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I Love How Twisted I Am Being Made Out To Be!!!
24 hours ago, I posted a blog saying that I was leaving this site, and as of right now that is still my mindset. After I posted it, I had literally a dozen people come to me and ask me not to delete my profile - that I will be giving in to the ones who want me gone from this site. (Am I really that much of a threat to some people?) I have also heard some rumors floating around that paint a very sick and disturbing picture of me. Believe me, I am tired of the lies, so I am coming out with what I have heard has been said. Believe whatever you want to - I really don't care! I have heard that I have lied about a lot of things on this site. I hear that people have been saying that I never had cancer, nor did I ever go through treatments or have the two surgeries. I have heard that some are saying that Kianna never existed - that I made her up and I was really her (an alter-ego of sorts). I have heard that I am just saying these and being like this for the attention and to pull at
I Love Fubar
FUBAR rocks Im still a lil new but I like it theres not all that bot shit and I met some really cool freinds so far hell I even have me fubar wifey if i can figure out how ta do it lol so all ya all who are my freinds and who i chat with regularly thanks for all da rates and comments thanks for helpin me lvl up keep in touch rock on lets have fun. Oh by the way I havew a fubar wife yeah she a awsome chick but she a phreak like me lol and she has no jealousy aso all you phreaky women who are close and wanna chat and have some fun hit me up hey honesty is da best policy so lets rock it and lets all have fun
I Love You Best
I Love You Best I do believe that god above Created you for me to love He picked you out from all the rest Because he know I would love you best If I was to go to heaven And you wasn't there I would wait for you by the golden stairs If you were not there by judgment day I will know you went the other way If that is true I will give the angels back their wings There golden harps and everything Just to prove my love is true I would go through hell just to be with you Because I love you best By Cassandra Hammons
I Love You
I love you for who you are. I love you for who you want to be. I have been in love with you for so long that I don’t remember what it is like not to love you. I love you for how you are with my kids. For how you are with me. I love you for the way that you make me feel. I am in love with you and I always will be. I loved you then, I love you now and I will love you forever.
I Love My Piercings, Tattoos & Big Fake Boobs : )~
OKAY FIRST THINGS FIRST........I ABSOLUTELY LOVE MY 6 TATTOOS, MY 13 PIERCINGS AND MY HUGE DD FAKE BOOBS.......I HAVE DONE ALL OF IT FOR ME AND NOBODY ELSE AND I HONESTLY DON'T CARE WHAT ANYONE ELSE THINKS AND I WILL PROBABLY GET MORE.....THE POINT OF THIS BLOG IS TO TRY TO OPEN UP SOME PEOPLES MINDS.........I WON'T BE OFFENDED EITHER WAY BECAUSE I LOVE ME BUT GIVE ME (AND OTHER PEOPLE TOO) YOUR OPINIONS TOO (YES I AM EXTREMELY BORED TODAY....HEHE) Okay so one of my friends went out last night and posted a blog which is what got me started on this little topic. I love her to death and I am not judging her for her opinion. Her is what she had to say: I love to people watch. I swear, I think I am the only person left in Oklahoma City that has not had a boob job, or tattoo's, or my belly button pierced, or my nose pierced! My goodness!!! With all the boob jobs I saw, I should have become a boob plastic surgeon and I'd be set for life!!! What I don't understand is that when a wo
I Love You Always
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I Love You
I Love You Goodbye*
I know that we have had fun Fun with our bodies Fun with our sences I know that one bright early day I gave you my body, Gave it into the fun. I know that i said I Love You You had my body,you had my soul I know that I left you alone Alone w/out my body,all alone w/out my senses But you left me regret,pain and sorrow Though I dreams of your touch and alluring your humble face in my thoughts, Remembering those passionate desires we shared But I have nothing to say now than I love you Goodbye... I am with someone else now He fills my senses with real passion He fills my heart with real Love He fills my body and my soul with real touch and cares. He wont leaved Me,I swear nor me So i say I love you Goodbye as my tears fall and the rains fall down on me
I Love Her, What?
I love you BR and I have been lonely without you. BrokenAdd to My Profile | More Videos I miss you my love. muah
I Love This Explanation!!!
WHAT A GREAT ANALOGY OF GOD FOR THOSE WHO DON'T KNOW BY ROBIN WILLIAMS NO LESS This is one of the best explanations of why God allows pain and suffering that I have seen. It's an explanation other people will understand. A man went to a barbershop to have his hair cut and his beard trimmed. As the barber began to work, They talked about so many things and various subjects. When they eventually touched on the subject of God, the barber said: 'I don't believe that God exists.' 'Why do you say that?' asked the customer. 'Well, you just have to go out in the street to realize that God doesn't exist. Tell me, if God exists, would there be so many sick people? Would there be abandoned children? If God existed, there would be neither suffering nor pain. I can't imagine loving a God who would allow all of these things.' The customer thought for a moment, but didn't respond because he didn't want to start an ar
I Love You
One day a woman's husband died, and on that clear, cold morning, in The warmth of their bedroom, the wife was struck with the pain of learning that sometimes there isn't anymore. No more hugs, no more special Moments to celebrate together, no more phone calls just to chat, no more "just One minute." Sometimes, what we care about the most gets all used up and Goes away, never to return before we can say good-bye, or say "I love you." So while we have it, it's best we love it, care for it, fix it when it's broken and heal it when it's sick. This is true for marriage .. and old friendships .. and children with bad report cards, and dogs with bad hips, and aging parents and grandparents. We keep them because they are worth it, because we are worth it. Some things we keep -- like a best friend who moved away or a classmate we grew up with. There are just some things that make us happy, no matter what. Life is import
I Love You
Every night I go to bed dreaming of the moment I get to see you again; the moment when months without you are erased by a single kiss, the moment when all my tears are dried by a single smile, the moment when hearing the sound of your voice means seeing you at the same time. Knowing that the moment I dream of will eventually become a reality is what keeps me going.
I Love U
did u know the words "I LOVE U"have a price Its like a roll of the dice. To see if ur luck will hold or will u have to fold ? move on? or stay? I hold my heart at bay to see if you ll stay or go away
I Love Sean
Sean left this as a comment for me =D I know she'll never understand. I gave my word before we met, So I just can't go breaking it. She'll say she thinks I'm out of touch I've let my duty, honorbound, come between the love we've found. How can I live without her when she's all I'm livin' for? How can I live without her, live like I did before? Now I can see through her eyes how good love could be How can I live without her when she's gone? No matter what the future brings, I'll hold the memories in my heart No matter how long we're apart. She'll always be the only one, Her name forever on my lips She's slipping through my fingertips. How can I live without her when she's all I'm livin' for? How can I live without her, live like I did before? Now I can see through her eyes how good love could be How can I live without her when she's gone?
I Love Because I Can
I love because I can. Seems like a simple statement and in the end it is a simple one. I do my best to love unconditionally. This means being honest with self and removing all of the selfish ego stuff that can easily get in the way of really loving. It also means following my own rules for loving, not being bound by all of the manmade rules we are taught form birth. I love who I want the way I want. Love is a very natural, healthy, positive emotion. One of the most powerful emotions we humans are capable of feeling, giving, experiencing. We receive it freely so we should be able to give it freely as well. It has taken me years to get to the point where I can love unconditionally just because I feel it. Love with no expectations or requirements. Does this mean I love everyone? Of course not. But it does mean I can love a whole lot more people then I did when I was twenty-five. In order to really love, and to do it unconditionally one has to first love self
I Love My Friends
I Love My Friends! ♥ Please Rate, Fan, and Add ♥ I have some really awsome friends but there is one in particular who stands out from the crowd... ~ BigMitch!!! ~ Please Go Spank Him(really really hard)Rate, Fan And...Add Him.... He always returns the love. BigMitch!!!Demon Crew member!!!!@ fubar "If one day you feel like crying, call me. I don't promise that I will make you laugh, but I can cry with you. If one day you want to run away, don't be afraid to call me. I don't promise to ask you to stop, but I can run with you. If one day you don't want to listen to anyone, call me. I promise to be there for you but also promise to remain quiet. But one day if you call and there is no answer, come fast to see me. Perhaps I need you. Send this to all your friends, no matter how often you talk or how close you are and send it to the person who sent it to you. Let old friends know you haven't forgotten them, and tell new friends you never wi
I Love U 2
She had always liked him But never truly knew why He never talked to her His friends had made her cry She smiled at him in the hall He just turned his head He did not care about her Is what he always said But she kept her chin up And she loved him still Because she knew what was inside A hole that she could fill His friends soon caught word Of her feelings toward him They found it hysterical But her love did not dim She knew that she was better Than what they thought she was But still her heart was his For reasons she knew not of She slowly became more forlorn Slipping deep into a hole He was still ignoring her Breaking her delicate soul But her love did not falter She always thought of him But all the rumors about her Put her closer to the brim On the final day His friends played a trick Told her that he loved her Just to watch her tick Sadly she believed them And she was overjoyed Litt
I Love Nascar!!
I Love Kissing
Go to my profile page and leave me some kisses on my:
I Love You..
I love you.... and no distance between us or man made borders ,country lines or dividers could ever contain my everlasting, undying need to hold your hand in mine look into your eyes and say with all that makes me a man that I love you....without ever hearing your voice I know that the sound of such a melodic wonder could stop me in my tracks, bring my hands to quiver, create a tremble in my speech as I pronounce the words I love you... Not by miles, kilometers, feet, inches or any other measurement could ever possibly calculate the oceans and land I would travel across to say to you that I love you... And when my journey is finished and God calls me to take my rightfull position of a muse in his choir of angels before I expire I will hold you close to me and say matter where when or how I will find you in heaven for not even the afterlife or all eternity will keep me from saying to you when I see you again that I Love You...
I Love You
thank you to all my friends who have been patient with me, and there for me, its been a rough ride for me, now my mom has passed away this morning..thank you everyone for caring
I Love You Oopsy
I Love A Man Who's Far Away
I love a man who's far away Who's face I cannot touch I love a man who's far away Who's heartbeat I can't feel But although I cannot touch and feel The love I have for him is real I love a man who's far away Who wants to be with me I love a man who's far away Whose love is there for all to see But although I cannot touch or feel The love I have for him is real I love a man who's far away Who getting closer in every way I love a man who's far away And beleive he will Be mine one day
I Love Budweiser - My Favorite Beer
"i Love You Like" Poem " I LOVE YOU LIKE" I Love You in the mornings light, I Love You in the moon light, I Love You like the flowers need the sun light, I Love You like The waves on the shore, I Love You even more. I Love You like The lighthouse shines on the bay, I Love You more everyday. Like Us my love for you, Will always be for an eternity.
I Love Life.......
I love my life most of the time,i have wonderful children and hanging with my friends is the best..I work hard,I am a Home Health Aid and it can be a very hard job at times,Stress levels in my house i try to keep to a min. but doesn't always turn out that way. My life other than that is the best life a girl could ask for!!!
I Loved These!
Call me a Geek, but I loved these growing up
I Love You Just For Valentines Day
I Love You Just for Valentines Day I LOVE YOU IS ANOTHER OF MY FAVOURITE SETS AND INCORPORATES THE LOVE THEME. THIS SET HAS SOME VERY BEAUTIFULL AND MELLOW VIBES FOLLOWED BY A FEW SEXY CLUB TUNEZ. MIXED ON 1210'S. This is a 23min snip of the full 46min set. Full tracklisting can be found on my website
I Love You More Than A Thousand Jalapenos!
That’s what the stuffed bull “El Toro of Love” which I got for my wife Martha last week and gave to her this morning starts to say when you push his hind left foot (correction, left hoof). It’s hard to come up with new ways to be … romantic any day of the year when you also have an infant and a toddler to contend with. I know, I know, I’m preparing for the deluge of comments that “you MUST spend time together” but I hear very little advice how to do that. Last I checked, all of us have twenty-four hours a day and neither government edict nor divine intervention is going to supply us more. To be frank, we probably couldn’t handle more! Yesterday in my part of North Dakota it was snowing so heavily that most churches were closed for the night and had various programs postponed. I was out driving with our kids Sarah and Jeffrey on my day off and I had to scrape the inside of the windows too, snow was blowing so much and with the wind chill driving outdoor temperatures to the mid –
I Love You~
English - I love you Welsh - Caru ti Polish - Ja Kocham Ciebie French - Je T'aime Hindu - Hum Tumhe Pyar Karte Hae Czech - Miluji Te Slovakian - Lu'Bim Ta Italian - Ti Amo Ukrainian - Ya Tebe Kahayu German - Ish Libe Dish Chinese - Wo Ai Ni Greek - S'agapo Hawaian - Aloha Wau Ia Oi Lithuianian - Tav Myliu Korean - Sa Rang Hae Yo Japanese - Ai Shi Te Ru Romanian - Te Ubsec Bosnian - Volim Te Albanian - Te Dua Filipino - Mahal Kita Spanish - Te Amo I Can Say I Love You In 20 Different Languages! Happy valentines!!!
I Love You Baby!
I love everything about you, the way you talk, the way you say "I love you" i cant believe i found you, you have the power to make me want to be around you. Listen to what im saying and dont think twice if its true cause from the day i found you i fell in love with you. i cant explain exactly how i feel but i can tell you i need you and im being for real dont ever give up on us no matter the distance or time ill wait forever if theres a mountain between us ill climb it just promise youll never leave i dont know if you even have a clue but my purpose in life , is loving you!!!
I Love Flu
I woke with my lips on your shoulder, chocolate-flavored in the ravishes of last night's war. At my elbow, a single wrapper: it crinkled as I stretched, and I laughed against your spine. "Darling," I murmured, my nose at your neck, "it's time to wake up." I struggled to sit, one arm still tucked under your hip, blunt nails tapping against the outside of your thigh. You sighed, still asleep, and rolled towards the edge--but you wouldn't get away so easily. Stronger now, propped and looming, I chained kisses down your side until you moaned, annoyed, rolling back into me with strong protest. My fever met yours, and I could tell by the way we matched the sheets that neither of us had recovered. Coughing into your chest, and making my own moans, I finally heard you chuckle in response. "Well," you began, voice scratchy and raw, "at least we can tell everyone we spent Valentine's Day in bed." We'd spent hours on old movies and classic cartoons, devouring truffles to chase the
I Love Bull Riding
I Love You
Honey i love you, Oh yes i do. So Please darlin always be true. Your love is like a pot of gold, So hard to get So Hard to hold. Of all the boys i ever met, Your the one i'll never forget.
I Love You Bob
Bob Johnson 28.01.1947 - 20.02.2008 I remember the first time we met you gave me the biggest hug, I thought you were going to crush my ribs, but then that was just you..always ready to hand out the hugs and kisses when they were needed...You took me into your heart and made me feel so loved...and I want to thank you for the Onion lessons you gave me I never knew there was so much to learn about the humble onion but you made the stories so interesting and then we cooked them on the BBQ and you told me even more stories Thank you for being the best Step Dad anyone could ask for...I know distance made it hard for us to keep in touch but our times together over the past 7 yrs were just that much more special...when ever I hear a poker Machine go ka-ching I will think of you and smile as l remember the fun times we had trying to guess how much we would get on the free spins..somehow you were always a better guess than me I will miss you greatly but you will live in my heart for ev
I Love Myself
I've gotten some emotional highs this week. I'm a patient guy when it comes to sexuality. IN the sense that I get turned on by stupid things that other guys don't see valid :P. There are some days where I look into the mirror either with my underwear on or completely naked and start a perverted dirty dance that gets me feeling groovy. Just wanted to share that with you.
I Love You
Love Love is a word of affection don’t you wish that’s making love Love is a word that is thrown around like a rag doll Oh I love you will you sleep with me Sounds real attractive huh That is not what love is Love is caring for some one So much That you would risk your life For there’s Love is not just a word But rather an emotion And Feeling So why don’t you think about that the next time you hear I LOVE YOU Oh yeah I LOVE YOU
I Love This -from The Karma Man
I did write all kinda things that I love on my profile, but that was a year or so ago, so ill give it another shot.... I LOVE.. windchimes, rainbows and staying up late when I am not really supposed too. Coffe that is heavily sugared and creamed. Hats of all kinds. New makeup, the smell of a mans skin. Writing, dancing, and laughing until someone is afraid I wont breathe again. Text messages, pitbulls and Marlbro light 100's Wifebeaters, pushupbra's and Tripp clothing. Big happy colorful earings, swooshy skirts and wicked heels. tongue kisses, sex. The feeling of lust, making someone laugh, children. Music with a beat, chocolate of most any kind and eyecontact. Older men, old people, family gatherings. Being right. confidence.Thriftstores.Happy coffee cups. Fake designer bags. other peoples grills. (doncha wanna snot from laughing? i do) quick witted, slow cumming, tall men with dark hair. eyebrows, the curve of a smile, balloons, carnations, fresh manicure, flea market
I Love This Man!
I Love My Husband
What can I say!!! I ♥ my husband so much!!! Last night was the first time in a long time that I have drank, a lot lol and well needless to say I got pretty drunk lol and I guess all night last night I kept asking him if he loved me and if he was sure that he loved me and if I was the #1 girl in his ♥ and he kept telling me yes =] Well this morning he was telling me that I kept asking him all of these questions and he told me that he has wanted me for years and there is no way that he is ever going to let me go =] That I will always be the #1 girl in his ♥ and yes I do believe him that I will always be the #1 girl in his ♥ but sometimes, even after him and I have talked about this, there is just a part of me that wonders if I am that #1 girl. My friend Jennifer knows what I am talking about because last night her and I were chatting about it and all. Right now, sitting here and thinking about all of those things that he told me that I was asking him all night
I Love You
We've been together for a long time now. Remember when you first told me you loved me? I laughed, thinking you joked, and you told me again. I cried. Remember? I do. It's been a long time since you told me you loved me so now I tell you: I love you You look at me like you don't understand I tell you again: I love you You look at me this time with tears in your eyes and hold me as time stands still ~SM written 4/20/89
I Love Your Love
I Love Your Love I love your eyes, And your long hair, I love your smile, And the way that you care. I love your deep kisses, I love your soft touch, I love you, I love you, I love you so much.
I Love You Spikey
I Love You-eva Cassidy
I Love Meatin New Ppl
hay i love talkin to new ppl so add me on yahoo if u want or text me on my phone 15806950929 hope to hear from u
I Love To Pee!
Wowie Zowie I love to pee. Day or night, after lunch or dinner. Before, during, or after sex. I love to pee. Wee-weeing is winning a mini lotto 3 times a day. I could almost say that pissing is the greatest feeling in the world after sperming. If I could urinate while ejaculating it would feel so good my wiener might explode like one of those cartoon joke cigars. The longer I hold it, the better it feels. Two hours of having my legs crossed, holding my crotch, will result in 2 minutes of unbridled pleasure. I have a large capacity, yet highly efficient bladder. In order to get to this level: I may need to hold it for days. Sometimes I'll find myself in middle of a tinkle, then realize I was saving up for a Master P. Once started though, the flow of golden love can not be halted, and I need to begin all over again. I tried to tie a string to my finger as a reminder but it wasn't too effective. I tried tying it to the ding-dong, but decided to take it one ste
I Love You Baby
imikimi - Customize Your World
I Love You......
Why can't you love me like I love you? Like the moon, bouncing off the waters surface... Why can't I feel your soft, warm touch on my skin? Or your lips on my cheek, your hair in my face? Why can't you let me get close to you? Hold you tight so I can protect you from the darkness? Why can't I have your heart? As you have mine entangled in your embrace... Did I tell you that I love you? That you mean the world to me? That your so beautiful, so wild, so fun and so care-free? Why can't you love me? What did I do? Please love me, just love me Please tell me that you do... I love you...
I Love You.......
One morning you will never wake up. Do all your friends know that you love them? I was thinking....I could die today, tomorrow or next week, and I wondered....Do I have any wounds that need healing? Friendships that need rekindling? Or those three little words needing to be said? Let everyone of your friends know you love them. Even if you think they don't love you back. You would be amazed at what those three little words and a smile can do. And just in case God calls me home before I see you again....I LOVE YOU! Live today to the fullest for tomorrow is never promised. I know I don't always say it enough, but I do love you all and am grateful for each and every one of you!
I Love You A Lil More
Any time your by my side,I love youa lil more. Every time you hold me when I cry,I love you a lil more. Those rare times when Im drunk and you wont touch me,I love you even more. All this and I have barely scratchd the surface of all you do for me.I love you even more
I Love Him But........
I love him but, im not shure he loves me in tha same way i love him its very complacated and im bout ready to give up on him and i but i kno if i do that it will fuck wit me till i tell him how much i fuckin miss him I LOVE TIM KEARNS FA LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I Love Her
I have met the most wondeful women in the world and she if perfect in everyway. I like to say maybe not perfect for everyone but perfect for me. In many if not all ways I am speaking of my dream girl! She came into my life in a flash and before long has turned it upside down. Annie makes me feel wonderful every time I see her smiling face or hear her beautiful voice. She is mine now and I love her and long for days to pass quicker because I will be with her very shortly:) She is my everything and all that I think about. BTW did I mention that I love her :)
I Love You.
My sweetest Hope... I've never written anyone a loveletter before. So please bare with me on this. I dont mind the rest of the world reading how i really feel about you. I lay awake at night sometimes thinking about how happy you've made me. Its heart to pen down the feelings of my heart. Every time i try to make an attempt i end up failing miserably. Please bare with me. I'll give you this simple phrase for starts.. I love you. I think i can say it no better then those 3 magical words. I still remember that day i first layed eyes on you. February 7. Our lucky day. It was something in those beautifull eyes of yours. That smile. I just knew i wanted to spend alot of time getting to know you. Drowning myself in those eyes and hoping to be saved by you. You did save me and you did so much more then that. I feel in love with you. Hopelessly, recklessly and endlessly. It scared me alot. But at the same time it was the most amazing feeling i have ever felt. Its not puppy love.
I Loved This Video!!
I Love Him
my love for him will never die he holds the only key to unlock my heart the reason it beats he is the one who makes me smile that very special smile i can not wait to hold his hand taste his sweet kiss and be welcomed into his arms that is my safe place my freedom is through him i will wait for him so we can build our family our home on the darkside of the moon and spend our lives together if he will have me
I Love This Html
I Love Him More Then Life
from one heart to another love is shared, from one soul to another life ever after is born by Michael S. Merrill Do you think he loves me?? I have claimed to love a couple of guys this past couple of years just to end up heart broken cause they didnt love me the same as I loved them. Mike has told me over and over again how much he loves me and I love him like I have loved no other. Im happy when Im with him and miserable being so far away from him. All i can say is he is the one i want to spend my days and nights with for all of time and eternity.
I Love You
I love you more than you can know, And more than you can see, I love you more than I could hope to have someone love me. I'll love you when you're sick and weak, And love you when you're strong, I'll love you through our arguements, if you're right, or if I'm wrong. I'll love you through the lace of time, Until we're old, until we're grey, I'll love you always, more and more, With every passing day. I'll love you in our times of plenty, and in our times of need, I'll love you when I have to serve, And I'll love when I can lead. I love you more than life itself, More than water, more than breath, and whether I go first, or you, I'll love you into death. I love you more than the word love, ever could define, I'll love you through whatever comes, I love you and you're mine, I love you with a burning love, that fills me through and through, I can never say these words enough, for truly, I Love You. TO MY BABY LAUREN AWAYS DADDY
~i Love You~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I Love You~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I do not know Which I like best Your lips upon my neck? Your hand upon my nakedness? My arms around your waist And yours encircling mine? I only know That being with you is divine. Naked skin on naked skin When we are close together I want it to go on and on Forever and forever. The sweet taste of your tongue As it entices mine Intoxicates me more Than the strongest, honeyed wine.. You are always on my mind Through the day and too the night I feel your spirit touching me I shiver with delight.. If you could see How my heart sings When you make My telephone ring I am enraptured, fey, transcendent, and sublime To know some moments of your day are mine.. When your heart is tired of me If I can only keep one memory It would be the day we met The day you made my heart forget All other loves that came before And made me feel alive once more. I Love you…. Peace.
I Love Being Treated Like This
READ FROM THE BOTTOM UP! masterdomi...: believe me, gagging when looking at your lard ass does not require cock thinking. ->masterdomi...: i am sorry that you do not know how to treat a women. how hard is it for a man to think with his brain and not his dick? masterdomi...: yes and I am sure you are called air bags for reasons other than your big fat floppy juggs laid out all over the internet sluts lay your fat asses out for the world to see and when you get a comment you get pissed off......kiss my ass fat bitch ->masterdomi...: they are not showen all over the internet like most of the whores on here. atleast i have enough self respect to keep my clothes on in all my pictures masterdomi...: hey, flop your fat juggs out for the whole world to see and what do you expect. ->masterdomi...: good bye you disrespectful jerk masterdomi...: nice fat juggs I AM SORRY IF ANYTHING THAT I SAID UPSETS ANYONE BUT BEING TREATED LIKE THIS MAKES ME VERY UPSET!
I Love You All But Im Saying Goodbye
Tonight I logged on to talk to my friends and have a good time after a long day and wouldn't you know it the drama is still strong. I'm done and tired of it all. You all know who you are and I'm sorry but I'm saying goodbye till someone learns to grow up and let things be. I don't see the point of adding fuel to the fire again and again. I love my friends but I cant stand back and go along with everything that is going on. I find myself being dragged in where i asked not to be. So those who cant just remove me. Thanks to those friends that havent dragged me in the stupid shit.
I Love Her, You Should Too!
First off, I want all to know I am doing this for a close personal friend who I love! I am getting nothing out of pimping her out to you guys, this is from my heart, so please if you care for me help her! This girl right here is the most careing and loving individual I've ever met. She means the world to me, not just on here but in real life. She has been my best friend for over ten years, and has stood by me through my woest times. I can honestly say, without her I would not be around today. So please, I am asking you all this from the bottom of my heart, Go show her some mad love! She is so close to becoming Godfather That I know if all my friends were to just go show her some love, be it just a rate or even give her a happy hour (her B-day was March 5th, so late presant maybe?) We could help her to reach her goal. Here is her link. *~*Sapphyre Eclipse*~*(Taken)*~* ASST. CHIEF 2ND ALARM HOTTIES Please help her! Show her the love! I promise she is worth it and is a wonderful
I Love This One
R.E.M. - Supernatural Superserious Lyrics Everybody here Comes from somewhere If they would just as soon forget A disguise Disguised as they know you made you feel it At the summer camp they volunteered No one saw your face, no one saw your fear You got apparition just appeared Took you up and away from this place and shared Humiliation Of your teenage nation Nobody cares no one remembers or cares If your fantasies are Dressed up in travesties Enjoy yourself with no regrets So if you call out safe then I’ll stop right away When premise explodes and the room starts to shake The details shift And the stories the same You don’t have to explain You don’t have to explain Humiliation Of your teenage nation No one cares If your fantasies are Dressed up in travesties Enjoy yourself with no regrets Everybody here comes from somewhere If they would just as soon forget, disguise So if you call out safe then I’ll stop right away When the premise explodes and th
I Love You Daniel !!!
Howdy, I thought most people on here should understand what it means to be engaged ! Damn right Im getting married soon !!! Im okay with talking to ya but FUCK NO I dont wanna date anybody of ya. I hope u understand that - if not Im sorry !!! * Daniel I love you with all my heart and soul * Your the best what ever happened to me !!! I cant wait to become ur wifey :) Stef
I Love This Comeback!
One of my sons serves in the military. He is stationed stateside, here in California . He called me yesterday to let me know how warm and welcoming people were to him and his troops everywhere they go. Telling me how people shake their hands and thank them for being willing to serve and fight, not only our own freedoms but so that others may have them too. Then he told me about an incident in the grocery store he stopped at yesterday, on his way home from the base. He said that several people were in the line ahead of him, including a woman dressed in a burkha. He said when she got to the cashier, she made a loud remark about the U.S. Flag, lapel pin, the cashier wore on her smock. The cashier reached up and touched the pin and said, 'Yes, I always wear it proudly, because I'm an American.' The woman in the burkha then asked the cashier when she was going to stop bombing her countrymen, explaining that she was Iraqi. Then, a Gentleman standing behind my son stepped forw
I Love My Fishes!
I was just out in my backyard feeding my koi and goldfish and I saw one leap out of the water. It makes me wonder if they do that to catch bugs or just for fun. I've heard that goldfish have only a 3 second memory then why is it that when I go out to the pond they gather around near the surface waiting for me to feed them butt when my nieghbor brought over his neice and nephew they hid down deep. Not only do they remember but they recognize different people/things. I LOVE MY FISHES!!!! LOVE!!!
I Love/hate Driving
I love to drive in the overnight hours when there's hardly any traffic and you can pick your own speed. I absolutely hate driving during peak hours when there so many idiots and older(sorry to generalize, but its true)people are on the roads. There so many slow and overly cautious drivers out there that it just leaves me so damn frustrated to the point that I just want to run them over and keep on going! The only issues during the overnight hours is that its much easier for cops to catch you doing whatever, because there aren't that many cars on the road. But i'll take that risk any day rather than deal with so many 2500lb road blocks..
I Love My Friends! Xoxo
I have some of the most amazing friends! (Who also have some super fabulous friends!) I woke up this morning with almost 800k to go before I Godmother and am now at 575k to go! I think the beautiful Miss Kayla Raynes was up all night to help me. Go show her much love! Squirter Kayla Raynes@ fubar Stop by and tell her PebblesinAZ said, "Thank you sooooooooo much!" To everyone else bustin' their bum to help get me there, I will get the love back to you. (It's just going to take a while.) I am so thankful for all the REAL, TRUE, supportive and HONEST friends I have met here! xoxo ~PebblesinAZ~READ BLOGS!~CoFounder of the FREAK show with...who else...FREAK!~Owned by Emanon!xoxo@ fubar
I Love It When - Ronan Keating
I love it when we do what we [ x2 ] Ahahahaaaaaaaaaaaa [ x3 ] When you're around the sun is always shining And since we met I haven't once stopped smiling The love I feel for you is almost blinding yeah I'm running up and down the street Hugging everyone I meet Now you love me life is sweet When I got you in my arms I can't turn off the fire alarms yeah I love it when we do what we do because we do what we do till it's done I love the way we do what we do because we do what we do and it's fun you're the one When you're around my eyes will never wander And there ain't no-one else I've ever been more fonder of [ Lyrics found at ] So baby don't you break this spell I'm under yeah When I look into your eyes I don't have to fantasize You're a dream that's realised I'm dancing on the moon inside If life is cruel then someone lied I love it when we do what we do because we do what we do till it's done I love the way we d
I Love The Rain
I Love The Feeling Of Reaffirmation.
With nothing to do this morning, i actually turned the tv on, just to make sure it still sucked. The first thing on was divorce court, so naturally i changed the channel, and wound up watching about 3 minutes of Martha Stewart and her guest making cloth portraits of their dogs out of scrap fabric before I started having convulsions. I turned off the tv, leaving me with a warm feeling of satisfaction. The end.
I Love Happiness!
I just love to watch things work. and seeing pure happiness. even if its not me it just makes me feel hopefull i guess. :D I want things to work out for me too. No North Carolina anymore but that's okay because I'm sure I'll have other chances to see Rosemary. I went car browzing around the city. Unsuccessful, obviously. Like always. but it didn't bother me because I didn't have any hopes. idk if thats sad or good...? But I just felt a real nice feeling of things coming together. I have a good feeling about thigns coming together. Despite the fucking economy crashing down lately I am just waiting for the best. Working my hardest etc. Got to have that "mad money" saved up. Things seem to be coming together really well except for a few things but I'm saving up my money and just holding off on buying anything I don't need. But I still need to buy some vitimans. I'm happy that tomorrow is my first real day off in a long while. No school, no work. Same thing goes for thursda
I Love Life Now!!!!
soon i am gonna get my car fixed and i am going down to wichita friday and spend time with my grandparents, and i have my nephew right now and my mom is taking care of it. well i am just in a good mood right now. i work wed and thrusday and then friday off and saturday thru monday and then i am off the next two days. well i am going on with my life and not give a shit about jake now. i have friends that care about me. i am good now lol life is going great for me. jess
I Love You
baby i love u with all my heart n soul u mean the world to me n i dont care what anyone says n i cant wait until i wake-up in ur arms naked for the first time
I Love You
I love you - those three words have my life in them. ~ by Alexandrea to Nicholas III ~
I Love You Always Hun>
Ty for finding me , wow! Ill love you forever and a day and you say you love me forever too wow! almost a yr has gone by now 2 us are still hanging on hun, xoxoxox diana mwahs
I Love This Song!
I've been sitting here staring at the clock on the wall And I've been laying here praying, praying she won't call It's just another call from home And you'll get it and be gone And I'll be crying And I'll be begging you, baby Beg you not to leave But I'll be left here waiting With my Heart on my sleeve Oh, for the next time we'll be here Seems like a million years And I think I'm dying What do I have to do to make you see She can't love you like me Why don't you stay I'm down on my knees I'm so tired of being lonely Don't I give you what you need When she calls you to go There is one thing you should know We don't have to live this way Baby, why don't you stay You keep telling me, baby There will come a time When you will leave her arms And forever be in mine But I don't think that's the truth And I don't like being used and I'm tired of waiting It's too much pain to have to bare To love a man you have to share Why don't you stay I'm down on my
~i Love To Touch Her~
~I Love to Touch Her~ Her skin, I love to touch, I love to touch her skin. Soft, succulent, delicious skin on legs, belly, breasts, her folds. I love to touch her skin. Our mouths, with gentle suction, pulling and drawing, Our tongues, entwined in rhythmical dance, sliding, swirling, simulated movements when united. Thick protrusion enters her skin, Her skin, I love to touch Peace.
I Love English
Can you read these right the first time? 1) The bandage was wound around the wound. 2) The farm was used to produce produce . 3) The dump was so full that it had to refuse more refuse. 4) We must polish the Polish furniture. 5) He could lead,if he would get the lead out. 6) The soldier decided to desert his dessert in the desert. 7) Since there is no time like the present, he thought it was time to present the present. 8) A bass was painted on the head of the bass drum 9) When shot at, the dove dove into the bushes. 10) I did not object to the object. 11) The insurance was invalid for the invalid. 12) There was a row among the oarsmen about how to row . 13) They were too close to the door to close it 14) The buck does funny things when the does are present. 15) A seamstress and a sewer fell down into a sewer line. 16) To help with planting, the farmer taught his sow to sow. 17) The wind was too strong to wind< /U> the
I Love Nj!!!! Hes The Man!!!
Friends Are Something That People Sometimes Take For Granted. Sometimes You Let To Much Time Pass Without Telling Them How Much They Mean To You, Or How Much They Are A Part Of Your Life.Sometimes You Need To Take A Few Minutes Of Your Time Just To Say Thank You. Thank You For Being A Friend.Thank You For Listening When I Needed Someone To Talk To.Thank You For Helping Me When I Needed It.Thank You For Being The Person You Are.THANK YOU!!!These People Are The Ones Who I Consider To Be Great Friends To Me. They Are The Ones Who Make My Time On Fubar Great. They Are Always There For You When You Need Them And They Are Always Willing To Lend A Helping Hand Or A Shoulder When You Need It. Each One Of Them Mean Something Special To Me In Thier Own Way, And Each One Of Them Hold A Special Place In My Heart!!!So Go Show Them Some Love And Tell Them NJ_Nice_Guy Sent You!!!IN NO SPECIAL ORDER!!!ÐJ §ëx¥ §HÈLL ÖWÑÈR ÅND Gênêrál ÖF DREAM GIRLZ@ fubarMrs. Bubbles™FuWife 2 Southern Goddess@ fuba
I Love My Life!
I Love You
I have a smile Stretched from ear to ear To see you walking down the road We meet at the lights I stare for a while The world around disappears Just you and me On this island of hope A breath between us could be miles Let me surround you My sea to your shore Let me be the calm you seek Oh and every time I’m close to you There’s too much I can’t say And you just walk away And I forgot To tell you I love you And the night’s Too long And cold here Without you I grieve in my condition For I cannot find the strength to say I need you so Oh and every time I’m close to you There’s too much I can’t say And you just walk away And I forgot To tell you I love you And the night’s Too long And cold here Without you
I Love This
I Love Him Soo Much
Well me and my wonderful husband have been married for 4 years and even though we haven't got to spend alot of it together we still remain in love and stronger then ever.. Its the small things he does for me that means the most .. like him calling to tell me he will be home at a certain time or when he comes home and cooks dinner for me to give me a break .. or him watching the kids while I take a bath and read and get rid of the stress of being a SAHM of two toddlers. Even though he's had a long hard day he still does that for me and its those things that means the world to me. Anyways hes wonderful i don't know what my life would be without him. He was truly my knight in shinning armor back 5 years ago when I was not sure what I was going to do or how I was going to escape a very controlling ex husband. But Wes was there for me as my friend and let me cry when my ex would say or do hurtful things to me and he showed me that I didn't have to stay with a man that treated me like that..
I Love You !!
You're kissable and cuddly; You're lovable and sweet; You thrill me every minute, And sweep me off my feet. You're charming and disarming, Desirable and true. You inspire and impress me, And that's why I love you!
'i Love You' In 25 Languages
How to say 'I love you' in 25 languages..... English - I Love You Spanish - Te Amo French - Je T'aime German - lch Liebe Dich Japanese - Ai Shite Imasu Thai - Phom rak khun Italian - Ti amo Chinese - Wo Ai Ni Swedish - Jag Alskar Alabama, Arkansas, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, Idaho, Missouri, Mississippi, Montana, Louisiana, Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, parts of Florida: Nice Ass , Get in the truck!!!
I Love You
This song so explains the way my babi makes me feel when we are together
I Love You
Yeah The sun is shining everyday The clouds never get in the way for you and me Ive known you just a week or two But baby Im so into you I can hardly breathe And Im in So totally wrapped up Emotionally attracted So physically active So recklessly I need you So desperately sure as the sky is blue Baby I love you I love you I never knew that I could feel like this Can hardly wait till our next kiss Youre so cool If Im dreaming please dont wake me up cause baby I cant get enough of what you do And Im in So electrically charged up Kinetically active Erractically need you Fanatically you get to me Magically sure as the sky is blue Baby I love you I cant believe That this is real The way I feel Baby Ive gone head over heels And Im in So totally wrapped up Emotionally attracted So fisically active So recklessly I need you So desperately sure as the sky is blue Yeah And Im in So electrically charged up Kinetically active Erractically need you
I Love...
I love the shyness I love the craziness I lov the way you kiss and love the way you hold me Your loving and kind Yet gentle and caring As well as very protective I love teh way you look at me I love how you always think Im beautiful I love the way you respect me But most of all I love you!
I Love U Wendy Godangel 4 Ever
I Love This
Why is beer better then women. A beer is ALWAYS WET. Beer always looks the same in the morning. Beer is happy to ride in the trunk. Beer AWAYS GOES DOWN EASY. A beer doesnt change it's mind after you've already gotten the top off. When you change beers, YOU DON'T HAVE TO PAY ALIMONY. You can enjoy beer all month long. You can share a BEER WITH FRIENDS. HANGE OVERS GO AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!
I Love You
I love you for you, you make my skies so blue, wiped the tears from my eyes, with never a sigh. You make me fly so very high. I love you, for loving me. letting me be, who i was meant to be. I love you, for sharing, always caring. Walking hand in hand, we listen to the band, walk in the sand. I love you, for being you, making my skies so blue. Good times and bad times, I feel so fine. With every mountain we climb, we can always find the rhyme. With every dream, we are always a team. With every smile, I know my love it was all worthwhile. Through every mile, and evry trial. I love you. I know you are mine, and in time. I will love you even more, behind these doors, i will pour, all my love on you. I love you. I love you for being you, making my skies blue. Like every rose, I watch our love grow. With every blooming flower, you give me the power. I love you.
I Love Sluts
any sluts that totally want to fuck?
I Love You
imikimi - Customize Your World Marques Houston Videos | Video Codes
I Love This
this version is amazing tell me what you think
I Love My Boobs!!!
I love my BOOBS!!! What's it like to have boobs alot of men would like to know...... I will be upfront about it. It. Is. FANTASTIC. It's everything you have ever dreamed. Everything you could possibly ask for. Everything you could ever hope it might be. 24/7, I have my very own maguffies. I do not need to think about what it would be like to squeeze a pair of boobies--I squeeze my own. I don't need to jiggle anyone else's melons--I jiggle my own. Strapped to my chest are my very own pair of lovable, squishable, soft breasts. They are the delight of my day and the dream of my night. It is not a sexual thing. I don't get off on playing with my boobs, and the naked female form is so familiar to me it is not an erotic thing in of itself (I don't "stare at myself"). Boobs are just FUN. It's like a stress ball that's always with you, a dangling slinky attached to your body. It is a constant source of beautiful, bouncy amusement. I don't know how you guys ge
I Love You!!!
Have I ever told you that if I sit really still and silent sometimes I can hear your heart beating in time with mine? Have I ever told you when I watch you speak to me through wires, cords, bytes and ram I imagine your voice whispering into my ear? Have I ever told you I wait out each day ancicipating, wanting only an hour or two, just a second in space and time, to feel close to you? Have I ever told you there have been times when I ached for you so badly the emotions overwhelmed me so I sat and cried? Have I ever told you sometimes I reach out touching your name on the cold screen before me wishing I could reach in and pull you to me? Have I ever told you after the first time I heard the sound of your voice, a thousand miles away, I sat up all night turning the conversation over and over in my mind, examining it like a new species of flower? Have I ever told you I would give up EVERYTHING just for one night to be able to lay near you, to feel the rise and fall of yo
I Love This!!!!
I LOVE THIS!!!! Here's a quote from a government employee who witnessed a recent interaction between an elderly Woman and an antiwar protester in a Metro station in DC: 'There were protesters on the train platform handing out pamphlets on the evils of America . I politely declined to take one. 'An elderly woman was behind me getting off the escalator and a young (20ish) female protester offered her a pamphlet, which she politely declined. 'The young protester put her hand on the old woman's shoulder as a gesture of friendship and in a very soft voice said, 'Lady, don't you care about the children of Iraq ?' 'The old woman looked up at her and said, ' Honey, my father died in France during World War II, I lost my husband in Korea , and a son in Vietnam . All three died so you could have the right to stand here and bad mouth our country. If you touch me again. I'll stick this umbrella up your ass and open it. '
I Love You.
Im sorry about the past couple days.:x
I Love's So True
Friendship . . . is you. . . . is love. . . . is shared. . . . is forgiving. . . . is understanding. . . . is shared secrets. . . . heals many hurts. . . . is not judgmental. . . . is shared laughter. . . . is slow and steady. . . . can be angry at times. . . . is dependable and true. . . . is more precious than silver or gold. . . . is meant to be savored like fine wine. . . . is not perfect, much like we are not perfect. . . . does not hold grudges or demand perfection. . . . makes all the wrong things in life, right somehow. . . . is meant to be gulped like lemonade on a hot summer day. . . . is always there, through times of trial, happy times and hard times. . . . just happens, but once discovered, needs to be tended like a beautiful garden. . . . is a road to be traveled slowly, remembering the sights and sounds. . . . is strength when you are too weak to notice its there. . . . is a cherished moment of mutual understanding. . . . reaches into your heart a
I Love Romance
The can get as hot as hell, depending on the person.Love is the key, that unlocks the beauty that romance that haven't seen cause the get lost reading the wrong signs. Believe in love but more importantly belief in one another, that is the life I think in a relationship. If you desire to be cared for and caressed by one who can't see anyone but you in their eyes then you have to have faith they are waiting somewhere out there wondering where you are? Don't give-up, stand up and grab a hold of Loves hope and let it guide you and strengthen your heart when it is weak. You can call me if you'd like. But the love the you so desire keep the fire burning bright so you true love see the way.
I Love You - Celine Dion And Faith Hill
I Love You. Life Is Beautiful. Pregnant. Abortion?
I Love These Fu's
Ok these are some of my best friends and they all kick A$$. So if they arent on your list they should be! ♫LilBamaGirl♫~Shadow Leveler~@ fubar ♥Ħøŧ Møммα♥@ fubar QUEEN Nassy V4mpir3 GothMother OWNED BY Thump☆Star*@ fubar Cali Rain@ fubar ☛NSFW☚(FIGHT FOR THE CURE)@ fubar This bulletin brought to you by: Wishful Thinking@ fubar
I Love A Rainy Night
Well, I love a rainy night I love a rainy night I love to hear the thunder Watch the lightning When it lights up the sky You know it makes me feel good Well, I love a rainy night It's such a beautiful sight I love to feel the rain On my face Taste the rain on my lips In the moonlight shadow Showers washed All my cares away I wake up to a sunny day 'Cos I love a rainy night Yeah, I love a rainy night Well, I love a rainy night Well, I love a rainy night Ooh-ooh I love a rainy night I love a rainy night I love to hear the thunder Watch the lightning When it lights up the sky You know it makes me feel good Well, I love a rainy night It's such a beautiful sight I love to feel the rain On my face To taste the rain on my lips In the moonlight shadows Puts a song In this heart of mine Puts a smile on my face every time 'Cos I love a rainy night Yeah, I love a rainy night Ooh, I love a rainy night Yeah, I love a rainy night Ooh-ooh Sh
I Love You
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I Love This Place
This is way so much better than myspace, woot woot!!
I Love The Gym
As many of you know I “ship-out” for Basic training in May. I’ve been busting my butt at the gym. I’ve always been sort of a gym rat but I’ve really been killing myself there for like the past 2 months. I want to be in the best condition possible for basic and I always like looking as good as I do. Of course, that comes with the price of spending quite a bit of time in the gym…And that's where I was when I experienced the most erotic moments of my young life. It was Tuesday night (usually a pretty dead night) and getting close to closing time. I finished up on the treadmill and headed to the locker room. I was the only one in there, as far as I could tell anyway. I still had my headphones blaring away from my workout, so I certainly couldn't hear anything. It was when I yanked them off as I entered the locker room that I heard muffled sounds coming from the distance. I thought it to be just a couple of people talking in the shower, but as I neared my locker it wasn't talking,
I Love My Wishlist
I so need al of this stuff. feel free to check it out. And if you want feel free to show some love.
I Love You Baby!
I Love You.....
I Love You
When I tell you I love you I don't say it out of habit, or to make conversation. I say it to remind you that you're the best thing to have ever happened to me.
I Love My Mistress.
My Mistress loves me. I walk into the room, as you ordered. I can feel the tension building in me already. I am prepared. Boots; hands cuffed behind me; otherwise naked as the day I was born. My cock is already half hard, because I know how much you love me. I know what is coming. The sweet torture, the tension, the humiliation, the satisfaction, the release. If I please you, the release. Yes, Mistress. I back up against the wall, assume the position. Standing upright, bound hands behind me flat against the wall. Head tilted back, touching the wall. Feet spread slightly, on display. My chest swells for you. With my head back, I cannot see you any more. I must be satisfied with the memory of what I just observed. I see you there: endless waves of tight curls frame your face and shoulders. High, proud, breasts, a barbell through the left nipple....ah, the nights I've spent serving those. A shiver runs through me. Yes, Mistress. My nostrils flare; my movement has displeased you. I fl
I Love Him
Sometimes when I take a look at the hectic world around me, I feel confused, but all of the noise fades away and I forget my worries when I think about you. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed by life, and sometimes I don't know what to do, but everything suddenly feels right when I hear your voice, and see the light shining in your eyes. Even if I gaze into a crystal ball, I'll never see and understand it all, but I know that I'd be lost if you went away. I'd forever seek brighter days. Thank God for you. ~I Love You Robert Always And Forever~
I Love You
I love you enough to fight for you Compromise for you & Sacrifice myself for you if need be. Enough to miss you incredibly when we're apart. No matter what length of time its for, & Regardless of the distance. Enough to believe in our relationship, To stand by it though the worst of times. To have faith in our strength as a couple, & To NEVER give up on us. Enough to spend the res of my life with you , Be there for you when you need or want me & Never EVER want to leave you or live with you I LOVE YOU THIS MUCH
I Love This Story
I Love My Fries
If you all know the poem by mya Angelou "still I rise" this will be funny I wrote this for a class and thought it was funny and decided to blog it lol Hope you all enjoy lol much love I Love My Fries You may put me down as unhealthy with your, bitter, bad taste You throw me in the very grease, but still, like McDonalds, I love my fries. Do my French fries upset you? Why are you overwhelmed as if you bit a lemon? Cause I eat with no care and no dismay. Just like my mother and father with a smile on my face, and the sun overshadowing me, I love my fries. Did you want to see me hungry with dry mouth and with white lips? Hunched over, hurting from my growling stomach. Does my hunger offend you? Don't hate cause I eat as if it's my last meal on earth. I may eat a pizza or maybe even a salad but still, so delicious, I love my fries. Does the smell make you drool? Does it come as a surprise that my car smells like super size fries? From school to work, I love my fri
I Love You
Shall I run or hide And die inside Or pretend That I never knew you, even as a friend? Can I go back in time, Before your hand was in mine, Or erase the kiss, That I will forever miss, Or forget your eyes That seem to hypnotize? Can my mind erase The feel of your embrace? How can I forget all of this And pretend it doesn't exist? I want you to know one thing that will never end - my love for you. I love you, my friend
I Love Him So Much It Hurts....
I do. I truly do. I have loved him since I met him. I have been addicted to his touch since I first experienced it. His gentleness has captivated me. The kindness in his eyes can melt my anger. The strength in his arms can shelter me from everything. My entire body cries when I am not with him. When he is at his worst, I see him at his best. In his mistakes, I see perseverance. In his weakness, I see courage. In his past, I see what made him. In his future, I see all that he will become. When I look into my heart, I see him. When I close my eyes, I feel him. While my contentment comes from within, he is my lighthouse, shining my way home. Why do I feel this way? Does he know how I see him? Does he realize how perfect he is in my eyes? When I am scared, he is my protector. When I feel alone, he is my comfort. He is there for me before I ask. He knows my pain before I feel it, and understands it better than me. He guards my body from harm, and my heart from pain. He is the
I Love The New Accounts On Fubu Here
clarence@ fubar
I Love You Guys Lets Do It Again
I Love You
A picture taken yesterday Slowly starts to fade away Words spoken daily Forever meant to say.. I LOVE YOU
I Love You
I love you more than ever... for all the reasons that made me fall in love with you in the first place & all the other lovable qualities you've shown me since then. I love you more than words can say... because there are no words to describe all the wonderful feelings I've known because of you. Whether we're sharing private times of passion or moments of playfulness... Whether we're talking about our dreams or working out our problems, the closeness we share never runs out of new ways to touch my heart. I love you more than you'll ever know... because one lifetime isn't long enough to tell you or show you how much the love we share means to me.
I Love My Dogs More Than You...
Thats what my friend's boyfriend said to my friend. "I love my dogs more than you". They were engaged but he took the ring back, he said he needs to find himself, and doesn't know what love is anymore, he also stated that he needs to start to respect her more, meaning start respecting her for what she looks like, because shes not attractive. So my friend was upset, but she was cool with it, she accepted what he said, and they are dating, just dating. Trying to make it work. What do you all think of this?
I Love My Friends!
I wanted to let all my friends on fubar that I love you all and I appreciate all the love and support that I received from you all while I was going through the death of my father. Wanted to let you all that you are in my thoughts daily.
I Love To Suck And Swallow
Have you ever got the feeling come over your body that if you dont fill that need you will just explode! Well I have one right now to dress up as sexy and slutty and hang out at the local strip club and suck and swallow every drop of cum from those hot horny guys I know I look hot and will get a full tummy of hot sperm from at least 20 guys ! Dar I go ??
I Love You
Enough to do anything for you give my life, my love, my heart, and my soul to you and for you. Enough to willingly give all of my time, efforts, thoughts, talents, trust, and prayers to you. Enough to want to protect you, care for you, guide you, hold you, comfort you, listen to you, and cry to you and with you. Enough to be completely comfortable with you, act silly around you, never have to hide anything from you, and be myself with you... I love you enough to share all of my sentiments, dreams, goals, fears, hopes, and worries my entire life with you. Enough to want the best for you, to wish for your successes, and to hope for the fulfillment of all your endeavors. Enough to keep my promises to you and pledge my loyalty and faithfulness to you. Enough to cherish your friendship, adore your personality, respect your values, and see you for who you are. I love you enough to fight for you, compromise for you, and sacrifice myself for you if nee
I Love Him
I've been looking for that someone, I can't make it on my own. Dreams can't take the place of loving you, There's gotta be a million reasons why it's true. When you look me in the eyes, And tell me that you love me. Everything's alright, When you're right here by my side. When you look me in the eyes, I catch a glimpse of heaven. I find my paradise, When you look me in the eyes. How long will I be waiting, To become a better man? Gonna tell you that I love you, In the best way that I can. I can't take a day without you here, You're the light that makes my darkness disappear. When you look me in the eyes, And tell me that you love me. Everything's alright, [ When You Look Me In The Eyes lyrics found on ] When you're right here by my side. When you look me in the eyes, I catch a glimpse of heaven. I find my paradise, When you look me in the eyes. Every day, I start to realize, I can reach my tomorrow, I can hold my h
I Love His Voice!
Please take a moment to listen to this...especially toward the end so you can hear what a great vocal range he has! *Thanks!*
I Love Being An Aries
Here is an Aries Survey I just took and lik I said in my profile I am Aries alsmost Down to the - TEE Your Results: You scored 1-12: You are a true Aries! You are energetic, competitive and independent - a true Aries! You have many Aries characteristics, including the desire to be in charge. You have an abundance of confidence and a positive attitude. You do tend to be impatient, however, and are easily irritated by delays. You never shy away from competition and enjoy a challenge. You are at your best in the beginning stages of a relationship, when everything is new and exciting. You also enjoy the chase and prefer to pursue rather than be pursued. To learn more about Aries, click here! View all LifeScript quizzes. Quiz Answers: TRUE. Aries, ruled by the planet Mars, enjoys competition. You do not shy away when confronted with a challenge. In fact, you probably feel that anything worth pursuing should present a challenge. TRUE. Aries is one of the most energetic si
I Love You
I love your smile, your eyes, and your face I even love it when you say grace. I love it when u look at me I love it when you stare, I love the fact i think of you And know you'll always be there, I love the fact you think of me Beter than the rest, I love the fact our love is pure and that it's for the best. I love the fact a drew a picture of you and stuck it on my wall, But i hate the fact your in my head, and your not real at all......
I Love Her So And Promise My Love
I promise to give you the best of myself and to ask of you no more than you can give. I promise to respect you as your own person and to realize that your interests, desires and needs are no less important than my own. I promise to share with you my time and my attention and to bring joy, strength and imagination to our relationship. I promise to keep myself open to you, to let you see through the window of my world into my innermost fears and feelings, secrets and dreams. I promise to grow along with you, to be willing to face changes in order to keep our relationship alive and exciting. I promise to love you in good times and bad, with all I have to give and all I feel inside in the only way I know how, completely and forever.
I Love Shit Like This!
Sexy Comments & Profile Graphics
I Love Goth Chicks!
HEHHEEHEE! Sexy Comments & Profile Graphics
I Love You
I never really knew you, You were just another friend. But when I got to know you, I slowly let my heart unbend. I couldn't help past the memories that only made me cry. I had to forget my first Love, And give Love another try. So I've fallen in Love with you, And I'll never let you go. I Love you more than anyone. I just wanted to let you know. And if you ever question why, I don't know what I'll say. But I'll never stop loving you. Each and everyday my feelings for you will never change. Just understand and know that my feelings of the heart are true, And remember one thing: I LOVE YOU!
I Love You!! Do You Love Me??
If you do you will at least come and rate this pic. I have thousands on my friends list. Are any of you truly my friends? Let's find out. Here's the link...xoxo
I Love My Man
I'm sitting in my room, watching the rain beat down on my windowpane. automatically my mind races back to you. memories of what we have shared and knowing that we have more to come. my heart, no longer my own, beats faster and faster at the mere memory of me in your arms. the way you moved slowly into my life. there is no regrets, for I truly do love you.
I Love You Forever
I remember the night we met. I knew you would be mine. Now, all these years later I still thank God for you. I love the pillow talks late at night when neither of us can sleep. I love how we can joke around, and laugh at each other when we do something stupid. You are my best friend for always, and I will be here for you whenever you need me, like you have been for me. I will be there by your side, no matter which way the journey of our lives take us. We have been through too much to quit now. I love you forever...
I Love U And U Know Who U R
Have you ever wondered which hurts the most... saying something and wishing u hadnt or saying nothing and wishing you had??? I guess the most important things are the hardest to say. Dont be afraid to tell someone you love them. If you do they might break your heart... If you dont you might break theirs! Have you ever decided not to become a couple with someone because you were afraid of loosing what you already have with this person? Your heart decides whom it likes and whom it doesnt. You cant tell your heart what to do. It does it on its own... when you least expect it or even when you dont want it to. Have you ever wanted to love someone with everything you had but the person wouldnt let you? Too many of us stay walled up inside because we are too afraid to care as much or at all. Have you ever denied your feelings for someone because your fear of rejection was to hard to handle? we tell lies when we dont know, afraid of what others will think and afraid of what others will find ou
I Love When Losers Try And Step To Me
bitch suck my dick wit yo bald head ass ---------------------------------- Sent by: Olivia WTF CK YOU WTF FUCK URSELF ---------------------------------- Sent by: will dumb ass fucc ---------------------------------- Sent by: Olivia k ---------------------------------- Sent by: will how u doin ---------------------------------- Sent by: Olivia hi ---------------------------------- Sent by: will hey cutie who the fuck does that? try and mess with me shit!!!!!!!
I Love Smurfs
I Love You...
Love is always the hardest thing to say No one knows what it really means Maybe an expression to show that you care Or maybe a word that people use Just to be using it But when I say it to you Its from the heart So it means that much more I say it to you Because I do I do love you No one has ever made me feel like this I feel like Im back in high school With an 9th grade crush You make me happy Full of joy, Full of love How do you feel about this? Do you feel something special inside? Im hoping you do Because I do I do love you It hurts when Im away from you When I dont talk to you I feel my world has ended My heart has shattered My blood flows no more My brain stops My body shuts down Its so much I wanna tell you But dont know how But then again I do I do love you...
I Love Matt Pryor
I Love Making New Friends
rate me and love me
I Love You
I love you by LateNiteFantasy© Him and his three little words that splintered her wings and shattered her world. His voice rising above the rest as they scream upon high at her. What made this so different why him? Why? His voice soft and husky whispered shakily the dreaded words. Over and over into her ears leaving her breathless. Breathless and twisted. Shattered now She sits upon the edges of what used to be her world. What now? I Want... Lips pressed against mine a whispered promise upon bated breath caressing my soul with every touch. Wipe away your tears with my words. As you mend my heart with your smile. Your embrace making pain forgotten Forever speaking the words each wants to hear. Yes, I love you's to even a I can make it all better. Just I wants and I need you.. And a few thousand I Love You.
I Love This Song Lol
"i Love You"
I watch people all day, with theyre families and woner why He looks angry, and she is sad enough to cry Broken hearts, tattered lives, and pain Enough to last two life times, both played the same Something has got to give, I know this isnt how it used to be This land was once full of life and build on family I cant remember a time when my happiness would last He is always here and gone, says "I love you" then takes it back He would gaze at me, and fill my head with lies Promise me the moon, and every star in the sky And so here I am, all alone still Patiently waiting for my destiny to be fulfilled Aching for a heart that is strong and true Refusing to give up, and means it when he says "I Love You"
I Love Her More Then She Knows
i been seeing someone on here and i want her to kno i love her with everything i have and want her to kno i wont hurt her... ill be her everything do anything in this world for her her name is beilal69 is her name on here my soon to be my fu wifey and real life gf and want her to kno im her babbybooookinss for life
I Love The Way (already On Cd)
love comes from a distance everytime i look in your eyes i'm speechless i love the way you smile i love the way you speak i love what you do wheni'm down and blue love comes from a distance everytime i hear your voice my heart beats faster i love the way you look i love the way you walk everything you do drives me crazy whatever i do your in my mind where ever you go i think of you love is here love is now love is everywhere but besides me now i wish you were here with me so i can hold you ooh so i can hold you close the closer you are the better i feel cause love comes from a distance
I Love Ya George...thanks For The Years Of Laughter
i know it may be fracked up but George Carlin has been the only person in my life to make me laugh no matter what was going on. RIP Georgey Boy Thanks for the years of Laughter
I Love It When That One Person Or Persons Get Theirs..
Good Morning… Don’t you just love it when that certain special someone gets in trouble? You know the one. For me it is a Lawyer thingy or Judge I just love it when those who make the judgments and follow the laws to the extreme get what is coming to them. Just so in this case…Hardcore Ironies: (1) The prominent Texas personal injury attorney Brian Loncar, whose ubiquitous TV ads offer motorists a "strong arm" if they've been hurt by another driver's negligence, landed in critical condition after a Dallas accident caused, said police, when Loncar's 2008 Bentley failed to yield to an emergency vehicle and was struck by the speeding fire engine. As reported in the Dallas morning news. Here is one that I hope get his in the end also this time out of Pasco County Florida… I love bringing Florida’s slip ups to light…The longtime elected clerk of court in Pasco County, Fla., Jed Pittman, admitted to WTSP-TV in May that he rarely comes to work and in fact has researched state law to learn tha
I Love Techno And This Song (but I Cant Love You)
my direction deep in my heart i know deeper with in i feel Holding me close forever deep in my soul i know you are the one for me gimme love i want affection give it in my direction my direction Give me love i want affection the song basically repeats itself.its an awesome techno song and i think the message in itself is great but something about the music itself just gets me pumped up and it makes me feel good. thats what i want to do and why.i want to make music to bring people closer together, and happy, i want to bring a good fun party where i go. i want everyone to just be happy and love each other hahah i know thats never going to happen, but its good wishful thinking.i wish people would just welcome everyone it would be awesome. i also wish i knew who did this song cause it fucking rocks its perdy too! and the chicks voice turns me on just a bit
I Love You!
I Love You Grandma
im trying to not be sad i know you didnt want people to cry and i have a lot but im trying really hard not to. its just hard because i know im never going to hug you or kiss you,or hear you call me kit or kitty. im never going to bake another pie, or eat cookies and coffee with you,your never going to help me sew or see me get married or have a baby and you wont get to make my things for when i get married like you did when i was a flower girl. ill miss you sooo much. love always and forever your baby kit
I Love You
I Love You
I Love You, An Outward Expression
I Love You, An Outward Expression We fall in love by the way someone touches our heart, by the things they do and say. We then follow that up with saying, "I Love You". In reality, it’s more like "you love what they do for you", or "how they make you feel". It’s the love that they are expressing towards you that you are feeling, and that’s a wonderful thing, to be loved. But love is not a one way street. So many times though love gets clogged up in the pains and hurts in life. And sometimes we get so stuck in our own emotions, in our own wants and desires that we forget what it means to love. We forget that love is something we outwardly express by our words and actions towards others, it’s not all about how much love we can consume for ourselves, that’s not love, that’s selfishness. People tend to blame their poor relationships on incompatibility, that’s not an accurate reference point. The truth is that conflicts are a result of selfishness and stubbornness, that’s what is pr
I Love This Man
I Love Travelling
Create Your Own
I Love The Sea
Create Your Own
I Loves You
I Love You Emily You Fucking Racer / Corset
its so bad ass to know another chick who drives fast.i had a blast today. we went to the garment district and got a shit load of fabric to make so fucking excited. i got some kick ass black fabric, black lace, and gray and black fabric with skulls and other designs on it.then we went to venice beach and that in it self was a fucking blast i want to go again.cause i love hippies ....oh yeah and i used to be one.
I Love Who???
i love my boyfriend
I Love My Wife
I Love You & I Hate You
Alright- this is by David Allen Coe- I'm not a fan and I literally just tripped over this song tonight. I wish it was sung by a woman- or at the minimum a better voice- but the lyrics just KILL me-- who hasn't felt this??? I'm looking for a video next to stash if one exists- but if you want to hear it- go to So anyway- here they are... I love you and I hate you Both at the same time I wish I could forget you But you’re always on my mind Yes I think about you The bad times and the good The times I could not talk to you And the times I wished I could You always kept your guard up I always let mine down Cause to me you were like the circus But to you I was just a clown You used to walk on water At least I thought you could I never saw the bad in you I only saw the good I trusted my emotions Falling deeper everyday You knew how much I loved you But you left me anyway I love you but I hate you Both at the s
I Love My Job.
Sent: Mon, 14 Jul 2008 6:54 pm Subject: question Hi (name removed), I'm confused about something on your resume... you show that you have a couple of certifications, and they are certifications that don't actually exist. Microsoft does not offer Java certifications, it's a Sun Microsystems product. And just to make sure that I was correct, I did research this and can not find anything at all regarding Java certifications through Microsoft. Microsoft is a competitor and offers certs on .NET, but certainly not on Java. Can you tell me where you took these certifications and provide contact information so that they may be verified: Completed Microsoft Certified Java Developer I Completed Microsoft Certified Java Developer II Thank you! _________________ his response: __________________ Sorry I just added these certifications to look better. I do know J2EE since I have done it for 4 years. __________________ HAHhhahahhAHHAHAHAHHA. I love my job.
I Love These Words
You Feel me in the darkness i see you through the mists my presence fuels your passions that makes my blood run hot i cannot return to your world but you can enter mine cast away the gold that keeps us apart reach out and take my hand eternity awaits us. these words just turned me on....... mmmmmmm
I Love You Bella
Today my best friend left me.My bulldog bella passed away leaving me heartbroken.She was 5 years old just a baby like my daughter.I am devasted i watched her leave me on my kitchen floor,so helpless and innocent.thats all for now....she will always be my best friend...xoxo
I Love You
BABY,I asked u if u like me, u said no. i asked u if i was pretty u said no. i asked if i was in your heart,u said no i asked if u would cry if i walked away,u said no. so i walked away,but u grabbed my arm and said... I dont like u, I love u! U ARE NOT PRETTY, ur beautiful! U ARE NOT IN MY HEART, U ARE MY HEART, AND i wouldnt cry for if u walked away, i would die
I Love Me New Hair
I bought purple and turquoise but the turquoise didnt settle in my hair at all and basically washed out..but the purple came out amazing...I never thought i would look good in dark hair,
I Love To Be Very Happy
I am always happy unles someone wants to try to mess up my day. i love my family. especially my daughter Emmah Rae
I Love..
I never really knew you You were just another friend But when I got to know you, I let my heart unbend. I couldn't help past memories that would only make me cry I had to forget my first love and give love another try So I've fallen in love with you and I'll never let you go I love you more than anyone I just had to let you know And if you ever wonder why I don't know what I'll say But I'll never stop loving you each and every day My feelings for you will never change Just know my feelings are true Just remember one thing I Love You!
I Love Ya Smokie
HEY YALL LETS LEVEL THESE THREE FUS THEY WILL RETURN THE LOVE FIRST WE HAVE ME IM TRYING TO GODFATHER Smokie Owner Of Glatic Galaxy/RL BF To Lil C/Co Owner@Hillbilly Lounge/Manager@Club Temptation/Member Of Rating Revolution And 25 To Life/Head Enforcer@NCF1,697,768 THEN WE HAVE MY BABY LIL C SHES TRYING TO GET TO FU GEE ~*Lil*C*~RL GF To Smokie/Co-Owner of Glatic Galaxy!!!33,307 THEN WE HAVE MY FRIEND BEAUTIFUL DISASTER SHES TRYING TO GET TO FUBERLORD »-(¯`v´¯)-»Béªütifùl Ðí$ª$tër™~Ñøtørîøüs P.Ø.P Mílìtiª~»-(¯`v´¯)-»233,080 THEN WE HAVE MY COUSIN BANDIT HES TRYING TO GET TO ASSASSIN Bandit Enforcer@Hillbilly Lounge/Enforcer@Glatic Galaxy/Member Of Redneck Leveling Crew43,266
I Love This Essay
Cho Ping (Eastern Guru) Karma May 1, 2000 Copyright by TM , 2000, all rights reserved ..TR> ..TABLE> Back to Essays ..TR> ..TABLE> Before you know about karma, you must know about ahimsa. Do you know of it? It is simple. It is the rule that you do not cause harm or hurt by choice. It is very, very hard to do. Karma gets so much attention, because people like the idea that there may be revenge towards those who have hurt them. But they don't apply that to themselves. Actually that is not what it is at all anyway. The first thing you need to understand is that ahimsa means that you do not purposely hurt others, and we try to be aware and conscious of what could hurt others so we don't hurt them by accident. This is not just physical hurts. You don't just think to yourself, "I'm not going to hit that man." It goes further than that. It goes to emotions. It goes to things that will hurt someone and not teach them. If you must push a man to th
I Love Bonnie
bonnie i loveyou hunny and miss u
I Love My Job! Lmao
If you don't laugh out loud after you read this you are in a coma! This is even funnier when you realize it's real! Next time you have a bad day at work think of this guy. Rob is a commercial saturation diver for Global Divers in Louisiana. He performs underwater repairs on offshore drilling rigs. Below is an E-mail he sent to his sister. She then sent it to radio station 103.2 on FM dial in Ft. Wayne, Indiana, who was sponsoring a worst job experience contest. Needless to say, she won. Hi Sue, Just another note from your bottom-dwelling brother. Last week I had a bad day at the office. I know you've been feeling down lately at work, so I thought I would share my dilemma with you to make you realize it's not so bad after all. Before I can tell you what happened to me, I first must bore you with a few technicalities of my job. As you know, my office lies at the bottom of the sea. I wear a suit to the office. It's a wet suit. This time of year the water is quite coo
I Love You Just The Way You Are
I WILL REPOST THIS BECAUSE I AGREE WITH IT. NOT ALL GUYS FORGET HOW TO TREAT A WOMAN. SOME OF US WORK OUR ASS OFF TO TREAT WOMEN MORE SPECIAL THAN THEY EVER THOUGHT POSSIBLE. AND THEY WALK AWAY FOR THE GUY THAT TREATS THEM LIKE SHIT BECAUSE HE LOOKS COOL. IF YOU EVER WONDER WHY THERE ARE NO NICE GUYS LEFT, LOOK BACK IN YOUR PAST AND THINK ABOUT ALL THE ONES YOU RAN AWAY FROM. BEFORE YOU CRITICIZE MEN FOR ACTING THE WAY THEY DO, MAYBE YOU SHOULD THINK ABOUT WHY I'm sorry if i'm not pretty enough to be "Your girl" I'm sorry that I don't want to have sex every minute of the day. I'm sorry that I'm not a playboy bunny so I can act like a pornstar for you. I'm sorry if I don't have a dream body that turns you on. I'm sorry if I won't drop down to my knees to get you to like me. I'm sorry if my hair isn't long enough. I'm sorry if I'm not the "hottest" girl you've ever seen. I'm sorry if loving you isn't enough. I'm sorry if being yo
I Love You Because You Make Me Happy
I love you because you make me happy I love you because you make me feel safe and secure I love your smile I love the way you say my name I love the look in your eyes when you tell me you love me And how you laugh at me when I do something stupid, when others would put me down. I love the fact that when I'm around you I can be myself and not worry about what you may think of me, because I know you love me for who I am. No matter what my faults may be. I love being able to wake up with you by my side... It makes my days better At night I love watching you sleep, hearing you take each breath, and feeling your heart beat with the palm of my hand... reality hits that you are not a dream YOU ARE MINE. I love the way you wrap your arms around me and hold me really tight, like there is no tomorrow And I love the way I feel when your lips barely touch mine for a kiss, the love and emotions that go through me at that moment are unexplainable. I love your laugh I love hearing
I Love You - Celine Dion And Faith Hill
Get I Love You - Celine Dion And Faith Hill Video! | Get more Videos
I Love You Hard To Handle!!!!!
I'm not going to write a bunch or make this fancy. Just please come and help my sexy friend level! Click here.... »-(¯`v´¯)-»Béªütifùl Ðí$ª$tër™~Ñøtørîøüs P.Ø.P Mílìtiª~»-(¯`v´¯)-»@ fubar And repost for me please! Thank you so much!!! Michele (repost of original by 'Hard 2 Handle ~ La*La's FuWife~ **Can't Be Owned**' on '2008-08-07 12:51:08')
I Love
If I had a bucket for every tear. My bucket would be filled to the top. Loosing the 1 I really loved was is the worst thing that I could of done. We had the love for each other and the caring between us. The 1 thing I do request is losing my true love. One day I hope that the day the 2 of us can see eye to eye on how much we really do mean to each other and the love that we both hold inside us. Baby I still love you like I always do and always have that special place in my heart for you
I Love This Movie!
The twelve ghosts which make up the Black Zodiac all have their own unique back story. Although these stories were not described in the film, on the DVD the production and make-up teams explain their guidelines. All the ghosts were contained in glass prisons. Dennis' psychic abilities and Cyrus' resources are used to catch them. Cyrus narrates each ghost's back story. 1. The First Born Son (played by Mikhael Speidel) The First Born Son is the ghost of Billy Michaels, a boy who was a fan of cowboy films. One day, a neighbor found a real steel arrow in his parents' closet. He challenged Billy to a duel, with Billy using a toy gun. However, his plaything was no match for the arrow, and he died when the neighbor shot it through the back of his head. In death, Billy is in his cowboy suit and holding a tomahawk, with the arrow still protruding from his head. 2. The Torso (played by Daniel Wesley) The Torso is the ghost of a gambler called Jimmy "The Gambler" Gambino. When he bet
I Love The 90's :)
Lil K~1981 (I'm totally a 90's kid :) If you're under the age of 11 or shouldn't even read this. (more like under the age of 20! :) Just because you were born in '97 doesn't mean you're a 90's kid. It's not like you could remember the original Simpsons. ( I use to have Simpsons trading cards! HEHEHEHEH! Love it :) I am sorry but three conscious years of the 90's just won't cut it! You're a 90's kid if: You remember watching -Kenan and Kel -Doug -Ren & Stimpy -Pinky and the Brain (one is a genius, the others insane! :) -AAAAAAAH Real Monsters! -Rockos modern Life -Animaniacs ("we're insaney to the max!" ) -Gargoyles -Rocket Power ( I remember watching all these shows after school :) -You've ever ended a sentence with the word "SIKE!" -You just cant resist finishing this "In west Philadelphia born and raised" ( "on a playground is where I spent most of my days. Chillin out maxin, relaxin all cool and all shotin some b-ball out side the school
I Love The Way You Love
imikimi - Customize Your World imikimi - Customize Your World
I Love This Bitch
"Bitches...........Look up to you. Bitches...........Look up to me. Bitches............Envy you. Bitches............Envy me. Bitches............Don't like you.Bitches............Don't like me. When....That Bitch tried to play you. That.....Bitch tried to play me. When....That Bitch hit you. Guess what....I made that Bitch fight me. Send this to all your real friends...that you know got your back.... If you receive this back....Your a true down Bitch" i LUV THiS BiTCH i LUV THiS BiTCH i LUV THiS BiTCH i LUV THiS BiTCH i LUV THiS BiTCH i LUV THiS BiTCH i LUV THiS BiTCH i LUV THiS BiTCH i LUV THiS BiTCH i LUV THiS BiTCH i LUV THiS BiTCH i LUV THiS BiTCH [[*""R3POST Diiz 10 TiMES TO YOUR CLOS3ST+S3XiEST FRii3NDS, OR YOU'LL LOS3 TH3M, FOR3V3R iNCLUDiNG M3!!!!""*]]
I Love This It Raps Hard Lol
I Love Him Because...
I Love Him Because... When he tells me I'm the most beautiful woman in the world that he's ever seen, i look into his eyes and know it's true. When he tells me how much he loves me and can't put it into words, i can feel it in his touch and kiss and see how our souls connect when we get caught in each others gaze. When he's not around, I don't feel complete. Nothing is the same without him by my side. When it rains, we just lay in bed together and i lay on his chest and listen to his heartbeat and the rain on the roof while he hold me close, plays with my hair and tells me how much i mean to him. I don't have to say a word, he can just look me in the eyes and know exactly what I'm thinking and feeling. Even still, every time we kiss or hold hands or hold each other i still get butterflies. I can be having the worst day ever and as soon as he calls and i hear his voice i know everything is gonna be ok. We just fit together. Perfectly. He IS my
I Love You!
I Love You. Three simple words. They hold so much meaning, But yet somehow seem absurd. I love you, For the person you are. I love you, For they way you care. I love you, Because you are always there. I love you, Because you are sexy to me. I love you, Because you are beautiful. I love you, Because I am in love with you, Never seems to happen to me. Is it because it is to deep? Or just because most don’t know, That you can love someone without being in love with them. I love you without being in love, Always seems to be the love that ends. Just one time, Let me hear one of them say, I Am In Love With You!
I Love My Stunna
LOOK WHO MADE TODAY'S SPOTLIGHT... SHOW HER SOME MAD LOVE. Go show this sweetheart some love..She'll return it all!
I Love You Baby
i love you shannon - me
I Love It When He Makes Me Things
(I look like a zombie.. lol) ( I am his sugarbutt!) Made by DJ♥
I Love You
When I say I LOVE you do you; hear it in your heart. When I say I LOVE YOU do you; feel it in your soul When I say I LOVE YOU did you; know it in your mind.. I LOVE YOU more than I can say ..... So when you hear those three lil words from me thats all I can say. I LOVE YOU!!!!!
I Love This Poem...
A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE ... enough money within her control to move out and rent a place of her own, even if she never wants to or needs to... A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE ... something perfect to wear if the employer, or date of her dreams wants to see her in an hour... A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE ... a youth she's content to leave behind.... A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE ... a past juicy enough that she's looking forward to retelling it in her old age.... A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE ...... a set of screwdrivers, a cordless drill, and a black lace bra.... A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE ... one friend who always makes her laugh... and one who lets her cry... A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE .... a good piece of furniture not previously owned by anyone else in her family.. A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE ... eight matching plates, wine glasses with stems, and a recipe for a meal, that will make her guests feel honored... A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE ... a feeling of control over her destiny... EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW... how
I Love You
I love the way you smile. I love the way you laugh I love the way you make me feel I love the way you make me cry I love the way you make me smile I love the way you surprise me I love the way you listen to me I love the way you sing to me I love the way you pay attention to me I love the way you care about me I love the way you are planning for our future I love the way you get excited about being married to me I love the way you help me sleep I love the way you make my dreams come true I love the way you treat me like a princess... I love to treat you like my king I love to make you laugh so hard you start to cry I love to make you giggle when I kiss you I love to hear you say my name I love to hear you say you love me I love to think about laying my head on your chest when we go to sleep I love that you love me as much, as strongly, as sweetly as you do.... I truly madly deeply love brave amazing soldier..
I Love Biting =d
What's Your Kinky Turn On?created with You scored as BitingWhen it comes to being kinky, your biggest turn on is biting. You love the ectasy of teeth sinking into your flesh, and are probably willing to return the favor. Sex just isn't sex without using your teeth. Biting 83%Bondage 67%Chains/Handcuffs 67%Whips 50%Blind Folds 33%Blood 25%
I Love Her
WOW , neevr thought anything about being with a widowed woman, now that i am i"m confused. she means eveything to me i think about her when im away and cant wait to get back to her. she loves me too , but the thing is that i know i can never replace her husband. i am not try'ng to but i always feel like i am compaired to him. Makes me feel like im lose'ng her at times cause i can't do this like he did , or i cant take her here like he did. or dont act to thinks like he did. Maybe im just afraid of my feelings for her , i don't know, just so afrad that one day it will be over
I Love Fairies
Fly away with me.Sexy Comments & Profile Graphics
I Love U
I love you © By Trisha Thought, to share to care to be open. Smile an expression within the soul to fly. Look, in, on and past or present. Love, a feeling from me to you through the years. My hand to hold when I am worried. My hand to hold when I am scared. My hand to hold when were together. My hand to hold to share. Eyes, your eyes I know what your thinking. Eyes, I know you know mine too. My thought to say I will always love you forever and always, always still
I Love To Help My Fubar Friends
I love helping out all my fubar friends in the followings: comments bomb contest, fubucks only auctions, rate only contests, and who asked for help to leveling up. I'm a gentleman and won't asked for help to leveling up because i will feels great if i can do it on my own. I want to thank all my friends who have help out in past and in the future of fubar. all my fubar friends wonderful fun sunday and thank you very much.
I Love Stina.
true story. lol. she knows why ;)
I Love Habanera From Carmen...
I Love This, I Don't Know Why
I Love Email
Working people frequently ask retired people what we do to make our Days >interesting. > >Well, for example, the other day I went downtown to go to the News Stand >for the Wall Street Journal so I could track my investments. I was only in >there for about 5 minutes. When I came out, there was a cop writing out a >parking ticket. >I said to him, 'Come on, man, don't you have anything better to do than >write a retired person a ticket? Why aren't you out chasing crooks or >child molesters...that's out of your league, obviously!!! >He ignored me and continued writing the ticket. I called him a 'Nazi.' He >glared at me and wrote another ticket for having worn tires. So I called >him 'Barney Fife'. > >He finished the second ticket and put it on the windshield with the first. >Then he wrote a third ticket. This went on for about 20 minutes. The more >I abused him, the more tickets he wrote. > >Personally, I didn't care..... I came downtown on the bus. The car that he >was
I Love You Emma ... God Wanted You Home!
I had to have my sweet Emma put to sleep the day after my 33rd Birthday ... July 1st 2008 It was the sadest birthday I have ever had. She was the most loving and smartest little black lab I have ever known. I love her and think of her every single day...I will miss her forever!! MY little LADY!! She will always be missed and loved and could never be replaced!! I LOVE YOU EMMA!! MOMMIE MISSES YOU BABE GIRL!! XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'S & OOOOOOOOOOOOO'S FROM YOUR LOVING MOTHER AND FRIEND!!!!!
Inmates injured in riot at Pitchess Detention Center The Associated Press Article Last Updated: 09/19/2008 05:18:40 PM PDT CASTAIC - A Los Angeles County sheriff's spokesman says a disturbance involving about 120 inmates has triggered a lockdown of the Pitchess Detention Center in Castaic. Deputy Ed Hernandez says a fight broke out in a dormitory about 2 p.m. Friday in the jail's east facility. Hernandez says several inmates were injured and are being treated by paramedics. He says it appears the injuries are minor. Hernandez says the facility will be in lockdown until the inmates are treated and separated. There's no word on what caused the fight. ========================================== fight??? FIGHT??? RIOT. 120=LARGE RACE...MAY-HAPS?
I Love This Song
YOUR GUARDIAN ANGLE When i see your smile, tears roll down my face I can't replace, and now that i have figured out, how this world turns cold and it breaks through my soul, and i know i'll find deep inside me,i can be the one.i will never let you fall.{let you fall} i'll stand up with you forever. i'll be there for you through it all.{through it all.} even if saving you sends me to heaven. it's okay, it's okay, it's okay-ay-ay-ay-ay season are changing, and waves are crashing, and stars are falling all for us. days grow longer and nights grow shorter, i can show you i'll be the one. i will never let you fall.{let you fall.}i'll stand up with you forever. i'll be there for you through it all.{through it all.} even if saving you sends me to heaven. "cause you're my ,you're my, my-e-y-e-y, my true love , my whole heart. please don't throw that away. "cause i'm here...for you! please don't walk away and , please tell me you'll stay... here!
I Love Hiim
I Love The Children On Here
So I get a flaming comment and am blocked from this person's page. ~Mizzzz Brat~ i give you a bunch of 10 and this is what you give, and you been here long enough no excuse.. · dollofvoodoo rated your photo a '5'! What the child fails to mention is she was also rated a bunch of 10s but the photo in question I found to be an insult to where I live. I know the US isn't very popular around the world because of the head puppet in charge, but I'll be damned if someone who doesn't live here has the right to insult it. So deal with the 5 and I'll deal with being blocked. Oh, my heart bleeds!
I Love You Through The Pain
I've wanted to tell you a thousand times, "I Love You!, I Love You!, I Love You!", But the words never flow past my lips, Yet I choke on them and hold to my pride, You got me feenin' for you, Like a drug I can't let go of, Please whisper to me, And tell me I am yours, And that you are mine, Give me all of you, And I will give you all of me, Oh!... Wait I already have, Prove to me your words are true, And not just a game, For my heart can't take the pain, You're my everything, All I've ever wanted, Baby just place your lips to mine, For my kiss will tell you... I love you and just how much, Your love sets me free, Like a bird soaring in the sky, Press your body to mine, While my words whisper in your ear... "I Love You! I Love You!, I Love You!"
I Love You Now
I must be free To feel the breeze will you understand as I take your hand That I love you now But tomarrows another day and as we run and have are fun Not worring about tomarrow's But please have no sorrows for I love you now but tomarrow's another day As we walk along the sand and your love brings me higher and fills me with desires I want you to understand that I can't be held Along the way But please don't feel bad For I want you to be glad That I love you now but tomarrow's another day
I Love The Fall!
The Rules: First drop in and rate the "I love fall folder" below: Next, rate/fan/add/comment each person on the train list. If you're already friends with someone, make sure you've re-rated them and leave a comment like "I love the fall" or "Playin in the fall leaves" Then private message me, Thru_a_diff_i, when you've finished rating each train member so that I can make you a tag & add you to the train listing. Make sure When new people join the party that you rate/fan/add/comment each person that visits your page for this train. DON'T just accept the friend request. After all, the train is to help one another out! Once you're done, repost the bulletin so that all your friends & family can join in with you on the train. PLEASE NO DRAMA!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FALL LOVERS Thru_a_diff_i Proud Member of The Life Saver Family@ fubar ~~Tat2BunnyLuv~~@ fubar JÁkè the §Ñåke Real Life B/F of Jamie-Lynn {Shadow Leveler}
I Love You Too
To love is one thing to be loved is another, For being loved is harder, you can't control another's feelings for you. You may say "I love you" but rarely do you ever hear " I love you too" Sometimes you feel as if you will be alone forever. You ask yourself "Will someone ever love me?" Doubting it will ever happen you leave love to others around you. You give up on love and think it will never be, Once you give up though other emotionflow and surround you. Hate becomes an easier emotion and once someone does love you too, You don't let them in and your problems and issues around your heart they surround.
I Love Cali
All Earthquakes in California-Nevada Map Area All earthquakes catalogued in the last week (168 hours) for the California-Nevada map area. Some early events may be obscured by more recent ones on the maps. The top three magnitude categories above magnitude 3 (for example 3,4,5 or 4,5,6 or 5,6,7) are in red in the list below. The most recent earthquakes are at the top of the list. Times are local (PST or PDT). Click on the word "MAP" to see a map displaying the earthquake. Click on an event's date to get additional text information. Update time = Sun Oct 5 4:51:10 PDT 2008 MAG DATE LOCAL-TIME LAT LON DEPTH LOCATION y/m/d h:m:s deg deg km map ? 2008/10/05 04:50:41 36.848N 121.576W 5.8 3 km ( 2 mi) W of San Juan Bautista, CA map 1.7 2008/10/05 04:31:50 36.848N 121.576W 5.9 3 km ( 2 mi) W of San Juan Bautista, CA map 2.9 2008/10/05 04:24:40 36.848N 121.581W 6.1 4 km ( 2 mi) W of San Juan
I Love My Brat~you Should To!!! By D.s.i.p
I would like to introduce you to a very special woman. ~*~*~she is Sinful Brat~*~*~ I have had the honor of knowing this sweetheart of a woman who is Close to My heart!She is one of My bestest Friends! She Always Show mad love to Everyone in one way or another! Please Go show her mad love to her!!F/R/A if you havent yet!She is only 309k from fu~king.I would love to see her become fu-king! Go spank her hard!! and do it hard she likes it!! she always returns the love.. its a win/win not only will you be helping a great woman u will also be gaining a great friend!! ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ and theres one more thing..hehe cant for get this She is going for Spotlight!So while your there if u can spare some buxs that would be great. she really has gone above and behond to help other.. I know this first hand she has been such a great friend helping me when i needed it~I want to show her that i really appreciate her and her friendship! Tell h
I Love This Verse
1 corinthians chapter 13 verses4-8 are true Love is patient, and love is kind, it is not jealous or prideful love is not rude, it is not selfish, it is never angry, it is not happy with evil, love is not happy with lies, but rejoices in the truth. Love never gives up, love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails.
I Love This Song
Lyrics In English I cry for you (ENRIQUE IGLESIAS) "lloro por ti" I looked for you in the infinite and in the prints of your hands in one of your cigarettes hoping until to be tired and you let me down into oblivion and luck eludes me, my sigh and you go away of my hands and my life gets broken into a thousand pieces and I I cry for you I dreaming that what we have has a remedy I cry for you it's just that there's no way to forget your kisses I cry for you it's just that I can't stop thinking about how much I love you I cry for you OhOh Deceived butterfly With the moon reflected in your look I lost you in a labyrinth I was captive of your love, your prisoner and you have filled the emptiness A cranny where your mouth was my relief And you go away of my hands and my life gets broken into a thousand pieces and I I cry for you I dreaming that what we have has a remedy I cry for you it's just that there's no way to forget your kisses
I Love Mini Me
I Love You...sort Of.
I want to marry him and have 235457456 of his babies. -REL
I Love You This Much
I love you enough already in this short time together to fight for you compromise for you, sacrifice myself for you if needed. enough to miss you increasingly when we are apart no matter length of time its for, regardless the distance. enough to believe in our relatiosnhip to stand by it through the worst of times, to have faith in our strength as a couple. Enough to never give up on us to spend the rest of my life with you, be there for you when you need or want me. holding your heart in my hands so tenderly Enough to spend my days and nights talking to you about nothing and everything Enough to never ever want to leave you or live without you. I Love you this much by ~Wicked Lover~ copywright 10-10-2008
I Love My Man...
Here is another blog...I love my man and I am totaly faithful to him.I don't flirt with anyother men.If you know me then you understand what I am talking about..For thoses of you who don't know me here is a small look into what I have been through..I am divorced cause my ex husband wanted another woman over me..I will not lie down for that again.I will fight for who I love..I am tired of other peopl(women) trying to move in on my man.I am tired of getting hurt.I do cry alot cause I feel that I am about to lose my man.
I "love" My Dad
so yeah.... yesterday my car starts smoking ALOT over on the left side of the car, i pulled over, and it looked as if my car was on fire a bit....... fun fun.... so a cop came said he thinks the breaks locked up..... he gave me a ride to the station, yay, fun ride in the back of a cruiser.... well, finally got a hold of my dad cause i needed help to get it towed, the ASSHOLE said he didnt care and to deal with it myself...... WTF?!?!?!?!?!.... who fuckin says that to their own kid..... come to find out he was running late for the red sox baseball game last night.... first its his dog being more important than his first grandchilds birth and first christmas, now its a fuckin baseball game is more important than me..... great family values,..... FUCK!!
I Love This One
What I needed most was to love and to be loved, eager to be caught. Happily I wrapped those painful bonds around me; and sure enough, I would be lashed with the red-hot pokers or jealousy, by suspicions and fear, by burst of anger and quarrels.
I Love You , Danielle
I love you,Danielle My god I love this woman so that I can almost feel her touch when I sit back and watch that smile Is it possible to want THIS much? All thru my days while hard at work her smile is always on my mind thru stinging sweat and burning cuts no matter what, she's first in line I'll spoil her with the little things I'll rub her back, I'll hold her hand i'll suck the bean till she passes out and she'll wake up knowing I'm her man A man who will do almost anything if it will shine, that smile on me I'm so in love with you, Danielle I'm hoping this poem helps you see...
I Love You
I LOVE YOU I want to show you The maple leaves growing. I want to be there And watch Your eyes wake As the time cleaves And you can see through it; Two winged seeds... The young leaves I want to hear you Speak for hours about The world beiginning About dust pollen And times insane ashes. Bloodroots and promises. I won't be visible If you prefer. I can avoid Presences and words. I can walk in shades That don't reflect color. I can be a person Of no body or mind. We can meet in solitude. You don't even have to remember
I Love You
ALL I HAVE TO GIVE You're the first thing I think of Each morning when I rise. You're the last thing I think of Each night when I close my eyes. You're in each thought I have And every breath I take. My feelings are growing stronger With every move I make. I want to prove I love you But that's the hardest part. So, I'm giving all I have to give To you... I give my heart. ALWAYS AND FOREVER Basking in the warmth of your smile And the music of your laugh I feel your tenderness And your oh so witty style I don’t know why god blessed me With such a friend as you But it makes my pleasure complete And very happy too The way you always know me And exactly what to do When my loneliness gets me down And I’m so very blue The way you see into my soul And looked behind my eyes And I don’t have to hide my feelings And put on a disguise With you I learned to trust And as I person I have grown Who could have possibly told me How c
I Love You My Wife
I just want to write this for my wife Mary. You mean the world to me and I could not live this life without you. I am glad God gave me a chance to love you. I was lost and now I know what true love is. You make everyday on this earth fun and full of happiness. Thank you for everyday and everything you bring to this marriage. I love you for all eternity and I am glad that you gave us our baby girl. My family is my world and I could not do it it without you my beautiful wife I LOVE YOU.
I Loved Her
wed. night i lost my granmda to a swift illness. she had just turned 89. she was not your typical old lady. she lived alone, mowed her lawn,traveled,drove around in her red sports car:) we all thought she would make it to 100 at least. she was stubborn and feisty and the ceenterpiece of the family. when i was young (and still today) i never felt i belonged anywhere. i always felt like an outcast, and as a child this can be devastaing. but she had special ways to make me feel cherished, loved and important to her. this is something even my own mother does not do. we hung around and she helped me when each of my children were first born. she taught me gardening, cooking, and independence. she told me family secrets that were kept from me, like that my father had abused me as a baby. i loved her for her honesty. she was uneducated by modern standards but her wisdom was profound. she was writing a book about her towns history and recently had spoken at historical society meet
I Love My Pitbull
One of the things I am most known for is when it comes to animals proving people are wrong about behavior and labeling breeds out of hype and speculation and roomers … In my long gone young 20's it was the White German Shepherd , I see my first one at a breeders house I went to the snow white coat and black nose and soft dark brown eyes.. I got researching the breed and found out they were shunted by most of the German Shepherd world . They were considered through backs and bucket pups at birth …why?… I found out in the circle of show dogs that breeders of these colored shepherds like to say god put the German Shepherd on the earth as a German Shepherd. Witch is bunk all dogs came from wild dogs …in knowing this they call white shepherds through backs ..also they say they carry hip problems and that they are born with pink eyes and no hearing because of there white coats . If so why did I see a intelligent animal with dark brown eyes and came when his name was called? There afte
I Love Humor
At a group therapy session with four young mothers and their small children. A therapist observed, 'You all have obsessions'. To the first mother, Mary, he said, 'You are obsessed with eating. You've even named your daughter Candy.' He turned to the second Mom, Ann: 'Your obsession is with money. Again, it manifests itself in your child's name, Penny.' He turned to the third Mom, Joyce: 'Your obsession is alcohol. This too shows itself in your child's name, Brandy.' At this point, the fourth mother, Kathy, quietly got up, took her little boy by the hand and whispered, 'Come on, Dick, this guy has no idea what he's talking about. Let's go pick up Peter and Willy from school and go get dinner.'
I Love What I Do.
THIS IS ABSOLUTELY THE STORY OF MY LIFE! I LOVED MY JOB! i will get back into it at one point cause being a vet tech is what i do! 1) You have mastered the art of picking up poop with a plastic bag, and know to first check the bag for holes 2) You are more afraid of a 5 lb cat than a 130 lb Rottweiler 3) You've ever set up/checked a fecal sample while eating 4) You know that unlike human medicine you use a bag of fluids until its gone. You also know that the empty bag creates a nice sterile place to collect urine or a bandage wrap... 5) While out shopping you've lectured complete strangers on the evils of products like "Ol Roy" and Hartz 6) At least one of your pets was once owned by a client, dumped at the clinic, or "put to sleep" and is either blind, three-legged, or lame. 7) You know the ins and outs of clipper care. 8) You've ever treated a wound on yourself with surgical scrub and vet wrap 9) You know just how bad a bite hurts 10) You know wh
I Love Pussy
were the pussy pics ladies get ya game up lol show me the a newbee ladies im gonna have my cock pics up soon.
I Love Colorado In The Fall!!!
It happens almost without notice...little by little the days begin to change and the nights get longer.  A slight chill hits the air and it becomes know, because it feels different, that fall is on its way.  The hot, summer days give way to mild climates, and soon there is a hint of new color in the leaves.  The emerging season caresses the clouds, the moon, and the air with cold, but welcome breath.  Nature falls in love and begins dancing with sways and dips, as her fashionable dress changes colors before our eyes.  This dance is more breathtaking and dramatic in the mountains of Colorado.  If one times it right and watches for the proper cues, a simple journey can turn into a kaleidoscope of tasteful scenes crescendoing forth from just around the next curve. 
I Love To Write Poetry
Latest Poem 9-20-07 I can't explain it but I know its true now all I can do is think about you. I never thought you and I'd end up being more than friends. The more we hang out the more I don't want the time to end. You make me laugh and smile and when I'm with you I forget about life for a while. Being with you is so much fun, I feel like my life has just begun. I want to see you more and more and just can't wait to see what the future has in store. So here I go falling for you, I hope and pray you're falling for me too.
I Love My Life
you all dont need to know much about me but iam engaged and lovin it if you know me then you should know about me iam not the one to fuck with when it comes to my people but i am a good person and can get along with any one
I Love This Song!
I Love You Steven !
My Profile Comments ~ nov.s... I can't wait to be hugging & kissing my fu-bride! Always, Steven 6 hrs ago reply | delete comment | block user ~ nov.s... Sweet FEVER, Will you take me as your fu-husband? I love you, your Steven 11 hrs ago reply | delete comment | block user ~ nov.s... 9 days to paradise and counting down! and how long we’ve traveled this cyber highway -- replete with its virtual pot-holes, crashes, rubber-neckers, traffic-jams, dazzling billboards and sparkling mirages -- and all the tolls we did pay, and all the fuel burned away -- and all the speed-traps we luckily sped passed, and all the drunken-drivers we safely swerved around -- and all the breakdowns we needed repair, and all security measures gnawing at our freedom and wallets -- and all the storms we endured, and all the faulty maps handed us to follow -- all only to find this miracle of love that we’ve finally found a
I Love You
I Love You With my every breath, With all I have left, From the deepest depths, Of my heart, I love you. With all of my strength, With ten miles' length, Every thought I think, I think that I love you. For the length of forever, As long as we're together, Through good and bad weather, For always, I love you. Until the very end of days, Until God takes my breath away, Until death separates our ways, Until then, I love you. When no one is there, When you think no one cares, When love seems too rare, Remember, I love you. When everything's gone, When all has withdrawn, When hopelessness dawns, Don't forget, I love you. When you fall down, When your dreams come unwound, When hope can't be found, Be happy, I love you. When you make mistakes, When you're filled with hate, When you're old and gray, Even then, I'll love you.
I Love A Good Bet!
Need your help, I got a bet going with a friend, he says Pimp Outs don't work, I say they do. So help me win this bet. Check out my friends,Rate them, Fan them, Add them, tell them Dawn sent ya ♫ ☆ Serendipity ☆ ♫@ fubar Rock Candy ~ I can happily say that I am the Fubarian Husband to ♥ Dawn ♥@ fubar Archaic Angel *~HEAD GREETER@ SEVEN DEADLY SINS~*~*Charm Girl*~@ fubar MR. MAN@ fubar WendyCaroline#CLUB F.A.R. MEMBER@ fubar Jim ~ Dirty South Crew ~@ fubar Grlskikass2 MGR. (red team) Regiment Dragon Bombers ~ Taken by ~T~@ fubar
I Love This Advice!
I love this advice! 1. Take a 10-30 minute walk every day. And while you walk, smile. It is the ultimate anti-depressant. 2. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day. Buy a lock if you have to. 3. When you wake up in the morning complete the following statement, 'My purpose is to __________ today.' 4. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in plants. 5.. Drink green tea and plenty of water. Eat blueberries, wild Alaskan salmon, broccoli, almonds & walnuts. 6. Try to make at least three people smile each day. 7. Don't waste your precious energy on gossip, energy vampires, issues of the past, negative thoughts or things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment. 8. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a college kid with a maxed out charge card. 9. Life isn't fair, but it's still good. 10. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. 11. Don'
I Love You All
YOU ALL ROCK!! Thank you all for helping me to GodMother during my first Happy Hour! A HUGE ROCKIN FOCKIN FU THANK YOU You all are the best friends a girl could have and I have mad love for each of you! My HH was bought to you by the letters S.U.P.E.R.M.A.N. (You are the turtle to my snail) hehe: Dakota21220
I Love My Mommy!
I found the perfect present for my mommy!! Her birthday is Thanksgiving. I won't have the money to get it until Christmas. I still need to get her a birthday present. My mom has expensive taste though! lol. The best part about this gift is I might get some of the ones she doesn't like. Anyone got any ideas for good, inexpensive birthday presents for an amazing mommy turning 50? That's right, the big 5-0! I love my mommy, but I'm poor. Scent Sampler Best Sellers For Her ($80.00 Value) What it is: Ten deluxe samples of Sephora's most sizzling scents, for her. What it does: The Sephora Brand Scent Sampler Bestsellers For Her is the perfect gift of fragrance when you're not sure which one to choose. This set includes ten samples of our top-selling women's fragrances to try, a gift voucher of equal value that can be redeemed at any Sephora store for a full-size bottle of any one of the samples included, and a fragrance guide. What else you need to know: Samples include:
I Love Him ,but We Will Never Fully Be Together !
We met at work about 14 years ago. We began to chat and flirt with each other on a daily basis. I knew he was in a relationship but I was young and it didn't seem to bother me . As we continued to flirt we decided to hook up. We had agreed that we were just going to be friends with benefits, and that we didn't want anyone to know about us . Well as time went on we was hooking up more often and my feelings began to grow even more passionate towards him . I was Falling in Love and I knew he wasn't feeling the same way. But it was still ok because I just wanted to be with him as much as I could. In the mean time I had also been dating other guy's and he knew about it. At first I don't think it really bothered him . But as the years kept passing he had broken up with his girl and also started seeing other girls . We continued to always come back to each other even if we was with other people at the time . I then realized he did care about me . He was always honest with me about why we
I Love You Shannon Rae Clark
If I could have just one wish, I would wish to wake up everyday to the sound of your breath on my neck, the warmth of your lips on my cheek, the touch of your fingers on my skin, and the feel of your heart beating with mine... Knowing that I could never find that feeling with anyone other than you.
I Love Texas Train
The Rules: 1. Stop by Johnny Riggs's page, rate the Texas Train folder of pics... Starting with this one... 2. Rate, Fan, Add, and Comment each person on the Party List. If you are already friends with someone, check to make sure you have re-rated him/her and leave a comment... "I love Texas" or something like that... 3. Private message me, Carrie, when you have completed rating each party guest. I will make you a thank you tag... And add you to the guest list... 4. When new people join the party... You must rate/fan/add/comment them back... DO NOT just ACCEPT the friend request.
I Love Fubar
i am first time here i like pepoel from fubar my comefrom holland i living in amsterdam hmmmmmm
I Love U
I can feel my heart beat but I cannot move my feet. Pound, pound in my chest I swear this feeling is the best! Never felt something quite like this and I feel it each time we kiss. Thump, thump in my throat, You're the one that floats my boat. Without you I'm sure to sink, this love has got me on the brink. I just can't wait to be with you, it all sounds crazy, but I swear it's true! You're the one I want holding me tight, You're the one I want sleeping in my bed at night. I want to wake up to your loving smile, so if you don't mind I'm keeping you a while. I'm holding you close, not letting you leave 'cause one thing's for sure you belong with me! You're my angel and I know it's true, 'cause even when you're gone, baby, I love you
I Love You
I Love It
I Love It
The music of my childhood
I Love U
I Love You With my every breath, With all I have left, From the deepest depths, Of my heart, I love you. With all of my strength, With ten miles' length, Every thought I think, I think that I love you. For the length of forever, As long as we're together, Through good and bad weather, For always, I love you. Until the very end of days, Until God takes my breath away, Until death separates our ways, Until then, I love you. When no one is there, When you think no one cares, When love seems too rare, Remember, I love you. When everything's gone, When all has withdrawn, When hopelessness dawns, Don't forget, I love you. When you fall down, When your dreams come unwound, When hope can't be found, Be happy, I love you. When you make mistakes, When you're filled with hate, When you're old and gray, Even then, I'll love you.
I Love You Baby
I Love Writing
Why did you have to go, Without you I feel all alone. You came into this world with a gift, A gift of happiness that would never drift. You were always there for me, Through good and bad, Now without you I am feeling so sad. For what you did for me, I will always keep in memory. 'Cause without you my days seem endless, Now without you I feel friendless. I came to you and spoke openly, And every word you said showed you cared for me. I try not to cry, I will be strong, Even without you I have our memories and in my heart they belong. I pray to God to look out for you, And when I am happy I'll know he came through. 'Cause even without you by my side, My loving memories of you I'll always keep inside.
I Love Misterfeet
misterfeet rated your photo a '3'! · misterfeet rated your photo a '3'! · misterfeet rated your photo a '3'! · misterfeet rated your photo a '3'! he's the sweetest guy on the fu!!!
I Love Being Fucked Over
I LO0OOOOOVE BEING FUCKIED OVER!!!!!! thats right, i said fucking what!!!! It seems that no matter what I do, I end up getting fucked over. Maybe I am just too damn naive for my own good.
I Love You, Danielle.
My god I love this woman so that I can almost feel her touch when I sit back and watch that smile Is it possible to want THIS much? All thru my days while hard at work her smile is always on my mind thru stinging sweat and burning cuts no matter what, she's first in line I'll spoil her with the little things I'll rub her back, I'll hold her hand i'll suck the bean till she passes out and she'll wake up knowing I'm her man A man who will do almost anything if it will shine, that smile on me I'm so in love with you, Danielle I'm hoping this poem helps you see...
I Love You Baby!
When I first met you I felt something was different I knew you felt it too But I didnt know how to handle it It was something my heart, never knew So I couldnt accept it As time went by I went along with it, but at the same time I felt like I could fly It was such a mystery to me But I didnt care I knew eventually that I would see Now for the first time ever You had opened my heart Something no one else could do, and I mean never It was such a wonderful start To a path I never wanted to part Wow, I thought, I want this forever We were two wholes combined The last link in a chained circle To a complete happiness together It seemed as though our souls had rhymed It was simply the best I couldnt have imagined anything better Although there were times when we would fight It would always work out for the better Because we were just so tight Nothing could stop us, not distance or time It was as though we were invincible And I wanted your heart to always b
I Love A Man That Moans
Men who moan and why I love them I just love a man who moans during sex. I am not talking about making so much noise the neighbors call the cops or howling like dog, just that low guttural sound that is only made when he is feeling good...real good. To see a nicely shaved man stroke a very hard cock while moaning with pleasure is a definite turn on! Seeing his fingers slide up and down the hard shaft, hearing his moans as he stokes and then seeing him explode just turns me the fuck on. The only thing better than that is to be laying between a mans legs with his smooth balls in my left hand, the base of his dick in my right hand and my warm, wet mouth covering his hard shaft. Sliding my mouth up and down and teasing the head with my tongue is the absolute best when I can hear those guttural sounds increase to the point of orgasm. I know that I am doing something right and can judge my speed and pressure just by listening to his moans. That is precisely why having a steady love
I Love You Too
My friend Diana left this for me on my profile, I am so deeply touched and wanted to say thank you Monica Thank you for always being there, To listen and understand me. I appreciate all you did for me, And all you still do. Thank you for making me feel whole again, For putting my pieces back together. I appreciate you putting my life back together, You saved my life. You may not understand, Why I do what I do. But you never criticized, You just helped my through. I knew I could come to you when I was down, 'cause I knew you'd always be there to pick me back up and say everything will be ok.
I Love You
I think i know what true love is. Even though you have hurt me i will still love you. You care about how i feel and what i do in my day not when we can hook up. You are down to earth and you know whats going on. Your strong and beautiful. I hope you see this and realize how much u actually mean to me. You keep me out of trouble and you protect me. I have never felt this way toward someone before. Thank you for showing me what it feels like to be loved. When you told me "You're the love of my life, you're the water to my flower, you're the air I breathe to, you're the medicine that cures me, and you're the beat to my heart" i knew that you didnt mean to hurt me. I dont want you to be like everyone else. I love you with everything i have. I have opened my life and told you how i was and what i have done. i love you and that will never change. I know i over react and assume stuff but thats how i protect myself from getting hurt i am really sorry. I want to trust but i have trusted before
I Love You
For you I'd do anything Because you are my everything Without you I am nothing For you are truly something Sweet baby I love you for real I can't explain just how I feel You are to me a special love And the love I feel is from above To never hurt you is my true desire Yet right now my heart is on fire It burn in away I can't explain Completely different from other pains It's sadness yet joyful too Devastated yet hopes crushed Still strongly unbearable yet copes Baby I love you
I Love Big Girls...
you should too
I Love You
I Love You
imikimi - Customize Your World
I Loved Her.....why Did It Happen To Her
a woman that was like my grandmother passed away the other day..i didn't know i hurt so much...she cant be gone...she cant be i want her back here ....i want to hug her again....i want her to tell me all is ok that life will get better i want to hear the stories about her childhood... i want her here to where i feel safe again i just don't want her gone i want her here....why did she have to die? i know its a part of life.....but why her.....i would have gladly taken her place if it meant she wouldn't die .....i want her here!!! .......i need her here!! why.....why did she go....
I Love Janice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I Love Her Tits
She's only got 214k to go & she's got auto 11s....go rape her like a dirty slut face Poetic Suicide@ fubar
I Love You
I love the way you talk, I love the way you smell, I love the way you make me laugh, Even when my life's a living hell. I love your smile, And your soft and gentle touch, I love the way you show you care, When the world seems like too much. I love the way you hold me, And make all my fears go away, I love the way you protect me, So I know you?re here to stay. I love the way you understand, And never let me give up, I love the way you're always here, To keep my spirits up. I love the way you look at me, And always bring out the best, I love the way you lift me up, And put me above all the rest. I love the way you know what to say When I'm really mad, I love the way you wipe away my tears, When I'm really sad. I love the way you hug me, Or sweetly kiss my cheek, I love the way you play with my hair, And make me feel unique. I love the way you make me feel, Like I'm floating on a cloud, You look at me like I'm special, And not just another face
I Love All Ya'll And This Song Stands True For Me With All Of You!
I Lovvveeee...
social experiments. Studying people just does it for me. I love to watch the actions, I love to control the variables, and I love to record the data. One of my favorites to do is on Fubar. If I have a picture of Jeff and I up, everything stops. I get no rates, no friend invites, no shouts, no gifts, nothing. Lets keep this clear. I have two out of five pictures of him in my default folder. I'm not hiding him, and its still abundantly clear we're dating. The second I change my default to just a picture of me, everything comes flooding in. I've been invited on 3 dates in 24 hours alone. 25+ friend requests, gifts out the ying yang, shouts left and right. Nothings changed in my default folder. I've still got those two pictures of the big scary man choking me in a loving fashion. Its like, the second they see a picture of a female, everything is thrown out the window. Including common sense. I find it down right hilarious. The other thing is how possessive and angry people get with
I Love Kcpilar69
KCPilar69 wrote me a poem, she is the awesome For you Monica, straight from the heart You are friendly, kind and caring Sensitive, loyal and understanding Humorous, fun, secure and true Always there... yes that's you. Special, accepting, exciting and wise Truthful and helpful, with honest blue eyes Confiding, forgiving, cheerful and bright Yes that's you... not one bit of spite. You're one of a kind, different from others Generous, charming, but not one that smothers Optimistic, thoughtful, happy and game But not just another... in the long chain. Appreciative, warm and precious like gold Our friendship won't tarnish or ever grow old You'll always be there, I know that is true I'll always be here... always for you. I'd like to be the sort of friend that you have been to me; I'd like to be the help that you've been always glad to be; I'd like to mean as much to you each minute of the day As you have meant, old friend of mine, to me along the way.
I Love You Means....
"I love you" has so many meanings and 9 times out of 10 it's one of these: "I want to have sex with you until I get bored and move on" or "I want you to support me because I am too lazy to work" or "I want to have you as an ornament to dangle on my arm until I can get a prettier one" or "I love you, but not enough to stay if you get pregnant or if we run into any difficult problems."
I Love You.. (part 6)
I opened my door to my very intoxicated love - yes very drunk - but suprisingly very literate. I helped him to the couch and said - you have to stop doing this to yourself - you have so much to live for - he just looked at me with those beautiful sad blue eyes and said - IM IN LOVE WITH YOU - BUT - we both know that im a drunk - and i know that you are lonely and sad - and I hope you understand that im a person that is totall at ease with this - which is not to say that im indifferent or that i dont care - I DO - it simply means that I trust you and your judgement - and you can throw me out - or you can let me stay and hold you - and you can know that at least for this one night - there is a man who wants nothing more then to hold you and let you know that you are indeed loved!
I Love The Way
i love the way i love the way you love me, i love the way we kiss, i love the way you hold me, i love this feeling i cant resist. i love the beautiful things you say, i love the way you look at me, i love you more everyday, our love was meant to be. i love the way you make me feel. i love the excitement you give. i love the life we live. you've opened my eyes to a whole new world. one i never new was real. you love me for my good and bad. and through the ups and downs. all these things are true. so for this i thank you
I Love U
I Love You More Than Life, Janice!
I Loves Anal
I LOVES ANAL I'm a nasty little dick-tease that needs to be taught a lesson: If I make your dick stick out, then I should make it cum, too, right? Why don't you take that big, hard dick and fuck me hard with it? Like a true whore, I love to be fucked hard in the butt... Will you fuck my hot little asshole and make me beg for your cum? Spread my asscheeks apart and pound me like a good little slut. My little puckered hole needs to be stretched open... aVa 1 888 938-7382
I Love Fucking People Over!
Being a con artist is great, you can steal and lie and get away with it. I totally had this chick believing that I cared about my collar. I bummed for 6 months and did nothing and when she permanently collared me she actually cried. Can you believe that shit it was great. Today I just packed up and left. Left her stranded with no utilities. It was a beautiful fuck over. You guys should have seen how hurt she was it was great. I really fucked her good. She'll get over it I'm sure and I'm off to look for my next sitting duck!
I Lovethis Song
Twisted Sister - The PriceUploaded by jpdc11
I Lover
I think ive founed my girl the one i have been looking for all my life and i`m in love with her so much but don`t worry i`m being carefull too.but i cant wait to get her down here to be with me we both just want to make each other happy and i think this one will last along time too.and i cant wait ether for it i`m going to give her the world and anything and every thing a can to make her happy.i love u shariah.:}
I Love You........
Feel me now brat........... I love you I'll kill you - Enigma
I Love Him
I Love My Job
I LOVE MY JOB . . . . . . If you don't laugh out loud after you read this you are in a coma! This is even funnier when you realize it's real! Next time you have a bad day at work think of this guy. Rob is a commercial saturation diver for Global Divers in Louisiana He performs underwater repairs on offshore drilling rigs. Below is an E-mail he sent to his sister. She then sent it to radio station 103.2 on FM dial in Ft. Wayne , Indiana , who was sponsoring a worst job experience contest. Needless to say, she won. Hi Sue , Just another note from your bottom-dwelling brother. Last week I had a bad day at the office. I know you've been feeling down lately at work, so I thought I would share my dilemma with you to make you realize it's not so bad after all Before I can tell you what happened to me, I first must bore you with a few technicalities of my job. As you know, my office lies at the bottom of the sea. I wear a suit to the office. It's a wet suit
I Love My Bi-betty Jo
if it aint love then i dont know what love is
I Love You
imikimi - Customize Your World!
I Love You
I've always been there every time he let you down. I caught your fallin' tears before they hit the ground. But I just heard somebody say that you finally told him goodbye. Well, girl now you've finally made your move, now I'm here to make mine. I wanna be there when you wake up, Be more than just your friend. Baby there's no mistakin', You're the love I wanna be in, ah yeah. I've kept my feelins under lock and key. Couldn't let you see them even though it was killin' me. You can't imagine all the time I spent wishin' you were mine. I just know if we ever kissed, we'd go crazy, baby, for the rest of our lives. I wanna be there when you wake up, Be more than just your friend. Baby there's no mistakin', You're the love I wanna be in. [Instrumental Break] Well, I wanna be there when you wake up, Be more than just your friend. Baby there's no mistakin', You're the love I wanna be in. I wanna be there when you wake up, Be more than just your friend. Baby th
I Love My Family...
I Love Ya'll
Click on the picture to see it bigger- Hope you all have a great Valentines Day!!!
I Love You
Never let yourself believe Do not let yourself fear Because my dear my love will always be here You will never lose me. I shall never lose sight I will always love you So never let there be fright Mine is true little one Your heart in my hands I shall never shatter nor maul I shall never do what they did Never at all You will always have me And I shall have you Know this to be true Because this love shall prove true Like Swallows, or sparrows in the air You with me and I with you And do you k
I Love Accept
I "love" My Life
I love my life. I really do...I have an amazing daughter who always listens, never throws a fit, doesn't make me feel like the crappiest mom on earth. I love not being able to get an apartment, I love that I am basically a single Mom, I love that I am a security officer and people make up a bunch of shit about me. I love that I STILL haven't graduated from college yet and that I probably never will because I am too freaking poor to go back. I love that every male out there only seems to want one thing, I love that I hate myself and that it seems like I am going no where with my life. I love that everyone seems to think that they know whats best for my life and think that I am choosing to have this life. That there is one simple answer to fix all my problems. I love that I am fat and ugly, I love my low self-confidence, I love EVERYTHING EVERYTHING EVERYTHING EVERYTHING EVERYTHING EVERYTHING about my life!!!
"i Love Our Love"
I Love
To have sex to music. Kinda weird to some peopl but I know a few songs get me turned on for different reasons. Voodoo by Godsmack is my FAVORITE song. All I have to do is listen to Sully's voice and I am ready to go at it. Then there is the hardcore music I LOVE. I mean I like the music for more than that but having sex to that makes the guy go just that much faster, like they want to keep up with the rhythm.When I go to hardcore shows I go to have fun but something about being there turns me on too. Maybe its the violence emitted at the shows in the pit, or how rough the guys are in the pit, but something does it to me. Am I the only one who can just get turned on by music??
I Love You..
I Love Fetish And Kink!
I love teasing and playing with my body. Do you enjoy role-playing? When it comes to sex do you like it dirty, nasty and kinky? Does anything taboo turn you on? Are you into golden showers? Want me to force you to suck cock? No one ever has to know about our little secret or your naughty fantasy. Want a Mommy, girlfriend or mistress that gets you? Looking for someone Just as nasty if not nastier then you? We can do whatever we want. I can dress-up for you, maybe you want to wear a pair of my sexy panties and dress-up like the little slut you are oh we can have so much fun playing together. Come and get your FREE 20 min of text chat with my friends and I aVa 1 888 430-2010
I Love You Tony
I Love Planet Green
We live to die, Die is our end but we live with fun and work, fun and work destroye life, our way of live is the way we kill life, Our world is life, we are killing it, Recycle is a kind of survival. I love green place, a green world.
I Love This Bar
so meany hot women smilen hell yea!!!havent seen one i dident like yet.and im just stumbling through the place. im a computer DING DONG want to do and see more. hit me up show me how
I Love You
When April bends above me And finds me fast asleep Dust need not keep the secret A live heart died to keep. When April tells the thrushes, The meadow-larks will know, And pipe the three words lightly To all the winds that blow. Above his roof the swallows, In notes like far-blown rain, Will tell the little sparrow Beside his window-pane. O sparrow, little sparrow, When I am fast asleep, Then tell my love the secret That I have died to keep.
*i Love You* (simple Prose)
Beware these words For, if the emotion is genuine when spoken and that feeling is returned, You will be blessed to be bind in joy and ecstasy to come Beware this phrase For, if the aim is deception in order to steal one’s virtue and that affection is vapid or empty You will be cursed with the pain from the illicit lust sought and received   Beware this statement For, no matter the desire in your soul or the ambition seething in your flesh, You will be changed no matter the time or season These words are only three, but, they wield power regardless So, take care when used   RWS
I Love My Car...i Can't Stand The Clutch....
As most of you know...since most of you are friends from my past page....I just recently purchased a car that I totally love...It's cute...It's red...and mechanically speaking, it's awesome...Not for long though...I fear I'm going to burn out that clutch before I even learn how to drive it... Yes...I've had the car now for a couple of weeks...And still have yet to get that damn clutch down...I mean come on...Why was it invented in the first place...Automatics have 2 pedals...We have 2 feet...You either brake or you go...Choices are simple... I took the car out yesterday...I've managed to teach myself to get from point A to point B....It's the in between that I'm having trouble with...I've also been able to figure out paths that don't have a lot of hills on them that I have to stop on...You know the ones with a stop sign that the car is in the direction of going up...Cept for yesterday...What a mess...Denver and the suburbs are not little places where you might have maybe 1 or 2 c
I Love You
I Love You
I love you, and thats how it is, you make me smile, you make me blush, and at first i thought all it was, was a crush, you have my heart, its nice and warn, next to yours, i know its safe, next to yours, because i trust you, now and forever more. I LOVE YOU
I Love Andy!
Andy Rooney said on '60 Minutes' a few weeks back: I don't think being a minority makes you a victim of anything except numbers. The only things I can think of that are truly discriminatory are things like the United Negro College Fund, Jet Magazine, Black Entertainment Television, and Miss Black America. Try to have things like the United Caucasian College Fund, Cloud Magazine, White Entertainment Television, or Miss White America; and see what happens...Jesse Jackson will be knocking down your door. Guns do not make you a killer. I think killing makes you a killer. You can kill someone with a baseball bat or a car, but no one is trying to ban you from driving to the ball game. I believe they are called the Boy Scouts for a reason, which is why there are no girls allowed. Girls belong in the Girl Scouts! ARE YOU LISTENING, MARTHA BURKE ? I think that if you feel homosexuality is wrong, it is not a phobia, it is an opinion. I have the right 'NOT' to be tolerant of others because t
I Love My Friends!
Your Donations Are Needed! Punkin needs the SPOTLIGHT!!! It's for a good cause! ♥Punkin♥ Ms. Mojito's Girlfriend♥ ~Owned by Aces~@ fubar Donate Using FuPal, just click! It's Easy! This spotlight is for the celebration of Punkin and Anonymous' 1 year anniversary together! So donate to her spotlight and let's all celebrate with them! This Pimp-Out/Request is brought to you by: Anonymous
I Love This Song... And Now It Means Something To Me
I Love You Dad!
I knew you were hurting although you wouldn’t cry, And could see you were suffering, see the pain in your eye I wanted to comfort you, to hold you, be with you that day, You looked so helpless and frail while in bed you did lay. I watched as you shivered from a new pain, And wondered how I might have handled the same. I wanted to scream, to shout, and to yell, You said you were fine although your skin was so pale. I knew in my heart your time was near end, And wished I could take you, your body to mend. I knew that soon God would be your closest friend, You told me many times that’s how it would end. I stood there watching as each breath came slow, And fought to find courage, my emotions were low. I promised you when the time came that I’d not cry, You never saw my eyes wet, always they were dry. I held your hand as I silently said goodbye, And knew in my heart that soon you would die. I stroked your forehead and said how I loved you, You nodded and smiled an
I Love My Girl Lol
I Love What I Saw.
Hi dear, I am fully in love with your photos. I would love to hear from u on +2348051800537 or I am waiting.................
I Love You John
My world has become so bright.. I can't remember when i have smiled so much or felt so happy.. How do i put how you make feel into words. my heart skips a beat when i hear you voice.. Just the thought of you makes me smile..I wake every morning with you on my mind.. I have never been this lost for words.. There is so much i want to say about how i feel.. But there is only 3 words that could every tell how i feel........... I LOVE YOU
I Love This
Your skin is mine.. > > > > > > > > > > The welts from the leather branding. > > > > > > > > > > The music from your cries, pleas, and moans.. > > > > > > > > > > Draws me to the beauty of pain.. > > > > > > > > > > I can mold and twist you, > > > > > > > > > > Break and build you.. > > > > > > > > > > With every touch I am creating you, > > > > > > > > > > I will shape you into perfection.. > > > > > ~X > > > > > > > > > >
I Love This Song! You Didn't Have To Be So Nice
Comment on this video! More videos at myYearbook
I Love Them You Should Love Them Too!!!
I Love This
My love-lies-bleeding
I Love You And Goodbye
I will never forget you, Though I may meet someone new But a part of my heart Will forever belong to you. I know it won’t be easy, And I’ll miss you every second But everything in life, Comes with a special lesson. Letting go is hard But when all the sadness clears There will not be a reason To shed another tear. What we had was priceless And you will always hold my heart But now that our love is gone We must forever part. You said you’d love me forever But forever has come and gone And still I sit and wonder Where it all went wrong. But now I see what’s really there And there’s nothing I could have done You can’t help who you love And I just wasn’t the one. Maybe someday down the road Our paths will intertwine And once again I can hold you And know you are mine. I know I wasn’t perfect But I gave you all I had And if we were so deep in love Why does it feel so bad? I still have a lot of questions And I still wonder why But now all I ca
I Love Hockey
I don't know why but I just love this sport. Yes everyone has their sport of preference and mine just happens to be hockey, LINCOLN STARS HOCKEY. I got hooked on it after going to a few games a few years ago on a few dates and I have been hooked ever since. I follow the NHL some and the college teams when USHL players draft to a college, but i am hooked on USHL and will always be a LINCOLN STARS fan. The reason I like this league is that these kids have a real passion for the sport that they play on the ice. Unlike NHL these kids are playing (yes some maybe only for a scholarship with dream of someday more) but all for the pure love of the game. That should be enough to inspire anyone and yes I know that is true in other sports but I follow this one and this team. I cannot think of a better place on a game night than at the rink rooting my favorite team all the way to a Clark Cup and Anderson Cup championship that is well deserved. I have not missed a home game in years.
I Love Her...
Make video montages at
I Love You But I'm Not In Love With You !
I Love You My Sweet Night
I love you my sweet Night You set my heart free and ask nothing of me You live to protect me in honor and love You give me the world and he Heavens above I love you my sweet Night Wanting you every chance I could have Desiring your touch when I see you Loosing myself in your cold eyes I love you my sweet Night You make the fears feel alright Chasing the deamons out of sight Slaying the dragon before the night I love you my sweet Night I know its true with you I know you make me feel so wanted inside my head I know you want me for me and nothing more I love you my sweet Night In my world no one else could ever compare In my world no one else can be you In my world we are one forever and etrinty So I say to you, I Love You My Sweet Night I will do what ever I have to in keeping you by my side, all because I say, I love you my sweet Night.
I Love This Song Vid Is Dumb
I Love Being Female, Written 5-25-2008
I absolutely love being female. So often I have been complimented on how I look. Personally, I believe I am just an average female. What makes and sets me apart from other females is my confidence. I am aware of my capabilities and I'm not afraid to show or use them. If I'm not good at something, so be it. That doesn't mean though, I'm not going to try and give it my best shot. One thing that seems to amaze me though is how little I have to try to get a males attention. So often I will be sitting in my vehicle, glance over the passanger side, to see a male looking over at me. I'm not speaking a glance, but the full head turned looking straight at me. I most of the time have my window only cracked as to keep the wind to a minimun while I'm driving and to keep any unwanted noise out. My favorite is when a male is in a truck sitting up and decides to look down over at me. Imagine if I had wore a low cut shirt, I'm sure they would pretty happy! LoL... Now, where is my pow
I Love My Online Friends !!!
I would never trade my amazing friends, my wonderful life, my loving family for less gray hair or a flatter belly. As I've aged, I've become kinder to myself, and less critical of myself. I've become my own friend. I don't chide myself for eating that extra cookie, or for not making my bed, or for buying that silly cement gecko that I didn't need, but looks so avante garde on my patio. I am entitled to a treat, to be messy, to be extravagant. I have seen too many dear friends leave this world too soon; before they understood the great freedom that comes with aging. Whose business is it if I choose to read or play on the computer until 4:00am and sleep until noon? I will dance with myself to those wonderful tunes of the '60s & 70's, and if I wish to weep over a lost love. . . .I will. I will walk the beach in a swim suit that is stretched over a bulging body, and will dive into the waves with abandon if I choose to, despite the pitying glances from the younger set
"i Love Oral" Does Not Translate To "i Want To Suck Your Cock"
I Love Oral! I know that I must have said those three words at least a million times,but those three words are frequently misunderstood. When I say I love oral,I mean that I love giving & receiving it.I am not sure that I enjoy one more than the other... It is a true pleasure to give & receive at the same time. Over time I have cum to realize that when a woman says, "I love oral"that some men interpret it as "I love sucking cock". Why is it that some men don't like to lick pussy? Do they think it is nasty? Are they afraid of getting wet? Do they not realize the pleasure that gives to a woman? You don't have to answer all of those questions (unless you want to), but tell me... Do you enjoy licking pussy? A woman can tell the difference between a man who does it because he feels as if he has to & a man who really loves it. But in the same breathe I do love to just please a man and watch him squirm under my breathe,but both can be totaaly fucking awesome..
I Love This Song
Shadowboxer by Fiona Apple Once my lover, now my friend What a cruel thing to pretend What a cunning way to condescend Once my lover, and now my friend Oh, you creep up like the clouds And you set my soul at ease Then you let your love abound And you bring me to my knees Oh, it's evil, babe The way you let your grace enrapture me When well you know I'd be insane To ever let that dirty game recapture me You made me a shadowboxer, baby I wanna be ready for what you do And I been swinging all around me 'Cause I don't know when you're Gonna make your move Oh, your gaze is dangereous And you fill your space so sweet If I let you get too close You'll set your spell on me So darling, I just wanna say Just in case I don't come through I was on to every play I just wanted you Oh, it's so evil, my love The way you've no reverence to my concern So I'll be sure to stay weary of you, love To save the pain of once my flame and twice
I Love This Truck
Got me a new truck! I bought a new FORD F150 and returned to the dealer yesterday because I couldn't get the radio to work. The salesman explained that the radio was voice activated. 'Nelson,' the salesman said to the radio. The radio replied, 'Ricky or Willie?' 'Willie!' he continued and 'On The Road Again' came from the speakers. Then he said, 'Ray Charles!', and in an instant 'Georgia On My Mind' replaced Willie Nelson. I drove away happy, and for the next few days, every time I'd say, 'Beethoven,' I'd get beautiful classical music, and if I said, 'Beatles,' I'd get one of their awesome songs. Yesterday, some Mexicans ran a red light and nearly creamed my new truck, but I swerved in time to avoid them. I yelled, 'Ass Holes!' Immediately the Iranian National Anthem began to play, sung by Jane Fonda and Barbara Streisand, backed up by Michael Moore and The Dixie Chicks, with John Kerry on guitar, Al Gore on drums, Dan Rather on harmonic
I Love You??? What A Load Of Shit
I love you You hear people say these words almost every day. Whether it be in passing or just someone saying it to you. But honestly? Who the hell actually knows what it means to be in love anymore? For the majority of people out there, they don't. Its just something you say to your bf/gf. Cause its what people do. Or they are just saying it because their partner said it first and they don't know what else to say. The reason for this rant is this. When you tell me that you love me, that I'm the one you want to spend your life with, make sure you freakin mean it. Saying you love me one week and then turning around 2 WEEKS later and saying you love someone bullshit. You have no idea what that word actually stands for. You didn't truly love me for me. You loved the idea of being with someone. And that someone just happened to be me. I don't believe in love at 1st sight. I'm sorry. You can LUST at 1st sight. But that isn't the same thing as loving someone. Lo
I Love You
I love you. It's not a weight you must carry around. I love you. It's not a box that holds you in. I love you. It's not a standard you have to bear. I love you. It's not a sacrifice I make. I love you. It's not a pedestal you are frozen upon. I love you. It's not an expectation of perfection. I love you. It's not my life's whole purpose (or your's). I love you. It's not to make you change. I love you. It's not even to make you love me. I love you. It's as pure and simple as that.
I Love My Ex Hubby Alot
my ex hubby his name is devon aka bonez i love him so much and i will always want him i couldn't get enough of him . i love him with all my heart and i hope he realize soon that i was the best thing in his life. and that i'm waiting for him.
I Love April!
It's so exciting this year! Haha. Found out I'm gonna be an aunt at the end of September! Seeing as my sister has told me for years that I have to be the one to give our parents grandkids, I'm pretty psyched. I leave for Boston tomorrow afternoon. Most of the weekend is free, leaving my friend and I plenty of time to explore Boston, areas of New Hampshire, and parts of Maine. Our only plans so far are to have dinner after my plane arrives tomorrow and go see an improv show. Saturday night we're gonna go see Shinedown. Then I fly back here late Sunday night. In another couple weeks I fly to Atlanta to meet up with my parents, and then spending a week on Hilton Head visiting family down there. I haven't had a vacation in two years, so I'm pretty happy about all of this traveling.
I Love You Baby!
         Something that was givin to us, I read it and its pretty funny how this poem so describes my baby! I miss you and love you so much baby! The first deployment always sucks as a couple, but to sit back and think of all the little things these guy/girls do for us! Thank you all!          There is nothing like a Soldier. His emotions are impenetrable yet his shoulders are soft for those that need someone to lean on. His hands are firm yet know exactly where they need to be. If he has his arms wrapped around you you're either in the last moments of your life or the safest place you could ever be. He's stubborn but will let you have your way just to see you smile. Hes deadly with a rifle and gentle with a child. He plays poker with the devil but guards the gates of heaven. He curses like no other but is a perfect gentleman. He has a thousand yard stare but when you look into his eyes Its the most comforting thing you've ever felt. The Army trained him as a weapon but raised him as
I Love You
i love you  I love you as much as the ocean breeze,I love you as much as the sea,I love you as much as the feeling I get,When I'm holding you close to me,I love you as much as the smell of your hair,The way my tongue feels on your naked skin,I love you as much as your tender kiss,And this wonderful world we're in,I actually love more than all of these things,You are as beautiful as you are sweet,I love you because you make me feel,With you my life is complete...copyright jas 2009
I Love You 2
 I LOVE YOUI Love YouWith my every breath,With all I have left,From the deepest depths,Of my heart, I love you.With all of my strength,With ten miles' length,Every thought I think,I think that I love you.For the length of forever,As long as we're together,Through good and bad weather,For always, I love you.Until the very end of days,Until God takes my breath away,Until death separates our ways,Until then, I love you.When no one is there,When you think no one cares,When love seems too rare,Remember, I love you.When everything's gone,When all has withdrawn,When hopelessness dawns,Don't forget, I love you.When you fall down,When your dreams come unwound,When hope can't be found,Be happy, I love you.When you make mistakes,When you're filled with hate,When you're old and gray,Even then, I'll love you.copyright jas 2007
I Love To Cleen Carpets
hi am the carpet man i love to cleen carpets make new friends am retaired  security guard any one how lives close to bethlehem pa allentown needs carpet done cheep e mail me at any one whants to chat e mail me all so
I Love This Commercial!
I Love You Man
paull rudd is my man crush, i love that guy, so i have nothing bad to say here. its funny , go see it. seriously go now. youll lol. dood has no guy friends and tried to get one fast before his wedding so he can have a best man.       ( o )( o )( o )          3 bewbs
I Love The Smell Of Nitrometane & Burning Rubber!
Some Drag Racing facts: Did you know ? ? that an NHRA Top Fuel dragster accelerates from 0 to 100 mph in less than .8-second, almost 11 seconds quicker than it takes a production Porsche 911 Turbo to reach the same speed? ? that an NHRA Top Fuel dragster leaves the starting line with a force nearly five times that of gravity, the same force of the space shuttle when it leaves the launching pad at Cape Canaveral? ? that an NHRA Funny Car is slowed by a reverse force more than seven times that of gravity when both parachutes deploy simultaneously? ? that NHRA Top Fuel dragsters and Funny Cars consume between four and five gallons of fuel during a quarter-mile run, which is equivalent to between 16 and 20 gallons per mile? ? that NHRA Top Fuel dragsters and Funny Cars use between 10 and 12 gallons of fuel for a complete pass, including the burnout, backup to the starting line, and quarter-mile run? ? that NHRA Top Fuel dragsters and Funny Cars travel the length of more than four
I Love To.....and I Am...
You Are a Painting You are a passionate person. You see the emotional undertones that others miss. Compared to other people, you are sentimental. You allow yourself to feel everything. Believe that art should capture the beauty and mood of a moment. The best art speaks to your heart. It makes you smile, dream, or even cry. What Type of Art Are You?
I Love This
Libra  -  Lovescope Weekly HoroscopePay close attention to your dreams this week, Libra. In fact, you'll be visited, so keep a journal next to your bed and write down any archetypal imagery that floods your mind during the night. The Universe is preparing you for someone who is about to enter your love life. Dream symbolism may give you some insight into this person and his or her intent with you.
I Love This Fubar
Hedonism is the basic desire to feel good on many different levels. Indulgence is free - Do so! Anyone reading this blog should know exactly what I  am talking about because Fubar was created to make people feel good. This site is addicting and therefore has many perks, has many things about it that that embrace the topic of indulgence. Satisfied with just a few points? HELL NO! GIMME!! Wanna check out people, browse them as if they are lined up in a catalogue for our enjoyment. And in turn, people want to be seen and browse away, bomb their asses like it's WAR. Thank you Fubar - you sick and twisted fucking site you!!
I Love To Be Funny Joke Around And Cuddle
iam 5/5 hazel eys short lite brown hair i like to walk in the park dinner moves dancing pool darts bowling camping swimming travle vball boating tubing baskball fishing our stay home and talk watch a good move on tv our watch tv hug cuddling and kiss to and hold hands
I Love You With All I Am
I love you with all I amAnd all I'll ever be.You are my moon, my sun and stars,My earth, my sky, my sea. My love for you goes down and downBeneath both life and death,So deep it must remain when IHave drawn my last faint breath. Holding you for months and yearsWill make Time disappear,Will make your lips my lips, your faceMy face, your tear my tear; Will make us one strange personageAll intertwined in bliss,Not man or woman, live or dead--Just nothing--but a kiss!   
I Love It
god i gotta say my favorite part of this site, is when you vote in honesty toward someones pics they cry about it :)  
I Love You
I love the way you laugh, I love the way you smile, You have a way of warming up a room With your laughter, wit, and style   I love to hear your voice, I love to hear you sing, Your heart can turn a simple song Into such a magic thing   I love the way you give a hug, I love the way you kiss, The passion in your lips Fills my heart with joy and bliss   I love to have you in my arms, I love to hold you tight, I love to listen to you breathe If I could hold you through the night   I love you every moment, I've loved you from the start, Its you I gave my heart. We traveled through a maze To the finish line we gaze, Will you be there for me? I will be there for you. I love you.
I Love You, Man
Probably not the best thing Rudd or Segel have been in, but still hysterically funny at points.  Kinda felt like someone had a bunch of scenes they thought would be good in a comedy, and then haphazardly stitched them together, but if it makes you laugh, it works, right? And frankly I could watch Rudd and Segel in ANYTHING.  I have teh biggest mancrush on Jason Segel.
I Love Lamp
So, I have a theory. If your physical appearance resembles that of someone you want to be with they will be attracted to you. What I mean by this is: alot of the time you see a person with tattoos in a relationship with someone with tattoos, a person that dresses in expensive clothes with someone who wears expensive clothes, etc. So I figured if I got piercings maybe I would attract some people with piercings.   Has my theory worked?   No, not that I've noticed lol but I like my piercings anyway.
I Love Busty Babes...curvy Females....
Im turned on by busty babes...Woman with curves...
I Love This Bar
i have to say that this place rocks u meet cool people have a great time and the lounges offer great tunes im not trying to hye up this place if u are a member u know what i mean so i have to say this place is where it at rock out with youre c***k out  very one who read this thank for taking the time im new at it so u have a great night
I Love You
I Love You I love you. You’re the joy in my heart, The sparkle in my eye, The light in my life. I love you. You’re the wind to my wings, The steps to my dances, The voice to my songs. I love you. You’re the reason for breathing, The purpose for thriving, The cause for living. I love you. You’re the most caring human being, The very generous and gentle, The loveliest of them all.  
I Love
i love I love without knowing how. I love with the depths of my soul. I love with all I am and all I have. I love without eyes or sound. For my love is blind and deaf. I love with the gentleness of my heart. I love with the only passion known to me. I love with desire of you and me. I love so much that we as two become one. I love without judgement. I love with mind,body,and soul. I love in sickness and in health for all eternity. For all that I am, all that I have and all that I will ever be, I am forever yours.  
I Love....
Ruby! Go say happy bday to her :D   Ruby Cairo > ETid, LP, FuGF of Chelsea@ fubar
I Love You Guys, Thank You!
  I know that I haven't been around much lately however I've had my (HELL) on earth, I've had such bad luck do to having cervical cancer and the fact that my son has had it as well along with the rest of the family, I'm sure you all have read my blogs or at least I hope you have you will learn alot and understand what I've been going through for sometime now, I do miss talking with my friends, it's just I haven't had any energy lately chemo will kick your ass let alone the external radiation plus internal. you can say I've been through (HELL) and back, my family & I didn't know how to take it, I pretty much lost it. I can say that my husband was right there for me throughout this whole time, taking me to everyone of my (Appointments) plus being there when I had to go through surgery, my mother/sister both came up to help out around the house an the fact that my mother wanted to see what it was like  an know what I've been through seemed as if she couldn't handle it. An I know if it wa
I Love U
Beware these wordsFor, if the emotion is genuine when spoken and that feeling is returned,You will be blessed to be bind in joy and ecstasy to comeBeware this phraseFor, if the aim is deception in order to steal one’s virtue and that affection is vapid or emptyYou will be cursed with the pain from the illicit lust sought and receivedBeware this statementFor, no matter the desire in your soul or the ambition seething in your flesh,You will be changed no matter the time or seasonThese words are only three, but, they wield power regardlessSo, take care when used
I Love This! Hehe
THINGS THAT ARE DOWNRIGHT IMPOSSIBLE TO SAY WHEN DRUNK: 1. No thanks, I'm married. 2. Nope, no more booze for me! 3. Sorry, but you're not really my type. 4. Taco Bell? No thanks, I'm not hungry. 5. Good evening, officer. Isn't it lovely out tonight? 6. Oh, I couldn't! No one wants to hear me sing karaoke. 7. I'm not interested in fighting you. 8. Thank you, but I won't make any attempt to dance, I have no coordination. I'd hate to look like a fool! 9. Where is the nearest bathroom? I refuse to pee in this parking lot or on the side of the road. 10. I must be going home now, as I have to work in the morning.
I Love You Anyway (repost)
Don't ignore meThat's just boringCut the chordWhat are you waiting forGet it doneHope you had funHow long have you knownWhile my love for you has grownYou don't want this anymoreJust leave my heart on the floorI've patiently waitedWhile you've debatedHow to deal with thisThere's one thing you missedI'm a part of itI wont "just go away"Say what you need to sayNo we can't be friendsThis is where it endsYou know how I feelFor you that's too realThere's nothing left to sayIn the end, I love you anyway
I Love Girls The Way They Are
sorry i'm if i'm not pretty enough to be "Your girl"I'm sorry that I don't want to have sex every minute of the day.I'm sorry that I'm not a playboy bunny so I can act like a pornstar for you.I'm sorry if I don't have a dream body that turns you on.I'm sorry if I won't drop down to my knees to get you to like me.I'm sorry if my hair isn't long enough.I'm sorry if I'm not the "hottest" girl you've ever seen.I'm sorry if loving you isn't enough.I'm sorry if being your friend through thick and thin makes no difference.I'm sorry that I try my best to get you to like me but, then get hurt.But most of all; I'm sorry that most guys can't accept a girl for who they really are.and I'm sorry that most guys will read this and post it and may agree with it but after 5 minutes they forget about it and do the same thing all over again. GUYS! Just think about it, about how you treat girls. You treat them like crap & all they want to do is be loved by you. Think about it.If you're a girl and you agree
I Love To Be In Good Company
hi guy s i m jaime from montreal a model of 31 y/o i really love to be in good company of men and women so this place here perfect for me I’m an experienced woman likei i told u  im a model ! this is my fulltime work . I’ve been part of this wonderful place for 10 years (this April officially marks my 10 year anniversary!) I really love the time I spend on my webcam  and I couldn’t even think of the day I’d stop being a model. I love to be seen and meet new people from all over the world – isn’t that cool? , so this is the perfect place for me! i hope to see u in my free chat soon xoox jaime click here for my free chat
"i Love You"good Bye...
                        "I Love You"Goodbye...        I know that we have had fun         Fun with our bodies        Fun with our sences        I know that one bright early day       I gave you my body       Gave it for fun       I know that I said I Love You       You had my body,You had my soul        I know that I left you alone       Alone with out my body        All alone with out my sences        But you left me regret,pain and sorrow        Though I dreams of your touch and alluring        your humble face in my thoughts        Remembering those passionate desire we shared        But I have nothing to say now than I Love You        Goodbye....
I Love The Conversations I Have With People, When They Make Me Think:)
Date: Jun 12, 2009 5:20 PM Subject: RE: Body: I do. They say what they think people want to hear. Let me ask you if you were on your death bed and loved someone with all uour heart but they did not love you would you want them to lie and tell you they love you or be honest and break your heart before you go? There in lies your answer. People don't like hurting others feelings. Though one thing they do not realize is that though it may hurt your heart will heal it is better to be told I don't love you than I love you and find out later on they never did you that said i think saying it and taking it back to appease someone is the biggest betrayal of the heart ever. I don't believe in fate, I believe we make our own destiny and we have a say in what fate sets in motion. I don't believe it is soly up to fate. I believe there is more than one person out there for everyone, I do not believe in one soul mate. If that was true everyone would always be single. We would always be alo
I Love My Fries
If you all know the poem by mya Angelou "still I rise" this will be funny I wrote this for a class and thought it was funny and decided to blog it lol  Hope you all enjoy lol much love   I Love My Fries You may put me down as unhealthy with your, bitter, bad taste You throw me in the very grease, but still, like McDonalds, I love my fries. Do my French fries upset you? Why are you overwhelmed as if you bit a lemon? Cause I eat with no care and no dismay. Just like my mother and father with a smile on my face, and the sun overshadowing me, I love my fries. Did you want to see me hungry with dry mouth and with white lips? Hunched over, hurting from my growling stomach. Does my hunger offend you? Don't hate cause I eat as if it's my last meal on earth. I may eat a pizza or maybe even a salad but still, so delicious, I love my fries. Does the smell make you drool? Does it come as a surprise that my car smells like super size fries? From school to work, I love my fries, on my way
I Love Kobe
I am extremely happy about my team...That's it. :)
I Love Live Shows.
So I went to a show at a local bar and saw this band, Ten Year Vamp. They were pretty amazing. The singer is really that hot, and she's a lesbian. Bonus. The bass player is beyond incredible. I found a pick on the floor between sets. Like a total geek I grabbed it. That's really all I have to offer, other than seeing a chick rock that much makes my dream of being in a band even more desirable. Maybe that'll be the next goal I shoot for. :D
I Love Her So
I would take her downtown with a smile never a frown to show her off to my friends all around show her she is what I was searching for show her I care and that I would miss her if she wasn't there.   My goal would be to praise her for the little things she would do. Enforce what she means to me with a simple I love you and give her hope everyday to help her make it through in each new way
I Love You
Love will come and love will go but then one day that one love will never leave your heart . Days will come and days will go but that one love will always be near even if he is far away. So always remember I love you and always will no matter if we are together or not. You are my one true love and always will be until the end of time.
I Love You Is 8 Letters. So Is Bullshit.
Wrap me in a bolt of lightningSend me on my way still smilingMaybe that's the way I should go,Straight into the mouth of the unknownI left the spare key on the tableNever really thought I'd be able to sayI merely visit on the weekendsI lost my whole life and a dear friendI've said it so many timesI would change my waysNo, nevermindGod knows I've tried[Chorus]Call me a sinner, call me a saintTell me it's over I'll still love you the sameCall me your favorite, call me the worstTell me it's over I don't wan't you to hurtIt's all that I can say. So, I'll be on my wayI finally put it all together, But nothing really lasts foreverI had to make a choice that was not mine,I had to say goodbye for the last timeI kept my whole life in suitcase,Never really stayed in one placeMaybe that's the way it should be,You know I've led my life like a gypsyI've said it so many timesI would change my waysNo, nevermindGod knows I've tried[Chorus]Call me a sinner, call me a saintTell me it's over I'll still l
I Love Surveys :)
  Finish the sentence......... My ex...: is missedMaybe I should...: try harderI love...: to laughPeople would say that I'm...: outgoing and awesome :)I don't understand...: why some people act the way that they doWhen I wake up in the morning...: i want to go back to bedLife is full of...: ups and downsMy past is...: something i have learned fromParties are...: fun if they dont get too out of controlI wish...: that i was what he wantedTomorrow...: will come and it will goI have low tolerance...: being told i am lyingI am totally terrified of...: ghostsIf I had a million dollars...: i would be less stressed.. i thinkI am...: amazing :DMy home is...: my home... MY home :)My best friend...: is a manMy parents taught me...: right from wrongEvery day...: is another day that i am aliveMy life...: is different from yoursIf I found out my ex was gay...: i wouldnt be suprissed.. it would make sense.. LOLBoys are...:yummy :)Girls are...: commpetitiveI hate people who...: cheat and lieLast Nov
I Love It!
I jsut wanted to say that I waited until I was 31 to finally get married and all I have to say is WOW!  It is nothing like shacking up!  It is so much better - I hate to souhnd like a cheezeball....but I love being married. 
I Loved You
I Loved You I thought that you loved me.... you thought I was a whore... we were never meant to be together... I loved you till no end.... you hated me for what I did... people are wondering what happened to us... did we fade? Did we lose interest in one another? What the hell happened to the love we had for each other?
I Love Her Words
one of her babies is rotting in the sun and the other one was found drowned in the ocean her mom and dad are in their van crushed and bloated and her husband was thrown from his fishing boat so please give me a break from all your complaining about who was mean to you and how your stepdad is a pain - i care, i swear, but i just can't take it, not today all i can think about are tsunamis and earthquakes everything she's ever known is gone, gone, gone everyone she's ever loved is gone, gone, gone the only reason she's alive is she grabbed a palm frond and held on and held on you can call me crazy but it seems to me we could have sent more than we spend in one day killing iraqis to help the hundreds of thousands who are injured and diseased and hungry and homeless and without families i'm appalled by our government's initial reaction and the fact that they asked for a verbal retraction from the folks who called them stingy they're just covering their assets well,
I Loved You First
I loved you first: but afterwards your love     Outsoaring mine, sang such a loftier song As drowned the friendly cooings of my dove.     Which owes the other most? my love was long,     And yours one moment seemed to wax more strong; I loved and guessed at you, you construed me And loved me for what might or might not be –     Nay, weights and measures do us both a wrong. For verily love knows not ‘mine’ or ‘thine;’     With separate ‘I’ and ‘thou’ free love has done,          For one is both and both are one in love: Rich love knows nought of ‘thine that is not mine;’          Both have the strength and both the length thereof, Both of us, of the love which makes us one.
I Love This Song
Bury all your secrets in my skinCome away with innocence and leave me with my sinsThe air around me still feels like a cageAnd love is just a camouflage for what resembles rage againSo if you love me let me goAnd run away before I knowMy heart is just too dark to careI can?t destroy what isn?t thereDeliver me into my fateIf I?m alone I cannot hateI don?t deserve to have youOoh, my smile was taken long agoIf I can change I hope I never knowI still press your letters to my lipsAnd cherish them in parts of me that savor every kissI couldn?t face a life without your lightsBut all of that was ripped apart when you refused to fightSo save your breath, I will not careI think I made it very clearYou couldn?t hate enough to loveIs that supposed to be enough?I only wish you weren?t my friendThen I could hurt you in the endI never claimed to be a saintOoh, my own was banished long agoIt took the death of hope to let you goSo break yourself against my stonesAnd spit your pity in my soulYou never n
I Love Saturdays
I am so sick of the crappy weather here in GA.  We have been getting storms and rain everyday for the past month.  It makes your days gloomy and you wish it was nice so you could excape to FL and chill out on the beach.  I will spend today drinking some beer and chillin makes for a great day....when the weather sucks!  
I Love You
Girl Facts: When a girl says she likes you, she wants you to ask her out. When u break a girls heart, she still feels it when bumping heads 3 years later When a girl just stares deep into your eyes, she's HOPING that your hers and only hers ( it shows how much she cares: eyes never lie) When a girl is quiet, millions of things are running through her mind. When a girl is not arguing, she is thinking deeply. When a girl looks at you with eyes full of questions, she is wondering how long you will be around. When a girl answers, "I'm fine, " after a few seconds, she is not at all fine. When a girl stares at you, she is wondering why you are so wonderful. When a girl lays her head on your chest, she is wishing for you to be hers forever. When a girl calls you everyday, she is seeking for your attention. When a girl wants to see you everyday, she wants to be pampered. When a girl says, "I'll love you forever, " she means it. When a girl says that she can't live without you, she has made up
I Love This Quote!!!! And I Live By It!
"There comes a point in your life when you realize who matters, who never did, and who always will. So don't worry about people in your past, theres a reason they didn't make it into your future"
Ilove You
Every time we embrace,I go to that far away placeWhen we just walk hand in hand.I’m in never, never land. Whenever I look into your eyes,I begin to get butterflies,Then my heart skips a beat,And our lips passionately meet. You are always on my mind,Your face is all it can find.I think about you every dayAnd know it’ll work out somehow, some way. Some say we’re dumb and foolishSome say we should do as we wishBut all my heart could ever doIs tell you that I’ll always LOVE YOU.  
I Love My Life Right Now.
  So I got home from school, i walked through the door and WOW.... the  dishes was done , the living room was cleaned up and the kids was taking a nap.I was shocked,but  a good way.See my husband  must think im super women.I say that because  he thinks I can do it all, give plasma 2x a week, school 3 days a week, work 4 days a week, 3  small kids to take care of the moment I get home,and to top the list he(hubby) want me to clean the house.Now I don't mine doing these things ,but come on now!! thats alot on 1 person, and I told him so. He didn't want  to hear me.So I stop doing the dishes. After 3 days and no clean dish, he had to wash them.    :D    and now it's like he heard me. He's  been so nice and soo sweet to me. Alot like the man I married 9 yrs ago. I hope things keep getting better between us,to where we can move on with our life together. Well folks I just wanted to update you all. If your the praying type please keep us in your prayers.
I Love You!
To: David Martin When you make a commitment to a relationship, you put your attention and energy in it more profoundly. You realize its not just you anymore, its two lives, two hearts joined together in friendship united forever. I know babe I have only known you a short amount of time. This is only the best way I can explain this to you. I love you and you have become the spirit in me. The fire in my heart is lit again because of you. Love is one thing in my life that has been a worry for me, a song to me, and a dream that I have dreamt. It has never been a reality. I know this isn’t going to be easy, I know its going to be hard. I have come to the realization that love doesn’t just cause pleasure, it causes pain. David with you though, I don’t worry anymore. I want this, and every girl has the chance to get something as good as us. I cant pass you up, nor would I ever think to. Even if I had the whole world to write on to express how much I love you, it wouldn't al
I Love My Stupid Ass Friends...
Me and a friend are talking about our sexual conquests, when she says "Ive had three Egyptians" Not wanting to be out done, I say "Ive had a few brazilian chicks" She freaks and calls me a whore. I ask "why am I a whore this time?" She says "Cuz I dont even know how many a brazilian is" and she wasnt playing dumb either :|
I Love U
With love so pureand a smile so brightwish i could take a tourof your body, i know it'll be a sightyou kiss my face and i smileand i know you see it and put one on your dialit's been one whole weekand boy has it gone quicki had the best weekand there's no one else i would have pickedi love you (*****) with all my heartyou got me now, just like a target & darti've never been so sure if someone really loved mebut with you i do, it's really just you & me(*****), please stay with my foreveryou're my world now, and don't you forget it ever
"i Love You Just The Way You Are.."
I'm Sorry created @ 2007-11-06 22:28:42   i bet NO guys will repost this ;i'm sorry i'm sorry if i'm not pretty enough to be "your girl"i'm sorry that i don't want to have sex every minute of the day.i'm sorry that i'm not a playboy bunny so i can act like a pornstar for you.i'm sorry if i don't have a dream body that turns you on.i'm sorry if i won't drop down to my knees to get you to like me.i'm sorry if my hair isn't long enough.i'm sorry if i'm not the "hottest" girl you've ever seen.i'm sorry that i try my best to get you to like me, but then get hurt. but most of all; i'm sorry that most guys can't accept a girl for who they really are. and i'm sorry that most guys will read this and post it and may agree with it but after 5 minutes they forget about it and do the same thing all over again. GUYS! just think about it, about how you treat girls.If you're a girl and you agree with this letter, repost as "I'm sorry."If you're one of the few GUYS with enough ba
I Love You
Waiting and counting,Marking off the days,Why cant time fly by?Missing you,Thinking of us,Swimming in emotion,loving every thought,Every promise...Can i do it,Can i wait?My heart belongs to you ,Just ask me,I'll say yes,I love you,You are the one,You are mine,Forever in my heart.
I Love You
The title for today’s entry came as I was about to get in the shower after a dream where I’d just gotten home from somewhere and was playing a video game where I had to throw a plate at a door to open it.  I got up and greeted Andy “Chip” Wright, a fellow Stetson alum who’d graduated the year before me, and was about to greet a taller person behind him when my alarm went off at seven fifteen!  I gout of the shower, shaved, and got ready to write in my journal for the day – nine times out of ten, I succeed with that before Martha and the kids are up, but this was number ten – and wake Martha to get ready for work herself, but then our daughter Sarah cried out “don’t forget me” from the top of the stairs!  Got her first, got her dressed, and we both sat at the table and then the couch for a bowl of “Star Trek” cereal that Mommy bought last night!  I’m serious. I also write details of my dreams in my journal, w
I Love You
I love you just because, I love the way you make me smile, I Love the way you make me laugh, I love the way your eyes sparkle when you look at me, I love the way you hold my hand,  I love the way you feel when we cuddle, I love the way you make me feel,  I love the way you kiss me, I love the way you rub my back, I love our pillow talk, I love the way you look when you fall asleep, I love the way you seem to be able to read my mind and share jokes only we get, I love the way you smile, I love the way you blush n tell me to shut it, I love the fact that we can spend hours together and it feels like minutes, I love the way we talk for hours n never get bored, I love the way you rest your head on my cheast,  I love your the way you touch me(especially when you run your fingers up n down my chest), I love the way you burp then say excuse me, I love the way you look into my eyes, I love how it feels waking up with you in my arms, I love how your not afraid to kiss or touch me in public, I l
I Love The Color Green You Have Become.. It Looks Like The Color Of Jealousy
I’m stuck in my head and tired of worrying over people who never worry about me.. Crying over assholes that never cry over me.. Things I wish I could say but never will. 1- I’ve hurt you I can see that but why do you keep trying to rip my heart out? You should know after all these years you wont find it. Have fun digging around my rib cage.. If you ever find it let me know 2- Broken fingers, ribs, and nose I think we finally done. The violence between us will never fade but the love sure as fuck has. 3- I wont be here to build you back up. I’m through with watching her break you down and you running back to me. You are perfect for one another.. Let her dominate your sorry ass for a while 4-  I wish I knew what you were hiding. I'm not stupid or naive, I can feel the distance and differences adding up. I don’t even have the strength to put the pieces together. 5-  I bet it sucks to think I know all of your secrets. Does it burn to know I will never forgive y
I L. O. V. E Y.o.u
Your eyes are the stars that shine so bright, Your arms are the blanket that wraps me tight. Your body's my shield that protects me from harm, Your touch is my teddy bear, soft and warm. Your hand is the tissue that dries my tears, Your strength is my sword that fights my fears. Your smile's my sun that brightens my days, Your kiss is the wind that takes my breath away. Your hair is the sky as black as night, Your laughter's a child so full of life. Your voice is the lullaby that sings me to sleep, Your lips are a candy so juicy and sweet. Your'e the answer to my prayers from up above, The one who will always have my love. I love you
I Love Love!!
100% in love!!
I Love You Adam Baby
"Forever takes me by a minute, While I’m here with you. I’m falling even more in love, With everything you do. Hold me in your arms, Look deep into my eyes, Don’t turn away and let me go, Don’t ever tell me lies. I swear I’ll never loose you,In my arms I’ll always hold. I’ll never let you slip away, And leave nothing left untold. There aren’t enough hours, In each passing day, To find all the words, I wish I could say. Your kiss will last forever, Your touch forever warm. You’ll guide me to the sunlight, And shield me from the storm. This is what I’m saying, With everything that’s true, I swear on my life, That I really do love you."
I Love Playing Online Games
Hi, this is Ankit and i love playing bike games and mario games when im free because it is free and fun to play
I Love La Halloween Masquerade Day Party Sunday October 25th
I Loved This Article
This was also posted to my stash. Clinton, 9/11, and the Republicans' Born-Again "Virginity" Problem By driftglass Monday Sep 14, 2009 7:00am crossposted from Driftglass at the request of Crooks and Liars editors “...they turned to prayer, beseechingthat the sin which had been committedmight be wholly blotted out.” -- 2 Maccabees. 12:42 Once upon a time, there was a President named Bill Clinton, who was, by most historical standards, a typical Centrist Republican, although by a fluke of geography and circumstances he ran for public office with a "(D)" after his name. Under his Administration, many Conservative ideas which had long gathered dust on the shelf -- ideas such as welfare reform, a balanced budget, debt reduction, a strict “Pay as You Go” fiscal regime, a boom in technology jobs, budget surpluses, NAFTA, GATT, official bans on gay marriage, etc. -- were finally realized. And for all of his good work on behalf of their ideology, Con
I Love People...
So yesterday was suppose to be a fairly simple day...and well for the most part it was...and for anyone that knows me even a little I hope that you have come to understand that my life takes a lot of unexpected turns and sideroads...this why I am the way I am...welll yesterday was no different... Was just trying to do a simple task wire some money to my lil sis so she didnt end up bringing a newborn home to no electricity...times are is limited..especially for young families...anyhow..this was the task I was trying to accomplish..and yes using mass transit..whatever cool right...go to the nearest 7/11,which was even listed on western union's wedsite as a location to provide you with all  your western union needs, they lied! So had toget another bus and go in the opposite directions just to catch the train (because the easier route no longer exists wonderful...while waiting for the bus that would carry my happy ass to the train  young man...wearing all black, combat boots,
I Love You Rusty
I Love This
I'm obsessed with Hercules Poirot, what can I say...
I Love Dark Angels...the Darker The Better...anymore Anything Dark Appeals To My Heart
This Blog is taken word for word from a Yahoo conversation I was having with a friend one nite right before Lent began...My life has been in turmoil for a while now...And the beginning of Lent was giving me pause...Making me consider some things...And as I tried to explain to my friend just what motivates my profiles, my profile names, and what lies underneath the surface of my shattered ideas...I wrote what I considered something very interesting...Something I had never tried to put into words...So for the record...And the sake of many a person's curiosity...I am adding that conversation here to give you the reader a slight peek into my jumbled and fevered brain...One that swirls with thousand upon thousands of thoughts and random ideas...Take a minute or two...And read this Blog...And maybe leave a comment on what you think...Peace and hugs to you....This conversation begins in the middle of what my friend and I were talking about... it is all from my side as he didn't interrupt my t
I Love Her
DJ.ღ.Mysterious Hålo.ღ.@ Rockin\'C Cantina">@ fubar
I Love You More
I love you more each dayI love you more when i see youI love you more every which wayWhen i see you I know my heart flewI love you more no matter whatI love you more no matter whereI love you more no matter whenWhen I see you I know you careI love you more when I hear you voiceI love you more when i see your faceI love you more when you make your choiceWhen I see you my heart begins to raceI love you more than you'll ever knowI love you more than i can tellI love you more than I can showWhen i meet you I knoew I fellI love you more with every breathI love you more with every glanceI love you more with every testWhen I see you I'm glad I took that chance
I Love Maranda
i will b moving to my grlfriends house next week damn i cant wait i realy do love her and she loves me to its been along time sence i as loved a meen truly loved im so excited i will be spending the rest of my life with ths girl
I Love You
SPRINKLIN.* + .+ . . * + . + * . * + .+ , *YOUR. + * PAGE+ *+ . . * + . + * . * + .** + * WITH.. + . *+ . . * + . + * . * ++* .+.. SOME. * + *. + * .. * + * * + . *+ *.+..*.*LOVIN*.*..+..*.*.¸.*´¸.o´¸.o*¨) ¸.o*¨)(¸.o´ (¸.o´ .o´ ¸¸.o¨¯`o.....?..lovelovelo...?...?..lovelovelove....?..?.lovelovelovelove...?................?.... ?.?..lovelovelovelovelo...?.........?..lovel.... ??..lovelovelovelovelove...?....?...lovelovelo.??.. lovelovelovelovelove...?....?...lovelovelo.?.?..lovelovelovelovelove...?..?...lovelovelo...?..?...lovelovelovelovelove..?...lovelovelo...?....?....lovelovelolovelovelovelovelovelo...?.....?....lovelovelovelovelovelovelov...?........?....lovelovelovelovelovelo...?..........?....lovelovelovelove...?...............?...lovelovelo....?..................?..lovelo...?.....................?....??.?......................?.?.?.........................?.?
I Love You Daddy
I LOVE YOU DADDY Current mood:CRYING Well its almost time for me to go back to work. Not really sure if i am ready to do that.  I know so much has changed for me and for me to accept this change is just not acceptable for me at this timeToday i have had the chance to think back on my life as a child and having my parents around and how lucky my family has been to have both parents around us. I sat here today and wished that i could go back and make changes, and then maybe things would be so much more easier to accept.I wish that i could go back and spend more time with my father and tell him more often how much i love him, than waiting so long as i did. But i know that he knew i loved himFor any of the hurt that i caused my father i am so sorry and i wish i could take those times back. I remember so much of the good times that we shared and now i dont want to lose those at all. I wish i had shared more things with my father special times with my father and i never got the chance.  Bu
I Love Being Lesbian!!!!!!
I walk in to my house it is all dark then someone hits the lights and everyone yells HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I party for a long time and say good bye to everyone. One person remains. My sexy lesbian friend Clair.  She was naked and asking me to come and show her my true feelings.  I strip down and we come to the bed. e go into a 69 position and her juices tasted so great. We then played with each other for a little while. Then we decided to really get it started.  i went in to my closet and got out my toys. We started with a first course of vibrators for us both. Then the strapons started. Second course was me fucking the shit out out of Clair. Third course was her fucking me. That was a great night!
I Love To Put Some Asian Style Decoration In My Home!
Chinese style Learn how to get a beautiful and rich, exotic look in your home. Choose a Chinese interior design style, for the ultimate in color, pattern and opulence for your home. A fantastic style to consider... If you are interested in Asian Decorating styles, or oriental interior design, then take a look at this Chinese influenced look - for a really dramatic and unusual design scheme. The term oriental decor refers to designs and schemes from the East (also know as 'The Far East'). This refers to countries like China, Japan, Thailand, orea and Vietnam, as well as other countries in the east. The main countries to provide the inspiration for oriental interior design schemes are China and Japan. The Chinese look is a vibrant look - filled with color and pattern. It is a fantastic look for people who want to bring a little bit of the exotic into their lives. It is an unusual look, but relaxing, cosy, and easy to live with. Walls and Color •Typical Chinese interior design
I Love Jokes!
Husband asks his wife "What would you do if I won the lottery" The wife said "I'd take half and leave you" He said "Excellent! I won 12 bucks, here's 6 now get the fuck out" ********************* Why can't lesbians diet and wear make-up at the same time?Because they can't eat Jenny Craig with Mary Kay on their face ********************** Sally from the reservation asks Dad for $100 for a new grad dress.-Sorry dear. I don't have dat kinda money.But Dad, I'm the only one of your eleven kids to graduate high school. I can't go to graduation in old clothes. I need $100 for a dress!-But hunney I only got a couple hundred until welfare day.Daddy! C'mon I'll do anything, but I REALLY NEED a new dress.-OK den, blow me!So Sally gets down on her knees and takes Dad's cock in her mouth. BLEAGHH! Daddy your cock is gross, it tastes like shit!-I know hunney, your brudder REALLY NEEDED the car tonight. ********************** what do you call a black women who has an abortion.....a crime stop

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