-turn twist-turn, hang me out to dry. Trampling my hopes My dreams fall before me- incomplete tears of hoplesness tears of lonlyness- freefalling non-stop As these tears run down my face, tears of agony tears of pain- broken hearted, I scream as my bones weaken and my soul crumbles. Turning me inside out twist-turn twist-turn, hang me out to dry. Trampling my hopes My dreams fall before me- incomplete tears of hoplesness tears of lonlyness- freefalling non-stop TEARS.
Teardrop by Jonny Harrop A lonely tear falls from an eye, Not sure why its been shed. And as it slowly trickles by, It finds a spot to make its bed. There it stays. A meaningless drop, No-one who loves it, and no-one who cares, Until its greeted from the top, By another stream of tears. And as it continues on its fall, To where its journey ends, It finds its not meaningless at all, As long as it has friends
ok tonight is so shitty i feel as iam loseing everyone i love walks away from me why do i keep getting hurt? why do guys seem to walk all over me am i that stupid i cant see it ? why am i open to all these freaking questions with no answered... oh that's right i know why here's the story i was hanging out with my bestfriend tonight we have known each other sence we were in 3rd grade so thats a pretty long time we we're hangin out around here playing pool just laughen acting (goofy) like we have always had to other friends here b4 i new it i was standing a lone he told me he hated me (tears) streaming down my face i couldn't breath for a second what have i done wrong for everyone to leave me like they do i just want some one to love me for me im smart i love life iam not spoild tonight it felt like my whole life i based it on is a lie i am loseing my friends why?? im am honest person why do guys tend to keep breaking my heart??? someone answer me cause i seriously don't know anymore !!!
A Tear...
Passion my thoughts are at the conception of a thought. Twisted neurons pulsating my temples looking for away to escape! No I can't let them escape!! Thoughts become words, words become verbs, verbs are nothing but actions that sooner or later will become tangible. My thoughts are as deadly as ether but as smoothing as a kiss to the forehead. I can not let my thoughts sip out for if they merge with his thoughts and her thoughts then it will be our thoughts.......NO NO NO NO, I just want the passion behind my thought……BACK…. Her thought lacks passion; His thought is just plain evil. Can I please just have my thought back; I never meant to share it with him, her, them, they and now we….are WE…Look at what become of my shared thought, holocaust AK-47, 9mm, Semi Auto's, Anthrax, HIV...Why ol Why did I let my thought escape, 1812, 1941, Desert Storm, 911, Operation Freedom revenge for my father’s attempted assassination. My thought was never meant to be shared. Its to late there's no get
A Tear From Your Eye (poem)
as your tear runs down you sweet beautiful face i would catch it with my finger to save your love for my owne love to save your sorrows so you can only remember the great times we have had toghter
A Tear Of Sorrow To A Tear Of Joy
from tears of sorrow to tears of joy for love can do many things to each and every one of us in our hearts such as my love will foreever be true to you and till i am no more
Tears Of My Heart
for as long am yours my tears will never run for sorrow down my face as the will be tears of joy for my love to you will be forever as i could never kiss or love another person as my tears will be for the great times we had and yet to come
A Tear
A Tear
so i fucked up again guys.....i let my mouth go b4 muh i was upset as never this whinney but latley idk what it n sean got into it again....what else is new right....i was being over dramatic n mad things worse then what they were....n i talked to muh friend about it....n then she told him...i never wnated him to hink that i was leavin an area cuz of him....but the way it came out...thats what it looked i went n bitched at her...maybe i should of....but imsorry i told u sumthin...ur wernt supposed to say anythin....and then the worst happend....muh best friend....the one that i trust with everythin....told me to deleat him off muh yahoo...and thats when the tears came,,,and i cant get them to stop....hes muh best friend n i lost him cuz ima cry baby bitch...who treat everyone like shit....i dun know why i have such great friends....cuz you know what i dun deserve em...not a one....ther all great ppl ..... n maybe i dun give them the credit
WTC-9-11-2002Add to My Profile | More Videos
Tears - Dedicated To Mizery
It is my hope that when you read this you are able to walk away with something that allows you to continue on your journey. Mizery we are friends... always have been.. always will be... I am sorry that your heart is so heavy. Tears My heart is heavy... it feels as though I can not breath ... I want to curl up into a ball and just disappear ... there is a sob welled up in my chest begging to be released ... my soul is filled with tears... I fear that if I open the flood gates I will drown ... I look at my reflection in the mirror... I remember you ... tear stained face ... sad dark eyes ... barely a smile on my lips ... I thought for sure that you were gone ... I thought that I had seen the last of you and your tortured soul ... why have you come back to taunt me? Are you here to remind me that I will never be free of you? How do I make peace with you? ... I need you to be my equal, not someone who wants to tear me down ... How do I make you a part of me that makes me stronger and
Tears Of Fears
Right now I've shed so many tears, for not knowing whats' life has in stored. At least I know I won't be bored!! The burden's of divorce will leave a mark with such a force. It's up to us to decided on what course we should take. Or something is going to break!! I've shed so many tears for so many years. I shed tears for joy, pain, sorrow, and for even the rain. Today I shed a few more tears for not knowing whats going to happen tomorrow. I shed so many tears for fear of losing you! With yesterday and today being done and all those tears are now long gone. There's nobody to promise tomorrow, and all I have left is a burden of sorrow. With the truth now known and the future is still yet to be told. I can't allow people see my tears, Nor can I let my children to see my fears. So I shed more tears for no hope insight, and all my dreams have taken flight. With the burdens of the past, prevents my current relationships to last. The sadness I feel makes it all se
Tears Of The Forest
TEARS OF THE FOREST by Lori Mellott As I slowly walk in this warm-blooded, vibrant, lush ,green forest fragrant with the scents of cedar, pine and a plethora of flowers all lovingly kissing me, I inhale the pungent, pleasing scent of earth enfolding me in Mother Earth's loving embrace. All that surrounds me pulsates and ripples with the melodious rhythms of life. As I strip and stand contemplatively in the midst of this unending beauty, my senses pause, absorbing the exotic, erotic, beauty of it all. Hugging sister cedar tree I feel her heartbeat bursting with rich, robust life! She is strong and happy! Gazing at her I see her umcompromising strength, her magnificent size speaks to my soul telling me she has stood sentinel here for many, many moons. Listening to all her voices, I hear my feathered relations singing and nesting, bringing new life forth from the safety of her luxuriant hair. Her sweet, gently spirit speaks to my soul of spiritiaul freedom and honoring of the
November 25, 2006 Tears Tears seem to fall when you least want them to. You try to keep ur pain from being seen by people that worry about you and love you but the tears are because of them. You know it hurts them to see u cry and it upsets them to see ur in so much pain. Loniness sometimes can be the biggest reason for the tears. You love someone but can't be with them when you want to. To want to be able to help take care of them when they are sick or just down. To be able to put ur arms around them and hug them and hope it helps them feel better. To be there when they just need to scream because they are just fed up with the world at that moment. The want and need to be able to just see the face of the one you gave ur heart to. To see their lips move when they talk to you and the look in their eyes when they look at you knowing they love you back. Hoping they feel as bad when they are away from you. My biggest problem I guess is not being able to talk to him when I want or nee
!!! Teardrops !!!
I remember how it began with tempers flaring and heartache nearing We were saying words never meant to be said and now we're hurting one another just because we were too weak to face ourselves We cry because we love We cry because we care But we forget that in this world everything has a price and that even teardrops aren't free I held your head in my arms and I tried to caress the pain away But no matter how much I wiped your eyes or took back the words I said I couldn't stop you from hurting and as pain creates pain and suffering creates suffering It becomes clear that we live in a world where everything has a price and even teardrops aren't free As I'm driving off into the distance I can see you standing there waving with the tears still fresh on your face I try to remember every word we said and I try to understand the price I'm paying as I speed into the darkness of uncertainty leaving pieces of myself behind pieces that are mere tokens demanded by a
Tears Of Love
Tears of Love I loved him very much and I thought he did the same except I found out it was all a lie I found out that he didn't love me but had used me like a game I can't believe I didn't see it the love I had for him just blinded me I cried and cried that night he had dumped me after all me and him had been through a month and a half he told me I was to immature for him I couldn't understand why he didn't say anything earlier in the relationship it would have been a lot easier for me but instead he made it harder I felt like I just wanted to die the moment he said that My tears couldn't stop falling from my eyes everyone all around me heard my cries it was at a teen club, a lot of people were around but I couldn't help but just sit down and cry I can't express the pain I felt I had never felt this way before no other boy had made me cry but there was something different about him Maybe it was his smile or his cute curly hair or maybe it was
Tear Drops..
Tear drops fall to the Bottom Of the page Please keep turning Nothing To see here One more page on It stings What he wrote last page Pages flip and turn The rhythm lost in method Words fly by Still stings What he wrote on that page Still sting Sharp and prodding What he wrote Still remembering Flip those pages Close the cover Close your eyes Still stings Still remembering Still want to forget Turn those pages Let the tears drop Landing on the bottom Of the page Notice the words Remember those words The shattered mirror The tears land On the bottom Of the page Close the book Shut your eyes Wish it all away At the bottom Of the page Land tear-drops Soaking the words Smuging the ink Left forgotten Close your book End the title Move on Don’t forget
Tears Fall
I try so hard to fight back the tears It doesn't work it never has They just fall on their own Like a waterfall Old memories come back up And the tears take over I don't want to cry But i just can't help it There's too much stuff i left held back in my heart I can't open up It hurts too much No one understands They just tell me to suck it up Well i have news for them One day they'll be a wreck like i am now And i won't help them They didn't listen Which made me who i am I hate to cry I always tell myself i won't Then what do i do? I cry
A Tear A Day
The day you said goodbye I could do nothing but agree In my heart it was love For you that has yet to be seen I gave you the world And so much more But it wasnt good enough But i promise it was you i adored If i could go back in time I wouldnt change a thing Because you taught me to Love, Hate, and best of all You taught me how to love me. I learned to love, hate, but Ive yet to forgive. That's one thing ill never do as long as I live. I thought it was special Everything about you at least to me But that proved to be my greatest defeat As I lay alone in the middle of night All I think about is when, where and why? When did you stop loving me? Where did it start happening? And why did you leave? Questions unanswered Are lessons unlearned But a tear a day Took my pain away For you taught me to love, hate, but never to forgive. But ive learned now After all the Pain and Tears That in the end its all ok And that a tear a day took all the
Tears of blood stain my face, A silent witness to my disgrace, Unknown testimony of a hearts mistake In loving something so unattainable Tears of ice course down my lips Cold as the steel that protects the weak Unbeknown the silence seeks, Those, for whom the silence weeps, Those silent tears of ice Tears of fire down cheeks of red, Anger clears a mistaken head, Reasons unknown, lies foretold, Dreams left to die in bed Dry as a salt lake, eyes are sore, The only witness to a massacre, Tears of blood, ice and fire, All stream from one desire, One want, one hate, one need, To love, be loved, to hold, be held, to bleed.
Tearing Me Apart
Tearing Me Apart Locked up in this cage I am filled with rage as I lay here bloody and beaten they have taken control I lay here starving, for days I have not eaten No sign of life outside this place Nowhere to go, nowhere to hide I pray that I could have died I begin to scream My breath I need to save this is the time I need to be brave I realized that nothing will change So I lye down Then things become very strange they have decided to set me free I couldnt believe what I have heard They open the cage, I begin to walk I open the door and the air is refreshing I close my eyes, then they open still in the cage, the whole time I was dreaming My mind is tearing me apart!!!
Well I wish I was someone Well I wish I was someone to love me When I used to be someone And I knew there was someone that loved me As I sit here frozen alone Even ghosts get tired and go home As they crawl back under the stars And I wish I was something Please tell me there’s something better And I wish I was something more than this Saturated loneliness And I wish I could feel it And I wish I could steal it Abduct it, corrupt it But I never can It’s just saturated loneliness Are the suns getting lonely? Does the sun get lonely? Who knows I’ve been hearing it tell me I’ve been hearing it tell me go home ‘Cause the freaks are playing tonight They packed up and turned out the light And the bath water’s cold And this life’s getting old And I wish I could feel this And I wish I could feel it And I wish I could steal it Abduct it, corrupt it And I wish I could feel this And I
Tears From Heavan
So i am finally heading home though i wanted it to be before christmas and it doesn't get to be but it will get to be before new years which i get to be happy about. All this training around different places and seeing all these different guys getting ready to leave for Iraq and other undiscloded area's and then guys finally on their way home and i can't help but sit here and cry. How many of my brothers and sisters are dying out there how many of them are leaving their families behind , Mothers and Fathers , Brothers and Sisters , Sons and Daughters , Husbands and Wives. It kills me inside and even now i have tears rolling down my face because i finally am headed home and i am so lucky to have my babygirl back home, I've been gone for so long and so many other guys are there hitting on her and i know it because i am thousands of miles away. And I love her so much and all i can think about is having her in my arms again and starting to work on our family together yet i see
A Tear
Tears Burn My Face
Jelly is sick and there is nothing I can do about it. Please pray for her to get better, cause I just can't handel not being able to do anything. I feel so alone and so sad right now... Damn baby please be okay Music Video:LANDING IN LONDON (ALL I THINK ABOUT IS YOU) (by 3 Doors Down)Music Video Code provided by Video Code Zone
Tears Of Joy...
Tears Of Rage
I cry tears of hate tears of pain tears for remorse.. Tears that keep falling down my face.. They don't stop my heartaches.. I can not function my life is a mess.. I have two unwanted guest.. Why do I make my life so complicated.. I hate the fact I can not control what I feel.. I give my everything and end up sheading tears.. Knowing that this will happen I do it over and over again.. Does the pain ever end.. I just want to rip my heart out and never feel again.. I'm numb internally.. Cry tears of hate and pain once more will this ever end..
Tear Away
TEAR AWAY I'm tearing away Pieces are falling I can't seem to make them stay You run away Faster and faster you can't seem to get away Break Hope there's a reason For questions unanswered I just don't see everything Yes I'm inside you Tell me how does it feel to feel like this Just like I do I don't care about anyone else but me I don't care about anyone Do I really want this Sometimes I scare myself I just can't let it go Can you believe it Everything happens for reasons I just don't know I don't care about anyone else but me I don't care about anyone I don't care about anyone else but me I don't care about anyone or anything but me Damn I love me drowning pool check out TEAR AWAY
Tears Belong To Life
Tears belong to life, they’re not wrong Crying is a thing every one should do Cause you have to savour to be strong A great model of that all are you We should feel pain and see death We should fight for all our goals So we can cry tears of joy and hurt So we can enlarge our souls You’re not tough when you don’t share a tear You’re not tough when you don’t cry You’re human to cry about the passing years You’ll be respected the day you’ll die Share a tear for your family Share a tear for your man or wife Share a tear to fill up the sea, of all the tears that people cried in their life’s
The Tear...
A single solitary tear rolled down and fell upon her bare breast. That very tear, made of water, salt, Love, Pain & un-ending devotion, sent shivers thru her body. Her Heart, gently wrapped in the soft blanket of His eternal Loving Care & Nurturing Guidance, Provides her, the Life intended as her destiny. As He cradled her in His arms ... Her Head, bowed ever so slightly, her silken hair covered the crimson scars across her Naked Back, she could barely breath as she Whispered these Words, filled with Honor, Love & Pride of being Owned by Him, being property of her only One… As They silently drifted off into Blissful sleep, a single Kiss from her lips, Dried the tears still filling HIS Eyes. Living, Two as One… Forever… “To Live My Life by Masters Plan I place My Life in Masters Hands
I hold back the tears as u say friends and tell my self its just another heart brake its juss another guy hes not worth it and you'll be okay in time.Then I slowly feel the cold tear drops roll down my face and tell myself your okay hes not worth the pain.But as hard as I try not to think about it it seems like its all I think about and cry and say was it me what did I do...As I lay down all I can picture is your face and your voice in my mind and cry some more...and think why does a heart brake have to hurt so bad. Shattered aka Fallen Angel
I do love to watch movies. specially chick flicks. and to let all in on my secret. they make me cry. a couple of examples. A walk to remember. I am sam. in the mix and how to deal. thats my secret and i am not afraid to say it.
Tearful Flower
Tear Jerker, But A Must Read
This is a beautiful story -- but WARNING: have a box of kleenexes handy! ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** Three years ago, a little boy and his grandmother came to see Santa at Mayfair Mall in Wisconsin. The child climbed up on his lap, holding a picture of a little girl. "Who is this?" asked Santa, smiling. "Your friend?" Your sister? "Yes, Santa," he replied. "My sister, Sarah, who is very sick," he said sadly. Santa glanced over at the grandmother who was waiting nearby, and saw her dabbing her eyes with a tissue. "She wanted to come with me to see you, oh, so very much, Santa!" the child exclaimed. "She misses you," he added softly. Santa tried to be cheerful and encouraged a smile to the boy's face, asking him what he wanted Santa to bring him for Christmas. When they finished their visit, the Grandmother came over to help the child off his lap, and started to say something to Santa, but halted. "What i
Tear Jerker But Must Read
This is a beautiful story -- but WARNING: have a box of kleenexes handy! ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** Three years ago, a little boy and his grandmother came to see Santa at Mayfair Mall in Wisconsin. The child climbed up on his lap, holding a picture of a little girl. "Who is this?" asked Santa, smiling. "Your friend?" Your sister? "Yes, Santa," he replied. "My sister, Sarah, who is very sick," he said sadly. Santa glanced over at the grandmother who was waiting nearby, and saw her dabbing her eyes with a tissue. "She wanted to come with me to see you, oh, so very much, Santa!" the child exclaimed. "She misses you," he added softly. Santa tried to be cheerful and encouraged a smile to the boy's face, asking him what he wanted Santa to bring him for Christmas. When they finished their visit, the Grandmother came over to help the child off his lap, and started to say something to Santa, but halted. "What i
Laughing. Laughing. At my jokes. Screaming. Crying. Inside of me. Having fun, with my friends. Streams of tears drip down my heart. I smile, when I see you. You smile, when you see me. I bleed, when I see you. You smile, when you see me. Screaming. Crying. Inside. Laughing. Smiling. I wave to you.
Tears' Are Falling !
Tears Are Falling Video - Kiss lyricsKiss Music VideosMusic Video Codes by VideoCure
Tears Unselfish...
Man Oh Man, I have got to stop watchin so much CNN before bed !!! Try to understand that withought a copy of Funk & Wagnalls propped up in yer lap (LOL) Now, if you'll excuse me I have an understandable poetic headache !!! IMspidey/M.M.
Teardrops Of Blood
Here comes the rain, here comes the pain you’ve got nothing left, your hopes and dreams slain... Reality kicks in, the crying begins, this is your punishment, for all of your sins... You can’t accept it, this doesn’t fit the crime, not in your mind, but it does in mine... Everything’s shattered, all torn apart, your sorrow is my work of art... The teardrops run out, you fall in the mud, dead but still crying... Teardrops of blood....
Tear Drop (( Ladies ))
I saw your tear drops and I heard you cry All you need is time, seek me and you shall find You have everything and you`re still lonely It don`t have to be this way Let me show you a better day And then you will see, the morning will come And all of your days will be bright as the sun So all of your fears just cast them on me How can I make you see I`ll be your cloud
Tear Away
"Tear Away" I'm tearing away Pieces are falling I can't seem to make them stay You run away Faster and faster you can't seem to get away Break Hope there's a reason For questions unanswered I just don't see everything Yes I'm inside you Tell me how does it feel to feel like this Just like I do I don't care about anyone else but me I don't care about anyone Do I really want this Sometimes I scare myself I just can't let it go Can you believe it Everything happens for reasons I just don't know I don't care about anyone else but me I don't care about anyone I don't care about anyone else but me I don't care about anyone or anything but me God damn I love me I don't care about anyone else but me I don't care about anyone I don't care about anyone else but me I don't care about anyone or anything I don't care about anyone else but me I don't care about anyone
Tears Just Happen In This Relationship
You tell false words, you speak lies, and you are full of deciet. You see that it hurts but you still do it because you can. You look at me with a blank expression and dont know why, and you never have. You just stand there as confused as I am. Yes, what goes around comes around but im not that type baby. Everyday I hurt becuase of what came my way, but I keep prayin that you will help make it dissapear. I am not your mother and ill never be her so take those shades off your eyes and see the real me in the flesh. Im not your ex or you peace of pussy, Im not the girl at work and im not the one on the corner. I am the woman in your bed, the woman in your kitchen, the woman in your heart and I am strong. There is never an explination and I have accepted that because I had no other choice, or maybe I just choose to hurt myself through you. Maybe im that blind to think you have changed overnight, maybe u are after other things, and u just look me in the eyes and say its different.
Tears Belong To Life
Tears belong to life, they’re not wrong Crying is a thing every one should do Cause you have to savour to be strong A great model of that all are you We should feel pain and see death We should fight for all our goals So we can cry tears of joy and hurt So we can enlarge our souls You’re not tough when you don’t share a tear You’re not tough when you don’t cry You’re human to cry about the passing years You’ll be respected the day you’ll die Share a tear for your family Share a tear for your man or wife Share a tear to fill up the sea, of all the tears that people cried in their life’s
One minute Im crying Cuz Im sad Then you come along And make me smile Then my tears Are only happy ones When youre not around The hurt and fear Wander back Only to make the tears come again This time tears of sorrow Seems like no matter what There are always tears
Tears Of Fire
Tears of fire are scorching my soul as my heart weeps How do I open up in a way others will find acceptable My soul screams as tears of fire lick my heart Dreams fears passions all locked up inside terrified to be fully seen My soul searches for love and acceptance but is always found unworthy I'm pleading for love I'm praying for acceptance My heart and soul cry tears of fire
The rain that is falling, comes from my eyes, As it covers the world below. I'm trying to understand why this is, The path fate chose to go. I thought that maybe, this just might be, The love I've been looking for. I guess I was wrong, how could I have thought, That someone would consider me more. I thought someday, that just maybe, Someone would treat me as such. But once again, I thought wrong, How could I have figured as much. I've given up, this time I learned, That for me, love just doesn't work. I guess I'll never find a guy, Who doesn't act like a fucking jerk.
Tears I Shed 01/16/07
Torn to pieces By the pain you inflict My heart is weak Images to hard to depict I shed my tears Cry silently in my bed For someone who couldnt careless If I were alive or dead I felt the tears Stream down my face Hot streams of salty water Flowing from my eyes Seeping into my pillow alone at last Dont you see? I shed these tears for you But soon its just Something of the past Of course not You are heartless So it seems You claim to care though I know you don't I hate to see where you'll go! I want you here So now you know Why I shed these tears When I was all alone!
Tears Of Love
The skies are full of grey. The valley is dead and cold. This empty heart Beats all alone. Every thing around And all that I see, Death is closely Stalking me God, please! Grace me with light And safety with All thy might. Through the forest, into the trees. I give up hope, For there is none for me. As I spoke, My eyes catch site. A beautiful maden, Dressed in white. My wife, my wife... My beautifull wife. Where have you been, Searching all night? She never moved, Not a stir. I walk closer. She never glared. As I get up to her, I try to reach to stroke her hair. My touch passed through her, Like the mists in the air. My eyes stricken Andf filled with fear, The ghost of my love Has followed me here. I see her weeping In front of a stone It caught my eye, Brought a chill to my bones. For it was a fearful site. A place I never wanted to brave. The stone she sat infront of Was really my
A Tear Drop On My Pillow
For a tear drop on my pillow As it makes me pain to see you to lose your tears of love to me For I long to be there to catch your tear drop with my heart For I would gather them up as you love means every thing to me For I feel selfish not being there to hold you in my arms For I have to work for we need the money for all our sweet days to come And as they will do come to us when we are basking in the sunny beach On our dream island for our children will love us for working all the time As they will be doing the same for the love for there love For we will share the riches we have made when we was young For you’re the only one I want in my arms as we lay going to sleep at night
The Tear Garden - You And Me And Rainbows (a Wonderful Bizarre 16 Minute Long Favorite Of Mine)
You're number eight. Your name is Jane, with black hair, braids, and black lines around your eyes... Shades to hide your habit. I don't know your age, though you guessed mine... My sign. Your sign The opening line is always just the same same intention, destination. You and me and rainbows. Loaded guns attract. We know the rules, we don't react. We wait in hope, we don't expect - You and me and rainbows. Down here everything is fine. We have a straw, we have a line. We have a bag, a rock, a mountain with a string of shepherds driving lions. Aiming skewers at the sheep... face down, asleep, in onion fields. The crying fields. The worms... they peep through holes which once were eyes. They thrive... they bake although we painted out the sky, the sun. There's only thunder, and you and me and rainbows. Let's hide out in the lay-by, let the time fly by. Tonight's disguise a car crash with our wheels like shattered
A Tear A Laugh A Kiss In The Night
A laugh, A tear, A kiss in the night, You're there, You're here, Such a beautiful sight, A love we can share, Forever and more, My heart is for you, The one I adore, A true feeling of hope, Strenght and forgiveness of sins, I'm by your side through thickness and thins, I vow to hold your hand when things are tough, Nothing can tear us apart nothing is ever enough, I love to see you smile at me, Treat me like your queen, Our love is Up, Down, Anywhere in between, And so with words of caring and words of love, I hope you feel the feelings I speak of, My wish is that you don't deny of the things speak, For if you do there will tears running down my cheeks, A laugh, A tear, A kiss in the night, Hold me, My dear, And let our love take flight.
I sit in the dark. Hiding my tears as they fall. I do not want to be here but there with you. In your arms is where I need to be. No one sees my pain. I hide me tears so my kids do not see. No one knows the hurt I feel here in my dark world. If it wasn't for you my dear I would have given up. Tears wont stop as i think of you. I want to be in your arms and feel your love for me. I need you in my life.
here is something that i worte over the summer time...... Tears, idle tears, I know not what they mean, Tears from the depth of some divine despair Rise in the heart, and gather to the eyes, In looking on the happy Autumn-fields, And thinking of the days that are no more. Fresh as the first beam glittering on a sail, That brings our friends up from the underworld, Sad as the last which reddens over one That sinks with all we love below the verge; So sad, so fresh, the days that are no more. Ah, sad and strange as in dark summer dawns The earliest pipe of half-awakened birds To dying ears, when unto dying eyes The casement slowly grows a glimmering square; So sad, so strange, the days that are no more. Dear as remembered kisses after death, And sweet as those by hopeless fancy feigned On lips that are for others; deep as love, Deep as first love, and wild with all regret; O Death in Life, the days that are no more!
I woke up this morning with dry eyes From crying all late last night Too many reasons for the tears I've lost But every memory worth the cost I know I shouldn't blame myself But I can't come to blame anyone else Things happen that are beyond our control Horrible the feeling of her body cold I have to deal with this pain I feel No more veins made out of steel Can not lose the rest of my life Because of the one I lost that night She's with me here in spirit I believe Telling me to go on and catch my dreams Love is key hold it in your heart Never let anything rip you apart Crying still as I write this piece Trying to bring my self some peace Wish someone was here to ease my pain But no one's here I cry in vain Seems alone I have to continue through Never denying my love for her is true Soon I'll wake and there'll be no tears The day I see, my eyes are clear Don't know what to think so I don't anymore I Just let these teardrops continue to outpour People tak
" Tears In The Rain "
A Tear Drop
So little is a tear drop Yet so much love it unfolds It can reveal secrets untold The depth of one soul An overflow of either passion Agony or a celebration Of aquired desires or dreams One little tear drop means So much and tells a story Of love a broken heart memory Past or a one moment in time Feelings words can't define From overwhelming joy or pain The abundance it holds stands All in one little tear drop From the treasure the endless over flowing fountain of a loving heart.
Tears Of Fame
Just go... live your life, and walk away It doesn't matter how I feel There is nothing left to do or say Just remember, I never lied, my feelings were real I understand can't stay your life is busy, you broke the deal Your in lights, and Im the one who has to pay In time you will forget, and I will heal Leave me be, and set me free just go away, I'll be fine someday Dont turn around, I'm nowhere to be found Dont answer your phone, It's just me alone Leave me be, and set me free Just go, one day you will finally see you were wrong, and I was right Inside you were lost, like me I fought to love you, I lost the fight you left on your own, you let me be People surround you, I fade in the light I am lost, and your life is complete You got all you wanted, Ill try not to hold so tight Leave me be, and set me free just go away, I'll be fine someday Dont turn around, I'm nowhere to be found Dont answer your phone, It's just me alone Leave me be, and s
Tears Of Happiness..!!!
for the ones that do not already know, Corey Taylor is .... my god. or sum' ... i got 4 albums with Stone Sour, the best band in my history... coreys voice.. oh my .... finally i got my favorite track of all times on mp3.. and im so über happy and filled with joy. the track is called Stone Sour - Zzyxz Rd. i totaly LOVE that track... it could make me cry of joy and happiness at anytime. the feelig i get when i listen to thattrack the joy. i dunno. even theo the text is sort of depressing.. the track is just JOY!! i dunno i hope they will be playing at Hultsfred Festival here in sweden just like last year. and tht they play that track then .. i will be happy for a year. or more. i want to see them live.. i want to hear corey sing. i fucking luv coreys voice. I dont know how else to put this It's taken me so long to do this I'm falling asleep and i cant see straight My muscles feel like a malee My bodys curled in a u shape I put
Tears And Anger(protestors At My Friend's Funeral)
The newspaper wrote a lovely article over him. He was an amazing friend and man. Never EVER argued about going to iraq. I think the only think most said was "I want to be home. I miss it there. " that was the total amoun of words said in his protest. But at his funeral yesterday (which i was unable to attend but would have gotten national news if i had been there due to beating someone down) there were protestors. People were unhappy that he was dead. I was too but i wouldn't protest. I was pissed because they didn't give him the burial he wanted. It was hard to know that while people were mourning his death and laying him to rest in his final place others were doing something to make him turn in his caskit. But none the less they wrote a beautiful article about his funeral. -City salutes fallen hero, son buried- Sig Christenson Express-News Military Writer Pastor Timothy Hoke stood silently at the podium at Faith Presbyterian Church, collecting his thoughts on a s
I guess it starts with innocence and moves on from there, because my tears always seem to change. They can crash to the floor like in anger, or float into hands like from happiness. And this nght has been full of tears. It has been full of tears, but more recently, the last tears I cried, were of utter suprise and happiness. It's not that I try to care, it just happens, and one of my problems is that I care way to much. I love him so much that it rips me apart, and I know now that he feels the same way, but like most things, it will probably never be becasue he belongs to another. But I know in his heart, I have his love, I have his caring and his wonder, and as long as I know if I fall his hand will be there to catch me, I can make it through the day.
The Tears...this Ones About My Ex..
about my ex.... The tears, they fell The tears, they stung The tears, proved something The tears, got me through it all The tears, each one within it a memory The tears, brought you to me The tears, showed me that you weren't there The tears, they seemed to care Within them was proof that i have emotion The tears, showed everything welled up within The tears, confessed a tearing of my heart The tears, they went away Now all that i have left, is a cold heart The tears, they won't come back I won't cry anymore I don't care anymore I don't need this And I won't take this The tears, told me the truth I cared... How about you?
So many childish fears All they bring is watery tears Some wounds are hard to heal Even on what we feel. When you left my life vanished. I died here in my own arms When I cry Atleast I don't try To hold all this I feel inside. If I would ever see you again I would be lightened by your image by your voice, by your touch once more.....
Tears Don't Fall /bullet For My Valentine
Music Video:TEARS DON'T FALL (by Bullet For My Valentine)Music Video Code provided by Video Code Zone
My tears do not compromise my strength..I havn't a clue who worte that but I like it..*girnz* only because its true
Tears Of Sorrow...
Tears Of Sorrow... She lay awake in the dark of night Her mind & heart in a constant battle. Her tear stained face pressed against the pillow Biting her lip, trying not to cry, but the tears come. The tears becoming so very uncontrollable The sadness within her heart, making it hard for her to breath Every breath she takes hurts more deeply than the last She lays crying silently, into the dead of night Silently praying, "Please, don't let me fall in love." A prayer she whispers, as she cries herself to sleep each night. Her heart torn in two different directions One part wanting only to be loved ... The other, not wanting to take the chance of being hurt. Her heart longing only to be loved once again. Her mind telling her, "It will only cause you pain." Her heart quietly begging her to let it love. But her mind refusing to listen to the pleas of her heart. As she closes the door on her heart & turns the key in the lock Her heart screams, "I only want to love & be l
Tears For Fear~~eveybody Wants To Rule The World
Tears Falling While I Was Listening...
omg yes!!! for all the people that grew up listening to The Police, they came back and are going to give a lot of recitals/shows all over the world (estimated 80) while i listened the voice of sting singing roxanne and the guys playing with him, it was like remembering all the good moments of my childhood enjoy! ps. yes, the bruises are really big now, i took pics but can't find the wire to download the pics from the cam to the laptop lol i'll do it as soon as i find it :) got vaccines too, blah
Tears Are Not Enuff
TEARS ARE NOT ENUFF My mind begins to wonder My heart begins to race As the memory of you Drifts back into place I got a picture of you smiling With a sparkle in your eyes You looked at me so gently And kept me mesmerized AS much as I tired Your face wouldn't go away Your eyes, your lips, your smile, I thought of you all day It was soon about 3 With you still on my mind I thought while listening to music In a flash it was 9 I made my bed To get some rest As I lay down I thought of nothing less The most important memories Replayed over and over again And I realized how I missed you As the days replayed again No, I hadn't known you very long But you had such an effect on me You captured my heart within a day As I begin to fall wishing for you and me The way it felt when we touched The way you made me feel It seemed that you were too perfect To even be real And that's when the tears Begin to form in my eyes They told myself how much
Tear Of An Angel
The tear of an angel, Falls from her face, This life of hers, Has gone to waste. A crash of cymbals, Ring in her heart, From this cruel world, She must depart. One clean slit, To her throat, As she signs, Her suicide note. She slowly lies down, Breathes deep and slow, Now everyone will see, Her actions weren't a show. She says sorry to God, For this world she hates, She know she wont reach, His heavenly gates. The last tear of this angel, Has crept from her eye, It is now time, She has said Goodbye.
So tired of being strong So tired of trying not to cry So tired of holding it all together I cant do it anymore! Its time to break down Its time to let it all out Its time to let the tears fall! Erin Francis Valentines Day 2007
Tear Jerker Poem
The weeper (A re-write) He sits alone in an alley, he can't be more than eight. Just a boy all alone, he is a victim of life and fate. No mother, no father and no one else to love. This child would be all alone if not for GOD's Love. He is "The Weeper" sad and alone. I watch him for a while and I shed more than one tear. I look at this child and I'm taken with doubt and fear. I have to do something I have to help him out. Why, must he suffer so, What is his pain all about? He is "The Weeper" so sad and alone. I prayed that night and ask GOD "Why", I ask all night. I ask "Why does he suffer when You could let him die"? GOd finally answered when the night was almost through. God said,"He suffers for you to see,It's all for you". He is "The weeper" so sad and alone. I cried myself to sleep not knowing what it all meant. When I woke the next day the alley is where I went. The boy was gone and a note was left where he had sat. The note said, "I'm with God MR. Tha
Teardrops & Roses
Valentines Day is a day of love Here I am, all alone and feeling blue Longing for love’s gentle caress You know its only hurts when I breathe As the tears flows my face Wondering about you Where are you tonight Who are you with Did I enter your mind You’re on my mind most of the day And at night I go to bed and pray If the Lord has other plans We cannot know I can only wish and wait Not knowing this love’s fate I’ll still be yours and wait for you Until time is only a faded memory Because you are the one Who step in my life Who haunts my dreams from dark till morning dew Since I meet you My dream has been one Whatever comes our way May it be night or day I will love you always I’ve never known love like you give Deep love of heart and soul and mind Your love I will return in my affection Always loving you and never rejection I am a woman in love I need to know I am the one That’s the center of your heart No measure of time Do you know how it feels Can
TEARS tears are the soul speaking to the mind saying what we are afraid to say to ourself a curse and a boon crying at midnight for endings to soon beseaching the heavens for understanding for release from the rending and tho we rage and shake cleanched fist at fate only our tears bear witness to the pain
I am only one person,but sometimes when there are tears I cry and feel your tears too,when we hurt we help those around us that are hurting once we get past the hurt we can start loving and living again.
Tears Of The Virgin Mary
Behind Stone Walls of a Prison Another life comes hurtling at you, with the clanging of the door. No phoenix bird rising on wings to fly-- No escape from its harsh realities-- Voices in the night echo, Slumber comes in snatches-- you awake at each sound. Back to the wall for safety, A long sigh of relief-- It’s only the guard passing. Freedom a dream seen briefly, outside the walls—the sun a molten dream. Hoping and praying for release, or even a word from home. Are you forgotten, While others live on? Trapped in a time capsule-- Made of your crimes-- Face to face with your judgment-- Underneath the hand of the law. written by bonnie adams
Tears Of My Heart!
poem i wrote in high school! TEARS OF MY HEART BY: PAGAN QUEEN! letting go was hard to do but taking me back was even harder, too. my love for you will never die but my mind believed the lie they told us this and that the question was to believe "WHAT" i dream of loving you a new but, that's a dream that will never come true my tears roll and fall but, you never hear my call i believed the lies that hurt your heart was broken by my hurt pain and hurt are the winners my heart and mind are the true sinners the pain and hurt are deep but the blood and tears are very steep my pain and sarrow are more than the hurt to you before maybe we could start a new but that's a dream without you with my pain i'll say it again I LOVE YOU!
As storm clouds roll in rain just about to begin Now coming down with a steady beat wetness standing in the streets Lightening crackling in the distance thunder rumbling just for an instance Tears from all the sad souls showering us mere mortals Sitting at the window sill as leaves roll across the hills Fond memories I do see of all who lived before me Lightening crackling in the distance thunder rumbling just for an instance Tears from all the sad souls showering us mere mortals
Tears For A Child
Tears For A Child Sitting in a park with tears running down my face. As children and their parents laughing and playing on the swing;all I can do is just imagine my chldren and I out there playing together,as a little voice calls out to say Uncle come play with me on the swing. Poem By: Charles Lamark Nelson Copyright ©2007 Charles LaMark Nelson --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tears Fall From God
Tears fall from above Because of a crying dove Someone fell 'out' of love This I hear a lot of The doves should be flying high No tears falling from the sky Everyone should be proud of Being forever "Embraced in Love" No more crying doves No more falling out of love Much more happier days Please change your ways
Tears Fall From God
Tears fall from above Because of a crying dove Someone fell 'out' of love This I hear a lot of The doves should be flying high No tears falling from the sky Everyone should be proud of Being forever "Embraced in Love" No more crying doves No more falling out of love Much more happier days Please change your ways
Tears Fall From God
Tears fall from above Because of a crying dove Someone fell 'out' of love This I hear a lot of The doves should be flying high No tears falling from the sky Everyone should be proud of Being forever "Embraced in Love" No more crying doves No more falling out of love Much more happier days Please change your ways
"tear Away" Drowning Pool
"Tear Away" I'm tearing away Pieces are falling I can't seem to make them stay You run away Faster and faster you can't seem to get away Break Hope there's a reason For questions unanswered I just don't see everything Yes I'm inside you Tell me how does it feel to feel like this Just like I do I don't care about anyone else but me I don't care about anyone Do I really want this Sometimes I scare myself I just can't let it go Can you believe it Everything happens for reasons I just don't know I don't care about anyone else but me I don't care about anyone I don't care about anyone else but me I don't care about anyone or anything but me God damn I love me I don't care about anyone else but me I don't care about anyone I don't care about anyone else but me I don't care about anyone or anything I don't care about anyone else but me I don't care about anyone
The Tear Stains From My Heart.
I must have cried a million tears, Since we've been apart. That must be the reason why, I've got tear stains on my heart. I pray someday you'll understand, And maybe take me back. Without your love to keep me straight, I'm a train without a track. I Love You so much it hurts inside. I need your guiding hand. I'm like a sandman trying to work, Without a grain of sand. I'm a wandering spirit in the mist, I'm neither here nor there. My heart is cold and empty like, A den without a bear. If I were a mighty buck, You'd be my only doe. But now I'm like a single arrow, Lost without a bow. Someday I'm sure I'll get over you, And I'll have a brand new start. But I know that time will never wash, The tear stains from my heart.
The Tear Stains From My Heart.
I must have cried a million tears, Since we've been apart. That must be the reason why, I've got tear stains on my heart. I pray someday you'll understand, And maybe take me back. Without your love to keep me straight, I'm a train without a track. I Love You so much it hurts inside. I need your guiding hand. I'm like a sandman trying to work, Without a grain of sand. I'm a wandering spirit in the mist, I'm neither here nor there. My heart is cold and empty like, A den without a bear. If I were a mighty buck, You'd be my only doe. But now I'm like a single arrow, Lost without a bow. Someday I'm sure I'll get over you, And I'll have a brand new start. But I know that time will never wash, The tear stains from my heart.
MyHotComments / HotFreeLayouts My tears are not of loss But of time too quickly gone. I miss our days together Even while they're going on. I savor odd, sweet moments When you laugh or when you smile, Nostalgic for your presence Though you're with me all the while. Strange how fantasy Can wander in and out at will, Looking back from somewhere That is just beyond a hill. And so when once you leave You will not leave me alone, For I will have you with me Long, long after you are home.
Tears For The Bloodless
not the one you need, not the one you see. anything is for the taking,steal the tears from the weary turn to desilution and become hallow. sail into the tears for the bloodless.
Tears don't cover it not even close this pain inside why do you hurt me the most? Why do you leave me this way? Why am I not good enough? Why won't you just stay? Someday I'll say enough is enough Someday I'll let you go and walk away. Someday you'll be the one begging me to stay. Right now I am not fine I am not ok I have no safe place there is no quiet place for me to go I don't know who I am Not without you For my whole adult life I've been your girl So without you who am I? I'm so lost I can't breathe Why do you do this to me? How loud do I have to scream? It doesn't matter no one can hear me anyway. © Andi 2007
Teardrops On My Guitar
These eyes they grieve in pity for my heart. I have known the suffering of every tear utterly undone they fall. Will they remember the words I spoke? My gentle heart goes willingly with her, but I must remain here. Weeping, I then will speak of her again, and again, who to her heaven came so suddenly, leaving Love grieving here on earth with me… To the high heaven she has gone, up to the realm where Angels dwell in peace, she lives with them now. To this world she bade farewell. Tis no degree of cold on her has won, nor of such heat as makes all others cease: it only was her goodness, great appeal. So did her shining humbleness excel, it passed the heavens with such wondrous worth, it moved to marvel the eternal Sire, so that a sweet desire pricked Him to call such worthiness from earth, and made her to himself go from down here: for when He saw this life of suffering had not been made for such a gentle thing… Her gentle spirit, full of gentle grace, at last departed from her be
Tear Jerker
Last week I was in Atlanta , Georgia attending a conference. While I was in the airport, returning home, I heard several people behind me beginning to clap and cheer. I immediately turned around and witnessed one of the greatest act's of patriotism I have ever seen. Moving thru the terminal was a group of soldiers in their camo's, as they began heading to their gate everyone (well almost everyone) was abruptly to their feet with their hands waving and cheering. When I saw the soldiers, probably 30-40 of them, being applauded and cheered for it hit me. I'm not alone. I'm not the only red blooded American who still loves this country and supports our troops and their families. Of course I immediately stopped and began clapping for these young unsung heroes who are putting their lives on the line everyday for us so we can go to school, work and home without fear or reprisal. Just when I thought I could not be more proud of my country or of our service men and women a young girl, no
Tear Me Away
This perforated bliss has separated us. One apathetic wish, two companionless arms. A disconnected dream of dispassionate rest. To alleviate this I visualize bliss.
Sometimes I feel that I can actually understand people who get severely depressed. That makes me depressed. Sometimes there are so many roads to choose from, you never know which road you're supposed to be on or if you should just cut through the woods in some area. I was taught as a child that if I were ever lost in the woods, I should just stay in one spot and cry out. In my adult life with all of these crossroads, and every one has a tollbooth or two, I just want to sit in one spot and cry.
Tears By: Dustin W. Dennison water sliding down my cheeks,each drop makes you more weak, what is this element of emotion?feeling this at a time of broken devotion,feeling this on a rainy day,feeling this when I'm lonely at night,dropping down on me when I'm frightened,sometimes it could be a joy,sometimes I try to hold it in to avoid it,but in the end that's all we got. tears shows it all in our fears, no matter what it's always gonna be here, our tears, tears of madness, tears of sadness,tears of passion,tears of love, will never go away our tears. fire racing down my face, falling with the utmost grace, burning inside worse than out,mind of thoughts just physically killing me, pain in my heart is setting free, and the only thing you see is our. Tears bring it out in your fears,no matter what it's always gonna be here, tears flames in teardrops,tears thinking will it ever stop dropping? the tears created by emotions tears. everyone falls one drop of a tear.
bittersweet tears bittersweet sadness bitersweet love love,hope,and fight run through me tears of an angel are on my hands blood of a loved one have my name written in it bloody tears shed by a once soaring angel bloody tears shed by a once whole person bloody tears shed all over me
Tears Don't Fall
With bloodshot eyes, I watch you sleeping the warmth I feel beside me is slowly fading would he hear me, if I called his name would he hold me, if he knew my shame There's always something different going wrong the path I walk is in the wrong direction there's always someone fucking hanging on can anybody help me make things better Your tears don't fall, they crash around me his conscience calls the guilty to come home Your tears don't fall, they crash around me his conscience calls the guilty to come home The moment's died, I hear no screaming the visions left inside me are slowly fading would he hear me, if I called his name would he hold me, if he knew my shame There's always something different going wrong the path I walk is in the wrong direction there's always someone fucking hanging on can anybody help me make things better Your tears don't fall, they crash around me his conscience calls the guilty to come home Your tears do
Tears In A Vial
This may seem all too confusing How I could walk away from something so rare But you see it all got too demanding, yeah And I just didn't care, I just didn't care, if I cared, if I cared Lately, I've been left wanting, but not wanting you Attraction that once was is no longer there, ooh And it sucks to be taken for granted When the veil is drawn and there's only air I had to walk away Give up something I love For what I loved even more And save my tears for you Everything has lost its meaning; I had to let it go To find myself, myself, and start something new, brand new Forced to look deep in the mirror, face who I really am Now it's just me, cause I can't afford you I had to walk away Give up something I love For what I loved even more And save my tears for you I gave up something I loved For what I loved even more And I saved my tears for you In a vial and walked away You were so beautiful to look upon I could see the light in your smile Your ey
Tear Drops (poem #83)
All of the seasons and all of the days All of the reasons why I've felt this way So long... So long Then lost in that feeling I looked in your eyes I noticed emotion and that you had cried For me I can see What would touch me deeper... Tears that fall from eyes that only cry? Would it touch you deeper Than tears that fall from eyes that know why? A lifetime of questions, tears on your cheek I tasted the answers and my body was weak For you The truth What would touch me deeper... Tears that fall from eyes that only cry? Would it touch you deeper Than tears that fall from eyes that know why?
The Tear That Never Fell
The Tear That Never Fell The tear that never fell is still in my eye today. This tear appeared for one reason and one reason only, this tear appeared because of you. You said, "a promise should never die" and you could hold on to that promise no matter what! The tear came when the person who told me to never let the promise die... died! this person was you. The promise was to always love and cherish you. I always loved and cherished you and I still do. But that tear that came when you died is still in my eye. I need this tear to fall so I may continue loving and cherishing you... without grief.
 Tears We say things sometimes that are not really meant to sting but strike one down in a second of displeasure. Paranoia causes us to sire words- of agony that cause globes of animosities to breathe within. So when I say things to misuse your faith I am acting out of jealousy and not from lack of trust. These tears I cry- are not for what could have been but from what was. I insult the covenant of respect and sometimes express- not what is from my heart but what comes from rivalry. These tears are not for the season we had but the space that will come after us.
Tears are such strange things one night their there the next there's no sign of them people can see the hurt in your eyes they can hear the strain in your voice when you say goodbye but they can no longer see the tears in your eyes Tears are such strange things one night they're their the next there's no sign of them exccept for maybe a tissue or two and the hurt they leave in your eyes
A Tear From My Rose Petal
A petal from my rose is like a petal from my heart.For my heart will grow and grow for you.But if that rose is cut befor it is whole .My rose will die and my heart will cry.So befor you pull a petal from my rose make sure you will let it grow whole.
I mourn for you I cry a river thinking about you You mean so much to me, and I don't think I could live without you Please say you won't leave me Life will never be the same without you You have always been my idol, my role model, the person I always looked up to With you gone, my life will go down hill I need you to be here with me, be here forever I have known you for so long, and thought I knew you for real Never before have I thought that there was more to you, more that you feel. You always put on a strong face, and fooled everyone who looked at you We all looked at that face but never at the heart behind that mask You blinded us all with your happiness and fooled us into thinking you were content Never did we realize that it was all an act, you are miserable with your heart all bent. All I want is for that fraud to become ever true You happy and never again blue. Can't you see, I care for you and never want you to leave me Maybe things will be better this way, wi
Tears For The Land
TEARS FOR THE LAND (The Lamentation of Healing) Within me burns the fire of brotherly desire For the affinity of blood is irresistible Within my desire is laden the feelings of loss And I am sad for I have not found my brethren Find my brethren, beckons the call within Perhaps this sadness feeds on a lack of closure Find my brethren and give me closure For it is time to heal, and we all must heal Within me burns the fire of brotherly desire For the affinity of blood is irresistible It cannot be quelled by whips or caged by chains For it is boundless and knows no door of no return It beckons from across the seas and islands For it is unquenchable by distance, pain, or anguish This flame shall burn till I find my brethren For by then I would have found myself.
~~tears Of Blood~~
Tears Of Love
Tears of Love: So there’s all these different tears and reasons that people have for crying: Tears of Pain, Tears of Sadness, Tears of Happiness, Tears of Joy, Tears of Loneliness. There seems to be tears for absolutely everything. Where’s the Tears of Love. I mean, really, we talk about heartbreak, and losing the one’s we love. But we never really call our tears anything. We focus on our heart, well what about the rest of us. I bring this up, only for the fact of the other night I lost two pounds of water weight alone, sitting and crying my eyes out. Why do we love? Is it human nature? Is it some kind of predetermined emotion that is keyed into our existence? Was it god’s way of saying, hey fuck you, I’m gonna make you feel something like you’ve never felt before, the best feeling in the world, and then take it away, just to show you I’m in charge. Just to show you that I pull the strings. I think my heart is done being broken, not because I’ve decided, but because i
Tears At My Eyelash
touch my eyelash with your eyelash in a way that place all your tears at my eyelash All the time ,all the moments you have been with me yes, this body has been sometimes near and sometimes far whichever worries you got , give my address to all of them I really don’t like sadness/worries at your face It seems illegal your relation with worries listen to my request, throw it way from your face touch my eyelash with your eyelash in a way that place all your tears at my eyelash
Tears Of Rain
"Tearjerker" by Korn Well I wish there was someone Well I wish there was someone To love me When I used to be someone And I knew there was someone That loved me As I sit here frozen alone Even ghosts get tired and go home As they crawl back under the stones And I wish there was something Please tell me there's something better And I wish there was something more than this Saturated loneliness And I wish I could feel it And I wish I could steal it Abduct it, corrupt it, but I never can it's just saturated loneliness Does the silence get lonely? Does the silence get lonely? Who knows? I've been hearing it tell me I've been hearing it tell me Go home Cause the freaks are playing tonight They packed up and turned out the lights And I wish there was something Please tell me there's something better And I wish there was something more than this Saturated loneliness And I wish I could feel it And I wish I could steal it Abduct it, corrupt it,
Teardrops Falling From The Clouds
Storm clouds passing by high above theor torment and anger i want no part of i dont care for the lightning nor the thunder nor do i wish for the storm to go under instead i sit swinging in my yard swing wanting and wishing for the rain the storm will bring when the sweet rain falls my tears can be free released in front of the world but no one can see such an irony that flows from my eyes releasing all their truths but the rain covers them with their lies tears on my pillow isnt the same for me they fall only to be captured thats not how i want it to be so for now i sit waiting for the rain so my heart can cleanse itself of its heartache and pain once again ill feel better when the rain falls to greet my heart and when the rain passes my refreshed eyes see a new start next time the storm comes whether quiet or loud ill be out on my swing waiting to catch the teardrops alling from the clouds.
Tearing Me Up
Why do I let men just rip my fucking heart out? With each passing day I find myself having another little "Tear" from my heart. i do not want to sound cold or anthing..but why do I allow myself to get close to anyone? Funny ass thing about it all is they always come back telling me they missed me and love me..and that that they are sorry. If you love me..want me..or want to be with me..don't leave me....the grass is always greener til you get to the other side. Going to go have a good cry AGAIN
A Tear
A tear fell today. Something I knew was coming Something that I have been holding back. I know how it is when someone pushes someone away and the other person tries and tries, I was once that person. But now I am stronger and less dramatic. And it is happening to me now I am on the receiving end. I am the one that is worried about him going back to his ex. I am the one that has to sit and watch her throw herself on him and grasp for every little shred of light. I am the one that has to sit and worry and wonder and...cry A tear fell today... A tear of worry A tear of dread A tear for you
Tears Dance In The Garden Of Eyes
Tears dance in the garden of eyes I have been surrounded by your thoughts. Holding the toy of your thoughts, close to my heart The coming and going breaths say to me They pay no heed to me, naive tears They dont stay on the doorstep of the eyes My tears cant cross the step of my eyes it is the work or your thoughts, which "guyon waar" has. By dropping through the eyes, how i wash the tains of the heart when the moon and stars laugh, i stay alone and cry After going far, you have forgotten me How i have wronged you, tell me After making one yours, you shouldnt abuse them Where have you gone after obsessing me with love Without you my heart finds no peace Since you have separated, i cant sleep I hold your pains close to my heart and raise them Tears from your memories, wash my face from remembering you, even my tears cry Matters of my remain in my heart These people ask, and what can i s
Thank you everyone viewing my blog it means alot to me... The tears are falling and the thoughts are fantastic.. My Heart needs healing... My heart may not heal right away but i do however wish i could have a little soothing.. Just be seeing my friends rating my blog helps... I know that this is not a way to actually cope.. but i need to say it even if i can't say it out loud... I used to write alot.. I think i stopped because no-one ever read what i wrote.. It was just words on a paper... I LOVE ALL OF YOU!!! Thank you!!!
you were only 24, living your life, but you were still a child. At 24 you took your life from us And at 24 i put you in the ground, something that i thought i would never have to do. And at 24 we will remember you not for what you were in the past, but for what you could have strived to be. WE WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU...and someday we will meet up again. This is for my girl i buried on sunday, in her memory we will remember ..and the tears i shed are real. sometimes i ask why?...maybe i should have been there for her more or done something different. But when i start thinking about that i hear her words.."you can't change your path and the things your supposed to do. You just live it and hope for the best." REST IN PEACE TERA
Tears fall upon my pillow; tears spill onto my cheek, For words, I'm told, the man I loved, to someone else did speak. Perhaps I'd do things differently, but alas, I never knew. Why is it you can't care for me, the way I do for you? Did you know how much I missed you, when you were not around, Or how much you helped to cheer me up, when I was feeling down? Even now, I find that I still want to talk to you awhile. I remember just how easily you could make me smile. I hate myself, because I know I hunger for your touch. I never knew it possible to miss someone so damn much. I cannot stand to look up at a night time, star filled sky, The twinkling lights I see there, remind me of your eyes. The smoldering that's within my chest, makes me too all aware, Of the flames that burn inside my heart, that you ignited there. God help me, I still want you and long to get lost in a kiss, The kiss of someone dear to me, whom I already miss. I miss the you and me, but now I know since
Tearful Words
You leave me alone with tearful words ringing in my ears. You are deaf to these words that come from your lips, but I am not. I scream in hatered as you drive away but you are lost in your world and can not hear a thing. Tearful words hurt more then you can see. For one of these days I will be gone like the wind and you will be to blame not me.
Tears - Rush
"Tears" All of the seasons and all of the days All of the reasons why I've felt this way So long... So long Then lost in that feeling I looked in your eyes I noticed emotion and that you had cried For me I can see What would touch me deeper... Tears that fall from eyes that only cry? Would it touch you deeper Than tears that fall from eyes that know why? A lifetime of questions, tears on your cheek I tasted the answers and my body was weak For you The truth What would touch me deeper... Tears that fall from eyes that only cry? Would it touch you deeper Than tears that fall from eyes that know why?
Tears Of Silence
Alone I cry silently waiting for that special someone to appear before me. That one to make all my wrongs into rights. Aloud I yearn for God to bless me with an angel to watch over me> For him to realize that I need more than just an equal, but a special being. So every night before I close my eyes to dream of that special being, perfect in every way possible. I slowly drop to my knees at the side of my bed and with tears of silence, I pray for God to send me you!!!
TEARS Tears are rain, falling from our eyes. They release the pain, and joy trapped inside. Created by the world we hold, and the lives we share. Tears create sparks, for love and happiness. Gone by is the love. Happiness is the memories. Silent as the night, the tears fall.
There are tears that fall in grief and sadness; Slow and mournfully the cheek they stain, Every drop a sob, a lamentation, In its dew a throb of bitter pain. There are other tears, bright, clear, untroubled, Shining as the sun, untouched of care, Like the violet rain, calm, cool, refreshing, When the scent of earth is on the air. There are tears all silent and mysterious, From the soul's love-yearning depths that steal; They relate to us long tales of sorrow, Buried loves which mourning veils conceal. There are tears that seem to me like laughter - Like clouds tempest-tossed, that roam for aye, Flinging lightnings to the winds of ocean, Drifting, mistlike, out and far away. There's a dry tear, burning, never falling - Liquid flame, intense, consuming, dread - Not to pass until the eyes are ashes, And the mind is ruined too and dead. Tears, I know you all, though
Tear Me Open
Oh how I totally wish my song Over You by Daughtry was true but alase it's not. I'm not over you, and I doubt I ever will be. I miss the love, the laughs, the shine in your eyes, the beauty of your smile. The sound of your laugh. The fire in me feels as if it's fading, life is draining out of me slowly killing me from within. Tear me open rip out the heart that feels, the heart that's breaking again. I miss the feeling of being alive. Suicide seems so easy but I lack the strength and my stupidity drives me to keep going just to see if the feeling will ever be in my reach from your hands again. End the pain I'm in, teach me how to live again. :((
tear open my chest to expose the life within. need for you to see my heart beating because the tears in my eyes are not enough. i lay my head on the ground before you. what will it take for you to see? want to hold you and protect you, but you're too precious. everything that i touch withers and dies from my disease. my name is bile in my throat- i dare not speak it. i cannot trust me. if the shroud could be removed, if you could only see. there is so much more. but the curtain is all that you know. why should there be anything on the other side, and why should it concern you? remember that you are dust, and to dust you will return. nothing lasts forever. the sun, moon, and stars- all will be thrown down in the end. minute in the face of eternity, your pride is fleeting. there is life in death and freedom in resignation. truth does not change, regardless of your preference. so i plead with you one more time and tear a little deeper. and i cry for you.
Tear And A Rose Part 1
Where do teardrops go, When they fall, somewhere far away, Or do they ever leave at all, Do they stay trapped, Deep inside your eyes, Or do they fall forever, leaving trails in time, Do they fly, Up to Heavens stars, So you can wish upon them, To hold someone in your arms, Do they flood the emptiness, That transparent void, Do they fill you full, From a love thats been destroyed, Do they get lost forever, Just like the love in your heart, Or do they water the seed, And give love a new start,
Tear And A Rose Part 2
Teardrops and diamonds, Both dancing in time, Both fall through your heart, Though love is on your mind, You stand watching, As Heaven walks through the door, You look in her eyes, And only want her more, You know in your heart, You feel it so real, You believe its forever, You know what you feel, You find your path ahs lead you, To these crossroads once more, you're dancing on the razors edge, But still you're so sure, The teardrops, Have given life, The bud begins to grow, Has it escaped loves knife...
Tear And A Rose Part 3
Teardrops and lust, Cover the ground, When you awake in the morning, To love's beautiful sound, The gentle whisper, Of "I love you," The tender words, "There's nothing I won't do," Your promise forever, You give away your heart, You swear to yourself, This time it won't fall apart, Looking in her eyes, You see all your dreams come true, You know its forever, Its writen in the sky so blue, Now the tears have all fallen, The rose in blume, Now budding and beautiful, But is her heart in love with you....
Tear And A Rose Part 4
Rose petals fall, Like the tears from your eyes, Seems everytime love blumes, It dies, You thought you found Heaven, Just to feel like hell, you love her so much, Now who do you tell, You climb from the wreckedge, Of a torn up heart, You fell way to fast, Now you're torn apart, Now who will fix it, Who will stop it from bleeding, who will hold it tight, Who will give it what its needing, Now the tears fall, The rose withers away, Making a silky puddle, For the new seed to bath...
A Tear
Black salted tear, of widows heartbreak, the rainbow patination of a thousand regrets, sleepless nights, of heavy dreaming, of yesterday, of everything, before the cold reality of tomorrow dawns, and through it all she was tired and weary, and dreamed of sleeping, for a million years...
Tears Of The Departed
These times are troubled and these times are good And they're always gonna be, they rise and they fall We take 'em all the way that we should Together you and me forsaking them all Deep in the night and by the light of day It always looks the same, true love always does And here by your side, or a million miles away Nothin's ever gonna change the way that I feel, The way it is, is the way that it was When I said I do, I meant that I will 'til the end of all time Be faithful and true, devoted to you That's what I had in mind when I said I do Well this old world keeps changin', and the world stays the same For all who came before, and it goes hand and hand Only you and I can undo all that we became That makes us so much more, than a woman and a man And after everything that comes and goes around Has only passed us by, here alone in our dreams I know there's a lonely heart in every lost and found But forever you and I will be the ones Who fo
Tears Of Sorrow
Tears fall down my cheeks freely I wipe them away quickly Trying to conceal my weaker side I long for someone to hold me To comfort me through my tears and fears I reach out, but no one is ever there I am left alone with my sorrow My cheeks are stained with tears My eyes are red and puffy I want someone to hold me To comfort me through my tears and fears I reach out, but no one is ever there I am left alone with my sorrow Huddled up, I sit and cry Wishing there was someone Anyone to be there to hold me To comfort me through my tears and fears I reach out, but no one is there Why must I be consumed by sorrow?
Tears Of Pain
The tears I cry will someday dry ... The pain inside I will hide... The knife you put in my heart will twist forever but you will never know ...Because I am strong enough to walk away ...There will come a day you will need my help !!! Help you will not get 4 they say what comes around goes around...I gave birth 2 three ... But you will never be a part of my family again you will just be my First born son...
For the LDD couple spanking to tears is a must, to help humble and contrite her and allows her to feel truly disciplined. When spanking it is not necessary to use more force to bring her to tears, just to be repetitive, along with the verbal scolding is usually enough to start the tears flowing in a submissive woman. Most new LDD tend to either stop when the woman starts to cry or never bring her to tears, you need to push past the point and bring her to tears for with that comes the release she desires. For new HOH, it takes alot of love and emotional strength in order to punish his wife propery and bring her to tears, unless you are a sadist, it can be very difficult on the man. Men are told not to hurt woman physically from young man to adulthood, hence the problem. By bring your woman to tears you allow her to release all the stress that has built up since her last punishment, and free her to show her submission to you. The tears are also a great indicator that your wife has
Tears Stained Letters
Other day I came across the letters you wrote me I sat down and read them And the tears started to flowing down my checkss They talk about our hopes and dreams What we wanted for our future But it didn't work out the way,we thought it should You were gone more and more I could not understand why Thought you wanted the same things I did I guess I was wrong about that We didn't have the faith to make it work That was so many years ago Time to throw out the letters And the memories that go with it Looking forward to better days With out you,good-by for ever Sign:marion g
1yr ago this month my life changed marriage fell apart .we tried to repair it but it just didnt work.were divorced now have been for a few months .i had friends who were there for me to talk to .but in the middle of the night no one was there to wipe away the tears when you wake up and realize no one is beside you was a very lonely time in my life .i went through hell there for awhile.but then my life changed one night with one phone call from someone i had no idea at the time would become my bf.he has been more then i ever expected.he has wiped away the tears and made me smile again.i wasnt very fair to him in the beginning i expected him to hurt me,so i was trying to find reasons to pull away but the more i pulled the more he held me. anyway i could go on and on but to make things short sometimes it helps to just express things with writing. have a nice day all .
Tears Pouring Out Of The Lonely Girl.
Her eyes are swollen. Her cheeks are red. Tears pouring out of the lonely girl. Love was all she asked for. She got walked all over. It seemed that no one cared for what she believed in. As she lays in her bed, saying a prayer to make the pain go away. She can't sleep, so she steers at his picture. Trying to put the memories in her past. She's waits to see, how she's going to make it. As she struggles to get out of bed, thinking of what went wrong. She has lost all the faith and all the happiness. She is lost in the waking of her day. As she has no one to talk to. She's done everything to try to make it. As one night she made her choice, She can't live without him. She swore that she couldn't make it without him. As days go by, she doesn't want to come out. She wrote him a note, saying that she will always love him. One night she lost it. Her mom came to get her because he came to see her. She can't get her to answer her or the door. As they break in her room, th
As another tear does fall, And hope does nothing at all.. Fear of knowing things this well, For this I will never tell.. Not enough air it seems tp breath, Even though it flows through the tree's.. Grasping on to cover the pain, It just all seems to be in vain...
In finding out some news recently, Thats very hard to bare, How do i keep my soul alive, And not live in such dispair? To find your life could be cut so short, In the blink of one's beautiful eyes, I pray and hope i see another day, So I raise my head to the sky, Dear father can you hear me i need your help, For another day, I might not see, I need your strength and loving arms, To as of now, Carry me. This news i received has broken my spirit, Its like a Cancer within my soul, I need your love and awesome strength, Because im not yet ready to go, This is going to be hard to face my kids, Knowing I am all they have, So please Lord hear me, Grant my prayer, So a mother, these children wont lack, Today was a battle again my Lord, Its making me realize all my worst fears, Please Lord help me, I am on my knee's, And please Lord, heal my tears,,,,,, Written by: Azalia I found out recently that i have Cancer. I don't know where my life is going to go f
Tears Of A Vampire
Life wouldn’t be the same, without no early morning sun. The one that I can’t look at The one that makes my eyes run. Life wouldn’t be the same, without the daily rain Freezing cold against my skin Leaving face and hands in pain. And if it wasn’t for the snow and wind, My winter clothes would be binned No longer would that woollen dress Around the curves of my body caress Nor would my simple figure be Buried far below for none to see Yet in the summer when the heat reaches its brink I’m not worshipping the sun as you may think For in the summer the nights are warm And it is in the evening that I do dawn Although I know I have chose Never to see the summer sun full rose But hidden beneath my cloak, right here I try to remember and shed a tear.
(*-*) Tears Never Fear Me But My Heartach Hurt's Me.¢¾
(*-*) tears never fear me but my heartach hurt's me.¢¾ Every momment i look at the clock to see what time it is. Knowing that just one second can be the last. Hoping that the love of my life will return soon. I love him more than life it's self. I just want my munchy to come home so. I dont gonna hide any of my emotions anymore. I just wanna cry every second that he isn't talking to me on the phone. I miss everything i miss him. It's like he has been tookin way from me. Like it was nothing. Andy i want u to get better. I want u to eat right and do it right. I can't stand u not being home and healthy. I know you dont got much to eat but taking care of your self is better than going to the hosptail. Munchy i just want to have my one true love come home knowing that he is going to be ok.Every second i talked to your mom, i wanted to ask is andy there knowing that u aren't there. I just want to to hear your voice not from the hosptail. I love you baby please get better. Dont fucking wor
Have you ever heard a lonely heart screaming into the night? Have you seen the tears,that are never shed? Does a broken heart heal? Can the lonely ever be loved? I'm tired of always being a stand in. For someone who's not their. Just once I want to come frist. Why are the ones left behind? The frist to cry. Why am I always the one, watching people walk away? Dream weaver, please weave a dream for me. Make this feeling of lonelyness disappear. Let me feel whole. Even if it's only in my dreams. Why do I always feel like I can just disappear. And no one would notice? Am I so invisable? I envy those people who belong. Who know how to have fun. Who actually have freinds. I take on so much. So that I fall exhuasted into bed and sleep. That way I don't see how lacking my life is. Poems of fantasy. Words written on paper. Dreams that will never come true. Life a game. That I am destined to lose. I feel like someone standing outside the party. Looking in. Because no one thought to ask me. They
You'll never know I cried when I found out you lied So I'll keep writing, hiding teardrops in my heart A woman can't reveal a broken heart until She's all alone some place I know to play the part. Tho' I'm pretending that I don't care To be with you my darling, is my prayer But way down deep inside I can't give up my pride So I'll keep writing, hiding teardrops in my heart. Tho' I'm pretending that I don't care To be with you my darling, is my prayer But way down deep inside I can't give up my pride So I'll keep writing, hiding teardrops in my heart. So I'll keep writing, hiding teardrops in my heart.
A Tear Fell
A Tear Fell: I shed a tear today Silently, I felt it fall You caught it shared it held it felt it then suddenly it wasn't so big after all
these tears i cry you never know silent as the night i learned long ago no evidence will you ever see on these cheeks emotions run deep but what does show is only true when in the mirror i look
Tears For My Friend I want to write to all my friends.. And to my one true friend, Holly, I love you:) Have you ever looked into someones eyes, seeing the tears, never fall gently down their face. Holding back all the secrets and fears that keep one sheltered through every night. I see into you and know that all that is to come will be, only when you are ready to see. The love that I have is yours to hold, the words that you have shared are valued in each in every way. I know that I can you trust you and that you feel the same. And for both of us this is no game. Each of of have been hurt and lied to by those who have claimed to be real, while all along it was the lies that they told. We are never to be young again yet we can still play, with the bubbles and tic-tac-toe that make us laugh till we cry. The pain that you feel I hold close wainting to create a bubble around you so that you will not feel alone. I will be with you till the end of time and beyond, loving
A Tearfilled Memory Of My Dearest Friend.. (read With Care)
Very late on a weekday morning around 3am. All is so still. Heads are resting on their pillows and all is nice in dreamland. The phone rings. Nothing is ever good at 3am and this happening. I'm startled from my peaceful sleep. I'm only 15 at the time. I hear my dad rush to the phone trying to wake up. My mother I can hear is raised up from her sleep, awaiting the news. My heart pounds and all thoughts are spinning in my head, still trying to fully wake up. "Hello! Yeah, Oh no, I'm coming right now!" My Dad hangs the phone and runs to his room. "It's your Dad," he says to my Mother. "He's fallen!" I waste no time for anything. I am up like a streak of lightening, clothes on, and out the door. My Dad trys so hard to catch to me first. Little does he know, the man I'm running for is my heart and soul. I am an asthmatic, but I pay no mind. Weezing and coughing, just trying to catch a breath. My Grandfather lives next door to me. I've lived near him all my life. Thi
A Tear For A Fellow Battle Buddy
Today i seen something that brought tears to my eyes and a overwhelming joy to my heart. Today they laid to rest a soldier near were i'm working. And as we (the soldiers) seen all the people come out to say a last goodbye i felt really honored to be a soldier. Makes me feel good that we are so thought of and respected. Really made me stop and think. There was a long line of bikers and the herse and cars. Really made me stop and think about what i'm doing and how proud i really am!!
Baby, I know the wounds are deep You've been hurt before But dont you cry I'm here for you I see this pain wont go away Your view of love, myopic Just dont cry I feel for you The trust for others miniscule Your want for others thrives But dont cry I'm near you Just please dont cry I fear for you.
Tearing Up Dinning Room For Boxes
well i quit work after 18yrs now i have a few days left to get all the shit into dinning room that has to go to colorado.wife wants me and daughter and animals to come out early cuse she misses us.that means what ever i want to be moved better fit in my dinning room or front room.cant wait till this bullshit is done then the second half unloading the shit probably by myself well least the heavy shit.oh well friends tc ttyl
Tear Stained Keyboard
I sit here in the dark the tear stained keyboard with me. The tears I cry are tears for you, the one I've never found. The love who longs to hold me close, and make my world seem great. A love so deep and fond of me, the world can always wait.
Tears Of Sorrow
I cry and as ther tears fall.. The angels weep with me.. .Tears of sorrow,tears of my fears.. I cry and the moon weeps with me. ..Tears fall from the mine run down my face.. I stand alone no comfort to arms to hold me.. as lonlyness fills my emptyness surrounds me ..missing all that has left me... I cry and the wind sings songs of pain.. Hope is has left me.. dreams have fadded i cry out to my soul.. i sit out side under the stars and weep.. as i weep the rain cries out i weep ..the wind i heart breaks.. trapped in a life of emptyness..trapped in sorrow ..trapped in a world with no comfort.trapped with no freedom ..i cry and as the ters fall..the angels weep...tears of sorrow..tears of my fears.. .i cry and the moon weeps with me......................
Tears Of Blood
I sat and watched a mother cry Her tears of sadness goes through inside Her child lay in her arms Tears of blood run down her face Her body limp as a rag doll A smile on her face the light has gone from inside A man stands and shouts his anger to the world Around the world people will watch Tears that run down their faces silently they wait A women walks and weeps the blood stained Cloth at her feet the silent face lay beneath Blood will run and tears will weep People die and people live A man will walk while another is stricken A child will sleep and lay forever Their heart is broken; the tears of blood will weep No one will sleep the tears they cry will spill with blood Head in my hands I shake and watch Many have died why do we do this Why does mankind try to destroy our life? We are the last tears of blood will always weep Will the future be the same? Can the next generation Save mankind another way
Tears Of Blood
Tears Are The Words The Heart Cant Say
theres a hole in my heart i feel empty the pain never leaves just hearin those words makes me cry everytime i feel like i lost apart of me i was on top of the world until the day u walked out of my life and she walked into urs now im alone in the dark with this pain that never leaves and the hole in my heart take a look down u can see the tears that surround me depression clouds my mind memories stay strong wishin i could relive them to turn back time would be wonderful but it can never happen i had the world in my hands and it just slipped away i couldnt hold on tight enough i regret the things i didnt do if i did things differently then maybe just maybe i could hold u one more time
Tears Hidden Behind Smiles
My Silent Moments... Loud Like The Crack Of Thunder. Im Bout To Burst, Everybody Take Cover.... I Cant Take This Pain Anymore. I Just Keep Wondering What I Was Put Here For.... Sometimes I Just Want To Run Away... Guaranteed No One Will Believe Im Leaving.... But One Day When It Feels Right... Ill Just Hold My Grief Real Tight... And Say Good Night' I have No Reason To Care.. Nothing In My Life Has Ever Been Fair.... My Mind Is Like Russian Roulet.. I Just Keep Spinning Till I Blow, No One Can Understand How I Feel At Times... I Just Hold It In So No One Will Know. But One Day My Feelings Will Be Uncovered, When Im gone Everyone Will Know The Pain Ive Felt.. And The Many Tears Ive Cried... So Say Rest In Peace.. Because My Soul Just Died...... I Wrote This In "04" ... And Ive Gone Thru So Much More... I Dont Feel Tha Same Way Now As I Did Then .... Ive Uncovered So Many New Things Over The Past Couple Years.. But Still, This Poem Got me Through Sum Stuff... I think tha
Tears Of Pain
The tears of pain run down my face the hurt is clearly shown, but who can say just why or when this pain I've come to know? My bellowing weeps in the still of the night will bring me to dismay, my pillow is wet from tears I've cried and won't dry till it is day. If you can't hear the words of my tears then really have they been said? or are they just voices of disturbing choices lingering inside of my head? My hearts in despair but who really cares that's a lesson still to be taught, the soul is the bearer of dangerous anger from arguments still to be fought. The tears of pain run down my face and I know not what to do, but I open my eye's and now realize that this pain that I've known is YOU......
TEARS!!!!! Current mood: blah The Tears of today Are the Tears of tomorrow The Tears of heartache Are the Tears of sorrow The Tears of lust Are the tears of love the same tears we use to give thanks to God above The Tears of lost And Tears of pain The tears that remains Where your past is nothing But a clearly viewed stain Tears that go And Tears that stay Tears that will push the heaviest of burdens out of your way The Tears of hello's And the tears of goodbyes The tears that only ceased when you said hi The tears that I held back while I watched you cry The tears that I looked through as you said goodbye The tears I released Put me on a natural high Released my pains Released my sorrow My tears of today Are your tears of tomorrow
Teardrop There's a teardrop in my eye It appeared there when you lied When you said you loved me so How could I'd know you would go When you said I was your only I had no clue you'd leave me lonely This teardrop swells and fills my eye I thought you were an honest guy Now here I stand all alone How I wish I could've known You were just like all the rest Here I thought you were the best See this teardrop start to slide down my cheek, I want to hide Why go on? Whats left for me? You've taken away my sweet dream The dream with all our laughter and Happily ever after The tear drop falls from my face falls through the air with sweet grace Grace I wish my heart would feel I know I need time to heal This broken heart, it will mend and thoughts of you will soon end. This tear will find a brand new home down your cheek when you're left alone. Nikki L. 5-31-05
Tears That Sting
I hate when you have one of those days, or more then one, when nothing seems to go right. But EVERYTHING goes wrong. You just want to sit and cry, or pull your hair out or scream at the top of your lungs or all of the above. Then when you break down, the tears stream down your face and because your cheeks are so hot they sting like crazy as they reach your chin.Sometimes you just want to sit inside and avoid the world. Avoid everything and everyone around you. Til the next day where the stinging tears have finally washed away. And a new day begins where hopefully it will be better then the last.At least thats what you hope for.
Tears Of A Cop
Tears of A Cop I have been where you fear to go... I have seen what you fear to see... I have done what you fear to do... All these things I've done for you. I am the one you lean upon... The one you cast your scorn upon... The one you bring your troubles to... All these people I've been for you. The one you ask to stand apart... The one you feel should have no heart... The one you call the man in blue... But I am human just like you. And through the years I've come to see... That I'm not what you ask of me... So take this badge and take this gun... Will you take it? Will anyone? And when you watch a person die... And hear a battered baby cry... Then so you think that you can be All those things you ask of me...?
A Tear
A tear rolls down. Slipping away In the silence Of night. The clouds of darkness Turning to storm. Crashing at once Breaking down the strong. Broken and singed The storm taking it's toll. Laid out in a crowd. Dead though breathing. Noticed but not seen. The tears of rain Never to be seen. Silently slipping, Slipping away. In the dark of night.
Tears, wrenching tears... Dam them well, hold them back; lock them in Flood the heart and drown the soul Tightening, expanding, threatening Rising, heightening-- Spilling forth as drops of rain Salty rivers drenching cheeks and chin Dripping downward splashing; landing Releasing sorrow, sharing pain Tired, exhausted, spent Tears, wrenching tears...
Tears Ago
Unconditional love I gave unfailingly. As faithful and devoted as any woman could be. By your side I remained through the worst of times. With my arms I sheltered my body while with your fists you consoled your mind. Nothing could turn me away from you. There's no place I could go, nothing I could do. I was yours mind, body and soul. That was tear's ago. An up hill battle I fought by choice. Sometimes I whispered, sometimes I raised my voice. I screamed, I yelled, I apologized and cried. I showered you with love, you stoned me with lies. Through all adversity I remained by your side. Mentally, physically and emotionally with all that was in me I tried. My love for you was a sight to behold. That was tear's ago. Anger and frustration taint my sweet memories. I fought for your love, you just fought and hit me. The pain of failure burned into my soul. You buried your love in bitterness and cold. I gave all I had till my resources ran dry. You were angry when I smi
The tears fall like rain. Unable to stop them. Knowing he loves her, not me. I love him so much. That it really does hurt. Wanting nothing more than to hold him forever. To take away the pain he doesn't share. But she wins hands down. And I will slip slowly into my darkness!
I wish I could be a better friend, when you start to cry. But I don't know just what to do, so I just stand by your side. I don't know what to say, and I don't know what to do. But there's one person that means the world to me, and well...that persons' you. So when I'm lost on what to do or say, just know that I am trying And know I will try harder next time, to help you when you're crying. Done By Christine
Tears Are Never Enough
My mind begins to wonder My heart begins to race As the memory of you Drifts back into place I got a picture of you smiling With a sparkle in your eyes You looked at me so gently And kept me mesmerized AS much as I tired Your face wouldn't go away Your eyes, your lips, your smile, I thought of you all day It was soon about 3 With you still on my mind I thought while listening to music In a flash it was 9 I made my bed To get some rest As I lay down I thought of nothing less The most important memories Replayed over and over again And I realized how I missed you As the days replayed again No, I hadn't known you very long But you had such an effect on me You captured my heart within a day As I begin to fall wishing for you and me The way it felt when we touched The way you made me feel It seemed that you were too perfect To even be real And that's when the tears Begin to form in my eyes They told myself how much I missed you, But I did n
“tears In An Autumn Rain” By Jöseph Lee Foster-shumpert-lear, 2000
“Tears in an Autumn Rain” by Jöseph Lee Foster-Shumpert-Lear, 2000 Published 10 July 2005 :: Poetry Read more by Jöseph Lee Foster-Shumpert-Lear I see them now As my eyes I close Your lips I taste As if for the last time Do I love you because you are beautiful Or just because you love me Do I hold you close Just to fill the emptiness Of which has grown so deep Do I love you Yes I do I see it now As it leaves its home behind the glass I see it now Do I love you because you are beautiful Or just because you love me Do I hold you close Just to fill the emptiness Of which has grown so deep Do I love you because they say I’m to die No I love you because you are so special to me Because thine smile Brings me sunshine I want to marry you So I can hold you close forever and always show I care But to do so I risk giving up The one price I never thought to pay My life But because I Love you I’d have it no other way
"tear You Apart"
It's only just a crush, it'll go away It's just like all the others it'll go away Or maybe this is danger and you just don't know You pray it all away but it continues to grow I want to hold you close Skin pressed against me tight Lie still, and close your eyes girl So lovely, it feels so right I want to hold you close Soft breath, beating heart As I whisper in your ear I want to fucking tear you apart
Tears Dry On Their Own...
All I can ever be to you is a darkness that we knew And this regret I had to get accustomed to Once it was so right When we were at our high Waiting for you in the hotel at night I knew I hadn't met my match But every moment we could snatch I don’t know why I got so attached It’s my responsibility You don’t owe nothing to me But to walk away I have no capacity He walks away the sun goes down He takes the day but I’m grown And in this grey, In this blue shade My tears dry on their own I don’t understand Why do I stress a man? When there’s so many better things at hand We could've never had it all We had to hit a wall So this is inevitable withdrawal Even if I stop wanting you and perspective pushes through I’ll be some next man’s other woman soon I shouldn't play myself again I Should just be my own best friend. Not fuck myself in the head with stupid men He walks away the sun goes down He takes the day but I’m grown And its ok, In this blue shade M
Tearless Fears
Frustrating Feelings Felt, Dirty Dealings Delt. Forgotten NEVER Forgiven, Satisfaction Flies Away. Short of Dying Short of Crying, No More Tears to Display. Surviving Deadly Thorns of Truth, Feeling Guilty? Hatred Thoughts? Where is the Proof That You EVER LOVED ME?? Spilling My Seed, Wanting to Bleed, Proving My Truth, Defeating Your Lies... Protruding Sharp Tooth, Granting Wishes to Die; Unwanted Target, Unbelievable Pain; No Remorse in Your Heart, Forcing Me to be Slain... Short of Dying Short of Crying Tears Dried Up NO MORE TO DISPLAY!!!!
Tears Fall...
watch as this tear falls into empty space, see it fall into life's nameless place, can you see the sparkle as it catches in the light? that sparkle once was happiness, that is no longer in sight. as it falls, watch it... its color has changed, from blue to bright red, it has a wide range. there it goes, all alone, it continues to fall, with it goes the emotion, the emotion of all. wait! can you hear it? a sob as broke free, has shook the lungs cold, but yet it continues to be, here it comes, a force has been built between the eyes, a wall of sheer water, it is now time to cry. a shudder, a scream, darkness envelops your soul, now the darkness of night has taken its toll.
Tears Dry On Their Own
Tear Away
FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY I KEEP POSTING LYRICS I DID NOT WRITE ON MY BLOGS PLEASE REFER TO THE MUSIC SECTION OF MY PAGE THANKS!! I'm tearing away Pieces are falling I can't seem to make them stay You run away Faster and faster you can't seem to get away Break Hope there's a reason For questions unanswered I just don't see everything Yes I'm inside you Tell me how does it feel to feel like this Just like I do I don't care about anyone else but me I don't care about anyone Do I really want this Sometimes I scare myself I just can't let it go Can you believe it Everything happens for reasons I just don't know I don't care about anyone else but me I don't care about anyone I don't care about anyone else but me I don't care about anyone or anything but me Damn I love me
Tear Drops On My Guitar.......
Taylor SwiftTeardrops On My GuitarMusic Videos And Lyrics On Demand
On the darkest coldest night i sit alone wondering where did i go so wrong? In this desolate moment i am in tears thinking of how i could have saved your life. Only if i had only took a minute to pay more attention to you,you still might br lying by my side. You were the one love that will never return. In the moment i realized you were eternally gone a piece of my soul went with you. The tears are still here stinging the backs of my eyes a year later. This was the only release for me knowing you didn't love me enough to stay alive. The only thing left to say is goodbye.
It was along time ago that you took yourself from me,but it just feels like it was yesterday.I have often looked at your picture and wondered was it me? What did I miss? Was there any hope for us? Was my love not strong enough?Was there more i could have done to ease your pain?When I think of you I see that it's all my fault . If I had been a better friend, a better lover and a better person you might still be here!!!! So now through all the tears i try harder , love stronger and live through the tears for another day.
Tear Stained Pages...
Within the tear stained pages The smudges and the fragrance I read the words of love and hate The strain in your writing Your words through the tears Cutting deeper into my soul Like a sharp razor blade gashing my veins The blood rushes from me I read the words you have written Burning my eyes like acid on my skin Your daggers upon my heart Mashing at my skin I don't know if I loved you Those words cutting through me deep With the letters written those words That bring me to tears dripping on the page.
Tears Of A Friendship
I wrote this for a buddy I played wow with. Saying goodbye seems so very wrong Even though I didn't know you very long I can't believe that now its gone It's time for us both to move on It's a shame that we can not chat anymore That we never were able to get on a dance floor I shed all these tears and so much more Because death of our friendship is knocking at the door I must say goodbye even though im crying inside You are special to me and my heart will not push you aside I will always remmber you even when I die Thank you for being such a great guy Now I really ought to say goodbye
Tear Away
DROWNING POOL LYRICS "Tear Away" I'm tearing away Pieces are falling I can't seem to make them stay You run away Faster and faster you can't seem to get away Break Hope there's a reason For questions unanswered I just don't see everything Yes I'm inside you Tell me how does it feel to feel like this Just like I do I don't care about anyone else but me I don't care about anyone Do I really want this Sometimes I scare myself I just can't let it go Can you believe it Everything happens for reasons I just don't know I don't care about anyone else but me I don't care about anyone I don't care about anyone else but me I don't care about anyone or anything but me God damn I love me I don't care about anyone else but me I don't care about anyone I don't care about anyone else but me I don't care about anyone or anything I don't care about anyone else but me I don't care about anyone
Teardrops On My Guitar
Artist: Taylor Swift Album: Taylor Swift Title: Teardrops On My Guitar Drew looks at me, I fake a smile so he won't see That I want and I'm needing everything that we should be I'll be she's beautiful, that girl he talks about And she's got everything that I have to live without Drew talks to me, I laugh cause it's so damn funny That I can't even see anyone when he's with me He says he's so in love, he's finally got it right, I wonder if he knows he's all I think about at night [Chorus:] He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star He's the song in the car I keep singing, don't know why I do Drew walks by me, can he tell that I can't breathe? And there he goes, so perfectly, The kind of flawless I wish I could be She'd better hold him tight, give him all her love Look in those beautiful eyes and know she's lucky cause [Repeat Chorus] So I drive home alone, as I turn out the light I'll pu
Tears Of Doubt
The tears from my eyes fall, like the trees shed their leaves in the fall on a windy day. And just like the breeze sends a chill up and down your spine, My sadness does the same I have pondered deeply for a very long time on what I should do Should I just be content for the rest of my life or Should I try and move on and build a new life for myself without you No matter which path I choose Neither will be an easy one Learning to live without you Learning to survive on my own again Not feeling the protection of a man in my life Many, many things have weighed on my mind But if I were to stay Would it be for the right reasons? I don't know if I am hurting you more by staying? Or if it would hurt you more if I would go. I know how you felt before But how do you feel now Will you find someone else to share your time with? Will your heartache without me near? No matter what I feel that I want I don't want to hurt you in any way I care I don't
I tore your soul, I'll break your heart. Disappear into the greatest rip, That divides your love. Millions of pieces on the floor. Cut your feet, make you bleed. Warm, wet, sticky liquid seeps between your toes Squish, Squish. I can hear you. Climb back out. I'll push you back Over the brink. Where insanity waits with open arms. To embrace its newest charge. Where a shattered heart becomes ice, a ripped soul becomes a wall. Insanity grips your vey being and refuses to let go. You hold on for dear life.
Tears In Heaven
It was around 1 am when I finally fell asleep friday morning. Just 3 hours later, I hear my grandma's cell ringing and after she picked it up I heard the one thing I feared the most finally happened. My grandma started crying along with my cousin and sister and they ran to get my parents and tell them the news. My grandpa is finally with God as one of the angels. His sufferings are finally over. He finally rests in peace. It might seem selfish to say that it was the last thing I wanted to happen because the pain is finally over. But why him? Why now? Why is it so sudden that I still can't believe it happened? There are a million criminals out there who don't deserve life. Why are they still walking on the face of this earth? But that's not a reason why I should hate God for all this. Everything happens for a reason and this holds dearly to that concept. A husband..a father..a grandfather..and most of all a friend. Not many words can simply describe how Jim really was as a person..affe
Tears On My Pillow
You don't remember me, but I remember you 'Twas not so long ago, you broke my heart in two Tears on my pillow, pain in my heart, caused by you, you If we could start anew, I wouldn't hesitate I'd gladly take you back, and tempt the hands of fate Tears on my pillow, pain in my heart, caused by you, you, you, you, you Love is not a gadget, love is not a toy When you find the one you love, he'll fill your heart with joy If we could start anew, I wouldn't hesitate I'd gladly take you back, and tempt the hands of fate Tears on my pillow, pain in my heart, caused by you, you, you, you, you Love is not a gadget, love is not a toy When you find the one you love, he'll fill your heart with joy If we could start anew, I wouldn't hesitate I'd gladly take you back, and tempt the hands of fate Tears on my pillow, pain in my heart, caused by you, you, you, you, you No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, Now, no, no, no No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, Now, no, no, no No, n
The Tears One Cares
So again...another night of misery. Thought I'd be able to do something with my boyfriend, but that fell through. Mom didnt even bring me anything home for dinner because she thought I would be out. So I left about 8:45 ish and went to the Diner with a friend. His girl met us down there, hung out with them till midnight, awaiting a nice "good night" phone call, like i was told I would get. Never got that, just like the night before. Got home, got pulled over by the cops for speeding (in my own driveway) yeah, go figure...and then got a quite upsetting message on myspace. My hope and dreams are shattered, and now I have to put on a "happy face" and pretend like everything's just fine for work and the rest of the weekend. Honestly, could things get any worse right now? I want to stick my head under a boulder being hung from 50 feet in the air! Me
Tears Of Black
Tears Of Black (verse one) I'm lost in this world, With no where to go, Running on empty faith, Everything seems so cold, I wish I could just fade away, Gently into the night, Gone forever more, Without a single trace, a single tear (chorus) Been gone for so long, Living without a soul, Dead from the inside out, Tears of black pour, The light in me has burned dim, Precious love has run dry, The cold has taken over, Tears of black I cry (verse two) Angels cry down from the heavens, For me as I let myself bleed, I wish I could say this was the end, There's no end, For something that's never begun, An angel loses her wings, For the greatest mistake ever made, She turns to me and says (chorus two) You've been gone for so long, Living without a soul, Dead from the inside out, Tears of black pour, The light in you has burned dim, Precious love has run dry, I'm sorry for all that has been done, Tears of black she cry'd (
Tears In My Eyes
As I sit here with tears in my eyes I don't know if he'll ever realize. The pain that I feel is because I remember The change that occurred that day in December. Thats when I met this fabulous guy Could I get him to notice me, I was sure going to try. We fell into lust and then into love We were perfect together, like a ball and a glove. For two years we laughed and suffered no pain Then God knows why, everything started to change. Our happy little home became aggresive and mean There was not much laughter or love to be seen. Now as I sit here with tears in my eyes I can see that I am losing him, my fabulous guy. Written by: Gina C. January~~~~~~2001
I wrote this a year ago to the day. It is for two ppl I loved an lost with in a week of each other. *two very good friends* Tears I have seen the years I have cried the tears, but through all there has always been you to be my stone an my shelter. With out you I am alone in this world of decet an hate an pain. I fear I have no one left to turn to. Out side I put up a front that I am strong that I am alright. But inside I slowly die a little more each day. To not see your smile on your face because some one you care for has walked into the room or just because you are happy to be alive, to not have you hold me an tell me it will be ok, to not hear your laugh because of some stupid thing I have done or a silly face made at you, to not be able to just sit there an call you cause I am bored or you are bored. I fell alone an broken with no one left to turn to. My heart feels shatterd as if it is in a million pieces an I can never put it back together. People say time will heal my heart
if you see me cryin will u kno its me if my eyes are swollen will u ask if im ok i hang my head in mis belief and doubt will u bother to question me or let me just walk about will u only look at me when i turn away a tear falls down on the wet cold cement but noone will notice because they dare not care to look my tears will run slowly as if time will stop... finally i reach my destiny and my point of self destruct
Tears Dont Fall
Tear You Apart
Tear You Apart Got a big plan, this mindset maybe its right At the right place and right time, maybe tonight And the whisper or handshake sending a sign Wanna make out and kiss hard, wait nevermind Late night, and passing, mention it flipped her Best friend, who knows saying maybe it slipped But the slip turns to terror and a crush to light When she walked in, he throws up, believe its the fright Its cute in a way, till you cannot speak And you leave to have a cigarette, your knees get weak An escape is just a nod and a casual wave Obsessed about it, heavy for the next two days It's only just a crush, it'll go away It's just like all the others it'll go away Or maybe this is danger and you just don't know You pray it all away but it continues to grow I want to hold you close Skin pressed against me tight Lie still, and close your eyes girl So lovely, it feels so right I want to hold you close Soft breasts, beating heart As I whisper in your ear
Tears Of Paris
Mind numbing babble flows in the tears of rich and famous rabble. Images flash before my eyes, resentment is all I feel for her cries but beware of the lies for when the shit flies everyone wants a piece of the pie. Silent are the protests of those whom chose not to involve themselves in the chains of events that revolve around media madness and I scream, 'Why oh why do we try, we should live yet we chose to die.'
Tears A Hole
sliding along the skin, tearing it open, playing that symphony of pain, feelings rushing away, washed away in the pain, the edge slowly cutting deeper, exposing more, allowing more to be washed away, can the pain be taken, can it be made real, the pain tears, the hole widens, let the pain flow away, one day it may be washed away in the blood.
Tear Drops
I′m gonna name you sled a suitable nick name its true Cause only ever dogs would consider pulling you? Or maybe better again I′ll aptly name you egg timer You make love in all of two minutes this name suits you finer You′ll never settle down end up lonely and old its true Unable to keep love afire a waster and loser right through
tears fell from my eyes this morning my love your song playing on my alarm yet you were not here and many things i left unsaid when i get angry i shut down all i feel is hurt and pain every logical approach i take lead me to a wall i could not get over without your help how can i fight ghosts? how can i fight your past? how can i make you believe what i feel is real? that i am real? words said in anger can be very destructive harming not only you and me but us as well so i choose my words carefully as not to offend and hurt the man i love so much but yes i was angry at the situation for we deserve better than that we earned this magic we have found i am not impractical when it comes to love very much a realist who would love to have her head in the clouds but knowing truths of the world and the pain caused by callous words spoken in the past but echoing in the present i have my own confidence issues and some of which has been brought to the surface now i fe
I mourn for you I cry a river thinking about you You mean so much to me, and I don't think I could live without you Please say you won't leave me Life will never be the same without you You have always been my idol, my role model, the person I always looked up to With you gone, my life will go down hill I need you to be here with me, be here forever I have known you for so long, and thought I knew you for real Never before have I thought that there was more to you, more that you feel. You always put on a strong face, and fooled everyone who looked at you We all looked at that face but never at the heart behind that mask You blinded us all with your happiness and fooled us into thinking you were content Never did we realize that it was all an act, you are miserable with your heart all bent. All I want is for that fraud to become ever true You happy and never again blue. Can't you see, I care for you and never want you to leave me Maybe
The Tears I Cry Are Tears Of Joy!
I can officially say that this morning I had one of the proudest moments of my life. It may seem like a small thing to many people, but for my brother and my family it was a huge deal. I came to my parents house last night because my mom needed to be at work for their first day of school and she needed someone to get Mike up dressed, fed, and ready for when the driving instructor came. I walked outside to say a few words to the instructor and watched as they got the adapted van ready. They took out the drivers seat that the instructor used to get here and Mike rolled his wheelchair on in. I watched as they tested the computer system by moving the joystick and watching the steering wheel turn in response. I have never seen anything as cool as that van. There was a joystick for him to use to control the van movement instead of a steering wheel and a very cool on board computer. Watching him in the van really hit me. He was doing it!!! Here was my little brother learning to dri
The Tears I Cry Are Tears Of Joy!
I can officially say that this morning I had one of the proudest moments of my life. It may seem like a small thing to many people, but for my brother and my family it was a huge deal. I came to my parents house last night because my mom needed to be at work for their first day of school and she needed someone to get Mike up, dressed, fed, and ready for when the driving instructor came. I walked outside to say a few words to the instructor and watched as they got the adapted van ready. They took out the drivers seat that the instructor used to get here and Mike rolled his wheenchair right on in. I watched as they tested the computer system by moving the joystick and watching the steering wheel turn in response. I have never seen anything as cool as that van. There was a joystick for him to use to control the van movement instead of a steering wheel and a very cool on board computer. Watching him in the van really hit me. He was doing it!!! Here was my little brother learning
Tears For The Departed
woke up this morning,  wishing it was all a dream,  two friend whom have always been here for me, gone. awoke to the sad reality that ill never see them again,  never to see amandas smile, or laugh at how stupid steve is. i miss them already ,   even when we had our arguements we were still close. i guess thats what happens with years of friendship.     so good a friendship, that i was asked tobe godparent to there upcoming baby. this of course made me feel awkward at 1st, but then i realized this gives my life some kind of purpose. which made me really happy inside. i was supposed to work 4-cl today,  but at 10:30am i get a phone call telling me im late, so i had to rush to work put up with all kinds of stupid shit,  with people askin me whats wrong? am i ok?    everything! no!     Could this all be a dream? did i die? am i in hell?  i ask myself these questions as i sit here wishing things could of been different gave me a great gift and i thank you, i will always
Tear Drops And Pain ; But God Is Here Wont You Let Him In ; . Poem
Tear drops are from ones eyes as they weep, From what ever brings about their tears. like loosing your loved one, so dear. or pain, thats from a life empty and covered by shame. Yet God carries us thru if we ask Him in, to save our soul and to begin a walk of faith along with Him. He is like water He is like rain He can wash us oh so clean. He loves us We need Him now so His healing can begain. If we,d just let His love in so He can fix all the bad. Yet we have to let go of tears that we shed. And loose all the hurt there with in So God can fill up our soul and over come the past sins, And renew us in His love everlasting. WRITTEN BY DIANA..........
Tears Of The Night
i have never been so close to tears over nothing. tonight, i went to a tampa bay devil rays vs. toronto blue jays baseball game. someone set up something special. they told me welcome home and thank you for serving, in front of the ENTIRE baseball stadium, EVERYONE stood up and was clapping, i had several people shake my hand, and more just say thank you to me was so made me almost cry, to think that people can support such a great thing, it makes me just think about crying. thank you guys for listening to me!!1
The Tears Won't Fall
The tears Won't Fall Even though you left, The tears wont fall. I feel so sad deep inside, But the tears won't fall. You have hurt me so bad in the past, Now the tears won't fall. I could never bring you back, So I will let the tears stay in the past. I feel guilty that I am not stopping it, But yet I can't let the tears fall. The knife you have used so many times to stab me in the back, Has become dull instead of sharper, The tears will not fall. When I look back at the past, I know I am better off. Never again will it happen, The tears will never fall. Dee Parenti All Rights Reserve
Wants to run and hide, cant find himself knows what he did to fuck up maybe the best thing that ever happened to him someone took the time to ask, to send to put their heart right next to his always told him the things he wanted to hear the mistakes a he made the tears he has and will have all he wants is to feel the same way he did jut a few days ago with the butterflies in his stomach but for now his stomach will feel like its been kicked 9 times.... misses the most important person in his life next to his son Tearssss............
Tear Jerker
I think everyone needs to read this and LEARN the lesson from it! Subject: Two Choices What would you do? You make the choice. Don't look for a punch line, there isn't one. Read it anyway. My question is: Would you have made the same choice? At a fundraising dinner for a school that serves learning-disabled children, the father of one of the students delivered a speech that would never be forgotten by all who attended. After extolling the school and its dedicated staff, he offered a question: 'When not interfered with by outside influences, everything nature does is done with perfection. Yet my son, Shay, cannot learn things as other children do. He cannot understand things as other children d o. Where is the natural order of things in my son?' The audience was stilled by the query. The father continued. 'I believe that when a child like Shay, physically and mentally handicapped comes into the w orld, an opportunity to realize true human nature presents itself, and it c
Tears And Tequila
She came to me with tears and tequila and poetry we were yet to write with salt and lemon and the heat rising with each emptied glass - we were dizzy then, drunk in love and lust and crying turned to laughter turned to flesh pressing flesh turned to crying out in a fevered buzz. We fucked each other sober, drank again and then made love. I won't forget and can't repeat that night... © All rights reserved
Every time I close my eyes, I think of you. Tell me now ’cause I’m not knowing what to do. I want to feel you but you are not here. I want to love you but my heart is in fear. How can we be so close yet so far away? I need you to love me. There is so much I want to say. Every time I hear your name, a tear fall down my cheek. The thought of you makes my body so weak. Yesterday, I wrote you a love letter And today I threw it away. Not knowing in my heart, the things I wanted to say. I took the chance and put you out of my mind. Now knowing in the end what I was looking for I would never find. I need you to hold me and feel your kiss. It’s something I so very much miss. Every time I close my eyes, I think of you. Tell me ’cause I’m not knowing what to do.
Tears Stop right there wet and sexy! Wag that tail for me. Show me what I am getting. Let me see every bit of you before I feed. Strip for me, yes just like that. Unbuttoning slow with a seductive smile. Shirt dropping over your shoulders, exposing your back.Skirt to the floor, god I love your style! You've done this before, I can tell. The bras now gone, hands over your breast. With each piece off, the harder I swell. Panties drop down, looky there your already wet. What is it baby, tell me what you need? Of course I don't mind if you take a little ride. Here in the chair, or there on the sheet? No there's no hurry kitten, go ahead and take your time. Climb on up baby take what you want. Oh how I love looking at your perfect ass. Rub it baby yes, your pussy is nice and hot. The grip is so tight, on my dick in your hand. Wiggle it around as you slide it inside. Slowly going down every inch of my shaft. Fuck that feels the way you tighten and grind.
She's so young and beautiful but doesn't realize it. her pain so deep and bearing she cant stand it just wanting someone to care some one to be there but nobody cared or was there she just sat there and stared as all her soft wet tears stained her face she was scared and ready to disappear from all this hurt and lies shes living she was frightened and ready to die she slit her throat, fast and steady watching her blood hit the ground slow and shedding.
The Tears You Cry
The tears you cry the pain you feel and the hurt you feel deep inside, will soon pass. I will be there to chase your fears away wipe away the tears you cry. So the tears you cry will soon pass. You must never give up. Although the road is hard and you stumble along the way, i will be there to pick you up. The tears you cry i will wipe away, dont hang on to the things you cannot change, but hang on to the things that you have now. the past is the past, what is done is done there in God's hands now let him do his work. The tears you cry are the tears that make you strong. Know that i am here even though i am so far away. I will send you my love and pray for you. My heart will hold you close and part of my life you will always be. Dont let the tears you cry stop you from reaching out. Dont let the tears you cry build up inside. Dont let the tears you cry make you have to say goodbye. Hang on my friends and know that i will always be here for you. T
Tears come Tears go And whether or not you want them to Most of the time they show. Not everybody Sees a tear Even the person who’s shedding it can’t see it When they look into the mirror. When you’re in pain You tend to cry Even guys do Even though they deny. Stop trying to be tough Every once in a while let it go If you’re in pain Let it show. Just because you shed a tear It don’t mean you’re weak For those who can’t show emotion Tears are what they seek. If you’re hurting inside It’s something no one can see And they won’t look Until you let them see. Don’t drown in your pain Don’t drown in your cup People care So open up. Talk to someone Let them help Until you speak up Only you can hear your yelp. So don’t run Don’t hide Let someone know How you’re feeling inside.
I was going to write a poem to make you cry. I was fully prepared to let loose my poison pen, With it's acid ink to virgin paper, And burn your eyes with it. But what purpose would that serve? I could blurt out FUCK in my poem, Just to shock you. I could ramble on about sex I've had, Both in my mind and with my body. But what's the point? Are you so numb that you need to be shocked? So cold that you need to be burned? I have the pen. I'm in charge. Why should I want to shock you? Why should I want to burn you? The written word can produce immortality. The writer longs to be immortal. The poet is desperate to be immortal. I will not stoop to being a cattle prod or branding iron! If you are shocked, It will be because you have underestimated me. If you cry, It will be because you have been moved. And with those tears. . . My immortality. August
Tears Dont Fall
Tears The first tear That rolled down my face Was the tear of life Born into a exciting new world Everything is new and fresh Looking at the world With innocent eyes The second tear I cried Was the tear of manhood Nothing is new anymore The world turns tainted and cold The feelings of youth fade Torn away from young ideas Thrown into the darkness That is life The third tear is for love A feeling so pure in nature When it starts to grow Our heart pounds with hope Thoughts swirl into images of you The world seems anew Then it crashes back down To the dark abyss Love, the only false feeling The last tear that fills my eyes Is the happy tear of death Coming to take away The pain that life brings Sorrow stops with the Last beat of my heart As my lungs exhale The stale air that fills my lungs I am at peace True happiness I have finally found
You know I like to cry, You will sit beside me, with a box of tissue, wiping my tears away You know I cry a lot, tears rolling down the cheek You will gaze into my eyes, laugh at my silliness telling me,"its funny." You know I love sad songs listening to it makes me cry But, you will play it for me, Sit with me watching the tears as it flows You know the movies make me cry You will go with me And when someone laughs at me You will show him the fist and silence his laughter You know you make my world smiles, thou I am always crying I feel lucky to have you My journey of life is complete with you around. Thank you.
Tears Of Joy
Never thought in my entire life that Id have my kids finish high school let alone go to get accepted to college!!!! My son who turns 18 in march just called me and told me that hes been accepted to college!!!! I never once in my life wouldve thot this would happen!!!! Iam cryin tears of joy cause iam soooo happy!!! He will graduate in the spring and start college in the fall!!!! As a parent I have never been soooo proud of my kids then Iam now....
I close my eyes I squeeze them tight, I fight the fear from deep inside. I feel the pressure coming to me from within, the rip grows it pulls me down. I want to stop the flow but it is so close this I know, it forces air from my lungs. I want to smile I want to laugh but this I shun due to my past, my hands quiver. I want to scream I want to shout for I cannot let it out, I squeeze shut my eyes. I then realize that this will not help so I release a simple pout and behold the Tear that fell out.
I find myself sitting here in tears more and more often and the only thing I can say is that tears are good to cleanse the soul, but why is it he can bring me to all these tears just by not doing as he says. I must be a terrible person that no one feels I have feelings also and can just be walked on. I know I am not the best person at times that I can be and fr that I am sorry, I know that my depression is no excuse but it does not help. Maybe in time I will learn to control my depression once more but right now I can't and so the tears will continue.
MyHotComments / HotFreeLayouts
I sit here letting the tears wash down over my face because I no longer exist to the one that said he would help me. I sit here in tears because the one that is suppose to be here for me when I have questions or am confused no longer sees me. I sit here in tears because to him I no longer matter and it has begun to turn my heart to stone once more. I sit here in tears because I know that nothing I do will meet his approval, and that no matter how hard I try I am always wrong. I sit here with tears washing over my face because I let myself love him only to have him reject that love and use it against me.
In the Darknessis where I cry strangled in fear I lie The pain and torment on my face to him I am a discrace I fearhe will leave me thats no lie so in the darkness I sit and cry
Tearful Smles
Top or what the best thing in the world every mums wishes for their childs dreams to come to life my son just had his dream to get the chance to play for the best team in the world MANCHESTER UNITED FOOTBALL CLUB in the uk im so proud of him what more could a mother ever wish for our dreams to come true. well to see my son get his dream to play for the football team he loves im so proud and happy i wanted ta share it with every one things have been tuff for me and my family over these last few months with loosing our home and all our belongings things just got worse from their and this is the first good thing that has come good for me and my son for him to have such a gift being good at football that he got the chans to play for his dream team after what has happend recently the smiles on his face to recieve the news was unbelievable to see him so happy for the first time in a few months i just wish for more for him and praying for him so that i can see them smiles again that brings
For all the tears ive cried Ive cried a thousand more To know you mean nothing And nothing to live for To hear those words you fear From someone that you know Being hurt and yet left torn Even though it hurts you so Each day has a beginning A middle and an end Someone comes along and for once Your heart is able to mend They think they say the worst to you Because they say its true In the end they are just jealous Because they cant have you So fair well to you i have to say And you know who you are No matter what you have to say Im better then you by far
Tears Of A Clown
Friends ask the question, sometimes twice with a shrug I give the standard reply a wink and a smile should suffice looking at you with poker straight eyes Words hard to come by, dreading to share emotions I keep locked deep down inside not wanting to deceive those who care by a genetic drawback called family pride So don`t let me drag you down when my heart will not let me tell of how much I need you around to pick up pieces of my fragile shell To show my love would be a daunting task it is hidden here under the guise of a haunted soul wearing a clown`s mask with many tears fallen under my eyes.
The Tears
we lost i almost scored a goal though. today was my last of soccer =-( i am very sad
Tears In The Rain
There was a time when she was happy, although she cant remember when. It is raining, as tears are streaming down her face, for at this moment, her world is crumbling. In her arms, her soul mate is dying. She believes it is her fault. She thinks to herself, "The bullet was meant for me, not you." Not knowing what to do she lays next to him, lying on his chest, listening, but it is silent. The song of his heart is gone, the sound of him breathing is no more...he is gone. She screams, but no one seems to hear her. She vows never to let anyone get close to her again. Although she did not pull the trigger, she feels as though she is the murderer. The sirens of police cars ring loud, and the questions start. "Ma'am are you ok"..."Do you know who did this", "Can you give us a description." However she can do nothing but stare at his lifeless body as the paramedics try to revive him. Then as they call the time of his death, she sinks to the ground. Her heart is
My heart is slowing down the tears cannot stop. my mind is racing, for the things you said to me. I cannot keep on hanging on to you, you do not own me. can someone stop these tears from falling down my face? is it to late? the pain is making me numb. this pain is slowing me down, I cannot move. your not a friend, at least not now. that comment you made I want to shout. you know it is not true, why do you do the things you do to me. I need to forget about this pain, and you. I have friends, do they really care? can I trust them? my fear of disappearing is getting to me. I cannot control it. I cannot take it anymore As I close my eyes, the tears are rolling down these pale-rosy cheeks. I start to wonder, drifting into thought. I think to myself. why should I stay? I open my eyes I still fear of disappearing, but it is to late. my eyes are red, my massacre runs. I lost my feelings, for all the things you done.
Tear Of Joy
The day I met you was the happiest day of my life,When we are apart the emptiness cuts me like a knife. Just the other day I was thinking of you,And I shed a tear of joy into the ocean blue. So the day you find my tear in the vast open sea,Will be the day I stop missing thee. I love and miss you so very much! ~Michael~ Click the above image to rate / rip / comment!
....Our tears are the raindrops of the soul And there's one for all who die. They are the silent words of grief As they fall free from the eye. Our tears are lovelier than a smile When they come from those you love. As they seek relief from sadness, When you're summoned from above. Our tears are a love-mates humble gift When it's time to say goodbye, Though the eyes are wet and swollen, With time and patience they dry. ......if you hold back tears, "shed them" When your pains too harsh to accept....
I was going to write a poem to make you cry. I was fully prepared to let loose my poison pen, With it's acid ink to virgin paper, And burn your eyes with it. But what purpose would that serve? I could blurt out FUCK in my poem, Just to shock you. I could ramble on about sex I've had, Both in my mind and with my body. But what's the point? Are you so numb that you need to be shocked? So cold that you need to be burned? I have the pen. I'm in charge. Why should I want to shock you? Why should I want to burn you? The written word can produce immortality. The writer longs to be immortal. The poet is desperate to be immortal. I will not stoop to being a cattle prod or branding iron! If you are shocked, It will be because you have underestimated me. If you cry, It will be because you have been moved. And with those tears. . . My immortality. August
Tears Of Joy
Tears of Joy Tears of happiness The tearsi cry are of neither They fall like a swollen storm A storm that want go away I pray to the lord everyday Let the sun shine bright i say Does he hear me Or is he trying to punish me Why does he let the black night come When all it does is rain Shows me the memories of all the pain The storm is getting closer It floods my path The only way to go now is back Back down the path I thought was blowen away Through all the fog it reveals it self I hate to go back down the path No i will swim threw the river that he puts in my way Will i make threw to see the sunshine another day
Tears Of Blood
The tears she cries are not those of water, But of red red blood. The pain she feels is so deep inside, She wonders if it will ever go away. Things that were suppose to bring her joy, Where stripped away by others not wanting her to be happy. Life has eluded her, She wonders why she even breaths. Depression has set in. She doesn't even care if she lives anymore. There are no highs to compensate for the lows. The is no good to off set the bad. She just wakes up, Does what is necessary, Then goes to sleep again. Her tears of blood red say everything. Dee Parenti All Rights Reserved
Tears For A Cop
I have been where you fear to go... I have seen what you fear to see... I have done what you fear to do... All these things I've done for you. I am the one you lean upon... The one you cast your scorn upon... The one you bring your troubles to... All these people I've been for you. The one you ask to stand apart... The one you feel should have no heart... The one you call the man in blue... But I am human just like you. And through the years I've come to see... That I'm not what you ask of me... So take this badge and take this gun... Will you take it? Will anyone? And when you watch a person die... And hear a battered baby cry... Then so you think that you can be All those things you ask of me...?
You know I like to cry, You will sit beside me, with a box of tissue, wiping my tears away You know I cry a lot, tears rolling down the cheek You will gaze into my eyes, laugh at my silliness telling me,"its funny." You know I love sad songs listening to it makes me cry But, you will play it for me, Sit with me watching the tears as it flows You know the movies make me cry You will go with me And when someone laughs at me You will show him the fist and silence his laughter You know you make my world smiles, thou I am always crying I feel lucky to have you My journey of life is complete with you around. Thank you.
Tears Of Blood
(This is the one that is blank)She Cries Tears Of Blood Hoping that when he went out at night, He would come back With a gun To end it all, She accepts her beatings. The burns on her hands; The cuts on her face Are the worst of the best. She cries tears of blood. Her pillow couldn't be more stained. She seeks for his abuse, But regrets the secret she has to hide. The yelling. The fights. Nothing ever done right. He would hunt her down If she ever escaped his prison. The door that is his fist Prevents her escape. The window is the night that he's gone, From where she sees freedom. One day he'll go too far And his lethal hands will be cuffed. She'll be carried away in an ambulance; Leaving her soul behind.
Tears Flowing
my tears flow. wish u would kiss them away but u can't the dixtance is too great. time slowly passes as my heart becomes your entirely. loving you even though our time has been limited almost nonexisitent. your job taking u further away testing our relationship strong i may be... but still cries. wondering if you feel like me. am i expecting to much.. tears flowing
Tears Dont Fall
Bullet For My Valentine Lyrics "Tears Dont Fall" Lets go! With blood shot eyes I watch you sleeping The warmth I feel beside me is slowly fading Would she hear me if I called her name? Would she hold me if she knew my shame? There's always something different going wrong The path I walk is in the wrong direction There's always someone f**king hanging on Can anybody help me make things better? Your tears don't fall They crash around me Her conscience calls the guilty to come home Your tears don't fall They crash around me Her conscience calls the guilty to come home The moments died, I hear no screaming The visions left inside me are slowly fading Would she hear me if I called her name? Would she hold me if she knew my shame? There's always something different going wrong The path I walk is in the wrong direction There's always someone f**king hanging on Can anybody help me make things better? Your tears don't fall They crash around me Her consci
A Tearjerker I Know But The Request At The End Is A Precious Gift To The Men And Women Serving Our Country!
A tearjerker I know but the request at the end is a precious gift to the men and women serving our country! WIFE'S REQUEST I was sitting alone in one of those loud, casual steak houses that you find all over the country. You know the type--a bucket of peanuts on every table, shells littering the floor, and a bunch of perky college kids racing around with long neck beers and sizzling platters. Taking a sip of my iced tea, I studied the crowd over the rim of my glass. My gaze lingered on a group enjoying their meal. They wore no uniform to identify their branch of service, but they were definitely 'military:' clean shaven, cropped haircut, and that 'squared away' look that comes with pride. Smiling sadly, I glanced across my table to the empty seat where my husband usually sat. It had only been a few months since we sat in this very booth, talking about his upcoming deployment to the Middle East . That was when he made me promise to get a sitter for the kids, come Ba
I sit here and the tears roll down my fac onto my hands. I try to keep and hold them back from being seen, but i cannot hide thm from all. The ones that know me are the ones that see my heartache, hurt, scars, and my worst fears. I am thankful for the people i have but hurting because i dont know where that one true person is. I think that i know somedays and sometimes i dont. Sometimes i think maybe this should be me, single, no wife, no kids, nothing holding me back but nothing pushing me forward. Maybe this is the way it should be, maybe i am the end of this family chain, maybe i shouldnt try to change it maybe i should let nature takee its course. But nature does not want the same things that i want, it does not show me a bright future with a loving family and plenty of friends. it shows me a side of my life i never wanted to be in. I am lost in my own hurt and fears, wanting to change it and wanting for things to be different. But where does one start to change their whole life? W
Tear Drop
Little tear drop With black leather lace Going down with speed Trying to win the race She can't stop Little tear drop With silvery chains Stands out with glee All the pearls she made I've lost Little tear drop With wicked games Slows down from the speed She already has a lake To hold her when She's finally being shot New Graphics Dark Images Top Comments
Tears In Heaven--eric Clapton
RIP Nicole Stroud
A Tear Fell
A Tear Fell I shed a tear today Silently, I felt it fall You caught it shared it held it felt it then suddenly it wasn't so big after all
I look up as a tear rolls slowly down my cheek I think about better days and wonder if I'll feel that way again you look at me with those eyes I know so well always serious, so deep and insightful as though you're always in control But not today not now Now you look so scared like for once you don't have the answer I gaze at you looking deep into those hazel eyes Hoping to understand why you've said those things you did I wonder for a moment if this is all a dream if I shall wake in the morning and be relieved you look at me with a confusion I have never seen slowly pull me towards you and wipe the tears from my cheek
As the tears spill from my eyes i think this is it. this is my life never to be loved never to be wanted i want it to stop i want it to end so i pick up the knife and hold it to my wrist as the tears still spill to the ground....i watch the red fall to the ground i fall to my knees because you never noticed i was alive maybe now you'll notice the ground where my blood stans the carpit because i loved you enought to die everything is going gray my eyes are staned with tears thinking maybe now i'll enjoy my afterlife of hell knowing i'll never hear your voice and never touch your the tears fall
* Tears Are Falling
*I'm not sure if this one is finished, but I'll post it anyway* tears are falling kiss them away simple touch electric touch right to the heart and soul eyes searching find reason reading thoughts bodies advance and embrace naked bodies mouths searching loving lips meeting hands caress with urgency trying to reach within the other's soul pulling closer bodies pressed never getting close enough wanting to become one holding tighter pulses rise joy sensuality excitement the beauty as her head slides back her lips part a moan escapes they move together slowly their wet skin slides against each other the pace quickens they pull each other closer held so tightly lips pushed together tongues entwined explosion all breaks free the walls crash down they are one they touch and laugh as freely as children they kiss and comfort hold and love until sleep caresses them both
Tears Of The Moon
When I'm alone in the night and the moon sheds its tears, I know my world would come right, if only you were here. Without you, my love is empty of all but the memories it keeps, You, only you, stay inside me in the night while the moon weeps.
tell me wut to do tell me wut to say tell me how to make the sadness go away tell me when to smile help me dry the tears tell me how to get over those aching fears lift me up when i am down make me laugh when i cry give me a reason to live when i say i wanna die i cant get it out of my head it just wont go away whenever i try to smile those fears come bac to stay be strong when i am weak be brave when i am scared tell me i am wrong when i think nobody cared be my friend n hold me n plz dont let go promise yull always be there when i need u so
Tear Down The Walls!!!!
im sad, my friend, DJBabyTigger, left yesturday, i'm not gonna b able to see her anymore, i can still talk to her, but i cant skip class to go hangout with her and her son mitch, im gonna miss her. i kno she's gonna be happier now than she was when she lived in perry, her baby's daddy is a complete ass. :(
Tears Of Sorrow
My life is like a nightmare with my eyes open From which there seems no escape The past eating away at fraying sanity It seems the day I was born was a mistake I have become my own worst enemy Binding my own soul in captivity Every time I think I have broken these chains I am still trapped cause the memory remains Denying what I truly feel inside Scared when dreams and reality start to collide Deep in lies and self pity I hide Scared to chance wounding my foolish pride My mind is full of things I try to forget The chances blown and mistakes made that I regret It has made me become withdrawn and depressed Then by demons of guilt I am possessed I try to resist and be strong But whatever I do it seems to be wrong Then love slowly turns into hate I have become overwhelmed by my fate Concern has given way to apathy And my mind is lost in insanity So I stay alone in my misery Scared everyone will laugh at me All I want is for my soul to be set free To unloc
MY TEARS ARE REAL ! MY TEARS ARE REAL ! no matter the reason they are there ! tears are what the soul bleeds from a wound left deep inside ! so dont mock me ! tell me im being silly and brush my fears and feelings aside ! hold me near and close and lend me your streinght! tell me every thing will be ok ! lift me whe im down ! MY TEARS ARE REAL ! MY TEARS ARE REAL ! MY TEARS ARE REAL
Tearing Down The Christmas Tree
Well I guess by now, most of you have opened the gifts, and have decided to either return them or keep them, Time to take down the tree. I Ritual which in my family requires a great deal of debate. First of all we have an Artifical tree, that comes apart in pieces. Which means we always misplace a piece and frantically search the whole house to locate it, seems the dog has developed a taste for artifical tree tops and has neatly dragged it off, quietly munching on the ornaments as he goes. Then decideing that it is his property growls at us when we attempt to take whats left of it back. Whats worse the tree Never fits back in the box it came in! seems its somehow grown an inch or two over the years. Then the final insult is that once we put it it away for the year, come christmas we can never find it. Well it isn't where we put it! until we realise that it is but that since it was last used, we accumulated more stuff and covered its box with several tons of unused stuff that we got
Through the years I seemed to have cried so many tears sometimes wishing I had died I seem to trust and care too much And sometimes wonder Why I dare to crave that human touch even after he lied. ©Sonya D. Free October 3, 2007
I dropped a tear in the ocean for you the day you find it is the day ill stop loving you
Tears Don't Fall
Let's go! With blood shot eyes, I watch you sleeping The warmth I feel beside me is slowly fading Would she hear me, if I called her name? Would she hold me, if she knew my shame? There's always something different going wrong The path I walk is in the wrong direction There's always someone fucking hanging on Can anybody help me makes things better? Your tears don't fall, they crash around me Her conscious calls, the guilty to come home Your tears don't fall, they crash around me Her conscious calls, the guilty to come home The moments died, I hear no screaming The visions left inside me are slowly fading Would she hear me, if I called her name? Would she hold me, if she knew my shame? There's always something different going wrong The path I walk is in the wrong direction There's always someone fucking hanging on Can anybody help me makes things better? Your tears don't fall, they crash around me Her conscious calls, the guilty to come home Your tear
Tears Upon The Pillow
Tears are falling from my eyes, as I sit and cry at night. Blood is dripping from my heart, as I try to write. I have so much pain, I'm hurt a lot, I can't explain all this, I'm just falling apart. No one understands, I don't know where to start and I don't know where to end. Love hurts so much, like a thousand stabbing knives, especially when you have all this pain, that you wish you could deny. I'm so sore right now, my heart is racing fast, you told me love is happy but now I am sitting here with all this pain, I don't understand. I wish U can kiss them all away but no matter how much I try to forget this pain...I cant cause my heart is telling me, the only one who can take the pain away is the same person who gave it to you
A Tear
a tear swells in your eye as you think of the days past it starts to trickle down your cheek but you wipe it fast put a smile on now and you can stop the rain but another thought comes of all your pain its too late now a streak goes down your face shorty after more start to join the race the more you try to stop the more you start to cry thoughts rushing past as you close your eyes a song comes on and you listen to its words its sadly true, everything that you heard by now your palms are soaked with your tears you tremble the same you would your fears Soon your eyes run out and turn crimson red you rub them and try to make your way to bed hopefully the next day will be a happier one but those sad tears will continue to come...
Tears Are A Language
As each drop of moisture rolls down my face, it is representation of a moment in my life. Rather it be a sad moment, a painful moment, a happy moment, or for moments that I know are lost forever. They represent dreams that are shattered, promises that are broken, and fears that only an individual can understand. They fall for past relationships, lost friendships, and broken hearts. Tears come when you have so much emotion bottled up inside that something must give in order for your broken soul to have release. The valve has broken and here I am drowning in my own tears of emotion. There is noway to express myself other than to let the liquid pain cover my face....hoping that one day, someone will truly understand the real me. **Thanks to Lynn for proofreading my drunken writing**
Tears And Pain
sometimes im the broken heart everyone wears on their sleeves, i have cried so many tears its really hard to believe, i serve for the ones we have lost all over here and there ,and in some weird part of me they are always here. so i just wanted to tell you about all about the pain is always near. for i'll never forget my lost brothern you bro's are very dear... my thoughts from Iraq
we now got 179 inches of snow yes 179 and were still going. Im in the snow belt of michigan cries. imma send it to iraq.
Tearing Down Stars By Red Wanting Blue
I may be used I'm not brand new But I'm not disposable Like the friendships you use To blot the tears from heavy years What keeps you in the dark Did you ever bother to spark a fire Its like our parents said All fun comes to an end Is our world suddenly unraveling We're tearing down stars We got this far and we won't stop Remember every scar that made us who we are And we won't stop, we won't Hello Hello Now I don't know what holds Us back but we should let it go We save the tears To keep as souvenirs multiplying In the dark so we'll never be Able to spark a fire Its like our parents said All fun comes to an end Is our world suddenly unraveling We're tearing down stars We got this far and we won't stop Remember every scar that made us who we are And we won't stop, we won't We were young We didn't know So we went down the open Road and we won't stop We will not stop
Teardrop Revelations
Last night I cried a tear And I caught it in my hand I gazed into its salty depths And found I could not stand. For deep within this product of my lonely bitter eye I saw a visage of pure love So sad to see me cry. Startled, my hand opened up And as the teardrop fell I heard a voice so soft and sweet Clear as a ringing bell. "My child, your life has yet begun," The Voice, in wisdom, said, "When bitter pain spears your heart, Think of Me, instead. I was born, with death in mind In a cold, mean manger bed, Loved and taught so many hearts Was scorned for things I said. A wooden cross my final goal To pave the way for you, I paid the price for all sin Because my Father asked me to. So remember when you feel unloved and hurt tears you in two My love for you is great enough That I would DIE for YOU." D. R. Hyden i remember when i wrote this i was actually penning a much darker poem. that was my intent. this one rolled out instead... my words? or
Tear Me Down
tear me down to leave me that way broken and lost I keep you in my dreams time doesn't always ease the way you make me feel tears become salt for wounds hidden away dead eyes and half smiles hide it from the outside I guess I forgot to forget you again
these are my tears they're letting out my fears im honestly really sad but, i think i should be mad i dont know how to feel i just want to heal these are my tears they wash away my fears i didnt wanna let go but, its better for you to know these are my tears they know your worst fears im still dreaming of you and still dont know what to do everything is about'i miss you' but theres nothing i can do these are my tears they have no fears watch my tears spill because my heart has so much room to fill these are my tears
All I ever wanted is in you: Love, laughter, a pillow for my fears. I want to give and to be given to So I might feel myself flow through the years Alive in you, the wonder of my tears.
Tears On My Pillow By Lil Rob
Tearing Down To Rebuild
Rethinking Complaining We all know someone who has elevated the process of complaining to a high art. Sometimes funny, sometimes exhausting, these people have the ability to find a problem just about anywhere. In its more evolved form, complaining is simply the ability to see what’s not working, in one’s own life or in the external world, and it can be quite useful if followed to its natural conclusion—finding a solution and applying it. However, many of us don’t get that far, and we find that complaining has become an end in itself. In small doses, this is not a big problem, but if complaining has become a huge part of our identities, it may be time to take a good look at how we are spending our energy. Complaining is a person’s way of acknowledging that they are not happy with the way things are. In a metaphorical way, when we complain or criticize, we are tearing down an undesirable structure in order to make room for something new. But if all we do is tear down, never botheri
As tears fall on my pillow, another sleepless night . I wish i could wave a magic wand , and every thing would be alright. But thats just a fairy tale and in my dreams, but in reality in the distance if you listen u can hear my silent screams. For the pain that i feel is so real, i wish it was a dream but unfortunately in reality it is my real.
Tears Tears stream down my face, As I try to think of what it is I did. It is silent here, Without you near, You mean so much to me. I wonder if you will ever forgive me, For what I have done, Even though I do not know. Is there something in your life, That you just can't share with me? I love you so much, That will never change, No matter what is past. I would forgive you, But you haven't done anything. I could be wrong, But if I am feeling your heart, You are full of a lot of pain. I don't know why, However I will try, To help you if I can. The silence that I am recieving, Is killing me, But I am trying to understand. Just know in your heart, To me you are everything. Dee Parenti All rights Reserved
have you ever cried and not know why just felt like you needed to even though it made no sence when you could say if they were happy or sad tears when nothing could be explained they just fall like water like theres no end for some reason i have this feeling but i dont like crying i hate teas so why do i feel lik doin it why do i feel like letting them fall
Tear's Of Lost Love
"teardrops On My Guitar"
Drew looks at me, I fake a smile so he won't see That I want and I'm needing everything that we should be I'll bet she's beautiful, that girl he talks about And she's got everything that I have to live without Drew talks to me, I laugh cause it's so damn funny That I can't even see anyone when he's with me He says he's so in love, he's finally got it right, I wonder if he knows he's all I think about at night [Chorus:] He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star He's the song in the car I keep singing, don't know why I do Drew walks by me, can he tell that I can't breathe? And there he goes, so perfectly, The kind of flawless I wish I could be She'd better hold him tight, give him all her love Look in those beautiful eyes and know she's lucky cause [Repeat Chorus] So I drive home alone, as I turn out the light I'll put his picture down and maybe Get some sleep tonight He's the reason for the te
Tears Of Seperation
Tears of Separation I can’t help but be sad Even though he asked me not to I feel as if my heart has gone with him I feel it being pulled farther The farther away he gets The tears started days ago Though I tried not to let him see I knew it would upset him The chill of lifelessness has set in Cold, so cold I pray he is not feeling this It hurts I fear the pain will not leave Till his arms again wrap around me And mine around him I’ve never felt love this intensely before I am not sure how to deal with it May the spirits surround us both Keep us safe
Teardrops On My Guitar
Tears From My Eyes...
Tears to my eyes, Are from the way I love you, But you don't know how much I care. When I'm around you I start to tear, But you don't care So why should I care. When I look at you I start to tear, Because I know there's no chance between us. Tears rolling down my face, when you are aroud, But why I tear? Because I care. By: Gary Frost July 5, 2005
“Please, please don’t cry,” he says. And try she does for him. What of the cost to her? For now she cannot feel. To end her tears, she must not feel. So numb she becomes. This bleak unfeeling world she’s in. She looks around uncaring. How long will it last? Who holds the key? For now she has no will to fight. But no longer will she shed any tears.
The Tears (spring 1992)
The tears of my heart are caused by you. The tears of my heart are turning to glue. The tears of my heart are saying the same. The tears of my heart scream out your name. The tears of my heart will surely go dry. When it happens, my love for you is gone. And I will never see another dawn, though I long. The tears of my heart will cause me to die.. You can help me, if you would only try.
Teardrops Of Ice
Teardrops Of Ice by Sam Backman I stare at my face in the mirror Yet I cannot see the lies Or the pain within my heart Blinded by memories of the past, I gaze into the void of nothingness Hidden within these deep blue eyes of mine Staring back at me from its reflection My hatred is gone All that's left is emptiness and sorrow Now flowing through my veins, poisoning my mind Teardrops of ice are blurring my reflection Drowning it in silent grief Lost behind the lies, never to return Can't you hear my cries? My soul was left to burn I'm falling through the mirror To a world beyond I open up my window Welcoming the cold, moonlit night I reach for the pale reflection of the sun It's taking me forth on a journey A journey to the world of twilight Nightfall, take my hand Guide me away to the stars I fall into oblivion Frozen tears are in my eyes As I now close them to dream away Slowly drifting forth into the shadows
Tears welling in my eyes, Feeling it stung on my eyelids, Coursing down my heart and soul, The ache somehow still crushing unceasingly, Desperation almost writing themselves around my face, Sense of grievance lingering thoroughly, Letting emotions ruled my senses, Indeed all in vain, My, Strenuous mask crumbling abruptly, Revealing that I'm emotionally fragile, Resembling marooned at an isolated place, Which out of anticipation of that so unfamiliar, But, Wishing there was one stood for me, Lending her lukewarm palm, As a gain for balancing my hurt soul, Much indebtedness utterly owning by you, Alas it's proving futile, As, There's always no one knew me better of well, Which I wished almost for an ancient
The tears fall. slipping down my face. I hear the angels singing Amazing Grace. The time is near, I don't want to go the angels say I have to though. Our time together was short and sweet you marched right in swept me off my feet. The tears will fall for a little while and I'll always remember how you made me smile...
Tears Of An Angel
All alone at night His reality then sets in Dwelling in his mind Of how alone he really is The tears flow from his eyes Running out of control As the silence of the night Seems to consume his soul And she stands next to him With so much love in her heart Feeling all of his pain In the silence of the dark She speaks unheard words of love Words he cannot hear She holds him in her arms He doesn't even know she's there She whispers to him aloud I love you so my dear I've been with you for eternity And I so share your despair For I am your angel Who wished for you to be mine And the Good Lord told me It will all happen in time I've watched you grow as a child Into the man you are today I've always been here at your side And beside you I shall stay I've watched you fall in love Watched your tender heart break My tears fell from heaven Could you not feel my pain Now I patiently wait For the time you come to me Only then will you know How muc
Tears Like a swift sword, the darkness overcomes me As I sit and listen to a silence so deafening All alone, my heart slowly crumbles While my soul calls out to an empty void Yearning for long past caresses Your face floods my mind and clouds my vision Huddled in my corner I cry With no one to wipe away the tears Sue E Price Copyright ©2006 Sue E Price
A water drop sadness and pain anger and joy mixed feelings Love and sorrow just a water drop with mixed feelings There may be one there may be ten it goes on and on Forever and for always it will never stop tears of joy tears of sorrow it will never STOP!!!
Tears Of A Dragon
Tears of a Dragon [This short story was originally a part of my occasional series, Nancy of the Tenderheart, a fictional series telling of a war between Scotland and Britain and set in a fantasy setting where the heavily outnumbered Scots were able to enlist fantasy creatures as allies.] The squadron of black dragons had been caught in a well planned British ambush. Because of huge down drafts in the gorge they found themselves ambushed in they were unable to use their massive wings to lift them to safety over the towering cliff faces on either side. Night's Dark led the blacks, with her mate of many centuries, Moonlight, flanking her on the right; they had fought their way through a thousand battles successfully. But today was to be different. The British had carefully laid their trap, cannons hidden at either end of the gorge were revealed too late for the dragons to escape, and there were many hundreds of the red coated soldiers hidden on t
Tear My Heart Open
blank screen flickers ....I lay in a pool of heart break and lies.... i fall yet again with the belief that some one any one is truthful to me... my breath stills stagnate in my lungs...... the cold air seeps in to my room chilling my dead core.. always the fool... always the shameful secret. tears dont come.. the dull numbing hate fills me my personal demons rise and with out a fight take me down..... i think nothing i feel nothing..... i tear my heart out what is left..... let it fall to the the dirt where is belongs no drug will fix me... not like before no drink will liven me...... shallow my breathe quells eyes glossy....... body hurts nothing left to do now but await the things i knew.... that i told you he will kill the last part of me.... i gave it so fast so willing was it me or was i commiting emotional suicide life rolls on ...hollow is my state of affairs now. i tear my heart open leave it to die.
Tears And Sunlight
I look to you, but you only bring me pain I wish to give you sunlight, but you always bring the rain You cover up my happiness with things that time forgot And tho I try for apathy, you know it hurts a lot You cry to me and ask me not to make you feel so bad By feeling sorry every time you say what makes me sad But how can I let go of pain that you just give to me? It never stops, it never ends, I guess I won't be free Until this whole broken world is shattered and broken Until then, just take this token Of my affection, and know that it holds within it All the love that I can give it This kiss, windswept and blown away To comfort you some other day The rain is gone, what's wrong is right And all that's left are tears and sunlight
The Tears
As the tears run down my face I wish I was with you to hold you to stare into your eyes to run my fingers though your hair to rub your back to go to sleep with you in my arms to wake up with you still there I wish I were with you As the tears run down my face
Tears Heal
When all that's around you Seems awkward with trouble When people surround you And make your work double When all you can think of Is why do they pry When words seem to fail you It's ok to sigh When all that surrounds you Is hopeless and sad When some people harm you They treat you so bad When they leave you so lonely And tell you a lie When no thought seems to comfort It's ok to cry When tears sting the lonely And your empty heart aches When your question you ask Is why my heart breaks When friends reach a hand to you Once more you ask why When you sit there and wonder It's ok to cry When you ask yourself why again Your heart full of fear When all around hurts so Just too much to bear When you need help understanding You know you must try When nothing else helps you IT'S OK TO CRY
Tears fall down like pouring rain. Just like before my heart breaks again. Too long without seeing your face, I've gone too long without feeling your love. How can we get through this? How can we survive? I cry myself to sleep every night, And when I close my eyes Your face interupts my dreams. How much longer until I'm in your arms again? How much longer until I'm safe again? I've tried my best to see the good that will come. But right now all I can see is gray skies Pouring rain down like my tears.
The Tears
The tears keep trying to fall My heart starts to sink My chest feels hallow yet heavy My eyes begin to fill The water welling up inside I miss not having someone to call "MY LOVE" I miss giving passionate kisses I miss being able to cuddle To hold a love close To feel the love of another To have my heart filled with love again Right mow I am alone In need of that someone special That someone to fill the void in my heart But I can't let go of the fight As the tears keep trying to fall
Have you ever cried so much, it's like looking thru a glass of skim milk? that your eye lids are swollen for days? the salt deposits are on your lashes, thick and clumping together? that is where I am. What i want is within reach, but far enough away i can't have it. Distant, yet near. My heart aches, and it feels like the only one. I feel alone, and unwanted, not desired, unattractive, and not worth any effort at all. I feel like *EVERYONE* in my life wants me to do for them, but not one, is willing to do for me. My heart has been ripped out, and crushed, and i've cried till my eyes are swollen shut. I just want someone to truly love me, not expect me to love them, chase after them, beg them, and it not be returned. I want to really be loved. really, honestly, pure love. I want to know what it is, to be the object of such passion, and desire. I want to know that i am worth the chase, and the effort to do so.
Tears Of War
Killed by a bullet Shot by the enemy, Murdering every soul in sight Death delivered without sympathy One by one they drop like flies, While back home a soldier's child cries -Josh East
"tearing A Heart Out"
Sitting and staring at walls, not hearing the music that is being played!! Not hearing what a person has said!!Only emotion shown is the flood of tears coming down your cheeks as you feel cold and hollow, longing for the joyful feeling of being loved!! Made to feel special, beautiful, and just the feeling of being "ALIVE"!! Frozen even though the temp is warm, all cause you are alone!! And hearing the constant repeating of a voice saying "You are my world, my heart and my soul" but still can't shake the frozen feeling or blank stare, and even worse, the tears continue to flood down your cheeks!! Becoming all too familiar with the feeling of your heart being torn out!!!
They say that our eyes are the window to our souls, so if this is true, Then what are tears? Tears are the way for us to wash away the pain that our souls hold. It is also away that we let go of our fears, how we show joy. When we shed tears it is away to let our hearts and souls heal. Tears let us know that we are alive. So Yes the answer to that age old question it is okay to cry!
The Tear
It forms itself from within building to a peak until finally it emerges bursting from the eye Yet slowly it rolls down your cheek so all may see its beauty trapped within the globe of liquid many emotions can be heard for this little droplet is much more than it seems it is an expression of raw emotion it is a Tear. Christopher Wayne Rhea Copyright ©2008 Christopher Wayne Rhea
Tear Away
Drowning Pool - Tear Away.mpg
Tears On My Guitar
K looks at me, I fake a smile so he won't see That I want and I'm needing everything that we should be I'll bet she's beautiful, that girl he talks about And she's got everything that I have to live without K talks to me, I laugh cuz it's so dang funny That I can't even see anyone when he's with me He says he's so in love, he's finally got it right I wonder if he knows he's all I think about at night He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star He's the song in the car I keep singing, don't know why I do K walks by me, can he tell that I can't breathe? And there he goes, so perfectly The kind of flawless I wish I could be She'd better hold him tight, give him all her love Look in those beautiful eyes and know she's lucky cause So I drive home alone, as I turn out the light I'll put his picture down and maybe Get some sleep tonight He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar The only one who's got enou
Tears In Heaven By Eric Clapton
Would you know my name if I saw you in heaven will it be the same if I saw you in heaven I must be strong, and carry on 'cause I know I don't belong here in heaven Would you hold my hand if I saw you in heaven would you help me stand if I saw you in heaven I'll find my way, through night and day 'cause I know I just can't stay here in heaven Time can bring you down time can bend your knee time can break your heart have you begging please begging please Beyond the door there's peace I'm sure. and I know there'll be no more... tears in heaven Would you know my name if I saw you in heaven will it be the same if I saw you in heaven I must be strong, and carry on 'cause I know I don't belong here in heaven 'cause I know I don't belong here in heaven
Tear You Apart
Got a big plan, his mind set maybe its right At the right place and right time, maybe tonight And the whisper or handshake sending a sign Wanna make out and kiss hard, wait nevermind Late night, in passing, mentioned it flip to her best friend, it's no thing, maybe it slipped but the slip turns to terror and the crush to like when she walked in he froze up, leave it to fright Its cute in a way, til you cannot speak And you leave to have a cigarette, knees get weak Escape was just a nod and a casual wave Obsessed about it, heavy for the next two days It's only just a crush, it'll go away It's just like all the others it'll go away Or maybe this is danger and he just don't know You pray it all away but it continues to grow I want to hold you close Skin pressed against me tight Lie still, close your eyes girl So lovely, it feels so right I want to hold you close Soft breath, beating heart As I whisper in your ear I want to fucking tear you apart Then he
Tears I Weep...for My Sis
A Tear
if a kiss was a raindrop, I'd send you showers. if hugs were a second, I'd send you hours. if smiles were water, I'd send you the sea. if friendship was a person, I'd send you me .
Tears Fall
WHEN THE TEARS BEGAN TO FALL I wasn’t there for you When the tears began to fall But my heart sought you out So you wouldn’t be alone I wanted to be there Just to hold your hand To try and comfort And understand To offer my shoulder When you need it the most To hug you, reassure you, And give you hope Written by, Mcihael Coburn
These are my tears there letting out my fears I'm honestly really sad but, I think I should be mad I don't know how to feel I just want to heal These are my tears they wash away my fears I didn't want to let go but its better for you to know these are my tears they know your worst fears I'm still dreaming of you and still don't know what to do everything is about 'I miss you' but there nothing I can do these are my tears they have no fears watch my tears spill because my heart hsa so much room to fill these are my tears
Tears Of An Angel
~ All alone at night Her reality then sets in Dwelling in her mind Of how alone she really is ~ The tears flow from her eyes Running out of control As the silence of the night Seems to consume her soul ~ And he stands next to her With so much love in his heart Feeling her pain In the silence of the dark ~ He speaks unheard words of love to her Words she cannot hear He holds her in his arms And she doesnt even know he's there ~ He whispers to her aloud I love you so my dear I've been with you for eternity And I so share your despair ~ I am your angel Who wished for you to be mine And the Good Lord told me It will all happen in time ~ I've watched you grow as a child Into the woman you are now I've always been by your side Like I am right now ~ I've watched you fall in love And I watched your heart break My tears fell from heaven Could you not feel my pain? ~ I patiently wait For the time you come to me
Tears Liner
We stood side by side putting on makeup. She uses the brushes, but I always use the tips of my fingers to apply. Her mouth opens and circles when she lines her eyes...and I laugh. Her eyes catch mine in the mirror. And she does too. We are garbed in black. "How many funerals have we gotten ready for together now?" "Three...this last year and a half." she frowns I do too. We stare at each other in the mirror. She slowly starts to apply makeup again, and I unwind my hair from its high bun. I sigh and run a brush through my hair. Today was hard. Tears line every eye, strangers hug me. My cousin comes up to me. His smile lights his face...but it is weary. Tired. worn. Strained. It is his wife who's life we celebrate this day. Her death we mourn. She was 33. Too young. He hugs me tight and murmers against my neck. "It has been to long cuz." I sniffle and rub my hands along his back. "It has." I agree, and nod. He starts to walk past m
Tears Of A Clown
Now if there's a smile on my face It's only there trying to fool the public But when it comes down to fooling life Now that's quite a different subject But don't let my glad expression Give you the wrong impression Really I'm sad, I'm sadder than sad Life changes and I'm hurtin' so bad Like a clown I pretend to be glad Now there's some sad things known to man But ain't too much sadder than The tears of a clown, when there's no one around Now if I appear to be carefree It's only to camouflage my sadness Shield my pride I try To cover this hurt with a show of gladness But don't let my smile convince you I'm hurt and I want you to know But for others I put on a show...................... Just like Pagliacci did I try to keep my surface hid Smiling in the public eye But in my lonely room I cry................... The tears of a clown When there's no one around Now if there's a smile on my face Don't let my glad expression Give you the wrong impression
True love is when You shed a tear, & Still want him. Its when he ignores you, & You still love him. Its when he loves another girl, But you still smile, & Say Im happy for you. When all you really do is cry... & cry..
Tears I Cry
You look over at me I try to turn away Don't want you to see As tears roll down my face It's so hard being so far But being so close I try to fake I'm doing OK But I'm crying a river Not knowing when we will be This long distance love affair Sometimes rips me apart Not being able to protect you From all that can hurt I love you as you can see I didn't know my heart Could feel this way What can I do What can I say It all comes down to you and me There will be a time There will be a place When we will decide If these tears are of joy Or of pain Until then I turn so you won't see The tears in my eyes From not knowing when we will be. Mark W 5-14-2008
Tears With In
Walking around in the unknown holding my head down as tears roll down my cheeks, wondering to myself who is really there for me when i am down, ive told you how i felt, what i need to make me feel that i am alive, i gave you my heart yet do nothing with it. Drowning in sorrows pleading for a life thats not crushed by tears of pain and suffering. As you try to shield yourself theres nothing you can do because all the damages has been done before, picking up the shield to guard your self wishing you would hav reacted faster and not slow. As the tears of pain and suffering fade away time becomes clear, desiding to take a step back and think of what you could do to make things better to let or make people understand who you are as a person and not the thing that you feel are when, you can get help on your own to gain the knowledge of the words true one desire to fit in
Tears In Heaven
The Tear Just Keep Falling
I feel asleep last night, happy for the first time in a long time. It was simply because I had gotten of the phone with someone who loved me, knowing that I can just relax and let go of fear for once in my life. Then I was awoken by tragedy, and my heart closed and the tears started to fall and the sadness sank in. That even with tbhat love this sadness that was dumped on my will bear a weight on me that I may not be able to bear. I am strong, but I live the liife I do to try and bring smiles to everyones faces around me. I have now not once but twice brought the smiles to a creaming hault in the faces of a few and fopr this I will always remember that saddness and tears seem to fallow me. My tears will not stop falling since I hung up the phone nearly 5 hours ago. There are few things in life that I cherish most, and n ow not once but twice my life has caused two others to dramatically change. There is only one left that can change in that way and I intend on protectin
Sometimes I feel that I can actually understand people who get severely depressed. That makes me depressed. Sometimes there are so many roads to choose from, you never know which road you're supposed to be on or if you should just cut through the woods in some area. I was taught as a child that if I were ever lost in the woods, I should just stay in one spot and cry out. In my adult life with all of these crossroads, and every one has a tollbooth or two, I just want to sit in one spot and cry.
Tear Stained Stone
Have you ever cried at Midnight? When the world was still and Asleep? And the Moon looks down And laughs at your tears With the wind running by, Tasting their salt. Have you ever cried at Midnight? For you cannot cry at Noon.. Not under the burning eye of the Sun Not for fear of Others seeing... And Whispering, Calling you Crazy... Locking you away for being Foolish Enough to reveal your deepest fears to the World... WHY? MUST? WE? ALL? BE? HAPPY? Have you ever cried at Midnight?
Tears Fill Her Eyes
Tears fill her eyes She is a beautiful girl and a wonderful friend She has been damaged by his words She turns to me With tears filling her eyes I am so afraid for my life He once loved me for a short time Promised to never hurt me Tears streaming down her face As she struggles to speak She shakes from fear I believed him Pulled her away from all she had She feels so alone and scared His promises to change and stop float away in the air He no longer speaks, Words she no longer hears His actions speak to her His eyes tell of what he is thinking She knows his body language Knows what is coming next As she waits in fear His anger he unleashes on her body She tells him to stop In fear for her life Her eyes cry for help She runs away with no place to go She is only eight-teen and afraid for her life ~~~~Unfinished~~~~~~
A Tear
A Tear Swelling salty warmth Forming swells heart linked pains seed Falls and falls endlessly
Tears They never fall They never fall These tears of mine will never fall I don't care what you do I don't care at all Not in time of death Nor in time of need Even in pain, my tears will heed No matter how much I bleed Not in time of love, Even if I sacrifice my creed You'll never forsee, what i'll do next Even if you try, you'll fail, perplexed As I sit here alone With nothing for which to atone You let me be You left me here to die But you came back just to tell me a lie Now again, I saw you walk away Now, they start to fall, Now, they start to fall Now I can't stop them I can't stop them at all
Tears For A Woman
TEARS FOR A WOMANThe tears for a woman I can no longer hide are for the woman who has trapped herself as the person she really is, has been lost deep inside to the pain and to the hurt that her heart has had to bare for she thought she had met the one however, he became the one too many and her heart could take no more, so it disappeared to a place known only as despair. The tears for a woman that I reveal in shame are for the woman who gives an abundance of love to share with a mate that doesn’t feel the same, he tells you things to make you feel special and to become closer to your heart, until you finally realize his intentions weren’t sincere and the beautiful world you longed to cherish with him quickly falls apart. So instead of a celebrated time or an event that you would treasure, you’re left to wonder alone if your heart will one day meet its measure. The tears for a woman I continue to show are for the woman who’s natural beauty means far more to Mr. Right, than she’ll ev
Tears In Heaven
Another RoadRage recommendation. Sorry for the shitty vid quality. I need a new camera...& vocal cords..& hat..& make-up..
43 hours pass 12 aspirin 35 minutes of sleep 10,000 tears 1 pillow, turned over 100 times 1 bed 2 couches 2 floors 1 quilt 100 ice cubes melted in 20 glasses of water 0 phone calls 1 letter, torn apart 2 letters, left unopened 2 hands wringing with sweat 5 hard swallows 10,000 tears No relief No consolation No direction to turn A million excuses No way to stop another 10,000 tears
Tears That May Never Fall Again
The tears that are never to fall again. Torn in to too many pieces to be put back together let alone have the strength to do so. You know the person I'm talking about... The person sitting alone at the bar, drinks on that hard liquir...straight. So emotionless and too much of a bitch for anyone to asks whats wrong. Even though someone will try, only to get a quick responds with a tone that makes a ground man cry. "If you actually gave a fuck." or they might be the co worker who comes in day in and day out to the piece of shit job with no potencal of moving up. Busting there ass never bitching or complaining only to be the person who get ridaculed and harassed because they make everyone else look like the piece of shit they really are. Including the higher ups. Or they are the perso who puts on the front to make everyone around them think there are ok. Just so they don't have to hear the question... You know the ones like..."What happen to you" only to half way throught it y
Tears Of The Dragon-bruce Dickinson
For too long now There were secret in my mind For too long now There were things I sould have said In the darkness I was stumbling for the door To find a reason To find the time, the place, the hour Waiting for the winter sun And the cold light of day The misty ghost of childhood fears The pressure is building And I can't stay away I throw myself into the sea Release the wave Let it wash over me To face the fear I once believed The tears of the dragon For you and for me Where I was I had wings that couldn't fly Where I was I had tears I couldn't cry My emotions Frozen in an icy lake I couldn't feel them Until the ice began to break I have no power over this You know I'm afraid The walls I built are crumblig The water is moving I'm slipping away I throw myself into the sea Release the wave Let it wash over me To face the fear I once believed The tears of the dragon For you and for me Slowly I awake Slowly I rise The walls I built a
Tearing My Heart Out For All To See It's Flaws....
I've questioned why i exist if all i ever endure is bittersweet pain an sorrow but i've come to grow quite fond of it all after all it does remind me i can still feel pain in this wicked heart...The things i've done in my life i'm not proud of but ashamed i strive to be the best possible man i can seeing as i didn't have a role model to follow instead i simply went on instinct... This heart only wants one thing that thing that seems so complicated for so many people aswell as so's a four letter word yet so many despise an hate it but i still cherish it an hold it close an dear. Seeing as it's the only thing that i truly want from this life i've been given. Sadly so many people are damaged an by the time i find someone they're just as broken or worse then myself....I have my issues my problems but i try fixing them an getting over them i've been changing trying to cope with new events new situations that just seem to fill me with the same negative thoughts i once had b
Tears And Rain
I find comfort in pain All pleasure is the same It hides my true shape I wish I could walk through the doors of my mind I wish I could scream out loud I wish I could save my soul I am so cold I can’t feel It is just tears of rain This time I wish I could fly away It’d keep me from trouble
Tears Of A Child
Tears of a child, cries from the heart. Who knew that this would be just a start. Of all the pain that would now unfold , One's life story NEVER wanting to be told. How can this pain be so real, Can I be honest and trust how I feel. Visions of long ago swarm in my head, The feelings and sickness make me wish I was dead. Anger and resentment is what lies benieth, To the one above I look to for relief. Waves of tears wash over me, If only the pain would let me be. The ach deep inside only growing stronger, Not knowing if I can hold on any longer. Wishing for the drugs that used to make me numb, To return to them would only be dumb. Recover from my past is a must, Oooah , if only I could learn how to trust. Watching the movies within my mind, keeping these feelings in would bring damage of the worst kind. Tears of a child, cries from the heart. Pain and anguish pour from every part. Looking again for that child from so long ago, Now I want to guide her and h
Tears For Bernie Mac
a teardrops what ever makes me cry whats it mean confused with these tears watching Bernie Mac am laughing so hard the tears are flowing but again tears are flowing tears does mean two things he has always made me cry from laughing so hard i cant see now i never see him no moe that does cause the tears to never see him no moe its terrible to go too early not to fade unnoticed there was something special about Bernie Mac show was a lesson learned comedy to drive it home my teardrop is shed i have shed many before but this was the worst when i was to cry he dried them his comedy was there when i need the worst who will be there when he pass i cry for Bernie Mac
I'm feeling in love,you'll find me at home. Tears of pain from what you took .You took away my life and I cried .I cried when you said you didn't care .For some odd reason my mind was clouded with fear, angst and respect .Deep down within the Valley of my soul I hoped No... I prayed you did care Reality is truth and the truth does hurt .It feels like ice cold hands of death .Strangling the life from within me So I cried Because I didn't know what else to do.I cried so I could curse you with my tears. My tears of pain...
Tears By me Though you can not see the tears, but they flow like a river, Though you can not see my heart, but it cries for your love, though you think I am smiling, but inside I am crying, Though we are many miles apart, I still long for your love, Though everyone sees me smiling, but they can’t see the tears inside, I wish the miles weren’t so many, I wish you were in my arms, Though when you hear me on the phone, I am longing for your touch, as I hear your voice, I am crying, oh, how I long for your love and your warm embrace, though I am smiling, inside I am crying, the tears I shed, are tears for you, How I love you so much, but yet can not hold you, How I long to give you everything I want to give, I give you my life, my love, my heart, I love you and always will, The tears are tears for your love, I love you so much! Mrrcp 2008
Teardrop In The Rain
one drop of rain is one of a teardrop i can taste life in a teardrop with all the emo that comes with one drop of rain in a teardrop you gona miss mei know thatgone after today CeceRead My Writing at
Tears Of Joy
You know, there are times when you just don't think it is possible for anything good to happen....when you're absolutely certain that only horrible, bad, terrible, tear filled days await you in the future. When you're completely sure of the fact that you will spend the absolute rest of your days in completely misery. And suddenly, from out of no where, a simple, joking, statement, opens doors that you were absolutely certain were closed and locked up tight. Doors that you just knew you would never have the opportunity to walk through again. And you find out that all you had to do was knock. And though it may seem like a small victory, like such a tiny thing...there can be so many promises in the moisture brought by tears of joy.
Tear Filled Eyes
My eyes begin to fill with tears, As my heart is full of sorrow. as yet again i watch cancer take away another that i love. the life energy is getting ready to depart from the painful human form. Although we may feel saddness and great heartach and devistation over losing a loved one. but sitting here watching unable to do anything leaves a miserable feeling knowing there in terrible pain.
Tears Of A Native American Indian
Tears of a Native American Indian The sun raised up in a beautiful haze of pink, red, purple and blue through the clouds. Over the Purple and white mountain tops. A eagle soars high in the sky then darts down fast and furious and snaches a fish out of the clear mountain stream. The stream runs through the prairie at the foot of the mountain. A proud Cherokee Indian Warrior sit on a rocky cliff in front of his teepee smoking a peace pipe. His Indain bride new with child sits breast feeding there child. The Cherokee Indain Warrior looks down into the prairie. He watches the buffalo, deer and elk grazing on the prairie grass. A bear fishing in the stream off in the distance. The lush green forest surrounding the whole prairie valley. A proud Cherokee Indain Warrior who loves all Mother Earth has to offer to him. If the Cherokee Indain Warrior had a mistress Mother Earth was her. He loved her clear blue skies, clean flowing mountain streams and rivers. The lush green forest filld wit
Teardrops On My Guitar - Taylor Swift
Teardrops On My Guitar - Taylor Swift
Tears, Idle Tears
Tears, idle tears, I know not what they mean, Tears from the depth of some divine despair Rise in the heart, and gather to the eyes, In looking on the happy Autumn-fields, And thinking of the days that are no more. Fresh as the first beam glittering on a sail, That brings our friends up from the underworld, Sad as the last which reddens over one That sinks with all we love below the verge; So sad, so fresh, the days that are no more. Ah, sad and strange as in dark summer dawns The earliest pipe of half-awakened birds To dying ears, when unto dying eyes The casement slowly grows a glimmering square; So sad, so strange, the days that are no more. Dear as remembered kisses after death, And sweet as those by hopeless fancy feigned On lips that are for others; deep as love, Deep as first love, and wild with all regret; O Death in Life, the days that are no more! - Alfred Lord Tennyson
Tears Don't Fall- Bfmv
Tears Don't Fall Let's go! With blood shot eyes, I watch you sleeping The warmth I feel beside me is slowly fading Would she hear me, if I called her name? Would she hold me, if she knew my shame? There's always something different going wrong The path I walk is in the wrong direction There's always someone fucking hanging on Can anybody help me makes things better? Your tears don't fall, they crash around me Her conscious calls, too guilty to come home Your tears don't fall, they crash around me Her conscience calls, too guilty to come home The moments died, I hear no screaming The visions left inside me are slowly fading Would she hear me, if I called her name? Would she hold me, if she knew my shame? There's always something different going wrong The path I walk is in the wrong direction There's always someone fucking hanging on Can anybody help me makes it better? Your tears don't fall, they crash around me Her conscious calls, too guilty to com
Tears Of A Candle
Tears of a Candle all these tear and fears that i hold inside i try to hide but i finally realise a place to cope inside and hope to survive is inside a place so dark its like you blind but if you want to be able to shead those tears and you want to be able to confront those fears then you got to be able to walk it blind cuz todays tomorrow is priceless time. so i am a candle that i have now lit i have been throught the pits and through shit but i handle it from the wax to the tear to the ground it hits life is scandless but it still has light in that dark room it can shine real bright and with that light i write and i write it right
Tear Upon My Cheek
"Tear Upon my Cheek" A tear upon my cheek, pain upon my heart, So simple to talk about, yet destroyed when I try to speak! My heart aches, As I try to find the words to describe The way that I feel inside. You've no idea the way you have made me feel. A night on the couch, Feeling unwanted and neglected, All I wanted was a little comfort, A little compassion. But anymore I guess that is to much to ask of you. You say you can only do such a thing at certain times, But those times you are unsure. I lay in bed next to you crying, Feeling as though we are falling apart, And that is not a time in which you can transform to the guy I thought I knew. The one I fell in love with, The one who sent so many texts telling me he'd take care of my every need. Now, a year and a half later, Left hanging and hurt, I wonder, was that man even real? Or was he just saying those things? Things that he knew would win me over, And make m
Tears In Heaven
Tears In Heaven Would you know my name If I saw you in heaven? Would it be the same If I saw you in heaven? I must be strong And carry on, 'Cause I know I don't belong Here in heaven. Would you hold my hand If I saw you in heaven? Would you help me stand If I saw you in heaven? I'll find my way Through night and day, 'Cause I know I just can't stay Here in heaven. Time can bring you down, Time can bend your knees. Time can break your heart, Have you begging please, begging please. Beyond the door, There's peace I'm sure, And I know there'll be no more Tears in heaven. Would you know my name If I saw you in heaven? Would it be the same If I saw you in heaven? I must be strong And carry on, 'Cause I know I don't belong Here in heaven.
I watched my aunt pass away because everyone was so worried about my uncle they didnt see she was sick. Now everyones worrying about my father and not realizing that my mother is just as bad. She puts off her health problems and concerns to be their for her children. It kills me to think that I can lose her, shes my best friend and the only one that knows my hopes and dreams. Hell she even knows about every guy in my life. I dont know what to do my father just told me I have to be the bigger person and hes puttin it on my shoulders to deal with this. Because she isnt listening to him. That I have to get my brothers and sisters together and let them know that our mother isnt doing good! This is the most unfair thing in the world to know that someone u love is not well but wont take your advice. Im tryin to be the bigger person but all i get is hot tears running down my face, and thoughts of what if things dont get better. Idk what to do:(
Tear Drops
Tear Drops This is about learning lessons, and the consequences of making the same mistake again. Tears ran down her cheek. Each tear that dropped to the ground, through the soil of the earth, was a moment wasted on a past love. A river of tears reflected the lessons that she was grateful to have learnt. The wetness on her cheeks would slowly dry. The tears would ever so slightly crease her face, leaving ever the slightest mark of a life lesson. A life lesson, that if she did not learn would be indented further into her cheek, with a new flow of salty and bitter tears. Her cheeks were so marked with her life lessons that she now realized that changes needed to be made. Changes to her lifestyle. Changes to the way that she lived. If she was true to herself and trusted the goddess within, her higher intuitive self, the future tears would no longer stain her beautiful face. A sweeter tear would be cried. Tears of happiness that would mark and clear the indentation o
Tears I Have Wept
The tears i cry are not salty As a matter of fact they are thick They are not but bloody tears Why is it i cry these bloody tears It must be because my heart has been stabbed So many times from so many people I fear one more of it and my heart will die There will be no more left of it Just bleeding more and more Why do I wish that to this day The torn heart would have actually killed me I wouldnt be crying these bloody tears Everything I do reminds me of something Something that we did and you torn my fucking heart up Cheating lying decieving leading me on to walk into that knife Yet whenever I get around her my heart heals It seems to have a way to mend itself It seems to be what it once was so long ago And no matter what all I have to do Is picture your smile in my head And all my problems seem to vanish away
the tears fall like rain on my soul acid eating thru me as i learn that all i know is a lie love is just a joke at my exspense tearing me apart so i welcome the rain that causes pain to erase you from my soul the only problem is to erase you i will have to erase myself so may it rain hard and fast so im gone at last
Tear Away
Drowning PoolTear Away Music Video Codes By Music
Tears Of A Vampire
vampire tears Current mood: aroused Category: Writing and Poetry The colours of my last dawn are fading Soon the night will be here I look at the world with my new eyes It?s hard to describe what I see Everything has changed, but still it?s the same Inside I feel a hunger and a growing pain I run from myself in the night I cry for the victims I bite But still I?m a vampire, but I don?t want to live In this endless dark Now I hide in the shadows When the moon shed it?s light I guess I will live forever An immortal trapped in time... Darkness around me I stand here alone Forever to serve by my masters throne I run from myself in the night I cry for the victims I bite But still I?m a vampire, but I don?t want to live In this endless dark Darkness around me I stand here alone Forever to serve by my masters throne I cry the vampire tears I scream but nobody hears My chains last forever but I will not be alone I will give you my eternal kiss... I
Tears Of A Vampire
Tearing Me Apart
keep you here locked away never more can i say how my heart beats for you. never have I felt so real. emotions racing. can't hold you here but never shall i let you go. lately even more so. i die inside wishing for you to be with me once more. I can't breath any longer with out you here. you haunt my dreams. the only place we can truely be together. finally to make my dream a reality once again. chance it all take that bet. give it all up. desicions haunt my head like the ghost of a past that seems like it should be the future. the love i found in you is the love that made me whole. forever is what i always believed. but alone is something thats seems more real to me.
Tears Of Pain....
Ok, so it's like 4AM and I am in so much pain.. For all of those who know what is going on, I had my injections on Friday, and it doesn't seem to be helping! I am in so much pain right now. My whole lower back is burning, and it's shooting down my legs and I can't get comfortable in bed.... I have spent the past hour crying becuase it hurts so badly. I was so out of it on Friday, that I forgot to ask Dr. Sloan to change my pain medication. I'm not sure what he can put me on next seeing as to how I am on 10/650 of Hydrocodone..... I think my next option is going to be Radioactive therapy where they go in and cut the nerves off in my back with radioactive waves to get rid of the pain... But I'm not sure what he could give me for pain. I have already tried the Votaren Gel and it's not working .... It just hurts so badly! I just don't know what to do right now, I am in so much pain and I have to be at work in 11 hours... *sighs with tear* This is just horrible.......
Tears Of An Angel
For the Heart thats been broken deep inside you i send you this Angel to hopefully guide you may your heart never faulter and lead you astray im here for you and for Love i will Stay. you have led me to wonder about the pain you've been thru and im here to show its not been for nothing because i'm feeling it to each tear you cry puts a hole in my heart every breath you take only rips me apart the scars you carried those to shall fade because in my heart love can be remade if in life i can love you, let it be known, my Love for you can not be outgrown. if in death i can spare you your life or more pain. i want you to know I'd die again and again.
As I sit here watching the clouds roll in My mind drifts away To where you are And where I have been The clouds come in closer Darkening my day Putting a chill in the air And a clean smell The rain is falling now Soft crystal drops Landing on my window I stand here, looking past the tears That fall on my window Angels tears For they know my longing I wish you were here with me now Walking up behind me, your arms about me Your chin lightly coming to rest on my shoulder Your breath falling gently over my neck The rain is coming harder now Coming down in sheets Laying over my window Covering me Chilling my body I long for warmth…
Tears In My Eyes
My love, I have no idea where to turn As tears in my eyes begin to burn There are so many things that I feel inside I hope you have time to listen while I describe Deep down inside I feel a sharp pain For the relationship I once had, no longer remains It hurts so bad to except the fact That you my love I may never get back Both my heart and mind are so confused My feelings just seem so abused It seems to me that you no longer care I wish your love was still there Please my love I need your help For this is something I've never felt So hear I sit, still not knowing where to turn As tears in my eyes continue to burn
Tears Tears flow from my eyes, they are not sadness or pain Flowing from my heart with nothing but love for you are the only one that can truly make me smile you lift my spirits in a way no other person can you give me strength when I need you most a shoulder when I need to weep an ear when I need to be listened to a heart when I need to be loved So when I cry, it is not because I am sad I cry... because I am so happy and I love you. Christopher Wayne Rhea Copyright ©2009 Christopher Wayne Rhea
The clouds open wide the rain pours down on my face. i stand here without moving, my face towards the clouds. the memories of years past run through my head. the laugher, the smile , so many tears, heartbreaks. i remember the times you took me under your wing when no one else would. The resurring words telling me everything would be ok. THe endless nights you stay up with me wiping the tears from my face. telling me how much you loved me even though my parents didnt.. How i miss seeing your smile when i walked in the room. How you knew how i was feeling without me saying a word.. How you tried so hard to make sure i knew how important i was. How you helped me be the person i am today. I will forever remeber what you have gave me.. I will never forget the hugs so tightly that it made everything go away.. You were my rock ..but you will always stay close to my heart.. as the clouds pass. i see my tears wash away.. i love you grandma..
A thousand tears I have cried, Before I've seen the day I die. I want no more, I feel no more,And now I know for what is in store. The madness within is getting great, And the reason for life I no longer debate. My mind it spins and thoughts are glum, And now I wish it would all be done. A quiet place I need to be, So I can see the way you see me. I need to know what to feel,So I can be assured That I am real.I'm so confused and anger felt, Would you be the one to give me help? To ease my pain and put out the fire, In hopes to stop the evil desire. Lend me a hand or a gun, It doesn't matter, pick either one. Give me council and advice, Or tell me to pull the trigger twice. Don't tell me I need help, I know very well, Remember? I'm living this nightmarish Hell.But don't worry, It will go away, you'll see.Who knows, I might even go back to being me.However, for now, I'm stuck where I am,On this boat in the sea, with no sight of land.And here I will ponder how much I can endure,How
The Tears Of A Clown
In everyone`s life there`s sadness, it comes from all around. but no other sadness is greater, than that of the tears of a clown. I wonder through life just searching, for that lady that just can`t be found. my days are filled with sadness, like that of the tears of a clown. again my heart has been broken, and stepped on as it hits the ground. and suddenly i feel the sadness of that of the tears of a clown. so next time you`re tempted into betraying, the love that`s always been around. remember me and soon you will see, how it feels to be that poor clown. jocko65 1-23-09
Tears Like a swift sword, the darkness overcomes me As I sit and listen to a silence so deafening All alone, my heart slowly crumbles While my soul calls out to an empty void Yearning for long past caresses Your face floods my mind and clouds my vision Huddled in my corner I cry With no one to wipe away the tears xxx x xxxxx Copyright ©2006 xxx x xxxxx
Tearing My Universe Apart With A Smile On My Face
There are days I feel like I'm living in a Robert A. Heinlein novel, and others it feels like Philip K. Dick is running the universe. Aleister Crowley pushing buttons behind the curtain, as Wizard of Oz. One can look at the world around them from so many perspectives, finding patterns and narratives manifesting themselves out of nothingness into the order we've imprinted by choice on our own minds. I don't know what I'm thinking at the moment, just posting mindless twaddle.
A Tear
When I lay and think, in my bed at night, the day you'll arrive, seems nowhere in sight. I toss and I turn, dreaming of you, opening my eye's... checking if my dream came true. It didn't, again, and a tear starts to roll, weeping quietly... my pillow I hold. Many sleepless nights I've prayed for you, my love. God touched my soul from heaven above I've never felt this lucky, God did this for me. That's a question I asked each and every night. He must think your special, Joy, and I know he's right. No other has made me feel so complete, my whole life was lived, just so we could meet. All these thoughts and more going through my head. I fall asleep not worrying, but dreaming of you... instead
Tears And Blood
I will not make it through the night let alone this conversation Fingers, constantly point at me bringing shame and regret What have I done I do not know. Sitting quietly, questions arise as my heart softly weeps. Black tears fall from this weary heart. What goes unseen is the violent tantrums within me. Yelling, punching, cutting Tears and blood are all that is left for me to give. Even that is not enough to bring joy back into my life. Just a flit of that switch and I can be at peace, Forever happy Forever at ease.
A Tear
A Tear A tear is the rain of ones soul By Michael Dougherty
Tears streamed down cheeks flushed with fever a sadness overwhelmed a passion no longer held back undetermined but never forgotten the outcome undesired Faithful a heart stays true the time lost never remembered as it should but always there to show what i had misplaced So long ago was the mind mushed so was the heart crushed the hands wrenched together as the droplets splashed onto the bare flesh exposed the head hung low the touch softened by the love let go A blow to the ego a stab to my feeling Eyes lowered it doesn't stop body trembles the limbs weak exhausted from holding back a release Finally a release leaning forward the sleep comes a silent escape from the feeling
Tear Jerker Number 1
Just found this one on youtube and thought I would share it as much as I can - its truly beautiful and a real tear jerker - excuse me while I get a tissue.
Tears Of Blood
Tears fall from the flooded banks of my heart; my eyes overflow. They flow freely like waterfalls with no end. I break with each tear. They flow like blood trickling down a hurting thumb. Stung by a long pointy thorn from a beautiful crimson rose. A tear is like blood from the depths of my heart, my soul. It trickles down and falls unnoticed. No one can really know the depth of my pain, so deep within. I close my eyes, he's there, I open my eyes, a tear falls, and he's there; an ever constant flow of tears, a constant circle of agonizing pain. Once so proud and happy now left bitter and untouched, so cold. Loneliness, like wide open spaces, can devour your life. Destined to disappear, you fall. Feeling alone is the agony of defeat. When left alone, in the dark, you can see no one. Not even your own silhouette. A dark room, swallowed whole with no comfort. Left to die with no one around for miles. No one to hear your tears. No one can hear you scream his na

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