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Why Am I Single??? Omg Lmao
You're single because you don't want to commit Why Are You Still Single? Brought to you by Tickle
Why Are We Fighting??? Can Anyone Tell Me?
hey everyone, i ahve not written in a long time, but i am going to try this again.. i sit here and i sit here day after day. just thinking of the world out there passing along. you know it funny i wonder what all the people in the world are in such a big hurry for. i seem to get more acomplished in my day by taking my time and thinking about what i am doing. people are fighting everwhere. out in the world yes but here too. come on people, think about it aren't we doing the same here as we are complaining about out there in the world ? yes ok i know the puter is the world , but we have to remember this; anyone can be anyone behind a puter screen and key board. i have lots of friends out there, but there are alot that i don't know either and i just have to give people the benefit of the doubt. then if they mess it up it is on them not me, and i know that i gave it my all to get along. then i just let it go. so why do we feel that we have to get even with someone??? if we take care of our
Why Are We Fighting??? Can Anyone Tell Me?
hey everyone, i ahve not written in a long time, but i am going to try this again.. i sit here and i sit here day after day. just thinking of the world out there passing along. you know it funny i wonder what all the people in the world are in such a big hurry for. i seem to get more acomplished in my day by taking my time and thinking about what i am doing. people are fighting everwhere. out in the world yes but here too. come on people, think about it aren't we doing the same here as we are complaining about out there in the world ? yes ok i know the puter is the world , but we have to remember this; anyone can be anyone behind a puter screen and key board. i have lots of friends out there, but there are alot that i don't know either and i just have to give people the benefit of the doubt. then if they mess it up it is on them not me, and i know that i gave it my all to get along. then i just let it go. so why do we feel that we have to get even with someone??? if we take care of our
Why Are Men Like Cars?
Because they never check to see if anyone else is cumming...
Why Am I Single??
Ok lets get this out in the open, I will share this with you.. I have been single for almost a year, My ex- left me when I was pregnant.So I had to go through all of this alone..Going to the doctors, hearing the babies heart beat,having Cory alone and now raising him alone..I thank god everyday for the gift is has givin to me..He has been a blessing in my life.If it wasn't for him and my family, I don't know where I would be today. I will not settle for anything but the best, when it comes to love and relationship..Tell me how can you give your heart when all that has been done to it, is it has been thrown away..I am so sick of someone saying they love me and just leave me..And I won't have it happen to my son ever...Once for him was enough.. So until someone can prove to me and my son that life can be better than being left all the time, I will stay single.. EJ
Why American Don't Immigrate To Arab Countries
Whay Americans Don't Immigrate To Arab Countries REST MY CASE....... May your troubles be less, your blessings more, And may nothing but happiness, come through your door .
Why? A Crow Tribute Video..
Why Am I Surprised
I cant seem to stop thinking about it. I was bored so I hit the "I'm bored" button and proceeded to rate people. When I say rate I mean look at pics and give everyone one a "10". Why not? It really isnt any problem to make people feel better no matter how ugly they are. Have you noticed that some profiles black out the last few numbers in the rating and its almost difficult to find the 10? I made a mistake and hit a "7" for this woman instead of a "10". In all honesty she was a 7 anyway. I later get this HORRIBLE email message calling me all kind of horrible names and saying that I wasnt even a "1" how could I rate her a "7"? She obviously has an issue with her self confidence. I sent her a message saying I was sorry and that it was a mistake. She never said she was sorry. The more I think about it the madder I get. Why did I appologize? SHE WAS A SEVEN! Who is she to get mad at me because I said so? Then she told me not to worry that she wouldnt report me for down rati
Why Are Men Happier
Why Are Men Happier Men Are Just Happier People-- What do you expect from such simple creatures? Your last name stays put. The garage is all yours. Wedding plans take care of themselves. Chocolate is just another snack. You can never be pregnant. You can wear a white T-shirt to a water park. You can wear NO shirt to a water park. Car mechanics tell you the truth. The world is your urinal. You never have to drive to another petrol station toilet because this one is just too icky. You don't have to stop and think of which way to turn a nut on a bolt. Same work, more pay. Wrinkles add character. Wedding dress £2000. Tux rental-£100. People never stare at your chest when you're talking to them. The occasional well-rendered belch is practically expected. New shoes don't cut, blister, or mangle your feet. One mood all the time. Phone conversations are over in 30 seconds flat. You know stuff about tanks. A five-day holiday requires only one suitcase. You
Why Are There More Thinner Then Plus Size Woman Pic's?
I have been all over the place on the web and for some reason I can only find this one picture of a plus size woman alot of the other sites for great days are pictures of cartoon form and not more realistic looking. But, when I'm looking around I have No trouble finding pics like these why is that? Is it more appealing to look at thinner woman then larger to the world ? And people wonder why woman are so self conscious, well I think there should be more pics of plus size woman as well. What is your thought about it? and here's one of me HMMM, WHICH IS BETTER A THINNER LOOK OR PLUS SIZE??
Why Am I Me...
Why am I me? I wish I could be, Someone else, Just to see, Why I hurt, So badly, When no one seems to care, I'm always there, Now that I need you, You're not in sight, I wonder how, I can make it, Through this night. Crying a river, A river of blood, Drowning in my tears, Creating a bloody flood. Lonely and cold, I lay in my room, I see my family, Standing at my tomb, This is where I lay, In silence, without sorrow, This time there will be, No tomorrow. Finally I won't wonder, Why I am me.
Why Am I...?
You ask why I look at you that way, You ask why I talk to you like that, Why do I care so much? All you do is ask… Can you not see it in my eyes? Can you not hear it in my voice? Or feel it in my touch? You ask why I am so gentle, So caring, so kind, You ask why I offer all I have, When did it all start? Well, funny you should ask. Boy, you are my one true love And you stole my heart away The very first time you said those three words. You know them very well! At first I did not know, then I understood You felt for me, the way I feel for you! When you ask? I told you… After you said those three words: I Love You!
Why Americans Don't Immigrate To Arab Countries
Why Am I Here?
Why am I here? I don't know it I just finded this Page and registred here... But it looks like it's going to be funny... So I'll be here again and again... Why I wrote this? I don't know it either... But I felt I must wrot something from me...
Why Are You Just Sitting There???
Why are you sitting at home? Illegal aliens need you to get a second job so that they can get more benefits. Please help your local politician pass more laws to give more benefits to our "uninvited guests". I only have a few dollars left to feed my, already over nourished, family. A few more taxes and I too will qualify for welfare, but, I don't want to risk it if you’re not willing to support me too!!!!!! Hope these 14 reasons are forwarded over and over again until they are read by the majority of Americans. Then they will have something to yell at their U.S. Congress members. 14 Reasons to Deport Illegal Aliens... 1. $11 Billion to $22 billion is spent on welfare to illegal aliens each year. 2. $2.2 Billion dollars a year is spent on food assistance programs such as food stamps, WIC, and free school lunches for illegal aliens. 3. $2.5 Billion dollars a year is spent on Medicaid for illegal
Why Are You An Ass?
This is to my kids father who has put me through hell for years on end..... Each day that goes by, I ask myself why? Why do I feel this way? Even when you push me away? I always say "I love you" Is that hard for you to say it too? I count my blessings each day. And ask the lord to show me the way. The path to happiness is all I ask, And then he shows mem that you're an ass. Ao I think and ponder, Oh now I see no wonder, We aren't meant to be, Even though we have children.... Three! I see you trying to get better, But is it for me? Or for another? I guess only time will tell, If deep in love with me again you fell. This was written by me on 11/12/2000 at 4am
Why Are Men So Mean?
Well my husband hit me agian does anyone know why men are so mean? I cant stand them sometimes!
Why Are Most Guys Dicks?
I have come to the realization that it's because they feel, somehow inadaquit. They force girls to degrade themselves by taking a video of them letting a dog fuck them in the ass. Then they extort them. This is really lame, Guy's you need to have more selfrespect than that.
Why Anti-evolutionists Are Wrong
Why Anti-Evolutionists Are Wrong                              
Why Anti-evolutionists Are Wrong
Why Anti-Evolutionists Are Wrong                              
Why Am I Here?
I kept talking to a friend about how I was bored so he told me to come here. I think it was so I would leave him alone hehe but that did not work. He knows he enjoys talkin to me!!! Yea I have been getting really bored lately. Not many people online since it is summer. Thanks for readin this...
Why Am I A Wrestling Fan?
Anyone that knows anything about me knows that I am a huge wrestlnig fan. Some people think it's cool and others don't and the ones the don't like it always ask me, "Why do you love wrestling so much?" If you are one of those people, this blog is for you. I started watching wrestling in 1989 or 1990. My oldest brother was a big fan and got me into watching it with him. At first I didn't really know what I was watching, but I liked it because it was fun. Then, as I got a little older, I began to understand it more and fell in love with the sport, yes, I said sport. I got really attached to the characters and tried to immitate them as we all do when we're young. When I became a teenager, I learned about the business side of wrestling and I learned a little bit about who the people I watched on my tv every week really are. I learned about the sacrifices they make to entertain fans like me. I learned about the struggles alot of them go through just get the chance to have one match o
Why Am I Blocked???
ah once again i find drama. i guess when i see a mum putting down the entire south.i have to ask,isnt that being a hater?which got nothing but insults as a response.then he ask his band of clones to hurl insults was at the point it left mums an went to my page of have there cut and paste fun with. whatever. i blocked him and the bands of of which is a southerner.who probally has no idea why she is calling me a moron. sheep. kinda reminds me of the juggalos going after rev,but what ever,if your not reading this. this why you are banned from my page.and im still asking the question. why dont you think,.you are a hater?
Why An Internet Relationship?
As private investigators we get asked this question frequently. In our experience, it seems that the internet is safer and easier to meet people in than the real world is. On line, you can be the person you want to be. Maybe better looking, richer, happier, etc., etc. and it’s safe to be that person. Mike, who was a mechanic in the Navy ten years ago in real life becomes Mike the former “Navy Seal” on-line. Michelle, whose college roommate became a model in the real world “does some modeling” when chating with her friends in cyberspace. You can type things on the internet that you would never say in the real world. In short, it gives people a place to fill a lagging self-esteem or to compensate for the short comings of their real life. Once you “meet” someone on-line who sounds exciting, sexy and interesting, you spend time learning about them and fantasizing about how they look, how well they relate to you, etc. As the “relationship” goes on, the two get to know each other better a
Why Am I Like This
at this point in my life its like im stuck in two different worlds. i feel happy but yet uncomplete. i have people who wanna be wit me, but yet i push them away. i dont understand it and i never have. someone actually shows they like me and may even one day love me, and what do i do, i get scared i run away, and i do what i know would b the worst thing in the world for someone to do to me, i shut them out..... i dont know why and it seems ive always been like this. its like i want to find the perfect man and i need to look at what i got in front of me. but it scares the shit out of me that someone could have such feelings for me when all they have dun is talk to me on the phone and on here.i guess im tryin way to hard but yet i dont wanna just settle cuz i think i have too or i should cuz the chance is there. a good friend of mind to me that if im scared my whole life, i will never know whats really out there. and that is true on so many different levels but yet i cant help but do it.
Why Are People Such Idiots
personally i think the world would be a better place if we didnt make things idiot proof and let the natural order take place for example people that want to be stupid and put forks and what not in toasters....let them get whats coming to them first time i ever got on a plane (i was 18) i looked at the seat at the back of the seat that was right in front of me and it said "please be seated while attempting to fasten seatbelt" i swear to god...seriously it said that WHAT THE FUCK im pretty sure people graduate from car seatbelts to plane seatbelts and whats this sitting no stewardess im gonna stand my happy ass up so i can fasten my seatbelt...i tried to get the stewardess to talk to me about this and it just she kinda laughed and said well there was this one time a drunk guy came in then i thought hes drunk he isnt gonna be standing long anyways what the hell and also on a tube of hemeroid cream it says do not use orally....oh my god what moron decided to try that so a warning had to b
Why Are People So Mean
why do people have to be so mean when they write you a comment or something some people are new to all this and dont understand it all yet
Why Am I The Way I Am??
Ok Now Ive been single for way too long!! And I want to know why! What am I doing wrong? Am I just not atractive enough to get a girl here in Utah ?Back in NY I have a Girl who cant wait for me to come back But I dont think Im ganna, atleast not for good. All I want to do is move on and find a beautiful women who loves me for who I am. I just dont understand it.Im always polite when I go out,I buy women drinks,and I love listining to them.What more do you want??What else am I suppose to fucking do?I dont take to control what so ever so any girl who trys to control me in anyway is out the door! I dont judge people by there looks,personality,or lifestyles so that cant be it.Some one told me that women like assholes? I just cant bring myself to be that way. Dont get me wrong I have my days like everyone else and I just want to be left alone but I cant treat a women like that. What am I suppose to do? Can anyone help me??---Cursed Cowboy
Why? Am I Always Doin This? Lol
Why Are People So Fake!
why do people add you as a friend but when they are on they never wanna talk
Why Are There So Many Reposts?
Can't anyone think of things to say? Also, why are the subjects that get reposted so weak? Might be the combination of all the crap around lately. They give notes as we enter asking us to get more people on this site. The bouncers make normal surfing a pain. The haters are just ugly. The whole of fubar comes to a standstill when there is any load of people on line. Thank goodness for all my friends or I'd be long gone.
Why Are People!!!
at Mc Donalds fuckin morons how can anyone mess up this order! 2 double cheeseburgers a large fri and a number 7 meal. and i still got ripped of for a fri! what the hell fuckin morons! i mean a meal comes with fris! shit. ok im done venting
Why Attention Still Needs To Placed On The Michael Vick Dog Fighting Ring Situation.. (warning: Graphic Images)
These victims don't have a voice of their own. Please watch and repost these videos to raise awareness on dog fighting. Please, If you care copy and paste the link in your address bar and sign the petition to keep Vick off the field.
Why Anti-evolutionists Are Wrong
Why Anti-Evolutionists Are Wrong                                  
Why Anti-evolutionists Are Wrong
Why Anti-Evolutionists Are Wrong                                  
Why Anti-evolutionists Are Wrong
Why Anti-Evolutionists Are Wrong                                  
Why Are You On My Friends List?
Hi everyone! I wanted to give a heads up and let you know that I am cleaning out my friends list. There are some people on there that I know I have never talked to before just added as friends, so I am assuming that it was a point thing and thats all. I will be working on it over the next few days. If you want to stay on my list you need to email me or leave a profile comment or something. Now the ones that I have talked to recently, you know who you are, you are not going anywhere! I promise! I love meeting and making new friends, but to me that means you need to communicate a little bit. Dont mean to be harsh, but when you have over 250 people on you list and you maybe talk to 10-15 of them....and thats it....something needs to change. hugs Carrie
Why Are You On My Friends List?
Hi everyone! I wanted to give a heads up and let you know that I am cleaning out my friends list. There are some people on there that I know I have never talked to before just added as friends, so I am assuming that it was a point thing and thats all. I will be working on it over the next few days. If you want to stay on my list you need to email me or leave a profile comment or something. Now the ones that I have talked to recently, you know who you are, you are not going anywhere! I promise! I love meeting and making new friends, but to me that means you need to communicate a little bit. Dont mean to be harsh, but when you have over 250 people on you list and you maybe talk to 10-15 of them....and thats it....something needs to change. hugs Carrie
Why Am I Up This Creek And Where's The Paddle?
I'm in trouble ... the muppets are not making me happy tonight. For full disclosures sakes, allow me to tell you that whenever I have a bad day/time/whatever, I watch the Muppet Christmas Carol. I am currently on my second viewing of the movie and am still not feeling one iota better. This is a problem because it means my mood is about bottom out hardcore. This is a bigger problem because I just started classes this week and I have a class in the afternoon, a meeting on Friday and homework all the way around. This weekend I'm not going to get to sit and sulk it out, I'm going to go with my mother up to see my dad in Detroit. No, they're not divorced he just travels for his work. They're taking me to the Michigan renaissance faire, something I was sort of keen on, but now, the only thing I want to do is just crawl in a hole and pull a rock overtop. Unfortunatley, my normal solution is to go get drunk, but that just isn't possible this time cause I wouldn't be able to dry out be
Why Are All Feel Good Issues...sports Related?
Good Morning… Did anyone catch the little blurb on MSN web page yesterday entitled “WHAT’S RIGHT WITH SPORTS?” Then the article went on to mention: after a summer of scandals 11 things to cheer about. 11 separate good things to cheer about. Well all those things were sports related, I know I read the article. The top story was of the Little League World Series won by America’s Team Warner Robins, Georgia The team which wound up against Tokyo, Japan in the World Series (Little League) But again it was SPORTS RELATED, I find it hard pressed today to not find a sports nut in or about my proximity. Well because, yes I am somewhat of a sports nut myself too. Not to be confused with a wacko nut which, I have played before. My feelings are of this on that. Why doesn’t someone write about 11 feel good things. Yeah, yeah the little leaguers from Georgia did great happy day. But, isn’t there good news always on the horizon? I mean, how about a child that contacted a rare disease and beat it?
Why Are People The Way They Are???
Why are people the way they are??? All of you who know me know that I am straight up and dont pull any punches. I stress over and over how much honesty in a person is of the utmost importance. I value this characteristic in a person even if what they have to say hurts my feelings. I have been hurt over and over so if I can hear the truth from the get go then it keeps me and things in perspective. So why is it that when people verbally push you away and you take that step back, they seem mad or disappointed when you are in the very spot they put you in? I could spend a lifetime trying to figure people out but that is so exhausting. I just want to say that the people i "have let in" I have for a reason. I care for them. However I don't deserve to be treated poorly when I have done nothing wrong. I wish with all my heart that I could make people realize more then they want to but I cant. Instead I try and "hope for the best". Time after time it never goes that way tho. I am constantly
Why Am I Loved That Much?!
how can a friendship last when one of you is fake?! i'm not sure why it lasted that long either but she has definitely pulled the last straw tonight by calling ME the fake one! almost 3yrs of my life waste on this bitch! gawd, everyone knows that she was the most two-faced person they'd met so why did i keep her for so long?! first off, you don't text someone out of the blue and tell them to give you a chance, then turn around a few text messages later and say that you weren't wanting that person back in your life anyways b/c they was fake. you can call me anything you want, just don't call me FAKE! i did let her have it after that and i think she gets the hint now that i don't need her fake ass! sorry bout this blog but i just needed to vent about it so i would feel a lil better even if no one reads this. if you do read this, please feel free to voice your opinion about this b/c part of me feels a lil bad about the things i've said to her that i can't take back w/o being the wea
Why Are You Judging Me????
Why do you judge me when I do not judge you? I don't judge people and would expect the same from others. It is only fair is it not? When you judge a person you are offering yourself to be judge right back. Which will lead right back up to the stupidity of some people. I am not judgmental on people and would like it very much if you did not judge me. My actions and choices are mine to make, not yours!!!! My decisions are also mine to make not yours!!!!
Why Are People Such Pussies
why are people such pussies!!! i wrote some mumms and because people dont agree with me they flag my shit nsfw. what bitches!!!
Why Are Chicks Her So Smug?
for example, the user LA LA, I mean come on, she gets her HUGE fucking horse teeth in a fuss when I leave a comment on her new pic saying "man you are smug huh?" the reason I did that because it was a 9/11 tribute gif, with random pics of her in it. Then I start thinking to myself, how stupid are these cunts, seriously! they spend hours upon hours on here getting attention from online losers, shit bought for them, but in the end they are just plain ole nasty. i mean this LA LA chick is "beat friends" with that nasty ass @ hard @ handle who has pics of herself up getting banged by 20 dudes and drinking a huge glass of jizz ( no I am not making that up, i swear to god). What even funny, is the La La chick said I was childish for calling her smug........ugggggg read above post...yeah...there you go, you know what I am going to say.
"why Aren't Children Sacred"
What on Planet Earth is Wrong with People~TEXAS NEWS! Body: CORSICANA, Texas -- Navarro County authorities said a 6-year-old girl found hanged in her family's garage had been sexually assaulted before she died. What is it going to take? This could not of been the first time abuse had happened to this child~ Its time to STOP THE ABUSE NOW~ THIS CHILD IS NO LONGER ALIVE~ DIAL 911 UNTIL SOMEONE LISTENS, CALL THE NEWS PAPER REPORTERS, CALL YOUR LOCAL STATE ATTORNEY, MAKE SOMEONE LISTEN IF YOU HAVE REASON OR KNOW OF A CHILD THATS IN DANGER OR ANY SORT~MAKE A DIFF TODAY IN A CHILDS LIFE! Perhaps if we all upped out intincts by several %, we could stop this!!!
Why Are We Here?
Everyone here has a story. Either we are unlucky in love, we've been left behind, a significant other may have found greener pastures. Some may be divorced, from an abusive relationship, maybe it just wasn't meant to be. Whatever the case, we couldn't find what we're looking for. Either through life or the way's people normally would. So we found ourselves here. It may have been a long road to follow to get here. Looking for love in all the wrong places before. But now we found ourselves at Fubar. So you might say, we're just a mixed bag of nuts. We come from all walks of life, occupations and lifestyles. But we all share one thing. We're looking for something here. Whether it be love, friendship, blogging or companionship. What's your story? How did you find the path to get here?
Why Am I Dry?
Why Are We Here?
We all have our reasons for being here. Some to pass time by. Some to make new friends. Some to reconnect with old ones. Some to just plain old get lucky. Has the net trully taken over interpersonal communication? Thoughts anyone?
Why And Why Not
My blogging gap hasn’t been as long this time. Spending time with my son. My daughter is still living with my mother. They seem to be getting along for not which is good I hope that they will continue to get along. Found out some things that I’m not really happy about and also was not surprised to find out. My family immediate and extended if all brought together would make for a seasons worth of TV shows, well my cousin already did that and only really just touched the surface of things. I may start doing a high lights of my family thing. I think the classic was when the peacemaker got a restraining order on the beta unit. If you don’t know who they are sorry, you’ll have to pull out your handy dandy invisible don decoder ring. For those of you how haven’t yet received your invisible don decoder ring you’ll just have to ask who is who. Meanwhile back at the invisible fortress things are just dandy. I have one thing going on at work that has me a bit confused
Why Are You In Here
for a few days now... she comes into my dreams always asking for help. always within the end of them and throughout the middle. i always see her and she comes to me. asking me for help.... why me.... why me?
Why Are We Here At Fubar
why are we here?LOL
Why Am I Here?
Ok, I've got to set some things straight here. For those of you who don't understand me, I'm not here for the online dating thing. Please don't hit on me. I'm here cause I like the site and making FRIENDS only. People interest me but when you ask me to post NSFW pics, you can buzz off!! I'm not that type of person and if you're comfy with posting nudey pics, congrats - someone will save those pics & use them elsewhere. so, if you want to see me naked - close your eyes and dream. For the true friends - I luv u guys!!! PS - I'm addicted to mumms!! They cheer me up!!!
Why Are We Addicted Here?
I have been here since the Lost Cherry Days when there weren't many rules when Naughty Pictures could be in Default.Then the CherryTap name Change Rules were Emplimented.This site has continualy gone to the Dogs.Now Fubar is Upon us.Fucked up beyond Reconition.Now Fubar Totally Sucks.First of Sept.When they Deleted 1500+ pictures on me Hundreds of Morphs.Personal Pictures I was Foolish to leave here all gone.For Weeks now my Pictures have been Totally Fucked,this past week Horrendous.Now today Bulletins are Fucked.They take that 10 bucks but don't let u Post.Dropping 11's today was really a Freak Happening. You Drop 1 an 2 go missing.What Kind of Bull Fuckin Shit is that.U get some Jealous Dickhead that will Rate a Mumm NSFW an your all fuckin done.Mumms are the Best Points during Happy Hrs.I can't Post them,I'm on Punishment.I'm 50 yrs.Old to damn old for Punishment.I have been Punished enough with all the Damn Women I have been involved with in the Past.I have Lost enough Precious I
Why Are Men So Cruel?
I have been dating this guy that I met on here. I thought things were going just fine but I guess not. I was blocked from his page. This has happened before and he always unblocked me. He told me that his sister's kid did it. I am wondering if that was even true. I have been trying to call him all week and he is never home. Well that is at at least what his Mom tells me. Well today when I got on Fubar, I got a message from another member telling me to leave her man alone and to stop emailing him or she would have me booted off. The only reason I was emailing him is to find out why he hasn't called the person he said he loves and wants to marry. I am so sick of men in general. Do they not think that because I am overweight that I have feeling? Do they think it is fun to play games with my heart and then just disappear? Are they any decent men left out there that aren't just considered with looks and won't trample on a woman's heart? I am beginning to think they do not exis
Why Are People So Stupid????
I went to go visit a friend that is in jail tonight, we got up there checked in and went and waitd to go back to see him. Well when we got into line to wait to go back we got called up and was told that he can not have a visit because he decided to be STUPID and get rolled back to the hole. Why are people stupid when they go in to jail and while there get into more trouble to where if he is not carefull he will never come out. I am tired of seeing other people get hurt because of someones stupidy there is more to it and i know like everything its two sided.. i understand that but still. I needed to vent and this is where i can find a place to vent. I know who ever reads this will comment and i will get some fucked up comments. but you know what that is what i dont care. I am tired of seeing people that are my friends do stupid shit and get introuble because they dont want to stop and think before they react. ok now that i feel a little better i will close this one. but believe me its
Why Am I Straight Edge?
Why Am I Straight Edge?When people discover that I am a Straight Edge follower, I am often condemned and ridiculed for my beliefs. Here are answers to some of the questions and statements that I have routinely encountered.Why would I want to stifle myself in any way?I believe that to truly be Straight Edge, you must not feel repressed by it in any way. Through Straight Edge, I do not feel trapped, I feel free. I am free from all the pressures people place on me, the pressures to get drunk, smoke, have sex, and so on, the pressures to try and keep up with other people's drinking or other immoral habits, to not be seen as a "wussy" by other people. I also feel free from worries like "who will look after me if I get really drunk?", "I hope I didn't embarrass myself!", "I wonder if I'll have enough money to go to the bar tonight", and many more. I don't feel any need to drink. I do not wish I was drunk in any situation and therefore it in no way represses me.Aren't Straight Edgers a milita
Why Am I'm Not Married Lol
You have two choices in life: You can stay single and be miserable, or get married and wish you were dead. At a cocktail party, one woman said to another, "Aren't you wearing your wedding ring on the wrong finger?" "Yes, I am. I married the wrong man." A lady inserted an ad in the classifieds: "Husband Wanted". Next day she received a hundred letters. They all said the same thing: "You can have mine." When a woman steals your husband, there is no better revenge than to let her keep him. A woman is incomplete until she is married. Then she is finished. A little boy asked his father, "Daddy, how much does it cost to get married?" Father replied, "I don't know son, I'm still paying." A young son asked, "Is it true Dad, that in some parts of Africa a man doesn't know his wife until he marries her?" Dad replied, "That happens in every country, son." Then there was a woman who said, "I never knew what real happiness was until I got married, and by then
Why Am I Feeling Like This?
Why Are Pumpkins Better Than Men
Why Pumpkins Are Better Than Men 1. Every year you get a brand new crop to choose from. 2. No matter what your mood is, pumpkins are always ready to greet you with a smile. 3. One usually makes a better pie. 4. They are always on the doorstep there waiting for you! 5. If you don't like the way he looks, you just carve up another face. 6. If he starts smelling up your place, you can just throw him out. 7. From the start you know a pumpkin has an empty, mush filled head to begin with. 8. A pumpkin is turned on (lit-up) only when you want him to be.
Why Are There People Like This??
I know in time everyone has had a friend who they think are ok to hang with. Things go along well until you get into trouble and you find out who your real friends are. I have a few friends that the only time they get in touch with me is if they want something or need something. . . . and it is not just friends I have family members the say way also. Sometimes I just get tired of always giving to everyone else and not being shown anything in return. Is this a wrong way to approach the world or not? I really don't know anymore. I know I am naturally a giver and I do all I can to help others out. I am on a very limited income and those who know me in real life know I bend over backwards to help others. I have a friend who has run short financially and cannot afford food and I have gone out and bought groceries or even went as far as emptying my freezer for this person so that they could feed their family. This is the type of person I am. I am starting to think I need to change
Why A Bottle Is Better Than A Woman By Willy
I just found this, online, on other POS I get "Blue Screen" that's where many more are! A cynical Willyism for the fuckin' day; The health of a society depends on your Point of View! This has always been a sick fuckin' society to me, is there another that you can buy "Edible Crotless Panties," "Penis Enlarging Pills," and "Unscented Cat Food?" But this society has, also, always been home to me! BTW I failed the license test so if you laugh at this and I get a fuckin' ticket... LOL "At least one way of measuring the freedom of any society is the amount of comedy that is permitted, and clearly a healthy society permits more satirical comment than a repressive, so that if comedy is to function in some way as a safety release then it must obviously deal with these taboo areas. This is part of the responsibility we accord our licensed jesters, that nothing be excused the searching light of comedy. If anything can survive the probe of humour it is clearly of value, and conversely al
Why Are Our Schools Hiring Teens To Teach Teens?
ok there is a reason for the title locally here a 19 year old cheer leading coach took some topless photos of herself and a 15 year old, now i ask this are our schools that they have to hire teens to teach the teens in high school, when did it become standing practice to hire 19 year olds that are still in the growing up part of life. the teacher could face a long time in jail now and be classified as a sexual predator and she would no longer be able to teach or be around kids for the rest of her life. there is also another teacher at the same school who is in on what is going on with the teacher that took the pic he is the assistant football coach and the house the he lived in was where the pics was taken, he has since moved out of it and is in hiding and is part of the investigation in to what was going on and what not. p.s. i am debating on whether or not to post a link to the pic, both uncensored and censored, i will have to think on it. i dont want to get in to any kinda
Why Are Men All The Same???
why cant just one man show me they are not all the same?? why do most of the men just want a cyber fuck from me?? why does the one man I thought was NOT the same as all the others....dump me for women who will give good cam and cyber fucks??? WHY?!?! ....why is my soon to be ex the same as all the rest, but still tries to say he wants me/loves me (sent me 2 ecards in a week.....never does that EVER!) he just cant stand me being distant and cold.....he is wondering whats going on and cant stand he isnt manipulating me anymore. i just dont understand..... i just want...need ONE SPECIAL man to show me there are men who can be caring/loving/nuturing and want to have sex as an expression of love NOT just a ther such a man???? seriously there??
Why Add People If They Dont Talk ???
why in the hell add people if they dont want to talk or rank pics or anything this is so grrrrrrrrrr i mean i try to be as nice as i can be to u people whats the deal ???
Why Are We All Frustrated With Fubar?
It seems as if a lot of people are very frustrated with Fubar lately. They keep making change after change and not listening to the members of Fubar. The latest is that they have taken away the ability to comment bomb. I really don’t care. It does make it frustrating but most of the people holding these contests are not doing it to be kind and give away prizes out of the goodness of their hearts, they are doing it to get more stupid points so they can be the highest person on Fubar. Why? Sounds almost pathetic to me. There is a friend on Fubar that throws contests and she does it the right way! She only allows one comment per person. I think that is the way it should be. Not see how many comments a person can possible do in one day! We do have better things to do with our time, don’t we? It seems a complete waste of time to sit and leave comment after comment. I did it for a friend because I think she is great and I promised her I would. I am so glad it is over and so
Why A Papi
That is a good question. I guess a better one would be what a papi is to me. A Papi is a man among men. This is the guy other men should aspire to be. He is compassionate, patient, tolerant. He is brutally honest, trustworthy, intelligent and makes me feel safe. He can be gentle with me. Take my face in his hand and kiss me so tenderly that I go weak. He will hold me at night, cuddle with me on the couch and wipe away the tears when I cry - Doubtful he would be the one to cause them. not impossible, just highly unlikely He can be incredibly romantic and passionate to a complete freak in the bedroom. HE will own me in the bedroom. He will have me so turned on and teased I won't know which way is up. All I can think about is I want this man anyway, anyhow, anytime, anyplace, anywhere. There is nothing in reason I would not do for or to him. That to me is a papi and if I call you a papi you better believe I think the world of you and would never take you for granted, purposely hurt
Why Are They All Liars?
Okay so i met this guy n here,nascar19712003,his name is matt and hes 36.well as u all know im only 21.The words he said to me decided i would take the chance.Boy was that a mistake. I live in St.Louis missouri and he lives in Bloomington,illnois,about 200 miles and 3 hours apart.Well i took my 70$ paycheck and went up there.Drove all the way up there and surpirsed him.Anyways i got there,everything was cool.He kept telling me he loved me,wanted to marry me and have kids with me.he even cried after he said we "made love" what a load of shit!Anyways next day i go home,and we get on here and he says he doesnt think its going to work out then just starts raggin on me! why do men lie?I swear his dick was only about 4 inches long HARD!When it was soft it went back inside itself i am not even playing.So yeah im looking for a REAL MAN not theses fucking lil boys!
Why Allow It?
Stress is a part of life of course, we all know this. But why allow it to control your life? Do you not know that only YOU can control who or what you allow into your life? You can be the most caring loving person in the world but why allow a stressful person or thing to control your happiness? Is it that hard for you to say no to something? Why must you be everyone else's therapist? I've given the advice that I can and now it's time to focus on me. I have 3 weeks to figure out what to do before I'm deep up shit's river screwed up to the world, so you deal with you and I'll do me. I am always a friend but if you gonna continue to let people run YOUR life then that's on YOU!
Why Am I Being Blocked Ladies?
to all the ladies that blocked me, what the fuck? i havent done shit to any of you, so what gives? and they say women arent cruel, yeah right
Why Are Ppl Sp Rude And Hateful
Look I got on this sight to make friends and possible modeling gigs. I have met alot of very nice ppl, Men and Woman alike. Then there are the ocassional ones who send obnoxious msgs or hae mail. What I don't understand is if ppl feel so much anamosity towards others why would you ask to befriend them? Here is an example of what I am talking about.. sdfun8: well u look like white trash ->sdfun8: WTF??? That was really rude and uncalled for.. sdfun8: $200 to fuck u ?
Why Am I All Alone??
Why am i all alone in this world? no one knows wats going on. Its like im loosing my self. i just dont know wat im gonna do any more. i keep fearing that im gonna just give up because i have nothing to hold on to any more. mabe i should give up on this fucked up life i live. it feels like no one cares about wether i live or die. i want my dad. i need a friend. god gave up on me. i know it sounds like im having a pitty party but im just lost.
Why Am I On Disability?
Long story short?? Cause I'm fricken bonkers!!~LMAO~ Okay so I'm not completely bonkers but I assure you the drive there wouldn't be a long one! I assure you it isn't for the money! $727.00 a month isn't worth faking crazy, for those of you who have made such comments. I am on disability for a list of reasons a few of which include, aghoraphobia, social anxiety disorder, severe anxiety and depression, and bipolar. And since all of my jobs in my life have been people oriented and I no longer deal well with such things they put me on disability. What led to all those things? A lifetime of pretty shitty things, thinking that the best way to deal with them was to push it aside and laugh at life. Oooops I was wrong, and after one extreme event too many I had a nervous breakdown and became all of the above and then some. Although they say that I have had quite a few of those issues before my breakdown, I had learned to hide them and deal because I didn't want to appear needy, o
Why Am I So Heartbroken?
My soul aches, My heart breaks. A tear in my eye, I'll forever cry. I wish my pain away, I wish it away today. Why does it hurt so bad, Does this make him glad? Why does he douse my inner flame? Was this breakup my blame? What did I do to deserve this? I just wish I could have one last kiss. Why am I so heartbroken? A depressed soul I'll always be, Everyone will always see. I will be strong, Because he was wrong. This is now the past, It's going very fast. Love so simple, but hard to say, It keeps me living another day. I'm drowning in thoughts of how things use to be, My chest was shut tight, complete with purity. It's been a bad day, I'll try letting it not show, Another sad day, I'm just letting it go. Why am I so heartbroken?
Why Am I Married?
You have two choices in life: You can stay single and be miserable, or get married and wish you were dead. __________ At a cocktail party, one woman said to another, "Aren't you wearing your wedding ring on the wrong finger?" "Yes, I am. I married the wrong man." __________ A lady inserted an ad in the classifieds: "Husband Wanted". Next day she received a hundred letters. They all said the same thing: "You can have mine." __________ When a woman steals your husband, there is no better revenge than to let her keep him. __________ A woman is incomplete until she is married. Then she is finished . __________ A little boy asked his father, "Daddy, how much does it cost to get married?" Father replied, "I don't know son, I'm still paying." __________ A young son asked, "Is it true Dad, that in some parts of Africa a man doesn't know his wife until he marries her?" Dad replied, "That happens in every country, son." __________ Then there was a woman wh
Why Am I A Hypnodomme?
WHAT'S SO APPEALING ABOUT HYPNOTIC DOMINANCE? I've been thinking about dominance and why is it so appealing to me. I'm not into pain or humiliation. I'm not harsh and I'm not interested in excessively needy men. I can wash my own car and do my own dishes (smiles - although I certainly am not opposed to being served in that way.) It's just that.. I'm a strong woman who enjoys having people see things my way through gentle persuasion and just a wee bit of charm :) While it isn't the "typical" Domme approach, it works for me and I admit I take pride in the fact I can accomplish what I want in that manner. So... if I'm not into pain or humiliation, not harsh... and I'm attracted to strong men, what is it that pulls me so to dominance? I've always been attracted to strong men who can make their own decisions from day to day but, who from time to time, just want and need to let go. (I love that saying - "I'm strong enough to stand. I choose to kneel.") Nothing is more appealing than a
Why Am I Giving Out Over 700,000 Fubar Bucks??
5:45 Why Am I Awake
5:45am… Why Am I Awake? "Why am I not in bed, like everyone else, dead to the world? Why do I do this, live with the constant sacrifice, suffering and pain? Why? Because I can. Because this sacrifice, suffering and pain tells me that I am awake. It reminds me that I'm alive. Who am I? I am the wrecker of MX Tracks. I am the crusher of mediocrity. I am the face of destiny, I am a motocrosser…"
Why Am I Not Normal
I sit alone in my house Felling coy just like a mouse All alone with no friends I feel like shit But that depends On how much I drink tonight I stay indoors and hide away I don't want to go out and play Happy Lisa today No way! I sit alone and watch TV Maybe the will be something for me To watch so I don't have to Communicate with any of you I sit and think of suicide I just can't hide the feelings inside of me.
Why Are Some People So Rude!
So i posted 2 mumms tonight one about touching ok no problem but then i do one about my son being so hyper and and his mood swings and i get called a bad parent, i can take being called a bitch or anything else but dont god damn call me a bad mother these people dont know me well enough to call me a bad mother, since when is worring about your kids a bad thing! Im not tryin to med him just because he is hyper that kids but if there is something serious wrong i wanna find out is that such a bad thing? not tryin to be a baby about it but it just pisses me off its like serious mumms people wanna be all shity and the sex mumms its a totally differnt thing.. I could never be that rude to someone
Why A Man Can't Win
Why A Man Can't Win If you put a woman on a pedestal and try to protect her from the rat race, you are a male chauvinist. If you stay home and do the housework, you are a pansy. If you work too hard, there is never any time for her. If you don't work enough, you are a good for nothing bum. If she has a boring repetitive job with low pay, this is exploitation. If you have a boring repetitive job with low pay, you should get off your rear and find something better. If you get a promotion ahead of her, that is favoritism. If she gets a job ahead of you, it's equal opportunity. If you mention how nice she looks, it's sexual harassment. If you keep quiet, it's male indifference. If you cry, you are a wimp. If you don't, you are an insensitive bastard. If you make a decision without consulting her, you are a chauvinist. If she makes a decision without consulting you, she's a liberated woman. If you ask her to do something she doesn't enjoy, that's domination.
Why A Gun Is Better Than A Woman
Why a gun is better than a woman #10. You can trade an old .44 for a new .22 # 9. You can keep one gun at home and have another for're on the road. #8. If you admire a friend's gun and tell him so, he will probably let you try it out a few times. # 7. Your primary gun doesn't mind if you keep another gun for a backup. # 6.Your gun will stay with you even if you run out of ammo. # 5. A gun doesn't take up a lot of closet space. # 4. Guns function normally every day of the month. # 3. A gun doesn't ask , "Do these new grips make me look fat?" # 2. A gun doesn't mind if you go to sleep after you use it. And the number one reason a gun is favored over a woman.... #1. YOU CAN BUY A SILENCER FOR A Gun
Why Are We Censoring Non-vulgar Words?
I had to rename a photo album because it had the word "cock" in it. A cock is a rooster, preacher boy. And a bitch is a female dog. Check your dictionary and educate yourself before you censor something. One more thing, that pic I have of the fake drug "Fukitol"...not everyone pronounces that as a vulgar word. The phonetics in some other countries (and this site is worldwide) is different. Is America getting so uptight that we'll eventually stone a guy for saying "jew" or "mexican" too loud? And let's have a hand for the lawyers who made this BS possible. Unfortunately the hand I'd give them only has one finger up. Guess which one.
Why Are We Here?
We are well aware of the idea that life constantly evolves. But how far does this process of evolution go? Does it stop at life, or could it be argued that evolution is a property of the cosmos? For instance, if the universe began from a Big Bang, and has constantly changed from this point, does this show the property of evolution? And could a similar argument be laid down for known, and constant, change upon planet Earth? LIFE AND EARTH The fundamental problem with the idea that planet Earth evolves concerns the place of life within the evolutionary process. Does life evolve separate to the planet, or is life - including mankind - part of the process of Earth’s evolutionary mechanism? To accept the latter holds severe problems for science. It not only removes us from the top of the evolutionary tree, but would suggest a form of co-ordinated intelligence invested in planet Earth which is guiding us along. There are, in fact, many indicators that this is, indeed, the case. One
Why Athletics Don't Have Real Jobs!
WHY ATHLETES CAN'T HAVE REAL JOBS Chicago Cubs outfielder Andre Dawson on being a role model: "I wan' all dem kids to do what I do, to look up to me. I wan' all the kids to copulate me." ........................................... New Orleans Saint RB George Rogers when asked about the upcoming season:"I want to rush for 1,000 or 1,500 yards, whichever comes first." ........................................... And, upon hearing Joe Jacobi of the 'Skins say: "I'd run over my own mother to win the Super Bowl," Matt Millen of the Raiders said: "To win, I'd run over Joe's Mom, too." ............................................. Torrin Polk, University of Houston receiver, on his coach, John Jenkins: "He treats us like men. He lets us wear earrings." .............................................. Football commentator and former player Joe Theismann, 1996: "Nobody in football should be called a genius. A genius is a guy
Why Am I Not Getting Points For Invites?
There can be a number of reason's why you aren't collecting points when you invite someone. So i will list them for you. 1.You may be cheating by creating fake account's just to get points. 2.The invite link on you're profile doesn't work anymore. 3.The only way to get points for referral's is to use the email invitation's. 4.After using the email invitation's the person who accepted it needs to verify their email before you get points/credit for that Referral. 5.If you followed all the advice i just gave you,you should get you're points.So just be patient and Thank You for inviting new people to enjoy Fubar.
Why Am I Dying? (new Poem Of Mine)
“Why am I dying?” I am slipping into darkness. Can you not even tell? I know that you have not been feeling too well. The thing is, there is this cut that you have left within my heart. It’s bleeding me dry and tearing me apart. My body wants to shut down. The more I try to fight, just seems to be the more that I drown. I trusted you with it since you said you would always be mine. At the rate the bleeding is going, you may as well toss it in with my body in this box made of pine. I think you have no real clue what you mean to me. The sad thing is, by the time you do, that man will be dead and gone. If I really knew I meant so much to you I would keep fighting to hold on…. I need more than just your words to me. I need to be sure it is you I am talking to and not people just pretending to be you in some way. That little fact right there is just not okay. I need to know that others do know about us and that we are together. I am not just your buddy. That I am not jus
Why A Woman Crys! So Beautiful
WHY Women Cry A little boy asked his mother, 'Why are you crying?' 'Because I'm a woman,' she told him. 'I don't understand,' he said. His Mom just hugged him and said, 'And you never will.' Later the little boy asked his father, 'Why does mother seem to cry for no reason?' 'All women cry for no reason,' was all his dad could say. The little boy grew up and became a man, still wondering why women cry. Finally he put in a call to God. When God got on the phone, he asked, 'God, why do women cry so easily?' God said: 'When I made the woman she had to be special. I made her shoulders strong enough to carry the weight of the world, Yet gentle enough to give comfort I gave her an inner strength to endure childbirth and the rejection that many times comes from her children. I gave her a hardness that allows her to keep going when everyone else gives up, and take care of her family through sickness and fatigue without complaining. I gave
Why A Woman Is Never Satisfied
Why Am I To Blame
I hate liers and fakes and those that talk about you behind your back.If you can't tell me in my face than keep your mouth shut, Than when i confront you about it dont lie to me. tell me straight up what you said and why that you said it , And than i wont be your friend anymore because you cant be trusted and if i dont have trust in you than dont need you,. If i cant rely on you when i need it than i dont want you . I have a life that i need to take care of i have kids that need me and i dont need all the bull shit i am just tired of it all im not a lier or a thife
Why Am I A Fool
why is it that everytime i think i've found someone i can be with something gets in the way of that? this girl was/is everything i could want in another person. i give her space cause she mentioned feelings for another guy. i just dont get why i cant get out of this damn friend spot i always seem to find myself in. oh well i'm stoppin here.
Why Are Some Men So Stupid?
Some guys think that their friends are 'pussy whipped' if they are helpful around the house. Hell women are expected to do it, sit and watch the football game and wait on his buddies all with out complaining. Most women I know also have full time jobs outside the house, and then come home to ANOTHER full time job at home. Cooking, cleaning, and taking care of a family with kids and get no appreciation for it except on a few days out of the year; birthdays, anniversaries, and valentines day (and that’s if they can remember). Mom’s are expected to be the kids chauffeur to all school activities, doctor appointments, help with bake sales and the more support for their kids when the bully from school beats them up. We also have to be the calendar for everyone; kids birthdays, school events, baseball games, everyone in the families doctor appointments. But let us forget their birthday they whine and cry like a 2yr old that you just put in the corner. Some men need to wake up and realize
Why All The Hate?
I usually keep my blogs just for my poems...but I have to say..I really do enjoy mumms...but there are certian people on there that have so much hate...people who post those blogs...stupid or not deserve that kind of treatment...I mean stuff they say...I left that shit in high school...what's funny is...some of them are really pretty...or handsome and it makes them sooo damn ugly it's pathetic...they should take their hate..and go get therapy or something...because it's really sad.
Why Are People Assholes
I dont get why people on here take this stuff to the nasty level of purposely leaving nasty comments on a serious mumm, low rateings on photos that by the way are pretty damn hot. Oh wait I know its people who have no real life and need some kind of validation of their worth. The only way they can get that is to belittle someone online? How fucking pathetic is that? How sad must your life be that you need to make yourself feel better by being mean to someone else. Here is a thought... try being nice and perhaps someone will like you!
Why Are Wisdom Teeth So Stupid?
Went to the dentist today, and after ample poking prodding and being exposed to enough xrays to change me to spiderwoman, they tell me I have to go to an oral surgeon! WTF!? I have partially impacted wisdom teeth and the roots are curved around my jaw bone. So I have to call the oral surgeon in the morning to make an appointment. I'm being put to sleep so my remaining three wisdom teeth can be yanked from the depths of my poor little mouth. Waahhhh!!! So for now I'm on antibiotics and lortab for pain. Geeze, stupid wisdom teeth!!
Why Are You So Hostile To Gays?
First at all, I am not a gay activist and I do not fancy the idea of being an activist for any cause that may present itself in my life time. I am a spokeperson only for myself. I do not represent any other individual or organization. My views do not necessarily reflect those of anyone else in the world or on fubar. Having said, I think I am very bugged and irritated by the idea of even sharing my thoughts on this. Let me begin by saying that I do not care about anyone sexual desires and I think the rainbow flag is a tedious mistake. But the matter of the flag shall be discussed in the, and I also feel the need to take a shot at Christianity, since the legacy of Christianity is one of war, murder, hatred, deceit, ignorance, hypocrisy, death, and destruction. Nobody is justified in rejecting the common thoughts of the masses (Christians& Muslims), the way they live their lives, raging wars on innocent people without understanding them completely, but Christians and
Why Am I Married?!?! (lol)
WHY AM I MARRIED? You have two choices in life: You can stay single and be miserable, or get married and wish you were dead. __________ At a cocktail party, one woman said to another, "Aren't you wearing your wedding ring on the wrong finger?" "Yes, I am. I married the wrong man." __________ A lady inserted an ad in the classifieds: "Husband Wanted". Next day she received a hundred letters. They all said the same thing: "You can have mine." __________ When a woman steals your husband, there is no better revenge than to let her keep him. ___________ A man is incomplete until he is married. Then he is finished . __________ A little boy asked his father, "Daddy, how much does it cost to get married?" Father replied, "I don't know son, I'm still paying." __________ A young son asked, "Is it true Dad, that in some parts of Africa a man doesn't know his wife until he marries her?" Dad replied, "That happens in every country, son."
Why Am I Here
I have been here and still dont no what and how to be here. well hmmm err o well maybe one day i will understand the meaning of life and stuff H-E-L-P
Why Am I Here?
I call it learning. It is social networking and I love meeting people. So, that's what brings me here. Nothing more, nothing less. It is that simple.
Why As Why...
So why do we have to ask why things are so messed up and why dont we just do sometjing about it instead of sitting around and doing nothing to change how things are???
Why Are People Such Assholes??
Ok..I wanna know why people have to sit there and make up shit about me, when they don't know shit about me. Honestly...its like ok...GET A FUCKING LIFE!! Stop trying to make me out to be the bad guy when your the one that is fucked up in the head and a loser. Your the one who sleeps around with nasty easy women. and your going to sit there and talk shit on me...I dare anyone to fuck with me. I will make your life a living hell. So grow the hell up and stay out of my life and leave me alone! You know who you are too. You think you know, but you have no idea... Just venting...sorry to sound mean.
Why ( A Poem)
WHY ornate as it sounds the world will never answer i will say it again to find the truth behind the lies of what is wanted knowledge needed of innermost thoughts dont change your mind and i wont change mine to rest in resolve to feel freedoms release until then i will never know ever
Why Are Some Women So Damn Fickle?
I have been talking with this woman for the last eight months, online, on the phone and in person. We have been seriously dating since January. It progressed to the point of us talking about setting a date and even picking out rings. Yes, that serious. Suddenly, a few weeks ago she just stopped talking. Didnt answer voice mails, didnt reply to emails or texts. I kind of figured she needed space. Well today I tried to call her and some guy answers the phone. She called back later and said she was going to tell me "in her own time, because she didnt want to hurt me". Tha question I have is this. How can you go from "I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you" to betrayal? I dont understand. I mean a simple "I want to see what else is out there" or "I am not ready for this step" would be fine. Fact is, she has hurt me much worse by having me find out this way. I guess I am just confused.
Why Are People So Stupid?
Why are there some people in this world that are so stupid I cannot imagine how they have made it into adulthood with their brains.
Why Are U Here
I am here to find and cultivate friendships,not just to get points and play games.If I invite you to be a friend it is on a trial basis,one to see if ur interesting and another to see if you know how to be a friend,that means certain things like to come and visit and talk once in awhile.If ur neither then dont expect to be on my friends list very long ok. that goes for new and old friends some I haven't seen on for weeks, so in the next few days I will be doing some housekeeping as some call it,and try and find new friends,oh 1 thing else that pisses tyger off is to be told brb and u never do until the next day.added 4/16/08: I just learned last nite how friendships work on here,it is not really if you are a real friend ,it is when you was added that counts,so you can be an a++ and be no.5 on a list and I can be no.9 and trying to be a real friend coz I was added later then the a++.So all u people that are like that I hope you will be happy with ur a++es coz I am not sticking around s
Why Are Wedding Dresses White?
Son asked his mother the following question: "Mom, why are wedding dresses white?" The mother looks at her son and replies, "Son, this shows your friends and relatives that your bride is pure." The son thanks his Mom and goes off to double-check this with his father. "Dad why are wedding dresses white?" The father looks at his son in surprise and says, "Son, all household appliances come in white."
Why Are Frogs So Terrifying?
Why? Take a seat and I will explain to you one of the greatest mysteries known to mankind. Why so many, normally rational, people are terrified of the seemingly harmless green frog, which although having no great fangs (in fact it has no teeth at all), no razor sharp claws (its fingers and toes being tipped by soft suckers) or deadly poison to its name still heads the terror list for women, children and occasionally men as well, around the globe. Now let me set the scene for you. After a tiring, stressful day, where not one thing has gone right, you collapse exhausted into your chair in front of the TV and cradle your last cup of coffee for the night as your eyelids start to droop. On the screen someone is droning on about something, but you have long since stopped listening, the throbbing in your tired feet is echoed by a pounding in your head, and you consider taking something for the coming headache, but instead just stagger directly to bed leaving the half empty
Why Are Some Men Assholes?
I am so tired of relationships. Why my boyfriend has to treat me like shit is beyond me. Everytime I turn around he is pissed off and taking it out on me. I am tired of being beat on physically, mentally and emotionally. I feel so alone. I can't really have friends and when I try to have one he moniters what I can and can't say. I give up. If this is what life is then why live it?
Why Am I On Fubar?
Sometimes I wonder why I’m on this site. There are many things about the people this site attracts and the culture it has bred that I find particularly repugnant. First and foremost, I’m not looking to hook up with anyone. I have a boyfriend whom I respect immensely and have absolutely no intention of leaving. In fact, I’d gladly let him keep me forever if he’d have me. So that’s very much not my reason for being here. That being said, he is in a different state at the moment and will be for quite some time. I lead a busy life as a student and young professional. I really don’t know what to do with myself when I’m not pressed by a deadline. So time that, under normal circumstances, would be occupied by hours of being curled up, watching movies, enjoying each other’s warmth and company is now left vacant. I suppose if this site is good for one thing, it’s killing time – which I’m sure I’ll regret later in life. Perhaps I use this site for masturbating the ego. I am an elitist a
Why Are People So Rude!!!!
this is a conversation with some random woman who commented on my picture with pink hair. what do you think? SHE WAS WAY OUT OF LINE! {p.s. you have to read from bottom to top. its a fubar shoutbox conversation} diane_1: so grow up then.. if you are 18 like you say, then YOU FUCK OFGF AND STOP TALKING TOI ME ->diane_1: NOT FUCKING REALLY! She dies her hair for personal reasons and you are acting childish by judging people because of their actions. SO FUCK OFF! i dont care what you think. your not my mother. diane_1: if she is still dying her hair.. then she is still a kid in an adults body! sorry ->diane_1: dont judge my mother diane_1: you and you mom are very much alike... young kids ->diane_1: okay. well, A. your not my mother. B. ive been dying my hair WITH my mother since i was 12. C. its not your place to degrade me because of my choices. . . . thanks for your imput. diane_1: thats why you do stupid things...dying your hair is bad for your scalp! I have
Why At&t May Deep Discount The Iphone
With competitive pressures mounting, the phone company may cut the iPhone's price to boost demand—and cement its relationship with Apple by Arik Hesseldahl The big thing about the next iPhone was supposed to be high-speed Internet access and tools for business. Instead, it's looking like iPhone 2.0 is all about price and that ever-awkward relationship between Apple and AT&T. With less than two months to go before Steve Jobs takes the stage at Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference, where he's expected to unveil a new iPhone, it appears that AT&T may not be convinced that new bells and whistles will be enough to get droves of new customers to switch from other wireless carriers. So after a year of charting a new wireless business model by selling the vaunted iPhone at premium prices, the nation's biggest phone company may resort to the oldest trick in the cellular book: big discounts. Although it has sent millions of new customers AT&T's way, this unique market advantage
Why Are U With Them
Love or Convenience?
Why Am I
Why is it that no matter what I do it goes wrong for me. I have a great job, but someone that I work with is such a bitch that it makes it hard for me to be there. I am going to school and am finding it hard to keep my mind in it any more because of other problems. My love life is in the toilet right know and probably never come out because the one person that I want to be with wants to just be friends, because she is afriad that if we dated me might end up hating each other and never talk again. To that I say you never know unless you try. What does it matter because I am the nice guy that no one wants to be with. I would do anything for her and pretty much have for the most part. Their is one thing that she wants me to do and I can't, because I am in love with her. I can't just go out and meet someone and date them because of that. I want to hang out with her and have good times like we used to but it seems like she is pushing me away for some odd reason. Words can't even b
Why All The Bullshit?
What is the point of it? Standards are set and must be kept. They are impossible goals to achieve. The thought of other's opinions drive us to the edge Where we stop and try not to fall for fear of what they might think. But not even the strongest of us can fight gravity forever. It is inevitable. You will fall and it will hurt and you will feel shame Others will look and they will gossip amongst their selves. Secretly each one is glad that you too are human. But the trouble here is you don't know the thoughts behind the faces All we see is society looking down in scorn. So why do we all sacrifice our own happiness Merely to fulfil the dreams of a pretentious world? By carrying on with this vicious cycle we are not only hurting ourselves But others around us and those still to live this life in the future We are creating a world of bullshit! The way we look. The way we talk. The subjects we study. The food we eat. The frien
Why Am I So Cold Stilll...
I should not feel like this again... i have been blessed with so much already in my life... I have wonderful friends who love me dearly, and beyond mere words they have been here for me... i should just settle on the fact that i am not ment to have another man in my life to share my time with... mind is sreaming this fact at me every day!!! once again i find my spirit has a mind of its own, i found a friend in a young man who seems to just know me... jaded i have been and jaded i still am... i cant seem to reach out like i used... i ache inside to share again but cant seem to break thru that wall that seperates me from my new friend... my close friends around me seem to find the one that can be real in their lives to profess their love too and have it returned to them in folds why do i sit and shed these tears aching for the same for me its so much easier to stay walled up, but i fight my own heart just wish it would lay still and b quiet
Why Adam Rocks
I have a tough time sleeping at night, always have. I'm a total night owl, so to sleep early KILLS ME. And yesterday I was having terrible stomach pains, which I believe may be stress related. I'm not sure. Well, I was up late last night, and then woke up in the middle of the night with a terrible headache. Got something for it, went back to bed, cuddled up with Adam. This morning, I woke up to him sitting on the bed next to me, and he sat there and told me he loved me. It wasn't just a simple I love you... He told me that no amount of money, nor the stars, the moon the sun, or anything in the universe could amount to how much he loves me. And, he said it in that, sweet, quiet tone. And I couldn't help but just grin from ear to ear. To hear him say something like that, something so sweet, its like wow.... And for that to be the first thing I hear when I wake up in the morning... and of course, i didn't get it qouted word for word right. I was still half asleep. But, just, wow... I mean
Why Athena
Okay, so most people on here with any modicum* of intelligence would have figured that Athena is not my real name. Why did I choose it...... Athene (Athena) - Virgin goddess of war as well as the arts and crafts and in later times of general wisdome, Athene had an extraordinary birth. Zeuss had been warned by his grand-parents, Gaia and Uranus, that his first wife, Metis, would hae a son wo would overthrow Zeus as he had his own father. Zeus therefore swallowed Metis, who was pregnant, and forgot all about her until one morning he awoke with a terrible headache and a rattling sound in his head. Hephaestus was called in to crack open Zeus' skull to see what the trouble was; the smith-god obliged and out jumped Athene in full armor! She became Zeus' favorite. Her titles 'Promachos' (the Champion) and 'Ergane' (Worker) reflected her dual role as a goddess of war and everyday work. In art she appears as a tall, slim, noble woman with a helmet, spear and shield and her sp
Why Are You Running?
A man and a woman were asleep like two innocent babies. Suddenly, at 3 o'clock in the morning, a loud noise came from outside. The woman, sort of bewildered, jumped up from the bed and yelled at the man 'Holy shit that must be my husband!' So the guy quickly jumped out of the bed, scared and naked he jumped out the window like a crazy man. He smashed himself on the ground, ran through a thorn bush, and then started to run as fast as he could to his car. A few minutes later he returned and went up to the bedroom and screamed at the woman, 'What the hell is going on? I AM your husband!' The woman yelled back, 'Yeah, then why were you running?'
Why Am I Home Alone On Saturday Night
Why am I home alone on Saturday night? The real question is what and the fuck am I doing awake? Sorry but after 2 weeks in Cancun, with maybe 20 hours sleep i'm tired, but not I can't sleep. There is not much I don't allow done to me. Not much I don't tease and cause. I HAVE SINCE I WAS MUCH YOUNGER TOLD PEOPLE YOU USE A CANE ON ME YOU GO TO JAIL. WHAT DO YOU DO WHEN THE FUCKER USING THE CANE IS A COP IN A FORIEGN COUNTRY. YOU FUCKING SCREAM LIKE HELL AND LISTEN TO HIM AND HIS BUDDIES LAUGH. luv u Tara
Why Are People Stupid???????
Why the hell do people always invite u to go to a lounge or help in a contest but they don't ask all u get is a fucking link in ur shout box? are people to stupid to read anymore? no one seems to notice my name says no lounge invites??? i don't fuckin like lounges they're lame theres nothin special about them at all. so from now on i'm gonna blow up on anyone i get an invite from cuz they're obviously stupid! Have a nice day! Tweek
Why Aren't You Showing Him Love???
If you're my friend, you should have already gone by Ruben's page to show him love! He is my first ever Fu-Owner, and he totally rocks!! Stop by, and show him some major fu-love... Much Love!! MWAH!! r770770@ fubar
Why A Woman Loves A Dozen Roses
Do you know why, A dozen roses means so much to your spouse, girlfriend or even a friend? Well, sit down, and hold on, this ole country boy going to tell you why. You can get many colors of roses, RED for LOVE, BLUE for PIECE, YELLOW for FRIENDSHIP, PURPLE for ROYATY, and they have some ROSES has multi colors in it for us with MANY different types of PERSONALITIES and a GREAT and CHARMING since of HUMOR. 12 roses make a dozen. 1 month out of a whole year, your girl wants a dozen roses. RIGHT? It is called Valentine's Day. Here is the logic behind this. There are 12 months in a year. They are 12 Roses in a Dozen. 1 day, out of 1 month, out of 12 months is a day to show your girl how much you love her. You give them a dozen roses like they want, in one day, but they take each rose for one month for 12 months and by the next Valentine's Day they are ready for the next 12 roses. This shows them you are promising to keep your love showing fro
Why All The Hurt And Bickering
With all the people that like to hurt you, criticize you, dog you, belittle you, curse you, blame you, accuse you and back stab you there will come a day when you will have back flashes and see all the wrong doings you have done and it will before your eyes and soul youll drop to your knees and try to ask forgiveness but, it will be so to late and you'll feel all the pain at once that you have caused innocent people. Youll have the visions of the act come on you all at once, it will be terrifing, and hurtful as you see the wrong doing of your past life, said that to say this, I have had my heart broken so many times because I help people. I get so tired of being nice and my heart gets stabbed and bleeds for ever. Seems the nicer I am the more I get hurt. people wonder why good guys get hurt so much, Heres the answer, The guys that are jerks and hurts the ladies, then the ladies thinks the guys are all the same and the few good guys that are left get hurt and badly bruisedn to where i
Why Are Ppl So Stupid
Show Recent Messages (F3) kingsstuffy is currently not in your Messenger List. Add to your Messenger List (Ctrl+Shift+A) Report as Spam (Alt+Shift+R) kingsstuffy: merci.... mercilynn_1973: yes...? kingsstuffy: hi i am back... mercilynn_1973: hi wb kingsstuffy: r u disturbed... mercilynn_1973: mentally? maybe lol kingsstuffy: am i bothering u ? mercilynn_1973: no mercilynn_1973: well shoot..i thought my first answer was funny..guess you didn't lol kingsstuffy: Hi am back,,,changed from lap top to desk top,,, kingsstuffy: having too many dc's honey,,, kingsstuffy: r u there ? mercilynn_1973: AHH mercilynn_1973: yep mercilynn_1973: mercilynn_1973: no mercilynn_1973: well shoot..i thought my first answer was funny..guess you didn't lol kingsstuffy: Hi am back,,,changed from lap top to desk top,,, kingsstuffy: having too many dc's honey,,, kingsstuffy: r u there ? mercilynn_1973: AHH mercilynn_1973: yep kingsstuffy: cutie,,,u r always there ..., its so sooth
Why Are They Not Talking To Me
i donot do nothing right but they are not talking to me. do they want me leave forever and i not who left, i'm not bad person but i think some people think so and thats not fair. i wish people said what they mean and not throw lil but lil in there. u what i donot care what they thing i know the truth and that all that matter. and donot like this then piss off
Why Aren't You Losing Weight? 7 Common Diet Traps
By Lisa Mosing, MS, RD, FADA, Special to LifeScript hor_ad Click here to find out more! It’s frustrating: You watch what you eat, rarely binge, don’t snack late at night… but still, you’re not losing weight. And even when you do lose weight, it often seems to creep back on. While you’re probably on the right path, you may accidentally be making some common weight-loss missteps. So what are you doing wrong? Perhaps you’re falling into these seven diet traps... Every year thousands of people swear to themselves, “I’m going to lose weight by ___.” You didn't quite reach your goals last year, so you're tackling the same resolution again this year. Will you find the holy grail of weight loss? Or will your skinny jeans stay tucked in the back of your closet all year? The answer may lie in these seven diet faux pas: 1. Misreading Nutrition Labels If you’re already reading food labels, good for you! However, sometimes nutrition panels are deliberately misleading, p
Why Aren't You Losing Weight? 7 Common Diet Traps2
The most frequent diet faux pas involves serving size. That frozen pizza may not seem so fattening at first glance, but look closer: The label may indicate it actually consists of three or more servings. A pint of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream has four servings, but most people treat it as one helping. And it’s not just the calories you should be watching out for; you’re also doubling (or tripling) your sodium, cholesterol and fat intake. Avoid it: Become a label sleuth. Check portion sizes, ingredients and daily value percentages of saturated fat, sodium and cholesterol. (See related article: Sizing Up Nutrition Facts Labels) 2. Restaurant Splurges Do you nibble on bread before your meal? Do you request olive oil for your bread, then soak an entire piece in it? Do you cap off your meal with a cappuccino or latte? Guess what – you’re committing calorie blunders
Why Aren't You Losing Weight?(cont'd) 7 Common Diet Traps
Bread adds unnecessary calories. Olive oil may be healthier than butter, but it still has about 120 calories per tablespoon. And unless you request non-fat milk in your cappuccino, you could be adding almost 100 calories to your meal. Avoid it: Be aware of what you are eating and watch for hidden calories. Before you go out, decide what you’re going to eat (one piece of bread, one tablespoon of olive oil) and stick to your plan. Savor each bite, and you won’t need to eat a lot to be satisfied. 3. Absent-Minded Eating Eating while you drive, watch television or work on the computer is a sure-fire way to consume too much food. You’re not focusing on, or truly tasting, your food. It’s also more difficult to keep track of the calories you’re taking in. Avoid it: Simply slowing down and truly enjoying your meals can help you shed calories and pounds. Keep low-calorie snacks in your car. If you can’t watch TV without eating something, go for quick-to-grab diet foods like sugar-fre
Why Aren't You Losing Weight?(cont'd) 7 Common Diet Traps4
Those 100-calorie prepackaged snack bags are a handy treat… unless you eat more than one packet. It may not seem so bad to eat three (“It’s only 300 calories!”), but for 300 calories, you could have a more fulfilling, nutritious meal. Portion control is a problem at restaurants, as well. Over the years, plate size in U.S. restaurants has grown from about nine inches to 12 inches or more. So if we’re still cleaning our plates like we were told to do as kids, we’re consuming far more food than we used to… and it shows. Avoid it: Don’t be fooled by plate size. Pay attention to when your stomach says you’re full. Also, have a snack before you leave your home or office. Consider sharing menu items with a dining partner or taking home the leftovers. (See related article: Three Steps to Identifying Portion Distortion) 5. Slow Down When we’re hungry, we tend to shovel in food quickly and not pay attention to quantity or even flavor. The problem is that it usually takes 20 minutes fo
Why Aren't You Losing Weight?(cont'd) 7 Common Diet Traps5
Avoid it: Don’t eat so quickly! Give your body time to catch up with your food consumption. Put down your fork between bites, use a smaller plate, talk more with your meal companions, and wait 20 minutes before going back for seconds. 6. Beware the Booze Alcoholic beverages add calories and no nutrients. Therefore, if you consume these drinks on a regular basis, you’re loading up on extra calories that have no value to your body. Calories from alcohol can add up quickly: * 100 from a glass of wine * 140 for a beer * 150 for a cocktail * 350 for a margarita Not to mention calories from the fattening party food we’re more likely to eat when we imbibe.
Why Aren't You Losing Weight?(cont'd) 7 Common Diet Traps6
Moderate drinking is generally defined as enjoying no more than one drink per day for women and no more than two drinks per day for men. (The difference in the amount allowed for each gender is due to the fact that men and women process alcohol differently.) Avoid it: Think light. Light beer, diet soda in mixed drinks, a wine spritzer. 7. Exercise Plateau You may have cut back on your food, but have you increased your exercise? Becoming more active is a key component of weight-loss plans. Our bodies do adapt to consuming fewer calories, and eventually weight loss will slow down if you don’t work out. Exercise provides the spike we need to continue losing. Avoid it: Add an extra hour to the weekly exercise you’re already doing. Change up your workout routine to keep things interesting and your body burning calories efficiently.
Why Aren't You Losing Weight?(cont'd) 7 Common Diet Traps7
As you continue to eat for better health, make an effort to be aware of what, when and how much you eat in order to prevent any unintended future weight gain. Over time, those who have lost weight and kept it off have learned how important it is to control calories and portion size and to be physically active. What's Your Diet Downfall? You already know if you're a junk food junkie or a sucker for bread and butter. You know if you've got a sweet tooth or a salty incisor. So what else is there to know about why your diet isn't working? Find out if you're unwittingly sabotaging your weight-loss plan and adding inches to your waistline with this diet quiz.
Why Are You Married?
WHY ARE YOU MARRIED? You have two choices in life: You can stay single and be miserable, or get married and wish you were dead. At a cocktail party, one woman said to another, 'Aren't you wearing your wedding ring on the wrong finger?' 'Yes, I am. I married the wrong man.' A lady inserted an ad in the classifieds: 'Husband Wanted'. Next day she received a hundred letters. They all said the same thing: 'You can have mine.' When a woman steals your husband, there is no better revenge than to let her keep him. A woman is incomplete until she is married. Then she is finished . A little boy asked his father, 'Daddy, how much does it cost to get married?' Father replied, 'I don't know son, I'm still paying.' A young son asked, 'Is it true Dad, that in some parts of Africa a man doesn't know his wife until he marries her?' Dad replied, 'That happens in every country, son.' Then there was a woman who said, 'I never knew what real happiness was un
Why Are You Here?
A man dressed as napoleon went to see a psychiatrist at the urging of his wife. "What's your problem?" the doctor asked? "I have no problem," the man replied. "I'm one of the most famous people in the world. I have a great army behind me. I have all the money I'll ever need, and I live in great luxury." "Then why are you here?" "It's because of my wife," the man said. "She thinks she's Mrs.Levine."
Why Are French Wines So Expensive
I was at a friend's house recently and he offered me a glass of wine. It was a very good French wine, so I wrote down the name and vintage and stopped by my favorite wine store the next day to purchase a bottle. When they told me it was twenty-five dollars a bottle I was going to opt for something in the ten to fifteen dollar range. However, the shop owner explained to me with a chart why some French wines are more expensive,and after he explained it to me I bought two bottles of the more expensive wine. I asked him for a copy of his chart so I could share it with you online. If you like a good French wine and have shied away from the more expensivewines this information may convince you as to why it is more desirable to go for the more expensive brands. See the chart below... Now you know why French wines are so damn good !!! It brings a tear to the eye to see such commitment and I know why the cork is sniffed ..!!!
Why Are There No Good Men On This Earth?
I have met so many men in my life who say that they are good guys or their friends say that they are good guys and in the end they turn out to be assholes. I wish I could meet a guy who does not make promises in the beginning of the relationship.
Why Am I Here?
my heart feels so troubled why am i here? is it to love or is it to fear? to love is so beautiful but it scares me so much i wait for the pain as i wait for your touch i've heard all the lies and i'll hear them again thats why i'm fearing, inside i'll be hurt in the end should i be brave and let my heart go? could i trust you enough to let the love show? and if i gave in would you give too? is it really safe for me to fall in love with you? am i to love or am i to fear? Please God, what’s the answer? why am i here?
Why Are Some People So Ignorant??!!
Some people are so pathic!!! Again my default pic was reported by some fucking moron. I have moved the pic to my NSFW folder. It's a pic of me in a mesh like black top, but my hands are covering my tits! I mean, if Myspace allowed it, what the fuck is the problem?? NOTHING is showing! NOTHING! Why the fuck are you even on this site if all you do is bitch and whine that something is NSFW! News flash limp dick, this whole fucking site is NSFW. Do us all a favor and get a life and get the fuck off here. I mean honestly, this is an adult site. I don't feel that any pics should be labeled NSFW b/c this is an ADULT site! Get over it, get over yourself, and get the fuck out!!!! Oh, and just so you won't be "offended" I did mark this NSFW, just for your dumb ass!
Why Am I Crazy About Blogs?
It is a universal & applicable form of media that anyone that wants to make a name for themselves can do just that. 1. There is money in it. 2. I enjoy doing it. 3. The resource of topics are endless. I believe in it, that it has longevity and it will last. 4.This a form of writing as well as authoring. 5. We all have things that we do well that can be shared to educate others @ no expense. 6. What is capable is dependent on those involved in the matter. I hope I open a door to some communication about real life experiences that can impact individuals it was designed for. If I wanted to become a furniture builder and someone in the blog network with videos and some written instruction or tips that help me reach my goal. Now I ask how much did I spend on watching a video or reading a blog, only time;effort and willingness to learn. There is so much more I want to share but time won't permit me.
Why Are You Single?
I'm so sick of people asking me why I'm single. I feel like they're asking, "Whats wrong with you?" in a not-so-upfront way. What's wrong with me? Nothing. I'm 26 and not divorced. I have no children. It especially kills me when the people asking me have kids or are divorced. Good for you. You found love. How'd that work out for you? Oh! It didn't? Thats just too bad, but at least there's nothing fundamentally wrong with you since SOMEONE loved you before. Right? No. I don't buy it. Its like I live in a whole generation of people who lack simple self control. They aren't content just working, plotting, and creating a better future for the family they will someday have. No, instead they go make families and then struggle to keep it together the rest of their existance. And I'm the one getting asked why I'm single. I should ask people who are 18-24 why they're really in long term relationships --really.
Why Again
Why again do I care so much about people yet whenever I turn around, it seems like the people nearest me that should care about me don't? I try and do any and everything for people around me as often as I can. I notice when people are upset and something seems wrong. So why is it that when I have feelings that are like those, no one can sense them? Is it because I have gone for so long without letting people see what gets to me? If someone is your "friend," shouldn't they notice when you are upset or something is wrong? Why is it so hard to find someone in the world today that you can call a "true friend"? Is it because everyone is so concerned with themselves that they don't give a crap about anyone else? If you look at it like that, it makes a lot of sense. Where are the people that are supposed to be there for you when you are down and not feeling well either physically or emotionally? If they do exist, why are they never in the same locale that you are?
Why All The Dj's In The Names?
I see so many people with DJ on their name. I think it used to mean something but since ANY ONE CAN DO IT I think its rather silly. Are they something involving radio? Music? Do they DJ at a club? On radio or tv? Do they host a online party? Is it that they run a club in real life or on the internet? What does it all mean? I can ask but I am sure I will get different answers. I don't understand. At the risk of hurting peoples feelings I am going to say this.... I think it is there for the benefit of themselves. To attract people to their profile. I think that it is used to make them selves feel, look and appear special. More than what they are. And WHAT IS UP WITH THE PICS FROM ABOVE! I already know why. Hell if I was vain enough I would do the same thing so I would better than I do or to hide my faults too. But what you see is what you get with me. I dont have to make all my pics like that to hide anything. I am just me. 41 yo with flaws. No tricks
Why Am I Afraid Of Life
How come i said going into this i just wanted to have fun nothing more, but as the days go by, the more time i spend with him, the more i get to know about him the more i want to be with him. everday this gets harder. to keep my distance. i dont want to get my heart broken and i'm afraid to say anything, i almost got the ballz today but chicked out.
Why Are You Doing That?
"What we see depends mainly on what we look for." -- Sir John Lubbock Throughout the day, continually ask yourself about your underlying motivation. Why are you doing what you are doing? Is it for selfish, manipulative or fearful reasons? Is it for honest service with integrity? Maybe you’ll discover you don’t know. Perhaps you will see that much of your activity lacks purpose. This is a great way to become more conscious. Your intention and motives are fundamental to the results you will receive. Set high intentions and your life will blossom.
Why Am I Here?
Why am I here? Frankly, because an incredibly sexy woman I know sent me an email that said "Join Me!". Hmmm. I'm friggin' easy aren't I? This seems interesting I suppose. I'm having a hard time understanding the purpose, but that's to be expected. Someone be my friend for Christ's sake! I feel like a loser! lol Ah well.
Why Are There So Many Ostriches?
Why Am I Here?
I'm trying to deal with my gf passing away. Who in the fuck would think that a 5’3, 107 lb 22 year old who ran 2+ miles and worked out 5 days a week would die from complications caused by impacted wisdom teeth growing in of all things? I got mine at 13 with no problems. WTF? Sometimes I want to fall asleep and never wake up. At others just talk to anyone about anything just to forget.
Why Are Vegas Woman Afraid To Admit Being Les
I have been on several Vegas sites where women advertise for mature women seeking friendship and more. When speaking to some I find most are only looking for a threesome with them and the boyfiend or husband. The last thing I need is another male in my life.... I had one and the only thing I wanted from him was him to feterlize my eggs and which he did twice so after that I got rid of him like a bad habit. Lived a happy life with my female partner and raisid our children together till GOD felt it was time for her to return to the heavens. Do I miss her sure I do but, remember the happiness when talking to our children and now the kids being adults say mom you need to find that love again. And I have been looking but again where are the real les's in Vegas I dont need a bi one that wants just a jump in the sheets hell I have toys to cure that need. Id like a true lesbian be young or my age era that would enjoy not only sexual company but a long term friendship are there anyone like tha
Why Are They Stealing?
Across every state and every nation Every charity and every organization Has a will has a plan to help and save Lost from family, no food, no wtaer and living in a cave This money and great sum of donation Needs to be used the right way, instantly feeling a negative sensation Is this total being used as a profit? Or given to terrorist groups that have mentally lost it? Check in the news Which ever internet site, radio station or tv channel you choose A event like this happened not long ago from today This charity should be ashamed with nothing but apologies to say From prayers to wishes Dollars, food and dishes Used for a lesser need Politics and war never help or feed My friends, sisters and brothers A evil could silently hovers This tragedy not the only one we need not to forget Selfish fools that live with no regret Our time and care For others living and surviving by a hair Conditions and diseases that are still here Who is honestly willing to help
Why Ask Then ?
My girl friend asked me why was it that she is the one that feeds and clothes and cares for her kids but when they see me they act like I am the most important thing in the world.... I seriously thought about it and told her I think its because parents forget sometimes to be fun and gave her the following example. I was out with them and the kids had candy they were taking the wrapper off and "sneaking" it into our pockets. Her reaction was to shove their hands away and tell them to cut it out. I had pretended not to notice them doing it. Later I put my hand in my pocket and pulled out all the empty wrappers and made faces and did the whole HEEEYYYY where did these come from routine while they fell into giggle fits. Well now shes pissed at me and told me she does not really need me to tell her shes a mean boring Mom so uhhhh ....why did she ask ? I didnt mean it that way either by the way blah
Why Are Women So Closed Up On Communication Sites?
Women seem to come up with all kinds of excuses as to why they can't do this or do that on a conversation site.they seem to put off a "I'm better then you" mentality.I talk respectful to them all.when you say "Hi how are you?".I hardly ever get a reply.I know why women are built into a monster like this.Its because men kiss their ass to much that's why.It makes them THINK they have power when they do not.
Why Am I Doing This
i have no clue but i just did it
Why Am I Here?
Why am I here? Grey matter invaded By violent jackhammers Simple query evolves into Consuming question Pulling me through Mind-field of barbwire roses Enigmatic solutions Beyond my comprehension Offering brief glimps Of the answer To uncanny riddle Formed in the spiraling insanity Spiritually induced frameshift Tribulations of self-inquisition Entropy erases rigor mortis Conundrum remains unsolved
Why Are Exes So Nice
Why are exes so nice on Christmas day! My ex has refused to let me see my kids on this wonderful day Christmas day why its quite simple she wants to hurt me and my son.
Why Am I...
....When you're small, you care nothing at all. Minutes can seem hours, you're climbing impossible towers. Slowly.. like the cigarette burn, now clocks say it's your turn. You have run oh so fast, yet looking ahead it's only the past. As the tree in summer you stand tall, yet inside leaves begin to fall. Your mind constantly scours, searching youth's squandered powers. All their advice you did spurn, you seek it now to avoid the urn. No turning back you begin to cry, wondering why am I...
Why Am I Doing This?! Lol
Under each question, answer it, then go to and put the VERY FIRST definition that comes up. 1) Whats your name? ME: Amy UD: Amy to take, hold, or steal your heart. a person who is a soulmate. a good lover. she pulled an amy on my heart. (she stole or holds my heart) my heart was amyied. (my heart was stolen) watch out she will amy you. (she will steal your heart) you have yourself an amy. (you have yourself a soulmate) 2) Whats your age? ME: 22 UD: 22 1) A .22 caliber handgun 2) Any rim that measures 22 inches in size 3) Slang term used for women to let you know they are prostitutes. [[LMAO]] 1) Don't tote no 22's 2) Magnum cost me 22, sat it on them 22's 3) Lil mama super thick, she say she 22 (All examples from Rick Ross' Hustlin) I just wanted to add this extra one, it was definition number 3: The age after 21 where you realize you still have another 3 years to get your shit together Haha I'm only 22
Why Am I Here?
Because a really good friend invited me, so ok. But now I find myself pissing away at least an hour of my day performing in a three ring circus trying to make everyone feel warm and fuzzy. And truth be told, I'm tired of it. And while you have the right to your forever long ass name, I find it stupid. Your "so much better than you" status because you name takes two damn lines, please. Its the internet; open your door, walk outside and tell me how cool you are then. From now on I am just me, don't ask me to profess my "commitment" to anything especially you. I belong to...oh...ME. Further,I am very happy with my current crush, if its not you GET OVER IT, its the internet. And if it bothers you that much you need to visit reality. *see above comment about walking outside* Further, I am not here for your viewing pleasure, DON'T ask. Hell I'm not here for you at all. I'm here to kick it with a few cool people who catch my attention. Chances are it wasn't you, so quit hitting my
Why Are You Here
Maybe it is points or leveling? I am here to reach out and let my friends, family and fans know how important they are to me. I send daily comments and it is labor intensive and time consuming. I don't do it for the points or levels. I do it to brighten everyone's day. Bring a smile and laughter to all. Much of that love is returned but most is not, I know days and lives are busy but when I do not feel the love for weeks or months, I get discouraged.If you are not here to make friends and keep it touch, please let me know and I will delete you from my friends, family and fan list
Why Am I Still Single?
This blog will pin-point why I hate relationships and I think it is nothing more than a big source of un-needed drama. I am now 28, and I do own my own home. I pay my own bills and I try to be everything that I could be to everyone that I consider my friend. But the funny thing is that I simply cannot be anything more than friends with anyone. I am either too young, or I don't have a car,or any number of vast other reasons. I am always being told that I am a wonderful friend and that I am very special to someone. But it hurts to sit and watch EVERYONE ELSE getting into relationships and being able to hold someone close at night. To be able to see that my heart will always feel this empty no matter how hard I try. I have some of the worlds most wonderful friends and I will risk nothing to lose those friendships. All I am saying is that I want to simply have someone in my heart and in my life who will be just as special to me as I am to them in a romantic sence. I am not just about se
Why Are People Stupid? Lol
Why do you insist on pissing me off in the mornning??? 1.I have 2 kids and I can manage to have my kids dressed before we leave the house, why cant you? 2.PLEASE PULL FORWARD...dont block everyone behind you...we have places to go and things to do...unlike you who will probobly go home and watch soap operas!!! EX. when i drop my daughter off at her have to pull around in like a circle, OR you can park!! well this BITCH decides to stop right at the turn...and block us all from going around. We all have bigger rigs and we cant get around enough to park. She gets her idiot ass out of the car to release her bratts. then she walks them in the school with her van still parked there...I WAS HEATED!! Then after she finally comes out 5 minutes later...she pulled only like 10 feets forward and perceeded to talk to another idiot mom in her van!!! I got behind her and she motioned me to go around, which would mean i go into the grass!!! FUCK THAT AND FUCK HER!! I dont know
Why Ask Why
Why is "abbreviated" such a long word? Why is lemon juice made with artificial flavor, and dishwashing liquid made with real lemons? Why is the third hand on the watch called a second hand? Why isn't there a special name for the tops of your feet? If nothing ever sticks to TEFLON, how do they make TEFLON stick to the pan? Can a stupid person be a smart-ass? Can fat people go skinny-dipping? Why is it considered necessary to nail down the lid of a coffin? Why is it that rain drops but snow falls? Why is the time of day with the slowest traffic called rush hour? Why is the man who invests all your money, called a broker? Why isn't there mouse flavored cat food? There is fish flavored! Why is it that doctors call what they do "practice"? Why is it that when you're driving and looking for an address, you turn down the volume on the radio? Why does the sun lighten our hair, but darken our skin? Why is it called lipstick if you can still move your
Why Are Foot Problems The Most Painful Ones Of All.
I am so tired of getting up in the morning and falling over because I can't f'n walk. 2 dr.'s visits, steriod shot, and still no relief. I just want to be able to function live everyone else, and be able to go to work and not suffer for 9 hours.
Why April 11th?
Well many of ya'll have asked or wondered why i wanted today's spotlight and all ive replied with was because its a special day. I told a few friends that if i got it i would then tell them what made it so special. Rather than going to them one by one ill just say it once here and be done with it. This may become long so if you're not up to a story then you should probably leave now. 5 yrs ago today was the day I decided that if my life was ever going to change, if i was ever going to become the person I knew i could be, if i was finally going to take back my life and become an example to my children then this was the day it was going to happen. So with that said me and my girls got in my car and we drove away with nothing but the clothes on our backs and landed here almost 600 miles away. Yes things have been hard and yes some of my obstacles have been high and the climb over them exhausting but every night when i see my little girls sleeping safely and happy in their beds, every ste
Why Are The Bad Ones More Fun?
Why are the bad ones more fun?They want to take you strange places and makeyou squirm and scream.They encourage you todo things you might notnormall do other wise.They make your bloodboil in your veinsat the thought of whats to come.They take you beyondthe ecstacy thatany drug can give you.They cant ever think of anything than what is naturally on thier minds.They talk in that sexy voice thatmakes your toes curl.They touch that spot no oneelse can seem to findEven though thierthe bad ones they makeyou fell like your the only one.Even though thierthe bad ones you canthelp but want them no matterwhat it may cost you in the long run.
Why Are Men The Way They Are
i am starting to think that men just like to lie to me, i thought i found someone who wanted to be with me, but now he is lieing to me to get out of a date with me this weekend, i am really starting to really give up hope on finding someone who really wants to be with me and only me, and not lie to me about what happened. I just dont know what to do anymore, can anyone help me?
Why Acid Is Bad
On Sunday night i had a horrible acid flashback and tripped out bad, really bad. (I didn't do more acid, i just tripped out unprovoked) Things started off ok, colors became more vivid, i started seeing things a little. Then it got progressively worse. Those vivid colors started flashing wildly. The first major thing besides the colors was that my left wall started to breathe in and out. The posters on my right wall started to "dance" to the music i was listening to. They then started to rearrange themselves. The crooked ones straightened, the straight ones became crooked. That wall also started to breathe in and out. I noticed someone was watching me from inside my closet. I could see him move, but i couldn't see his face. The walls kept breathing harder, more angrily. The posters started to meld together and the walls started to melt. Keep in mind that i was listening to music the whole time. More people appeared. One was crouching down on the right side of my bed, but
Why Are You Such A Asshole!!!
Why are you such a asshole you feel the need to put me down and you dont even know anything about me. Why are you such a asshole,  you feel the need to poke fun of me and get your friends to follow you in doing the same. Why are you a ass hole,  you feel the need to make my life a living hell. This is how I feel about most people who feel the need to put down,  make fun off ,  judge others,  and make their life a living hell. And why?  you dont even know this person from adam.  You base your assumtions on what is on their profile,  or when they post a blog,  or a mum. Do you honestly think your any better?  Do you think your all that and a bag of cookies? Got news,  chances are  your not.  You just want every one to think you are cause your so gawd dam inscure about your self and feel intimadated when someone just might have a foot up on the ladder of life then you do. Its sad in todays world there are still bullies out there that feel the need to hurt and put down others just t
Why Are There Such Hater B!tches On Fubar
Now I thought Fubar was supposed to be a place to meet people make new friends and have fun.  Play the game to level as quickly as you can.  But I have found that there are girls on here that take this place way to seriously, and start getting a little jugemental, and even paranoid.  I have encountered my share.  I have encountered the ones that randomly hate, the downraters, the ones that think cause there blingers are giveing me bling I must have befriended them to go on their page to get them to bling me.  Hell to the nutuh.  I dont do that shit.   I get bling cause I am a nice girl who is nice to people around me.  even when I have been attacked on here I still stay true to form and am nice.  I might block a person But you have to do something really stupid like call my man names or say something sexual to me in shout or comment .  For the most part I forgive and forget.  That is my nature.   So to all those Haters out there.  Keep your hate to yourself.  Stop Being selfish stu
Why Are We At War
The other day, my nine year old son wanted to know why we were at war. My husband looked at our son and then looked at me. My husband and I were in the Army during the Gulf War and we would be honored to serve and defend our Country again today. I knew that my husband would give him a good explanation. My husband thought for a few minutes and then told my son to go stand in our front living room window. He said "Son, stand there and tell me what you see?" "I see trees and cars and our our neighbor's houses," he replied. "OK, now I want you to pretend that our house and our yard is the United States of America and you are President Bush." Our son giggled and said "OK." "Now son, I want you to look out the window and pretend that every house and yard on this block is a different country" my husband sai d. "OK Dad, I'm pretending." "Now I want you to stand there and look out the window and pretend you see Saddam come out of his house with his wife, he has her by the hair and is hitting he
Why Are We Here?
To Live each day with purpose. Focus on what's really important. Value the friendship of others. Advocate for what you know is right. Keep your dreams alive. Seize every opportunity to be creative. Be grateful for gifts received. Never give up hope. Cherish each moment....
Why Are Woman Soo Heartless At Time
I just need to vent this little bit, my ex of 2 years broke a 47 in plazma tv of mine cuz she said on the phone that I didnt spend enough time with her.  I work 10+ hours a day with my business that I own and I cant help that.  Any of my off time is spent with her and the kids!!!  So I wonder and ask WHY would she break something that I now have to work harder to replace!!!!  and WHY of all things.......MY TV!!!!!!!!! 
Why Are People Obsessed With Points On Here?
I tend to work quite a bit so I don't get out much, so I like to come on fubar and some other sites and meet people.  I do like this site quite a bit but what's with the obsession with the points? It just seems like you can't meet people on here cause all everyone wants is you to rate their photos and fan them.  Maybe it's just me though, am I the only one experiencing this? Jer
Why Are Guys Dicks
Believe it or not, it all comes down to hollywood and chick flicks, you think not? For the better part of the century men were men, the movies depicted men as be strong, without fear, and totally embracing what it was to be that way. We didnt talk much, didnt have to, we were men....until the 80's came around. The movie industry changed, it was impossible for a man to fall in and for the women to feel it as well. It become about proven your love in this outlandish ways, it wasnt enough to say you cared, you have to prove it hollywood styles. I mean look at how many marriages have survived from the old days. Nothing like today were the roles have been slowly becoming equal per say for men and women. The male sensitivity moment began and was achored mainly by the movies. Movies like "say anything", love one of the first go overboard to get your women visions. Women fell in love with that and the pressure and questions started to surface...."Why can't my man be that way", "thats what I wa
Why Are People So Mean?
I got in a massive fight with a FORMER friend of mine last weekend.  I have known her for 16 years.  She has always been fun, but as of late she started being mean when I went out anywhere with her.  I had had enough, when last weekend she called me a whore for talking to a guy instead of paying attention to her.  She has done this every occation while we are out and when I start talking to a man that strikes up a conversation.  In fact she kicked me out of the house we shared because she disapproved of my last boyfriend. She says she has every right because my ex husband was very abusive and I have no dignity (her words) and act like a whore. So I get back from work today, I am exhausted, and she had written this long ass letter telling me once again, I am a whore, I am toxic, that she was not getting anything out of the relationship and she was glad it was over.  We had shared words via text last Sunday, so i finally told her to leave me the hell alone (after she threatened to sue
Why Are You Afraid To Do Good?
1Pe 3:13 Who is going to harm you if you are eager to do good?  1Pe 3:14 But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. “Do not fear what they fear ; do not be frightened.”  1Pe 3:15 But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,  1Pe 3:16 keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander.  1Pe 3:17 It is better, if it is God’s will, to suffer for doing good than for doing evil.  1Pe 3:18 For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive by the Spirit,  1Pe 3:19 through whom also he went and preached to the spirits in prison  1Pe 3:20 who disobeyed long ago when God waited patiently in the days of Noah while the ark was being
Why Am I Doing This Again?
Well the summer is almost all over again and once again I babysat my sisters kid once again this summer..I swear the older they get the more I get stressed out.. I watch my niece who is 13 and nephew who is 11 with adhd and I am stressed out again.. My sister doesn't pay me to way them.. and I keep them at my house all summer except the weekends when i take them home.. They don't listen to me and they walk all over me..I try to deal with them but I can't.. I'm to the point to tell my sister to find someone else to watch them during the summer cus I can't take it anymore and I see it not getting any better.. they are putting a strain on my when i have high blood pressure and don't need need the stress and also with my hubby and i cus we fight over it.. I don't want to hurt my sister but I got no other choice.. I don't know what to do besides talk about it in my blogs...thank you  for reading
Why Are Women Such Haters If Your Relationship Is Over.
Why Are Questions On Climategate Met With Armed Response?
If Climategate Is No Big Deal, Why Are Questions About It Met With An Armed Response? The boilerplate response on behalf of the guardians of the global warming scam is to claim that the climategate scandal holds no significance whatsoever. If warmists really are that laid back over the whole controversy then why are questions about it by accredited journalists met with an armed response from UN thugs?
Why Are You So Fuckin Stupid
what the fuck is up with people nowadays.everyone thinks they are the shit i mean its ok to have some convidence but dont get stupid with it.And jealousy ok yeeah who fuckin cares who you date or your fu-married to just in case you didnt know fubar is fake its not real life so wake up dumbasses
Why Am I So "imperfect"?
Am I so imperfect that you can't love me? Adore me? Treat me like a human being? I try my best and do everything I can do, your not the only "Sunshine" in my responsability. I run from daylight until dark. When your sleeping, i'm sill going strong. Maybe some appreciation or a thank you for what you do, a rose from time to time, or even just a simple pat on the back will do! I stayed up for three days and you bitch me out because your bed wasn't made. I drive two hours to get my children and two hours back and you bitch because I didn't have a hot meal on the table but yet left overs in the frig. What can I do? Tell me what else I can possibly do? Obviously i'm so "IMPERFECT" that I will never do for me, you, or anyone. I cry allday and night because I can't make no one happy in anything I do. Pour my heart out in every effort I make and every action I made. Tell me what else I can possibly do? Theres no more tears and no more fears, i just don't give my whole heart into anything I do.
Why Are You So Terribly Disappointing?!
I love this writer! What the hell is wrong with you? Are you really going to wear that? Why aren't you right now cooking me a nice meal and wearing those hot boy shorts you know I love and saying those words you know I want to hear at exactly the moment I like to hear them, to make me feel better about everything, even though I probably won't? What happened to my bonus? What happened to my job? What happened to my country? Why can't it all go the way it's supposed to go? You mean having a kid won't solve my marriage problems? Why don't these drugs make me feel better? Where's that goddamn waiter with my salad? Have you seen the stupid weather today? Is this really all there is? These are, from what I can glean, the most important questions of the day, of the month, of modern life itself. Hell, what with the economy and job situation, the housing market and the overall feel and texture of the nation right now, it's no wonder Americans are, by and large, a goddamn miserable bunch. We
Why Are People So Fake Towards Others??
Y'know what always bothers me about this site?Are the people who make it seem like they're interested in knowing you,and they put up a good show for you to think they actually give a shit....but then,when you decide to talk to them,or to try and spend time with them,they blow you off.I understand.If I decide to put them somewhere on my page,I dont expect the same treatment.I only expect that treatment when they claim to give a shit,yknow?If I added you to my family or whatever,Im not thinking you'll add me as well...but if you ask me if its ok,and I say yeah,and you keep me there for like 3 days then remove me,well,whats that gonna make me think?That you really DONT care.But its all good.Im never alone.And women like that are a dime a dozenThey should just tell me from the get go...I'm NOT your type.Its not gonna make me cry or feel bad.Fuck that!Why pretend that you want to be friends,or even more,with me when you'd really rather not?It always amazes me that for an adult site...the fu
Why Are All Females Bitches?
It's funny, people tell me to be optimistic that things will happen, that people will be nice to me.  BULLSHIT!  I met a girl last night, she said that she wanted to talk and get to know each other, not even 12 hours later, she wants nothing to do with me.  Funny, I'm smart and have a college education, she didn't, I don't have kids, she does.  It's amazing that someone can tell you that they want to get to know you, and expect you to accept them for who and what they are, and when you do, they tell you that they don't want to talk to you again.  I just don't fucking get it.  Why does everyone have to treat me like shit?  Why do people judge me on the outside, instead of the inside?  Why is it okay for someone to treat me like that, but if I don't answer, or something stupid, it's my fault for everything.  I think from this point on I'm just going to treat everyone like an ass, that way, I can't get hurt, and no one can say I was doing this, or wasn't doing that.  I"m better off single
Why Are The Woman On This Site Ssoooo Mean And Vicious?
Why Are Men Such Pigs When Commenting Women's Pictures?
It is one of my pet peeves. You look through pictures of women and rate them. You come across some comments that men make and wonder did their momma's teach them any better. I just don't get it. I'm sure women may make the same types of comments to other men or women. Has the woman's body just become an object to men? Is there anymore respect for women anymore?    Just my thoughts....
Why Am I Getting So Many Gifts Recently?
I'm not complaining, just wondering.  I only come on the site every other day or so, and everytime I log in I have 10-20 new gifts!  Drinks from so many different random people.  What could be the explanation?  Is it possible that someone bought me a blast without me knowing? Anyway, thanks to whoever is the cause of this lol.
Why Am I Awake?
its 4:09am. I am awake.  i want to sleep but i have a lot on my mind. so i figured, what if i write down everything thats on my mind.... well i feel better and finally go to sleep?    I don't know whats wrong me. I don't know what triggered. I was hanging out with my best friends the other day. I was kinda like the 5th wheel. It didn't bother me at all. We went to TGIF, got our grub on, got our drink on then we went to go see KICK-ASS! which by the way is super awesome. It didn't bother me at first. Not till i got home I started to think holy shit why do I feel lonely? I even put that down as my status! ha! well i think i said....loneliness welcome back to my life. I started to think about silly shit. like the little things. Who doesn't like getting a text message from someone the like that says "I miss you!" or something among those lines? lol i don't know dude. maybe i'm crazy. hahahaha. it feels good to be wanted. but it sucks when you want someone and they don't want you the sa
Why Are Names
Why are names important?  In Hebrew the word for name and reputation are the same word, Shem.
Why Add Someone Then Block Them
WTF, Why add someone then blockthem? if you don't want to talk or whatever have the respect to tell them so. That is wtf is wrong with this country, noone has respect for anyone except themselves today and those that do care and respect others get shit on!!!!
Why Are People So Scared Of Homosexuality?
Okay, religions such as Christianity for example are supposed to be "All Loving" and accepting, yet if you are homosexual suddenly you are also shunned by the majority of Christians or other faiths.  (I feel other topics are also shunned but that is for another post.) How can you think you are so 'special' in the eyes of your Master Being that you are better than someone who chooses a different lifestyle than you? I myself am not homosexual, but I do have many WONDERFUL homosexual or bi-sexual friends (and some family members) who should not be treated any differently than I am for loving someone of the opposite sex.  All they want is the same thing as I and you do... FREEDOM.  Freedom to choose who they love, how they love, how they live and such and also to be accepted by society. It's not like if you are homosexual or bi-sexual you turn into some mutant that sucks peoples brains out for crying out loud!  And what are they doing to harm you in any way?  ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! They a
Why Are People Drwan To You?
People Are Drawn To Your Passion You are intense about every thing you do, and this intensity inspires people around you. It's clear that you care deeply about the others. You make everyone feel like they're your best friend. You are always doing great and interesting things. You leap into action. And while you're busy, you take time to connect and re-connect with others. You are very thoughtful. Why Are People Drawn To You? Blogthings: We're Not Shrinks, But We Play Them On the Internet
Why Ask Why?
Sometimes the answer is irrelevant -- it's the question that counts. Why do we say something is out of wack? What is a wack?   If a pig loses its voice, is it disgruntled?   Why are a wise man and a wise guy opposites?   Why does the word "lisp" have an 's' in it?   Why do women wear evening gowns to nightclubs? Shouldn't they be wearing nightgowns?   If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular?   How does it work out that people always die in alphabetical order?   Why do "overlook" and "over-see" mean opposite things?   "I am" is reportedly the shortest sentance in the English language. Could it be that "I do" is the longest sentence?   If people from Poland are called "Poles" why aren't people from Holland called "Holes"?   If you ate pasta and antipasta, would you still be hungry?   How is it possible to "run out of space"?   If a vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a humanitarian eat?   Why is it that if someone tells you that there are 1 billion stars
Why Are The Garments Of Gorean Kajirae Worn Short And Open?
"I smiled. That is a common feature of many female slave garments, most of which are brief and open at the bottom. It has been discovered that a woman who has been placed in such a garment can usually be brought to a succession of orgasms much more quickly than one who has been more traditionally clothed. Perhaps that is why Masters often put their slave girls in such garments. Two other features of such garments, of course, are that they teach the woman who wears them that she is slave and that they expose her beauty brazenly and deliciously to the vision of Masters." ~Explorers of Gor~p 343~
Why Am I In The Hospital
I started to get really sick in August of 2007.  After many tests, I was diagnosed with Sarcoidosis.  The tests also showed indicated a brain tumor.  Over the next several months, I underwent many more tests and my health continued to decline.  After Krissy found me blacked out, I was admitted to the Mayo clinic in mid-August of 2008. Since my admission to the Mayo Clinic, I have been undergoing radiation therapy.  These treatments have caused a number of side effects.  The radiation treatments crashed my immune system resulting in meningitis and pneumonia.  Additionally, I have lost my hair, my good eye sight, some of my hearing, and my voice. One of the worse parts is the never ending pain I have inside my torso!  It seems that the pain is so bad that I can barely breath or think.  I also feel like I have the flu but 1000% times worse than I have ever had.  I have to have dialysis due to kidney issues from the meningitis. I started to have major respiratory issues in mid-September
Why Am I So Sleepy And My Irn Bru Day Out
Am starting to worry, I sleep till midday and don’t have jet lag and have a dull ache in the side of my head and am now convinced I have a big brain tumour, that’s what I am like! It can’t just be stress or a headache it has to be a dangerous illness. I am going to shut up now.   So life has been busy, the one woman show at Oran Mor was just a delight, I did about two hours and the place was packed to the gunnels, so lovely to have that many people come see me despite me not being on telly! The problem with doing live shows and not having a TV presence is that people don’t know you enough and assume if you are not on telly then you are not worth coming to see! A few comedy mates who are brilliant are suffering the same issue, they have small tours on but folk won’t attend, unless Michael McIntyre has validated you, you are not worth seems.   Anyway Oran Mor was a triumph and I loved being there and Ashley got up and did some warm up for
Why Am I Leaving Fubar
The Reason Why i am deciding to leave Fubar for forever is people treat me like shit and the site i remember it as 4 and a half years ago called Lost Cherry Has gone but back then people were fun to have around but fubar has now become unfun and treating me like noone gives a fuck about my feelings on here i admit i have got good friends on here but most of them aren't on here that much anymore and people who i thought were my friends have changed and now they treat me like a ex friend they wish would just die and leave them the fuck alone forever things i dislike on fubar are having 2 my bar tabs the so called video chat the stupid fubar lotto and this totally stupid idea of a daily fubar ranking noone gives a shit abouttheir ranking on here oh and the my stats thing noone cares about that either but on the other hand fubar has it's good points but right now so much of the ugly side of fubar is making my mind up  to leave forever so therefore i have decided to mark my 5 years on fubar
Why Am I Getting An Error Message When I Try To Pimp My Friend Out? Heed The Warning...
*****FROM SCRAPPER'S BLOG*****   The online members bar on the Old Hotness and Old Janky have been around since day one. We have been very clear about our NSFW policy, but many of you like to ride the line and show off your wares. Some of you have pushed it too many times or too far and were filtered from appearing on the online member bar. Many of you did not know this until we fixed the pimpout bug that allowed you to circumnavigate the system. If you are getting an error message, it means the person was filtered and can't be pimped out. They used their breasts or chest to impress with the things they suggest and were filtered at some point.  No, we are not going to unfilter them. Fubar is a site for adults and NOT an adult site. If you can't be mature enough to keep your main photo to our standards, then as the old saying abuse you lose. It is nothing personal. Many of us do not want to see your junk floating across the screen. Many of you may have been
Why Am I Still Here??
Why is life so hard and Why am i alive When nobody cares about me or my pitiful life So why am i still here? So why did God make me Was is so i could be A punching bag for all your pain and agony Or was it so you could Rip a hole through my soul pull my heart right out of my chest Stomp on it and watch it breath for its very last breath! I have no purpose in this God forsaken world So why am I still here You've given all others a purpose But not me, does this mean I should take my own life Am i just an empty vessel In your eyes. I mean was i only created as a pawn in your little game My life means nothing, I have no purpose So why am i still here I have no heart or soul Should I take my own life Is that my purpose in life. Am I just an empty vessel That has been born and that will die So why am i still here And why was i created Was it so I could suffer for What I may have done in my past life I don't understand why am i still here Can somebody hel
Why America Landed On The Moon
                                                      BECAUSE RUSSIA DID NOT SAY WE DIDN'T   Don't you think a bunch of communists watching us would have been the frist ones to call us out? the russians would have been like   "na aaaaaaaa"    so you see people there you have it ,forgetting about all with scientific proof that nasa did infact land on the moon? come its not rocket science? lol  we have spent the last 30 years arguing about the moon landing when we could have been to mars by now... thanks Americans you see its not other countries that deny it its our own people, sheesh go move to russia!!   I wanna see hot alien chicks already..        
Why Are Honeybees Disappearing?
                                                              Albert Einstein once said: “If the bee disappears from the surface of the earth, man would have no more than four years to live. No more bees, no more pollination … no more men!”                                                                      Now Albert Einstein was not a Entomologist, but entomologists today say its causing them and the world a huge problem. Has anyone else ever noticed that bee stings have became less and less? I cant remember the last time a kid got stung but a bee or myself for that matter, but the decline in honeybee populations in the U.S. and elsewhere signals a major environmental imbalance that could have far wrose implications for our agricultural food supply. " in 24 states around the U.S. have bubbled up to the surface, over the last year and a half, but hardly any large-scale media attention has been drawn to this potentially serious problem" Brough
Why Are People So Scared And Annoying
:08am more To SGTxELLIS: they are me... shut it up and i have salutes and videos up and posted so lick my pussy! 8:09am reply SGTxELLIS: they are not ALL you. some of yours are mixed in 8:10am more To SGTxELLIS: fuck off you annoy me and i have no time for hate! 8:10am reply SGTxELLIS: not hate. facts 8:11am reply SGTxELLIS: your old ass body doesnt look like the tight perfect ones. lol. so easy to detect. I AM 37 YEARS OLD, I HAVE VIDEOS OF MYSELF POSTED AND 2 SALUTES SO HIME AND EVERYONE CAN FUCK OFF! I FEEL SORRY FOR THE JEALOUSY PEOPLE HAVE! THERE ARE MANY PEOPLE WITH NUMEROUS ACCOUNTS WHO HAVE TAKEN PICTURES OF MY CHILD! HER NAME IS MS MURDERDOLL.....ITS TIME SOMEBODY STANDS UP FOR HERSELF AND THAT IS ME! 
Why Are So Many People On Here Such Fuckers?
I'm a nice person.  I try to rate everyone who rates me...I never rate people below a 10... but so many people on her just like to be mean.  They are filled with such hate and spew negative remarks and comments to people they don't even know.     MUMMs shouldn't be used as a place to be aggressive.  If the MUMM is about something you don't want to comment on, or want people to know your opinion on, just move on.  There is no need to attack the person who posted it.  That just shows childish behavior and isn't necessary. It isn't necessary for you to call them names if you dont know them.   If someone doesn't want to view your NSFW photos, don't get mad and call them names.  Likewise if someone doesn't have any NSFW photos, don't attack them and say they are prudes... that may not be the case at all.  And if you don't know someone... at least say hello and introduce yourself before asking them if they want your cockup them... or want wherever... that's just showing your lack of resp
Why Are People So Fucking Stupid?
Okay so this bitch on another site begged me to text her, so I'm like okay and I do for a couple days she is okay and what not then all the sudden she starts being a total bitch because her "closest friend" wants a relationship out of her and she can't do that because she says love has betrayed her because of her past you know that old story bs. She goes on to be bitchy and then tells me why after I tell her to suck it up. Oh and before I tel the story this girl claims to be a masochist and a nympho. Anyway she tells me these exact words. I grew up being abused by those who were supposed to love me.. My half sister raped me.. Then she got her friends to.. No one believed a 7 year old..My mom and dad abandnded me for drugs.. My best friend raped me for 6 years.. And now I have muscular cancer.. I have been beat up so much I became a masochist because it was the only way to survive. I hsve never been loved so how am I supposed to love someone ele. Love has only betrayed meand showed me i
Why A Dog Sitter Should Be Your Dog’s Best Friend
When you are away it makes a lot of sense to get a good sitter for your dog.  You don’t always want to take your dog with you when you travel, especially because they are just not going to be comfortable with the entire experience.  If you have a small pup then it is even more reason for you to get a good pet sitter for your four-legged friend.  As a responsible dog owner we are sure you are on the lookout for nothing but the best for your dog.  There are other options that you might want to look at when you wish to leave your dog while you are away, such as dog boarding and dog kennels.  These are all places where you can be sure that your dog will be in good hands.  As long as the place is managed by professionals and they are mature about the entire job, you know that you are going to be having a worry-free time when you are away. Everyone Needs a Best Friend While your dog is certainly your best friend, who can your dog turn to while you are away?  He or she can turn to th
Why Are Bbw So Lonely
i see so many big females alone. i am one of them. i have been looking for someone to be with for so long. when you tell a guy you are a big female they run. we all need to be loved. i hope there are guys or females that like big females like me if so let me know so we can get to know each other better. i am a 27 year o;d mom. i just want to be wanted and cared about
Why Are Women Clueless..
why are women  clueless.. on first date.. man wants sex she gives it up and falls in love... she calls over and over again just to say hi.. why are women clueless.. on first date.. why are man clueless on the first date.. one night stand  "Really"....                                                                   bY LoVe GiRL...                                            "I guess it works both ways"
Why Are You Here?
Some Fu-"Insight" after nearly 5 years here...   * A minimal number of daily "likes" probably means that you're NOT an attention whore.  BE PROUD!   * Being below level 35 or so after several years on Fubar probably means you're not an attention whore AND that you emotionally     graduated from high school.  Be proud!   Oh, and ALSO that you are not an idiot willing to spend hundreds if not THOUSANDS of     dollars on tiny animated gifs or are expecting that others do so in order to boost your ego or level.   * The longer you are registered here and able to resist entering into a "relationship" with another member here, the more    emotionally stable and less desperate and needy you likely are.  AGAIN!, Be proud that you don't need someone else in your life to    feel whole, fulfilled and happy.  Interpersonal relationships should be icing on the cake...not filling a hole.     *Romantic relationships that are entered into here are FAR FAR more likely doomed from the outset
Why Are The Lulzsec Hackers Being Locked Up?
By James Ball For lawmakers, illicit downloaders and hackers alike, the internet is one of the few bits of frontier territory left in the world: for the "rogues" there's lots more scope to get away with things not possible in more civilised, everyday reality, while for the lawmakers there's an ungovernable mess. The problem with frontier justice is, of course, that when it strikes, it tends to be rough. And so it's proved for the four members of the hacking group LulzSec, sentenced in a London court: three were jailed for between two years and 32 months (they'll serve half), with the fourth receiving a suspended 20-month sentence. Untangling the rights and wrongs of this case is difficult. The group carried out a series of cyber-attacks that caused millions of pounds' worth of damage, particularly on the Sony Playstation network. (And gamers won't have been happy about the disruption to services). That fact shouldn't be ignored by those mounting a defence of LulzSec: some of the gr
Why Alice Couldn't Stay In Wonderland
Alice tumbled down the rabbit hole  no end in sight Floating down gracefully to a room all white She thought to herself "What place could this be?" Then two men appeared Dr. Dum & Dee "Alice my dear this is all in your head, an illusion you created." They daringly said Maybe it's the Lithium or Prozac causing these hallucinations Or maybe dear Alice it was all your strange creations Alice tried with all her might to stay in Wonderland But three injections later it was out of her hands Though Alice now lies behind four paddled walls At times she still hears the white rabbit's faint calls
Why Am I Here?
Why am I here?....that's a question I already know the answer to...I am here for the same reason as everyone fill a void that is missing in my matter your relationship status or employment scale..everyone lacks something and will search for whatever it takes to find that missing link...perhaps it is time...boredom...skimming for free pics...or a deeper's all the same...I have learned a lot from this place...some lessons I would rather not have learned at all but all of them has taught me something...masking who you really are to drown out your problems accomplishes is just a quick fix to a problem that is still matter how hard you try to be someone you are not...the real you is still there....just in hiding...the real world is still around you and once the screen shuts have no choice but to return to who you really are issues and all...the virtual world enables a person to escape from reality...even thoug
Why Bother?
Why do I even bother to have pics or friends on this site? I have maybe 3or4 that EVER leave me a comment once in awhile! My pics never get votes or comments. So why do I bother to have "FRIENDS" or pictures here?
Why Bother
Sometimes I wonder why I even try, goto work and then rush everywhere to goto the Big E with my boyfriend. Come home and find out that his friend is coming along, so I say fine, whatever, I'll have my friend come along too. Get to the Big E, he buys what he wanted (the whole reason we went was for him to buy this something and me to buy this other something, pics of the two of us on keychains for both of us). Then we find this cologne that he wanted but it's 3 for 20 and all he had was ten, can I buy it with my card, I get 2 parfumes and he gets his cologne (it should be noted I didn't want any of the perfumes). I do it with the understanding that he will buy something for me. I have cash on me too but only 5 dollars. So I use my card and buy it because he really wants it and I figure he can buy the pics. Well no, he says he doesn't have enough money for the pics when we get to the photo place. I could get the one keychain and I say no, I don;t want the one keychain, I want both
Why Bother
somebody please tell me why bother to live why bother to wakeup why bother i wish i knew but i do not so if any body knows please tell me i would love to know the answer and i know nobody but 2 maybe 3 people will respond to this so think you guys mt rue frinds
Why Bother?
A friend of mine posted a blog today with the headline "question" and in the body "why bother" .... i considered the words that actually have so much meaning... why bother trying - noone notices why bother smiling - few people return it and those who do aren't convincing why bother loving - there's never a happy ending why bother living - when ur not really why bother indeed the answer is.. D) a jar of almonds
Why Bother............
Well folks......Im back!I havent got a clue why I keep postings these blogs,maybe im just bored!I had to ask myself a question the other day......maybe one of you readers can answer this for me.....Why do I spend so mush time alone when I am so lonely?I actually stopped myself dead in my tracks when I pondered this!Even when I go out on my off time......(what little off-time I have), I still prefer to fly solo!Even my co-workers get offended when I choose not to roll with them to a bar or somethin!I just dont get it...why the hell am I so determined to be alone and yet be so lonely!Am I more comfortable being I have social there somethin wrong with me as a person?Why bother hanging out with people when I am content just being there somethin wrong with that?Oh a fat kid in dodgeball......IM OUT!
Why Be Normal Or Strive For Mediocrity?
*Written for those I've encountered along the way that invest too much of themselves in being perceived as 'normal' as well as those who appear to be content with mediocrity; In a world composed of individuals, why do people strive toward normalacy when this is, in essence, an intangibile concept? If we are indeed unique individuals, than what is normal? Societal norms? To strive toward aligning oneself with societal norms is to strive toward conformity.... to reach this goal, is to sacrifice the creative potential of individual inspiration, is loss of true identity,.....loss of freedom, is to silence one's own voice and, silence is the voice of complicity. To label onself as normal, a part of the 'silent majority', is to admit that your 'individual' belief system now condones the social injustices of the world. be as you are, your potential b
Why Bother?
Holy shit man!! Everytime I make my own bulletin no one seems to read it...just pisses me off!! I read everyone elses and I repost just like I am asked to do and when it comes to me no one bothers!! I made a nice one to wish everyone a nice Christmas with a pic of my tree and I get nothing!! I am not sorry for ranting either...I help people out all the time when I have the time and what do I get?? I still have the Christmas Spirit even if some ppl on my list are being Grinches!! LOL!!
Why Bother
why do i bother posting any thig at all no one is looking at them so it is a waist of my time so i'll stop for now marry fucking christmas to all
Why Be Fake?
Not just on CherryTap, but in real life? I don't see how you can really gain anything in life if people think they are getting to know you, but in reality they don't know anything about you at all. Also, what happens to someone who is only fake to some people when they happen to be around someone they have been fake with and someone they have not? It just seems way too complicated to me, so I'll stick to just being me :)
Why Buy The Pig
For all those men who say, Why buy a cow when you can get milk for free. Here's an update for you: Now days, 80% of women are against marriage, WHY? Because women realize it's not worth buying an entire pig just to get a little sausage. Men are like.... 1. Men are like ..Laxatives ...... They irritate the crap out of you. 2. Men are like.Bananas The older they get, the less firm they are. 3. Men are like Weather Nothing can be done to change them. 4. Men are like ...Blenders You need One, but you're not quite sure why. 5. Men are like .Chocolate Bars .... Sweet, smooth, & they usually head right for your hips. 6. Men are like ....Commercials ....... You can't believe a word they say. 7. Men are like Department Stores ..... Their clothes are always 1/2 off. 8. Men are like ......Government Bonds .... They take soooooooo long to mature. 9. Men are like .....Mascara . They usually run at the first sign of emotion. 10. Men are like .Popcorn ..... They satisfy you, but o
Why, Bears? Why?
Why did you not eat Goldilocks? She was all full of porridgy goodness.
Why By Bruce Romanis
Why written By Bruce Romanis Why is everyone in such a rush these days why can’t people realize that the world isn’t going to disappear that quickly there’s so much to do in the world so why can’t people take their time nice and slow instead of making it so fast and in a rush I wish that the world would ask themselves why do we have to be in a rush all the time and why don’t we have enough time to do the things we want and why is it that we think that it’s pointless in this world and then why can’t we fix the things that we have broke and why does everybody seem wanting to make fights all the time and why can’t we just get along with each other in the world and why is time so different in the world and why don’t we have enough time for ourselves so the big question is why and why don’t we always have the right answers in the confusing world.
Why Bother?
People can get along, or they can't get along. We can tolerate someone we really dislike and still sit in the same room with them despite the fact that we want to choke the ever-living shit out of them with our bare hands. That's called maturity - being adult, and it reflects self-control. As individuals with different thoughts, tastes, opinions and ideas, we should realize that no matter what we do or what we say, there will ALWAYS be someone who disagrees with some aspect of who we are or what we represent. To that, I say "fine." Either you like me or you don't. If you hate me, but you are able to sit and carry on a mature, intelligent, adult conversation with me then, great. I will show you the same respect that I am shown. I can get along with anyone until I am crossed. We need to remember that everyone is entitled to form their own opinion of us and have their own idea of us even if those opinions and ideas are incorrect and unjust. Why worry about or waste your time wit
Why Bother
yes i ask myself why bother with anyone that i could be interested in my last realtionship last four months that seemed like four years and it was a constant stress on me i was about to crack but luckily enough i didnt and yes then there was the relationship"not a relationship" thing that lasted a week with a girl who grew on me rather quickly and i cared for her greatly and then she got back with her ex even though she had said she wasnt "dealing" with him anymore welll until we all ate acid together and i got rather hurt and disapointed and yeah i did want to be friends with her still trying salvage any sort of friend ship we had but nope no longer the same no longer can i be myself or be carefree around her cause i just feel awkward but wait there is more too it yes she got me to stop smoking and that was great even though i relapsed not for much longer though im quitting again today she got me to become more honest about my self and others does that matter probably
Why Beer Is Better Than Women Because
*Beer doesnt mind sitting in the freezer for an hour to cool off *You can enjoy beer all night long *Beer doesnt complain when you fart *A beer will wait in the car while you go and play football *When your beer goes flat,you toss it out *Hangovers go away *A beer doesnt get jealous when you grab another beer *Beer doesnt care how much you earn *Beer never has a headache *You can have a beer in public *Beer is happy to ride in the trunk of your car *A frigid beer is a good beer *A beer gets lighter the longer you hold it *A beer doesnt come with in-laws *You are necer embarrassed about the beer you bring to a party *Beer doesnt grow hair where it shouldnt *Beer doesnt whine *You cant catch anything except a buzz from a beer *When your done with your beer,you just go get another one *The only thing a beer tells you is when it tells you is when its time to go to the bathroom
Why Be Slaves Of Abraham?
Reasonably accurate, but I consider myself neutral on the question of a supreme being: I do not believe in the supernatural and believe that any such behing would exist within the framework of the natural world. I believe that empirical and scientific reasoning are the fundamental tools of human progress, that we are caused and cause in turn and do not exist ourside of that reality, and that reality is detrministic with hindsight being the vehicle for the creation if the illusions that are choice and free will. In other words, I am a Nautralist. So bearing that in mind, read this piece. Reading the recent letters by Kevin Parkinson, Victor Primeau, David Swartz and the countless other arrogant demagogues eager to shill for the Islamist and Zionist kooks from whom they blindly goosestep has filled me with an ever-rising reservoir of disgust, of anger, and of frustration! For rather than asking why we have been foolish enough to allow our lives, our politics, and our world to become m
Why Bother
Why is it that no matter what I try never seems to work out for me? I am really starting to get sick and tired of being unhappy all the time, but when ever something starts to go good shortly after everything ends up just as bad as before. I think it's time to stop caring and stop trying and just go through life not trying or accomplishing anything. This way I wont get myself worked up on the hope of something working out the way I want. It will be my "security blanket" don't try, don't hope, just exist, blend in with the crowd this way I know what to expect from life.
Why Bother
I don't think I can truely utter one mean word right now. My heart isnot really broken... but it is healing. Nearly 2 years....damn that is a long time to invest in someone... and then in the end..end up with nothing.. The thing that get's push the trust issue. Don't you guys know if your pushing for us to be trusting you... then hellooo..there is something going on somewhere..that shouldn't be. We may not see it right away... but sooner or later..usually sooner we find out. When you know someone as well as I have or did... you know damn well something is going on. Now I give this person all the credit in the world.. he is a wonderful man... and he never cheated on just wasn't meant to be.
Why Bother
Why Be Friends?
Ok so here is my bitch today!!! You come and rate me, you fan me, and leave me comments, and then you ask to be friends with me, well this is all cool and good, i love making new friends, kind of why i'm here..... So my bitch, if you want to be friends with me, then atleast talk to me!!!! I try and say hello to most the people that i am friends with, but will only try once, if you dont respond, then i dont try again, hopefully you come say hello to me sometime soon. I am so here for more then just making points and bucks. I am a single mom, with 3 daughters, work 96 hrs every 2 weeks, so as sad as this is, this is my way of staying in contact with please if you are going to friend me, then atleast have a conversation with me!!!! TO ALL OF MY FRIENDS THAT I TALK TO DAILY, OR EVEN EVERY COUPLE DAYS, THANK YOU SO MUCH, YOU ARE ALL AMAZING, AND I CHERISH EVERYONE OF YOU...MUUUUUAH!!!
Why Being A Girl Is The Best
We can wear guys clothes. If they wear ours, they get funny looks. Our friends don't say hello to us by punching us on the arm. Yeah, PMS sucks but at least we have a good excuse to eat chocolate for a week. If we're on a really big ship that happens to hit an iceburg, we'll get the lifeboats first. We get the bigger apartment on 'Friends.' Girl talk. You know, how we just understand each other without having to explain stuff. We never have to stand in a urinal and have other girls stare at us. Dark circles under the eyes? A hickey? We can just cover them up with a little concealer. We don't have to shave our faces. We can jump around a lot and shake our hair and it looks like we know how to dance. Justin, Orlando, Johnny, Brad. Need I explain this one? We get yummy chocolates and flowers from guys. We don't have to drown our food in Tabasco sauce just to look tough. The whole circumcision thing... yeeeah. When we get married we get to keep our own name or c
Why Boys Fall In Love With Girls
why boys fall in love with girls (THis WAS WRITTEN BY A GUY) Don't break this; it's so sweet! 1. They will always smell good even if it's just shampoo. 2. The way their heads always find the right spot on our shoulder. 3. How cute they look when they sleep. 4. The ease in which they fit into our arms. 5. The way they kiss you and all of a sudden everything is right in the world. 6. How cute they are when they eat. 7. The way they take hours to get dressed but in the end it makes it all worth while. 8. Because they are always warm even when its minus 30 outside. 9. The way they look good no matter what they wear. 10. The way they fish for compliments even though you both know that you think she's the most beautiful girl on this earth. 11. How cute they are when they argue. 12. The way her hand always finds yours. 13. The way they smile. 14. The way you feel when you see their name on the your cell after you
Why Boys Fall In Love With Girls
why boys fall in love with girls Don't break this; it's so sweet! 1. They will always smell good even if it's just shampoo. 2. The way their heads always find the right spot on our shoulder. 3. How cute they look when they sleep. 4. The ease in which they fit into our arms. 5. The way they kiss you and all of a sudden everything is right in the world. 6. How cute they are when they eat. 7. The way they take hours to get dressed but in the end it makes it all worth while. 8. Because they are always warm even when its minus 30 outside. 9. The way they look good no matter what they wear. 10. The way they fish for compliments even though you both know that you think she's the most beautiful girl on this earth. 11. How cute they are when they argue. 12. The way her hand always finds yours. 13. The way they smile. 14. The way you feel when you see their name on the your cell after you just had a big fight. 15.
Why Bother
I am so tired of making friends and letting people into my private pics and then they seem to vanish. I really don't know why this happens but it is getting so old. Or when you have friends but you never hear from or see them. I guess cherry tap is alot like mysapce , who can get the most friends. I try so hard to keep friends and comments them and stay in touch but dont get the same in return. Well that is my vent for today, and if you are my true friend dont take it persoally! JUST VENTING!!!!!!!!!!
Why Be Childess?
Why do people have to be so childess my Bf got his account paused cause someone want to report him for cussing in the shout box witch he never did why do people have to be like this belive most are just jealous he has me and no one else can
Why Bother
why do i bother everytime i think im getting somewhere something gets thrown in my way to prevent me from getting what i truly want. tell me why should i bother anymore?
Why Beer Is Better Than A Woman
1. You can enjoy a beer any day of the month. 2. You can have two (or more) different beers the same night (or even at the same time) and no one will complain. 3. You can finish with a beer in as much or as little time as you like. You can even stop halfway through without having to apologize. 4. Compared to a woman, beer actually tastes good. 5. (Best of all) A beer will never come at you will a fillet knife after you've done with it and are sleeping it off.
Why Bother
Why Bother
Sometimes I wonder why do I even bother to do anything. It seems that nothing I do is good enough for any one. I am sick of trying to make everyone else happy all the time. It seems long as everything is going the way that they want it then they are happy. Hell I am human too ya know and I have feelings just like any one else, but yet let me say that I'm just not in the mood for something and then there ya go they get all pissed. Sometimes I just want to walk away from it all my whole life leave it all behind. Yeah I know what would that solve doing that as usual nothing but maybe if I wasn't always the one there when family and friends need me it would be appreciated more.
Why Bother
you know, i am sorry that the minute i come home ppl want to automatically jump down my throat. i am sorry i am tired of ppl who are supposed to be my friends want to call me names. i am sorry that you all think i am such a fuckin bitch. i am sorry that you think everything i say is rude or with an attitude. i am sorry i have feelings and emotions. i am sorry that i dont constantly cater to all your needs. i am sorry that you seem to have nothing for me anymore then contempt. i am sorry my life is upside down and that everything i care about is slowly slipping away. i am sorry you dont seem to have time for me. i am sorry you dont care how i feel. i am sorry that i am such an inconvience to you. but you know what? if all this bothers you all then why do you pretend to care? why do you pretend to be my friend. why do you lie in my face? why bother at all? dont like me? dont deal with me. plain and simple.
Why Blame God
Why Do You Blame God Category: Life As a minister many times the question is ask, "if God is a God of love why does He allow this or allow that to happen" People like to blame God for man's mistakes, blunders, and behavior. Well I am here to ask those people a few questions. Why do you blame God because there are so many poor and hungry people when man makes life a big game of who can make the most money and who has the nicest things. How much money does man blow on foolish or unnecessary things? Not to mention you have grocery stores, restaurants, and households throwing away literally tons of food a day. If man would just share what they've got, everyone would have enough. So why do you blame God for that? Why do you blame God for all of the plane, train, and automobile crashes when most all of them are caused by intoxication, mechanical failure, or someone not paying attention. So why do you blame God for that? Why do you blame God for crime, he gave all of us a fre
Why Bother?
I went out with an old friend last night and met her new boyfriend. Since I’ve known her for over 9 years, she wanted my opinion, and basically my approval, since I’m pretty much the only one who really knows what she’s going through. From what I’ve heard of him, what I saw of how he treated her and how she reacted to him… I like him, I approve, but I did tell her to warn him as we left that if he hurt her, I’d kill him. After all she’s been through, she deserves to be happy more than any other person I know. If he hurts her, I swear on whatever god, devil, or spirit you may believe in that I will hunt his ass down like a rabid dog. So then in the car as I was heading home, I started thinking about the “threat”, and how they were with each other and I started thinking about my “relationships”. I haven’t dated a local guy in years. I’ve had friends, fuck-buddies, whatever, but no relationships. The guys I always seem to fall for, connect with, whatever you wanna call it, alway
Why Bother?
i really don't know why i try anymore...everything i put effort into, i will to work out, the things that make me happy...they all fall to shit...everything around me falls to shit...i just cant deal with it anymore...and so very few people actually show me those i'm extremely the rest of you, rot, thats all i can say to u...i hope you rot... and this headache bullshit...its so stomach is going to end up eating itself with all the pain pills i'm putting in it...and i absolutely HATE taking any kinds of meds...but this is so bad i have to... i need to get away...i need to not have to worry about or talk to or deal with anyone/anything that i currently know...i just need something different...something new and exciting and relaxing all at once...blah... i'm done
Why Broken ...?
So ... alot of people have been asking me why I changed my "nick" here and what's up with the "Broken"? Well, this could be a long and complicated story, but I will try to break it down for ya ... First of all, my original name here was a joke. Have you guys seen that movie with Sandra Bullock in it? Well, that's where the idea for that name came from. Also the fact that I'm a lil rough around the edges. It was all just a joke. I'm not happy all the time, I don't have alot of friends, and "Miss Congeniality" is far from who I am right now in my life. "Broken" pretty much sums me up right now. I've been through alot in my personal life in the last several years. Alot that has tested my belief in myself, in love, in what's right and wrong, in just about every facet of my life. I am a broken person; Broken spirit.. broken heart ... broken belief system ... broken will. and until something or someone comes along that can somehow change that ... this is what I am. Love me or hate on m
Why Be Petty?
I have been on Fubar since it was LostCherry seen alot of people come and go. For the most part I think alot of people are genuine But there are OTHERS that are definately NOT For lack of a better terminology I will call them addicted to points and status whores. and it makes no sense.. What do you actually get out of this?? Words and pics on a screen..U can't touch it, Spend the Imaginary fu-Bucks, They could call U fu-God on here and it don't mean anything.. Just typed words on a screen..And the in fighting and Jealuosy?? Jesus how stupid! At least in High School U could see the other person Face to Face. I am not nor will I ever be better than you and I will not try. It's idiotic too me I love my true friends on here and are thankful for them.. Just had to rant alil sowwie..But don't U think it's kinda dumb also?
Why Bother
why is it so hard nowdays to find a junior who actually wants to work . put 2 juniors on at the start of the week the guy started off well monday we actually thought might have found a good 1 . tues shows up on time all good so far , morn break comes at 11 he's gone home sick only way we knew was the other junior passed message on . wed no show , we had to ring . thurs morn he rings early saying will be a little late he slept in , hour late in he comes unshowered & stinking . fri (this is the show stopper) no show in the morn , we get a call 1.45 in the arvo we ask whats going on his reply was i did say i'd be a little late (work starts at 9 ) was seeing my girlfriend but i'm still comming in just have to sign some papers at job agency .never saw him & if he shows on monday will be given the boot . the female we put on same deal first day no probs tues she had to leave early wed we find out she going on hols with the family all the next week thurs rocks up late 9.45 fri goes home si
Why Boys And Girls Make True
Did you know that every night before you go to sleep there is one person of the opposite sex thinking of you. They want to kiss you, they want to be with you, they are always thinking about you, this is all true and not fake. If you repost this in 5 min the person that is longing to be with you will approach you within one month and ask you out or grab you and kiss you. but if you break this chain no one will like you or ask you out again for 5 years........ advice.... WHEN SHE ACTS SHY -SAY I LOVE YOU WHEN SHE RUNS AWAY FROM YOU - CHASE HER WHEN SHE PUTS HER FACE NEAR YOURS - KISS HER WHEN SHE KICKS & PUNCHES - HOLD HER TIGHT AND KISS HER WHEN SHE IS SILENT - SHE'S THINKING OF HOW TO SAY I LOVE YOU WHEN SHE IGNORES YOU - SHE WANTS ALL YOUR ATTENTION! WHEN SHE SAYS YOU ARE CRAZY/WEIRD -SHE IS REALLY CRAZY ABOUT YOU! WHEN SHE PULLS AWAY - GRAB HER BY THE WAIST AND NEVER LET GO WHEN YOU SEE HER AT HER WORST - TELL HER SHE'S BEAUTIFUL!* WHEN SHE SCR
Why Be Angry?
I am new to Fubar. Yet, since I have been here I keep observing something disturbing that keeps happening. Maybe because I am new I am not understanding the concept, so fellow Fubarians please help a sista out. Now, We all have Cherry's on our pages and they are listed from 1-10. This gives you the power to rate a person or photo as you see fit. YOU HAVE THE POWER! A friend of mine rated a guy a 7. Only because all you could really see was half his face because the other half was blocked by his raised arm. He responded by calling her a Bytch and talking really nasty to her telling her what right does she have to rate anyone a 7. Who did she think she was? This infuriated the Hell outta me. My response was to rate his butt a 1 for his funky attitude. First off, FUBAR GAVE ME THE RIGHT! If everyone were to be condidered a 10 there would be only ONE CHERRY with a 10 on it. I got rated a 1 (and as fine as i am) I did not trip. That was their opinion which was his God given right to
Why Be So Open....
I was just asked by someone... "Why are so open in your blogs about your feelings and thoughts?" Well I informed them, its actually very simple... I really don't care what people think of me... We all have opinions and ideas about one another but if you get right down to it... We all pissed in our bed when we were babies and we all did stupid shit when we were young... (Some of us are still doing stupid shit) So why not be open? Of course they said after this... "Well if you are really open about yourself then you'll get used alot." Wow... Of course someone is going to try, and try is the key word.. But you have to let them hurt you. Granted you can't stop someone from using you or hurting you, but you can learn and keep an eye out for people like that. Plus I'm careful who I let in all the way into my life. But the main reason I wright my feeling down and tell people openly about me and my thoughts... is to teach and find people who agree with me... Nuff said.. Mike
Why Bitch To Fubar Just Because They Arent 100%
Why Bother?
I'm seeing a few people I know get fed up with human relationships in their lives. I guess I look at them and think to myself, "now, that's why I don't have close friendships". I mean, I've got my husband, and I love him to death. I let him into my life and he knows all of my secrets and quirks. I trust him. Most people, though, I don't trust. I don't form relationships with people. I've got my husband and my family, but not many other people get in. In fact, it was a surprise when my husband found his way through my defenses. It was one of those "and just how did you get in here?" moments. I think I do it to save myself from disappointment. I used to try. I used to give of myself to people. I used to try to trust them. Then I got burned, over and over again. Finally I just gave up on it. I'll be friendly. Sure, I'll talk to you and maybe even go out sometimes, but really I don't trust people anymore. The old saying goes, "a pessimist is never disappointed". I wo
Why Berry Tree Is Different From Other Business
This Business is backed by a 8 year old debt free wellness company. It is also the first one to guarantee your sucess, the first one to offer tripple money back guarantee and the big differance is the team that we work with. Berry tree does what it says and there is no catch the only catch is you plug in the system and you seriously can start doing well with it but you have to believe it cause this is all about you and a team called berry tree everyday people just like you and me sign up. And there not sure about the business while there in it but as they realise its nothing like any other business. Ive been in many business's and this is the only one that makes since all the others its like you put money out but get nothing not counting all the extra's you pay to stay in it this one isnt like that and alot of people that join realise that and how many people they have to help them. A couple members do all there marketing on berry tree whats funny is there's
Why Berry Tree Is Different From Other Business's
This Business is backed by a 8 year old debt free wellness company. It is also the first one to guarantee your sucess, the first one to offer tripple money back guarantee and the big differance is the team that we work with. Berry tree does what it says and there is no catch the only catch is you plug in the system and you seriously can start doing well with it but you have to believe it cause this is all about you and a team called berry tree everyday people just like you and me sign up. And there not sure about the business while there in it but as they realise its nothing like any other business. Ive been in many business's and this is the only one that makes since all the others its like you put money out but get nothing not counting all the extra's you pay to stay in it this one isnt like that and alot of people that join realise that and how many people they have to help them. A couple members do all there marketing on berry tree whats funny is there'
Why Be A Rater?
Why do we even have a rating system.. I mean honestly you always put a 10 even though sometimes you might not feel that way really , but you do it so you get a 10 back.. Cuz if you put what you really thought like a 3-4 then you know you would get a low rating as well.. Regardless if you really are a 10 the person you rated as a 4 would come to your page just to seek vengance. They would get all pissed and rate you lower just to "get back at you " for being honest. So why even have a rating system if we're all just a bunch of people that can't take critisism? We all can't be 10's would we know what beauty is if there wasnt anything to compare it to?
Why Being Sick Sucks
Means, NO SEXY TIME.... damnit... Actualyl, I'm hacking up green shit, and coughing so hard my lungs feel as is they're going to collapse, and on top of all of that, i feel like i'm DYING... It sucks ball sacks, MAJOR... ugh, stupid being sick bullshit... Other than that, my valentine's day was awesome... Me, Adam, Chastine, and the girls, all hung out, i made a yummy dinner, and we made cookies, and watched that cartoon rat movie where he's a chef... yeah, pretty damn cute... I have the cutest lil kids in the world! God, i love them!! And when they were leaving to go to day care this morning, Lexi was like "Anam's house?" Cuz, sometimes she doesn't pronounce the D... and I was like, no baby you havta go to daycare, although they love their day care... they wanted to see Adam more... and tash was talking about hanging out with Chastine and stuff, and it was cute... So, other than that, I have the most perfect little girls, the most awesome best friend, and the most amazing
Why Boys Need Parents
And you also find out interesting things when you have sons, like... 1.) A king size waterbed holds enough water to fill a 1500 sq. ft. house 2 inches deep. 2.) If you spray hair spray on dust bunnies and run over them with roller blades, they can ignite. 3.) A 3-year old Boy's voice is louder than 200 adults in a crowded restaurant. 4.) If you hook a dog leash over a ceiling fan, the motor is not strong enough to rotate a 42 pound Boy wearing Batman underwear and a Superman cape. It is strong enough, however, if tied to a paint can, to spread paint on all four walls of a 20x20 ft. room. 5.) You should not throw baseballs up when the ceiling fan is on. When using a ceiling fan as a bat, you have to throw the ball up a few times before you get a hit. A ceiling fan can hit a baseball a long way. 6.) The glass in windows (even double-pane) doesn't stop a baseball hit by a ceiling fan. 7.) When you hear the toilet flush and the words "uh oh", it's already too late. 8.) Brake fluid
Why Bother
Stay here and fight Why Bother They don't like me Why Bother Try to be your friend Why Bother Continue to be nice Why Bother Continue to care Why Bother So please can someone tell me Why should I bother anymore?
Why Big Boobs Are Good
I love big boobs. Big boobs are good. Seriously. I'm not kidding. Big boobs are the best thing to ever happen to human civilization. Let's explore why. Have a seat; this is gonna take a minute. 1) Big boobs make us smarter. Aside from all the monkeys staring at your chest every day, studies have shown that babies who breast feed, on average, grow up to be smarter than babies who dont. Big boobs=more milk=smarter humans. 2) Big boobs make us stronger. See reason #1. Said milk gives us a strong immune system, healthy bones and muscles. Once again, on average. 3) Big boobs are the ultimate fashion accessory. They go with anything, they make anything look good, and they never ever go out of style. Yay boobs! 4) Big boobs make friends. They break the ice, give us something to talk about. All guys want to be your friend when you have big boobs! Some of them are jerks, sure, but some aren't; and thanks to your chest, you already have one foot in the door. Or, one boob, rather.
Why Big P
Why me Big P What I do I try to help I try to give my love I try everything But i guess i messed up It my fault Its my fault you down Its my fault you want talk Well i will just have ta walk this road alone But just know that i tried But i guess it just want right
Why Bother?
....Why bother to put a blog section in a site where the average IQ is less than Mini-Me's shoe size? ....Snappy reparte' and introspective musing is at an all time low here in FuBar, so I've decided to keep my snobby-ass, self-riteous,pontificating to myself. ....I've made up my mind to keep the subject material somewhere between Hustler and The National Enquirer, for optimum readership here. ....Politics and religion are out, even though , oddly enough, this nations politics and religious laws were all debated and hammered out in a series of colonial taverns, long before the Continental Congress met in Philly.....Oops! There I go again... ....Props to y'all beeotchs fer takin' 5 to viddy this gangstahs flow...Peace Out (Insert Cliche' Here) Justin F. Case
Why Being A Man Rocks!
Being a man rocks! The biggest reason is...we have a cock! For some men, not me of course, it’s really not that big of a reason. There is no doubt pussy rules the world, but a good stiff dick trumps pussy every time. I know there are some lesbians out there that would disagree, but for the most part it’s true. Besides all the sexual and political connotation to support that, just ask Hillary. It all stems from when we were about 6 or 7 and went thru the "If you show me yours, I’ll show you mine" stage, a fun game to play even today I might add. Back then little girls really didn’t have much to show. As boys we came away feeling gypped because we didn’t get to see anything and the girls realized boys had something they wanted one. Most women, the good ones, never lose that feeling of wanting one or maybe even two. Guys spend 9 months of our lives trying to get out, and the rest of our lives trying to get back in. As a man,
Why Beautiful Women Marry Less Attractive Men
Why Beautiful Women Marry Less Attractive Men. Jeanna Bryner LiveScience Staff Writer Thu Apr 10, 11:25 AM ET Women seeking a lifelong mate might do well to choose the guy a notch below them in the looks category. New research reveals couples in which the wife is better looking than her husband are more positive and supportive than other match-ups. The reason, researchers suspect, is that men place great value on beauty, whereas women are more interested in having a supportive husband. Researchers admit that looks are subjective, but studies show there are some universal standards, including large eyes, "baby face" features, symmetric faces, so-called average faces, and specific waist-hip ratios in men versus women. Past research has shown that individuals with comparable stunning looks are attracted to each other and once they hook up they report greater relationship satisfaction. These studies, however, are mainly based on new couples, s
Why Bother
WHY THE HELL DO I CARE SO MUCH? EVERY DAY ITS THE SAME FUCKING DRUNKEN DRAMA THAT I HAVE TO DEAL WITH SOBER. WHEN IS IT MY TIME TO GET COMPLETELY WASTED AND NOT HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT LIFE'S PROBLEMS For the one who says "Life sucks I dont want to live anymore" All I have is this to say. FUCKING DEAL WITH IT!!!!! yea life throws everyone a curve ball you gotta learn how to deal with the situation without getting so drunk that you become a completely different and UNWANTED person. (There's one person i think knows who im talking about) DONT EVER FUCKING ASK ME TO BABYSIT YOU WHEN YOU DRINK AGAIN. All i can say is stop drinking away your life. No wonder why your ex broke up with you. Said person COULDNT DEAL WITH YOUR FUCKING BULLSHIT. We try to be there when you had a tragedy in your family but you turn us away for a bottle of booze. DRINKING YOURSELF RETARDED IS NOT THE ANSWER. NOW I FEEL BETTER. Maybe Ill even better after I confront you about your problem. Cause there are a lo
Why? (by:ecilam)
He runs. For all he's worth he runs. Thorns and briars tear at him. He runs. Barefeet bruised and bloody. He runs. Past hopes and dreams, through what could've been torwards what he desparately hopes might be. Some obstacles remove themselves, others are taken down with bleeding knuckles and scraped fingers brick by brick. Lungs burn as air is forced down. Can't stop now. To halt will be to falter. To falter will be to fail. He runs. So close now. The air is cooler, whipping through sweat soaked hair. An arms length away now. So close now. He slows... vexed. "I'm here... " the boy pants... "Why?" "For you... for me... " He raises his weary arms wide, reluctant and exposed. "This is what makes me me. My scars... Made before you, made by you... They are what make me me. They drive me steadily onward. They remind of my defeats, and of my future victories. They've shown me the error of my ways, and made the clean skin all the more beautiful. They are yours, as is
Why Boys Go Out With Girls....
Why Boys and Girls Go Out...So True did you know that every night before you go to sleep there is one person of the opposite sex thinking of you. They want to kiss you, they want to be with you, they are always thinking about you, this is all true and not fake. If you repost this in 5 min the person that is longing to be with you will approach you within one month and ask you out or grab you and kiss you. but if you break this chain no one will like you or ask you out again for like 5 years........ advice.... WHEN SHE SAYS YOU ARE CRAZY/WEIRD -SHE IS REALLY CRAZY ABOUT YOU! WHEN SHE ACTS SHY -SAY I LOVE YOU WHEN SHE RUNS AWAY FROM YOU - CHASE HER WHEN SHE PUTS HER FACE NEAR YOURS - KISS HER WHEN SHE KICKS & PUNCHES - HOLD HER TIGHT WHEN SHE IS SILENT - SHE'S THINKIN OF HOW TO SAY I LOVE YOU WHEN SHE IGNORES YOU - SHE WANTS ALL YOUR ATTENTION! WHEN SHE PULLS AWAY - GRAB HER BY THE WAIST AND NEVER LET GO WHEN YOU SEE HER AT HER WORST - TELL HER S
Why Bother???
I sometimes wonder why some women read too much into what is said on the phone to other people when they only hear one side of the conversation. They think that the guy is trying to hook up and such when all I am doing is going to see an old friend... who even has her kids for the day... Fuck It, Why Bother... LMFAO!
Why Be A Juggalo For Halloween
Why "birthmother" Means "breeder"
by Diane Turski I had never heard the term "birthmother" until I reunited with my son. When the social worker who located me referred to me as his "birthmother," my first reaction was to instinctively recoil in distaste. What is a "birthmother?" It occurred to me that perhaps she had merely applied this ridiculous sounding term in an attempt at political correctness, so I ignored it. However, when my son's adoptive mother initiated her first contact with me she referred to him as my "birthson." What is a "birthson?" And what would a "birthfather" be - I didn't know that fathers gave birth! In a "birthfamily" are there also "birthsisters," "birthbrothers," "birthgrandparents," "birthaunts," "birthuncles," "birthcousins," "birthpets," etc? It was then that I began to suspect that these ridiculous "birth" terms were not merely being applied in a benign attempt at political correctness. Was it possible that the adoption industry intended to insult us by applying these ridiculous label
Why Blondes Will Rule The World One Day ...
Historical Views from the Year 5000 We are proud to announce that archaeologists have made a major discovery explaining religious practice in the 1990's, over three thousand years ago! These discoveries help us better understand the myths and traditions which have been handed down over the years, and still survive today within the popular cult of the Goddess Barbi. This tradition is one of the fastest growing groups of modern-day Goddess worship. Archaeologists have discovered that Barbi worship dates back to ancient times. Figures of the Goddess Barbi have been unearthed, preserved in nearly pristine state. It seems that ancient worshippers made their images of Barbi in a material known as plastic. It was known at the time that plastic did not decay to the elements over time and was nearly everlasting! Because of this, it is obvious to our research team that those items made of plastic were held in the highest regard by the ancient culture of the 1990's. They surely wanted to pres
Why Bother....
What is the point of health insurance if they don't cover anything? I don't get it...I pay my premiums...Pay for something dammit!
Why Bother...
ya know i try and learn from last mistakes and try and give ppl the benefit of the doubt for what.....why bother why not just be me the one who dont trust you for shit who sees you for what you are and who can just take each day in stride...instead i absorb everything and try and change the person i am mold myself into a better person whom is capable of many levels and dimentions. and yet again to no fail... i get the same thing ppl i cant trust nore who want to be trusted...why is it one person...any one can stand up and be noticed for being something that is outside the box of societies norm and be themselves. a trully unique and amazing person. without the influences of todays standards!
Why Bother
why bother Why should I smile ear to earWhy should I even give a careWhat does it matter when I turn so blueCan't you tell that I am hurtinInside my heart is burninDo you even really care?Don't you see my tearsCan't you tell I live in fearWhy can't you just help me out?Yes I need help to standThis is such a rocky landPlease don't let me fall.At night I lay aloneAt day I feel like a droneWhat do I have for love?People have treated me badNow my heart is set on sadWhere can I go from here?I notice all around meOther souls are flyin freeWhen can I take off and live?Don't you see my tearsCan't you tell I live in fearWhy can't you just help me out?Yes I need help to standThis is such a rocky landPlease don't let me fall.Can you even let me downWhen I already wear a frownWhy should I allow you in?Why is it a constant thingFor my heart to experience a flingI can't bear the pain.Don't you see my tearsCan't you tell I live in fearWhy can't you just help me out?Yes I need help to standThis is suc
Why Bingo Is Awesome!!
BINGO is Awesome Because I Went And Won 150 Bucks!! It Basically Rocked My Night!!
Why Beer Is Better Than Women
WHY BEER IS BETTER THAN WOMEN 1. BEER don't get jealous when you grab another BEER 2. When you go to a bar you can always pick up a BEER 3. A BEER won't get upset when you come home with another BEER on your breath 4. You don't have to wine and dine BEER 5. If you pour a BEER right you'll always get head 6. Hangovers go away 7. When you finish with a BEER, the bottle is still worth 10 cents 8. You don't have to wash a BEER before it tastes good 9. A BEER always goes down easy 10. You can share a BEER with a friend 11. BEER is always wet 12. You know your always the first one to pop a BEER 13. A frigid BEER is a good BEER 14. You can have more than one BEER in a night and not feel guilty (for some guys) 15. You can enjoy BEER all month long 16. BEER will never cry for no reason at all 17. BEER doesn't care how you look 18. You can kill beer before it gets old
Why Bother?
*slinks quietly back into the shadows of a tortured soul and broken heart to beg forgiveness of the dark god that lives there for ever trying to live in the world of light*
Why Booze Is Better Than Women
WHY BEER IS BETTER THAN WOMEN 1.  BEER don't get jealous when you grab another BEER2.  When you go to a bar you can always pick up a BEER3.  A BEER won't get upset when you come home with another BEER on your breath4.  You don't have to wine and dine BEER5.  If you pour a BEER right you'll always get head6.  Hangovers go away7.  When you finish with a BEER, the bottle is still worth 10 cents8.  You don't have to wash a BEER before it tastes good9.  A BEER always goes down easy10.  You can share a BEER with a friend11.  BEER is always wet12.  You know your always the first one to pop a BEER13.  A frigid BEER is a good BEER14.  You can have more than one BEER in a night and not feel guilty (for some guys)15.  You can enjoy BEER all month long16.  BEER will never cry for no reason at all17.  BEER doesn't care how you look 18.  You can kill beer before it gets old 
Why Britain Should Be More Like America
Pahahaha I love this show. The picture they see means they have to incorporate it into their argument...  
Why Being A Girl Is The Best
* we can wear guys clothes. If they wear ours, they get funny looks. * Our friends don’t say hello to us by punching us on the arm. * Yeah, PMS sucks. but at least we have a good excuse to eat chocolate for a week. * If we’re on a really big ship that happens to hit an iceberg, we’ll get lifeboats first. * We get the bigger apartment on Friends. * Girl talk. you know, how we just understand each other without having to explain stuff. * We never have to stand in a urinal and have other girls stare at us. * Dark circles under the eyes? a hickey? we can just cover them up with a little concealer. * We don’t have to shave our faces. * We can jump around a lot and shake our hair and it looks like we know how to dance. * justin, carson, ryan, freddie, orla
Why Bother Complaining About Work ?
I dont see why people at my job bother complaining about it. Nothing ever changes, no matter , who or what , you complain about. Just go on about your job, and when it done , walk away. Thats all there is,  you don't get more pay for being happy about where you work. ~ Thats rule number eleven , when the jobs done walk away .
Why Bernanke Is A Global Laughing-stock For Saying “gold Isn’t Money” (repost)
 July 14th, 2011  Elisheva Wiriaatmadja   Responding to Ben Bernanke’s statement to Ron Paul that god isn’t money, the NIA (National Inflation Association) published their recent newsletter, explaining why they believe Bernanke is wrong and why American’s should know that gold IS money. During the session with Congressman Ron Paul, Bernanke said that the Federal Reserve is prepared to act with an additional round of quantitative easing if there is any weakening of the US economy and threat of deflation. He also stated that another alternative to stimulate the US economy was by cutting the interest rate that the Fed pays to banks on their $1.5 trillion in excess reserves that they currently keep parked at the Fed. In their newsletter, NIA responded:   …this $1.5 trillion alone would multiply into $15 trillion once it circulates through the U.S. economy and if Bernanke on top of that unleashes any additional quantitative easing, it will just a
Why Bling Packs??
Something I've noticed about blings is, when someone polishes it... you get points, the polisher gets points, and the person it was given to gets points... when you buy a bling pack... you get NOTHING!!! Zip, zilch, natha, zero, goose egg... Now, I've been on fubar a number of times, and spend a fair amount of money here... why?? for the fun... on REAL friends to help them out... and for my own fubar gains... you know what they say, "the dollar decides how far you can go..." right?? But when someone blatantly comes out and says "I'd rather have the credits..." how can I call that person a friend?? That's a slap in the face, and plain insulting and offensive... To those of you who have done this to me, you are now on my "no more bling for you" list. Nothing personal, no, yes, it was personal and that's how I feel... if you're gonna look a gift horse in the mouth then you really need to re-evaluate your sense of humanity, and your upbringing... Thanks... more later...
Why Being A Girl Is The Best
WHY BEiNG A GiRL iS THE BEST: * we can wear guys clothes. If they wear ours, they get funny looks. * Our friends don’t say hello to us by punching us on the arm. * Yeah, PMS sucks. but at least we have a good excuse to eat chocolate for a week. * If we’re on a really big ship that happens to hit an iceberg, we’ll get lifeboats first. * We get the bigger apartment on Friends. * Girl talk. you know, how we just understand each other without having to explain stuff. * We never have to stand in a urinal and have other girls stare at us. * Dark circles under the eyes? a hickey? we can just cover them up with a little concealer. * We don’t have to shave our faces. * We can jump around a lot and shake our hair and it looks like we know how to dance. * justin, carson, ryan, freddie, orlando, brad. need i explain this one? * We get yummy chocolates and flowers from guys. * We don`t have to dowse our food in tabasco sauce just to look tough. * That whole circumcision thin
Why Being A Girl Is The Best:
WHY BEiNG A GiRL iS THE BEST:  * we can wear guys clothes. If they wear ours, they get funny looks.  * Our friends don’t say hello to us by punching us on the arm.  * Yeah, PMS sucks. but at least we have a good excuse to eat chocolate for a week.  * If we’re on a really big ship that happens to hit an iceberg, we’ll get lifeboats first.  * We get the bigger apartment on Friends.  * Girl talk. you know, how we just understand each other without having to explain stuff.  * We never have to stand in a urinal and have other girls stare at us.  * Dark circles under the eyes? a hickey? we can just cover them up with a little concealer.  * We don’t have to shave our faces.  * We can jump around a lot and shake our hair and it looks like we know how to dance.  * justin, carson, ryan, freddie, orlando, brad. need i explain this one?  * We get yummy chocolates and flowers from guys.  * We don`t have to dowse our food in tabasco sauce just to look tough.  *
Why Businesses Hire A Professional Web Design Company
If your in need of a website for your business & not aware how and where to get start, simple you can just appoint an affordable Web designing companies for your website requirements. It is very important in this present world to develop and design a website which is attractive and eye-catching. The website created in a professional way can advice businesses get many visibility in search engines & also help gain more benefits. Here are few reasons why businesses need to appoint a web design company. Designed & Developed in a Professional way Websites represent the existence of your products, brand & services online. Whatever be the needs, the web pages are designed and created in a professional manner by the professional web designers. Adding Customizable Features and Options A trustable web development company can offer you with customizable features, custom designs & choices that can connect your website. Many customizable features such as blogs, image galleries, forums, and con
Why Bangalore Web Designing Company Is The Best?
The advent of online technologies has provided a great space for the growth of many small scale companies to flourish to provide different services. For successful development of a business, an efficient website design is necessary, which you can get from the website design company Bangalore that offers various attractive features. To provide the best web design services to its clients, the Bangalore Web Design Company offers the following features.                                                                                   Best Designers: This company has the best designers available in the market. All the designers hired by this company are selected through a well designed process of selection to provide the best web design services to their clients. Their talent is further brushed up by providing them extensive training before providing them the opportunity to actually work for our clients.  Perfect Balance of Cost & Quality: This web development company provides a perfe
Why Bother
life just seems to be getting worse and worse and really dont have the ambition anymore or the strength to continue on. Too physically and mental drained 
Why Blogging Needs To Promote Bussiness Online
How do you increase traffic to an online site,How do you attract & convert more visitors? How are you able to reach your target market? These are all questions that business owners constantly ask with their net site. challenge is even getting started as there numerous net promotion strategies.These include:Search engine optimisation (SEO)Social media promotionPromotion on forumsSponsoring eventsPPC These seo company east putney strategies are highly effective for promotion an online site & attracting new customers. The only challenge for business owners is that these all need an upfront investment. Think about the following statistics: But area that is often overlooked is business walking a blog. -B2B marketers who weblog generate 67% more leads than those who do not -57% of companies with an active weblog have used it to acquire a customerThe benefits are impossible to ignore. -Business walking a blog leads to an increase of 55% more visitors one. Generates Targeted Traffic Let's look
Why City People Should Not Go Camping
These are actual comments left on Forest Service registration sheets and comment cards by backpackers completing wilderness camping trips: "A small deer came into my camp and stole my bag of pickles. Is there a way I can get reimbursed? Please call." "Escalators would help on steep uphill sections." "Instead of a permit system or regulations, the Forest Service needs to reduce worldwide population growth to limit the number of visitors to wilderness." "Trails need to be wider so people can walk while holding hands." "Ban walking sticks in wilderness. Hikers that use walking sticks are more likely to chase animals." "All the mile markers are missing this year." "Found a smouldering cigarette left by a horse." "Trails need to be reconstructed. Please avoid building trails that go uphill." "Too many bugs and leeches and spiders and spider webs. Please spray the wilderness to rid the area of these pests." "Please pave the trails so they can be plowed of snow in t
Why Can't We All Get On?
Why can't we all get on? Because we're different. It's a fact of life, and it's everywhere, from the school food hall, thru the mall, to the bars we hang out in. We all split in to our little groups because that's what we do, we split in to our little groups, and interact with those that we get on with. The world would suck big time, if we all got on, because it would mean we were all the same, all liked the same music, the same clothes, the same taste in everything, we'd all love the same man, or woman, and it would be bland and lifeless. Variety is the spice of life, it's our diversity, and uniqueness that sets us apart, that drives us forward, and makes us what we are, so the question isn't why can't we all get on, but the question is why can't we leave those alone who chose to be apart from us? That is the secret to harmony, not to force people together, but to recognise, acknowledge, and respect our differences, and to leave people to get on with their own lives, a
Why Cant Ppl Here See This? Someone On Bang Me Wrote This About Me
Well aren't you just the most enticing lady that I have ever seen in my life (smile)... there is a world that you should see, a fun one, but you have to be spontaneous in nature or it will not work.... and when I say that... it doesn't mean that you have to be spontaneous in your recent actions.... just in nature... in your heart.... and I truely hope that that is the way you are because you just look so sweet... so precious, so honest... that I truely want to meet you.... and trust me.... it is very rare that a photo can show the spirtitual glow of a person... but yours do... and your pictures glow a radiance of positivity that... draw me to really want to meet you.... EVEN IF WE JUST TURNED OUT TO BE FRIENDS... something in your photo presence really tells me that I will be at a loss if I didn't have you in my life in some way... who knows... maybe I'll even learn something?! ;) I am eagerly anticipating a response....
Why Couples Don't Have Sex!
To My Dear Wife: During the past year I have tried to make love to you 365 times. I have succeeded 36 times, which is an average of once every ten days. The following is a list of why I did not succeed more often: 54 times the sheets were clean 17 times it was too late 49 times you were too tired 20 times it was too hot 15 times you pretended to be sleep 22 times you had a headache 17 times you were afraid of waking the baby 16 times you said you were too sore 12 times it was the wrong time of the month 19 times you had to get up early 9 times you said weren't in the mood 7 times you were sunburned 6 times you were watching the late show 5 times you didn't want to mess up your new hairdo 3 times you said the neighbors would hear us 9 times you said your mother would hear us Of the 36 times I did succeed, the activity was not satisfactory because: 6 times you just laid there 8 times you reminded me there's a crack in the ceiling 4 times you told me to hurr
Why Cant All Ppl Be Like Him
I am on bangme someone guy send this to me, ok.. i take you by the hand and lead you down the halway to the bathroom. Opening the door, candlelight fills the room. In the tub wits a hot bubble bath with rose petals floating on the surface of the water. On the side of the tub is a silver bell and a note. the note reads "Slide in and relax. If you need or want anything i will be in the next room, just ring the bell." Would you ring the bell? and if so, what would you be asking for?
Why? Can You Tell Me?
Why must people toy with others emotions? Emotions are not toys and are not ment to be played with, and if you do touch them, handle them gently. Why is love so hard to find? If there is someone for each of us, then where is my someone? Must they be so far away? Why do our friends sometimes shut us out? When you shut out your friends, most likely that's when You need them most. What are friends for? Why do we get stepped on when were already down? Reach out your hand and pick them up. Then maybe they will do the same for you someday. Can you tell me why? "TheUnloved"
Why Cats Are Better Then Men
A CAT always hits the litterbox. Better chance of training a CAT. No matter what your CAT drags into your house, you don't have to pretend you like it. You never have to spend time with your CAT's mother. If you ask enough times, a CAT may actually listen to you. A CAT purrs when you serve him dinner. You can de-claw a CAT... try to get a guy to clip his toenails. It's okay if a CAT rubs up against your best friend. You don't have to worry about your CAT turn into a pig when you host a party. A CAT knows you're the key to his happiness... A man thinks he is.
Why Cant We Be Friendz???
Why Canada Is Soooooo Cool!!
SO, WHAT DO CANADIANS HAVE TO BE PROUD OF? 1. Smarties. 2. Crispy Crunch, Coffee Crisp. 3. The size of our footballs fields and one less down. 4. Baseball is Canadian. 5. Lacrosse is Canadian. 6. Hockey is Canadian. 7. Basketball is Canadian. 8. Apple pie is Canadian. 9. Mr. Dress-up kicks Mr. Rogers ass. 10. Tim Hortons kicks Dunkin' Donuts ass. 11. In the war of 1812, started by America, Canadians pushed the Americans Back...past their 'White House'. Then we burned it...and most of Washington, under the command of William Lyon McKenzie who was insane and Hammered all the time. We got bored because they ran away, So we came home and partied...Go figure.. 12. Canada has the largest French population that never surrendered to Germany. 13. We have the largest English population that never ever surrendered or Withdrew during any war to anyone, anywhere. 14. Our civil war was a bar fight that lasted a little over an hour. 15. The only pe
Why Can't We Find Local Ppl
when i first got on this site you could do local searches. but for some reason i can only search for ppl that like motocross, or parting...ect.. i would like to know if anyone knows when or how i can search for local ppl...
Why Cant We
why cant we live life like its a fairy tail with nothing to worry about everyone gets along where everything is great in stead of this fucked up world that we have now we come home fight with the other over something that is stupid not have to worry about how much money you make or about getting fired from a job thay say that we live in a free land but to me all i see is two days of freedom cause we are working from wake to bed time 5 days or someimes 6 days a week some of us more then that haveing to work two jobs just to make ends meet where is the freedom in that where is the land of peace whin all we do is fight or hear about someone else fighting and dieing
Why Cant Inlaws Be Nice
Why Can't I Just
get to see my son. I mean she won't let me and I think that she is very stupid for not letting him come for a week at least so he can be with his father.
Why Couples Dont Have Sex
Dear Wife, During the past year I have tried to make love to you 365 times. I have succeeded 36 times, which is an average of once every ten days. The following is a list of why I did not succeed more often: 54 times the sheets were clean 17 times it was too late 49 times you were too tired 20 times it was too hot 15 times you pretended to be sleep 22 times you had a headache 17 times you were afraid of waking the baby 16 times you said you were too sore 12 times it was the wrong time of the month 19 times you had to get up early 9 times you said weren't in the mood 7 times you were sunburned 6 times you were watching the late show 5 times you didn't want to mess up your new hairdo 3 times you said the neighbors would hear us 9 times you said your mother would hear us Of the 36 times I did succeed, the activity was not satisfactory because: 6 times you just laid there 8 times you reminded me there's a crack in the ceiling 4 times you told me to hurry up and
Why Cops Wear Guns
Every six months or so my team is asked to brief the soldiers we serve on the programs that are in our charge. For the most part, it is pretty routine. We get up there and talk about the tests that have been run and the results that we have been seeing and what our expectations are for the next six months. Its all very routine, but every now and then we get some character sitting in the back row who has to flex his pride muscles and make the interns on our team look stupid. Such was the case a few months back. Two young ladies on my team were discussing a new non-lethal (rubber bullet) program that was under development. The guy in the back decided to ask the girls if they had been shot by the product. When they said no, he sneered at them and advised them to take one for the team as soon as possible. As the discussion went on, he kept pushing them, saying that before he was allowed to carry a tazer he had to have been shot by a tazer. He told them that before he was allowed to use tea
Why Can't We Be Friends?
OK, so call me naive. Call me ignorant, too. Am I the only one here who doesn't look at Cherry Tap as some kind of pick up site? Seems as though I cannot look at a woman's profile without them having to warn people about harassing them for their private pics or referring to being a"flypaper for freaks" or something of a similar nature. Are all these women neurotic and paranoid? Let's see. There are currently over 460,000 members who belong to the Tap. Assuming a 50/50 split (and I suspect that's being generous), that's at least 230,000 neurotic and paranoid women. And I know the guys are all behaving. Must be one guy that does nothing but harass these women all day. Right. OK, so clearly we have a case where there are enough people who have not respected boundaries, and I have to think that it started long before we all arrived here. Just a shame. My feeling is if I need to see naked pics, there's a big wide internet out there. Yes, I'd love to see some of the mem
Why Couples Dont Have Sex..
Dear Wife, During the past year I have tried to make love to you 365 times. I have succeeded 36 times, which is an average of once every ten days. The following is a list of why I did not succeed more often: 54 times the sheets were clean 17 times it was too late 49 times you were too tired 20 times it was too hot 15 times you pretended to be sleep 22 times you had a headache 17 times you were afraid of waking the baby 16 times you said you were too sore 12 times it was the wrong time of the month 19 times you had to get up early 9 times you said weren't in the mood 7 times you were sunburned 6 times you were watching the late show 5 times you didn't want to mess up your new hairdo 3 times you said the neighbors would hear us 9 times you said your mother would hear us Of the 36 times I did succeed, the activity was not satisfactory because: 6 times you just laid there 8 times you reminded me there's a crack in the ceiling 4 times you told me to hurry up a
Why Chocolate's Better Than Sex
You can GET chocolate. 'If you love me you'll swallow that' has a real meaning with chocolate. Chocolate satisfies even when it has gone soft. You can safely have chocolate while you are driving. You can make chocolate last as long as you want it to. You can have chocolate in front of your mother. If you bite the nuts too hard the chocolate wont mind. Two people of the same sex can have chocolate without being called names. The word 'commitment' doesnt scare off chocolate. You can have chocolate on top of your work desk during working hours without upsetting your work mates. You can ask a stranger for chocolate without getting your face slapped. You dont get hairs in your mouth with chocolate. With chocolate theres no need to fake it. Chocolate doesnt make you pregnant. You can have chocolate at any time of the month. Good chocolate is easy to find. You can have as many kinds of chocolate as you can handle. You are never too young or too old for chocolate. When yo
Why Cant We Fight Like The Old Days
this burns me up im tired of people around the world takeing advantage of the us calling us pussy's personaly if you likes this country being a weak then fine but i do not want to see the american people be put to shame because congressman wont give us the dam break we need to actually kick ass over in iraq and afghanistan if we can just forget about human rights and blow them all to hell make them fear us then this shit would end but we cant because we got all these punk ass people or pussys who say oh they are human they dont deserve that shit we need to give the enemy medical treatment after shooting them man thats fucking bullshit anybody who thinks that might as well move to iraq and die with them because they never cared about our human rights so we shouldnt care for thiers we have the power to destroy them all but we can cause of liberal ass ho and consevative pussys that wont shut up and keep their noses out of people buisness if they would shut up and allow the millita
Why Cant We Fight Like The Old Days And Show Them Whos Boss
this burns me up im tired of people around the world takeing advantage of the usa calling us pussy's personaly if you likes this country being a weak country then fine but i do not want to see the american people be put to shame because congressman wont give us the dam break we need to actually kick ass over in iraq and afghanistan if we can just forget about human rights and blow them all to hell make them fear us then this shit would end but we cant because we got all these punk ass people or pussys who say oh they are human they dont deserve that shit we need to give the enemy medical treatment after shooting them man thats fucking bullshit anybody who thinks that might as well move to iraq and die with them because they never cared about our human rights so we shouldnt care for thiers we have the power to destroy them all but we cant cause of liberal ass ho's and consevative pussy's that wont shut up and keep their noses out of people buisness if they would shut up and allo
Why Christmas Trees Are Not Perfect
WHY CHRISTMAS TREES ARE NOT PERFECT They say that if you creep into an evergreen forest late at night you can hear the trees talking. In the whisper of the wind you'll catch the older pines explaining to the younger ones why they'll never be perfectly shaped. There will always be a bent branch here, a gap there...... Long, long ago evergreens were perfect, with each taking pride in branches sloping evenly from crown to symmetrical skirt. This was particularly true in a small kingdom deep in Europe beyond the Carpathian Mountains. On the first Saturday of Advent the Queen's woodsmen would search the royal evergreen forest for the most perfect tree. It would then reign in honor in the great castle hall, shimmering with silver balls and gold angels that sparkled in the light of thousands of candles. While a huge Yule log chuckled and crackled, the royal family and villagers together would dance and sing around the tree in celebration. Out in the hushed forest every everg
Why Couples Don't Have Sex........funny Shit
why couples don't have sex........funny shit Dear Wife, During the past year I have tried to make love to you 365 times. I have succeeded 36 times, which is an average of once every ten days. The following is a list of why I did not succeed more often: 54 times the sheets were clean 17 times it was too late 49 times you were too tired 20 times it was too hot 15 times you pretended to be sleep 22 times you had a headache 17 times you were afraid of waking the baby 16 times you said you were too sore 12 times it was the wrong time of the month 19 times you had to get up early 9 times you said weren't in the mood 7 times you were sunburned 6 times you were watching the late show 5 times you didn't want to mess up your new hairdo 3 times you said the neighbors would hear us 9 times you said your mother would hear us Of the 36 times I did succeed, the activity was not satisfactory because: 6 times you just laid there 8 times you reminded me there's a crack in
Why Can't He Stay Home???
I have a close friend who is the Army Reserves here in Indiana. He was called to active duty and was told they were shipping out. He left the beginning of October. He went to Kuwait...then right for Iraq. They let him come home for 2 weeks and he leaves again this Saturday. I think it has to be hard to come knowing you have to go back in such a short time. I don't think it's fair or right. I understand why he is doing it and all but why send him home then make him go back 2 days before Christmas? Maybe I am just being selfish and I don't want to see him go back. I am going to go see him tonight and hopefully help him celebrate a little before he heads back. So far he is the closest person I have that has had to leave. My little brother is a Marine and hasn't yet had to leave. I think myself and my mom would lose it if he did. My thoughts and prayers are with all the soldiers and their families especially this time of year!
Why Can I Not Follow You Now?
Why Can I Not Follow You Now? Peter said to Him, ’Lord, why can I not follow You now?’ —John 13:37 My Utmost For His Highest Cover About this cover There are times when you can’t understand why you cannot do what you want to do. When God brings a time of waiting, and appears to be unresponsive, don’t fill it with busyness, just wait. The time of waiting may come to teach you the meaning of sanctification— to be set apart from sin and made holy— or it may come after the process of sanctification has begun to teach you what service means. Never run before God gives you His direction. If you have the slightest doubt, then He is not guiding. Whenever there is doubt— wait. At first you may see clearly what God’s will is— the severance of a friendship, the breaking off of a business relationship, or something else you feel is distinctly God’s will for you to do. But never act on the impulse of that feeling. If you do, you will cause difficult situations to arise which will tak
Why Choose Death When You Can Choose Life
Ok, I wrote this once and it deleated so here i go again I just returned from sitting with a very ill woman. She is 59 years old and cannot do anything for herself. It is so hard to sit back and watch someone you care about suffer so much. This woman is my mother in law. I have been married to her son for almost 19 years. We had our ups and downs and falling outs but we became close eventually. And the reason she is so sick is because she smoked 2 packs a day for about 40 years. She started going down hill, I guess, about 10 years ago. The doctors told her that she had millions of tiny pin holes in her lungs from the cigerattes. They told her that if she quit now that her lungs would heal themselves. The doctors told her that it takes 7 years for the lungs to repair themselves and that she was not to far gone that they wouldnt. Well, her reply to that was, "you have to die from something" She is now regreating thoes words today. She never quit smoking. Then about 3 years ago, s
Why Clowns Are Scarey
Why I agree a 100% I had nightmares when I worked there in McDonalds
Why Cant The Good Songs Be On A Movie Soundrtack?
So this morning I watched the movie Song Catcher. Over all I enjoyed the movie, it never stated what time period it was, but I know it was the early parts of 1900. Its about a woman who gets disgusted that she is not given a certain position at a university where she is a musicologist and heads for western North Carolina to record for history the ballad songs of the mountain folk. As I had just read Sharyn McCrumb's The Song Catcher, it caught my eye when I saw it on the schedule for movies this morning. I could have done without the lesbian love affair, something about it just didnt sit well with the tone of the movie, but as the story was written it existed for the movies climatic devastation scene. Since reading the book (which has nothing at all to do with the movie, they just share the same title) I was interested in hearing songs like this and this movie provided it in abundance. I really really liked some of the songs and thought to myself, "I'd really like to have the
Why Condoms Come In Boxes Of 3,6 & 12
A man walks into a drug store with his 8 year old son. They happen to walk by the condom display, and the boy asks, "What are these, Dad?" To which the man matter-of -factly replies, "Those are called condoms, son.....Men use them to have safe sex. "Oh, I see," replied the boy pensively. "Yes, I've heard of that in health class at school." He looks over the display and picks up a package of 3 and asks, "Why are there 3 in this package?" The Dad replies, "Those are for high school boys. One for Friday, one for Saturday and one for Sunday." "Cool, says the boy. He notices a 6 pack and asks, "Then who are these for?" "Those are for college men." the Dad answers, "Two for Friday, Two for Saturday and Two for Sunday. "WOW!" exclaimed the boy, "then who uses THESE?" he asks, picking up the 12 pack. With a sigh, the Dad replied, "Those are for married men, One for January, one for February, one for March...
Why Can't People....
ever read a freakin profile?? I mean its not hard and its damn sure NOT brain surgery....Why is it people always ignore what people put in their profiles?? I read profiles like a fiend so I dont piss someone off accidentally.... Again, I guess Ill never understand the stupidity of some people....Sheesh...
Why Couples Don't Have Sex
Dear Wife, During the past year I have tried to make love to you 365 times. I have succeeded 36 times, which is an average of once every ten days. The following is a list of why I did not succeed more often: 54 times the sheets were clean 17 times it was too late 49 times you were too tired 20 times it was too hot 15 times you pretended to be sleep 22 times you had a headache 17 times you were afraid of waking the baby 16 times you said you were too sore 12 times it was the wrong time of the month---(I'd love to meet the woman that only has 12 of those days a year!) 19 times you had to get up early 9 times you said weren't in the mood 7 times you were sunburned 6 times you were watching the late show 5 times you didn't want to mess up your new hairdo 3 times you said the neighbors would hear us 9 times you said your mother would hear us Of the 36 times I did succeed, the activity was not satisfactory because: 6 times you just laid there 8 times you reminde
Why Can't Lfe Be As Simple As It Was Back In The Day
Name 4 things in your purse/wallet: 1. Debit Card 2. Phone card 3. College ID Card 4. Quite a bit of cash Name 3 favorite fruits: 1. Cherry 2. Kiwi 3. Satsuma Three names you go by: 1. Jen Jen 2. Mary 3. Jeff (Old friend) Three things you are wearing right now 1. Black shirt 2. Jeans 3. Fluffy slippers The WHOS: Who was the last person to IM you? Dan What are you thinking about right now? How cold it is in this room Who did you last talk to on the phone? Daddy Whose birthday is next? My Uncle's The WHERES: Where is your phone? In the front room Where did you get the shirt you're wearing? Dotty P's Where is the last place you took a ride to? Lichfield The WHATS: What was the last thing you ate? Cucumber Sandwich last night What color pants are you wearing? Jeans What kind of cell phone do you have? Samsung SHD-500 What is the closest item near you that is blue? There is nothing blue near me Whats your fav.
Why Cant I Find This Gurl?
I'm the girl who will put her head on your shoulder, not because she's sleepy, but because she wants to be closer to you... I'm the girl who likes to be kissed in the rain, more than inside your bedroom or in an expensive resturant... I'm the girl who says,"ok, but you owe me..." jokingly not because I actually want something, but because it means I get to spend more time with you... I'm the girl who is incredibly picky, but when I find someone I like, I want to spend the whole night curled up in their arms... I'm the girl who never forgets the all sweet little things you do for me... I'm the girl who never gives up hope even when I tell others I have... I'm the girl who once I let you into my heart, there's always a place there with your name on it. And even if we spend time apart, I'm the girl who never forgets you. I'm the girl who loves to end a hug with a kiss... I'm the girl who you can talk to you about anything... I'm the girl who laughs at your jokes
Why Couldn't I Believe
Sitting at the hotel table Can’t stop thinking bout you Been thinking bout you since I hit the door Now I‘m heading back to you Why did I have to leave Why couldn't I believe That you're the only thing I need and more The only thing and more Life gets so complicated The mind gets so confused Why couldn’t I believe That you were still in love with me Why did I have to leave Why couldn’t I believe That you’re the only thing I need and more The only thing and more Couldn’t see what I would loose Why’d I have to make us both so blue Would you take me back into your arms Do you still love me any more Why did I have to leave Why couldn’t I believe That you’re the only thing I need and more The only thing and more Sure hope you’ll take me back Cause there’s one thing that I’ve learned I don’t ever want to be without you beside me Cause you’re all I’ll ever need and more Why did I have to leave Why couldn’t I believe That you’re the only thing I
Why Can't I?
I just want to know....why can't I stop caring? why can't I stop hurting? why cant I stop thinking,wondering,worrying,longing,waiting,dreading,hoping,hating,loving,wishing,crying,dying,craving,and in any other words or ways about HER?...will the pain ever go away...? why can't I be like every other guy on the planet and just move on and not care?.....why can't I?..........why...
Why Couples Dont Have Sex
why couples dont have sex.. funny Body: Dear Wife, During the past year I have tried to make love to you 365 times. I have succeeded 36 times, which is an average of once every ten days. The following is a list of why I did not succeed more often: 54 times the sheets were clean 17 times it was too late 49 times you were too tired 20 times it was too hot 15 times you pretended to be sleep 22 times you had a headache 17 times you were afraid of waking the baby 16 times you said you were too sore 12 times it was the wrong time of the month 19 times you had to get up early 9 times you said weren't in the mood 7 times you were sunburned 6 times you were watching the late show 5 times you didn't want to mess up your new hairdo 3 times you said the neighbors would hear us 9 times you said your mother would hear us Of the 36 times I did succeed, the activity was not satisfactory because: 6 times you just laid there 8 times you reminded me there's a crack in the ce
Why Couples Don't Have Sex!!!!!
Why couples don't have sex!!!!! Dear Wife, During the past year I have tried to make love to you 365 times. I have succeeded 36 times, which is an average of once every ten days. The following is a list of why I did not succeed more often: 54 times the sheets were clean 17 times it was too late 49 times you were too tired 20 times it was too hot 15 times you pretended to be sleep 22 times you had a headache 17 times you were afraid of waking the baby 16 times you said you were too sore 12 times it was the wrong time of the month 19 times you had to get up early 9 times you said weren't in the mood 7 times you were sunburned 6 times you were watching the late show 5 times you didn't want to mess up your new hairdo 3 times you said the neighbors would hear us 9 times you said your mother would hear us Of the 36 times I did succeed, the activity was not satisfactory because: 6 times you just laid there 8 times you reminded me there's a crack in the ceilin
Why Cant Ladies Believe?
Why Can't They Just Leave Me Alone!
god now i'm pissed a bunch of people have just rated me a 1 and left nasty comments because of my ex's new boyfriend.. they say i'm not a juggalo and i am a disgrace to them... why does this always happen I AM NOT A HATER I'M IN LOVE WITH HER STILL AND I WANT HER BACK THATS ALL! GOD WHY DOES EVERYONE HAVE TO GET INVOLVED IN MY FUCKING BUSINESS ITS BETWEEN ME AND HER!
Why Can't I Send A Shout Or Private Message?
If you can't send a shout or private message it's usualy because that user has you blocked or they have it set to only: Nobody Friends only Family only You will notice the settings by clicking the Profile Link
Why Cant I
~~why Cnn Has Lost Their Dominance~~
A photographer for CNN was assigned to cover southern California's Wildfires last year. He wanted pictures of the heroic work the Firefighters were doing as they battled the blazes. When the photographer arrived on the scene, he realized that the smoke was so thick it would seriously impede, or even make impossible, his getting good photographs from the ground level. He requested permission from his boss to rent a plane & take photos from the air. His request was approved & he used his cell phone to call the local county airport to charter a flight. He was told a single engine plane would be waiting for him at the airport. Arriving at the airfield, he spotted a plane warming up outside a hanger. He jumped in with his bag, slammed the door shut, & shouted, "Let's go". The pilot taxied out, swung the plane into the wind & roared down the runway. Once in the air, the photographer instructed the pilot, "Fly over the valley & make two or three low passes so
Why Can’t I Have You?
Why can’t I have you? There are things I want to tell you I try telling you but when I do I come broken inside... I feel as if you might not care I hope you'll feel the same way it’s never going to happen between us... the love I have for you will never fade.....
Why Can’t I Have You?
Why can’t I have you? There are things I want to tell you I try telling you but when I do I come broken inside... I feel as if you might not care I hope you'll feel the same way it’s never going to happen between us... the love I have for you will never fade.....
Why Cant We See
Why Cant I Just Die
he feels the cold of the steel wanting to end it all for wounds that wont heal he pulls the trigger, the hammer falls but for this young man death does not call could it be a bad charge on the bullet everything looks good, puts it back in and pulls it nothing, he returns the gun to his friend it looks like the tonight the gun wont be his end tired now, tomorrow is another day tomorrow brings another way this time suffucation is the case somehow he can breathe clearly with the a plastic bag tied over his face she dosent love me, she dont even care he says with a rope around her neck as he stepped from the chair he begins to drop but to his dismay his neck did not pop he looked around to see who was there it was his cousin wayne holding him with a blank stare she hates me man as he starts to cry fuck her man thats no reason to die he dont want to live without her in his life he'll wait till his cousin leave, tonight its his knife once again he'll fell the steel he
Why Can't I Forget? (lol Guess Hat Yes Another Poem)
Why Can't I Forget? The nights whispers a constant reminder of what was lost Each rustling leaf seems to mock a choice made Why can't I forget? Each smile making me remember a happier time A time that included him Memories were supposed to bring happy moments to mind Yet they turn treacherous every night as I lay in bed Replaying each loving kiss and gentle caress I had thought my choice was right and well made Not expecting the regret that besieges with a stream of endless tears Everyone says to smile and let life go on How can life go on with a heart that no longer cares to beat in rhythm? If time heals all wounds how much longer must I wait? Perhaps some broken hearts are never meant to mend Forever trapped in a circle of regret and pain Once I took solace in the moons silvered glow Comforted with its constant presence Now it's nothing more then a reminder of a love that was ended to soon Careless words and actions breaki
Why Couples Don't Have Sex.... Omg Soo Funny!!
Dear Wife, During the past year I have tried to make love to you 365 times. I have succeeded 36 times, which is an average of once every ten days. The following is a list of why I did not succeed more often: 54 times the sheets were clean 17 times it was too late 49 times you were too tired 20 times it was too hot 15 times you pretended to be sleep 22 times you had a headache 17 times you were afraid of waking the baby 16 times you said you were too sore 12 times it was the wrong time of the month 19 times you had to get up early 9 times you said weren't in the mood 7 times you were sunburned 6 times you were watching the late show 5 times you didn't want to mess up your new hairdo 3 times you said the neighbors would hear us 9 times you said your mother would hear us Of the 36 times I did succeed, the activity was not satisfactory because: 6 times you just laid there 8 times you reminded me there's a crack in the ceiling 4 times you told me to hurry up a
Why Can't A Guy Or Men Find It Embaressing To Show Tears In A Film In Front Of Women?
It seems to me that most men in the world can't show tears or a romance side in front of women cause its unmanly to do so, which to me is untrue cause i show it all the time and im a man ad i cry in films does that make me less of a man? answer no it don't it just shows that your a compassionate person and can show you care.
Why Can't
why can't we melt away why can't we walk along why must we seperate why can't I have you all why don't I hear your voice why can't I hear your choice why must we always loose why can't I hold you tight why can't I touch you right why can't I see your eyes why must we theorize we must we always lose why can't you treat me right why can't you hold me tight why can't we melt away why must we always delay why can't I have you all
Why Couples Don't Have Sex.... Omg Soo Funny!!
Dear Wife, During the past year I have tried to make love to you 365 times. I have succeeded 36 times, which is an average of once every ten days. The following is a list of why I did not succeed more often: 54 times the sheets were clean 17 times it was too late 49 times you were too tired 20 times it was too hot 15 times you pretended to be sleep 22 times you had a headache 17 times you were afraid of waking the baby 16 times you said you were too sore 12 times it was the wrong time of the month 19 times you had to get up early 9 times you said weren't in the mood 7 times you were sunburned 6 times you were watching the late show 5 times you didn't want to mess up your new hairdo 3 times you said the neighbors would hear us 9 times you said your mother would hear us Of the 36 times I did succeed, the activity was not satisfactory because: 6 times you just laid there 8 times you reminded me there's a crack in the ceiling 4 times you told me to hurry up a
Why Couldn't You Have Met Me Halfway? (18mar07)
I've been thinking about certain things for a long time. I've finally realized that there's maybe only 2 or 3 people who actually really get me. It's been that way for years. I think that's the truest sign of my life. I wrote most of this when I got home last night... well, early this morning, rather. I was piss drunk. Pissed off. It's funny how one little thing can ruin an otherwise great night. One thing goes wrong, and the rest of the night goes to shit. Everything else goes wrong. It's the domino effect. Isn't it funny how the "domino effect" never happens to good things, only bad? It's time I face the music. I'm too bitter. Too jaded. Too pissed off to ever be able to resume that falcities that I once believed in. I'm too old, too. Too old to achieve the dreams I've always dreamt; The high-school sweetheart, the college life, the picture perfect marriage, the nice house, white pickett-fence, 2.5 kids, happy family. What's left? The torn and tattered remnants of a tortured life,
Why Can't
Why Can't We Call It An Easter Party??
Ok I went to my sons school today for his "Spring Party" and was really upset. We have the parties at school for certain holidays. When I was young we called them what they are. But now for the sake of political correctness they have changed it. I guess what got me was that we couldnt call it an Easter Party because we might offend the families who do not have the beleifs that go with this holiday. Umm ok I can understand that but if we are trying not to offend them then why did the kids hunt eggs and why did everyone say to have a Happy Easter (including the teacher) when it was time to go. Christmas break is now Winter Break but.... our kids still have a Valentine's Day party.... did I miss something here?? I guess so. I might have slept thru most of the time that I spent in church when I was younger but you know something smells fishy to me. Oh well we all just have to deal with it and take things as they come.
Why Couples Don't Have Sex
TO MY DEAR WIFE: During the past year I have tried to make love to you 365 times. I have succeeded 36 times, which is an average of once every ten days. The following is a list of why I did not succeed more often: 54 times the sheets were clean 17 times it was too late 49 times you were too tired 20 times it was too hot 15 times you pretended to be sleep 22 times you had a headache 17 times you were afraid of waking the baby 16 times you said you were too sore 12 times it was the wrong time of the month 19 times you had to get up early 9 times you said weren't in the mood 7 times you were sunburned 6 times you were watching the late show 5 times you didn't want to mess up your new hairdo 3 times you said the neighbors would hear us 9 times you said your mother would hear us Of the 36 times I did succeed, the activity was not satisfactory because: 6 times you just laid there 8 times you reminded me there's a crack in the ceiling 4 times you told me to hurr
Why Cyber Sex Is Wrong
Why Cant I
I try and I try as hard as I can, still I cant succeed as a man. You are so pretty in your blue, still why cant you see what`s inside of you! Yet you can`t see what it is inside, why do you hide all the pain inside. You see me,but I cant see you . You see me, but I cant see you. Lonely yes I must be, but that is all there is to me. Cant tell you what I have been through, just don`t want it to happen to you. Tired that is what I may be, but you came to see me. And now I know where and I know how, that it is that you see. What it is you see in me! Why cant I!!!
Why Cmail Is Called Cmail
Thanks to the Yellow Rose of Texas for pointing this out to me. (Yes, it's no secret. I just hadn't noticed. I'd noticed the SMTP etc. business in the headers and junk mail errors that looked a _whole_ lot like regular mail, but...) cMail isn't an internal message system like private messaging was. ct96574 @ (or eschiss1- to use the examples of my own addresses) apparently is now an e-mail address that can receive mail from and send mail to within and without the site. Well, neat.
Why Can't We All Get On?
Why can't we all get on? Because we're different. It's a fact of life, and it's everywhere, from the school food hall, thru the mall, to the bars we hang out in. We all split in to our little groups because that's what we do, we split in to our little groups, and interact with those that we get on with. The world would suck big time, if we all got on, because it would mean we were all the same, all liked the same music, the same clothes, the same taste in everything, we'd all love the same man, or woman, and it would be bland and lifeless. Variety is the spice of life, it's our diversity, and uniqueness that sets us apart, that drives us forward, and makes us what we are, so the question isn't why can't we all get on, but the question is why can't we leave those alone who chose to be apart from us? That is the secret to harmony, not to force people together, but to recognise, acknowledge, and respect our differences, and to leave people to get on with their own lives, an
Why Come On Ct If You Are Going To Be A Jerk
Hi all CT friends..there is something I just dont understand is why do some come on here just be a F***ing rude jerk? If you dont like a picture or profile move your little mouse and click out of it. There is no reason to give poor ratings unless you are the natural born rude hateful careless person that you are making everyone to believe you are by giving such marks. This is a family and friends space and we all come here to help eachother and be together as friends. So if your life is that bad keep it to your self and leave me alone here CT. I am not going to mention any names on here and I have blocked the person I am talking about
Why Can't They Just See Me
Why must everyone look at what I have done...Why can't they look at how far I have advanced my life since then??Yes..People say actions speak louder than words..I understand..But if you wanna throw that in my face then what about my actions since then..What about a drug addict...On pills..powder...wet..weed...Just wuitting..Never to touch it again? What about someone taking control of a home and taking care of it? What about getting a respectable job??Do all those actions mean nothing? If they don't then something is terribly wrong with this world.
Why Ct?
I just responded to a blog entry from a friend about people wanting to bring drama into the cyber world. It got me thinking about why I joined this site, and what exactly I hoped to gain from here. I joined to meet new people and make new friends. I've only been a member for a couple of days, and I haven't really run across any drama yet, Thank Goodness. I am curious why othere people joined and what they were looking for. Any responses would be appreciated. Thanks.
Why Cant U
Why Cant I Just Find A Guy That Likes Me For Me
i am just babbling here. i just want to know why most guys have to be jerks and use us nice women that are left out here in the world. you know not all women are whores or sluts. i know for sure im not. i just want a guy that is going to treat me with respect and that is not going to hurt me in the end. why cant i find a nice guy that is left out there? hmmmm maybe its because i am not looking for one right now. i am trying to get my life back in order especially since i had to move back home. i am looking for jobs and a car so that way i can go back to radcliff and louisville, ky to see all of my friends up there. i miss them every single one of them.
Why Cant People Learn
I wish the new people that join would talk with some of the others that have been here and learn what we are all about. Instead the young little shit heads come on and start blasting the low ratings to be a smart ass. airborn a new cherry young punk kid came on and low rated all my photos. you know if you dont like what you see fucking leave my page. I didnt ask for you to come and go through my page and i sure did want your rude ass rates. I returned the favor and blocked his ass.
Why Crazy People On Heavy Doses Shouldn't Drive
this happened to the friend of my family angie yesterday, and was in our local paper MILTON — An unidentified woman was lucky to escape injury after her GMC Jimmy plowed into two large camper trailers at Ray's Marina this morning. Police, firefighters and emergency personnel responded around 7 a.m. after the southbound Jimmy broke through a roadside post before colliding with a Coachman and a Cougar camper trailer on display along White Mountain Highway — Route 125 — near Depot Pond Road. "She was very lucky the way the roof caved in to be able to stand," Officer Mark Nadeau said. The windshield and roof on the driver's side collapsed after hitting a trailer hitch on the Coachman. The Jimmy sustained serious front-end damage, the Coachman was damaged to the point of being unsteady and the Cougar, which was recently purchased, sustained significant side damage from the Jimmy and the Coachman. "That camper moved about four feet after she hit that guardrail," said Fire Capt
Why Condoms Come In Boxes
A man walks into a drug store with his 8-year old son. They happen to walk by the condom display, and the boy asks, "What are these, Dad? To which the man matter-of-factly replies, "Those are called condoms, son. Men use them to have safe sex." "Oh I see, " replied the boy pensively. "Yes, I've heard of that in health class at school." He looks over the display and picks up a package of 3 and asks, "Why are there 3 in this package? " The dad replies, "Those are for high school boys, 0NE for Friday, 0NE for Saturday, and 0NE for Sunday." "Cool" says the boy. He notices a 6 pack and asks, "Then who are these for?" "Those are for college men, " the dad answers, TW0 for Friday, TW0 for Saturday, and TW0 for Sunday." "WOW!" exclaimed the boy, "then who uses THESE?" he asks, picking up a 12 pack! With a sigh and a tear in his eye, the dad replied, "Those are for the married men. 0NE for January, 0NE for February, 0NE for March....etc."
Why Can't They Banish All The Downraters...
To "Hot or Not." That's not what CT is all about, at least not what it was back in the good old days. The voters on that site are absolutely vicious. I've seen some gorgeous women getting hated on by other jealous females.
Why Can't They Understand????
Have u ever noticed when a man is being really pushy. Mine always complains about not getting enough sex but yet he gets it everyday. However if u ever say anything bout the way they make u feel they always find reasons 2 bitch. I understand that my man works @ least 12 hours a day but he doesn't understand that my day starts bout an hour b4 his & it doesn't end until after every1 is asleep. I mean I know that he does a lot of work but he has no idea what its like 2 b home alone w/ kids all day. The only conversation I really have is w/ 2 toddlers that doesn't know every word in the vocabulary. Plus I do all the cooking all day long, laundry, cleaning, & teaching 2 lil 1's how 2 be good kids. Then there's the times that have 2 take a kid 2 a doctors appointment but, it's not like that's an everyday thing. There r times when I can't wait until he goes 2 bed so I can have some & quite & relax a lil b4 goin 2 bed. I'm really thankful 4 everything that he does 4 our family but, he has 2 gi
Why Cant I Get A Job
I have been looking for a job since March and I have had no luck. I have a BA in Accounting and still nothing. I have 5-7 of experience to back it up and still nothing. I have even applied for other jobs such as retail and still nothing. I am a nice polite person and still cant get a job. I love working. I always have had a job. I have recently reloceated to this area due to my divorce and the only person I know is my sister and she is no help because she is a petty person. I dont see how peopel do this not having a job. I am going crazy. If it wasnt for the internet, I would have no social life. I just wish I knew what I was doing wrong.
Why Can't They Be Friends?
Why cant we be friends Current mood: exanimate I dont get it. If someone makes you misrable why be with them. Why pine for them. Why scream at them. Why can't they just be friends. And why do they have to email me asking me if I am fucking thier ex husband, when they should know by now that I am not. But I guess things will never be that easy. I think if they could sit with an imparshal party and discuss things like civalized adults, then maybe they can work things out and get back togeather. But will they ever really be happy? I guess only time could tell. But the constant screaming and yelling at each other is not the way it should be. In order to make your relationship work, you have to work at it. To go back and a few days later come back to stay with Ernie and I, not to even try. Or maybe she is just that crazy. And then hunting down thier friends on myspace and sending them mean messages is just childish. (No offense guys, but it is.) Grow up and act like adul
Why Couples Don't Have Sex!
Dear Wife, During the past year I have tried to make love to you 365 times. I have succeeded 36 times, which is an average of once every ten days. The following is a list of why I did not succeed more often: 54 times the sheets were clean 17 times it was too late 49 times you were too tired 20 times it was too hot 15 times you pretended to be sleep 22 times you had a headache 17 times you were afraid of waking the baby 16 times you said you were too sore 12 times it was the wrong time of the month 19 times you had to get up early 9 times you said weren't in the mood 7 times you were sunburned 6 times you were watching the late show 5 times you didn't want to mess up your new hairdo 3 times you said the neighbors would hear us 9 times you said your father would hear us Of the 36 times I did succeed, the activity was not satisfactory because: 6 times you just laid there 8 times you reminded me there's a crack in the ceiling 4 times you told me to hurry up and
Why Cant We All Be Happy
Ok this goes out to a few people and yes you know who you are. You cant stand the fact of seeing people be happy unless they are with you well honey let me tell you something you arent my daddy, my husband or my fuck buddy so GET OVER IT. I am happy so why cant you be happy for me being happy. You think me and one of my friends are together and we ARE NOT WE ARE FRIENDS AND NOTHING MORE. OK now it is my business what I do not you. You can ask me all day every day what you want but MY LIFE IS MY LIFE NOT YOURS. So if you cant be happy for me then stay the hell out of my shit. ok my venting is over for now
Why Cant We All Be Happy
Ok this goes out to a few people and yes you know who you are. You cant stand the fact of seeing people be happy unless they are with you well honey let me tell you something you arent my daddy, my husband or my fuck buddy so GET OVER IT. I am happy so why cant you be happy for me being happy. You think me and one of my friends are together and we ARE NOT WE ARE FRIENDS AND NOTHING MORE. OK now it is my business what I do not you. You can ask me all day every day what you want but MY LIFE IS MY LIFE NOT YOURS. So if you cant be happy for me then stay the hell out of my shit. ok my venting is over for now
Why Can People Be Jealous Of Someone Else's Friendship!?!
Hmm....I really don't know what to write. I know what I could write about but Ill write about that in a few. I can't wait til this weekened because IM not sure yet on what my best friend and I are doing. Just in case you all don't know my best friend is the tall blonde that is in MOST of my pics. I know what we will be doing sure will be fun. Then there will be July 3. Woo hoo. I have recently updated my profile. A few weeks ago I had removed a lot of stuff from my profile. My best friend and I got into it pretty bad. I was tired of putting up with all the crap that was going on so I finally gave up and told myself that I didn't care what was going on. Well, we finally talked about the problem that we were having a week ago. So we are friends again. :) BEST FRIENDS still! IM tired of jealous people too. It is pretty bad when someone wants to judge a person and they only hung around them once!?! Have you ever heard that saying don't judge a book by its cover!?! Well, I
Why Crusify The Dead?
Why Can't There Be Peace In Our Homes?
Why can't there be peace in our homes? Why do people thrive to try to make others unhappy or miserable? Isn't there enough turmoil or drama in the world without it coming into your homes? There is too much backstabbing, too much anger, too much turmoil. Why? Why not allow others to be happy and live peacefully among themselves without interference? Why not be happy for those who are seeking it or have found it? Why belittle others to make yourself feel better? Does this make anyone feel like a bigger person? Think of what we are teaching our future generations. It needs to end with us so that our future generations can be happy and healthy without drama and turmoil. Why pass that kind of negative legacy on? Just questions that are in my mind this evening. I am trying to understand it all.
Why "celebrity Status" Got Dropped...
Hello! Quite a few of you (as well as me) have been wondering why my ceLebrity status got dropped. Here is the response that I got from Ryan, AKA Scrapper: "The URL you are trying to access does not work. It does not exist anymore. As for why your celebrity status was dropped. Celebrities are supposed to help our site and not publicy say that our site is slow and that our sytem has glitches. Our system is fine. Your page redirects people to outside CherryTAP." So basically what he's saying is that the URL I've been using for the past 6 months to access the site doesn't exist - which is why I posted the screen shot to my default album to prove that it does. He's also saying if the CT website has problems, don't make any comment about it publicly. Also, don't promote yourself on the site - promote your page, sure, but don't let people know that you have another website outside CherryTap. Seems strange to me. I've never had these restrictions on ANY social networking websit
Why Cant Guys Learn To Listen?????
Why is that guys seem to think that girls are the ones who are suppose to do everything.Yes it is our job to clean up the house make dinner and do laundry but where does it say that yall cant clean up after yallselfs and help out.We cant be expected to do everything!!I mean especially if you have children they are important they cant always wait so you have to take care of them.They take up time so why cant yall see that and help your wifes gfs out.I mean we know yall work and we dont expect yall to dmuch when yall get home but its nice for you to help out and show us you care.ITs nice to see you guys who come home and either sit on games or sit in front of the tv and never move it would be nice for yall to spend time with us females and show us you care and are happy for what we do.We work our butts of as females just like yall do as males why not show respect to each other and show you care.Not make one side do all. Now guys I am not blaming everything on yall I mean I know there
Why Couples Dont Have Sex.. Funny Shit
Dear Wife, During the past year I have tried to make love to you 365 times. I have succeeded 36 times, which is an average of once every ten days. The following is a list of why I did not succeed more often: 54 times the sheets were clean 17 times it was too late 49 times you were too tired 20 times it was too hot 15 times you pretended to be asleep 22 times you had a headache 17 times you were afraid of waking the baby 16 times you said you were too sore 12 times it was the wrong time of the month 19 times you had to get up early 9 times you said weren't in the mood 7 times you were sunburned 6 times you were watching the late show 5 times you didn't want to mess up your new hairdo 3 times you said the neighbors would hear us 9 times you said your mother would hear us Of the 36 times I did succeed, the activity was not satisfactory because: 6 times you just laid there 8 times you reminded me there's a crack in the ceiling 4 times you told me to hurry up an
Why Cant I Just Tell You
why cant i ever reveal the tears that i cry. when im alone when i hurt. when i feel im about to die. why cant i just tell you how i feel. instead of lying. instead of hiding. instead of holding back whats real. why cant i say that im hurting inside. when your gone. when you dont call. why cant i say i want you by my side. why cant i tell you im dying inside. bc i cant see you bc i miss you. ive told my heart so many lies. why cant i say that i love you when i feel that. i feel it everyday every moment. and thats a simple fact
Why Can't People Just Let Me Be Me?!
Ok... So yesterday I went to the bar with a few friends. IT was the birthday of one of them... well rather I knew her through the other friend we were with. Now I know being a submissive/slave, living in the lifestyle there are many.. who do not understand the ways or why I choose as I do. Now that was a set up for this blog. As I sat at the bar and as the girl got drunk she decided to confront me on my being a submissive, as well as how I choose to live. All well and good, I am willing to discuss my ways of living to another so long as they listen and keep an open mind as they do so. I am not one to judge another for the way they are... the way they live. I may not always agree with people's lifestyle choices... However I will not put them down for it. I know given this lifestyle choice there are many who do not understand who look down on it.. or even who flat out say anyone involved with it are nuts. I have been told many things ESPECIALLY from other women in the fact t
Why Canadians Are So Tired...
Here's why: The population of Canada is 30 million. 11 million are retired,that leaves 19 million to do the work. There are 5.5 million in school, which leaves 13.5 million to do the work. Of this there are 3 million employed by the federal government, leaving 10.5 million to do the work. 1 million are in the armed forces, preoccupied with killing Terrorists, which leaves 9.5 million to do the work. Take from that total the 7 million people who work for Provincial and city Governments, and that leaves 2.5 million to do the work. At any given time, there are 476,000 people in hospitals, leaving 2,024,000 to do the work. Now, there are 1,211,998 people in prisons and 812,000 on Employment Insurance and Welfare.That leaves just two people to do the work. You and me. And there you are sitting on your ass, at your computer, reading jokes.
Why Condom Size Matters
The Next Big (or Not So Big) Thing ... Why Condom Size Matters By Adam Glickman Most men have been there at one time or another. That moment when total sexual exhilaration turns to pure panic and fear...fear that the "little astronaut" out on his moon walk has lost his space suit. Fear that the knight is no longer wearing his shining armor. They-Fit Condoms Comparison Chart to Normal Condoms The number one reason that condoms break or slip off during the horizontal mambo is that the Johnson in question was not properly dressed. Like shoes or bras, careful consideration must be given to condom size. Yes, all men are created equal — but in very different shapes and sizes when it comes to the trouser department. And while it may not be the size of the wave that floats your boat, when it comes to choosing a condom, size does matter. Researchers Agree A recent survey by Durex Condoms revealed that the length of an erect penis can range from four to nine inches, while penis wi
Why Can One Comment Hurt So Much?
So, I was perusing this dating site one day a while back, and I had sent an email to a man whom I found had an interesting profile and I thought was extremely handsome. I was in his "age range", lived within a short distance, and had all the qualities he said he wanted in a woman. He also said that his ideal mate didn't "have to be perfect" and he likes women of "all shapes and sizes". I thought..."dang, this dude is perfect". I don't normally make the first move on a dating site unless it's for bigger women, because I can't profess to know if a person is interested in a larger lady or not. So, I took a chance and sent an email to this guy a while back. I finally get a response today. "I'm sorry, but I don't think we're a good fit." It really hurt my feelings, because, based on what he said, we were a PERFECT fit. I don't give a damn, really, because I am interested in someone else. But, even so, it hurt my feelings and I can't get it out of my head. How stupid is that?
Why Cant I
Why cant i be the love of your life Why cant i make you my wife Why cant i be your loverboy Why cant i be the one who brings you joy Why cant i be the one to heal your pain Why cant i shelter you from the rain Why cant i think about you all day Why cant i love you without having to say Why cant i be there when you're down Why cant i be your jester and your clown Why cant i be the man who holds you near Why cant i be the man to call you dear Why cant i gaze deep into your eyes Why cant i talk to you and never lie Why cant i have what other men possess Why cant i be seen outside of the rest Why cant i have a woman with absolute beauty Why cant i say she's here with me Why cant i be the one she sees in the morn Why cant she wear the shirt i've worn Why cant i live with the smell of her perfume Why cant i have her love to consume Why cant i be the man of her dreams Why cant i be like the others it seems Why cant i find the rose amongst the weed Why cant i, Why can
Why Can't I Find That Special Person.
Is it the way people look ,speak, or is it what they drive or the way they dress can anyone find that special someone by their personalite I think you can what do all you think.
Why Can't He Tell Metake Some Time And Actually Read This
Take Some Time and actually Read this this is a GUY TALKING... ITS 7TH GRADE... I stared at the girl next to me...She was my so called 'best friend'... I stared at her... Long, silky hair... And I wished she was mine... But she didn't notice me like that... I knew it... After class she walked up to me and asked me for the notes she had missed the day before... And I handed them to her... She said 'thanks'... And gave me a kiss on the cheek... I wanted to tell her... I want her to know that I don't want to be 'just friends'... I love her but I'm too shy to tell her... And I don't know why... IT'S JUNIOR YEAR... My phone rang... On the other end it was her... She was in tears... Mumbling on and on about how her love had broken her heart... She asked me to come over because she didn't want to be alone... So I did... As I sat next to her on the sofa... I stared at her soft eyes... Wishing she was mine... After 2 hours... A Drew Barrymore movie... And 3
Why Can't Life Be Good To Me?
Why is it that whenever I think that things are starting to work out right for me life just jumps in and kicks me in the nuts?
Why Can't I Listen To My Own Advice Lol
Relationships are not perfect and this is proven time and time again when couples go through troubled periods. It is difficult to understand how a relationship got so damaged when it started out so perfectly and happily. The truth is, all relationships will face disappointing and unexpected matters and there is nothing you can do to change it, but there are ways to properly deal with those matters without having to lose your relationship. The thought of losing your relationship, even though you are having major conflicts, is stressful and scary. Though the main focuses at the present time may be the problems, you still remember the love you share and the bond you have built, therefore you still wish to save your relationship. The good news is, there are methods you can use to save your relationship. The main key is being able to communicate on a respectable level. Both you and your partner have to cooperate by listening to each other's perspective of why the problem exists in
Why Cant He Tell Me!!!!
Take Some Time and actually Read this this is a GUY TALKING... ITS 7TH GRADE... I stared at the girl next to me...She was my so called 'best friend'... I stared at her... Long, silky hair... And I wished she was mine... But she didn't notice me like that... I knew it... After class she walked up to me and asked me for the notes she had missed the day before... And I handed them to her... She said 'thanks'... And gave me a kiss on the cheek... I wanted to tell her... I want her to know that I don't want to be 'just friends'... I love her but I'm too shy to tell her... And I don't know why... IT'S JUNIOR YEAR... My phone rang... On the other end it was her... She was in tears... Mumbling on and on about how her love had broken her heart... She asked me to come over because she didn't want to be alone... So I did... As I sat next to her on the sofa... I stared at her soft eyes... Wishing she was mine... After 2 hours... A Drew Barrymore movie... And 3
Why Can't People Just Be Literate?
I come to you all with yet another question. One that applies to the never-ending plethora of uneducated idiots... What is so hard about spelling a word properly? Is correct grammer really that much of a problem? It seems to me that these days people are just too lazy to even care. I mean, it's not as if it takes that much longer... it's probably longer typing in "slang" or in abbreviated text as you would have to think about how each word can be shortened without taking away it's meaning. I have a lot of time for people that make the effort to make sense. And if you're one of these people that shorten words... GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER!!! It's honestly fucking shocking that you can't even spell some of the most common words. :[ Shame on you!!
Why Couples Dont Have Sex
why couples dont have sex.. funny shit lmao >Dear Wife, > >During the past year I have tried to make love to you 365 times. > >I have succeeded 36 times, which is an average of once every ten > >days. > >The following is a list of why I did not succeed more often: > > > >54 times the sheets were clean > >17 times it was too late > >49 times you were too tired > >20 times it was too hot > >15 times you pretended to be sleep > >22 times you had a headache > >17 times you were afraid of waking the baby > >16 times you said you were too sore > >12 times it was the wrong time of the month > >19 times you had to get up early > >9 times you said weren't in the mood > >7 times you were sunburned > >6 times you were watching the late show > >5 times you didn't want to mess up your new hairdo > >3 times you said the neighbors would hear us > >9 times you said your father would hear us > > > >Of the 36 times I did succeed, the activity was not satisfactory > >be
Why City Folk Should Not Go Camping
These are actual comments left on Forest Service registration sheets and comment cards by backpackers completing wilderness camping trips: "A small deer came into my camp and stole my bag of pickles. Is there a way I can get reimbursed? Please call." "Escalators would help on steep uphill sections." "Instead of a permit system or regulations, the Forest Service needs to reduce worldwide population growth to limit the number of visitors to wilderness." "Trails need to be wider so people can walk while holding hands." "Ban walking sticks in wilderness. Hikers that use walking sticks are more likely to chase animals." "All the mile markers are missing this year." "Found a smouldering cigarette left by a horse." "Trails need to be reconstructed. Please avoid building trails that go uphill." "Too many bugs and leeches and spiders and spider webs. Please spray the wilderness to rid the area of these pests." "Please pave the trails so they can be plowed of snow in t
Why Can't You Find Real People On Here
Why is it that people say one thing and do something completely different. I am tired of all the games and mind games. Why cant someone be honest for petes sake.Is it that hard to that person what kind of person you are looking for ect. I want someone who is honest and very mature. Is that hard to ask for. What happen to all the mature people and decent ones.
Why Cant I Find A Guy That Will Do These Things...:(
Why Couples Don't Have Sex!
Dear Wife, During the past year I have tried to make love to you 365 times. I have succeeded 36 times, which is an average of once every ten days. The following is a list of why I did not succeed more often: 54 times the sheets were clean 17 times it was too late 49 times you were too tired 20 times it was too hot 15 times you pretended to be asleep 22 times you had a headache 17 times you were afraid of waking the baby 16 times you said you were too sore 12 times it was the wrong time of the month 19 times you had to get up early 9 times you said weren't in the mood 7 times you were sunburned 6 times you were watching the late show 5 times you didn't want to mess up your new hairdo 3 times you said the neighbors would hear us 9 times you said your mother would hear us Of the 36 times I did succeed, the activity was not satisfactory because: 6 times you just laid there 8 times you reminded me there's a crack in the ceiling 4 times you told me to hurry up an
Why Cant Ppl Be Real On Fubar
I have been on fubar since it was known as lostcherry and have seen it change alot through its name changes. lostcherry,cherrytap,and now fubar. some of the changes are for the better but it has also become more point driven and a place where ppl will try and buy their way to godfather or godmother. ppl are becoming more and more fake on here. i have made alot of friends on here that i think alot of.but have also found that some of the ppl i thought were friends are not who they appear to be and some of those ppl have caused me more pain than this site is worth.I have come to a hard reality in my life that it may be time to leave fubar. there are a handful of ppl on my family list that i will truly miss that are like real family to me but i have hundreds of friends on my list that never talk to me unless they want me to rate somehing and that bothers me because i asked to be there friend with the intension of talking to them but if you shout and they ignore you it feels like they added
Why Cant We See Things Coming
As we get older and wiser you would think youd be able to see things coming. Hard to beleive anything should come as a suprise. So is life to throw things your way that at the moment you cant or wont believe. How often we get caught up in the moment and dont realize what or why. These lessons I myself hope are intended for a greater perpose. To tell you the truth im sick of learning things the hard way. As many things as ive learned the hard way youd think id already know but i guess im not as smart as I should be, or is this the way its intended to be...... TC
Why Couples Don't Have Sex!!
Body: Dear Wife, During the past year I have tried to make love to you 365 times. I have succeeded 36 times, which is an average of once every ten days. The following is a list of why I did not succeed more often: 54 times the sheets were clean 17 times it was too late 49 times you were too tired 20 times it was too hot 15 times you pretended to be asleep 22 times you had a headache 17 times you were afraid of waking the baby 16 times you said you were too sore 12 times it was the wrong time of the month 19 times you had to get up early 9 times you said weren't in the mood 7 times you were sunburned 6 times you were watching the late show 5 times you didn't want to mess up your new hairdo 3 times you said the neighbors would hear us 9 times you said your mother would hear us Of the 36 times I did succeed, the activity was not satisfactory because: 6 times you just laid there 8 times you reminded me there's a crack in the ceiling 4 times you told me to hurry
Why Couples Dont Have Sex
Dear Wife, During the past year I have tried to make love to you 365 times. I have succeeded 36 times, which is an average of once every ten days. The following is a list of why I did not succeed more often: 54 times the sheets were clean 17 times it was too late 49 times you were too tired 20 times it was too hot 15 times you pretended to be asleep 22 times you had a headache 17 times you were afraid of waking the baby 16 times you said you were too sore 12 times it was the wrong time of the month 19 times you had to get up early 9 times you said weren't in the mood 7 times you were sunburned 6 times you were watching the late show 5 times you didn't want to mess up your new hairdo 3 times you said the neighbors would hear us 9 times you said your mother would hear us Of the 36 times I did succeed, the activity was not satisfactory because: 6 times you just laid there 8 times you reminded me there's a crack in the ceiling 4 times you told me to hurry up an
Why Couples Dont Have Sex
why couples dont have sex Dear Wife, During the past year I have tried to make love to you 365 times. I have succeeded 36 times, which is an average of once every ten days. The following is a list of why I did not succeed more often: 54 times the sheets were clean 17 times it was too late 49 times you were too tired 20 times it was too hot 15 times you pretended to be asleep 22 times you had a headache 17 times you were afraid of waking the baby 16 times you said you were too sore 12 times it was the wrong time of the month 19 times you had to get up early 9 times you said weren't in the mood 7 times you were sunburned 6 times you were watching the late show 5 times you didn't want to mess up your new hairdo 3 times you said the neighbors would hear us 9 times you said your mother would hear us Of the 36 times I did succeed, the activity was not satisfactory because: 6 times you just laid there 8 times you reminded me there's a crack in the ceiling 4 tim
Why Cant He Tell Me!
Take Some Time and actually Read this this is a GUY TALKING... IT'S 7TH GRADE... I stared at the girl next to me...She was my so called "best friend"... I stared at her... Long, silky hair... And I wished she was mine... But she didn't notice me like that... I knew it... After class she walked up to me and asked me for the notes she had missed the day before... And I handed them to her... She said "thanks"... And gave me a kiss on the cheek... I wanted to tell her... I want her to know that I don't want to be "just friends"... I love her but I'm too shy to tell her... And I don't know why... IT'S JUNIOR YEAR... My phone rang... On the other end it was her... She was in tears... Mumbling on and on about how her love had broken her heart... She asked me to come over because she didn't want to be alone... So I did... As I sat next to her on the sofa... I stared at her soft e yes... Wishing she was mine... After 2 hours... A Drew Barrymore movie... And 3 bags of
Why Can We Not Get Points?
Last time I checked, we are all adults here on the Fu, so why is it that when it comes to adult oriented material that we are being penalized so to speak by not getting points for rating others pics and/or recieving points for having our own rated/commented on? Is it such a terrible thing th award points just like non nsfw photos? What would the harm be? Is it that the owners, who by the way I give props to for keeping this site up and running so well, want to keep Fubar from becoming just anouther porn site? If so then I do respect that, but knowing the people that I do that frequent this site, I have faith in the people here that it would not get to that point. I know that this has been brought up time and time again,I just feel like.....and this is only my opinion....that since we are all adults, we should be able to get the points we all so love and desire no matter what the content of the picture.
Why Cops And Haunted Houses Dont Mix
OK so I went to a haunted house last night. I'm usually not a fan because they're lame for the most part, but after a substantial amount of brow beating, and a chance of hooking up with a really hot girl, I went. Well to make a long story short, you Vets and LEO know what happens when you startle us. It was an OK experience for a few minutes. More funny than scary. Then there was a part where it got all chaotic and there was a million things going on at once and there was flashing lights and sirens, so I slipped into work mode without even realizing it. The this weiner with all the scary zombie make-up jumps out at me from a dark corner. Well my reflexes took over and I broke his nose and 3 fingers. I was escorted out and of corse the cops were called and they rolled rescue for the guy. I apologized and the guy decided not to press charges. Of course it had to be three of my co-workers that responded. And as soon as they saw me they busted out laughing so bad it took them 35 minutes to
Why Can't I Level Up
Hey there all, I have a problem, I can't seem to get past 99.99% on level Newfu. I have enough points to be a level 11. I have verifide my email addy, and I have tried to do a salute, but since you have to be level 3 I can't do it. Does anyone have any clue as to why I am not moving up the ladder? I have had one suggestion as to delete my account and start over, but I would really be loosing alot if I did that. Please help me fix this problem. Annastacia
Why Can't Friends Do The Same
iI always rate friends photos stash etc. But why is it when you put up new photos and do stash yoyr friends can't be bothered to do the same. why is that u can send them messages or comments they can't even respond back to you. I think thats pretty messed up. WTF. i thought thats what friends were for. guess i was wrong. or am i? and no im not here for points its just rude not to rate back or message back. If i piss any one off oh well to bad.I always try to be nice to every one, and do the right thing.
Why Couldn't We See
what were we thinking? we should have known after the first time that it would never work, that it was never ment to be. i wanted love so bad i had to try and make it work again when i knew it wouldn't. why couldn't i face the fact that it would never be what i wanted it to be? it would never change and be the fairy tale love that i was so deasprately seeking? the fairy tale love is not smething that will ever be real. the romance novel sex will never be like it is in the books. it's nice to entertain the idea in your youth but as you approach adulthood all hope of fairy tale love and romance novel sex should be put away for dreams.
Why Cant I Find Love
I dont understand how come its hard to find a girl who will let me nussle her neck and kiss her starting from her neck to the places unknown why cant i find her, do i have to be alone?It sounds like a simple question,not one hard to master,well then explain why my relationships have been such disaster.Somone to hold in the darkest of night and somone to hold by morning light,I guess im looking for the woman who can make things right,untill then i guess ill be left alone stuck in the dark all alone with a missing piece of heart. [written and created by ny emotions]feel free to comment.
Why Cant Most Be Truthful With Their Likes?
Ok so I am curious here.... over the years I have come to realize that most people.. both men and women.. are afraid to truly express themselves in a sexual manner... everyone has their secrets that they are afraid to let be known in fear that others will look down on them. Why is it that people choose to live like this instead of being who they truly are? What is your take on this?
Why Can't I Just Tell You
why can't I ever reveal the tears that I cry. when I'm alone when I hurt. when I feel I'm about to die. why cant I just tell you how I feel. instead of lying. instead of hiding. instead of holding back whats real. why cant I say that I'm hurting inside. when your gone. when you don't call. why cant I say I want you by my side. why cant I tell you I'm dying inside. because I can't see you because I miss you. I've told my heart so many lies. why cant I say that I love you when I feel that. I feel it everyday every moment. and thats a simple fact ~~~~~~~~~Paul Moye~~~~~~~~~~~~
Why Cold Weather Bothers Me;
I don't really like cold weather because once I get cold I can't get warm. The worst thing is, I'm a girl so I can't really hide when I'm cold. I don't like my nipples to get cold because everyone knows when I'm cold then. Sometimes I hate having 34D's. I just hate being cold plain and simple.
Why Couples Don't Have Sex.... Omg Soo Funny
Dear Wife, During the past year I have tried to make love to you 365 times. I have succeeded 36 times, which is an average of once every ten days. The following is a list of why I did not succeed more often: 54 times the sheets were clean 17 times it was too late 49 times you were too tired 20 times it was too hot 15 times you pretended to be sleep 22 times you had a headache 17 times you were afraid of waking the baby 16 times you said you were too sore 12 times it was the wrong time of the month 19 times you had to get up early 9 times you said weren't in the mood 7 times you were sunburned 6 times you were watching the late show 5 times you didn't want to mess up your new hairdo 3 times you said the neighbors would hear us 9 times you said your mother would hear us Of the 36 times I did succeed, the activity was not satisfactory because: 6 times you just laid there 8 times you reminded me there's a crack in the ceiling 4 times you told me to hurry up a
Why Cant She See?
Where do kids get the right to think that after you spend a big part of your life raising and taking care of them, that they can then start telling you what you can do after they've gone and you get to have time doing what interests you? Well according to my daughter who is 18 and has a baby of her own to raise, I am not supposed to fall in love, move away from KY, or do anything that may make me happy. I'm supposed to spend 24/7 with my 12 yr old son, never leave his side, treat him like he can't do anything and do it for him, and let the world and love pass me by. In her eyes, I am a drunk (even though I rarely drink), a pill head(I'm on medication for anxiety and depression for the rest of my life), a pot head (I haven't smoked in over 4 months), a whore (because I have relationships..not one nighters), a cyber slut(cause I have so many friends and I like to talk to them) and worst of all I'm not a good enough mother to her, a bad mother to my son and never going to get to be

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