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Love This One
Why does it seem like men are so willing to step out on their girls? Seriously? No wonder woman get paranoid about their men cheating on them. I have been propositioned by so many men who willing admit that they have girls, and yet still ask me if I'm wanting to come over and "play" or web cam or other such things. I'm sick of it and I wish they would just stop! If you want sex that bad then go find someone and pay for it! Shiat! btw... if you proposition me and you have a girl... your name and pic will end up in this blog... Can't believe I have an entry for this. I put this up so long ago... but here ya go! This man flirted with me and had intimate conversations with me... only to find out he's married and has been for 15 years... jackass!
Love Is
Love is a mother fucker meant only for fools and suckers Love is really a waste of time it should be made a crime Love is a mother fucker a right bastard of a cock sucker it is nothing but a lie I wish the concept would die Love is a mother fuck and I am the fool and sucker all it does is make you cry so I will no longer even try Love is a mother fucker and I am done with being a sucker
Love Don't Live Here Anymore
You abandoned me Love don't live here anymore Just a vacancy Love don't live here anymore When you lived inside of me There was nothing I could conceive That you wouldn't do for me Trouble seemed so far away You changed that right away, baby You abandoned me Love don't live here anymore Just a vacancy Love don't live here anymore Love don't live here anymore Just emptiness and memories Of what we had before You went away Found another place to stay, another home You abandoned me Love don't live here anymore Just a vacancy Love don't live here anymore In the windmills of my eyes Everyone can see the loneliness inside me Why'd ya have to go away Don't you know I miss you so and need your love You abandoned me Love don't live here anymore Just a vacancy Love don't live here anymore
Lover's Dance
Glistening bodies entwined in an ageless erotic dance, seeking pleasures from each other, seeking wonder and romance. She touches his face with tenderness. He draws her body near. Aching, needing hunger will make their destiny clear. Their lips meet in soft kisses, their tongues begin passion's war. Forgotten now, the outside world. All is here, behind this door. He strokes her body tenderly, she arches up for his caress. He finds her silken portal and her womanly wetness. She moans in fiery desire and pulls his hand away, wishing to end this exquisite torture and get on with passion's play. She straddles his waiting body, eases him into her feminine hollow. She leads him on a rhythmic dance, his thrusting hips must follow. She rides him faster, even then, to hear his wondrous sighs. She shows him all the delights she has between her womanly thighs. They stare into each other's eyes and gasp as ecstasy unreels, and tangles them in a lover's k
There are times in your life where sadness seems inevitable and love is unreachable. You fall in love only to get hurt, you fall out of love because you are hurt, and you go looking for love to cure the hurt. It's a viscious cycle. Why go looking for love? No one can truly explain it. Is it a desire, a need, a fantasy.....who knows? I know that I have spent half of my life looking for it, coming close a few times and in the end coming up empty handed. If my heart is broken anymore, there will probably be none of it left. It may be full of holes, but it can still comprehend love and be filled with love. Love is that one thing in life I truly desire more than any feeling. Love is supposed to be patient, I know - but patience is a virtue I no longer have. I want love and I want to feel love. Not the words....but the motions, the looks, the all know what I mean. You know, the kind of love where actions are spoken louder than words. I want to know and feel that l
Love Quotes
When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible. -Harry Burns..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> When you LOVE someone all your saved-up wishes start coming out. –Elizabeth Bowen LOVE is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies. -Aristotle LOVE: Two minds without a single thought. –Philip Barry To LOVE deeply in one direction makes us more loving in all others. –Annie-Sophie Swetchine LOVE is like quicksilver in your hand. Leave the fingers open and it stays. Clutch it and it darts away. –Dorothy Parker LOVE is like war, Easy to start and hard to end. -Anonymous Falling in LOVE consists mainly in uncorking the imagination and bottling the common sense. –Helen Rowland A happy marriage is a long conversation which is always seems too short. -Andre Maurois The first duty of LOVE is to listen. –Paul Tillich You don't m
Love Is It All Just A Dream
Do you ever think all this is not real like it's all just a dream you think you might have a connection with someone you've been talking to them call one another on the phone hang out you think all good then you deside to ask them out you want to be with them you know start something be happy be in love and they say i like you only as a friend nothing else and your just crused because you thought they were the one because you felt so happy when you were with them and now thats gone it like how can you still be friends it hurts every time you look at them it like what do i say what do i do how do you talk to this person after you put every thing on the line then you think when is it going to be my time my chance for happiness and if this is all just a bad dream when will i wake up when will i have my happy ending... to be continued
Love Stinks! (god I Feel Sooo Much Better!!!)
LOVE starts with a SMILE, grows with a KISS, and ends with a TEAR. DON'T cry over anyone who won't cry over you. Good FRIENDS are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget. You can only go as far as you push. ACTIONS speak louder than words. The HARDEST thing to do is watch the one you love, love somebody else. DON'T let the past hold us back, you're missing the good stuff. LIFE'S SHORT. If you don't look around once in a while you might miss it. A BEST FRIEND is like a four leaf clover, HARD TO FIND and LUCKY TO HAVE. Some people make the world SPECIAL just by being in it. BEST FRIENDS are the siblings God gave us each other. When it HURTS to look back, and you're SCARED to look ahead, you can look beside you and your BEST FRIEND will be there. TRUE FRIENDSHIP "NEVER" ENDS. Friends are FOREVER. Good friends are like STARS You don't always see them, but you know they are ALWAYS THERE. DON'T frown. You nev
Love Survives
Love Survives Time to share is always there I peered thru life Ever avoiding strife But now am undone My barriers broken For one has found me Reached in and unbound me Her love has burst my bonds And set music to my songs Her need for me And mine for she Has made my Winter Spring A new start With hammering heart We color the world with our dream Nothing is as it did seem The darkness of my solitude is done She - my rising sun
Love Quotes
"See there's this place in me where your fingerprints still rest, your kisses still linger, and your whispers softly echo. It's the place where a part of you will forever be a part of me." "Loving someone is like caring for a garden, love it too much or too little and it dies, but love it just right and it will live forever." "Forever is not a word...rather a place where two lovers go when true love takes them there." . "Death cannot kill what is not measured by time. I'll love you forever, and when I die, whatever part of me is left, will love you, far beyond eternity." "Don't compare our love to the flowers that only bloom on summer, instead, compare it to the river that flows forever."
Love & Relationship Quotes
They didn't agree on much. In fact, they rarely agreed on anything. They fought all the time & challenged eachother everyday. But in spite of their differences; They had one important thing in common. They were crazy about eachother. I want to be the girl he is scared to lose. The one where he can't walk away from, knowing she is mad at him. The one who can't fall asleep without her voice being the last one he hears; The one he can't live without. Love isn't finding someone you can live with... it's finding someone you can't live without
Love Survives Time
Love Survives Time to share is always there I peered thru life Ever avoiding strife But now am undone My barriers broken For one has found me Reached in and unbound me Her love has burst my bonds And set music to my songs Her need for me And mine for she Has made my Winter Spring A new start With hammering heart We color the world with our dream Nothing is as it did seem The darkness of my solitude is done She - my rising sun
One day a woman's husband died, and on that clear, cold morning, in the warmth of their bedroom, the wife was struck with the pain of learning that sometimes there isn't anymore. No more hugs, no more special moments to celebrate together, no more phone calls just to chat, no more 'just one minute.' Sometimes, what we care about the most gets all used up and goes away, never to return before we can say good-bye, say 'I love you.' So while we have it, it's best we love it, care for it, fix it when it's broken and heal it when it's sick. This is true for marriage ... old cars... and children with bad report cards, dogs with bad hips, aging parents and grandparents. We keep them because they are worth it, because we are worth it. Some things we keep ---like a best friend who moved away or a classmate we grew up with. There are just some things that make us happy, no matter what. Life is important, like people we know who are special. And so, we keep them close! Suppose one mornin
"love's Been Good To Me"
I have been a rover I have walked alone Hiked a hundred highways Never found a home Still in all I'm happy The reason is, you see Once in a while along the way Love's been good to me There was a girl in Denver Before the summer storm Oh, her eyes were tender Oh, her arms were warm And she could smile away the thunder Kiss away the rain Even though she's gone away You won't hear me complain I have been a rover I have walked alone Hiked a hundred highways Never found a home Still in all I'm happy The reason is, you see Once in a while along the way Love's been good to me There was a girl in Portland Before the winter chill We used to go a-courtin' Along October hill And she could laugh away the dark clouds Cry away the snow It seems like only yesterday As down the road I go I've been a rover I have walked alone Hiked a hundred highways Never found a home Still in all I'm happy The reason is, you see Once in a while along the way Love's been
The Love Story Of Ralph And Edna (email)
Ralph and Edna were both patients in a mental hospital. One day while they were walking past the hospital swimming pool, Ralph suddenly jumped into the deep end. He sank to the bottom of the pool and stayed there. Edna promptly jumped in to save him. She swam to the bottom and pulled him out. When the Head Nurse Director became aware of Edna's heroic act she immediately ordered her to be discharged from the hospital, as she now considered her to be mentally stable. When she went to tell Edna the news she said, "Edna, I have good news and bad news. The good news is you're being discharged, since you were able to rationally respond to a crisis by jumping in and saving the life of the person you love. I have concluded that your act displays sound mindedness. The bad news is, Ralph hanged himself in the bathroom with his bathrobe belt right after you saved him. I am so sorry, but he's dead." Edna replied, "He didn't hang himself, I put him there to dry. How soon can I go
Loves Deathly Grip
Love stalks me, wondering ever so near as to taunt me in ways that i can not perceive. Never before has it wasted its time on my worthless presence and yet now it finds me. She arouses questions which frustrates, yet gives hope to future events. A curse yet a joy that a person only receives once in their pathetic life times. I never believed that i could find someone that could bring me this joy while at the same time making me lose control of everything. With her i have no control what so ever....not matter what I try i know that i will be submissive. I worship her to no end, a slave to my heart. For it is my heart that is slave to her. I wonder if this is right or wrong. At times it makes no sense. I've know her for a small matter of time....yet it feels that we have been together all my life. Should i feel this won't let me know....its like a knife that stabs the heart....yet it plugs the wound and keeps like drawing. She is the knife. Every tim
The Lovers
The brillance in the stars,the power in the waves,the magic in the breeze,the light from the moon ,the heavens open,the doors of hell close,scent of lavendar,lil bit of baby powder,softness of the dew wet grass,lovers entwined,beneath the silvery moon,tonights theirs,the low sounds of love,fast breathing,then stops,and all u hear is the sound of the night,then their hearts the beats as one,they are meant,not forbidden.
As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time. You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back.
Love Is
Love is patient and kind, love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. Love does not demand its own way. Love is not irriable, and it keeps no record of when it has been wronged. It is never glad about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful and endures though every circumstance. Love will last forever.
Love Survives
Love Survives Time to share is always there I peered thru life Ever avoiding strife But now am undone My barriers broken For one has found me Reached in and unbound me Her love has burst my bonds And set music to my songs Her need for me And mine for she Has made my Winter Spring A new start With hammering heart We color the world with our dream Nothing is as it did seem The darkness of my solitude is done She - my rising sun
Love This!
Here's a great Christmas Cookie recipe that I thought you might want to try this year ( Please read carefully): 1 cup of water 1 tsp. baking soda 1 cup of sugar 1 tsp. salt 1 cup of brown sugar lemon juice 4 large eggs 1 cup nuts 2 cups of dried fruit 1 bottle Jose Cuervo Tequilla Sample the Cuervo to check quality. Take a large bowl, check the Cuervo again, to be sure it is of the highest quality, pour one level cup and drink. Turn on the electric mixer...Beat one cup of butter in a large fluffy bowl. Add one teaspoon of sugar...Beat again. At this point it's best to make sure the Cuervo is still OK, try another cup ... just in case. Turn off the mixerer thingy. Break 2 leggs and add to the bowl and chuck in the cup of dried fruit, Pick the frigging fruit off floor... Mix on the ****. If the fried druit gets stuck in the beaterers just pry it loose with a drewscriver. Sample the Cuervo to check for tonsisticity. Next, sift two cups of salt, or
i had a baby girl names Lakota Elizabeth Roberts on November29,2007 at 4.45pm and she weighed 7lbs 4.5 ounces and was 20inches long and she made such a diffrence in my life in the little time that she was here she went home to be with jesus on dec 8th 2007 i love her so very much and miss her do much but she will forever be in my heart i love you Lakota Elizabeth Roberts forever and always love mommy
Love Quote
Love is so very special Yet can make you feel so lost It can arrive just like the springtime And melt away like morning frost You must find ways to nurture Always grow your love with care Never ever take for granted The love that you both share Mistakes are bound to happen You may hurt each other's heart Yet don't give up to easily It will tear your love apart Love resembles a bright flame That lights a dark starry night Never ever let this flame burn down Rekindle with all your might Take a moment every day Look deep into each other's eyes Never hesitate to show affection Small gestures will keep a love alive Talk openly about your feelings Take time to show that you care Treasure each and every moment Because to find true love is rare
Nocturnal downpour Wakes the lovers, Floods the valley. Making love is natural. Why be ashamed of it? That seems simple, but it is actually a great challenge in these complex times. Too many other layers of meaning have been imposed upon sex. Religions straightjacket it, ascetics deny it, romantics glorify it, intellectuals theorize about it, obsessives pervert it. These actions have nothing to do with lovemaking. They come from fanaticism and compulsive behavior. Can we actually master the challenge of having lovemaking be open and healthy? Sex should not be used as leverage, manipulation, selfness, or abuse. It should not be a ground for our personal compulsions and delusions. Sexuality is an honest reflection of our innermost personalities, and we should ensure that its expression is healthy. Making love is something mysterious, sacred, and often the most profound interaction between people. Whether what is created is a relationship or pregnancy, the legacy of both par
Love, Lust Or Marriage?
LOVE: When your eyes meet across a crowded room LUST: When your vibes meet across a crowded room MARRIAGE: When your glares meet across a crowded room LOVE: When your partner sez "Let's make love" LUST: When your partner sez "Let's screw" MARRIAGE: When your partner sez "You want me to do what?" LOVE: When Spring fills your heart anew LUST: When Spring means you can do it outside MARRIAGE: When Spring means yard work LOVE: When you argue over how many children to have LUST: When you argue who gets on top MARRIAGE: When you argue about everything LOVE: When you share everything LUST: When you want everything MARRIAGE: When the bank owns everything LOVE: Mutual Climaxes LUST: Multiple Climaxes MARRIAGE: Climaxes??? LOVE: When you phone just to say, "Hi" LUST: When you phone to pick a hotel room MARRIAGE: When you phone to finish an argument LOVE: When you write poems LUST: When you write porn notes MARRIAGE: When you write checks LOVE: Consider abs
Love Story
Love Is
What is love, Love can't see you and you can't see it Love is a sneaky thing I guess sort of slick Love can hurt and Love can heal Love can be born and Love can kill Love has won and Love has lost Love can catch and Love can toss Love can stand and Love can fall Love is small and Love is tall Love is right and Love is wrong Love is weak and Love is strong Love is up and Love is down Love can smile and Love can frown Love is good and Love can be bad Love is quite and Love can brag Love is a little and Love is a lot Love contiues and Love stops Love can hope and Love can dream Love can talk and Love can sing Love can be a word or Love can be a ring Love can be nothing or Love can be everything So where is this thing we call Love I dont know the only real love we have comes from above...
Love On The Internet
Though I wasn't looking for anyone new, One day I got e- mail and in it was you. Charming, sensitive and so debonair, I strongly resisted it go anywhere. But letters and stories captured my heart, Filled me with passion almost from the start. Love on the Internet, how could it be? These things just don't happen to people like me. But doves and butterflies flew into our lives, Carrying messages we could not deny. Each person has meaning and love to express, And we could deny our hearts nothing less. It's a beautiful love that has grown between us, Something beyond any words we discuss. Much deeper than LOL, cyber kisses and such, Far down to our souls, beyond human touch. My love's not confined by what it can see, I feel you, I taste you, I experience your dream. Close my eyes, and I envision what in my heart I can hear, "Love knows no boundaries, no distance, no fear." It's the soul that captures God's love in a way That eternally melts hearts together to
Love Poem
I've dreamed of this moment forever, When I could look you in the eye, And tell you how I feel about you, The thoughts that are always on my mind Why do you make me love you, I've tried so hard to just be friends But I can't help but want you, And I pray that our love will never end. Because there is something about you, Deep in your heart, That makes me love you When we're miles apart. And I know that you love me, And that you understand, That I can't live without you, Your my best friend. And I miss the summer nights, When we walked hand in hand, Looking at the stars, My mind plays it over and over again. And I can't wait to see you, And for you to hold me in your arms once more, I can't wait for your lips to touch mine, So I will see that smile I adore.
the one woman i care for im pushing away from me i dont want to loose her but i think i will becouse ive not felt like this in a long time and im moving to fast and i keep calling her to talk. U know who u r and im so so sorry for doing this but i do love u and care for u love shawn aka joker
Loves Endless Flight
The sweetest melodies are those sung from the heart. The softest harmonies are when two souls mend together. Why then do people say it's love that tears them apart? When it's with love that you can stand the stormy weather. When I met you, Spring was here, and the birds were nesting. I looked into your soft eyes and saw the prettiest smile. Heaven pulled down her vail and offered her most sacred blessing. I've met an angel, I couldn't help but to smile. Sittting by the pool of life, reflecting upon it's surface, I think of others and I get a little ripple. I think of you, and a wave swells, spraying my face. You said you wouldn't cry, but I see the tears start to trickle. Some people don't believe in love at first sight, Obviously they haven't seen you. Drifting on love's endless blissful flight, I'm so glad I met you.
A Love Like Fire
A love like fire, a burning passion runs deep in my soul, a longing for returned desire Without question. When I look into your eyes I see a flawless beauty. Thoughts of you and I together consume me in every waking moment. When you are near the fire rages inside me, To say that I am in love, it isn’t enough; I know in this lonely heart that I have to show you how I feel. You must understand that these feelings I have cannot merely be written. Words cannot explain how I long to hold you in my arms, how I wish to fall asleep listening to your soft breathing, how I wish to wake up to see a smile on your face. I would like to spend a lifetime with you rather than a single moment without you. I love you as you are; don’t change, don’t do anything different for me. Just promise you’ll be the one to catch me as I fall more and more in love with you. Just promise you’ll be the one to catch me. Don’t change, don’t do anything different for me; I love you as you are
well peeps ive found the man of my dreams he is the one to make my life complete he listens when i talk all my shit he wants to be there for all of it hes ready to settle and make a home he treats my kids as if their his own he loves me and needs me says im his rock so hopefully hes right and we finally lock together we can make this a happy home and ill be as happy as i should be AND NEVER AGAIN ALONE cant wait to see wat our future holds all i can say is YEAH!!!! i am finally sold on love and life and the happieness game always thought no way this shit is lame but i found him and now will never let him go he feels the same way and cant wait to show how he can make a home and a be a loving man hes ready to step up and show me he can hes the man i am seein in my dreams i think about him all day and night dont know how this happened but he is my missin piece ive had in sight he makes me whole and my heart is thumpin YEAH!!!! im in love omg aint it somet
"I do beseech you of your pardon for too much loving you." -William Shakespeare "To love at all is to be vulnerable." -C.S. Lewis "If you love something, set it free. If it comes back it's yours to keep. If it doesn't, it was never meant to be." -author unknown "Oh, thou art fairer than the evening air, clad in the beauty of a thousand stars." -Christopher Marlowe "Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, and therefore is wing'd cupid painted blind." -William Shakespeare "You never lose by loving. you always lose by holding back" -Barbara De Angelis "All you need is love." -John Lennon "I hold it true, whate'er befall; I feel it, when I sorrow most; 'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all." -Alfred, Lord Tennyson "People love others not for who they are, but for how they make us feel." -Irwin Federman "Love is not what we become, but who we already are." -Steven Levine "Love is patient
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking. It is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails
Love For Nancy
50k for a HH.. show some love!
Love Is Not Like Anything, Especially A Fucking Knife (i'm A Fake)
"I'm A Fake" Small, simple, safe price Rise the wake and carry me with all of my regrets This is not a small cut that scabs, and dries, and flakes, and heals And I am not afraid to die I'm not afraid to bleed, and fuck, and fight. I want the pain of payment What's left, but a section of pigmy size cuts Much like a slew of a thousand unwanted fucks Would you be my little cut? Would you be my thousand fucks? And make mark leaving space for the guilt to be liquid To fill, and spill over, and under my thoughts My sad, sorry, selfish cry out to the cutter I'm cutting trying to picture your black broken heart Love is not like anything Especially a fucking knife Look at me, you can tell By the way I move and do my hair Do you think that it's me or it's not me? I don't even care Do I drink? Do I date? Satisfied, in your eyes I made sure, that I look how I wanted to look My stomach hurts now, and all tied off in lace I pray, I beg for anything, to hit me in the
> It hurts to love someone and > not be loved in return, > but what is more painful > is to love someone and > never find the courage > to let that person know how you feel. > > Maybe God wants us to meet > a few wrong people before > meeting the right one > so that when we finally > meet the right person, > we will know how to > be grateful for that gift. > Love is when you take away > the feeling, the passion, and the romance > in a relationship and find out > you still care for that person. > > A sad thing in life > is when you meet someone > who means a lot to you, > only to find out in the end > that it was never meant to be and you > just have to let go. > > The best kind of friend > is the kind you can sit > on a porch and swing with, > never say a word, and then walk away > feeling like it was the > best conversation you've ever had. > > It's true that w
The way it was! Lay your head upon my heart The way it was at the start Reach out and confide in me Till the pain don't hurt, you see Call your feelings out And know what it's all about Now that you've done so Hopw does it feel to know Just how much of the heart We still share since the start? Put down your shield of defense Stop keeping our love a suspense (c)TJC1978
Love My Friends Plz Help Bombers Needed
*~Sweet~* needs 25,000 comments to win a 3-Month VIP!!-she has 15415 needs bombed time running out imikimi - Customize Your World AND PLEASE STOP BY AND SHOW DHOLTS LOVE. HIS PC BROKE DOWN AND HE CANT BE HERE AND MISSES EVERYONE SO LETS SHOW HIM LOTS OF LOVE .RATE FAN AND ADD HIM.he does for so many lets do for him.and get him to level. DHoltStingray* Little Shop Of Horrors Lounge Pres/. Hunting Time@ fubar
Love Or Obsession
Love or Obsession When I dream, My dreams are filled with thoughts of you and I When I am lonely, Only you can ease my sadness When I need to be held, It is your arms I want around me When my body yearns to be touched, Only your hands will satisfy me When my lips are dry Only yours can moisten them And when my heart hungers to be loved Only your love can fulfill me. Is this love or just an obsession? Is it practical for me to love you so deeply, When I know you won’t ever truly be mine. Either way, I don’t care I would rather waste my life pretending Than have to forget you for one whole minute.
Love 2 Please..
Love Of My Life
Sorrow fills my head Pain fills my heart Everyday without you is empty Sorrow fills my head Pain fills my heart Everyday gets harder to be away from you Sorrow fills my head Pain fills my heart It gets harder to sleep everyday Sorrow fills my head Pain fills my heart I cant stand to be without you Sorrow fills my head Pain fills my heart I love you so much you are my heart and soul Sorrow fills my head Pain fills my heart You are my one true love you are my soulmate Sorrow fills my head Pain fills my heart You are the love of my life what we share cant be deined
Love What
Its better to love what you dont have then to love what you cant have When you love what you cant have your world disappears and you will vanish into nothing so love what you dont have before it leaves you You are my universe and dont you forget it take my advice love what you dont have rather then love what you cant have because of this you will never find anything better then what you dont have Dont forget that the world you are in is mean and unrefined to live in therefore you must love what you dont have it forces us too life as we know it is a cruel world and we must fight! the battle or we will not get nowhere Love is harsh but in the end we will overcome the world and love will save us from harm love is the strongest and most powerful emotion in the world today these days we must be strong and not let harm come or the love we know will perish and life as we know it will die therefore we must keep friend family and loved ones close and never let go when I mean close I me
Lovely Girls:p
It's over. He's gone. Why do we have to part while the love is still there? Why do we have to suffer? Why do we have to cry when somebody bids goodbye? Why do beginnings have an end? Why do we have to meet only to lose in the end? There are questions left unanswered, words left unsaid, letters left unread, poems left undone, songs left unsung, love left unexpressed, promises left unfulfilled. In a relationship, one of the hardest things to do is saying goodbye and letting go. It is as hard as breaking a crystal because you'll never know when you will be able to pick up the pieces again. More often than not, they who go, feel not the pain of parting:it is they who stay behind that suffer, because they are left with memories of a lovethat was meant to be, a love that was. At the beginning and at the end of a relationship, we are embarrassed to find ourselves alone. Unfair as it may seem, but that's the way love goes. That's the drama, the bittersweet and the risk of falling in lo
Love....and Friendship
You know, I used to think I knew what love is. I used to think that I had felt passion. I had felt these things and lost them. Never to be replaced. Gone. Forever. But something happened. I ran into a dream i had let go of a long time ago. I chased that dream for one hell of a long time, but, finally, i had to put it to rest. I lost hope. I lost a dream. Now, almost 7 years later, my dream finds me. And after every time we talk, I'm left feeling so......unwhole. I've felt sensations I've never felt before. Not even for Mary. Sometimes, I feel this intense need to just be with her. It consumes me like a fire and all I can do is clench my fists and grit my teeth, because she's so far away. It's like this beast is taking over me, and at those times, when she is fresh on my mind, I feel so capable of doing things unimaginable. I....tremble sometimes in unspoken emotion, when the thoughts drift over me. She's so pure. She's confident. She doesn't just let me have
well lets see here my wife or whatever you want to call her is still acting the same but alittle different we used to be inlove at one point but then we seperated and that was almost 2 years ago and well now were trying to work things out sorta well i am it doesent look like she is putting much of an effort into it she says she loves me but i dont feel it from her i dont ever get a passionate kiss i dont ever get to hold her and when her friends are around they are the most important to her i dont even feel like im there.and now i just found out today like a week ago she cheated on me again for the billionth time well wasent cheating i guess cause we were seperated but it still hurt to know she slept with every tom dick and harry like today i was told by a good friend of mine that she cought her in the act with this guy named cody like the day or second day i dropped her off to this rehab thing sorta it a church army not a rehabe but it gives assistance in that field and she said she c
Love On Fire
Love On Fire by BlueWolf © The blink of an eye A moment in time Open your heart I will open mine Wanting to know you Getting to know me Thinking of you With every breath I breathe Out of the shadows Into the light Wanting true love The time is right Wanting it all In you it’s there Wanting romance Inhibitions bared The touch of a hand First kiss, desire A beautiful feeling Of love on fire........... ~~PLEASE RATE AND COMMENT THIS POEM~~
Loves Small Flaw
It will catch up to you whether you want it to or not, Make your heart swell and tie it up in a knot. You wont know what it is but you'll feel it inside. Your feelings for this person well up inside. Then no matter how far and no matter how near... Each word or phrase she says, You'll always hold them dear.
~*~ Love Of Sin ~*~
Miles of dust stir before the glowing light, Stars fall from the sky of the blackened night, Angels fly above the heads of the blessed, Hovering over every spot that has been by you caressed. The angels float about night, morning and after day, Singing songs that fade and drift away, Their wings unfold and carry you into their world, Away from twisted trees and leaves that are furled, They came in their numbers to see you, The one that captured there hearts, my heart too, They gave you gifts which you rejected, And made fun of the God they elected. They saw it your true color, underneath your skin, And thought you impure wrapped in sin, They threw you away like an empty shell, Where I caught you and took you to hell, You know live surrounded by the angel’s fears, And wash with the forgotten angels tears, You, and your sin stole my still heart, I fell in love with you and it tore me apart, You looked at me and made me whole, And because of this, I see it fit to stea
Loves Truth
Love Is
Sexy Comments Galore!
Love Spell
Love Spell Every time I look at you my heart skips a beat I wonder if you know, my love, that my heart is at your feet I leave it there for you to do whatever that you wish You could take my heart, and love me, Or just leave me in this bliss.
A Love For All Time
Breathless kisses Burning touches Soft-spoken words of love Urgently spoken words of passion. A man and a woman One complete love Since time began Predestined to be as one. We've been together before In other lifetimes We've fought dragons And have been torn from each others arms Yet our love prevailed. We've walked on this earth many times together Perhaps for a moment Perhaps for years But our heart is one heart And we were meant to be. So when our time on earth Once again comes to a close Have no worries my dear For we will find each other again And again And again. For our love is ageless Eternal A love for all time.
A Love Lesson(yin And Yang)
A Love Lesson(Yin and Yang) I have had one of my boys come to me and ask about a situation between him and a good female friend of his. They have been best of friends for a long time and despite her current situation with her boyfriend, she wants him or should I say she think she does. Now we know that there is a thin line between lovers and friends. I am sure we all have dealt with a situation like he is currently having. Whether to act on these feelings they both share or let them remain dorment and ignored. Can one really give sound advice on love? I don't think we can, but we can share experience about love. So I told him a story or a glimpse into a personal love lesson. Not to hint on how things might turn out for him but how they did for me. Here is that glimpse into my mind before and after I made my decison on whether to act on those feelings. (Yin) There is a comfort that I feel when I'm with you, No one else offers this security the way that you do, Lately the ti
"love Is When"
Love ?, Lust ?, Fantasy ?
How many of you believe in online love? Do you think if could be love? Lust? or just a fantasy? Or possibly a combination of all three? I believe in all three, but I am so afraid of the first one...Love. To love someone is not hard for me to do. I love many people in so many different ways, but to fall or be "in" love with someone is very hard for me. I guess the reason for this is because I have been hurt by EVERYONE that I have fallen in love with. So to give my all my everything to someone again just to have myself be hurt again is hard to do. The trust issue is just not there. Now lust is a whole different story. I have lusted after a few people. It was very nice too. They were so nice and it was so much fun, but then it got out of hand. They knew where my feelings stood but they wanted more. Yes they spoke the three little words to me...I love you. I couldn't handle it at that moment. So the fun had to stop. Now fantasy...I love fantasy because you can do anything with thi
Love You To Death
Love Is Eternal
LOVE IS ETERNAL Once you have learned to love; who you are, what you do, and those around you, you will have truly learned to live. Search for love, for it is the most important ingredient of life. Without it, your life will echo emptiness. With it, your life will vibrate with warmth and meaning. Even during any hardship, love will shine through. To love abundantly is to live abundantly. To love forever is to live forever. Be thankful for what you have now, and the opportunities for love and success that are before you. Happy Holidays Copyright 2007 Reproduce freely but maintain Copyright notice. No I did not write this one but a friend sent it to me and I thought it was worth passing on specially during this time of year.
Love In The Rain
Love in the Rain: It is a beautiful day. About 75 degrees, slightly breezy, sun is shining but not too hot. So you and I have decided to go on a picnic. We pack tuna salad, one of those great crusty French breads, some veggies and dip, a bottle of champagne, and, of course, strawberries for dessert. When we get to our designated site, an area with beautiful green grass and water babbling nearby, we spread out the blanket. We sit down and start in on our leisurely lunch, talking and laughing. We decide to save the strawberries for later.... I say that the water looks so inviting, and so you take my hand and we walk to its edge. I gingerly dip my right foot. It's so refreshing that I walk all the way into the water. You join me and we play like uninhibited children. We return to our blanket after we notice the sun has gone in a bit. You dip strawberries into the rest of our champagne, and let the wetness slowly drop onto my tongue. I love the sexy smile you have on your face as you do
Well, I find this Odd... I thought I loved Andrew. i mean, I REALLY freaking did. And I DO miss him at times. But, what i feel for Adam... is unexplainable. I find myself wanting to be around him all the time... I find myself wanting to never leave him, and wanting him to always be MINE. just hearing his voice makes me happy... Everything about him seems perfect. I mean, suuuuure no one is perfect... but still... I feel like everything I could ever want from a man, he gives me. He makes me feel, important... like, I'm the only thing that matters to him. I mean, obviously, i'm NOT... because, well, eevryone has all kinds of important people in their lives... but it's how he makes me FEEL... like I'm "number one" his little world... and I love it. He makes me feel important, and loved. I don't get ignored for stupid shit... I mean, he stays up late to talk to me, and my silly little butt is up at 5a when he wakes up talking to him. I mean, we spend hours each day talking... and m
Love Spell
Every time I look at you my heart skips a beat I wonder if you know, my love, that my heart is at your feet I leave it there for you to do whatever that you wish You could take my heart, and love me, Or just leave me in this bliss
Love Hurts
why is it when i find a woman i love i treat her like a queen then she leaves the ones that i do not love i treat like crap and they keep coming back for more do women want to be hurt? or is this some sick joke on me
Love By Allison Jane
Love is your friend, Love is your foe, It can bring you happiness It can bring you woe. It can cause you joy As it causes you sadness. So how may I ask Can people put up with this madness? Is it the tears of happiness Or the tears of sorrow, That make people sick If they don't see them tomorrow? Love is a gentle Yet harsh kind of feeling, It will hurt you badly While it works its healing. Love is not a Guy Or Girl kind of thing, It can take things away With the good things it may bring. Love can take forever As it happens so quick, And it makes you so happy It'll make you sick. You can talk forever And still not know what to say. It can change from sweet to sour In the length of a day. But this to you, I must confess, Why can't I be Involved in this mess?
Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. - The Bible : 1 Corinthians -
Love Is Patient
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. - The Bible : 1 Corinthians 13:4 -
Love Quotes
Just wanted to leave you some thoughts for the day! Love means MANY things, however each of us have our own views as to what LOVE is to us! Enjoy! "Love is a precious gift that you receive, and you need to give it with caution!" "Love is a fire that reigns in the heart." "Love is a noble act of self-giving, offering trust, faith, and loyalty. The more you love, the more you lose a part of yourself, yet you don't become less of who you are; you end up being complete with your loved ones." "Love is when there are a million things you want to say to someone, but when they look you in the eyes and hold you in their arms nothing in life matters other than being with that person at that moment." "Love is like the weather, sometimes it forces you to withdraw even when you don't want to stay inside. While other times it is the best of times and you keep yourself inside." "Love is looking at him and knowing that even if you can't be with him, you feel happy be
Love Is
What is love, Love can't see you and you can't see it Love is a sneaky thing I guess sort of slick Love can hurt and Love can heal Love can be born and Love can kill Love has won and Love has lost Love can catch and Love can toss Love can stand and Love can fall Love is small and Love is tall Love is right and Love is wrong Love is weak and Love is strong Love is up and Love is down Love can smile and Love can frown Love is good and Love can be bad Love is quite and Love can brag Love is a little and Love is a lot Love contiues and Love stops Love can hope and Love can dream Love can talk and Love can sing Love can be a word or Love can be a ring Love can be nothing or Love can be everything So where is this thing we call Love I dont know the only real love we have comes from above...
because of love ...i learn to sacrifice ...i learn to understand ...i learn to trust and ...i learn to be honest but dont you know that because of love ...i was hurt so much?
A single touch of her soft skin Fingers gently falling through her silken hair The scent of her laying next to me These are things a lover can share A light soft kiss upon my lips falls A warm embrace encircles me I kind word whispered to me as I lay My love now flows endless and free The first taste of this lover I now enjoy My mind swirls with love filled thought Her finger tracing along my arm so slow Chills of pleasure to my body are brought One lool into her deep eyes I can see The sould that has taken my breath away Passing my love from my soul to thee I take her in my arms this very night No more searching for perfect love will there be I have found the one that can fill that void The lover that sets my heart's bindings free Our bodies slide together now as we lay Her warm nectar I feel as we become one Knowing that a giant step has been made The releasing our love nectar soon is done Another soft kiss on the lips of my lover Our eyes close as into a slee
The Love
In my mind I know he's true The love I get is all I need, It's true to be real and it's real to be true. In my body I feel his soul and know I belong I belong to someone who treats me like an angel and loves me for me. The Love we have and we share is special enough and we get all the TLC we need by just sweet love and the tender that we need. I love him like a fat boy loves cake!!!
Love is the most beautiful discovery of all, One that is meant to be shared by two
Love. Love. Love - My family. friends. making new friend. being faithful. spring, summer. the colors: pink, red, cream, blue, green, purple, black, orange, silver. sleeping in. late nights talking on the phone. sweet dreams. cute men with nice butts. shopping at Walmart. Taco John's chicken & potatoe ole burritos, nacho cheese & mild sauce for potatoe oles, super nacho platter. cream soda, dr. pepper, dr. slice, mr pibs, sprite. the smell of fresh clover, cut grass, roses, lillies of the valley. playing pool. my yahoo rare. myspace. pillow book. chocolate pudding, pistachio pudding, strawberry yogurt, chocolate fountains, strawberries dipped in chocolate banana splits, twists, mint chip, banana slpit ice cream. strawberry zinphindale wine, drunk dialing. unlimited long distance. prank calls. being quiet on 3 way calls hehe shhh. inside jokes. the fact that some friends mistake my mom & me on the phone through our voices. most reality tv shows, dr. phil, oprah, the cw, channel surfing.
for you I love you completely from the dimples in your eyes to the kisses you give so sweetly you make me smile when no one else can you make it all better your my kinda man I dont know how you do it and probably never will the way you make my body flutter even when i am standing still I hate that you have to leave And i miss you all the time but i know you will come home and when you do you are still mine So my prayer is that you are safe in everything you do Cause your love is home waiting waiting just for you I know its tough and work is hard but i love you so much believe with your heart I love and miss you baby come home safe to me forever i will be faithful and true til i can hold you in my arms once again
?What do you think that I am clueless, because at the moment my life is a mess? Believe it or not, know matter what people are saying, I am smart I just have too kind of a heart. You all can go around teasing and laughing like I don't matter. Who really cares if my life would end in a shatter? You think that you know someone and you could trust them without thinking twice , yea I thought wrong when you took that knife and stabbed me, not even caring that it did not feel nice. How could you say that you loved me, but yet you were so quick to let me free? I do not get it just three days before, you were all over me kissing me asking me to lock the door. I know that you were raised to give respect, yea right, that is what I do not get. Do you remember in my kitchen when you got me all wet? I guess all the great memories were just easy for you to let go and forget. You meant more to me then you will ever know. I loved you and I still do, I am not the one to put on a front or a show. I know
Loved Ones
There are strange things that happen to us in life and after we have time to reflect on them we try to understand just what happened and why...but I think the truth is that maybe we are not supposed to know just and why things happened for. I have had I think my share of sorrow in life I have gone through the lose of a brother, a grandparent times 3 and now a close friend. I dont know why God does this to certain people. Why did he have to take her so early? What was she doing wrong in this world that God needed to take her home? She was nothing but pure love and the people that she came in contact with all remembered her by either something she did that inspired them or for the love she have for her pets or politics. I cant image what it must be like to loose a child! They say that you are not supposed to bury your children that they are supposed to lay you to rest. I have an almost 3 years old and I cant began to believe my little daughter leaving this world before me. That would jus
Love I sit tonight...contemplating...wondering and anticipating.... My life has taken many turns in the last few weeks...I have come to understand you can love but not have that love returned...but you can love again....and find that this love is one that is reserved, and meant to share as friends, how I miss that love most specially... Minutes pass , hours and yet you still wonder...where is this thing called Love???? still there..somewhere...hiding....waiting....and yet...we open our eyes in the morning...and what sights we behold....the rise of the sun....the warmth of that on our faces... Each day is a gift given to us...each day we live just we truly live as we should???do we truly give enough to those we love??? some of the times, yes...but friends...we tend not to receive the gifts that have been truly given to us...not receive them understand that we live...we learn....and most of all...we love.... Do not ask us to take that love back...or to
Love Is...
Love is a fire that reigns in the heart... Love is like swallowing hot chocolate before it has cooled off. It takes you by surprise at first, but keeps you warm for a long time.... Love is a journey not a destination.... Love is a precious gift that you receive, and you need to give it with caution!... Love is too strong a word to say it too early, but it has too beautiful a meaning to say it too late... When love comes so strong there is no right or wrong. Your love is your love... Love is a noble act of self-giving, offering trust, faith, and loyalty. The more you love, the more you lose a part of yourself, yet you don't become less of who you are; you end up being complete with your loved ones... Love is like the air we breathe. It may not always be seen, but it is always felt, used and needed... Love is a box waiting to be opened by the right recipient... Love is like a flower, give it some time, patience and lo
Love This !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Martin wakes up at home with a huge hangover. He forces himself to open his eyes, and the first thing he sees is a couple of aspirins and a glass of water on the side table. He sits up and notices his clothing in front of him, all clean and pressed. Martin looks around the room and sees that it is in perfect order, spotless and clean. So is the rest of the house. He takes the aspirins and notices a note on the table. "Honey, breakfast is on the stove, I left early to go shopping. Love You!" So he goes to the kitchen and, sure enough, there is a hot breakfast and the morning newspaper. His son is also at the table, eating. Martin asks, "Son, what happened last night?" His son says, "Well, you came home around 3 a.m., drunk and delirious. You broke some furniture, puked in the hallway, and gave yourself a black eye when you stumbled into the door." Confused, Martin asks, "So, why is everything in order and so clean, and breakfast is on the table
Love Ridden
Love Is Dead
Love is dead Like a black rose in my heart Little jabs of pain that grow Until my heart finally stops
I was told by a man that had tears in his eyes... just yesterday in fact... "I can tell your son really loves you. More than that, I can tell that you really love your son. I don't mean you love him because you have to. I mean you love him because he has a problem and you're doing everything you can to help him. You make him smile, you give him attention, you teach him, you're hard on him when you have to be and at the end of the day, when you are all worn out, you still find the energy to make him feel safe going to sleep." To everybody reading this, THIS is what it is to be a parent. This is what parents must do to ensure their children's happiness, health and overall well-being. I don't do what I do for my son because I fear his peers ridiculing him. I don't help him because I want him out of my house and completely independent. I do want him independent, but not because I want my time to belong to me again. I truly love my son. Autism be fucking damned to hell. More th
Love Letter
It's raining again. I love it when it rains. Torrential downpour to match my torrential passion, the fervor, the fever that keeps me pulsing and pacing and racing to touch you. Imagining your skin beaded up and tense with longing, covered in sliding drops of wet, sliding the way my tongue does over your supple muscles and pert nipples. Sliding the way I do back into love with you whenever I catch that smile in your eyes, that evil grin, that subtle smirk. Drip. Drip. I make my brain remember rain, as if it could replace the pain. Drip. Drip. Every fiber of me pulling towards the punishment you give, hot wax forging a trail along my tender naked skin. Blisters are kisses in relief. The air is thick with your scent. Even blind I could follow your path, and drown in the pheromones of your dark presence. Your iron grip smells of power like my weakening flesh smells of fear. I know it excites you to feel me give in. And it enraptures me to be wrapped up in your energy, at the mercy of yo
When I look into your eyes, I am nothing but surprised. I know about your past and how it didn't last, How you got hurt, burnt, Abused and used, and i bet your confused. You deserve better, if not always and forever. You said you didn't care, But you couldn't bare, Isn't it such a scare. Let me into your life and Ill show you that I care. Like an endless dream Ill always be there. I know your busy but please make time. Working so much should be a crime. You need time alone, and some time to think, Let your feelings out why having a drink. Forget about the past and look to the future, I know your not ready, and I'm not trying to push you, Just wanted to let you know that ill always be with you
Love Poem
Ok Everyone Writing a book of poems plz comment and tell me what u think. I Need You I can’t bear the emptiness, I feel within. I miss you more and more, With each day that passes. There isn’t a night that goes by, Without a thought of you. I realize how much I need you. Just as a poet needs inspiration, To write a masterpiece, I need you. Just as an artist, Needs a subject for his work of art, I need you. Just as a composer needs a theme, To create a melody, I need you. For without you, My life will be empty. For without you, I’ve lost my inspiration. There would be no work of art, For me to gaze at. There would be no timeless melody, To listen and dance to with you. My life would exist in shades of gray, In the place of the vibrant colors you bring. I would be less than whole. In the past, The proper words have escaped me. My inner most feelings have been, Kept away in the depths of my heart. With these words, I proclaim to y
Love Shack, Keeping It Right
First, I want to say I created this lounge in hopes of providing a comfortable chat room for my friends, single, married, or involved. Not for the purpose of people looking for quick pick ups or of getting points for myself or anyone else and we have guidelines we follow to keep it that way. For all of us, remember, quality friendships bring quality friends, I bring my best so you can too, lets give them a lounge they can enjoy in comfort 1.Keep it clean I don't bring my friends in here to provide anyone with free porn. Please remember, if you don't know us, or are new, don't assume we are single, take a little time, hang out, chat, notice who is maybe with someone, many couples are in my lounge and i don't need to ban you for causing drama by saying the wrong thing to someones wife, hubby, or mate. I will be true to my friends on this issue, it's why they come back. We provide a place where as friends we aren't hit on by pervs coming in looking for a porn provider. Husbands don't
A Love Story
I see hell's deadly fire consuming your eyes, running black as night. Your voice stirs the whispered hunger within me, my desire. Words cannot describe the things that I yearn for you to bestow onto me. I want you to pin me to your bed of blood red velvet and split my pale shell of a body wide open. I want you to make me beg to acquire the permission to speak your name. I want you to take everything I am and swallow it whole, never give it back, to leave me empty inside. I want you to throw me agianst the wall and not allow me to ever disobey words spoken from those pale reaper like lips. If I try to run, hunt me down and punish me with you pleasure consuming tourchures. Wrape your arms around me and force me to lie still. Command me to see everything your way, remove my very will, and keep me forever. Make me your slave............. I beg of you, don't hold back any longer, I cannot bear this knawing, unfullfilled need. Controll me, rule me, yield me,do with me
A Love Song
Let me sing you a love song About what I feel in my heart; Butterflies can't find nectar Whenever we're apart. You're a flower in bloom. In the dark, in the gloom, It's you who brightens my day. How many ways do I need you? Every day, every way, come what may.
i am a person who heart has never been broken i guess love to me was never spoken i been through situations, the things unknown my hearts been borrowed never owned the situation i go through my heart wonders why? if all was real or just a lie my hearts an amateur to this thing called LOVE the choices i have to make, is very tough the fact of hurting someone or getting hurt by the honesty of it or the lies and dirt with my situation my heart seeks advice whether to follow my instinct or say goodbye cause being in love you end up with 2 options the path of learning to let go or self destruction like one has told me, only time can tell it's the journey of finding out, suceed or fail my heart has this scared feeling of being hurt but as i am learning, cearly my hearts alert so as i take this journey of finding out all of what love has to offer and what it is about through the stories and advices told, i soon will see and my heart will no longer wonder about LOVE!!!!!!
Love Is
Love's Rapture 2
Love's Rapture Follow me, release your love, Join me at love's Elysium. Envisage my body neatly buried Beneath the petals of your seduction. Reveal to me your secret desires, Encompass your warmth around my soul. Dance with me, chant my name, Feel the passion burn within. Embrace this moment, as we two Indulge in love's rapture.
Love, Existance?
Honestly I lost faith in love, may be awhile before i can really love again. I got married at 19 (big mistake) and met him at 17. Now i'm 24 and getting divorced. The first time he brought it up was only AFTER we had sex for two days straight, and on the same day of having sex he asks for a divorce. First he tells me it's been a month, then later he changes his mind saying "it's been 2 yrs i've been wanting to leave you" So in other words he used me, to take care of him, to give him sex and to help further his career. This is not a man to be with ladies, stay away from him! Not only that he gave me two weeks of space and expected me to JUMP to the divorces papers and get them filed immediately. 2 weeks of space is apparently enough time for him, not me. I needed more time to relax and get my mind straightened up. I was so messed up in the head because of the whole divorce that I let things sleep and he screwed me out of things. I know it's petty, but he took BOTH the
Love Sucks
What were you thinking when you left me behind? I mean are you deaf, dumb, or blind? I have questions that I have yet got the answer to. I called you on it a little over a month ago, you pretended ,but you knew. We started off as friends talking for hours with almost no end. You were different from all the rest, in my eyes you were amazing, truly the best. You treated me with so much respect unlike all the others, more then just a lover. You were brought up to treat people right and all of this I give thanks to your mother. You have the most gorgeous eyes, a nice smile, and lips that were wonderful to kiss. I sit here and reminisce, I can't believe how much that I miss. We did so much together, dinner, movies, quadding, and the hockey game where I had so much fun. You had me believing that I had finally found the one. You were the best that I ever had, you took me places that I had never gone before. I just don't understand why I can't come to gri
Love Can Hurt You
Her head is down, Face to the wind, And she walks with determined steps. Early this morning her whole world fell apart, And now she needs some time to see what’s left. Who is it who knows the emptiness, Brought on when love departs without warning, And takes with them all that you are; For you trusted, Because that’s what you thought love was about, And you gave the best of all that you are, And thought that you were getting it in return, And even if it wasn’t everything that you had hoped for, It was still the best it could be, Or so you thought, Until this morning, When love walked unexpectedly out the door. Now there is no equilibrium, And that’s why her steps are determined. Coat collar upturned against the wind, Sunglasses so they won’t ask questions. She has a gaping hole, Where her heart used to be, And maybe that’s why it’s so hard to breathe. He’s gone, And she knows he’s not coming back. The promises - Just that, Wor
Love Ya
Love ya.. One day a womans husband died, and on that clear, cold morning, in the warmth of their bedroom, the wife was struck with the pain of learning that sometimes there isn't anymore. No more hugs, no more special moments to celebrate together, no more phone calls just to chat, no more "just one minute." Sometimes, what we care about the most gets all used up and goes away, never to return before we can say good-bye, say "I love you." So while we have it . it's best we love it and care for it and fix it when it's broken ... .. and heal it when it's sick.. This is true for marriage ... and old cars .. and children with bad report cards and dogs with bad hips and aging parents and grandparents. We keep them because they are worth it, because we are worth it. Some things we keep -- like a best friend who moved away or a classmate we grew up with. There are just some things that make us happy, no matter what. Life is important, like people we know who are special. and s
Love The Asains....
Why it's important to understand English I had a bunch of Canadian dollars I needed to exchange, so I went to the currency exchange window at the local bank. I stood in the short line. Just one lady in front of me. . .an Asian lady who was trying to exchange yen for dollars and she was a little irritated. She asked the teller, "Why it change?? Yesterday, I get two hunat dolla fo yen. Today I get hunat eighty?? Why it change?" The teller shrugged his shoulders and said, "Fluctuations." The Asian lady says, "Fluc you white people, too!"
Love And Pain
"I LOVE YOU". Those three little words that originally molded me into the man I thought I wanted to be, have become nothing more than a constant verbal reminder that words are only as true as the person using them. For years I've wished, prayed and hoped that one day I would be able to experience this feeling that for so long seemed to be the emotion that to so many, made life worth living. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED...unfortunately. I realized that love, much like anything else worth having, has it's side effects. Two of these hidden by-products are PAIN and TRUST. These two are synonymous with LOVE. I've done so much with so little for so long that I could practically do anything with nothing...except LOVE. I always had faith. I always believed that anything was possible...until now. Obviously this is one of those "She ripped my heart out of my chest with her cold hands and broke it into tiny little pieces so I'll never trust another woman again for as long as I live!" blogs,
True love is when you shed a tear and still want him!!! It's when he ignored you and you still love him. It's when he loves another but you still smile and say "I'm happy for you" but all you do is cry...
Just something ii wrote last night I love you with all my heart; I long for you when we're apart; I wish I could wipe away all your tears; Look you in your eyes and somehow take away all your fears; I wish I could also take away your pain; Love you in such a way that you will know you have everything to gain; I want to take you in my arms and hold you ever tight; Show you that you're the one I love with all my might; I know in my heart you're the best; There is no comparison to the rest; Being with you makes my heart sing; I believe together we could do anything; I'm ever consumed by your presence; It only takes your essence; The chemistry between us is on fire; My love for you will never tire.
"love Grows"
"Love grows" Not Priced and placed on shelves Or in windows at the mall Not Found cut-rate At the drug store Not Available in "small" Not catalogued Not ready wear Not advertised Not slit to there Upstaging Fashion statements Love doesn't speak It shows Love can't be manufactured It's a natural Love grows Sara Holbrook
When you love someone…. Take everyday one by one. Take the time to say I Love You, even when you feel like there is no time to slow down. Kiss one another with the passion you had the first time you met and like you may not ever see one another again. Make love every chance you get. Tell one another how special you are to each other. Thank each other for the little things and respect the differences you have. Don't let time overcome and absorb you…. Leaving no room for one another, creating a distance between you that cannot be mended or reconnected. Take the time… You only have one chance in this life… Live, love and laugh. This is your chance to be happy in love…don't let it slip by. It is lonely on the other side! Stephanie
Love Tester
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To love thy world To love me for me to be with me for me to want me for me To be with you for you to want you for you to love you for you Together forever to be yours and always to be mine and always Together in love Together in peace Together in my heart Together in your heart I love you
Love Current mood: depressed Why is it you trust the people that use you and abuse you. You would be willing to give your life for someone who wouldn't be willing to give their's for you. You think about the people who aren't thinking about you. You give yourself to someone who isn't willing to give themself to you and you fall in-love with someone who doesn't love you back. The world says 'it is better to have loved then lost, then to have never loved at all'. I personally think that who ever the hell started that saying never knew what it felt like to really be in-love and lose a person that means everything to them!
I just want to say that i never thought that i could ever fall in love again till i met Jason and i am very in love and happy and hope that i never lose him I love him very much
Love Is ....
Love is.... when the life we live and we give up for someone that we have in our life. Love is .... when you look at a child as it grows and you know that you made that and nurtured it. Love is....when sit and look around you and see hopw the nature of the world controls its self. Love is ...also when u can call friend and them ypour problems and cry on there shoulder without being mocked or ridculed. Love is farmost the easiest thing to and the hardest thing to let go. We all deal with it ways no matter how do it.
010208 Love Horoscope
Here is your single's love horoscope for Wednesday, January 2: If you don't feel like doing anything today, hang low. You'll love chilling with your pals, talking about nothing in particular: football, celebrity gossip -- whatever. Just enjoy the down time -- don't judge it. You're totally in the clear.
"Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens up your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up. You build up all these defenses, you build up a whole suit of armor, so that nothing can hurt you, then one stupid person, no different from any other stupid person, wanders into your stupid life...You give them a piece of you. They didn't ask for it. They did something dumb one day, like kiss you or smile at you, and then your life isn't your own anymore. Love takes hostages. It gets inside you. It eats you out and leaves you crying in the darkness, so simple a phrase like 'maybe we should be just friends' turns into a glass splinter working its way into your heart. It hurts. Not just in the imagination. Not just in the mind. It's a soul-hurt, a real gets-inside-you-and-rips-you-apart pain. I hate love."
There's a devil waiting outside your door (How much longer?) There's a devil waiting outside your door It is bucking and braying and pawing at the floor And he's howling with pain and crawling up the walls There's a devil waiting outside your door He's weak with evil and broken by the world He's shouting your name and he's asking for more There's a devil waiting outside your door Loverman! Since the world began Forever, Amen Till end of time Take off that dress I'm coming down I'm your loverman Cause I am what I am what I am what I am L is for LOVE, baby O is for ONLY you that I do V is for loving VIRTUALLY EVERYTHING that you are E is for loving almost EVERYTHING that you do R is for RAPE me M is for MURDER me A is for ANSWERING all of my prayers N is for KNOWING your loverman's going to be the answer to all of yours Loverman! Till the bitter end While empires burn down Forever and ever and ever and ever Amen I'm your loverman So help me, baby So help me
Tender skin, soft under my finger tips. Dark eyes that watch my touch, closing only when overtaken by pleasure. A pretty face, framed in soft hair. Unpainted lips, responsive to my gentle kiss. Full round breasts, youthfully eager for attention. Each nipple firming to my loving touch. Soft smooth skin, tender on inner thighs. Shapely legs open to my gentle persuasion. Delicate secrets revealed, hungry to know more of love, Wet with passion's sweet nectar tender to a lover's touch. Oh dear woman, your heart is precious, Your spirit soars When desire overwhelms you. Oh sweet lady, my desire for you consumes me. To know your heart And fly high with your spirit. Hold me closely and touch me in gentle ways. Receive in return the gifts of my love and desire for you. Let's be together for this brief time we walk this path. Let's learn of joy and take fond memories when we part. ©Outlaw Productions
Love By Starsign.... Another Stolen From The Delicious Ange, Lol
I am Leo: P*I*S*C*E*S: Once you have opened this bulletin, there's no turning back. Below are true descriptions of zodiac signs, with traits from a book written 35 years ago by an astrologist predictionist. Read your sign, then repost this in a new bulletin with your zodiac sign and label. If u dont repost this, u will have bad luck for as long as it says in your description!! V • I • R • G • O: The Whore Dominant in relationships. Sexy. someone loves them right now. Freak in bed. Always wants the last word. Caring. Smart. Intellectual. Attractive. Loyal. Easy to talk to. Hard to forget. Love at first sight. Everything you ever wanted. Easy to please. The one and only. Ultimate sexiness.Great kisser. S • C • O • R • P • I • O: The lover Can be mean somtimes, and will Probably knock your ass out, if crossed the wrong way!! EXTREMELY sexy. Intelligent. Energetic. Predict future. Most erotic. (Freak in bed.) (GREAT kisser.) Always get what they want. Sexy. Attractive
Love & Long Distance Relationships
If given a choice, it would be advisable not to get yourself into any long distance relationship. But then again, sometimes we just don't have the choice. And well, when don't have a choice, we just have to make it works. So, what would be that key to maintaining a successful long distance love relationship? My answer for you? Well, it is still going to be that same old answer which you probably have like heard over and over again, "Mutual Trust and Commitment". Ha, sick of hearing it again? But well, have you been truly spending that time and effort of yours in giving and ensuring of that trust and commitment in your relationship? In any love relationship, mutual trust is certainly a must and it especially applies when involving long distance relationship. When the both are not able to physically be there for one another, that belief and trust has to be there. The both must have strong belief in the relationship, believing in not only their partner but also themselves. To maybe put
Have you ever been so in love that you couldn't straight? Have you ever been so in love that you turned yourself into something you are not? Have you ever been in love so much that you know what's going on but, you don't care because you love him/her so much. No matter what you do you feel like it's not good enough. I love so gard and get my heart broken so much. Sometimes I wonder if loving someone is worth the trouble. Then I think back and I have to believe in love. I can't let the past mess up my realationships in the future. I believe in love because it is the greatest gift God gave us but, it hurts so much sometimes. I want that man that is going to prove to me all men are not the same. I want that man that is going to be able to tell when I am hurting. I want that man that can wrap his arms around me and say "baby it's going to be okay". I want that man that is going to be by myside good times and bad. I want that man that has eyes for only me. I want that kinda love I can feel
Love Me Like That
feeling alone and afraid thinking nobody cared thinking no one was there in a world of tears in a world of pain in a world of heartache you rescued me you were a light and the end of a tunnel but you were a dream cuz nobody i said nobody can love me like that you picked me up stopped the tears from fallin and you gave me hope you saved me from life from a world of tears from a world of pain from a world of heartache you carried me you were a light and the end of a tunnel but you were just a dream cuz nobody i said nobody can love me like that
Love Defined
What does Love mean? Slow down for three minutes to read this. It is so worth it. Touching words from the mouth of babes. What does Love mean? A group of professional people posed this question to a group of 4 to 8 year-olds, "What does love mean?" The answers they got were broader and deeper than anyone could have imagined. See what you think: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn't bend over and paint her toenails anymore. So my grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his hands got arthritis too. That's love." Rebecca- age 8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different. You just know that your name is safe in their mouth." Billy - age 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Love is when
I had closed the door upon my heart And wouldn't let anyone in, I had trusted and loved only to be hurt But, that would never happen again. I had locked the door and tossed the key As hard, and as far as I could, Love would never enter there again, My heart was closed for good. Then you came into my life And made me change my mind, Just when I thought that tiny key was impossible to find. That's when you held out your hand And proved to me I was wrong, Inside your palm was the key to my heart... You had it all along.
Love Gone
They say love comes and goes, and no one knows how long it wil last. Emotions rise, like waves on an ocean at high tide. They crash just as hard, when those emotions subside. No foolish pride , no reason to lie, no tears to dry, when you cry inside, when reminising over love that too soon has died. Never thinking of saying goodbye ,but one's heart can only stand so much. Then slowly you grow apart and dred each others touch. How did it come to be, that no love exist between you and he, simply you took each other for granted and the bond once shared ceased to be. The words of joy and laughter turned to words of anger and sorrow, never thinking that the love that was here today, might be gone tommorrow. Tell me what you think People. DO NOT RIP IT IS COPYWRITTEN WRITTEN BY STERLING CARROLL
Love Is?
What is love, Love can't see you and you can't see it Love is a sneaky thing I guess sort of slick Love can hurt and Love can heal Love can be born and Love can kill Love has won and Love has lost Love can catch and Love can toss Love can stand and Love can fall Love is small and Love is tall Love is right and Love is wrong Love is weak and Love is strong Love is up and Love is down Love can smile and Love can frown Love is good and Love can be bad Love is quite and Love can brag Love is a little and Love is a lot Love contiues and Love stops Love can hope and Love can dream Love can talk and Love can sing Love can be a word or Love can be a ring Love can be nothing or Love can be everything So where is this thing we call Love I dont know the only real love we have comes from above...
Love Hurts
ive come to understnd that love for a single individual, for the better part of ones own mental health, is sometimes better... denied
Love Is Pain
You made me cry... You tore me apart.. You left me in tears.. You've shattered my heart.. It wasn't your fault.. I guess it was me.. for love can't be forced.. Perhaps we weren't meant to be.. It still doesn't help.. now that i know.. Because for some reason.. my heart won't let go.. I've tried more than once.. to get over you.. but you make it so hard.. if only you knew.. I thought love was joy.. but i've got nothing to gain.. just sorrows..,tears.. and a little more pain.. The day the pain started .. reality came too.. It was the day i realized .. ......I'LL NEVER BE WITH YOU....... By: ME
The Love That I Feel
4-12-2002 The Love That I Feel How can I tell The man I love The way I feel When I know for him There is nothing there At a time I knew There was something there That is when I knew he cared As much as I care Sometimes it's hard to bare Because of the way he acts And the love he lacks What do I do? What will I lose? I'm having his child My love for him is more than just mild I hope he knows I want him to know That the love that I feel Will always be there
Love Or Hate
4-9-2002 Love or Hate I Love You I Hate You You Loved Me You Hurt Me I'm not angry I'm Disappointed I saw you as better Now you're someone different You was happy and cared Now you seem not to care I don't really hate you You just hurt me Not only that In the long run By the way you are being You are also hurting our child I can never hate you I will always love you Until things change You will always disappoint me
Love And Pain
3-21-2002 Love and Pain You are always on my mind I'm wishing you were mine Every single day I feel I have to pay For I have lost Something with no cost That is having you by my side With my love as sweet as the tide I'm glad you came But things are still not the same I am alone here While you are there I don't like to see you go Because then I feel low I still want us to be I want everyone to see The love that I feel And my broken heart will someday heal Even with you there And me here I will always have a love so strong That it will last so long
Boy i lay awake at nite wondering why then i start to cry.... wishing you where here holdin me so dear but yet i fear... Your so far away and theres never gonna be that day when we find our way... juss kno from the start I will never part cuz your forever in my heart.... This is jus how I feel Im being so real cuz this is the real deal ... I've been lookin for your love, cuz its sent from above and thats whatcha call real love By:J3NNiiF3R
»-(¯`v´¯)-» ♥♥ "Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies" - Aristotle ♥♥ »-(¯`v´¯)-» ♫ ♫
Love is the greatest feeling, Love is like a play, Love is what I feel for you, Each and every day, Love is like a smile, Love is like a song, Love is a great emotion, That keeps us going strong, I love you with my heart, My body and my soul, I love the way I keep loving, Like a love I can't control, So remember when your eyes meet mine, I love you with all my heart, And I have poured my entire soul into you, Right from the very start.
010508 Love Tarot
The Tower card suggests that your relationship may be in crisis, and this is your wake-up call. You can't go on fooling yourself any longer, and if you don't break up, you will certainly be on a rocky path if you don't work on what affects your very foundation. The impact may be severe, for while you feel secure, something unforeseen, sudden and dramatic may come to dispel your illusions. It may be a catastrophic experience, but you can rebuild this relationship into a better and stronger one if you take drastic measures or pull together to salvage what you can. This is a time where you can see if you have the right stuff. You might be pleasantly surprised to discover your own capacity for resourcefulness, dignity, creativity and generosity.
Love's a deep emotion that must take time to grow it doesn't happen over night but must develop slow. "I love you" is too freely used too easy to give away but just because the moments right doesn't make it the thing to say. So often it rushes from anxious lips without a second thought when "I like you" is whats really meant more often than its not. So let us save those precious words and give what we've found a chance to grow so that ~if~ and ~when~ we say it we're darn sure that its so!
Justin TimberlakeLoveStonedMusic Video Codes By Music
A Love Poem For You
The first time I saw you, I knew you were the one. There was no question in my mind, after having that much fun. There's just something about you, that I've never found before. And now that we're good friends, I find myself wanting more. I never thought it possible, to care for one so much. But everyday that passes, I long to feel your touch. To look into your eyes, would make my day complete, cause every time you look at me, my heart just skips a beat. Everything I'd wished for, every dream I'd hope come true, I never thought would happen, until the day that I met you. I know that your not ready, for the kind of commitment that I am, but for you I'd wait forever, there's nothing I can't stand. Although it hurts to know, that you don't feel the same as me, hopefully one day you'll realize, one day you'll wake up and see.
Love Truely Stinks
I feel there is a thing called Love out there.I just don't know where.o if you do find it grab it and hold on to it.Cause its so hard to find.Take and worship it and cherish it for ever.Never let anythig stand in your way.But of All things take and Love it th all you heart and let them know that they are your Love no matter what.And always keep the line of communcation open between the 2 of you.I know I did have it and let it go...But I won't ever again.He has my heart and soul.And its his to keep.I don't want it back.With out him love is just a 4 letter word and Its best that way.....So find it an hold it forever......
A Love Poem
A special world for you and me A special bond no one cannot see It wraps us up in its cocoon And hold us fiercly in its womb Its fingers spread like fine spun gold Gently nestling us to the fold Like silken thread it hold us fast Bonds like this are meant to last And though at times a thread may break A new one form in its wake To bring us closer and keep us strong In a special world, we belong.
Love Her
Love is one of the hardest things to deal with. It makes you do things you never thought you would do. You strive to find that one and only true love that will make your life complete. I learned the other day that I have been taking out on men what one man done to me. That truly hurt me to my heart to find out I have been doing that. I realized that night it's not all about games if you want to find that true love. It's all about trust and honesty. Why would I want to treat someone the way I was treated and hurt. I was hurt to my very soul and to do that to someone else would be so wrong. How would I ever find true love if I keep that up. All I want is to find that one and only true love. That doesn't mind that I am hurting and broken and wants to be there anyway. One man that can prove to me that all men are not the same. That there are some good men left out there that is true and can love a woman from his soul. I love hard and I want a man that can love me just as hard. True l
Love Hurts
If you have fallen in love with a special person in your life and they have hurt you how many time do you allow them to hurt you before calling it off? They know that you have been abused before so that that make them think that they can do the same? They should treat you better to make sure that you feel loved and not pain! so What to do?
bottom of the barrel just how i feel tomorrow sucks and today i deal what will make this pain go away coffee in the morning morphine in the day i cant excape the thoughts of you i cant excape the thoughts of you make it go away make it go away you have no clue what kinda blade i use you have no clue what kinda blame i choose i blame all of this on you i loose so then i fall then i fall time can not withstand my test today i hate you today i love you searching for somthing i never had are you the one that i seem to quest i give up i give up i cant excape the thoughts of you i cant withdraw my heart for you you make me so sick i want to move death will be the choice i choose
The Love Of My Life
Okay this is going to sound a little weird unless u know the whole story but imma do my best to explain without getting into detail of everything. I had to stand up and be the women of yesterday and come out with myself to my man. He was way comfused about a lot but i told him EVERYTHING. He's not mad at me, and he still loves me with all his heart. Still wants to proceed with a relationship with me. I love this man with all of my heart and wouldn't want anything to mess that up. But i thought what i told him was going to mess my life with him up. Im so greatful god was on my side this day in my life and kept him here with me. So through it all, i get to meet him for the first time ever face to face. I have seen him and he has seen me, he just never realized he seen me in that gas station. But he is going to see that the love of his life is a "Real Person" not just some bitch behind the computer screen. Well as for now. Im going to get off here and call my man for the morning.
A Love For All Time!!!
A Love For All Time Breathless kisses Burning touches Soft-spoken words of love Urgently spoken words of passion. A woman and a man One complete love Since time began Predestined to be as one. We've been together before In other lifetimes We've fought dragons And have been torn from each others arms Yet our love prevailed. We've walked on this earth many times together Perhaps for a moment Perhaps for years But our heart is one heart And we were meant to be. So when our time on earth Once again comes to a close Have no worries my dear For we will find each other again And again And again. For our love is ageless Eternal A love for all time.
Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous, it does not brag, and is not proud. Love is not rude, is not selfish, and does not get upset with others. Love does not count up wrongs that have been done. Love is not happy with evil but is happy with the truth. Love patiently accepts all things. It always trusts, always hopes, and always remains strong. Love never ends. There are gifts of prophecy but they will be ended. There are gifts of speaking in different languages, but those gifts will stop. There is the gift of knowledge, but it will come to an end. The reason is that our knowledge and our ability to prophecy are not perfect. But when perfection comes, the things that are not perfect will end. So these three things continue forever: Faith, Hope, and Love. And the greatest of all these is Love.
Love From A Big Girl
found this while surfing........... Everlasting... All encompassing... Hellacious... Mind-numbing... Earth shattering... Toe curling... Soul satisfying... All you could ever ask for... Yet, something few can handle
Love Sucks.
Why is it that love always comes back when you least expect it? Even if you don't even want it or ask for it, it somehow sneaks back into your life. Like a thief trying to steal a part of you that you try so hard to protect. It leaves you so defenseless because once you're caught in it, your mind, body and soul become exposed. I'm not talking about love where you're kind of vulnerable. The kind of love I'm talking about is the kind that can tear you apart or build you with just a few words from you know who. When you're in its throws you can't help but give in too wherever it takes you. When it hits, it hits so hard you can sometimes literally feel sick in the stomach. Either way, your hands and feet feel like blocks of ice. Your heart beats like an overworked race horse that just can't seem to stop no matter how hard you try. I'm not sure what it is that triggers it. It could be a glance that's dangerously too long, a smile that's more than just a smile,
Some say being in love is being under a spell I guess magic does exist For me I'm fooled to believe someone could love me My mind and heart Trick me to feel good But in reality Love doesn't know my name It's not meant for me I'm under the spell To be in love Then it wears off Back to this life He laughs at me This trick works every time What you think is there, isn't Being in love, is not being you Come on now, think about it If love were real Hate and suicide would not exist.
A Love Story Compared In Poetry To Art.
A love story compared in poetry to art. Poetry is like painting. A poet''s work is never done. Strokes and words keep rearranging. Fresh beginnings that have begun. Beauty comes in many colors. Hues splashed across my heart. Each brilliant shade glimmers. Words giving life to Michelangelo''s art. Passion brings rise to new feelings. Feelings of love that grow. Colors begin revealing. Words begin to flow. Come paint a love picture. Paint across the canvas of my heart. Each loving stroke Is brighter. As love grows from the start. Tenderness guides each stroke. Love brings life to every word. Magnificence begins to uncloak. The sweetest poem ever heard. A love story continues to play, On the canvas of my heart. Beauty in a portrait conveys, Devotion that will never impart. Words are incandescent. Paintings of glorious splendor. Penned with love so vibrant. Painted on my heart''s canvas full of color. Paint this lov
I long for your kiss, the feel of your lips against mine. I long for your touch as you caress my body, The look in your eyes when we gaze upon each other lost in the feeling of love. I long for the feeling that fills my body as we hold each other in a loving embrace, The sound of your angelic voice as you whisper sweetly the words "I love you", I long for the feeling I get when I wake next to you, The feel of you body against mine as we make sweet passionate love all the night long. Most of all I long to just be there with you and holding you in my loving arms.
Love Aka Legs Open Very Easily
yeah she'll daddy's grown girl, once u tell them i love u and quickly notice how fast them leg open. that is y i say legs open very easily. u can have a fight, with fist and all. little while later, u say, i love u. it could b growled c how fast shit happen. (fear might play an factor, i don't know) some times best prospects r ur sister friends, who r married, cuz they can't fuck with u without fuckin up their shit. real talk, u know who u r or was, probably married 2 the 2nd 1 and the 1 u married first don't even know. and if u really grimey, ur homeboy's gf ain't off limits, just make sure u can 1. fight 2. shoot and 3 is an optional, if the 1st 2 don't work, 3. move out of state and start over. if u do it right u won't have no one 2 blame 4 ur f-up. it also work 4 ugly guys 2 about 20 % if u broke and got a date rape drug. 99.9% guarantree , if u have block money, corner cheese, or a hood star, with a wicked jump shot. i never had a problem hook'em like a shark and make'em fee
Love, Life, And Finding Myself
After going through the hardest 20 years of my life, I have found a peacefulness, something I honestly don't think I have ever felt. I have always lived my life for others, not taking into consideration myself or my well being, always doing for others first. And now, even though my children are #1 to me, I am finding out who I am. I know, about time... Finding myself has been a difficult journey, one that I will continue traveling on for the rest of my life. I have always been something, for someone... such as : daughter, wife, mother...and along the way I lost Louise, who she was and what she wanted and needed. I have grown alot, now realizing that I can be all those things to everyone else, as well as being myself. A concept that I thought foreign for so long. I have truly found myself, and what makes me happy, for the first time in my life. Part of finding myself happened recently. I have realized that my key to happiness is in my own hand, and has been all along.
The Love
As she stood behind me Her body against mine Her arms wrapped around me Her hands caressing me I felt a sensation A sensation my body has never felt As i felt her soft kisses and tongue Starting at the top of my ear Slowly moving down to my neck My body melted As her hands wrapped around my waist Slowly to my stomach Softly to my breasts My body tingled A touch A caress A kiss Never felt so right A distant, hidden fantasy of her Never imagined would happen Never thought to come true Has not only filled my dreams every night But has become real No longer a dream No longer a fantasy It has become A reality That First Touch
010908 Love Tarot
The Four of Wands card suggests that you may be celebrating a commitment, consummation or reunion. The two of you are enjoying success, attention, relief or reward at the most fundamental level of your relationship. This is an experience or moment to be shared together, but you may have to also take it public for the benefit or approval of others. Dancing or a coming-out ritual may mark this rite of passage for you and your soul mate.
Loved A single word. A single emotion that flows like waves of destruction. How can being loved be so dangerous and wickedly tempting at the same time? Loved… Is what I wish for you to feel from my touches? Affection that can not be share with no one else, But YOU! Loved… Is what my heart feels when I just see you passing by me on a street. How does my heart flutter like a captivated audience only with eyes for you? Must you deny what I feel for you? Can you not feel the love I have for you from my eyes or words upon your essence? Loved… Is depth of my soul that is heartsick without you? Loved… Is passion that burns like a plague upon each long and intense breathe I take upon thinking of your lips just brushing against mine. Tears that tell of my love for you that feel your pain. Arms willing to always hold you when you are weak. Loved… Is full of rapturous that is smitten to be tame because of you? Loved…. Is me always kissing your body. Loved… Is you scream
Love Quote
Today's Love Quote ""The one that loves you at your worst is the one that deserves you at your best." " --Jonathan Florendo new love quotes | all
Loveless Rhyme.
Sitting here wishin, I didn't feel like a mortition. Please, just sit and listen, or stand and watch, So i'm not alone as I pick up the pieces. Be with me till the war ceases. Rest on my shoulder, i'll be your protection. Just stay with me, and we'll both learn a lesson. All is fair in love and war, still I'd rather be shot. Than have yet another walk out the door. Love isn't something I can take anymore. It's like a drug, i'm trying to kick. Cause the detox is something that sticks. The only cure is yet another dose, We all wait, to become comatose. Still its not that fact that my heart is broke. It's just that I can't believe it's not healed. I couldn't even start to explain how I feel. So I just wear a mask, and act like i'm real. Then I see a needle, just a quick fix. Push into my vein, not knowing after it's gone.. I will always feel the pain. Just another mistake, playing a game.. Fact is, it's way to high stakes. None of us go all in, we just throw a cou
Loves Wrath
bleeding hearts that try to hide empty souls once whole inside love and heartbreak the only thing you cant take i hid away becasue of you my world turned black instead of blue i lost those who ever cared cant trust anyone my problems not shared fallen into a pit of doom staring at the walls of our room remember take your own path or suffer and feel loves wrath...
Love Me Because I Love You
A lost young petal Wondering souls I see the dream you seek Follow me please, if you dare. The dream is coming For you and me. I return by your side With a heart in my hand. It is like a bright fire dancing To the slow music turning. My heart as smooth as ivory Has turned to a lonely, sulfur. I retire my heart now to you, Love me bacause i love you.
Have we really fallen into the depths of conformed love, into the realm of being taught how to love and how to appreciate loves worth. Is loving truly now more taught to us by others, then honestly feeling it ourselves. Have we become so indulged in manifested love that we overlook the true love before us for we tend to look and follow such guidelines set forth by others whom feel they are authors of love? Is love not placing others before your own self without ever making a decision to do so, that it comes naturally to be giving in hopes of placing a smile on another face and within their heart, much an unconditional favor and devotion to the well being of someone. Love is something we feel internally and it comes from our heart without needing a reason or that of a special occasion to remind us of the ones we love. Is not every day meant to be a special day and not only that of special occasions and holidays when you care for another? Though how easily we are blinded by it
Love Not Lies
Love can not be judge Lies don't fly Love is spiritual Lies are wrong Love is deep Lies are bad in many ways Love is faithful Lies are not worth staying with You want love not lies In a deep relationship Love is the best to have Lies are awful with regrets You want so much love not lies
Love Hurts
Love Hurts Love Hurts Author: April Hernandez As I walked in to sit, my body started to shake I was covered in your love, your body, your fate. He grabbed my hand softly, ready to speak I still sit nervously, as I shivered down to my feet. I thought this was it, the final question, but I was wrong it ended up in depression. I thought I would die, when his hand left mine I looked at him and gave him a sign A sign that showed love, trust and honesty. I thought I would be nothing, when my love wanted to leave me You broke my heart, not in one piece but two I was waiting for those three special words, the words of " I LOVE YOU". Send Author: April Hernandez As I walked in to sit, my body started to shake I was covered in your love, your body, your fate. He grabbed my hand softly, ready to speak I still sit nervously, as I shivered down to my feet. I thought this was it, the final question, bu
Love As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time. You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back. Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
Love Passion Sex.
LOVE what is love? love is the emotions one feel for one another. the feelings of being left breathless and lifeless without each other. the feelings of total uncontrolable emotions of pasion between one of two sexual and unsexual tensions. the flow of unstopable electric current between two and the belief and knowing that nothing is stronger and disbelief that its real and your feeling as much as seeing it with the sight of your own two eyes. PASSION what is passion? passion is the emotions and deep feelings of your lover touching where noone has ever before but sometimes with a physical touching but yet also with the feelings he gives you with the creation of words or sometimes that smallest physical touch. when we say deep passionate sex what do we honestly mean? well we truly mean the feelings in motions that take our breath away each and everytime. the feelings that no matter what anyone else can do for you it will never be the same as what u have at that moment.its not the size o
Love Poem
i as i lye here trying to sleep all i can do is think think of the one who makes me smile. the one who keeps it going for awhile the one i love so dearly so far away but yet my heart still touches deep down inside if u can feel the warmth of my hands around u if u can feel the great feelings of my words wispering in u ear if u can know how much i care far above the rest then maybe u can see why i cry more than try to lie cause i wanna try to be here for u i will die to be her for u to make sure u enyjoy what u should enjoy feel what u should feel and love like u should love and have never loved before
have u ever loved someone so much it brings u to ur knees crying. it makes u feel like u cant continue. i mean true love to where months and months later u remember everything and every detail that has ever happened inbetween u to. im here to tell u that ur not alone. there are others out there that feel the same way to and no matter how hard we try we cant seem to forget about this person. and u know that u are the right one for them or there the right one for u. the problem is u can never and u know that u will never ever be with this person. it hurts. u can remember ever single detail about everyone of ur dates and everything that u have talked about and even the days and almost the exact times even tho that may be a little blurry. but whats not blurry is ur feelings for this person. i know it may be hard to get over this person and others will come along and say u just need to forget about them and u and i both know that, that is not possible no matter how hard u try, no matter wha
What does love really feel like?Will you ever know what it would be like to be loved for who you are and not what you can give some one .You want to have all your hopes and dreams right thier when you find your true love and your soul mate.But when it is all just a dream or a fanasty what do you do when all your hopes and dreams come true.Do you just let them run thier coure or do you take them and hold them with all you have and all you can give.What is the true meaning of love is it just how you care about someone or what your body tells you is right?Do you ever just want to be thier for someone cuz you know that they are going through alot and you want to help them in anyway possiable or because you really love them with your heart and your soul do you let it all come together and let it go with what you mind is telling you are what your heart is telling you .
011008 Love Tarot
The Star card suggests that you shouldn't be afraid to let a little 'diva-tude' shine through. Take an opportunity to embrace some you time. As you contemplate how best to be true to yourself, you may find yourself ready to move past the mere illusion of what was or what could be. The confidence, peace or independence that you exude as a result can brighten romantic prospects or lead to improved intimacy. Your moment is upon you, so grab it while you can.
When I'm with you, eternity is a step away, my love continues to grow, with each passing day. This treasure of love, I cherish within my soul, how much I love you... you'll never really know. You bring a joy to my heart, I've never felt before, with each touch of your hand, I love you more and more. Whenever we say goodbye, whenever we part, know I hold you dearly, deep inside my heart. So these seven words, I pray you hold true, "Forever And Always, I Will Love You."
Love Of My Life
imikimi - Customize Your World
Love Is Like Magic
Love Is Like Magic... Love is like magic And it always will be. For love still remains Life's sweet mystery!! Love works in ways That are wondrous and strange And there's nothing in life That love cannot change!! Love can transform The most commonplace Into beauty and splendor And sweetness and grace. Love is unselfish, Understanding and kind, For it sees with its heart And not with its mind!! Love is the answer That everyone seeks... Love is the language, That every heart speaks. Love can't be bought, It is priceless and free, Love, like pure magic, Is life's sweet mystery!
Love Wasnt Good Enough....
She left me today....she gave up on my heart meant nothing to her....after all we went through, and all the times we was truely happy....she still says she loves me, yet im not worth even talking more calls, no more games, no more hope....all i ever wanted was to make her happy. i dont want to talk more about it right now, i am crying again, i hate what shes done to a soldier, a really decent guy, i dont diserve someone doing this to me... You said you would never do this to us, and i actually believed you. what a fucking idiot i must be. i fell for it again... go to my myspace if you want to read more, i just cant type anymore right now...
Love Differently
Why is is wrong to love another, never should it be. Love is a divine expression, praise unto the almighty. Love is great with endless bounds, so why should we try to avoid the round. Any love like her and I's even though it may come as a surprise, is eternal through and true, kinda like thier lies, trying to convince you. I love people differently, not to be bound thoughtlessly, I love two, and they love me, they love each other throughly, and we are bound together eternally.
Love Poem
Her heart flutters when she thinks of him. She can’t sleep with out him there. She can’t breath, eat, or think when he’s not in her life. All she wants is to be in his arms and feel him close to her. Her heart bleeds for him. Her soul yearns for his love. Her body aches for him to be with her. When he leaves, she does anything to numb the pain, but nothing works. She calls him, but when he doesn’t answer all she can do is cry. She remembers all the big things they experienced together, but she reminisces over the little details. All she can do is wonder what she did wrong and how she can fix it. She lies to her family and friends so she doesn’t have to talk to them and answer all their questions. She just doesn’t know how to live without him.
Love Will Not Die In My Heart, No Not Mine
She was the promise of love in a familar place. My fingers full of longing, fire, and desire. Close my eyes so happy with my wonderous find. Open my eyes there it is her lovely face. I reach for her to find nothing but mist, an empty pyre. Love will not die in my heart, no not mine
When love beckons to you follow her, Though her ways are hard and steep. And when her wings enfold you yield to her, Though the sword hidden among her pinions may wound you. And when she speaks to you believe in her, Though her voice may shatter your dreams as the north wind lays waste the garden. For even as love crowns you so shall she crucify you. Even as she is for your growth so is she for your pruning. Even as she ascends to your height and caresses your tenderest branches that quiver in the sun, So shall she descend to your roots and shake them in their clinging to the earth. Like sheaves of corn she gathers you unto herself. She threshes you to make you naked. She sifts you to free you from your husks. She grinds you to whiteness. She kneads you until you are pliant; And then she assigns you to her sacred fire, that you may become sacred bread for God's sacred feast. All these things shall love do unto you that you may
Darkness, shadows, and fog, Slam down on my bright day. Feel left defenseless. Vulnerability descends around me. Left out in this storm alone No hope of finding shelter From the rain falling down Looking up into a starless sky I give up on the world Losing myself in the flood And letting all emotion drown Never to surface again. JMW 1-10-08
Love Stinks
Ok so if: Noone falls in love by choice , its by chance and noone stays in love by chance it is by work, and noone falls out of love by chance its by Choice. So then why does love stink? Then why is it that what i have i dont want and what i want i cant have.
Your Five Variable Love Profile Propensity for Monogamy: Your propensity for monogamy is high. You find it easy to be devoted and loyal to one person. And in return, you expect the same from who you love. Any sign of straying, and you'll end things. Experience Level: Your experience level is high. You've loved, lost, and loved again. You have had a wide range of love experiences. And when the real thing comes along, you know it! Dominance: Your dominance is low. This doesn't mean you're a doormat, just balanced. You know a relationship is not about getting your way. And you love to give your sweetie a lot of freedom. Cynicism: Your cynicism is low. You are an eternal optimist when it comes to love and romance. No matter how many times you've been hurt - you're never bitter. You believe in one true love, your perfect soulmate. And if you haven't found true love yet, you know you will soon. Independence: Your independence is low. This doe
When you love someone so deep That they become your light, And before a dream, You whisper their name in the night When their voice is heard As they say the words "I love you", And you lips begin to tremble As you reply "I love you too" When everything else freezes In that one moment in time, And as if loving one another Is a committed crime When nothing in the world matters, But only the two of you, Its so easy to believe That the love you share is true When theres a day without them, And you feel you want to die, For they are your heart, your soul, And your only butterfly When the slightest touch Brings little tingles of joy, And you feel the affection created By a girl and a boy When its their only breath Of air you breathe, And every night,its reflections Of their beauty inside you see When they promise you the world, Then slowly fade away, The once bright light Turns into a darker day Its those days there without them, So empty, you cry, For they
Love From A Bbw
found this while surfing........... Everlasting... All encompassing... Hellacious... Mind-numbing... Earth shattering... Toe curling... Soul satisfying... All you could ever ask for... Yet, something few can handle
Love Vs Like
LOVE .vs. LIKE never leave the one you [LOVE] for the one you (LIKE) because the one you LIKE will leave you for the one they LOVE the one you LIKE will give you goosebumps; the one you LOVE will make you laugh and send shivers down your spine. When the one you LIKE cries, you feel sorry for them; but when the one you LOVE cries, you cry for them. True Love Doesnt Have A Happy Ending BECAUSE True LOVE Never Ends tonight your true LOVE will realize how much they love you. between 1 & 4 in the morning, tomorrow the shock of your life will occur. if you break the chain then you will have bad luck....
What is love is love fair is love true what is love, if love causes pain what is love, with out love what is love if you can't love what is love if not able to feel love what is love if there is cheating, and abuse, what is love if your in love with someone other then the one you married, so i ask again WHAT IS LOVE is there a such thing as in love, what is love some love is broken some love is pain some love is love and not to be loved SO I ASK AGAIN WHAT IS LOVE
Love Is
Love is special, Love is kind, Love is joyful, Anyday or anytime. Love is you, You loving me, Love is everywhere, Love is free. Love is given, Never robbed or stole, Love is precious, Cant be bought or sold. Love is me, Me loving you, Love is the heart, Love is always true. Love is giving, Love is sharing, Love is living, Love is caring. Love isn't learnt, Love wont be fought, Love cannot be fighting, Love cannot be bought. Love is forever, Love is never ending, Love is never stopping, Love is always beginning. Love is you and I, Us forever living as one, Knowing that it cannot be stopped, And though GODS grace; will continue on.
Love, The Power Of Release
Crisp Clear Winter Nights, Silver Moons That Shine So Bright; Whispering Winds Cool to the Touch, A Loving Man to Miss Me Much; Restless Leaves Blowing in the Breeze, Night Birds Singing Lonely in the Trees; Understanding and States of Peace, Wonders That Should Never Cease, And Love, the Power of Release
what is love really i swear you know i love my hubby but does he really love me i know i might have a proublem and push him away thats always been a issuse i had cuz every guy i date leave me so i push now so i know its coming but what ever i dont mean to hurt him i love him but who cares no one i want to cuddle with him and more but on a brake so ya oh well i wish he would just hug me and shit he dont want to oh well i give up i love him but he dont want to notice me any more when he ready i will be waiting oh well if you wish apound a star it be having my hubby back i know no one will be ok and read and have the balls to answer it but oh well i love him i want him happy oh well he dont really want me happy when you are in love you would do any thing for them
Love Is In The Air Lol
A Love As This To love with the spirit, To love with the soul, A love as this, The ultimate goal. To love with the heart, To love with the mind, A love as this, The purest kind. To love each other, To love completely, a love as this, Giveth so freely. To love in life, To love in death, A love as this, With all our breath. blh 1/08 As I Whisper Your Name I listen to the wind And I hear your voice I feel the sun on my face And I feel the warmth of your touch You are everywhere around me You told me you were only a whisper away And as I whisper your name I feel you... your presence Your love of the earth Your beautiful light The simplicity of your honesty All these things I see In all the miraculous world around me And when I look deep within myself I know that when I am sad You feel it and you are there, somehow, To comfort me... I feel your tenderness Reaching out to me from wherever you are In a poem I read In a song I
Love Hurts
why does love have to hurt so even when its right to go leaving behind all things that were right the good times, the bad that made us fight loving someone new with your whole heart who in his mind felt it was better to part to give you time to make things right with the one who only wanted to fight Who loved you so much he lied to say he did not the one you think is oh so hot the one who makes your heart go a flutter the one who makes you feel like melting butter the one who loved you so much that he set you free to be everything you can be to find someone closer to be your man to find someone who would love you all that they can how do you stop the pain in your heart because he said we have to part when all that's there is the love for him in a situation like this you can't win
Love Our Staff
_Lounge Profile_ Enchanted_Realm@ fubar _Owner_ Wakko+MIDNIGHTTRIPPER(CHERISH)ENGAGED 4 REAL BACK OFF... DJ@DIRTY DIAMOND RADIO@ fubar _Co-Owners_ Dj PIXI~Co Owner Of Enchanted Realm DJ@Dirty Diamond Raido~I/R/L love Dj Ironmans BabyGril~ CHF@ fubar DJ Ironman AKA The Wiked Child/Dirty Diamond Radio/Co Owner Enchanted Relam/Pixi's Wiked child/D@ fubar _Lounge Managers_ **MIDNIGHTRIPPER-MANAGER OF ENCHANTED REALM(FU-WIFEY AND SOON 2B REAL WIFE 2 *DJ WAKKO **@ fubar LEIF~MANAGER OF THE ENCHANTED REALM~@ fubar ~Slippery MANAGER ENCHANTED REALM ~W.I.S.E.UK~ SAMI"S STALKER ~@ fubar _Dragons_(Encforcers)_ _Wenches_(Bartender)_ _Changlings_(Promoters)_ cutegrl4u **Enchanted Realm**@ fubar SeXxY~*~LoRi~*~EnChAnTeD rEaLm PrOmOtEr~*~@ fubar _Nombs_(Greeters)_ Yanny GoGo ~Greeter @ Enchanted Realm~@ fubar _Pervers_
Love In The Night
I saw the vision there standing A beautiful woman I could see Was this my lover that I longed for Finally coming into my world to me The long strands of her silken hair From her face I brush away I see the sparkle that lights up her eyes She looks at me in a very special way My hand traces along her soft cheek The smoothness sends chills throughout me The lover I had longed for for so long Stood there, her beauty for me to see I opened my arms wide for her She came to me without a spoken word Laying her head against my chest The sounds of my heart’s love she heard A gentle kiss we now enter this night The brush of her lips against mine so light The passion that fueled us was unspoken My mind filled with arousal this night She took my hand in hers as we stood Slowly to the bed she leads me in silence Tonight our love will be released together Without a word we let it commence Naked our bodies together now lay Entering my lover we become one at last Together we
Love Cannot Be Bound
Love cannot be bound to one person. people like us need to share our love with all those we care about OR WE WILL DIE."TO BE HAPPY IS TO BE LOVED."
Love It!
I just wanted to say I LOVE THIS SITE!
A Love Like No Other
A Love Like No Other I never felt a love Like this before It's a love like no other Something I have always hoped for A love with friendship Humour and heart A bond so strong It would never part A love that makes you smile From ear to ear A love that is joyful Without any fear A love that is beautiful From the inside out A love with no tears, Pain, or doubt A love with soul So tender and true A love that I have found Only in you... Please leave comment.
Love Can Be Great When It Is True
Have a great day today XxXFree Comments & Graphics
Love Is All We Need
Lovers & Night
when the night come all sleep except lovers get up because night are the only true friend of all lovers see in the skay and talk to the moon all lovers consider the moon is like face of their lovers and take it as a frind love moon because their lovers talk to it too lovers are
A Love Liike No Other
A Love Like No Other I never felt a love Like this before It's a love like no other Something I have always hoped for A love with friendship Humour and heart A bond so strong It would never part A love that makes you smile From ear to ear A love that is joyful Without any fear A love that is beautiful From the inside out A love with no tears, Pain, or doubt A love with soul So tender and true A love that I have found Only in you...
Love Is...
Love is.... messing up someone's hair. is having a special song. is tickling. is waking up knowing someone cares about you. is wishing every moment your apart you were together. is letting them win even though you know you could slaughter them. is hating to say goodbye. is walking hand and hand. is wondering what they are doing right now this very moment. is a phone call. is walking in the rain together. is being able to spot the across the room no matter how many people there are. is committing yourself in writing. the feeling you get when you see thier name on your caller id. the way your heart skips a beat when you get thier text. is staying up all night on the phone because they can't sleep. the way they look to you no matter what. the greatest feeling in the world. is cuddled up with someone special under a warm blanket fresh from the dryer. is willing to give your life to save thiers.
Love Lost
Love Poem
If I could have just one wish, I would wish to wake up everyday to the sound of your breath on my neck, the warmth of your lips on my cheek, the touch of your fingers on my skin, and the feel of your heart beating with mine... Knowing that I could never find that feeling with anyone other than you. - Courtney Kuchta -
Love Quote
"The greatest gift you can give is unconditional love" -GreenDragonEyes76
Love Poem#3
If I could have just one wish, I would wish to wake up everyday to the sound of your breath on my neck, the warmth of your lips on my cheek, the touch of your fingers on my skin, and the feel of your heart beating with mine... Knowing that I could never find that feeling with anyone other than you. - Courtney Kuchta
The Love List
I did this a long time ago on myspace and i figured now more than ever it is needed. there is way too much fighting and arguing and negativity on here. its time people took a deep breath and tried to see the really important things. I'm gonna try to spread positivity when all i see is negative surrounding me. go to the bottom for something extra about me. the love blog goes like this: one day i started a series of blogs because all i saw was blogs that were F'ck lists. a list basically telling everything and everyone to just F off and i wanted to inspire people to take that negative and give it a positive twist. so here goes again. the LOVE list! I LOVE... Dylans giggle Jeremy's arms Sunshine Warm weather The Atlantic Ocean Peace Lilys Fiji water Steak tacos from PePe's LOLLIPOPS!!! The color PINK Late night card games with best friends Random and odd information People my real life friends. no one compairs! Sketel Boom (yak) G33k1nt3hp1nk planning parties The
Lovers Moon
Driving home, across the field she saw it. It took her breath away. The harvest moon, hanging so low in the sky, it was sitting on the old rickety fence. It was so bright, so orange, so ripe. She pulled over and just stared. A lovers moon. A dancers moon. A moon to make you remember. She let it embrace her, feel her. She smiled that silly wistful smile, the woman's smile. This is so foolish she thought as her hand reached to open the door. It was so cold, as she made her way toward the fence, she was trembling. I never learn, she said to no one but herself, her breath hung in the air and she laughed. It was just such a magic moon, she had no choice. The grass was slick under her sneakers. The owls cried in the distance and somewhere a dog was barking. She slowly and carefully climbed the old fence and sat on the top rail. She tilted her head back and sighed deeply. This moon, this moment could not be denied. She spread her arms wide, breathed in and just let it come.
Love’s Light
Love’s Light Love’s light is like an angel….. It’s a heavenly beckon that leads you into a lovelorn abyss. Love’s light captivates you with enchanting passion for romance. Love’s light is soft and pleasing to the eyes that impress the heart to surrender, it-self forever within the light. Love’s light is sweet upon a brokenhearted that is lost that will heal from the rejection, it once felted. Love’s light is too valuable to lose… Tenderly love’s light blossoms into a welded chain upon your heart that you never want to be freed from. Love’s light….. Please guide me. Love’s light …. Please bewitch me. Love’s light… I am waiting for you. ©2006 Firestar ( Two-Sided Realities
Love Is...
"Love is always patient and kind. It is never jealous. Love is never boastful or conceited. It is never rude or selfish. It does not take offense and is not resentful."
Love Quotes
love quotes that are anything but cheese. 1. “Only when we give joyfully, without hesitation or thought of gain, can we truly know what love means.” ~ Leo Buscaglia 2. “Love builds bridges where there are none.” ~ R. H. Delaney 3. “Absence is to love what wind is to fire; it extinguishes the small, it enkindles the great.” ~ Comte DeBussy-Rabutin 4. “Love is a fire. But whether it is going to warm your heart or burn down your house, you can never tell.” ~ Joan Crawford 5. “When you love someone, all your saved-up wishes start coming out.” ~ Elizabeth Bowen 6. “Love is too strong a word to say it too early, but it has too beautiful a meaning to say it too late.” ~ Kurt Cornish 7. “What the world really needs is more love and less paperwork.” ~ Pearl Bailey 8. “Love is the only gold.” ~ Alfred, Lord Tennyson 9. “LOVE: The irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired.” ~ Mark Twain 10. “Marrying for love may be a bit risky, but it is so honest that God can’
Love Quote
Today's Love Quote "When you love someone, thinking about them is just like breathing. You do it without thinking, and you do it all the time." --Source Unknown
012008 Love Tarot
The Nine of Wands card suggests that you may be taking a stand, especially when it comes to maintaining or protecting relationship or sexual boundaries. Defending your honor, reputation, performance or position requires presenting a united front, calling on all your strength and standing firm. Past experience, backup and moral support from others could make you more secure or confident and better prepared for the sacrifice, strength and effort it takes to hold your ground. You can communicate your purpose and take the next step in your relationship or love life.
012008 Love Horoscope
Stay engaged in a boring conversation today, no matter how much you want to tune out. If you don't you might miss a key to a quandary you're experiencing. Sit with this for a while -- listen and absorb. Focus on the message not the messenger.
Love Tester, Come Try It Out!!
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Love Hurts
guys really piss me off sumtimz!they say i love u and neva wanna b w/o u but then they can go off and fuck anotha gurl or not call 4 a cuple of days and xpect everythin 2 b all good! im not ur damn bitch so the sooner they get tht through their fuckin heads the betta cuz their not the only one out there!
Love Is The Greatest
I love the man im with hes not like everyone else hes understanding and careing just what a man is supposed to be, to be there when a  lady  needs him and be very trust worthy and honest hes what love is supossed to be a knight who comes along and rescue his princess from the evil tower Thank you Dean so much for givin me your love :)
Love is something two people share. Love the other as you would have them love you. Show care and respect. Be supportive in dreams and help the dream come true. Work at makeing life what the two of you wish it to be. What you give is what you will receive. To bad not all people will agree with me on all that. Its a shame that some believe violence keeps a relationship going Or that games must be lpayed with the hearts and minds of others To be happy. Violence creates violence.. LOVE creates LOVE
Love Me For Me....
[Verse 1:] I'm not the girl that you see in the magazine Perfect face and perfect body Never be anyone but the one I am, what I am I can't bend to your expectations Look to fulfill any fantasy If what I am is what you need [Chorus:] Love me for me And not for someone I would never be Cause what you get is what you see And I can't be anymore than what I am Love me for me Or don't love me [Verse 2:] Don't think you're gonna change what's inside of me Make me who you want me to be Won't be someone I'm not Somebody else, someone else Love me with all my imperfections Not for an image of your design Love me for what you see inside [Chorus:] Love me for me (love me baby) And not for someone I would never be Cause what you get is what you see And I can't be anymore than what I am (no, no) Love me for me (yeah, yeah) And not for someone you wish that I could be Cause what you get is what you see (What you see) And I can't be anymore than what I am (no)
The desire to touch you in the morning when you just awaken I am dreaming about you before I awake and to find you next to me............ When I wrap my eyes around your body as you stand before me... Lie to me, and let me here you apoligize with the truth Love Never am I forsaken to love
Love @ First Sight
I joined this site 12-6-2007, on 12-9-2007 I started talking to what I thought was just another woman playing online, boy was in for the shock of a lifetime. Over the next few weeks we talked about anything and everything and nothing, the more we talked the closer we grew to each other and the more we began to know one another. I know you have probably heard this story a million times right? Most couples have some things in common, we are virtaully the same person (different gender)lol. We have the same likes/dislikes, same views, same interests, seem to know what the other is thinking a lot of the time. Scared the shit out of both of us once we began to realize what was happening, we were falling head over heals in love and have never met face to face. I set up a flight for 1-3-2007 to meet with her and spend the weekend together to see if these feelings were real and truly mutual. I arrived in the town where she works about an hour and a half before we were to meet, nervous, anxious,
A Love You May Not Be Able To Have
OK, I have met a woman on line in which we've become very great friends... truly soul mate type of friends and no matter what else happens I know we'll be friends for life. I know this because I've only felt that way about two other people in my life, and indeed those two people have remained my true friends through thick and thin! But this particular friend I'm am also so very physically attracted to as well, and it's very mutual, and yes, we do have a sexual and passionate connection to, although it is just on the phone and on line... but none the less it is extremely strong... unlike anything I've felt in my many years of life. I do just truly ADORE this woman and everything about her... and it's clear she feels the same way... so this friendship really does go way past just a platonic friendship! Now the delima is that for certain reasons we can't be together in the flesh... certainly not right now, and maybe never. I won't detail the reasons for this, but that is the case!
3 Love Poems
When I look into your eyes I see everything true. When I hold you, I feel all of you, When I kiss you everything goes right, When I hold your hand, I have to hold on tight. When we first met I didn't know what to do, When we met I didn't see the true you. We have been friend and the best of friends, Now we are together I hope our friendship never ends. We are together now, and I feel we shall never part, But baby remember always and forever I love you with all of my heart. You and me forever You're in my dreams, You're in my thoughts. You're the reason my heart doesn't stop. You and me forever, And always to the end. I can't live with out you, Because you are more than my friend. I love you with all my heart, And I knew I would from the start. As time goes on you and me can't be apart. Love is the greatest feeling, Love is like a play, Love is what I feel for you, Each and every day, Love is like a smile, Love is like a song, Lov
Love Quotes
Love The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed. - Carl Jung To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides. - David Viscott Never pretend to a love which you do not actually feel, for love is not ours to command. - Alan Watts Old love does not rust. - Estonian Proverb Love sees roses without thorns. - German Proverb In love beggar and king are equal. - Indian Proverb Are we to love only those who deserve our love? Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; that ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven. - Matthew 5:43-45 He who treads the path of love walks a thousand meters as if
Love And Life
Let life begin with happiness, Let death end all fears. May love eternal, May hate not exist. Let smiles be the beginning Let tears be the end. Don’t break her heart With many words like: Can we just be friends? Show her you love her, Tell her that you care. Make her feel like you need her Let her know you are there! Don’t play her like a game of chess. Treat her like your greatest treasure. Keep her there to impress, Say the words I love you, And say each word with pleasure. She is yours to keep And yours to love forever.
Love What Is It
love is like roses love makes you happy love can make you sad too love hurts love is so amazeing love plays with your mind love has layers when one layer is gone the rest desappears love is full of suprisses you never know what you get yourself into when you fall in love make sure that your loved back bye the girl that your in love with if she dont feel the same as you then leave it at that dont keep hounding the girl because you well pay for it later hope you guys and girls that reads this have fun and meet that right person.
The Love In Myself
Well, I am 29 years old and I have learned so much in these short years. I can remember when life was simple, and the issues of playground drama, and who I was going to sit with at lunch mattered more than global warming and economics. Now those days are over, and I am pushed to grow up faster than I have ever dreamed. The days that college students went to school and studied are over. Now I am expected to work, go to school, and manage to have a social life, and many times it seems impossible to even get up in the morning (let alone actually do anything productive that day). So, now in my 29 years I have seen a lot. I have survived high school drama, had my heart broken a few times, been severely torn to pieces by one specific person, been enemies and friends with both my adoptive parents (it all just depends on the day and if we're in the same room), and continued to surprise myself and others. Well actually, I have never really completely surprised myself. I have always known tha
Love Humm
Why do we all love? let me know why
heyyy all... this is just a 'pep talk' ... there are a lot of people on here that have thought they found 'the one'. sometimes it doesn't work out, but i just kind of want to let you all know that sometimes it DOES happen. back in March of 07, i met my soon to be RL husband on here in a lounge. we just started chatting... then we moved onto Yahoo, and Yahoo talk and webcam. we really just started knowing one another, and well, we fell in love. over time we started discussing meeting, even though we lived in different countries. finally, in September, we got together. truth be told, us meeting at the airport will be a memory that we will tell our children. seeing Scott walk off that plane, everything just clicked into place. we just held one another, kissed, and walked off, hand-in-hand. i'm not writing this to rub it in to those who haven't been as lucky as we are, i'm writing this to show you all that love does happen, and in my case, it happened on here. please, don't ev
"The risk it takes to remain tight inside the bud is more painful than the risk it takes to blossom." Anais Nin "If you love somebody, let them go. If they return, they were always yours. If they don't, they never were." Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get, it's what you are expected to give -- which is everything." "Are you ready to cut off your head and place your foot on it? If so, come; Love awaits you! Love is not grown in a garden, nor sold in the marketplace; whether you are a king or a servant, the price is your head, and nothing less. Yes, the cost of the elixir of love is your head! Do you hesitate? 0 miser, It is cheap at that price!" -Abu Hamid Al-Ghazzali All the pictures that hung in my memory before I knew you have faded and given place to our radient moments together. Now I cannot live apart from you...Your words are my food, your breath my wine. You are everything to me. Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the ey
Love Cruise Rules And Members!
The Fubar Love Cruise Welcome aboard on the Fubar Love Cruise! Hop on, enjoy the drinks, enjoy the music, and maybe meet a new fu-love along the way! RULES OF THE CRUISE!!!!! Please Rate/Fan/Add all members on board!!!! When you send a friends request be sure to let cruise members know you're on the Fubar Love Cruise! If you already know a member of the Cruise, leave them a comment and let them know that you are on the Fubar Love Cruise! As soon as you have Rated, Fanned and Added all members on the cruise, please Fu-Mail the captain so that you can be added on the cruise! Please repost the bulletin and invite your friends along on the Cruise! Let's have fun on this Cruise! Please treat all cruise members with respect!!!!! Captain ♦Miss Trouble♦ LT for 2nd Alarm Hotties/Club F.A.R* Suave's Fu-Wifey♦@fubar Co-Captains THA OFFICIAL"MS. SWEET MOCHA"CLUB F.A.R "FUWIFEYTOBLACKOb1"@fubar *Liberated Spice*LOL Family Owner*Club F.
I think about you all the time, throughout the day and night I've loved you from the begining, it was love at first sight I will always want you near me, to always remain in my life It would be great if we got married, so I can call you my wife I know I have been gone for awhile, without seeing the smile on your face Not being there to hold your hand, or take a nap in our own place I hope you havent forgotten about me, I hope I still have a place in your heart Because you will always have a piece of mine even though we are apart.. I miss you so much sometimes I have to cry myself to sleep And I have to do it silently, cause I dont want others to hear me weep I hope one day we will be reunited and always stay together I know we will remian to be happy, and be together forever
Love Lost
They say that its better to have loved and lost, then to have never loved at all, But losing a love like ours, would be like making the sky fall It's amazing how much we loved eachother and how much we truly care, And that the love we have for eachother allows us to always be there I know that it's my fault that the love that we had for eachother was lost, But I would do anything to get that love back, I would pay whatever it costs I'm sorry for all that I've done and I will do anything to get uds back together, Because I don't want to lose a love like ours, I want us to be together forever And if we can't be together please remember me in you mind and in you heart, Because that where you remain to be, even though we are apart
012308 Love Tarot
The Knight of Wands card suggests that proposals or ideas could come out of the blue, and you may need to think fast on your feet or improvise. This could be an opportunity to add spark or zest to your love life or relationship or to follow through on romantic plans. You might feel lost or crazy in love. Things could go too far or too fast, however, especially if one of you is unable to keep up with the changes.
Love Song
Head under water And they tell me to breathe easy for a while The breathing gets harder, even I know that You made room for me but it's too soon to see If I'm happy in your hands I'm unusually hard to hold on to Blank stares at blank pages No easy way to say this You mean well, but you make this hard on me I'm not gonna write you a love song 'Cause you asked for it 'Cause you need one, you see I'm not gonna write you a love song 'Cause you tell me it's Make or breaking this If you're on your way I'm not gonna write you to stay If all you have is leaving I'm gonna need a better Reason to write you a love song today I learned the hard way That they all say things you want to hear And my heavy heart sinks deep down under you and Your twisted words, Your help just hurts You are not what I thought you were Hello to high and dry Convinced me to please you Made me think that I need this too I'm trying to let you hear me as I am I'm not gonna write you a
Love This - Have Been In A Mumm (naughty Me)
Love Behind The Melody
Whats that sound? The beat is thumpin, ooo, that melody is bumpin The sounds are near, thats moaning in my ear, so clear, Is the love making that is near. Hear that melody of oo's and ah's poundinof bodies, moving like strings on guitars, in tune Wow, listen as my heart beat like a drum. Damn sounds like fun, but we all can find this kind of love Behind the melody
Loved One Passed
RIP Ryan Baldree Today one of my best friends little boy Ryan passed away. He was a beautiful, loving little man! He will always be remembered and memories never forgotten! Please everyone keep his family in your prayers. Even though we know where he is and he isn't hurting anymore, it still is incredibly hard for us here without him! Thank you all, Sarah
A message of love and hope go your way an end to the torment you pass day to day a love that consoles though the past has erased remember MY LOVE, is far from replaced. Though nights seem lonely, and tears well your eyes forever I'm bound in this love I disguise for truely as hearts beat and become one I send with it my unconditional love. With hearts so true I bare only your name I have only my weakness 4 loss of you to blame A heart once broken shall beat true again with it I'll love you without an end.
Love is like WAR.its easy to start but hard to end.
Love In The Woods Fanasty
Today's Featured Idea... Love in the WoodsI am in a long-distance relationship, and I always try to do things to keep the fire burning. We talk about romantic ideas on phone, and I’ve always talked about what I would love to do if we got to make out in the woods. So, when we decided to take a vacation together, I figured it was time to make that fantasy come true. The place we were staying at was really far away from the woods, so I decided to bring the woods to her. I got some leaves and some candles and got to work on my hotel room. I spread the leaves all over the room -- on the bed, the floor, over the dressers, etc., and then placed the candles around the room on candlesticks to keep them far away from the leaves. I added some fruits just to give the room a bit of a tropical feel. Then I dressed myself up in leaves -- no clothing, just leaves, and added some honey to “sweeten” the deal. I called her on the phone and asked her to meet me up in my room. She opened the door and, we
Love & Sex Question
If during the next month, you could have the power to hear your partner's every thought when you made love, would you want to? Would it upset you to have your partner hear your thoughts?
Love and pain, One lives the other gains. We sit here talking of our love, I sit here praying I see a dove. Your face so flawless and sweet, It is much more than the sweetest treat. My life so tattered and torn, Was with you reborn. For all of this I give you my love, And hope we will be together up above. The life and love we share, Is something truly rare. Joined in mind, body, and soul, We help each other reach our goal. Together we help each other see, What the other could possibly be. Now as we sit here and say, I love you everyday. I begin to think of all the time we could share, While I run my fingers through your hair. You see my eyes and I see yours, Together we open those endless doors.
Love Or Lust???do You Know The Difference?
Are you in LOVE? Or are you in LUST? LOVE: when your eyes meet across a crowded room LUST: when your tongues meet across a crowded room LOVE: when intercourse is called making love LUST: all other times LOVE: when you argue over how many children to have LUST: when you argue over who gets the wet spot LOVE: when you phone each other just to say "Hi" LUST: when you phone each other just to organize sex LOVE: when you are proud to be seen in public with your partner LUST: when you only ever see each other in the bedroom LOVE: when nobody else matters LUST: when nobody else knows LOVE: when all the songs on the radio describe exactly how you feel LUST: when it's just the same mushy old crap LOVE: when your heart flutters every time you see them LUST: when your groin twitches every time you see them LOVE: when your farewell is "I love you darling" LUST: when your farewell is "So, same time next week?" LOVE: when breaking up is som
Love And Happiness.
You held my hand,you held it tight You squeezed me hard to make it right. But then you left and broke me down A love is gone never to be found. I walked around for days and night Holding on to your love so tight I cried for hours i cried for days wishing i could of loved you right. You took my heart and broke it in two, Half for me,and half for you. But now i've found a love thats good. My heart is whole and feeling new It's beats with yours as a souls collide A happiness within,A happiness alive We bind together to become one We kiss the lips we love upon We touch the skin of the one we love We unite together,and together we stand Forever together in each other's hands To be here for love happiness and such times To share the moments of our loveful lives. To be as one and together be true Half a heart for me,Half a heart for you To join them together and see what we have A love and happiness which will always last.
Sometimes you never really know what you had till you lost it. Im hoping my ex bf realizes that as he hops from girl to girl. Amazingly he never really loved me the way i loved him ....i guess...alot of drama was created by girls who liked him and lived nearby him...and before they even took time to know me they told him it w/n work cuz of distance and cuz we did meet online (stop laughing)....For once in my life and against my better judgement i used my head instead of my heart. A few of his ex gf's messaged me on myspace to tell me he would do the same thing to me he did to them...naturally i figured i would judge for myself. I gave him my love..and ridiculously enough i still love him. I hope this sadness leaves me soon cuz i want to be happy again. After I left him i did a terrible thing....i messaged a new face on his myspace...and talked to this girl a little..amazingly enough she asked me if he called me sweet pea like he did to her and a few other similarities
Love Quotes
True love cannot be found where it truly does not exist, Nor can it be hidden where it truly does. ~ by Anonymous ~ Seduce my mind and you can have my body, Find my soul and I'm yours forever. ~ by Anonymous ~ Love asks me no questions, And gives me endless support... ~ by William Shakespeare ~ Once in awhile, Right in the middle of an ordinary life, Love gives us a fairy tale. ~ by Anonymous ~ The only things in life you regret, Are the risks that you didn't take. ~ by Anonymous ~ You may only be one person to the world But you may also be the world to one person. ~ by Anonymous ~ A part of you has grown in me. And so you see, it's you and me Together forever and never apart, Maybe in distance, but never in heart. ~ by Anonymous ~ Love doesn't make the world go round, Love is what makes the ride worthwhile. ~ by Elizabeth Browning ~ Love me without fear Trust me without questioning Need me without demanding Want me without
Love Sucks !
012608 Love Horosope
While everyone's fighting over the copy machine, you're in the break room, chatting it up with that office cutie. Let this be a reminder -- stay out of the fray. You'll meet the most interesting people that way.
Love And Life
There are times in your life where sadness seems inevitable and love is unreachable. You fall in love only to get hurt, you fall out of love because you are hurt, and you go looking for love to cure the hurt. It's a viscious cycle. Why go looking for love? No one can truly explain it. Is it a desire, a need, a fantasy.....who knows? I know that I have spent half of my life looking for it, coming close a few times and in the end coming up empty handed. If my heart is broken anymore, there will probably be none of it left. It may be full of holes, but it can still comprehend love and be filled with love. Love is that one thing in life I truly desire more than any feeling. Love is supposed to be patient, I know - but patience is a virtue I no longer have. I want love and I want to feel love. Not the words....but the motions, the looks, the all know what I mean. You know, the kind of love where actions are spoken louder than words. I want to know and feel that l
Love Is A Secret But A Wonderful One.
More Sexy Comments & GraphicsThe secret of the love is the deepest mystery of man, he loves once, his heart includes and grasps the complete universe. What the pearl for the mussel. This is the love for many a woman heart. His only treasure but also his only incurable illness. Why not also for men? A nature whom we love and admire. Make forgotten that been sad it. Still has a greater attraction for noble souls well but to give the first feeling of the luck to the spring cheerful soul of the still unchecked. Almost no more egoism at all is in such a love. The love of the soul, not the love of the senses is. But come this not too short. If these are our senses anyway, this one us feel letting. So it surprises well hardly anyone. The hormones behave of fallen in love as if they were on a fairground and this at the sex they drive a switchback. And this is as is well known a really exciting feeling.
i would walk 1000 miles, swim 100 miles, fight 10 crocodiles, just to see 1 of your smiles. by manuel j. carmona
Love Is
Love is special, Love is kind, Love is joyful, Anyday or anytime. Love is you, You loving me, Love is everywhere, Love is free. Love is given, Never robbed or stole, Love is precious, Cant be bought or sold. Love is me, Me loving you, Love is the heart, Love is always true. Love is giving, Love is sharing, Love is living, Love is caring. Love isn't learnt, Love wont be fought, Love cannot be fighting, Love cannot be bought. Love is forever, Love is never ending, Love is never stopping, Love is always beginning. Love is you and I, Us forever living as one, Knowing that it cannot be stopped, And though GODS grace; will continue on.
Love Is Never Enough
To simply say that I love you could never be enough, you have opened my heart, you have showered me with your love and kisses and have from the very start. each and everyday I awake to see your smiling face, as you lean down to kiss me each morning, and say I love you. you have taken this heart that was so lost and filled it with a feeling that is so right and true. if a person can be planted into another's soul, then i just wish to say that you have reached that goal. no one ever thought we would last my love but look at us now, how perfect we are. our names should be remembered among the stars. I love you more with every passing day, this great love of ours is here to stay. so happy valentines day you dear sweet man, and always remember no one could ever love me quite like you can.
Love Life
i love life! at the begining of the month i walked away from a 5 yr relationship. the first couple of years were good but then my ex girlfriend started to control me. she would go thru my stuff lookin 4 reasons to yell at me & search thru my phone 4 numbers she didnt know. she would find numbers that i had dialed, call them back and find that they were numbers to wal-mart or pizza hut. she then would get mad saying that i was seeing someone from there. I was not allowed to talk with any friends that i had and my relationships with my family suffered i had to ask permission to even go see my mama. then it got to the point to where she would not let me go places by myself convinced that i was cheating on her. we worked together and i wasnt allowed to speek to anyone we worked with unless she said so, no eye contact with anyone or she would think i was flirting with them. she then (just about 2 months ago) starting hangin out with a girl that we worked with. she would blush when she say t
Love The Hellcat !!
Love Is Enough
LOVE IS ENOUGH Love is enough: though the world be a-waning, And the woods have no voice but the voice of complaining, Though the skies be too dark for dim eyes to discover The gold-cups and daisies fair blooming thereunder, Though the hills be held shadows, and the sea a dark wonder, And this day draw a veil over all deeds passed over, Yet their hands shall not tremble, their feet shall not falter: The void shall not weary, the fear shall not alter These lips and these eyes of the loved and the lover.
Love Love means to learn to look at yourself The way one looks at distant things For you are only one thing among many. And whoever sees that way heals his heart, Without knowing it, from various ills A bird and a tree say to him: Friend. Then he wants to use himself and things So that they stand in the glow of ripeness. It doesnt matter whether he knows what he serves: Who serves best doesnt always understand.
Love In Distance
f distance makes the heart grow fonder, then let it keep our hearts from wander. Make me strong and build thyself, fix thy faults and lift mine health. Thy actions strange and not of old, for what is meant may be foretold. Look deeper to the fold of reason, betwixt the mode that makes our treason. Help me see what hurt I bear to thee, for love and life with you I see. Within thyself, an instrument of gold, most dear to me, myself, you hold. 'Tis what you seek, and I of you. Make this your heart and key to true love and freedom from our woes of fear. For you, my love, I hold most dear.
Love You Baby.....
soft silky lips, hot feeling hips, warm hot hands, as we wear the same bands, our hearts as one, it is you on the phone. as i hear a ring, i want to sing! you are always in my dreams, when i dream; you are the theme..... you are always in my heart, i pray we never ever part!!!
A Love Like No Other
A Love Like No Other I never felt a love Like this before It's a love like no other Something I have always hoped for A love with friendship Humor and heart A bond so strong It would never part A love that makes you smile From ear to ear A love that is joyful Without any fear A love that is beautiful From the inside out A love with no tears, Pain, or doubt A love with soul So tender and true A love that I have found Only in you... Written By:Renee
Love And Friendship Thoughts
Through out my years, and now that i am older i can actually say that. I have seen many things, experianced many things, but still have not learned one thing. Maybe learned it is not the answer, but understood it is more the proper term. The one thing that eludes me and many others is this .. Why is LOVE so hard, when we can love a child, a friend or a stranger. But when we love one other it becomes the most difficult thing in existance. Our emotions get tied into knots, our words get dumped out like a dam ready to burst. We lose control. We lose sight of the first important thing that makes love work.. Friendship. We forget that through friendship, all words, and all thoughts can be assertained and contemplated in their normal state. We forget that through friendship we can forgive a mistaken word, or a misplaced emotion. I guess in life it is not love that is hardest to understand, it is understanding that love should always fall back to friendship when emotions get tangl
Loves Distance
We all seek that which we dream of looking high looking low seeking falling failing yet it is not the dream that is wrong it is the road we travel muddled in pain and ravished with difficulties The distance great the heart sad we seek that which makes us glad we ponder what we did we seek that which we loved we look high we look low for that perfection Few ever will see or feel true loves touch few ever will see or feel the joy of a womans touch few ever will see or feel the joy of pure love given few ever will give that which the seek It is the distance that makes us strong the road hard the road long yet it is the road that leads us to the path the path of love and happiness and the journey is short once we find that which we seek Pure undieing love Pure undieing trust Pure undieing compassion Pure undieing romance For the journey of a life is not started in one step but taken down several roads of life eternally and the final path leads t
A Love That Is True
A warm hand caresses my skin A single finger traces along my face Arms open wide, inviting me in I fall into a love filled embrace Soft lips fall sealing against mine Our tongues dance against each Warmth of her smooth skin seeps in A growing warmth deep inside I reach My hands slide along her smooth body Gentle curves I trace so slow Upon her thigh I stop my travel A burning quest inside me I feel grow Our kiss becomes deeper as passion soars Two lovers laying here in an embrace Moonlight floods over us now Displaying the love that we now face Her hand slides against me now Feeling the arousal that has grown I hear her breathing heavier now Fueling passion we both have known Our bodies become one in the night Completely now I enter her as she lay Traveling as one along a lust filled path Locked in this passion we long to stay Suddenly our passions gate now open Our nectar of love flows so free This night another memory has been born This is how true love is
Cited from Wikipedia: Love is a condition or phenomenon of emotional primacy, or absolute value. Love generally includes an emotion of intense attraction to either another person, a place, or thing; and may also include the aspect of caring for or finding identification with those objects, including self-love. Love can describe an intense feeling of affection, an emotion or an emotional state. In ordinary use, it usually refers to interpersonal love, an experience usually felt by a person for another person. Love is commonly considered impossible to define. The concept of love, however, is subject to debate. Some deny the existence of love. Others call it a recently invented abstraction, sometimes dating the "invention" to courtly Europe during or after the middle ages (though this is contradicted by the sizable body of ancient love poetry). Others maintain that love really exists, isn't an abstraction, but is indefinable; being a quantity which is spiritual, metaphysical, or phi
Love I wish you could look into my eyes and see that i am the only girl.The girl who will never leve you and treat you like a dream come true.The girl who wants to be with you forever.Me and you always together. the girl who's afraid to say goodnight because she knows because i'll miss you at night.Who is afraid to let her feelings shows,but just can't let you go.I will do what must be done,to become u'r number one.There's no limit to what i'll do because i'm the girl that loves you.
Loves Touch.....
Loves touch is: Gentle..... The feel of soft silk across your face and body..... Sweet..... Like honey straight from the bee hive untouched..... Strong..... Like re-enforced steel that no man could bend with his own hands..... Controlling..... Someone holding you down and not allowing you to move when you really don't want to be moved..... Energizing..... The feeling of seeing a toddler go and go and go and never burn out as we try to figure out how they do it..... Immasculating..... When a man has lost his man-hood to the likes of a woman and can't handle that loss..... Satisfying..... The emotion of fullness recieved from a beautiful summers day..... Crazy..... As you were when you decided to dye your hair green just to keep up with the latest fads..... Wild..... As going to jail for mooning a cop and flipping him off..... Sexy.....Like a young couples lustful newness when all bets are off and restrictions..... Untouchable..... Like that pricless jewel in the ca
A farmer had some puppies he needed to sell. He painted a sign advertising the 4 pups And set about nailing it to a post on the edge of his yard. As he was driving the last nail into the post, he felt a tug on his overalls. He looked down into the eyes of little boy. 'Mister,' he said, 'I want to buy one of your puppies.' 'Well,' said the farmer, as he rubbed the sweat off the back of his neck, 'These puppies come from fine parents and cost a good deal of money.' The boy dropped his head for a moment. Then reaching deep into his pocket, he pulled out a handful of change and held it up to the farmer. 'I've got thirty-nine cents. Is that enough to take a look?' 'Sure,' said the farmer. And with that he let out a whistle. 'Here, Dolly!' he called. Out from the doghouse and down the ramp ran Dolly followed by four little balls of fur. The little boy pressed his face against the chain link fence. His eyes danced with delight. As
Love Is Eternal
As sand will surely touch the tide, Leaves will turn in fall, As sun holds the moon a bride, True love shall conquer all. As rivers will flow to the sea, Kingdoms fall and rise, Each locked door shall have its key, Each truth shall have its eyes. As dew shall gently kiss a rose, Fire shall quench no thirst, Flowering, love grows, As fragile as a bubble burst. As I shall always love you, Until time has reached its end, In moments so few, My love, my heart, I send. As beats still my heart your name, As unchanging as day to night, Burning within the flame, Keep love our guiding light.
Love Games
Why is it that some people play games with your heart? Aren't games more fun in the bedroom? Karl knows that i'm in love with him and he just so enjoys playn with my head! He loves to see how far he can push me. He has even gone so far as to tell me this!! So why is it that I keep letting him? Last nite he calls and ask me to go get him after waiting about 30 minutes I finally left. He called and was like sorry I fell asleep and then he said that he just wanted to see how long i'd wait! What the hell? I don't have time for these bullshit games anymore!!! I hope his hand is as entertaining as I was cause i'm done!!! If there is a real man out there let me know!!!
Lover''s Regret
Lover's Regret I can't sleep, although I close my eyes; remembering the good times. Years come and go; I am still paying for the crimes. I never meant to leave you, I never had a clue. How can God keep punishing me ? For something I was too young to see. I paid dearly for what I had done; Never really ever seeing the sun. Why does destiny keep putting us together ? Places, times, in any kind of weather. Why don't we listen to our hearts following through, taking us back to where it all had start ? The beginning sure sounds nice; I want it back at any price. Wipe away my tears; as I calm all your fears. I am still the girl you once knew, Brighter with knowledge and power too. Sail with me once again off to the bight sunset. Back to the time where we first met I love you and you love me; What is stopping us to just let go to be free ? I promise you this time it will be forevermore; if you come knocking on my front door. We can have the happy ever af
when ur in love u think it is right not all love is thow love can hurt u and u would never now it till it is over and then u cry u cry till u cant nomore and u cry somemore cuz of the pain u just want the pain to go away but it will never go away and it will always hurt u it will be there every second of the day and no one will help u untill it is too late
Love is the condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own. -- Robert A. Heinlein Live through feeling and you will live through love. For feeling is the language of the soul, and feeling is truth. -- Matt Zotti Of all forms of caution, caution in love is perhaps the most fatal to true happiness. -- Bertrand Russell The way to find out if you love someone or not, is by talking to them. The more you talk to them the more you either hate them or love them. -- Brad Breitenstein The most precious possession that ever comes to a man in this world is a woman's heart. -- Jaime H. Young No woman/man is worth your tears and the only one who is, will never make you cry. -- Source Unknown If you love someone, put their name in a circle, instead of a heart, because hearts can break, but circles go on forever. -- Source Unknown If all my friends were to jump off a bridge, I wouldn't jump with them, I'd be at the bottom to catch them. -- Sour
Lover's Dance
Glistening bodies entwined in an ageless erotic dance, seeking pleasures from each other, seeking wonder and romance. She touches his face with tenderness. He draws her body near. Aching, needing hunger will make their destiny clear. Their lips meet in soft kisses, their tongues begin passion's war. Forgotten now, the outside world. All is here, behind this door. He strokes her body tenderly, she arches up for his caress. He finds her silken portal and her womanly wetness. She moans in fiery desire and pulls his hand away, wishing to end this exquisite torture and get on with passion's play. She straddles his waiting body, eases him into her feminine hollow. She leads him on a rhythmic dance, his thrusting hips must follow. She rides him faster, even then, to hear his wondrous sighs. She shows him all the delights she has between her womanly thighs. They stare into each other's eyes and gasp as ecstasy unreels, and tangles them i
Love Unknown
imikimi - Customize Your World
Love Hurts
When I was growing up nobody ever told that love was gonna hurt you. Or that love would make you do the craziest things. Nobody ever tells you the true story of how love is gonna effect you in the real world on a daily basis. Love is the one thing that I have found in my life that can make somebody kill or make somebody turn their life around. When I feel in love I mean really in love with man it felt so good to be loved by him and at the same time it hurt like hell because we didn't want to let the other one get to close for the fear of being hurt again so deeply so we did the worst thing in the world and split up. I came to find out to late that he was the one meant for me and that I was the only one meant to be with him for all these years. I have gotten this man back in my life by doing alot of soul searching and telling him that I was so wrong for letting him go and for not staing by his side as I should of when times got hard. I should of never left him and I hate
Love For Death, Death For Love
Love for Death, Death for Love there is a place i did dwell, new a boy i loved so well. he came and took that love from me, now he's gone and i'm set free. i even know the reason why, for another prettier than i. i ran upstairs and cried in bed, not a word to my mother was said. father came home late that night, searched the house from left to right. ran upstairs the door he broke, found me hanging from a rope. on my jeans there was a note: "dig a grave,dig it deep, marble stone from head to feet. on it please place a dove, to show the world i died for love." Phelicia Ireijo Copyright ©2008 PheliciaIreijo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
what is love? do any of us really know what love is? im just not sure anymore. it seems to me that lovig someone and putting ur feeling out there is just not worth it at times. it just hurts to much. i am so sick of getting hurt and i am so sick of putting my heart out there just so that it gets stepped on. i have a husbend that says he loves me but treats me like shit. i have an ex that says he loves me but its a diffrent kind of love, a kind of love because we share a kid together cause we are firends. i so want someone that wont hurt me, that wont play games with my heart or with my head. why is that so hard for me to find? why can i be happy? am i that bad of a person that that i cant be happy. please someone tell me what love is because i cant tell anymore. maybe i am just not meant to find true love again. i had it once and now its forever gone. the only thing thats left is the child that we share and the momories that i will always remember. may be i should just turn gay and ore
Loved Ones
I attended a very, very sad funeral yesterday. Not that all funerals aren't sad, but usually when we attend a funeral it is for someone who has lived a very long and full filling life. This was different. My friend was taken in a tragic accident last week. He was just 25. He left behind a 23 year wife, 2 3 year old twin daughters and a 8 month old son. The minister said something very profound yesterday during the service that just made me think about all of the things I take for granted. Why does it take losing someone for us to realize that what we have??? Its so true. I came home and told the kids how much I loved them and my BF also. I called my mom and my siblings and did the same. So, my question is this: is it not because we are taking things for granted or have we just let things get so far our of hand that we don't have the time to just tell our loved ones how much they mean???
im in love with safe "n" scrumpy aka laura shes soo sweet but shes in love with someone who dont even know she exists
love come in many way in friends and familys for me i have lots family but i lost in them and friends i donot have any. i'm home lone and bord out my mind and the friends who want to be my friends want sex and thats not want i need. i need friend who be their when i need them and i can be their for them. maybe i'm saiding is i need a friend who want to be my friend with no sex and said hey i got your back.
Love Pic Comments
Love That Is True...
Mere words cannot express The feelings in my heart… Or how I ache for you When we are apart… The minutes seem like hours Each time you have to go… The depth of my love for you You’ll really never know… I envision your smile I can almost feel your kiss.. I almost feel your arms around me For there…Is total bliss… I cannot imagine My world without you… I thank God everyday For sending love so true…
Love ??????????
Why is it that every time I turn around I find that some female I care about is actualy treating me like a walking dildo? I keep running into this, I keep getting used and treated like shit by women when I've cared about them, tried to make them smile, tried to make them happy, done every thing to heal their pain, kissed away their tears, and driven off their fears. If a woman were to do that for a guy she would have his heart, mind, and damn near his soul! And still so many of you wonder why I say "Women are evil." so many wonder why I'm so aggressive so many wonder why I find it hard to realy trust Fuck If I'm wrong girl, you had better let me know REAL quick Because the door is looking REAL good about now, and if I go out it I'll NEVER look back
what is love who every event the word Love Did that person every get hurt or exprince Love why was love ever event Is love nessary How can 4 letter make fell so good but can make feel so lost
Love Lies Bleeding ( 2008 )
Christian Slater stars in this thriller about a corrupt government agent's attempt to get back stolen money from a young couple. After they witnessed a shootout in their apartment complex, the pair runs away with their newfound riches. Unfortunately for them, Slater's DEA agent is not willing to let his fortune go and embarks on an action-packed chase. PART ONE Online Videos by PART TWO Online Videos by PART THREE Online Videos by PART FOUR Online Videos by
Love, Reign O'er Me
Only love Can make it rain The way the beach is kissed by the sea Only love Can make it rain Like the sweat of lovers Laying in the fields. Love, Reign o'er me Love, Reign o'er me, rain on me Only love Can bring the rain That makes you yearn to the sky Only love Can bring the rain That falls like tears from on high Love Reign O'er me On the dry and dusty road The nights we spend apart alone I need to get back home to cool cool rain I can't sleep and I lay and I think The night is hot and black as ink Oh God, I need a drink of cool cool rain
*love Forever Unknown*
*Love Forever Unknown* My head is spinning an i dont know what to do, Im so confused about this love i have for you. My heart is splitting in two, What is it you want me to do? I hope one day i might, Be done with this stupid fight. Do you even know what you want from this? What is your fantasy of bliss? I dont even know who you are, You are so fake, we all know by far. Being so confused with all of this, Not having a clue of bliss. What all do you really know about me? All of my information is right here and free. What do you even care about? or is your head just full of doubt? Walk away now before we are in too deep, Dont make this promise, if its one you cant keep. By: Emily "emmy" Delaine LeMay 1-20-08
love is the greatest gift anyone can give or recivce.. some people are not always ready for's just like a love song don't matter if it's rock,rap,country or bluegrass... it just matters if you truly love a persons and sometimes the other person don't always love you back it's like it's being a winner at a losing game..
LOVE is the only emotion that can give as much pain as joy and some times at the same moment as well. We learn love from our parents first and foremost and if we have siblings from them as well and as we grow from relatives and friends but when it gets down to it what are we looking for? ( A small child is awakened by a bad dream they look around the room and they cant see their parent thy call out “daddy or mommy” or they just start to cry in comes the parent who sits down on the bed and picks up and holds the child who is automatically feeling safe comfortable secure as a child we can feel all those things no matter how our parent acts as long as there is a time that they hold us we can feel it) but as a grownup we have a very hard time finding the same feelings we search for it in others but seldom find it or it never seems to last long, then off we go again looking and looking but seldom finding that “one” who we can feel does love us that much like a sixth sen
Love Or Lust
The best way to love is to love like you have never been hurt....
i am so sick of coming last in the game of love this is relay sad i passed on by a 19 year old because he likes my roommates 15year old kid that cant even stand him i am so sick of this shit
Love Pie
INGREDIENTS: 5 Cups Honey-dipped Fidelity 2 Cups Caramelized Thoughfulness 5 Thick slices Sweetened Devotion 4 Tablespoons Chocolate-rolled Patience PROCEDURE: Mix all ingredients inside your system. Pre-heat every now and then. Repeat when needed. Love Pie will make you the most loving and sweetest person in the world. Enjoy!:D
02-10-08 (love)
February 10, 2008 Happy Sunday to YOU and yours! Ahh Yeah ... The sappy love song, Surrounded by hearts - The month itself ... *ick* it must be (time for L O V E?) The subject matter seems to give many C H I L L S One way or the other ... I know that "LOVE" and All matters of the heart! It seems to be as night and day as: well ... Night and Day! Your either IN it or Hate the thought at times. This time of year will make the ones IN it ... even more so -OR- Drive the ones who are NOT (IN it) crazy Either avoiding the whole sappy subject or looking feverishly to be part of the ones IN it! For the "Nay-sayers" that don't believe ... Just google the word ... "L O V E" It's second only to it's counterpart ... "S E X" For related interest & searches, lol
Love You My Valintine
there is a person out there for who i realy care for waiting see you walk thou my door hoping to hold you in my arm so i know you do no harm dont know what to do to prove its you its you i love knowing you is truely a gift and my heart you truely lift when you came to me you love was truly a gift from above i love you my valintine i love you nancee its you i fancy
21 Love Questions
You opened it you have to start! You must answer every question TRUTHFULLY or else you wont have LOVE for 5 years. [01] Do you ever wonder what your last ex is up to? Yes [02] Have you ever been given roses? Yes [03] What is your all-time favorite romance movie? The notebook [04] How many times have you honestly fallen deeply in love? 3 [05] Do you believe that everyone has a soul-mate? Yes [06] What's your current problem? my hubby! [07] Have you ever had your heart broken? yes [08] Had a Long Distance Relationship? yes and to this day we are still best friends [09] Do you believe in this saying- ONCE A CHEATER ALWAYS A CHEATER? to a point , just depends on the situation. everyone deserves a second chance [10] Do you want to get married? i want a [12] Do you want to have kids? i have kids [13] Who was the last person you held hands with? My son [14] Do you believe in love at first sight? its possible [15] Have yo
14 Love Questions
If you opened it, you have to do it. or a loved 1 will be in an accident. 1. Two Names You Go By: April , Mommy 2. Three Things You Are Wearing Right Now: pants, shirts, socks *You must answer every question TRUTHFULLY!!* [01] Are you currently in a relationship? If you wanna call it that 02] Have you ever been given a rose? --Yes [03] What is your all-time favorite romance movie? The notebook [04] Who was your first TRUE love? Shawn R.I.P Shawn 05] Do you believe that everyone has a soul-mate? --Yes [06]Have you ever had your heart broken? ----Yes [07] Your thoughts of online or long distance relationships? ---Online: If it turns into something real then go for it; long distance: can work, but would want to be with them soon [09] How many kids do you want to have? i have kids [10] What is/are your favorite color? blue purple [11] Do you believe you truly only love once? i dunno 12] Imagine you're 79 & your spouse just died, wou
Love Is Powerful
Okay, everyone that knows me knows that i have been working on this essay for English. Please let me know what you think. Love is Powerful We all use the word “love” in our everyday vocabulary; while, the recipient determines how to react to such word. Love is a powerful word, yet many people use it without meaning or knowledge of its use at all. We establish relationships with many types of people; our family, friends, significant others and neighbors. We classify love into how we express our feelings towards those individuals. The emotion of love is the same regardless of how we feel or appreciate some aspect for them. So, if love is the same, why does it feel so different depending on who we love? For one, we can say that loving friends and family members is one of the easiest forms or types of love to express. We can share emotions, support and loyalty without reserve or prejudging one another. There are more common interests and respect for the other person as we feel fre
Lovers Of All Men
im here too meet new friends and for you all to meet my sexxxy friends i have lots vids and web pages to add but i need get lots more friends and levels be fore i reveil myself and my friends
Love Or Lust
With every kiss With his breath down my neck With his touch My heart racing My breath increasing My god is this love With a blink of an eye With his weight on top of me With his lips next to mine My heart beating with his My lust for him My body wants to feel him With his fingers ran down With his warm touch dipping in With his hardness rubbing up next to me Wait no this must not happen It’s not right You have a girl Oh gods! Please forgive me! Copyright@2001
Pleasures of the body and soul unite… In a union between a man and woman… day or night It’s a time of expressions… where individuality rules And sessions of connecting, and unifying reign supreme Sex is an experience that is desired perpetually by lovers… It is the magnet that attracts, and pulls two together in a profound and unique way… Sex is mysterious, and it is the language of a spiritual culture… One that is grossly misunderstood… Lovers know what it means… sweethearts hold it dearly It is the gift between a male and a female… not to be taken for granted Sex is the natural source of life, and its fruits are appreciated by so many. It is truly sacred… There is no playbook for sex, because it’s a matter of personal desires… Sex in the morning, for lunch, for dinner or between breaks… Whenever the time, enjoy it… take it in strides and do it right Keep coming… the appetite Do not be shy in your expressions… give your lover all that you have to offer
love can be so confusing.....what if you are inlove with someone and your falling hard for someone, what to do what to do? im lost in love
'love' 11-11-2002
love is a hurricane strong and love for you is like no other...people say were crazy but i dan't care...were in the sweetest kind of love..true one will ever tear us love for you is evrlasting..i hope you feel the same way for me.....
Love Is Pain
my heart is broken but my love for you is true.. this is sumthin you never knew..but now you the last tear falls and the blade hits the floor as i bleed out my love for you.
Love Hurts By Nazareth :(
Love Is The Little Things That Make Me Smile
Love, what is love? To me, love is the little things. Such as looking at your someone across a room giving him that "look" and a smile. Love is leaving a lil love note to let them know you're thinking about them. Love is a phone call to brighten up your day. Love is having the feeling that when you look at that someone and know that you can't live without them. Love is waking up to a kiss from that special someone to help start the day. Love is about communication and being able to express yourself completely to what you feel. Love is about being honest to one another, telling the truth even if you think it may hurt them, because a lie hurts worse than finding out the truth later and knowing you've been lied to. Love is about commitment, 50/50, having each others back through thick and thin, no matter what. Love is having your little fights and disagreements, but enjoying every minute of make up time. Love overcomes all obsticles making the relationship stronger. Love is th
Valentine's Day: Quotations Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies. -Aristotle Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage. -Lao Tzu My bounty is as boundless as the sea, My love as deep; the more I give to thee, The more I have, for both are infinite. -William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. -Elizabeth Barrett Browning Young love is a flame; very pretty, often very hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. The love of the older and disciplined heart is as coals, deep-burning, unquenchable. -Henry Ward Beecher Age does not protect you from love. But love, to some extent, protects you from age. -Anais Nin Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking outward in the same direction. -Antoine de Saint-Exupery Love has no desire but to fulfill itself. But if you love and must needs
Love Is
love is special love is sweet love is what makes life complete! sharing caring through the years love is wiping away the tears just wanted to tell u how i still feel on valentines day i love u shawn with all my heart! forever and allways Music Video:CRAZY FOR YOU (by Madonna)Music Video Code provided by Video Code Zone
Love In Its Natural Way
Love is patient and kind it is not jealous and boastful Love behaves in a courteous manner thinks of others before thinking of their self. Love bears all things continues to believe the best in everything and gives power to endure anything... Love never becomes absolute nor comes to an end...
Love Love is like a lump of gold, Hard to get, and hard to hold. Of all the girls I've ever met, You're the one I can't forget. I do believe that God above, Created you for me to love. He chose you from all the rest, Because he knew I would love you best.
Love Is In The Air
Happy Valentines Day everyone! I hope you all have someone to cuddle up to tonight or at least a stuffed teddy bear. I usually don't care too much about this day. But being on Fubar has made me realize how many people that don't have a valentine and it made me appreciate mine even more! I would rather receive chocolate over roses. Or pink roses over red. I am not into tradition. Surprises me on a Tuesday when it is raining instead of doing something you are supposed because it is a Holiday. I did get up this morning and find my card in front of the espresso machine. Apparently he knows that is a place I go to first when I wake up. I wonder why? lol It was really cute this morning. My son Anthony (the 15 yr. old) got up with his Dad and they went to the store so they could buy cards. He bought one for his girlfriend. Then he was all ready for school early! He also was dressed in a nice shirt with a collar, something he hasn't done in a long time! I was impresse
Love Hate...hate Love
There was a time that i wanted to love but it was taken from me, that felt like i had a heart and it was ripped out from my chest... leaving not but pain and blood and lies leaking trough my skinn... the hurt remains, not only will i ever love again but i will hate and be angered by the site of Love......
The one i love is not here with me, he holds my heart but does not see. I lay so quiet and still at night , at the moment things in my life just dont feel right, The emptiness that i feel , within my life it is so real. Slowly i drift off to sleep , My tears on my pillow are mine only to keep. For in the morning i wake again until its time to return to by bed at night and repeat it all over again .
Love Lost And Life Inside
Tear my heart and destroy my soul. I have nothing left to give. The greatest fear I had it seems has somehow come to be. I wanted to live, I had a reason before. What is my reason now when all I feel is sore. I can not take this hurt again inside me oh so deep. Why did you cut me so deep when I all needed was you. I know I love you and I always will it seems, but I have another to think about deep down inside of me. I hope this will pass cause this causes so much pain. I do not want to lose that part of you that starts to grow inside. What can I say that can make it all go away, to make you come back to me and feel this life inside. So when that day comes and I hope it will come to term, I will not speak ill of you to one small and true. When I think of daddy, i'll shed a silent tear; for love I had and lost on this true love's day. Forever will that scar be there to remind me of this day and what I lost in love today I gained a life inside of me.
Love Spell
Love Spell Every time I look at you my heart skips a beat I wonder if you know, my love, that my heart is at your feet I leave it there for you to do whatever that you wish You could take my heart, and love me, Or just leave me in this bliss.
Lovely Valentine's Day Poem
Hearts and roses and kisses galore, what the hell is all that crap for? People get all mushy and start acting queer, its definatly the most annoying day of the year. This day needs to get the hell over with and pass, before i shove something up cupids ass. I'll spend the day so drunk i cant even speak, and wear black for the rest of the week. Guys act all sweet but soon it will fade, for all they are doing is trying to get laid. The arrow cupid shot at me must have not hit, cause i think this love thing is a crock of shit. So heres my story....what else can i say? Love bites my ass......screw Valentines Day!
, my love, As I will be for you, And we will love the whole day long, And love our whole lives through. For love has no parameters And does not end with time, But is the gift of paradise, A pinch of the sublime. So let us take this holiday To resubmit our love To those within that know no sin And with the angels move
Love Yall
Have a Wonderful Weekend! Love Yas xoxxoxo Have a kickass weekend I can't beleive it is here already! Me and Brad had a great time last night really enjoyed ourselves, thank you all for all the Annivesary and Valentines Day love you are all awesome..We Love Yall xoxox Christy and Brad
why is it some people just dont listen and why is it some people move way to fast while others move way to slow i just dont know at this point in time he said something to me that was way to soon and now i am confused i didnt think it was possible to feel that way so fast i am so damn confused i just dont know what to say nor do he loves me how can that be so? does he mean it or did he say it just to try to hurt me oooh gosh i just dont know how did a simple week go so astray how did talking to him on the phone lead to him having feeling for me it cant be possible i dont think but why the fuck am i feeling like this right now i dont really care at all i will just take it as it comes even if that means that i will be the one who will fall
Love Poem
With rain beating down on me I walk alone Empty, confused and without a home. Things could be different had I'd asked you to stay Now my hearts hurting, pain is getting in the way Wish I'd knew then you were looking for my heart I would have never drove us to be apart Took your love for granted and that was a shame Need to know how I can recover the flame That kept our love so healthy and strong First tell me, where did I go wrong So I can make it right and we can share The love we once had I believe it's still there I can't rearrange what has been done I can only wait with the rise of the son For you to tell me what I need to do But it's hard cause everyday I miss you I want you to know it that I will always wait For you to tell me, it will never be to late I will never take you for granted, never again I promise to love you till the very end
Love Poem !!
With rain beating down on me I walk alone Empty, confused and without a home. Things could be different had I'd asked you to stay Now my hearts hurting, pain is getting in the way Wish I'd knew then you were looking for my heart I would have never drove us to be apart Took your love for granted and that was a shame Need to know how I can recover the flame That kept our love so healthy and strong First tell me, where did I go wrong So I can make it right and we can share The love we once had I believe it's still there I can't rearrange what has been done I can only wait with the rise of the son For you to tell me what I need to do But it's hard cause everyday I miss you I want you to know it that I will always wait For you to tell me, it will never be to late I will never take you for granted, never again I promise to love you till the very end
Love Is...
Two hearts intertwined... Different views... Different dreams... Different needs... Different wants... Bound by a fragile string called LOVE... Union as willed by GOD... A journey in life... May be pounded by the forces of nature... May be struck by the fiercest lightning... Yet two hearts bound by a delicate twine... STRONG enough... To stand the test of time.
Love Bugs
They're everywhere. In your house, in your car, in your food - even in your clothes. You just don't realize it. What are they? Love bugs. Little signs of heaven here on earth and they're flying all over the place, even as we speak. Today, as you woke up in bed, they tickled your nose, but you're so used to them, you just went on your way. As you stood in the shower (hopefully) they buzzed around you, laughing and smiling as you got ready for your day. They were in your clothes as you got dressed for work. In your car they surrounded you with happy songs and followed you right in to your job, silently cheering you on as you start your day. They were in your food as you ate your breakfast and they will be there tonight when you go back to bed. You may not see them, but they're there. Every day. Every where. If you start to feel unloved, or life is getting you down, consider this: Today, as you woke up in bed, millions of children woke up on a mud floor. As y
Love And Life
Surreal I have had an experience that I can’t define and I am so befuddled that I can’t seem to make heads or tails of how I feel about it. I am trying to balance my over active emotional “reaction” to the reality that is Life. It is hard to know how to proceed with a new relationship. All you can really go on is what the other person says, body language and my favorite… their follow through. How do you say to someone new… “where do you see this going” when you haven’t known them long enough to know where you see it going? I have been out of the dating scene for so long I had forgotten the feelings that new relationships, friendships and acquaintances can elicit from me. I have this book called “He’s Just Not That into You” and It makes so much sense, but it makes me sad when I look at the truth, and wonder if certain chapters apply to me. It also makes me question my own judgment and that is rare for me, I am usually so forward and direct. I know what I want and
The Lovely Sexy Ladies I Own !!! Check Them Out
OK OK .. so lately I admit I have been a little adicted to these auctions .. i bid like crazy and sometimes i win .. these are the girls i currently own and i will keep this updated as they move on or i own more ... NEWEST ADDITIONS FROM THE LIVE FUBAR AUCTION HELD IN MY LOUNGE XXX TABOO XX doppelgänger LiTTLE MiSS ViXEN♫SER♫Greeter/Promoter~RaW~☆NgC☆DJ Eternal’s Little Girl JUST A FEW OF MY OWNED GIRLS!!! THESWEETESTCOWGRLFIREFIGHTEREVER*** SOUTHERN SEX SYMBOLS ~*KissMeMt*~{owned by The Big Mike}~*~*{{Owned by AngerFedders}~*~* ..ღ.. Livin Life My Way ..ღ.. NEW ONES from Domking's Auction... ~♥~MommaTasha~♥~Fu Cherrie Bombers(OWNED BY ΤhΣ ßîg ΜîκΣ ) ~Sassy~Promoter4DDR*GothicSoldiersStalker*FU/GF2Tazman76692*OwnedByTheBigMike~ Angel Owned by *The Big Mike* `*~*`LIL Miss Military Brat`*~*`Sgt. Raider's Bad Girl
Thanks to ALL my family and friends who love and care about me !!!!! YOU ROCK MCL
Love Poem
O my Luve's like a red, red rose That's newly sprung in June: O my Luve's like the melodie That's sweetly play'd in tune! As fair thou art, my bonnie lass, So deep in love am I: And I will love thee still, my dear, Till a' the seas gang dry: Till a' the seas gang dry, my dear, And the rocks melt with the sun; I will luve thee still my dear, When the sands of life shall run. And fare thee weel, my only Luve, And fare thee weel a while! And I will come again, my Luve, Tho' it were ten thousand mile.
Love I S Enough
Love Is Enough Love is enough: though the World be a-waning, And the woods have no voice but the voice of complaining, Though the sky be too dark for dim eyes to discover The gold-cups and daisies fair blooming thereunder, Though the hills be held shadows, and the sea a dark wonder, And this day draw a veil over all deeds pass'd over, Yet their hands shall not tremble, their feet shall not falter; The void shall not weary, the fear shall not alter These lips and these eyes of the loved and the lover.
Life is hard life is painful but life is also love when you have love in your life you have something to live for something to cherish and something that will always be there for you when u are down and out and it feels like walls are closing in on you. But when u go through life and there is no love u have nothing to live for but wishing that u can love and somebody would love you back.
Love And Hurt Quotes
Love's Risk!!!
Love's Risk There is a risk involved in everything Every time you share a smile Every time you shed a tear You are opening yourself up to hurt. Some people tread slowly through life, Avoiding the closeness risk brings, Side-stepping the things they can't understand Turning away from those who care too much- Those who care stay too long, Those who hold too tightly. There is never an easy way to love You can not approach it cautiously It will not wait for you to arm yourself. It does not care if you turn away It is everywhere, it is everything. Love is the greatest of all risks. It is not reliable, it is not cautious, It is not sympathetic It is unprejudiced and merciless. It strikes the strongest of mind, And brings them to their knees in one blow. Even in the best of times, love hurts. It hurts to need, it hurts to belong, It hurts to be the other part of someone else, Without either of your consent. But, fro
Love The Double Wide Trailer
this is the queen of the my doublewide trailer... she is an amazing friend. but my trailer park queen. LOL all i can say about this woman is This was our Preacher at our Redneck Shin-dig.... His name Bubba.
Love Survey
Your Birthdate: August 17 You love being in love... so much so that it's very hard for you to be single. Unfortunately, it's difficult for you to stay in love over time. Too many people intrigue you! Only your true love will be able to keep you interested over time. Number of True Loves You'll Have: 1 Number of Times You'll Have Your Heart Broken: 4 You are most compatible with people born on the 8th, 17th, and 26th of the month. What Does Your Birth Date Mean For Your Love Life?
Love This Song
Rascal Flatts LyricsMy Wish Lyrics
Love Me For Who I Am
Love Quote
Love Me Right-ultrasonic
The woman whom I'm deeply in love with, She is an angel sent from the lord himself, She's one of the great ones, I can't compare her to anyone else, I love hearing her when she tells me "I love you", Her beauty isn't even a question, She holds the beauty inside and out, My love for her is unquestionable, I love my angel,That was sent from up above, When I look into her eyes, I become blind,I smile like a kid in a candy store My world is now complete since I've found her, She is the love of my life, Can anyone ever find a love like this, I don't ever think so,Because,It's only once in a lifetime, She's my entire world,In our relationship there will never be any secrets or lies, Like like there has been in the past, I will never wanna fight her, I just wanna love her,This feeling is so true, She has stolen my heart,I have surrendered to her, I don't think I can ever love like this again, If I did,I would have committed a moral sin, Because,This feeling is only once
It's what we do for love that sets us apart from all the rest. It's who we choose to love, that puts us to the test. It's how we pursue that love, that gives us our strength to succeed. Love can do so much, it can fulfill your every need. Love is so powerful, it can change your life forever. Love forms a bond, that nobody can whether. Love gives you courage, to stand up for what you believe. Love gives you that twinkle in your eye, that everyone can see. Love can make you stand up and shout as loud as you can be. Or Love can make me pop that question, as I get down on one knee. Love is just a four letter word, but it can make us do so much. It can makes us get goosebumps with one little touch. I am so lucky I found someone to give me all that strength. I found someone to love, and I have you ______ to thank.
Love In Lust Poem..............
He feels good and fits so well in my hands, my heart and my plans. He knows my kind of crazy is unique among all other brands and he might not always accept it but he always understand. For romance he might ask but respect he commands and he can be a cold man but always has warm hands. and my place is a honor cause of how close he stands. Our love is gentle but our sex is savage. N we know each other in every spot On each others body to ravage. His grace and beauty defined! And every strong woman his kind stands behind. He's lust and love combined and he's either on my clit or mind !
Love is like the sweetes dew kissed rose love is pure like the first rays from a sunset love is the best feeling in a heart that is hurting love can take fears away from a scared heart love can take the chill from the coldest blackest heart love is so powerful like when lovers eyes meet for the firt time with that raw passion thats love in the purest form love is tender like that first kiss from the one who has captured your heart love is like a breeze on your skin on a warm summer day love is that sparkel in your loves eyes when you make love for the first time love is sweeter than the sweetest wine love can over power or tame the wildest of hearts
Love Is Not Real
Love...what is it really? People tell me they love me but I find it hard to believe....Take my family for example my mother told me when I was little that she loved me...But then she walked out of my life for good....Or how about my sister's...They tell me they love me all the time but when they get mad at me they lash out in every way possible trying to hurt me....And all it takes is a few word's.."you can never see the kids again"... Those are the worst words ever to tell an Aunt...Or my step-brother...He says he love's me...But when his rent is late and I give him the money to cover it....Which I don't mind doing...He never's give's it back...Doesn't even try to return it..If it was just a little I wouldn't care but it isn't...And not only that but he doesn't do it to our other sister's....My parent's say I am too giving...that I need too stop...Can you even be too giving? One day I am going to get my heart broken again because I trust to easy. Well maybe I do..But it is my heart r
~ Love Me ~
I Imagine creating pleasure Together till daybreak It starts with a thought In the dreams we partake Share with mutual desires Where passions blend Using our imaginations Nights together we spend As firelight sets the mood With a dreamy design Romance we embrace With candlelight and wine As the embers burn bright Desire stirs the heat With inhibitions shed Its within dreams we meet
Love 2
Dear, I to thee this diamond commend, In which a model of thyself I send. How just unto thy joints this circlet sitteth, So just thy face and shape my fancy fitteth. The touch will try this ring of purest gold, My touch tries thee, as pure though softer mold. That metal precious is, the stone is true, As true, and then how much more precious you. The gem is clear, and hath nor needs no foil, Thy face, nay more, thy fame is free from soil. You'll deem this dear, because from me you have it, I deem your faith more dear, because you gave it. This pointed diamond cuts glass and steel, Your love's like force in my firm heart I feel. But this, as all things else, time wastes with wearing, Where you my jewels multiply with bearing.
There are many people that for whatever the reason only feel the need to show their significant other love on holidays and special occasions, but that shouldn't be so. Relationships take constant effort. Many relationships suffer because one or both people seem to stop trying. They seem to think that all a relationship is just to people being together, and seem to treat their relationship as a burden. Maybe this is because they don't want their mate to know how in love they are with them, or they don't want other people to know. First it is important to be with the right person. You should be with the person that you want to spend your life with, and grow old with. You should be with someone that you want to do little things with and for, not someone that bores you or someone that you feel forced to make time for. It is the little things that say volumes. You can send a text during the day, mail a love note or card, watch a silly movie together, try a new restaurant, or take a qu
Love Bites
When you make love, do you look in the mirror? Who do you think of? Does he look like me? Do you tell lies? And say that its forever? Do you think twice, or just touch n see? Ooh babe Ooh yeah When youre alone, do you let go? Are you wild n willin or is it just for show? Ooh cmon I dont wanna touch you too much baby cos making love to you might drive me crazy I know you think that love is the way you make it So I dont wanna be there when you decide to break it No! (love bites, love bleeds) Its bringin me to my knees (love lives, love dies) Its no surprise (love begs, love pleads) Its what I need When Im with you are you somewhere else? Am I gettin thru or do you please yourself? When you wake up will you walk out? It cant be love if you throw it about Ooh babe I dont wanna touch you too much baby cos making love to you might drive me crazy Oh Ooh yeah (love bites, love bleeds) Its bringin me to my knees (love lives, love dies) (love
A Lovers Journey
Heartbreaking as it is, I crawl between these lonely sheets and lie in dark sadness The only thought saving me from drowning in a river of tears and waves of sleeplessness is that in a few tormenting weeks I will be falling into sweet slumber right beside you Forevermore In need of a smile to light the midnight surrounding, I drift over the last six days Six days of perfect bliss, filled with Love that is truly unmatched in a world grown so cold Six days that were so much more than my Dreams had percived... I had been totally calm and collected until the plane touched down in New Orleans But as soon as the wheels hit the runway, My breath quickened and caught in my Chest My heart raced widly and my body began to tremble I became a nervous wreck in less than a moments notice Doubts, Fears, Silly emotions that I knew were completely unjustified burrowing into my brain Questioning myself and my ability to truly be all that you could want or need Could I possibly be more than
They Say that the best feeling is love Because it's a godsend from up above But anymore I see that's it's not It's just there to make your heart rot Cupid really has demon horns and wings Singing the demonic hymms he sings. Shooting people with the arrow of Heart Enjoying tearing your life apart Some people actually escape the curse And are happy with live together til in the herse The stories are almost a fairy tale That a Demon likes to sale
"love" By Keyshia Cole
KEYSHIA COLE LYRICS Love [Verse 1] I used to think that I wasn't fine enough And I used to think that I wasn't wild enough But I won't waste my time tryin' to figure, out why you playing games, whats this all about And I can't believe, Your hurting me I met your girl, what a difference What you see in her You aint see in me But I guess it was all just make-believe [Chorus] Oh, Love never knew what I was missing but I knew once we started kissin' I found...... Love never knew what I was missin' but I knew once we start kissin' I found..... [Verse 2] Now you're gone, what am I gonna do I'm so oo empty my heart, my soul can't go on Go on baby without you.... My rainy days fade away when you, come around please tell me baby why you go so far away Why you go... [Chorus] Love...... never knew what I was missing but I knew once we started kissin' I found...... Love never knew what I was missin' but I knew once we start kissin' I found
Love You
I loved you once I love you still I always have And always will
Love Wasted
How can I show you how I feel, when you don't seem to think it's real. I try to kiss you, and you turn away. I say "I love you", but you don't return the phrase. I try so hard to prove my love to you, but I just can't seem to get it through. Am I wasted my love and my time, or am I just not trying hard enough to climb. To climb into your heart, and make me feel you within your soul. That seems to be my ultimate goal. I know I can't make you love me, but I care so much that that's all I want it to be. I just want to get into your heart, but it seems as if I'm just pulling myself apart. Why can't you understand that you're my all consuming fire, and that you fill my soul with nothing but desire. I know you care, but not the way I do. As soon as I met you, the sparks for me just flew. It seems almost as if you don't really care, and pointless is all those times we've shared. I think all I can do now is just give up, because I
Love..unconditional, Unadulterated And Unforgettable..
I just wanted to tell you all: I LOVE you and I will never be able to repay all your kindness and love towards me..I feel very,very humbled by you and I wish someday to somehow pay some of that love back..I JUST LOVE got my heart FOREVER.. (ok, ok..corny moment´s why do you say we all PARTY and have some fun huh??Let´s celebrate LOVE!!)
Is It Wrong Is it wrong to too miss your smiling face even though I do not get to see it often? Is it wrong to care about where you are and what your doing at all times? Is it wrong to want to hold you and touch you even when you’re not there? Is it wrong to want to feel your kiss when we talk on the phone? It is wrong that I want to feel your caress and touch as I lie in bed at night? Is it wrong to feel the deep feelings that I have for you? If it is wrong please let me go so that I may mourn the loss of you, It is only you that I think of as I lie in bed at night, It is only you that I imagine kissing me as we talk on the phone, It is only you that can make me smile when I think about you, It is only you that I want to have these feelings for. Written by: Tyna Kirchner On: Feb. 22, 2008 For: someone very special in my life.
One of My fave songs by Skid Row.... Woke up to the sound of pouring rain The wind would whisper and Id think of you And all the tears you cried, that called my name And when you needed me I came through I paint a picture of the days gone by When love went blind and you would make me see Id stare a lifetime into your eyes So that I knew you were there for me Time after time you were there for me Remember yesterday - walking hand in hand Love letters in the sand - I remember you Through the sleepless nights and every endless day Id wanna hear you say - I remember you We spend the summer with the top rolled down Wished ever after would be like this You said I love you babe, without a sound I said Id give my life for just one kiss Id live for your smile and die for your kiss Remember yesterday - walking hand in hand Love letters in the sand - I remember you Through the sleepless nights and every endless day Id wanna hear you say - I remember you Weve h
Love Never Fails
“Love never fails” (I Corinthians 13:8). We all have people in our lives that are difficult at times. Maybe it’s someone you work with, a family member or even your spouse. Relationships can be complicated, but remember: love never fails. The Word of God clearly defines love in 1 Corinthians 13. It says that love is patient and kind. It doesn’t seek its own way. Love doesn’t keep a record of wrongs. And most importantly, love never fails. Notice that this chapter doesn’t talk at all about how you feel. God’s love isn’t about feelings. It’s a choice. You can choose to be patient, even when you don’t feel like being patient. You can choose to be kind, even when you don’t feel like being kind. No matter what situation you find yourself in, you can choose love. You are never more like God than when you are walking in love. And when you are walking in love, you will never fail because love never fails. Open your heart to God’s love today. Ask Him to show you how to love others better.
Love Hurts
I have cryed all my tears you really dont know how much i hurt hear my heart is about to burst from pain you say you love me i say i do to but do u really know what love is you dont have a clue love is something shared by two people like caring and understanding it last from the beginning until the end baby i know you wont beleive me but baby this is tru i will always and forever love you but please dont forget me.
Love The Hate
a shedevil a succubus a down-low dirty bitch a cunt a whore I'll suck the life from you and so much more. a liar a tramp an outlaw of means a criminal a fighter a shit starter...(please)..who me? you label me so often are you obsessed? you love me you hate me it's no matter to me I live my life beyond your opinion someplace where my spirit is free you must have no life at all left so much time spent thinking of new insults but still I stand unwaivered and unbroken and all you can do is go and pound salt I wouldn't spit on you if your teeth were on fire is that your way of saying I fill you with desire? I love the hate I feed the flame you'll never destroy me by calling me names
i wrote this poem just for you after all the shit ive put you though with you i wanna share every day i never meant to hurt you in any way i wish you knew this isnt some drama play its with you that i want to stay even though we are a perfect pair id be lying if i said it was fair i made you love me then ran away you let me go but wanted me to stay at times ive made you sad and blue but no matter what your love is true ive hurt you in so many ways theres nothing i could say or any price i could pay to make those things go away im always going through some crazy shit and you stand by ready to commit when i was little i hoped and wished that someday i would find a love like this one single man that i love to kiss whom fills my life with internal bliss i want to tell you all my fears and be together for years and years youve been done wrong too many times but somehow i am perfect in your eyes i could do nothing or be all glam and you would love me the way that
The Love Of My Life
I love my boyfriend Clint to death, I'm just here to have fun and don't want to mislead anyone. I'm here cause of CD
Ive done nothing but try to make everyone please everyone..but the harder i try..the farther i get brought back down!!!WHY???...I put myself last to please everyone..I guess im tryin to be somethin im not..which i was taught never to do..but ive done it..!I hope everyones happy..i admitted it..ha..there ya go!!!!! I love chris to death..& i really dont wanna lose him...But if im costing him his friendships with ppl hes known way longer then me..I guess my welcome is wore out here then..It hurts like hell to know that no one in his family..not one of his friends..anyone over here ...likes me..NO ONE!!Nobody thinks im good enough for him..Im just a silly little girl that acts like shes 2 accordin to everyone..I hear everyday that im not good enough for him..i mean everyday..How would it make you feel?,,The longer you hear it..the more you start to believe it..the more you start to feel it....I feel like im in the wrong all the time...i feel like im NOTHING!!!
I LOVE YOU, Why do we say it? Does it mean anything to the one sayn it? Does that person your sayn it to mean anything to you? If I LOVE YOU ment something els would u say it? Well love has so many different meanings and it has a different meaning to many different people. So when you say I LOVE YOU to some one reallyy stop and think is it going to come out the way u mean it..
Love Peom!!
All I ever want to do is love you. All I ever want to do is kiss you. All I ever want to do is hug you. All I ever want to do is make you happy. All I ever want to do is be there for you. All I ever want to do is think about you. All I ever want to do is to miss you. All I ever want to do is take a nap with you. All I ever want to do is cuddle with you. All I ever want to do is run my fingers through your hair. All I ever want to do is talk to you when you're crying. All I ever want to do is hold you when you're crying. All I want to do is kiss you when you're crying. All I want to do is tell you to have a good night. All I want to do is tell you to have a good day. All I want to do is treat you special. All I want to do is never take you for granted. All I want to do is to be with you on lonely nights. All I want to do is look at the stars with you. All I want to do is watch movies with you. All I want to do is listen to music with you. All I want to do is fight f
Love And Lust Of A Master
24 Feb 2008 Love and lust from a Master Current mood: naughty Love and lust is such a strong word and strong feeling. Now along with love, for some, comes lust and domination. That is, for me, to have a master, to give commands and live on that edge of not doing what you are told in order to get punished. Sometimes that could be a fun and rewarding experience but then again... it might not be. This is also the need to feel the intensity of pain while in a sexual situation..... Domination takes me to an entire new plane… I have no concept of what is going on around me except what is happening to me at that time. Someone today said that anyone could be a master and dominate you. This is not true for me. It has to be someone who I love, yes, love not just lust, trust, and one that I know will not hurt me in a bad way. I have such a master. When we first started out he sucked on my nipples so hard that I thought it was going to fall off. Those actions made me start my thirst for
Love Starts With A Smile
LOVE starts with a SMILE, Grows with a Kiss, And ends with a TEAR DON'T Cry over anyone Who won't cry ever you Good FRIENDS are hard to find, HARDER to leave, And impossible to forget U can only go far as U Push Actions speak louder then words The HARDEST thing to do Is watch the one love, Love someday body else DON'T let past hold U back, You're missing the good stuff LIFE'S SHORT. If U don't look around Once in a while U might miss it. A Best Friend Is like a 4 leaf clover, HARD TO FIND And LUCKY TO HAVE Sum people Make he world SPEACIAL Just be being in it. BEST FRIENDS Are the siblings God forgot to give us When it HURTS to look back And u'er SCARED to lok ahead, U can look beside U And Uri BEST FRIEND Will always be there for U TRUE FRIENDSHIPS are FOREVER. Good friends are like STARS U don't always see them, But U know they are ALWAYS THERE. DON'T frown U never know Who so falling in love with UR smile Wh
~ Love Not Sufficent~
***There Is No Love Enough for Me to Give You*** There is no love enough for me to give you. However much I feel, there should be more. All the love an angel choir might sing you Never makes it halfway up that shore. Know that I would burst my willing heart Your life to fill with pleasure overflowing, Or if I had the genius and the art, Undertake to paint your spirit glowing. More beautiful than all the summer fields Or all the cornucopias of fall, The wish my insufficient passion yields Holds me with a vastness I recall. Even as your love became my sea, Remember that the same is yours from me. Peace.
Love On The Net !!
Though I wasn't looking for anyone new, One day I got e- mail and in it was you. Charming, sensitive and so debonair, I strongly resisted it go anywhere. But letters and stories captured my heart, Filled me with passion almost from the start. Love on the Internet, how could it be? These things just don't happen to people like me. But doves and butterflies flew into our lives, Carrying messages we could not deny. Each person has meaning and love to express, And we could deny our hearts nothing less. It's a beautiful love that has grown between us, Something beyond any words we discuss. Much deeper than LOL, cyber kisses and such, Far down to our souls, beyond human touch. My love's not confined by what it can see, I feel you, I taste you, I experience your dream. Close my eyes, and I envision what in my heart I can hear, "Love knows no boundaries, no distance, no fear." It's the soul that captures God's love in a way That eternally melts hearts together to
Love Kills
So long since I've waited to live again. You brought my world to an end. Love takes it's victim and leaves it's remains. My broken heart has died in vain. Tell me why have we foresaken the dreams we had The pain makes it so hard to understand, you're a lifetime ago, but a memory away, and I'll love you till my resurrection day. Love kills, the fire's gone, dying embers stillremain. Love kills, and now you're gone, girl I'll never be the same again. Without your love, seems so dead and unreal, and now there's nothing left to feel. Someday we'll meet again, girl that much I know. At heaven's gate we'll say hello. Now I hear the wind is calling my lonely, lonely soul. For sorrow's trembling hands please let me go. Love's dying sin is just dust in the wind, and I face the other side of no tomorrow. Love kills,the fire's gone, dying embers still remain. Love kills and now you're gone, girl,I'll never be the same again. Love kills an
Love This! =Hardcore
Love Me Dead
in honour of the release of Ludo's new album "You're Awful, I Love You" i shall post the lyrics to Love Me Dead Love me cancerously Like a salt-sore soaked in the sea. 'High-maintenance' means You're a gluttonous queen Narcissistic and mean. Kill me romantically Fill my soul with vomit Then ask me for a piece of gum. Bitter and dumb You're my sugarplum. You're awful, I love you! CHORUS She moves through moonbeams slowly She knows just how to hold me And when her edges soften Her body is my coffin I know she drains me slowly She wears me down to bones in bed Must be the sign on my head That says, oh... Love me dead! Love me dead! You're a faith-healer on T.V. You're an office park without any trees Corporate and cold Gushing for gold Leave me alone. You suck so passionately You're a parasitic, psycho, filthy creature finger-bangin' my heart You call me up drunk Does the fun ever start? You're hideous and sexy! REPEAT CHORUS Must be the sign
Love For Me!!!
I walked half way across this town Singing in the pouring rain I knew someway somehow I had to see your smiling face Some people need some time Some people need their space But when you’re not in my arms You’re too far away (for) The love of a woman The love of a woman like you The love of a woman Theres nothing so strong and so true I prayed to God above And Ive searched my whole life through For the love of a woman The love of a woman like you My friends all ask me why I lay my heart on the line But somewhere deep down inside They know exactly why When it dont go like you plan Theres nothing that hurts so bad But when it works like it should Theres nothing on earth known to man (like) I prayed to God above And Ive searched my whole life through For the love of a woman The love of a woman like you For the love of a woman The love of a woman like you
Love is a beauitful feeling when charished, but its also very painful when tossed a side or taken for granted. If you have someone you love or might even think you could love hold on to it don't let it far from you at all. Don't ever take it for granted because the moment you do it will be gone and you might never get it back. Charish that love and feeling for the rest of your life. Sometimes love can be scary especially when it's new or you've been hurt before. So grab it and hold on to it for dear life. Love is a beautiful thing.
Love Poem
A Special World A special world for you and me A special bond one cannot see It wraps us up in its cocoon And holds us fiercely in its womb. Its fingers spread like fine spun gold Gently nestling us to the fold Like silken thread it holds us fast Bonds like this are meant to last. And though at times a thread may break A new one forms in its wake To bind us closer and keep us strong In a special world, where we belong.
Love Is Blind
Lovewhat Is It And How Do You Know You Found It?
Love, What a difficult subject to discuss... how do you know your in love? me i feel its when you constantly think about someone, dream of them, miss them when their not around, and when you do get those special moments of time with them you find yourself praying and asking our Lord Jesus Christ to STOP TIME dead in its tracks. so you can feel as if them moments will never end.... Is that selfish of someone to pray for that? Am i obsessed? Or do i just love this woman so very much that i would literally take my heart from my chest and give it to her if it came down to it? would jump in front of a speeding bullet destined for her to save her life without any regard of my own... How does a man begin to heal and forgive himself for ever losing and hurting her the first time? And how would he begin to gain her trust again and win her heart once again? This man on this page would and will literally walk through hell on his hands and kness for the rest of my life showing her taking care of h
Love Is..
Love is patient, Love is kind Love is not jealous, is not proud. Is not puffed up, It does not behave badly. Love does not easily get angry, It does not think evil. Love does not rejoice in iniquity, But rejoices in the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, Hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails.
First, I want u to know that I love you to death and you are amazing.. if I don't get this back I understand.. I have a game for you. Once you read this letter you must send it to 14 people that you really care about including the person that sent it to you. If you receive at least 7 back then u are loved. nobody knows what they have until they lose it. You never leave the person whom you love by the one u like, because that person who u like will leave you by the person whom they love. Tonight right at 12:00 am at night your true love it is going to realize that they LOVE you! something is going to happen to you between 1:00 and 2:00 a.m. Tomorrow be ready for the greatest shock of ur life. If you break this chain, you are going to have bad luck in love by the next years. send this to 15 people in 15 minutes. do it if you wanna know who ur real love is! I promise you my love I promise you my heart I promise you my life I promise we'll never be apart I promise no
Love Hate Love
Fighting back the impulse turn my head and close my eyes Spending these nights awake and cold and paralyzed Wonder how we got this far and never realized The common thread that binds our lives And I know you hurt But I can help you if you can... Take my hand And we'll live inside the dreams we left behind Take my hand As we move from this place to a better life Take my hand Wohoooha If you take my hand Fighting back the feeling that you always could deny Anything but everything we know is just a lie As I cremate this memory and watch the darkened ashes rise And beneath the smoke I'll stand and ask you if you can... Fight back the urges Turn my head and close my eyes And will I wake tomorrow still alive I'm still dreaming I'm still waiting I'm still sure (I'm still sure) You're still living in a life That isn't yours And this is part of me I hope you never see This is my life inside your heart Take my hand And I'll promise not to ever let i
The Love Of My Life
I just to Visit Clint from the 12th of March until the 17th of March. I can't wait!! I love this guy so much, I'm lucky to have him back!
Love This Song
Michael W. Smith: I Will Be Here For YouAdd to My Profile | More Videos
Love Hurts
LOVE THAT HURTS but no love is good unless you work for it and have hurt to go with cause in the end you have them cause the true love that hurts make you wake up at 3am and think nothing but them all the time and dream of them all the time is not worth haveing if you dont fight for it and work for it i want a love that hurts i want true love love that is worth it in the end that will last a life time no matter how long or short our lifes is always thinking of you for ever and always Ira Lee Moore always and foreverAdd to My Profile | More Videos
Love Is ...
Love is sometimes denied, sometimes lost, sometimes unrecognized, but in the end, always found with no regrets, forever valued and kept treasured. by Unknown
Love On Fire
Love On Fire by BlueWolf © The blink of an eye A moment in time Open your heart I will open mine Wanting to know you Getting to know me Thinking of you With every breath I breathe Out of the shadows Into the light Wanting true love The time is right Wanting it all In you it's there Wanting romance Inhibitions bared The touch of a hand First kiss, Desire A beautiful feeling Of love on fire.......... ~~~~PLEASE RATE AND COMMENT THIS POEM~~~~
How is love defined? Love is all around! isnt it? its in the eyes of ur angel its in the colors of ur life its in the air that u breathe but how do u share it? if the one u love isnt sure how do u go on? waiting for the sign that tells u it time for that next step is stressful and when he is lost and confused how are u suposed to act or feel? its hard to wait to wonder if he loves u when ur lost inside him and hes jst lost! what can be done to help the transition progress into what ur feeling? nothing, nothing can be done because u cant rush love!! u must wait! and continue to love him with everthing in u and everything in life!! Love is the breeze that makes the soulful sound of springtime and without that it would be only be another day!!
Love Is Pain
I pray that this pain will leave soon Its like salt in an open wound He put a knife right through my heart And tore my soul apart, When a heart has no love left to give Does it really continue to live Its beating sings a song of pain, Just as loud as the thunder and rain I feel it in my every breath Pain is something worse than death When will it end, Will I make it through I'm not sure but I owe this all to you.
Stay True to Self...Don't let External Values affect the Internal Feelings of Your Heart. I like how you are.
When Two Hearts Become One. There Is Nothing That Love Can Not Conquer. It Is One Of Our Most Sacrite Gifts That Should Never Be Under Estimated. Two Souls That Become One Is More Power Then Any God Or Demon Can Ever Give You. So Love The One Your With Unconditionally To The End.
Love Is A Cruel Prelude To Disaster
Love is a cruel prelude to disaster Lie to me some more all of your words are so contradicting... ill play along for a while wondering of your knowledge of the pain you are inflicting.. The smile on my face so genuine all things despite... Consuming me whole feelings of regret and contrite... why do i keep this game going one may never tell... im a prisoner of my own convictions, prisoner of my self created hell... as my smile fades and my darkness quickly creeps into light... you will soon feel my senacism and watch the old me fade from sight... i will put an end to this today i have to open my eyes... if not this now only bitter taste left in me will be replaced w despise... i have said it once ill say it everyday after.. Love is nothing but a cruel prelude to disaster
~love Letters~
~Love Letters In The Sand~ On a day like today We pass the time away Writing love letters in the sand How you laughed when I cried Each time I saw the tide Take our love letters from the sand You made a vow that you would ever be true But somehow that vow meant nothing to you Now my broken heart aches With every wave that breaks Over love letters in the sand Peace.
Loves Gone By
Loves Gone By It takes a strong heart to withstand the pressure Of the ups and downs of life We face each day as it approaches Filled with love and strife Many different loves go by as we confront them each day Some are serious and trusting others just sorta play To grasp on to a true love is a rare feat indeed To find someone who really cares Involves time and patience to succeed So if you're feeling lonely today and your emotional need is to cry Think positive when searching for a new love and analyse loves gone by
~love Will Keep Us Alive~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~Love Will Keep Us Alive~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I was standing All alone against the world outside You were searching For a place to hide Lost and lonely Now you've given me the will to survive When we're will keep us alive Don't you worry Sometimes you've just gotta let it ride The world is changing Right before your eyes Now I've found you There's no more emptiness inside When we're will keep us alive I would die for you Climb the highest mountain Baby, there's nothing I wouldn't do I was standing All alone against the worlk outside You were searching For a place to hide Lost and lonely Now you've given me the will to survive When we're will keep us alive Peace.
Loves Sweet Awaken
You lie there so sweetly, breathing so softly that I must watch your chest to be sure that it rises and falls. You are deeply in a dream state for your eyes occasionally dart from side to side beneath your lids. I lie watching you and wonder at what dream makes you smile slightly. I gently draw the covers from you to look at you. I never tire of gazing at you. I love every line of your body, well-traveled and known to me almost as well as my body is known to you. I lean closer and breathe gently on your stomach, smiling to myself as your stomach muscles tense. I lean back to look at you...head to foot. We are alike you and I. No confining nightclothes for us. Tho I love the frilly things you buy for me, we both know they are the wrapping that comes off quickly before we joyously partake of each other. Your skin gives off a faint radiant kind of heat. You never seem to be cold, or rather, rarely. We are a perfect compliment to each other. I love to curl up to you, formin
Love Is
love is plesre love is pain with out you tear drops fall like rain love is joy love is sorrow hoping things are better by tommrow lone to wake up in your arms knowing you will do no harm at night i cry myself to sleep when i wake i nearly weep love is pain love is sorrow do i real have to wake up with out you again tommrow
I love my mami and my children they are my world. No one and I mean no one can ever come in between me and my family. No other BITCH can compare or even come close to my Babygirl.
Love And Men
ever since i statred dateing and had reltionships it never worked for me. i am a sweet honest and loveing woman. its just all the men in my life always decided to beat and humilleate me call me names and hurt me. and i always wondered if there were any men in this world who can truely love a woman like me. cause i havent been able to find one so if there are any good men that are looking for a good woman to be friends with or share life and love with. it would really suprize me lol and if you are a man that reads this blog and you are a kind careing and loveing man i would love to get to know you so add me hehehe ty
A Lovers Meeting
My lovers tongue tastes the red passion of my lips. My ear hears, his fast beating drums of his heart. Little whips of excitement, tingle from my fingertips. Seeing stars, my mind explodes. Silky pink, I sigh as I implode. Angels sighs whispering my name. Sweat droplets sliding over my body, thrusting stabs, call to me. Excitement builds again like a blue flame. The roaring of the ocean once again I scream his name

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