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Writing Perhaps A Little Bit Later Or Even Tomorrow..
Good Morning. Well I choose not to write about or talk about some of the issues on MSN home page today due to the severity of some of the stories. One was suspect arrested on rape of tot, and the other was man to die for girl’s gator death. Oh I read both stories and was horrified. My own take on these two is only that there is reserved a special place in Hell for both of them…. You ever get a story so entwined in your head you just can’t function? I think I am there and wished I had not viewed either story. Perhaps tomorrow or later on today I will perk up and write something amusing but at the current time I just wish to sit here and shake my head in disbelief of how someone could be that deranged… A hug and a pat Mart
Writing A Custom Erotic Story
Jamie... I wanted to let you know that I writing your custom story about you and I (and another couple) right now. I have just a little left to do and then a final edit and I will be done. MMMMM.... it's arousing me while writing it. I hope you enjoy reading it. I will send it to you as an attachment to your email address you gave me by Sunday afternoon.
Written By Hitchcock Written by Hitchcock Thursday, 18 October 2007 If Psy didn't have enough of their plate for the end of this year, another company/team/whatever has gotten together, and gotten permission to put out a greatest hits album for ICP. And now, after being quiet about it for a while, is some official Psy hype for it. You better watch out for tricks this Halloween, Juggalos, cuz there's nothin but treats for ya here! What kinda treats could we have for you, you ask? A rusty axe? Face painting tips? Some candy that strangely resembles severed digits? We're not sayin we won't have that stuff rollin around, but what we do have is a shitload of your favorite ICP songs, all on one album! Plus, if ya keep readin, you'll see a wagonload of fresh contests and events you can get in on! The album's called Jugganauts: The Best of ICP, and it's comin out on October 30th, the day before Hallowicked! It looks like th
Written Words
When I first read your words I didn't know what to think, I thought that you were joking or waisted on drink. But you stayed in my heart and my memory too, I couldn't forget the man Who said "I love you." Then about two years later we got to talk once more, you said you still loved me and it shook me to the core.
Written With A Pen Sealed With A Kiss
Written with a pen sealed with a kiss if you love me please answer this do you love me. or do you not ? you told me once but i for got so tell me now and tell me true so i can say that i love you of all the ones I,VE ever meet. you are the one i wont forget if i die befor you do .I'LL go to heaven and wait for you if your not here by judgment day. I'LL know you went the other way I'LL give the " angel " back there wings and risk the loss of everything just to prove my love is true. I'LLgo to " hell " to be with you .....
Written Instructions For Font Download
3D Fonts|Brandname Fonts|Classic Fonts KEY: .ttf=True Type Font .otf=Open Type Font(Can also be known as True Type Fonts) .fon=Bitmap Fonts How to install a font under Windows: Unzip the files you have downloaded. Details : Click on the "Download" button, save the zip somewhere on your hard disk, go to the place where it is saved, double-click on the zip to open it, then either click on "Extract all files" or drag and drop the files elsewhere from the zip window (hold down the CTRL key to select several files at once) For the 20th century versions of Windows (Any version under Windows 2000 such as Windows 95) you must install an unzip tool first. WinZip Self-Extractor 3.0 Winzip 10 WinZip 11.1.7466 Under Windows Vista : Select the font files (.ttf, .otf or .fon) then Right-click > Install Under any version of Windows : Place the font files (.ttf, .otf or .fon) into the Fonts folder, usually C:WindowsFonts or C:WINNTFonts (can be reached as well b
Writing To The Guys In The Military
To write to the guys in the Military I found a web site which is much better than just getting addresses. They make sure the guys who don't get much mail get some or most of what is sent here. Want to send your support to a Soldier in harm's way, but have no idea of what to send, who to send it to, or how to send it? Home About Us FAQ News & Stuff Where to Send What to Send How to Send Success Stories Sales & Donations Soldiers Apply Here! Other Efforts By using this website, you acknowledge that you have read THIS AGREEMENT and that you accept all terms and conditions as stated. Sergeant Brian Horn from LaPlata, Maryland, an Army Infantry Soldier with the 173rd Airborne Brigade was in the Kirkuk area of Iraq when he started the idea of Any Soldier® to help care for his soldiers. He agreed to distribute packages that came to him with "Attn: Any Soldier" in his address to soldiers who didn't get mail. Brian later completed a tour in Afghanistan and is now ho
Writers Strike
Writers Strike Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities So the writers strike has happened. and if you ave no idea what I am talking about then I must assume that you do not follow the Entertainment world very closely, and hey that's OK. but I wonder,do you watch Jay Leno? how about Letterman? what about Jimmy Kimmel or even Conan? the reason I ask is a simple one, if you are a fan of these shows, then you will be disappointed to hear that this writers strike will effect those shows too. no one to write the jokes for the stars, no witty banter, and no Britney spears jokes too.. Even Jimmy Kimmel made reference to this strike in a skit last week on his show. He made a passing reference to the fact that we may have to start to import our Britney Jokes from other countries. Ironically, That joke was probably written by a writer now on strike. I must admit this writers strike has had me fascinated, not just simply by the shear number of shows that will feel the effect of this.
Writers Strike 2
Writers Strike 2 Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities Yes I'm gonna continue with the same subject that i was yapping about the last time we were together, and that is the Writers Strike. its 100% full on under way and t seems that both sides have locked in for the long run, I have to admit this is a subject I have been following very closely. its historic, most people may not see it that way, but it is. that last time the guild went on strike was back in 1988, almost 20 years ago. and back then the effects were hard hitting, perhaps not as far reaching, but just as historic. even if on a smaller scale. The 1988 strike had at least one famous impact on science fiction history: the second season of Star Trek: The Next Generation was shortened from 26 to 22 episodes, and producers were forced to dive into the Paramount archives to find existing scripts they could re purpose. A handful of scripts from the mothballed TV series Star Trek: Phase II were adjusted for The Next Ge
Written By A Good Friend Of Mine
I would open the champagne and make a toast Take a drink then pull you close I'd close my eyes then and kiss your lips I'd caresse and rub your sexy hips I'd pull you close so I could fell your body heat I'd kiss your neck, till your body got weak. I'd kiss from your neck down to your chest I'd unbutton your shirt to free your breast I will kiss and like your nipples and flick them with my tongue At the same time, I'll be fingering you, feeling your hot wet cum. I go back to kissing your lips, as I slide you pants to the floor Then I'll slide off your panties, and rub you down there till you're begging for more. I'd lay you down on the bed, and start kissing you more I start kissing down your body till you can't stand anymore You push my head down to where we both wanted it to be I lick and suck till you start scream, I keep going cause you taste so goo d to me You wrap your legs around my head as I'm sucking your clit I reach up with both my hands a
Written By A 15 Yr. Old School Kid In Arizona :
WRITTEN BY A 15 yr. old SCHOOL KID IN ARIZONA : New Pledge of Allegiance (TOTALLY AWESOME) ! Since the Pledge of Allegiance and The Lord's Prayer are not allowed in most public schools anymore Because the word "God" is mentioned.... A kid in Arizona wrote the attached NEW School prayer : Now I sit me down in school Where praying is against the rule For this great nation under God Finds mention of Him very odd. If Scripture now the class recites, It violates the Bill of Rights. And anytime my head I bow Becomes a Federal matter now. Our hair can be purple, orange or green, That's no offense; it's a freedom scene. The law is specific, the law is precise. Prayers spoken aloud are a serious vice. For praying in a public hall Might offend someone with no faith at all. In silence alone we must meditate, God's name is prohibited by the state. We're allowed to cuss and dress like freaks, And pierce our noses, tongues and cheeks. They've outlawed guns, bu
She stood alone in what seemed a dark empty room .. Her eyes darted around the room trying to see anything at all and that's when she felt his warm breath against her neck ... She jumped at the sudden touch .. His hands took her hands and held them behind her ... His grasp was powerful yet soft at the same time ... She felt the cold feel of metal against her wrists and the click of what sounded like cuffs closing around her wrists . He turns her to face him holding her shoulders as he leans down and kisses her softly. He took her in his arms and presses her hard against the wall ... Letting his hands roam her body. She is defenseless to him .. His touch overpowers her leaving her longing for more. His hands grasp around her breasts squeezing hard .. His kisses more urgent and demanding than before down her neck and chest .. Her moans soft yet wanting as her body trembles beneath his violent touch. She leans to his ear gasping softly nipping upon him .. He presses her harder to the w
Written By A Guy
We don't care if you talk to other guys. We don't care if you're friends with other guys. But when you're sitting next to us, and some random guy walks into the room and you jump up and tackle him, without even introducing us, yeah, it pisses us off. It doesn't help if you sit there and talk to him for ten minutes without even acknowledging the fact that we're still there. We don't care if a guy calls >OR TEXTS< you, but at 2 in the morning we do get a little concerned. Nothing is that important at 2 a.m. that it can't wait till the morning. Also, when we tell you you're pretty/ beautiful/ gorgeous/ cute/ stunning, we freaking mean it. Don't tell us we're wrong. We'll stop trying to convince you. The sexiest thing about a girl is confidence. Yeah, you can quote me. Don't be mad when we hold the door open. Take Advantage of the mood im in. let us pay for you! dont "feel bad" We enjoy doing it. It's expected. Smile and say "thank you."
Written By A Guy
We don't care if you talk to other guys. We don't care if you're friends with other guys. But when you're sitting next to us, and some random guy walks into the room and you jump up and tackle him, without even introducing us, yeah, it pisses us off. It doesn't help if you sit there and talk to him for ten minutes without even acknowledging the fact that we're still there. We don't care if a guy calls >OR TEXTS< you, but at 2 in the morning we do get a little concerned. Nothing is that important at 2 a.m. that it can't wait till the morning. Also, when we tell you you're pretty/ beautiful/ gorgeous/ cute/ stunning, we freaking mean it. Don't tell us we're wrong. We'll stop trying to convince you. The sexiest thing about a girl is confidence. Yeah, you can quote me. Don't be mad when we hold the door open. Take Advantage of the mood im in. let us pay for you! dont "feel bad" We enjoy doing it. It's expected. Smile and say "thank you."
Written In 02
Why can't she see How much he means to me Let him go Let him be If she walks away It may break his heart To see something go For which he's worked so hard I can't break down a wall Built so strong Surrounding a heart That's been done so wrong Can't stand to see Him hurting so bad The pain she's caused Makes me mad I'll admit that I would like A chance with this man Am I strong enough To pull him through I THINK I AM!
Written 6-05
Can't stand being alone Hate it love it want it no more Need love understanding and trust Not just carnal desire and lust Noone knows this noone sees They think I'm strong When in truth I'm weak Don't want a man for just pleasure wealth and material things Need him to be supportive thoughtful and loving Feeling blinded when I can see A married man not married to me Fear of commitment I thought it may be When it's the fear of feeling what makes me me He makes me feel wanted and also makes me feel free Is he there is he not Am I feeling a way I should not This man is great doesn't he see I chose not to settle As I grasp what's in reach This thing we have it was not planned But what do you do when love is at hand I see when I'm blinded Can't see when I'm not Need to see inside me Looked out there when it's right here That by him is the strength given to me Selfish I'm not but still go for what I want Not meaning to hurt someone else so I'll feel ok Woul
Who am I? I am your sister, I am your lover, I am your mother, I am a friend. I am one who walks amongst the shadows, I am but a whisper in the wind. I am close when you need me, yet never do you see me. I am Morghanna, and I am with you until the end.
Writings On The Wall...
If i had one wish What would it be??? Eternal Happiness... You and me One night one star Why is it you're so bright??? I wonder who you are... My internal guiding light Why do i wish with my mind shouldn't it come from my heart??? prefer reason than to be blind... I should have known from the start If i had one wish what would it be??? a better life for you & me... Eternal Happiness
Writing It Out...
Clinicians at the Mind/Body Medical Institute have found that the following journal exercise helps relieve ongoing sources of stress. A single attempt is not enough, though. When you first sit down to write about a problem, you may feel more anxious. The wound, once exposed, may initially hurt more than it did while hidden. But continuing to write about the same problem over the course of several days often enables you to work through difficult emotions and reach resolution or acceptance. Here’s some advice before you begin: * Deeply troubling events and situations, such as domestic violence, rape, or direct exposure to acts of terrorism or war, are best explored with an experienced therapist. For other situations, you can proceed on your own and seek professional help only if you feel you need assistance. * If you’re physically healthy, choose the most stressful event or problem you currently face. It’s usually one that you frequently dwell upon. Or, if you think you
Written For Muffbuff38
It seems as if i have known you forever Our friendship is very special to me. I hope we never say goodbye. Just thinking of you makes me smile. You've always been there for me. You have sent your love time and again, called just to make sure i was ok. Means alot just having you as a friend. You will always be a big part of my life. In my heart i hold you close. Although i can't be there to give you a hug when times are tough, but know you are in my thoughts always. It seems as if i have known you forever. My friend i just can't thank you enough. Our friendship has grown strong and in the end i hope that we will still be the best of friends. It would break my heart if we ever said goodbye, but in my heart you'll always be close, and if we never meet, know that the distance and the miles in between will never change the way i feel my friend. Love you my friend. written for muffbuff38 you have been an amazing friend I will always be here for you and i will alw
Written For Sweet Man With A Good Heart And Loveta
I say alittle prayer for both of you today. As you start a new life together. As you share the laughter and the tears, good times and bad times, remember that love is strong enough to get through whatever life throws your way. I say alittle prayer for both of you today. I pray for you both love and happiness, for strength when times get rough. For guidance when you get lost and arent sure where to turn. I pray that all your dreams come true. I say alittle prayer for you both today, that you have many years of joy, and that your days together will be the best days of your lives, and that you'll spend a lifetime holding eachother and sharing all your hopes and dreams together. I say alittle prayer for both of you today, that your love for eachother will never fade, but only grow stronger. I say alittle prayer for both of you today. written for sweet man with a good heart and Loveta you guys have been the best friends anyone could ever ask for. Thank you just is
Written For Raven
Although we may never meet , the distance and miles in between wont stop me from caring and loving you my friend. They say that life is so much sweeter and alittle easier when you've got friends to share it with. I'm so thankful I found you my friend. So when the tears fall, know that i to am crying, because i am not there to wipe them away. Although we may never meet in my heart is where i hold you keeping you close my friend. Your always in my thoughts and prayers. You make me smile you make me laugh. You make the days so much brighter. I can't imagine my life without you in it. I was a complete stranger and you took the time to send a hug and let me know you cared. Although we may never meet, in my heart i keep you close. I love you my friend. written for Raven Thank you for caring I'm so glad that we became friends. You mean alot to me. I hope that in the end we will still be walking side by side and i hope that our friendship never fades but only grows.
Written For Black Wolf
I am not sure why it is we were brought together, maybe it was because we both needed a shoulder to cry on needed someone to really understand. Maybe we just needed someone to listen, but God knows we have become close friends. As the days go by i hope that we will always be the best of friends. In times of need it is always nice to have someone that really understands the feelings that sometimes get hidden, and it is hard to share them, And i have found that i can share things with you that someone else may not understand. You took the time to show me that you cared, and that no matter how far apart we may be it wont change the way that i feel. Time and distance wont stop me from caring, and loving you my friend. I am not sure why it is we were brought together but God knows that i am happy that i found you my friend. Sometimes i feel like the world is against me and sometimes i feel so alone but i know that i can count on you to always be there. And know th
Written For Dirtydawgg
We've cried together We've laughed together. Even though we've never met we've always been there for eachother. You mean so much to me. You've kept me from giving up. You sent me your love, let me know that you care. I keep you in my heart, because that is where i keep you close. The distance and the miles in between us make it hard, but always remember I am walking beside you, in mind heart and spirit. Although you can't see me, really I am there. You have helped me to over come the tough times, wiped away my tears even though I can't see you, because of you my friend, I am comforted just knowing that I am not alone that you are always going to be there for me, and remember I will always be there for you. There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about you my friend. We've cried together We've laughed together. Nothing will ever change the way I feel about you my friend. I love you and I care about you, and no mile will ever change that. We've
Written For Bobbyt645
We don't talk much anymore, but I understand that days can be busy, and there's not enough time in a day. I've kept you close in my heart, and always in my prayers. I wish you the best in everything. I havent forgotten but often wonder have you forgotten about me. I hope our friendship hasn't faded, because that would break my heart. You helped me to see alot, opened my eyes to a world around me, a world i didnt understand but do now. took the time to send a hug to let me know someone cared. We don't talk much anymore, but that doesn't stop me from caring my friend. I will always be here for you no matter what. You will always be my friend. You changed my life by the things you said, that really made me feel good about myself, made me see things in a whole new way. Thank you my friend. Written for BobbyT645 Thank you just isnt enough. I will always be here for you. You are in my thoughts and prayers always in my heart.
Written For Jay
You were special from the start, Always saying hi, always checking in to see if i was ok. Sending your love just to let me know that you cared. We have cried we have laughed. We spend our days just making eachother laugh making eachother smile even when we didnt want to. Kept eachother going through the toughest times in our lives. Even though there were days we never really knew what to say, we said silly things just to laugh. I will always be here for you no matter where the road will lead or how far apart we are. You are very close because I hold you in my heart. Every day i think about you and wonder how you are doing. I worry about you cause i know that you are going through alot. I always ask God to guide you and keep you safe, because I can't be there to hold you and give you a hug to let you know that i care. I love you my friend you mean alot to me. There are days that I wished we lived closer so I can wipe your tears away. But the the miles betwee
Written For White Wolf
You took the time to say hello, to send a hug when i was down. Just to let me know that you cared. I could never have done it without you my friend, and I would do the same for you. You send your love with the little things you say, to make me smile when i just don't want to. You have changed my life in so many ways, even though I have never met you. I was a stranger and that didnt matter to you, you still cared enough to lend a helping hand. I may never meet you, or be able to give you a hug or wipe away your tears know I keep you close in my heart. You are always in my thoughts and prayers. Just thinking of you brings a smile to my face even through the tears you always made me smile. I hope that we will always be the best of friends. You never turned your back when i needed to talk you were always there. I can never thank you enough. You took the time to say hello, and that always means alot. I hope that in some small way I made you smile even if it wa
Written For Dj Trav (travis Green)
You have been such a wonderful friend, you told me that you would always be my friend and that i have a friend for life, and i believe you. You always stop in to see how i am doing. I can say I miss you. The hug I will never forget, cause i got to give it to you in real. Being able to meet you will be a day I will never forget. You have been an amazing friend. I may never be able to see you again, but atleast I can say I really truely met you. i send my love because you mean so much to me. I will hold you close in my heart, and in my thoughts and prayers you will always be. There isnt a day that goes by that I dont think of you and how special you are to me. I will always be here for you no matter where the road may lead you, or how far apart we are. You will always be a big part of my life. I love you my friend and always will. Maybe someday we will cross eachother's path once more, and i hope that i can give you another hug to say thank you my friend.
Written For Harley Rider
Thank you for being my friend, the phone calls just to check up on me to make sure I am ok. I will always be your friend and always be there for you. You are a friend for life. Thank you for the love that you are always sending my way it helps the day seem so much brighter. You have helped me to not give up and cared enough that you always take the time to say how are you. I can never thank you enough for everything that you have done for me. For making me smile when i just dont feel like it make me laugh when i want to just cry. I will forever keep you in my heart and always in my thoughts and prayers. Thank you for being my friend. You dont realize how much you have helped me to see the good in things. You have opened my eyes and made me realize how beautiful i really am, thank you. You have made my life complete just having you for a friend. I will always care for you. The miles in between wont stop me from thinking about you my friend. Know that i wil
Written For Kwolf
You have been a real good friend, even though we only talk every now and then. I just want to say that i am glad we have become friends it means so much to me. I will always be here for you no matter how far apart we are. I know we don't really know eachother, but that doesnt mean I cant care or be your friend. You helped me alot just knowing that you care. Just taking the time to say how are you. I hope that we will always be friends. I know it is hard living so far apart, not always being able to make the tears go away when you have had a hard day. I will keep you in my heart and wipe the tears away in my dreams i will hold you close. Dont ever think that I don't care because i do care very much. Our friendship is very important to me. Know that i will always be walking by your side. and when you go outside look up because we are standing under the same big sky. you have been a real good friend. Thank you for everything. Written for Kwolf Just wanted t
Written For Dj Pumpkin King
I write this poem for you, and hopes that our friendship wont end. We don't talk much anymore but I realize that there are other things going on in your life. I will always be your friend no matter what and if I don't say hi it doesnt mean i don't think about you my friend. I still care and mean every word I say. I havent forgotten about you i have kept you in my heart. When we did talk alot you helped me through alot. Kept me from giving up. I will always be greatful for our friendship, and the advice you gave it helped me through alot. I write this poem for you cause you were always there for me when i needed a friend. You never turned your back on me, and that means alot. I have never stopped thinking about you my friend. I just want you to know that no matter where life may lead you i will always be walking beside you in my heart and in my mind. I can still remember the first talks we ever had they wont be forgotten. I hope things get better for you a
Written For Me By An Old Friend
Blue eyes wide open and bright Illuminating the room in the dark of the night Tantalising windows to a soul deep down and a heart full of passion of which love is its crown.Blue eyes wide open and bright A summer sky by day and deep lagoon by night Sensual beauty striking all who gaze lighting a fire of hot lust ablaze. Blue eyes wide open and bright The colour of the sea in tropical daylight Dazzling with life and purity a split second gaze lasts eternity. Blue eyes wide open and bright Even when age enters the twighlight Those beautiful jewels will be as ever because the light from the soul will shine forever.
Written For Paul -uk Friend
You have been a wonderful friend. Through the toughest times of my life you have always been there. I mean alot to mean, more then words could ever say. I love you my friend and will always care. As the days go by you brighten my days alittle more easch day. you put a smile on my face everytime you say hi. I know it has been hard since you live so far away and the miles are long, but know in my heart my friend that you are never that far away. Every mountain you have ever climbed i have always been right beside you, catching you when you fall. I don't ever want to say goodbye, it would tare my world apart. You have always been a good friend. You will always be a big part of my life. I can never repay you back for everything that you have done for me. Although we may never meet i will never stop caring for you my friend. You always have a way of making me smile, and I hope that i have done the same for you. I am so glad i found you my friend. In my heart you
Written For Kapula(arms Embracing The Sea)
This my friend is for you, for all the times you have been there for me. Even though you have faced some tough life situations never once did you stop sending your love, and letting me know that you cared. You have always been there. You will always be in my heart and a big part of my life. It is so much sweeter and alittle easier when you have friends that truely care. Knowing that you are never alone, makes life alittle more brighter. Even though we don't talk know that I will always be here for you. When the sky turns grey and you feel all alone know that i am thinking about you my friend. I send my love and best wishes to. I pray that good things will happen, and for a light to show the way. Guidance when you get lost along to help you find your way back. In my heart i keep you close, and walk beside you everyday. Although the distance is long and there are many miles in between that wont stop me from thinking about you my friend. In my dreams i h
Written For Carolene 838
We face each day not knowing what will happen. We cry, we laugh sometimes we want to give up, but then someone comes along with open arms and says do you need to talk I will listen. It seems to brighten the most difficult times in our lives. Just knowing that there is someone who cares means more then a pot of gold. Friendships come and friendships go, but it is the true friends that never go away, they always come back with open arms. They are the ones that will always be there for you. I hope that we will always be the best of friends, no matter how far apart we are, in my heart you will always be. We face each day with the many things that life throws our way, many times wanting to give up. Thank you for being my friend. It makes life alittle brighter knowing that we are friends. I hope that as the days go by that we will always be the best of friends. I love you my friend and always will care. I will never be that far away. So when the skies turn grey
Writing Again
Turn the corner, what do I see. Someone standing there, looking back at me. Just walking past, I give them a smile. They turn and say hi, and smile back at me. Will I ever see them again, I do not know. But they weill remember the kindness I showed. And I will remember too. Just a simple smile you see, can make a lasting impression to anyone you see.
Written For Robert
I write this poem for you my friend. I am not so sure how to start or begin to say the things i want to say. To the times that i really needed a friend you have always been there. To the timess i was crying you always made me smile. I am not so sure if I deserve such a wonderful friend. There were days I snapped at you, but I know that you understood. You listened when i talked never interupting me you just listened. You gave me a push when i just didnt feel like going on, you helped me to believe in myself. Telling me that nothing cant be done. Because you cared enough to open your arms to a complete stranger. Although i have never met you, or even been there you were the one that was always here for me. I write this for you my special friend, because you never doubted me or once turned your back on me. I thank you from my heart, and hope that someday i will be able give you back what you have given me. You understand and are always willing to listen tha
Written For Steve
This is for you my friend, for being there when i needed a friend, for all the love you send my way reminding me that someone cares. Even though miles lie in between you are never that far away. Just a heart beat away. I hold you close in my heart. I hope that we never have to say goodbye. and if we do i wont ever forget you my friend. the gifts that show me that you are there, and you always be there. My friend my life would be so incomplete if I didnt have you in it. My friend this is for you, my shoulder to cry on, open arms whenever you need a hug, and a listening ear whenever you need it. I will always be here for you my friend. This is for you my friend, my friendship when you feel alone, and need a friend. I cant be there to wipe away the tears or hug you when you have had a bad day. and God knows i wished i could. but that no matter how far apart we are I will always care for you my friend. I love you my dear special friend. This is for you my frie
Written For Kim
every now and then you come acrossed a stranger, one that seems to stand out from all the rest. One that you believe will always be there for you. I believe you are the one. I know we havent talked, but in my heart i believe you are that special someone. The one i know i can always count on to wipe the tears away, lend a helping hand. To give me a shoulder to cry on. Make me laugh when i want to cry, smile when there's a frown. I believe that you are that special friend. When the roads get rough and the river begins to toss you around know that I will be there to pull you out. Every mountain that you climb know that i will be there to pick you up when you have fallen, so you can start again. Every now and then you come acrossed a stranger one that you have a feeling will be your friend for life. I believe you are the one. I know I dont know you, but in my heart i feel the friendship beginning to grow. I believe you are that special friend. In my heart i
Written For Big Papi (nick)
You have always been there for me, through the laughter and the tears. Always had time to stop in and say hi. I know we have never met but i am happy that i found you my friend. I will always be here for you, good times and bad times only a heart beat away. Because I keep you close in my heart. You mean alot because you are my friend. I am not there to wipe away the tears, give you a hug when you have had a bad day, but dont worry my friend we are standing under the same big sky. We cry, we laugh, we have good days and bad days so in away we are the same. i hope i have made you smile, even if it didnt last very long, i hope i made you laugh for just alittle because if i did then i know I have done my job. You have sent me a hug to let me know that you care, and that means more then anything. I want you to know that i will always be here for you no matter what. I am so happy i found you my friend. Written for BIG PAPI thank you for being my friend i c
Written For Dragon28
Every mountain that you climb, Every raging sea, Every road that you travel that seems to always have no end. Know that I will always be walking right beside you. Every tear that falls know that I wished i were there to wipe them away. Know that I will always be here for you. No matter how far apart we are you will always be close in my heart. Although you cannot see me, and the miles are long, if you look close enough you will see me standing beside you always. We may never meet, but you never know maybe someday we will cross eachother's path. but until that day, I will build as many memories through the talks that we have and i will always wish for you the best. So I say alittle prayer in hopes that you will find love and happiness no matter where you are at, and that we will always be the best of friends. God knows that I wished you lived closer so we could hang out and do the things that friends do, but since i can't be there know that in my heart
Written For Irish "curiousity
Well my friend you made me smile and you made me laugh, how can I thank you. There's is no words that will say how i feel, or how much I am glad that we are friends. You always took the time to say hello, give me a hug to let me know that things will be ok, and that you cared. My friend what do i say, but thank you. I know that we will probably never meet, but to let you know I will never be that far away. i will walk beside you always, and in my heart i will keep you close. There wont be a day that doesnt go by that i wont think about you my friend, or wish that i was there to hang out and do the things that friends do. I wish i were there to give you a hug and say thank you my friend. I never thought that I could have as good as friends as I have now. I never thought that i would ever have friends that really cared, but i know now that i do have friends that really care, and i am thankful everyday that you are my friend, and as the days go by I hope that
Written For N.b.k
This for you my special friend, for always being there for me. For sticking with me even when you could have turned your back on me. You gave me advice whether i wanted to hear it or not, but thank you it helped me to see that life isnt all the bad. Things will work out but it takes time. Making me understand things alittle more clearer. This is for you my special friend, for having patients with me. even when i said things that i know really bothered you, and I am sorry. You comforted me when the tears were falling, made me smile, made me laugh, you always knew what to say. You always let me know that you cared. I wish i were there to give you a hug just to let you how much i appreciate what you do for me. Thank you for everything. i realize that life is full of up's and down's laughter and tears, but i know one thing I could have never have gotten through if it werent for you my special friend. I hold you close in my heart, and forever you will be a bi
Written For Muffbuff38
I said prayer for you today in hopes that you will find love and happiness. I said a prayer for you today in hopes that everything will work out for you. I didnt pray for you silver and gold, because silver and gold cant buy you love and happiness. I didnt pray for you a mansion on the hill because that doesnt always bring happiness. I prayed for you a light to guide you to help see you through. A hand to wipe away the tears, a hug to help you through the day and to let you know that i will always be here for you. said a prayer for you today for love and happiness cause i know that is what you need the most. I prayed that our friendship would never die only grow stronger. I prayed that someday we would cross eachother's path. I prayed that love would find it's way to you. I prayed that life would get better for you, I cant promise you anything, but i can promise you my friendship forever. In my heart you will always be. I love you my friend my special frien
Written For All My Good Friends
For every tear that falls, for every heart that's broken, for every mountain that seems to steep, for every river that you have to swim acrossed, no matter how bad it seems. For every wall built, the walls of pain, I will always be there. Although the distance is far, and the miles in between are long, it wont stop me from being your friend. For every tear that falls I will be there to wipe them away. For every mountain you must climb, for every ragin river you have to cross know that i will be waiting. Although i may have to leave for awhile, i wont say goodbye, cause it wont be forever. So remember for every heartbeat i will be there in your heart and you in mine. I will never be that far away. For every tear that falls I will be there. In I hope that you will be there to. So for everytime that it rains know that my umbrella is big enough for all. My arms will always be open and my ear will always listen, and my shoulder is yours to cry on. So when i go
Written About My Step-grandma.
Turn from the rage Escape to a haven of bliss That seduces my senses Interupted by the strangle Wrapping her hands around tighter Watch my life float away Too dead to be alive This is hell on earth everyday Rather be lonely in my room But I'm bruised from the struggle Scared of the psycho living upstairs Lived this way for 8 fucken years You say I'm a liar Well I'm calling your bluff Dealing with your sickness You've dragged me down with you Leave me be - you're a selfish bitch One hell of a cold hearted witch I dont need your rules No longer controlled by your demon Let me go and be free We part on bad terms as he cries One day when you finally rest I'll be spitting on your grave.
Written As A Comment For One Of My Pics . And Very Beautiful So I'm Shareing . Ty Eros
November 30, 2007 @ 9:55 am The wind slows the moon dims, and the sun fears to rise beyond the horizon. Waters still, the fish lay deep below the water, and the trees could not stand to drop a leaf. Your presents bewilder them and the earth takes a gasp, and takes in your beauty. EROS
Write It On The Back Of Your Envelopes!!!
I THINK THIS A GREAT IDEA. I WILL START WRITING THIS ON FRONTOF ALL MY ENVELOPES, TOO! You may have heard in the news that the Post Office has been forced to take down small posters that say "IN GOD WE TRUST! . "The law, they say, is being violated. Anyway, I heard proposed on a radio station show, that we should all write "IN GOD WE TRUST " on the back of all our mail...after all, that is our national motto, and it's on all the money we use to buy those stamps. I think it is a wonderful idea. We must take back our nation from all the people who think that anything that offends them should be removed. It has been reported that 86% of Americans believe in God. Therefore, I have a very hard time understanding why there is such a mess about having "In God We Trust"on our money and having God in the pledge of Allegiance. Could it be that WE just need to take action and tell the 14% to sit down and shut up?
Written In Confusion
walk through ashes tell your shadow to follow a different leader away from the sun there's no calm for the fears of a child's imagination tear away the layers that burn deep in me, deep in you rearrange the pieces you thought held you together is there love is there peace or is there too much control for you to part with run with your eyes closed and set your path on fire no man ever made it far without a soul what would these words mean if you couldn't feel gather courage, gather faith, gather love what do you do...lets see what you do
Written For Dirtydawgg And Kittie Corpse
We always know who our true friends are when things get tough and the tears are falling. When you feel like giving up and you arent real sure who to turn to. When you seem to have lost your way and you cant get back home. When there seems to be no way out, and you just want to end it all. We always know who our true friends are when you want to smile but cant when you want to laugh, but only the tears fall. I know who my true friends are. You both have been my strength, my hope my guidance. You have made smile, made life seem not so bad. I know i can always count on you to be there for me. You both are my true friends. You have never turned you back on me. You gave me the push i needed to keep moving forward, the light to show the way. We we ever said goodbye my heart would break into a million peieces, the tears would fall like rain. i will keep you both in my heart forever, and i will always be there for you. I will give you my shoulder to cry on an ear t
Written By Cowgirlinpink For The Firefighters Hall
2007 Writing Stats
For 2007 only. Submissions: 116 Rejects: 90 Stories Written: 10 (plus several started in 2006 or to be completed in 2008) Words Written: 112,692 Publications: 2 Acceptances: 5 This is what it takes folks... 5.2% of my submissions are successful, and this is a GOOD rating.
Written By My Friend Dj Trav
JUST ONCE MORE I've got a million pictures in my heart and here at home But I'm afraid that they'll just fade with time And photographs are cold And a memory's hard to hold And I never got the chance to say goodbye One more day-one more night One more chance to get it right A few more words-a few more laughs Doesn't seem too much to ask And I know it's just a dream But I'd give everything If you'd walk through that door just once more Sometimes I catch myself asking you out loud What you'd do if you were in my place 'Cause every day in every way I've tried to make you proud I wish that I could tell you face to face One more day-one more night One more chance to get it right A few more words-a few more laughs Doesn't seem too much to ask And I know it's just a dream But I'd give everything If you'd walk through that door just once more Seasons come and seasons go But love lives on-you taught me so Oh-I've been blessed, I don't think
Writers Block
Decided to call on my trustworthy friend we havent spoke in a while well when i came to speak found out there was lots of time lost well it came to let lose on the tongue it was all tongue tied with not many words to say but the ideas in place unfinished thoughts waiting to be said but the point being unable to come across with the misconceptions or analytical assumptions and the force of thoughts being misconstrewed for what was once easy to be put forth has know become a choir with an uneasy feeling like the stomach churning and doing flips why is it so hard to speak what goes forth through the brain n heart if I could just rationalize all the small talk from the IF AND BUTS n the SO's I would fly at the speed of light n be back by tonight If I could ask you a question, I would ask where you went? you can teach me a lesson everytime I got bent The alcohal dosent always help It dosent matter the season the leaves still fall for as simple as I am how did it get
Written For Dirty Dawgg And Kitty
My dear Friends you seem to mend my broken heart even though we are apart. Through the miles you always make me smile. always making life worthwhile. Through the pain and all the strain you both stopped the rain. So my dear friends hope it never ends. Through the years and all the tears i will always be here. So my dear friends know that i love you when your skies are blue know that i am true. I will never stray or ever go away. Through the laughter and even after. Even though the scars of life are deep i will keep you close as our friendship grows. I hope you know that time can't erase this place in my heart, even though we are apart. Don't you cry look in the sky cause i will never say goodbye. So my dear friends hope it never ends cause you always make me smile through the miles making my life worthwhile I love you both. written for dirty dawgg and kitty I love you both so very much and this friendship i know will never end. know that you b
Written By Ff John Owner Of Firefighters Hall
Written By Dj Trav
Blind Faith Darlin' I know you're sleepin' But there's something I've just got to say Wonder if you'll hear me While you're dreamin' You make a lifetime Out of every day Thanks to you now I know All my dreams can come true Blind Faith in you I got Blind Faith in you oh yeah Your eyes keep things well hidden Just a hint of what You're feelin' inside And the first day that I met you I consider that the first day of my life Thanks to you now I know All my dreams can come true Blind Faith in you I've got Blind faith in you And I'm not sure I deserve A women so true, but I love That you think I do With You and Faith, beside me I'm feelin' stronger every day Blind faith in you I got Blind faith in you It's true Blind faith in you I got Blind faith in you And I'm not sure I deserve A woman so true but I love That you think I do.
Written For Dirty Dawgg And Kitty
This poem is for you my friends, What i would give to be close enough to see. to drink some tea under that tree. What i would give to wipe away the tears chase away all your fears. and bring you some cheer. What i would give to hear you laugh see you smile, so many miles makes it so hard. I want to cry. This poem is for you my friends for every rose that never grows, I will always be there to show you that i care. What i would give to be where you live. This poem is for you my friends hope it never ends. Just like that star you are so far. What i would give to drain the sea, so i could see, you smiling faces, I know it wouldnt be a waist. What I would give to flatten that mountain, so we wouldnt have to climb I know it wouldn be a waist of time, cause I would be closer to you. This poem is for you my friends What I would give, To be close to you, to make you smile through these miles i know it would be all worthwhile, even if it was just for a d
Written For Thunderbird 110
For you my friend, For making me smile through the miles. To me it was all worthwhile. You are so far, but I see you in every star. For you my friend, I will always care. In my heart you will always be a part you were from the start. So for you my friend hope it never ends. For every road we travel for every tear we cry, I hope we never say goodbye. For every end there is always a new door that opens. For every raging river I will see you through to the other side. For you my friend i would swim the deepest ocean, climb the highest mountain, give my life to save yours. So know that in every star really i am not that far. Know that i am always here, To pick you up when you fall hear you when you call. So for you my friend know that i am here. Hope I made you smile through the many miles, I know you made me smile, and it was all worthwhile. Written for you Thunderbird thank you for listening and helping me to see that even through all the downrate
Written For Lord Fury
Of high cost or worth; valuable. Highly esteemed; cherished. One who is dear or beloved; a darling. This is what precious means in the dictionary. Someone whom is held dearly and cherished by someone...this means alot to me this name, it is something that i take seriously, and that i feel hold special meaning to me for one it was given to me by You Sir. It is something that i feel You gave me for a reason Sir, it means something to You, i am Your beloved precious....Your pride and joy, Your lover and Your submissive. i am so very grateful that You have chosen the name that You have for me Sir having read what the meaning are. Precious to me means a whole wide variety of things Sir....for one it means acting on Your behalf, showing that i truly understand and appreciate what it means to be Lord Fury's precious. I cherish and adore the fact that i am able to adorn precious as my name Sir. To me it means acting as though i am valuable to You, showing my gratitude thru ser
~*~writings ~and~ Ramblings~*~
- Alone - You can't ever win Changing in your skin Like a bloody chameleon You will hide within you immortal fakeness I'm not who you want me to be ..Fake.. ..Stupid.. But most of all not you.. I may not live up to your standards Or be your picture perfect version of normal ..Wake the hell up.. Life is a brief joke played on human kind ..Stop Pretending.. ..Your Not.. ..And Never Will Be.. Look into my broken eyes And you will see A shattered heart standing once again alone ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ -Hate- I may be your dictionary definition of a whore But you're the one who left Closed the door If your love was true You would have stayed Within this world broken and frayed Within a degree of happiness, Or on a level of lies You left me with this razor That will forever control my life.. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ -You- Names and anger fill my
Writings And Poetry
Contained in this particular blog are writings I have done in the past. I call them writings, you can call them what you wish. Let me be clear about this: I do not claim to be a poet or a writer nor do I claim to be good at my attempts at putting my feelings into print. These entries were created over the last couple of years at a different blog site. They represent my mood at the time and nothing more. I write to sooth my feelings. So enjoy them, laugh at them, comment if you wish, but hopefully, enjoy them Peace!
The Writer's Strike Continues.. But Who Is The Real Losers?
Good Morning and Hello there from Snowy Michigan. Where today many, many schools are closed. How ya doing? I am good, finally over the Packers lack luster showing, YUCK!!!! Ok, I am better…I think. You know I was thinking last night while I waited to see the next weeks previews of medium and was surprised when it was announced that medium will be on again in four weeks. I should not have been surprised due to the writers strike being in it’s 4 or 5th month and who knows perhaps even longer. Then it hit me. You know, I have found other things to do to occupy my time instead of watching TV at night and I think others have if they are not beginning to already do so. I think the real test will be if and when they resolve this writers strike, will the people come back to watching and how quick will they be turned off if when the writers do start putting together shows that are sub par or less entertaining will the people just be gone totally? My thoughts are this. I think we will have a q
Written A While Ago..
Ok, so before Tyler and i got back together i wrote this. and i was going through my laptop cleaning out old files and found it. Just thought i would post it for the hell of it. I think its cute, even made some tears fall as i was reading it over. You may think its cheesy, but oh well... The things i love and miss about you: When you would give me your coat so i wouldnt get cold, even if you would. When i would wake up with out you next to me and have sweet lil text messages from you. When you would hug me, for no reason at all How you would do anything, just to make me smile. :)and how you would ALWAYS make me laugh. When you would compliment me and call me beautiful and gorgeous. When i didnt feel like you were ashamed that i was yours. You told everyone i was your girlfriend, and were proud that i was. When i wasnt always the first one to say i love you. And you would say it just because. and i didnt feel like you felt obligated to say it. When i was sa
Written By A Guy. Everyone Should Read It
***Guy's point of view*** written by a guy! You might agree with it, but when it actually happens 99% of girls don't realize it 'til it is too late and that guy who did it is so frustrated that he has moved on to someone who will take notice. From a guys point of view: We don't care if you talk to other guys. We don't care if you're friends with other guys. But when you're sitting next to us, and some random guy walks into the room and you jump up and tackle him without even introducing us, yeah, it pisses us off. It doesn't help if you sit there and talk to him for ten minutes without even acknowledging the fact that we're still there. We don't care if a guy calls you, but at 2 in the morning we do get a little concerned. Nothing is that important at 2 a.m. that it can't wait till he morning. Also, when we tell you you're pretty/beautiful/gorgeous/cute/ stunning, we freaking mean it. Don't tell us we're wrong.We'll stop trying to convince you. The s
Written For Me...
I love you more than words could ever say You're the one I couldn't forget Even at the last breath I take Because you are the one I love so true When I found you I found the closest thing to heaven The moment I opened my heart and let you in I saw this great love starting to begin. The perfect girl used to be only in my dreams But when I first saw you, it changed everything. In my heart,I hold your love close It's your love that I need the most. I could search my whole life through And never find another 'you'. I love you more than anyone I just had to let you know My feelings for you will never change Just know my feelings are true Just remember one thing I Love You!
Written For Nordic Pride!
She sat there looking out the painted glass.. her heart pounding faster as each click of the clock went by.. A remeberance of her past flashes by as she sits and crys... A smile however is layed upon her lips.. Now placing her hand upon the window she closes her eyes.. much of what she thought she new began to form into questions.. A sigh slid past her lips as she took it all in The more it passed over her the harder it seemed to get however her smile never faded only began to grow as the tears fell hard.. but her smile just grew bigger finally her eyes opened and she tore back the paint upon the glass a new beginning she felt as she realized her past only made her what she is today.. her future her goals her everything.. her past was her happiness.. an ending to a great beginning of her new life to come.
Shrouded in a fog of mystery I weave my tangled web Your blood is the foreplay Your insanity is my triumph. Notes: This is just a beginning thought, nothing finished. I just had to get it down.
Written For You.
Washing the dishes I am lost listening to my oldies playlist. I have to admit feeling nostalgic for a change and allowing myself to indulge! And why not? Its a warm beautiful day in Vancouver and the breeze through the window teases me to stop what I am doing and take a breather. Only I can't. I am busy thinking of you, and the dishes are nicely scrubbed one by one aren't you proud of me? Just earlier I hand washed the floor-- my mother's influence. She says you cant do a good job unless youre up close and personal. Mmm chew on that for bit. ;) It would be a sweet thing to turn around and see you, even just once to plant a memory in my mind perfect as a pressed flower in that old romance novel you keep tucked away...
People come into your life for a Reason, a Season, or a Lifetime. Maybe you will never know which one it is for a person at the time they enter your life. But in one way or another they will grow to be a part of who you are. When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally, spiritually. They may seem like a Godsend, and they are! They are there for the reason you need them to be.Some people come into your life for a SEASON, because your turn has come to share, grow, or learn. They bring you an experience of peace. Sometimes they force you to take a stand in life. What you should realize is that your need has been met, your desire fulfilled, the work is already done. They may teach you something you never might have known, but are only meant to be there for a season. LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons: t
Written For Sin
New story written for my 'Fuowner'. She has a self admitted 'oral fixation' and I wanted to appeal to what she wanted. So this one was written for Sin. Hope she likes it, and hope that anyone else that may read it does as well. The cold winters draft took its toll day after day and I longed for a much needed vacation. Somewhere warm, somewhere not near here. In the months since most of my friends had moved away to Dallas Texas, Id been lost. Unsure what to do with my time. This extra free time was spent mostly online looking for ways to entertain myself. It was then that I had discovered a site called Fubar. It didn’t take long to become addicted to it, trying to get levels to be able to access more features. Features that I didn’t know what they meant, but they sounded cool. So I kept randomly adding people and posting everything that I could find to try to get points. In the meantime, I started meeting some pretty cool people. One of the cool people that I had
Written By Angelina W. Grimke (1880-1958)
Tenebris There is a tree, by day, That, at night, Has a shadow, A hand huge and black, With fingers long and black. All through the dark, Against the white man's house, In the little wind, The black hand plucks and plucks At the bricks. The bricks are the color of blood and very small. Is it a black hand, Or is it a shadow? Written by Angelina W. Grimke (1880-1958)
Written By Angelina W. Grimke (1880-1958)
A Winter Twilight A silence slipping around like death, Yet chased by a whisper, a sigh, a breath; One group of trees, lean, naked and cold, Inking their cress 'gainst a sky green-gold; One path that knows where the corn flowers were; Lonely, apart, unyielding, one fir; And over it softly leaning down, One star that I loved ere the fields went brown Written by Angelina W. Grimke (1880-1958)
Written By Angelina W. Grimke (1880-1958)
For the Candle Light The sky was blue, so blue, that day, And each daisy white, so white; Oh! I knew that no more could rains fall gray, And night again be night. I knew! I knew! Well, if night is night, And the gray skies grayly cry, I have in a book, for the candle light, A daisy, dead and dry Written by Angelina W. Grimke (1880-1958)
Another Lost Soul My mind is a scary place One of a completely different taste Most of its use has gone to waste And disappeared without a trace I am a man of unknown fortune Who lives my life by the turn of the sun I guess I will always be the one Lost in life and known by none. My heart is one of purity I wear it on my sleeve for all to see It branches out just like a tree This will be the downfall of me I am a man of unknown fortune Who lives my life by the turn of the sun I guess I will always be the one Lost in life and known by none. My soul is lost as I like to say In a new place each and every day I couldn't say where it is today I wish it would choose someplace to stay I am a man of unknown fortune Who lives my life by the turn of the sun I guess I will always be the one Lost in life and known by none.
"The Fear I Hide Inside" I lost myself a time ago, I don't know who I am I used to be someone else, I used to be a better man It just got so complicated, it was more than I could take So I slipped further away with every decision that I made I never thought about the consequence as I lived day by day I never considered the man I'd become or the bed I'd lay Now I try so fucking hard to remember who I used to be Cause I don't recognize the man in the mirror staring back at me Welcome to my crazy life Welcome to the fear I hide inside Do you know what it's like To live with the fear I hide inside I try to hold my head up high and I try to chase my dreams But it seems the more I try I just get by with broken wings So I find it hard to get up and face another day I just lay there in my bed wishing that I could stay At least I can say that I am not without love Thanks to my heart, our two awesome boys, and my angel from above They give me reason to live on and they
Writings Dear Writings Sweet Writings Heart Felt and Love is a never ending writing in motion. copyright 23 feb 08
Written For Me
Ok I must stress that I did not write this, it was written for me by a very good and close friend of mine who I met here on FU wayyyy back when it was Lost Cherry! Thanks to you my Cherry Oh. Know that no matter what, I'll ALWAYS be here for you. X ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It was at random that we met, A chance that not many get. When I heard the "Uh Oh", How was I to know! That you would turn out to be my special friend, Someone who could be there, Until the end. No matter how I feel or what I do, I know, in my heart, That I can count on you. I've never seen you, Heard you, or touched you. Those kind of chances are very few. To meet someone from far away, Never knowing if they're here to stay, Not knowing if what they say is true, Of what they're doing and telling you. So far away, but yet so near, The "not knowing" is the fear. Is it truth, or is it lies? Will a heart grow, or will it die? Either way, the bonds of Friendship
A baby's smile is a mysterious thing fadeing as fast as it blooms and so it is to me it seems she must be dreaming of Heaven a little angel with out wings replaced by my love unconditionally constant as she grows forever a baby in my eyes and eternally an angel at home ever so empty that cloud must be where she use to lay her head and sleep and in Heaven The Lord her soul will keep as her memory of his house fades a borrowed angel lent to me, so lovely to me even in her dying innocence and one day when i walk by that way i'll stop to visit her cloud and in tears of happiness i will cry remonising of that toothless smile the days when she was virtuous and juvenille the days when she drempt of Heaven copyright protected by victoria donahue
Writing Opens The Soul
Written By A Guy :)
To all women, written by a guy: We don't care if you talk to other guys. We don't care if you're friends with other guys. But when you're sitting next to us, and some random guy walks into the room and you jump up and tackle him, without even introducing us, yeah, it pisses us off. It doesn't help if you sit there and talk to him for ten minutes without even acknowledging the fact that we're still there. We don't care if a guy calls >OR TEXTS< you, but at 2 in the morning we do get a little concerned. Nothing is that important at 2 a.m. that it can't wait till the morning. Also, when we tell you you're pretty/ beautiful/ gorgeous/ cute/ stunning, we freaking mean it. Don't tell us we're wrong. We'll stop trying to convince you. The sexiest thing about a girl is confidence. Yeah, you can quote me. Don't be mad when we hold the door open. Take Advantage of the mood im in. let us pay for you! dont "feel bad" We enjoy doing it. It's expected. Smile and say "thank you."
Writer's Block Rant
AAAACCCCCKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *grumblekickbitchmoancomplain* I HATE WRITER'S BLOCK! Especially when it's on the rewrite and you have to fix the scene and you can't capture the mood or figure out what needs to happen to make it flow and I just want to scream! There.
Written For Those Affected By The Absence
the space between keeps us from physical touch. the keenest of the five senses - we lack. the pressure is building. the urge to feel your touch is getting out of control. open. close. open. focus. like a child i find myself lost in dream worlds of you. throughout my day, comin' to with a gleam in my eye and a smirk on my face that makes one wonder. stumbling over the jumbled thoughts, trying to pull them out onto paper, having them make sense in some kind of order, proves to be difficult these days. the mind's not quite right. but i can feel the heart beating with an unknown normalcy. & i can not find the words to say, i think i need you so. it's a little bit scary, it's a little bit weird. it's a pit in my stomach that won't let up, it's the buzzing in the back of my brain, it's the knowing gut feelin' i can't shed. who's to say forever - only life knows the answer to that. night's too long. cold here, without you. cold from a touch i've never fe
Writer Arthur C Clarke Dies At 90
Writer Arthur C Clarke dies at 90 British science fiction writer Sir Arthur C Clarke has died in Sri Lanka at the age of 90. Born in Somerset, he came to fame in 1968 when a short story The Sentinel was made into the film 2001: A Space Odyssey by director Stanley Kubrick. Once called "the first dweller in the electronic cottage", his vision of future space travel and computing captured the popular imagination. An aide said he died at 0130 local time after a cardio-respiratory attack. Vivid descriptions A farmer's son, Sir Arthur was educated at Huish's Grammar School in Taunton before joining the civil service. A great science fiction writer, a very good scientist, a great prophet and a very dear friend Sir Patrick Moore Obituary of Arthur C Clarke In quotes: tributes to writer During World War II, Clarke volunteered for the Royal Air Force, where he worked in the then highly-secretive development of radar, and foresaw the concept of communication
Written By A Friend
Sitting naked, I teach you phrases in German, and with every correct pronunciation, you get to do what you want to me. Sitting naked, you're teaching me how to sing, and with every correct pitch, I get to let you do what you want to me. This could have been beautiful, the most pretty and content of its kind. I watch you on stage, and my lust builds a castle, only for your sweaty hands to storm. You sense me there, your desires expand and start to wander, but are captured with my wet lips. I have what you want, that no other woman can give you. You would have been complete. After every home run, I strip one more piece of my Red Sox gear, and you end up grand slamming. With every field goal kick, the Patriots take the lead, but they are not alone. Excitement within our own warped dimension would have kept us alive and free, since no one could have ever forbidden us. You leave for eternities and return, but without pent up frustration because I was there for you. I misse
Written In January
I realize I was in a dark place when I wrote this blog entry back then. I have come a long way since then. I just wanted to share this and reflect a bit for myself as to where I was at that time and where I am now. Here it is. There are good things and bad things about being a Dreamer. Dreamers have really great dreams and when they are made into reality they affect the world in a positive way. They take the idea that was in that dream and use it to drive themselves to go further in life. It takes a dreamer to make amazing works of art, write amazing books and it even takes a dreamer to become a musician or a dancer. The downside to being a dreamer is you live in a fantasyworld quite a bit. Sometimes when you are like me you have a hard time distinguishing the two and what was a reality you think is a dream and what is a dream is your reality so to speak. It leads to a destructive path at times because you tend to think what was in your head is actually happe
Written For Me
This was written for me by one of my patients. For those of you that REALLY know me you know it touched my heart. Enjoy You are very special there aren't enough words to say You brought me from the darkness to face another day Swinging your fists for me in a battle I tried to ignore I was ready to give up on life then you kicked open the door Thank you Karlie from so deep within my heart You can trust that I will be fine even after we part I am undescribably grateful for all your special attention Just a few more things I feel that I must mention You will hold a special place inside my heart forever I'm not just saying that because I think it sounds clever I truly mean what I've said just so you know The day is coming when our seperate ways we'll go I wish you happiness and success in all you do Take care Karlie I will never ever forget about you Thank you sincerely And that, my friends, is why I am a nurse.
Written By Kent
So many emotions, How can I say How you make me feel each and everyday All think I think about, somehow turns to you You take all of my dreams, and make them come true Lost in your love, but your heart shows the way Along is this path of love, I continue to stray Take away my worries, my heart skips a beat How did I love ‘til now, could it ever have been this complete Out of control, My mind is blown away My heart has the power now, and this is how it should stay Shout it out, tell the world how you feel Out into the night, Out to day Now we know this is real “I LOVE YOU,” SHE SCREAMS Listen I hear everything she said Our love will last forever, I swear this on my death bed Vow to me now my love, say you feel the same Express to me how you feel, please don’t refrain You complete every parts of me, from body to heart On the honor of my life, I shall love you Until death do we part.
Written For A Friend Of Mine
I’m home alone and extremely board wishing someone would get a hold of me to do something. I walk back into my bedroom to get a book, because it looks like its going to be a long day of reading. Just as I’m about to leave the room, an instant message box pops up. I think about ignoring it but something pulls me back into the room. When I see that the message is from you, a smile comes across my face. All the IM said was want to hang out. Of course I reply “yes,” you say good! I’ll see you in a bit. Not to long after I hear a knock on my door. I open and you walk in, give me a hug grab my hand and lead me to the couch. You push me down and sit beside me. You grab my face a little less then gently and kiss me hard, your hands grabbing my tits as you kiss me. Not even five seconds after your lips have left mine do you have your pants unzipped. You tell me to cove over and kneel in front of you. I do as you tell me and when I do you tell me to suck your cock like a good little bitch. But I
Writer Wrong?
i may call myself a "writer" but i use that term very loosely. i LOVE to write..i write every single day in my journal,in my blog on Myspace, on Livejournal. & i have lost count of how many other blogs i have online & do not update.i have kept journals since i was 10 years old. i threw some of them away when i was younger & i wish that i hadn't. i threw them out after i had broken up with a boyfriend that i wanted to forget about..other journals just disappeared. i threw away 2 of my journals after i found them in my younger brother's bedroom. he took them thinking i wouldn't notice. but of course i did cos those words in those purple notebooks were my whole life.but i couldn't read them ever again once i knew that my brother had read them. i was too embarrassed. So here i am nearly 30 years old with a HUGE box filled with over 10 years worth of's one of those big plastic totes.... when my husband & i moved we had this box in the trunk of our car for weeks, too lazy to
Writing For The Effect
What a lot of people do not realize is that the word is a powerful tool. A word can convey emotion, an action, a solution and all sorts of other things. In order for the word to be effective, it must be placed in a sentence that complements it and conveys it's meaning. Grammar and punctuation also help give any word the oomph it needs to do its job. Sadly, many people, me included at times, forget grammar and punctuation. Therefore, meanings get mixed up, confused, and can relay the wrong message. I mean you can say, "John is a great guy!” and it comes out as a positive statement. If you go, "John is a guy, great." It can either be complimentary, or derogatory. The meaning is muddled. I love to write. It’s a given for me, and in my blood. I want to move you. I want you to feel the way I want you to feel. And in order to do this, I need to be correct in how I put the words down. Example: Sarah gazed longingly at the stranger sitting at the bar. She took in his
Writing Is What I Do Best..
Solitude have I to endure, seemingly held with disclosure. A fellow left astray, as yet from yesterday. Flashing your dainty, disarming smile, warms my heart every once in a while. Our longtime kinship will always bloom with friendship. It has never been so profound, a lifetime friend have I found. Let our friendship be a bond, which can never be like a dry pond. Let us not forget the dreams we share, forever like sisters or brothers we care. You'll always be a friend to me, and that's the way it should be.
Written By A Guy
We don't care if you talk to other guys We don't care if you're friends with other guys But when you're sitting next to us, and some random guy walks into the room and you jump up and tackle him, without even introducing us, yeah, it pisses us off It doesn't help if you sit there and talk to him for ten minutes without even acknowledging the fact that we're still there We don't care if a guy calls >OR TEXTS< you, but at 2 in the morning we do get a little concerned Nothing is that important at 2 a.m. that it can't wait till the morning Also, when we tell you you're pretty/ beautiful/ gorgeous/ cute/ stunning, we freaking mean it!!! Don't tell us we're wrong We'll stop trying to convince you The sexiest thing about a girl is confidence...Yeah, you can quote me Don't be mad when we hold the door open. Take Advantage of the mood im in! Let us pay for you! Dont "feel bad." We enjoy doing it! It's expected...Smi
Written By My Friend Liz
took this from my friend liz cuz well sometimes i feel the way she's talking about and have the same questions in my head. (fubar name to liz is one sexy honey) WHY? Why do I fall in love? Why do I even try? Why is it so important to be in love? These are a few of many questions people ask themselves almost everyday. These people including myself are the walking wounded, unable to be loved and I all I can ask is why? Why do I put myself up for failure? Why do I believe the lines guys say? I want love.....I believe thats why I fall for anyone that is nice to me... Why do I even make theses mistakes over and over again? Where is this getting me? Everyone says it is just one step closer in finding "The One." Humm, "The One" for as many times I've fell in and out of love I am starting to think that there is no such person as "The One." I know I should look up and ask...Why me?, Why do I derserve this?. Why does no one love me? But instead I hol
Writing Sooner Than I'd Intended To
I was reminded some years back that I was committed within reason to others' right to pursue their DS interests, and I remain so committed (opening myself with my history to the usual too-easy jokes. Ha-ha.) I do get uncomfortable seeing blogs in which people bid on people, mind. (And yes, I am more and more inclined to avoid profiles of people "owned by" others because more than once their masters have come back and given me tsuris if they decided I had done something the wrong way, and getting a specific answer as to what seemed about as likely as blood-from-stone; so no thank you, I like to _think_ I am a polite person - generally - and so, in future I increasingly or entirely will be giving those profiles a bye in my occasional visits.)
My book, though fiction, incorporates the very real issue of domestic violence. Heart Aches & Rainy Days is a story that will enrage you, make you cry, and at the same time keep you on the edge of your seat. It is not for the faint of heart. Trapped in a terrifying and vicious circle of abuse from her husband, Jessica finds inventing ways to protect herself difficult, more often impossible. Yet, her greatest fear is not for herself but for their daughter. When Paul suddenly announces they are going to have another baby, Jessica panics. She can barely protect one child; she worries about how she will be able to protect another child, especially a small baby. Will Jessica ever have the life she so desperately wants and deserves? Can she escape her abusive husband, or will he find her, as before and bring her back? Watch the story unfold as Jessica tries to survive physical, sexual, mental, and emotional abuse at the hands of her once
Written And Made For Me By My Angel
I love you Angie!
Writing New Websites - Testing Testing
Over the past month or so, I've put up some testing websites. I guess I went crazy. One website is based on a Japanese chat system - it's at: Another I've been working with is at: And over here I experimented with combining RSS and old fashioned NNTP: Oh, a test in horizontal scrolling at: (this one won't go far - but it was fun to play with the concept of a horizontal webpage) Then, there's my experiment with social networking at: and FINALLY my online gateway to Usenet is online at: *whew* - lots of experimenting. And that's just the working experiments. Lots of unfinished/failed experiments sitting around. Lemme know what you think, eh? Kenneth Udut - simplify3
Written For A Worthless X...
I smile and tell you to go to your room, you have a surprise coming. You give me a funny look, but slowly make your way to your room, wondering what I'm up to. As you sit on your bed I take my bag and go into the bathroom, closing the door behind me. I smile at myself in the mirror as I play with my hair a bit before pulling out my clothes, which I chose especially for tonight. You sit there for a few minutes, wondering what I could possibly have in store for you, waiting with anticipation. You hear a knock on the door and then I walk in. Blushing as I see you looking me over. My tits popping out of a tight, little black tanktop. My hair up in pigtails, black eyeliner... You look down and grin as you see my red and black plaid skirt, with black fishnet stockings, and a pair of boots. I smile and ask if you like it. You stand up, walk over to me, grab my pigtails with both hands and say hell yes before kissing me, deep, hard... More passionately than I have ever been kissed before, bi
Written By:latenitefantasy
Lay down my sweet Darling Spread your slender smooth legs to the threshold of orgasm's sweet moans Let me quench the thirst that your sweet flowered blossom arouses in me As my hands ease up the trail of your sensuous tender thighs All the way to the smooth moist mound of your warm wet erotic sex Let my tongue caress and lick the sweet oral refreshment of your womanly nectar that will soon be flowing
Written By Latenitefantasy (lovers)
If I were a poet I would be seeking a vision of loveliness with thoughts of love seeping into my mind My pens are ready Her soul is what I’m seeking As my lonely heart murmurs She came as my lover With her quest lusty fulfillment first one-then another Her coat of wool too warm next her soft lace blouse with the smooth feel of satin The perkiness of her breasts her tender nipples hardening as I softly flutter a brush over them The vision of her beautiful soul is exposed Our lust has been extinguished I am the poet that unveiled My vision of beauty within her beauty
Writings Of Latenitefantasy (making Love)
Making love to her is so enchanting So heavenly and pure Feeling the warmth of her body Wanting to make love to her for an eternity I remember her caress so well Her touch was so soft, so tender It was like the touch of an angel When I was pouring her wine Spreading her wings over my body Making me groan with pleasure Taking me to celestial heights In ecstasy of her heavenly treasures To her I gave myself completely I surrender to her My heart, and soul, my spirit She is my beautiful angel of true love
Writings From My Fubar Huband My Poet
On your sensual lips I have the sweet taste of heaven, such delicious delicate nectar. As the steam drifts off of our flesh we’re entwined in ecstasy's touch. You long blonde hair cascading down your shoulders, fire in the night, engulfing us in desirous flames. This eternal sensual journey lasts to the dawning of our horizon, silky as the deepest, raw night. Caressing, lips savoring lips glistening strings of lust, a bridge of love to our faithful life. Our fate is sweet, living in our minds, hearts and souls, and sealed with tender kisses of love.
Written For My By Wife
We are in the lounge having a great time. The music and drinks are flowing. We are out on the floor dancing. They are playing a great variety tonight. The room is dimly lit. Not too many people there. A slow song comes on, you pull me close to you. I can feel each breath you take. You look into my eyes. I can see the love you have for me as you can see that I have for you. You lean in and kiss me. It's very deep and passionate. As we kiss, we zone out everything and everyone around us. We can hear the music but other than that it's as if the only two people in the room are us. You grab onto me, lifting me up, kissing me even deeper. I react by wrapping my legs around your waist locking my legs around you. You walk us to the back of the room and back me against the wall, moving your hand along my thigh... the thought of you getting closer to my kitty makes me squirm a little. You like this. The way you have me held against the wall, you can reach down to your zipper, you pull out your s
I have always had a vivid imagination so I am trying my hands at writings some stories. Please if you read my stories let me know what you think. Be aware that these stories are erotica. Thank you. My first story can be read here. After getting good comments about my first story I have created a second. Well after some time from the last here is the third story. Hope you enjoy it. Here is number fourth. After a long time here is the fifth. After a wait of forever finally here is the sixth.
The Written Word
The Written Word by LateNiteFantasy© The potential of the written word, Whether it be simple prose or honeyed verse, Allows an opening in time and space, To forget about the pain of reality's curse. For on the page of black and white, Our imaginations may run free. Through this creativity exposed, True selves which normally we can't see. Like masks removed, we are revealed, Our passions there for all to share, Which otherwise might not be shown, So scared that no one else might care. But like the warmth of heated breath, Cascading across my cheek and ear, A delicate touch which reached the soul, Making everything seem so clear. Comforting as a lover's arms, A firm embrace or sweet, deep kiss. Like passionate love, uniting us, In a brief moment of total bliss. So do not think it strange at all, Or think me utterly absurd. That when I say where my heart lies, Is the seduction of the written word.
Writing Is My Passion...
Writing is one of the ways i express emotions. I love it. Its an outlet. Sometimes i just write and whatever comes...comes out! 4am... The hours continue and yet im still mad at you. As with all things, this too shall pass with time. The question much time? Perhaps in the next few minutes, I will forget why i'm mad at you. Perhaps in the next few hrs once i close my eyes and drift off into my dreams, i will forget. Or will i meet you there, only to awaken mad yet again. Hmmm, the tricks of the mind. The strong, yet so vunerable. Does vulnerablility weaken the heart? Or perhaps it strengthens the soul? Why am I up at this time of night pondering such questions? Do I dare ask the questions of you that I know i dont want the answers to? They say there are no stupid questions, but does that mean there are stupid answers? My mind, playing these tricks. Like a magician pulling a rabbit out of a hat, you know not where that came from. But do we question the m
Sitting alone staring at the walls wishing he would call. The sound of big block trucks going by thinking that maybe its him and he will one day be by. Our future seemed so bright Never in my life had I felt so safe until he held me in his arms I gave my heart and now it hurts The day soon came when he said he must go It was not a choice but a demand on a man who should be free Neither of us wanted him to leave Now all my hopes and dreams have floated away Now I feel so alone Not long ago happiness filled my heart & soul I sit here alone in the dark with tears falling from my eyes. Holding what is left of my wounded heart Trying to stay strong yet it's so hard to breathe I ask myself is this false hope? All I can do is hope and pray that one-day he will return for I love him with all my heart and soul As I will be waiting with open arms for this is our home.
She Waits you reeled her in with your sweet words your daily phone calls and beautiful poems In an effort to get close to her heart The weeks pass and the calls fade your a smooth talker and she’s aware of your game you toy with her heart and play with her feelings for you know exactly what you are doing. She begins to count as the days pass waiting for a call until one morning you finally call as you pledge your love to her while in a drunken state. Then you hang up for you have a friend over with a date. She comes to work with tears in her eye’s and a smile as bright as the sun he called, said he loved me and that I was the one. She breaks down for that is what she had been waiting to hear. She now sits and waits for you to call. She put her life on hold waiting for you She believed in you, that you were the one She hopes to see you at her work or home waiting at the door she now feels the fool She says she has fi
Written In Stone
Written For Me.... Wow
Lollipop Cherry flavored red Luscious and sticky sweet Decadent puss Dripping and heated Juices flowing smooth and streaked pink A dip down deep and a moan of pleasure His eyes, watching His smile, evil His Dominance, dark, possessive of His little one Swirling confection upon her clit Toes curling Back arching A squeal escaping parted lips Quivering Squirming Breath rapid and shallow An orgasm of bliss His fingers taking hold His mouth devouring the taste of woman and artificial cherry His smile adoration at it’s purest His pleasure complete in her little girl naughtiness
Written Sex
Written Sex by LateNiteFantasy© Written Sex As a writer, I’ve noticed something, Writers can write about sexual things a lot, From Dominance, humiliation, servitude, and anger, Big tits, big cocks, little tits, to no cocks. This will not necessarily show a precedence, Nor a preference to any type of sex story, What will show that is a pattern, The same types of stories are a history, This applies to readers as well as writers, More and better written stories for scribblers, Just as an examination of votes or comments, Though harder to do, will typify word nibblers. One thing that it is wise to remember, What is written or read does not show, What a man or woman will do IRL, Just the way their fantasies tend to flow.
These Writings are not mine, I only take credit for what I do, enjoy. Horns honked, lights reflected off chrome and glass as they passed. Far away a siren wailed, announcing to the world that another accident had taken place, perhaps another life ended. People walked the dirty streets kicking cans and bottle out of their path. Paper blew into the gutters by a cool fall breeze adding it's bulk to the trash already collected there. The streets and sidewalks were filled with people looking for a little action. In a mundane life where every day was the same, any action was better than no action. The old Centurion theater showed the latest in a three month old movie. Blow was advertised in huge letters. Blow was another name for cocaine, which was one of the few drugs which had no place here. Cocaine was for the very rich. This was not a rich part of town and hadn't been since the early 1920's. Prostitutes plied their trade on the corners, or in front of the adult book stores. The le
Written By Latenitefantasy To Lady Katherine(june 27,2008)
To my love i promised this a moment in time to share a kiss, A moonlit night we shared in bliss begins a life we dared not miss. Our love shines bright for all to see, and tells a tale were meant to be Compared to us how possibly, could two others be so meant to be. Your gentle touch upon my face, brings me to another place. You kiss my lips, mine heart does race, Your words of love do make my case. I thank the lord above each day, for this love thats here to stay. I speak out loud "come what may" as dawn breaks on Our Wedding Day. To my love i promise this, a lifetime of love, sealed within this kiss For with our love how can we miss, a life of love and happiness.
Here I am again, sitting, tapping, stroking at the black keys under my fingertips, hoping that it might help with my soon to be psychotic breakdown. I thought I beat this a long time ago but I guess I was mistaken; I misjudged the amount of will it must take to defeat such a fucking foe. Even though, I think it was true from the start. It had to be a little more obvious then this. Well, it should have been. I think I have the fear, the weakness that consumes most during certain episodes of 1s life. The fear is real, maybe not meant for all people, but certainly some. I feel. I know. I understand. THE FEAR Memoir This time its 1 Can you believe I’m at this again; some1 should’ve shot me from a good safe distance. Between the swirl of my hair and out through my nose. Fuck this shit, since the beginning, since the teleportation; I have had many episodes of longing to refer back to this, to this tapping, this sound of clicking plastic, and the music of
Written For My Dad When He Passed 1-17-2005
This was written for my father when he passed... Current mood: thankful Category: Writing and Poetry We all have been called for a purpose on this side of earth.Ron's(my dad)was his fierce determination of being a loving husband,devoted father and doting grandfather.Ron was a truly multi-faceted man. Ron the Telecommunicator-Who shared his knowledge and years of experience with those who asked and even those who didn't.As an instructor, he gave his trainees a broad wealth of knowledge and information to fulfill their duties as a telecommunicator. Ron the IPD Reserve SGT-Working within the South District area displaying a love for the community and a very active with the Explorer group,sharing his experiences with younger men and women who are considering Law Enforcement as a career.Ron only left when his health began to fail. Ron the Husband-Whose best friend and soul-mate was his beloved--Connie(my mom),the love of his life,who shared a standing lunch date at 10:30
perception induced, trial produced, vitals confused, rampage waste, take a taste, you have raced, sub surgery, under purgery, tribal inner flurgery, statued rust, forget lust, obediance a must, line of command, take a stand, give a hand to this land, run a muck, run a muck, run a muck, energized, compromised, subduced in size, digital prized, deflect, reflect, subject to respect, analogged recordings, key warnings, surreal bordings, rained upon, come along, take this pawn, complected, ejected, world lefted, entrance, made sense, convince and made amends, run a muck, run a muck, run a muck, pass the stone, drop the phone, come alone, purged, merged, surged under rights, lights..... con trans stated flated raided lost faded, tonic, super sonic, robotic analyzed surprised demised full of, flies, spy's how many tries you pushed your bi's , off..........on, me to see what will you be, points vanished, ravished and compiled, belief system under attack,
Writing A Book, Need Your Help!
Ok, so this is my first blog EVER. I'm not usually into wasting time writing about my personal views to the public in general (I'm probably boring as hell and why would I want to bore you?) However, I'm writing a fictional book, and I'm looking for serious input from the deepest recesses of your soul. The hidden fantasies you dare not reveal or wish you could share with a lover (or maybe you can!). This book will contain erotica in all forms, along with plots and twists and unexpected occurances, salvation and damnation of the primary character's very being. I'm a fairly open creature. I explore the world in all it's various cultures, myths, beliefs, etc... and there is little that would shock me. I challenge anyone who reads this blog to try and shock me. If I use any or part of your written contributions, I will contact you via Fubar, pay homage on the Fubar site to your greatness, and also include your name as a contributor on the inside of this book for all the worl
Write For Me
Write for me... An artist you need not be, to prove your love to me. Create a perfect poem, or perhaps a perfect melody. Create a piece that takes me to a place, where the words create that smile on your face. spit out your lyrics so strong, that the love from your lips I can taste. Pen the words that show desire, tell me how of my love you will never tire, a sculpture is never needed, if you truly believe your love can take me higher. Craft a writing to bring me to my knees, create something of meaning not just to tease, put to paper all the ways to tell me, how it is only me you will always please. Just write for me, is all you must do, for your words always hit home and ring true, no other man can write what you feel, and in the end, I will return in words the way I care for you. (c)MadCurves
Write Your Tale
The tome lays open before me, A vacant canvas pending a plot, It might be a saga of bitter love, A chronicle of incessant action, Maybe a fable full of deception, Each person given a vacant leaf, Gather parchment, ink and quill, To scratch out character plights, Etching the narrative into granite, To endure the weather of an era, As the passage of time is engraved, This is where you inscribe your tale, This is your account to whittle out, No one else's so craft it as your own, The design might appear ambiguous, Characters a nameless cast of faces, The backdrop is eternally changing, In this autobiography of your reality, Or perhaps your memoir of memory, Somewhere in the legend I have been, Though in that parable I have returned, My character has altered considerably, As the element I play has developed, In this aged journal of your existence, Sweet life hangs on the horizon now, Construct a passageway to achieve it, These are your inscriptions to publish,
Written For Me...
This was written for me today! Its so cute and so sweet!! Thank you AJ Curves more fluid than desert waves with exiting movement to paint her lips The most seductive eyes reciting a story through tides of an ocean and in those eyes That gaze forever is the deepest understanding of a long forgotten Queen in these dreams of mine
Written For Me...
“YOU’RE BEAUTY” Your eyes sparkle like the stars on a cold brisk dark winter night. Your smile is brighter than the sun on a hot bright sunny day. Your face glows brighter than a full moon on a dark night of eclipse. Your hair is as beautiful as a full colored rainbow, As the wind blows slightly through it. The beauty of a red blossomed rose, Is no comparison to your beauty. Jeff Rogers 1 hr ago
Writing Inspires Me?
There is a freedom in writing that I have not experienced in any other type of medium. Although I am a self acclaimed poet I try to express my self in many other ways and things. Take each experience to whatever level you choose but, be careful cause sometimes there are penalties for things in life that you do and all are not written or in neon lights so obvious for you to see and you just might be caught unaware wich might not be a good thing, in life keep your eyes also your ears open. I am trying out a game that is new to me but not really new called Darkness. Take a look and if you have not tried it maybe you should unless you have weak constitution. You don't have to be a kid to love this kind of entertainment.
Write Up On Justin On Look for Jeff City shines at Hickman Jamboree!
Write Up In The Springfield Paper On Justin :)
Area recruits fit Pinkel's 'kind' Three local footballers committed to Big 12 programs, three to MU. Allen Vaughan • News-Leader • June 28, 2008 Read Comments(4)Recommend Print this page E-mail this article Share this article: Facebook Digg Reddit Newsvine What’s this? In town earlier this month for an individual football camp at JFK Stadium, University of Missouri football coach Gary Pinkel laughed when asked about recruiting. Underwhelmed by various analysts who consistently ranked Mizzou's classes in the 20s or lower, Pinkel took a second to remind them which team shot up to the top spot in the AP and coaches' polls last season. "Obviously, they've been wrong," Pinkel said. "We were ranked No. 1 in the country at one point. We know what kind of kid we want, and it works for us." That "kind of kid" has Mark Hill and many others from the Ozarks excited. The Branson High School senior has seen three other area football players announce their NCAA Divisi
Writing & Thoughts
A broaden of such hope and inspiration has been aroused to my thoughts, such as the people who seem to be portrayed around my shoulders… What makes you worthy of a person? What hopes arise from the thought of keeping someone close to your heart without the acknowledgment of their existence? Attraction is based upon the instincts of characteristics, and shown with the traits of emotion given by others. Although as most come to understand, just because your instincts may be aroused, that doesn’t leave your opportunities empty for rejection. I have become curious as to what attractions are based upon others, and what attracts their wants within a person? Does the mental philosophy of a person intrigue the perception of yours? Is it the clothes they wear to brighten their style of appearance? Or perhaps the products they posses and flaunting of the money they spend? Or would I be wrong to say the body appearance? From the people I have met there is always one of these main objectives they
Writen In Stone
Many dreams within a night, Most of the faces far from sight. Only one remains the same , Upon my heart he has tattooed his name. Within the light of the moon and stars, He and I make the dream ours. He lifts me up taking my face in his hands, Showing me what his heart demands. My dreams are only a glimpse of whats real, Forever I'm willing to make the deal. I place my heart and soul upon the table, To stay true to my vow as long as I'm able. Loving him is all I wish to do, To his heart and Mine I will forever stay True. With his loving touch he makes my body his, Bringing me beyond whats known as bliss. Ecstasy is what people now buy, that's what he gives me without even a try. He's the keeper of my heart, He's had the key from the very start. Knowing my soul as if it was his own, Our names FOREVER writen in Stone.
Written By My Friend
Who Cares?? Category: Life Take a man and put him alone, Put him twelve thousand miles from home. Empty his heart of all but blood, Make him live in sand, in mud. This is the life I have to live, This the soul to God I give. You have your parties and drink your beer, While young men are dying over here. Plant your signs on the White House lawn; "Lets get out of Iraq". Use your signs and have your fun, Then refuse to use a gun. There's nothing else for you to do, Then I'm supposed to die for you? There is one thing that you should know; And that's where I think you should go! I'm already here and it's too late. I've traded all my love for all this hate. I'll hate you till the day I die. You made me hear my buddy cry. I saw his leg and his blood shed, Then I heard them say, "This one's dead". It was a large price for him to pay, To let you live another day. He had the guts to fight and die, To keep the freedom you live by. By his dying, your life he buys, B
Write In Vote
I HAVE DECIDED TO BECOME A WRITE-IN CANDIDATE.HERE IS MY PLATFORM: (1) 'Press 1 for English' is immediately banned. English is the official language; speak it or wait at the border until you can. (2) We will immediately go into a two year isolationist posture to straighten out the country's attitude. NO imports, no exports. We will use the 'Wal-Mart's policy, 'If we ain't got it, you don't need it.' (3) When imports are allowed, there will be a 100% import tax on it. (4) All retired military personnel will be required to man one of our many observation towers on the southern border. (six month tour) They will be under strict orders not to fire onSOUTHBOUND aliens. (5) Social security will immediately return to its original state. If you didn't put nuttin in, you ain't gettin nuttin out. The president nor any other politician will not be able to touch it. (6) Welfare - Checks will be handed out on Fridays at the end of the 40 hour school week and the successful
Written 9/11/03
I can remember watching the towers fall. I can remember seeing the people fall before the television stations decided to stop showing it. Perhaps they decided to stop showing it once they they recognized that what they were seeing was people jumping to their deaths. I remember imagining what it would be like to be the husband of one of those women that worked at the World Trade Center and not knowing if I had just watched her leap to her death, not knowing whether she was safely on the ground far enough away from the tower that just fell or if she had burned or was buried in rubble. Thankfully, I only had to imagine those things because my wife was right there next to me, holding my hand, weeping as the stark realization that our world had forever changed washed over us. We clung to each other, feeling suddenly vulnerable here almost in the middle of the country. We could be hurt here. Maybe they couldn’t get to us directly but they could hurt the ones we loved they could affe
Writers On The Storm...
Very early the other morning I was awakened by a strange sensation. It took me back nineteen years ago when, while on a business trip to Los Angeles, my hotel room rocked back and forth several times from a minor earthquake. Only now I was not in LA. I was laying in my cozy bed in the darkness, at home, in Tuckerton Beach, New Jersey. Now that I was awake, the source of the movement of the house was obvious: the howling wind outside was making the whole house sway on its foundation of pilings. The gale blew the hard driving rain against the windows and siding of the house in a machine-gun rattle. This was also punctuated by the quick bright flash of lightning, illuminating everything in the room in reverse-image, followed by the low rumble of thunder; almost inaudible above the tempest outside. Pushing back the covers I swung my legs out of bed and, gathering my bathrobe around me, padded out into the kitchen where I peered through the streaming glass at the waterfront. Whitecaps
Writing And Poetry
From the depths of the hollows, The darkness creeps in. With the light cast away, I don't know where to begin. Too much to say, The story's untold. I try to speak out Before the shadows take hold. Desperate to escape The penetration of night, Lost and tired Of the continuous fight. Frantic to be heard, I scream out loud. As I claw my way out Of the deafening shroud. I lose my center. My frustration grows. But the only reply, Is the chilling echoes. Too much to lose, Blindly I grope. In the infinite search, For the ray of hope.
Writing And Poetry
We drove as though it would sustain the night, Like the highway that stretched before us, right into eternity. With no direction. No purpose. Only knowing we'd know when we arrived. We fell into silent rhythm of the passing street signs. A hypnotic trance, As we watched the neon blur streak through the dark And the road unravel in twists and turns. We blindly followed, With unwavering faith that we'd reach our destination, With unyielding freedom of nowhere to go. We were empowered. We had defied reality, In our vessel that traveled away from place and time, Away from expectations and restrictions. The thrill of escape pushed us further, Until the hypnotic hush fell over us permanently, And serenity was found: Our final destination, Uncovered through the journey of the open road.
Writers Block
I could climb over mountains and shout at the stars, pick up boulders and bend metal bars and be left soaking in my own perspiration, but I won't, do to my lack of inspiration. I could help mankind through math and science, bolster their resolve and teach self-reliance. If only I had such an inclination, but I won't, do to my lack of inspiration. I could write songs about love, the wind or the rain, pointing out mans wickedness, troubles and pain, telling you about the heavens and divine creation, but I won't, do to my lack of inspiration
Writing Exercises...
Okay so me and Tinker decided we're gonna do a writing exercise every week and anyone who is interested can do it, too. We have ten items that we write into a short story. Those will be chosen randomly by other people who aren't participating. We will post by every Sunday night, here in the blog so everyone can check it out. So now all we need is ten items. 1.Broken French horn 2.Tape dispenser 3.Cocaine 4.Blue M&M 5.Hand Sanitizer 6.Pinleaf Oak 7.Polka dot bra with broken strap 8.Banana Bobble Heads 9.Sickle 10.Calculator And bonus word...sock monkey! Alright, the exercise is due by Sunday at midnite. UNTITLED EXERCISE #1 Skye took a gulp from her water bottle, eyed it dismally, then tossed the empty contianer onto the floor. Wth one hand on the steering wheel, she fished around the seat for more refreshment but found only one blue M&M. "Fucking heat!" She stomped on the accelerator but quickly eased up as the temperature gauge
Writing And Poetry
It's hard to see around the sweat. Blurred silhouettes of beauty, Meshed with dark masses of anguish. I close my eyes to center myself, To find the balance to stand. To speak. But the wind is knocked clear out of me. The mind zones into auto pilot. Numb to the fight Just to breathe. To find myself, To find the serenity of my voice, To find the words out of reach, Is lost in the murky haze of reality. I fight the deadened mind. Squint, to make some sense Out of the chaotic mundane blur Of the world whirling by. I struggle to find a streak of magnificence Just so I can declare it. Though unheard in the sleeping swirl, To find the serenity of my voice; To find the words out of reach, Is to wake from the droning machine. To exist beyond the rhythm of breathing. I close my eyes to center myself, To find the balance to speak, But the smog of the unconscious realm is smothering, And the wind
Writing Exercise #2
Okay, we need five ITEMS lol. 1.Can cheese spread 2.Toenail 3.Eskimo 4.Bacon 5.Mercenary chef helmets (blame Alchemist for this one!) Alright there's all the items. Either post here in the comments or if it's too long, post the link to your blog. Can't wait to read everyone's stories...yay!
Written By Desert_storm_usmc He Shared This With Me & 4 U!
THIS MAN RIGHT HERE DESERT_STORM_USMC All I Did Was Rate, Fan & Requested For Him To Add Me To His Friends List, And Letting Him Know Just Like Any Other Soldier I've Come Across On The Fu! How Strongly I Stand Behind Them. And He Shares This With Me! I'm Deeply Humbled I'm here so you don't have to be. I'm here cause you don't wanna be. I'm here because i wanna be, I asked to. I'm here to do my part, for these people, this country, for my brothers and sisters. I'm here so hopefully your kids and mine won't ever have to see or be involved with war. I'm here so you can see their 1st steps, hear their 1st words, be there for that ballgame and 1st day of school, that b-day, Christmas etc. I'm here to serve my country and defend its freedoms and liberties. I'm here so you can protest and be disrespectful. I'm here for those who have come before me, paid the ultimate sacrifice and for those who are to come. I'm here for those who can't. I'm h
"Hurt" You told me that you loved me but never treated me right You did the same to mommy then beat her every night In your drunken stupor, did you even know I cried myself to sleep in my closet hiding from the enemy that was supposed to be a foe You hurt us with your words You hurt us in your rage You even killed the baby in it's beginning stage You promised that you'd love us until the end of time You promised not to hurt us but then you crossed that line You told me that you loved me You wanted me to be your wife to be with you forever to live a good and wholesome life I thought you were different someone whose love was true but in your drunken stupor the real you shone right through You hurt us with your words You hurt us in your rage you even killed the baby in it's beginning stage you promised that you'd love us until the end of time you promised not to hurt us but then you crossed that line I told you that I loved you I meant every word
For all of you who occasionally have a really bad day when you just need to take it out on someone!!! Don't take that bad day out on someone you know, take it out on someone you DON'T know!!! Now get this. I was sitting at my desk, when I remembered a phone call. I had to make. I found the number and dialed it. A man answered nicely saying, "Hello?" I politely said, "This is Patrick Hanifin and could I please speak to Robin Carter?" Suddenly the phone was slammed down on me! I couldn't believe that anyone could be that rude. I tracked down Robin's correct number and called her. She had transposed the last two digits incorrectly. After I hung up with Robin, I spotted the wrong number still lying there on my desk. I decided to call it again. When the same person once more answered, I yelled "You're a jackass!" and hung up. Next to his phone number I wrote the word "jackass," and put it in my desk drawer. Every couple of weeks, when I was paying bills, or had a really bad day, I'd
... the colour you brought to my life has now faded like an old photograph nothing left but white black and grey can i be strong enough to make it another day your thoughts haunt me your words slice me your looks pierce me it hurts to much to breathe the games the lies its nothing new ive come to expect nothing less from you to love to live do you know what that is like if you did you wouldnt do this our world would be nothing but bliss for you bring out the best and the worst in everything i am and now ... baby i am the one that is damned!!!
Her Fallen Angel times changing fast hardening lines upon his face her dark angel fallen from grace wings once of feathers skin soft as silk eyes once full of light heart full of will embracing her dark angel so silent so still angelic tears fall resting on the ground below as seeds being scattered and sown yet reluctant to grow her dark angel once so beautiful now shrouded in death to think of all his glory something of a myth her dark angel his glow faded now almost gone brushing her hand against his face a finger tracing his lips part of her goes with him lest he should be alone Her dark angel fallen from grace does he know she loves him willing to take his place giving him just one more kiss the last theyll forever taste Jynafer 28 August 2000
Santa oh Santa Hear me I say I must get something on Christmas day Mommy and daddy they say I've been bad but I'm no worse than any other young lad Santa oh Santa Hear me I cry I must get something or surely you'll die and your eight tiny reindeer HA they'll never again fly Santa oh Santa you think I've gone mad Try leaving me nothing you'll wish that I had Jynafer 6 Dec 2001
Caught Between Worlds Standing at a crossroad uncertain where to turn one path dark and haunting the other seemingly easier to comprehend but full of kinks and curves when the path of comprehension seems the smarter path to choose there shines a light within the dark what is there to lose coming closer toward the glow feeling great desire engulfed in fear love warmth this unknown passion fueling fire Caught between two worlds wondering which is real the one that she sees or the one that she feels silent screams escape her heard only by her ears insanity running wild playing on her fears her surroundings are familiar faces she sees the places she goes everything changes so quickly even she knows not what she knows Jynafer October 1, 2000
Our Love Our love is like a bridge spanning a chasm of the unknow for everything that passes under the bridge is one more thing we can say that we have accomplished together... Our love is like the wings of a dove spread wide for our lives ride the wind we are carefree while we embrace each other for all time... Our love is like a garden changing with the seasons for everyday something new blossoms and something old dies allowing us to make the most of everything we have learned and to take heed to those things we are learning... Our love is like a river constantly wearing its path in this earth for everyday we are changing the course of our lives through our love as well as changing the lives of others by our faith and what we believe through love. Jynafer October 1, 1999
Written For Me By One Of My Most Dear Friends In Cali
Look at your lovely red hair like the fire on the sun it say to me a friend that lasts caring,loving sometimes fun a girl who can get it on They used to call you carrot top or ginger pop,a pretty girl with a flaming mop Freckle face and pale,it never fails your alway a sinner with the angel wings bring sunshine in red the color of yr hair and the blood that seeps in you. Her name is Cheri the Chocolate queen
Written For My Son
The lord sent angels down one day. Said it was time, they came to take him away. The leaves just beginning to turn, Oh dear lord it cant be time I want to see my babies grow up, and be a grand dad. "Yes my son it is time", your time here on earth is threw. We need you up in heaven, to start life anew. My son needs me, and he wont understand. That in just one turn , I was led to take your hand. My daughter wont remember me, but my son will. Can't I have just one more day to see them both, and tell them I love them one more time. He will see you in his dreams, there you can tell him all you wish. Your little girl will also see you in her dreams, she must be told daily so she never forgets. That gleem in her eye is you, something she will never regret. C'mon my son dont be sad, you will never forget the time that you had. So off he goes to the pearly gates up above, Where there God can show him love. this one was written and very hard to write...'
Write Up In Leb Paper!
Lights out! Israel Potoczny The Daily Record Oct 25, 2008 CAMDENTON — Finally, someone turned off the lights. Either the need to usher everyone out of Laker Stadium, or the ignominy of an opponent celebrating on the Lakers home turf, caused the darkness. And perhaps, only the lights being turned off could end the celebration that ensued after Lebanon ended a 15-year losing streak against the Lakers with a 28-21 win on Friday at Camdenton. As Justin Britt and teammates gathered around a hand-held radio to listen to head coach Will Christian’s postgame comments, the lights went out, prematurely ending a celebration that might otherwise lasted all night. Lebanon senior Dalton Pierce said it was fitting hundreds of Lebanon fans celebrated with the players on the field. “(The fans) played a huge role in (the win),” he said. “The fans are great. It seemed like half the town of Lebanon was here and it was great.” Pierce credited an overflow crowd that spilled out of the v
Write-in Candidate - Guess Who? Shhhhh Took From Manly Lol ;)
HE HAS DECIDED TO BECOME A WRITE-IN CANDIDATE. HERE IS HIS PLATFORM: 1 "Press 1 for Eng." is immediately banned. Eng. is the official language; speak it or wait at the border until you can. 2 We will immediately go into a 2 year isolationist posture to fix our country's attitude. NO imports, no exports. We will use Wal-Mart's policy, 'If we ain't got it, you don't need it.' 3 When imports are allowed, there will be a 100% import tax on it. 4 All retired military personnel will be required to man one of our observation towers on the southern border for 6 months. They will be under orders NOT to fire on SOUTHBOUND aliens. 5 Soc. security will immediately return to its original state. If you didn't put nuttin in, you ain't gettin nuttin out. The pres. nor any other politician will not be able to touch it. 6 Welfare-Checks will be handed out on Fri. at the end of the 40 hr. school wk. & the successful completion of urinalysis & a passing grade. 7 Professional Athlet
Written By A 15 Year Old Boy
WRITTEN BY A 15 yr. Old SCHOOL KID IN ARIZONA : New Pledge of Allegiance (TOTALLY AWESOME) ! Since the Pledge of Allegiance And The Lord's Prayer Are not allowed in most Public schools anymore Because the word 'God' is mentioned.... A kid in Arizona wrote the attached NEW School prayer : Now I sit me down in school Where praying is against the rule For this great nation under God Finds mention of Him very odd. If Scripture now the class recites, It violates the Bill of Rights. And anytime my head I bow Becomes a Federal matter now. Our hair can be purple, orange or green, That's no offense; it's a freedom scene. The law is specific, the law is precise. Prayers spoken aloud are a serious vice. For praying in a public hall Might offend someone with no faith at all. In silence alone we must meditate, God's name is prohibited by the state. We're allowed to cuss and dress like freaks, And pierce our noses
Writing Antisipated!!!
Due to situations that have risen in my personal life the first installment of my creativity has bee postponed... it will be coming shortly... WOOO CAN YOU FEEL THE EXCITEMENT WOOO!!!
You Should Be a Romance Novelist You see the world as it should be, and this goes double for all matters of the heart. You can find the romance in any situation, and you would make a talented romance story writer... And while you may be a traditional romantic, you're just as likely to be drawn to quirky or dark love stories. As long as it deals with infatuation, heartbreak, and soulmates - you could write it. What Type of Writer Should You Be?
as i walk alone on a empty path holding my head down i see my life in a flash. i feel the shadows among me but alone i must go. the further i go the colder it gets as the light becomes dark i must keep walk to find my way but alone i must be .my heart feel as if it died as i have been crushed by tears of pain and suffering. the smile on my face to hide my true pain i asked if anyone can see the darkness inside of me.has the light faded from my eyes is this the life i must live. will i ever see the light again can i find the happiness with in.?I come to a stop i see a grave i go to the edge i look within a body lays there no face to be showen could this be my i think to myself no one around to say goodbye has she lost everyone that side i will be by your side.? a cold and dark place u will find her soul alone and broken she went alone. no way to maker where she lays but if you walk the unknown you might just see the grave. look inside and find your soul before you go.for one day you to
Writing Songs
currently im workin with the drummer from hell on a song,them will record the drum and guitar.i have 4 more songs im also working patiently to get this ep finished.
The Writer
The Writer Sometimes I sit here wondering what to write. Do I write about you? How losing you shattered my life, Or do I write about you in the present tense? To fool myself and the reader, Into thinking everything is still ok. Shall I reminisce about the day I proposed? Or how life used to dance in your eyes, And I felt so complete. Do I let my pain and anger flow into words, Hiding my tears behind thin scrolls of ink As I confess my sorrow? Maybe I’ll write about someone else, So for a moment I can live their life And hide from mine. I know, I’ll write about a sunset, Or a morning cup of coffee! That seems safe. No, that won’t work. A sunset reminds me of your beauty And you died in the morning. Brian K Walters
Written 07
Kim sat on the couch in the living room waiting for her lover to show up. She glanced around the room, looking for anything she might have missed. No pictures hung on the wall, only nick knacks that had recently been polished to a shining finish. The apartment floor was freshly vacuumed and the rugs straightened. The pillows that lay on the floor by the door were plumped and stacked neatly for the next use. She had recently met this guy, her lover Tim, at the gym. She was an avid member for the past 3 years. She would work out late in the evenings after the regular hours were over. The owner of the gym had given her a pass that allowed her to get in and out when no one else was there. Kim didn’t realize that the owner had also given Tim one. For years Kim would arrive at the gym at 11:30 pm and work out until she could barely move, shower and go home to sleep it off. Kim had always been a little over weight, her height helped her look more balanced. She was always afraid of what the ot
Written June 08
He is whispering in her ear, singing the lyrics to the song, coming from the speakers ten feet away. She feels her heart racing; she is so turned on she feels wet with desire. She is moving her hips to the music, her hand feeling his chest. She looks into his eyes, and she can tell, he feels the same way. She closes her eyes, hearing his voice singing along with the song, her whole body tingling, she is over taken by her desire. She wants so bad to just find a bed, and take all the sexual tension out on him. She grinds on him, rubbing his cock through his jeans, letting herself be overcome with his presence. She is hot, sweating, not only from dancing, but also from being turned on. She knows all it would take is a touch to her clit and she would go off like a firecracker. She wants him, and now. He leans down and kisses her, his tongue sliding into her mouth. She can taste the alcohol on his lips, but she is already intoxicated by him. She turns around, grinding her ass on him. His ar
Written on trampled fields the history of Man penned with a quill of tempered steel in blood
Written By Emanon !! Thanx Justin ...i Almost Peed!! Bwahahhaaaa
subject: Fu-Dictionary... post date: 2008-11-24 15:19:07 views: 284 comments: 58 ratings: 0 Fubar Dictionary... (Written by Emanon) To be taken as a joke.. satire if you will... if you take it to heart then futard please block me!!!... 1)Fu-tard (men)/Fu-tart (woman) Some one who believes the world outside of fu is non-existent there for spends their lives to on this site... How to spot a futard.... Some one who is easily hurt by simple words of strangers... Some one who gets irate at a different opinion then their own... 2)Legend- Someone.. usually a woman who lacks self esteem and is defined by the color of their name and how many fans that they have How to spot a legend... Continuous bulletin repost telling you to fan some one so they keep legend status Continuous bulletin repost saying help me make her legend 3)FuWhore- Some one who finds self worth in the amount of bling they can accumulate in the shortest amount of time How to spot a
Write You A Song-plain White T's
I don't know how to make lots of money I got debts that I'm trying to pay I can't buy you nice things, like big diamond rings But that don't mean much anyway I can't give you the house you've been dreaming If I could I would build it alone I'd be out there all day, just hammering away Make us a place of our own I will write you a song That's how you'll know that my love is still strong I will write you a song And you'll know from this song that I just can't go on without you I don't know that I'd make a good soldier I don't believe in being violent and cruel I don't know how to fight, but I'll draw blood tonight If somebody tries hurting you I will write you a song That's how you'll know that my love is still strong I will write you a song And you'll know from this song that I just can't go on without you Now that it's out on the table (it's out on the table) Both of us knew all along (knew all along) I've got your loving and you've got my song I don't
Written I turn the page And look at whiteness So clean So fresh A chance to start over new To turn a new leaf To rebuild the destroyed But as I look at the page It grows dirty No! No! Please I want a new start! I cry out in pain As my life is written for me What happened To come what may? And living in the moment? My life flashes before me And I look again at the page What once was white Was now black My life has been written for me But I want to change But can I change what was written?
A Writing
My heart is heavy,my heart is broke. It takes your breath and makes you choke. The pain will take you to a dark place and eat you alive. Loving someone will only get your hear broken. The tears will roll and you will ache. Love is a lie, love is untrue. It will eat you alive and leave you blue. I look into your eyes and see the real you and it makes me wonder why you do the things you do. People come and people go but my love will always show. You took my heart and broke it in two. Why oh why do you treat me this way? You pick up my heart and throw it away. Alone in the dark with just my thoughts, crying with bitterness and pain. What went wrong I will never knkow, I will just pick up the pieces and go. Welcome the dark. Stay in the dark, Live in the dark. Never to love again.
Writing Out An Orgasm?
If I could give you an orgasm through my poetry I would pen you down in sentences in paragraphs writing with the same impulses as touches centering Left the right fingering the pen to write out the G-spot You would have a multiple before reading the first word first vowel or syllable lips stirred you bite and lick pronouncing the words before you on the page like the nudity before you a big pencil believed to be mechanical Long words see length A big pencil I wish I could write on you let my lead hit your pages you have had enough typing erase all memories of that when you need some tapping of the pen to the pages which are wet and sticky together at times If I could give you an orgasm through my poetry You would always cum full circle to read anything and everything I wrote: Words ejaculated on the page In an orgy of letters That were gangbanged by punctuation The ink dripped in between the lines causing double penetration Arousing
this story needs edited and more detail, i had a short amount of time to get it all done b/c it was an assighnment when i went to high school, but that aside tell me what u think. it wasnt an assighned topic tho, i just decided to write this to get a history smemster test grade on it along with creative writeing. its historical fiction, not my prefered type to write, fantasy is. Nikki Hunt World history/ English/ Creative writing Short story 9/05 Cassia the Gladiator "She's a feisty one." The guard said as he slammed the door, leaving me with a roomful of scumbags, instead of one. At least he'll have a knot on his head, for a while, to remember me by. I surveyed my new surroundings to find me in a chamber full of prisoners and some guards, they eyed me hungrily as I prepared for what I knew was coming. "She's a pretty little thing." Said one guard walking toward me, the stench of booze fresh on his breath. The guard went for a snatch at my hair, but I was too
Written With My Friend..
A soft touch lightly A soft touch lightly Caressing my neck like a whisper Each thought a scent Each scent a vivid memory Memory of we as two Together in perfect unity as one Embrace both passive yet violent How can both taste so right Taste your sweat falling on my brow My tongue searches for the salt The salt of two bodies in violent storm To awaken the sense of abandonment The sense of urgency presses forward My body on yours Yet feel the inclusiveness of your soul The beauty and breadth of that soul A mind numbing assault on the darkest recesses of my inner turmoil’s I feel your wetness rolling down my leg As I yearn to keep every drop of you in my being Your red lipstick smears gashes across my nipples And leaves trails of my forever worship across your body I am forever painted with your love, scarred yet satisfied Tonia & poet
I could be your stalker, I wouldn’t touch you just watch…. You switch your light on I see your body and the clothes hanging loose from your slim shapely figure. I watch you stand infront of the mirror watching yourself playing with your long flowing hair, your fingers swirling around it. A pearl neckless hangs loose around your neck, I see it sitting there your neck so slim line and soft, both hands move around to the back and you unclasp it, slowly the neckless is laid across the table. You so good standing there so fuckable right now, watching your body move making me feel weak at the knees my heart pounding fast. I watch you move from side to side adirming your curvy body, wondering what the inner you was like. Long brown wavey hair hangs down your back so soft and silky, you move and start feeling your neck. You keep playing with your hair while your fingers softly stroke your neck, slowly you move my eyes following with you as you touch inch after inch. A flinching and g
Write Me!!!
hello!!! im new to this feel free to write me :)
Written From Your Prospective, Whoever You Are. Trust Me.
sometimes when I'm all alone I cuts chunks out of my leg and I watch the crevise fill with blood and overflow. i have mastered flesh. I can remove it without touching the veins or the arteries or anything that's underneath. I am only concerned with the surface, the underneath is god's construction. I wish that you knew, but you won't ever know. I lost my legs asleep in the closet when a working chainsaw cut through the ceiling and landed on my thighs and slipped into my dream and I didn't wake up until it had cut through and caught carpet. There was a hole in the ceiling and my father was looking down. He said, "I was just seeing if that thing still worked. Guess it does." I never asked him why he didn't jump down to save my legs, nor has he ever suggested that he should have. Now I wheel through the walking world and take sympathy and scrutiny from passers by and they feel the same to me. Fuck, who cares. There is nothing like love in the walking world. They've not
Writing A!
I am starting out this year writing a book. It should be interesting and fun. It is fiction and that's all I'm going to tell you for now...hehehe I don't want to give too much away cuz it will ruin it for me and you. Things are going well in my personal life as well. Better then last year if you read my other blogs. We are all doing great. My hubby has a good job, we bought a new van....things are really looking up. I've really enjoyed my friends on here and appreciate your support. I just wanted to tell you all that. You have all been great to me! Thanx
Write Up On Powermizzou In Justin!
January 29, 2009 Britt ready for more football Phil Laposa Staff Writer Talk about it in The Tigers' Lair In June, Lebanon (MO) offensive tackle Justin Britt committed within minutes of receiving an offer from the Tigers. Making such an early commitment allowed Britt to focus on his senior season and to make improvements to his game. Britt committed within minutes of receiving an offer from Missouri. "The season went great," Britt said. "We had a winning season for the first time in 13 years it seems like. We had the second playoff win in school history. I think what I did well was my pass blocking. I think I only gave up one sack, and we threw 443 times. "At the beginning of the season, I was not too good at making a block and then making another block, which I improved on towards the end of the season if you look at the film. There is always room for improvement though on everybody." Currently, the offensive tackle is 6-6 and 270lbs. According to
I've been trying to find some outlet for my writing to be read, and so far have only found, where at least they are not tryin to scam you out of anythin. Its like there are no sites that cater to sharing horror fiction between users. Gah!
From the waters I emerge, born anew, cleansed of my past, setting the foundation for a new life. Purity isn't what I seek, I'm too weak. I walk the earth with dead memories in my wake...fallen and sullen. I don't want you to stay, my pain wont go away. Marked in [ink], so that I don't forget. Tormented and destroyed, I stand alone.
Writing A Story For My Website, Check It Out
I have just finished chapter one of a series of stories I will be writing on Open Road Biker. I hope yall will check it out and tell me what you think. It will be on the site on Friday so please bookmark it and check back. Here is a little teaser; Small Town Troubles Sometimes I am not really sure how I got here, another two bit town, a hang over, and a cheap motel. It seems like so long ago when I was doing the whole family thing. You know the "American Dream" where you have a job, two cars in the drive, a mortgage, and a wife and family that you provide for. It all seemed to go bad quick, but more about that later. Time to push on, can't let any grass grow around the bike. Just wouldn't seem right staying any where too long, not anymore anyways. The last town I was through wasn't too friendly so I had to head out of there sooner than planned. You see every so often I try and slow down for a few weeks, take a little job turning wrenches, flipping eggs, bailing hay, whatever it
Writer's Block
after a while you learn the subtle difference between holding a hand and chaining a soul and you learn that love doesn't mean loaning and company doesn't mean security and you begin to learn that kisses aren't contracts and presents aren't promises and you begin to accept your defects with your head up and your eyes open with grace of an adult not the grief of a child you learn to build all your roads on today because tomorrow's ground is too uncertain for plans after awhile you learn that even sunshine burns if you get to much so, plant your own garden and decorate your own soul instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers and you learn that you really can endure.......that you really are strong and you really do have worth, you love, you lose, you learn then you learn to love all over again Im willing to make major sacrfices in the game, lose everything, put everything to the side as they say just to see you HAPPY................ I swear it aint easy DAMED if you do DAME
Write Up In Lebanon Paper About State :)
Britt defeats Bell in title match Israel Potoczny Feb 23, 2009 COLUMBIA — Justin Britt led the Lebanon Yellowjackets to a seventh-place finish at the Missouri Class 4 state meet on Saturday as the senior completed a wire-to-wire run as the state’s No. 1 ranked heavy weight by defeating McCluer’s Wesley Bell in the championship match, 5-1. It was the closest match Britt had during an undefeated 46-0 season. A three-time Ozark Conference champion, Britt placed sixth at the state meet to cap a 46-7 season as a junior and was 36-9 as a sophomore. “He started shooting this year and heavy weights don’t get to see a whole lot of people of shooting on them,” head coach Randy Roark said. “He kind of perfected his shot.” Roark said there was a target on Britt’s back as an undefeated wrestler who was ranked No. 1 from day 1. “It is tough, because everybody knows they have to be their best to beat you,” Roark said. “He was quite a target ... all the
Written For Me By Compu Bear
The meeting Walking through the park, you see me sitting on the park bench. I’m wearing a white cotton shirt with just the tops of my voluptuous breast showing. My long legs are crossed with a flowing white skirt just over my knees, my tight calves showing below. The sunlight dances off my long red hair and catches your attention. A light breeze blows my skirt up revealing pink panties. I break my attention from my book and try to pat my skirt down. You sit down next to me. I recognize your short brown hair and those beautiful brown eyes behind the signature sun glasses. You put you arm around me, lean over, and kiss me on the forehead. I snuggle into you, putting my book down. I take your other hand in mine and take each of your fingers, one by one placing them in my mouth and sucking all the way down. The sound of the rushing water of the stream behind us drowns out the slight moans that come from you. You shift in your seat as you get hard from the thought of me sucking on your
Loved Is Just A Word April 9th, 2002 More and More each day Someone says that they feel loved When they all show me what it is, I'll believe what they say But until then Loved is just a word Loved is just a word Words mean nothing to the world Every time some one utters it I just think it's another word Loved is just a word Explain it all to me Why do we use this word as if it's free? Love comes with a price and a gain Not everyone can win in that game Love doesn't matter, But why does this word matter? Loved is just a word Words mean nothing to the world Every time some one utters it I just think it's another word Loved is just a word Some day I might feel it Some day I just might believe it Some day I might show it But until that day when I die It'll only be a word to me Loved is just a word Words mean nothing t
Writing A Book
So many of you guys have suggested I write a book, so I am going to do just that and self publish it too. I will print it off here and it will include a autographed picture and I will kiss each picture with lipstick too. Along with the book there will be a CD with me reciting a few of my stories on the CD so you can hear me reading the stories and tell you just how nasty I can be. Would you like a book?
Writer's Block
Pen to paper… Pause. Pen to mouth… Pause. Glance around the room… Pause. Wanting to write a masterpiece, But unable to create the perfect beginning. Pausing seems to be so much easier. Listen to the ticking of the clock… Pause. Hum your favorite tune… Pause. Click the pen… Pause. Wanting to write a masterpiece, But unable to create the perfect beginning. Pausing seems to be so much easier.
I turn instide and outside in this life, Death being the only thing to remind me to pay Atention, What are we going todo oh girl, You turn to me but im gone, So close to you, Yet so far.
Writing Is An Obsession
Personal Statement Writing is an obsession for me. It is what drives me to awaken earlier than most just to feel the faint vibrations of a world silent with sleep. It gives me time with my thoughts without the shuffle and noise of a world in full motion. To live on the " Outside of the Box" , so to speak, affords me the luxury of perspectives that those on the inside are too bound by society to see clearly either by default or by choice. On the outside I do not have to confirm to any ideas that do not hold truth within and throughout its purpose. Being of a deeply spiritual nature, my perspectives are unique even by Christian society's standards. Hence, I have outgrown their world. However, my nature has given me the passion, drive, inititive and ambition to follow my dreams one step at a time. Now that the worldly obligations of business, home and hearth, friend and family are at an end, it is time to obtain that which I have longed for my lifes long journey......Become
Writings March 14th 2009- May 15th
Thunder On The Mountain   Thunder knocking in the distance, craters holding something on  the moonWhispers in the alleys and a show that is starting at noonClowns on the corner throwing dimes at the cups of passing patronsHot stuff that is different everywhere you look   Crying without that tears, they are long gone and so lostClinging to faith every other time,  while others walk down the lineWondering where those shadows are going to go, but they are long goneClearing in the forest and wondering how time got here   Watch that soul expand from the drops that came from that tin canPieces on a puzzle spread out on a table, a heart coming togetherFirst in line but wanting to run away not knowing what the answer says   Thunder approaching, exposing itself wideGypsies dancing in circles around some camp fire falling dizzyA guide that lies and gets everyone more lost, take a look more insideIt is always both sides not that one that is wanted   The pistols clapping and bodies slap
Written For Me By A Good Friend
Written by a friend for Me Someone I think is Special   Sweet FriendI have the sweetest friendI like talking to each dayHe's kind and considerateTo me in every way.It's only been a short timeBut laughs we do shareTelling stories of our livesAnd the things of which we care.He has a special place nowDeep inside my heartHoping he'll always be thereNever to depart.I see his face and hear his voiceI believe his heart is trueUpon my face you put a smileBecause my sweet friend, this is you.
Write Up On Power Mizzou About Justin  
Writing A Book Or Writing A Fantasy
I am currently working on a short story, long story, novel, I don't really know yet. But lets say I am currently working on characters and starting a story I am sure to be quite proud of.   Yes it has to do with vampires and yes the little indian girl who meets him is half-white. Its gonna be a good book.
a subtle difference between madness and realityhidden through vacant skiesfalling far from this deitychaotic deafening criesI can't make sense anymoreof this juxtapositionhearing your voice in colorseeing this face through the tasteI can't comprehend my transitionI think I've lost it this timethe bearings bore too looseI've grown comfortablewith this decorative decaydon't know which path I can chooseyour face bears the reflectionof my brickwall enclosurelike playing chicken with a freight trainthese boundaries are soon to breakooooh this light is dauntinga choir of screamsfighting the sandmans chicaneryinterrupting my dreamsI think I've lost it this timethe bearings bore too looseI've grown comfortablewith this decorative decaydon't know which path I can choosemy madness overwhelmed......I'm lost for you.........
Writtings In The Sand
Writing Lyrics Can Be Compared To...
....a woman. Or rather the ideas and sound to them. Sometimes your ideas are good and you are on the ball making every smooth move and transitioning like a pro as the lyrics shape themselves and the ideas come to you without any hassle, other times you wipe out and things just don't seem to go your way cuz the ideas are against you just being a bitch. Lol, ah well, guess you have to roll with the punches. Too bad I have work early tommorow morning. At least I could find a way to sort things out in when it comes to writing lyrics.
Written By One Of My Close Friends For Katt
Katt's Pyre I close both eyes and imagine you with me. I turn off the music and look away. The clouds bring reprieve from the sunshine The rain can't wash the ache away. What about those of us who love you? Werent we Good enough for you to stay? What did u see on the horizon? Who did you hear call your name? Accross the Shore, beyond the Pale moon's rising, The White Vessel travelled ; Oh Why couldn't it's trek be in vain? Does it radiate to you, accross the distant sea, the pain of your abscence? it does for me. Yet even in the chasam that is my heart, I take solstice in our time apart. The time we are apart, my love, my friend, one day must come to an end. When The White Vessel comes to me, When my soul travels accross that great sea, I know on the shore, the first face I will see, will be yours; You holding your arms out to me. You will smile and say"Welcome home, my friend!" and a true home it will be; The tears will dry, The pain will cease; only love, pea
Writing To Fight The Bored...
Here I sit, thinking about you. Wanting to know what will come to pass. Wanting it to be time for us to be… be together… touching… will we? What else will be? May I caress you? Kiss? What can I do? What can I have? Do you know what I want? Do you want me to have… all of you, every inch? Every pulse, every breath… I want my hands on you. My lips want to feel you, my tongue explore. Where are your limits? I want to test them, push you farther than you’ve gone before, take you to a new place. What are your desires? Will you let me be part of your fantasies? I am here waiting… wanting. My door is open, just walk thru. Take my hand and let me lead you. You will be worshiped, you will be mine, if even only for a little while.
Written By Wolfofdeathvalley Ty So Much Sweetie!
You are a bodacious vixen with beauty and class. Just an gorgeous angel. You are overall combination of loving emotions desire passion romace consideration a dash of technique charm manners unselfishness and other great qualities.. You are grace sweet gorgeous. Beauty and my inspiration you are my masterpiece. you are classy and a classic forever you are special to me always and forever.... Your body is phenomenal your hot like it's tropical i love your smile and i could get lost in your gate way to heaven that is your eyes. you truly look amazing from head to toe. Absoulutely astounding sexy. You make me smile when i see you. I hope this poem makes your Day
Writtings-words Of A Broken Heart
Am I alive or just dead? A constant tug of war for my head. To breathe without catching your scent I guess I forgot what it meant, Forever's as long as you make it, And it looks like we just couldn't take it. I wish we'd of had much more time.. but i guess this is the end of the line.   It all just ended so fast... like there was never a past. Years with memories of glee, But I guess I just couldn't see. The wool was pulled over my eyes nows its all "what ifs" and "sighs".   No words were acctually spoken... Just hearts being sencelessly broken. Come home to a empty room, to find you had left this so soon. Theres freedom being without you, but the hole in my heart takes toll too... A spot that can never be filled, these feelings I cant seem to kill. Why did it end up this way... and where to find the words to say.   I just want to end all the pain... To fix things and be bliss again but its over, its done with, its through. Ill never , ever stop thinking o
Written By The Poet
Writing Poetry
A dreamscape doorway, Midnight black, promising of nighttime sparring Pleasures and primal perfume entice Of morsels savored and midnight laughter. A scene of gentle carnage, linens torn away from careful placement, revealing the wanton bareness of our ecstasy. Could we regret the night's passion And set aside our certainties? Or shall we just accept our fate, One soul captured in two vessels. Joined for a moment's time, Electrons changed for all eternity.
Written By A Soldier In Iraq
 THIS WAS WRITTEN BY A SOLDIER IN IRAQ. Okay, I need to rant..I was just watching the news, and I caught part of a report on MichaelJackson .  As we all know, Jackson died the other day.  He was anentertainer who performed for decades.  He made millions, he spentmillions, and he did a lot of things that make him a villian to manypeople.  I understand that his death would affect a lot of people, andI respect those people who mourn his death, but that isn't the pointof my rant.Why is it that when ONE man dies, the whole of America loses theirminds with grief.  When a man dies whose only contribution to thecountry was to ENTERTAIN people, the Amercian people find the need toflock to a memorial in Hollywood , and even Congress sees the need tohold a "moment of silence" for his passing?Am I missing something here?  ONE man dies, and all of a sudden he's afreaking martyr because he entertained us for a few decades?  Whatabout all those SOLDIERS who have died to give us freedom?  All thoseSo
Written By A Soldier In Iraq
THIS WAS WRITTEN BY A SOLDIER IN IRAQ ..I was just watching the news, and I caught part of a report on Michael Jackson . As we all know, Jackson died the other day. He was an entertainer who performed for decades. He made millions, he spent millions, and he did a lot of things that make him a villian to many people. I understand that his death would affect a lot of people, and I respect those people who mourn his death, but that isn't the point of my rant.Why is it that when ONE man dies, the whole of America loses their minds with grief. When a man dies whose only contribution to the country was to ENTERTAIN people, the Amercian people find the need to flock to a memorial in Hollywood , and even Congress sees the need to hold a "moment of silence" for his passing? He's a freaking martyr because he entertained us for a few decades?What about all those SOLDIERS who have died to give us freedom? All those Soldiers who, knowing that they would be asked to fight in a war, still raised thei
Writting /thoughts
friedship is like a garden,if you don,t take care of it ,weeds will grow in it and thegarden will die andbcome a useles equity in the work you did in the begining to produce love ,respect,honesty and a bond beween two people when the great spirit crossed paths with one another in the first place of your uncrtainty of your life termoil.
Written By: Gena Bristo
Written For Me
I wish I could see through your eyes so I would know what you like to see. I wish I knew your wishes, so I could give you everything you want. I wish I dreamed the same dreams you do, and together we could make them come true. I wish I knew what makes you happy, so I could make you the happiest person in the whole world. And lastly, I wish I were a cell in your blood, so I would be sure I was somewhere in your heart.. People come into our lives and walk with us a mile, and then because of circumstance they only stay a while. They serve a need within the days that move so quickly by, and then are gone beyond our reach, we often wonder why. God only knows the reason that we meet and share a smile, why people come into our lives and walk with us a mile and i should tell you that i am a man that is ready to walk with you for eternity and not just a mile.
Ok I have pretty much decided that someone has stolen my binder with alot of my writing in it. Pisses me off but I will get over it.....Soon I will be posting poetry on here that I myself have written. if you like it give me props if you love it just leave an OMG  if you hate it just say I have seen better.  
Writing And Copywriting
OK, this is my first post here. Just to say that I love reading, writing, throwing the occasional tantrum, dancing and leaping tall buildings. I have a writing and copywriting blog, and some copywriting videos. There you go. Now you know everything! :)
TRUE Mountains maybe tall, but my love can climb the tallest one. Oceans maybe wide, but my love can swim the widest one. The skies may not always be blue, but my love for you will always be TRUE!!!!   Angel Eyez 8-30-09 1:07am dedicated to my lover my life and my friend Surreal
Written In The Stars
It seems to be written in the stars.That the two of us are meant to be. Thats why it scares me so.Not knowin the future yet getting through to your soul is easy for me. I see the real you through your eyes. I feel the real you in your voice.Its meant to be the two of us. Youre the one who melted my heart of ice. Youve made me realize what true happiness is. From the smile on my face to the way you make my heart skip a beat.When you said that one word i knew it was true. You are the one that makes me feel complete.
Written By A Friend
 Frustration comes, rage builds Through the fire and brimstoneI walk to the end Sleepless nightsI wonder if i should stayOr if I should go.Feelings are just an expression As they say fear is only a four letter wordBut only thing to fear is fear itselfAs I watch my life slip before meTime slowing down, I wear this frown.Tears in my eyes can tell no liesFor never ending dreams that comeCease to exist I curl up my fistClose my eyes and picture the endAs blood flows to the floor.The exsistance of me is no moreNo one can see me no one can hear meBut the feeling is still there Cold chills down your spine hair raising I no longer feel pain just numb
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Writing It Out: Step 1
There's a certain sobriety in the masses of people swarming, thrusting, pulsating around you. It comes on suddenly; bursting upward from the soles of your feet, rushing through your spine and out the crown of your head like a geyser - then it settles all over you, in you - settles you. There is absolutely no movement, no physical feeling - but it is completely real = totally vibratory, totally sensory - yet no sound. Maybe it is physical, tangible - but it's so light, so weightless, you can't tell it's happening other than that somewhere inside you, you know.In isolation, some kind of inebriation occurs. Maybe it's ego, drunk on it's own pretenses. More likely it's something more substantial; the parturient of your own existence - or the connection, unbreakable, with the rest of the world - that is so satiating - over satisfying. Delicious. Ravishing, this radience of self. I get still in the masses, but I am hungry for the satisfaction of alone
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Write New Pages Of Your Sexual History With Super Viagra.
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I loved her more than a goddess, I loved her more than my life, I loved her more than anything life could ever bring to me, but now she is nothing more to me than my demontality that is built up inside of me. So make this my last request, just tear the heart from my chest, just kill me get it over with, just kill me tear the heart from my chest, just kill me give this love a rest. If I could travel back to the past, there are a few things I would change, one thing I would change for sure is the way I had been before, but one thing that would remain the same is me loving you for the rest of our lives through and through this I promise you, and I wouldn't let you walk out that open door, because you're all I want, you're all I need, you're everything, everything to me. I just want you to see that we were ment to be, but yet you are still my demontality that is built up inside of me. So make this my last request, just tear the heart from my chest, just kill me get it over with, just kill
Who or what is the forgotten you ask. So I'll tell you for I am the forgotten. The one you can't see, the one you never think about all that I can be, but now things have changed, now you've set me free for all to see what I can be. I am everywhere you are, but yet you don't realize this for I am you and you are me. I am everything you used to be and you swore you would never be again, but yet you never actually forgot, for you know I am here, and you are well aware of what I can do, and in all reality you need me like I need you. So the question is what are you going to do. I grow more and more a part of you everyday. No longer will I be the forgotten, because you set me free now I will show you all I can be. I will be remembered, so listen to what I am saying. Now you can see me as plain as can be, and now I am all you think about, because now I am you and you are me. So now you are the forgotten, the one I can't see and never think about all that you can be. Things have changed and
When I'm incased in flames deep down inside I know you are to blame, because without you by my side i have no will to survive. So I've incased myself in flames and all know you are to blame. So I will no die for you are not by my side. I will not cry for I have no reason, and there is no reason to try to save me, because I don't need saving. I'll just stay incased in these flames and know that you are no longer to blame. I'll blame no one but myself for what has happened, because it is only I who can put out these flames that I'm incased in, because I'm to blame for what happened and these flames will keep getting higher and higher incasing me more and more, but yet it don't hurt could this be it is this what death feels like if so it's kinda peaceful no worries, no thoughts, no nothing. So I'm going to stay incased in these flames that I have made and let everyone know that I'm to blame, and that I'm sorry for what I've done while incased, incased in flames.
I don't know what I've been told, because when I'm without you my heart is stone cold. So now when you look into my eyes what you will see is fire, becuase I'm incased, incased in barbed wire. I'm usually not much of a crier, but I'm incased, incased in barbed wire. So tell me what do you see when you look into the fire, can you see that I'm incased, incased in barbed wire, for you are the only one that can put out the fire in my eyes and free me from this barbed wire, because the harder I try I can't help but to cry, because all I do is add to the fire and incase, incase myself more and more in barbed wire. You are all I desire and the only one that can free me from this barbed wire.
With this jagged edge I will slice you and dice you. So you better think twice and recheck your dice, becuase if you try you better be willing to die. I hate people that are all talk and no show, because to them I'm like the crow and when I say I want a fight they say no. Then it's on I've had enough, I through the first punch, and there is a nine out of ten chance I'll win all because of this jagged edge I win. It will cause a sin, this jagged edge that's in my hand, because when I'm in a fight I don't play around, I'll get right in there and knock you on the fucking ground, when and if you get up with just one more punch you would be lucky if I don't eat your ass for lunch. All I need is one more punch. Then it's over I guess that wasn't your lucky four leaf clover. So now you are dead and the street is all red, and the jagged edge is all bloody and my pants are all muddy. I warned you before we started that with this jagged edge I always win and this jagged edge would cause a sin. S
When I look into your eyes all I see are these damn lies, but yet you are still the only one I desire, because when we were one or love was like fire. Since you've been gone, my life has been so cold, and I want to just unfold, because I can't take this any more, because you keep tearing me, tearing me to pieces. I try to piece myself back together, but yet there is still something missing and that something is you, and I don't know what to do for without you my life is through, and you keep tearing me, tearing me to pieces. Yet no matter how much pain I go through it is still you I love, and only you can piece me back together, because you are what is missing. So now when I look into your eyes all it does is make me cry and want to die. No matter how hard I try to say there is nothing wrong or I'll be ok, we all know it's nothing but a damn lie, but if you want me you know were I'm at, I'm right here trying to mend the pieces that you keep tearing me into, and you are still here teari
Love is like war in so many ways but the main reason is because love and war are both easy to start hard to end and impossible to forget. Believe me what I said is true because you will go through out your life finding what you think is love and it will be easy to start a relationship, but if you find true love you will never want to let it go and it will be hard for you when you loose it and you will never forget that person no matter what happens, because true love last forever and it is always there just like war it is part of life and as for war you here alot about them being started but not much about them ending and when they do people try to forget the pain it caused but yet no matter how hard they try the memory is still there. I tell you this because I just lost the girl I love more than anything and it is hard for me take but yet I will never forget her and I will always love her and would do anything to get her back, so if you have someone you love let them know how you feel
There are many different causes of death, but the one that is most commonly known is love. Love is a very strong emotion, that is a lot of the time under estimated or taken for granted by people. Love is all around you whether you know it or not, it's just like the air we breathe we know it is there whether or not we see it or feel it. Now back to what I was saying and what this is all about, Death by love. If you stop to think about it you know I'm right when you here there has been a suicide 9 times out of 10 it had to do with love that went wrong or love that was going fine and someone wanted to make sure it stayed that way, but this doesn't just go for a suicide this could also be the reason for a murder. Examples are someone gets jealous or just can't take see the one they love with someone else so they flip out. Love will tend to make a person crazy and do and say things they normally wouldn't. I know you all know what I'm saying, because most of you have been in love or still ar
I hate myself today While the world was changing outside I remained the same That I'd always been before That one frightful day I lost everything I was living for Then I started to go through changes Cold but I'm still here I've shed many a tear Love lies dying all around me Is there anything else for me All the choices that I chose I was living in a time of lies So heres what I know You should be thankful for your life Even though failure will choose you through a lifetime Because no ones above the constant sorrow So bleeding heart beat faster Bow before your master I'd love you tell the day that I die It's far to obvious this time So I'm begging you to tell me how to love you I can barely start to wrap my head around it Waters rise around us Sinking ships surround us When you loose everything you knew Shine a light into it Shoot a cannon through it Spill it all and hope you can find a way through it Because down is up and up is down So I can't think abou
I can’t take it anymore, no matter what I say or do she is always on my mind.There will never be anyone that will take her place in my heart no matter how hard I try to let go I can’t because I still love her and I always will, she has moved on and I am happy for her, but it is hard for me, she thinks I don’t care, I wish she really knew how I feel. I don’t know what to say or do anymore, I want to be in her life, but maybe it is better for both of us if I’m not, who knows. I mean everything happens for a reason evn things you don’t want to happen and believe me I didn’t want this to happen and if I could go back and change what I did I would, but I can’t, when I was with her everything felt right, and I was happier than I had ever been, then I went and screwed it all up, and I’m paying for it now, and I will never be able to forget it, no matter what happens she will always be my girl, and I would do anything for another chance, bu
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It's been a long day, like most days are. A lot has been happening and I have much food for thought and material I could write about. Thus, I'm besieged by doubt; Whether I have something concrete rather than vague to write about. Wether it will again sound pretentious and patronizing as my writing tends to, in my mind. If ,in the end, the result has any value.   I assume all aspiring writers are harangued by their own little potpourri of fears and doubts.   I should set a day per week to write, whether I have something ready or not, I guess. I have all kinds of ideas; from erotic fiction of which I have had a couple of scenarios I'd like to write down, to abstract ideas, to fantasy  and other types of fiction. Insights, conflicts and conclusions. Deductions and experiances.  There is much I'd like staring back at me.  In the end to be able to take all those pieces and attampt to make a whole.   To eke out form and function that reflects the content. To find the chord that
It is to feelnot to seenailstravellanguidlyconnectingnerveto nervousstatic electricityas if a gridalmost ohmlesscovered meyour fingersmagneticpulledfrom nodeto nothingheading higherso insanely slowsensations tricklespiral up my spinealong with fin
Writing, Yet Again!
Like I said,whether you heard or not,through waves crashingfrom commotion of ripplesyou unknowingly stir,this is why.This is whyI crawl up near,closer than comfort,to let your breathon my necklull us bothto sleep......because that is my home,not those walls.And this is whyI sometimes askfor you to comeand just be around,not hold me closeor kiss it better,but just to watch mewhen I cry......because privacyis too small a room.Anyway, like I said,because you never evenreally tried,you merely turn my conceptsinside out, just passing by......and then you havethe nerve to ask?
Writing, Of Course
I ama candid mirrorseamless, askew,slightly altered,familiar view.I make you thinkyou sense nexus,perfect match,pegs and holes,a gemini union.But no,there isno uplink,not a twinconnectiononly me;your customizedreflection.
Writing, Again
this iswhat an aftertouchis to a symphonybarely noticedin the stormof what wasthis islingering resonancenine hundrednanosecondsin durationbut saying everythingthat was ever spokenin one final exhalewhen commotionwas cut sharpinto the loudestsilence ever heard this isyour facerelaxing afterexciting expressionexercise to sinkback into stillnessalmost closed eyesskin so unstrainedbrushing yourstill parted lipsagainst minethis isyour voicea soft moaning sighin sharp contrastto the hollering highthat seconds agofilled the roomand my mindthat uneloquentchanting explodingtonightthis isso much morethan my stillhammering hearttrying to lowerthe pulseas powerlesswe exhaleand sink softlyonto ourselvesand welcomethe aftertouchof a symphonyfor now
Writing, Part 1 Of Many...
Don't worry,you can always fall backinto a pool of spilt milk,bleed it salty with crocodile tearsof could have beens,those pretty little rewindfocus shifters beckoning,teasing you from the other sideof an impenetrable leadand cigarette smoke wall,those taunting evasiveegosexual suggestions,freed from the shacklesthat bind us allto trickling iotason the fourth dimension axis.Or go ahead,light a spark,open the faucetand ignite the blamethrowerto scorch cleanerroneous extradermic illusions,the conspirator's razor thinspider web connections,nemesis shadows,betrayal bluesbreakdown boredomblah blah blah...One final crystal night.One holocaust of cleanse your conscience.
Written By Druid Micheal
what is going on here??I post comments, I rate, but all but a few return the favor.All I see in the repeat ads for lounges, ways to make fubucks during happy hours.Where's the fun, the connection, the finding each other.Very few read my bulletins, my comments get messages in return, but then I reply to the messages and they are ignored.I have said it before, and I will say it again, we are losing the point of this site, which is to make friends, make connections, have fun.let's come together again, send fun comments, read each other's comments, bulletins, and enjoy each other.I can write this because I know few will read it and none will repost it, but at least I have said my piece.
Writing And Poetry.
I was dreamin one day you might see, or change now I can't do it for you but, you missed out on me Right place,wrong time, you crossed the line. Broke all boundaries with this love of mine Time really changed ya, you aint no friend, or man of mine maybe, you'll miss me, but you wont ever kiss me again. Can't break my heart, and i'm off to a new start with my own life. Don't worry i'll be fine today is my 22nd bday and i'm learnin what i love most today, you may be far away, and our love will never see another day, but i can't say, I didn't try I love you. I'm no longer sorry, I love you ended this way, Jay.
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Written On Her Lyrics
[Birdman]Yeah, BirdmanJust like that[Jay Sean][CHORUS]Yeah, she gotHer swag on leanThe way she dancin on meCan tell that she a queenHer mama wouldn’t like it, her daddy wouldn’t eitherThe way she grindin on me - you can tell shawty’s a keeperShe got it written on her, aye aye aye aye ahhShe got it written on her, aye aye aye aye ahhShe got it written on her, aye aye aye aye ahhShe got it written on her, aye aye aye aye ahh[Birdman](Yeah.. All red.. yup)Gucci bag poppin tagsNew crib brand new jagBirdman party shineBad bitch all the timeStay fly, ride flyI’m stuntin’, stay highStraight G, just like thatThrow 100, bounce right backRed hot, hard topCash money hard knockBently frame, drop top50 G’s, the bottles popIced out, so we chillTunin’ up every automobileTatted up, life of a G– 5 Starred –?[Jay Sean][CHORUS]Yeah, she gotHer swag on leanThe way she dancin on meCan tell that she a queenHer mama wouldn’t like it, her daddy would
Writing To Release Myself
My soul is tired, My heart's grown weak, And I don't want to compete. I don't want to hide the way I feel, Yet I'm tired of everything that men steal.   I hate my inability to trust, But when things seem off, this I must. Do to protect my fragile heart, So I won't again fall apart.   You refuse to understand, Or you simply can't. Maybe we should have just stayed friends. Then you wouldn't get impatient.   But in going back I'd lose you all together, So I feel this i must weather. I know I want you, if you are as you seem. But for another your love does stream.   And you can say it's only friends, This, for you, may be true. But I'm not stupid I've played these games, and what she feels may differ from you.   I feel caught in the crossfire,
Written For My Jonathan
I want you here so close by me till our ears no longer hear our eyes no longer see. When I reach for you I want to touch your hand even when we no longer walk nor either no longer stand. I always want to feel warm compassion in your heart never want to yearn for you never want to be apart. Our love will protect us from the bitting ,bitter cold I just want to be with you as we both grow old. When the time comes and the angel extends a hand close by your side I will firmly stand. They know it would hurt if they broke  us apart for they see the love that dwells in our hearts. Then they smile for they know  just what to do they will take me along to heaven with you. Always in love for an eternity you and I just like it was meant to be.
Written 2 And A Half Yearsago
BrokenheartedAlas I lay here BrokenheartedA once planed flight never departedOur wingspan spread to take the airSo I lay here and wonder whyWe chose the turbulent groundand not an ambient skyOur trip was conjured with great intentionsIt was only the details we did not mentionthings like gravity don't matter in a dreamThen we faced a harsh  realitynot all wings are made for flightIt's easy to be blinded by the beauty of dayand deafened by the torturous silence of nightSo now I lay here all aloneA once proud Phoneix, now feeble on my knessonly  shell of a former Stature I used to beWhy give a man wings If he was never met to flyTo let him taste what he thought sweet freedomonly a thin cream frosting on a cake of dirtforged  by sadnessthen baked with regretDid you do this so I may learnThis world is not perfectnot like our dreamsso That if ever again We choose to flyI will abide by the rules of landand the laws of the skyThe next course we plot will end betterI will plan for now, the pres
There was a time when I was blind, I couldn't see what was to be. Running through the shadows of life, testing fate with a double edged knife. Head long into a sea of despair, I blamed it on life, "it just isn't fair". Tearing at walls of darkness and gloom, I found a door at the end of the room. Turning the knob, full of fear, my beating heart is all I could hear. With one eye closed I opened the door, A calming glow crept across the floor. There in the light I could finally see, all the answers to all my dreams. With a voice as sweet as the wind, I could hear her call from somewhere within. "Come with me I’ll show you the way, this dark and careless place is nowhere to stay". Taking her hand we started to fly, up to the heavens beyond the sky. She showed me my faults, my crimes to man. And in an instant she let go of my hand. As I fell I thought I could see, a tear in her eye, is that meant for me? Like a song she whispered, "Can't you see, the path you walk has no place for me
Written For Me By The Irish Madhatter Ocoileain ♥
Dressed for the hunt, the pantther is on the prowl....ready to strike, she releases her growl....a thing of beauty in her hunt of prey....picking and choosing amonst the flock to see who stays....finding those worthy, she shows her heart....and then the hunt truly starts
Written For Charlene Greer R.i.p. Mom
Written For Charlene Greer R.i.p. Mom
Written This Week
Broken Hearts Where do they gowhen they have no place to call homeLive and be brokenor hope they'll mend on their own ****Time heals woundsand enables us to forgetWait! Time has no value to aching broken hearts****I long for your smiletender touch, and strong arms Arms I run to, throw myself between your charm ****You weren't there when desperation and emptiness accompanied me No more tears to wipeyou are not aroundand you'll never be ****You ran away and left me aloneI looked, no one was thereI was alone in this worldlooking aroundfor your care ****Why did you leave me on my ownI was sad not for missing youI realized I've been always alone ****I cried not because its overbut for the missing part in my heart No! I wont say I am in loveglass doesn't mend once shattered a part****I'll keep pain inside from now onwith my brokenheart I,ll roam loneliness taught my heart to singyet aches for a place to call home      
Written On 02-15-2010
Here i sit at almost 5 in the morning, nothing more than the sound of the computer running is going through the house. I can't help but think of my life, where i've been, where i'm going, and what happens overall. It seems to me that no matter what plan you have or where you think your life is going nothing ever seems to turn out that way. Maybe you saw yourself graduating college, or married, or working your way up the corporate ladder. Whatever the case may be things change, people change, lives alter their course and you can never be prepared for that.      My life took one of those turns tonight. As it has in the past it cought me off guard mostly. I'm not sure how exactly to deal with this emotionally or even physically for that matter. Thoughts run through my head at tremendous speeds with no set direction or final destination. Everything seems to be mixed up and jumbled and almost unintelligable. I push forward knowing that we're doing the right thing for everyone involved but i
There sits a fire, a flame Eluminating surrounding life So bold yet elegant A tendency to reach out and Spread itself among boardering trees of old It can provide heat, warm oneself up But it can also Melt them down Currently the flame awaits transition As in turn it will move along Winds pass and stay Just one breeze can influence it's direction For this flame has caught wind Now it spreads across opportunity Taking its intensity to a fresh scene This flame embodies another stage now It no longer sits The flame ignites once more
Written For Me By An Admirer
Your lips are swollen by the taste of my sperm. Its like poetry but way god damn sweeter. feel like a whore, but only I can touch. Only I can see the jewels that I love so much. It feels so good to know that I own your pussy. And only I'm the one grow hard for, and you fuck. That your arms, your fingers, your love. Is mine and only mine. Its like art the way I spread my hands down your body. The way I kiss your skin until it puckers. you feel your thighs tremble, as I pull you onto me. Kissing away the sweat, and tears. The hopefulness and all your fears.As I grab the blankets and pull them over you.  You lick away my sperm off your mouth, and you taste a certain kind of spice. As I kiss your brow. Digging my cock into you. Cherishing you like you'll break, but roving like you need to break. you feel your cum drip down onto your skin. Its like oil seeping deep within our pores. The world begins to spin round and round.  You breathe out and breathe ecstasy back in. As I feel you everywh
Written By A U.s. Soldier
Hope Rides Alone By Eddie Jeffers I stare out into the darkness from my post, and I watch the city burn to the ground. I smell the familiar smells, I walk through the familiar rubble, and I look at the frightened faces that watch me pass down the streets of their neighborhoods. My nerves hardly rest; my hands are steady on a device that has been given to me from my government for the purpose of taking the lives of others. I sweat, and I am tired. My back aches from the loads I carry. Young American boys look to me to direct them in a manner that will someday allow them to see their families again...and yet, I too, am just a age not but a few years more than that of the ones I lead. I am stressed, I am scared, and I am paranoid...because death is everywhere. It waits for me, it calls to me from around street corners and windows, and it is always there. There are the demons that follow me, and tempt me into thoughts and actions that are not my own...but that are n
Writing Experiment 1
"I'm glad we finally get to go on that walk through the falls" I blush and look at you. I think to myself that I am not quite sure what the day will bring but anything that happens will be memorable.        We walk down the paths for a bit, taking in the beauty of the falls. A calm comes over me, one that has not been there before. You see a grin suddenly appear. I look at you and ask if nature does to you, what it does to me. I explain that my base emotions, the core of what I am, comes out when I am in an element that I am used to. I playfully ask if you want to play a game. You agree, but look at me with a form of curiosity. I wrap my arms around you, kiss you, and whisper in your ear *close your eyes and count til 10...then come find me....the hunt is on*      Because I have been here a few times I know my way around. Stepping off the path, running to try to find a place to hide. The excitement building, not knowing how exactly you hunt, I find a bush and promptly go
Written For Me. Gotta Love All Four Of Them
I thought I had been in love before,I thought my last love was the perfect match for me,But i had thought wrong cuz when I met you,Everything became so clear,that I been waiting all along for you.Never have I felt something like this.Its amazing what you can feel though only words.Imagine what it will be like when we finally meetThough people don't believe what you and I have.the most important thing is, I don't dout it.and I'm sure you don't either. ------------------------------------------------I wrote this poem especially for you,to show you what my feelings are going through.The moment I saw you my heart was sold,the two of us together will never be cold.Your are my baby day by day,I hope you will never ever go away.All of you is what I need,Please tell me where it can lead.-----------------------------------------------The touch of his hands upon my body send chills though my soul/His lips upon mine oh how bitter sweet/His arms that hold me oh so tight lets me know am safe/The wo
Written November 16th 2009
Fuck the way you look at me  and the way you hold my gaze Fuck the way you talk me into looking forward to the coming days Fuck the way you come and go Making it all seem so worth it Fuck the way you try to play these never ending mind games Fuck the way you portray  a different emotion every damned day Fuck the way you alwayz hold back never showing me the real you Fuck the way you alwayz show off thinking you can impress me Fuck the way you seem to be  accessible only when it's good for you Fuck the way you ignore me until there's something you want Fuck the way you pull away when all I want is to have you close But most of all Fuck the way none of this matters I still look at you the same I still can't go back to being me
Written January 8th 2010
Deflated Empty Dead inside Nothing left All alone Screaming in my mind Eyes so lifeless Tears ran dry Give it all up Throw it away Forget it all Start a new day Nothing changes Words stay the same Emotions spilled over They all ran away Can't take the pain Soul is on fire Heart broke down the middle Lifeless Desire
Writer's Block
Writting About How My Gma Is A Brat Lol, I'm Bored
You lay on the floor drenched in blood, my hands full of what was your heart, I can still hear your screaming for me to stop, what can be done? My deed is now done, nothing but silence now. You can't tell me to stop, can't tell me I'm worthless, can't tell me I'm fat. You can't do anything now, nothing but lay there in silence. Oh what a smile I have. I can no longer hear you bitching and whining. I can do what I want, what I need to do. You can't stop me now grandma. As I hold your bleeding heart, I can still hear it pounding in your chest. I take that heart and I cut into little pieces and shove it down your throat. I hide your body out the chimney stack. I laugh and drive a steak in your head. As I burn the last pieces of you, I think of what you have done to ruin my life. You worthless piece, I hate you forever more. You are nothing to me anymore. Goodbye grandma. (Sorry about language, tried to keep it as clean as I could)
*write For Me*?
i think im going to write for myself haha...but i was asked or propositioned to add my "opinion" and "style" via blog sites. yeah it was a few days ago but this will be a few days ago later on...although now i think of it more...ive been yappin and rambling on for years on blogs...that came with the site haha. not a strictly "blog site"...thats why i think about it as a only has one thing in mind WRITBLOGS! hahaha mother of gods and satan's kids! with all the seriousness that has become the new anti-social journal over the years is fcuking insanely hilarious to me, being ASKED to write for someone else's "personal blogsite" hahaha quotations quotations.... being told by each blog promoters....that i took down part of the city by blogging about what was happening currently at the time...using my own opinion  with factual information attached for that opinion to be there! and now! im asked to write for 2 people i broke in half when they fcuked me over and others...w
A Writting By Me......
Friends (by me) A true friend is invaluablewhere ever you may meet it could be as babies or toddlers in grade school or high schoolin college or grad schoolon a team or at a jobin a club or in a band at a park or at the mallin real life or on line Some people you just know in passingothers are just acquaintancesbut a true friend is like the family you choosea real friend is a treasure to beholdthen there are friends who become loverssometimes you are looking for that loveother times it catches you off guardBut when it is real love you will just know Never take a true friend lightly even worse don't push them awaySome will fight to hold on to youothers will just walk awaysome may come backothers you could lose forever Never take a friend for granted no matter what...  
Passion in the sand .. here i am in lying on the sand looking out into   blue ocean ,the sand  is so hot it burns my feet. i'm my favorite bikini its teal like the ocean , im daydreaming on the sand . my long legs crossed .i watch everyone around me and i can sense them  there, beautiful people in thier tiny bikini'  mens naked chest's ., i can't help but be distracted  the soft round bodies are designed  to be so passionate ,the women don't even notice me looking to distatracted by the handsome men, the tall muscular types with bodies like Gods , chiselled into perfection , i wet my lips watching them enjoying all  ,    . the other men are watching the women too with lust and watching the Gods with envy, these  men , don't feel like  the gods, the women don't pay any attension to them , they sort of ignore them unless thier right there infront of them .the Women watch the Gods.. they flirt with the gods, they smile , and delibrately attract thier attension ,yet mainly the other wome
Written 7-21-2010
Never felt good enough for anyone but myself My confidence is hidden deep down I can't understand why i still feel this way The pain form the past still haunts me Jumping up when least expected I wish it would go away so i cant be happy once again But here is where it seems to stay Most days i feel like a hollow shell of what used to be What i wonder could set me free Even when i think i am happy This other thought is still there waiting To prove itsself known like a badge of shame I hide from the world And replace the hurt and pain with smiles and laughter Hoping to one day find a new cure To this torturous hell The past i know is dead and gone But the pain still lingers on This test of emotional strength Has been going on for longer than i can stand How much more of a tolerance will last Before i succumb just like all the rest?
Write Me People
when im gone im gonna need real ones   heres the addy Andy Smith 10 E North AvePittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15212     pleasekthanx
Written In The Past Week
How could you do this to me?How could you leave me like this?Sad and dying inside.I feel like Im rotting away inside.Little dead pieces of me fall off as I fade away slowly,drowning in depression.My heart stopped beating when you stopped talking.My mind focused, like a starving dog staring at a piece of meat,waiting for some glimpse you might care.But you never call.Even the air freezes around me in discontent and sadness.A feeling of empty, a feeling of grief and sorrow.My stomach aches with knots of confusionand head fills with clouds of misunderstanding.Boxes of information opened and poured out without hope of solution.Fingers of blame thrown in the airand words of anger fill the ears of a negativity drowned victim.Falling into pieces that can’t be glued.Beyond hopeless, suicidal and filled with doubt of life’s meanings.You left me here like this.Not giving me the time of day filling your self up,like a glutton, with selfishness.Warped sense of mind.How can you separate
Written For Nora. My True Love.
if i disappeared tomorrow, what would you think? that maybe i ran off with someone, or just left you and your life to completely sink. would you think that i was hurt or sick,maybe an accident, something that suddenly stopped my hearts beating tick. would think i stopped loving you,or wonder if i still cared? would you know my world had ended,without you simply being there. im always close as i can be, i try more every day. if could fix this world my way, id make all your wondering fade away. if you ever wonder where i may have gone, look inside you heart and see, my love for you is strong. i dont need my body, my soul is with you. and if i disappeared today,i know id always be with you.
Write Me, And Bite Me
  Eye Love You 
Written By A Young Girl With Cancer
SLOW DANCE         Have you ever watched kids On a merry-go-round? Or listened to the rain Slapping on the ground? Ever followed a butterfly's erratic flight? Or gazed at the sun into the fading night? You better slow down. Don't dance so fast. Time is short. The music won't last. Do you run through each day On the fly? When you ask "How are you?" Do you hear the reply? When the day is done Do you lie in your bed With the next hundred chores Running through your head? You'd better slow down Don't dance so fast. Time is short. The music won't last. Ever told your child, We'll do it tomorrow? And in your haste, Not see his sorrow? Ever lost touch, Let a good friendship die Cause you never had time To call and say,'Hi' You'd better slow down. Don't dance so fast. Time is short. The music won't last. When you run so fast to get somewhere You miss half the fun of getting there. When you worry and hurry through your day, It is like an unopened gift.... Thrown away. Life is not a race. Do tak
Writhing A Blog - What A Typo
So a few blogs past, I was complaining about a part vendor who was being difficult and not supporting their products.   The customer breaks down again. I coordinated a visit from the vendor with all new components. Everything was fine. Then they pull this crap we need to send someone to install their stuff. Day before I leave for this trip to Idaho. I arrange for another guy to go after informing my fill-in manager (who is really pissed at this vendor now, himself).   The day of the install was today. The vendor didn't even send an engineer. They sent a safety expert, who was only there to make sure WE installed their stuff correctly. He's not capable of judging this, though, because he's not a fucking engineer. Strike one. They were supposed to send new everything. We were doing a fresh install of safety light curtains, cables, power supply, and control relays. What did they send? ONLY light curtain senders. The part that shoots light beams across the opening that's supposed to b
I haven't written poetry in a number of years and going to try my hand at it again. Reading works by Lord Bryon has gotten me inspired to get back into writing again.     I write words, they have no meaning they are random thoughts in my head. Yet they are more, they are me they bring life to my dreams passions are shared, love is found darkness resides but life thrives.          
Written For My Mother, By Another Army Wife ;)
SUPPORT OUR TROOPS!!! From my Mom's Friend ;) The night they got Bin Laden (sounds like a country song) I, together with many of my milspouse Facebook Friends, was sitting in front of my netbook trying to keep up with the news; the TV was on, and there were pictures of the crowds in front of the White House. One young milspouse, who has come to our area to support a mutual friend whose husband is at Walter Reed after losing part of his leg in Afghanistan, was messaging – "pick me up, let's go to the White House"… After a few of us told her how difficult it would be, how insane things like traffic and parking would be, I watched the coverage of Lafayette Park again. The screams of WE did it, the USA USA chants – the ones who were yelling the loudest were in Georgetown sweatshirts, their hair wasn't a 3 on the top/2 on the side, they were too young to be veterans. Then the pictures changed to Ground Zero – same thing. Signs – WE did it. WE got him… W
Write It Down
I guess I was about the age of four, watching tv, sitting on the floor.Your a bright young man, you hold the tools in your hand. Momma handed me my coloring book and some crayons, and thats where it all began. She told me, when a good idea comes around. Write it down. You got something thats hard to find, and thats your inmagination in your mind. Don't hide what you have found, write it down. It started back when I was sixteen, the english teacher came up to me. Your a bright young man, you hold the tools in your hand. She handed me some paper and an ink pen, and thats where it all began. She told me when a good idea comes around, write it down. You got something thats hard to find. Thats your inmagination in your mind. Don't hide what you have found, write it down.
Writers Block
how long does it take ones heart to heal.. is this the way a broken heart should feel .. i find myself trying to escape awake the loneleiness while im awake .. and in my dreams im in a peaceful slummer ... a slummer in which i will not stir .. my heart and mind focused on my dreams , and my dreaming .. it hurts .. again the lonelieness but the heart needs to heal .. for im not fool .. i was a love for love .. he was world .. he was my everything my air ... and now it seems to so hard to love .. when you know your heart will possibly break .. the heart will find a friend .. a partner , a mate .. someone worth coimng home to .. but until then the journey for finding myself goes on and on .. and i walk alone in the corners of my mind .. along the the dark dangerous streets alone .. no footpath to travel on only road ... and yet i must continue on to find my way way .. feet so sore from working .. cars drive by .. and stare .. so many people around me but few really care ... tears star
Written In My First Hour
Happy Anniversary today to Allan and Lesa, my brother and sister-in law! They’ve been married ten years – I wasn’t there, I’ve only see photos of the ceremony because this happened two months after (and not before as I’d told a friend before work this morning) I first came to visit Martha in North Dakota. And I’ve got more good news; Martha called me at the house this morning and told me someone from Lutheran Disaster Response called her and said they’d be starting work on our house – the one caught in the flood, not where we’re staying now remember – today! Yesterday I had to go sign the homeowner waiver so they’re not liable if they accidentally wreck our house among other things, but I can live with that. At least LDR is sure to employ working as volunteers trained professionals – what my wife and I definitely aren’t.   “There’s Sunday then there’s Monday, there’s Tuesday then the
Written For Me By A Dear Old Friend.
Falling in love with youI lived my life mostly in solitude,Not because I was a bad dude,Trust in people was not something to do,Years before I knew you... I walked through life going nowhere,I saw trees but paradise was not there,Birds flew around and I did not care too,Long before I met you... If sometimes I appear very sad,Do not think I am feeling bad,I care not for me but only about you,I only care about you... It was long for me to see some light,Telling myself that all will be alright,And you came to me like an angel in blue,I finally had a gaze of you... My life of lonelyness is now at an end,When you came in my life I lived,I've been falling in love with my angel in blue,I am still falling in love with you...   by Aimé Auger Jr.  
just lyrics.. poems.. whatever they may become.   I am in need with a hunger to feed I may beg and I may plead but ever since addiction planated its seed it seems my mind may never be freed. We are a different breed, us so called losers stuck on booze, drugs, n weed. Well that may be indeed for those of who wave like a reed but with my heart I will exceeed, and no more red my veins will bleed. Nothing in the future can be guaranteed, and I always know that dope has the greed to intercede no matter what life I may lead.To my disease I will not concede. but if my mistakes I do heed and to my fathers will I will accede I know that I will succeed.
Writing - Repost
Since I was asked to repost this.. and again I will say that this is not about any person on or off of Fubar.   My world is closing in, my mind envelopes itself, and my heart does not feel. No, you cannot understand my pain or my suffering. Every day the call gets stronger. I hear her call me during the day; you do not hear her, for she is calling my name and whispering in my ear. She is my daily turmoil, my tormenter. She bites, I bleed, and I break down. She has control of my thoughts, my actions, my very being. No, she is not a person. She holds a much tighter grip than any human could, any god could.  She is my…addiction. I do not want her, but I need her. Controlling my appetite, my sleep, my breathing, my life she forms. She plants thoughts within my mind of how worthless I am. How much I have screwed up. I am a wreck. A piece of shattered glass and she tells me I can never be put back together. Believing her I withdraw and push people away. I try not to look in the mirr
Looking out across the sea, waves and seaweed washing upon the beach The smell of the ocean fresh & clean, As sand covers my feet and a brisk cold breeze blows over me A wonderful feeling of calmness and happiness over flows my heart As I start to reflect on the many blessings in my life right from the start For every friend old and new that has entered my life, leaving an everlasting impression upon my heart Knowing our friendships will never part; I want you all to know I am never to far For you have all truly touched my soul, through the laughter, the tears and all the late night cheers... We all have grown so close; it's hard to believe That for some of us it's only been a year For words cannot explain how much you fill my heart each and everyday So deep from my heart I want to say thank you for being a true friend.. For meeting you all, I am truly BLESSED!
The Writings Written On The Wall
I sit here all alone, holding in all I have to say. Can't someone see me crying here? I cry here everyday. I want to shout out why; why I sit here and I cry. But if someone gets to know the real me they will leave me and just go on by I 'm crying from the pain, the love and the hunger. If you're wondering why I'm feeling this, you'll just have to continue to wonder. To me it seems so clear; I feel it's written on my face. You try to read me, but your guesses are so far out in space. I try to get to the light, but I still can't get out of the hall. Can't you see me dying here? The writing's written on the wall
Writers Rant.
Writers block, writers laziness, call it what you want to but it all means the same thing, I’m stuck and not getting a bit of work done on either of my four short stories or even on my Zini review and it’s really starting to suck.  The Zini review should be a cinch but I’m so freaking ambivalent about the whole thing that the most I’ve been able to write down is just the material it’s made with and its functions/speeds.   In the few months I’ve had it I’ve only used it twice (its fully charged as we speak and still I’m not reaching for it) it hasn’t been a bad experience, it felt good but apparently nothing to write home about.  I am hoping to be in the mood to play around with it a little on Friday, quickly finish the review, and then have my boyfriend take care of the excess energy because the one thing that is for sure is that it doesn’t get me to the finish line. Three of the four short stories are stuck on a sex scene. 
Written For Me By My Dark Prince )o(
In the nye of the devil moon, She hunts under your light. The wolf so dark, Her hunger gives her sight. A thirst that is never quenched, Her madness do not take light. For her love unto you be drenched, Her appetite, to start the night. Be consumed as dead lament, Give in or ere is to fight.
Written Interview With Tyrants Blood
> 1> *What's the name of your band?  Have you changed the band's > name before?> Bands name is Tyrants Blood, that was the name we came up with january 2006.We started messing around with songs around august 2005 with then original drummer , and founder of the band Kevin Volatile.We had a fellow name Mike K on bass and our original vocalist Shawn Darksoul from That time till about December of 05.Once Mike K left and Vinnie joined in January 06, we came up with that name.At that time Shawn Darksoul left and Andrew Russell joined forces with us to begin working on the first album.To make it sound a bit more aggressive we brought in another Axe man named Tom Lewko. So that ended up being the lineup for the first album and the name stayed from then on till now.  2> *What are the names,  of each band member.> Our lineup is Brian Messiah on vocalsVinnie Borden on Bass and vocalsMatt Blood on drums and myself , Marco, on guitars.3> *What genre of music do you consider your work to be?> Well
Writen In Stone
Many dreams within a night,Most of the faces far from sight.Only one remains the same ,Upon my heart he has tatooed his name.Within the light of the moon and stars,He and I make the dream ours.He lifts me up taking my face in his hands,Showing me what his heart demands.My dreams are only a glimps of whats real,Forever I'm willing to make the deal.I place my heart and soul upon the table,To stay true to my vow as long as I'm able.Loving him is all I wish to do,To his heart and Mine I will forever stay True.With his loving touch he makes my body his,Bringing me beyond whats known as bliss.Extacy is what people now buy,that's what he gives me without even a try.He's the keeper of my heart,He's had the key from the very start.Knowing my soul as if it was his own,Our names FOREVER writen in Stone.
Written In Stone
Written in stone what it has told me Short and sweet reminds me Of a time that will be at some point There it was written in stone She walks up behind me and whispers that she misses me Only thoughts of the day are of the voice that touched me Wondering if I turn to see, if she is there for me Hoping that it's not a dream  Hearing your sweet voice slows the world down Gathering thoughts and a new line of sight You have become my eyes and my ears For the only thought is you now Resting at night brings great comfort Able to close these heavy eyes To dream a good dream They are all thanks to you My Love You are, what is written in stone Everything strong, Everything proud That is what you are to me Complete happiness
A Writting I Did In High School
Dragons are real People think they are mythological Because they have never seen one You dont believe in them.   People think they are mythological That's what there parents say You don't believe in them They are not real   That's what there parents say When kids say they have seen them They are not real Just because you don't believe   When kids say they have seen them Don't tell them they don't see Just because you dont believe Do not take that from them   Don't tell them they don't see Parents dont like what they cant see Do not take that from them There imagination   Parents don't like what they cant see Because they have never seen one There imagination Dragons are real     a writting i did back in high school what do yall think
Writers Block Rambles.....
Poison through my veins Whatever was your name Twisted thoughts of a passive mind I wanna make you mine Emotional disturbance Get ready for the turbulance Journey of hell Whatever should we sell Tickets for a picnic Jumbled words  Massive mind fuck I think you are stuck Creative insanityYou're so stuck in the past of memories that never last.Let it go and you will know. Stop looking back at what was once.You're making yourself go nuts.Passing up something spectacular.
Written By William Shakespeare
Sonnet XL: Take all my loves, my love, yea, take them all BY WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE Take all my loves, my love, yea, take them all: What hast thou then more than thou hadst before? No love, my love, that thou mayst true love call— All mine was thine before thou hadst this more. Then if for my love thou my love receivest, I cannot blame thee for my love thou usest; But yet be blamed if thou this self deceivest By wilful taste of what thyself refusest. I do forgive thy robb’ry, gentle thief, Although thou steal thee all my poverty; And yet love knows it is a greater grief To bear love’s wrong than hate’s known injury.     Lascivious grace, in whom all ill well shows,     Kill me with spites, yet we must not be foes.
Written In The Stars
What do you see when you look into the skies? It all is so different, by every set of eyes. Stories to tell, legends to be told Of a time set in history, and tales of old. They captivate in wonder, these small yet giant things, the reason for our curiousity, or why the angels sing. No one could clone them, for they each have a glow, you may think you have it figured out, yet in truth you shall never know. They shine at night, to guide and light your way, They hide when the sun shines. but they shall never stray. From the belt of Orion the mighty lions roar, A wonderous site, you can never ignore. Its written in the skies, all the answers that you seek, You look for words to say, but not a sound will you speak. It is a story of triumph, and tales of forbidden love,
Writing Notes...
Hello people of earth :D One of my quirks is this: Sometimes I sit down to write a note, and it turns into a poem. Those that love me tolerate it and sometimes enjoy it. Here's a note I wrote a few days ago.   BUSY lots of work outside, lots of work inside lots of coughing, lots of reading lots of longing, lots of aching lots of writing, painting drinking lots of barking dogs, and baa'ing sheep lots of thoughts rolling in my mind lots of sunshine in the sky lots of thunder in the night lots of hopeful moments rare lots of visions oh so fair lots of dreams i wish to share lots of almost not quite there's lots of moments wanting you lots of time to sit and stew, LOL
Written For An Angel Edited Version
Angel The wine tingles as giddy laughter erupts from the voice echoing across the room in silence. Candlelight flickering with the fireplace flames, the beast across the room, thoughts in suspense. Intrigue of desires building as questions arise, the roar of a cat about to pounce, the silence of a hunter. She folds her wings, hiding her low cut neck from the ravenous cat, minding her own longing hunger. Fur soft, a purr vibrating moist areas down below, beckoning courage as deviant thoughts made her shudder. The cat, stroked and caressed her body with a tongue of words, passion gives her the urge to discover. An angel with kisses heavenly, biting lips of the beast devouring the sweetness of each gentle motion he becks. The arms of the beast gently carried her deeper, arched eyebrows, exposing her body wings outstretched. Claws bared she takes flight, his den surrounded by the odor of masculinity, the aura of female scent.
Writers Love
Writers LoveI want to be convinced in pure fact that words and they can transmogrify into pleasures of true loveWhen information, is shoveled into my mine, that knowledge pleasesme in importance from aboveSerious material spreads a writers approach in being entertained, engrossed enraptured but totally astoundedJust giving tedium is not it, capturing me and sending me on a journey to the unknown climes, is to discover and explore what's foundedWords transport me, and then guide me, through time, through space,through people, through motions, through dimensions, and that I really do adore!Perhaps a flutter in syncopated unison will go to the unknown with unthinkable fascination that is pureFascinating inner vibes of momentarily  awakenings in the dream state with implausible reality and grace.Indulging scenes and actions wallowing in impressions with emotional experience of what is going to be.A writer's riddle grasps the love of comprehensive words that bathe incontinuity of revelation
Writers block the moon is black this day why can't  I write this day. I may, I may dream of candy in the air, love falling down on me, blue in the air, sing to day, but why can't I write about you today, I hate you, I hate you. I wake up have my coffee and cig I need to find my way out of here. Writers block the moon is black this day why can't I write this day. I may , I may dream of candy in the air, love falling down on me, blue in the air, sing to day but why can't I write about you to day. I'm high as  can be ..     bY LoVe GiRL
Writtings I Have Written
the road of darkness...she walks the road of darkness alone her head filled with lies broken promises that cant come undone a soul that's more wise a heart that calls out to him but never any replies he doesn't exist she knows she has tried a emptiness that fills her cold as the nite air worthless feeble scared alone doesn't care she is nothing without him he completes her makes her whole gives her meaning and life a heart a soul as she walks the journey alone to find this man she learns more about herself her place and where she stands until the day he takes her heart captures her soul and gets into her mind making her body his own she will walk the road of darkness and hope she makes it home   The chilling fears of darkness...Sitting in the dark still night,Staring at a blank wall her mind and heart heavy.In a constant battle.Wondering which will win.Looking down two roads one she has traveled before leading her to places she wishes to never go again. The emptiness, cold, dead end
And so I wretched.  And so I made pure. And so I soiled mother's gentle hand. And so I friended calamity. And gave it a name  The source in engendered silence. And so.    We linger on    And so. 
Sometimes you just wake up in the mornig ,and you want to write ,  the urge is so strong pen , you have to pick up your pen , or type  Writing is healing , writing is joy .. Writing gives you  something to remember , when all else seems bad . I love to look over and read the stuff i've already wrote, and if there's anything i can do it make it better .. even just by one word. you have to write with so much emotion , that's what i heard .. Writing could a story it could a be song , it could be some kind of poetry , or just a distant memory of some precious memory you had .
Written By James Curry...
You can blow us up,But you can't break us down.We will rebuild, In every town.When 1 man falls,10 will rise.To dust him off,And stand by his side.Our hearts are broken,For those we've lost.Homes destroyed, Vehicles tossed.Takes more than wind,To break our stride.Standing united,That's Oklahoma pride
Write To Me
I want to write me a poemAutumn sky, too lateLet me fall lyrics-in rainReading to remember us.The yellow leaves me writeLive kisses stampsAnd my hand lightlyWhen you open the missed pages.Write to me on the promised starsSilence nezise words,When night falls on my retinaI see in your eyes full moon.Write me a love letterThe waters flowing tears,I-Cheer in delusionLiving the love story.
Write Quality Content For Publishing Your Own Books
An specialist is a who is very knowledgeable about or skillful in a specific area. Think about your favourite hobby. Is there a book written on it? Have you read the book &, if so, what do you think about the who wrote it? Do you think about them to be an specialist in that particular field because they wrote a book? Of coursework you do &, when you write a book, you will instantly be thought about an specialist by your readers. You will be the who is thought to be an authority on your book's topic.It is thing to have an news story appear in a newspaper or journal, but you are on an entirely different playing field when your book is obtainable on the market in your favourite bookstore or is talked about on websites. When you write a book, your name & work will be forever cataloged with the Library of Congress.But, what does all of this mean?In short it means extra funds, more status, & more opportunities. Let's take a glance at each of these in more detail.More Funds.In our society the
Written In Five Minutes
all this girl is, is a chain - shackles and bindings and tethers to keep you tied down to your pain. who are you, and what measures do you suppose we should take? kill it for mercy's sake - drowned in a black lake? .no. feed this girl hope, and a tune - call it bullshit if that's what you'd prefer but from shit grows mushrooms. who are you to tell the griever what form her grief should take? on mushroom or cake - her fast she soon will break .oh.
Written By Me For Some Random Writing Course
I am a GamerI exist in many worldsI have perished and have been reincarnated countless timesI hear the real voices of imaginary peopleI see victory in defeatI instil fear where there is no real dangerI am GamerI read my story's in real timeI have watched my hero's fallI pick up the controlsI become the story.I am the hero. I am a Gamer
The Wrong Key
at first i never noticed what i would find in you but now i'm forced to care less i wish i never knew i'm wrapped around your finger i couldn't want to let you go no choice left but to linger as you refuse to let your feelings show i see you from a distance and upon your face a smile closer for an instant to see a tear drop in your eye you have a special beauty that only i can find you think you see right through me i listen to you lie but still your beauty tempts me that i never saw before you have givin me a key but it wont unlock the door
Wrong E-mail Address
LESSON to be learned from typing the wrong email address: A Minneapolis couple decided to go to Florida to thaw out during a particularly icy winter. They planned to stay at the same hotel where they spent their honeymoon 20 years before. Because of their hectic schedules, it was difficult to coordinate their travel schedules. So, the husband left Minneapolis and flew toFlorida on Friday, and his wife was flying down the following day. The husband checked into the hotel, and unlike years ago, there was a computer in his room, and he decided to send an email to his wife. However, he accidentally left out one letter in her email address, and without noticing his error, sent the email to the wrong address. Meanwhile...somewhere in Houston... a widow had just returned home from her husband's funeral. He was a Minister who was called home to glory after suffering a heart attack.The widow decided to check her email, expecting messages
Wrong Phone Number
Hello?" "Hi honey. This is Daddy. Is Mommy near the phone?" "No, Daddy. She's upstairs in the bedroom with Uncle Paul." After a brief pause, Daddy says, "But honey,you haven't got an Uncle Paul." "Oh yes I do, and he's upstairs in the room with Mommy, Right now." Brief Pause. "Uh, okay then, this is what I want you to do. Put the phone down on the table, run upstairs and knock on the bedroom door and shout to Mommy that Daddy's car just pulled into the driveway." "Okay, Daddy, Just a minute." A few minutes later The little girl comes back to the phone. "I did it, Daddy." "And what happened, honey?" He asked. "Well, Mommy got all scared, jumped out of bed with no clothes on and ran around screaming. Then she tripped over the rug, hit her head on the dresser and now she isn't moving at all!" "Oh my God!!! What about your Uncle Paul?" "He jumped out of the bed with no clothes on, too. He was all scared a
Wrong Again
Wrong Again... By Rita Doty She thought it was just another crush Boy was she wrong... When she thinks about him she feels a sudden rush She has felt this way for so damn long... Why does it always happen like this? How come it never turns out right? All she wanted was to be his... But all they do is fight. She thought she found strength and happiness... But the lies never stopped... The love and joy she thought she felt, quickly turned to crappiness... When she heard the truth... her heart just stopped... How could he do all this to her? Why was she dumb enough to believe every word that came from him? She thought he loved her... and he was her first... Now the mere thought of it makes her cringe. Why must love torture her like this? She wonders if she will ever feel like that again... She should have known the truth the first time she felt his fist... Now she tries her hardest not to think of men... But somehow someone wiggled themselves into her heart... Unw
Wrong E-mail Address
There's a lesson to be learned from typing the wrong e-mail address: A Minneapolis couple decided to go to Florida to thaw out during a particularly icy winter. They planned to stay at the same hotel where they spent their honeymoon 20 years before. Because of hectic schedules, it was difficult to coordinate their travel plans. So, the husband left Minneapolis and flew to Florida on Thursday, with his wife to fly down the following day. The husband checked into the hotel, and unlike years ago, there was a computer in the room. He decided to send an e-mail to his wife. However, he accidentally left out one letter in her e-mail address, and without noticing his error, sent the e-mail. Meanwhile, somewhere in Houston, a widow had just returned from her husband's funeral. He was a minister who was called home to glory after suffering a heart attack. The widow decided to check her e-mail, expecting messages from relatives and friends. After readi
i thaugh i could but i can't i need to let him go his playing games with so many people is killing me he must thinks we stupid not noticing what he doing we will talk online np but i will not see him in person i need to move on i just do not know how and people need to know confidence is a good thing not when it's turning you into a playa
Wrong Decision
well here is the story, i do love my husband but not really in love with him anymore. he never wants to be close to me anymore, he dont touch me or really want to have anything to do with me unless someone in the (my) family is around. so i have been thinkin about meeting some guys that i met online, im not so sure about the whole meeting thing, i dont want one of these guys that seem so sweet and like they really care about me and make me feel better about myself, end up being so big fat nasty perv. yeah if i do deicide to go for it and meet with them im going to bring someone along. i just dont want some ppl thinking that im doing something wrong, or even more get really emotionaly or physicaly attracted or attached to one of them. i know some ppl out there are going to think that im some kinda of slut or am i cheater, bc thats not what i want ppl to think of me, im in a really bad relationship and im kinda scared for my son and i (our lives) to up and leave him, plus on top of that,
The Wrong Ending To My Year.....
Well, here it is going into December, and it has not been a good holiday season.....Mom had to work on Thanksgiving, so there was no big feast....and boy let me tell you...she can cook!!! Then, my dog, who I have had for 13 years, started getting worse, health wise. Dad takes my daughter out, hands me a wad of money, and tells me to take Bud to the vet, to have him put to sleep. Now, it may sound mean, but he lived the life that we would have loved to have had, but he had cancer, and his legs were giving out on him, to the point of not being able to make it up to the bathroom, so, yeah it was time. Now as if that would be bad enough, the day after that I get the call to say that my uncle has passed away. Boy, these holidays are really not working out for me. Each year adds another reason to throw the blanket back over my head and stay in bed...So, there is the start to the ending of my year. It's not looking so great, hope it will get better......Now, I'm done complaining. If y
Wrong Email Address
Lesson to be learned from typing the wrong email address: A Minneapolis couple decided to go to Florida to thaw out during a particularly icy winter. They planned to stay at the same hotel where they spent their honeymoon 20 years earlier. Because of hectic schedules, it was difficult to coordinate their travel plans. So, the husband left Minnesota and flew to Florida on Thursday, with his wife flying down the following day. The husband checked into the hotel. There was a computer in his room, so he decided to send an email to his wife. However, he accidentally left out one letter in her email address, and without realizing his error, sent the email. Meanwhile, somewhere in Houston, a widow had just returned home from her husband's funeral. He was a minister who was called home to glory following a heart attack. The widow decided to check her email expecting messages from relatives and friends. After reading the first message, she screamed and fainted. The widow's son rushed into
Wrong Number
I just have to share the practical joke I just pulled on someone… I run a commercial lotto website and have an 800 number… Well there is a Nissan Dealer in California that has mistakenly put my 800 number on their webpage and I get wrong numbers a lot! Well, usually I do not answer the phone when I see it is from California because I know they want to know where their Nissan is ready… Well I just looked over and my called id said “WARNER BROTHERS” Come on!! I had to answer and I did… HELLO – IS THIS BUGS BUNNY!!!??? Guy says “What?” I said, “ Are you BUGS BUNNY? My phone says Warner Bros so I know it has to be bugs bunny calling me…” He laughed and I then told him I am sure he THOUGHT he was calling about his Nissan and I am just a lotto guy in Michigan…
Wrong Car
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Wrong Time To Forget
A passenger in a taxi leaned over to ask the driver a question and tapped him on the shoulder. The driver screamed, lost control of the cab, nearly hit a bus, drove up over the curb, and stopped just inches from a large plate glass window. For a few moments everything was silent in the cab, and then the still shaking driver said, "I'm sorry but you scared the daylights out of me." The frightened passenger apologized to the driver and said he didn't realize a mere tap on the shoulder could frighten him so much. The driver replied, "No, no, I'm sorry, it's entirely my fault. Today is my first day driving a cab. I've been driving a hearse for the last 25 years."
Wrong Army
Author Jeff Edwards This article was written by retired Chief Petty Officer and award winning novelist, Jeff Edwards. America's military can win wars. We've done it in the past, and I have absolute confidence that we'll continue to do it in the future. We've won fights in which we possessed overwhelming technological superiority (Desert Storm) as well as conflicts in which we were the technical underdogs (the American Revolution) We've crossed swords with numerically superior foes, and with militaries a fraction of the size of our own. We've battled on our own soil (Civil War) and on the soil of foreign lands(Iwo Jima) On the sea Under the sea And in the skies We've even engaged in a bit of cyber-combat, way out there on the electronic frontier. At one time or another, we've
Wrong Place At The Wrong Time
(I copied this from----> "Wrong place at the wrong time." By Jemele Hill Who knew the wrong place to be on New Year's Eve was at a party welcoming in the new year? Who knew the wrong time to be murdered was now – when people are so callous about death that it's almost as if we're asking the victim, "Just what did you do to get yourself murdered?" There are many words to describe the senseless killing of Denver Broncos cornerback Darrent Williams. Unfortunate. Heartbreaking. Sad. But here's the one word we can't use in describing such a death: Unexpected. Why are we no longer shocked to hear that a black athlete has been murdered? Over the past 12 months, three NFL players have been shot, and in the past couple weeks, police discovered one NFL player, Bears defensive lineman Tank Johnson, had enough weapons in his home to mount a terrorist attack. University of Miami lineman Bryan
I ask myself all the time, is there something wrong with me? I ask myself is it my eyes, is it my nose, am I not skinny enough, am i not pretty enough. What is wrong with me? Why can't i find a guy who is sweet, kind, caring, doesn't care if your skinny or fat. I would like a guy who likes me because of my personality not my look or my goods. I would like a guy who likes ME for ME. What is wrong with me or is it not me but the guy. Something is wrong. Wrong with me or some guys these days. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I was 16 when i wrote this. Honestly though now i realize you have to love yourself, before anyone else is going to love you. What you think should be the number 1 importance.
Wrong Number, Dude!
All of these calls were made to me by people who had dialed the wrong number, but were too thick headed to hang up. I just thought I'd share some of them with you. I already know that they were wrong and kinda mean in most cases, but hey, I thought it was funny at the time, lol. I have a pretty good memory about the stuff that makes me laugh the hardest: Wolf: Hello? Caller: May I speak with (some guy, not me) Wolf: (pause) Speaking. Caller: Hello, sir, we would just like to let you know that you have won a free vacation as per a hidden sweepstakes being held by your credit company! Wolf: That's awesome! Where am I going? Caller: That's your choice, sir. Wherever you want! They'll fund a full week with lodging to any place of your choice. Wolf: That's fantastic! I always wanted to go to Botswana. Will they send me to Botswana? Caller: Yes sir they will. Wolf: They have naked natives running around I think. That would be awesome. Caller: Now if I could just have you
Wrong With Me
Is there something wrong with me? Something that I cannot see? Why can't he be happy with me? Why did he have to set me free? Who do you know? Where do you go? Who do you show All of your sorrow? When your heart is breaking And your head is aching From dead sleep you're waking From dreams of love… you know he's faking! It's now getting dark inside of me With no chance to break free. What's left to fight for in me? Cover my eyes… don't let me see.
Wrong E-mail Address
A Minneapolis couple decided to go to Florida to thaw out during a particularly icy winter. They planned to stay at the same hotel where they spent their honeymoon 20 years earlier. Because of hectic schedules, it was difficult to coordinate their travel plans. So, the husband left Minnesota and flew to Florida on Thursday, with his wife flying down the following day. The husband checked into the hotel. There was a computer in his room, so he decided to send an email to his wife. However, he accidentally left out one letter in her email address, and without realizing his error, sent the email. Meanwhile, somewhere in Houston, a widow had just returned home from her husband's funeral. He was a minister who was called home to glory following a heart attack. The widow decided to check her email expecting messages from relatives and friends. After reading the first message, she screamed and fainted. The widow's son rushed into the room, found his mother on the floor, and saw the co
Wrong Time
Why does it seem things present themselves at the wrong times? Things you wanted, searched for, waited for... The right thing, the wrong time? I guess only time will tell....
Wrong Time And Place...i Guess
Have your ever felt that you were displace in time..born in the wrong era or even in the wrong century......lot of times I feel like that. Where men talked about philosophies...what happen to the people who had the same thought process as Plato or Socrates........and writers like Homer.....writing an epic that stands the test of time....I read them all....and lots of time I wished I could sit down with them so I can pick their brain for information about life and the universe...and how man can archive true greatness....but, wishing is for fool I guess..and I will never have that meet them...Unless I build a time's possible in an Einstein Theory.. that is...
A Wrong Number
A wrong number..I pick up the call and do not know who it is..the stranger and I talk a few times througout the day..and decide to see each other for cofee at my house....He walked across the driveway and I felt myself stop breathing...just for a moment..he was so breathtakingly gorgeous....blonde hair, brown eyes....and a beautiful 6'2 body....We talked for what seemed like minutes turned into hours. I am not usually nervous but that beautiful face looking at me...He left and asked to see me the next day..I found myslef a few miles south outside his Condo thinking..OK what am I doing..there is no way I am in this Mans league....He opens the door and standing there in just boxer breifs..he plays drums in his free time...I could feel my jaw drop. We watch suddenly..he leans in and kisses me..That kiss was the one..I waited for what seemed like forever for..he stood above me on the couch beautifully chiseled body..tan..perfect...slid my legs open and ripped my skirt off...
Where did I go so wrong with you I'll ever understand why you did,what you it You choose the booze You thought you could drink your responsibility Like it didn't exist Blaming everybody,but yourself You were busy running from everything I think at times you were running from yourself I think you need to take reality check Realize what you are about to lose You didn't want a home life I could never understand why,you did want to be home You had a good women at home author-M.G.
The Wrong Number . Lol
I was sitting home alone when the phone rang. I picked it up to find the sexy voice of a man that had dialed the wrong number. (Lucky for him I was alone and feeling horny as hell) he asked if he could speak to someone I had never heard of . I asked him if there was something I could help him with.he quickly said no , that he was calling for his girlfriend. I told him that I was sorry but he had dialed the wrong number but, that he could help me with something. He asked me what it was.I told him that I was horny and noone was home, I asked him if he would mind helping me . He got really quiet, and said yes he would do it.he asked me what I wanted him to do. I told him, "pull your cock out and play with it", "tell me how big it is and let me know when it's hard". He sweetly said, "it was hard when I heard your voice on the phone". He asked me what I was doing , By this time I had made my way to my bedroom where I keep my" friend", so I told him I was fucking myself with my vibrator. I c
Wrong Email Address
A Minneapolis couple decided to go to Florida to thaw out during a particularly icy winter. They planned to stay at the same hotel where they spent their honeymoon 20 years before. Because of their hectic schedules, it was difficult to coordinate their travel schedules. So, the husband left Minneapolis and flew to Florida on Friday, and his wife was flying down the following day. The husband checked into the hotel, and unlike years ago, there was a computer in his room, and he decided to send an e-mail to his wife. However, he accidentally left out one letter in her e-mail address, and without noticing his error, sent the e-mail to the wrong address. Meanwhile...somewhere in Houston ... a widow had just returned home from her husband's funeral. He was a Minister who was called home to glory after suffering a heart attack. The widow decided to check her e-mail, expecting messages from relatives and friends. After reading the first message, she screamed and then fainted. The widow's
The Wrong N#gga To F**k Wit'
Disclaimer: The title and the following blog may be seen as offensive to those of yall reading it, but before you get your panties all in a bunch and what not, read the blog, comment and then go about your business, or not, its all good either way...... Ok now those of you that know me, that really know me know that I rarely use the N word, let alone use it to describe myself, for many different reasons, but today certain events just really brought out the n*gga in me. Now my motto is and always has been "Love me, or hate me, I'm always gonna be me" and I usually ignore anybody who feels the need to say anything negative about me, but today somebody sent me an email that just pissed me off to no end. I'm not gonna say who it was or what email it came from, just that it wasn't from here, but the overall email pretty much accused me of being ashamed of my race because of the fact that I'm not thuggish, or that my fiancee, who I love with all my heart, is latina, and that my kids (y
Wrong Number Fun
Hello?" "Hi honey. This is Daddy. Is Mommy near the phone?" "No Daddy. She's upstairs in the bedroom with Uncle Paul." After a brief pause, Daddy says, "But honey, you haven't got an Uncle Paul." "Oh yes I do, and he's upstairs in the room with Mommy, right now." Brief Pause. Uh, okay then, this is what I want you to do. Put the phone down on the table, run upstairs and knock on the bedroom door and shout to Mommy that Daddy's car just pulled into the driveway." "Okay Daddy, just a minute." A few minutes later the little girl comes back to the phone. "I did it Daddy." "And what happened honey?" he asked. "Well, Mommy got all scared, jumped out of bed with no clothes on and ran around screaming. Then she tripped over the rug, hit her head on the dresser and now she isn't moving at all!" "Oh my God!!! What about your Uncle Paul?" "He jumped out of the bed with no clothes on, too. He was all scared and he jumped out of the back window and into the swimming pool. But I guess
2 Wrongs Don"t Make A Right>
It seems everyone continues to point fingers back and fourth over who started the war. Let's make it simple. WE BOTH DID! . Come on ppl the President meet face to face with Osaham binladin during a summer vacation in the 90's. Doesn't it get you a little curious if this whole thing with the twin towers was not a set up? I feel Bush Sr knew his son was going to be elected and had to find a way to keep him in office. He knew there would be ppl out there that would support his son in any action he would take. I think our not so great president thinks by continuing this war he can stay in office longer.What is sad though is what ppl are coming up for the next voting for president. For example Hillary Clinton.To me it seem her husband is going to be a heavy influence on her. It would be more or less the 3rd coming of Bill Clinton.I think people should be properly informed as of what is going on in the goverment and have a more say in how this country runs. Our for fathers worked very hard t
The Wrong Husband
A woman goes to a party and leaves her husband at home to watch the football game. At the party the bartender recognized her wedding ring on the wrong finger so he ask her "Why is your wedding ring on the wrong finger mam?" "Well you don’t miss a thing do you and your right it is, and it’s because I married the wrong man!"
Wrong E-mail Address
Lesson to be learned from typing the wrong email address: A Minneapolis couple decided to go to Florida to thaw out during a particularly icy winter. They planned to stay at the same hotel where they spent their honeymoon 20 years earlier. Because of hectic schedules, it was difficult to coordinate their travel plans. So, the husband left Minneapolis and flew to Florida on Thursday, with his wife flying down the following day. The husband checked into the hotel. There was a computer in his room, so he decided to send an email to his wife. However, he accidentally left out one letter in her email address, and without realising his error, sent the email. Meanwhile, somewhere in Houston, a widow had just returned home from her husband's funeral. He was a minister who was called home to glory following a heart attack. The widow decided to check her email expecting messages from relatives and friends. After reading the first message, she screamed and fainted. The widow's son rushed in
Wrong Number
Quarter to seven this morning.... ring ring, ring ring, ring ring.... right next to my ear. Oh its my home number, so it must be important! So I get out of bed reach for the phone and it stops. Grrrrrrrrr. I press 1471 to see whos number it is, and I do not recognise it. As it is early in the morning I presume it must be my mother as she gets up early for work.... so I call the number back... Me: Hello, you have just rang my number? Lady: Oh yes, is that Andrew's mum? Me: No Lady: Are you sure? Me: Um, yes I think I am sure Lady: Oh, I was just ringing to tell you that Matthew will not be at school today and that they will be going to Jack's.... Me: It is 6.45 AM you have woken up my entire house, I know neither of a Matthew or an Andrew and I think you have the wrong number Lady: Oh, no I haven't this is definately the right number Me: No.... It isn't Lady: Well, if you listened to the answer machine message I left you wouldn't have been woken up
The Wrong Army
This article was written by retired Chief Petty Officer and award winning novelist, Jeff Edwards. America's military can win wars. We've done it in the past, and I have absolute confidence that we'll continue to do it in the future. We've won fights in which we possessed overwhelming technological superiority (Desert Storm) as well as conflicts in which we were the technical underdogs (the American Revolution) We've crossed swords with numerically superior foes, and with militaries a fraction of the size of our own. We've battled on our own soil (Civil War) and on the soil of foreign lands(Iwo Jima) On the sea Under the sea And in the skies We've even engaged in a bit of cyber-combat, way out there on the electronic frontier. At one time or another, we've done battle under just about every circumstance imaginable, armed with everything from muskets to cruise missiles. And, somehow, we've managed to do it all with the wrong Army. That's right, America has the wrong Army. I don't kno
Wrong Military Game
This article was written by retired Chief Petty Officer and award winning novelist, Jeff Edwards. America's military can win wars. We've done it in the past, and I have absolute confidence that we'll continue to do it in the future. We've won fights in which we possessed overwhelming technological superiority (Desert Storm) as well as conflicts in which we were the technical underdogs (the American Revolution) We've crossed swords with numerically superior foes, and with militaries a fraction of the size of our own. We've battled on our own soil (Civil War) and on the soil of foreign lands(Iwo Jima) On the sea Under the sea And in the skies We've even engaged in a bit of cyber-combat, way out there on the electronic frontier. At one time or another, we've done battle under just about every circumstance imaginable, armed with everything from muskets to cruise missiles. And, somehow, we've managed to do it all with the wrong Army. That's right, America has the wrong Army. I don't kno
Wrong Side Of The Bed
Wrong Side Of The Bed - Cale Johnson ©2005 I used to hold you as I fell asleep Your arms around me Your head on my chest Is what made my day complete Since the day you left me Sleep comes harder every night And every morning when I wake up I know something isn’t right CHORUS I woke up on the wrong side of the bed My arm draped over where you used to lay Holding the pillow where you rested your head My mood ain’t getting any better And won’t in the days ahead This happens every time I wake up On the wrong side of the bed No one ever doubted when they saw us together The looks we exchanged The smiles we shared That our love would last forever Now when my friends see me It’s the same question every day They all wanna’ know what’s wrong The only thing I can say, is CHORUS to fade
i finaly got what i thought i wanted, and what i probably deserved i loved you but you never knew, i was too afraid too give u that power i wanted so badly to keep you and let you in, i just pushed you further away then one day you eyes were less blue when they looked into mine, and i knew i was no longer the one girl on your mind you and my freind had found each other, and you now have your own world together i thought i would be ok but im not, all i see is you and her and it hurts to watch i now sit on the sidlines once again broken hearted and try to wipe away what seem to be endless tears i try to pick up the peices of my heart, the one i thought i kept from you to break once again i was wrong i still love you so much even after all of this, and just regret never telling you never letting you in and i miss you so much, i miss your amazing smile and those beautiful blue i miss your warmth when u hug me and the feel of your lips when we kissed i m
The Wrong Cake
More Videos from
Wrong Emails Address((read))
A lesson to be learned from typing the wrong E-mail address: A Minneapolis couple decided to go to Florida to thaw out during a particularly icy winter. They planned to stay at the same hotel where they spent their honeymoon 20 years before. Because of their hectic schedules, it was difficult to coordinate their travel schedules. So, the husband left Minneapolisand flew to Florida on Friday, and his wife was flying down the following day. The husband checked into the hotel, and unlike years ago, there was a computer in his room, and he decided to send an email to his wife. However, he accidentally left out one letter in her E-mail address, and without noticing his error, sent the email to the wrong address. Meanwhile . Somewhere in Houston... A widow had just returned home from her husband's funeral. He was a minister who was called home to glory after suffering a heart attack. The widow decided to check her E-mail, expecting messages from relatives and frien
Wrong Job....
Wrong Number
"Hello?" "Hi honey. This is Daddy. Is Mommy near the phone?" "No Daddy. She's upstairs in the bedroom with Uncle Paul." After a brief pause, Daddy says, "But honey, you haven't got an Uncle Paul." "Oh yes I do, and he's upstairs in the room with Mommy right now." Brief Pause. "Uh, okay then, this is what I want you to do. Put the phone down on the table, run upstairs and knock on the bedroom door and shout to Mommy that Daddy's car just pulled into the driveway." "Okay Daddy, just a minute." A few minutes later the little girl comes back to the phone. "I did it Daddy." "And what happened honey?" "Well, Mommy got all scared, jumped out of bed with no clothes on and ran around screaming. Then she tripped over the rug, hit her head on the dresser and now she isn't moving at all!" "Oh my God!!! What about your Uncle Paul?" "He jumped out of the bed with no clothes on, too. He was all scared and he jumped out of the back window and
Wrong E-mail Address
Lesson to be learned from typing the wrong email address: A Minneapolis couple decided to go to Florida to thaw out during a particularly icy winter. They planned to stay at the same hotel where they spent their honeymoon 20 years earlier. Because of hectic schedules, it was difficult to coordinate their travel plans. So, the husband left Minneapolis and flew to Florida on Thursday, with his wife flying down the following day. The husband checked into the hotel. There was a computer in his room, so he decided to send an email to his wife. However, he accidentally left out one letter in her email address, and without realizing his error, sent the email. Meanwhile, somewhere in Houston, a widow had just returned home from her husband's funeral. He was a minister who was called home to glory following a heart attack. The widow decided to check her email expecting messages from relatives and friends. After reading the first message, she screamed and fainted. The widow's son rushed in
Wrong Answer!
A man left work one Friday afternoon. But instead of going home, he stayed out the entire weekend playing golf with the boys and spending his entire paycheck. When he finally appeared at home Sunday night, he was confronted by his furious wife and was bombarded for his actions with an angry tirade for over two hours. Finally his wife stopped the nagging and simply said to him, "How would you like it if you didn't see me for two or three days?" To which the husband replied: "That would be fine with me." Monday went by and he didn't see his wife. Tuesday went by and he didn't see his wife. Wednesday came and went with the same results. Finally, on Thursday, the swelling went down just enough to where he could see her a little bit out of the corner of his left eye.
Oh my fuckin' word. What the hell is wrong with ppl?.... ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: !!!!! TARSHA !!!!! Date: Aug 24, 2007 8:47 PM From: NANNYFINE AND HER AMAZING BEHIND LOLLLLLDate: Aug 24, 2007 12:02 PMAny Suggestions?Date: Aug 24, 2007 11:58 AM SORRY MOMMY && DADDY.i didn't mean to turn the channel to a differant channel. SORRY MOMMY && DADDY.i didn't mean to spill my milk at dinner last night. SORRY MOMMY && DADDY.i didn't mean to play with my dolls that long. SORRY MOMMY && DADDY.i didn't mean to trip over your shoes in the middle of the floor. SORRY MOMMY && DADDY.i didn't mean to be a mistake.. why can't i eat?SORRY MOMMY && DADDY.i didn't mean to pee in my pants yesterday. SORRY MOMMY && DADDY.i didn't mean to cry when my bath wa
2 Wrongs Don't Make A Right
I remember the time when I was in a relationship with my girlfriend,I was doing the right thing by being good to her & treating her right;then all of a sudden,I find out that she was cheating on me with my so-called best friend.Not only she cheated on me with him,but other guys as well also.I was like,how can she do this to me after everything I had done for her?If she think I didn't had opprotunities to cheat on her,I could've.There were women that was looking at me hard at my job & even her friends were checking me out.I could've cheated on her if I wanted to but I didn't because I wanted to do the right thing & if I did it,I wouldn't be any better than she is.I just leave people like her in the hands of God because she will reap for what she has sown
Wrong Turn
Wrong Way (1999)
Kiss my life away sin with the insane caress the deliverence and solidify my pain Never understand my deliverence to hell esculate my inheritance and wish me well A hateful understanding a dreadful rise of day exemplify my caress and journey the wrong way
Wrong On Fubar!
I Rip A pic from one profile and put it in my gallary . Now some one get's offended by same pic. In my gallary it's in public view and IS NOT MARKED n.s.f.w. But now fubar mark's the picture I got from some else n.s.f.w. ICAN NOT VIEW THE PICTURE AT ALL! Yet on the origenal profile I CAN FULLY VIEW THE PICTURE! BUT THE SAME PICTURE IN MY GALLARY IS MARKED n.s.f.w. This is why there is SOME THING'S WRONG ON fubar!
Wrong Turn 2 Dead End
not a big fan of the first one cause it was bit to much like The Hills Have Eyes 1977. it reminded me of them 70s type slashers,so i think it was a ok when i heard there was making a second one i rolled my eyes thinking another shitty sequel going straigt to DVD. but since its been out ive been hearing alot of good things about it, people saying its better then the first one, its not out here yet, but to anybodys whos seen it is it worth checking out heres a trailer to the people whos not seen it yet WARNING a bit gory at the begining of the trailer
Wrong Or Right
I was at a hospital having test done while in the lab waiting room I noticed the t.v. was on so I watched to see what was on and it was on a channel that was not english so after I had my test which was over an hour long I came back in to find the t.v. on the same thing gggggggrrrrrr I feel since we are in the USA that everyone speak as we americans do! tv or wherever we are. agree or disagrre with me huh?
Wrong Number
Rrriiiiinnnnggg, rrriiiinnnngg, 'Hello?' 'Hi honey. This is Daddy. Is Mommy near the phone?' 'No, Daddy. She's upstairs in the bedroom with Uncle Paul.' After a brief pause, Daddy says, 'But honey, you haven't got an Uncle Paul..' 'Oh yes I do, and he's upstairs in the room with Mommy, Right now..' Brief Pause. 'Uh, okay then, this is what I want you to do. Put the phone down on the table, run upstairs And knock on the bedroom door and shout to Mommy That Daddy's car just pulled into he driveway.' 'Okay, Daddy, Just a minute.' A few minutes later the little girl comes back to the phone. 'I did it, Daddy.' 'And what happened, honey?' He asked. 'Well, Mommy got all scared, jumped out of bed With no clothes on and ran around screaming. Then she tripped over the rug, hit her head on the dresser and now she isn't moving at all!' 'Oh my God!!! What about your Uncle Paul?' 'He jumped out of the bed with no clothes on, too. He was all scared a
Wrong, Wrong, Wrong
There is something just sinfully wrong about having to get up at the ass crack of dawn. My eyes do NOT like 4:30 am!
Wrong Way
What makes you touch? What makes you feel? What makes you stop and smell the roses in an open field? What makes you unclean? Yeah,Yeah What makes you laugh? What makes you cry? What makes our youth run From the thought that we might die? What makes you bleed? Somebody told me the wrong way What if I died? What did I give? I hope it was an answer so you might live I hope I helped you live I hope I helped you Live Somebody told me the wrong way
Wrong !
By: Andrea Lynn Christine written in 1997 Wrong ! What I did to you is wrong, I thought it would be for the best. BUT I WAS WRONG! I thought we could work it out down the road. BUT I WAS WRONG! You told me you loved me, I didn't listen. You wanted to be with me forever, I showed no affection. When you tried to make things right, I walked away. BUT..... I was WRONG! Dedicated to- Richard Jonathan Downie
Wrong Off Solo Album
Wrong The distance we’ve created is just inside, an overwhelming pressure to run and hide. The promises we’ve made have become a lie, there’s nothing we can change that’ll make it right. We’ve lost the motivation to cross the line, remember how you faded the hands of time. Anything that can go wrong has its way of going wrong. How can we rewrite this song when our conscience had been so corrupted for so long? All caught up in the drama that’s been your life, still broken by the question of how and why, It’s no mistake that you’ve given up inside, you’ve got to find the strength left in you to try. Anything that can go wrong has its way of going wrong. How can we rewrite this song when our conscience had been so corrupted for so long? How much longer will you push to aggravate the times you should…?
Wrong-way Driver Kills Swanton Teen, Police Say
COLCHESTER -- A Swanton teenager died early Saturday morning when the car in which he was riding was struck by another driving in the wrong direction on Interstate 89 by a man who allegedly admitted to police that he had come from a local bar. Vermont State Police said Nicolas Fournier, 18, of Swanton died on impact as the result of internal injuries from the crash, which occurred shortly after midnight. Fournier, a 2007 graduate of Missisquoi Union Valley High School, ran cross country and played baseball and basketball for the school. Police arrested Shawn Burritt, 32, of Jericho on several charges. Trooper Michelle LeBlanc said they included driving under the influence for the fourth time with death resulting; leaving the scene of an accident; driving with a suspended license; violating conditions of release; and grossly negligent operation. Burritt remained jailed at the Chittenden Regional Correctional Facility in South Burlington late Saturday on $100,000 cash bail
I wanted to be all you needed, I was wrong. I wanted to be the reason you awoke in the morning, I was wrong. Exploring your body, getting lost in your soul, I was wrong. I was confident, too confident, I was wrong. I thought there may have been potential, I was wrong. I thought you were different, I was wrong, so very wrong. -Hurley (copyright 2007)
Wrong Side Of Nothing
born in the year of the rooster bitten by a snake grew up on the wrong side of nothing never got a break sold my soul to the devil the ruler of the land gave me the keys to the kingdom put a guitar in my hand now my fingers bleed with the words inside me each night they fill my head and they need to be set free cuz im on the wrong side of nothing the ruler of the land took they key and now ill be just a guitar playin' man the wrong side of nothing bitten by a snake the poison stings and it brings death in its wake
Sometimes I feel something is wrong with me All I do is cry I can't stop this pain All I want to do is disappear. Something must be wrong with me I feel so much Emotions run wild Confusion blinds me Makes me feel lost inside Is something wrong with me? All these unwanted an terriable things Deep inside me Always there Never fading away Wrong Wrong, Something must be wrong. I can't stop these thoughts What the pain drives Turns my stomach Hurting Sometimes I think something is truly wrong within me. With only one way out. One way to end the pain. One way to sooth the soul.
Wrong Reason
Wrong Reason It is not always the absence of love That makes me seem alone. Often it's been too much love Given to me by the wrong people For the wrong reasons That keeps me here. Gladly alone. Rather than have the life sucked Out of me by the violent needs Of other minds and bodies. That does not mean That I'm not grateful But I am sad. Not to be able to put my arms Around those who truly love me And give them something more Than polite indifference. Oh, how I tried. I think they should know I tried. And I choose to be alone Rather than wrapped in arms I could never need. Merrt Malloy
Wrong Again
Martina McBride ~Wrong Again~ From the day we met You made me forget All my fears Knew just what to say And you kissed away All my tears I knew this time I had finally found Someone to build my life around Who'd be a lover and a friend After all my heart had put me through I knew that it was safe with you And what we had would never end Wrong again Everybody swore They'd seen this before We'd be fine And you'd come to see that you still loved me In good time And they said there's nothing you can do It's something that he's going through It happens to a lot of men And I told myself that they were right That you'd wake up and see the light And I just had to wait 'til then Wrong again And it seemed to me the pain would last My chance for happiness had passed And nothing waited 'round the bend I was sure I'd never find someone To heal the damage you had done And my poor heart would never mend Wrong again Wrong again
Wrong Email
A lesson to be learned from typing the wrong e-mail address... A Minneapolis couple decided to go to Florida to thaw out during a particularly icy winter. They planned to stay at the same hotel where they spent their honeymoon 20 years earlier. Because of hectic schedules, it was difficult to coordinate their travel schedules. So, the husband left Minnesota and flew to Florida on Thursday, with his wife flying down the following day. The husband checked into the hotel. There was a computer in his room, so he decided to send a e-mail to his wife. However, he accidentally left out one letter in her e-mail address, and without realizing his error, sent the e-mail. Meanwhile, somewhere in Houston , a widow had just returned home from her husband's funeral. He was a minister who was called home to glory following a heart attack. The widow decided to check her e-mail expecting messages from relatives and friends. After reading the first message, she screamed and fainted.
01-05-08 (wrong Day)
Hello Saturday Blog Readers How are you this fine wintery Saturday? Good I hope! As you see from my video "Hang on Sloopy" I guess I'm not quite ready to ease up on my "BUCKEYE babbling" just yet! I just realized today that the game isn't until Monday ... I guess between my fever & wishful thinking -- that it was on today! *sigh* I thought waiting until today was bad enough!!! I feel like a kid waiting to open his presents on Christmas morning, Like the clock is ticking slower as the anticipation grows! Growing older by each passing moment ... With that I'll segue into today's greeting: I've used this one numerous time in different formats ... Adding a little "Buckeye Flare" to it ... (being I thought today was 'GAME DAY') ugh So if it looks somewhat familiar -- that's why. I think the original making date back to March '06 Yesterday's TGIF was from then too, being the 'second' Friday tag I'd made ... With a lot of revisions - I thi
Wrong Email Address
A couple from Minneapolis decided to go to Florida to thaw out during one particularly icy winter. They planned to stay at the very same hotel where they spent their honeymoon 20 years earlier. Because of hectic schedules, it was difficult to coordinate their travel schedules. So, the husband left Minnesota and flew to Florida on Thursday, with his wife flying down the following day. The husband checked into the hotel There was a computer in his room, so he decided to send an e-mail to his wife. However, he accidentally left out one letter in her e-mail address, and without realizing his error, he sent the e-mail. Meanwhile.....somewhere in Houston, a widow had just returned home from her husband's funeral. He was a minister of many years who was called home to glory following a sudden heart attack. The widow decided to check her e-mail, expecting messages from relatives and friends. After reading the first message, she fainted. The widow's
Wrong Again
So today I posted this mumm. Asking people if they would eat what a guy on the video was eating. I got several comments saying that my mumm violated the terms of service. When I looked them up it said nothing about not being able to post a video as long as it went with the question. Which mine did! Dumb ass holier than thou people clicked on the NSFW button and my mumm was reported and deleted with out me being able to defend myself or save my mumm since I did nothing wrong. At to top it off the will not reply back to the message I sent them. WTF!
Wrong Email Address
This one is priceless... A lesson to be learned from typing the wrong email address!!!! A Minneapolis couple decided to go to Florida to thaw out during a Particularly icy winter. They planned to stay at the same hotel where they Spent their honeymoon 20 years earlier. Because of hectic schedules, it was difficult to coordinate their travel Schedules. So, the husband left Minnesota and flew to Florida on Thursday, With his wife flying down the following day. The husband checked into the hotel. There was a computer in his room, so he Decided to send an email to his wife. However, he accidentally left out one Letter in her email address, and without realizing his error, sent the Email. Meanwhile, somewhere in Houston , a widow had just returned home from her Husband's' funeral. He was a minister who was called home to glory following A heart attack. The widow decided to check her email expecting messages from relatives and Friends. Afte
Is Sexual Self-stimulation Wrong? February 5, 2008 by Wayne Jackson Sometimes the most unpleasant topics are worthy of addressing for the benefit of others. That is the case with the theme below. Over the past decade, since the Christian Courier website has been operative, many times I have received mail from obviously sincere people professing devout faith in the Christian religion and the conviction that the Scriptures are God’s revelation to man. But they are perplexed and troubled by their own problems—deep problems. I would even characterize some as tormented, and especially with the problem of sexual self-stimulation (commonly termed masturbation). The word generally is defined as: “Stimulation of the genital organs to a climax of excitement.” I have responded to many of these requests with biblical instruction, and in so doing have become quite weary of the repetitive and disagreeable chore. From these exchanges I have drawn two conclusions. (1) There is a need to writ
Wrong Pic
Wrongly Right
Up late again last night and out of bed too damn early this morning. I couldn't sleep, my mind just wondered. I feel like all I do is stay put in certain areas of life, like I don't have enough fun. Well I'm making a deal with myself, from now on I am going to do a lot more things, I'm gonna let it all out and have fun. I'm going to take more risks and just be myself. If that's not ok with someone, then tought shit!
Wrong #!!!
Child: "Hello?" Daddy: "Hi honey. It's Daddy. Is Mommy nearby?" Child: "No Daddy. Mommy's upstairs in the bedroom with Uncle Paul." Daddy: "Honey, you don't have an Uncle Paul." Child: "Yes I do, and he's upstairs in the bedroom with Mommy." Brief Pause. Daddy: "Okay, honey. I want you to put the phone down on the table and run upstairs. Knock on the bedroom door and shout to Mommy that Daddy's car just pulled into the driveway." Child: "Okay Daddy, just a minute." Moments later the little girl comes back to the phone. Child: "I did it Daddy." Daddy: "What happened honey?" Child: "Well, Mommy jumped out of bed with no clothes on and began running and screaming. She tripped over the rug, hit her head on the dresser and now she isn't moving at all!" Daddy: "Oh my God!!! What about your Uncle Paul?" Child: "He jumped out of bed with no clothes on, too. Then he jumped out the b
Ok so in my area they are doing a Bowl for Kids Sake that raises money for the Big Brother Big Sister program. I asked a local person I was supposed to meet if he wanted to do it. That person told me yes he would definitely do it. He has not talked to me in a week and I sent him a message about it and told him I need the money next weekend no anwser. It is not even about me and him. I am sorry when you say that you are gonna do something for kids. Then you back out of it and do not do it. There is something wrong with you and shows you what there character is like.
You Are Bud Light You're not fussy when it comes to beer. If someone hands it to you, you'll drink it. In fact, you don't understand beer snobbery at all. It all tastes the same once you're drunk! You're an enthusiastic drinker, and you can often be found at your neighborhood bar. You're pretty good at holding your liquor too - you've had lots of experience. What's Your Beer Personality?
Wrong Doings
Check out the story --> http://www. kxan. com/Global/story. asp?S=8165144 This story is very real and needs your attention. This is the superintendent of the high school where the kid was suspended for talking to his father while in Iraq. 254-547-1227 254-547-1227 x222 Dr Bobby Ott Deputy Superintendent For everyone of our loved ones who are over there, do this for them, for the families, let the school board know this is not ok, we will not tolerate this type of treatment. >>*KXAN News Story*
Wrong Thing To Say...
A woman is standing nude looking in the bedroom mirror. She is not happy with what she sees and says to her husband, 'I feel horrible; I look old, fat and ugly. I really need you to pay me a compliment.' The husband replies, 'Your eyesight's damn near perfect.' He never heard the shot....
Wrong Again
From the day we met You made me forget All my fears Knew just what to say And you kissed away All my tears I knew this time I had finally found Someone to build my life around Who'd be a lover and a friend After all my heart had put me through I knew that it was safe with you And what we had would never end Wrong again Everybody swore They'd seen this before We'd be fine And you'd come to see that you still loved me In good time And they said there's nothing you can do It's something that he's going through It happens to a lot of men And I told myself that they were right That you'd wake up and see the light And I just had to wait 'til then Wrong again And it seemed to me the pain would last My chance for happiness had passed And nothing waited 'round the bend I was sure I'd never find someone To heal the damage you had done And my poor heart would never mend Wrong again Wrong again
Wrong, But You Gotta Laugh!
Some Nuns are waiting at the pearly gates to enter heaven... St. Peter is stood there holding a bowl of Holy Water. As the first Nun approaches St. Peter says... "Sister, have you ever had contact with a man’s penis?" The sister blushes and replies... "I once looked at one St. Peter" she said. St. Peter says... "Rinse your eyes in this bowl of Holy Water and then enter sister." So she does. The second Nun approaches and St. Peter says... “Have you ever had contact with a man’s penis sister?” She answers... "Yes St Peter, I once touched a man’s penis." St. Peter says... "Wash your hands in this bowl of Holy Water and then enter sister." So she does. Then there’s a scuffling at the back of the queue... "Now, now, what’s going on back there?" shouts St. Peter. "Well if this is how it works" shouts back Sister Agnes... "I want to rinse my mouth out before Sister Catherine has to stick her backside in there!"
Wrong Again
From the day we met You made me forget All my fears Knew just what to say And you kissed away All my tears I knew this time I had finally found Someone to build my life around Who'd be a lover and a friend After all my heart had put me through I knew that it was safe with you And what we had would never end Wrong again Everybody swore They'd seen this before We'd be fine And you'd come to see that you still loved me In good time And they said there's nothing you can do It's something that he's going through It happens to a lot of men And I told myself that they were right That you'd wake up and see the light And I just had to wait 'til then Wrong again And it seemed to me the pain would last My chance for happiness had passed And nothing waited 'round the bend I was sure I'd never find someone To heal the damage you had done And my poor heart would never mend Wrong again
The Wrong Violin
The Wrong Violin Nicolo Paganini (1782-1840), one of the greastest violinists of all time, was about to perform before a sold-out opera house. He walked out on to a huge ovation and felt that something was terribly wrong. Suddenly he realized that he had someone else's violin in his hands. Horrifed, but knowing that he had no other choice he began. That day, he gave the performance of his life. After the concert, Paganini reflected to a fellow musician, "Today, I learned the most important lesson of my career. Before today, I thought music was in the violin. Today, I learned that the music was in me."
Wrong Again
Doesn't it feel like there is always one song that describes exactly what you're going through, and all you want to do is play it over and over? Lately I've discovered that the song "Wrong Again" is perfect for what I'm going through. Its unbelievably exact. Everything that was wrong in my life, he was there for me, and I choose to give up my life to share it with his, I was so sure of his lies. I was told that when he pushed me away it was because he was scared of finally finding happiness, and like an idiot I believed, at one point he'd told me that things always end up bad when he finds happiness. I was so wrong, this wasn't my prince charming after all. As soon as I got pregnant with his baby, its like i have some horrible disease. His stupid friends from online talk crap bout me on here, and he does nothing. It hurts so bad to see the person you love mistreat you, all because you have nowhere to go anymore, because if you leave, then you know you've really lost the battle. I love
Wrong Girl.
BELIEVE IT OR NOT SOMEONE HERE KNOWS I AM TALKING TO HIM HERE . . . GEEBUS. So the flood gates open but nothing comes out I’m feeling no relief in my head, just doubt But my heart keeps telling me ‘hold your ground. You’ll never learn a thing if you bail out now’ And I’m lonely again tonight I can feel it like a knot in my side They keep saying this is part of the ride But I’m not getting stronger. Yet hold me against the light And do you see any bullet inside? Wouldn’t find one if you magnified Because you’ve got the wrong girl Had my fingers around the back of your chair You’d never missed a thing but you missed me there And I just kept thinking ‘Am I prepared To pull it out from under your trusting stare?’ Now the house is quiet as a hollow head And I’m walking round bumping into things you said This has not been as easy as I thought it would I’d be cooling down the fire if I thought I could. And I’m lonely again tonight I can feel it like a k
2009 Tax Code The only thing that the IRS has not taxed yet is the male penis. This is due to the fact that 69% of the time it is hanging around unemployed, 10% of the time it is hard up, 20% of the time it is pissed off and 1% of the time it is in the hole. On top of that, it has two dependents and they Are both nuts! HOWEVER, effective January 1st, 2009, the penis will now be taxed According to size: The brackets are as follows: 10 - 12" Luxury Tax $ 300.00 8 - 10" Pole Tax $ 250.00 5 - 8" Privilege Tax $ 150.00 3 - 5" Nuisance Tax $ 30.00 Males exceeding 12" must file capital gains. Anyone under 3" is eligible for a tax refund. ** PLEASE DO NOT ASK FOR AN EXTENSION **
Wrong To Be Ticked?
Apparently i have no right to be ticked off right now. my father in law is in the bath.. with the door open... my husband knew i was going to get the laundry.. meaning  i have to walk right past that door.. but did he warn me to go the other way? no.. not at all... and when i say something to him.. he is like so what?! its not like you saw anything!   am i really wrong to be ticked about that? ffs.. i have seen his balls when he was sitting in shorts and it got blown off as me "over reacting"   UGH.. not happy..   Am i really over reacting?
Wrong Card Omg
Wrong Card A new business was opening and one of the owner's friends wanted to send flowers for the occasion. They arrived at the new business site and the owner read the card; it read "Rest in Peace." The owner was angry and called the florist to complain. After he had told the florist of the obvious mistake and how angry he was, the florist said. "Sir, I'm really sorry for the mistake, but rather than getting angry you should imagine this: Somewhere there is a funeral taking place today, and they have flowers with a note saying, 'Congratulations on your new location!!'
Wrong Place, Wrong Time The Story Of Calamity Jane.
My luck has never been the best. My choices deserved to be reproached. From the sheltered life i have lived as a child and a teenager, to being forced to marry the first man I "gave it up to"....and I think  God why couldn't I have held out for a better man?..but marry him I did, and he was a selfish, arrogant, abusive son of a bitch. No where to run, because my parents didn't believe me when I said he was hurting me, when he finally beat me for hours and put me into the hospital, I ran to my friends not my family. I ran to the people who knew the truth, the people who looked after me. my chosen family. I also fell in love again, and thought I was given a second chance. And God help me I really loved him. I was 22 and he was 18, but he made me laugh, his touch made me shiver and I though I finally found it, and so this is what it's like to finally be happy. No matter how badly things have turned for me and this particular person now, he stood by me when I bruised and broken. He watche
I'm in a horrible mood. I woke up being screamed at because I fell asleep on the couch, watching television last night. My back was killing me so I decided to lay down with my back against the back of the couch. It must have felt really good because the next thing I remember I'm being screamed at because of some new rule about this new couch. No one is allowed to even fucking lay down on it to rest. So help me God if I see either one of them stretched out on it, I will go off on them. I then decided that before I really do anything today that I want a cup of coffee. I get up and go make a fresh pot and while I'm waiting for it to cool down a little I get my laptop and start to check my emails and mess around on here. You know, my morning ritual. Before I can even start drinking my coffee, I'm asked if I ever do anything besides get on my laptop. WTF? I'm never on this thing unless there is nothing to do, which lately seems to be a lot. But honestly, I work 5 days a week, my boys are h
The Wrong Side Of The Bed
Mother Superior was on her way to late morning prayers, when she passed two novices just leaving early morning prayers, on their way to classes. As she passed the young ladies, Mother Superior said, "Good morning ladies."The novices replied, "Good morning, Mother Superior, may God be with you." But after they had passed, Mother Superior heard one say to the other, "I think she got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning." This startled Mother Superior, but she chose not to pursue the issue.A little further down the hall, Mother Superior passed two of the Sisters who had been teaching at the convent for several years. She greeted them with, "Good morning Sister Martha, Sister Jessica, may God give you wisdom for our students today.""Good morning, Mother Superior. Thank you, and may God be with you."But again, after passing, Mother Superior overheard, "She got out of the wrong side of bed today." Baffled, she started to wonder if she had spoken harshly, or with an irritated look o
"wrong Time"
There are certain things you can't control... You may love two people at the same time.. In the eyes of many, that kind of love is wrong.. but sometmes, finding another one to love when you already have someone proves a thing.. that no matter what you do, if destiny states that you should meet him/her, it will always find a way.. even if it's in a "wrong time"
Wrong B!tch
  The train was quite crowded, so a U. S. Marine walked theentire length looking for a seat, but the only seat left wastaken by a well dressed, middle-aged, French woman's poodle.The war-weary Marine asked,"Ma'am, may I have that seat?"The French woman just sniffed and said to no one in particular,"Americans are so rude.  My little Fifi is using that seat."The Marine walked the entire train again, but the only seat leftwas under that dog.  "Please, ma'am..  May I sit down?  I'm very tired."She snorted, "Not only are you Americans rude, you arealso arrogant!"This time the Marine didn't say a word; he just picked up thelittle dog, tossed it out the train window, and sat down.The woman shrieked, "Someone must defend my honor!Put this American in his place!"An English gentleman sitting nearby spoke up, "Sir, youAmericans often seem to have a penchant for doing the wrong thing.You hold the fork in the wrong hand. You drive your autos onthe wrong side of the road. And now, sir, you seem to h
Wrong Side Of The Bed
Wrong Side Of The Bed I used to hold you as I fell asleep Your arms around me Your head on my chest Is what made my day complete Since the day you left me Sleep comes harder every night And every morning when I wake up I know something isn’t right CHORUS I woke up on the wrong side of the bed My arm draped over where you used to lay Holding the pillow where you rested your head My mood ain’t getting any better And won’t in the days ahead This happens every time I wake up On the wrong side of the bed No one ever doubted when they saw us together The looks we exchanged The smiles we shared That our love would last forever Now when my friends see me It’s the same question every day They all wanna’ know what’s wrong The only thing I can say, is CHORUS to fade
Wrongest Website Ever
Just been looking at this in the office, and eff me if this isn't the wrongest thing... EVAR. Reborn Babies  
The Wrong Hole
Wrong Completion (01/22/10)
When was it that it went wrong,Where was it that we lost the song,For many a sleepless night we'd share,For we had to each other, our lives, our souls to bare,Cast out into the gloomy dark alone,Wandering into the same great void I had always known,A gaping, petulant hole thrust into me,Emptiness, a void for all who care to see,Leave me in silence, suffering eternally and internallyFor she, the one that I thought once completed me.
My life is so boring it puts me to sleep. Anything wrong with a boring life? No different that any one elses. Ordinary, life is so calm and yet there is sometihng not quite right in all of our ordinary life. We try not look at it or simply ignore it and yet it is there. Not quite sure what it is but it is unsettling. Look in the mirror at yourself, and do you even look deep in the eye's? Who do you see? I've yet to look at myself in the mirror. I can get very close to it and yet avoid looking at myslef in the mirror. Glory to God N  
The Wrong Path
These past few weeks I have been living in a dream like state. Fantasizing about being with you. Thinking of everything we could be together. Never realizing that it was all purely an illusion in my head. Fooling myself into everything you said, wanted. Needing it so badly to be true that I couldn’t see behind all the lies.  I opened myself up to you only to be shut down and turned away. My first instinct in the beginning was to turn my head and never look back. I felt it to be a dangerous risk. But I didn’t listen. I took the leap. Now I am feeling a heartbreak that I never wanted to experience again.  Your words reeled me in. I listened and I fell for everything said. I wanted so badly to believe and to feel the love I thought was truly there.  So many paths laid out before me and I take the wrong ones. Over and over in a continuous  viscious cycle of mistakes and let downs. I have come to the point in life where I just want to give up. I feel that this life has nothing l
How is this for hypocritical, I get a pic flagged by fubar, and its an old work of art that is very well known, but Babyjesus can post a video of protestors getting shot on the street and dying. All the colorful blood showing. I get flagged for a black and white work of art, with no blood showing. For those of you that would like to know what it was that I posted. Just look up Dantes Inferno Canto 28. The pic with an elderly man holding his own head is the one in question. Now, go to Babyjesus page and look for the video, if its still there and tell me where the logic lies on this one. He may be the creator or site owner or whatever he is, but that doesn't mean he should be above his own rules. Feel free to leave comments and share this with others if you don't think this is right. Hate me if it makes you feel better for ragging on Fubar or its owner, I really don't care.
Wrong Number Chapter 1
Jeanie has just moved to a new city and now is juggling an over protective brother and possessed phone.  Somewhere down the road she pissed off someone enough that they keep passing out her phone number (even though she has had it changed) as a free phone sex line.  At first it was confusingly funny but now she just ignores all calls from numbers she doesn't recognize.  That is until one particularly difficult afternoon she answers an unknown call in hopes to take her anger out, but the tables are turned much to quickly for her, the voice on the other line too commanding and too sexy for her to do anything but comply.     To read about what Jeanie does, and what happens check out the first chapter at my wordpress blog, rag dolls and zombies erotica
Wrong Number
Just got a phone call:   Me:  Hello? Caller: Hello Me:  Hello? Caller:  Lisa? Me:  Sorry, no Lisa here Caller:  Do you have a daughter named lisa? (I guess I have an old voice) Me:  Nope, sorry, you have the wrong number Caller:  Is this 123-4567? Me:  Yes, but there is no Lisa here Caller:   Well I banged a chick named Lisa and she gave me this number Me:  Well guess what, you must have sucked and she doesn't want you to call her anymore Caller:  You don't know any girl named Lisa, have you banged a chick named Lisa? Me:  Just your mother, *click*
Wrong Bitch
The train was quite crowded and a U. S. Marine walked the entire length looking for a seat. There seemed to be one next to a well-dressed French woman, but when he got there, he saw it was taken by the woman's poodle. The war-weary Marine asked, "Ma'am, may I have that seat?" The French woman sniffed and said to no one in particular, "Americans are so rude. My little Fifi is using that seat."The Marine walked the entire train again, but the only seat available was under that dog. "Please, ma'am.  May I sit down? I'm very tired." She snorted, "Not only are you Americans rude, you are also arrogant!"This time the Marine didn't say a word; he just picked up the little dog, tossed it out the train window and sat down.The woman shrieked, "Someone defend me! Put this American in his place!" An English gentleman sitting nearby spoke up. "Sir, you Americans seem to have a penchant for doing the wrong thing. You hold the fork in the wrong hand. You drive your autos on the wrong side of the road
Wrong On Soooo Many Levels Roflmao
who needs enemies with friends like i have lmfao.. i love my friends -wipes tear - friend: Dont make me put it in ur ass lmao me: would you please roflmao me: i cant seem to do it myself  friend: Lmao friend: U must not be trying hard enough me: puuuuuuuusshhhhh lmfao friend: Lmao
Wrong? You Say..
Two sides meet, just another stage for all these games we play, grows worse with age, some learn love, others hate. the problem that lay far beneath risedes in the inner child. with age comes wisdom, respect and patience for those misguided. I say? Why Bother!
Wrong - Depeche Mode
I was born with the wrong sign In the wrong house With the wrong ascendancy I took the wrong road That led to the wrong tendencies I was in the wrong place at the wrong time For the wrong reason and the wrong rhyme On the wrong day of the wrong week I used the wrong method with the wrong technique Wrong Wrong There's something wrong with me chemically Something wrong with me inherently The wrong mix in the wrong genes I reached the wrong ends by the wrong means It puts the wrong plan In the wrong hands With the wrong theory for the wrong man The wrong lies, on the wrong vibes The wrong questions with the wrong replies Wrong Wrong I was marching to the wrong drum With the wrong scum Pissing out the wrong energy Using all the wrong lines And the wrong signs With the wrong intensity I was on the wrong page of the wrong book With the wrong rendition of the wrong hook Made the wrong move, every wrong night With the wrong tune played till it sounded right yah Wrong Wrong Too long Wrong I was
Wrong Hole Hd - Dj Lubel
Wrong Hole: The Untold Story (taryn Southern)
Wrong Way
you ever seen the ocean of colors in the beauty of an eye? have you ever felt the softness of a bunny and realized it was not as sweet as skin. have you ever compared the rhythm of the wind to the surrealness of a  whisper in your ear ? have you ever held your arms out to hold a child who needed a hug or smiled at a stranger just to see them do it in return ? have you ever wondered where the compassion was going as you watched it disappear . have you seen the back of love and wondered why it had turned . did you scream did you shout or did you just watch it all walk out . drowning in tears now we are with would have should have and could haves . and wondering what went wrong ....
Wrongful Advocating
Ok from time to time I like to use this as a way to voice my opions about things in a world and this blogg is 1. This is something that has bothered me for years and I like to voice my opion on it.  What really irratates me in society is when the low lifes that commits horrific crimes and the law tries to punish them andout of the wood work comes the ingrates called advocates claiming "you cant do that, thats inhumane". In reality what these ingates need to do is advocate for those who lost thier lives by these low lifes that commit thats sick acts of crimes. My opion is this instead of babying these people, we need to actually punish these criminals, toughen the laws and get a step foward to helping the families of the victims feel justice has been done.    
Wrote This Today
Why cant you see that being without you makes my heart bleed? How can i tell you i cant live with out you? When will you be mine, cause with out you i have no time line? What do i have to say, to get you to feel this way? Where will i be when you decide that you love me?
Wrote This Last Night
hurting the ones you you sometimes end up hurting those who mean alot to you..without even knowing your doing it..but by the time you realize you are hurting them it is way to late to undo the wrong you have done and you lose that love that meant so very much to never take for granted what you have in life because one day you could lose it all
Wrote September 27th 2006....
Song - Full Of By: Danny-Bob Dude Have you ever thought you were about to die Or you were dead When you saw your whole life flashed before your eyes? This world is full of memory Full of hate Full of anger Full of pain It cursed us and drove us insane We are having this war inside our heads We leave none alive So bring your pretty face to my ax There will be no comfort for you No comfort to ease the pain such as this This world is full of memory Full of hate Full of anger Full of pain It cursed us and drove us insane But you will linger on in the darkness As nightfall in winter that comes without a star without the moon Here you will dwell Bound to your grief under the fading earth Until the world has changed And the long years are utterly spent This world is full of memory Full of hate Full of anger Full of pain It cursed us and drove us insane There is nothing for you here Only death This is your path You took your chance

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