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Who I Like To Date...
i love to date Russian women... why?  cuz Russian women are great to date, cuz u can impress them with stuff that you can't impress American women with... like BREAD!!!!!
Who Is Silver Really?
These are some of the things that have influenced my life and made me who I am today. Some things may shock you, as I have experienced some scary shit in my day. But I don't regret anything, and I won't apologize for anything I have done as it wouldn't change anything. So, if you are REALLY interested and read with an open mind, you just might learn about what makes me tick. Or not. Either way, this is theraputic for me, a way to release my thoughts so I don't implode. lol 1. I was born with a birth defect effecting my bladder and kidneys. 2. I spent most of age 10 in a hospital to correct the defect. 3. I have virtually NO memory of my life before the surgeries. So in essence, my life began when I was 10. 4. My mom and dad divorced by the time I was 11. 5. I lost my virginity at 13 to a 19 yr old guitar player, in a cemetary. 6. By 15, I was a drug addict, and my older brother was a violent alcoholic. He would beat me up daily. 7. I was date raped at 16. I never reported
Who Is Sam Hain?
Who is this guy they call Sam Hain?I see his name in witchy books;But when I ask my witchy friends;They just give me the strangest looks.He seems to be so important;And everyone knows him but me;Each year they throw him a party;It sounds like THE cool place to be!When I ask my friends what he’s like;They all practically turn and run;I need to get to know Sam Hain;So I can join in all the fun!I asked friends to introduce me;I’ll have to introduce myself;‘Cuz when I asked they looked at me;As if I’m a demented elf!So I searched the yellow pages;I called up information too;I just can’t find this guy Sam Hain;I surfed the web ‘til I turned blue!I’ve heard my witchy friends planning;And although they’ll think I’m a pain;I’m going to crash his party;Then I’ll finally meet Sam Hain!
~who I Love~
Someone who sleeps on his back so I can have my "spot", his breath rolling like a river into night. ....   Someone who wakes me in the morning by saying "Baby, it's time to get up" with fresh coffee in hand. ....   Someone who with voice of a rock star, but who won't ever step upon a stage. ....   Someone who has the hands fit to hold me perfectly. ....   Someone who listens to music just because he likes it, even when it sucks. ....   Someone who plays Literati with me when I'm miles from home and bored to death. ....   Someone who walks closest to the street to assure if anyone gets hurt, it won't be me. ....   Someone who would wait a decade or more just to hold me once again.....   Someone who learned, though it took awhile, that cats really are our friends, and they don't like to chase keys. ....   Someone whose hips can sway just the way they I need them to, if they are going to rock my world. ....   Someone who bites the back of my neck like a leopard carryin
Who I Am - Theme Song To Sue Thomas Fb Eye - Sung By Jessica Andrews
Who I Am lyricsIf I live to be a hundredAnd never see the seven wondersThat'll be alrightIf I don't make it to the big leaguesIf I never win a GrammyI'm gonna be just fineCause I know exactly who I amI am Rosemary's granddaughterThe spitting image of my fatherAnd when the day is done my momma's still my biggest fanSometimes I'm clueless and I'm clumsyBut I've got friends that love me And they know just where I standIt's all a part of meAnd that's who I amSo when I make a big mistakeAnd when I fall flat on my faceI know I'll be alrightShould my tender heart be brokenI will cry those teardrops knowing I will be just fineCause nothing changes who I amI am Rosemary's granddaughterThe spitting image of my fatherAnd when the day is done my momma's still my biggest fanSometimes I'm clueless and I'm clumsyBut I've got friends that love me And they know just where I standIt's all a part of meAnd that's who I amI'm a saint and I'm a sinnerI'm a loser; I'm a winnerI am steady and unstableI'm youn
Who Is She???
A very weird thing has happened. A strange old lady has moved into my house. I have no idea who she is, where she came from, or how she got in. I certainly did not invite her. All I know is that one day she wasn't there, and the next day she was. She is a clever old lady and manages to keep out of sight for the most part, but whenever I pass a mirror I catch a glimpse of her. And, whenever I look in the mirror to check my appearance, there she is hogging the whole thing, completely, obliterating my gorgeous face and body. This is very rude! I have tried screaming at her, but she just screams back. The least she could do is offer to pay part of the rent, but no. Every once in a while, I find a dollar bill stuck in a coat pocket, or some loose change under a sofa cushion, but it is not nearly enough. I don't want to jump to conclusions, but I think she is stealing money from me. I go to the ATM and withdraw $100, and a few days later, it
Who I Am
Who Am I I am kindness, tenderness and understanding. When you are sad, I will cry with you but I'll also hold you in my arms and kiss away the tears. I am funny, charming and witty at times, and inquisitive I look for the humor and the excitement in life and appreciate all the the fullness that life brings. I enjoy finding new things to experience. I am serious, a thinker, responsible I value friends and family. I try to keep my promises. I will stand by you in times of crisis. I am affable, social and friendly My friends are important, they know I will be there for them if I can, I trust them and want to see them happy as I trust that they want to see me happy in my life too I am old and I am young. Much I have experienced in life and much more that I want to experience. I am faithfullness and devotion to the one I'm with Even when we are apart, you are always in my heart and on my mind. I am artistic, creative and imaginative I paint, I photograph, I see the world at times t
Who I Am
I am a student going to school majoring in psychology and minoring in CMIS.  I love to talk to others unless I am either doing school work or working on my job. I am in the medical field in various titles.  It does not make enough money.  So now I am a phone sex operator at  I am also a webcam host, and I am starting escorting and next is the movies.  I love sex, and I am now ready to enjoy myself.  I love sex and I love money what could be a better combination.  Anyone wanting to talk to me its, but tell me where you heard of me from because I have many websites. I am looking for a sugar daddy to share mutual good benefits with; email me and tell me you are the one. Actually at this time so far I have only slept with one man in my whole life who is my husband, but I am really looking forward to playing with some strange.
Who Is Worthy And Who Is Not Worthy
If you feel it is necessary to only come to my page to get me to come to a lounge, vote on a mumm, or view a member please don't!   I am getting tired of being on here only to have people ask for stuff and give nothing in return!   If you have a problem with it, bring it to my attention, not anybody else, for it is none of there concerne!   As my name now states, yes I am now "Un-Loved~Un-Wanted~Un-Needed"!   Again if you have a problem with this, bring it to me and nobody else for it's none of there concerne anymore!
Who I Am
I am the one who's at there side, the one they talk to when someone lied, so weather it be on the phone, in person, or on cam, I am there, I am who i am...  I see the things they wish to hide, all the things they keep inside, I understand the feelings they don't know, even the ones they do not show, I hear the things they want and see the things they need, I offer only what i can, in hopes they will succeed, so weather it be on the phone, in person, or on cam, I am there, I am who i am...
Who I Look Like?
  Gabrielle Union? It must be the lips. WOOT!!       So Beyonce was the only one who carried over. Hmmmmm. LOL I'm so bored.
Who Is Getting A Salute Hopefully All Today
Dean's Pshychedilic Breakfast, DJ Boogey Man, RaLpHiE, Rae Rae, MCMEAKA Clark Kunt, mmiikkee Misty Mayhem MJB, Your One and Only Gallo, Big in Bakersfield, FangBanginCannibal, Star Whore.   If you're not on the list and wish to be added, please comment.
Who I Am And Where I'm At, Part One
I'm Brett, for starters and I've been called by many names in my life. I was Cowboyfor 4 ish years, and for 4 ish years I was also known as Kitt. Back in my early days of hitch-hiking the countryside (which I did for 13 years) especially in Alice Springs, I was known as Waco, though they all pronounced it Wacko, lol. At the very start of my hitch-hiking days I was called Kidd Bowie, because of my particular fondness for the Bowie knife and the Legend behind the original. It was only after becoming a father that I took to the name Brett, after 30 years of living was I happy to be acknowledged as what my birth certificate recorded. I look at it now and realise it was because my father had named me Brett, and if there is anyone on this planet that I despise or loathe more, then i have yet to discover it. It was this hate, a hate that ate at me for so many years it turned me into a bitter, sullen, angry, rebellious young man, that was my chip on my shoulder, my cross to bear and I think ov
"who I Am"
This song sums up exactly how I feel and it does it perfectly. I want someone to love me For who I am I want someone to need me Is that so bad? I wanna break all the madness But it's all I have I want someone to love me For who I am Nothing makes sense, nothing makes sense anymore Nothing is right, nothing is right when you're gone I'm losing my breath, I'm losing my right to be wrong I'm frightened to death, I'm frightened that I won't be strong I want someone to love me For who I am I want someone to need me Is that so bad? I wanna break all the madness But it's all I have I want someone to love me For who I am Hey! I'm shaking it off, I'm shaking off all of the pain. Breaking my heart, breaking my heart once again I want someone to love me For who I am I want someone to need me Is that so bad? I wanna break all the madness But it's all I have I want someone to love me For who I am I want someone to love me For who I am
Who I Am.
What's up people! Nice to meet everyone here on Fubar, this is an amazing place and I can see why it's so popular. I have a feeling I'm going to be here for a while and make a lot of friends. That being said, it's time to get down to the point of my first blog. Fubar is so unique, that each person's profile and lounge are an extension of who they are, it's really cool to see how everyone expresses them selves. Just like I do on my profile, I'm a very passionate person. I'v visited quite a few lounges since I'v joined, a few have been amazing to me and I'v made friends. Now here comes the interesting part. Some lounges seem to want to take on a bit of a more...........lets say........demanding role. I get it, it's your lounge your rules. Though some people arn't comfortable with showing their real face, thus they put up something they enjoy like anime characters. I don't expect everyone to understand anime or cartoons, it's not for everyone. Anime is just who I AM. I'v actually been
Who I Am (july 2007)
okay so I skipped acouple songs cause they were shyte.. so heres next in line..     Who I Am I sit behind my eyes Watching the way you make me smile I can't seem to hide  From the way you drive me wild Your kiss lingers Touch of the fingers Reminds me   (chorus) I remember who I was  Can't change the things I've done You taught me how to stand So I'm thanking you for who I am   (verse 2) I sit in your light Can't beleive I made you mine I can't resist your eyes You don't see that you shine The way you say Don't go away
Who Is More Of A Troll
Who is more of a troll, meaning one who starts controversy, me or someone who has 7 as part of his user name?  A.  You, Ike B.  Number 7
Who Is This Ugly F"cker
Who is this ugly f"cker in my default, oh it is I
Who I Am
Hello everyone!   I'm a nice italian guy with a few passions: girls, writing, programming, photographs and others. I really enjoy my passions and some of them have saved or significantly improved my life. Programming in particular falls in the former category, the others in the latter. I really enjoy writing erotic stories, poems and all sorts of writing and if you're lucky, I might be posting some on here very soon For now, just a huge kiss to the girls and a handshake to the dudes!   Andrew
Who I Am?
I'm a welder and I live in the country outside Austin, Tx. I am a vet. and I have worked oversea's in Dubai, U.A.E. recently as a welding consultant. I'm a single dad and my son is thirteen yrs. old. I love dancing and singing karoake. I love spending time at my campfire site under a big oak tree Playin rock and country music from my truck stereo. I live on ten ackers of land with a creek in the back. Love watching the deer and other critters play. There's nothing like drinkin a cold beer and kickin back in the country!
Who I Lost My Mind.
Life would be smoother with a bottle of warm sexand broken guitar strings.Sour plants, high fantasy,and a deluge of even skinned girl.All for the love of me.I'll never understand. Tried to categorize it.Classify it.Organize it.Debunk the myth.Wild unicorns, in a soft-cloud stampede. I'll never live another moment as pure.As condensed and sweet.Pouring in a long tantalizing strand.Pregnant with anticipation of the fall. Where all things exotic and barren collide.The purple and orange horizonthe husky, lonesome wind in my eyes. For us there is no tomorrow.For me there is no us. Just follow.
Who Is With Me?
  I think we should quickly invent a Vuvuzela trumpet for the Pope’s visit to Glasgow, it doesn’t hoot but the screams of small children come out and remind him of the abuse he covered up! Who is with me?   Lets all stand near Bellahouston Park and protest with banners about the homophobic, Nazi, abuse apologist! Who is with me?   That may sound hysterically radical to you reading this but I am disgusted that the Pope will not allow condoms to save lives in African countries that are crippled by AIDS, the Catholic Church refuses financial help to those communities that distribute and use condoms.   I am disgusted that the Pope won’t allow women to become equal in the eyes of his Lord and am totally horrified of the cover up and protection of Church staff that mentally, sexually and physically destroyed children throughout the globe in the name of The Lord.   Jesus must be ashamed of these people if he is the good man everyone says he was/is. Jesus must be up
Who Is Madam M
Lifestyle Domme. ProDomme. Anachronistic.Poly.Bi.Sarcastic.Sadistic.Protective over Mine.Cruel & Compassionate. I never mix Pro D/s with Personal D/s so when contacting me make sure you know which end you are on. I am not nearly as mean as I seem. I keep my guard up but deep down I am a cool ass Goofy as all hell. Sarcastic and nerdy. I am here to stalk total strangers. Oh yea and make some friends along the way. I welcome conversation from Dominants as well as submissives so feel free just remain respectful. I have quite the sadistic streak and have a soft spot for pain sluts and for sissies. For those that enjoy pampering a Goddess feel free to do so here: Wanna know more feel free to ask. Either I'll answer or tell you to go fuck yourself. :-) ~M  
Who Is She ?
                                                                      Who Is She?          With dark hair ,   and eye's of brown,   she's a beautiful woman   from a small town.     She's just an everyday girl, with everyday dreams, she's all that she appears, she's not what she seems, and she's searching for, something else.    When she came in, I could tell right away, she had come a long long way  she did what every heart does,  but she didn't know what that was.    With the eye's of an angel, and a heart of gold, she's got love on her mind, and much more to behold, still she's searching for a little more.    She's just an everyday girl, with everyday dreams, she's all that she appears, she's not what she seems, still she's searching for a little more.     She's lookin' for that Mr. Right, and someday soon He'll be in her sight, then she will know He's the one.    She's just an everyday girl, with everyday dreams, she's all that she appears
Who Is The Serial Bully?
Introduction to the serial bully Embittered by an abusive upbringing, seething with resentment, irritated by others' failure to fulfil his or her superior sense of entitlement, and fuelled by anger resulting from rejection, the serial bully displays an obsessive, compulsive and self-gratifying urge to displace their uncontrolled aggression onto others whilst exhibiting an apparent lack of insight into their behavior and its effect on people around them. Jealousy and envy motivate the bully to identify a competent and popular individual who is then controlled and subjugated through projection of the bully's own inadequacy and incompetence. When the target asserts their right not to be bullied, a paranoid fear of exposure compels the bully to perceive that person as a threat and hence neutralise and dispose of them as quickly as possible. Once a person has been eliminated there's an interval of between 2 days and 2 weeks before the bully chooses another target and the cycle starts ag
Who Is A Fireman???
What is a Fire Fighter? He's the guy next door - a man's man with the memory of a little boy. He has never gotten over the excitement of engines and sirens and danger. He's a guy like you and me with warts and worries and unfulfilled dreams. Yet he stands taller than most of us. He's a fireman. He puts it all on the line when the bell rings. A fireman is at once the most fortunate and the least fortunate of men. He's a man who saves lives because he has seen too much death. He's a gentle man because he has seen the awesome power of violence out of control. He's responsive to a child's laughter because his arms have held too many small bodies that will never laugh again. He's a man who appreciates the simple pleasures of life - hot coffee held in numb, unbending fingers - a warm bed for bone and muscle compelled beyond feeling - the camaraderie of brave men - the divine peace and selfless service of a job well done in the name of all men. He doesn't wear buttons or wave flags or
"who Is That Calling Me "
I was once lost in the darkness and I could not see then at once I heard a strong voice from above calling me.. I felt as though I was being watched with eyes all around. Again I heard the voice say, "My child please look up from the ground so when i turned to look into the sky a bright light caught my sight... Then the voice said, "My child it was I watching you from here up above and I will never leave nor forsake you for you are my child, the one I dearly love"
Who In
Who in here for me....
Who I Am
I might not be someone's first choice, but I am a great choice. I don't pretend to be someone I'm not, because I'm AWESOME at being me. I might not be proud of some of the things I've done in the past, but I'm proud of who I am today. I may not be perfect, but I don't need to be. Take me as I am or watch me as I walk away.
Who Is Jens (will Be New Profile)
Who Is This?
In each one's life, Falling stars do come. Some can see, While others know not where from. I myself saw two just last night, Amazed in their glow. My mind lept, From all it did know. Lost in those momments, Wishishing time would stand still. Wonderinging if I could catch them, Hold them so real. Maybe tonight......... Two more may fall. But my two from last night, Were the most beautiful of all.
Who I Am And The Way I Am Rises
For along time in my life i've tried to be something that would make people stop and take interest. even on here i've tried to take pictures that will make alot of the beautiful women i see take interest even if i don't drop them a message.on occasion it has worked but not as often as i would of liked it too. it took till a few days ago to realise i was being stupid. i was told to stop being who i wasn't and just be me for a change if no one takes interest then they just arn't worth it.   WHAT I AM   M name is Jay, i'm 21 and live in the United Kingdom but i'd rather leave it at that and not tell my exact location. i'm gothic and love metal music and am constantly drawn to the beauty of darkness.  i like meeting new people and am trying to make new friends from y area for a change. i don't care how old a woman is i'm still willing to chat about what ever they like. i'm learning if i don't get attension then it doesn't matter whats the worst that could happen apart from being ignore
Who I Truely Am
i am  person who made  a  few  mistakes...i went to   to jail  for something i  didnt  do. I  also  live  in  a  trailor  that was parked  in my brothers  drive way  untill  i got  a  bad infection  in my foot  which cost me  my left small brother  offered  no help  and his  wife would  yell at me  because   i needed  to goto the hospital  for  anti biotic  treatment  he  charged  me gas money and  talked about  putting me in a  nurseing home  cuz  my foot wasnt getting any i had no choice but to  contact my sister for  help so my niece  came and picked  me up....i  wound up in  the  hospital for 2 weeks  were  the  docs  would  cut away dead  skin   that was blackend by the infection  then  they  tryed  maggot  therapy  then i lost my toe  cuz  the infection went to   bone....the docs  said  i was  lucky  cuz if  i hadnt contacted  my  sister  and  niece  i would  have been   dead   within a brother  and sister in  law blame me  for the infection  gett
Who I Am
I'm slightly frustrated with some people right now, so I just felt the need to make a quick blog since I can't fit all I wanna say in a status message lol   I really couldn't possibly care less about this place and the game aspect. However, I do enjoy helping others. People who have offered to help me, people who are my friends, or people who are just genuinely nice and that need a helping hand. I wouldn't be where I'm at without the help of others. But more importantly, when it comes to social interactions and conversations and friendships in general. I treat people on here the same way I treat my real life friends. Period. Don't ask me for my opinion, if you aren't ready to hear my opinion; whether it be something you want to hear or something you don't.   That's the big BIG difference between me and other people. Everyone around here it seems loves kissing everyone else's ass to get ahead; whether it's in rank, to be liked, or for achievements. Or even trying to "sucker" some
Who I Am
  I am human. I am frail & weak. I have my faults. I am not perfect. I wear many different emotional masks. Sometimes I am happy. Sometimes I am full of despair. Sometimes I am enraged. Sometimes I am terrified.       Now that we got that out of the way, let us begin.   Hi, my name is Dave & I'm an @$$hole. I know, I know .... old news. So maybe I should give you a glimpse into why I am. Where should we begin ? Hmmmmm. How about we start with my parents ? Don't get me wrong, it's not entirely their fault.  But they have played a part. Let's begin with my dad. I'm his namesake, so he expected me to be his perfect little clone. He was the All American boy growing up. Born to parents who were little better than destitute. He started school in a 1 room schoolhouse. Upon entering High School he became a jock, Mr Popularity. All the girls wanted him, all the guys wanted to be him. He was even scouted to play professional Baseball. After High School he went into the military, wher
Who I Am Pt 2
Those who don't learn from the past are doomed to repeat it.   I'm sure if most of you had to describe me in 1 word I'm pretty sure Asshole would be the 1 most would agree on. Most likely Douchebag would be a very close 2nd. And you'd be right ... sort of. You see that's who I USED to be. But shit happens & people change. Shit's happened to me & made me change, numerous times in my life. A long time ago I was content with my life. You might even say I was happy, to a certain extent. Then something happened that started my downward descent into Hell. I fell in love, well at least at the time I thought I did. In the very beginning it was great, but as time went by it slowly got worse. Basically concluding with her telling me she had fallen in love with someone else, that someone else used to be a friend of mine. So she kicked me to the curb for a Pedophile Meth-Head. Needless to say that royally fucked my head up. But we stayed together for awhile after that trying to work it out. We e
Who Is The Best Flower Shop In Leighton Buzzard?
You may be thinking that there are several florists in this area, but how can you really say who the best florist in Leighton Buzzard is? I put forward to you now that the best florist in Leighton Buzzard is in fact Ola Flowers. All of my experiences with this florist shop have been enjoyable and I feel that none of the other florist companies I have considered using have even come close. Take the experience I had the other day, for example. I visited another florist shop because it was on my way to visit my mother in hospital. I thought it would be nice to pick up some of her favourite flowers on my way to cheer her up a little. Not only did this florist shop not have what I was looking for, they were completely disinterested in helping me right from the outset and they refused to entertain the idea of ordering the flowers I wanted so that I could pick them up the next time I went past. Now, anyone who has used Ola Flowers for their floral needs will know that this would never happe
Who I Am
who i am   when im near you  i walk on eggshells i pray i don't make you mad enough to yell ..  i pray i get though another day especially when your home you say no so many time , i wonder if you know what yes means    i don't think you know how cruel you be  when i cry , or ask for help you act as though i don't exist  i know theres something with you .. something wrong with emotions that you can't feel    i know theres . some part of you that delights in my pain  i know only sometimes realise the mind games you play    Don't judge me for who i am  Till youve walked a miles in my shoes .. This life is silent death , the death of a soul .. the death of pride ..    Soon it will all end ..  A new life begin    how easy is it to say youd walk away if u never suffered cruel words ? how easy is it to say youd go with a family so close by .. ? how easy is it to think you understand ?   living in fear ..  Living in his world .. its not the same as the rest of the wor
Who Is She
WHO IS SHEI have searched for her before, but had no idea what I was looking for, and I have known what I wanted but never tried to search for her,I have met all kinds of people all over the place,and looked at the qualities they all have, I took bits and pieces of them all and put them together,and then I suddenly realized what it is that I desire in a woman,but still I was not so sure that I would find her,because everyman has his ultimate dream come true fantasy girl,but a dream is just a dream and a fantasy is even more,the more I searched, the more I learned, the harder it became to find the one,and then it happened when I least expected it, she found me,and I realized that a dream is worth keeping and a fantasy is worth exploring,so I returned to my search knowing what I like,but still I had no clue if I would find her, and then suddenly,I met someone, someone who seemed to fit, someone who made me realize what it is I can bring to her,someone who saved me from myself, and opened
Who I Am
im just a broken heartedlady that bn hurt o bad by 2 married men which i was a fool to fall n love with they were separted from there wifes well one was the other a diff story but anyways i have had enough hurt in my life that it abt me now if a gd man cones alng great i be glad to have him as long as he understands one thing news years eve of 2013i plan on marrying myself to show ppl i dnt need a mad to be happy or to depend on i can do gd and bad by myself
Who Is That Chick - 859
One more lie passed around about me, alright now was anyone looking so they could see?? I really don't want to even know, somehow I don't think so. As a chick I don't even qualify, they don't write poetry and cry.   A chick I just ain't, I have already gone and sinned a chick is more of a virginal saint. I am one bad seed in my family, I have never been locked up but with being loved, I am not so lucky.   Okay yeah some do ask who I am, but when I find out what is say behind my back I understand that they don't give a good god damn. I will be trying, till my day of death, only I have something to say showing love isn't wasting anyone's breath.   Who is that chick?? she probably can't even suck or lick. See she just looks sick who is that chick??
Who I Am
For those of you with a problem with the things you see or hear from me . I have a few definitions to help you .with those opinions of me . A stranger someone you love just cause its free. A friend someone you fall in love with each time you greet . Someone that hurts you . Some one you love forgive and send  on their way. An enemy someone you pray for but don’t let get within reach . Marriage a contract of flesh and one path to be shared .jealousy a way to control . In life we have choices of what we do or think so in my definitions . Please understand me . I don’t want anything from anyone but the love of friends . So remember these things when you judge me cause this is truly who I am .
Who Jack Shit Is
Who Knows
nothing... nothing but empty wishes...longing for the impossible. wanting so much to be different from who i am...who i truly am. not who everyone considers me to be. mother thinks of me as a wanna-be "bad-girl", rebelling just to be the same as the other youth of my generation. my frends think of me as a girl who has been places they will not go for a long time. its getting so bad that even im beginning to wonder who i really am to be lost in the depths of my imagination, is all i really long for in a world where the very emotions of people are blurred, marred, and destructed to the point of no understanding...what has this generation done? to have knowledge of our destructive doings and yet not do anything to prevent the evil from spreading its wings and taking flight in our world...planting itself in our ignorant will we be? we cant afford one more mistake in this lifetime...but... sadly millions more we shall endure before the end take
Who Knew
You took my hand You showed me how You promised me you'd be around Uh huh That's right I took your words And I believed In everything You said to me Yeah huh That's right If someone said three years from now You'd be long gone I'd stand up and punch them up Cause they're all wrong I know better Cause you said forever And ever Who knew Remember when we were such fools And so convinced and just too cool Oh no No no I wish I could touch you again I wish I could still call you friend I'd give anything When someone said count your blessings now For they're long gone I guess I just didn't know how I was all wrong They knew better Still you said forever And ever Who knew Yeah yeah I'll keep you locked in my head Until we meet again Until we Until we meet again And I won't forget you my friend What happened If someone said three years from now You'd be long gone I'd stand up and punch them out Cau
Who Knew...
Love actually can exist. I am so amazed right now that someone loves me for me. For once! Some of my friends don't approve of him but who cares. I am falling for him more and more each time I see him. So, this excites me very much. I hope my heart will let me love him. I hope I dont get hurt from him. I just damn...too many thoughts running through my head right now. In other news, I can't get online very much after today. I have like three test on the same day. This is gonna bite. I have math, writting, and english. Grrrr....! Writing I can do its the English and Math I am woried about. Well, finally my room is done. yay! Well, there is some things that neeed to be added but its good for now. It's still a working process. At least I am out there now. LoL Anyhoo, have a great weekend and week everyone.
Who Knew??
You scored as Goth. Your A Goth!Goth75%Rocker, Mosher65%Trendy45%Chav, Townie, Rude Boy, Ned, Kev5%Emo0%Skater0%Prepy0%What Group Are You? Chav, Rocker, Skater, Emo, Goth, Trendy, Prepy Ectcreated with
Who Knows....
Just trying to figure the secret ways to get points.... figured out the stash thing. though if it is only 1 point per item stashed its almost pointless..... well thats it for now... yeah i know its not exciting, but it wasnt meant to be....
Who Knows?
I come around in your life.... unexpectly.... I catch you off guard. Call it good timing call it bad timing. You call it whatever you want I call it a destiny I may be there for a reason I may be there for a season... I may be there for a lifetime Who knows......but fate has brought me into your life To help you To love you To save you To be your friend To be your lover To be your mate......that is the question Who knows........but I'm not about to give up or let this go. This is too good.... Feelings are fighting with emotions... Don't know what is what But.........I know I'm meant to be in your life..... But who knows where it will take me or you or us. But I'm not about to let go..........
Who Knows
So... have you guys ever read cliff notes? Ok well now... imagine you really wanted to read the WHOLE book, the real one, not some edited version just giving you the over all idea of what its about. You wanted all of it, all the details and the jokes and even the boring stuff... but instead all they had was the Cliff notes... So you seatle until you can actually get the full version. So for now you read the cliff notes, short sweet, not REALLY the book but better than never evening know what the book was about... right? Right! So lets just say Im reading fucking cliff notes and hoping that I dont get over it before the real book is avalible! I know... my analogies really suck!
Who Knew?
What condom are you? 18 Results with pics! Ultra Pleasue (Ribbed & Studded) CondomYou know exactly what you want.Take The Quiz Now!Quizzes by
Who Knows
Dearest Beloved, You are my heart and soul. Yours is that spark that ignites my dreams of passion. A fire rages inside me to love you more deeply than I ever thought I could love another. Ours is a shared desire to be one in all things. Ours is to be in the now and hold the feeling forever precious. I desire you in my life. I desire to be in your life. Not because we have to, But because we want to. I will stand beside you in all things you face. I will not judge you for your past. I will carry my part of the load. I will help you to carry your load. I will listen to you and not interrupt. I will only give advice when asked. I will let you be you and never change you. I will always be me and consider your wishes. I may not always please you, But I will always make the effort to be pleasing. I am not coming into your life to make it worse, But to enhance it for us both. I want ours to be a love that is to be envied by those who know not how to love. I love you as the eternal spirit l
Who Knows More About This Ninja
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Who Knows What To Call This One
I feel a storm raging in my soul an angry hunger out of control it feeds upon ones insecurities so intense it brings one to their knees the waves are crashing tossing me around I try to find solid ground then in one single flash a bright light appeared so calming it was you...... then without warning the storm reappeared and left me tattered and my soul shattered so now all that is left is this empty shell and I go back to my living hell
Who Knows Me Best
So You Think You Know Me... (2 Points) My name: (4 Points) My last name: (4 Points) Who am I in love with: (1 Points) Where did we meet: (6 Points) Take a stab at my middle name: (1 Points) Where do i work: (3 Point) What am i afraid of: (2 Points) Do I smoke : (3 Points) Do I drink: (3 points) Do you think I'm a virgin: (1 Point) Do I have any siblings: (2 Points) How many: (2 Points) What's one of my favorite things to do: (1 Point) How many piercings do I have: (4 Points) How many tattoos do I have: (3 Points) What's my favorite type of music: (4 Points) Am I shy or outgoing: (3 Points) Am I a rebel or do I follow the rules: (2 Points) What's my favorite color: (3 Points) Name something I hate: (4 Points) Name a talent I have: (4 Points) What's my phone number: (4 Points) What kind of sneakers do I wear: (4 Points) Do I have any pets: (2 Points) Who am I dating/liking right now: (5 Points) How long have I been dating them: (5 points) How tall am I? (5 Poi
Who Knows
Who knows what is in the future What it may hold There could be a job One to keep you happy There could be a home One to keep you warm at night There could be a pet One to who will keep you company There could be a family member One to be there in your time of need There could be a friend One to tell your secrets There could be a love One to hold and cherish So who knows what it in the future What it may hold
Who Knows
Life, death, mystery, desire. Do these all fuel our lifes fire. We run, we hide, we sit, we wait, we cry, we long for what will never be. So swim we must in this vast sea, and the end will oneday come. We can only hope.
Who Knows? Who Cares?
why are there half naked pics on this site? and why do people post them? whats your opinion?
Who Knows? Who Cares?
why are there half naked pics on this site? and why do people post them? whats your opinion?
Who Knows
hola everyone i am a mexicana chicana and i love too party...but i am new to all this cherry tap shit so hit me up iight peace
Who Killed It By Nas (a Great Story Had To Post The Lyrics)
[Nas] Look here see Pretty Mike shanked Two-Face Al over some gal Found the body dead in the isles Death by strangulation Microphone cord, a dirty broad Guess they'll never play it again Sam Damn that was my jam Now she's on the lamb She made it out with 200 grand What a scam While these two compete on who's the star of the show Golden legs there makes off with the dough I read the paper there with Joe the Butcher He said one glance is all it took ya She's a real looker They say her old mans a bootlegger Transporting in any weather And at this rate we'll never get her Fellas, think it's time to call it a night All this talk of this mystery dame's gettin' me tight Thought I saw her in my eyesight, right Hate to spoil the party What are you guys havin', the same? Waiter another round for the gang It's strange how I always felt outta place Joe The Butcher's my ace, but in comes Freckle Face So I said see you later 'Fore I hurt him and his two ugly thumb breaker
Who Knows What Is Gonna Come Out Of My Mouth?
this is my first time bloging here so its all new to me on myspace i always came up with of the wall shit cause thats how me head thinks so who knows what the fuck will come out of my pie hole this time cuase since my friend showed me this place i dont used that shit hole place no more like i said before holy shit bateman i forgot my kewl lil jump suit why do we blog any ways why do we do the shit we do who the fuck knows we are just pawns in this lil game god is up there right now looking down at us sipping his bud light beer laughing at us sitting in his lazy boy you know when it rains gods pissing on us too aint that just great think of that the next time it rains and your walking to your car !!!
Who Knows
I still get the same chills through my body when I hear your name. I know everything has changed. You will not believe me but, I never forgotten you. I am still looking for that reason to live. You used to say it had found it here, within me. Who knows how life would have been with you. I have never stop thinking about how it would be, never stopped asking how it could be. I remember it well when there was only you in my heart. I remember well that light I found in your eyes, I still hold it to guide my way. I would love to live it again, and again. Our first time. You are still so beautiful. While you would talk to me you would run your fingers through your hair softly and genteelly as if you were thinking something you would never tell any one. Never. Who would know how life would have been for you. Who would know, it is all in the past now. I hold dear all our memories, and all that I have lived. I look at you and I see me. My hear freezes and all the memories flood ba
Who Knows
who knows how i feel who knows what it feels like to be rejected who knows what it feels like to have your heart torn out who knows
Who Knows.....
Who Knew Beastiality Equals Love....
The Keys to Your Heart You are attracted to obedience and warmth. In love, you feel the most alive when your lover is creative and never lets you feel bored. You'd like to your lover to think you are loyal and faithful... that you'll never change. You would be forced to break up with someone who was arrogant, acting like the dictator of your life. Your ideal relationship is traditional. Without saying anything, both of you communicate with your hearts. Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment. You think of marriage as something that will confine you. You are afraid of marriage. In this moment, you think of love as commitment. Love only works when both people are totally devoted. What Are The Keys To Your Heart?
Who Knows How To Sing {well}?
Who knows how to sing {well!}? YOU KNOW YOUR MUSIC!!!You know how to sing and what you’re doing! Singing is your passion and you have the perfect skills! Take this test
Who Knows
where does this go, and how does it work? that is what i will find out when i hit post!
Who Knows Me Best?
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Who Knows Me Best?
Create your own Friend Quiz here
Who Knew????????
1. To remove a bandage painlessly, saturate the bandage with vodka. The solvent dissolves adhesive. 2. To clean the caulking around bathtubs and showers, fill trigger-spray bottle with vodka, spray the caulking, let set five minutes and wash clean. The alcohol in the vodka kills mold and mildew. 3. To clean your eyeglasses, simply wipe the lenses with a soft, clean cloth dampened with vodka. The alcohol in the vodka cleans the glass and kills germs. 4. Prolong the life of razors by filling a cup with vodka and letting your safety razor blade soak in the alcohol after shaving. The vodka disinfects the blade and prevents rusting. 5. Spray vodka on vomit stains, scrub with a brush, and then blot dry. 6. Using a cotton ball, apply vodka to your face as an astringent to cleanse the skin and tighten pores. 7. Add a jigger of vodka to a 12-ounce bottle of shampoo. The alcohol cleanses the scalp, removes toxins from hair, and stimulates the growth of healthy hair.
Who Knew These
Eliminate ear mites. All it takes is a few drops of Wesson corn oil in your cat ' s ear...Massage it in, then clean with a cotton ball. Repeat daily for 3 days. The oil soothes the cat ' s skin, smothers the mites, and accelerates healing. Kills fleas instantly...Dawn dishwashing liquid does the trick. Add a few drops to your dog ' s bath and shampoo the animal thoroughly. Rinse well to avoid skin irritations. Good-bye fleas. Rainy day cure for dog odor ....Next time your dog comes in from the rain, simply wipe down the animal with Bounce or any dryer sheet, instantly making your dog smell springtime fresh. Did You Know that drinking two glasses of Gatorade can relieve headache pain almost immediately-- without the unpleasant side effects caused by traditional "pain relievers." Did you know that Colgate toothpaste makes an excellent salve for burns. Before you head to the drugstore for a high-priced inhaler filled with mysterious chemicals, try c
Who Knows?
Well, here I am again. I left CherryTap for awhile because I let an obnoxious person lower my self-esteem. Well, not again. I am who I am and if you don't like it - tough cookies! I look forward to making new friends and staying in touch with old ones. This place is so much better than Myspace!
Who Knows
Your Taste in Music: Classic Rock: High Influence 90's Alternative: Medium Influence 90's Pop: Medium Influence 90's Rock: Medium Influence Adult Alternative: Medium Influence How's Your Taste in Music?
Who Knew It Could Still Hurt...
I thought that I was over pain and thought that I could move forward and open myself up to you. I thought that true friends were always to be loyal to each other. I never asked you to prove it...never asked you to show it. I thought it just simply was. I thought the words were real and that true friendship never dies. You called me your best friend and I held that close to my heart because you knew all I had been through last year and how hard it was for me to trust completely again. I stood by your side trusting and I cared without limits, loved you as family without asking anything of you back. I cared and loved with all my I do all my true and close friends. ******I would always stand by your side no matter what...damn you for not doing the same and for putting someone less important between our friendship. Thank you for being ashamed of me and what we have as a friendship. ****** You cried on my shoulder and spoke that we would be friends forever...that me m
Who Knew????
1. To remove a bandage painlessly, saturate the bandage with vodka. The solvent dissolves adhesive. 2. To clean the caulking around bathtubs and showers, fill a trigger-spray bottle with vodka, spray the caulking, let set five minutes and wash clean. he alcohol in the vodka kills mold and mildew. 3. To clean your eyeglasses, simply wipe the lenses with a soft, clean cloth dampened with vodka. The alcohol in the vodka cleans the glass and kills germs. 4. Prolong the life of razors by filling a cup with vodka and letting your safety razor blade soak in the alcohol after shaving. The vodka disinfects the blade and prevents rusting. 5. Spray vodka on vomit stains, scrub with a brush, and then blot dry. 6. Using a cotton ball, apply vodka to your face as an astringent to cleanse the skin and tighten pores. 7. Add a jigger of vodka to a 12-ounce bottle of shampoo. The alcohol cleanses the scalp, removes toxins from hair, and stimulates the growth of healthy hair. 8. Fill
Who Knows
Look man I am really really fucking bored and I dont know what the fuck I am doing on here.I just thought I would share that!
Who Knows.....
who knows what they want to do with their is a wonderful thing but it can also be a pain in the ass.....i'm just happy i'm goin' to college soon for Criminal Justice hopefully it is what i want to do with my life....any who, if you know what you want to do with your life i'm happy for you and go for it
Who Knows
You know whether ppl read my ramblings or not whether they rate them or not....I could care less. I write these things to just get what is in my mind out, whether it makes sense or not. I share them with everyone else in the world for a reason. Fear. I fear ppl and the best way in my mind to over come that fear is to meet it face on and let every one else in the world inside my head. I want ppl to get a glimpse into shortlived rants and ramblings stupid thoughts and random comments...that is what is in my head and that is what I try to get out. If you don't like my writings...FUCK don't have too, these writings are my therapy, and you know what they help if you want to rate and comment cool...if you don't cool..that is your choice
Who Knows Me Best.....
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Who Knew
Who Knows?
Yeah, yeah Yeah-eah, yeah Yeah-eah, yeah Why do look so familiar I could swear that I have seen your face before I think I like that you seem sincere I think I like to get to know you a little bit more [Chorus] I think there's something more, life's worth living for Who knows what could happen. Do what you do, just keep on laughing One thing's true, there's always a brand new day I'm gonna live today like it's my last day Yeah, yeah, Yeah-eah, yeah, Yeah-eah, yeah How do you always have an opinion And how do you always find the best way to compromise We don't need to have a reason We don't need anything We're just wasting time [Chorus x2] I think there's something more, life's worth living for Who knows what could happen. Do what you do, just keep on laughing One thing's true, there's always a brand new day Who knows what could happen. Do what you do, just keep on laughing One thing's true, there's always a brand new day I'm gonna live today lik
Who Knew I Was A Faerie?
You scored as Faerie. Faerie: Aren't you a cute little flying person? Faeries are earth spirits. They live among each element completely hidden. They have cousins called Pixies. Pixies however, are very mischevious. They enjoy tormenting other creatures for fun. Little pranksters.. I hope you never meet one. Pixies have a bad reputation for finding a creature and clinging to them until death. Faeries can be somewhat close to a Pixie, but mostly they are loving, playful, and carry with them a child-like enthusiasm for life. Hide among the pedals of a Daisy, you are a Faerie.Faerie67%Angel58%Mermaid50%Dragon50%WereWolf8%Demon8%What Mythological Creature are you? (Cool Pics!)created with
Who Knows
Been thinking about you wondering if you think of me too The say all things come with a price but why is that so? Why cant things just flow out and be? They say whats good you pay for more dearly but why is that so? Why cant we hold dear whatever we wish? They say if you want something bad enough you will pay any price but why is that so? Why cant it be as easy whining
Who Kils A Child?
Tuesday, May 29, 2007 Posted on Tue, May. 29, 2007 Who kills a child? It’s shocking when death comes at the hands of a caretaker — but more often, experts say, it is parents who kill their own children By ISHMAEL TATE When young children are killed, more than half the time their parents are responsible. It’s “exceedingly rare” for the killer of a child younger than 5 years old to be a baby sitter or caretaker, said Geoffrey R. McKee, clinical professor of neural psychiatry at the University of South Carolina School of Medicine. The federal Justice Bureau of Justice Statistics doesn’t even have statistics on baby sitters who kill. That means Columbia has seen more than its share of such investigations in recent years. Gail Cutro was convicted in 2000 of the deaths of two children at her home day care in 1993. She was sentenced to life in prison. Last month, a Columbia woman, 39-year-old Andrea Person, was charged with two counts of
Who Knows Me Best?!?!?
Who knows me best? The race is on......this is funny. YOU fill in the blanks about ME...even if you don't have any idea...and send it back to ME (via reply). But first post a blank one out to all your friends so they can return the favor to you. Be honest 1. My name: 2. Summarize me in one sentence: 3. Where did we meet: 4. Take a stab at my middle name: 5. How long have you known me: 6. When is the last time that we saw each other: 7. Do I drink: 8. Do I smoke: 9. Do I do Drugs: 10. Am I happy: 11. Am I a good person: 12. What was your first impression of upon meeting me/seeing me: 13. What's one of my favorite things to do: 14. Who do I love more than my life: 15. Am I funny: 16. Have you ever made me smile..if so when & how: 17. What's my favorite type of music: 18. Have you ever seen me cry: 19. Can I sing: 20. What is the best feature about me: 21. Am I shy or outgoing: 22. Am I a rebel or do I
Who Knows?
I saw the perfect graphic tonight I mean seriously what DO you do when the only one who can make you stop crying is the one who made you cry? You try everything you can to make everyone think you're not broken when everyone sees that you are.You keep going as though nothing ever happened wearing that fake grin saying how much better off you are without them when deep inside wonder how they are and if they think of you. When did "I'll love you forever" become "I'll love you if?" when did "I'm in love with you" become something that you can just turn off? These days the word LOVE is just tossed around like it has no real meaning it's just something people say to get what they need at that particular moment.I'm not sure that most people understand the impact that one little phrase can have on a person's life it's like a saving grace...a finality on a long life of pain.. a new hope of something and someone to believe in, but what happens to that person when the one they thought
Who Knows Me Best??
Who knows me the best? (this might be fun!) Who knows me best? the race is on......this is funny. YOU fill in the blanks about ME ... even if you don't have any idea....and send it back to ME (via reply). But first post a blank one out to all your friends so they can return the favor to you. Be honest and make sure you repost it blank in your own bulletin so I can do it for you! My name: Summarize me in one sentence: Where did we meet: Take a stab at my middle name: How long have you known me: When is the last time that we saw each other: Do I drink: Do I smoke: Do I do Drugs: Am I happy: Am I a good person: What was your first impression of upon meeting me/seeing me: What's one of my favorite things to do: Who Do i love more than my life: Am I funny: Have you ever made me smile..if so when n how: What's my favorite type of music: Have you ever seen me cry: Can I sing?: What is the best feature about me: Am I shy or outg
Who Knows Why We Do These Things?
1. Last beverage you consumed? coffee 2. Are you a sexual predator? depends on who you talk to; mostly i just try to keep up... 3. What is in the backseat of your car? what back seat? 4. Three words to explain why you last threw up some freakin bug 5. What is the equation for the pythagorean theorem? i once tripped over a hypotenuse.... 6. Do you think Barbie is a negative role model for young girls? sure... i don't go for chicks with plastic boobs and no sexual organs... 7. What kind of car does your father drive? some cadillac land yacht... 8. Do you like to play scrabble: heh, yeah... 9. Where did you attend high school: PWSHS 10. Favorite scent: not telling... 12. Last television program you watched? hmmm...bleach? 13. Spell your name with without vowels: sctt 14. Does your family own any boats: yeah 15. Something you can't live without? O2 16. Do you wear flip flops constantly: no, nor do i wear shorts, as a general rule...
Who Knows??
ok so the worst thing about being up at 4am is you do a lot of thinking. over the past few weeks my life has made a lot of changes. ive come close to people ive never expected to meet a day in my life. one of my best friends moved back home and just so much has been going on. im realizing that no matter how much you try people come and people go. but youll always have the memories of them being there. thats the part of happiness we often lose track of. sure theres plenty of things left unsaid that you still wish you could say but thats the part of life you win some you lose some. its time to learn from our mistakes and just let it go. and dont ever forget that theres people out there that still dont know what they want so help guide them to find themselves. never give up on the ones you love cuz in the end theyll be the only ones that will truly be there for you. just hang in there and give them the time and space they need but dont get to distant because you never know if your giving
Who Knows...
People go through life as though they're anyone to anything. As though nothing they do will affect anyone in their existence. Is it really so hard to see that everything we do touches somebody? We act as though the decisions we make are important only to us...that the way in which we conduct ourselves is no one else's busines...well who are we to say that this is true? At the same time we say we want to be loved and cared for and nurtured...can't happen. We won't let it cuz we're so busy making sure that we're self sufficient. We don't want our lives to affect everyone but we want someone else to consider us in everything they do. Is it so difficult to be considerate and responsible? I wonder if people would make things this hard if they knew that life is simply better when it's easy...
Who Knows....
Who knows how to live this life... cuz I don't... Who knows how to keep from gettin sucked onto that mid size honda sedan bandwagon that everybody my age or older seems to be gettin sucked onto? Cuz I don't... I know how to stand by watch them all go umpety jumpety bumpety by all smiles and money makin kind, not noticing the year or the miles or the fact that they are binded and blinded by their old school all American happy days ways man... Maybe I'll just do what everybody else does... blindfold myself, swear to the kindness of blindness... The blind leadin the blind leadin the blind leadin the blind, all for the sublime and all for a good ole American time.
Who Knows
lol really high and figured i put some of these thoughts down. life always turning around, the gap seems to seems to find no end between what i feel, and what i know, its all good this way, when the street talks threw me like its nature way of reminding how life goes down. it takes nothing to make it last, but i see its a different time of life i live and few see the eyes of i see threw, its vision in a different way, i see threw my heart, when your eyes seem to fade, the feeling deep in like a twister of flames, still spins around me like a the winds whisper on the ends edge. I fall back down, the hole seems to grow even if i have no way to climb that line, its a small place to be, when you tip toe down the mark of fate, good, bad, it all the same to me you see, cause i still crack your skull into the wall for the deal going bad and down that way, i am still the type to feel the pain of the darker ways, the goodness dies day by day, each breath welcomes the plain of my desire
Who Knows?
is love real, or just a facade that someone uses because they feel obligated to you about something? Way too many questions, so little answers and feelings of contentment. I'll probably disappear again for a while while I think this whole life thing over. I just don't know anymore, and sometimes feel like I will never know.
Who Knows Where Thoughts Come From?
Damn train of thought! Have you ever had one of those moments where you're thinking of something, and then before you know it you're thinking about something totally different?I just had one of those moments, and it made me so emotional that I had to try to put it into words....It all started when I put in a movie for my babies to watch while they fell asleep. I chose The Lion King on this particular night. Thinking about The Lion King, led my mind to thinking about all the Disney movies I own, or have owned through the years.I used to own the original Little Mermaid in the original case. The one with the "penis" atrwork, that got recalled. My kids trashed that case...That made me think of one of my ex-boyfriends, whose parents owned every Disney movie that had ever been released at that point in time.And that had my mind remembering the first time I spent the night at his house. I was 17, and still a virgin. I just wasn't ready to have sex I guess. His parents were out of town, and ye
Who Knows??????
How do you know? Until you try, wither a thing is to live, grow or die. How will it end with ecstasy or tears. Pain, Joy, Laughter or Fears. Wither some thing, is meant to be, Wrapped in love or too soon set free A song in your head, a knife thru your heart the love of your life or two torn apart. Its never easy when you are faced, with a decision to run or a leap of faith. How will it be?, who can say? a cold winter's night or a warm spring day? Hearts beating wildly, separately, yet as one. Who knows how it ends?, when all is done. Get this widget | Share | Track details
Who Knew By Pink
You took my hand You showed me how You promised me You'd be around Uh huh That's right I took your words And I believed In everything You said to me Yeah huh That's right [Chorus:1] If someone said three years from now You'd be long gone I'd stand up and punch them out Cause they're all wrong I know better 'Cause you said forever And ever Who knew Remember when We were such fools And so convinced And just too cool Oh no, No no. I wish I could touch you again I wish I could still call you a friend I'd give anything [Chorus:2] When someone said count your blessings now 'fore they're long gone I guess I just didn't know how I was all wrong They knew better Still you said forever [Who Knew lyrics on] And ever Who knew Yeah yeah I'll keep you locked in my head Until we meet again Until we Until we meet again And I won't forget you my friend What happened [Chorus:3] If someone said three years from
Who Know's
I want to cry, but I don't. I'm hurting deep side, but the pain outside it worse. What should I do? I want to leave Fubar, but I have friends here and everything. I'm confused. The pain has got me. The pain is taking over my life. I need a hand or a shoulder to lean on right now. Please god, help me. Help me get through this pain I have right now. I need to be strong for myself. I need to be strong for people I love and care for. How could I when I'm down. I'm always down, it seems. Why? I wished I knew. All I can say is, I don't want to hurt inside or outside anymore. I just don't.
Who Knows Where This Leads To..
I feel so ignorant tonight. I don't know what I have done or what I do that is so wrong. I seem to mess up everything with everybody. Why can't I get it right? Why do I mess up with everybody? I am so tired of being the cause. I just want to be happy and some days it feels like I can almost touch it. Then reality hits,people say things and shatter your whole world. Have you had this happen? You think things are great then all of a sudden you feel your heart shatter ~CRASH~ People are too blind to even realize what they are doing? I am dying on the inside and I don't know what to do. I am so worry that I will be played. I can't take it. Trust is a big issue. Is this really worth it? I think it is but if I get played,I will die! I can't take much more sorrow. I have had enough now I just want to be HAPPY. Can anyone tell me what HAPPY means??
Who Knew???
[01] Do you ever wonder what your ex's are up to? no...don't care [02] Have you ever been given roses? when i was it's been a while.. *HINT* :) [03] What is your all-time favorite romance movie? PRETTY WOMAN...julia roberts rocks [04] How many times have you honestly been in love? twice...but i'm ready to try it again [05] Do you believe that everyone has a soul-mate? yes...problem are not always that persons soulmate in his or her eyes [06] What's your current problem? life 07] Have you ever had your heart broken? yea [08] Had a Long Distance Relationship? yes...hard to do [10] Do you believe the statement, once a cheater always a cheater"? is usually true [11] How many kids do you want to have? been there done that [12] What is(are) your favorite color(s)? pink [14] Do you believe you truly only love once? i think there is one person you have loved like no other....but u can love again...just not
Who Knows Kim?
Who knows me best? the race is on......this is funny. YOU fill in the blanks about ME ... even if you don't have any idea....and send it back to me as a message But first post a blank one out to all your friends so they can return the favor. Be honest and make sure you have fun with it. My name: Summarize me in three words: Where did we meet: Take a stab at my middle name: How long have you known me: When is the last time that we saw each other: Do I drink: Do I smoke: Am I happy: Am I a good person: What was your first impression of upon meeting me/seeing me: What's one of my favorite things to do: Am I funny: How do you make me smile: What's my favorite type of music: Have you ever seen me cry: Can I sing?: What is the best feature about me: Am I shy or outgoing: Am I a rebel or do I follow the rules: Do I have any special talents: Would you call me preppy, average, sporty, punk, hippie, glam, nerdy, snobby, or somethi
Who Knows Me?
Who knows me best? the race is on......this is funny. YOU fill in the blanks about ME ... even if you don't have any idea....and send it back to me as a message But first post a blank one out to all your friends so they can return the favor. Be honest and make sure you have fun with it. My name: Summarize me in three words: Where did we meet: Take a stab at my middle name: How long have you known me: When is the last time that we saw each other: Do I drink: Do I smoke: Am I happy: Am I a good person: What was your first impression of upon meeting me/seeing me: What's one of my favorite things to do: Am I funny: How do you make me smile: What's my favorite type of music: Have you ever seen me cry: Can I sing?: What is the best feature about me: Am I shy or outgoing: Am I a rebel or do I follow the rules: Do I have any special talents: Would you call me preppy, average, sporty, punk, hippie, glam, nerdy, snobby, or somethi
"who Knew"
You took my hand You showed me how You promised me you'd be around Uh huh That's right I took your words And I believed In everything You said to me Yeah huh That's right If someone said three years from now You'd be long gone I'd stand up and punch them out Cause they're all wrong I know better Cause you said forever And ever Who knew Remember when we were such fools And so convinced and just too cool Oh no No no I wish I could touch you again I wish I could still call you friend I'd give anything When someone said count your blessings now 'fore they're long gone I guess I just didn't know how I was all wrong They knew better Still you said forever And ever Who knew Yeah yeah I'll keep you locked in my head Until we meet again Until we Until we meet again And I won't forget you my friend What happened If someone said three years from now You'd be long gone I'd stand up and punch them out Cause they're all wrong and That last kiss
Who Knows Me Best????????
who knows me the besttt?! the race in onnn! fill it out post it in a comment here! ohh yeahhh be honesttt. pleaseee and thanksss. (: ready, set, GO! My full name: Summarize me in one sentence: Where did we meet: How long have you known me: When is the last time that we saw each other: Do I drink: Do I smoke: Do I do drugs: Am I single: Am I a good person? What was your first impression of upon meeting me/seeing me: What's one of my favorite things to do: Who do I like: Am I funny: Have you ever made me smile... if so when: What's my favorite type of music: What's my favorite song: Can I sing: What is the best feature about me: Am I shy or outgoing: Am I a bad guy or do I follow the rules: Do I have any special talents: Would you call me preppy, average, sporty, punk, hippie, glam, nerdy, snobby, or something else (what): Have you ever hugged me: Kissed me: Have you ever hung out with me: What is my favorite food: Am I a good cook: Who is my
Who Knows
who ever knows what im talking about. im still trying to get deployed back to iraq. im down here in texas till janurary 31st. been toying with the idea of trying to go to ft lewis washington. been told they arent taking anyone in the unit im with. been thinking about wisconsin, or maybe georgia. my main thing is trying to get deployed. i know i would make my family sad, but hey i got 2 other brothers, if something happens to me. i have a brother who says i need to be checked out for PTSD(post traumatic stress disorder), and for mTBI(mild traumatic brain injury). still not sure if im gonna get checked out or not.
Who Knew...
PinkAdd to My Profile | More Videos
Who Knows?
well i just got back from my 2nd doctor visit and he says everything looks fine except for the absence of the 'yolk sack' and that i'm 6weeks and 5days along and there is 120 beats per minute today. my cervix is closed and my cyst is bleeding and to come back in 2 weeks. honestly i think this doctor is a quack and i need another opinion... who the hell knows? all i know is that i just want the whole damn thing over with cause i am tired of sitting around waiting for something to happen or someone to tell me what to do. what the hell ever.
Who Knows
Who knows where the road will lead us Only a fool would say, But if you let me love you I'm sure to love you all the way
Who Knew...
that putting vicks vaporub on the bottom of ones feet, then socks over them while you sleep can stop a cough? One of my friends told me that she read online of the treatment and tried it on her little one when he was sick and had a bad cough. Well today, my son was trying to sleep and kept on being woken up with a bad cough, so I thought.. hmmm wonder if I have some vicks, YUP BINGO! So I woke him up, and told him about the idea, he kinda groggily said... uhhh sure Mom.. I put it on his kicking feet, cause it was cold and put his socks on, withing 5 minutes.. coughing GONE! He's been sleeping for over an hour now, and has not coughed once! Anyways, just wanted to share with all the Moms n Dads out there, if you haven't heard of it, or tried it. It does work. Here's a little info I found online about it.
Who Knew?
Who knew!!!! 1. To remove a bandage painlessly, saturate the bandage with vodka. The solvent dissolves adhesive. 2. To clean the caulking around bathtubs and showers, fill a trigger-spray bottle with vodka, spray the caulking, let set five minutes and wash clean. The alcohol in the vodka kills mold and mildew. 3. To clean your eyeglasses, simply wipe the lenses with a soft, clean cloth dampened with vodka. The alcohol in the vodka cleans the glass and kills germs. 4. Prolong the life of razors by filling a cup with vodka and letting your safety razor blade soak in the alcohol after shaving. The vodka disinfects the blade and prevents rusting. 5. Spray vodka on vom it stains, scrub with a brush, and then blot dry. 6. Using a cotton ball, apply vodka to your face as an astringent to cleanse the skin and tighten pores. 7. Add a jigger of vodka to a 12-ounce bottle of shampoo. The alcohol cleanses the scalp, removes toxins from hair, and stimulates the growth of hea
Who Knows, I Sure Dont!
I try my best to let go, when I know that its not possible. The one thing in life that makes me happy stands right in front of me! I want to reach out to you, but not sure what repercussions it might bring. I stand back in the shadows, waiting for the pain to fade. How long will I stay here, not even I know. Life is so confusing when the one you love you can not hold. So close but yet so far away, the only thing I have left are the memories. I put away the bad and only focus on what made me smile! The day I was wrapped so safely in your arms, is the only though that runs though my head. The way your arms felt around me and the gentleness of you lips against mine! I know that is in the past, and no one knows what the future will hold. I can only hope and pray that we can be back together one day! I know I am only writing this for myself, but I guess it helps with the pain! I love you now as I loved you then, can only wonder how it will all end! You hold a piece of my heart, do with it w
Who Knows
Who knows all the changes in you rages of fall and distant in summer you winter soars and spring pulls me under what peace a taste of you complete the long kiss is the midst of blinded love You delayed warmth left in heart beats not yet done I am broken for you my will woun't let me breath You bind me in your depths you take me still, and powerless and leave me blissful in the tresses of you hair
Who Knows
Another night grips me like the fear I once felt at losing you like then I do not sleep not wanting to miss a moment you didn't understand then either but it was all for my love the love that wouldn't show though how could you doubt I ever loved you when you hear of the shadow I now am I promised to lay down my life and dammit I'm bleeding doubt again who knows? JSDEUEL Copyight 2008
Who Knows
what is supposed to be here?
Who Knows.....
Just want to see who will look LMAO
Who Knew I Was A Tree
You Are A Cedar Tree You are elegant yet unpretentious, modest yet vivacious. Attractive and friendly, you are full of imagination but might lack passion. You abhor vulgar people, and you don't like anything in excess. You have little more ambition than to live a calm life and enjoy nature. You create a content, peaceful atmosphere for others. What's Your Celtic Horoscope?
Who Knew Your Feet Could Say So Much
What Your Feet Say About You: You are pretty average in your expressiveness. You can express yourself well, but you don't always want to. You are a somewhat passionate person. A few things get you very fired up, but you're usually pretty laid back. You are an assertive person at times. You'll pull out all the stops to get what you want, if it's worth it. You take a while to fall in love, but once you do, you stay pretty attached to your partner. You are not afraid of anything. You are brave and courageous, even when most people would be terrified. You are very practical and down to earth. You're more concerned with action than thoughts. You are an amazingly hard worker. You aren't spoiled and you don't mind getting your hands dirty. You are easily influenced by other people. You're quite impressionable, so you should only be around people who are a good influence. What Do Your Feet Say About You?
Who Knows?
Well, in the next two days my VIP is up. After this....... I don't know. A big part of me wants to cancel my account and disappear. Yeah, i know what you are thinking "Swee is emo again". Not true. I'm coming to the conclusion that i don't belong on this site. I just don't fit in anywhere; i'm too much of a prude for some people, i'm less than interesting to others....... Earlier today i was in a lounge where everyone was flirting, and i felt nothing. Completely indifferent, it was almost as if i didn't care. That is one of the problems i'm having, this complete lack of interest, the fact that i'm feeling ignored or barely tolerated. Who knows. Maybe i'll feel different tomorrow. But, then again.......
Who Knows
if our thoughts came to reallity would they help us or would that destroy us?? we all see life as dull boring some just cover it up with lies... can any one tell that every one doesnt like the truth but accept the lies cause we're affraid of the truth. this might be a meaningless blog but its just a start (first blog)
Who Knew???
Do you know this wonderful person??? DIVAD™ aKa they call me the tummy sucker cause i dont go below the navel@ fubar If not,where have you been?He is the coolest person to know.He is the real meaning of Fu~love!!! If you haven't already go R/F/A/C/B this wonderful person...and quick because I am kiddnapping him tomorrow to have him all to myself8-p ~KISSES FROM KARMA~
Who Knew...
Who Knew
Who Knew Sadness flys on the wings of time, Our love becomes more intwine, Such a beautiful bliss, Who knew love could feel like this, With the touch of his embrace, Beautiful eyes face to face, Can't remember the last time I was so happy, The last few months have been so crabby, No words to speak, And we couldn't be cheek to cheek, Like we grew apart, Like someone had torn my heart, But now your here to stay, No more sadness to display, Happiness in my heart flutters, To strong for us to mutter, What a wonderful kiss, Who knew love could be like this!
Who Knows What Important Task Lies Before Them Today?
Education should be the process of helping everyone to discover his uniqueness. --Leo Buscaglia We are each special, which means there is not another person just like ourselves. Nobody looks just like us. Nobody's voice sounds quite like our own. And nobody thinks through a story just like we do. Each of us has been created for a special purpose. Maybe it's for what we'll teach a friend, or the way we'll help a sister or a brother. Every day will give us chances to offer our special talents to others. Our being alive is God's way of proving that we're important to the family, the neighborhood, and the world. What important task lies before me today?
Who Knew This?!
I have been driving for years... I would think I should have noticed the little secret on my dashboard that was staring me in the face the whole time...I didn't...and I bet you didn't either... Have you ever rented or borrowed a car and when arriving at the gas station wondered...mmm, which side is the gas filler cap? My normal solution was to stick my head out the window, strain my neck and look, try to see in the side mirrors or even get out of the car! Well ladies and gentlemen, I'm going to share with you my little secret so you will no longer look like Ace Ventura on your way to the gas station or put your neck at risk of discomfort or injury. If you look at your gas gauge, you will see a small icon of a gas pump? The handle of the gas pump will extend out on either the left or right side of the gas pump? If your tank is on the left, the handle will be on the left? If your tank is on the right, the handle will be on the right (see photo). It is that simple!
Who Knows
Sometimes I wonder why people do the things they do. I wonder how people can be so cold when the world under you in crashing down. I mean come on people have a little respect. Messing with the emotions of people is not a game. To lie is to be fake! If you're not real with yourself you can't be real with other. It's a big world and if someone feels trapped... they are in way to deep. Living only an online life is a waste of time. Get out there. Mold yourself into the person you want to be and stop talking yourself up. Talk is cheap. Actions speak louder than words. peace out! BTW made this blog about a friend who was fucked over!
Who Knew?
the sight of oranges in all three godfather films signals that death (or close call) is about to happen. did you know that?
Who Knew
Who Knew?
You Would Never Have Guessed Captain Kangaroo passed away on January 23, 2004 at age 76 , which is odd, because he always looked like he was 76. (DOB: 6/27/27 ) His death reminded me of the following story. Some people have been a bit offended that the actor, Lee Marvin, is buried in a grave alongside 3- and 4-star generals at Arlington National Cemetery . His marker gives his name, rank (PVT) and service (USMC). Nothing else. Here's a guy who was only a famous movie star who served his time, why the heck does he rate burial with these guys? Well, following is the amazing answer: I always liked Lee Marvin, but didn't know the extent of his Corps experiences. In a time when many Hollywood stars served their country in the armed forces often in rear echelon posts where they were carefully protected, only to be trotted out to perform for the cameras in war bond promotions, Lee Marvin was a genuine hero. He won the Navy Cross at Iwo Jima . There is only one
Who Knows
Well you find all kinds a people all the time what kills me is they all from new to old friends think they know you haa haa haa haa i don't even know me how could they well at any rate who knows right maybe they need to get to know them selves first ?
Who Knows Me?
Let's face it: There's no such thing as homeostasis. What is this complexity we're chasing? Who knows me but God? Who knows me naked? Who knows how I spend my time? Who knows my addictions? Who knows that I hate preachers, and believe mankind destroys religion? Who knows my distrust of politicians? Who knows my inner struggle with this war? Who knows that it's hard for me to say no to a Maker's Mark and ginger? Who knows that I pray all the time? I even give thanks when I'm drunk. Who knows my anger and sadness? Who knows that if I could be any instrument, I'd be a sax because of how its soul sings. Who knows that I am just like my father? Who knows the appreciation for my mother's love? Who knows that when I was twelve, I sold fake crack in Lemond Garden Projects? Who knows me naked? Who knows my passion for life? Who knows that I'm in love with God? Who knows that I love who I am? Who knows that my fa
Who Knows. But This Is My First Blog
normally id say its just one of those days, but today is a lot different ten jus one of those days.....i was wokin up by a panic attack this morning. my heart pounding so hard. my chest felt like it had been stab over an over again. then the puking started an then my vision got blurry an i swear i could hear a deep sounding laugh...the laughing stops but my vision hasnt returned the puking continues an i cant breathe...this must be hell everything looks so different so unfimlar like a place i have never been before.....this isnt my room this inst my home were am i some one help me is all i think....the more i puke the less i can breathe the less i can breathe the colder i get...why am i so cold my hair is soking with sweat......can any of this be real is it really happening to me. hours go by, or whut i think is hours but slow painful burnng hours....tho all the choas i can hear a slight nocking it sounds so far away. the nockin gets louder but then the laughin starts up again....but n
Who Knows?
Who knows the thoughts we think but us ourselves. Those tormented dreams that haunt us at night may be from bad food or a movie we have seen. How do we understand the human mind in the vastness of its space? No one can truely understand us unless they know us or talk to us. A college conversation or friends words may spark a flame in our minds and open a whole other doorway that previously had been closed. Sometimes good comes out and other times bad can spew forth. Whatever comes from the mix, it is bound to upset someone. That is why they say words cut as knives. If what our words are, hold our thoughts from deep whithin our minds; does that mean we really feel and believe them? Do we write to express our feelings and help to chase the shadows of coldness from our lives? Do we write to feel alive and try to let others understand just a portion of us? Who knows why we write but those that write themselves.
Who Knows
Is it real? Does love really exist? Will I ever find it? Or am I just wasting my time while making plenty of friends? Sitting here in silence while talking to a friend. Where to go from here? Who knows!!!
Who Knows.........
Have you ever just wanted to give up finding that special someone? Have you ever just wanted to give up on love? To never risk being hurt once again. To not bother trying anymore or meeting people. Have you ever been so sick of trying to figure out? Have you ever put yourself and your wants and needs aside that you don't know how to do anything else but put others first ALL the time? This all seems to be where I'm at these days and I am sick of it all!! I have one special friend that could be more but I am sick of trying to figure that person out and always left feeling in the lurch or lost. So for now limbo is where I sit and just waiting for something..........  
Who Knows
Just trying to meet people and have no clue wtf im doing right now! lol Hit me up im just a normal person maybe:)
Who Knew Cats Could Fight Terrorism?
I want to stop eating bucket loads of biscuits and stop smoking without actually harming someone. Life is odd at the moment, I saw a woman with a funny black hooded hat scream at a cat in the street, the cat stared at her and basically gave her a cat sneer, and ignored her. I love cats, they really don't give a flying fuck about people, if they were humans they would be either mentally retarded folk who are unable to recognise feelings OR upper class foppish Oxbridge bedwetters who believe the world owes them a living. They have a disdainful look about them and people end up serving their needs which apply to both the mentally retarded and Oxbridge bedwetters.   Anyway this woman screamed at the cat, her voice reached whistle range and the cat merely licked a paw and wiped its face. Ok, the woman was wearing a Bhurka, and she was scared of cats, I never explained the full story, I omitted she was a Muslim lady in devout looking dress and was terrified of the cat. A man came running o
Who Knows Why?
  Luton has no place for me; I know this because its transport system basically shouted it at me. “Battersea, I don’t think so love?” Luton guffawed and left me standing trying to work out the myriad of buses and trains that get you to fuck out of its small town.   Luton is the kind of place where you land and run away from as fast as you can, but I couldn’t get a flight into Heathrow Terminal 5 which I adore and love, it has a tube station that takes me practically to my door when I stay in Central London.   My mate John came and picked me up and drove me out of the orange Easyjet painted hell hole. I saw newly arriving Eastern Europeans take one look at the place and pour petrol over themselves and go up in flames with despair in the outside smoking area “this is what we gave up our shanty but happy homes for?” they said in a language I couldn’t understand but could tell from their actions, that’s what they meant.   Guantana
Who Knows
Who Knows Maybe Santa Has A Fubar Account Sheesh
Dear Santa I would first like to apologize for ever turning my back on you. Im sorry it will never happen again. I believe I have been a really really really ok person this year especially if you compare it to the last few woowee was I terrible. Anyways there are some things I would like to ask for that I really cannot live without. I mean I wont be able to continue on this planet without the following Items and I mean it Santa this isnt a threat just the truth. Oh and by the way Santa have you lost a little weight? I think its true you skinny thang you. Ok to the list I'm just ramblin and you have a bajillion requests to fill so here it goes. 1. Mastering the art of french cooking by Julia Child, Louisette Bertholle, & Simone Beck I would absolutely love the hardcover version of said book please. 2. A set of all-clad stainless steel cookware 8" frypan, 10" frypan, 1.5-quart saucepan with lid, 3-quart saute pan with lid, 3-quart saucepan with lid and 6-quart stockpot with lid. Plea
Who Knows
I was very sick for awhile. Who knows? Glory to God N  
Who Killed Michael John Baldwin ? Wednesday, February 9, 2011 Who killed Michael John Baldwin?: LAPD reaches out to the community to help solve crime that took place last Friday morning over at Jefferson Blvd. and Margaret Avenue area. By Randy Economywww.Economy4ABC.Blogspot.comWednesday, February 9, 201112:23 a.m.Los Angeles: Who shot and killed Michael John Baldwin of LA last Friday morning over at Margaret Avenue and Jefferson Boulevard at around 7 a.m.?The Los Angeles Police DepartmentPacific Area Detectives are asking the community to help find the person or persons responsible the death of the 29-year-old inside a in a stolen Lexus early Friday morning. Here is the situation and the facts of the case: INCIDENT TOOK PLACE LAST Friday, February 4, 2011, at about 7:00 a.m. LAPD responded to a shooting call on Margaret Avenue, just North of Jefferson Boulevard.   Victim Michael John Baldwin of Los Angeles was pro
Who Knows Grows ?
these games are so... poetic ?
Who Knows Manolo Blahnik Boots
"Silent, I Xuzai Qian ah, your brother-liang, I came Christian Louboutin Replica Shoes back, ah, how do you ignore me out? Silence, Look at me, OK? Silent, you say ah!" "Mom ... Mom ... ... ..." Girl suddenly broke liang, drawn into the president's arms. After a lapse of nine years, Dean has become a wife, her white hair a lot, some beyond her proper age. Is to say, time flies, who is the original yourself? "This is ... ... liang it?" The woman continued to appease the girl's arms, but has incredible eyes looked at him. "I, ah, president aunt." Should have been the joy of a happy ending, but who knows Manolo Blahnik Boots the woman is suddenly crying out loud: "liang, ah, back-liang, liang back, come back like she was back ..." He did not want to explore the reasons Dean crying, just puzzled asked: "Auntie, how silently she ... ... ignore me?" "Oh ... ah ... she ... she has not recognize people, and also a fast say the words. Liang, everything changed, everything changed ... ah .
Who Knew
Pfft, Who knew? Now I know Jack Shit...Many people are at a loss for a response when someone says "you don't know Jack Schitt". Now, You can handle the situation.Jack is the only son of Awe Schitt and O. Schitt. Awe Schitt, the fertilizer magnate, married O. Schitt, the owner of Knee-deep Schitt, Inc.In turn, Jack Schitt married Noe Schitt and the deeply religious couple produced 6 children: Holie Schitt, The twins; Deep Schitt and Dip Schitt, Fulla Schitt, Giva Schitt and Bull Schitt, a high school dropout.After being married for 15 years Jack and Noe divorced. Noe later married Mr. Sherlock and because her kids were living with them, she wanted to keep her previous name. She was known as NoeSchitt-Sherlock.Dip Schitt married Loda Schitt and they produced a cowardly son,Chicken Schitt. Fulla Schitt and Giva Schitt were inseparablethroughout childhood and consequently, married the Happens brothers in dual ceremony.The Schitt-Happens children are Dawg, Byrd and Horse. Bull Schitt the pr
Who Knew?
Did you know?   Did you know that I loved you? Did you know that I needed you? Did you see that my heart was true? Did you see that I was Blue? Did you hear me call your name? Did you hear them speak of your fame? Did you know that I was there? Did you know that you were unfair? Did you tell them you were taken? Did you tell them you were faken? Did you find that you were hurting? Did you find that no one was flirting? Did you know that they all knew? Did you know that they were too? Did you hear them whisper the truth? Did you hear it in the booth? Did you fall in love with them too? Did you fall for their lies too? DId you know I loved you? Did you know I needed you?
Who Likes You
Body: repost this under "Who Likes You???" 2 find out! BE HONEST ; dont chicken out even if they r TAKEN or whatever .. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! reply to the person that posts this wit a number to the following options.(yes u can pick more than 1): 1-I'm startin 2 like u. 2-I like u. 3-I used 2 like u. 4-I used 2 luv u. 5-I dont like u. 6-I have a HUGE crush on u. 7-I'm in love wit u. 8-I think im still in love wit u & i shouldnt be... 9-I really want 2 talk 2 u & get 2 kno u & hopefully somethin will happen... (aka= date u) 10-I'm wit some1 else but 4 some reason I still have feelins 4 u. 11-I want 2 marry u. 12.-I want to make love to you. 13.- Your cute and sexy 14.- I wanna Fuck the hell outta u. 15.-just come ova and u will find out!!!!! repost this saying "WHO LIKES YOU?!!" & find out who likes u ...............if u dont repost this u will have bad luck tha next 7 dayS!!
Whole Wheat Bread - Old Man Samson
Who Likes Pussy?
I love my cat its the best!
Who Let The Dogs Out
Who Let The Dogs Out???
Whole Longing
I’m splintered; heart, mind, body and soul fractured into alternate universes Awaiting the one true man who with his touch, his words, his smile, his heart and soul; he will reunite me, myself and I… Saving me from loving only with my sensual soul while my heart is withheld, locked safely away, deep inside its vaulted protection I will know, for the first time, the fullness of relationship… Relationship that embodies partnership, love equally given-equally returned, passion met spark for spark and flame for flame, communication flowing to and from, an all encompassing care, one for another, each trying to out give what they receive
Who Likes Chocolate????
Chocolate is such a sexual treat for us all any body out like chocolate? i'm Caramel Chocolate anybody wanna taste my chocolate?
Whole Lot Better
well seems to of sorted its self out and is going back to normal,for now,still got pins and needles in my legs but that cos of how im sitting,pity was gonna ask iff any one wanted to come rub my back ? lol
My heart longs to fly to you Push, mesh blend into you Be one wit you You who shows me my soul My flaws, my feelins The reason to feel To know to love If only to be UNIted For one solitary second To feel complete Whole within you
Whole-self Well-being
How The Body Clears Energy Whole-self well-being is, in part, the result of a harmonious flow of energy between our physical and mental selves. When this flow is thrown out of balance for any reason, the body and mind react to one another rather than act cooperatively. Ongoing stress, sadness, anxiety, excitement, and fear can overwhelm the cerebral self, causing traumatic energy to be channeled into the body. The body then responds by taking steps to organically dispel the energy that has burdened it and expressing it by means of physical symptoms such as illness, fatigue, or disease. In some cases, these symptoms can simply be allowed to run their natural course and recovery will come about naturally. In most instances, however, health and wellness can only be restored by a dual course of treatment that acknowledges both the physical manifestations of energy clearing and the underlying emotional causes. Many of the ailments we experience over the course of our lives can be indi
Who Likes ??
Who watches porn while having sex ??
Who Loves Arthur.....
Four men and four women are shipwrecked on a desert island. Eventually each one falls in love with one another, and is himself loved by one person. John falls in love with a girl who is in love with Jim. Arthur loves a girl who loves the man who loves Ellen. Mary is loved by the man who is loved by the girl who is loved by Bruce. Gloria hates Bruce and is hated by the man whom Hazel loves. Enigma: Who loves Arthur?
Who Let The Dogs Out
Who let the dogs out?!!!!Add to My Profile | More Videos
Who Like To Talk
For all those people who like to talk shit, dont get pissed, when you get dizzed... Cuz your just another bitch on my shit list
Whole-self Well-being
How The Body Clears Energy Whole-self well-being is, in part, the result of a harmonious flow of energy between our physical and mental selves. When this flow is thrown out of balance for any reason, the body and mind react to one another rather than act cooperatively. Ongoing stress, sadness, anxiety, excitement, and fear can overwhelm the cerebral self, causing traumatic energy to be channeled into the body. The body then responds by taking steps to organically dispel the energy that has burdened it and expressing it by means of physical symptoms such as illness, fatigue, or disease. In some cases, these symptoms can simply be allowed to run their natural course and recovery will come about naturally. In most instances, however, health and wellness can only be restored by a dual course of treatment that acknowledges both the physical manifestations of energy clearing and the underlying emotional causes. Many of the ailments we experience over the course of our lives can be in
The Whole Thing About The Pics
MIKES BULLETIN-- i'm really getting tired of seeing the cleavage shots with no faces, and ass pics as primary photos everywhere on the site. none of my friends can even load the site while they're at work, and they're one of the main reasons we started this thing. in the near future we're going to start being more aggressive when it comes forcibly flagging adult/slutty pictures on the site, but before we do that i'm asking for everyone to help us out by just not using those photos as your primary. we don't want to be big brother and control the content of the photos you upload, but we do ask that you use the tools given to keep that content away from people who don't share your views. again, please help us clean up the site by keeping the slutty ass/cleavage/underwear/whatever shots out of your primary photos. -mike ok we have all seen and read the post right? and i know alot of ppl are wondering why ppl are so pissed over it. well here is why im upset and i thi
Who Likes Me???
Who likes me???? (yes you can pick more than one): 1-I used to like you 2-I used to love you 3-I dont like you 4-I have a HUGE crush on you 5-I'm in love with you 6-I think im still in love with you and i shouldn't be... 7-I really want to talk to you and get to know you and hopefully something will happen... 8-I'm with someone else but for some reason i still have feelings for you 9- I want to marry you 10- I want to do you 11- I want to makeout with you again 12- I want to makeout with you for the 1st time 13- I want a relationship with you 14- I want to hold your hand 15- I'm not a lez/gay but you're cool :] 16- I'm scared of liking you 17- I have a gf/bf but i like you... 18- I love you but its starting to fade away 19- I love you 20- I don't really know you but i'd bang you 21- I miss you 22- I want your number
Who Likes
The Whole Work Thing
well, i called my boss today, head hung as low as it would go, and told her the situation with my cna license transfer, and she tried to get me a job, then patched me through to the "big boss" and i talked to her, and she said she'd see what she could come up with, that the department heads would put their colleective heads together and brainstorm something out. well a few hours later, the lady in charge of scheduling called me back and told me that there's a job for me, they created it... both to help night shift and evening shift, and it's been needing to be done, and i was one of the cna's who bitched that we needed another person at least to do the menial crap, so voila... i'm that somebody... except i can't perform any direct physical aid to them, unless it's to get them something... i can't help them physically, i.e. touching them... although i can wheel them to and from the dining hall, hand out trays, etc... meh oh well at least i have a job right? also, hopefully soon my tra
Who Loves
who love me? i love yall i love u, u love, with a great big hug and something and forgot. im in love.
Whole Wide World Movie Time @ Devine Txrose's
Today's Venue - "The Whole Wide World" Starring Vincent D'Onofrio and Renee Zellweger Basic Synopsis - A true story about the true love of the greatest pulp fiction writer of all time. Starting Time - 0:0:30 (better hurry) Snacks - Cottage Cheese w/peaches Activities - Welcoming new Cherries to CT and continued reorganization of my desk. Are you coming over???? UPDATE -- Oooh... although I have watched this movie several times, I am not sure that I had ever seen the end. Tears streaming from my face, I am certainly moved by the ending of the movie.
Whole Worlds About To Change
Your whole life's about to change in the next 20 seconds As you glance there's a lady running at your car half naked Bleeding from her neck to her chest And four guys chasing after her with axes and they look fucking possessed Without thinking you unlock the doors to lend a hand Before she gets in the car they're approaching and coming fast Hit the gas and she won't stop screaming She keeps saying over and over that she was mauled by a demon Blood, so much blood it was unreal She'd go quiet for a second then go nuts and grab the steering wheel Just calm the fuck down, you're scaring the shit out of me I'm gonna take you to the hospital and leave you in the lobby You're gonna be fine, side wiped in my blind side By a goose and a quarter with one headlight Just then I looked him right in the face And seen two glowing eyes peering out of a pillow case Now what the fuck is that? I think your friends are back Hey lady wake up, you're bleeding all over the dash As I pushed
The Whole Of Life
Thursday, January 11, 2007 The whole of life Everything has an influence on everything else. All the seemingly separate aspects of life are tightly intertwined. When setting priorities and making choices, consider the whole of life. Attempting to play off one thing against another will never work for very long. When you shortchange one part of your life, other things suffer. When you work to add value somewhere in your world, that value is reflected in other places too. Eventually, the good, sincere, authentic things you do will exhibit their influence throughout your world. There's a way to live through each experience that will enhance and improve all the other experiences. Think of your decisions not as discreet events, but rather as interrelated expressions of who you truly are. Realize that each action has an influence that spreads far beyond its original context. Live as though the universe is connected to itself in ways that you cannot begin to imagine. Know
A Whole New Blog, Ony My True Friends Will Understand
Well I am sorry, but I am done with women. I thought I was strong, but I am wrong. I am meant to be alone, so Ser William is just here for friends. My heart can only take so much!!! Friendship is all I can offer. I have never lied and I have no reason to start now. I have been doubted to many times. My walls are now to high to be broken down. The door is open for friends though anytime! anything else and you will only find trap doors. Ser William -kisses- Music Video:SO FAR AWAY (by Staind)Music Video Code provided by Video Code Zone
A Whole New World Of Bras
So its now been 84 days since my breast reduction surgery. I got the clearance from the plastic surgeon on Monday to start wearing a real bra again (I NEVER want to see another sports bra again as long as I live). He was VERY pleased with my recovery. So last nite I went and got measured and I have def gone from a 44 F to a 40 C. I bought three bras last nite...I wanted to cry, I have not been able to wear a 2 hook bra since I was a teenager....and now I can buy PRETTY bras, not those ugly granny bra's. I just want to tell anyone thats ever considered reduction surgery, that its the best thing in my life I have ever done. SO much is different now, not only with how I look but with my quality of life. I should take pics of the new bras :)
Who Loves Me ?????
my parents..... god ........ my siblings ....... my roomates ....... my friends ......... my relatives ...... but need one special person who is that ????? my dog tango,,,my puppy trixie and a special friend nellie who is as sweet as peach cobler pie............!!!!
Who Likes Chocolate...
What type of chocolate are you? Cherry LiquerYou are sexy and seductive and love to be intimate. You love a man without a shirt and are very passionate. Take this test
Who Let The Dogs Out ???
Funny Videos
Who Likes New People? Well Im One
hello my most recent activity is this ct gig. i guess ill put it as my new near future, future. id like to meet new people on here so let me know if your interested. i travel so call me the wanderer. i rome around and around. in the lets get the sex drugs and rock N' roll on the road
Who Likes Starbucks?
Hope that your all having a nice end to your weekend! I bet a lot of you drink red bulls or other unhealthy energy drinks. Well have you heard of XS Energy? These energy drinks are actually healthy for you! 0 carbs 0 sugars and only 8 calories, isn't that great?! Guess what else it has that’s good for you? 4800% Vitamin B12! So not only are they healthy but you'll get a jolt of energy. We have more than one flavor;) So here’s the good part anyone on CT that buys 4 cases of the drink (any flavor) not only will you get the free shipping on that but I'll give you a Starbucks card worth $15 or an extra case of the energy drinks! So this week save yourself a trip to the store and shop online! I highly recommend the tropical blast and the cranberry grape:) This offer is only good until Thursday afternoon so make sure you get those orders in. If you have questions or need help ordering let me know.
The Whole Thing.
I can't believe I ate the whole thing. Mostly because half of it is sitting in my lap.
Who Likes You?
WHO LIKES YOU??? lets find out who has the BALLS to say they like you, repost this under " Who Likes You??? " to find out! or youll have bad luck for 7 days. Reply!!!!!!! with a number WITH the following options (yes you can pick more than one): 1-I used to like you 2-I used to love you 3-I dont like you 4-I have a HUGE crush on you 5-I'm in love with you 6-I think im still in love with you and i shouldn't be... 7-I really want to talk to you and get to know you and hopefully something will happen... 8-I'm with someone else but for some reason i still have feelings for you 9- I want to marry you 10- I want to do you 11- I want to makeout with you again 12- I want to makeout with you for the 1st time 13- I want a relationship with you 14- I want to hold your hand 15- i love you and would enjoy makin sweet love 2 u rite now 16- I'm scared of liking you 17- I have a gf/bf but i like you... 18- I love you but its starting to
Who Likes You
WHO LIKES YOU??? lets find out who has the BALLS to say they like you, repost this under " Who Likes You??? " to find out! or youll have bad luck for 7 days. Reply!!!!!!! with a number WITH the following options (yes you can pick more than one): 1-I used to like you 2-I used to love you 3-I dont like you 4-I have a HUGE crush on you 5-I'm in love with you 6-I think im still in love with you and i shouldn't be... 7-I really want to talk to you and get to know you and hopefully something will happen... 8-I'm with someone else but for some reason i still have feelings for you 9- I want to marry you 10- I want to do you 11- I want to makeout with you again 12- I want to makeout with you for the 1st time 13- I want a relationship with you 14- I want to hold your hand 15- i love you and would enjoy makin sweet love 2 u rite now 16- I'm scared of liking you 17- I have a gf/bf but i like you... 18- I love you but its starting to
A Whole In Your Fence ( Very Touching )
There once was a little boy who had a bad temper. His Father gave him a bag of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper, he must hammer a nail into the back of the fence. The first day the boy had driven 37 nails into the fence. Over the next few weeks, as he learned to control his anger, the number of nails hammered daily gradually dwindled down. He discovered it was easier to hold his temper than to drive those nails into the fence. Finally the day came when the boy didn't lose his temper at all. He told his father about it and the father suggested that the boy now pull out one nail for each day that he was able to hold his temper. The days passed and the young boy was finally able to tell his father that all the nails were gone. The father took his son by the hand and led him to the fence. He said, "You have done well, my son, but look at the holes in the fence. The fence will never be the same. When you say things in anger, they leave a scar just like this on
Who Likes To Party?
I know i do lol wanna see just how much? check out my newest pics in my gallery under night at the club! Vote and comment on them!! I had a kickass time in Niagara Falls can't wait to go back and do it again!!
Who Likes Me
WHO LIKES Me??? lets find out who has the BALLS to say they like you, repost this under " Who Likes Me??? " to find out! Reply!!!!!!! with a number WITH the following options (yes you can pick more than one): 1-I used to like you 2-I used to love you 3-I dont like you 4-I have a HUGE crush on you 5-I'm in love with you 6-I think im still in love with you and i shouldn't be... 7-I really want to talk to you and get to know you and hopefully something will happen... 8-I'm with someone else but for some reason i still have feelings for you 9- I want to marry you 10- I want to do you 11- I want to makeout with you again 12- I want to makeout with you for the 1st time 13- I want a relationship with you 14- I want to hold your hand 15- i love you and would enjoy makin sweet love 2 u rite now 16- I'm scared of liking you 17- I have a gf/bf but i like you... 18- I love you but its starting to fade away 19- I love you 20-
Who Loves Me Enough #2
3 Whole Weeks
well i have managed to get to three weeks without a cigarette, and I have noticed I don't have as much patience as I used to, my sarcasm is getting worse, I am eating more but at least I can breathe properly now. In another three weeks I will probably be the size of a three bedroom house.
whole So maybe I am bound by fate A problematic scarring induced by hate It never seems to all pan out Is that what all this teaching is needed to scout You seemed to have a bad effect Your rules and contradictions I would neglect Though not my fault you made me feel Like my own education wasn't truly real Then you came right in tearing out my soul How could all this loss be your only goal I'm left standing here desperate in the cold Since you took your life mine has not been whole So there I stood a scolded child The reasons never questioned My pains been filed Inside this place that makes me feel I learned life is unfair and that is very real Then you came right in tearing out my soul How could all this loss be your only goal I'm left standing here desperate in the cold Since you took your life mine has not been whole While you try to overcome the lesson Making the most of those questions that just keeps me guessing I'm looking longer, harder, furth
Who Love You
Think Of Those Who Love You. If someone should hurt you and say a thing unkind, Remember what I write to you, and keep these thoughts in mind. For everyone that makes you cry, there are three to make you smile, And a smile will last for a long, long time, but a tear just a little while. Don't let someone who hates the world cause you to hate it too, Behind the clouds is a Golden sun, and a sky that's full of Blue. If someone said a thing that's cruel, don't let it get to you, Your achievements are greatly numbered, and your faults are very few. So if a certain person should act a certain way, Think of those who Love You. And don't let it spoil your day! .
The Whole World Hates Me... Feel Sorry For Me... :o(
Ok this attitude is really starting to annoy me!! I have a life. I have kids. I have problems. I do NOT come on CherryTap to feel like shit about my life or others. I am NOT a therapist. I dont whine and complain to others about my life, or my problems, or about how some people wont talk to me or ignore me etc etc. I come to CherryTap to have fun, or relax. Just like most people. I love to flirt and joke, but everyone who has read my profile knows Im in a relationship. Also... anyone who REALLY knows me also knows that just because it says I'm ONLINE doesnt mean I'm sitting here watching my screen like a hawk waiting to be talked to. I do not ignore anyone on purpose. I have a 3 yr old running around my feet at the computer and other stuff going on at all times. So sometimes it takes me a while to get back to people trying to talk to me. I check my email... do my banking, play poker etc etc... I only have a little time on here each day before I go to work. My 14 yr old is constant
Whole Brain Thinking
Whole Brain Thinking By Owen Waters Do we still have unimaginable potential just waiting to be unlocked? When you examine the functioning of the human brain, the answer is a resounding, “Yes!” The human brain includes right and left hemispheres. These operate in different contexts as they perform different functions. In most people, the left hemisphere is primarily detail-oriented, while the right is visually oriented and recognizes patterns. The right hemisphere recognizes the picture, the overview or the context, while the left brain translates that image into words. When you look at a person who seems to be someone you knew a long time ago, you recognize the pattern of that person’s face long before their name catches up. You move in for a closer look, while trying not to stare, and your left brain is thinking, “Oh, that’s um, oh…I’ll never forget, um, what’s his name.” The detail-oriented, left-brain hemisphere provides these functions: • Logic • Sequential pe
Whole Lotta Love
Whole Lotta Love Myspace Layouts for Myspace :: Music Video Codes
The Whole Of The Bed
You’re gone from my life, but still about, I now have the power, and the clout. I no longer have you, rattling round in my head, And fuck you, you bastard - I now got alll the bed. I can take all the bed, spread myself wide, I can even invite, a man inside. Don’t get your hopes up, it won’t be you, Going to find myself, a better screw. A man who can fulfil me, all through the night Make dirty love to me, and do it right "Take me to heaven” and “Make my world rock,” And lets face it by the law of averages -He'll have a bigger cock!!!!
A Whole Lotta Sex Goin On!!!!
Your on your way to see your favorite football team play, in a limousine no less. You're flying high, the only thing that could make this day better for you would be your blind date being gorgeous and horny. The only way you could get the seats from your boss was if you took his tomboy granddaughter with you, so you know there's not chance of her being gorgeous, maybe horny but not gorgeous. You're not going to let that ruin your day, though, you're about to see your favorite team play from sky box seats, what more could ya ask for. The limo pulls up to the curb and the driver gets out to go get your date. 'Yay!' you think and roll your eyes. You watch out the opposite window as you wait for them to come. The door opens and you look over as a gorgeous woman slides in beside you. She introduces herself, not taking her eyes off of you, holding her hand out to you. You shake her hand and continue to hold her hand as the car starts to move. She laughs nervously and you let go of her hand.
Who Like Lawyers ? Me Neither !!! Lol
The scene is the darkest jungle in Africa. Two tigers are stalking through the jungle when the one in the rear suddenly reaches out with his tongue and licks the butt of the one in front. The lead tiger turns and says, "Hey, cut it out, alright." The other tiger says sorry and they continue on their way. After about five minutes the rear tiger suddenly repeats his action. The front tiger turns angrily and says," I said don't do that again!" The rear tiger says "sorry" again and they continue. After about another five minutes, the rear tiger repeats his action. The front tiger turns and says, "What is it with you, anyway? I said to stop." The rear tiger says, "I really am sorry but I just ate a lawyer and I'm just trying to get the taste out of my mouth." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A local United Way office realized that the organization had never received a donation from the town's most successful lawyer. The person in
Who Loves This Song When They Were Growing Up I Know I Did
Whole Again
Sheer desperation moves her to speak knowing her words will just bring defeat High emotions emerge from their burial place and draw on the tears streaming down her face If only for a moment her heart gets some relief and she's finally able to acknowledge her belief She will once again become a woman in whole instead of shattered peices, scattered on the floor.
Whole Avocado Stuffed With Crabmeat
2 lbs. fresh lump crabmeat 8 med. tomatoes 3 tbsp. chopped chives 2 tbsp. chopped parsley 1 1/2 c. mayonnaise 4 tbsp. chili sauce 2 tsp. Worcestershire sauce Juice of 1 lemon 2 tsp. vinegar 6 whole ripe avocados 1 head Romaine lettuce Clean crabmeat of shells being careful to keep as many large lumps as possible. Peel, seed, chop and drain 5 of the tomatoes. Combine them with chives, parsley, mayonnaise, chili sauce, Worcestershire sauce, lemon juice and vinegar. Gently fold this mixture into the crabmeat. For each serving halve an avocado and remove the pit. Cut the bottom of 1/2 avocado so that it will lie flat and place it in the center of a large leaf of romaine lettuce. Stuff it with 5 to 6 ounces of the crabmeat salad. Arrange avocado and tomato slices alternately around the stuffed avocado. Repeat for each serving. Serves 6.
Who Likes U?
I smell the struggle of yesterdays problems like an old worn out newspaper I can almost taste the bitterness of my own self rebuttal I remember the days of unkind words and they were only spoken from my own mind I hear this angry voice and I know that It only wants to fail but I myself have found the fury I have found the blessings of finding my strength and Not just the moment of strength that I see every day in you I finally have found the Orb of light inside me Inside my head, inside my heart I have found my fury unleashing it from the bitterness and Calming it to the peacefulness this peacefulness I call It Love... Self Love Love In Me And Love In Thee...
The Whole Chris Benoit Thing
Okay, I was just bitched at for reposting a bulletin on Chris Benoit. I just ignored it, but this is what I have to say and I'm only gonna say it once. Chris Benoit was one of my favorite wrestlers. Going back to when he was the "Pegasus Kid". No I don't support what he did. I actually think it was shitty and very shocking. And someone else has mentioned to me that they were pissed for me reposting information on him, but yet there are Americans being killed over in Iraq. Come on people. Get it through you heads. Yes I know there are Americans getting killed over in Iraq, the thing is, there has been for the passed 3-4 years. I've had great friends killed over there. I'm not fucking stupid. But the thing is, there is nothing I can do as one person to stop that. I fucking hate the fact that Bush put this damn war into effect. But, yet again, there is nothing I can do about that. As far as the Chris Benoit thing, I'm reposting it because I think people should know about it. I me
A Whole Lotta Nerve I Swear.....
If your on my friends list or family list and you feel I have a picture of any kind that should be marked as NSFW then grow a fuckin nut sack and come to me and tell me DO NOT go behind my fuckin back and flag the damn thing like some chicken shit pansy ass bitch. C'mon people if you know me you know I will take care of it with no problems but don't go pissin me off by flagging it or them without talkin to me first... Thanks for your time & have a Rockin Kick Ass Day!!!
Who Loves You?
FRIENDS ARE LIKE BALOONS ONCE U LET THEM GO U CANT GET THEM BACK SO IM GOING TO TIE U TO MY HEART SO I NEVER LOOSE U. SEND THIS TO ALL UR FRIENDS INCLUDING ME! SEE HOW MANY U GET BACK SeNd ThIs To AlL ThE FrIeNdZ ThAt U lUv....N iF ThEy DoNt SeNd It BaCk To U....ThEiR NoT tRuE FrIeNdZ.... 1 person - you are lonely 2 people - you have a couple friends, but not many 3 people - you have a few friends... 4 people - you have some friends... 5 people - you have several friends! 6 people - you have many friends! 7 people - you are SOOOO loved! 8 people - everyone loves you!
Whole Stuffed Camel
Whole Stuffed Camel 1 whole camel, medium size 1 whole lamb, large size 20 whole chickens, medium size 60 eggs 12 kilos rice 2 kilos pine nuts 2 kilos almonds 1 kilo pistachio nuts 110 gallons water 5 pounds black pepper Salt to taste Skin, trim and clean camel (once you get over the hump), lamb and chicken. Boil until tender. Cook rice until fluffy. Fry nuts until brown and mix with rice. Hard boil eggs and peel. Stuff cooked chickens with hard boiled eggs and rice. Stuff the cooked lamb with stuffed chickens. Add more rice. Stuff the camel with the stuffed lamb and add rest of rice. Broil over large charcoal pit until brown. Spread any remaining rice on large tray and place camel on top of rice. Decorate with boiled eggs and nuts. Serves friendly crowd of 80-100. THIS IS A REAL RECIPE!!!!
The Whole Truth And Nothing But The Truth Why Gonzales Finally Caved By MASSIMO CALABRESI Mon Aug 27, 3:40 PM ET The Administration line on Alberto Gonzales's resignation is that he made the decision on his own, after weeks of consideration. On Friday, at the end of a two-week vacation in Texas, the Attorney General called President Bush and told him "that he felt it would be in the best interest of the [Justice] department," if he stepped down, according to a senior Administration official. The President "reluctantly accepted that decision," the official says, and later asked Gonzales and his wife, Becky, to come down to Crawford, Texas, where Bush has been on vacation. Arriving for an informal lunch with the President and First Lady there on Sunday, Gonzales handed over his resignation in writing and told the President that he'd be able to stay in the job only for another three weeks. That timing fit with Josh Bolten's deadline for re
Who Loves Me?????
Who Loves To Travel?
Hey to everyone on fubar checking me out. I just wanted to share with everyone and anyone who loves to travel and take vacations that I have a website that offers great deals and specials on airfare, hotel accomodations, car rentals, cruises, vacation packages, golf n spa resorts, and much more. Feel free to visit: Feel free to share with any family and friends also. Thanks.
A Whole New World
As you can all see from my new profile pic I am in a whole new world. I spent Saturday as a celebrity and loved every minute. I was interviewed twice and more people then I can count on my fingers and toes wanted there picture with me. I guess you can say I was walking as a "Cloud"
The Whole World Is Against Me Man
I sprained my ankle trying to move in today, so now I can barly walk. Figures. I want so despratly to get in there, but I can't. I just want to cry. But it is all painted and I have cable and my internet will be on wed, so that is something. I am taking wed off to finish moving in. Tomarrow Ernie and i will be moving the big stuff in, so at least that is something. Oh well.
Whole New Me
So im over getting dumbed my jackass. Looks like im leaving Arizona next Tuesday morning. Unfortuntly the ex is being an ass about getting the rest of my stuff. He was fine until he found out I was leaving now hes being a jerk. I haved decided to turn Bi. Yeah we will see how well this works out. I wanna dye my hair jet black and put cherry red highlights in but I was told that black is hard to get out of your hair. Thinking about getting my nose pierced but dont know if I can go through with that. I finally found a tattoo I want but it will probably be another couple of months before I get it. So if your thinking about getting a tattoo wait and we will get it done together:) I need to loose about about 15 pounds and I will be happy with myself. Going to try and hang out with people more when I get back to Tennessee. Well im traveling back by bus. Two day journey, so if you get bored next Tuesday and Wednesday give me a call. If you dont have my then send me a message and I will give i
Who Likes Chinese Food ?
Get MySpace Comments and Fortune Cookies at
The Whole Story
Back in the early 13th century, when she was passing for human, Lady Death's name was Hope. She was the daughter of Matthias, whose ancestors 666 generations back had been among Lucifer's fallen angels; and Marion, a woman so pure and good her lineage went all the way to Heaven itself. Hope grew up with Mom, who died when she was in her teens, so she went to stay with Dad. But he was so hard to live with, her ancestral home, Hell, seemed more attractive. There, she got caught up in centuries-old conspiracies and machinations, and wound up ruling the place, but because of a curse couldn't return to Earth as long as anyone lived here. That's why she adopted everybody's death as a personal goal. Lady Death was first seen in Evil Ernie #1, a comic book about a super-powered, undead homicidal maniac, dated December, 1991. She'd been the impetus behind Ernie's drive to annihilate everybody, appearing in his dreams to offer her more-than-ample charms in return for his effort. The story was
Who Likes You
Who Likes U?? lets find out who has the BALLS to say they like you, repost this Under " Who Likes You??? " to find out! or youll have bad luck for 7 days. Reply!!!!!!! with a number to the following options (yes you can pick more than one): 1-I want you now 2-eww never 3-I dont like you 4-I have a HUGE crush on you 5-I'm in love with you 6-I think im still in love with you and i shouldn't be... 7-I really want to talk to you and get to know you and hopefully something will happen... 8-I'm with someone else but for some reason i still have feelings for you 9- I want to marry you 10- I miss you 11- I want to makeout with you again 12- I want to makeout with you for the 1st time 13- I want a relationship with you 14- I want to hold your hand 15- i love you and would enjoy makin sweet love 2 u right now 16- I'm scared of liking you 17- I have a gf/bf but i like you... 18- I love you okay lets find out who likes you, repos
Whole Wheat Apple-minced Meat Pie
A classic British dish – they do like their pies – with lots of fruity flavor and completely homemade whole wheat crust. Ingredients Pastry: 1 C. Pillsbury's Best Whole Wheat Flour 1 C. Pillsbury's Best All Purpose or Unbleached 2 Tbs. sugar 1/2 tsp. salt 1/2 C. shortening 1/2 C. cold water Filling: 4 C. sliced, peeled apples (4 medium) 1 1/3 C. prepared mincemeat 1/2 C. sugar 2 Tbs. flour 1/2 tsp. grated lemon peel 1 Tbs. lemon juice Topping: 1 egg white 2 Tbs. water 1-2 tsp. sugar Directions Heat oven to 375 degrees. Lightly spoon flour into measuring cup; level off. In medium bowl, combine whole wheat flour, 1 C. all purpose flour, 2 Tbs. sugar and salt; blend shortening until mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Gradually add water to flour mixture while tossing and mixing lightly with fork. Add additional water, 1 tsp. at a time, until dough is just moist enough to hold together. Shape dough into 2 balls. Flatten balls; smooth edges. Roll 1 ball lightly
The Whole Story
who would sneak up on me if i went out in the dark and walked where there was no light and no one around to protect me should i be scared should my heart race when a twig snaps? should the moving shadows bring fear into my soul will my mind race imagining all that can happen to me will i walk faster for no reason will i see things that arent there? will you get me? I know she is out there watching me moving silently in the trees and shadows i cant shake her she has become like an animal she only needs to feed i cant believe i fell into this i feel like im trapped i can feel her gaze on my body i can sense her moving swiflty after me i know the end is near i know the beginning comes after the end she likes it like that she has to hunt me i move faster but its no use she keeps pace i stop to lean against a tree in the shadows omg what was i thinking no sound but i feel her breath i hear her heart beat in the shadows its too late she has her hands
Whol Ikes New Tags!! :)
I do lots of work in Paint shop pro and Photoshop.... I will put up some smaples of my work in a few... hehhee.... What kid of tags are ya;ll looking for.. sexy.... Gothic....DArk.....Funny.. Cute.... D.O.W..(((Days of week))))... Sports.. etc... Want some tags wiff your names on them certain types... what Genre you would like your names on.. Lemma know... Big Zombie&Vampire smooooches!!!!! lol... KDM is still trying to turn me his way to be a vampire.... LMAO!!! Hell no Imma true Zombie.... lmao... Plus I got bad blood... and bad veins... Hell Im dead.... Imma Zombie... ROFL!!!!! :P:O:P:O:P:O:P:O... Leave me some of your namers ane what you want or wehat not on here okies.. :) Anyone else want some 1 of a kind tags made.. :) hehe.... My background i=on my profile I made .. Thats one of the tags/backgrounds I made.. I make backgrounds for fubar also... So if anyone want me to make them a particular B/g fro their FUBAR profile... just leave me a message on here.... :)
Who Likes You
Who Likes U?? lets find out who has the BALLS to say they like you, repost this Under " Who Likes You??? " to find out! or youll have bad luck for 7 days. Reply!!!!!!! with a number to the following options (yes you can pick more than one): 1-I want you now 2-eww never 3-I dont like you 4-I have a HUGE crush on you 5-I'm in love with you 6-I think im still in love with you and i shouldn't be... 7-I really want to talk to you and get to know you and hopefully something will happen... 8-I'm with someone else but for some reason i still have feelings for you 9- I want to marry you 10- I miss you 11- I want to makeout with you again 12- I want to makeout with you for the 1st time 13- I want a relationship with you 14- I want to hold your hand 15- i love you and would enjoy makin sweet love 2 u right now 16- I'm scared of liking you 17- I have a gf/bf but i like you... 18- I love you okay lets find out who likes you, repos
Who Likes Me
Who Likes U?? lets find out who has the BALLS to say they like you, repost this Under " Who Likes You??? " to find out! or youll have bad luck for 7 days. Reply!!!!!!! with a number to the following options (yes you can pick more than one): 1-I want you now 2-eww never 3-I dont like you 4-I have a HUGE crush on you 5-I'm in love with you 6-I think im still in love with you and i shouldn't be... 7-I really want to talk to you and get to know you and hopefully something will happen... 8-I'm with someone else but for some reason i still have feelings for you 9- I want to marry you 10- I miss you 11- I want to makeout with you again 12- I want to makeout with you for the 1st time 13- I want a relationship with you 14- I want to hold your hand 15- i love you and would enjoy makin sweet love 2 u right now 16- I'm scared of liking you 17- I have a gf/bf but i like you... 18- I love you okay lets find out who likes you, repos
Who Likes Me
Who Likes U?? lets find out who has the BALLS to say they like you, repost this Under " Who Likes You??? " to find out! or youll have bad luck for 7 days. Reply!!!!!!! with a number to the following options (yes you can pick more than one): 1-I want you now 2-eww never 3-I dont like you 4-I have a HUGE crush on you 5-I'm in love with you 6-I think im still in love with you and i shouldn't be... 7-I really want to talk to you and get to know you and hopefully something will happen... 8-I'm with someone else but for some reason i still have feelings for you 9- I want to marry you 10- I miss you 11- I want to makeout with you again 12- I want to makeout with you for the 1st time 13- I want a relationship with you 14- I want to hold your hand 15- i love you and would enjoy makin sweet love 2 u right now 16- I'm scared of liking you 17- I have a gf/bf but i like you... 18- I love you okay lets find out who likes you, repos
Who Like~s You
Who Likes U?? lets find out who has the BALLS to say they like you, repost this Under " Who Likes You??? " to find out! or youll have bad luck for 7 days. Reply!!!!!!! with a number to the following options (yes you can pick more than one): 1-I want you now 2-eww never 3-I dont like you 4-I have a HUGE crush on you 5-I'm in love with you 6-I think im still in love with you and i shouldn't be... 7-I really want to talk to you and get to know you and hopefully something will happen... 8-I'm with someone else but for some reason i still have feelings for you 9- I want to marry you 10- I miss you 11- I want to makeout with you again 12- I want to makeout with you for the 1st time 13- I want a relationship with you 14- I want to hold your hand 15- i love you and would enjoy makin sweet love 2 u right now 16- I'm scared of liking you 17- I have a gf/bf but i like you... 18- I love you okay lets find out who likes you, repos
Who Likes U....:)
Who Likes U?? lets find out who has the BALLS to say they like you, repost this Under " Who Likes You??? " to find out! or youll have bad luck for 7 days. Reply!!!!!!! with a number to the following options (yes you can pick more than one): 1-I want you now 2-eww never 3-I dont like you 4-I have a HUGE crush on you 5-I'm in love with you 6-I think im still in love with you and i shouldn't be... 7-I really want to talk to you and get to know you and hopefully something will happen... 8-I'm with someone else but for some reason i still have feelings for you 9- I want to marry you 10- I miss you 11- I want to makeout with you again 12- I want to makeout with you for the 1st time 13- I want a relationship with you 14- I want to hold your hand 15- i love you and would enjoy makin sweet love 2 u right now 16- I'm scared of liking you 17- I have a gf/bf but i like you... 18- I love you okay lets find out who likes you, repos
Who Like To Rate Me?
hey, where are all the guys at here? show yourself, don't be shy... xx
Who Likes You
Who Likes U?? lets find out who has the BALLS to say they like you, repost this Under " Who Likes You??? " to find out! or youll have bad luck for 7 days. Reply!!!!!!! with a number to the following options (yes you can pick more than one): 1-I want you now 2-eww never 3-I dont like you 4-I have a HUGE crush on you 5-I'm in love with you 6-I think im still in love with you and i shouldn't be... 7-I really want to talk to you and get to know you and hopefully something will happen... 8-I'm with someone else but for some reason i still have feelings for you 9- I want to marry you 10- I miss you 11- I want to makeout with you again 12- I want to makeout with you for the 1st time 13- I want a relationship with you 14- I want to hold your hand 15- i love you and would enjoy makin sweet love 2 u right now 16- I'm scared of liking you 17- I have a gf/bf but i like you... 18- I love you okay lets find out who likes you, repos
Who Likes
SEX? Please leave a message answer. Thank you
Who Likes Me?
Who Likes ME? lets find out who has the BALLS to say they like you, repost this Under " Who Likes You??? " to find out! or youll have bad luck for 7 days. Reply!!!!!!! with a number to the following options (yes you can pick more than one): 1-I want you now 2-eww never 3-I dont like you 4-I have a HUGE crush on you 5-I'm in love with you 6-I think im still in love with you and i shouldn't be... 7-I really want to talk to you and get to know you and hopefully something will happen... 8-I'm with someone else but for some reason i still have feelings for you 9- I want to marry you 10- I miss you 11- I want to makeout with you again 12- I want to makeout with you for the 1st time 13- I want a relationship with you 14- I want to hold your hand 15- i love you and would enjoy makin sweet love 2 u right now 16- I'm scared of liking you 17- I have a gf/bf but i like you... 18- I love you okay lets find out who likes you, repo
Who Loves Muscles Men
men and woman just love muscles lets have a look at your muscles ? leave me a message and i will answer some way or another ?????????????????????????????? ................................. and before you ask no i have not got a small cock !!!!!
A 'whole' In My Heart
sitting here today, i feel a piece of my heart is missing i ache to feel her embrace the look in her eyes as she looks up into mine, and mirrors the reflection of my love for her the feeliing she gives me as if a warm and furry blanket is being wrapped around my soul three more hours and my heart will be whole once more she will wrap her arms around me and tell me she loves me i will squeeze her tighter letting her know i feel the same only then will the piece that is missing be returned to me only to be taken once again the following day when i will ache some more
The Whole Relationship Deal
This is just something that was on my mind i figured id write a poem of some sort about it. i may not have had any relationships yet in my life besides a long-term one that didn't work out but i did learn from it and i have learned from all of my friends different relationships. So this is how i feel about the whole relationship deal. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE WHOLE RELATIONSHIP DEAL Why is it when you love someone you can't be with them, Why is it when you care for someone they dont feel the same about you, Why is it when you show how you feel for someone it ususally never helps, Why is it that when you want to be with someone they want someone else, Why is it that girls seem to always wanna be JUST FRIENDS!!! Why is it when you talk to someone about dating they blow it off, Why is it when you talk to someone about hooking up they say theyd rather not, Why is it when you try to hug the person you care for they p
Who?? Ladies Only Please
Likes me would kiss me date me love me call me be my bestfriend Tell me which one you like best.
Whole Turkey With Chestnut Turkey Sausage Stuffing
1 (12-pound) whole turkey, fresh or frozen (thawed) 1 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 1 pound turkey breakfast sausage 2 cups chopped onion 1 French baguette (10 ounces), cut into 1-inch cubes 1 (15 1/2-ounce) can chestnuts, drained 1/2 cup chopped fresh parsley 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme 1/2 teaspoon dried sage 1/2 teaspoon pepper 1 cup turkey broth or reduced-sodium chicken bouillon 1/2 cup Raspberry Glaze (recipe follows) As needed red and green grapes, washed and dried 1. To Prepare Turkey: Remove giblets and neck from turkey; reserve for gravy. Rinse turkey with cold running water and drain well. Blot dry with paper towels. 2. Sprinkle salt and pepper in the cavities of the bird. 3. Fold neck skin and fasten to the back with skewers. Fold the wings under the back of the turkey. Return legs to tucked position 4. Prepare Stuffing: In large non-stick skillet, over medium-high heat, saute turkey sausage and onions 5 to 7 minutes or u
Who Like Cheese Pizza
who like cheese pizza?
Who Looks Better Lol
me or the cat
Who Loves Me?
Who Loves Me?? Lol
Whole-y Schittttttt!!! Please Rate And Comment If You Enter!
I am in Ohio....Akron to be exact....(CRACKron from what others here call it), I get ready for work, am in full uniform....manager of a Wendy's n shit (trust me, NOT where I am about to plop my ass into forever), and I decide to ride up to the store before work and grab some "brew" that way I don't have to run again the next day....I get up there, get my shit, and I am "zoomin'" to work cuz I am a couple minutes late....I get to a stop sign to turn right, but I do a "California Stop AKA/NOT stop ALL the way" and turn without a hitch. Little did I know, there's PO-PO on my NO-NO. I thought I was toast. My baby has no insurance and my license is suspended from fuckin' '99!!!!! WELL..........they pull my ass over....SHIT....I'm FUKKED well, the "man"walks up to me, asks me all sorts of ?'s and I SERIOUSLY answered them the truth...whithin all craziness, he asks me to "PARK MY VEHICLE TO THE LEFT, THIS HOUSE IS EMPTYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!" OMFG!!!!!!!!!!! I never heard this shit before!!!!!!!
Whole Hearted Holiday
Get Your Own Player!
Who Looks Better
Halle Berry or Beyonce Knoles?
Near death, with a 45 pointed at my head Broken, that’s what they said Locked up, examined and medicated It was so simple, it was my life I hated Time heals, time opens your eyes Helps you to see through all the past lies But as time drudged on the wounds were still sore I was falling again into the place without doors And I was nearing the edge of what was paved I felt her hand, I heard her voice and I knew I was saved A short time before I had to leave for a while Even though we are apart you still make me smile Slowing my mind when the need arose The door to my soul for you is something I will never close What was it you said Love, Life, Lord, Soul, Blood so red Allow me to save you as you have me No need to look any further, opens your eyes and see Im right here Standing, offering without fear Give me your soul I will show you life that is whole
Whole Two hearts, as one no moon, no sun no break of day the world is gray One heart, to stay yet far away The distance kills the strongest wills The heart is whole Only one soul The distance breaks but stronger makes To have found you the one, the true Gives me the strength to bridge the length Someday, not far by one true star Together we'll be as one. You. Me.
A Whole New Kind Of Hell
Fuck I thought being homeless sucked but ever since Draven and I have been staying with our supposed friends (who by the way told "us" to move in with them, we never asked) they've been being colder and colder to us. It's like we aren't even people to them they don't even treat us like we're actually there. And we have no where else to go cuz trust me if we did we would but right now we can't afford to get our own place yet. I hate it here they make me feel worthless and like i'm an idiot. And now it's like they're purposely trying to make us feel inferior trying to make us hate it here so much that we'd move out. TRUST ME I FUCKING WOULD!!!! I want to oh god how I want to. I can't stand to stay here anymore with these people they're are so negative. I keep crying at night, I don't even know what we did to deserve this kind of hatred towards us and especially from people who we thoght were our friends. They're sucking out my soul I hope another alternative opens up cuz I truely believe
The Whole Thing
She watched as transparent whirls of smoke slowly danced in a crisp winter air upwards towards the sky, changing shapes and patterns like ghostly apparitions, until finally disappearing into eternal nothingness. She took a drag from a cigarette, and heard a light crackle as the amber tip lit up and let the smoke fill her lungs. She exhaled, letting out a new batch of smoke. The moon emanated its cold mysterious glow, making the snow covered field drown in an ocean of pure white. She stood there, spellbound by this creature that was looking back at her, and her only, with its featureless round face, so many light years and miles away, so distant and yet so close, keeping her company at this lonesome hour. She could sense it sending its lunar incantations into the air, pulsating with waves and invoking the spirits of the forest that stood like an inpenetrable fortress along the shadowed edges of the field. From the safety of the lit up entrance of the hotel, she wondered what
A Whole New Business Venue
And no, I am not talking about supplying weapons to the various sides of the conflicts around the world, although, it would indeed be a profitable business. I have figured out that what I need to do is use people's vices against them, or more specifically, their fetishes or hangups. Home automation is nothing new, but considering there is still a large percentage of the human population that believe that there is only one sexual position and sex is for procreation only, how about a system that immediately turns the bedroom lights out so repressive personalities can have sex, and design a bed that if one of the partners does something beyond basic intercourse, they are immediately catapulted from the bed and their pastor, preacher, vicar, or priest is immediately summoned for spiritual intervention? For the swingers in the population, the bedroom furnishings would consist of an electronic pick a number dispenser, with the added function of what the person is planning on doing,
Whole Wheat Bread Goes Hard
Who Loves The Cowgirl In Pink
A Whole New World Of Fubar.
So here I am, new to this fubar, running around with scissors would make as much sense to me right now. I am exploring this new world with wide eyed amazement, not really knowing why I am even here. Oh wait, thats right, someone invited me. And being the curious type, I jumped in feet first and everything else be damned. Which leads me to some thoughts... What is this sight all about? So far it seems to be a place where desperate men tell beautiful women that they want to do things, that they have to know are not going to happen. It also seems to cater to the curious, the stalkers, the perverts and the exhibitionists. As for some reason you get points for giving everyone a ten rating, and the rating seams to be for them in turn giving you a ten rating. I do not understand this at all, but when in Rome! I am still not sure what will come of this new experiance. But hell I am game to see where this goes. It is better than studding anyway. Although I need to do that too. I do how
A Whole Bunch Of Useless Info- This Will Take A While..
The original game of "Monopoly" was circular. It costs more to buy a new car today in the United States than it cost Christopher Columbus to equip and undertake three voyages to and from the New World. One-fourth of the world's population lives on less than $200 a year. Ninety million people survive on less than $75 a year. The sentence "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" uses every letter in the English language. The word racecar and kayak are the same whether they are read left to right or right to left. TYPEWRITER, is the longest word that can be made using the letters on only one row of the keyboard. Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is the fear of long words. A snail can sleep for 3 years. Did you know you share your birthday with at least 9 million other people in the world. The average human eats 8 spiders in their lifetime at night. More people are killed by donkeys annually than are killed in plane crashes. Women blink nearly twice as much as men. The
A Whole New World
The Whole Story From The Top
Ok this is the story............... There isnt one I just wanted to see who was tryin to get info out of my blogs... And now your busted.... you know who you are .
Who Loves Watching The Wrestling?
A Whole Summer Alone....
As of 10 am june 14th my girls drove off with their dad to spend the summer with him in Mississippi, which is 2000 miles away from me. I have not spent more than a week without them since they were born. I am dying inside and will be alone for the whole summer. I do have a couple fun things planned and i'm sure i will be okay, i have to be. But I will be here on Fubar so all my friends I am calling on you for some emotion support and just some good convo. I am not expecting it but would really appreciate it. The next couple dys will be the worst for me and I will be in and out but I will be here for the most part, so feel free to show some love shout at me whatever. Show me why I love this site! Love you all xoxoxoxoxo
A Whole New Sexy
Whole Lot Of 11s
· new gift: Rolex from 'kissy face' received! 2 mins ago · new gift: Pina Colada from 'kissy face' received! 3 mins ago · new gift: Beer Bong from 'kissy face' received! 3 mins ago · new gift: Margarita from 'kissy face' received! 3 mins ago · new gift: Shot of Jagermeister from 'kissy face' received! 4 mins ago · new gift: Shot of Jack Daniels from 'kissy face' received! 5 mins ago · kissy face rated your blog a '10'! 6 mins ago · kissy face rated your blog a '10'! 6 mins ago · kissy face rated your blog a '10'! 6 mins ago · kissy face rated your blog a '10'! 6 mins ago · kissy face rated your blog a '10'! 7 mins ago · kissy face rated your blog a '10'! 7 mins ago · kissy face rated your blog a '10'! 7 mins ago · kissy face rated your blog a '10'! 8 mins ago · kissy face rated your blog a '10'! 8 mins ago · kissy face rated your blog a '10'! 8 mins ago · kissy face rated your blog a '10'!
Who Likes U??
Who Likes U?? lets find out who has the BALLS to say they like you, repost this Under " Who Likes You??? " to find out! or youll have bad luck for 7 days. Reply!!!!!!! with a number to the following options (yes you can pick more than one): 1-I want you now 2-eww never 3-I dont like you 4-I have a HUGE crush on you 5-I'm in love with you 6-I think im still in love with you and i shouldn't be... 7-I really want to talk to you and get to know you and hopefully something will happen... 8-I'm with someone else but for some reason i still have feelings for you 9- I want to marry you 10- I miss you 11- I want to makeout with you again 12- I want to makeout with you for the 1st time 13- I want a relationship with you 14- I want to hold your hand 15- i love you and would enjoy makin sweet love 2 u right now 16- I'm scared of liking you 17- I have a gf/bf but i like you... 18- I love you okay lets find out who likes you, repos
The Whole Word -rejection
Rose and Poem by ~airedhiel on deviantART when will I ever feel like Im GOOD ENOUGH? I tried by ~DarkSandstorm on deviantART I open my mouth until my lungs give out, I breathe in and out blood and wipe it from my hands, How could you, after all these years? I was just a game, You would hold your word and watch me decintegrate, Even when you knew the answers, There was never time for us, There was never a you and me, Even as I watch you smile separate and run dry, It meant nothing to you, and you mean nothing to me, But I can still feel your memory trail behind me and soak the earth black, You we're a facade, even as you began to fall. You will know, You will know, you will know, I am invisible as you walk right through me, goodbye, she said. I tried.
A Whole Hour Of Her Fluffiness
Its a VERY Special hour Tonight! Linda's Happy Hour starts at 4 p.m! Show her the Love! F/A/R her.. (as if you haven't already!) RE-RATE her! (She LOVES having her cherries Tapped over and over!) Bling Her! (She ALSO loves Stinky, Twinkly, Blue Simians that Fly on Hogs!) Linda is well on her way to leveling .. again! If ALL of her Friends just Blinged her ONCE... She'd be over halfway to ORACLE! To HELL with Disciple!! SO hit her up and tell her that Tappinit has Tapped her again. ஐLindaஐFu Fluffer & Fu Duchess to his Royalness, Duke Tappinit@ fubar Lovingly Pimped by Tappinit: Tappinit~Fu-Baron and grateful recipient to Her Fluffiness, Linda@ fubar can i tap that - Unknown
Who Loves Ridin' Dirty?
Hooah! She has agreed to marry me!Please click on her picture and go by and show her some love. We are getting hitched on Sunday! Don't forget the wedding gifts! I like Budweiser!
A Whole Bunch Of Fu-bullshit!!!
Some of you may know that I am dealing with some fu-bullshit today. Many people know that I do not like people who cannot re-rate a profile when you re-rate them. I also cannot stand people who think that their opinions should be the law of fubar. I also do not like people coming to my profile and giving me attitude or acting like an ass in any way. I have stated in blogs and on my profile that I will delete people without warning. Well I had a person who was on my friends list and who donated 300k to my spotlight fund. I deleted him from my friends list several weeks ago, but he did not even know about it until today when he saw me as the spotlight. Some friend huh??? Well now he is going to trash mouth me to people because he is fucking butt-sore. Excuse me, but you came to my profile and gave me attitude and I deleted you, and you want to act like a baby because I deleted you, but you did not even realize it for a good 2 weeks. So now I am ungrateful to those who helpe
A Whole Person
When one is on a journey of self discovery, there are times that we discovery things about ourselves that we really wish that we hand not discovered or maybe i should say remembered. i have been on such a journey for the past few months and though i am perhaps half way through this part of my journey, i have started to discovery that the last time i truly new happiness as when i was but a small child, everything after that was just me wearing a mask and telling myself over and over agian that i was happy until i believed it. i know that it's crazy but it's true, as i continue on this journey i am slowly discovering that i can be happy even a little bit, my happiness has not come full force, but there are small things that make me so very happy it's nothing major but small things that some might take for granted, such as a message form a friend, a small gift left for me online, these things bring a smile to my face and they seem to always warm my heart. i am not one that finds ha
Who Loves Football? I Do! I Do!
This is my team! Win or lose! Yes, they lost today... I know they lost... They fucking lost today... Opening Day... IDIOTS!
Who Loves You
Who Loves You?Someone OnlineYou seem to be interested in Computers... You probably chat online quite a bit. There is not a Damn Thing Wrong With That!!! Lots of people find their love on the internet, and I have a feeling that you're going to be one of them!Myspace Quizzes (apparently someone online!!!!!!!!!! - please pray its not who I think it is !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Whole Lotta Love--the Zeppelin
Comment on this video! More videos at myYearbook
The Whole Truth About ßËÇkrfÇ1™!
This man is without a doubt one of the sweetest, most kind hearted people you will ever have the opportunity to meet. He believes in treating his friends with love and respect. He helps everyone else and NEVER, EVER asks for anything in return. And he definitely returns all the love that is shown to him. Please stop by and say "Hello" to him. I'm not asking you to sit and rate all his pics or anything. Just stop by and check him out. I am proud to call him a friend and odds are you would be too. ßËÇKRFÇ1™!@ PET SER SECURITY SHADOWLEVELERS@ fubar This pimpout brought to you by: ღFU-QUEEN AMANDAღ{Shadow Leveler} ~{Yeahmons Angels}~Proudly FuOwned By Kat1114@ fubar
The Whole Truth About ßËÇkrfÇ1™! (please Read & Repost)
The Whole Truth About ßËÇKRFÇ1™! (Please Read & Repost) This man is without a doubt one of the sweetest, most kind hearted people you will ever have the opportunity to meet. He believes in treating his friends with love and respect. He helps everyone else and NEVER, EVER asks for anything in return. And he definitely returns all the love that is shown to him. Please stop by and say "Hello" to him. I'm not asking you to sit and rate all his pics or anything. Just stop by and check him out. I am proud to call him a friend and odds are you would be too. ßËÇKRFÇ1™!@ PET SER SECURITY SHADOWLEVELERS@ fubar This pimpout brought to you by: ღFU-QUEEN AMANDAღ{Shadow Leveler} ~{Yeahmons Angels}~Proudly FuOwned By Kat1114@ fubar (repost of original by 'ღFU-QUEEN AMANDAღ{Shadow Leveler} ~{Yeahmons Angels}~Proudly FuOwned By Kat1114' on '2008-10-09 18:04:41')
A Whole Lotta Nothing
I Dont normally write blogs and actually talk about my life or whatever but i really need to vent.....Shits been really bad lately,for me anyway. This year has been the year of pure hell to say the least, ive lost so much and gained so little . Its hard to hold onto that last little nothing you have just so you have something to live for. Every beginning has an end and im reaching my end. It hurts when i see people have something ill never have....happiness.Im really fucked up..Ive been living in a cloudyness state of mind and i think im just now seeing things for what they really are and its really hard to swallow the reality . Im tired of being like this , Im tired of wakeing up in the middle of the night and reaching for something thats no longer there. Yeah yeah i know....quit yer cryin andrea this worlds too busy to cater to your every little need. Im fuckin tired of being cold hearted and emotionless, I want to feel again..Even if its pain atleast its something ......I dont know
A Whole New Way To Party!
A Whole New Meaning
Merry Christmas to all my fu family, friends, and fans!! This year has been a doozy!! I have been through hell and back and now the holidays have a whole new meaning. I am very fortunate to have met some amazing people on the fu! You know who you are....if I were to try to list all of you, I am sure I would miss someone. Friends got me through this year...through all the chemo and then surgery and even radiation. I have lost my hair and that was devastating to me, to be honest. I have not posted any new pics yet cause I just can't seem to get one I like. I promise I will get one up soon. Any whoooo....I just wanted to wish everyone on fubar a very merry Christmas! If you are not my friend is the time to come on over and chat sometime..... ~~smooches~~
Who Like Too Lolol
How Many Kids Will You have? (pics)4 Kids or MoreWell, aren't you a regular love machine? Keep it up, you are on your way to being a regular baby factory... or at least the cause of some woman's... perhaps womens continuous child birth. I hope you live in America, at least there are taxpayers to pay for you there. Love-Friendship Quizzes How Many Kids Will You have? (pics)4 Kids or More
A Whole New Sexy Legs Contest
Yeah,, I'm doing it again,lol,, trying to win a sexiest legs contest. Please drop by and vote for me,, here is a link below and thanks alot!! Loves you all!!
The Whole Dirty Diamond Crew, Show Em Luv, Please
Who Let The Trash Out
I HATE VALENTINES DAY!! created @ 02/14/2009 01:11 am expires in: 22 hrs [EVERYONE] Sooo do you find valentines day a useless holiday?? Yay ** OR ** Nay 113 votes 612 views 107 comments Report mum as NSFW (Not Safe For Work) [?] Since when is it a holiday? Who promoted this to the point of it becoming a damned holiday, and given this is an adult site is there really anything not appropriate adult content?
Who'll Stop The Rain
Someone told me long ago There's a calm before the storm, I know; It's been comin' for some time. When it's over, so they say, It'll rain a sunny day, I know; Shinin' down like water. CHORUS: I want to know, Have you ever seen the rain? I want to know, Have you ever seen the rain Comin' down on a sunny day? Yesterday, and days before, Sun is cold and rain is hard, I know; Been that way for all my time. 'Til forever, on it goes Through the circle, fast and slow, I know; It can't stop, I wonder.
Who Likes Phone Sex
I am taking a poll on who likes phone sex. If you like phone sex do you do or say things that you wouldnt normaly say with your partner meaning is it a way to release your fantasy? What kind of phone sex do you like? Phone sex for me is the same as it would be in person what you hear on the phone is what you will get in person, can this be said about you??? Let me know yout thoughts on what you think of phone sex.........
Whole New Life, Whole New Blogs
Starting out a whole new life so I'm starting out with whole new blogs. Will be posting more of myself in this blog instead of cut and paste found in my previous blogs. Edgars F
A Whole Lot Of Sex Goin On
Your on your way to see your favorite football team play, in a limousine no less. You're flying high, the only thing that could make this day better for you would be your blind date being gorgeous and horny. The only way you could get the seats from your boss was if you took his tomboy granddaughter with you, so you know there's not chance of her being gorgeous, maybe horny but not gorgeous. You're not going to let that ruin your day, though, you're about to see your favorite team play from sky box seats, what more could ya ask for. The limo pulls up to the curb and the driver gets out to go get your date. 'Yay!' you think and roll your eyes. You watch out the opposite window as you wait for them to come. The door opens and you look over as a gorgeous woman slides in beside you. She introduces herself, not taking her eyes off of you, holding her hand out to you. You shake her hand and continue to hold her hand as the car starts to move. She laughs nervously and you let go of her hand.
A Whole Lot At Once....
Consult not your fears, but your hopes and your dreams. ~Pope John XXIII If you want to conquer fear, don't sit at home and think about it. Go out and get busy. ~Dale Carnegie Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand. ~Chinese Proverb Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment. Full effort is full victory. ~Mahatma Gandhi Live your life and forget your age. ~Frank Bering What seems impossible one minute becomes, through faith, possible the next. ~Norman Vincent Peale Everything that has a beginning has an ending. Make your peace with that and all be well. ~Buddha If we keep doing what we're doing, we're going to keep getting what we're getting. ~Stephen R. Covey The way to happiness: keep your heart free from hate, your mind from worry. ~Norman Vincent Peale Energy and persistence conquer all things. ~Bejamin Franklin Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence. ~Aristotle  
This is the one forYou that I write,I can not stop thinkingof us, When I gazeinto Your eyes.Enjoying are timeTogether, want itTo last for eternity,Forever.You have captured myHeart, my soul, feelingsI have are completelyWhole.
The Whole Dating Thing
So about a week ago I met this nice women and we started seeing more of each other, but now I find myself being a little preassured and I dont like that feeling. We dont see each other all that much, but a couple hours here and a couple there, a little talking on the phone. Everything was going fine, I enjoyed her company (no sex in case anyone is thinking that) she's just fun to be around. So I invited her to dinner at my place and a movie, she brought some wine, we ate, drank wine, watched movie with a little kissing from time to time, and than it happened. She started singing love songs and using way to many endearements. I dont know why, but I felt uncomfrontable....I like her well enough, but anything other than that to be honest, I find now dont desire, well I realized at least with her. So I guess I have to break it off or tell her I may not be in it as much as she is, eithier way it sucks to do, but I did tell myself if for any reason I feel wierd, uncomfrontable, or strange, t
The Whole Dating Thing Part 2
So the next day I told her it was going to fast for me and that i didnt feel comfrontable and it pretty much was with her. What was bothering me was she always keep saying its my fault or your fault....does there really have to be fault at all. Do we always have to point fingers and hope to find someone to blame? and what was getting me is that we only knew each other for six days....holy cow...SIX DAYS!!!!! Still tripped out by the whole situation, but it does get more intense. For the next couple of days she kept following me around, dang I know i am a nice guy and all, but I have my issues just like everyone else, I just couldnt figure out why she was so crazy about. This just could not keep going on, so I finally sat her down and told again my feelings and she again went towards the whole fault thing.....I finally got it resolved, but man what an effort. Never had a stalking....well it felt that way. So to be honest for a moment I liked it, but just for a moment.
Wholesale Clothing @
HTML clipboardMany retailers are working hard to find the cheapest priced wholesale clothing supplier that gives them the benefit of buying inventory that won’t cost them an arm and a leg. Something that they can buy even on a $100 purchase and still get the same price as those who buys tens of thousands. There are places like this around the Los Angeles area. You just need to know where to find. Consider buying wholesale clothes on closeouts and you can find the best deal you can ever imagine.
Wholesale Clothes, Wholesale Clothing @
Jack Marshall is a social networker and fashion writing enthusiast who has serious passion for wholesale clothing, wholesale clothing, wholesale apparel, wholesale jeans .
The Whole Story!!!!
    I am only writing concerning the phone call I got from mom this morning...First, I didn't call Dorothy a "whore"! I said bitch....Howard's wife asked me if she should be worried about him working out there...would Dot try anything....she's had heard stuff previously! I have tried my damndness to leave this all alone...I seen her at WalMarts about 3 weeks ago! Why is it being twisted now? Secondly, I know I have been a bitch as well....I know this! I was hurt, and you didn't seem to understand! I felt like I was being dangled over the edge of a cliff....I said things I should not have in text to you! I hate that any of this happened, but, what is done is done! I was in the wrong as well... this I can admit... I am not out for blood, I have no vendetta against no one!  I am not out to see you fail... I wish you all the best of luck! This is my side of the story first hand...not from any one else's mouth! I am not out running my mouth about you all....and when it co
Wholesale Plus Size Clothing
wholesale plus size clothing
Wholesale Home Appliance
Appliances are necessary in every home. They make life easier, more comfortable and less complicated, especially if you are living in a city where everything proceeds rapidly. From the moment you wake up in the morning until you go to bed to recharge for another long stressful day, the use of electrical appliances is almost unavoidable. They enable you to prepare your breakfast, get dressed for work, and even watch a movie while you relax on your couch. Buying the right home appliances is essential. Although prices of home appliances continuously go down as manufacturing processes continue to improve, home appliances are still considered valuables. Since they consume energy, the cost of operating them plus the cost of maintaining and repairing them makes them expensive. However, there’s a solution to that – buying wholesale. Buying wholesale is the best way for you to get great discounts and, thus, save big on your home appliances. Take, for example, a famous 3.5 cu.
3 Whole Years
Joined: October 1, 2006   Looks like I got my computer back just in time for the achievement.   That is a damn long time to have been here. But I can honestly say, on the whole, it has been worth it. Ok, I've lost friends, ok, I've made one or two enemies, ok, I may have had my heartbroken. But I've met tons of awesome people (no naming names, don't want to forget someone and upset them :p) and yes, I have fallen in love and I owe this place that great feeling that it has given me of actually feeling like I belong for once.   Enough of the sap though, just glad to be home.    
Wholesale Condoms
Hi, my name is Ken and I moved to Los Angeles about 8 years ago; I work as a health director at California State University, Northridge. I'm responsible for managing the clinic as well as providing education and awareness seminars to the students. Currently we're working very hard on a safe sex initiative for the spring semester. Too many students aren't getting the education they need when they enter into college. Please stop by the health center for more information on condom use, and you can buy condoms from us as well for 10 cents each. We obtain wholesale condoms at nonprofit pricing and are able to distribute this to our students for the same cost to help encourage our students to be safe. Please email me with any questions you may have, no question is too stupid. Thanks.
The Who "live At Leeds" Deluxe Edition
As a long time fan of there's I looked forward to hearing this early (1970) recording, and was not disappointed. The music lacks the polish of their later recordings, but there is a raw energy in it that is great. They also play some songs I hadn't heard before.
The Whole Dating Thing Part 3
Dating part three Category: Writing and Poetry So I did end up dating the stalker....turns out she really wasnt a stalker....she actually was a very down to earth nice person. The only problem I was having was....I still didnt have this thing inside that made me wish to go forward. I tried though, but then again I always do that, and it always ends bad. So expressed this to her, that I thought she was a good person, but romanticlly there just wasnt anything there and i need that. When i get involved with someone, i want to be comsummed inside my heart and mind. You know when u hear a song on the radio and than u think of that person kind of consummed....wasnt happening with her. The only time i really thought about her....sorry to say is when i felt frisky or out drinking and she would show up. She was great to talk too and I always enjoy a good conversation. So I started feeling guilty because I was just using her for my own needs and I felt I was leading her on....not a good thing
The Whole Dating Thing Part 4
Well i did continue dating the stalker, boy that wasnt a good idea in the end....wanna hear it, he it goes. So all through this 6 of us became friends. The stalker, myself, my room mate, his not girlfriend, and two other friends. we used to hang out at the stalkers eating, drinking, and talking. Our relationship was one and off again due to my reasons in dating part 3, but i was trying to work things out. During this time my room mate and me just kept getting worse. Out relationship just started falling apart. His not girlfriend is a good friend and people thought at times we were together. The stalker was always saying we should date, I would tell her we r just friends and that I cared for her, thats all. I would take her side alot because she really didnt do anything wrong and the stalker didnt like it. When my room mate and his not girlfriend broke up, I happen to run into her and we were hanging out and drinking and talking. the stalker shows up and is pissed im paying attention to
The Whole Truth..and Nothing But The Truth.
So I've been posting a lot of blogs lately. I guess I have alot on my mind. Especially with my husband gone. I have seen people throw me away a lot recently, although, I have made some other friends, that have made me feel way more important than the others ever did. It is sad,  the way the world works. The greediness we see even on a computer. I appreciate everyone that has bombed me or rated me these past couple of days. Even if it has been for your own benifit. Thank you for opening my page and doing so. When i am feeling up to rating ...I will return the favor, that I promise. Until my son is out of the hospital, I doubt I feel like doing much of anything but talking to people that care. I am sad that a lot of you have abandoned me, but it is ok. We all make our own paths, I can't make anyone want me in theirs. And if they don't, it is only that person missing out on a true friend. Goodnight people..Hope you are happy in your choices and content in your life.
The Whole Enchilada
Stolen from the comments of Cammy's blog...a recipe by her...I can calculate the nutrition information should you want it. My enchiladas go a little bit like this:1 whole cut up chicken (you could use boneless skinless breasts too but I think a whole chicken gives it way more flavor.)1 large can of Rotell (whatever spice level you prefer - also a note, if you feel better about yourself at night you can stew fresh tomatoes and peppers and the like yourself rather than using a can... I find it makes absolutely no difference the taste so I stopped bothering.)2 cans of garlic infused chicken brothCorn tortillas1 large can of enchilada sauce and then 1 regular can (again, you can make the stuff from scratch if it makes you feel better and more productive but it tastes the same to me.)Cheese - either mozzarella or actual Mexican queso works best. Queso is harder to shred.So you put the chicken in a large stock pot or dutch oven with the rotel and the garlic chicken broth. Cook it for at le
Whole New World For The Xxx Show
Ok I know its been forever, but where still working on new stuff, including new funny bits, and new technology which will let you see me and Natalie live on webcam at the same time. This opens up a whole new world for the XXX show as we can play video so you can see what we see or what we are talking about, plus you ge...t to see us broadcast live, don't believe the haters that say we are done, or not coming back, we are on the way just trying to give you the best show possible.      
Who Likes Turbulence?
Finally am home from Atlanta- Ashley and I had the best time ever on our recent trip. There is a part of me that wishes she wasn't my daughter and just a good pal, and then people wouldn't think it odd I take her with me on trips! Somehow it's ok for pals to work and travel together but slightly odd if mother and daughter do it!   Ashley and I are doing a kids show together at 12.45pm at Edinburgh Fringe as well as me doing a one woman show at 7pm and we are writing together for a radio/TV project, so we do enjoy working alongside each other.   Anyway now that I have excused my rather close happy relationship with my daughter (it does worry me that people think its odd) I have to tell you what fun we had in Atlanta.   On arrival we were picked up at Atlanta airport with a lovely bloke called Henry who treated us like a pair of special princess's and got us straight to the hotel. The heat was stifling and we were both exhausted, we did the normal thing and tried to walk out of the
The Whole Tooth And Nothing But
We’re Replacing Her Teeth With Fangs   Poverty, n.  The condition of being neither middle-class nor rich.  Thirty million Americans are always “living in poverty,” regardless of the state of the national economy, improvements in the provision of public services, or any other changes in the life of the nation.  This 30 million is a physical constant, like the speed of light.    Public investment, n.  Kiss your tax dollars goodbye.   Yesterday I was in our garage while enjoying the day off with Sarah and Jeffrey and found this article, “From ‘Activist’ to ‘Warmonger’”, a modernized and/or conservative update of “The Devil’s Dictionary”, Ambrose Bierce’s 1911 satirical work on prevailing customs and habits of the day presented in dictionary form.  Coming up on its centennial, I wouldn’t mind reading it myself.  That excerpt above is from an article written by John Derbyshire appearing in the Septemb
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A Whole Inch?! Golly Gee!
Sometimes you just really have to love stupid people and their IMs:   oothebigmanoo: HUGE COCK INCH LONG me: An inch long? me: LMAOOOOO me: *laughing smilies on Yahoo* oothebigmanoo: OK oothebigmanoo: WANT TO SEE 4 UR SELF me: No I don't wanna see your inch LOL me: *more laughing smilies* me: An Inch! I have toys bigger than you oothebigmanoo: OK me: You said it me: Huge cock inch long me: LMAOOOOOOO me: I wouldn't brag about an inch oothebigmanoo: 9 INCH LONG COCK me: Wow, you suddenly had a growth spurt?!!  
Wholesale Clothes - Obtain Cheap Wholesale T-shirts From Closeouts And Irregulars
Are you looking for wholesale clothes that are popular all year round? Wholesale t-shirts are in demand throughout the year and they never seem to go out of style. They are casual and you can wear them almost everywhere. Everybody wears them-- from kids to adults. If you know where to find cheap wholesale t-shirts that are of good quality, you will be able to sell them profitably and make a lot of money. You can find wholesale clothes suppliers who can provide t-shirts at deeply discounted prices. Some suppliers require only a minimum order worth $50 and they can ship to local and international destinations. Suppliers of wholesale t-shirts usually take orders by the dozen. You will find it hard to believe that there are a lot of different kinds of t-shirts for kids, women and men. Aside from the familiar t-shirt design that we all know, there are also pocket t-shirts and long sleeve t-shirts. Golf shirts are also available. All of these come in different colors. Aside f
Whole Cooking Can Be Rattling Fun
Cookery is Revere Ware Cookware act of making content for eating, and it consists of a open capability of techniques and methods; mish mashing of diametrical ingredients which adds savour or edibleness to the substance and both else tools as wellspring. Or added it can be said that preparation is the deliver of compounding of ingredients, activity and selecting of ingredients in prescribe to get the wanted results. Preparation can add savour to any and nearly every write of eatable substance items. There are many of the uncomparable structure that are mainly victimized to ready food which are roasting, cooking, hot, cookery, steaming, micro gesture and umpteen author at the one second protective all the nutrients of the nutrient suchlike proteins, Revere Ware Cookware, liquids, and carbohydrates.Notwithstanding, salubrious preparation can be real a fun filled manifestation but can be pesky too for the excavation people but there is aught to scare nigh, as there are several unproblemati
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As one of leading members in Swatch Group, undoubtedly the Swiss watch maker Omega is consistently specialized in making the best timepieces meant for the planet. omega seamaster watches_Replica Omega watches_ Omega watches is only for excellent precision combined with techniques.  In the past 150 years, they have received great number of success along with formulated superb landmark designed for the very whole watch industry. At present, a number of luxury watch designers in particular manner along with functionality speed straight into some people’s everyday life, Omega remains to be one of the top promoting watch companies. Omega watches are highly liked by many keen watch fans and entrepreneurs. The omega seamaster watches_Replica Omega watches_ Omega watches are the lovely choices to make your outfit nice. When it comes to the stunning accessories, the most important, possibly is your watch. Go to the online stores and take a glance at them, you will find them a lot. You ar
[whole Sardines]
Are you enjoying your life right now? Yes and no. I find leisure time is much more enjoyable when its actually that, and not what you're always doing..   What would you name a baby boy or girl?  I've always liked Mikhael Anton or Ivan. I was on an Eastern European kick for a while there. Girl was Sophia until I found out it was trending into one of the most overused names of a generation. No Aydens or any such variation, because no one needs to see a school room where you call for "Aiden" and half the class turns toward you... It overtook John. Srsly. Girl name... girl name. I could try to break the Judeo/christian name kick since my mother and father selected celtic barbaric names for their spawn. "Teamhair" it is. ... seriously look that shit up.   Do you like anyone right now that you can't have?  We'll go ahead and call that a "yes". But I had to think about it.   What's the next movie you will see in theaters? True Grit if I get off my ass and see it, or The King's Speec
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Fashion Jewelry Steve jobs asked Hector watts: "what on earth are you anfield and does not participate in the Macintosh computer team?"Hector watts anfield said: "can I have this idea, but now I feel stay in apple. Steve, I no interest may leave the company, rick's fired let my heart annoyed, this kind of practice is not right!"Steve jobs Gordian knot by replacing a way: "that's good, come! You'll be able to get down to work!""What?"Steve jobs said: "I mean, you move over, since today can for Macintosh computer group work!""Well, then wait a moment, I still have to deal with something, probably need a few weeks to be done!""No! I need you right now!" Steve jobs simply will Hector's on the table Ⅱ anfield Apple computer off, take out DVDS and unplugged, and then hold the whole computer, his mouth to say, "now, I will send you the past, if also need something, later back to pick it up!"--1981 jobs start Macintosh plan with a apple employees conversationApple Macintosh, ready to lau
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Wholesale Jewelry  The end of September 1992, jobs and Macintosh computer group held a retreat conference. From the apple site in more than 100 miles of dunes, building city. Pat Members of congress to about 100 people, average age is 28 years old. Activities began, Steve jobs on the blackboard write down a morale slogan: "the pirate better than regular navy. Let's work together on pirate!" Then, he and write down a rich of inflammatory slogans: "love your work 90 hours a week, fight!" Through the moral of the pirates, Steve jobs to everybody that philosophy of inculcation: you participate in the special work. Instantly, applause and cheers from the whole building, the participating members have to stand up to the "king" pirates oath, they all want to do maverick pirates.Then, what jobs like the magician magic took out a printed with marked "pirates" two words T-shirt, and set in yourself. Soon, everyone at the members of the activities to get so a T-shirt. Although everyone wear so a
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Wholesale Spring Korean Fashion Clothing
    In spring a stylish workplace suit can easily get with a variety of Korean fashion styles. With slim trousers is capable and handsome, with long dress is elegant and graceful. Beautiful Asian fashion wholesale clothing online store recommends ten brief styles. Tie in nicely to let you show a distinctive charm.   A black business suit coat collocates with a printed dress, collarless design, is particularly simple and compact. Accompanied by full of feminine print dress, it is the taste of spring. The stylish atmosphere is outstanding temperament. White waist suit, waist casual style, Slim was thin. The design of the hem at the flounced is particularly feminine flavor. Leggings large dot T-shirt to wear jeans, high heels look great.   Workplace suit coat in pale pink waist, collarless design of the slim version of type, cutting very fine oh. Light pink kind of sweet and lovely taste, take a printed T-shirt, under wear jeans, high heels very significant t
Wholesale Spring Korean Fashion Clothing
    In spring a stylish workplace suit can easily get with a variety of Korean fashion styles. With slim trousers is capable and handsome, with long dress is elegant and graceful. Beautiful Asian fashion wholesale clothing online store recommends ten brief styles. Tie in nicely to let you show a distinctive charm.   A black business suit coat collocates with a printed dress, collarless design, is particularly simple and compact. Accompanied by full of feminine print dress, it is the taste of spring. The stylish atmosphere is outstanding temperament. White waist suit, waist casual style, Slim was thin. The design of the hem at the flounced is particularly feminine flavor. Leggings large dot T-shirt to wear jeans, high heels look great.   Workplace suit coat in pale pink waist, collarless design of the slim version of type, cutting very fine oh. Light pink kind of sweet and lovely taste, take a printed T-shirt, under wear jeans, high heels very significant t
Wholesale Korean Fashion Spring Summer Ladies Shoes
    In days when winter is replaced by spring, how to wear is alternately allow you to highlight your sexy and cute temperament in not warm season? Of course the big love fish head shoes are essential! Below wholesale Korean fashion shoes shop brings girls 2012 new recommended fish head shoes to let you bare your charm!   Platform fish head shoes made of mix of styles and materials can be described as ingenious it will be sexy and retro perfect combination together, that is full of female charm and show the lady's temperament. Korean bow fish toe shoes, fish head, the very atmosphere of Europe garden design, heel hold up super large fashion gas field.   The red bow patent leather waterproof shoes, fish head, whether sweet retro or simple and elegant interpretation of it can be very perfect! Collision of the color of spring is strong, romantic lovers, and the habits of dress, of course coupled with beautiful splicing-colored high heels shoes, hit the color
Wholesale New Style Asian Fashion Clothing Apparel
    Visit wholesale clothing store to get newest high quality Asian fashion items at reasonable prices. Our products include fashion clothing shoes accessories for present day men, women and children.   For gradually warmer weather, have you prepared spring clothing for season change? Spring is not long in natural, then how to bloom beauty in this short season? Now Japanese fashion online shop will share you some newest Asian fashion women costumes with matching skills, the use of color change creates the beautiful appearance of your youth.   Mint green Asian fashion chiffon shirt Meet the breath of spring mint green shirt an instant refreshing feeling for visually added a touch of green. Fold design to create the shirts, the interpretation of the classic Japanese fashion of wild. Irregular hem of the jacket is slightly loose, so bring a sense of elegant. The belt is also designed to increase the temperament, refreshing tone and la
Wholesale Summer Fashion Shoes New Arrival
    Korean Japan Clothing offers Korean fashion & Japanese fashion hot sexy styles, high quality summer shoes at the best prices. Now get 12% OFF on 2012 Summer Shoes New Arrival at Korean Japan clothing. So visit for best fashion trend and wholesale dresses.   In spring all kinds of shorts and skirts are sway, help you exposed legs and turned into long-leg beauty. Good shape can be created by suitable wears. Then with Korean fashion & Japanese fashion shoes network to have a look at that female stars how to match short skirts and high heeled shoes, and instantly slim seductive beautiful long legs.   Yang Mi was wearing a yellow shirt with a cardigan, with the spring is very common. Pants to for match, choose a slightly ethnic style skirt and black high heels and legs look slender, striking look.   The former model Janice Man, she is good to impress. A black suit with sequined shorts, handsome and capable, energetic fancy from the
Wholesale Japanese Hong Kong Fashion Apparel
    Korean Japan Clothing brings amazing Asian fashion collections for women, men and children. The cheap wholesale apparel offered is of high quality and elegant. For awesome spring summer dress ideas, log on to and make a fashion statement.   Japanese clothing trendy clothing has always been a lot of girls’ favorite style! Sweet and pretty spring chiffon dresses mess with boys’ favor! Next wholesale fashion for women online shop introduces the following five groups of Japanese fashion, and certainly can make girls like them at first sight! Quickly follow the footsteps of spring to look for your own style!   Japanese clothing sweet chiffon dress Spring has entered a period of time. Remove the busy working, with family and friends to go outing it! Girls this sweet retro fashion dress, the neckline at the sweet retro design gives an elegant feeling! Tightening of the chest at the processing for the chest is not ideal gir
Wholesale Summer China Fashion Apparel
    Get great new summer collections for purchase at Korean Japan Clothing. The China fashion apparel online wholesaler offers comfortable and affordable summer apparel to buyers. Numerous special offers as well as fresh arrivals are catered to a huge clientele worldwide.   Japanese fashion long chiffon dress is the essential for every girl’s summer fashion dress, and how to make yourself look more distinctive? Choose a Japanese fashion long dress suitable for you to create fresh and sweet flavor. While playing on the beach, the sea wind is gently blowing your skirt bottom and long hair, and interpretation of the fairy-tale fantasy scene.   Japanese fashion strapless summer chiffon dress Variety of chiffon constantly stimulated our vision. Shoulders at the fine harness design exudes a sexy, strong flavor. Two wipe strapless sleeves, quietly towering pull the right balance harness super gas field, adding a little more subtle on the chest and sleeves
Wholesale Summer Style Asian Fashion Clothing
    Wholesale Clothing – Offering cheap clothes & shoes, wholesale summer dresses and other fashion clothing styles from online shop, professional B2C wholesaler of various types of fashion apparel items.   Japanese clothing gives a sweet and refreshing feeling, especially the Mori Girl style with super strong natural sense. Many girls love so comfortable and simple refreshing clothes. Beautiful fashion network recommended ten styles of Japanese fashion shirt, innocent temperament is with a full romantic pastoral style.   Water printed little pink shirt, white lace collar and placket design are particularly sweet. There is a hint of fresh taste, collocate with the blue dress, bright colors contrast is very impact. The retro-style hit-color collar shirt, chiffon material, the color is very supple tender. Whole modeling gives a comfortable and elegant feeling. When collocate with black harem pants, very elegant and moving.  
Wholesale Girls Asian Fashion Clothing For Summer
    2012 new spring & summer Korean fashion & Japanese fashion items from wholesale clothing china online shop! Next Korean Japan Clothing will bring you several spring girls’ clothes.   As the saying goes that "woman dresses up for ones who make her happy", from this phrase it can be seen that the girls are very concerned about their own image in the hearts of others! If you want to give him a surprise, and then try to change your daily style to create a cute and sweet image, let him feel proud of you.   Flower lace dress A combination of women like romantic and sweet elements, this to Flower lace jacket bursting out with blooming like flowers, beautiful. Against the hem and chiffon, such as Mu breeze flowing. With the flounced shorts, filling the pleasant atmosphere of a small woman. A hair fall down out of the heroine as a fairy, enjoy the release of soft.   Comfortable Asian fashion 2012 spring sweater for women Pink sporty sweater makes girl
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  Korean fashion & Japanese women fashion shoes online shop brings you the beautiful bohemian spring sandals shoes, comes to see which is your favorite.   May holiday is coming, the temperature is getting warmer, if sun shining spring day let you just around the corner, and want to go out. A pair of comfortable and stylish flat sandals shoes is essential for travel equipment.   In 2012 the high saturation of color, whether used on clothing or 2012 fashion sandals shoes and bags are popular. The comfortable rubber soles to step up will not feel stiff, flip design is more casual; the laces on the folding flowers to enhance these shoes are sweet index. Exquisite workmanship can be seen from the details of the plan, I believe put it on the streets can greatly increase you keep them coming back.   This flat sandals is drawing on the inspiration of wholesale fashion Roman shoes, Lake green shoelaces cross mixed, creating a retro contours are the color of the me
Wholesale Japanese Clothing Hong Kong Fashion Women Apparel
    Japanese fashion online shop help you get rid of wear troubles in summer. 2012 latest Asian fashion girls wholesale apparel, so that normal girls also can wear with tall temperament.   A good figure of course looks very nice no matter what kinds of clothes for matching. A lot of girls may worry that their body is not tall enough to wear, so give up a lot of beautiful clothes.   Black piece casual pants, trouser legs the Harlan version that is stylish, but also can block legs fleshy! Wear very loose and comfortable. Slim waist design is very thin. Seven points cutting of pant has better effect of thinning.   Navy blue lace slim shirt is the favorite of short girls. At back big embroidered design is quite sexy. The deep V cut highlights the beautiful collarbone. Flounced cuff design is with a youthful vitality. Collocate with black wavy skirt, filling of a sweet little girl breath.   Sequins stitching lapel shirts, Hong Kong fashion type. The open ne
Wholesale Best Women Fashion Shoes At Amazing Prices
    Korean Japan Clothing offers you the best selection of ladies summer fashion shoes and wholesale fashion apparel at the most amazing wholesale prices! Its Asian fashion items are mostly from hundreds of manufacturers and factories from China. Next brings you some new launched Korean fashion & Japanese fashion women shoes for summer.   Borrow lines in the Korean TV drama that a pair of good shoes can take you to ladder of happiness ". It is always thought that high heels are considered as woman's best friend, like the fairy tale "The Little Mermaid" that kind Mermaid exchanged a pair of beautiful feet with his pleasant voice, but only in order to be able to put on nice shoes and dance with beloved prince.   The face of the warmth of spring has arrived, whether ready to wear what shoes to attend the dinner. A luxury dress also need a pair of shoes to match. In the season, shoes, the biggest bright spot is the luxury use of the Diamond. Dignified and eleg
Wholesale Summer Fashion Ladies Sandals Shoes
    Fashion shoes for women shop is a leading designer brands online store offering both wholesale and retail. Korean Japan Clothing owns wide selection of men's and women's fashion clothing, shoes and accessories. MOQ is 100 USD, and world shipping is available no matter where you are.   Summer when time to wear sandals are coming soon. Do you know which new styles of sandals shoes in this summer? Wholesale fashion shoes network to introduce high-heeled sandals shoes that popular in the 2012 summer. Have a see if which one you love and quickly choose one for yourself.   When see this pair of high-heeled sandals, if it has the kind of stunning feeling Peacock blue and purple stitching, inlaid beading and luxurious extravagance, a very beautiful feeling.   This orange high-heeled fashion sandals, minimalist style, summer, regardless of dress or select shoes are seeking a simple and refreshing, two straps of the shoe design, is extr
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    Summer is coming, and all kinds of summer dresses are essential fashion items for girls. Then what styles of summer dress styles will be popular in upcoming season? Chiffon dress and lace dress are still popular and become the mainstream of summer trend. Wholesale Japanese clothing dress online shop recommended several new style summer dresses, sweetness reveals fair lady feeling.   Shoulder harness dress, chiffon material, colorful printed pattern, layered design of wood ear before chest makes this dress looks more attractive and better look.   Waist style mid-length sleeves Floral Dress, sweet and cute style has a kind of fresh little princess feeling. The sleeves and skirt bottom are with white lace stitching that more delicate.   Lace splicing one-piece dress, level design is very three-dimensional, more self-cultivation was thin. High waist style, lace, wood ear design, fresh and chic, wear on the body is very sweet lady temperament.   Pink ch
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    Have you prepared a pair of beautiful fish head shoes for spring? This spring all kinds of fish head shoes are very hot and available in various styles! Now Korean Japanese wholesale fashion online shop for everyone brings the 2012 spring and summer the most popular fashion shoes in fish head, you will fall in love with the beauty of shoes once a glance.   The waterproof crude fish head fashion shoes with all models, not only to show the elegance of the MM, but also the perfect modified legs!   Very delicate flat fashion shoes used sweet beige as basic color, simple but generous models, and the ornament in front of head is very personalized.   Platform fashion shoes is full of fantasy was like feeling, shiny vamps quite the sense of design to get the slope with the soles put on the romantic aesthetic to go with a full spring.   The fish head fashion shoes to use this year's most popular elements of the collision color, black and red the collision p
Wholesale Asian Fashion Dress Online Shop
  Next Asian fashion online shop Korean Japan Clothing special recommends several latest summer Asian fashion styles.   The colorful styles of fashion dress are the unbeaten essential single product for girls in summer. Dress models are generally more lenient, so put it on in summer will be very refreshing.   Fresh and cool ice cream color, the overall of summer chiffon dress is printed with free-flying birds patterns, giving a playful sweet girl next door feeling.   The most beautiful is rainy day, but the eaves where we escape the rain. In the summer that rainy season, you can choose a Korean fashion one-piece dress suitable for yourself, wear clothing with feminine elegance.   The deep V-style Asian fashion dress, this is a very sexy style. Girls can wear it with a sweet taste. Flowers fruit printed map all upper body, of course, very sweet!   The design of this pure colored fashion dress is very simple, very clean kind of discomfort. Gorgeous beaded collar, exquisite sen
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Wholesale Korean Fashion Summer Sandals Shoes For Women
  Summer is countdown, and it is coming to time of sandals. Do you know there are which kinds of new style shoes for women in uptime summer? Now wholesale shoes china for women online shop introduces several high-heeled sandals that will be popular in the summer of 2012. Have a look to see if there is your favor.   When see this pair of high-heeled sandals, if you are moved by a kind of stunning feeling? Peacock blue is splicing with purple, inlaid beading and luxurious extravagance, a very beautiful feeling.   This orange high-heeled summer sandals, minimalist style, summer, regardless of dress or select shoes are seeking a simple and refreshing, two straps of the shoe design, is extremely simple.   High-heeled sandals of mixed colors, powder blue and milk white stitching, this is also the color of this year, giving the sweet feeling very matte finish by age.   Black woven upper slope wedge sandals, gold buckle ankle strap and golden Liu nail design, it hig
Wholesale Asian Fashion Sweet Summer Dresses Promote Beauty
  Every girl has her favorite style of dress, the Korean ladies style, the sweet style of Japanese fashion, Europe-America big brand style, no matter what kind of style can easily show the most fashionable attitude. Korean Japan Clothing online store ( recommends several pieces of wholesale dresses sweet dresses, fresh and lovely feeling increased your charm well.   Bra floral dress, trousers piece with its simple and low-key sense of design and highly popular with the ladies. Impunity difficult to wear, not girls can stop the enthusiasm of the piece pants. This Country style and full of floral piece pants, fresh and simple and elegant, sweet Japanese style, very beautiful.   Petal collar pink Japanese fashion chiffon shirt, loose straight version of the type, the white collar of petals, the details of a strong sense of the pink color gives the sweet feeling. With mint colored chiffon skirt, wedge heel, fresh flavor concentrated.   Waving pointed chiffon s
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A lot of girls liked this plus size sleeves sweater cardigan with a tight design, because they can cover a stout arm, because this design is still relatively popular this year. Today wholesale plus size clothing fashion online shop Korean Japan Clothing for everyone to bring eight 2012 popular sweater coats in autumn & winter series. You can see how these beauties wear them!   In fact, winter is good time for mix match. The mix style is the mainstream in this era of popular seasonal mess dress. The leather jacket has always been a practical single product, no matter what kind of cut, reveals the feeling of cool. If you do not love a high-profile, black and white mix has always been a classic and safe. At this time, simply by means of jump-colored bags or mobile phones, and so on a variety of trinkets to decorate the vision will be quite rich. A T-shirt, a pair of jeans, summer plus a jacket, fashionable late autumn mix modeling, it is simple completed! Like this model wearing sweater
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  Wholesale clothing is the best option for those who love to shop for branded and fashionable clothes, without having to pay a fortune on them. The biggest advantage of purchasing from wholesalers is that they offer their products at very reasonable prices, which is much cheaper than what you get from the retailers. Most of them have their official websites, from where you could easily surf their product catalogs and purchase the latest fashion apparels that you like. Affordability and wide range of choices: Most of the wholesalers are directly affiliated with the manufacturing units and leading brands, and hence they are able to provide better prices when compared to retailers. Since they sell wholesale clothes from their websites, they save a lot on marketing. It allows them to offer their products at much discounted prices. You will surely not be able to get your favorite branded clothing at the local stores for such attractive prices. On the other hand, you can easily check o
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  7e-fashion China Co. ltd is one of the well-known clothing enterprises which deal in comprehensive processes including Asian fashion wholesale, clothes design plate-making, producing, customized and sales as overall. The company actively expands domestic and international markets, and has a modern production base, a first-class professional producing line, advanced marketing idea, a large number of professional design, production team and high-quality personnel management, and advanced technology and equipment. 7e-fashion China Co. ltd is one of China apparel online wholesaler. It is also known as a gold supplier of Korean fashion & Japanese fashion in Its online shop website is The company mainly to undertake international customer orders, sales of clothing, handbags, bags of special processing, processing handbags, wallet processing, garment processing, to custom-made version, processing, contracting-included. The main sales ladies, men's, ch
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“Wholesale” is not a new word especially for those who belong to business class families they might come across this word almost every day. Wholesaling is basically a channel of distribution through which the producers sell their goods to the wholesalers who in turn redistributes to other organizations and even sometimes to the final consumers. It basically serves as a connection between the organizational buyers and the sellers.     This channel of distribution is very famous for the trading of apparels. Wholesale clothing allows the producers of apparels to sell their goods to the clothing wholesalers who further redistributes in small lots to many other organizations who are willing to buy clothes. Since the clothing wholesaler is able to buy goods in bulk from the manufacturer, he pays the lowest price possible per unit. And then he further redistributes the wholesale clothes to other business organizations at a mark-up price. But it is very important to consider v
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In the past, only retailers used to approach wholesale clothing companies to buy their merchandise. Obviously, they get the products for better prices, and they earn profit margins by selling them at retail prices. Also, there was a misconception that people approaching wholesale dealers will have to purchase in bulk. Now with so many wholesale clothes companies having their own websites, it has become possible for even the individual buyers to reach them, from the comforts of their homes. Instead of going to the middlemen, you could purchase your fashion accessories and clothing straight from the wholesalers. Most of them, do not insist on purchasing their products in bulk. Isn't it a cool idea to buy branded items for much lesser prices than what they are sold at the retail stores? If you visit the website of any good wholesale clothing UK company, you will be amazed at the kind of collections that you will get to see. Ranging from jeans, pullovers, tops, skirts, dresse
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Thinking to start business in Asian fashion clothing and apparels is the best thought of your life because this will change your whole future and you will be enjoying life like any other tycoon. According to facts and figure wholesale clothing and apparel business has experienced 90 percent increase from year 1990 till now. This type of incredible increase is never been seen in any business.   The designs of Korean Japan clothes are so stunning that no one can stop from buying it. The latest design prints on the t-shirts or on jackets are eye popping ones. Suppose there is a need to find out wholesale product then the best choice would be Asian fashion wholesale, where the quality and the sale both are delivered less than one roof.   Clothing business is one of those businesses which will survive as long as humans are alive on this earth. Clothing is the basic necessity of life and man cannot out run from this fact. Especially children's clothing is the most important product of li
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Who Makes the Rules and Why wasn't I Consulted? WARNING: Strong religious Opinions and language inside. If you are easily offended, or strongly religious, I suggest you scroll down to the bottom of the page and exit. This is the only warning. ________________________________________ Who makes the rules? And why the hell was I not consulted? Who decided that I can only love one man at a time? And what the hell gives them the right to tell me how to feel? I have always wanted to know this. I am an adult, supposedly able to make my own decisions and choices in life. To be a mother or not to be, to work or stay home. Yet here I am being told what to do! And how to make the basic choices in my life. It's wrong to have more than one partner in my life. Who made this fucked up rule, and why? ________________________________________ It comes down to religion, and I think it sucks. Who are these people, and what are they doing in my bedroom? I sure as hell did not invite them. And since
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For your beauty was goddess as your personality is beautifully love by all As for you heart was pour as your soul was loved in gold For whom may say that you are not alone in this cruel world are deadly wrong As for when you are in a crowd you will never be alone for as long as you have Friends and family who care and love you for that you will never be alone ever again...
Who Mourns My Loss
Who mourns my loss? As they lower me into the ground, who stands to see they don’t drop me. Who over sees that they cover my casket right, and not leave it open for wild animals to ravage. Did anyone even check to see if I was really gone? The mortician’s cold deft hands, working to prepare the body for internment. Cutting here and there, dragging parts out and filling areas with other things, placing the body in its suit for all eternity. No one came to view the body as it lay in state. No one said he was such a good friend, or great person to have around when in need. Who sat vigil over the body as it lay in the funeral home waiting for internment? The dirt is cold as it covers the casket. The workers leave, and all is silent now, with just a little wind blowing. Weeks pass, and no one comes to place flowers on the grave, just weeds blooming. Who will clear the weeds and wipe the dust from the headstone? Night falls, and still no one comes. Did anyone actually check to see if
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->æ_SHADYJ_æ: thank you for writing in public forum that you intend to mark all my pics....i will be moving up the chain at this point ->æ_SHADYJ_æ: theres no face must be a pervert shot ->æ_SHADYJ_æ: hmm, i even see one for you right now æ_SHADYJ_æ: thats fine i will mark them all lol ->æ_SHADYJ_æ: my body isn't showing either....its a pic of my shirt and neck ->æ_SHADYJ_æ: fine.....i'm going on a marking spree cuz there are millions of pics with shots and no one marks them.....i'm fully clothed....this is rediculas æ_SHADYJ_æ: if it shows their body and doesnt have their face in the pic then yes its NSFW ->æ_SHADYJ_æ: so your telling me all pics that do not show a persons face are NSFW? æ_SHADYJ_æ: the rule for body shots is no face=NSFW clothes or not sorry ->æ_SHADYJ_æ: what does that have to do with not being safe for work? æ_SHADYJ_æ: ur face isnt in the pic i cant unmark it ->æ_SHADYJ_æ: if thats an NSFWpic then so are both of my last 2 salutes cuz i am wea
The Who - My Generation [woodstock 1969]
Who Missed Me?
so yea i am thinking about coming on ct more often again....
Whomever said love was easy, lied Whomever said love was easy, never cried. They never felt the pain of distrust, they never felt the pain of a heart being crushed. Whomever said trust was easy to gain, was blind, whomever said trust was easy to gain, felt not with their heart but mind. they never felt the horror of a one sided love. they never felt the horror of a heart being carried off by the dove. Whomever said that two people can be really happy, was crazy. whomever said that two people can be really happy, was to lazy. They never felt what it's like to really get to know feelings, They never felt what it's like to go through all the healings. But for those that have felt all these things can you help me. help me get the one I love too to see. To see how much i Truly love and care, help me out if you dare!
Who Murdered The Mums?
i have been watching people cry for two days over something ,i have been watching for a week. they are cleaning up the mums,new rules new standards.not what i like, but what ever.(just wanna know the rules.) but the people that are crying out the noobs killed the mums.are the same people who helped throw them in the marking other people out of spite,then say a noob did it,we all know your average noob is just easy meat,and normally has no idea what is up untill its too late.or by making hate mums,or comments that are on a personal level,instead of keeping the attack on the mum.then taking attacks out of mums all together and going to someones page for ammo.or to attack there sb or comment page. so scream as loud as you can "the noobs killed em".but your not fooling us that know .you did too.
Who Marked..
like 4 of my pic's NSFW..i mean the booty pic i understand..but the rest..what the crap!! they arent even bad pic's that we're marked NSFW!! Uhhh!!
you can reach me on msn
Who Me And My Best Friend Are Like
More Fun Quizzes at
Whom We Love
Those whem we love Go out of sight, But never out of mind. They are cherished in the hearts Of those they left behind
2 Whom It May Concern
the one with no class u can kiss the deepest darkest part of my ass congrats on bein the winner ill bet when your done you can tell me what i had for lastnights dinner fuckin rate this douche bag
Who?? Me????
There's a 50% Chance That You Need Therapy If you think you need therapy, you probably do. But there's a good chance you don't. Like everyone else, you have your fair share of problems. And unlike most people, you're fairly good at solving them yourself. Do You Need Therapy?
Who Me Bitter ?? Nah
I'm 36, I have no girlfriend. I'm nice to women, but all women hate me. Everything on TV sucks. I can't go anywhere or do anything without seeing some asshole wearing those baggy pants (with stripes down the sides) around his ankle, like he's hauling around a load of shit in his pants. Everyone is buying those ugly-ass yellow glasses because they think they'll be cool once they have them. I can't go one day without hearing about the Titanic. I work full time and go to school. I have no time for fun. When I get free time to do anything, there's nothing to do. I live in Georgia: It blows. Georgia is closed on Sundays, and everything is illegal here. Why don't we just secede from the union? We might as well, since state ordinance is considered supreme law. My university sucks. I always get the last registration period for classes. The day after my registration period, open registration begins. So I always get screwed when I have to pick classes. I can't sleep because my room is to
2 Whom It May Concern
The darkness of night fall plzs me &the brightness of day just teases me.The dark of night is my domain the place where I cant be hurt by anyone.but I fell so alone darkness is where I cry 4 ages I keep looking over my shoulders but no 1's there.I let the darkness ingulf me so bad that I'm blind I keep hearing a voice,but when I look no ones there.I finally stop crying long enough 2 hear someone crying in the distance,but it's 2 dark 2 see where its coming from.Iwalk towards the crying until it sounds like I'm right next to it.I still can't see so I stick my hand out & a hand grabs mine but who is it? I'll wait & see
Who Miss Me?
I know I know I haven't been here for long time since I don't have pc or net for 6 months.. now I am back baby,, who miss me? lol as IF! :P
Who Me?
2 Whom This May Consern - Anybody Killa
2 Whom It May Concern
2 Whom It May Concern: Since, I talk 2 fast, mayb reading will equip ur overstandin skills 4 betta comp-pre-hension (comprehension). Suddenly, I must finally address whom find it asumin 2 entertain my thoughts with the new but old life mental emotion – Hatorade. It damn sure not an energy substitute surplement (it is not healthy). I could have sworn it take up more time 2 write hate, then 2 read, but U find out different when ur the target. From this point on READ SLOWLY, if u r experience any ecelective difficulties. Open ur mind or Websters, not ur mouth, comment page or legs. U of all people know I had 2 make choices that benefited me, my recovery, and where I choose 2 lay my head, not doin, givin or getting some head (Sex). So if ur mind was altered by what u missed 2 interpret, then I was clearly under the assumption a translator was not required. Instead now I have the funny feelin instructions r required when tryin 2 use any source of communication I’m speakin 2 U! No, I
Who Mario Really Is
ok before I start without playing mario games you will not get this so if you haven't just stop reading now if you have I hope you enjoy this my xbox 360 has been gone for over a week and I have realized I have been reduced to that pathetic ass fucking plumber mario for a game to play this isn't right mario has been around for awhile now am I the only one who thinks he needs to learn how to use a gun if you wanna get rid of the whole bowser taking the princess problem give mario a shotgun and have him blow his fucking brains on the castle walls fuck the kids most my friends that play games are at least 20 so please give us some adult games to play mario with a ak 47 just think of the fun when ever that fucking toad thing said this is the wrong castle you could pop that son of a bitch and I am surprised he cant use a gun that fucker mario is a fucking druggy he eats mushrooms and he gets bigger wtf flowers make him shoot fire what kind of positive role model is this guy at least he is
Whom It May Concern
Sunday Oct 19 6:29 DAB GNILEEF
Who Matters
There comes a point in your life when you realize who matters, who never did, who won't anymore... and who always will. So, don't worry about people from your past, there's a reason why they didn't make it to your........ 'Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.' A sharp tongue can cut my own throat. If I want my dreams to come true, I mustn't oversleep. Of all the things I wear, my expression is the most important. The best vitamin for making friends..... B1. The happiness of my life depends on the quality of my thoughts. The heaviest thing I can carry is a grudge. One thing I can give and still my word. If I lack the courage to start, I have already finished. One thing I can't recycle is wasted time. Ideas won't work unless ' I ' do. My mind is like a functions only when open. The 10 commandments are not a multiple choice. The pursuit of happiness is the chase of a lifetime! It is never too lat
Whomever Used My Pix
TO WHOMEVER USED MY PIX ON THIS SITE- I WILL hunt you down through filters. This is the real me in pix! And you sick sadistic person you thought you could portray me from copying my pix off of other sites...I WILL FIND YOU! You are so sad that you can not post the real you! YES...I found out about you pasting my pix... TO ALL this is the true person you are have seen this pix from! I am this person in the pix and some nasty sick person copied and pasted my pix from other sites and when caught by friends who know me tried to take it down.
Who Me????
Apparently i'm cunty. It has to be true Dana says so .... still waiting for video proof though.
Who? Me?
I'm posting this here, because I'm sick and tired of being jumped on for things that are beyond MY control. Please do NOT jump my ass because of something someone else did, or more importantly, something YOU did. That will earn you a BLOCK from me. I know how things are at times, and I honestly understand how you feel, but, I am NOT responsible for those things. Anything. I'm here to HELP. I'm not here to be verbally abused and accused. Take it somewhere else. I appreciate that.
Who My Real Friends Are
WHO MY REAL FRIENDS ARECan I trust you when my life is sadand all events around me are going bad?Do you make light my problems when I''m not hereconstantly provoking with hearty jeers?Do you visit when I am gone;Do you wonder what has been so longor do you barely notice that I''ve been awayare you really loyal or just two faced?I notice often that words barely line upwith the actions we perform from our heartsand it lets me know who my friends really are.I''m constantly chasing those who call me friendsconstntly trying hard to understandwhy they do not treat me with the same respectthat I strive to treat them withThey do not really hold me in the same regardand often when I say this they just make my life hardIt feels as if I''m walking this whole **** life aloneif I were gone tomorrow no one would notice.I see there actions and I know their love''s hollowthere is nothing about them to follow.Is your friendship really true and deepIs it myth- like lacking harmonyfilled with broken prom
Who Me
i guess you can say that i am one person that sits back and watches the world evolve around him. Not to much is happening because i decide not to be out in the middle. i figure if someone wants me then they can come to me other wise i rather not care...  But way in the back of my head i think damn its getting lonely and no one comes near. its almost like no one even see's to care. I am guessing back that i need to be out and about and do things that will make me happy cuz no one can do it for me
Who Me?
I only eat Heinz Ketchup.  I am claustrophobic  I also suffer from lollypopguildophobia. I will give you a minute to google it. . .. ... .. . good? ok! I only eat fish in the form of sticks. I rarely drink alcohol.  I am addicted to hair dye, it's like a bad drug.  I have a bucket list, and haven't yet completed anything on it.  I probably never will.  I am very untalented.  I just have no talent.  I am a nerd  I am 'mathlexic' Every time I go to the doctor, I think they will kill me.  I lost my dad in 2008 & will never get over it.  I fall for 'As seen on TV products'. I only like raw vegetables unless it's corn.  I am afraid to have sex because I don't want to get pregnant. I have crushes on fictional characters .... TV boyfriends are dreamy. I have a real life boyfriend that I have been with for almost 3 years.  We act like a married couple.  Drag Queens inspire me. I still have security blankets. They will never leave me. I am socially awkward & avoid h
Who Needs To Be Rated?
OKay, So I'm trying to level up..Who needs to be rated??
Who Needs A Life Now?
As seen on
Who Needs Luv...i Do!
If you're in need of luv, I'll be you hug.
Who Need Cherries!!!!
i'll hook you up if you are getting close to a level! just thought i would toss that out since it seems that alot of ya are non responsive to others about rating and commenting for help! i will do my best to come and find ya on my own but lets make this easy on everyone and drop me a comment on this if you are in need...and if not. GOOD LUCK IN CYBERSPACE! lol
Who Needs Anything
Who needs love, When love falls apart. Who needs a heart, When a heart can be broken. Who needs thoughts, When thoughts make you lost. Who needs THE kiss, When the kiss brings destruction. Who needs a hug, When you have to let go. Who needs anything, When everything falls apart. Who needs a smile, When a smile turns to a frown. Who needs a laugh, When a laugh only lasts a minute. Who needs scars, When scars last forever. Who needs friends, When friends aren..t there. Who needs dreams, When dreams can be shattered. Everyone needs something, Before life falls apart.
Who New
What should your hair color be? BrunetteYou are smart and classy!! Take this test
Who Need's A Shot!
Jack on ice is the freaks drink of choice tonight. who needs a round!
Who Need Gift When You Have All This
The Best Thing About Christmas The Best Thing About Christmas Is When Jesus Was Born The Best Thing About Christmas Is Gathering Up With Each Other And Watch Them Open There Presents The best Thing About Christmas Is When We Think We Should Think About Others The Best Thing about Christmas Is When The Carolers Come To Your house And Listen To Them Sing The Best thing about Christmas Is When You Walk Around Delievering Presents And Wishing Them A Merry Christmas, And The Best Thing About Christmas Is When We All Share Our Love On Christmas Eve. With Love Freakylilsnow
Who Needs This Shit Anyway!!!
Who Needs This Shit Anyway.. This shit sucks I hate this crap I know its nothing more than a fucking trap What bullshit is that anyway Wont see my ass there on any day Im no fool in need to be schooled Look at all those perverted fucks who have just drooled Sad pathetic thoughtless scum Touching themselves begging just to cum Simple little minds with no heart Dont ask me cause where would I start I wouldnt waist my spit Id rather just split Dont harm but love and cherish them respect the lady Ya right, bullshit such bullshit therere fucking Shady Kill or be killed is what I know The lame pussies cant even bring home the dough So ask me again why would I waist my time I was dumb drunk caught up in the wrong line I cant help but to think what a joke all this shit is I just wanted to chill I didnt want a kiss Relationships are over rated and detrimental to my health They sneak on in and rob me of all my wealth I nev
Who Needs A Man
Who Needs A Scapegoat? Where's Dubya?
but lets keep in mind, we cant JUST blame Dubya...yes, he is not as intelligent as one might hope for a leader, but there are lots of other forces at work in the governmental system that needs to change...WE THE PEOPLE...funny how our whole country sometimes seems to forget that old piece of paper known as THE CONSTITUTION...can we work to change it? I hope so...thats one of the rights our Forefathers planned and gave to us when this
Who Needs Valentines Day Anyway??
ya its a great time of year if ure married or have a gf.but what bout the people who dnt have a gf or bf?then this time of the year reminds u of ure love that was lost or that u dnt have a companion at all
Who Needs A Spa
Who needs a spa when you can relax simple ideas to try Senzualize Your Kitchen : With theyummyfragrances and flavors, cooking can beso decadent. The only drawback ? Switching on that glaring overhead lights zaps the indulgent vibes. Instead, use unscented candles or plug in a lamp. The soft glow lets you surrender to the experience. Lounge In The Living Room: Your living room is likely the largest place in your abode, so spread out in it for an all-afternoon affair. Order in the more decadent, the better, flip on trashy Tv, and do not even glace at your watch. Score Some Boudoir Bliss : Here is on blissful thing you have not tried in bed: Lie on oyur back so your headis toward the footboard and put your feet flat on the wall above your headboard with your knees bent. Feel the blood flow downward through your legs as stress melts from your bod. Kick Back On The Porch: Instead of having your A. M. coffee while rushing around, sip it on your stoop, porch, or balcony.
Who Needs Comment Bombs?
who wants one? auction is open lol
Who Needs Comment Bombing?
Or needs a way to auto comment bomb :D SHHHHH LOL Anyway yeah so there LOL
Who Needs Men
Who Needs To Dream
You were in my dreams always in my dreams that was long before I ever saw you standing there when I felt afraid of the choice I made I would close my eyes and hope my dream would come to me but now I'm free (chorus) Who needs to dream when there is you who needs a heaven to look forward too for my whole life through who needs to dream your my dream come true In my fantasy, you believe in me and as long as you were there then I believe in me now suddenly (repeat chorus) Now you are my dream you are my only dream I'll hold you in my heart forever who needs to dream who needs to dream when I see you there then I see my every dream come true who needs to dream when there is you who needs a heaven for my whole life through who needs to dream your my dream come true every dream has come true
Who Needs Men If They Are All Liers
Friday, July 06, 2007 Who needs men if they are all liers Current mood: irate Category: Romance and Relationships Let's a Big Breath Out...Where do I start. My chest tightens just at the thought of writting this. First of all I know people are getting mad at me because I am not commenting or paying enough attention to them, I wish I had all the time in the world to do so. I can say I'm just about as sick as I was in January when I went in the hospital. How is a single parent suspose to get help when they have no one to watch their child. I didn't mean to start this blog so harshly but its true. Everything is falling apart and I can't keep it together....people are just making it worse. Friends want me to go places with them, I really need to be at home resting and cleaning house. I get online and I get bombarded with IM's Sarah..sarah...are you there hello Hello...If I wanted to talk to you I would say HELLO. I really didn't mean this to be so harsh. I love al
Who Needs Advice
who needs advice
Who Needs A Lawyer? Or Legal Advice ..> ..> Sign up for this then sign other people up and make money! The more people you sign up and then when they sign people up you will make money off their sellings! It really is great! Sign up NOW!! Send me a message so I can send you more info. Expanded Family Plan $25/month + $10 enrollment fee Coverage Summary: Preventive Legal Services Motor Vehicle Legal Expense Services Trial Defense Services IRS Audit Legal Services Other Legal Services Who's included in the plan: You as the primary member Your spouse Never-married, dependent children up to age 21 who live at home Never-married, dependent children up to age 23 who are full-time college students Children up to age 18 for whom you are legal guardian, and Any dependent child, regardless of age, who is mentally or physically disabled and dependent upon you for support. Coverage Details: Preventive Legal Services ..>..>..>..> ..
Who Needs Dr's When You've Got Walmart..
One day, in line at the company cafeteria, Joe says to Mike behind him, "My elbow hurts like hell. I guess I'd better see a doctor." "Listen, you don't have to spend that kind of money," Mike replies. "There's a diagnostic computer down at Wal-Mart. Just give it a urine sample and the computer will tell you what's wrong and what to do about it. It takes ten seconds and costs ten dollars . . . A lot cheaper than a doctor." So, Joe deposits a urine sample in a small jar and takes it to Wal-Mart. He deposits ten dollars, and the computer lights up and asks for the urine sample. He pours the sample into the slot and waits. Ten seconds later, the computer ejects a printout: "You have tennis elbow. Soak your arm in warm water and avoid heavy activity. It will improve in two weeks. Thank you for shopping @ Wal-Mart." That evening, while thinking how amazing this new technology was, Joe began wondering if the computer could be fooled. He mixed some tap water, a sto
Who Needs A 3 Month Vip
Get your own glitter and more at Get your own glitter and more at Get your own glitter and more at
Who Needs A Blast???
Who Needs Some
For The First ten People To Comment And Rate All Of Thrumyeyes07's Pics I Will Give 10K And She Will Give 20K Thats 30K FU-Bucks For Something Real Easy And For One Of You It Can Be 40K B/C The First One To Comment And Rate All Hers Comment And Rate All Mine I Will Give You 20 Plus Her 20 Get To Rating And Commenting!!!!
Who Needs Microsoft?
After 3 calls to xbox/Microsoft, probably over 2 hours on the phone, and no luck I decided to head to my business partner's house and we would try and figure out the issue. it took us 10 minutes to look at what we had tried and what went wrong before we had my son's xbox live account working on the 360. Unbelievable that Microsoft could not help, even after sending it up 2 levels. Don't ask what we did... I'm not sure why it worked lol. All I know is my son is so happy now... and getting him to bed is not going to happen anytime soon lol.
Who Needs A Room Mate :)
ok well some one asked me to blog this i am thinking of moving out of toronto by the summer. it is to a point where i need a fresh start in a new town, new city, new province, possable a new country. so any one got a room for me :)
Who Need Rubbies When We Got The Best Gem Around??
STOP BY AND BE MESMERIZED BY THE JEWEL THAT IS DJ GEM LIVE @THE BLUE LOUNGE DJ Gem~ Daddys Freak~Bar Manager@The Blue Lounge~FU-GF 2 My Hot Mama ~ A Tru Blu Bitch ~@ fubar

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