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You Don't Remember
For my beautiful Baby Girl Sapphire Harmony ~ u are mommy's cherished pride and joy and my greatest most precios creation and gift from God i love you more than i can ever express in words
You Did This
You were there for me at least I thought I saw death in your eyes as you hit me repeatedly without a care in the world you held our son as you struck me with rage and hate Our daughter watched on as daddy laid his hands on mommy, what do I tell her Is it ok for mommy to be treated this way If you love me why do you hurt me so, chances upon chances why are you trying to take from me my heart I know how to love,truely do you You cant get back what you took from me Paper or not the emotions have left The rage in your eyes that night was much like the rage I grew up with I swore different for my children What do you want from me,what is it that you need I cant do no more for you I am drained And it is you who brought me to this place
You Don't Know Me
You Don't Really Know Me
As I sit here and write this i wonder if you'll read it. I wonder if you even care to know me. I cry, I bleed, I feel, I care. Sometimes it doesn't seem that way, and sometimes it's something else. People always worry about what's going on in their life, and believe they are neglected by the ones they love. They haven't come to realize that people show their love differently. It's not an end all be all. My life is complex and intertwined. I've put off most of my life things I've wanted to do. I'm trying to find a balance in everything I do. Yet feelings of neglect and regret come over oneself. Can't you just see I'm one person, trying to make it all work. If you love something you let it go because you love them, and it's wrong to hold it back. If the love returns, it's yours forever. They have learned to love you for who you are, and not what they want you to be. If they never come back, it wasn't your love to keep. Look into my baby blues, do you see yourself in there?
You'd Better Fan Me Or No Talky
lol... "FAN me for ADD" what kind of shit is that. thats as lame as the "dont even talk to me with out givin me a 10" like they're some sort of fuckin celebrity... what the fuk.
You Decide
Ok so I was driving today through California and I Had my C.B. on(the radio in a semi that us truckers use to talk to each other). I generally don't listen but i heard a driver call another one a communist. So I turned up the volume to listen.they were fighting cause one driver was bashing the president. after a few min of this I cut in.and this is what I said. How dare someone in the United States call someone a communist when we live in a free society.your mad cause he doesn't like what your saying .That my friend is freedom of speech. One of the articles wrote up by our founding fathers. there is freedom of speech and right to bare arms and freedom of religion and others. He then told me is so many words to shut up and I told him he has the right to Tell me that its was called freedom of speech .I asked him one simple q's how many articles in the constitution are there and who many people signed the declaration of Independence(SP).Now I can't name them all or all that signed it
You Didn't See Me
You didn’t see me Category: Life I saw you hug your purse closer to you in the grocery store line. But you didn't see me put an extra $10.00 in the collection plate last Sunday. I saw you pull your child closer when we passed each other on the sidewalk. But you didn't see me playing Santa at the local mall. I saw you change your mind about going into the restaurant. But you didn't see me attending a meeting to raise more money for the hurricane relief. I saw you roll up your window and shake your head when I drove by. But you didn't see me driving behind you when you flicked your cigarette butt out the car window. I saw you frown at me when I smiled at your children. But you didn 't see me when I took time off from work to run toys to the homeless. I saw you stare at my long hair. But you didn't see me and my friends cut ten inches off for Locks of Love. I saw you roll your eyes at our leather coats and gloves. But you didn't see me and my brothers donate
You Down With The Clowns?
Our Father of Shangri-La Hallowed be thy name If the world turns over save me From thy fiery rain Keep me pure Keep me clean As the lotus grows I ask you for forgiveness Save me from the crows Juggalo be thy name, Hatchets be thy game, fuck with one, you fuck with all, we never travel alone and are always ready for anything, so be wise and just pass us by and don't say we shine, we are creatures of the night and will always be there when a fellow Juggalo needs us, we stand by the Dark Carnival and all it teaches, so for all Juggalos and Juggalettes, stand firm and always be ready. The Juggalo Pledge: I Pledge Allegiance To The Hatchet Of The Underground Society Of Juggalos, And For The Ninjas For Which It Stands, One Family, Under God, Full Of Freaks, With Faygo And Magic Blunts For All!! WE WILL NEVER DIE ALONE, JUGGALOS WILL CARRY ON, SWING OUR HATCHETS IF WE MUST, EACH AND EVERYONE OF US When I die, show no pity, send my soul to Juggalo city, dig my grave six fe
You Don't Get To Decide!!
You can't pick and choose when you want to be a parent. You can't just be there one week and not the next 4. You can't just support and feed your kids when you get a wild hair up your ass. If your gonna bring a child into the world you need to either be there or not be there. You can't just be there sometimes, you can't just "help out", and you should atleast ask how your kids are when you haven't seen them for a couple of months especially when before that you saw them everyday. How do you turn your back on a child? How do you stay away so long they forget who you are? How do sleep at night not knowing if they have a roof over they're head and food to eat? How can you live your life without being a part of your childs? There are so many parents who aren't allowed to see their kids and wish more than anything they could and then you got people like my ex who don't even bother. Thinks just because he's "helped out" he's done his part. BS!
You Don't Have To Twist My Arm
Woo!It's actually cold this morning.I love it.It won't last long but I am enjoying it while I can.My day is so far is good.Eric's bus driver came on time actually ahead of time,it's Friday.What more does a person need.Some snow would be nice.I am not holding my breath on that one.I am off to clean up the kitchen and get dressed.I hope everyone is having a good one! Oh and as for the 3 things I have to be grateful for goes 1.It's cold enough to have to start the car and let it run 2.It's friday 3.Daniel,Eric and I finally ditched whatever cold that was we had,but I think Anthony has it now.
You Dont Love Me
As we lay there quiet I was reminded of all the reasons why I lust you Your smile and the way it teased at me seductively Your laugh and the way it tempted me Your eyes and the way they seem to hypnotize me As we sat there silent I was reminded of all the reasons why I love you Your smile and the way it brings such life into me Your laugh and the way it makes everything okay Your eyes and the way they seem to read my thoughts As we stand here now I am reminded of all the reasons why I hate you Your smile and the way it confuses me Your laugh and the way it seems to mock me Your eyes and the way they can look into mine and not feel a thing
You Don't Care Who I Am
now im really gonna spill my guts now cuz no one understands me of who i am why i act the way i do... its gonna be hard but im gonna try to explain things out the best i can. okay lets start back in grade school... you know that person you always made fun of ... had something to make fun of them about. yes i was the chubby girl. the other girls would laugh-point-and whisper means things about. ...... continues into high school -have only few friends that you really talk to anymore ... still made fun of .. and teased enough that you cry if u went to a dance... cuz no one thought u were good enough to dance with. start hanging out with a different crowd... their alot of fun. they get to do things your not used to. Finally have someone u can have real fun with. But this is where all your teenage troubles start. Looking back on all the drama and mean things the girls would say at school. He said/ She said... now everyone is mad at you. you didnt' do the right thing. y
You Don't Know Me, Like I Do.
So... after being bored most of the night... doing numbers, cleaning my room, walking the dog then just laying in bed reading... I started getting that 'feeling' again, the one that comes on when you miss someone and you know you can't make anything better to make it go away. And then you try and act like it's not bothering you, and you end up saying things to people, then they get pissed, and whatever. I can't wait until December's over. On another note...I busted my ass to sell today, and I did sell a lot, so my boss awarded me with a new camera for all the hard work, and I got a Christmas present from a kid at work... some Burberry purfume stuff. Buwaha, and he's teaching me spanish stuff, except the only progress we've made is calling eachother whores. x] Eh... if "you" read this. And 'YOU' will know who you are, again, I'm sorry for what I said.
You Do Not Deserve Me.....
My eyes beg for your attention and you easily assume that I'll always be staring at you....waiting for it. My lips urge you to soothe them as they burn for you and you assume that I'll never say a word as you just let them burn.....while I wait. My arms quiver from exhaustion as I've kept them up and open, waiting for you to embrace me and you assume that I'll continue standing there waiting with open arms. You Don't Deserve Me... My heart beats profoundly and in tune with our song while I beg you to dance. You assume that I'll always love that song and that I'll always want to dance. I sing for you, at your will and I wait for your praise that never comes. Yet you assume that I'll always have the ability to sing so beautifully. And when I have finally had enough, and I start to cry, you tell me that you won't want to see. You tell me to hide. I wish you understood that you put these tears right where they are....or maybe you know exactly how they got ther
You Don't Like It Then Leave Me Alone!
So I'm tired of being treated a certain way workwise because I'm a female...and it never ceases to amaze me how ignorant certain people can be! Then to top it off I have to save their asses and make sure a damn county has water and help talk their service guy thru repair...NOT MY JOB and I shouldn't be doing that cuz I just don't know it well enough! But hey whatever... there's bunch more but not gonna get into it... then I have people approaching me bout things on websites and askin me shit and giving me things and etc...I DON'T FUCKIN NEED IT!!! So I decided to lie my ass off!!! Gonna fuck with everyone! The phrase FUCK YOU YOU FUCKING FUCKS!!! Keeps reeling thru my head! I would like to take this opportunity to explain something about little old me. I am a woman who has an opinion about everything. I have my own thoughts, ideas, morals, ethics, lack of proper judgement, whatever you decide to call it. But they are mine...M-I-N-E!!!! And I am entitled to th
You (dedicated To Jose)
I hope your here through thick and thin. Please don't go away. just tell me that you'll stay. As you stay with me, I hope things don't change for the worst, but rearrange for the better. I want you to stay strong with me, whether were right or wrong!
You Don’t See Me
I see you staring at me, but you never truly see. why I love you, oh, so much, when you're so out of touch. Feelings that we could have shared, you flung behind without a care. It seems so hard to let you go, and the process is so slow. I don't know whether I should stay, and waste another day away. I do know, though, that all this pain, will soon drive me insane. You don't feel me loving you, and you just can't seem to get a clue. You don't see me cry inside, and in you I know I can't confide. Yet still I find that you are blind, to things meant to be kind. You know nothing of my fears, and are unaware of all my tears. I know I really can't deny, things I feel as I look you in the eye. So who will help me make it though? Who will tell me what to do? How come every time I see your face, for me there's never any space? Maybe someday you'll see me differently, so until then, I'll be waiting silently.
You Dont Know Me (borrowed)
You don't know me... You might think you do, but You don't know me... I'm much deeper than you've delved, Than anyone ever has... You don't know so many things, And yet you think you do... If you took the time, you'd see That there are many more layers to me, That the spirit is deep and true. This soul of mine hides so much inside Because it doesn't trust anymore, not even you. If you could have taken the time, you might have seen, But you didn't, so you don't know me And I guess you never will...
You Did Nothing
I once lived and now I don’t This life of mine has disappeared Never to be found again You watched me slip away And yet you did nothing. You just watched it slip away While you help me in your arms. You wept while I lost my life And you I thought you cared. The little act you did Was magnificent. I was clapping at your performance When you were at the funeral. I loved you And yet you didn’t love me. You didn’t love the way I was. I meant nothing to you. I was just another girl to you. A slave to your love. To your life. And yet you did nothing You did nothing when that trigger was pulled You did nothing when that bullet hit me. You did nothing to save my life. You did nothing!
You Don't Kno A Person Until You Really Get To Know Them"
"You don't know a person until the times of darkest( the type of person you never thought they were) but, while the sun was shining on them( the person whom you thought they were) They were in their fake mode. That why, "You don't know a person until you really get to know them." Therefore, I can define what type of person you are, The Pretender, but most of all the Ungraceful One." :0)
You Did It First
i guess you could say that we are fully over. but i refuse that admit it. you can walk away and stop thinking about me, but our love i wont forget it. you said good bye and turned to walk away. and lately that is all you ever do. you may say you hate me. but i will always love you. no matter wat mistakes you may make. no matter how many hearts you may break. just remember that there is still one heart that loves you. and its mine. so long ago you said good bye. and yes, it still hurts. but please remember... you broke my heart first.
You Don't Even Have To Be A Mother To Enjoy This One...
Brian invited his mother over for dinner. During the course of the meal, Brian's mother couldn't help but notice how beautiful Brian's roommate, Jennifer, was. Brian's Mom had long been suspicious of a relationship between Brian and Jennifer, and this had only made her more curious. Over the course of the evening, while watching the two interact, she started to wonder if there was more between Brian and Jennifer than met the eye. Reading his mom's thoughts, Brian volunteered, 'I know what you must be thinking, but I assure you Jennifer and I are just roommates. 'About a week later, Jennifer came to Brian saying, 'Ever since your mother came to dinner, I've been unable to find the beautiful silver gravy ladle. You don't suppose she took it, do you? 'Brian said, 'Well, I doubt it, but I'll send her an e-mail just to be sure. 'So he sat down and wrote: Dear Mom: I'm not saying that you 'did' take the gravy ladle from the house, I'm not saying that you 'did not' take the gravy ladle. But t
You Dont Know
you dont know what you mean to me you dont know that your the air i breath you dont know what i see all the beauty you've given to me you dont feel how my heart beats when you stand next to me you dont know when i look into your soul i can feel all the warmth inside you dont know that the look in your eyes makes me feel so alive you dont know how your laughter fills me with joy so deep inside you dont see all the things i see undunno
You Decide...
You decide... If a man wants you ,nothing can keep him away. If he doesn't want you, nothing can make him stay. Stop making excuses for a man and his behavior. Allow your intuition (or spirit) to save you from heartache Stop trying to change yourselves for a relationship that is not meant to be. Slower is better Never live your life for a man before you find what makes you truly happy. If a relationship ends because a man was not treating you as you deserve then heck no, you can't "be friends." A friend wouldn't mistreat a friend. Don't settle. If you feel like he is stringing you a long , then he probably is. Don't stay because you think " it will get better." You'll be mad at yourself a year later for staying when things are not better. The only person that you can control in a relationship is you. Avoid men who've got a bunch of children by a bunch of different women. He didn't marry them when he got them pregnant , Why would he treat you any differently? Alwa
You Don't Know Me By Harry Connick, Jr
You give your hand to me and then you say hello And I can hardly speak my heart is beating so And anyone could tell you think you know me well But you don't know me No you don't know the one who dreams of you at night And longs to kiss your lips and longs to hold you tight To you I'm just a friend that's all I've ever been But you don't know me For I never knew the art of making love Though my heart aches with the love for you Afraid and shy I let my chance go by The chance you might have loved me too You gave your hand to me and then you say goodbye I watch you walk away beside a lucky guy You'll never never know the one who loves you so No you don't know me You gave your hand to me...
You Dont Know How It Feels
You Don't Know How It Feels
You Destroyed Me
You destroyed me… By killing my dreams and killing my heart You destroyed me by breaking my soul in half. Destroying me is what happens when you betray me miserably with those cruel words you said. You’ve destroyed me once before as well and you said you would never again You destroyed me by tearing my soul to pieces Your love was never mine when you killed my heart Your pain gave me the love that I desired most When you destroyed me, I sought to destroy you. We destroyed each other…
You Don't Own Me
You Dont Have To Read It
2-14-08 Thursday, ~6:50am~ Unusally I am in a really good mood today. the day has showen to have its complactions but its still a really good day. I am sure I owe alot of my happiness to my wonderfull and beautiful girlfriend to wich I will be getting married to come here soon! :D I really don't have nothing else to say about it I love her so vary much! lol this is probly one of the more wierd entrys I will put in here but it isnt to offten i have felt this happy even when she make me happy there has always been something to distroy it later on but right now the complacations arnt even bothering me!
You Don't Need A Library Card To Check Me Out
I tried 2 fix my other laptop w/e pix i have in it i cant get back w/e i owe a salute to for the pitbull contest just message me here and in the next day or two i'll post em for u sorry i been slackin been workin 2much.I also set my shout box for nobody cuzz ii cannot keep up with shouts i dont want anyone to feel like they been ignored so just comment or message me and i'll get back to ya as soon as i can umm i tried 2 stay off of here cuzz all the stupid crap on here but i've been on facebook and myspace more is my link and um on facebook idk how u find a person but look me up by my name its jackie osorio and i hope everyone had a good valentines day and enjoy their weekend xoxo i forgot 2 say if anyone else wants a salute let me kno ill be bored later lol
You Don't Want To Miss This Lady
seXy1@ fubar
You Decide!!!!
I need to know who thinks i should do some nsfw shots of myself! PLEASE RESPOND
You Decide
Body: Aug 23, 2007 11:49 AM Subject: two tough questions Body: Body: 2 Tough Questions Question 1: If you knew a woman who was pregnant, who had 8 kids already, three who were deaf, two who were blind, one mentally retarded, and she had syphilis, would you recommend that she have an abortion? Read the next question before looking at the response for this one. Question 2: It is time to elect a new world leader, and only your vote counts. Here are the facts about the three candidates. Who would you vote for? Candidate A. Associates with crooked politicians, and consults with astrologist. He's had two mistresses. He also chain smokes and drinks 8 to 10 martinis a day. Candidate B. He was kicked out of office twice, sleeps until noon , used opium in college and drinks a quart of whiskey every evening. Candidate C He is a decorated war hero. He's a vegetarian, doesn't smoke, drinks an occasional beer and never cheated on his wif
You Deliver Great Impressions
Feed their dreams. Not their anxieties. Avoid the realities... Of their living days. Don't exclude their delusions. Use them to excite. Use them to ignite their hopes. With intoxicated appetites. Feed them a vision... Of what greatness means. Feed them and sustain their attention. Then do nothing you mentioned With an intention that is 'seen'. You deliver great impressions! But none of that expresses... What your suggestions are, For cleaning up your mess!
You Don't Have To Be Afraid.... Bad Kitty's Hh
During my Happy Hour we are all gonna get CrAzY! I have 2 albums with 100 pix each - 200 pix in all Here's the payout: rate 200 pix 10's get 10,000 fubucks rate 100 pix 11's + comment on each get 20,000 fubucks. During the HH I will write down all who complete the challenge and contact me thru private message than I will draw a name and that person will win a 3 day blast! So Let's get cRaZy! This Kitty only brings Good Luck! So Stop on by during my very First Happy Hour! Come Level Up On Me, The Best Fu Owner, and The Love of my Life! ~☠~. Bad Kitty .~☠~ @ fubar My Fu Owner ~ Haŵk@ fubar My Baby ~ The Bad Wolfy@ fubar I Hope to be seeing YOU! My Happy Hour begins Friday @ 7PM (PST - Fubar time)8PM MT, 9PM CST, 10PM EST With you there it will be just Puuuuuurfect!
You Don't Know..
just something i made while listening 2 this song.. i was inspired.. LOL
You Deserve A Break Today ...
One day, a man came home and was greeted by his wife dressed in a very sexy nightie. 'Tie me up,' she purred, 'and you can do anything you want.' So he tied her up and went fishing. **************************************************- A woman came home, screeching her car into the driveway, and ran into the house. She slammed the door and shouted at the top of her lungs, 'Honey, pack your bags. I won the lottery!' The husband said, 'Oh my God! What should I pack, beach stuff or mountain stuff?' 'Doesn't matter,' she said. 'Just get out.' **************************************************- Marriage is a relationship in which one person is always right, and the other is a husband. **************************************************- A Polish immigrant went to the DMV to apply for a driver's license. First, of course, he had to take an eye sight test. The optician showed him a card with the letters: 'C Z W I X N O S T A C Z.' 'Can you re
You Don't Know Shit
> A stranger was seated next to a little girl on the airplane when the > stranger turned to her and said, 'Let's talk. I've heard that > flights go > quicker if you strike up a conversation with your fellow passenger.' > > > The little girl, who had just opened her book, closed it slowly and > said to the stranger, 'What would you like to talk about?' > > 'Oh, I don't know,' said the stranger. 'How about nuclear power?' > and he smiles. > > 'OK, ' she said. 'That could be an interesting topic. But let me > ask you > a question first. A horse, a cow, and a deer all eat the same stuff - > grass - Yet a deer excretes little pellets, while a cow turns out a > flat patty, > and a horse produces clumps of dried grass. Why do you suppose
You Decide
carnal desires the true doctrine of the ages the flesh alter to our immortal cravings eternal lust for more than is indoctrination in lies the glowing box of cognizance dictating our worldly needs the kabbalah of modern culture corporate gospel demanding submission receiving tythe in the form of sanctioned thievery taxation of the have nots in order that the beloved economic sodomites may have more hope enslaving us to the systems of belief in desperate clamor to receive the continuation of consciousness beyond this realm the crooked branches clung to so tightly that the knuckles are left white as bleach in order to remain afloat in this raging river of absurdity life verily i say unto you buy, consume gorge yourself on this banquet of useless trinkets the trade of shiny glass beads for you imaginary soul let corporate sovereignty reign supreme let not the impure thought of freedom blind you to evils of intellectual merit ronald mcdonald offering reprieve
You Don't Want To Miss This!very Interesting-
You don't want to miss this!VERY INTERESTING- 1. The Garden of Eden was in Iraq 2. Mesopotamia, which isnow Iraq, was the cradle of civilization! 3. Noah built theark in Iraq 4. The Tower of Babel was in Iraq 5. Abraham wasfrom Ur, which is in Southern Iraq! 6. Isaac's wife Rebekahis from Nahor, which is in Iraq! 7. Jacob met Rachel in Iraq8. Jonah preached in Nineveh - which is in Iraq 9. Assyria,which is in Iraq, conquered the ten tribes of Israel 10.Amos cried out in Iraq! 11 Babylon, which is in Iraq,destroyed Jerusalem 12. Daniel was in the lion's den inIraq! 13. The three Hebrew children were in the fire in Iraq(Jesus had been in Iraq also as the fourth person in theFiery Furnace!) 14. Belshazzar, the King of Babylon saw the"writing on the wall" in Iraq 15. Nebuchadnezzar, King ofBabylon, carried the Jews captive into Iraq 16. Ezekielpreached in Iraq... 17. The wise men were from Iraq... 18.Peter preached in Iraq. 19. The "Empire of Man" describedin Revelation is called Babylon,
You Don't Like Commet Approval?
The only people i have came across on this site that whine and whine about comment approval is the ones that want to leave nasty comment. I get people going on and on about how the mummers don't like the comment approval feature, well get over it. If some people knew how to behave themselves there wouldn't be a need for comment approval. They want to use your mums to get attention for themselves and start childish conflicts and leave all kind of smut on your page. Well, it will never get posted on my page and if it bother you so much take your little busy bodies to the next page. I will never miss you Sassy
You Don't Love Me Anymore
Music Video:YOU DON'T LOVE ME ANYMORE (by Weird Al Yankovic)Music Video Code provided by Video Code Zone
You Don't Mess With The Zohan
I have to admit, I like Adam Sandler's films. I also have to admit that his last few were so so at best. So when we let the boy decide what movie to see, I was sure he'd pick The Hulk, but he went with Zohan, and I was going into it rather disappointed. I was all for The Hulk. I got Zohan. I'm happy it worked out that way. It was very funny, had a good pace to it, and it also had a common sense message to it. Adam Sandler plays Zohan, a one man counterterrorist expert. He is the best at it, and is also tired of all the fighting and violence. He wants to stop, and become a hairdresser for Mr Paul Mitchell. So he fakes his own death, and gives up his life of finding terrorists (who his country just ends up trading back), disco dancing, and nonstop women. He goes to New Your, and is laughed out of every hair salon he visits. He has no training, and his "bible" is a Paul Mitchell style book from the 70's. He ends up getting his foot into the door of a Palesti
You Decide...
“We swallow greedily any lie that flatters us, but we sip only little by little at a truth we find bitter.” ~Denis Diderot There always seems to be this constant struggle, or even debate amongst society, about whether it is appropriate to tell a lie rather then the truth; in order to manipulate certain situations. I myself am torn on a daily basis between what is right and what is wrong , and am often left at the end of the day contemplating the things I have said. At one point in my life I had been compulsive at times with my lying, saying whatever, whenever, to whomever just to pacify my way through life. But since those days I have changed, feeling that I should abide by nothing but the truth- regardless of how jarring it may be. So why is it most days, I feel like the truth has brought me nothing but an abundance of ill-fate and grief? I have learned that the power words can wield may be tremendous, and I now feel there is a necessary balance that should be r
You Deserve
All that you deserve Is more than I can give But I will give my word For as long as I shall live A smile for every tear Peaceful days for sleepless nights Strength to face your fears The courage to stand and fight Shelter from the rain A kiss to dry your eyes Comfort from the pain Bold truth for the worlds' lies I'll give you all I am To show you that you're loved But I'm just a mortal man And I hope that I'm enough
You Don't Know...
Last evening while chatting to someone on yahoo, she said "You don't know the fear." She was referring to an abusive marriage. Have not known her long and she knows little about me. I was actually discussing abusive relationships with a friend on here at the same time. We all know someone who has been through it. We all know stories of things that happened. I know someone very well who went through a lot. There were times my friend went to a friends with clothes torn, with bruises and scratches deep enough to bleed. My friend used to hide in the bathroom with the door locked as their spouse threw their body against the door to get to them to inflict more pain. Yelling would start around 7:00 in the evening and often not end until 3:00 in the morning. Eyes were held open to force them to watch... the face held in place to force it as well. Phone cords were ripped from the wall to prevent calls to the police or friends for help. A bite to the back that left a large blood blis
You Did Not Ask
You treaded not into the deep; But scarcely waded into the shallows. You did not ask;But can not hide the the shock in your eyes. You did not ask; I could not tell. you did not ask; But wonder why; Now all is gone and time has passed.
You Drama Queen-susan Lucci Wanna Be's Finally Pissed Me Off
ADULT LANGUAGE-PARENTAL GUIDANCE ADVISED!!! Leave now if you're easily offended. Fair warning, you fuckers have finally pissed me off, and that's no simple task. I'm without question the most easy-going, mild-mannered person on this site, if not anywhere. But you fucking drama queen, Susan Lucci-wanna bes have finally managed to piss me off. I"ve been on this site since Jan 2007, I've seen people come and go, the vast majority I really couldn't care less what they do. But I've also had several friends, close friends, REAL friends also be driven away by you ameoba's and I'm finally fed up. Another wonder, true, REAL friend has decided to delete her profile and leave. But the bullshit continues without any care or concern for the feelings of others. First, there was Lori. She what the very first person I met on here. Guided me through the site, showed me what to do, what each area of the site has, and turned into a very good, true friend. One I thought would never leave, but she
You Don't Mess With The Zohan
Ok so I just got done watching You Don't Mess With The Zohan... and yea... I remember saying to myself several times... HIT THE STOP BUTTON! Now I love Adam Sandler movies... I can recite most of The Waterboy by heart... but ummm.... yea... At least the chic he fell in love with was a hottie... and why did they deflate the blond's perfect titties? I woulda cried too if I spent that much money on two balloons... ffs Ok now since I am weird... we all know this... I wouldn't watch it again... I think I will watch Mad Science again for the umpteenth million time just cause.. the English chic was hot... and she had a sexy accent... Zohan... gets a dismal 2 of 5 on the organ scale... It did have it moments it made laugh cause it was just so WRONG. Till next we meet... I didn't eat your baby.
You'd Stoop That Low?
Maybe I've just never noticed it before...But lately it seems that most everyone is making promises for gifts in exchange on here... I've even seen some of the women promise nudes of themselves for a virtual bling...Come on...what's with that?...You think that low of yourself that you'd actually do that...And for what...Points??? It's funny...Prostitutes on your city corners have a bad rap...But at least they get some cold hard cash in their hands for whoring themselves out...And they probably have more fun doing it... And it's not just's men as well... I just find it quite amusing the things that people will do for a virtual diamond...or picture rates... I've been blinged and given many virtual gifts...But not one time did I have to promise something in return...And I didn't even have to beg for them... Hmmmm...Maybe it's just me that thinks like this...
You Didn't See Me
You Didn't See Me I saw you hug your purse closer to you in the grocery store line. But you didn't see me put an extra $10.00 in the collection plate last Sunday. I saw you pull your child closer when we passed each other on the sidewalk. But you didn't see me playing Santa at the local mall. I saw you change your mind about going into the restaurant. But you didn't see me attending a meeting to raise more money for the hurricane relief. I saw you roll up your window and shake your head when I drove by. But you didn't see me driving behind you when you flicked your cigarette butt out the car window. I saw you frown at me when I smiled at your children. But you didn't see me when I took time off from work to run toys to the homeless. I saw you stare at my long hair. But you didn't see me and my friends cut ten inches off for Locks of Love. I saw you roll your eyes at our leather coats and gloves. But you didn't see me and my brothers donate our old coats and
You Decide??!!! :)
This is called the "NAUGHTY GAME". Repost this, see how many MESSAGES people give you... Mark all that apply Would you kiss me? [ ] Hell Yea [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Maybe [ ] already did Would you do me? [ ] In an instant! [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Maybe [ ] you look to sweet to do.. [ ] already did Am I attractive? [ ] Heck no [ ] hot as Hell [ ] Fine [ ] Cute [ ] Okay I think ur pretty [ ] Sexy [ ] Ugly! Do you think im a virgin? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Don't know Name one thing you would like to do to me... 3 things you would like to know about me? 1.) 2.) 3.) If you saw me for the first time would you talk to me? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] maybe Would you rather.. [ ] Hook up with me [ ] Cuddle with me [ ] Date me [ ] Marry me [ ] Friends [ ] Do me What kind of underwear are you wearing right now? [ ] boxers [ ] whitie tighties [ ] thongs [ ] g-string [ ] granny panties [ ] boy shorts [ ] none What's ur favorite position? On a scale of 1-10 (10 b
You Don't See Me
I see you staring at me, but you never truly see, why I love you, oh, so much, when you're so out of touch. Feelings that we could have shared, you flung behind without a care. It seems so hard to let you go, and the process is so slow. I don't know whether I should stay, and waste another day away. I do know, though, that all this pain, will soon drive me insane. You don't feel me loving you, and you just can't seem to get a clue. You don't see me cry inside, and in you I know I can't confide. Yet still I find that you are blind, to things meant to be kind. You know nothing of my fears, and are unaware of all my tears. I know I really can't deny, things I feel as I look you in the eye. So who will help me make it though? Who will tell me what to do? How come every time I see your face, for me there's never any space? Maybe someday you'll see me differently, so until then, I'll be waiting silently.
You Don't Love Me Anymore By Weird Al
We've been together for so very long But now things are changing, oh I wonder what's wrong? Seems you don't want me around The passion is gone and the flames died down I guess I lost a little bit of self-esteem That time that you made it with the whole hockey team You used to think I was nice Now you tell all your friends that I'm the Antichrist Oh, why did you disconnect the brakes on my car? That kind of thing is hard to ignore Got a funny feeling you don't love me anymore I knew that we were having problems when You put those piranhas in my bathtub again You're still the light of my life Oh darling, I'm beggin', won't you put down that knife? You know I, even think it's kinda cute the way You poison my coffee just a little each day I still remember the way that you laughed When you pushed me down the elevator shaft Oh, if you don't mind me asking, what's this poisonous cobra Doing in my underwear drawer? Sometimes I get to thinking you don't love me an
You Dont Think The Auto Industry Will Affect You??? Read
MYTH: The demise of the American auto industry won't really affect the American way of life. FACT: What happens to the U.S. auto industry matters on Main Street. From plants to parks. From dealerships to driveways. From gas stations to grocery stores. What happens in the automotive industry affects each and every one of us. In fact, the collapse of the U.S.-based auto industry wouldn't just impact the nearly 355,000 Americans directly employed by the Big Three. One out of every 10 people in America is employed in a service that is related to the U.S. auto industry. If a plant closes, so does its suppliers, the local stores, the hot dog vendors, and the local restaurants. The effect would be devastating in ways of which you never have thought: Nearly 3 million jobs would be lost in the first year alone – with another 2. 5 million to follow over the next two years Personal income in the United States would drop by more than $150. 7 billion in the first year The co
You Deserve The Best!
You Determine Your Attitude
Tuesday, December 02, 2008 YOU DETERMINE YOUR ATTITUDE. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your attitude is not determined by circumstances, but by how you respond to your circumstances. You can respond positively or negatively to any situation. It's how you react to events, not the events themselves, that determines your attitude. Any challenge facing you is not as important as your attitude towards it, for that will determine your success or failure. Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out. It's not your position but your disposition that counts. Copyright 2008 Watch The Video => Weathering The Coming Financial Storm Watch The => Webinar Check Out The => Glimpse Stories Learn More At => The Mangosteen Evolution
You Don't Own Me
You Dont Own Me - Lesley Gore
You Don't Want A Relationship-yeah Right!
You Don't Know What You Do To Me
Damn, I mean, I just keep thinkin' about You I mean, I wanna move on but I can't move on It's like You got some kinda hold on me and, I don't know But I'm gonna go ahead and talk about it, listen I'm sittin' lookin' out the window like damn Trying to fix this situation that's at hand You're still runnin' through my mind When I'm knowin' that you shouldn't be Me all on your mind and I'm knowin' that it couldn't be 'Cause you ain't called and I ain't even appalled I still got a lotta pain, I ain't dealt wit it all I been runnin' 'round with others, I'm single and they lovin' it I'm likin' it but I just want the one that I was in love with That's not the end of it, I'm trying to let you go I can't get a grip of it is what I'm trying to let you know You got a hold or some kinda control of me I don't know what it is but I gotta get you gone from me I'm workin' at it and it ain't gettin' no better Just tryna be like, yeah, forget it, whatever Instead
You Don't Have To Tell Me Twice
Try this: 1 cup blackberries 1 cup canned milk 1/2 spoon sugar Let it set for 10 minutes so the sugar can melt. Mmm. So good. Trust me. Moving on... I'm not the type of woman who begs. I won't be the type of woman who begs. My therapist once told me I had seperation anxiety/abandonment issues because I'm adopted. That anytime someone in my life threatens to leave, whether it be friend or lover or more, I freak out and convince them to stay and act out and blah blah blah. That was SEVERAL years ago but I can see myself still acting the same way. I saw it very recently. I cant do that anymore. Gotta have some pride and self respect. I shouldn't have to convince anyone to stay in my life. So here it is, Lesson #1 for my Never Again Philosophy for 2009: If they want to go, let them go. Better yet, if they want ME to go, I'm out. You don't have to tell me twice. I won't be punked or anyone's punk bitch. lol That was too serious for a second, I had to laugh.
You Dumb Asses On Mumms
To all you stupid fucks out there.. There is no reason to be a rude mother fucker to someone who you don't know...Like in my mumm posts.... If your going to be a fucking asshole don't bother to rate my mumm or leave a fucking comment...
You Don't Love Me Anymore
It'd be a lie to say that I'm not gonna miss you So don't say goodbye now till I've kissed you one more time And held you like I did when you where mine It'd be a lie to say I don't still love you I won't be thinking of you girl I never try to call you one more time Or try to find a way to change your mind Ooh, you don't love me anymore oh baby You don't love me any more baby please forgive me But the wines gone to my head And tomorrow I'll remember when you turned to me and said It'd be a lie to say that I still love you That I'm thinking of you boy or drive by to say hello sometime Oh but now you're gone and all I have is five words on my mind You don't love me anymore oh baby You don't love me any more baby please forgive me But the wines gone to my head And tomorrow I'll remember when you turned to me and said Ooh, you don't love me anymore oh baby You don't love me any more I'll have to face it Ooh, you don't love me anymore oh baby You don't love
You Do Not Exist For Yourself.
Your Daily Motivation – You Do Not Exist For Yourself. Sunday February 8, 2009 YOU DO NOT EXIST FOR YOURSELF. Your success depends on the support of other people. The only hurdle between you and what you want to be, is the support of others. Put yourself in another's place, and you'll know why they think and do certain things. You can succeed fastest by helping others to succeed. Always think in terms of what the other person wants. You'll get everything in life that you want if you'll help enough other people get what they want. Doing things for others always pays dividends. You're not an isolated island. You're a piece of the planet, a piece of the universe. Personal relationships are the fertile soil from which all advancement, all success, all achievement in real life grows. When you help someone's boat across a river, you'll find your own boat has reached the shore too. Copyright 2008 Watch This Video =>
You Dont See Me
Pussycat Dolls You Don't See Me Lyrics Songwriters: N/A This is the place where I sit This is the part where I love you too much This is as hard as it gets 'Cause I'm getting tired or pretending I'm tough I'm here if you want me I'm yours you can hold me I'm empty and taking and tumbling and braking [Chorus] : 'Cause you don't see me And you don't need me And you don't love me The way I wish you would The way I know you could I dream a world where you understand That I dream a million sleepless nights But I dream a fire when you're touching my hand But it twists into smoke when I turn on the lights I'm speechless and faded It's too complicated Is this how the book ends? Nothing but good friends [Chorus] This is the place in my heart This is the place where I'm falling apart Isn't this just where we met? And is this the last chance that I'll ever get? I wish I was lonely Instead of just only Crystal and see through an
You Don't Complete Me
You Don't Complete Me You told me to love another. But don't know how much that stings. You couldn't see the pain in my heart. For what those words do bring. You asked me too look into eyes. Eyes I don't belong in. To pour into the wrong cup. All of my love that I am feeling. To taste the kiss of another. Lips that cannot compare to yours. To be at home with the wrong woman. To throw open my closed doors. But there is something you must know. Something i need your heart to see. I don't complete you My Love. You don't complete me. But there is something our hearts do. Something our souls can trust. That all of me My Love And all of you can complete US.
You Don't Own Me
Comment on this video! More videos at myYearbook
~ You Don't Know
~You Don’t Know~ I use to be sad all the time. Days were long and the nights longer. The me that people knew was gone. I was lost, I somehow drifted away. Nothing seemed to make me Happy Oh sure I acted happy, but it was all a lie. There use to be days , that I wished I could just go away. Be gone. Until there was you You came along when I was not looking. You brought back a smile on my face, A brighter and better one. Even though we are just friends, Maybe someday we could be more. Cause you don’t know what a minute with you could do. It puts a smile on my face. Hope back in my soul. The “ME” everyone and I thought was lost. This is for you, You know how you are. Thanks for bring me back to life.
You Don't Say.
I still don't really have anything to say. Guess I'm not a profound person anymore (or never was, your pick). I've recently decided that maybe I'm too open with people. I'm always so open with people I meet, and typically I get bare-boned, vanilla I-could-care-less in response. Eh, maybe I'm wrong and the world is right. Let's try the world's way for a while.
You Don't Deserve My Tears
You don't deserve my tears © By Portorican PrincessFor five months I have waitedAnd held all my tearsBut last night I let them flowI never again wanted to cry for youBecause of what you didYou don't deserve my tearsBecause of what you didI Gave upI find no hope in humanityBecause of what you didI see no love in a heartI look for the corruptionBecause of what you didI no longer careI try not to feelI try not to cryYou don't deserve my tearsBecause of what you didI lost the only thing that made me happyYou were what got me through each dayBut because of what you didI don't know what to doAll that is left is tearsTears that have been waiting to fallWaiting for me to breakWaiting for me to admitThat I miss your loveBut you don't deserve meBecause of what you didI am now lostAlone without you or anybody elseYou don't deserve my tearsBut I still cry for you
You Dont See Me
YOU DONT SEE MEI see you staring at me,but you never truly see,why I love you, oh, so much,when you're so out of touch.Feelings that we could have shared,you flung behind without a care.It seems so hard to let you go,and the process is so slow.I don't know whether I should stay,and waste another day away.I do know, though, that all this pain,will soon drive me insane.You don't feel me loving you,and you just can't seem to get a clue.You don't see me cry inside,and in you I know I can't confide.Yet still I find that you are blind,to things meant to be kind.You know nothing of my fears,and are unaware of all my tears.I know I really can't deny,things I feel as I look you in the eye.So who will help me make it though?Who will tell me what to do?How come every time I see your face,for me there's never any space?Maybe someday you'll see me differently,so until then, I'll be waiting silently.copyright jas 2007
You Douchebags Have Done It Again
Ok... I am generally pissed off at everyone on my friends list at the moment. Let me explain and yes, I marked this NSFW because seriously, I am gonna say fuck a lot. The subject I am gonna mention in this blog is my NSFW folder. I find it quite frustrating that I am giving out family adds, and no one bothers to look. Yes, these pics arent quite safe for the general public, but I do not randomly let people view these pics. To be honest, I am extremely offended. I have had new pics up there for a few days, and not one view. Not one fucking view. Only way I am letting people into the family from now on is to cough up 100,000 fubucks. I am not doing this to try to whore, but I want people in my family who will actually bother to take the time to view the pics and leave a comment or 2l. If you do not wanna comment, rate. Lemme know u did see the pictures. I am not asking for much but like I said. I am hurt and insulted right now by this , and this seems to be the only solution. There are
You Dont Know Me
You think you know me but you dont have a clue. You only see what i want to show to you.. You dont know what i hold deep in my heart or mind you assume everything are kept blind.   You dont know what i have done or seen, you dont even know what comes in between.. Some people will say then understand. Some will say that they have been where you are.. Some will say that then know how your feeling.. But they don't know me, nor will the ever, because my thoughts are mine...My life is mine never to be theirs.
You Drive Me Crazy By Britney Spears
Baby, I'm so into you You got that somethin, what can I do Baby, you spin me around The Earth is movin, but I can't feel the ground Every time you look at me My heart is jumpin, it's easy to see You drive me crazy I just cant sleep Im so excited, I'm in too deep Ohh...crazy, but it feels alright Baby, thinkin of you keeps me up all night Tell Me, you're so into me That i'm the only one you will see Tell me, i'm not in the blue That i'm not wastin, my feelings on you You drive me crazy I just cant sleep Im so excited, I'm in too deep Ohh...crazy, but it feels alright Baby, thinkin of you keeps me up all night Crazy, I just can't sleep I'm so excited, I'm in too deep Crazy, But it feels alright Every Day and Every Night You drive me crazy I just cant sleep Im so excited, I'm in too deep Ohh...crazy, but it feels alright Baby, thinkin of you keeps me up all night You Drive Me Crazy (You drive me crazy baby) Ohh..Crazy, But It Feels Alright Baby Thinkin of you keeps me up all night Baby Th
You'd Tell Me Right?
Ok friends ive recently posted some new pics which i think are ok but then i got to thinking...ive seen lots of people post pics that im sure they thought was cute but was actually ridiculously horrid and embarassing. Then people feel bad for that person and say nice things when they really wanna laugh. So friends im asking you that if my pics are horrid...tell me LOL. Sometimes it takes another's opinion to see the truth. Thanks 4 Reading
You Don't Have To...
You Dared Me !
5 questions. 1 chance. 5 honest answers. Thats all you get. You get to ask me 5 questions. (inbox) Any questions, anything, no matter how crazy it is. No catch. Just between me and you. No one else will ever know. But I DARE you to repost this. And see what people ask you
You Didn't See Me
I saw you; hug your purse closer to you in the grocery store line. But, you didn't see me put an extra $10.00 in the collection plate last Sunday. I saw you; pull your child closer when we passed each other on the sidewalk. But, you didn't see me playing Santa at the local mall. I saw you; change your mind about going into the restaurant. But, you didn't see me attending a meeting to raise more money for the hurricane relief. I saw you, roll up your window and shake your head when I drove by But, you didn't see me, driving behind you when you flicked your cigarette butt out the car window. I saw you, frown at me when I smiled at your children. But, you didn't see me, when I took time off from work to run toys to the homeless. I saw you, stare at my long hair. But, you didn't see me and my friends cut ten inches off for Locks of Love. I saw you roll your eyes at our leather coats and gloves. But, you didn't see me and my brothers donate our old coats and gloves to those tha
You Didn't Tell Me(one Of My Fav's)
You told me about the long shifts,the days and the nights.You told me about the commanders and there wives.You told me about the chain of command,and how i would live by it. But u didn't tell me how proud of u I would be. You told me about the temporary duty and the many moves. You told me about overseas tours. You told me about payday's and how we would stretch the dollor. You didn't tell me about the honor I would feel. You told me about the wives clubs and family support. You told me about Tricare. You told me about the base housing,and how no two are alike. You didn't tell me that at the start of "God Bless the USA" I would not shed one,but many tears. You told me about how christmas would be in Germany, you told me about the commissary and PX. You told me we would need many sets of curtains. You didn't tell me how our children would look up to you, and want to be like dad. You told me about the hard times and how we would have many. You told me about the stress of being
You Don't Like It You Do It.
Okay lately my roommates's mother has been coming over and been dictating on how I live and raise my kids I don't like that it pisses me off and she went over the deep end tonight. Let me explain something and tell me if this wrong. Okay My eldest and my middle haven't took a nap. My middle started to get really cranky and wanted to lay down and then said that she wasn't going to go to sleep. So she was sitting there. crying and crying to were she was screaming. she told me not to hold her cause that would cause her to go to sleep. So after his mother left I have decied that since she wants to do this way I am going to put up a sign stating. IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE WAY MY HOUSE LOOKS OR IS CLEANED THEN YOU CLEAN IT. IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE WAY i RAISE MY KIDS THEN YOU HANDLE THEM. iF YOU DON'T WANT TO DO ANYTHING TO CLEAN OR HANDLE MY KIDS THEN KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT!!!!! I am sorry but, I can't do it I am afraid that I am going to end up in jail and I don't want that to happen.
You Don't Know Me By Ray Charles
You give your hand to meAnd then you say, "Hello."And I can hardly speak,My heart is beating so.And anyone can tellYou think you know me well.Well, you don't know me.(no you don't know me)No you don't know the oneWho dreams of you at night;And longs to kiss your lipsAnd longs to hold you tightOh I'm just a friend.That's all I've ever been.Cause you don't know me.(no you don't know me)For I never knew the art of making love,Though my heart aches with love for you.Afraid and shy, I let my chance go by.A chance that you might love me too.(love me too)You give your hand to me,And then you say, "Goodbye."I watched you walk away,Beside the lucky guyOh, you'll never ever knowThe one who loved you so.Well, you don't know me(For I never knew the art of making love, )(Though my heart aches with love for you. )Afraid and shy, I let my chance go by.A chance that you might love me too.(love me too)Oh, you give your hand to me,And then you say, "Goodbye."I watched you walk away,Beside the lucky guyO
You Don't Know What Pain Is
Shattered and tornTossed in a holeBuried somewhereIn the darkness of your soulSuffocatingIs there no way out?Broken like so many heartsGiving in to the shroud of doubt.Eternally woundedMy heart, that was hisSuffer like you deserve to doYou don't know what pain is.
You Deserve The Best
This life is yoursTake the powerto choose what you want to doand do it wellTake the powerto love what you want in lifeand love it honestlyTake the powerto walk in the forestand be a part of natureTake the powerto control your own lifeNo one else can do it for youNothing is too good for youYou deserve the bestTake the powerto make your lifehealthyexcitingworthwhileand very happyTake the powerto reach for your dreams Annette
You Damn Rut
When you get to my age (hah I'm trying to sound old here but I'm not), and if you got nothing to your name - no wife or kid(s), life is pretty boring and pointless. So when this occurs, you begin to wonder if what you're doing in life is really worth it.  I mean, you go into work, work a day, and do it again tomorrow. Been thinking lately.  Since I feel this way, I'm wondering what I can do to fulfill a meaningful purpose in my life. Been thinking of joining the military lately.  I'd need to get into some serious shape, though.  Where the fuck is Mickey when you need him? My right eyelid suddenly got real itchy just now.
You Don't Know Me
You Don't Deserve This By Debbie Schneider
You dont deserve this pain that makes you so sad, the people who drive you crazy and make you mad; You dont deserve to suffer at the expense of others, they should treat you with respect like they would their mothers; You dont deserve to hide away from this world and be secluded, you should be appreciated, loved, and included; You dont deserve to be all alone, emtpy and lost, for the love you offer is more than enough to cover the cost; of any friendship that you do deserve and are worthy of, be known that mine is based on true love.
You Didn't See Me
I post this every year about this time.  I don't ride anymore, but I have a lot of friends that do.......a lot of people I care about. When you are out riding around in your cage, PLEASE be aware of those on bikes!!!!!! The following poem is for all you that ride. I have no clue who wrote it.....I know I didn't. Please feel free to copy it to your own site and spread the message. I'm sure that all of us have horror stories about someone that we loved either getting killed or seriously hurt on a motorcycle. I'm also sure the majority of those incidents could have been prevented IF the people in cars had been more alert. I only hope that I can help save one biker by posting this.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++But, You Didn't See MeI saw you,hug your purse closer to you in the grocery store line.But, you didn't see me,put an extra $10.00 in the collection plate last Sunday.I saw you,pull your child closer when we passed each other on the sidewalk.
You Don't Own Me
You don't own me, I'm not just one of your many toys You don't own me, don't say I can't go with other boys And don't tell me what to do And don't tell me what to say And please, when I go out with you Don't put me on display, 'cause You don't own me, don't try to change me in any way You don't own me, don't tie me down 'cause I'd never stay Oh, I don't tell you what to say I don't tell you what to do So just let me be myself That's all I ask of you I'm young and I love to be young I'm free and I love to be free To live my life the way I want To say and do whatever I please A-a-a-nd don't tell me what to do Oh-h-h-h don't tell me what to say And please, when I go out with you Don't put me on display I don't tell you what to say Oh-h-h-h don't tell you what to do So just let me be myself That's all I ask of you I'm young and I love to be young I'm free and I love to be free To live my life the way I want
You Don't Mean It
what good does it make whenyou write love poems about someonewho dosen't love you back?When i was little i never needed anyonebut now i need you more than anythingyou said you'll never break my heart but it already been done.what good does it make to watch someone you love with someone elsewhat good does it make when the person you thought you can trust is not worth trustingwhen people say i love youthey don't get how powerful the meaning of love is.and fools like me will trust anyone who saysi love you to them 
You Don't Love Me Anymore By Weird Al
You Dont Have To Be A Fubar Whore To Get Ratings & Profile Views " I'm Proof :) "
this is for a certain disbeliever that thinks the only way to get ratings & profile views is by being a bling whore ie on here 24/7 promoting themselves, wasting real money on pimpouts, bling , gifts, Vips etc... and I got  these ratings  just being  on a couple hrs a day , returning ratings , adding  friend requests , fanning those who fan me & the cuties on here, randomly  clicking on those scrolling by and liking them  and thats it . Well my pics  help some :P  see its possible ...mwahz  My Stats  LikesProfile ViewsTooltip ViewsPhoto ViewsProfile Ratings [11's]Photo ratings [11's] Tuesday, August 3rd ** 168 788 1,560 4,012 341 [157 @ 46%] 2,216 [307 @ 14%] Monday, August 2nd 105 267 479 792 116 [43 @ 37%] 390 [20 @ 5%] Sunday, August 1st 22 68 135 339 25 [20 @ 80%] 220 [152 @ 69%] Saturday, July 31st 23 134 270 687 59 [51 @ 86%] 355 [316 @ 89%] Friday, July 30th 51 340 649 3,141 124 [116 @ 94%] 2,048 [1,787 @
You Did This
I look at her everyday and I am reminded Of everything you have done It isn't her fault that you are who you are But yet for some reason you don't want her.   She is so beautiful why wouldn't you want her I tried to convince you that she is yours But now I am done trying so now I say no she isn't yours she is mine.   You don't deserve someone so pure and beautiful SO you have lost her forever and you have lost me I can't deal with the pain of knowing what you have done You lost the best thing you ever had and I don't mean me.   You have done so many things in your life And the only good thing you lost forever So know now that you did this to yourself And no there is no more chance of getting it back.                                                       I AM DONE AND I HAVE LEARNED JUST WHO YOU ARE.
You Dislike Me! You Really, Really Dislike Me!
So the dislike button is great and all, and I really like that you can specify a reason. But I find the list of reasons you can give to me somewhat lacking. In no particular order, here are my suggestions for reasons that need to be added: Lack of Noodz Can't speel Femenine Hygeine Product You're friends with HIM/HER?? Said that one thing that one time More popular than me Won't cyber Won't give me your Yahoo What else am I missing?
You Dont Know Jack Schitt
For some time many of us have wondered just who is Jack Schitt? We find ourselves at a loss when someone says, "You don't know Jack Schitt!" Well, thanks to my genealogy efforts, you can now respond in an intellectual way. Jack Schitt is the only son of Awe Schitt. Awe Schitt, the fertilizer magnate, married Miss O. Needeep They had one son, Jack.In turn, Jack Schitt married Noe Schitt. The deeply religious couple produced six children: Holie Schitt, Giva Schitt, Fulla Schitt, Bull Schitt, and the twins Deap Schitt and Dip Schitt.Against her parents' objections, Deap Schitt married her cousin Dumb Schitt, a high school dropout. After being married 15 years, Jack and Noe Schitt divorced.Noe Schitt later married Ted Sherlock, and, because her kids were living with them, she wanted to keep her previous name. She was then known as Noe Schitt Sherlock.Meanwhile, Dip Schitt married Loda Schitt, and they produced a son with a rather nervous disposition named Chick N. Schitt.Two of the other
You Don't Know
You don't know what you've got till you really loose it. You don't know how bad your going to feel when that special someone leaves or isn't around until they are really gone.  You don't know how it feels to be lonely until you sleep by yourself for the first time in years. You really don't know what true love is until it gets ripped right out of your hands.  You don't know how to tell your two year old where her father is until she comes up to you and asks. You don't know what the words i love you means until the love of you life tells you it on the day of your wedding.  You don't know what its like to stay up late with your daughter because she wants her daddy until that night you are up all night because she is screaming for her daddy. You don't know how mad your daughter is until she goes off on you and tells you how much she hates for taking her father from her. So hold on to what you have because you never know when it's going to be ripped right out of your hands.
You Disgust Me, Clarence.
If your name is actually Clarence, I apologize. Unless, of course, you're actually disgusting. Speaking of disgusting, I'm kind of grossed out by the personalities that some people exhibit. I'm not claiming mine is superior because I know it's not, and I think the dumbass that keeps popping up in my shoutbox to get a "like" because he can't remember who he spammed 24 hours earlier could probably attest to what a bitch I can be... but some people that even I thought I knew better can really be disappointing in an ewww kind of way. As far as this site goes, just because I don't buy you as much bling as I used to when I wasted more money on here doesn't mean I started to like you less. I can't afford it and I won't pretend that I can, but it seems those are the only kind of acknowledgements some people seem to acknowledge in return. I was never looking for gratitude, or even a response to the gift itself, but the reason I ever got you something in the first place was because I admired a
You Did This To Yourself.
I broke up with you because everything with you is a power play. You must always have that 1 up on somebody and if you don't you will create hostility that will reward you with that 1 up in your own self centred eyes. I broke up with you because you kept rehashing old, stale, mold growing. dead horse. SHIT. I left you at the very beginning of our relationship and I realized I'd made a mistake, and I came back. I heard about that mistake at least once a week for over a YEAR! YOU NEVER LET ME LIVE THAT DOWN. And every weekend, it was like "It's now time for your regularly scheduled break up and fight about Stephanie instigated by Aurelia." And all that negative energy that you put out dwelling about that situation, attracted another girl. LIKE A MAGNET. What was I supposed to do sit in my room and talk to myself all those weekends that you ignored my calls? So I talked to her, and so of course when you broke up with me (like you did almost every weekend). She was there to swoop in. I did
You Did What?
(fill in the blanks) I went to the bank yesterday evening to pay for my _______.  As luck would have it, I managed to get the window with the hot german girl. I handed her the ______,  with her thick german accent she says "I would be more than glad to ________".  After all the paper work was completed, she gave me a sucker and said __________.  And with that I _______. The End
You Don't Require Id While Wearing A Fake North Face The Story Plot With Regards To The North Face Wholesale The North Face
  For so long as I have been here, the Lido area never could not attract a considerable amount of foreigners, in accordance with them, a large amount of tourists. It is easy to tell a Beijing newcomer by their fake North Face jacket. First it is important you must do when you through the capital is invariably order a knock-off North Face as it's way, way colder than you anticipated.Wholesale The North Face Vests In lieu of doing the sensible thing and throwing a warm blanket around your shoulders just like a refugee, you aquire dragged to Xiu Shui instead.This rule is exempt only in June, July and August. It is a fanny pack. To become fair, I too was given a North Face jacket. It was actually green and ugly and smelled bad, however i was happy mainly because it was so cheap. When real I removed that coat forever was constructed out of when i could call myself an actual Beijinger. We're proud to imply that 100% of my clothing is presently real. Even though 12 years, the eas
You Don't Send Me Flowers
You Don't Bring Me Flowers Anymore
You Don't Bring Me Flowers
You Don't Walk Into Love,
You don't walk into love, you fall in, that's why it's hard to get out. You fall in love with the wrong person simply because the wrong people may say the right things.   Don't look for love, let love find you. That's why it's called falling in love, you don't force yourself to fall, you just do
You Da One - Rihanna
"You Da One" [Intro]You the one that I dream about all dayYou the one that I think about alwaysYou Are The One So I Make Sure I Behave!My love is your love, your love is my loveBaby, I love you, I need you hereWith me all the timeBaby we meant to beYou got me, smiling all the timeCause you know how to give me thatYou know how to pull me backWhen I go runnin, runninTryin' to get away from loving yaYou know how to love me hardI won't lie, I'm falling hardYep, I'm falling for ya but there's nothin wrong with that[Chorus]You the one that I dream about all dayYou the one that I think about alwaysYou Are The One So I Make Sure I Behave!My love is your love, your love is my loveYou the one that I dream about all dayYou the one that I think about alwaysYou Are The One So I Make Sure I Behave!My love is your love, your love is mineBaby come, take me now, hold me nowMake me come aliveYou got the sweetest touchI'm so happy, you came in my lifeCause you know how to give me thatYou know how to pul
You Deserve Better - The Isley Brothers
Oh, oh I(Hear me now, hear me now, hear me now)Oh, oh IOh, oh I(Hear me now, hear me now, hear me now)Oh, oh I, yeahHe never took you to a picture show (Oh why)He never took you to a carnival (Oh why)You never had a picnic in the park (Oh why)He never took you dancin' after darkSee you deserve better babe[1]You deserve better babe(Than the man that just don't care)You deserve better babe(Ain't no good if he ain't never there)You deserve better babe(Here me now, hear me now, hear me now)You deserve better, betterEven better babe (Even better babe)He never took you on a shopping spree (Oh why)Just bought himself another diamond ring (Oh why)He never offered up to pay a bill (Oh why)But 4 am, you know he wants it stillSee you deserve better babe[Repeat 1]See every girl deserves a little wine and dinePop the Cristal cuz we gon' feel wildSo let me pour it out, I'll do it quick no doubtLet me fill up your glass, I'm 'gona make it lastAny man that have you, he should blow your mindBoom boom b
You Don't Know Me ...
I walk naked  talk to myself and love to make love all night to you love to smoke a cig and drink tell I can't walk I love to write about life love hate sex you and me ... just hanging out doing nothing... sun setting moon is full  snow is falling on me when I dress in red and talk to much and not say a word or do to much thinking or not think at all...  I may want loving just slow and soft hands on me and one I love it hard pulling telling me hot hot lies that you may love me that night... I wake and have my coffee cig walk the line .. you don't know me..  you don't know me... I walk naked  talk to myself and love to make love all night to you love to smoke a cig and drink tell I can't walk ... you don't know me you don't know me.... I'll walk the line don't talk to me about this and that I walked the line you don't know me.. bY cHristhine                                                                                                                                                    
You Dont Have To Lie...
That's what this woman from the UK said to me a while ago. Here's what lead up to it: So we've been chatting and joking online, right? Typical Fu stuff. I mean nothing's gonna come out of it since neither of us is planning any overseas virual blind dates. So after a while, I start to get hungry and tell her, "I think it's time I went to fetch dinner." She says, "Ok, fine sir." That's how she talks. Anyway, I head to the kitchen to hook up a burger and fries. I'm not a good cook, so it didnt take long. Lol When Im done scarfing, I return here and answer a few pokes and messages. The I see her saying in that chatbox, "You dont have to lie. You could have just told me you didnt want to talkt to me anymore." And I'm like, Wow! Not because she said that. It makes no sense, but I know how insecure some pretty women can be. But that she could just call me a liar without knowing any more about me than Koby Bryant! She just went for it like we slept in the same bed last night. As the late Huel
You Don't Know Me At All
You Don't Know Me At All Hold me up, don't cause my fall... Help me walk , don't make me crawl; enjoy the person I will become, forget the past, what's done is done! Tomorrow is mine to command, for myself I take a stand.. be a true friend or walk away, I won't beg you to by me stay You hurt me over. and over again... at what point, should I stop calling you friend? I'm all out of tears, nothing left to cry.... my heart is still bleeding, as I say this goodbye! You've used me up, thrown me away.... sad as it is, ask and I'll stay. But I can't hear you, through all your lies.... nothing left, but to break the ties. Tomorrow is now, I take this stand... no more abuse from you.... I'm free of your hand! You stole my soul, I prayed for my release.... now I pray you gone so-called master of peace!   copyright 2012  Robin Dawn Pinkham-Palmer
You Don't Know Jack Schitt...
The lineage is now revealed. Many people are at a loss for a response when someone says "You don't know Jack Schitt," but now you can handle this situation with confidence! Jack is the only son of O. Schitt and Awe Schitt. O. Schitt, the fertilizer magnate, married Awe Schitt, the owner of Knee-deep N.Schitt, Inc. In turn, Jack Schitt married Noe Schitt, and the deeply religious couple produced six children: Holie Schitt, Fulla Schitt, Giva Schitt, Bull Schitt and the twins, Deep Schitt and Dip Schitt. Against her parents objections, Deep Schitt married Dump Schitt, a high school drop-out. After being married 15 years, Jack and Noe Schitt divorced. Noe Schitt later married Mr. Scherlock, and because her kids were living with them, she wanted to keep her previous name. She was then known as Noe Schitt-Sherlock. Dip Schitt married Loada Schitt and they produced a nervous son, Chicken Schitt. Fulla Schitt and Giva Schitt were inseparable throughout childhood and subsequently married t
You Don't Know Me
Tired of being judged. Invited to a "friend's" house for dinner. They felt it was time to get to know us. We talked about everything where we grew up, our childhoods, & many other things. Ever since that dinner, the attitude has changed, we are barely spoken too. Listen, my sister & I never asked for what we were dealt. My sister never asked to have seizures & to be on medicine all her life or to need a caregiver. I never asked to be hated & abused growing up. I never wanted the monstrous things to happen to me, but they did. That doesn't make me a monster. You judge me & you never take time to really know me or my sister. I take care of my sister. I am trying to help her get her dreams. Yes, people that have special needs have dreams & they have feelings just like the rest of us "normal" people. I deal with my sisters changing attitude daily. I never know what I am going to get from one moment to the next. I get hated on at times, & I get the little kid who's sorry & needs a hug. I de
You Don't Need To Be Perfect
You don’t need a perfect one, you just need someone who you can trust , who shows you that you’re the only one.
You Didn't, But You Could Have
Lucille decided to give herself a big treat for her 70th birthday by staying overnight in a really nice hotel.. When she checked out the next morning, the desk clerk handed her a bill for $250.00. She demanded to know why the charge was so high "I agree it's a nice hotel, but the rooms aren't worth $250..00 for just an overnight stay - I didn't even have breakfast!" The clerk told her that $250.00 is the 'standard rate,' and breakfast had been included had she wanted it. She insisted on speaking to the Manager. The Manager appeared and, forewarned by the desk clerk, announced: "This hotel has an Olympic-sized pool and a huge conference center which are available for use." "But I didn't use them." ''Well, they are here, and you could have." He went on to explain that she could also have seen one of the in-hotel shows for which they were so famous."We have the best entertainers from the world over performing here." "But I didn't go to any of those shows.." "Well, we have them, and you co
You Ever Wonder...
If you have read my poem that is currently posted on my page, you know, I've been thinking of others, their ways and behavior lately. Now why is it, that so many people are so eager or desperate that they can't see a good thing right in front of them? Are they so busy and pre-occupied that blindness sets in causing them to miss out on what could be just perfect? I'm talking any situation presenting itself and not just a person to person thingie. I've seen it on other sites, at work in my co-worker's lives and the lives of my friends as much as my own. If people would actually walk with eyes wide open and the right mind to go along with it... maybe they would find, receive, and also achieve what they are looking for... Just thought I would share as I ponder and contemplate. These things are all around me and I am flustered to how blind some people can walk through their little world!
You Ever Wonder What Happens To A Kid In The Dryer Machine?
You Ever Wonder?
Some people really believe in Karma, a sort of cosmic balancing act. I do - I don't know why, maybe I just want to believe that you get out of life what you put into it. Or maybe I want to believe that the assholes that make life miserable are gonna get theirs someday. I'm having a week that makes me believe that I am really on the wrong side of karma. 1) I am sick..I've been sick, it's one of those "cough your lungs out until you either feel like you are going to pass out or throw up. I need to go to the Dr. but things keep getting in the way. 2) The heater died. I rent, thank GOD. The heating guy came yesterday at 3pm (I had been without heat for almost 24 hours at that point.) It was the first day of snow here and only 32 outside. By the time he got here it was 50 degrees in the house (thus the parka in my picture.) He messed with it a bit - apparently the motor is not functioning properly. He was able to get it started by manually spinning it. He told me he didn
You,ecstasy & A Rose
YOU ALONE Your hands, They traced each pain I was born with Your lips, They kissed each sorrow I’ve grown with Your arms, Embraced the fullness of my being Your eyes, Melted the anxieties of all my 30 years Your heart, Beats only for me. I’ll die happy knowing My soul will be yours eternally. ECSTASY Bodies sway Illuminated by desires Thirsts and pain Caress by crumbling hands Each shivers Sweet bemoaning Drained by sweats As we came to our senses… We sleep Satisfied. ROSE I am a rose Blackened by time Withered by your promises Me was once a beauty I passed my prime Waiting… I could’ve been blue Instead black I became Ogre, mocked façade … I am a rose… Was once… Will still be someday Running to your arms I will be your rose… Still a beauty… waiting.
You Either Love Me Or Hate Me
That is it plain and simple, you either love me or hate me. Usually because I am blunt and to the point and say what is exactly on my mind. However the reason the reason why people sometimes do not like me is that when I speak they fly off the handle and do not let me finish my train of thought before they decide they are offended and storm off and stop listening before I finish. Then later I have to apologize with my tail between my legs, explaining what I really meant and then smoothing thins over, when all that could have been avoided when people would just listen to me in the first fucking place. I mean seriouly. I am really tired of people expecting everying thing a one way fucking street. I am tired of being the one way street, walking on egg shells with everyone else when they dont do the same considerations for me. I dont deal well with hipocracy and I dont see why I have to be the one kissing ass all the damn time. For one I detest ass kissing, whether I am kissing som
You Except Me To Just Let You Hit It, But Will You Still Respect Me If You Get It?
Zak called at 9 in the morning. Like an idiot. I was like WTF. Anyway, he wanted to know if I was going out to the beach, but I was like.. uhhh, probably not. I want to go to the beach, but I have last years bathing suit thingy and it's ugly, I just noticed... lol. I want the one with whales on it. Woot WOOT.
You Ever Notice....
1) bachalor goes to laundrymate to do his laundry, puts everything in one load in the supersized washer... Women in the place look at him with horror.... 2) Women come up to the guy they love and who loves them and asks the question, "Does this dress make me look fat?" Look, no matter how we answer, we are in trouble. 3) There is always the eternal question that women ask, "Why did you ask me out." Guys, piece of advice, do not say anything that includes the words knockers, boobs, butt etc. Unless you are ready to die. Say something about thier eyes, safe, romantic and they will give you a bit of credit. 4) Why do women complain about the toilet seat being left up? a little tap and down it goes. Ladies, this is referred to kenetic energy due to gravity. simple physics. 5) Ladies, baseball is not just a game, the world series is not just another baseball game. They are part of the sacred fabric of this country. 6) Yes, High School football in texas IS a
You Experience What You Allow
There are no accidents or mistakes in the Universe. Every person, situation and experience that you have is one that you have allowed in your reality. Each lesson that you work through is one that your soul has allowed you to learn for your spiritual growth. The most powerful moment that you can experience at any point on your path is to realize that you allow your reality to unfold in the most perfect way possible, at every moment. You allow the easy and the difficult, love and fear, joy and sadness to be what you experience. All of these energies are available to you and what you live with is what you allow. No other person has power over your reality other than what you allow them to have. No other person is able to add to or take away from your power unless you allow them to. Even your soul lessons occur because you allow them to happen. The energy of allowing is a powerful tool that only you can use and the Universe responds to what you allow. The thoughts, feelings and bel
You Ever
you ever have a dream about what your lover was going to look like or what she or he would feel like to hold and touch? or am i the only one lmao oops i let one of my secrets out lol ok here is another question have you ever wondered what it would feel like being the other person when haveing sex what there oragasm would feel like lmao if it is the same as how you feel when you have one
You Ever Dance With The Devil By The Pale Moonlight?
Ok, I will share one of my deepest and most secret desires with you. I want to be a superheroine. Yes, I said it out loud, whew! Now, I don't mean I want to fly like Superman or move like Flash, I mean let's get real I know that can't happen. But, I can do as Batman and be completely human and still save the day, right? I have a book called "The Batman Handbook: The Ultimate Training Manual". And yes, it is for real. None of that, ok make a cape from your curtains and do a few situps and you are ready to go...oh no. First, let me say that Batman is my absolute favorite superhero and surprisingly enough Joker is my favorite villain. I almost could be like either but prefer to try and stay on the right side of good and evil...for now. But I am amazed at how there really could be a "Batman" one day in this world. I mean what does he do that someone(with his financial resources) couldn't do? Yes, it would take dedication, lots and lots of determination, and of course a complete void of
You Es Ay
the land of shit and money home of the slaves, land of the weak other nations, the meek will inherit the spoils of Babylon believe it walk by faith before you see it If nothing else, I hope you took a minute to think..even if it wasn't about this fucked up country. (Pardon my English) peace and serenity, jai
You Ever Feel...
... that no matter what you do that things will never change? That no matter how hard you try that you just keep getting knocked back down. What's the reasoning behind it? I mean can't a person get kicked so many times an not be able to take it anymore? Shouldn't life have it's limitations on what gets handed out to you? Makes ya wonder what the freakin joke is all about. Is it real? Am I real? Well climbing back up in my Dj booth that Chita made for me up in the rafters.
Youe Scent
You'er It
Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 15 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 10 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1.I love my family in the hideaway. 2.I love my son he is my love of my life that happen to me. 3.I love dr dj he is my love of my life soon to be husband i am very happy to be with him. 4.I love to be on fubar alot. 5.I love to cook for my man. 6. i love to play with my son cameron. 7. me i love to dance and make blankles and color lmao. 8.i have a necie on the way in sept. 9.I love to walk. 10.I love to hang out with my best friend. 11.I like to do the flower bed for my mom. 12.I like to mess with people and joke around alot to be funny will try lmao. 13.I love to be a dj for the hideaway
You Ever Have One Of Those Sneezing Fits?
Hey there and how ya doing? Good Morning. Here it is a start to the weekend and Bonnie is sickly with a summer cold no doubt one of the toughest colds to shake off. Wouldn’t be great if you could really just shake the dang thing off…Here is something I think we all have been a part of one time or another. A sneezing fit…I hate those! I mean I actually hate it when other people get them too. When do you say God Bless You? I would think there is some one out there that knows the best way to handle a sneezing fit and saying God Bless you to the one who is sneezing their head off. I mean you look at them like you’re awaiting the last sneeze? Or do you cackle right back at them while they are doing it each time…. It’s like Sneeze! God Bless You! Sneeze Sneeze, God Bless you God Bless you, Sneeze! G…. Sneeze! You get the point… I mean holey smokes its like you carrying on a sneezing conversation. I am all about doing the right thing… So hopefully this weekend is a weekend that you will enjo
You Ever Wonder Why Our Minds Wonder?
You ever take a min to think why you think of the things you do, or want to do? You ever take a min to think why think of things you use to do and don't do them anymore? You are letting you mind wonder in a wonderworld, where you and your mind wants to take you and be able to get there. Just try not to wonder to far or you will get lost or lose where you started.
You - Evanescence
The words have been drained from this pencil Sweet words that I want to give you And I can't sleep I need to tell you Goodnight When we're together, I feel perfect When I'm pulled away from you, I fall apart All you say is sacred to me Your eyes are so blue I can't look away As we lay in the stillness You whisper to me Amy, marry me Promise you'll stay with me Oh you don't have to ask me You know you're all that I live for You know I'd die just to hold you Stay with you Somehow I'll show you That you are my night sky I've always been right behind you Now I'll always be right beside you So many nights I cried myself to sleep Now that you love me, I love myself I never thought I would say this I never thought there'd be You
You Ever???
Have you ever loved someone soo much that every moment without them you felt as if you were falling deeper into loneliness? Then all of a sudden you just hear their voice and instantly you are lifted above the clouds. Have you ever longed to feel the touch of there skin that it seemed as if you just had an amazing dream and had made them up in your imagination? then as fate would have it you recive a letter and can smell the essence of the illusion making them real again. Have you ever had continous spurts of the day where you are not able to get them off your mind as you see other lovers as doves courting one another while they hold hands and peck at one another with the sweetest of kisses, driving you insane? But then you look at the remnants of lipstick of your true loves lips pasted beautifully against an envelope for you to remember how sweet there lips will taste. Have you ever slept alone in the night to be awakened by the smallest of noises because you think it is th
You Ever Felt Like This..??
Oh I am so fucking horny.As you men say I need a piece of I need a hard dick shoved up me so hard that it makes me beg for more.Being here with my family will surely drive me nuts until I get back to the states.Being wet right now is a understatement,oh well happy holidays to all and sorry I just had to scream out anyway I knew how that I NEED
You Envy Me
You Ever Wonder?
you ever wonder what life would be like if we had our own lil way. no care in the world a safe place for the kids to play? violence has corrupted us long enough yet we continue like its a trend. we pay for research for aids and cancer but it seems to be no end. life was meant to be joyful and luxurious. but poverty is striking like bombs in iraq. we look forward to a end to violence but its seems were taking steps back. these words i speak arent to preach but to teach  i pray you take them to heart. lets stop the violence you can start by doin your part.... comment and rate it takes just a minute. if you wanna win the war on violence dont be a part in it.
You Ever Love Someone
You Ever Wonder
you ever wonder why? no!
You Ever?
you ever want something so much it hurts when you think about it, but the same thing you want, you think you dont deserve and tell yourself you dont want it and terrifies you?   the past 48 hrs have been really hard for me i've been put in situations that make me happy and very uncomfortable and sad at the same time andrealized something potentially bad...   i want to get married...i want to have kids... i want to have a real family with a husband who loves me and i love him and be pregnant with that love and have a baby and a complete "family"   but the thought of that terrifies me that it cant happen or wont last or i will lose my love and child and have my heart and life ripped from me again and that i dont even deserve that kind of love because of the things ive done in my past and i'm freaking out because i want it soooo bad but think i will never have it even if for no other reason then my fears messing it up and chance that there is no one able to stick with me thru my fe
You Ever Look Through The Quotes Of The Many Talented And Popular...
So, did you ever wonder how things would be if you yourself... were a stranger. You live life by rules, Ethics, Morals! Ever miss just being yourself? What happens if you could see yourself in a totally different situation? How would you handle your current situation? But anyways... Heres some quotes and different standards than what most of us are used to! Gotta love the internet! “I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.”¯ Marilyn Monroe... Is there something new to this saying, that hasn't been true for many years now? “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”¯ Albert Einstein “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”¯ Oscar Wilde “In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goe
You Fella's Are Blowin
When I hang out on LC, I get the chance to do a lot of reading, my mail, my shout, profiles and comments and I'll tell you fella''re struggling. If I read most of your profiles, they sound like this: I'm a guy with low self esteem, broke as hell and seeking a woman who doesn't take care of herself to dote on me, anyone will do.......oh okay, now don't get all bent out of shape, let me show you how this happens......lmfao! I read a lot of profiles that read "if you into looks and money then keep going." Ohhhh okay let me tell you how that translates. I know you MEAN you don't want a woman who is superficial and materialistic but what we hear you say is that you have low self esteem and your broke as hell. We don't need an invitation to move on from that, most of us will do so on our own free will. You have to paint a better picture. I read that you guys don't want a woman who it "too into herself"...what I understand is that you don't want a woman who is stuck up,
You Found Me -- Written By Me.
There once was a time, when I almost gave up Searching for a real Master seemed impossible ... Then You found me. There once was a time, after hearing so many lies I felt as if I couldn't go on anymore Because I was afraid to trust anyone ... Then You found me. You have given me hope, desire and sparked the flame in my soul to serve again Because I believe in You ... I trust You ... I want to please You. You found me and I am so thankful. To: Sir Emil Written by: dayna 8/1/2006
You Feel.ti Wrote This Poem For My Uncle Rip =(
When you lose someone You feel like that person is still there but they're not, believe it or not. You think of all the good things you've done with that person, and cry because he died. But we tried, to bring him back. But all we can do is remember the past. But you have to see that the person, who died went somewhere good.
You Fuck So Good I'm On Top Of It!!!!
Well I'm suppose to be goin out tonight with Scott when he gets home. Weather it happens or not I dunno. I think I'm not starting to get tired of the whole single thing but I dunno. It's been a long ass fuckin' day. I'm happy tomorrow is friday. I'm just an a awesome mood right now for some reason. I'm a little sleepy but oh well. Nicks asleep so I'm fuckin' relaxing. It's just so nice lol Well I'm done for now. ~You're Crazy But I Like The Way You Fuck Me~ LoL *winks*
You Figure It Out...(ramblin On)
What do people really think when they look at you? Do you really care? I do to a extent. The extent of that is I probably cannot change their mind, nor why would I want to. I should just be me and not try to impress people so that is what I generally do. I am not a flashy..bling bling (got to throw in some hip lingo in there)person. I am a basic old country boy, with the exception that I live in town. But forgive me it is a small town. So I may not come off to people as the sharpest tool in the shed..well thats cause I am not. So for the most part I stick to myself where ever I go. I don't like big crowds. I deal with it better then other people in my family my mother or father. I am a old fashion person so to say. I don't speak like these rappers. Well for one I am not into rap. HEY MAYBE THATS WHY I DON'T SPEAK LIKE THEM. As I said I am more of a country boy and when the time comes I will hopefully have my little homestead out in the country. When I was about 5yrs old and
You Forgive Me For Liking You Too Much
You forgive me for liking you too much, And I'll forgive you for not liking me enough. You forgive me for missing you so, And I'll forgive you for being so cold. You forgive me for the loud racing of my heart, And I'll forgive you for not hearing it. You forgive me for playing your games, And I'll forgive you for toying with my emotions. You forgive me for finding you so attractive, And I'll forgive you for not noticing. You forgive me for raising you up so high, And I'll forgive you for bringing me down so low. You forgive me for wanting to be with you, And I'll forgive you for avoiding me. You forgive me for being so pathetic, And I'll forgive you for taking advantage of it. You forgive me for not being able to let go, And I'll forgive you for never having latched on. You forgive me for having hopes and dreams, And I'll forgive you for crushing them. Forgiveness brings inner peace. Do we have a deal?
You Found Me ~ Kelly Clarkson
Is this a dream? If it is Please don't wake me from this high I've become comfortably numb Until you opened up my eyes To what it's like When everything's right I can't believe You found me When no one else was lookin' How did you know just where I would be? Yeah, you broke through All of my confusion The ups and the downs And you still didn't leave I guess that you saw what nobody could see You found me You found me So, here we are That's pretty far When you think of where we've been No going back I'm fading out All that has faded me within You're by my side Now everything's fine I can't believe You found me When no one else was lookin' How did you know just where I would be? Yeah, you broke through All of my confusion The ups and the downs And you still didn't leave I guess that you saw what nobody could see You found me You found me And I was hiding 'Til you came along And showed me where I belong You found me You found me When no on
You--for Patrick
Unexpected you come a dream to say the least unleashed to keep so much more than a memory more than I could ever ask something made to last a heart to steal words I feel to the deepest of my soul I give…you hold a promise that I won't let go a prayer prayed delayed? Please promise you'll stay… Today… Tomorrow… Forever… A dream dreamt tears wept all for this moment in time your inner shine shimmering through in all the things you say and do a real life dream come true you… At arms length I reach but distance forsakes me a lifetime away maybe someday I pray but not today… I can't stay.. I have to say good-bye.. Why? I cry, but it won't change this lifetime you're a lifetime away… I only ask that you please stay… I pull and you reach maybe it's destiny... Fate I will await even if you seem a lifetime away just promise... No matter where this path leads a world away I promise on this day I won't drift away if you'll stay...
You Find Out Who Your Friends Are....
Run your car off the side of the road Get stuck in a ditch way out in the middle of nowhere Or get yourself in a bind, Lose the shirt off your back, Need a floor, need a couch, need a bus fare… This is where the rubber meets the road This is where the cream is gonna rise This is where this is what you really didn’t know This is where the truth don’t lie Find out who your friends are Somebody’s gonna drop everything Run out and crank up their car Hit the gas, get there fast Never stop to think “what’s in it for me?” Or “it’s way too far” They just show on up With their big ol’ heart Yeah find out who your friends are. Everybody wants to slap your back Wants to shake your hand When you’re up on top of that mountain Then one of those rocks will get wet And you slide back down Look up and see who’s around then This is where the road comes to an end This is where the band wagon stops This is just one of those times when A lotta folks jump off. Yeah
You Fell Upon Me, Like A Plague....
....weakness sweet weaknes.... yeah anyway. i hate when people tell me shit that is so disturbing it pisses me off for the rest of the day. i mean it's like you know how you should react but the anger is so vivid and just pumping so quickly that if you do react the way you want to, you'll most likely kill someone. So hence I am now an:
You Fucked Up This bitch does not work for me you need to delete this account asap or my attourney will contact you. You are in violation of national copyright laws. By having this open to the public she, and you together, are in violation by misresentation of my logo and business. She does not work for me, and is in no way representing me or mine. You have twenty four hours to delete this and appologize to the world as we know it, or this will escelate to a higher level. my e-mail is or you can go to or on myspace/wickedink or fuck'n youtude/wickedinknet or Thank you
You Found Me When Noone Else Was Looking
She broke my heart She ripped it in two said she felt really bad but deep down she didn't have a clue She didn't know what I'd gone through All the sleepless nights alone not having someone to love well if only she'd known that was the final straw the end of the line for me why should i keep getting hurt in my life love wasn't meant to be I stopped looking out for my Mrs. Right I stopped caring about girls but at the end of the tunnel there was light She spoke to me as if she'd known me forever instantly i fell again but for some reason it was different i didn't care if it were to bring more pain I've never fell like this before i don't care that this may not be the 1 shes made my life complete this is more that just a bit of fun she found me when no one else was looking i smile every time i think of her she's my princess and my Queen no more tears fall from these eyes no more crying myself to sleep each night this is all i ever wanted
You Find Out Interesting Things When You Have Sons, Like...
1. A king size waterbed holds enough water to fill a 2000 sq. Ft. House 4 inches deep. 2. If you spray hair spray on dust bunnies and run over them with roller blades, they can ignite. 3. A 3-year old Boy's voice is louder than 200 adults in a crowded restaurant. 4. If you hook a dog leash over a ceiling fan, the motor is not strong enough to rotate a 42 pound Boy wearing Batman underwear and a Superman cape. It is strong enough, however, if tied to a paint can, to spread paint on all four walls of a 20x20 ft. Room. 5. You should not throw baseballs up when the ceiling fan is on. When using a ceiling fan as a bat, you have to throw the ball up a few times before you get a hit. A ceiling fan can hit a baseball a long way. 6. The glass in windows (even double-pane) doesn't stop a baseball hit by a ceiling fan. 7. When you hear the toilet flush and the words "uh oh", it's already too late. 8. Brake fluid mixed with Clorox makes smoke, and lo
You, Feel, Know
Your kisses make me shiver Your touch makes want to moan your name Your body against me shakes my core You deep in me makes me go into a world of extasy Feeling you all over is all I ever want Feeling you penetrate my mind makes me want you more Feeling you touch my cold heart makes me melt Knowing your here makes me smile Knowing your falling for me makes me fall more for you
You Found Me
Is this a dream? If it is Please don't wake me from this high I've become comfortably numb Until you opened up my eyes To what it's like When everything's right I can't believe You found me When no one else was lookin' How did you know just where I would be? Yeah, you broke through All of my confusion The ups and the downs And you still didn't leave I guess that you saw what nobody could see You found me You found me So, here we are That's pretty far When you think of where we've been No going back I'm fading out All that has faded me within You're by my side Now everything's fine I can't believe You found me When no one else was lookin' How did you know just where I would be? Yeah, you broke through All of my confusion The ups and the downs And you still didn't leave I guess that you saw what nobody could see You found me You found me And I was hiding 'Til you came along And showed me where I belong You found me You found me When no
You Fill My Heart My Friends
Visit www.hostdrjack.comHost Your Images & Videos FREE CLICK HERE!
You Fake!!!!!
You Fucking Call This Liberation?!
9 children killed in U.S. raid in Iraq 9 children killed in U.S. raid in Iraq By STEVEN R. HURST, Associated Press Writer 19 minutes ago A U.S. attack killed 19 insurgents and 15 civilians, including nine children, northwest of the capital Thursday — one of the heaviest civilian death tolls in an American operation in recent months. The military said it was targeting senior leaders of al-Qaida in Iraq. American forces have applied fierce and determined pressure on militants, especially al-Qaida in Iraq, since the full contingent of additional U.S. troops arrived June 15. But Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has recently confronted top American commander Gen. David Petraeus about what he sees as overly aggressive U.S. tactics that harm innocent civilians, according to Iraqi officials. The military statement detailing Thursday's air and ground assault said soldiers were acting on intelligence reports about an al-Qa
You Fucking Right Im Punk
do you have to look like a dirty gutter ounk with dirt and heroin residue under your fingernails for people to think you are punk?...fuck all that.i used ta be that way but im thirty now and i care about the way i look..punk is in me.its not a look or a fashion trend it's a ....god i hate to say this.but a way of life(fuck that makes me wanna puke.cliches are grossy)i have been this way since my sister introduced me to punk way back in the 80s with give me convenience or give me death.and im never gonna change to you little fucking scene kids assholes....stay the fuck off my ounk youre not eat my cock and lick my snot..i hope you all die one day and the maggots fuck you in the ass....or something like that .............anyways fuck off
You F**kers Know It
You Fucking Love It
This goes out to a girl i call "The Womb Of Doom" harsh i know but its so true, keep up the good work Natalie! Ha Ha She could never ever ever ever ever ever ever get it into her thick head So when pretending ends she'll have scattered her friends And she’ll find she’ll wake up dead There’s no card above receivers Still its all so remote Behind the bench at the rec Where she lost fifty notes (she says) “I used to have a future But now I don’t know Just dependence and repentance and a ready-brek glow” Just put your money in Bruised knees and battered shins You fucking love it You fucking love it Back on your feet again Out on the beat again You fucking love it Yeah yeah yeah Drunk as a skunk Lean as a dean Always the same Since she was thirteen You want it You lame duck You want it Youre out of luck You’ve always been a seedy fuck So whats it gonna be? Just put your money in Bruised knees and battered shins You fucking love it You fucking love
You Fucking Bastard.....
I'm HEAVILY guarded!! There's a matrix that one must travel through just to get to the confines of my heart. I know myself all too well! Admittedly, I believe that everyone has ulterior motives at first. It is a protective device that I have adopted. I trust no one until they show me why I should....and yes.....I do things backward. There is NOTHING wrong with that! I used to trust with the belief that "I will trust someone until they give me a reason not to". Well that didn't work to my advantage after being the one left holding my "dick" on more than one occasion. Trust is earned....PERIOD! I don't think that you are a liar, I just don't trust you. Don't take it personal. When I trust a man, I give him the power to destroy me. Are you with me? Do you get it now? Growing up, all I ever wanted was a husband to love and nurture me. STUPID, STUPID GIRL!! I woke up one morning, nursing yet another pair of black eyes and a split lip. I looked at my husband sleeping soundly and
You Figure It Out....
I just read report that stated that there is a 50% divorce rate in America. 65% of all 2nd time marriages fail. Low and behold 75% of all 3rd time mariages fail. Apparently people don't learn from thier mistakes. And no, I don't mean getting remarried is the mistake. It's not learning from the mistakes you made in the previous marriage(s)that is the mistake. And yes, I do believe that marriages fail due to both parties making mistakes. With the exception of abusive ones, of course. For example, my father cheated on my mom. He was unfaithful to his vows. That was his part in the marriage failing. But I also saw how he was treated by my mother when they were married. Does that excuse his actions. Not at all. It does however explain them. She treated him terribly. He dealt with it by cheating on her. 2 wrongs don't make a right. So you see they both had a hand in the marriage failing. What I see happening is that people don't learn from the mistakes they made the firs
You Fucks!
'Progress for the sake of progress must be discouraged!'' So, it always seems that I can never move forward, in my case, progress for the sake of progress is just not a reality,BUT, shit happens right? meh, No... I don't think i'm ment to be happy. But what keep sme pissed off, is the fact that you all are happy... Like my ex-wife stephanie, she got the family she wanted... a new husband... a new child... Our child... living in the state she always wanted... Why, why you. why can you be allowed to be happy and not be... why did you get a second chance at love and marriege and not me... why did i get my hopes up and have yet other person just like you hurt me... why why, why fuckin' why!! Or the last person... Mary, the most beautiful person I know, poisined with lies, hurt, free, anger... But why is she allowed to move on hurt free, why does she get to have this new fling of her, why is she the ones with the friends so pleased that i'm gone, yet the same people who
You For Me For You
You For Me For You by LateNiteFantasy© the man who holds you in the morning kissing you softly wrap your legs around me, love rigid melting pleasure for you deep and passionate making you scream silently with ecstacy our sweat, our exhaustion mingle as the day's first sunrays find us the man who urges you to your knees in the evening giving you the needful desire I've restrained all day nurturing my angel with all my love perfect face gently in my hands heavensoft lips swallow my love, my want, my body, my soul I am for you, my love, all of me all of me the man who feeds his hunger for you in the night gentle kisses down your neck warm nibbles on your collarbone lips tenderly on erect nipples hungrier, warmth and moisture desirous suckling wet kisses down your tummy palms urging legs to part grasped firmly to my enraptured hunger you are for me, my love every drop of sacred succulence every degree of heat every involuntary arch of your back all f
You Fail Mothafucka
You fail at keeping an erection and knowing when someone doesn't want you at their house. So in honor of your failure I'm dedicating this blog to you. ENJOY YOUR NICE HELPING OF FAIL!
You Felt You Had To Block Me???
GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR Scott, you may never see this, but I really don't care if you do, I just need to rant somewhere... Scott, you rated me not too long after I joined Fubar. I rated you back. We chatted. You fanned me. I fanned back. Chatted a few more times and you sent me a friend request, which I accepted. You were nice. When you found out how close we lived to each other (within an hour's travel), you wanted to meet. I told you no and the reasons why. You saw who was my #1 family and friend and guessed (correctly) who my crush was. Over the course of the next month you started telling me lies about this man (who I might add, was a gentleman) all in the name of protecting me, not wanting me to go through what another friend of yours on here had gone through, with him, in Yahoo chat rooms. You never could supply me with proof, show me or lead me to it, you never gave me the friend's name so I could ask her for myself. All you told me was she was hurt and a nam
You Finally Know You Are A Witch When...
1. Your BOS has spots on the pages from spilled brews. 2. When cleaning house you have to specify. "Where is the broom? No, not the broom, where is the one to clean the floor with?" 3. Candle wax has dripped on your keyboard. 4. There are more jars of strange smelling plants in your cupboards than there are cereal boxes. 5. Friends know they can always give you candles and incense as a gift. 6. When watching old re-runs of Bewitched, you find you side with Samantha's mother Endora. 7. When travelling, stranger and stranger strangers tell you their problems. 8. You find yourself making corn dollies in the checkout line at the grocery store (well, I thought about it). 9. You ask for Halloween off, because it's a religious holiday. 10. You start answering the phone with "Merry Meet".
You Fail Me With Your Inferno Fuck Me Eyes
Two Months In The Cover Creases Yesterday was the day i touched the bottom of my well...I fell so hard yesterday. I cried for an hour, and i had the migraine to prove it. I cant bear the way this is making me feel. So out of control. I hate being out of control. I hate not knowing what im doing in a month, in a week, the very next day...15 minutes from now. I need him home so bad, but yet, theres still something....and im suffering so terribly because of it. Being this way terrifies me. I think so irrationally when im hysterical, the way i was. Screaming, crying, dying. Im still rotting inside...but now im almost completely empty...completely lost...completely alone... Yesterday felt like i was drowning. Like i had been thrown into a deep pool, and i didnt know how to swim, and all i was doing was breathing in more and more water. Suffocating. thats what it feel suffocating. The empty shape inside of me, steals my breath, im suffocating. I didnt realize how a
You Found Me
Mindless scribbles in a margin, eyes vacant of hope. Fighting through pain, succeeding, but failing miserably. Digging into a deeper hole, you pulled up my hand. You helped me out, sharpening my dull vision. Helping me through lies, holding through the pain. A mindless scribble has meaning, hope for eternal bliss, you found me. Jessa, there will never be words for me to ever express how I feel about are by far one of the most unique and amazing person I have in my life. I hope that never CHANGES either. Rusty, I have only one word for you "love" you are n will always be special to me ... you gave me alot more than you will ever realize n for that I am grateful. I miss my friend....
You Fill My Every Thought
You fill my ever thought, and all my dreams, througout the day, throughout the night. Without you every minute last an hour, every hour last a day, and every day streches into eternity. I miss you so much my love. I can't wait to be in y our arms! I will love you till my dying breath, then i'll love you through eternity. March 30th 2009
You Fucking Piece Of Shit Douchebag
You Fucking Me Makes Me Bilingual
The only aphrodisiac I need is your voice Hearing you speak my name Beckoning me to answer Telling me you want me So I tell you that you're the answer to every question I've ever had about love Without words I use my tongue to tell the tale of us Tracing your shadowscape Kneeling before you my eyes feast upon your masculinity and All its divinity and I praise you Because all of that is for me I begin to indulge myself of your delicacies Digesting semi-sweet dark chocolate decadence as it melts Dripping down my chin Your taste is something Godiva couldn't re-create Needing every atom of your anatomy Necessity is placed upon me knowing you are the source of my serendipity Dipping in and out of me stroking more than my consciesnessSubconsciously I find myself rewinding our love scenes In my daydreams Seeing that face you make when you're making me cum And it makes me want you right there and then Thinking of you in inappropriate places I get Tingling sensations in private locations where
You Finally Know You're A Witch When:
When the whole family thinks your weird But your the first person they call on to Bless their new house :) When your playing cards with a friend and the cards tell you more than what they are holding in their hand :) When the whole family thinks your weird but have you read the cards/runes for them every chance they get :) Whenever some one falls ill your the one they call .... before they call the doctor  Anything weird happens and and you feel like a sub branch of ghost busters ...who ya gonna call ? :)
You Fucks
ok here`s the deal it`s fuckin raining for the 5th fuckin day i`m stoned to the bone this sounded like a good idea one question, ask away you might get answer in private depending on question all questions accompanied by nude pics will be answered first
You Found Me Out
You found me out, a slip of my tongue and now you know what lies beneath, a shallow shell of what I was. Jaded and mislead by trusting eyes. Can you keep a secret? I guess we'll see... Truth be told I wish I could spit out to the world and let the repercussion come smack me back in the face. Instead I stay below the radar of society's judging glare fake a smile and say it okay. If no one knows then they can't change.. become that fake robot thats always searching looking to see if Im gonna break today. Mini psychotherapists with their conclusion and 5 minute therapies of let it go and just dont do it. they'll never understand this drive in me to self destruct. just remember though behind blue eyes lies everything.....dig through the mess and eventually you can find me
You Found Me!
I stumbled through life so lost and alone, No one understood me or made me feel at home. Life was meaningless and love wasn't real, I was angry and broken with no way to heal. But then I met you and my soul came alive, My defenses came down and my heart sprung to life. The darkness behind me made me fear loving you, It scared me so badly I didn't know what to do. You brought light to my life when I was lost in the dark, I looked into your eyes and I felt the spark. I knew I needed you no matter the cost, You seen the real me whom I thought I had lost. I ached for your touch and hungered for your kiss, Whenever I am near you my soul fills with bliss. You brought me to life a feat no one had done, It was a fight within me but my heart you had won. I opened myself mind, body, and soul, To be taken by you and forever you will hold. So this I vow till my dying day, My heart belongs to you and with you it will stay!
You Finish The Story
You walk up behind me and wrap you arms around my waist and press you cock again my back and I can tell just how much you want me. Whispering in my ear," I want you." I start to dance slowly grinding on your cock making you harder for me you can't stand it spinning me kissing me nice and soft pressing in to me. I can't breath I am melting as you kiss me, Caughting my breath I say," never in my life have I felt that before." We stop dancing walk over to one of the tables sit down you start to unzip my pants putting your hand down them fingering and playing getting me wet you lean over to me kissing my neck and bitting my ear, than say, lets go to my car, I agree and follow you getting to your car sitting in the front seat you start the car and unzip my pants start playing with me well driving to your take you hand out of my pants and lick your fingers saying, "mmmmmm you taste good." 
You For You Me For Me
You for You Me for Me by Kenneth Matlock on Wednesday, March 21, 2012 at 1:41am  Sometimes I think I can't go on. Sometimes I think that it's all wrong Just in time the thought saves me Just in time to let me be me Just in time to set us free.   There is still a dakr road ahead. There is still a reason to see red There is still much to fear There is still much missing here Yet there is still much I hold dear   Yearning for the echelon press on Lean your head back each new dawn Feel the warmth run over your face Feel part of the rest of this human race Let the storm clouds roll on without a trace
You Forget The Spring Published In Next Month
Her hand holding a mouthwatering flowers in one Nike Mercurial Superfly hand is not a waste of time from the phone's number keys to. Dial out the phone rang a few times, the microphone that one finally someone picked up. "Well, my," she softly replied. "Qi, I miss you, you receive flowers and cards?" Eagerly off Liren said. Yin Shangqi Enliaoyisheng, be considered to answer his questioning. "These days, see you, I'm really mad, Qi, do Nike Football Cleats not work overtime, to accompany me to go out to eat okay?" Yin Shangqi pause for a moment, then said: "No, you forget the spring published in next month? While we say that it really bother me to work!" "I miss you, Qi, your pity on me and I really want to see you, I just ask to see your face and your meal, so that you Nike Superfly are unwilling to do?" "But ..." Yinshang Qi Yao Zhaochun. - "I swear not to disturb your emotions at work, we eat dinner, after dinner I immediately send you back to Nike Mercurial Superfly the company." Yi
You Feel Cold And Warm
When you feel cold and warm at the same time,when you read over the same line for the tenth time,when your heart and thoughts somehow appear to rhyme,and when a simple name conquers your whole mind,then you are in deep trouble my friend... you are in what they call, "love".
You Filled My Butt...
And that's why I came
You Guessed It. ;)
Holding Perfection There is a saying, that “Nobody’s perfect.” Until recently I believed that to be true. Who ever coined that phrase never had the pleasure of meeting you. When I see your smile and the beauty that radiates from your face, I get breathless and my heart starts to race. When I hear your voice call out my name and tell me that you love me, I get weak inside and feel so unworthy of such a great gift. The touch of your hand sends fire through my blood, Making me dizzy and wanting more of your love. The small lovely little things you do for me are a wonder and joy to receive. The love I see reflected in your eyes is a wonder in itself to behold. It makes me want to hold and cherish you forever in my heart. I am unworthy to share a love with some one as wonderful as you are. I just hope and pray that each day; I can show you just how important you are to me. I never want to loose the feelings you give to me, being with you is like being in heaven. Love is
You Gave Me Wings
YOU GAVE ME WINGS © Barry S. Colvin As a young tot, without care or concern I lived within a family that was ever so strong A family with love A family with care A family that I knew would always be there I still recall the good old days With Dad on the road And Mom home to stay Dad calling each night just to say, “I’m working hard and will be home in a few days” Always to end with “I love you all” Mom with the handle of doing all the motherly things The housework, the meals, and bandaging a scraped knee My sisters and I, never to fear, that a hug and a kiss would always be there. As a young tot, I never knew Just what the job was that Mom and Dad had to do. But I did know, without a doubt That I was always loved, I was cared for And my Mom and Dad would always be there. As I grew older, things started to change I learned how to sew and cook a few meals A sense of responsibility and what it meant to share Maturing was tough, e
You Guys Are Actually Reading This Stuff?
thought i'd say something for a change. here it goes................. something.
You Get To Judge Me....
This is interesting - please tell me what you think. Go to the following website and follow the directions. I'll post the results in a couple days! Johari Window
You Get 10
for everybody that adds me, get a 10 on their page, how many in 1 hour x
You Get To See This
get you. why you do not write
You Got Served! (ending Battle)
This really isn't a movie quote, but it's a great sequence.
You Gotta Read This!! Soooo Funny...hehehe
This blog isn't about me...its just a funny e-mail i was sent that i wanted to share!!!! The other night I was invited out for a night with "the girls." I told my husband that I would be home by midnight, "I promise!" Well, the hours passed and the margaritas went down way too easy. Around 3a.m., a bit loaded, I headed for home. Just as I got in the door, the cuckoo clock in the hall started up and cuckooed 3 times. Quickly, realizing my husband would probably wake up, I cuckooed another 9 times. I was really proud of myself for coming up with such a quick-witted solution, in order to escape a possible conflict with him. (Even when totally smashed I know 3 cuckoos plus 9 cuckoos totals 12 cuckoos = MIDNIGHT!) The next morning my husband asked me what time I got in, and I told him, " Midnight." He didn't seem pissed off at all. Whew! Got away with that one! Then he said, "We need a new cuckoo clock." When I asked him why, he said
You Gotta Love Jersey Women!!
YOU GOTTA LOVE JERSEY WOMEN!! A woman from New Jersey and another woman were seated side-by-side on an airplane. The woman from New Jersey, being friendly and all, said: So, where are you from?" The other woman said, "From a place where they know better than to use a preposition at the end of a sentence." The woman from New Jersey sat quietly for a moment and then replied: "So, where are you from, BITCH ?"
You Got It Bad ~~~ Usher
You Got To Love Him
You Gotta Have A Sense Humor. My Owl Friend Does. Yes People I Said Owl.
You Gotta Love Drunks
You've Got To Love Drunk People..... A man, and his wife are awakened at 3 o'clock in the morning by a loud pounding on the door. The man gets up and goes to the door where a drunken stranger, Standing in the pouring rain, is asking for a push. "Not a chance," says the husband, "it is 3 o'clock in the morning!" He slams the door and returns to bed."Who was that?" asked his wife. "Just some drunk guy asking for a push," he answers. "Did you help him?" she asks. "No, I did not! It's 3 o'clock in the morning and it is pouring out there!" "Well, you have a short memory," says his wife. "Can't you remember >about three months ago when we broke down and those two guys helped us?I think you should help him, and you should be ashamed of yourself!" The man does as he is told, gets dressed, and goes out into the Pounding rain. He calls out into the dark, "Hello, are you still there?" "Yes" comes back the answer. "Do you still need a push?" calls out the husband. "Yes, Pl
You Gotta Laugh
Click Here to Pass This Message to your friends More Chain Messages Myspace Layouts Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics by
You Gotta Lick It Before We Kick It
I am such a flash whore I know lol Heather-fuking-tastic@ CherryTAP
You Get Me Out Of The Rain;; You Get Me Outta My Clothes
The poem was actually good once I started understanding most of it. I'm almost done with first page of Algebra, and then on to my next one. The first page is surprisingly easyyyyy, thanks goodness. I'm packing my clothes for New York, also. Eeeek, hehe. I'm staying IN Time Square at the Crown Plaza or whatever. :]]]] Anyway, I'm bored, so I'm going to go try to finish my algebra, do my english, then take a shower and get ready for bed. :]
You Goan Git Raped
Who writes this shit? More importantly, who believes this shit? This is important information for females of ALL ages. Guys - please forward to the female members of your family and all your female friends and associates. When this was sent to me, I was told to forward it to my lady friends. I forwarded it to most every! one in my address book. My men friends have female friends and this information is too important to miss someone. Please pass it along. A group of rapists and date rapists in prison were interviewed on what they look for in a potential victim and here are some interesting facts: 1) The first thing men look for in a potential victim is hairstyle. They are most likely to go after a woman with a ponytail, bun, braid or other hairstyle that can easily be grabbed. They are also likely to go after
You Give Love A Bad Name
Music Video:YOU GIVE LOVE A BAD NAME (by Bon Jovi)Music Video Code provided by Video Code Zone
You Guys Are Jerks!
Thanks for not telling me my fly was open all damn day. Rat bastards.
You Guys...
Man I'm drunk... :) :) :) Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from
You Guys Score... He Loses
I was s'posed to have a date tonight. And he had a headache (seriously) and fell asleep and blew me off. And, by the way, he was one really pursuing me, actively, not the other way around. :P Since I was all gussied up -- makeup, hair -- I decided to take some photos. For the fun of it, because I've been meaning to for awhile. And because it made me feel better to know that I was taking photos of things *that guy* won't ever get to see. That amused me. So, you guys get the benefit of my little revenge ploy. So check out my two new folders of pics (Sports Lover and Merry Christmas) and let me know what you think! Much love to all my good friends.
You Gave Me My First Real Glimpse At Life Then Told Me To Carry On With A False One..
No. I'm not still so bitter. At least about most things..Those things.. This place has come to be very much a burial ground, hmm? >blog refrences to< Maybe if I wrote here I'd get over myspace annoyances. Lawd knows this place alone was hard enough to get used to. "An unexamined life is not worth living.." How true..and yet infuriating..Too many thoughts this morning. Too many on life & love alone. I've given myself that indulgence and played the broken record of my youth repeatedly. I think most are lucky to find one love in life. One real person in one moment of time when the emotions are in synch and real. But for three? What would most give? How often through tears have I heard the asinine words "better to have loved.." and well, you're still lucky. I couldn't stand it. I wanted to yell at each person with these b.s sage words. They truly must have never felt the pain..anguish utter heartbreak..there are no words, duckies.. One death, One marriage, One li
You Get Nothing And Like It!! ( Should Ripping Pics Be Ok?)
subject: People ripping pics post date: 2006-12-26 08:54:09 views: 80 comments: 15 ratings: 0 Original writer and poster: Naughty But Nice Girl(Check her out. She's a great writer and easy on the eyes as well.) I am writing this blog through frustration.. Someone has just ripped a pic of mine without asking and no explaination. I have messaged this person asking why and they have read the message and no response.. They have a page full of ripped pics and I know for definate that one of those people weren't asked permission either.. Should people be allowed to do this? Surely it is common courtesy to ask before ripping someone's pic.. Well obviously it isn't and now there is nothing I can do about the fact someone has a pic of mine in their pics.. Do any of you feel this is wrong that people can do this? Is there anything I can do? Let me know what you think in the comments please Thanks.. Naughty and very angry but nice girl....
You Guys Have Been Full On
Thanks for welcoming me into you little community and may we all prosper and have a big safe dwi free 2007 some say I'm a dreamer but I know I'm not the only one. Cheers to all the Ripe Cherries...Your friend sensistar
You Get Three Questions...use Them Wisely
You get to ask me 3 Questions (TO MY INBOX)...any three questions, no matter how crazy they are, dirty or not and I promise to answer them truthfully...then repost this 3 dirty questions to have people ask u 3 dirty questions
~~you Got To Read This~~
1.. My husband and I divorced over religious differences. He thought he was God and I didn't. 2.. I Work Hard Because Millions On Welfare Depend on Me! 3.. Some people are alive only because it's illegal to kill them. 4.. I used to have a handle on life, but it broke. 5.. Don't take life too seriously; No one gets out alive. 6.. You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me 7.. Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder. 8.. I'm not a complete idiot -- Some parts are just missing. 9.. Out of my mind. Back in five minutes. 10. NyQuil, the stuffy, sneezy, why-the-heck-is-the-room-spinning medicine. 11.. God must love stupid people; He made so many. 12.. The gene pool could use a little chlorine. 13. Consciousness: That annoying time between naps. 14.. Ever stop to think, and forget to start again? 15.. Being "over the hill" is much better than being under it!
You Guys And Girls Are Helpin Me Out A Lot Keep Them Cummminnn!! Rate Rate Rate And Comment Comment Comment :-)!!
You Got An "f" Cuz You Wore The Wrong Shirt
you're kid failed... — Friday, January 19, 2007 yup, they would have had an "A" but they were wearing the wrong clothes. That's just they way it is. What would you do? I'm sure you would just accept it, and buy your child different clothes. If your or their culture isn't accepted, then ohwell, just admitt there was something wrong with your entire life. And now is your " wake-up call " to change....... Take the "F" and move on is what you say to your children. And then thank the teacher for letting you know that your culture and beliefs are so wrong that even though otherwise your child would have gotten an "A", because of what they looked like, they completly failed the class, and don't get any credit for the class. What is more important anyway? Learning, and perpetuating the idea that is not only ok, but the thing to do to treat people in certain ways due to their appearance? Whatever, no one gives a fuck to do much or try to do much about it anyway. Again, I'm
You Guys Are Just So Damn Talkative
*sarcasm* it's like a second language to me
You Got To See This Site, It`s For Real
We have just launched this firm. Please take time to see what we are all about. Your Cell phone will never be the same. Now it`s a better and smarter cell phone. For our free download go to our site ! XXTREMEMEASURES.COM ( THIS IS THE FUTURE ) CUT OUT THE GATE KEEPERS ! SAVE BIG BUCKS $$$$ GET YOUR MUSIC HOOK UP ALL YOU BANDS OUT THERE !! WITH XXTREME MEASURES !! THEY CAN`T STEAL YOUR MUSIC EVER AGAIN ! PROTECT YOU SONGS LIKE THEY SHOULD BE BE SEEN & HEARD WORLD WIDE THROUGH OUR MEDIA CHANNELS , THIS IS THE SHIT ! TOMSTUART@VERIZON.NET CUSTOMER DEVELOPMENT Welcome to a new music world !!
You Go Granny
There was a little old lady, who every morning. stepped onto her front porch, raised her arms to the sky, and shouted: "PRAISE THE LORD!" One day an atheist moved into the house next door. He became irritated at the little old lady. Every morning he'd step onto his front porch after her and yell: "THERE IS NO LORD!" Time passed with the two of them carrying on this way every day. One morning, in the middle of winter, the little old lady stepped onto her front porch and shouted: "PRAISE THE LORD! Please Lord, I have no food and I am starving, provide for me, oh Lord!" The next morning she stepped onto her porch and there were two huge bags of groceries sitting there. "PRAISE THE LORD!" she cried out. "HE HAS PROVIDED GROCERIES FOR ME!" The atheist neighbor jumped out of the hedges and shouted: "THERE IS NO LORD. I BOUGHT THOSE GROCERIES!!" The little old lady threw her arms into the air and shouted: "PRAISE THE LORD! HE HAS PROVIDED ME W
You Got To Love Drunk People
You've Gotta Love Drunk People A man and his wife are awakened at 3 o'clock in the morning by a Loud pounding on the door. The man gets up and goes to the door where a Drunken stranger, standing in the pouring rain, is asking for a Push. "Not a chance," says the husband, "it is 3 o'clock In the morning!" He slams the door and returns to bed. "Who was that?" asked his wife. "Just some drunk guy asking for a push," he Answers. "Did you help him?" she asks. "No, I did not, it is 3 o'clock in the morning and It is pouring out there!" "Well, you have a short memory," says his wife. "Can't you remember about three months ago when we broke down, and Those two guys helped us?" "I think you should help him, and you should be Ashamed of yourself!" The man does as he is told, gets dressed, and goes Out into the pounding rain. He calls out into the dark, "Hello, are you still There?" "Yes" comes back the answer. "Do you still need a push?",
You Guys And Gals Kicked Some Major Ass!
Get your own glitter and more at I owe it all to this motivational comment..... Pantyshotz: JUST LIKE SWEETS SHE IS GOING TO HAVE TO TRY REAL HARD TO OUT VOTE ME HA
You Gotta Watch This...lmfao
Browse through only the BEST videos at!
You Gotta Read This...
there is a guy in our office that is over the top strange (Mark) and a super cool guy (Dave). Dave just told me this knowing I was the only person he could tell, so now I'm telling all of you. Dave stepped into the bathroom, Mark was in one of the stalls making a lot of noise doing his # 2 duty (I'll try not to make it graphic cuz I'm trying to eat lunch right now). I believe the word Dave used to describe it was "greasy". Anyways, Dave sees Mark in the stall with his Bible between his feet. Dave steps up to the urinal and hears Mark say, "Hi Dave, this is Mark." Dave says, "Hi Mark, how did you know it was me?" Mark says, "Hold on a minute Dave, there's another Dave in here and I think there is some confusion." So Mark is in the bathroom, reading his Bible, making business calls, all while (I'm done eating now... hold on to your hats) taking a juicy, greasy, shit!!! How in the hell does this guy stay in business.
You Grew Up In Rural Midwest If...
You know how to polka, but never tried it sober... You know what knee-high by the Fourth of July means. You know it is traditional for the bride and groom to go bar hopping between the reception and wedding dance. You know the difference between "Green" and "Red" farm machinery, and would fight with your friends on the playground over which was better! You buy Christmas presents at Farm Supply. You spent more on beer & liquor than you did on food at your wedding. You hear someone use the word "oof-dah" and you don't break into uncontrollable laughter. You or someone you know was a "Dairy Princess" at the county fair. You know that "combine" is a noun. You let your older siblings talk you into putting your tongue on a steel post in the middle of winter. You think Lutheran and Catholic are THE major religions. You know that "creek" rhymes with "pick". Football schedules, hunting season and harvest are all taken into considera
You Guys Are Great
man you guys are the best. thanks to everyone i'm almost to the next level now, i couldnt have done it with out you
You Got Served Part 1
You Got Served Part 2
You Got Served Part 3
You Got Served Part 4
You Got Served Part 5
You Got Served Part 6
You Got Served Part 7
You Got Served Part 8
You Got Served Part 9
You Got A Name Cop ?
Music Video:SMACK THAT (FT. EMINEM) (by Akon)Music Video Code provided by Video Code Zone
You Get Da Sex Bunny
YOU GET DA SEX BUNNY!! `;;;;;;;;._______________;;;;;;;` ;;;;;;;;;;;:_____________, :;;;;;;;;;` `:;;;;;;;;;;;`;__________, :;;;;;;;;;;;` _ `:;;;;;;;;;;;`, , _______, :;;;;;;;;;;;` ___`:;;;;;;;;;;;;_______, ;;;;;;;;;;;;: ____.`:;;;;;;;;;_____;;;;;;;;;;` _______`:;;;;;;_____;;;;;;;: ___________`:;;;;., .;;;;;; ______.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ____.;;;;;D`;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ____`;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; _____`:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; _______`.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ___________.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. ____(`*. (`*. .*) .* ) Ok This Is The Sex Bunny If You Recieve This Bunny That Means Your Fuckin Sexy If You Get This Back That Means Your Even Sexier Pass This Bunny On To 10 Of Your Friends, If You Fail You Will Be Cursed With 10 Years Of Bad Sex
You Give Me Everything
You said i never looked more beautiful than i looked tonight in your eyes i see all i can be and how you changed my life you held on when i let go now all i want is to let you know your love is like a river that runs through my heart and soul it's deep when im thirsty and warm when im cold and when i feel forgotten i come running ot your shore you give me everything and more and tommorows come i can face the morning in a different light you can change your mind 1,000 times nothing will ever change mine the sun may rise and the light will shine and everything will be alright because your love is like a river that runs through my heart and soul and when i feel forgotten i come running to your shore you give me everything and more
You Got Knocked The F*ck Out!
4 You Guys!!!
I'm not feeling well today so I aint sending out to many comments,,, I still loves ya though an hope ya'll are doing well.... Much love to you & yours!!! Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from
You Guys Wanted Instuctions.....
Obviously, the majority of you foolz out there haven't a fucking boardgame CLUE?!?!?! on how to eat pussy...which just causes an increase in the already abundant population of bi[trendy]sexual females..sooo here's a few SIMPLE (no it's actually very easy) methods I've had in my arsenal for quite some time.. FIRST..It's easier to make a girl cum, from eatin' her pussy as opposed to fuckin' her, even tho im told that i make most women im with cum by fucking them.i love to eat it lick it and suck on the lips clit and put my tounge deep in her hole...this is a lil ..from what I know offhand...95% of females can't cum from sex UNLESS, they're on top..and they're on top why? so they can stimulate their doin' their lil snake charm grindin' grab on our pelvic bones..which..really does nothin' for the key pussy first..make her cum a few times...numb her up..then hammer away or soft and slow with alot of vaginal teasing with your magic stick to build it all up
You Got Male
A little boy goes to his father and asks "Daddy, how was I born?" The father answers: "Well son, I guess one day you will need to find out anyway! Your Mom and I first got together in a chat room on Yahoo. Then I set up a date via e-mail with your Mom and we met at a cyber-cafe. We sneaked into a secluded room, where your mother agreed to a download from my hard drive. As soon as I was ready to upload, we discovered that neither one of us had used a firewall, and since it was too late to hit the delete button, nine months later a little Pop-Up appeared that said: Scroll down.............................. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > YOU GOT MALE
You Grew Up In Rural Iowa If ...
You Grew Up In Rural Iowa If . . . You know what knee-high by the Fourth of July means. You know it is traditional for the bride and groom to go bar hopping between the wedding and reception. You know the difference between "Green" and "Red" farm machinery, and would fight with your friends on the playground over which was better! You buy Christmas presents at Farm and Country . More is spent on beer & liquor than food at weddings. You or someone you know was a " Fair Queen" at the county fair. You know that "combine" is a noun AND a verb. You let your older siblings talk you into putting your tongue on a steel post in the middle of winter. You think Lutheran and Catholic are THE major religions. You know that "creek" rhymes with "pick". Football schedules, hunting season and harvest are all taken into consideration before wedding dates are set. A Friday n
You Gave Me Away
You Gave Me Away By: Kevin Max Smith Alas, my love you wave me away In your tender smile With eyes not following You gave me away This night, I weep tears of salt and blood. Alas, my love you wave me away Oh, so much time we Have given to accommodate This doomed romance Did you not know To pray before the dawn? Alas my love You wave me away, And I accept this Because of reality That welcomes me back You gave me away Because there was no longer Need for my words Of defamed wisdom Here I sit upon a A wooden Crucifix made for me Alas, my love You wave me away My love was not enough While still my fate is stalking In justice is my cup I have spent my days With outstretched hands To Fashion Wooden Soul, but Alas, my love You gave me away And why? God only knows
You Gave In Today
Rememberence of my father We did not talk much Growing up When I turn thirty-one We had a beer together We talk for the Longest time I did not get to know you better That night you told me You was ready to go home. Today tears fall You left me I haven see you in awhile I did not get to say Bye to you But I, know you are smiling Now your journey on earth is done You left love ones here On earth To be with your love one that Left you so long ago Someday we will all be Together A soldier that would Not stay down A man that was so Sturben Never given in You gave in Today. January 11 2006
You Gotta Try This
You Gotta Love This Guy...
You gotta love this guy... This is a true story about a recent wedding that took place at Clemson University. It was in the local newspaper and even Jay Leno mentioned it. It was a large wedding with about 300 guests... At the reception after the wedding, the groom got up on stage with a microphone to talk to the crowd. He said he wanted to thank everyone for coming, many from long distances, to support them at their wedding. He especially wanted to thank the bride's and his family and to thank his new father-in-law for providing such a lavish reception. As a token of his deep appreciation he said he wanted to give everyone a special gift just from him. So taped to the bottom of everyone's chair, including the wedding party, was an envelope. He said this was his gift to everyone, and asked them to open their envelope. Inside each manila envelope was an 8x10 glossy of his Bride having sex with the best man. The groom had gotten suspicious of them we
You Gots To Chill
You Guys Rawk!
Ok, I was kinda feeling sorry for myself last night when I posted my last blog. Kinda? Hell, VERY! Not to mention I was down on myself cos I'd posted a mumm asking if I should just jump in & enter a BBW contest here on the Tap. I got about a third of responses jumping on me because I wasn't big enough, another third jumping on me cos I was fat & shouldn't be proud of it, roughly another third, posting to say they didn't give a shit one way or the other & were bored(then why bother posting, hmm?), and the final third just general assinine comments along the lines of "I like cheese". Y'all get the drift. Needless to say, I took that mumm down FAST. So I was really down on myself, which really isn't like me to do. Well, publicly anyway*L* So here I am, pouting & generally hating CT at the moment. Then I log on & read my messages. And I realize that the net ain't the crappy hellhole we make of it all the time. Yes, it has its moments, but for the most part, there are still good people o
You Guys Are Awesome!
thanks for all the love, people! check out the website!
You Gave Me Hope
you gave me hope when i did not have any,you made me strong when i was weak,you brought the sun when i had rain,the distance never kept us apart cause all of you are in my heart,you brought me up when i was down,you mad me laugh when i felt the tears roll down my told me how pretty i was when i did not feel pretty at all,you all are too awsome by far,i give up my tens cause you desearve them all
You Gotta Rate This!!!!
Free Online Games & Flash Animations at
You Guys Have Got To See This Shit!!!
You Gave Me To Him
I gave your time to him You bailed He was there You asked me “why?” You walked I talked I replaced you With quickness you didn’t think I had My game is tight You question my motives They were to love you I wanted nothing else You took a break Thinking I’d stand by Waiting Anticipating Holding my breath Till I died without you He swooped in Scooped me up You stood there Mouth dropped open Like you had never seen anything like it before You had my crazy I gave you who I am You took me for granted I walked before your words could lie You eyes died The day I said goodbye I can’t wait for nobody To show me I am somebody When they want anybody else I have to run away To hide my tears To heal my heart Mend my soul It’s all for him
You Guys Are So Awsome
i cant exspress how it makes me feel when you all tell me how pretty i am and you leave awsome comments you all are the ones that are 10s and dont ever change cause you are awsome guys,
You Guys Are So Awsome
i cant exspress how it makes me feel when you all tell me how pretty i am and you leave awsome comments you all are the ones that are 10s and dont ever change cause you are awsome guys,
You Got Jokes
You know your pubes are too long when the person you're having sex with says they can't do it anymore. When you ask why, they tell you "You've got mice."
You Gotta Love Neil
I'm listening to renee olstead and peter concitti's rendition of this's awesome Don't take your love away from me Don't you leave my heart in misery If you go then I'll be blue 'Cause breaking up his hard to do Remember when you held me tight And you kissed me all through the night Think of all that we've been through Breaking Up Is Hard To Do They say that breaking up is hard to do Now I know, I know that it's true Don't say that this is the end Instead of breaking up I wish that we were making up again We were making up again I beg of you Don't say goodbye Can't we give our love just one more try Come on baby, let's start a new 'Cause breaking up is hard to do
You Get A Dozen, You're Loved!!
You get a dozen, you're loved!! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .* . . . . . . . . . . .*. . . . . . . ** * . . . . .. . . . . .*** . . * . . ***** . . . . . . . . . . .** . . **. . . . .* . . . . . . . . . . ***.*. . *. . . . .* . . . . . . . . . .****. . . .** . . . ****** . . . . . . . . . ***** . . . .**.*. . . . . ** . . . . . . . . .*****. . . . . **. . . . . . *.** . . . . . . . .*****. . . . . .*. . . . . . * . . . . . . . .******. . . . .*. . . . . * . . . . . . . .******* . . .*. . . . .* . . . . . . . . .*********. . . . . * . . . . . . . . . .******* . *** *******. . . . . . . . .** .*******. . . . . . . . * . ******. . . . . . . . * * . .***. . *. . . . . . .** . . . . . . .*. . . . . * . . . . .****.*. . . .* . . . *******. .*. .* . . .*******. . . *. . . .*****. . . . * . . .**. . . . . .* . . .*. . . . . . **.* . . . . . . . . . ** . . . . . . . . .* . . . . . . . . .* . . . . . . . . .* . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . * . . . . . .
You Got To See This
MAKE SURE TO READ THIS FIRST AND THEN WATCH THE VIDEO Jennifer and Jim kept getting huge water bills. They knew beyond a doubt that the bills weren't representative of their actual usage. But no matter how they tried to conserve, the high bills continued. Although they could see nothing wrong, they had everything checked for leaks or problems: first the water meter, then outdoor pipes, indoor pipes, underground pipes, faucets, toilets, washer, ice maker, etc. -- all to no avail. One day Jim was sick and stayed home in bed, but kept hearing water running downstairs. He finally tore himself from his sick bed to investigate, and stumbled onto the cause of such high water bills. Apparently this was happening all day long when they were not at home. Knowing that few would believe him, he taped a segment of the 'problem' for posterity. Now watch the video at:
You Gotta Have Friends!
The dictionary says: Friend (frend) noun. 1. a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard. 2. a person who gives assistance; partron; supporter: friends of the Boston Symphony. 3. a person who is on good terms with another; a person who is not hostile: Who goes there? Friend or Foe? Seems like it isn't all there though huh? What about the years that a friendship can last? What about the laughter that seemed non-stop when you got lost in conversation? There is just so much more that Meriam or Webster omitted. Ever lost a friend? The definition doesn't touch on the incredible pain that you must endure. Hmmmm, so is Friendship a magical thing? Is there a Friend Fairy that comes and sprinkles dust on you to sends you and this aquaintance on a journey that grows into a lifelong relationship? No.....No it isn't...wish is was, cos I would catch me a fairy and steal her dust :) So what is it? A mutual attraction? Admiratio
You Gotta See This!
Marketing Pond - Free Money Programs & Free Advertising How Money Making Programs Add Up It took me a long time to figure out what a huge mistake I was making in overlooking all the ways to bring in multiple streams of income, even if any particular stream on its own would not entice someone to quit their day job. A quick look at your income goals and various ways to achieve them will bring home the point. Let's say you earn $ 27,000 at your regular job. You want to replace at least that much income working at home. That comes out to $ 74 dollars a day. (Remember, 27K / 365 days because web-based businesses and activities work for you every day of the year.) You will probably have trouble starting off as a newcomer to earning money from home finding any one particular program that will immediately bring in $ 74 per day. However, think of it this way: - 2 activities that each made $37 per day would equal $74. - 4 streams of income that earned $18.50 per day would be the
You Guessed It....
let the chaos begin....
You Got To Check This Out
if you have anything to sell or want to buy someting here is the please to go its called poshpoints its where you regester and get 15 free points and post a item you get 10 points thats 25 points that you can go shopping with right then so go check this out this is awsome just click here Referral Link:
You Get The Picture....
He came with the storm- all wind and rain and thunder, lightning crackling in his hair, consuming me in his maelstrom.
You Gonna Eat That?
This weeks edition of the world weird web blog is now up and this time it's all about food. Wow, blogging about a blog ... how meta. :p
You Gotta Remember These Lol
I had to make a playlist just to bring you back a few years LOL
You Gotta See This For Yourself
You Gotta See This For Yourself
You Gotta See This For Yourself
You Gotta Believe In Magick
Take me too you're heart, show me where we can start, in a strange world, two hearts join together, that's how people fined each other, you have too believe in magick, it's there in are heart's, that's how we fall in love, a gift from high above, the dreams we have, and the wishes we make, let us begin, hopefully it will never end, in a world of strangers, you gotta believe in magick!!! BY Nocturnal_Goth
You Gotta Be Fucking Kidding Me PHOENIX -- A 65-year-old St. Louis man went missing outside Williams, Ariz., after he was kicked off an Amtrak train in the middle of a national forest, Williams police said. Police said Roosevelt Sims was headed to Los Angeles but was asked to leave the train shortly before 10 p.m. Sunday at a railroad crossing five miles outside Williams. "He was let off in the middle of a national forest, which is about 800,000 acres of beautiful pine trees," Lt. Mike Graham said. Police said there is no train station or running water at the crossing, which is about two miles from the nearest road, at an elevation of about 8,000 feet. Amtrak personnel told police dispatchers that Sims was drunk and unruly. The Sims family said Sims is diabetic and was going into shock. Sims' brother, Brian Mason, said his family tried to call Sims on his cell phone that night, but Sims was incoherent. When officers arrived at the crossing, pol
You Gotta Be Fucking Kidding Me PHOENIX -- A 65-year-old St. Louis man went missing outside Williams, Ariz., after he was kicked off an Amtrak train in the middle of a national forest, Williams police said. Police said Roosevelt Sims was headed to Los Angeles but was asked to leave the train shortly before 10 p.m. Sunday at a railroad crossing five miles outside Williams. "He was let off in the middle of a national forest, which is about 800,000 acres of beautiful pine trees," Lt. Mike Graham said. Police said there is no train station or running water at the crossing, which is about two miles from the nearest road, at an elevation of about 8,000 feet. Amtrak personnel told police dispatchers that Sims was drunk and unruly. The Sims family said Sims is diabetic and was going into shock. Sims' brother, Brian Mason, said his family tried to call Sims on his cell phone that night, but Sims was incoherent. When officers arrived at the crossing, pol
You Gotta Take What You Can When You Can, And You Gotta Do It Now
So, I guess I'm not who I say I am because my salute was rejected. I should have seen it coming; for some reason, I don't look like me in the set of photos I took for the salute. Yeah, I said it. The set. If you see one picture of me on the internet, chances are it is one picture chosen out of probably ten. Yeah, that's why my pictures look so great. But, like I was saying, I just wasn't looking like ME when I was taking the pictures. I thought, maybe it's because my hair's up, so I took my hair down, and it made me look fat! I'm not fat! In fact, I've been steadily losing weight for the last three months (due to I walk an hour to work six days a week). I don't know, maybe my webcam's all fucked up. The pictures in my album of me with the cigarette and me with my hair up, in the green shirt, those looked awesome, not grainy or blurry or anything. Now, it's all fuzzy and I can't figure it out. Ashley cried on me today. I felt super terrible for telling her that I
You Gotta Love The Irish
You Got To Love the Irish! A concert in Ireland At a U2 concert in Ireland , Bono (the lead singer) asks the audience for some quiet. Then he starts to slowly clap his hands. Holding the audience in total silence, he says into the microphone . . . "I want you to think about something. Every time I clap my hands, a child in Africa dies." A voice from the front of the audience yells out . . . "Then stop clapping, ya asshole!"
You Guys Are Bad
For those who were asking me to show some skin, I have a topless shot on my yahoo profile. Victoria in Newark NJ
You Guessed It....
· shadowangel rated your photo a '2'!
You Gotta Love This One
You Got Served
For all those men who say, Why buy a cow when you can get milk for free. Here's an update for you: Now days, 80% of women are against marriage, WHY? Because women realize it's not worth buying an entire pig just to get a little sausage. Men are like.... 1. Men are like ...Laxatives ...... They irritate the crap out of you. 2. Men are like.Bananas ....... The older they get, the less firm they are. 3. Men are like ......Weather . Nothing can be done to change them. 4. Men are like .......Blenders You need One, but you're not quite sure why. 5. Men are like .....Chocolate Bars .... Sweet, smooth, & they usually head right for your hips. 6. Men are like ....Commercials ....... You can't believe a word they say. 7. Men are like Department Stores ..... Their clothes are always 1/2 off. 8. Men are like ......Government Bonds .... They take soooooooo long to mature. 9. Men are like .....Mascara . They usually run at the first sign of emotion. 10. Men are like .Popcorn ..... The
You Got Time
Are you well rested baby, are you ready to let me in your world? You got time? Then turn off your cell and turn me on and make it happen and just just let it flow See what unfolds and roll with it, and live with it We never can get passed time back again so enjoy it while you can and I am certain we can enjoy each other I prefer to be spontaneous but we can do whatever no plans only a date and time are actually needed and a spot to rendezvous Exchange pleasantries and commence with the interview see I believe you know more about me than I do about you so I’ll be interviewing you tonight boo I’ll get you the drink of your choice so that you may speak freely and of course I’ll get the needful to liberate me And as I softly smile my mind runs six hundred thousand miles a minute Damn we can go far in a minute huh So you got time? Will you put me in it? I mean will you make time for me, time for us, time to see? What we can do with time spent unconditionally So are you well rest
You Got It Right Andy
AMEN ANDY ROONEY ! Right on, Andy Rooney! Andy Rooney said on '60 Minutes' a few weeks back: I don't think being a minority makes you a victim of anything except numbers. The only things I can think of that are truly discriminatory are things like the United Negro College Fund, Jet Magazine, Black Entertainment Television, and Miss Black America. Try to have things like the United Caucasian College Fund, Cloud Magazine, White Entertainment Television, or Miss White America; and see what happens... Jesse Jackson will be knocking down your door. Guns do not make you a killer. I think killing makes you a killer. You can kill someone with a baseball bat or a car, but no one is trying to ban you from driving to the ball game. I believe they are called the Boy Scouts for a reason; that is why there are no girls allowed. Girls belong in the Girl Scouts! ARE YOU LISTENING MARTHA BURKE? I think that if you feel homosexuality is wrong, it is not a phobia, i
You Guys Rock!!
I need just over 5k pts to level!! And I know I have several new friends who haven't rated my pics yet. Please help me level any way that you can. Send me a message saying you did so and I will return the favor for you. Also please repost this bulletin for me so your friends can help me out too!
You Gotta' Be Careful With Them Southern Belles...
Three men were sitting together, bragging about how they had given their new wives duties. The first man had married a woman from Indiana . He bragged that he had told his wife she was going to do all the dishes and house cleaning. He said that it took a couple of days, but on the third day he came home to a clean house and the dishes were all washed and put away. The second man had married a woman from Utah . He bragged that he had given his wife orders that she was to do all the cleaning, dishes and cooking. He told them that the first day he didn't see any results, but the second day it was better and by the third day, his house was clean, the dishes were done, and he had a huge dinner on the table. The third man had married a Mississippi girl. He said that he told her that her duties were to keep the house clean, dishes washed, lawn mowed, laundry washed and hot meals on the table for dinner. He said that the first day he didn't see anything, the second d
You Grew Up In The 80's Or Early 90's If....
1. You've ever ended a sentence with the word "PSYCHE" 2. You watched the Pound Puppies. 3. You can sing the rap to the "Fresh Prince of Bel- Air" ...and can do the "Carlton". 4. Girls wore biker shorts under their skirts and felt stylishly sexy. 5. You yearned to be a member of the Baby-sitters club and tried to start a club of your own. 6. You owned those lil' Strawberry Shortcake pals scented dolls. 7. You know that "WOAH" comes from Joey on Blossom 8. Two words: Hammer Pants 9. If you ever watched "Fraggle Rock". 10. You had plastic streamers on your handle bars... and "spokey-dokes" or playing cards on your spokes for that incredible sound effect. 11. You can sing the entire theme song to "Duck Tales" 12. When it was actually worth getting up early on a Saturday to watch cartoons. 13. You wore a ponytail on the side of your head. 14. You saw the original "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" on the big screen... and still know the turtle's names. 15. You got super-excited w
You Gotta See This
You Got Some Stupid On Your Face.
You people that get pissy over 9 and below ratings are unbelievably childish. Lame beyond words. Who gives a shit!? Is your online life THAT important to you? First off, you shouldn't have an "online life". How about a real life. Secondly, unplug your computer and go outside amongst the three dimensional people. Breathe in some oxygen, get a damn hobby. Getting upset over 00011100011101001010100110 is beyond ignorant. Do you realize that? You're getting upset over 1010101000010101010011110010101!!! Do you fuckin get that!? Oh boo fuckin who, a stranger you've never met or seen gave you a rating of 2. Someone you've never met and will NEVER meet. If other people's opinons of you matter that much, you need to grow the hell up. Unfortunately, people are entitled to their opinions and not everyone is gonna think you're so hot or so this or that. This site is for adults and I have yet to see one. Grown ass folks throwing themselves on the floor, having a fit and bitching about the dumbe
You Give Me Fever
I just love this song. I heard it on TV when I first woke up.. Gotta love a little jazz
You Get What You Deserve Ambulance Chaser Lawyer gets 12 years in mistaken slaying Story Highlights NEW: Jonathon Edington sentenced to 12 years in prison Lawyer mistakenly thought neighbor molested child, fatally stabbed him Eddington attacked Barry James after wife told him about her suspicions Judge calls situation a "Shakespearean tragedy" BRIDGEORT, Connecticut -- A lawyer who stabbed his neighbor to death because he thought the man had molested his 2-year-old daughter was sentenced Friday to 12 years in prison for first-degree manslaughter. "It's a Shakespearean tragedy brought into the real world," Judge Richard Comerford said at the sentencing. "Something was set into motion in this man's mind -- real or perceived. It was very real to him." Jonathon Edington, 29, attacked neighbor Barry James in the man's bedroom last year after his wife told him she thought James had molested their daughter. Officers said they found Edington w
You Guessed It
I'm not in love, so don't forget it It's just a silly phase I'm going through And just because I call you up Don't get me wrong, don't think you've got it made I'm not in love, no-no (It's because...) I like to see you, but then again That doesn't mean you mean that much to me So if I call you, don't make a fuss Don't tell your friends about the two of us I'm not in love, no-no (It's because...) (Be quiet, big boys don't cry) (Big boys don't cry) (Big boys don't cry) (Big boys don't cry) (Big boys don't cry) (Big boys don't cry) (Big boys don't cry) I keep your picture upon the wall It hides a nasty stain that's lyin' there So don't you ask me to give it back I know you know it doesn't mean that much to me I'm not in love, no-no (It's because...) Ooh, you'll wait a long time for me Ooh, you'll wait a long time Ooh, you'll wait a long time for me Ooh, you'll wait a long time I'm not in love, so don't forget it It's just a silly phase I'm going t
You Get What You Give New Radicals
You Got To Love This Guy
This is a true story about a recent wedding that took place at Clemson University. It made the local newspaper; even Jay Leno mentioned it. It was a huge wedding with about 300 guests. After the wedding, at the reception, the groom got up on stage with a microphone to talk to the crowd. He said he wanted to thank everyone for coming, many from long distances, to support them at their wedding. He especially wanted to thank the bride's family & to especially thank his new father-in-law for providing such a lavish reception. As a token of his deep appreciation he said he wanted to give everyone a special gift just from him. So taped to the bottom of everyone's chair, including the wedding party , were an envelope. He stressed that this was his gift to everyone, & asked them to open their envelope. Inside each manila envelope was an 8 x 10 glossy of his bride having sex with the best man. The groom had gotten suspicious of them weeks earlier & had hired a private detective
You Gotta See This
This just shows that the president knew the 9-11 terrorist attack was gonna happen .. and this is just another kick in the azz .. but someone is tryin to tell us that he knew all a long .. here is yet more proof..NOW WHO HAD THE TIME TO FIGURE THIS OUT?!1. Fold a new $20.00 bill in half......2. Fold again, taking care to fold it exactly as below3. Fold the other end, exactly as before.....4.Now turn it over......5.What a coincidence! A simple geometric fold creates a catastrophic premonition printed on all $20.00 bills !!!COINCIDENCE? YOU DECIDE As if that wasn't enough.. her is what you've seen....Firstly the Pentagon on fire...Then the Twin Towers............ And now.. look at this!Triple coincidence on a simple $20 billIt gets even better 9+11=$20!! This is too interesting to pass up!Freaky.
You - Gary Moore
Sometimes when I look around at people who are lonely, I feel a sense of sadness deep inside. It makes me wonder how I got along before I found you, and what I'd do if you should turn around and say goodbye. 'Cause baby you, you're what I'm living for. I couldn't have asked for more. Right from the moment that I found you, I knew that you, you were the one for me. The one who could make me see, this world could be a brighter place. Sometimes when I think about the friends I left behind me, I feel a sense of sadness deep inside. It makes me wonder how I knew that one day you would find me, and what I'd do if you should turn around and say goodbye. 'Cause baby you, you're what I'm living for. I couldn't have asked for more. Right from the moment that I found you, I knew that you, you were my brightest star. And whether you're close or far, you're always here inside my heart. 'Cause baby you, you're what I'm living for. I couldn't have asked
You Gotta Love Blondes !!!!!
On a plane bound for New York the flight attendant approached a blonde sitting in the first class section and requested that she move to coach since she did not have a first class ticket. The blonde replied, "I'm blonde; I'm beautiful; I'm going to New York; and I'm not moving." Not wanting to argue with a customer, the flight attendant asked the co-pilot to speak with her. He went to talk with the woman, asking her to please move out of the first class section. Again, the blonde replied, "I'm blonde; I'm beautiful; I'm going to New York, and I'm not moving." The co-pilot returned to the cockpit and asked the captain what he should do. The captain said, "I'm married to a blonde, and I know how to handle this." He went to the first class section and whispered in the blonde's ear. She immediately jumped up and ran to the coach section mumbling to herself, "Why didn't someone just say so?" Surprised, the flight attendant and the co-pilot asked what he said to her
You Gotta See My Little Fat Man.... Now,,,,
hey everyone, what do you think of the new hair and look how big my baby boy is now 24 inches long and 14 pounds, their will be more pics soon.. so keep ur eyes open and make sure you comment and rate my pics :) i will do the same
You Gotta Love This
First off, Yuwie is 100% FREE. Yuwie is like any other "connect with friends" or social networking site where you can meet alsorts of people and make some lovely new friends. But we have one HUGE HUGE difference. Use Yuwie - Get Paid! If you use myspace then you will find its pretty similar except you get paid for your share when myspace keeps the money to themselves. Yuwie pays you to blog, upload pictures, refer friends, chat, hang out,and so on. Theres lots of fun to be had and is quite addictive. It only takes a few minutes to sign up and away you go. Copy & Paste this link to sign up and start having fun.
You Gotta Have Faith...
There was a little old lady, who every morning stepped onto her front porch,raised her arms to the sky, and shouted: "PRAISE THE LORD!" One day an atheist moved into the house next door. He became irritated at the little old lady. Every morning he'd step onto his front porch after her and yell: "THERE IS NO LORD!" Time passed with the two of them carrying on this way every day. One morning, in the middle of winter, the little old lady stepped onto her front porch and shouted: "PRAISE THE LORD! Please Lord, I have no food and I am starving, provide for me, oh Lord! The next morning she stepped out onto her porch and there were two huge bags of groceries sitting there. "PRAISE THE LORD!" she cried out. "HE HAS PROVIDED GROCERIES FOR ME!" The atheist neighbor jumped out of the hedges and shouted: "HA! HA! THERE IS NO LORD I BOUGHT THOSE GROCERIES!!" The little old lady threw her arms into the air and shouted: "PRAISE THE LORD! HE HAS PROVIDED ME WITH GROCERIES AND MA
You Gotta Read This It Is Funny!!!!
Naughty......but funny! .The Why's of Men 1. WHY DO MEN BECOME SMARTER DURING SEX? (because they are plugged into a genius) 2. WHY DON'T WOMEN BLINK DURING SEX? (they don't have enough time) 3. WHY DOES IT TAKE 1 MILLION SPERM TO FERTILIZE ONE EGG? (they don't stop to ask directions) 4. WHY DO MEN SNORE WHEN THEY LIE ON THEIR BACKS? (because their balls fall over their butt-hole and they vapor lock) (You're laughing, aren't you?!?!) 5. WHY WERE MEN GIVEN LARGER BRAINS THAN DOGS? (so they won't hump women's legs at cocktails parties) 6. WHY DID GOD MAKE MEN BEFORE WOMEN? (you need a rough draft before you make a final copy) 7. HOW MANY MEN DOES IT TAKE TO PUT A TOILET SEAT DOWN? (don't never happened) ****And the personal favorite: ***** 8. WHY DID GOD PUT MEN ON EARTH? (because a vibrator can't mow the lawn) Remember, if you haven't got a smile on your face and laughter in your hea
You Gave Me Inspiration
© All rights reserved. You Gave Me Inspiration by BlueWolf © The inspiration I gained It came from knowing you As your words touched My loving affections grew I know I will never forget All those times we shared Your words reached me In knowing that you cared Special feelings inspired I shall remember evermore The boost I had needed Enabling my heart to soar Interacting heart to heart Love came shining through You gave me inspiration Of which I will forever value ...............
You Got A Friend In Me
Want more? Get 'em @!
You Got It In My Eye!
So I'm fuckin miserable right now. I'm at home suffering w/ a soon to be full blown sinus infection. Through bouts of boredom and cleaning, laundry, etc...I'm also surfing Myspace. I come across this whore girl. Now I don't know if she's a cam girl or a phone sex chick or a wanna-be porn star. I don't know! So I read her stuff and look at her pics. This chick tells dudes she won't add them unless they send her a pic of them cumming on one of HER pics! lol This shit is fucking hilarious and degrading at the same time. Oh what people (females) will do for attention. REL
You Give My Life A Meaning
You give my life a meaning, This love we have together, Is lifting my heart to a higher ground. The gentle way you always look at me, Sends the angels dancing around my heart You have the most beautiful smile, And the most beautiful eyes That just lights up my life. Your tender touch and sweet love, I can't get enough of, The beauty you have shown to me, Takes my breath away. The countless ways you have touched my life, Is more than I could ever say.
You Gotta Laugh At This One Ladies
Fellas you may not get as big of kick out of this as the ladies, but it will help you understand how fast a MOOD can change! We may all be past this point in our lives (except a couple)but this is too funny, but yet very true.LOL Please smile....ladies AN OPEN LETTER TO MR. JAMES THATCHER, BRAND MANAGER, PROCTER & GAMBLE Dear Mr. Thatcher, I have been a loyal user of your Always maxi pads for over 20 years, and appreciate many of their features. Why, without the LeakGuard Core or Dri-Weave absorbency, I'd probably never go horseback riding or Salsa dancing. And I'd certainly steer clear of running up and down the beach in tight, white shorts. But my favorite feature has to be your revolutionary Flexi-Wings. Kudos on being the only company smart enough to realize how crucial it is that maxi-pads be aerodynamic. I can't tell you how safe and secure I feel each month knowing there's a little F-16 in my pants. Have you ever had a menstrual pe
You Gotta See This
IMVU - The World's Greatest 3D Chat
You Got To Love It Share The Love
salt_n_pepper@ fubar
You Got Any Better Ideas?
If not, put your shirt on and shut the fuck up. Mood:Ehh. Music:Black Bubblegum, by The Dillinger Escape Plan
You Get To Me
You get to me, Just by the look in your eyes, The touch of your hand, As gentle as a sun rise. You get to me, With the kindness of your heart, The way you speak so softly, I feel as though we’re never apart. You get to me, With every breathe you take, Every word you speak, Every move you make. You get to me, Fingers intertwined The feel of your heartbeat, I know you’ll forever be mine. Written by me....Little Lee
You Guys Rawk!!!!
OMG My contest/giveaway is finally over…YAYYYY!!!! I want to thank Everyone that helped me out in my contest. You guys are AWESOME. SBG BOMBERS I couldn’t have done it with out you guys so thanks to those that helped. Tony (Big Papi), Vixen, Faerie and anyone else I missed…THANK YOU!!! YOU GUYS ARE ALL AWESOME IN MY BOOK!!!!! *SMOOOOOOOOOOOCHES*
You Gotta Be Kiddin Me!!!! Wtf?
While chattin with a friend earlier she gave me the link to some Mumms on here. Well obviously it's now OFFENSIVE for Santa to say "HO HO HO"...WTF? So one Mumm mentioned him saying HA HA HA...well damn, somebody will get offended over that....thinking he's laughing at thier ass! Those people need to take a damn prozac and kick back with a cold one and stfu! Dont mess with tradition!!!! To those who get offended, then maybe you need Jesus and not Santa!
You Guys Are The Best!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just want to say that K.O.W. is an awesome bunch of people they were my saviors in all of this and i want to Thank them from the bottom of my heart, they were so awesome during this period, they bombed bombed and bombed. Thats why I became a member, just awesome people. I just wanted to thank each and every one who helped me out in my contest, lets see there were Lordwolf, founder of the K.O.W. Hippie, Zman Zgirl, Cat O'nine tail, Mizz Shady, Teresa, Honey Bear, Iron Claw, Daybreaker, Drkrelections oh my so many to remember. center lordwolf, founder of the k.o.w. *Lord Wolf *~Founder + Owner Kingdom of Wolves.A Leveling Family@ fubar center hippie ~Hippie~Raiders of K.O.W.@ fubar center zman zman K.O.W. CLUB F.A.R.& DIRTY SOUTH CREW AND M&M NATION CREW@ fubar center zgirl zgirl LOVES ZMAN 4 LIFE AND ALL MY FRIENDS@ fubar center drkreflections drkreflections~CLUB F.A.R.~THE SISTERHOOD~INTERCEPTOR FOR THE PRIDE~@ fubar center honey bear Honey Bear@ fubar
You Get To Ask Me 5 Questions
You get to ask me 5 questions. (TO MY INBOX) Any 5 question. Anything, no matter how crazy it is. and no matter how personal just ask And I promise to answer it truthfully. send your questions to my inbox please thanks No catch. BUT I dare you to repost this and see what people ask you. Repost this as: **5 questions. 1 chance. 5 honest answer
You Gotta See These
Thats my boy!! lol :D I dono exactly where all his moves came from but they're pretty good for an almost 2yr old!! #1 #2 #3
You Gotta Do What You Gotta Do!
If you don't like TMI, then read no further... Some folks who know a bit about me know my Dad died when I was 25 and he was 55. He developed cancer of the colon, had it removed but it had spread already when they found it. He lived about two years after they first found cancer... His sister died of cancer of the colon in her late 30's. So depending on the research you look at, I have a 75 to 90% chance of developing cancer of the colon as it typically seems to run on the paternal side of families, etc. So Tuesday morning, I will have my fifth colonoscopy since I turned 25. So far, they have found no problems and I'm thankful for that. The preparation isn't pleasant, but it's necessary. And since they dope you up for the procedure, it's relatively painless. Oh and for those so inclined, the air they put in to you makes for some spectacular farts later! LOL And you have to be able to pass gas before you can leave the hospital or clinic!! Who else WANTS you to FAR
You Got To See This
Please help me out vote for my music vid Drunk In tha Club
You Gotta See This
hey everyone plz go rate this pic for me thats all i need is rates but you can comment if you want! just click the pic below!
You Gotta Know I'm Rockin' Round My Christmas Tree
You Gotta Lick It
*** Get 20 Fingers *** You gotta lick it, before we kick it, you gotta get it soft and wet so we can kick it You gotta lick it, before we kick it, you gotta get it soft and wet so we can kick it Boom-ba-da-da-da-da .… Baby work it I met a real cutie He had a nice tight booty He seemed to be the freaky lover type Let's cut right through the chase C'mon and get a taste You've got to face it So that I can get hype You gotta lick it, before we kick it, you gotta get it soft and wet so we can kick it You gotta lick it, before we kick it, you gotta get it soft and wet so we can kick it Boom-ba-da-da-da-da .… Baby work it, baby work it Baby work it, baby work it .... Before you can stick and move You gotta grin in the groove You know men are dogs So go bark up somebody else's tree Here boy come and get it Come on and show ur able And go below my navel Don't be a tease just give me what I like I'm full of freakiness So give my cat a kiss And mak
You Got To Love This Guy !!!
You got to love this guy. This is a true story about a recent wedding that took place at Clemson University . It made the local newspaper; even Jay Leno mentioned it. It was a huge wedding with about 300 guests. After the wedding, at the reception, the groom got up on stage with a microphone to talk to the crowd. He said he wanted to thank everyone for coming, many from long distances, to support them at their wedding. He especially wanted to thank the bride's family & to especially thank his new father-in-law for providing such a lavish reception. As a token of his deep appreciation he said he wanted to give everyone a special gift just from him. So taped to the bottom of everyone's chair, including the wedding party, were an envelope. He stressed that this was his gift to everyone, & asked them to open their envelope. Inside each manila envelope was an 8 x 10 glossy of his bride having sex with his best friend, the be
You Gotta Admit Is Funny
WHEN GIRLS DON'T PUT OUT (girls don't read this if u don't have a sense of humor) This was written by a guy... it's pretty damn smart. and funny so just go with it (Girls -- Have a sense of humor!) One evening last week, my girlfriend and I were getting into bed. Well, the passion starts to heat up, and she eventually says, "I don't feel like it, I just want you to hold me." I said, "WHAT??!! What was that?!" So she says the words that every boyfriend on the planet dreads to hear... "You're just not in touch with my emotional needs as a woman enough for me to satisfy your physical needs as a man." She responded to my puzzled look by saying, "Can't you just love me for who I am and not what I do for you in the bedroom?" Realizing that nothing was going to happen that night, I went to sleep. The very next day I opted to take the day off of work to spend time with her. We went out to a nice lunch and then went shopping at a big, big unnamed department sto
You Got To See This How Did They Get It On Video
You Get What You Pay For
Because my husband has been unemployed the last two years, he'd been appointed a public defender. Much to his chagrin, however, the public defender's office has largely an incestuous relationship with the county prosecutor's office. The two offices basically work together to negotiate the outcome of every poor sap's fate, and then present it to the sap in such a way as to imply that there are no other options (i.e., "take it, or else"). We discovered that my husband's cousin (I think it's a cousin, but at any rate, is an estranged relative of sorts) worked in the public defender's office. Worse, she was blabbing her perception of the story to anyone who would listen. Naturally, we were concerned about the lack of confidentiality, and asked to have a public defender out of a different office to represent him. Instead of honoring this request, the state public defender's office decided that he didn't need an attorney after all, much less an appointed one, and thus my husband was now
You Gotta Be Tough
You Guys Rawk
i wanna thank you all 4 showing me the love you know i'll return it all it just gotta take me abit to get back to you all.... love ya, Evonne
You Give Me Something
Singer : James Morrison Song & Lyrics : James Morrison You want to stay with me in the morning You only hold me when I sleep, I was meant to tread the water Now I've gotten in too deep, For every piece of me that wants you Another piece backs away. 'Cause you give me something That makes me scared, alright, This could be nothing But I'm willing to give it a try, Please give me something 'Cause someday I might know my heart. You already waited up for hours Just to spend a little time alone with me, And I can say I've never bought you flowers I can't work out what the mean, I never thought that I'd love someone, That was someone else's dream. 'Cause you give me something That makes me scared, alright, This could be nothing But I'm willing to give it a try, Please give me something, 'Cause someday I might call you from my heart, But it might me a second too late, And the words I could never say Gonna come out anyway. 'Cause you give me something
You Gotta Check This Out!!!!!
CLICK THE IMAGE TO TAKE YOU THEREIMAGE CREATED BYDJ SHOTGUN RELENTLESS RADIO Come Join the Family!! ÐJ §HÖtGÚñ ~ÖWñÈR/KRÈÄtÖR Ö£ RÈLÈñtLȧ§ RÄÐÌÖ~ ~*~Ä.K.Ä. KLyÐÈ~*~WELCOME 2 BRUTALITY ÐJ Mìzz ß Hãvëñ ~ÖWñÈR/KRÈÄtÖR Ö£ RÈLÈñtLȧ§ RÄÐÌÖ~~*~AKA BONNI~*~ LETz MIzzBEHaVE 2GETHER! NOW HIRING!!!!!! DJ’z PROMOTERZ! GREETERZ! BARTENDERZ! COME BE PART OF THE FAMILY!!! We are a NSFW marked lounge and DURING shows we are made private/members only. By subscribing you accept the possibility of being exposed to explicit, adult, NSFW content contained within our lounge
You Got To Believe In Something,why Not Believe In Me?
So I’m sitting here in my apartment….listening to music. I came across a tack I haven’t heard since, 1990. By Fierce Ruling Diva…called “Believe in something”. This version is the best….the whistles..the bass line….wow. I heard this at @ the Sound Factory Bar. For those who don’t know or care , it was a small club around the block from the LimeLight in NYC. The dance floor was always packed. Banji Boys, Fem & Butch queens and then me. When this song came on…. chaos reigned ! There was some house children there (and if you don’t know who they are…long story….for another blog). Runway…fierceness. Vouging cuntyness all around. Shade galore. Good times. I really do miss those times. Going to SFB or the plain old Sound Factory hearing Jr.Vasquez spin. Watching the Extravaganza’s own most of the floor. Hanging out with My friend Sean or Greg….pounding Ciscos and a j before going in. Since the club didn’t serve liquor it stay opened to Sunday morning or so. We stayed usua
You Gotta Give Up The Daisy Dukes.......................
Hey, Someone took a picture of you this past weekend when you weren't looking!! AT SOME POINT YOU GOTTA GIVE UP THE 'DAISY DUKES' ... SENIOR DRESS CODE Many of us 'Old Folks' (those over 50, WAY over 50, or hovering near 50) are quite confused about how we should present ourselves. We are unsure about the kind of image we are projecting and whether or not we are correct as we try to Conform to current fashions. Despite what you may have seen on the streets, the following combinations DO NOT go together And should be avoided : 1. A nose ring and bifocals 2. Spiked hair and bald spots 3. A pierced tongue and dentures 4. Miniskirts and support hose 5. Ankle bracelets and corn pads 6. Speedos and cellulite 7. A belly button ring and a gall bladder surgery scar 8. Unbuttoned disco shirts and a heart monitor 9. Midriff shirts and a midriff bulge 10. Bikinis and liver spots 11. Short shorts
You Gotta See Them...
So, the Globetrotters were at the Orleans arena tonite. It was HILARIOUS!!! Brightened my mood up right away. Plus it was a bonus to see my brother excited about something after lord knows how long... My mom had fun too. I think I'm getting a cold. That's the only sucky part of my evening tonite. It is seriously cold out here in Vegas and the wind chill doesn't help it any...ah so... only have to put up with it for a few more months. My goal date for moving to Florida is April 1, 2008. So... yay. If the Globetrotters ever come to your area seriously check it out... You'll be happy you did!
You Gave Me So Much Room, I Can't Breath
Tell me about those nights you stayed awake... Tell me about those days you hated me... One day this will all fade away... In the mirror, you'll see a smiling face... And next to you will always be me.
You Give Love A Bad Name
An angels smile is what you sell You promise me heaven, then put me through hell Chains of love got a hold on me When passions a prison, you cant break free Youre a loaded gun Theres nowhere to run No one can save me The damage is done Chorus: Shot through the heart And you're to blame You give love a bad name I play my part and you play your game You give love a bad name You give love a bad name Paint your smile on your lips Blood red nails on your fingertips A school boys dream, you act so shy Your very first kiss was your first kiss goodbye You're a loaded gun Theres nowhere to run No one can save me The damage is done
You Got It All, Jets
I, I was a game he would play He brought the clouds to my day Then like a ray of light You came my way one night Just one look and I knew You would make everything clear Make all the clouds disappear Put all your fears to rest Who do i love the best? Don't you know, don't you know You got it all over him You got me over him Honey it's true There's just you You must have been heaven sent Hearing me call you went Out on a limb And you're all that he's not Just look what I got Cause you got it all Over him No, don't let him worry you so Once I met you I let go Oh you can surely see You're so much more to me Just one look and I knew You would make everything clear Make all the clouds disappear You're better than all the rest Who do I love the best Don't you know, don't you know You got it all over him You got me over him Honey it's true There's just you You must have been heaven sent Hearing me call you went Out on a limb And you're all that he's
"you Go Me" By B5
It`s the way that you touch me You let me know that you love me And the way that you kiss me You let me know that you miss me And nobody's gonna take me from you You got, you got,you got me Going crazy I`m caught up I don`t know what to do You got,you got, you got me (And all you gotta do is) call me I`ll be there in a hurry [Patrick] You make me feel special I`m on top of the world when I`m next to you (you) I just wanna caress you I love all the things that you do I`m right here I ain`t going no where cause I know it's hard for you to see That gurl your the only one for me I`m clean to feet Check my jeans to my sneakers Flea from the scene like cheetah Then I come right back with love Matter fact I`ll back you up That`s how to act right Don`t even act like You wanna act right Looking for in the day time with a flashlight I`m not a half pint More like a liter I`ll leave you my phone number and I`ll see ya when I see ya More charming than Mike
You Got To Tell Me What You Think
please click this link to here the new odboyz
You Gotta Check Out Agem4life, My Fu-owner!
I would like to introduce you to my Fu-Owner and very dear friend, aGEM4life. Please use the link below to go to her page. Read about her on her profile page and then please fan/rate/add her. /> I would like to tell you a little bit about her. She is one of the most amazing people I have ever been blessed to meet. She is a loyal, devoted and caring friend. She makes time for you no matter what is going on in her own life and she truly cares about others. She can make you laugh when your world seems too dark and her compassion is endless. I could not ask for a more fun, caring friend. I really do feel blessed that she came into my life. I love you Donna. Always remember that I am here for you as well and I will always have your back. I did meet her here on fubar, but have spent many hours chatting on yahoo and on the phone with her. The depth of her personality knows no bounds. She is beautiful (both outside and in), talented, funny and so much more. If you take th
You Gotta Be
Listen as your day unfolds Challenge what the future holds Try and keep your head up to the sky Lovers, they may cause you tears Go ahead release your fears Stand up and be counted Don't be ashamed to cry You gotta be You gotta be bad, you gotta be bold You gotta be wiser, you gotta be hard You gotta be tough, you gotta be stronger You gotta be cool, you gotta be calm You gotta stay together All I know, all I know, love will save the day Herald what your mother said Readin' the books your father read Try to solve the puzzles in your own sweet time Some may have more cash than you Others take a different view my oh my hey, hey ... (repeat) Don't ask no questions, it goes on without you Leaving you behind if you can't stand the pace The world keeps on spinning You can't stop it, if you try to This time it's danger staring you in the face oh oh oh Remember (repeat) My oh my hey, hey (repeat, fade)
You Give Me Something
You Give Me Something ~ James Morrison You only stay with me in the morning You only hold me when I sleep I was meant to tread the water But now I've gotten in too deep For every piece of me that wants you Another piece backs away You give me something That makes me scared alright This could be nothing But I'm willing to give it a try Please give me something Because someday I might know my heart You only waited up for hours Just to spend a little time alone with me And I can say I've never bought you flowers I can't work out what they mean I never thought that I'd love someone That was someone else's dream You give me something That makes me scared alright This could be nothing But I'm willing to give it a try Please give me something Because someday I might call you from my heart But it might be a second too late And the words that I could never say Are gonna come out anyway You give me something That makes me scared alright This c
You Gotta Meet These People *updated*
Myspace Glitter Graphics I would like to introduce you to my Spokane friend base. They all are great people to know. Here I give you some real good people from a real nice place, so go ahead and check them out. They all range from a newfu to a seasoned fu but one thing is for sure we are all SpokaFus! If you are a fellow Spokanite and are not on the list then see freakylibra at the bottom of this list. bucknasty**king-buckma$ter**@ fubar slylikawolf " Owned by 'Bestbikermom~Proud Member of The Friendship Circle"@ fubar prettygirl@ fubar redheadshavemorefun@ fubar Miss Andi Owner of βûṨṪḜṞ ἯὛṁḁᾔ@ fubar JOE'S personal Photographer
You Guys Are The Best!
Thanks to all of you for leveling me soooo fast! You really are the best! I am so lucky to have found each of you in this crazy fu world. ♥
You Got To See This!!!! - Watch more free videos
You Got To See This 2 - Watch more free videos
You Guys Come On
You Guys Rock!!
I wanted to thank everyone that helped out during my Happy Hour! I gained 292,955 points and made it to level 24(fu king). 228 people also leveled during my Happy Hour...congrats everyone!! But most of all I want to thank the person resposible for the Happy fu-hubby Tomme "Tomme"MileHighClub"ClubFAR"(FuHubby To "Mandi")(MyMistress"Brenda")@ fubar Check out these other people they totally rock and need to be shown some lovin for all the love they show me everyday and in my Happy Hour!! MY MOM wyorose~Fu Owner Of Miss Crys~Fu Owned By slyspy~@ fubar MY SISTER virgo151978@ fubar MY NEW FU-SLAVE Dj KrOn1C !! -DLS-~*Fu-Owned by EasyOnTheEyez *Brings Sexy Back Every Day OF THe Week!! And Then Som@ fubar MY GOOD FRIEND THE Irish Diva Vice President of The IRA Bombsquad
You Guys Rock
Ok heres the thing all these people have touched me in one way or the other and this is my way of showing my love to them all, I can not always make it to their page but I want them all to know I love them and want all my FuBee's to show them love with rates,fans,add,bling,gifts. so come on everyone lets do this .here are their links Everyone know who this is the SEXIEST boricua on FuBar , He does a lot for people and doesn't ask for anything in return , anytime you ask him for something he is always there so lets show the love F/A/R/B him . Boricua God~Daddy * Owner & Founder of Club F.A.R.@ fubar No need to tell you who this is my "PARTNER IN CRIME " Always pimping her peeps now its her turn so lets do this F/A/R/B her . ♥~MZ.DREAMS~♥CLUB F.A.R *TEAM CAPTIAN**I.B.I.C**@ fubar You know I cant forget one of my best buds he rocks always showing the fu-love and blowing your pics up with rates so lets get him too F/A/R/B him. (Big151)ClubF.A.R.*Team Captian*Count C
"you Got Served"...pfft!
Sorry about the sideways view. Bunch of drunken (minus me) idiots dancing in the kitchen at a house party. Hadn't seen my people in awhile. I missed them dearly... Dirty, Drunken Robot Sarah yellin' at me to drink. Mikey tryin to hand me a drink. Is what happens WHEN you drink... *I ain't gonna lie. I motorboated those sonsofbitches too. -REL
You Gotta See This
You Gotta Laff!
An Englishman, Scotsman and a Irishman are all stranded on an island. They've been there for years, when one day the Englishman finds a lamp buried in the sand. He starts to polish it and out pops a genie. "Oh thank you master" says the Genie, I will grant you all one wish!" The Englishman says... "Oh I'd love to be at Lords sipping a Gin and Tonic, watching the cricket. Big flash, cloud of smoke and he's gone! The scotsman says ...see you jimmy, I wish I was at Hampden Park watching the football. Big flash, cloud of smoke and he'd gone. The Irishman says "Bejesus it's gonna be awful lonely here without them, can you bring them back????"
You Guys Are Teh Awesome!
I cannot believe I finally made it to Godmother! Thank you to everyone who helped out, even though I cannot possibly name I love you guys! I did nearly 600k on the happy hour too:) Now, time to smoke, and get ready for Don't forget, I still need donations for spotlight:) ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
You Got..disco Fever Train
< tr> To get on this train r/f/a all members. And in case you're not sure what those letters mean... RATE/FAN/ADD ...and you MUST do all three. Let them know that you are joining the "STAYING ALIVE" in your friend request. If they are already a friend leave them a comment like "Staying Alive" or something similar and don't forget to re-rate them. Don't just pass them by because you're already friends. >>>>>>>NO DRAMA
You Gotta Check This Out And It's Free!
Found this new system to set up your own web page and make money. Best part is that it is totally FREE!!! Just click on the link.
You Go Ben Stein
The following was written by Ben Stein and recited by him on CBS Sunday Morning Commentary. My confession: I am a Jew, and every single one of my ancestors was Jewish. And it does not bother me even a little bit when people call those beautiful lit up, bejeweled trees, Christmas trees.. I don't feel threatened. I don't feel discriminated against. That's what they are: Christmas trees. It doesn't bother me a bit when people say, 'Merry Christmas' to me. I don't think they are slighting me or getting ready to put me in a ghetto. In fact, I kind of like it It shows that we are all brothers and sisters celebrating this happy time of year. It doesn't bother me at all that there is a manger scene on display at a key intersection near my beach house in Malibu . If people want a cr�che, it's just as fine with me as is the Menorah a few hundred yards away. I don't like getting pushed around for being a Jew, and I don't think Christians like getting pushed aro
You Get What You Need.
I saw her today at the reception A glass of wine in her hand I knew she would meet her connection At her feet was her footloose man No, you can't always get what you want You can't always get what you want You can't always get what you want But if you try sometime you find You get what you need We went down to the demonstration To get your fair share of abuse Singing, "We're gonna vent our frustration If we don't we're gonna blow a 50-amp fuse" You can't always get what you want You can't always get what you want You can't always get what you want But if you try sometimes well you just might find You get what you need I went down to the Chelsea drugstore To get your prescription filled I was standing in line with Mr. Jimmy And man, did he look pretty ill We decided that we would have a soda My favorite flavor, cherry red I sung my song to Mr. Jimmy Yeah, and he said one word to me, and that was "dead I said to him You can't always get what you want
You Give Me Butterflies Train
You Give Me Butterflies Train So you wanna join? Easy to do! Step 1 - Rate Pics In This Folder: Step 2 - Rate, Fan, Add & Comment Every Member on The Train ~ For Those On The Train Please Return the Rate/Comments Do NOT just accept the Friends Request. Step 3 - Send Me A Private Msg Saying You're Ready To Join The Train. Tags For Train May Be Picked Up Here: Please Allow 24 - 36 hours for tags to be uploaded** You Give Me Butterflies.... Chaos' Goddess Tulsa's Angel ~Blueroses~ Sarge's Bad Girls~ Dj Chaos Tempting Enchantress Sarge's Bad Girls Ticha Vitamin de ~?~SweetAngel~?~
You Guys Are The Best!
Thank you so much to everyone who's been helping me out. It proves that I have the best friends on here. Love you all!
You Gotta Be Kidding Me...
No, nothing's wrong, I just had to mention that my best buddy GraficzGrl has her auto 11s on, and if you don't go rate some of her pics, you'll suffer the wrath of m0p. Why are you still here? GO! ~GG~@ fubar
You Give A Me Reason
You give me reason, to face the cold dark days, You are the person, that showed me a better way, so many miles lay between us, but you are with me always, when I am alone and empty, I always think of you, and how much I love and need you, You are the one I live for, someday we'll find a way, to change this life and be as one. You will no longer be to far away..
You Got To Be Kidding Me
I don't even know this non salute having begger. ~candy doll~: hi sexy ->~candy doll~: Hey ~candy doll~: i wish i could get a vip but ill never get one ~candy doll~: can u buy me one or give me auto 11's The nerve of some people
You Grew Up In The 90's
You know you grew up in the 90's if you know the Fallowing top 90's songs We spent time in Tennessee with Arrested Development Cher told us to Believe Christina Aguilera felt like a Genie in a Bottle I wanna sex you up was what Color Me Bad wanted to do the cranberries made us Linger It Was Just Unbelievable with EMF My Lovin' was what En Vogue let us know we were never gettin' we learned that we didn't know The Way thanks to fastball Iris was a new way to look at relationships and life given to us by the Goo Goo Dolls I Only Wanna Be With You was a whole new way to fall in love by Hootie & The Blowfish House of Pain got us all to Jump Around Ice Cube taught us that It Was a Good Day even living in the ghetto Jay Z wanted to know Can I Get A... we were taught to Live And Learn by Joe Public we felt like a Freak On A Leash with Korn Lisa Loeb wanted us to Stay It was all about Sex And Candy at Marcy Playground all Meredith Brooks w
You Got To Be Kidding Me
You Got To Be Kidding… A man was lying in bed with his new girlfriend. After having great sex, she spent the next hour just stroking his penis, something she seemed to love to do. Enjoying it, he turned and asked her, 'Why do you love doing that?' She replied, 'Because I really miss mine.'
You Guys Take This Way To Seriously
So i rate you all a 1,2,3... and you all get pissed off... why? Its not like you win money... so what if you are highest rated, I DON'T GIVE A FUCK... and you say "oh well i have military friends"... If they have any sense they would probably laugh at you. I would. I DON'T GIVE TWO FLYING DOG SHITS IF YOU RATE ME A ONE... and if your 47 years old, keep the shirt please....
You Get Back Here Junior
Whenever I see those commercials with Whopper and Whopper Jr all I can think is "That woman slept with that hamburger" For the people who haven't seen them And this one:
You Give Me Something
You only hold me when I sleep I was meant to tread the water But now I've gotten in too deep For every piece of me that wants you Another piece backs away 'Cos you give me something That makes me scared, alright this could be nothing But I'm willing to give it a try Please give me something Cos someday I might know my heart You only waited up for hours Just to spend a little time alone with me Like I say I've never bought you flowers I can't work out what they mean Never thought I'd love someone That was someone else's dream 'Cos you give me something That makes me scared, alright And this could be nothing But I'm willing to give it a try Please give me something Cos someday I might call you from my heart But it might be a second too late And the words that i could never say Gunna come out anyway 'Cos you give me something That makes me scared, alright And this could be nothing But I'm willing to give it a try Please give me something Mmm.... 'Co
You Gotta Piece Of Me...
"...and honestly, my life would suck without you." I love you so so much, mama. I don't know what I'd do without you in my life. We've had our bad moments, but they've only made our bond stronger. These past 5yrs have been amazing. You've made my life richer and more fulfilling. Thank you so much for this video. I will always be your Unicorn, you will always be my Penguin :D I love you. Always. -REL
You Got It Bad--from My Dark Angel
Comment on this video! More videos at myYearbook
You Got It Bad
You Gotta See This Show If You Like Ac/dc!
You Guys Are Too Cool To Me
Okay since I can't fit everyone in my status I wanted to say thank you to you guys on here I love each of you. I love you Sweet and thank you sooo much :) Krista thank you soooo much that was really awesome of you Shay you're way too nice to me :P I'm not worth that much money! but I love it! hehehe
You Gonna Kick My Arse?
You Guys Rock!!!
I just wanted to say thanks!  Mah friends rock!  & make mah heart swell!!!!!!!  PoStaL...Bunnz...William...JoJo (blue)....MB...and any one else that contributed fu-bux  to help lead me down the point whoring path of the Fu!   LOL PS:   thanks Bunnz & PoStaL for learning me well!   and thanks to Not that Girl for the tip!   ♥    peace baby    & PEACE BLING!!! yah!!!!!!!
You Give 100% Percent!!!!!
You give 100 percent in the first half of the game, and if that isn't enough, in the second half you give what's left.
You Guys Rock
This is gonna be another random blog about a few subjects.First of all I want to welcome all the new members of Alissa's gentlemen's club.You guys are cool and I appreciate you being in my group.This group is all about boys.There are lots of girl groups and I think the guys deserve one to. I want the group to be able to band together when another member needs to level.I think that would be great to help each other out.If anyone is interested in joining message me or leave a comment on the blog.Also,I leveled to Prophet a few days ago and that was pretty cool.I did it in nine days that was sweet.Im about 14 million from Oracle.I've had alot of support and rates lately.Keep the love coming my friends.I return love the best I can.I have almost 5,000 friends so sometimes it is hard.Thanks everyone who really matters for being cool to me and being my friends.For the stupid ones well you know what you can do.
You Got It Bad Lyrics
Oh, oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, nonuhooooooooo[Usher]When you feel it in your bodyYou found somebody who makes you change your waysLike hanging wit your crewSaid you act like you're readyBut you don't really knowAnd everything in your past - you wanna let it goI've been there, done it, fucked aroundAfter all that - this is what I foundNobody wants to be aloneIf you're touched by the words in this songBaby...[chours]U got it, u got it badWhen you're on the phoneHang up and you call right backU got it, u got it badIf you miss a day without your friendYour whole life's off trackknow you got it bad when you're stuck in the houseYou don't wanna have funIt's all you think aboutU got it bad when you're out with someoneBut you keep on thinkin' bout somebody elseU got it bad[Verse]When you say that you love him,And you really knowEverything that used to matter, don't matter no moreLike my money, and my cars(You can have it all then...)Flowers, cards and candy!(do it just 'cause i'm)
You Give Love A Bad Name
  Shot through the heart and you're to blame Darlin' you give love, a bad name Fuck you An angel's smile is what you sell Promise me heaven, then put me through hell Chains of love, got a hold on me Passion's a prison, you can't break free Whoa! You're a loaded gun Yeah, whoa... There's nowhere to run No one can save me My damage is done Shot through the heart And you're to blame You give love a bad name I play my part and you play your games You give love a bad name You give love a bad name You paint that smile on your lips Blood red nails on your fingertips A school boy's dream, you act so shy Your very first kiss was your first kiss goodbye Whoa! You're a loaded gun Whoa... There's nowhere to run No one can save me The damage is done Shot through the heart And you're to blame You give love a bad name I play my part and you play your games You give love a bad name You give love... Shot through the heart And you're to blame You give love a bad name I play my part and you play your ga
You Gotta Lol @ This
> Two gay men decide to have a baby. They mix their sperm together and> have a> surrogate mother artificially inseminated with it. When the baby is> born,> they rush to the hospital. A dozen babies are in the nursery ward,> eleven> are crying and screaming. Over in the corner, one baby is smiling> serenely.> > > A nurse comes by and to the delight of the gay fathers, she points out> the> happy child as theirs.> > "Isn't it wonderful?" one gay says to the other. "All these unhappy> babies> and yet our baby is so happy. This just> Proves the superiority of gay love!"> > The nurse says, "Oh sure, he's happy now, but just watch what happens> when> I pull the pacifier out of his ass.">
You Gotta Draw A Hard Line
Best friend, Lover, companion?   more like Lazy Belittler and annoying   I bought into my heart. without weighing the facts You warned me, i didnt listen. i will always love you.. Ill always want you as my bestfriend but i REFUSE to make someone change.. So im almost at a breaking point of letting you go.   id rather have sweet memories as we have had then have the love weve shared become hatred..   as a song played... "you gotta draw a hard line" Now.. Show me what i fell for but preferablly the REAL you   or   As fast as i ran into your arms.. i will run away....   i love you ~fin
You Gotta Do It!!
You opened it now you have to do it!!   Rules: In a PM only send me your answers! You must also post this as well.   Dontcha just hate chain blogs :P     1.Your Name:  
You Got Questions We Got Answers
you ever herd the term you got questions we got answers if you did you herd from radioshack i dont know if they still say that slogan or catch phrase is what its called most people are like that in general if you have the questions they have answers think about it somebody on the street asks you a question are you gonna say the same thing if so make sure it comes out right maybe you might say to yourself i just answer a question for somebody teachers really dont use it but i believe sales people use since its part of retail or selling the eletronic devices if you worked at radio shack i know you would hear the same phrase over and over again take time to read this blog...............peace out
You Guys R Killin Me ~ Lol ~
· you have 30+ unread messages! · you have 53 new friend requests! Gimme Time 2 Get Back Wit Ya'll I Have Not Had The Change 2 Do So Because I've Been In An Out Of The Hospital Lately Getting My (REG) Check Up's Ya know?
You Gotta Live Your Life Day By Daysuper Viagra.
You Gotta Live Your Life Day By Daysuper Viagra.
You Got Me Open
staying away from clichesno comparison to this displayof feelingsi developed in a short timeya sure you're not an old friendor an missed out aquaintancethat i shared a crayonor a slow dance?my white lies, whited outyou know me without a doubton the phonein my facereading my mindmy big dreams fit into your worldsaying we both deserveto be happyall the timeeven if the rest dont fall in lineyou got me openholding my hand tightwalking through the fieldsand swimming the oceansof lifeyou got me openand it's you for meand me for youfor everyone to seeoops!i didnt mean the last partwhat meanit's clicheyou know what meananywaydarling baby sweethearteverytime i begin to startmy friendyou always finish what's on my mindif you dont mind soonmy dancing queen, my mooni'm readyfor foreverif you have that timecause you have me writing poetrymore than that, i'm full of gleefull of needfull of loveand of these things, i have not enoughyou got me openholding my hand tightwalking through the fieldsand swi
You Got A Crush On Me By Donnas
The show is doneBut you're still hangin aroundYou want some funBut I'm on my way outta townYou know you wanna hit itSo why don't you just admit it[Chorus] You've got a crush on meAnd it's easy to seeThat you write about me in your diaryYou've got a crush on meNever gonna go awayI talked to youAnd you tried to play it coolThat's hard to do[ Find more Lyrics on ]When you're wiping off your droolYou know you wanna hit itSo why don't you just admit it[Chorus] Your're all aloneYour friends all leftcause you were waitingfor meYou call my phoneBut you'll never getpast my caller i.d.You know you wanna hit itSo why don't you just admit it[Chorus] You've got a crush on me( you've got a crush on me)You've got a crush on me [x3]
You Get What You Give By The New Radicals
Wake up kidsWe've got the dreamers diseaseAge 14 we got you down on your kneesSo polite, you're busy still saying pleaseFri - enemies, who when you're down ain't your friendEvery night we smash their Mercedes - BenzFirst we run and then we laugh till we cryBut when the night is fallingAnd you cannot find the lightIf you feel your dream is dyingHold tightYou've got the music in youDon't let goYou've got the music in youOne dance leftThis world is gonna pull throughDon't give upYou've got a reason to liveCan't forget you only get what you giveFour a. m. we ran a miracle mileWere flat broke but hey we do it in styleThe bad richGod's flying in for your trialThis whole damn world can fall apartYou'll be ok follow your heartYou're in harms wayI'm right behindNow say youre mineFly highWhat's real can't dieYou only get what you giveJust dont be afraid to leaveHealth insurance rip off lying FDA big bankers buyingFake computer crashes diningCloning while they're multiplyingFashion mag shootsWith
You Give Me Dreams
I have no need for psychics,Soothsayers or tellers of fortuneBecause my ladyIs the ball of crystalI roll across my mindWhen I yearn to dreamAbout the beauty of my futureHer dream-giving eyes I peeped intoAnd saw the rare beautyOf amazon stonesRich with midnight allureVirgin to the sunSleeping under a blanket of sandIn the Amazon RiverWaiting to be awokenAnd polished by the smoothnessOf my touch into perfect gemstonesOut far I wadedInto this Amazonian waterAnd saw 8,641Purple-eyed African liliesFloating towards the shoresOf her beautyWanting to adorn her hair
You Got A Way
You've got a way with meSomehow you got me to believeIn everything that I could beI've gotta say you really got a wayYou've got a way it seemsYou gave me faith to find my dreamsYou'll never know just what that meansCan't you see you got a way with meIt's in the way you want meIt's in the way you hold meThe way you show me just what love's made ofIt's in the way we make loveYou've got a way with wordsYou get me smiling even when it hurtsThere's no way to measure what your love is worthI can't believe the way you get through to meIt's in the way you want meIt's in the way you hold meThe way you show me just what love's made ofIt's in the way we make loveOh, how I adore youLike no one before youI love you just the way you areIt's in the way you want meOh it's in the way you hold me
You Got Bin Laden, Now Get Out Of The Region, Islamists Tell U.s.
You Got Bin Laden, Now Get Out of the Region, Islamists Tell U.S. Tuesday, May 03, 2011 By Patrick Goodenough Jamaat-e-Islami leader Munawar Hasan, center, addresses a press conference in Lahore, Pakistan, to react to the news of Osama bin Laden’s death. (Photo: Jamaat-e-Islami) ( – Now that it has achieved its goal of killing Osama bin Laden, the United States should withdraw its armed forces from Afghanistan and the broader region. That’s the message being sent by Islamists from Pakistan, Egypt, and the Iranian government. “If according to U.S. President Obama, America has achieved its target and killed its enemy number one, the U.S. has no justification to stay here any more,” Munawar Hasan, leader of the Pakistani Islamist party Jamaat-e-Islami, told a press conference called in Lahore on Monday to respond to the news that the al-Qaeda terrorist leader was dead. Hasan expressed doubt that the U.S. would withdraw from
You Give Me Fever...
Its been nearly a complete revolution around the sun since I posted my thoughts on the film "Arthur". Other then that I do not see any cyclic pattern to this post, as of yet. I've had one of those terrible summer colds for the past few days. That isn't to say that colds during other times of the year are not, in fact, irritating. But for some reason it's the general consensus that colds in the summer are somehow worse. Perhaps its the higher air temperature, the overwhelming sound of jubilant children playing, or the relentless maybe its these things that make having a cold worse... I personally think, the worse colds are the ones you're having at the moment.
You Gotta See This!
This is my nephew Jason and his American Idol experience!  Can we say PROUD Aunty?  :D      
You Got Me Where You Want Me Again And I Can't Turn Away.
Is there someone you need to forgive?I don't think so Are you a fast texter?Sorta Do you have feelings for someone right now? How strong are those feelings?Nope And does that person have feelings for you, too?Haha When is the next day you have off of school (if you go to school)?I got the whole weekend off How often do you smoke weed?I don't anymore How tired are you right now, on a scale from 1-10?Umm Idk, I'm not that tired When is the last time you went to the mall?Idk Do you still have a Myspace?NopeHave you had sex today?Nope. Are you in a relationship, single, or it’s complicated?Single Are you content with that?Most of the time. What’s the wallpaper on your phone?Blue and black zebra print Have you ever kissed someone that was dating someone else?Yeah, I didn't know. Have you ever slept with someone that was dating someone else?Yep. Again, didn't know haha How many hours of sleep did you get last night?Idk, like 8 or 9 Is your phone charging right now?
You Going To Meet Anyone On This Site?
well let me put one instance on this site in prespective.  LuckyFKNBitch FuOwned by HOTMLNGA lives in my same town and we have both been on this site for over 7 years and still lived in the same town and we have yet to meet. Just a friendly helpful hint to show everyone just what this site is all about...a very great waste of time with you and your computer.
You Guys Sure Are Friendly...i Like!!!
you guys are great!  i've been on the site for over an hour now, with lots of attention...i like...chow
You Hold
You hold the key to my heart In the palm of your hand No other can open the door To such love and respect You hold the power To make me crumble Into nothing but a love sick fool No matter what I do You hold my trust In the center of your heart No doubt about it Til' the end of life You hold it all My love and respect The power and key to my heart And most improtantly my trust You hold everything!!!
You Have A Smile That Lights Up The World
You have a smile that lights the world, Shining from within, Breaking out between the clouds That form the skin of self. Lucky we, to live nearby That unpretentious sun, To share its fire, to feel its love, To know its warmth so well. Just as the sun's sweet liquid joy Is captured in the wine, So with us your happiness Is captured in our lives.
You Have Your Diamonds...
...I love my pearls. ♥Linda♥
You Have 1 Life
You get just one life,one single solitary chance - you endure pain & strife,you cry,laugh,scream & dance! You endure HATRED,you feel warmth of love - you fear the man below,you adore the man above! You ignore your heart,you go with your gut - you bite your tongue,you have plenty to re-butt! You act so humble,you can be so snide - you are so selfless,you have too much pride! You put faith in people,you can't trust a soul - you let life take it's course,you let life take it's tole! YOU...You create...You destry - You are in every man,woman,girl & boy!YOU...YOU...YOU!!!!! You have 1 life...You create or you destroy YOU.....1-LIFE/1-LOVE!!!!!!!!!!
You Have Been Fucked ( This Is Kinda Cute Was Sent To Me On Another Site Thought Id Share Lol)
Good Morning my friends! YOU HAVE BEEN FUCKED! Spread the legs and go at it! Pick any of your friends and FUCK THEM! This is for any one you think is hot! RULES: 1- You can fuck the person who fucked you, of course. 2- You can fuck the same person as many times as you can (c'mon, ENDURANCE)! Be creative!* 3- You -MUST- spread the sex! At least 1 fuck is fine and dandy! 4- You should fuck in public! Be adventurous, damn it. Paste it on their user page so they feel slutty! 5- Random sex is perfectly okay! 6- Please, don't worry about same gender fucking, it's HOT. 7- You should most definitely get started fuckin' right away! This is about showing everyone how much you care for them and HOW BAD YOU WANT THEIR ASS! Make everyone feel a little loved (and roughed up!). Please don't take this too personally, BUT I JUST FUCKED YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> F.U.C.K Stands For: Friends U Can Keep. So promise me we'll F.U.C.K forever! Send this to 10 people & 1 back to me. To kno
You Have Got To Be Kidding Me
Oh my lord If its not one thing its another That damn kid of mine, UGH I just dont know what to say about his lil ass well he isn't little at all he is 5 ft 7 and 140 lb 12 yr old. I hear a knock at the door today and i think thats strange austin never comes home this early, I answer the door and sure enough its him. He has this pitiful look on his face like someone just shit in his mouth. I ask him whats wrong, he hesitates, and then after a few minutes of me grilling him he gives in. Mom i got caught cheating today WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Me: You fucking cheated? Austin: Yeah well i didnt know there was a test Me: Oh my Fucking God, Austin have you lost your gawd damned mind? Austin: Mom i didnt know there was a test Me: Well i think i would have rather gotten a fuckin 30 then a 0. Austin: Well i wasn't gonna use it Me: Well when what the fuck were you gonna do with it? Austin: I dont know Me: Austin if you wrote it on
You Have Got To Be Kidding Me
a href="" target="_blank">
You Have Been Tagged.... So Have I :)
~*~Tag ~*~ Each player of this game starts with 6 weird things or habits about themselves. People who are tagged should write a blog with their own 6 weird things or habits, and state this rule clearly. Choose 6 people to be tagged, list their names, leave them a comment and tell them they are tagged and to check your blog for details. It's fun! here they are.. 1.My cat ate my bird a few months ago.. but I still have my cage in the living room for memory purposes... heheh 2.Finding Nemo is one my my favorite movies 3.I refuse to watch Extreme Home Makeover because I know I'll cry at the end 4.When the house is clean I feel relaxed.. no chaos 5.When I eat I have a fork in one hand and the other hand.. my fingers wiggle.. yes.. I don't get it either 6.I love inside jokes.. my husband and I have so many.. we don't even have to say a word.. just a look and smile and we know ... aaaawwww... Now this is fun here is who I am tagging! Stina, HBH, Thump
You Have Been Tagged
I was tagged by my buddy Becky she is such a sweetheart.........Here's the rules ,list six weird things or habits about yourself, list six friends you would like to play tag and comment they'll so they will check the blog for details. Here Goes: 1. I tend to spend too much time on puter. 2. Some say i am too over talkative. 3. I tend to party too much 4. I tend to take on things that might be a bit over my head 5. I have to have my way, I am set in my ways 6. I am a big softy when you get to know me. I think I will tag my pals becky, fuck off, lips of an angel, shadow hawk, angelmorn, and sweetandsizzlin'
You Have Been Tagged
I was tagged by my buddy "Becky".... Here's the rules ,list six weird things or habits about yourself, list six friends you would like to play tag and comment they'll so they will check the blog for details. hmm lets see here lol gee thanks babe lol 1] I tend to become way to emotionally attached to people. (have the whole fix it syndrome) 2] I am a little crazy about people being upset with me (bothers me greatly) 3] Hate to clean house (yes the house is clean I just hate soooooooo bad to clean it) 4] I will do anything for anyone of my friends but dont usually do for myself 5] nuts about my kids wouild kill to protect them and i mean that 6] I have a nasty habit of believing that if things go wrong its probably my fault lol ok lets see, I will tag ummm.... Sweet; debbie sue; Cassie~juggalo's homie~ ; jr; green bat and csadprincess
You Have Been Tagged
Each player of this game starts with 6 weird things or habits about themselves. People who are tagged should write a blog with their own 6 weird things or habits, and state this rule clearly. Choose 6 people to be tagged, list their names, leave them a comment and tell them they are tagged and to check your blog for details. It's fun! 1. I love the smell of tar and blacktop 2. I am affraid of moths 3. I am turned on by naturally arched eyebrows 4. Although I am shy, I have an aggressive sexual streak, very aggressive 5. I love the sound of breaking glass 6. At one point in my life I wanted to join the Marines I AM TAGGING: LIVING DEAD GIRL OGARY JD DARKLORD HILLBILLY DJ HEAVEN
You Have Been Tagged
Each player of this game starts with 6 weird things or habits about themselves. People who are tagged should write a blog with their own 6 weird things or habits, and state this rule clearly. Choose 6 people to be tagged, list their names, leave them a comment and tell them they are tagged and to check your blog for details. It's fun! 1. I'm shy when i first meet ppl face to face even if i have known them online for ages 2. I aint afraid of spiders, but dont like the feel of thier legs on my skin 3. Everything gets me horny 4. I love reading while i take a dump, helps relax the bowel muscles ya see 5. Ever since i was homeless, i prefer sleeping on a hard floor as apose to a comfy bed 6. I love to question johovaswitness's when they knock on my door, they usually leave in a raging temper lol I AM TAGGING: KIMOFO CASTIRONBITCH JENNY NEMO THDEMONCHILD TOMPARIS
You Have Been Tagged
Each player of this game starts with 6 weird things or habits about themselves. People who are tagged should write a blog with their own 6 weird things or habits, and state this rule clearly. Choose 6 people to be tagged, list their names, leave them a comment and tell them they are tagged and to check your blog for details. It's fun! 1. I'm shy when i first meet ppl face to face even if i have known them online for ages 2. Im teified of spiders 3. i rarely say im sorry 4. if i need to think i get a minimum 3 hour bath to sort my probs out 5. i always read horoscopes cos i swear by them (sad) 6. I cant go a day without listening to music I AM TAGGING: DEB BADBOY THESHADOW WELSH BROOKSVILLEBRAT EEKWOOLLYMAMMOTH
You Have To Try This!!
Use the mouse to keep him upright.. Post your scores...:0)
You Have Mail
NOTE TO ALL BLONDS: PLEASE DO NOT TAKE OFFENSE TO THESE JOKES ************************************************* a man ws mowing his lawn one day when hs attractive blonde neighbor came out of her house, went to the mail box, opened it, looked inside, then slammed it shut and stormed back into the house. although he thought it strange, he continued mowing the lawn. a few minutes later, she did it again. and a few minutes after that. this continued for about ten minutes, until he finally asked her, "is something wrong?" "YES!!!" she exclaims. "my stupid computer keeps telling me 'YOU HAVE MAIL!!!!'"
You Have Stolen My Glory
OK, I know that some of my poems SUCK ASS! But really it is a way for me to deal with things in my life. Sometimes writing about it is like an escape for me. So enjoy my hell!!!! I have taken flight I'm now out of your sight But still you ring my bell And send me to my personal hell But then I come back With feelings that I lack What the hell is wrong with me? It fills you with glee To make me shrink a little While you play the Devil's fiddle Then you laugh in my face Trying to make me into a disgrace You tell all your friends nothing but lies Even send out your personal spies If only everyone knew How well I really treated you To have you stomp on my heart To have you tear it apart You tell story after story You think you have stolen my glory But when the tables finally turn You will be the one to burn Cause of all the lies that you tell One day you will go to hell
You Have Good Karma
You Have Good Karma" height="100" width="100"> In general, you like to do the right thing when it comes to others. Your caring personality really shines through. Sure, you have your moments of weakness - and occasionally act out. But, all in all, you're karma is good... even with those few dark spots. How's">">How's Your Karma?
You Have Now Entered My Masquerade
THIS IS HOW I'M WIRED. I am DEEPER than you think. If you would like to contradict me, I'm game. I can most likely figure you out within 5 minutes of having a conversation with you. I hunger to be an obstruction of your mind. I thirst for you to figure me out. You have now entered my masquerade. You can uncover your facade. I believe myself to be genuine and I would never betray the ones I love. I value my family and those who are REAL. I like to be fascinated by the anomalous. I am constantly thinking I have Loved... Lost... and Learned. The three things that every soul should feel. I yearn for those that put a smile on my face. I crave for the one that will give to me what I will give back. I do not belong in anyone's Virus. Satisifaction is found on my own. Don't Lust for what you See... Desire what you know. Author Unknown
You Have Got To Be Fucking Shiting Me!
I did not know that there is a daily limit on how many photos you can rate. This really sucks ass considering I was trying to help out a friend get her level and now I can't. So now not only do I have to worry about how many photo comments i make, now i have this shit! Can anyone shed some light on this madness be fore it drives me even further into the abyss of insanity?

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